#chubby terzo
running-ace21 · 2 years
When you guys picture Terzo and/or Copia with extra weight, what do they look like to you? 
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kabukiaku · 10 months
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omega anatomical study 😳 🖤Ω
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eros-ghoulette · 3 months
What if Copia got fat shamed by someone and Terzo then also became more chubby to show Copia that it's nothing bad
and Omega loves it
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xxwhiskeyxx · 2 years
Love Trope February!  Best Friends Sibling: Alpha x Chubby! Reader
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When Omega had been summoned, unexpectedly another ghoul appeared alongside him, it turned out to be his younger sibling (Y/N), another Quintessinal ghoul. Cue it being 10 years later, Alpha and Omega are best friends and is in love with his besties little sibling who is also in love with him. Of course, neither of them knows that but there is a plot afoot. A game of Truth or Dare may end in finally getting the pair together.
3.8k Words (possibly the shortest fic I have made yet)
GN Reader but they are chubby and got an ass and hips like their brother
Decided to use Alpha cause big boy doesn't get much love except people making him a villain or mean, big man deserves some loves!
- Love Whiskey
Sometime in 2006
When Omega had been summoned, unexpectedly another ghoul appeared alongside him. Now it’s not uncommon for there to be a double summoning if two ghouls happen to be next to each other or have a deep connection, so when a smaller ghoul appeared next to the much larger one, Primo and Sister just looked at each other, hoping the smaller is also a Quintessinal. “Hello, young ones, welcome to the Ministry. You have been summoned to assist in the spreading of our Dark Lord’s word, I am Papa Emeritus, I will allow you two to get settled and adjusted to the top layer before assigning your tasks. Alpha, Water, come and help our new additions.” Primo says, gesturing for a large ghoul in a mask to come forward.
Unsurprisingly the newly summoned did not react pleasantly, but what was unexpected was that it was the little one who jumped over in front the larger and snarled at the large ghoul, “Syat hte fukc awya!” (stay the fuck away!) the little ghoul hissed, Alpha bristles with returned snarl before Water grabs his arm. “Easy, they’re scared, you were the same when first summoned remember Wildfire?” Making the Fire ghoul scoff but back up, crossing his arms over his chest, shaking his head
Water nods before slowly approaching, baring his throat and holding his hands up in a sign of peace, “Wel dnto maEn ayn hram ew jsut wnta ot hepl, od uyo sepak gnileish?” (We don’t mean any harm; we just want to help. Do you speak any English?) Water speaks softly as he kneels near the pair, not wanting to spook them. The larger built ghoul gently places a hand on the smaller shoulder as he rises to a knee, “Yes, we do. Forgive my sibling; they aren’t privy to strangers and tends to be quite protective. I am Omega, and this is (Y/N); we’re both Quintessinal ghouls.” Omega says, helping his sibling to their feet. Water nods as he offers a blanket to the naked pair; they tend to bring extras in instance that there is a double summoning such, to which (Y/N) eyes warily before accepting once their brother wraps it around himself.
That day, Omega and (Y/N) become part of the Ministry; Omega becoming the beloved rhythm guitarist for Terzo, who always seemed to have a soft spot for the large male even before they wed on stage together, while (Y/N) became an aid to the band, absolutely refusing to separate from their brother during long tour legs, and where they quickly caught onto the guitar, piano, and bass. This is how they became their brother’s and Water’s guitar techs, assisting ChAir if they had an issue, zooming backstage to ensure everything is set and tuned for every Ritual.
It is now 2016, it had been 10 years at this point since their summoning, now incredibly close with everyone in the band, even the grouchy Fire ghoul Alpha, who had quickly became their brother’s best friend. But something they kept hidden from the hot-headed ghoul is that they had grown to love him, even suspecting him to be their destined mate, but with how he treated them as a little sibling like Omega does, they just pushed away the feelings.
‘(Y/N)! My string snapped, please I need my backup!’ Water cries through the mental link; having formed a pack with the other band members allowing them to communicate telepathically, ‘Oh you couldn’t wait another 30 minutes to see little ole me?’ (Y/N) teases, grabbing the white bass from its case and subtly slipping onto the stage, quickly swapping with Water within a slight break in the middle of He is. ‘Thankfully the Ritual is almost over’ they think as they slip back off the stage, not noticing a certain lead guitarist staring at them from his spot near Terzo.
A few songs later, the band line up for their final bows before coming backstage to pack up and get ready for the long next few days as they made their way to the next venue a state over.
“Thanks little star, you saved my ass. It just had to snap right before the show ended.” Water grins, ruffling (Y/N)’s hair. The Quintessential ghoul was quite small for their element though, they held the curvy, full-figured stature that is known for Quints, standing over a foot shorter than their brother and Alpha, half a foot with ChAir and Water; Little Earth, or Pebble as the little quint called them, and (Y/N) were only a couple inches apart, the pair having bonded over them being runts of their elements. “You know I hate that name, you water nymph, but your welcome” (Y/N) says, batting off the bassist’s hands, “Oh come on, you love it starshine, admit it. Almost as much as you lo-” Water is cut off by the small hand slapping over his mouth and a hissed, “Shut the fuck up you brastd !” (bastard). “I only told you that because I was drunk, do not say it with him this close. We both know he doesn’t see me like that and I don’t wanna ruin things.” they say, dropping their hand.
Water gives them a sad look, “Starshine, I’ve told you that hot head is head over claws for you. I don’t know how you don’t see that pitiful kicked puppy look he gets whenever you don’t sit next to him and how l he glares daggers at Pebble when you two cuddle up with each other.” Water says as he passes his bass case off to a roadie before they start walking towards the green room. (Y/N) glances over to where their brother and Alpha are both flirting with a staff member, probably going to double team the poor girl, and all they can hope is to walk in on them again.
It’s not like they haven’t seen their brother or any of the other ghouls naked, ghouls aren’t ashamed by nudity like humans; but that doesn’t mean they want to see their brother and the person they have feelings for taking someone to Paris, shivering and gagging at the memory. “Water, I love that you always try to make me feel better, but I know that he doesn’t see me like that. Plus I’m pretty sure that Omega threatened to declaw him if he ever tried to approach me.”(Y/N) half-heartedly jokes, staring sadly as the giggling techie is pulled off by their brother towards wherever the nearest empty room is, followed closely by grinning Alpha.
Water rolls his eyes as he sees the scene, the dumbass Fire ghoul had personally threatened him that if he catches him trying anything with the small Quintessence ghoul, he’d personally burn all his books and bed; along with the fact he cannot count the number of times Omega had complained to him about how Alpha is always rambling on and on about how perfect he thinks (Y/N) is while drunk or stoned out of his mind. But he also knows his dumbass pack mate is trying to fuck away his feelings because he’s convinced he shouldn’t have feelings for his best friend’s sibling, that its wrong and he’s scared of ruining their friendship if it ever came out.
(Y/N) is rambling on now about some new movie they wanna see soon as Water tunes back in, changing into his street clothes, a hooded sweatshirt and some jeans, “Do you think we can watch it later? Or do you think the other’s are gonna wanna play uno or something later?” (Y/N)’s voice breaks through his thoughts, “Huh? Oh yeah, I mean we can always watch it tomorrow if we can’t tonight, we’re on the road for the next 3 days remember. I’ll make that special candy popcorn you like, with that chocolate shit.” Water says as he turns back to the little ghoul sitting on the couch who squeals happily, “Thank you! You ready to head back now or Do you think the horny duo will be done soon, I just got t-”
(Y/N) is cut off by the door slamming open and a seethed Alpha storming in, followed by a silent but equally pissed Omega, “Stupid slut, couldn’t keep her fucking mouth shut! I can’t believe she fucking thought she could say that and we’d want to stay!” Alpha snarls, throwing his mask harshly onto the couch. The siblings make eye contact, ‘What the fuck happened?’ the younger asks, an equally concerned Water stands nearby, ready to calm the pissed off Fire ghoul at a moments notice.
‘That staff member that had been flirting with us and we pulled away? Yeah she made a very offensive comment about you while we were trying to get underdressed, pissed Alpha and I off, then had to gall to get mad when we stopped and left.’ Omega says, voice barely above a growl, ‘What was it? I don’t care how rude it was, I’m used to it, Mega, you know this.’ the small ghoul says, debating on if they need to go calm the raging Fire ghoul, who is currently snarling out every curse word in both infernal and english he can think of.
‘Little star, it was very harsh…but basically she made a disgusting comment about your weight and how she thinks you’re a ‘desperate fat cow who hangs around guys they could never get’ having clearly not realizing you were my sibling and that we care for you a lot more than some loose cunt.’ their brother’s eyes pitching in anger. (Y/N) sits there shocked, they couldn’t believe some stupid human would say that about someone who was clearly close to the band, the comment didn’t hurt because their so used to worse comments back at the Abbey and the pit but “Desperate cow who hangs around guys they could never get” rings in the back of their head, but they shake it off.
Deciding that they have to call their friend before he kills somebody, (Y/N) stands and slowly starts toward him, “Alpha, look at me please.” His head snaps towards them, normally warm sunset colored eyes now dangerously flickering like the blazing Sun, “You gotta calm down, who cares what some stupid human thinks, I know I don’t. It’s okay, we can just forget it.” they keep their voice soft, carefully stepping closer to the seething guitarist, the room near boiling from his anger, “It isn’t fucking okay, (Y/N)! What she said is fucking disgusting, that cunt is satan blessed lucky that Papa doesn’t allow us to hurt humans or they would’ve had to scrub that bitch off the fucking walls!” he yells, shaking in anger as he stands with his arms crossed over his chest.
What that techie had said had pissed off Alpha to no end, that pathetic meat sack insulted the sweetest, most beautiful ghoul he had ever set his eyes on. It doesn’t matter if he can’t tell them about his feelings, it won’t stop him from protecting them from any type of cruelty. Omega had to physically drag him away from the girl before he almost slammed her through the wall as soon as the words left her lips.
(Y/N) puts their hands on his arms, pushing calming Quintessence into the angry male in hopes of helping calm him faster, “Alpha, I promise it’s fine, I appreciate you defending me, but it’s not the first and definitely not the last time someone will make some dumbass comment about me, I’m used to it. I don’t give a single shit what anyone outside of our pack or Papa thinks, you’re the only ones whose opinions matter to me. Stupid bitch is probably mad I got a fatter ass than she does.” they snicker as they feel him start to calm, “Now please calm the fuck down, Fire Boy, your roasting us alive. As much as I love being reminded of the Pit, I don’t think Papa will appreciate having to explain why the green room feels like a volcano.” they tease. Alpha finally realizes just how hot the room is, Water having had to leave a few minutes ago so he didn’t dehydrate, actively tries to lower his body temperature.
Giving a defeated sigh, “I know, half-pint, but I ain’t gonna let some human disrespect my favorite Quint, sorry Meg,” he shoots a grin at his friend, “best believe I’ll beat any ass that says anything rude about you.” the large ghoul says, knocking his, now unglamored, horns against the shorter’s, “Thanks high-rise, your the best Fire ghoul I know, now hurry the fuck up and get changed so we can get back on the bus. I wanna watch this cool movie or play something, I don’t care which!” they say, hugging the now much cooler ghoul before turning and leaving.
Omega shoots a shit-eating grin and wiggles his eyebrows at his friend, “Oh, your the best Fire ghoul they know,” doing a terribly mimicry of his sibling’s voice before he snorts, “I wonder how that new Fire ghoul we just summoned would like to hear that, he’s been following after them like a lost puppy since they helped him after his summoning. What’s his name, Ifrit?” Omega teases as he moves to get changed, barely dodging when Alpha swats at him with his tail.
“Shut the fuck up! Don’t mention that little shit, I hate how he keeps staring at them all the time, it gives me the creeps.” Alpha hisses as he tugs a shirt over his head. “Oh you’re just jealous, you gotta make a move eventually dude. They’re going to find someone else if you don’t, in fact Ifrit had asked me if I thought he has a chance with them just before we left.” Omega say’s nonchalantly, waiting near the door for his friend, already dressed.
Alpha whips around, boots left untied, “Your fucking kidding, that little fucker! They’re mine, I thought I made that fucking clear!” he hisses but shrinks back when the large Quint gives him a steely look, “(Y/N) isn’t ‘yours’. You haven’t placed a claim, fuck Alpha, you haven’t even told them how your dumbass feels! Just because you constantly scent them doesn’t mean anything, they smell equally of Pebble, ChAir, Water, and me; in fact I think Water’s scent is even stronger than yours.” Omega says, a teasing edge to the last sentence. Alpha’s eye twitches before pulling the helmet on with a huff, “Fuck off, lets get going before Terzo leaves us again.” he grunts, dragging a cackling Omega out of the venue and towards the tour bus.
Once on board they find (Y/N) and a tipsy Water sitting on the floor in front of Little Earth and buzzed Zephyr on the couch, apparently some drinking game with a bottle of whiskey and rum off to the side.
“Hey! So we decided to watch the movie tomorrow so Water suggested Truth or Dare, wanna join?” (Y/N) says, scooching to make room for the two new arrivals, who each take a spot. Omega on the couch with Zephyr, who had almost immediately dove into his lap, and Alpha next to the small Quintessinal ghoul. A few rounds pass, Omega starting to join Water and Zephyr’s buzz as (Y/N) and Earth hurled ruthless dares and truths at him (one of which was suck off Secondo or Terzo, to which he almost downed half the bottle with a huge blush) and it is now Water’s turn once again, who turns to the smallest of the group.
“(Y/N), truth or dare?” he slurs, leaning back on his arms. They think for a minute before answering, “Dare, I’m not scared of you.” they say with a smirk, a slight blush from the alcohol filling their cheeks, their not drunk but it warms their belly, “Oh your gonna regret that little star, we’ve moved into hard mode, no more passes! I dare you toooo.” Water says, looking around the room before his gaze lands on Alpha and a menacing grin fills his face, “Make Alpha make a pretty sound for us.” he grins.
Both immeditaly tense and flush, awkwardly glancing at each other. “Pass” they quickly reach for the bottle but Water smacks their hand, “No more passes remember, gotta do it or you have to do as I say for a week!” he cackles, falling onto his side. (Y/N) glares at him, hating that they made that bet earlier, “Fuck you Water, fine.” they huff before turning to the flushed Fire ghoul who stares at them with wide eyes, ‘You really don’t have to, I can fa-’ he offers, eyes looking everywhere but the curvy ghoul.
But before he can finish his sentence, they’re straddling his lap, planting themselves directly on his crotch, “Where’s the fun in that, plus Water will know.” they purr in his ear, the alcohol making them feel quite bold despite the blush covering their cheeks.
All eyes are now on the pair, which (Y/N) ignores as they look over the handsome man, they had heard from their brother that Alpha’s neck is quite sensitive, “Best friends can fuck each other, cant always help who you go into heat with, little star.” he had teased.
Smirking at the memory as they slowly lean forward, enjoying when they hear how his breath hitches as their warm breath teases his throat, before latching onto his pulse point. The sudden rush of stimulation causes a loud reedy whine to escape the Fire ghoul as his hands fly up to grip their wide hips while (Y/N) proceeds to suck a hickey into his red and orange cracked skin. His eyes screwing shut as pleasure courses through his veins, unable to help how he buck’s up into them.
They finally pull away with a pleased look, admiring the dark bruise prominent against the pale skin of the Fire ghoul’s throat, before they purr a soft “Good boy~” into his ear, nipping at the point of it just to fuck with him.
The small ghoul goes to move off his lap, but his grip tightens, making them look back at Alpha to find that his eyes blown wide. “Can we talk outside, please..” he asks softly, it almost sounds like a plea with how desprete he looks. “Uh sure, continue without us.” they say, getting up once Alpha’s grip loosened, now nervous they crossed the line and he’s going to call them disgusting or say to pretend it never happened.
Following the older ghoul outside the bus, snagging their hoodie since it’s cold. They play with their ring in anxiety, the ring Alpha got them soon after they were summoned when he noticed how they picked at their fingers whenever they were nervous or deep in thought, “Here twerp, got this so you can stop fucking up your fingers. Can’t play if your fingers are torn up.” he had said after he tossed the small pouch at them, it had a small star and moon design on the metal piece that spun around the base.
Alpha stands faced away from them, hands pressed to his head as if he’s trying to think of what to say. After a few minutes of silence, (Y/N) decides it’d probably be easier to apologize in case he truly was upset, “I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable…we can just pretend that it never happened, the other idiots are probably too fucked up to remember. I hope this doesn’t ruin anything Alpha…I know you only see me as a little sibling.” they say, looking down at the ground in shame.
Alpha stays silent for a few more moments, and that honestly scares them more than if he was visibly angry, before they hear a quiet, “Fuck it.” When suddenly there’s warm hands cupping their cheeks and even warmer lips pressed against theirs.
The kiss is the most desperate, yet gentle and loving, they had ever experiences in their life, the larger clinging to them as if afraid that they will disappear if he lets go for even a moment. The young Quint is frozen for a moment before attempting to wrap their arms around the tallers neck when he suddenly pulls away.
Alpha is shaking as those sunset eyes dart around their face “I..have wanted to do that for so fucking long, Starshine. I don’t see you as a damn younger sibling…you mean so much more than that. To me, you are the most beautiful, sweetest, intelligent , stubborn thing I have ever met and I love you so fucking much” his voice cracking slightly as his emotions pour out, “That’s why I was so pissed off earlier, someone insulted the one I love more than anything in this satan damned universe…I was a dick for flirting with them in front of you. I never should have even looked at another person when you were around, I just…I was convinced you didn’t want me the same way I did you. You didn’t deserve that…” he takes a deep shuddering breath.
(Y/N looks confused, “You..love me? Your not just saying that to fuck with me? Because if you are, I will fucking chop your dick off and I’m pretty sure Omega and Water will do even worse.” they stutter, hands coming up to cup the warm cheeks of the Fire ghoul.
Their words make him chuckle, “I never would do that to you, I may be an asshole but I’m not cruel like that” leaning into their touch, “I have loved you since that day I walked in on you dancing to stupid human music while doing the dishes, maybe even before then. I adore ever single thing about you: your caring nature, how you always are willing to help anyone you think needs it” a dopey grin spreads across his face, “Not to mention your confidence and skill, along with the fact you don’t give a shit what anyone thinks, had just made me want you more. I wanna both kill and kiss Water for giving me the chance to tell you, not to mention your brother basically told me grow a fucking pair.” he slowly trails off, sunset eyes searching (e/c). “(Y/N)…Do you…it’s okay if you don’t…” he whispers.
Gently stroking his cheek with a dopey lovesick smile, “I love you too, you big idiot. I was convinced you saw me as nothing other than Omega’s little sibling, I..can’t believe this is happening. This has to be a dream, I drank too much and I’m passed out on the floor.” they giggle. “I promise you half-pint, this is real. Here, Lemme prove it.” is all Alpha says before reconnecting their lips, pressing them back against the cool metal of the bus.
This kiss is slightly different from the last, it is still filled with love, but this one has a hint of neediness and a possessive edge. (Y/N) whines into the kiss when it he warm hands move down from their cheeks, squeezing their hip with one hand as he presses them tightly against him. The Quint opens their mouth first, nipping at the Fire ghoul’s bottom lip in a silent ask for access to which he easily grants. Moaning softly as they begin mapping out the other’s mouths while clinging to each other, hands starting to explore wherever they can reach.
Eventually (Y/N) pulls away for a moment to catch their breath, but Alpha takes it as an opportunity to start making his way down their neck, mouthing and nipping as he making his way towards his target. A breathy moan escapes their lips as he sucks his own mark into their neck, sharp claws digging into broad shoulders and when he bites down.
Once satisfied, Alpha pulls away with a smirk, pressing another kiss to their lips when the door bursts opens and Omega leans out with a drunken smirk, “Fucking finally, now as happy as I am for you two, I’d appreciate if you didn’t fuck my baby sibling in the parking lot while it’s 36 degrees out.” he slurs,
(Y/N) whines in embarrassment and hides their face in Alpha’s chest as he laughs, “You heard the man, I think I would rather fuck you in a warm bunk than cold metal for our first time, we can test out other settings at a later date~” he nips their ear, earning a squeak and then a yelp as he tosses them over a broad shoulder, hand on their ass.
“Put me down you asshole, I can walk perfectly fine!” they shriek, pounding on Alpha’s back, “For now, my little minx~” he teases as he walks past a cackling Water and Earth, both of who are catcalling the pair while Omega sits back down, drawing a passout of Zephyr into his lap, smirking after the new couple.
He had been routing for his best friend and sibling for years, having been so close to shoving the pair in a closet, saying “Seven Minutes in Heaven, they love you, he loves you, have fun and don’t make any kits yet!” but Zephyr had given the idea of using Truth or Dare that night to make it happen instead. Now they debate on leaving the bus for food, deciding quickly when a loud possessive growl rumbles from the bunk area followed by a high-pitched whine
There’s a moment of silence before “Denny’s?” Earth offers, “Hell yeah, I’ll just carry Zephyr.” Omega says, everyone yanking on their shoes. They eventually return a few hours later, doggy bags for the new couple to find a pair of happily purring Fire and Quintessence ghouls, partially naked minus the smaller wearing their new boyfriend’s hoodie and Alpha in boxers, wrapped up and asleep on the couch
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 11 months
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Hello, my little bumblebees!
Welcome to my tiny corner here on Tumblr.
You can find all of my works for multiple fandoms here <3
Here is who I write for and my request rules!
Fi's Christmas Market ☃️
Resident Evil
Leon S Kennedy
♥︎ Lost and Found ♧ 1. 2. 3. (Complete!)
• you survived Raccoon City with Leon, but got separated and thought he was dead. After 6 years, you reunite with him on a mission in Spain, rescuing Ashley Graham. What happens once he's pushed back into your life all of a sudden?
One shots
♥︎ Raindrops falling on my heart ♡
♥︎ Random Leon headcannons
♥︎ Sleepy desperation ♡ (nsfw)
♥︎ Rocking the Tides 🌊 (nsfw)
♥︎ Renaissance!Leon headcannons 🩷☁️ (nsfw)
♥︎ Everybody loves Somebody 🫀
♥︎ Back to me 🖤
♥︎ Brick by Brick 🎄
♥︎ Tradition and Love 🌹
♥︎ Red Ribbon ❣️ (nsfw)
♥︎ Stuffed Heart 🧸
♥︎ Siren!Leon headcannons 🧜🏼‍♂️🐚
♥︎ All I see is Red ♦️
♥︎ The honey to my moon 🌬 (nsfw)
♥︎ The Kiss of a Siren 🫧
♥︎ Holly-what?! 🎬
♥︎ Taunting Ghosts 👻
♥︎ Won't go Home without You 🫂
♥︎ Fate - spin, measure, cut 🌙
Jason Todd
♥︎ The Hercules to my Meg ♤
♥︎ Paper Rings 🩷
♥︎ Wrapped 🎁
♥︎ Rooftop Confessions 🌟
Bale!Bruce Wayne
♥︎ BATtrayal
♥︎ My precious Jewel ♧ (nsfw)
♥︎ Dating Bruce has his assistant headcannons
♥︎ Bruce secretly being in love with assistant!reader
♥︎ Bruce x assistant!reader 3 ♡
♥︎ Burning Touch ♠︎ (nsfw)
♥︎ Deck the Halls 🎻
♥︎ Diamond Rings 💫 (nsfw)
♥︎ Bruce taking your virginity ♡ (nsfw)
♥︎ PALentines day 💋
♥︎ Sweet as a Peach 🍑 (nsfw)
♥︎ Lazing on a Sunday afternoon ☁️ (nsfw)
♥︎ Bruce taking out his frustration on reader ♡
Dick Grayson
♥︎ Nightingale 🕊
Call of duty
♥︎ TF141 w/ a chubby girl ♡
♥︎ TF141 getting a boudoir photo album as a wedding gift ♡ (nsfw)
♥︎ TF141 taking you on a picnic date 💐 (nsfw)
Captain John Price
♥︎ Northman!Price 🪓
♥︎ Aphrodite sends her regards 💋 (nsfw)
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
♥︎ tit man Johnny hcs 🤍 (nsfw)
♥︎ Mo ghràdh mòr 🩶
♥︎ Mrs. MacTavish's Remedy 🍯
♥︎ Highlands and Full Hearts 🌧 (nsfw)
♥︎ Bikes and Bees 🐝 (nsfw)
Simon "Ghost" Riley
♥︎ Simon relationship hcs ♡
♥︎ Simon Riley NSFW hcs ♡ (nsfw)
♥︎ Phantom of the Ball 🥀
♥︎ Königs German specific quirks <3
Terzo Emeritus
♥︎ Garden of Love ♡
♥︎ Phantom of my Soul 🌙
Stardew Valley
♥︎ Knight in shining armor
Baldur's Gate 3
♥︎ The sweetest Taste ♤
Linked universe
The Chain
♥︎ Home is where the Heart is 🌱
♥︎ Aching Heart left there in the Cold ♡
There's more to come~
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saruman-the-silly · 1 year
Oh hello... I wanted to make a request, I wanted to know how the Papas would react to seeing that y/n is a little chubby. Because I was looking in the mirror and I was so sad about what I saw, and now I'm lying in bed scrolling through Tumblr thinking about making this request... You don't have to do it if you don't want to, It's just that I love the way you write that I kept thinking about it.
I very much want to, thank you very much :D there is nothing, and I repeat, nothing wrong with being a little chubby, or being a lot more chubby! Whatever size you are, you are beautiful, remember that <3
This also gives me a reason to finally write something for Primo and Secondo so thank you hehe
soooooo I present to you, headcanons about the papas with a chubby reader! (gender neutral ofc hehe)
(I wrote this kind of quickly so if there are horrible grammatical errors, I will try and fix them as I find them lol)
Headcanons: Papas with a chubby reader
He's very old, and a bit old-fashioned, so he just instantly thought you were an angel when he saw you. Back in his days, the curvier you were, the more attractive you were.
When he got to know you as a person, he grew to love you very quickly.
All of your curves and imperfections were a work of art for him.
Primo is also such a gentle person, and would notice the instant you were feeling down/insecure. He doesn't pressure you to talk about it though, but he still makes sure you know that he's there for you.
If you wanna talk tho? He would listen really well, and after you had poured your insecurities out on the table, he would assure you that your curves just made you more, well, you. And you were his amore, the most beautiful thing in the world.
He's a serious guy who does not like to talk about emotions and stuff. (I don't think he even knows how but lmao anyway)
Secondo's usually serious and no-bullshit charade was quickly torn away by you and your delightful presence. (He was freaking out like crazy when he first met you, Terzo would not let him forget how he stumbled over his words when he was first introduced to you)
Also, fuck, he couldn't keep his eyes from you. Every time you are in a same room with him, his gaze almost involuntarily shifts back to you.
He loves you. So much. So when you came to him, telling how you didn't think you looked good, he was a little confused. How could you see yourself in such a light, when you had made such an impact on him?
He reassures you that yes, he wants to be with you and nobody else.
He doesn't really know say anything else. But he doesn't need to, his actions prove the endless love he harbours for you.
Ah, Terzo, our hopeless romantic.
Terzo has seen many different types of bodies up close and personal during his life, but not one of them could match your beauty.
Needless to say, when he first met you he fell. Hard. Like, head over heels. Out the door went his playboy days, he only had eyes for you.
He literally worships the ground you walk on.
You had trouble believing him, when he confessed his undying love for you. (Don't blame him he just likes to be theatrical but he really did mean it)
You confessed to Terzo about your insecurities, and he proved himself to be a great listener. After talking, he reassured you that yes, he meant what he said, yes, he wants to be with you.
He would then bring you in front of a mirror, and gently kiss and caress all the parts of your body you are insecure about.
He would understand your struggles very well. Having a history with insecurities himself, Copia isn't a stranger to body dysmorphia.
Copia loves you. So much. You helped him get through a lot of his insecurities, so, now was his turn.
He let you vent, while making you a cup of tea, and wrapped you in a tight hug afterwards. You cried in his arms and he just held you and comforted you.
Copia is very direct about his feelings toward you. He lists all the things he loves about you, and tells you how you size just makes you all the more perfect. (the man loves thick thighs)
He would do his best to make you see yourself in the same light he sees you. Copia gently traces over your stretchmarks with his finger, then kisses them and whispers to you how beautiful you are.
Thanks for the request annnd enjoy :D
Remember, you are beautiful no matter your size <3
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earthry · 1 year
Papas and Readers Coexisting (Headcanons)
I love having the ability to just quietly exist in each other’s company, not necessarily talking and not feeling like you have to. Just being together is enough.
sfw, no warnings, fluff and comfort, coexisting quietly with each other
Quiet time in the garden; sometimes you help him with the weeding or pruning, other times you sit in the shade of a nearby tree with a sketchbook. Though you sketch a lot of the wildlife and plants around you, you always find at least one or two candid sketches of Primo tucked in the corner of every page.
Every so often you’ll feel light pressure and look up to see that Primo has balanced a wildflower of some sort on your knee. Sometimes you catch him before he fully withdraws his hand and he smiles sheepishly at you. Occasionally he’ll tuck the flower behind your ear and press a kiss to the back of your hand.
“It simply reminded me of your smile, my petal. You wear it so beautifully, si?”
There’s a couch in his office with soft cushions and a plush throw blanket over the side. There wasn’t one before, but after a few weeks of you sitting in one of the uncomfortable chairs he had one installed. You usually lounge on the couch with a book as Secondo silently works on paperwork or a personal project.
Occasionally you’ll fall asleep and Secondo will look up when there’s a lack of page turning and realize you’ve passed out. He’ll gently take the open book that’s about to fall out of your hand and set it on the side table before covering you with the throw blanket. Before he goes back to his work he always gives your forehead a gentle kiss.
“It’s been a long day, hasn’t it? Sleep well, tesoro. I’ll finish in a couple of hours and join you.”
Whether it be breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Terzo prides himself on being an excellent chef. Since retirement he often home-makes all your meals you have together. Lazy mornings spent watching him putter around the kitchen with the radio on, sometimes humming along or doing a little shimmy to the music. You watch from your spot at the kitchen table with a smile, usually with your laptop out catching up on emails and other work.
In the evenings, you sometimes help Terzo with dinner preparations, glancing at the recipe book as you orbit around each other in perfect tandem. Other times you sit at the table not unlike the mornings, working on your laptop again or watching videos on your phone with the sound turned low. Terzo doesn’t mind the extra noise and every so often will waltz over with a spoon for you to taste test for him.
“Too sweet, dolcezza? Give me your thoughts. Oh! Not sweet enough? Mm, if you give me some of your sugar we can change th— ow! Don’t smack me I was complimenting you.”
You love nothing more than napping with your head in Copia’s lap while he plays his video games, making little noises as he succeeds or fails, the soft sounds of the game volume turned low lulling you to sleep. Sometimes you snuggle together and watch him, other times you’ll be scrolling on your phone quietly with your feet in his lap.
Copia will take his rats out to free roam his room sometimes while the two of you hang out quietly. Some days he works on his music, other days he just likes to play and watch his rats. You often bring your own things to work on but always find yourself looking up every once in a while to see Copia cooing softly to one of his babies.
“Aw look at you, you’re getting quite chubby aren’t you? My little chubby baby, you’re so cute— amore mio, come look! He’s cleaning his face what a polite little guy!”
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bittybat28 · 8 months
Head cannon’s for what I think the Papa’s were like as teens!
1. Being the first born Primo was held at a very high standard and as a teenager he was mostly very poised and proper in front of his father and Sister.
2. Even as a teenager he looked extremely intimidating and he was always trying to make himself more inviting. Primo had very long blonde hair and he wore mostly black turtle necks and suit jackets!
3. He was very much a teachers pet and actually enjoyed doing his studies although he had a bit of a focus problem!
4. Hey Jude was his favorite song and he listened to it every chance he got!
1. Secondo was chubby as a Teenager!
2. Was always in trouble for fighting. He would go into uncontrollable rages and nothing helped until Primo put him into boxing to help with his anger!
3. Always wore his hair slicked back and wore a lot of corduroy. Has a an aversion to light so he started wearing aviator sunglasses around this time!
4. Rarely ever spoke English. It didn’t matter if Nihil got onto him for it, Speaking Italian just made him feel safe and comfortable!
1. Terzo was absolutely Born to fuck with Nihil. Whatever he could do to piss the old man off, he would do!
2. He got more of Nihil’s features than his brothers but much more feminine. Terzo’s hair was down to his shoulders and he chose to wear more flowy things like blouses!
3. Suffered from very bad asthma attacks. They usually happened when he was overly angry, panicked or sick.
4. Sticky fingers! He stole anything he could get his hands on, cigarette’s, makeup, clothes. if he wanted it, he’d get it.
1. Very much a loner! He preferred reading and watching movies rather than hanging out with others because he was bullied so much.
2. His hair was actually more ginger as a teenager and it was always very fluffy and wild! Primo would try and help him make it nice and neat but it would be crazy again like ten minutes later.
3. he wore round silver glasses because his eyes aren’t that good! They were usually too big for his face and he would constantly have to push them up.
4. Goth kid all the way! Loved the music, the fashion and learned how to do his makeup by watching and copying Terzo.
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emeritus-fuckers · 9 months
How would Terzo act with a chubby S/o?
As a chubby girl myself…yes. -Death
Terzo With a Chubby S/O Headcanons
He/They pronouns used for Terzo.
Let’s start with clearing something up: Terzo loves you no matter your size, shape, height, gender…they’re all over you.
In his eyes, if you’re chubby there’s just more of you for him to love and worship. More perfection to hold.
You ever feel insecure about your size? Ever feel like he’s too good for you? That won’t fly.
There’s no hiding in oversized hoodies or clothes once they’ve caught the scent of insecurity. They are proving to you that you’re beautiful. That you’re worthy of love.
Which often turns into several hours of body worship. The whole night if needed. Whatever it takes for you to feel better.
As well as hand delivered take out from your favourite comfort food restaurant.
If you’re also with Omega, Terzo teams up with him to make you feel better.
Which means hours of cuddles and soft words of praise about your beauty, everything both of them love about you, how complete you make their lives.
Then again Terzo does the same thing alone. They love murmuring to you about how lucky they are to be blessed with your presence.
They also are insistent that you should feel good in everything you wear. He will spare no expense to make sure the clothes you have make you feel sinfully good.
No matter what, they will parade you around proudly. He chose you to be his lover, his partner. You will be shown off. You are absolutely perfect to them.
In order to keep any insecurity at bay, you’re showered in romantic gifts. They put their all into date nights and making you feel like the only person on earth.
Overall, you’re just as loved as anyone else would be with him. Because Terzo loves you will all their heart.
Size will never change that.
Written by Death.
Taglist: @charlie-is-a-menace @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @randodummy @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @calliedion-dungeon @randominstake @callmeicaro @nuntia @dio-niisio @mamacarlyle @firefirevampire @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @natoncesaid @sirlsplayland @thatoddboy @lightbluuestars @strawberriiblossoms @dark-angel-is-back
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running-ace21 · 2 years
Chubby c3 😌
Terzo loves feeding Copia and 90% of the time, hes doing the feeding.
Terzo knows how much Copia loves to watch him eat, and Terzo loves giving Copia what he wants. So Terzo has no problem stuffing himself in front of Copia, rubbing his tummy and being vocal about how full he is.
Copia on the other hand, he needs encouragement, permission to over indulge during feeding sessions. He was weary at first when he started to put more weight on but Terzo loved and reassured him through those feelings.
Copia still stress eats and can be found on more than one occasion walking back to their suite holding their aching belly, begging Terzo to rub it.
Terzo is more so soft all over from chest to thighs with a soft round belly and Copia has thick thighs and a prominent pot belly.
Sometimes Copia is amazed that Terzos metabolism hasn't completely crashed yet.
With Copia still touring, Imperator is constantly telling him he needs to lose weight. Those conversations are hard for Copia. Terzo always comforts him and reminds him of how beautiful he is and that he is worthy of being Papa no matter what size he is.
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nihildenial · 10 months
🐁what typically non-cute animal i think each papa would have🐀
tw bugs and rodents and lots of swearing (i am PASSIONATE)
primo: spiders
this old fart loves his garden and what helps his garden more than spiders. primo's cranky ass likes spiders bc they listen to his problems and carry the fuck on unlike his fratelli. bonus points if they make sick ass webs like the yellow garden spider below
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secondo: pigeons
this pitbull-looking motherfucker is a giant softie who toured new york once and cried like a bitch bc primo wouldnt let him rescue a pigeon. he has a perch outside the abbey where his ass sends letters like he's from the 1800s bc he loves his birds and terzo can go fuck himself if he's going to call them flying chicken drumsticks again
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terzo: tegu
yes i know. the slutty younger brother should have some sort of sensual, fluffy animal but i say NO. give that man a lizard. this shit right here is the black and white tailed tegu and it fucking looks like a goddamn metal singer but is a massive cutie patootie who loves snuggling their human. terzo feeds his chubby tegu like a baby and will not tolerate any slander against his giant lizard child
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copia: rats (of course)
this wet-eyed bitch loves his rodents and makes little sweaters embroidered with all of their names. i fall into the trap of copia naming them after the different kinds of pasta bc he's a sad orphan and he stress ate pasta as child. his rats are the prettiest goddamn rodents you've ever seen and he WILL ask for their opinions on his outfits. they are more well-behaved than any child under the age of ten you've ever met bc copia has made sure they have fucking manners
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papa nihil: u think that fucker can keep anything alive?
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skele-bunny · 2 months
Just finished your Sodo/Aether and Calida fic. Will you write her more?
THIS IS INSANE I WAS JUST RAMBLING ABOUT CALIDA TO A FRIEND....... I'll absolutely post more about her!
Context for those who don't know: Calida is Dew's kid, with Step Dad Aether!
(CW - lightly Implied abuse and pregnancy from assault, but this is a fluff post!)
While Calida came from cruel touches and heavy hands around Dew's throat, he loves her more than anything in the world. He doesn't regret her, she's his main reason to continue living in fact!
When Aether wanted to claim her since Ifrit didn't, it took Dew a HOT minute to be able to calm down agree. Aether loves her so fucking much bro... He's a girl dad, loves wearing those silly glasses while she's in his chest harness with an identical pair, dressing her up only in the cutest dresses and onesies!
She has this weird thing for teething on her parent's guitar tuning pegs, and has even done it to Rain and Swiss' sjjejd. Also keeps trying to eat Copia's rats. There is no stopping where her teeth go. It has tormented so many tails, fingers, and shoes.
Dewdrop has extreme separation anxiety when it comes to leaving for tour and leaving Calida with Aether for the first time. He's having breakdowns just left and right, asking Copia if he can please just bring his daughter. She was born while he was on tour, he doesn't seem the issue now! He's eventually calmed down and reassured by Aether to just trust him, stay focused on tour, and simply coming back home.
Every morning, before and after shows, and before bed Aether will video call Dewy so he can show Calida. She's just grabbing the phone and pointing. "Mana." Then back to Aether "Daba." (Mama Banana, Daddy Banana)
"Yep! That's Mana!"
Dew loves seeing their daily adventures while he's gone, it helps ease him and his worry. He'll get random pictures through the day of Calida and Aether always doing something silly, her napping, chewing their guitars, or just absolutely covered in lunch/dinner. Sometimes he'll send pictures of her with Sunny, Special, Cowbell, and once even with Mist with the caption; "Auntle Mist to the rescue when someone got fussy."
While Dewdrop is out with the pack and shopping, he always ALWAYS gets Calida something. Usually a new outfit or toy, but sometimes a decoration for her room, a new teether, just anything he thinks she'll like. It's gotten to the point he's had to put some of his stuff in the overhead compartments in the bus they use for a pantry. It's not uncommon to grab a snack and a baby shoe falls out. It happens!
But Copia? That man is worse than Dew and Aether COMBINED. Pop-Pop Copia constantly has gift bags for her, deliveries from online shopping, always taking the chance to hold her- sometimes even during mass if she's being a bit too loud, Papa will just scoop her up and continue the sermon. One time he even let her wear his mitre after mass!
When Papa Terzo was still around and Dew was so secluded with her, Terzo was the only one Dew even let come near her. Just shakily showing off his newborn kit, Terzo just awing over her little fangs and beanies. He constantly prayed over her, letting Dew lay against his side while they both held Calida. He wishes Terzo got to meet her more, but cherishes the bit they did.
And when Dew gets home? That ghoul cannot stop crying even if it was life or death. Just holding Calida so tight while Aether hugs them both. Just scenting all over her (even tho she always smells like Dew), kissing her chubby cheeks and letting her claws touch his cheek.
I keep joking that when her element first made itself known, she had accidentally gotten into Dew's spicy curry and sneezed fire (yes in Dew's bowl) and the entire table just stared before Aether; "She didn't get that from me." And Dew gives him the HARDEST glare like "you know damn well-" snkekd
Calida looks exactly like Dew (a bit more before his transition)! Black hair, his roman nose, and when she smiles her nose scrunches and the right side of her lip will curl up - just like Dew's!
They're honestly a really, really happy family. Sometimes Aether will nuzzle up behind Dew after she's gone to bed, his hands on Dew's waist.
"What do you think about giving Calida a sibling?"
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xxwhiskeyxx · 2 years
Love Trope February! Plus-Sized: Aether x Reader
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(Y/N) and Aether have been friends for a few years since they are the band manger/Copia’s assistant and before that, they had been Terzo’s until he retired, so it’s safe to say they are pretty good friends with everyone in the band. (Y/N) is closest to our lovely Quintessence ghoul and in fact, has had feelings for him since they have met him, but they can never imagine the attractive ghoul to ever even look at them like that. Why you’re asking? (Y/N) is a bit…bigger than most of the other Siblings, they have thick thighs, hips, love handles, and a tummy, all things that they have been made to believe make them undesirable. But little do they know, the thickest ghoul in the band has feelings for the thickest Sibling in the Ministry, he has been in love with them since he first laid eyes on them, but he has a similar fear cause of his thick thighs, tummy, and his pecs that are a little squishier than they should be even with the muscle he has. Along with the fact that Swiss has made it clear he has his sights set on them, why would they want the chunky dad friend when they could have the toned life of the party. Will these two thick lovebirds get together or will Swiss steal away the lovely (Y/N).
4k words
Welcome to the 2nd chubby/plus-sized reader of this series! I had this one planned out long before I made the Alpha one. That one was simply due to the coincidence of YN being Omega's sibling, and I headcanon that Quintessence ghouls are typically quiet thick, both with muscle and fat, so I thought it'd be cool. I tried to not make the fact that YN was chubby/plus-sized, given by their confidence, other than the bitch who tried to insult our lovely YN, but a bad bitch knows their worth and YN don't give a fuck. Anyways! I hope you guys enjoy this, I didn't wanna make this one a basic plus-sized reader fic and have them sniveling about their weight 3 paragraphs in (I am guilty of have another chubby reader where they do cry about their weight, but it's cause of mean bitches). This YN is insecure yes, you'll figure this out quickly, but they also know their worth for the most part, they are a bad bitch who knows how to do their job.
Again no smut, but there is some making out ;)
E/C = Eye color H/C = Hair color Favorite scent = Idk, pick whatever you think you smell like or what you think you'd smell like to a ghoul! There is one gendered nickname but it said "sweet girl/boy" so pick whichever you feel comfier with, if neither than jus say sweet thing in yo mind, its your life, idc whatcha call yourself its your experience
- Love Whiskey <3
Copia and the ghouls had just finished their final bows and tossing out picks and drumsticks, while (Y/N) was finishing up setting up their hotel for the night when they are suddenly tackle hugged from behind before being picked up and spun around by a laughing Swiss, “Put me down you Smiley faced dumbass before you throw your back out!” they screech, clinging to his arms, “Doll, you weigh nothing to me, your lighter than a twinkie, which by the way, I have a stockpile of on the bus that I snagged from the last gas station.” Swiss laughs, as he sets them down, they quickly whirl around and smack his chest. “Just because you guys have super strength compared to humans, doesn’t mean I’ll ever get used to being picked up by you.” they laugh, Swiss just grins as Aether comes up to them, “I see he got to you before I did, can I get a hug too if I promise to not pick you up?” he asks, holding open his arms, “I don’t know you’re pretty sweaty.” they tease, “I am less sweaty than Mountain, who I can easily convince to force you into a nice big ghoul hug.” Aether joking threatens, “Fine, fine, just because I love you.” they laugh, wrapping their arms around the Quintessence ghoul, not noticing how his face flushes a light violet that’s hidden by his mask nor the way Swiss glares at him, Aether simply rolls his eyes and squeezes (Y/N) tight against him, basking in their warmth and softness.
“Alright, get changed and get back on the bus in less than 30 minutes, I will be timing you. Last one on has to room with Copia.” (Y/N) says as they pull away, patting Aether and Swiss on the shoulder before running off to probably check in with Copia and let him know of their now reserved hotel rooms. “I felt how flustered you got Lover Boy, getting all hot and bothered by a simple hug?” Swiss snarks, Aether gives him a look, “No, I did not get ‘hot and bothered’, they just give nice hugs.” he returns, walking towards their shared dressing room, Swiss of course following to keep bothering him. “Oh, I’m sure that’s all it was.” is all he says as he yanks off his stage uniform and mask, tossing the helm onto the couch, and drops his glamor, gold and silver eyes now exposed as his light brown human skin fades to his normal grey, horns also exposed too. Aether says nothing as to not give the Multi anymore ammo. 
The pair emerge, Swiss wearing a pair of sweats and a simple black t-shirt while Aether is in black jeans and a half done button up, exposing chest hair, both remasked even with their glamors up. (Y/N) was standing near the door, typing on their phone, probably texting the other ghouls and crew to hurry up or their being left behind, they run a pretty tight ship and even though people have complained to Copia about it, all he says is “(Y/N) has helped us in many ways you don’t see, they’re the reason your sleeping in an actual bed instead of in the crew bus or van tonight so hush or your bed will be given away.” This doesn’t stop the gossip though, insults given towards the curvy Sibling before their back, though most quickly learned not to say anything in front of the ghouls, less they want a trip the hospital with a claim that they got attacked by a mountain lion. 
“I see you two finished quickly, head back to the bus, I’ll be there in a few, just have a couple things to finish up.” (Y/N) says, “I’ll stay with them, go ahead mate.” Aether says, nodding for Swiss to go ahead. Even though he clearly wants to argue, Swiss begrudgingly trudges off towards the ghouls bus, “You don’t have to stay Aeth, I’m fine by myself.” (Y/N) tries to insist, but the large ghoul shakes his head, “I’m not gonna let you stand here by yourself, that’s boring and dangerous for someone like you.” he says, (Y/N)’s face falls slightly, “Someone like me?” they ask. Aether realizes his fuck up, “I me..mean someone whose as beautiful as you shouldn’t be left where they could get snatched up.” he says, a blush, once again thankfully hidden by his mask, spreads across his cheeks. The curvy Sibling drops their head to hide their own blush, “You’re just sayin that ya big sweetheart, nobody would want to steal me.” they laugh nervously.
Aether frowns, stepping closer and, with a sudden burst of confidence, he tilts their chin up “I say it cause it’s true, if I had the chance, I’m snatch you right up and steal you for myself.” he teases. The light blush on (Y/N)’s face erupted into a violent red that reaches their ears, “I-” is all they get out when suddenly Sodo, Mountain, and Rain appear, “Hey guys, Copia says that the crew has everything about loaded so we ca.., did we interupt something.” Dew trails off, eyes darting between the human and ghoul, “N..No! Aether said he saw something on my face so he was just looking!” (Y/N) exclaims, its a poor excuse but it’s the first thing that came to mind. “Okay..anyways, he said we can head to hotel if we’re ready and he’ll catch up later.” he finishes.
“Awesome, I was just waiting for you guys so let’s go.” (Y/N) says, quickly turning and walking out the door, the ghouls look between each other, “Did you do something?” Mountain asks, not necessarily accusing but there is a hint of a threat to the question. “No, of course not!” Aether says, groaning as he brings a hand up and rubs down his face, “I..may have called them beautiful and made a joke about stealing them for myself..” he says quietly, face burning with embarrassment. The others stand there for a moment before Sodo and Mountain burst out laughing, “Man, I never thought you’d have the balls to make a move Cupcake, good for you.” Dew cackles, moving to slap the taller ghoul on the shoulder, “I didn’t make a move on them! I just complimented them and made a joke.” he insists, “Yeah yeah, let’s head to the bus, my feet hurt and I want a real bed, me and Rainy have a date.” he say slyly, tail wrapping around the Water ghouls wrist, “Shu..shush Dew, you just said you wanted to room with me so you don’t have deal with the others snoring!” Rain says, letting the smaller guitarist drag him out the door. Mountain pats Aether’s shoulder, “Come on Lover Boy, before Swiss can make a move too.” he says, pulling the Quintessence ghoul with him.
The pair make it back to the bus, (Y/N) was no where in sight, “They immediately ran and seem to be hiding in their bunk.” Sunshine says. Aether decides against bothering them right now, he’ll apologize for overstepping when they get to the hotel. Mountain takes the driver seat and puts in the address (Y/N) had sent to him when he texted asking where he was going, it didn’t take long, only about 20 minutes, to reach the hotel. Sodo bolts out the doors with his bag slung over his shoulder and Rain in tow, (Y/N) follows suit as they quickly dart out to check in and get the keycards. The others make their way in, Aether being the last in so he had the last pick, the girls of course grouped up, Swiss and Mountain paired up (he tried to convince (Y/N) to room with him but they said “Hell no, last time we roomed together, I woke up to you sprawled naked on my bed with Sodo!”), and of course Rain and Sodo. Copia tends to get a room to himself unless either the hotel doesn’t have enough room or (Y/N) decides to punish a ghoul (and Copia by extension) by making them room with Papa. 
“I guess we’re together then.” Aether says, (Y/N) nods, hiding their red face as they duck down to grab their bag, “Yeah, room 207, the other’s are spaced throughout the hall except for Sodo and Rain, they’re right next to us.” they grimace. “Oh no, I’d say let’s hope they don’t fuck but we both know Dew can never keep it in his pants and Rain can never say no to being fucked.” Aether jokes, trying to lighten the mood, the human laughs as they make their way to the elevator. They hit the button to take them to the right floor, standing next to the buttons with Aether on the otherside, there is an awkward silence as the elevator ascends. Just as Aether got the courage to speak, the elevator dinged and the doors opened, “Come on, this way.” (Y/N) says, lugging their bag as they start walking down the hallway, he sighs and follows. Soon they stop outside the door labeled 207, opening the door using the keycard and holding the door so Aether can enter.
Once they have their things set on their chosen beds, (Y/N) flops down with a groan, kicking off their boots, “Fuck, I never thought today would end!” they say loudly, throwing their arms up before letting them flop back above their head. “You’re telling me, it felt like today’s Ritual was 5 hours long! Papa kept going on and on during his monologues, I swear he makes them longer each time.” Aether groans, plopping onto his own bed after kicking off his own boots and tossing his mask onto the nightstand. Theres a beat of silence before they try to speak, “I’m so-”, “Wan-”, they look at each other and laugh, “Go ahead Aeth, yours sounds more important.” (Y/N) insists, sitting up and crisscrossing their legs, “Okay, I just wanted to say sorry if I overstepped earlier, I do legitimately think your beautiful (Y/N), I wasn’t messing with you.” he says, fiddling with his tail nervously. 
The curvy human stares at the ghoul in shock, no one had really complimented them outside of the ghouls, who all insisted that they were gorgeous and even called ‘smoking fucking hot’ by Sodo, who had winked at them, but they never took them seriously, thinking that they were just trying to make them feel better. But the way Aether apologized and the look of pure seriousness on his face makes them believe that he is telling the truth.
“You didn’t overstep Aether, don’t worry, I just..am not used to someone complimenting me and then saying something so…I don’t know, like they want me.” they explain, crossing their arms across their stomach in an act of self-comfort. “Oh honey, your absolutely gorgeous, you have to have all the Brother’s and Sister’s back home lining up at your door.” he insists, (Y/N) laughs, “Your funny Aeth, most of the other Siblings avoid me if you haven’t notice..most of them think I’m either stuck up due to my position or that I’m hideous, for obvious reasons.” they say, gesturing to their body. Aether frowns, standing up from his bed and walking over to the human. Sitting in front of them and grabbing their hands gently and with possibly the softest look they have ever seen in their life, he says “(Y/N), never call yourself hideous. You are the furthest thing from even the word ugly, you are breathtaking, forgive me if I’m being too much, but the second I saw you, I swear I thought you were a fallen angel, you are so beautiful you rival the angels themselves.” (Y/N) stares at the ghoul, mouth open in shock, Aether continues, “You might just be the most enchanting creature I have ever laid eyes on and anyone who says your less than gorgeous, then they have to be blind.” he finishes, taking a deep breath. 
(Y/N) is close to tears, simply staring at the Quintessence ghoul, the feeling of butterflies in their stomach when the ghoul had grabbed their hands turned into a swarm of hornets with bashfulness. Aether’s cheeks are covered in a violet hue as his own butterflies turn into a tornado of nerves, he decides to just say fuck it and land the final blow, “What I guess I’m saying is, I love you (Y/N), more than anything on Earth or in the Pit. You are exquisite and I hope you feel the same because I don’t know what I will do if I can’t hold you in my arms or kiss you.” he says, royal eyes staring in (E/C), his tail nervously flicking behind him.
A deep silence fills the room, the human never expected Aether to ever feel the same way for them that they did for him, his confession shocked them into silence, mouth opening and closing like a fish. The ghoul takes their silence as rejection, ears lower and tail drooping, he starts to pull away, but before he can, (Y/N) grabs his face and presses their lips to his, eyes shut tightly as they try to express all the emotions they feel for him through their connected lips. Aether freezes for a moment, but quickly melts into the kiss, tangling his fingers into (H/C) locks as he pulls them closer. 
The kiss turns hungry as (Y/N) tugs Aether closer to them, their hands migrating down to wrap around his neck, playing with the small strands of hair at the base of his skull. The large ghouls growls lightly as he hovers above the human, nipping at their lip, eliciting a gasp from them, before slipping his forked tongue into their mouth, their wet muscles fighting for dominance before choosing to simply tangle together as Aether strokes a hand down their side, slipping a hand under their shirt. This makes (Y/N) gasp and pull away, instinctively grabbing the intruding hand, “I..I’m sorry, I don’t think I’m quite ready to..go that far yet..I’m sorry if I seem like a baby.” they whisper, a look of shame overtaking their face. 
But before they could look away, Aether grabs their chin, forcing them to look him into the eye. Pressing a gentle kiss to their cheek then their forehead, “(Y/N), my love, I completely understand, never apolgize for establishing a boundary. I should be the one apologizing for trying to push things, I’m sorry for that.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to their swollen lips. He rolls off of them, choosing to lay next to them instead. (Y/N) turns to look at him, but before they can speak, he presses a finger to their lips, “If your thinking I would ever possibly be disgusted by your body, think again, I could never be anything but aroused by such a sexy body. But I am not going to force you to do anything you aren’t comfortable with, if you rather, we can simply cuddle or I can go back to my bed if you’d prefer?” he states, grabbing a small hand and kissing their knuckles. “No, please stay. Cuddling would be nice.” they say softly, grabbing the guitarists hand and pulling it to place their own kisses. Aether smiles at the adorable sight, he grunts as he shifts to instead lean against the pillows, opening his arms in offering for them to lay against him. (Y/N) grins, squirming up to snuggle against the Quintessence ghoul, who wraps his arms around them and nuzzles his face against their hair, sighing contently as he inhales the smell of their (perfume/cologne) and their own scent of (favorite smells).
This is where they remain for a long time, simply basking in the warmth of each other, sharing soft kisses and then trailing them elsewhere, hands do wonder a tad but only over top of the clothing. Eventually (Y/N) speaks, “I think we both need to shower and change before we sleep, I don’t fancy falling asleep in jeans and the shirt I’ve been wearing all day.” Aether groans but he knows their right, he may have changed but he still smells like sweat and he doesn’t like sleeping in jeans either. He insists (Y/N) showers first, saying he’ll find a movie for them to watch while he waits, the Sibling presses a quick kiss to his lips before rolling out of his arms and off the bed, ‘Fuck I always sleep in shorts..well it’s not like he’s never seen me in them before.’ they think to themselves as they gather a pair of black, loose sleep shorts and an oversized t-shirt, along with their toiletries, (possibly stolen from the ghoul currently in their bed, but they’ll never admit it) as Aether grabs the hotel tv’s remote and turns it on, some random tv show starts blaring from the speakers as they close the bathroom door.
(Y/N) makes quick work of showering, saving brushing their teeth once they eat, reminding themselves to mention ordering food to the room (that is what they were originally going to ask Aether about earlier) before the ghoul gets in the shower. Opening the door as a cloud of steam escapes the bathroom, they exit and toss their dirty clothes next to their overnight bag, Aether is lounging on the bed, watching some MTV show, when he turns to look at them. He can’t help the way he looks up and down the curvy Siblings body, eyes hungrily taking in their thick, bare thighs and the way their hips follow the curve of their love handles, “Eyes up here mister.” (Y/N) says in a jokingly serious tone, crossing their arms. Aether chuckles, standing up from the bed, coming over to wrap his arms around their waist, “Sorry sweetheart, you just look so good.” he says, pressing a kiss to their neck. They laugh, pushing him away, “No way buster, you’re still stinky and I just got clean.” they say, Aether whines but obeys, walking over to his own bag to grab some clothes for after his shower.
“By the way, are you hungry? I was going to ask earlier before…all that happened. Wanna order food before you get in the bathroom?” (Y/N) asks, jumping on the bed and grabbing their phone, pulling up Doordash and scrolling through the options, “Yeah sure, what’s around?” Aether asks as he grabs his bathroom things, pair of sweats under his arm. “Uhhh, fast food, burger joint, Chiles, and some Mexican place.” (Y/N) replies, “I’m good with anything, you pick.” he says, “Chiles?” they offer, “Sounds good, remember my usual?” Aether asks as he walks to the bathroom. “Yeah, still have it saved from last time!” (Y/N) chirps, already adding their order to the cart.
They place the order, and it arrives a few minutes after Aether gets out of the bathroom. They eat on the bed while watching some Adam Sandler movie that had popped up. Once they finished, they somehow shoved all of the trash into the small trashcan next to the dresser holding the TV and brushed their teeth before snuggling under the covers. (Y/N) with their head on the ghoul's soft chest, arms wrapped around him, while Aether has one arm around their back while he fiddles with the TV. Eventually, they fall asleep with the TV still droning on in the background.
The next morning, Aether wakes up first. He is at first confused by the feeling of a body pressed against his since he knows he was sharing with (Y/N), but then everything that had happened the night before comes flying back, he had confessed and (Y/N) reciprocated. They slept together in the same bed, (Y/N) is cuddled up on top of him, seemingly having moved in their sleep, head tucked into his neck and laying between his legs. He lets a dopey smile overtake his face as he gently hugs the human closer, rubbing his cheek against their hair and wrapping his tail around their thigh. Today was a simple travel day, so while they didn’t have to exactly rush, they didn’t have all day to lay in bed before Sodo and/or Swiss came banging on the door, demanding they let them in, usually ending up with the ghouls in one or both of their beds, cuddling into whoever their chosen victim was and making them late.
Aether chooses to let (Y/N) sleep a little longer, not wanting to ruin this moment just yet. The TV was still on, playing some random soap opera now, he chooses to watch for a little while as he takes in the warmth and softness of his new partner. Once the commercial break starts, he decides to wake them, “(Y/N), my love, it’s time to wake up.” he calls softly, pressing kisses across the bits of face he could reach, earning a groan on protest as the human tucks in further, trying to escape the albeit pleasant wakening but not wanting to wake up yet, “5 more minutes.” they whine. “No sweet girl/boy, you need to wake up, unless you want Dewdrop and Swiss to bust down the door and see you in those sexy shorts.” he purrs, nipping at their now-exposed ear. This gets a yelp and a cracked (E/C) eye at him, suddenly their head shoots up as they realize their positioning, but before the anxious human can move off of him, Aether wraps his arms tighter around them, “Ah Ah, I just wanted you to wake up, I didn’t ask you to move did I?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. “Ar..aren’t I too heavy?” they ask, “No, not at all darling, now stay put unless you’re getting up to use the bathroom.” he states, they huff but accept the situation, laying back down as they grab their phone from where it was charging.
After a few minutes, (Y/N) has to get up to use the bathroom when there is a sudden rapid knocking on their door, “Aeth, (Y/N)! Open up, lemme innnnn!” Sodo’s whine comes through the door, Aether groans as (Y/N) opens the door, “Did you have to let the Gremlin in?” Aether asks, Dew simply sticks out his tongue, “You two love me, you can’t deny it.” he snarks as he wraps his arms around (Y/N)’s waist. “Someone woke up extra clingy this morning, did snuggling with Rainy all night not meet your quota?” (Y/N) teases, hugging the Fire ghoul back, “He kicked me out of his bed claiming I was trying to start stuff, I can’t help he has such a squeezable ass!” Sodo whines, “Don’t worry Aeth, yours is the best” he says with a wink to the Quintessence ghoul who flips him off. 
This is when the normally oblivious ghoul becomes quite perspective, he takes in how there was clearly only one bed used, the other only having slightly ruffled sheets from when Aether had sat on it for a minute, “Aeth did you finally tell them?!” he asks, mouth dropping open, looking between the human he’s hugging and the other ghoul. “Yes, I did. So don’t be getting any funny ideas ya little shit.” Aether grumbles from the bed, “(Y/N), you seriously got with Beefcake over here? You could’ve had your pick of the litter!” Sodo whines, the human laughs, pulling away to sit next to their partner, “Yes, I did. Love you Dew, but Aether is the comfiest thing I have ever slept on, no offense but I’m pretty sure my ass would break any of the rest of you.” they say with a wink. The Fire ghoul smirks as he joins the pair on the bed, wiggling his way into Aether’s lap, “Don’t say that before you try it Marshmellow, you’d find I can handle quite a lot~” he purrs, earning a tug on his tail by an annoyed Quintessence ghoul, “Their mine, hands to yourself unless otherwise told so Spice Boy.” Aether growls though he hugs the Gremlin closer. (Y/N) laughs and lies next to the ghouls, taking in what they hope is the first of many fun and cuddly mornings.
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cupfullofpapas · 11 months
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Second Vol in The Assistant series: In the arms of a Devil Rated: E F/M Cardinal Copia x F!Reader Papa Emeritus IV x F!Reader Also read it on my Ao3 here Previous Vol. : The Assistant
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4: Gearing up to roll out
Time seemed to speed up after you got back to the Abbey, back into the fast pace of your work, Gemma was due to pop any day now so Sister had her relocated from the Prime Movers Den to sick bay, goulettes who were specifically trained to bring forth a Papa's child into the world were kept nearby alongside two of the older Sisters of Sin, Vittoria and Sofia. The whole Ministry was buzzing with excitement about a new Emeritus, who if it was a boy would one day become the next Papa but if it were a girl she would become one of the many siblings of sin.
While most were hoping for a boy Primo didn't care if the baby was a boy or girl as long as they were healthy. The oldest Emeritus brother had been the fatherly figure for his two younger brothers Secondo and Terzo so it was no surprise when children were left on the step of the ministry or found alone on the street he was quick to take them under his wing, raising them with his wife Gemma. Primo loved and adored the many children that he had taken in there was no doubt about that, treating them all as if they had come from his own loins. But this child would truly be from his seed, a child between him and his beloved Prime Mover and wife.
"Dolcezza." Came the voice of your Cardinal as his arms wrapped around you from behind his chest pressed against your back, Copia wasn't afraid or put off by public affection in fact he encouraged it, you were his and he wanted everyone to know it. "Looks like Gem is about to pop, eh?." You nodded leaning back against him enjoying the embrace as he slowly swayed you both from side to side. "Sister called me to do some photos for Gennaio would you like to come with me?." You paused looking up at him. "Gennaio?." You questioned.
"Uhh… eh.. th-th- the first month in the New Year" "Oh! January." "Sì sì!… uhh… Jan-ua-ree." You couldn't help the laugh that slipped past your lips as Copia tried to repeat after you though his thick accent made it a little tough for him, you turned around in his arms to face him.
"Gold star for effort." You giggled leaning up to catch his lips feeling the man practically melt against you as he kissed you back once, twice a third on the fourth you both seemed to forget that you were standing in the hall of the Abbey, Copia had you pinned to the wall your arms wrapped around his neck as your lips molded together while your tongues danced.
At that moment Secondo had turned down the hall on his way to visit his sister-in-law, Sister Emilia at his side going over a few documents quietly chattering to herself. When his mismatched eyes landed on you and the Cardinal his blood boiled. Not so much over the fact that you weren't his anymore but the fact that you chose a pathetic Cardinal over him, a man of unholy valor. He was about to lash out until he felt a hand on his forearm. Emilia shook her head her dark curls bouncing those soft hazel eyes staring pleadingly up at him, it made the man visibly deflate letting her lead him to the other doorway. Secondo looked down at her hand clasped around his gloved one admiring the size difference between them. Emilia was a petite yet chubby woman with perfect birthing hips, ample breasts, and an ass that Secondo sometimes found himself staring at longer than he intended to.
Slowly Copia broke the kiss with a smack of your lips, staying close enough to where they were barely touching, his breathing deep and cheeks dusted with a light pink. "R-Ready bella?." He asked his voice barely a whisper as your lips made the tiniest brush against each other. "Yeah, yeah let's get going." You replied breathlessly as you took your Cardinal's hand walking with him to one of the meeting rooms in the South Wing, Sister stood against the open door like a teacher waiting to greet their students. "I'm glad you could make it, I only called you a half hour ago Cardi." Her voice dripped with sarcasm as Copia gave Imperator an apologetic look before he apologized several times in a row.
"Alright, alright get in here." She spoke as she ushered both of you into the room dragging Copia to the set up for the photos. "Now, Cardi I and Papa Nihil have thought about something that will- rile our followers up, make them both fear and respect you." Nihil chimed in. "Because let's face it you are as intimidating as that stupid cat poster in your room." Copia's face deadpanned the man slouching forward. "Thanks for pointing that out, Papa." sarcasm dripped from his words. "Enough." Sister spoke holding up a CVS bag. "This will help you." Reaching into the bag Sister Imperator pulled out Terzo's head, you were stunned into silence Copia shouted as he stumbled backward falling onto the floor. "S-S-SISTER?!?!?!"
Imperator rolled her eyes "Oh for the love of- it's fake." She tossed it to Copia who caught it and immediately dropped the fake severed head onto his chest the lifeless eyes staring at him, Copia poked the head a few times before determining that Sister was telling the truth.
"Uhhh… Sister….. why do you… why do you even have this?." The Cardinal asked as you helped him up from the floor making a face as he passed you the fake head, to your surprise it was heavy, made of wax. looking across the room you saw a child basketball hoop suctioned up to the door, you looked from the head to the hoop and back… you wondered if you could… no… no you shouldn't… but the noise you pictured the head making as it hit the floor almost made you laugh.
Luckily Sister took the fake Terzo head before the intrusive thoughts won you over, handing it back to Copia. "We also need to discuss your first tour, album, and how things are going to work and go, and the budget, now as for the ghoul masks there isn't much time to come up with a redesign but we have made a slight alteration to them alongside producing one specifically for the ghoulettes." Both you and the Cardinal stared at her not being able to believe that she had said that all in one breath.
"Now! Pictures!." She called out making Copia jump a little almost dropping Terzo's head, sitting back you watched as Sister moved him around positioning him like some living doll. He gave small noises of discomfort a random 'ow' here and there, which was sometimes accompanied by a 'god dammit'. "Now Cardi I need you to look angry and serious." He tried but ended up looking like an awkward mess, Nihil's laughter in the background didn't help him either. "Come on…Uhg!… god damn it Cardi more anger!." "I can't Sister!, I can't fake that level of-."
"Bello." You called to him catching his attention quickly. "Think of that night Terzo flirted with me." Copia was silent for a moment remembering. Terzo's smart ass comments, the insults that were directed at him… the way that Stronzo put his arm around you so freely… Oh….oh that did it, the look Copia gave was deadly, serious, and dangerous. "Perfect Cardi!, perfect." Sister spoke as she took the photos an additional one that had Nihil in the background. You had to shift in your chair and swallow the saliva pooling in your mouth or you'd be drooling. the intense stare of your Cardinals eyes… sweet Satan you were wet.
As soon as the photos were done Copia sauntered across the room stopping when he stood in front of you. The Cardinal's gloved hands cupped both your cheeks his lips meeting yours, kissing you with enough force to pin you and the chair back against the wall. You silently thanked Lucifer that the chair was against the wall or you knew both of you would have taken a tumble from the force, this kiss was an act of dominance.
He was silently telling you, you were his and he'd allow no other to have you or touch you and damn it, it made you weak. When Sister finally let you both leave, happy with the results Copia practically dragged you to the nearest free hidden space which happened to be one of the supply closets.
Once inside you turned from him to lock the door you didn't get a chance to turn around, Copia was already pressed against your back. You made a soft noise of discomfort as his grucifix dug into you, Copia pulled the chained symbol from around his neck and hung it onto one of the supply shelves.
"B-babe-." You gasped as you felt him grinding against your ass, his cassock doing little to hide his thick arousal, Copia's gloved hands slid down your sides until he gripped your soft thick hips hard enough to no doubt leave marks behind.
"Forgive me bene mio," Copia spoke against the back of your ear. "But that thought has done more to me than just anger me." His voice was thick with lust and need. "I need you right now Tesoro." Copia's hand came up to cup your clothed breasts squeezing them tightly through the fabric of your habit, his gloved fingers rolling over your clothed hard nipples before leaving them to take hold of your wrists lifting and placing your hands on the door.
"Don't move piccolina." The Cardinal spoke as he lowered himself behind you his gloved hands sliding up your legs slowly, lifting the skirt of your habit with it. Your face was dusted red as your Cardinal moved you just a little so that you were leaning, enough so that your skirt would rest on your lower back and not fall back down. A shaky breath passed your lips as you felt the leather of his gloves slide over your clothed ass. "So full and beautiful…." "Copia…" you whined quietly. "Shush principessa." You could hear him inhale as he breathed in your scent, his fingers hooking into your panties and pulling them down exposing your perfect round ass and pussy to him, your face grew warmer as you heard him growl quietly. "Bellissima."
You were about to speak his name again your mouth opened however the only thing that came out was a strangled gasp as you felt his tongue slide along your wet slit. Your Cardinal's hands moving from your hips his thumbs parting the soft lips of your pussy. His tongue danced against your opening moving up, down, and side to side.
"Oh…Oh fuck Copia." You gasped your legs parting a bit more on instinct the move getting an appreciative growl from your Cardinal, as he dined on you. His hands moved away from you to tug at his belt, you heard the pulling of his zipper as his erection sprung free from his pants. Pulling back he palmed your sex covering his hand with both his saliva and your slick to use, the thought of it made your inner walls clench as you heard the slick noises from both his tongue swirling inside of you and the wet leather as he stroked his engorged length.
Your moans were joined by his muffled ones as you were approaching your end, you could feel that pressure starting to wind up inside of you like a spring about to pop.
Finally, with the last flicker of his tongue against your sensitive clit you came. Your hand cupped over your mouth as you pushed back against that wonderfully talented tongue moaning his name. Copia cleaned up the mess dripping along your legs while you came down from your pleasure high.
Panting you felt Copia stand up behind you, his throbbing erection bouncing against your wet folds.
"C-Condom?." You asked breathlessly, it was a good thing you were turned away from him or you would have seen the man desperately searching himself for protection, only to realize that he didn't have any on him. his harsh 'Ah shit' answered your question, you could feel him throb against your clit making you bite your lip.
For Copia, he was so hard that it was starting to hurt and drive him crazy, almost pushing him to the brink of actually risking pumping his seed into you or trying the pullout method. "Cara Mia I don't have any on me, but I need you so bad." His voice was low and sounded pleading hoping you would give in.
"Don’t talk nonsense.." You whispered looking back at him. "M-Mi dispiace, Sorella." He muffled against your shoulder leaning up you moved enough so that the skirt of your habit fell back down, well somewhat the fabric had hooked onto your Cardinals erected cock making him gasp and give an involuntary buck of his hips.
"I can simply return the favor" you giggled. "Eh..?" Sinking to your knees Copia wheezed as he watched your sinful tongue lick at the tip of his cockhead pressing against his slit. "Ah-… at least one of us is thinking with the correct h-EAD!." Copia gasped loudly as you sucked him in completely his tip nestled lovingly inside your throat his hands going to rest on the door.
"M-Merda, ragazza birichina, si…cara ." Copia gasped out one hand leaving the door only to weave itself into your hair as you sucked him, it didn't take long for him to reach his end having been so worked up. Copia pinned your head against the door with his hips as he came his hot sticky seed hitting the back of your throat in thick ropes, Copia's head laid back his biretta falling and landing on the floor.
Slowly he pulled back his softening cock falling free from your mouth a thin line of spittle and cum connected your lips to him, breaking in seconds to land on your chin. Copia's hands moved to stuff himself back into his pants as you pulled your panties back into place.
A giggle left your mouth as your Cardinal wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you against himself, his head dipping to press a kiss to your lips tasting the faint hint of himself on them. Before the kiss could deepen and require a 'round 2' you both left out of the supply closet hand in hand.
Time seemed to move at a fast pace again in the blink of an eye it was the night before your Cardinal's first tour. Stepping out of the bathroom with his towel wrapped around his waist Copia went over everything.. or tried to his nerves were starting to show. "Eh… keys.. keys… where the hell-. " "Hanging up Caro." You spoke from your place on the couch looking at one of Marmalade's new babies watching the little pink bean crawl around in your hand, you and Copia were still thinking about names he had already named one 'Rolie Polie' given the baby rat always liked to roll around. Getting up you gently placed the baby back with its mother after affectionately naming the little life 'Gelato', closing the cage you turned to face him, your man currently fast-paced walking through the dorm room in nothing but fuzzy slippers and a towel around his waist cursing in his native tongue. You made your way to your Cardinal your hands being placed on his shoulders.
"Copia, just breathe okay? and besides I think the keys should be the last of your worries I mean, hun you aren't even dressed yet." Copia froze for a moment and looked down at himself seeing only a towel wrapped around his waist for the moment, once he acknowledged it the thing fell onto the floor leaving the poor man in nothing but those fuzzy slippers.
"Cara Mia." The words were spoken in utter defeat as your Cardinal rested his forehead against yours with a sigh passing his lips, there was a lot on his mind. The tour, how the masses and followers would react knowing full well that Terzo had been a fan favorite, how he was going to get control of the ghouls and ghoulettes given the fact he hadn't earned his unholy skull paint yet, and then there was you…
He would have to be away from you for so long what if something happened? What if someone hurt you? Went after you? what if someone….better came along…someone more handsome… less awkward? You saw him staring off in the distance again in silent panic, frowning you placed your hands on his cheeks making him look and focus on you. "Copia, everything will be fine, okay?" "But sorella-" "No buts."
You could see the turmoil in his eyes, this was something he wanted but also he didn't want to leave your side. That was when it hit you the memory of his words at the hotel weeks back…
" Each time I thought a sorella or fratello loved me, and wanted to be with me they always chose Terzo or Secondo.." It made your heart ache for him and you couldn't be mad at him for assuming or thinking you'd leave him given that was all he knew, what he'd been through, for a moment you wondered…
Just how many times had your Cardinal's trust been broken? how many times had he wept over rejection? how many tears had he shed alone?
It made your bottom lip wobble thinking about this man before you curled up in bed crying with a broken and battered heart just wanting to be loved, to love, and to matter. With no warning, you reached out and pulled him into a tight embrace hearing him gasp in surprise. "C-Cara?." Copia asked looking down at you his eyes widening when he saw the shine of unshed tears in your eyes. "Dolcezza, what is wrong? Are you alright? did I step on your foot?." He asked looking down only to be taken by surprise as your lips met his once again, this kiss had him freeze in his spot… the amount of passion that you had placed in this kiss, the amount of love you had for your Cardinal, baring your feelings so easily had even shocked you a little bit.
His arms wrapped around you hugging you tight against his naked chest while your hands slid up to rest on his shoulders. Copia slowly walked you back until you felt the cool of the wall press against you. Soft hums were shared into the kisses. "Mmmm.. you know, Tesoro I am going to be gone for a while… I'm going to miss this lovely body of yours from the top of your pretty head to the tips of your dainty toes… let me have tonight, tonight to worship you Principessa."
Your Cardinal whispered as he kissed his way from your lips to your throat, with those soft kisses you both worked your way down the hall to the bedroom. Copia gently laid you down on the bed his slippers had been kicked off by the door leaving the man naked and at attention. You gave a pleased sigh as you felt his hands trace your clothed frame before slowly removing those clothes one garment at a time. His moves were slow, hungry mismatched green, and white eyes were filled with desire as your skin was bared to him. He was only undressing you but your heart was racing, your face warm it felt so intimate as he stared down at you.
When your chest was bare each heavy breast laid to the side, the way he stared at you in awe, as if you were a priceless portrait made your face flush even more. A veil of shyness fell over you as your hands moved over your chest covering yourself from his view, your face turned away from him. The move only got a chuckle from Copia as his hand gently cupped your cheek turning your attention back to him. "Why do you hide from me principessa?."
Right, why hide from him? he'd seen your body before and it's not like it was your first time with him but.. the way he looked at you, not even Secondo looked at you like that. "I… I.." You spoke but couldn't form a reason nor a sentence and you didn't fight him as your Cardinal took possession of your wrists moving your hands away from your breast. "Bellezza, you have the body of a goddess." Copia's voice was above a whisper as he leaned in pressing a soft kiss to the center of your chest before selecting a nipple to take between his lips. Suckling on the erect tip, that sinful tongue of his swirling around it before switching to the other to show it an equal amount of attention. Leaning back his hands kneaded your breast feeling how soft and warm they were in his grip. "Cara mia you have such soft warm perfect breasts" He whispered squishing the mounds together so he could take both of your nipples into his mouth at once.
The move got a gasp from you feeling his tongue lavish both at once. "A…Ah, shit-" You gasped your hands gripping the bed sheets below as Copia continued his relentless attack on your poor sensitive nipples. Finally, with a wet pop he let them go making your head fall back against the pillow your eyes closed. You felt his lips and nose brush down the length of your abdomen. "So soft and lovely." He pressed a flurry of kisses against your belly making you giggle and laugh out his name before he moved on to rid you of your skirt and panties. You watched his eyes roll back as they closed while taking a deep inhale of your scent. "Sorella… your scent alone makes me harder than stone." He muttered having the erection to prove it, the organ visibly throbbing the veins running along the side and bottom were more pronounced. You opened your mouth to speak but were shushed by him. "Ah, ah shush shush, tesoro." Copia smiled you were about to speak when he flopped his face between your legs pushing his tongue as deep inside of you as he could get, making all the words that were about to leave your mouth turn into a long-winded moan.
He ate you like you were his last meal, like a man that had been stranded in the desert for weeks and your cunt was the water he desperately craved, his mouth made your hips arch up against his face as you called out for him. "Copia!." You moaned your moans only increased as he added his fingers to the mix, the Cardinal slipping his middle and index fingers into you thrusting them in and out as fast as he could driving you crazy. You couldn't even make a sentence as you wiggled and squirmed crying out in pleasure, It was all over for you once he latched onto your clit while his fingers continued to be thrust into you. "I..I… Car… Cum!."
You yelled out as your body spasmed your mouth a gape in a silent scream, Copia drank you in his tongue lapping at your entrance getting as much of your release as he could your walls throbbed, and your legs shook after such a strong orgasm. Moving up along your body his lips pressed against yours groaning as his cock throbbed and bounced against your wet lips, reaching over Copia pulled at the nightstand drawer which pulled the lamp cord making the thing fall onto the floor. "Ah shit" He muffled against your lips while his hand frantically dug around in the drawer for a condom.
Blindly passing the opened box he gave a grumble. "Where is it?" Reaching further his fingers finally felt the edge of one of the foil packages that was in the back of the drawer. Copia pulled it out with a 'taa-daa' making you giggle.
Opening the package he rolled it over his erection. Leaning back the Cardinal lifted one of your legs to rest against his shoulder while he guided his cock to your heat, as soon as his cock head touched your warmth his head fell back with a pleased sigh as your pussy welcomed him inside.
Your hands moved to rest on his abdomen once he was completely inside of you, Copia bit his bottom lip looking down at you seeing that pretty face twisted into pleasure, there was still the feeling of overwhelming joy that you chose him. "Così bella, sei pronta cara mia?." He asked his voice shaky with both desire and need. Nodding you gasped as he pulled almost completely out, only to push back into you making you moan his name, your hands grabbing onto the bed sheets below.
In no time you both found a rhythm moving together until Copia practically pinned your knees to your chest, his lips parted panting as he slammed into you with more force. Words were lost to both of you replaced with moans, groans, and grunts of pleasure. Letting go of your legs Copia leaned over you his half-lidded mismatched eyes staring into yours as he fucked you, your arms wrapped around him pulling your Cardinal into a kiss.
"Fuck baby I'm close!." You moaned feeling the pressure build up right to the edge. "Sì, sì, yes cum cara mia cum all over my cock!." Copia groaned as his thrusts became more erratic his brow furrowed and eyes closed as he lost himself in the heat of pleasure, doing all he could to keep hearing your pretty cries the bed creaking loudly you swore you heard a crack. When you came everything around you faded away into a bright light, your hearing muffled as you felt wave after wave of orgasmic bliss run up and down your body, you heard the faint cry of your Cardinal as he came the condom catching his sticky hot seed. You were still in a daze when he collapsed on top of you, your arms lazily wrapped around him holding him there while you both savored the afterglow of your lovemaking.
Copia was reluctant to move from you but he knew he couldn't just lay there not like that at least, he pulled out of you slowly disposing of the condom, and grabbed you both a drink and a bag of chips from the cabinet once he returned to the bed you snuggled up talking and munching before settling in for the night in each other's arms.
Finally, daylight came, and with daylight came the departure of the band on their tour. As equipment was being loaded Copia was checking over the last few items just making sure he had everything they needed. The last of the instruments that needed to be loaded into the trailer was Mountain's drum set, of course you were there to bid your Cardinal goodbye for now, Copia took your hands into his.
"Well tesoro, this is it…" "Copia," she spoke his name lovingly your hand cupping his cheek. "It's only for a few months, not forever." "But a few months will feel like forever Cara." Your Cardinal argued to which you only giggled his name before leaning in to capture his lips. "Copia you have a cellphone correct?." "Sì, it is old, but still works, why?." "Can you video chat on it?" "Yes, Sorella where is this going?." "Duh, silly! we can video chat while you're on the road!." Copia's eyes lit up. "Oh!, why didn't I think of that." "Because you were too busy overthinking and overreacting." you sang out the words before laughing as Copia placed his hands on his hips trying to think of a comeback or anything for that matter, but nothing came to mind the only thing that passed his lips was a defeated sounding 'god damnit'. You both jumped as the bus roared to life. "Come on Cardinal!." Dew shouted while hanging out the door only to be yanked back in by Mountain for a small lecture about safety. "Cara Mia." He started. "I will call you when we reach the hotel." Copia smiled as he gently pulled you against himself for a tight hug, holding you for a good few minutes to memorize how you felt in his arms. His lips found yours the kiss deep and soft, it would be the last one for the next couple of months after all and your Cardinal wanted to savor it. Dew jumped in front of the driver and slammed on the horn making the new front man grumble. "Until then, bene mio." "Until then, amore" you replied watching as your Cardinal's face went two shades of red a large goofy grin on his face, he watched you even as Dew grabbed his arm and made the man stumble back before getting dragged onto the bus.
"Così bella, sei pronta cara mia?." - "So beautiful, are you ready my dear?." Principessa - princess Piccolina - little one Bene mio - my happiness "M-Merda, ragazza birichina, si…cara ." - “S-Shit, naughty girl, yes…dear.”
Taglist: If you would like to be tagged for new chapters let me know! @thesoundresoundsecho @xpapaemeritus @copiasprincipessa
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plaquerat · 2 months
also insane that "fat is not a dirty word" needs to be said but I'll literally say like "oh yeah this character is fat" and then everyone else will say like chubby or curvy or something else like just say fat. please just say fat. i don't make cumulus curvy i make her fat. i don't make terzo or omega or aether or whoever else chubby, i make them fat. please.
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papacopia-crucified · 2 years
Well…. I have a thing for Terzo too. So here’s a little something-something. That is just wrote for all of you. Any this gif makes me come in my pants so.
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I Desire You
Papa Emeritus Terzo x chubby!Reader
Summary: You knew that he’d never look at you that way, you look at him. You were the shy girl who’s like to be in the back. But your feelings for the certain Papa makes you sad, luckily Papa has his eyes only for you.
You became a Sister of Sin years ago, your fellow siblings loved you to the bone. The Ghouls were friendly with you also, which was rather surprising to everyone. Well some sibling were bullying you for who you are. The shy sister, who’d never break a bone, harm other human being. They called you fatty, cause you weren’t the same size as them. Your thighs and arms were more bigger and your stomach was rounder but you did not care, well not many times.
“Look here’s fatty again. You came here to eat yourself to death?” One sibling was rather rude to you always.. and you hater her for this.
“Come on girls. Let the chubby girl eat.” The other giggled and left you at the verge of tears. You sat down with a tray put on the table and started to eat.
“I’m sorry you have to go through this.” Said suddenly a low voice next to you. It’s was Dewdrop. Then all of the ghouls joined you to eat.
“It’s alright. I got used to it by now.” You sighed
“But it’s not fair to treat someone like you like this. I bet Terzo wants to hear about it.” Says Mountain
“Yeah, he doesn’t like when the siblings behave like that.” Said Cirrus
“Please no. I can handle this alone.”
“For how long?” Asked Aether and bit from the bread
“I don’t know. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”
“Yeah.. a rather attractive one.”
“Oh stop it Sunshine.” You blushed at her answer and she just giggled.
“She’s right. Please (y/n). If you don’t tell Terzo, then we will.”
“Ugh… fine I’ll tell him, just let me be okay?” You did not even finished your lunch, and of course you gave it to Dewdrop. He volunteered to eat yours if you don’t want it. You had an eating disorder and still have but not as intensely as it was before, it happened that you ate so little for weeks that you collapsed right on Cirrus while you two were talking. When Terzo heard about it, he managed it to sneak into the infirmary to see how you were. Of course the ghouls told him what happened.
As you said goodbye to your friends, and you wanted to just get over with the conversation about being abused by your fellow siblings and headed straight to Terzo’s office. You gently knocked on the door.
“Entra.” (Enter) You grabbed onto the door handle and gently pressed on it to open the door. “Ah Sister (y/n). Come on in.” He said when he realised that it was you who decided to see him. You stepped inside and closed the door behind you, after you approached Terzo and greeted him after he motioned you to sit down.
“Thank you for your time Papa.”
“Anytime, tell me what’s troubling you?” He clasped his fingers together and put his head onto them. His intense gaze did not left you and you were burning up already. You sat down in a chair which was in front of the desk and began.
“I don’t know how to say it. Uhmm…”
“You don’t have to be shy Sorella. Just tell me.”
“You see, the ghouls told me that if I don’t tell you this they’d do it. So here we go. Some sister treats me like I’m just a pig in the piggery, they made up funny names about me, mocking me, even hurt me.” His metes widened and you saw that he was shocked by your words.
“How is that possible Sister?”
“Well it’s not that hard to notice…” you said in a sad tone.
“Don’t think about yourself that way Sorella, You’re wonderful, maybe they’re just jealous of your beauty.”
“Oh if it was the case I’d be happy, but no. I’m just a fat pig to them nothing more.”
“And you think about yourself that way? You think that this is true?” He asked now hands were on his desk holding him up by his forearms.
“To be honest, all the time. The ghouls are almost always there to take it off my mind, but when I’m inside my room, the memories get back and I just become really sad.”
“I’m heartbroken to see you in such a state mia dolce. Don’t worry, I’ll speak to them myself.”
“Please no. No I can handle it myself. The Ghouls are just protective about me. I still don’t understand why.”
“But they make you feel loved, don’t they?” Lucky them he thought
“Yes, they do Papa. I’m very grateful that they consider me as their friend.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling good around them. But the sisters should not say such thing to you. It troubles me.”
“Why Papa?”
“I teach our sibling to be loving and be kind to each other, not rude and disrespectful.”
“I know. But they doesn’t seem to care. Now I should go now, I still have to help Papa Primo with his garden. And after I have to serve dinner.” You stood up from the chair and bowed down for him. “Thank you again for your time Papa. I really appreciate it.” He stood up and took one of your hand in his and kissed it. Leaving burning sensation behind it. Your whole body was on fire. He was so handsome, his papal paint was still on, his mismatched eyes bored into yours and it send tingling sensations all over your body.
“Thank you Sorella, you don’t look so bad either.” He winked and you knew that your mouth slipped.
“Did I said it out loud didn’t I?”
“Just a little bit.” He laughed and escorted you to the door and opened it for you.
“Thank you, you’re such a gentleman Papa.” You stepped outside and bid farewell to get to you duties once again. Primo trusted you with his garden, he even helped you take care of it. You two had some long conversations about the garden and just things that happened to the two of you. He was such a father figure to you. And of course you tell him every single detail about the sisters of sin. He was rather upset that this happened within these walls, but you reassured him that you already talked with Terzo about it. And you did not even know that he’ll have a talk with them… and it’ll make your life even harder.
The next day you were assigned to do laundry for the Papa’s. You made your was over to the two Papa’s and gathered they laundry. Primo gave you a little rose and you poked it into your hair, behind you ear. Secondo already gathered what needed to be washed and you thanked him. But when you reached the youngest Emeritus brother’s chamber, you were hesitating. What if he’s still there? He liked to sleep in, which Sister Imperator did not like very much. You knocked on his door and there was no answer.
You opened the door and quickly got inside, his room was beautiful, the purple with the black and the gold really highlighted his personality too. These were your favourite colours too. They reminded you of him, at this all that mattered. You saw some clothes were scattered over the floor and you decided to gather them when you done it the bathroom door suddenly opened and there he stood. His papal paint was fresh on his face, only a towel was wrapped around his waist. He had a little tummy which you adored. Your mouth made a squeaky sound and buried your face in his clothes, which also smelled so nice. Like him.
“Like what you see Sorella?”
“I’m sorry. I am here for your laundry. I knocked you did not answer so I thought you already left to work and I….. shit ummm..” you felt you gave heat up as you moved your head up to look at him. His body leaned to the doorframe, hands crossed in front of his chest. His ‘V’ line showed, little happy trail lost in the protection of his towel.
“I see. Sorry for working you up Mia dolce.”
“You did not… worked me up. I mean you’re really attractive.”
“Oh so you’re not desire me then? Good to know.” He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed his towel and tossed it into your arms. Cock hanging between his delicious legs. It was hard not to look. “Don’t forget to wash this too Sister.” He then excused himself and went back into the bathroom. Oh how you wanted to bite into his butt so bad. You liked your cake…hmmm very much so. His nakedness burned into your mind entirely. And you ran out, until you reached the laundry.
“What’s up with you? Have you seen a ghost?” Asked Cirrus who was washing her clothes in one of the washing machines.
“I… I just saw a very naked Terzo… I think I’m gonna faint.” You babbled and sat down to calm down your heart.
“I went to gather his laundry. I knocked on his door but he did not answer, I thought that he was already at work. To my surprise he was not! He was standing there in only a fucking towel on, looking like he would eat me up. And after he grabber it and tossed it at me and it was hard not to look but you know me I looked anyway. So basically that’s what happened.”
“Was it better than an orgasm?” She laughed and sat down next to you.
“Stooop. I’m already embarrassed, I even know I looked like a fucking beetroot.”
“And now you have something to think about, and as I mean now I mean always.”
“I think it just burned into my skull.”
“I think you should go get him.”
“Me?? What? You think that he’d touch me?”
“Absolutely, why you think otherwise?”
“It’s just… well if someone say something about you all the time you tend to believe it.” You shrugged your shoulders and popped the Papa’s clothes into one of the washing machines.
“It’s sad that they treat you like this. By the way, did you talked with him?”
“Yes I told him how the siblings were treating me. He did not like it one bit. He said that he’d take care of it himself.”
“And you said to him that you can handle it like a big girl you are.” Cirrus was not surprised.
“You know me too well.”
“Well… well… well. Who’s here? Did you sucked Papa’s sick to make you worthy of his time?” Oh boy it started again.
“Stop it, he’d never be aroused by…. Her.” That ducking pause was the last straw.
“I don’t fucking care what you say anymore. I’m not a whore like you and your best friends. I’m tired of your shit!” You practically shouted now and you did not know that Terzo heard the conversation between you and the shameless sisters. He was furious, how they treated you even after he talked with them about this. He’ll not tolerate this anymore so he approached you from behind, the sisters became silent and you did not know why. When you turned around you saw Terzo, looking straight at the sisters, with such intense gaze.
“How dare you treat your sister like that? Did I not tell you to respect her and not make her feel worthless?”
“Papa we….” Said one of the sister but Terzo shut her up.
“I don’t care anymore. I should banish all of you from the Ministry and to never return here.” His voice was louder than before and you grabbed onto his hand, looked at him. He realised that he scared you a little and calmed himself down as he realised that you held his hand. Little smile painted his face.
“I’m sorry Sorella for scaring you. I didn’t mean it.” His head hung low in shame. The sisters already left. Cirrus was just watching in the two of you.
“It’s alright Papa. Thank you for standing up to me.”
“It’s nothing.”He touched your face with his hand, lingered it there. The tension between the two of you became so unbearable you let go of his hand and made a khm sound.
“I… I should go now. I’ll get your laundry back to your chambers Papa.” You said and tossed Primo’s clothes into the drier.
“Me too. I have some paperwork to do. Until we meet again mio amore.” He bid you goodbye and left you with Cirrus who was just staring at you.
“He was just totally enamoured by you. I swear if he’ll not make a move I will.” She giggled and winked at you.
“Oh shoo. I have to finish my tasks. See you at lunch?”
“Of course. Take care (y/n).” She pressed a kiss to your forehead and left you there, alone with you racing heart and your wild thoughts. Time flew by fast and you realised that you were late for supper. You basically ran through the whole ministry and suddenly someone knocked you over and fell to the ground.
“You bitch. I fucking told you that someday I’ll kill you.” It was her again. And she was furious. He kicked you in your stomach a few times and just simply left you there. You don’t even know how long you were laying there but you heard someone shout. It was Dewdrop.
“(Y/n)! What happened? Who did this to you?!” He crouched down to you and hugged you to his body, you wanted to fell asleep. You felt at peace.
“It was her again. S….she kicked me over and over again and left me here.” Tears already flew down your cheek and Dew wiped them from your cheeks.
“What hap…. Oh no. (Y/n). Shit.” It was Terzo. He kneeled down and possessively grabbed you and hugged you to his body. “Go find her!” He commanded and Dew only nodded and left. He was so concerned about what happened to you.
“I’m so sorry mio amore. I was not here.”
“It’s… not your fault, Please Papa don’t blame yourself. I’m fine.” As you wanted to sit up ha catches you and lifted you up bridal style. A little scream left your mouth and hugged him by his neck.
“Don’t worry I won’t drop you Sorella.” And he did not drop you. His legs drove him to his chambers. He somehow managed to open the door and lay you down on his bed. You hissed and it hit a little where she kicked you. He put his hand there and caressed it. Your pain slightly reduced at the sight of him. How he put a spell on you?
“Thank you for taking care of me Papa. But you didn’t have to.”
“Please just rest. And call me Terzo. No need for formalities.”
“Hmm…. Sorella. Mi piace quando dici il mio nome. (i love it when you say my name) There it is. That fucking Italian speaking. It makes you crave him even more.
“I don’t know what you said, but I agree.” You face twisted in pain as you tried to get comfortable on his bed. Which he would like to see all the time.
“It’s good that we’re on the same page. Anyway, I’ll be back, I have an important meeting to attend to. Be a good girl and stay here.”
“Yes sir, I mean Uhmm…. Yes Papa.” You embarrassed yourself even more, but on the other hand Terzo was worked up even more. He knew that you was kinky. And it make him want you more.
“Sorella when it’s only the two if us I allow you to call me Sir. Sei una brava ragazza per Papà . (You’re such a good girl for Papa.) his dominant side was already showing and how he wished to just take you here and his bed.
“Thank you, Sir.” You were now a panting mess. Pussy wet from his words, actions.
“Quando torno, ti scoperò così forte che persino dimenticato il tuo nome. (When I come back, I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll even forget your own name.)
“Papa please, I don’t understand, but….”
“But what Sorella? Do tell Papa.”
“But I swear to Satan that you said something dirty.”
“Mio dolce, you have no idea.” He winked and you bit down on you bottom lip, he leaned in and his lips almost touched yours.
“I have to go now, be good.” He sort of commanded and pressed his lips to yours in a bruising and unfortunately quick kiss and left you. You wondered if he was about to do something with the sister who beat you up.
“I’m so glad you’re alright. I got you some clothes. Since Papa said that you won’t left his chamber for a while. And he said that it had to be something purple so these are the only purple things that I found.” Approached you Cirrus and you saw what was in her hands and did not liked it.
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“I’m not gonna wear these….”
“You have to. Papa ordered I’m afraid. He told me also that I can help you bath. I don’t know if you’re comfortable enough to help you (y/n).” Cirrus sat down on the bed and held your hand, squeezing it gently.
“A bath sounds nice. Please help me get out of this habit, cause I’ll be boiled alive.” She nodded and helped you to get into the bathroom. She then proceeded to help you with undressing. You were not as shy as you thought. Cirrus was calming you down. When you were fully. Asked she gathered your clothes and folded them into one and helped you into the bathtub. Bubbles were hiding your breasts and body. A pleased sigh left your lips.
“Thank you Cirrus, I think I can manage it from here.”
“Are you sure?” But Papa t…”
“I’m fine. I’m sure Papa’ll understand it.”
“Alright, but be careful. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.” She kissed your forehead and left you alone. You laid back and placed not of your hands onto the edge and tossed you head up, relaxing into the bath fully. You did not know how many minutes passed but you felt someone was watching you. In the door, he stood, smiling in satisfaction.
“T…Terzo. I…um.”
“I see you’re enjoying your bath.” Ha came a little bit closer to the tub and you backed away. You don’t even know why, your body moved on its own. Terzo body tensed and slowly approached the bathtub you were seated in.
“Yes I am. Thank you for your hospitality, but I think I can manage to get back to my own chambers.”
“I won’t let you do it Sorella, you need to recover a bit. So it’d be the best option if you stay with me, to check on you and your health.”
“But you don’t have to do that, I mean why you would?” His sighed and stepped into the tub with both legs, he didn’t even bothered to pull it down. “Papa!”
“I told you Sorella, you call me Terzo. Scoot over, let me sit behind you. And don’t be so shy, you have a body to die for.” His words made you warm inside, and you obeyed to his command and let him get behind you, but before that he removed his dress shirt, leaving him bare chested.
“What are you doing?”
“So many questions mia cara. Lay back!” And you just did that. His chest collided with your back, his legs were either side of you. You felt sad in his arms, even if you were naked. And your head were filled with all the dirty thoughts about what he would do to you, how hard he’d fuck you, call you names, speaking Italian to you. You swore that it was some kind of kink you had.
“I have to say Pap….. Terzo that I’m rather uneasy. I mean I’m naked and I’m really shy about my body.” You did not dare to look back at him. He sighed and wrapped his hands around you, just above you breasts and hugged you to his body. A little sound left you lips at the sudden movement and Terzo just chuckled.
“You don’t have to be shy around me mia cara. Would you let me to wash you?” Your eyes widened in shock at his request. Your heart was ready to burst out of your chest. And you were sweating.
“I don’t think that it’s a good idea.” You just wanted to get out of the tub and ran back into your room.
“Do tell me why do you think that?” He asked and moved one of his hand to your stomach and rested it there. He was every inch of your body, which made you uncomfortable. Your skin was slightly pink in color cause of the hot water you two were in. He then moved his hand down to your thigh and squeezed it, a little sound left your mouth. You knew that you were worked up and he knew it too.
“P…Terzo. Please don’t…” tears stung your eyes and wiped one tear off from your face.
“Oh Cara. Please don’t be upset. What’s wrong? Tell me, your Papa.” With his other hand he moved your head by your chin to look at him. His eyes were filled with worry.
“My….Papa?” He caressed your face and leaned onto it. His lips were almost touching.
“I’ve always been yours amore.” You bit down on your bottom lip and did not even realised that with his other hand he started to caress you all over you body.
“Spread your legs for Papa.”
“No buts. Be a good girl and do what your Papa said.” You bit your bottom lip and slowly opened up to him and to his hand. He slowly moved it to you pussy and moved his fingers up and down. It made you hips buckle up and moan out his name, and you felt that he was getting hard under his pants.
“Pssst. Let me wash you Sorella. As I said no funny business. I just want you to feel better and don’t worry about the sisters. I took care of it.” His fingers found your clit and circled it agonising slow.
“Did you…?” He saw your uneasy state.
“Killed them? No. But they won’t bully you anymore.”
“Th…ahh.. thank you Papa.” He added more pressure to the motion and you knew that you wouldn’t last long if he’s continuing his actions. Your head rested on his chest and did not care about the sounds you made anymore, just let them out. His other hand found your left breast and squeezed it gently, while grabbed your nipple with his fingers and pulled it a little.
“That’s some lovely noises, mio amore.” He whispered into your ear and bit down on it. “I cannot control myself, you’re so delicious.” He finally kissed you. It was a bruising one and it made you feel even more horny. To be honest you were never been this worked up in a long time. His tongue licked down on your lower lip to gain access into you mouth which you gladly accepted. His fingers in the meantime found your opening and slowly slide it in.
“You’re so tight (Y/n).”
“Please Papa.”
“Beg me some more, let me hear you.” And you knew that it was your time to speak some Italian to him. You bet that he’ll be as worked up as you now.
“Per favore Papà. Fammi venire sulle tue dita.”(Please Papa. Make me come on your fingers.)
“Parli Italiano Sorella? (You speak Italian.)
“Sí Papa. I’m still learning.” He added another finger and slowly increased the speed, fucking you faster. “Please I’m so close… don’t stop..”
“I’d not dare. As a good girl you are you’re allowed to cum. Vieni per il tuo Papa. (Come for your Papa.)
“Thank you.” He was slightly surprised be your answer, his thoughts were filled with you, on your knees before him, on his bed, fucking you into the mattress, moaning your name as you moan his. You are his and only HIS. No man would dare to touch you. With his palm, he massaged your clit and that’s when you came undone, screaming his name so loud even the whole Ministry would heard it. You gripped the bathtub with both hands
“You’re quite the screamer. Without the ‘s’.” You just laughed at his dirty joke.
“And you’re quite talented, with your fingers.”
“Wait until your pussy swallow my cock, sweetheart.”
“Sorry Love, I cannot help it.”
“My tummy starts to hurt again.” You held onto your stomach again and saw the blue and green marks on it.
“I’m so sorry, I was not there to protect you. I should’ve….” You hushed him and kissed his right cheek.
“Don’t blame yourself for something that you could not stop. Please.” You pressed your lips to his and caressed his cheek with you hand.
“We should get out. The water’s getting cold.”
“Yeah. Can you please….uhmm…”
“Dimmi amore.” (Tell me love.)
“Can you get out first? I want to get dressed myself.”
“I can help you ya know.” He winked.
“Please, I…I have a little something for you…”
“Oh… Ohh.. mio amore you’re full of surprises. I’ll be there in the bedroom. And (Y/n)….”
“Yes Terzo?”
“I don’t like to wait.” He kissed you feverishly and spanked your butt. He winked at you once more and left you, closing to door after. You were a mess, the orgasm was so intense, that you were still under its spell. Legs wobbly but it did not stop you to dress into that lingerie. He’ll like it, very much. That thong was a little uncomfortable, but the though that Terzo was so excited about your little something-something. You took a look in the mirror and fixed your hair and tucked everything is place, took a deep breath and opened the door, looking out just to make sure that Terzo was indeed in the bedroom and did not changed his mind. He was on his bed, his pants were on the floor. He leaned on to the bed frame with his back legs under the cover. When he what you were wearing his mouth made an ‘O’.
“Sorella you look….”
“Disgusting.” You frowned. He said nothing, just sat to the side of the bed, legs hanging from it, hand held out to you. You took it and he yanked you until you were on your stomach on his knees. “Papa….” There was a loud noise and then a stinging sensation. Did he just spanked you?
“Don’t you ever say something about yourself that ain’t true, I’ll spank you hell even make you gag on my cock to make you realise that you’re not disgusting. You’re like an angel from hell, I’m blinded by your beauty and kindness of your heart. And you make me so horny dolcezza I just wanna fuck you right there in my bed. Make you come over and over again. Hmm…. Just the though of it makes me hard. You feel that? It’s because of you.” He slapped your butt again but this time he stroked it gently.
“Shh… I’ll punish you amore. Are you ready?”
“Yes what?”
“Brava ragazza (Y/n)!” Then he proceeded to spank you, it stung very much. You moaned as he stroked each blow and his hard cock pulsed on your stomach. It made you wet immediately and he noticed it right away. “Look at you. A little spanking and you’re dripping like waterfall. I see your enjoying this.”
“You too Papa… your cock… it’s so hard.” You did not even know where this confidence came from.
“You made me hard. Not to talk about the fact that it craves your pussy so bad.” He spanked your butt again, and you don’t know how many more he gave you but eventually stopped and helped you up to sit down next to him.
“I hope you learned you lesson Love.” He kissed you lips lightly.
“Absolutely and I think I can’t sit on it much more.”
“I’m sorry. I promise I’ll go easy on you next time.” Your eyes widened at his answer. “Only if you want to mia dolcezza.”
“Of course I want to. To be honest when i joined the ministry I only had eyes for you. I know cheesy.”
“No it’s not ‘cheesy’. I’m glad that I caught your beautiful eyes..” you looked down and saw that he still had that painful erection. You wanted to take care of it but he grabbed you hand and held it to his mouth and kissed it. “It’s only about you now. I don’t want to hurt you. I want you to rest now. It was a lot to take in.”
“Oh Terzo..” you hugged him and pressed him closer to you. He wrapped his hand around you and buried his head into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.
“Ti amo, amore!”
“Il mio Terzo, ti amo.” (My Terzo, I love you.) you touched his cheek with both hands and kissed him. It was full with love and emotions. And that’s what he needed, someone to love him, appreciate him. You were the one who he always wanted.
“We should sleep now.”
“Yes tesoro. Come. I’ll hold you close.” And you followed Terzo and hug each other under the bedsheets. Your heart was pounding in your chest, he loved you. It was all you wanted to hear. You laid your head onto his chest, arm hooked over his lower belly. His hand over your shoulder hugging you close.
“Buona notte amore mio.”
“Good night Terzo. Love you.” He pressed a kiss to the crown of your hair and let sleep carry you away… and while you slept you had the best dream you’d ask for. You were pregnant with Terzo’s baby, him kissing it gently while the baby kicked inside of you. But it was cut short when you woke up Terzo was still sleeping next to you. His paint was still on, maybe you should wipe it down before it get’s smeared off. But now you had to take care of your thirst. So headed straight into the bathroom to drink. While you were there you heard some really weird noise and when you came closer to the bathroom door you realised that Terzo was moaning in his sleep. Your name. It made you wet already and you decided that it was time to fuck him properly. So you had a plan. You exited the bathroom and made your way straight to the bed. You slowly peered the sheet off of his body and the first thing you saw that he was naked.
“When did you took off your boxers? It doesn’t matter it’ll be easy for me to sink down your cock.” You gently grabbed his cock and slowly pumped it up and down. Terzo moaned but did not wake up, you discarded your panties fast and sunk down on his cock. He was so big, it stretched your walls deliciously. When he was fully inside you he grabbed onto the bedsheet with one hand but did not woke up. Your hands roamed down his body and wanted to touch every corner of it. And you decided that it was time for you to move. Your hands were still on his chest as you moved your hips up and down.
“Ahh… yes.. (Y…(Y/n). Hmm… Ohh… what a delightful sigh to wake up to.” He smirked and grabbed onto your hips to guide you on his cock again.
“Ah.. Terzo please.” Your nails dig into his flesh making it bleed a little as he moved with you, his cock reached your cervix making you hornier.
“Merda. You’re so tight. Uhh… such a perfect pussy.” His noises were deliciously sinful and you cannot wait to hear them more and more.
“Fuck.. Terzo..”
“Yes Love. Jump on it like your life depends on it. Fuck yourself on my cock.” His hands grabbed onto your remained part of lingerie and took it off of your body, leaving you naked. Your hands immediately folded in front of you, but he grabbed them and put them on his chest, buckled his hips on the process.
“Please.. I..”
“You look like a goddess. Don’t you dare hide yourself from me.” His tone was so dominant, and you liked it.
“Yes Papa.”
“Hmm… augh.. tell Papa what you want. Confess to me.” His right hand stroked up to you breast and squeezed it, twirling your nipple in his fingers.
“Forgive me Papa for I have not sinned.”
“Hmm.. do continue my child.” His other hand joined his other and grabbed onto you other breast, squeezing it roughly. You back was straight now jumping up and down his cock.
“I… I did not pleasured myself for so long Papa.. uhhh… but there’s someone who caught my eye.”
“Do tell me about him. Hmm…. Maybe I can help you.” He suddenly sat up and started to kiss your neck, nipping at your sensitive flesh.
“Ahh… he’s a higher member, no ordinary man. He’s devilishly handsome, and ahh…. I dream about him, always. But not touching myself.”
“Everyone has needs, my child. Tell me your recent dream, where did it happen?” He now sucked on your skin biting into it after making you scream out.
“It happened is his bedroom Papa. I dreamed of having his child in me.” He stopped and looked into your eyes.
“And you want that Sorella? You want him to fuck a baby in you? Cum into your pussy so you can make him progeny?”
“That’s all I want. Because I love him.” His eyes were watery like he wanted to cry because of your confession about your dream and your confession.
“Then do not waste more time love.” Terzo changed your position and laid you onto your back his cock never left you. So he started to pound into you. His body was on yours, hand in hand. You felt that your gonna cum soon.
“Terzo…I’m so close please…ahhh…” his thrusts became more and more animalistic and brutal, but you did not mind one bit.
“I’ll fill you up so good. You’ll be round for days because of my seed. I’ll come soon amore.” It made you excited that you’ll have your own kids with him. You wanted nothing more to be the woman he always wanted. But now you only focused on him and how his cock deliciously pounded into your pussy, making you moan and cry out and knew that you were close, so close to release. His features shown that he was so close too. His and your moans filled the bedroom, skin on skin sound become so loudly with every thrust of his hips. Your lips was bruised by his needy lips, he bit down on your neck drawing blood angel he lapped on it like a vampire.
“I can feel you’re close. Come for me. Come in my cock like a good girl you are!” He commanded at it was enough to make you a writhing mess and cum for him. It was so intense you even lost your ability to see a little. His name left your lips several times. And felt his cum fill up you up to the hilt. He kissed you feverishly and stroked your hair affectionately.
“I love you (Y/n), with all my heart. You’d honour me if you’d be mine and mine alone.”
“Did you just propose to me?” He laughed and kissed you.
“You’re mine, mine to love, to fuck, to fill. My Prime Mover.”
“Only yours.”
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