#chubby reader x uvogin
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admrlthundrbolt ¡ 11 months ago
Drag Me Down(Minotaur Uvogin x Chubby Reader)
After taking a heavy lose with a recent deadly event. Heaven's Arena decides it's time to take things in a different direction. All manner of creatures and beings are invited to a glory filled tournament. When the bull man Uvogin enters to bring riches to his tribe. How will he take the distraction of a past champion as a judge. And why do they cause a burn in his chest that he's never felt before.
Hey guys, I'm back at it again. I had a burst of inspiration to do a monster character for a different series. Who better than Minotaur Uvogin. I always feel that he's written a bit more sinister than I feel his character is. Plus he's a bit under appreciated. So here's my contribution, hope you enjoy.
Uvogin was in a poor mood. Between his soaking clothes and empty fishing pail. He wasn't sure how much worse his day could get. So color him surprised to see a human surrounded by half the tribe.
The blonde man smiled up at the leader with no animosity. It was an odd sight to behold. A human half their size conversing with a ‘monster’ that had kill many of his kind.
The leader noticed him and grin between the two men. “Ah, Uvogin. Come join us, you'll want to hear this.”
Making his way over, he stared down at the blonde. He couldn't tell if he liked the guy's fearlessness or wanted to wiped the grin off his face. “What is it?”
Looking up at the behemoth, Shalnark's smile grew. Oh the audience would love this guy. “I'm here to let anyone interested know about the Heaven's Areana tournament. Anyone is allowed to enter and there's a huge cash prize. Your the last village on my recruitment list.”
His day was starting to get better. Heaven's Arena had never allowed the less human beings participate. But he wasn't surprised after they let a couple of contestants destroy a ton of property and kill people. It was such a disaster that it hadn't taken long for news to reach his tribe. Even as far out as they were.
A hand suddenly came down on his wide back. Laughing heartily the leader patted him hard and boisterously. “If there was a knucklehead that could bring glory to the tribe, it’s you. It would be a monster fighting tournament. So what do you say?”
Without a second thought he agreeded. If there was a way he could help the tribe. He would do everything in his power to bring them glory. It was easy for humans to look down on and persecute those they considered beneath them. Minotaur were no exception to that. If they weren't hired for a dungeon, then they weren't hired at all. Why would a monster be trusted with any other task. He would prove them wrong and this tournament was the first step. Plus the cash prize didn't hurt. Dragging the blonde with him, he headed for his hut.
Shalnark flailed a bit. “Woah big guy, where you taking me?” He had been the only one to volunteer to announce the tournament to the more monstrous beings. Waving off the warnings of his companions. Now he wasn't so sure they were wrong.
He answered without a glance at the other man. “To pack, I need you to guide me there.”
Surprise colored his face. “Oh, OK then.” This guy was definitely interesting.
It was a long trek back to the town Heaven's Areana called headquarters. And he had to admit as much as he was forced to show the Minotaur back, he didn't regret it. This guy was pretty fun to talk to. He had a lot of interesting stories about the tribe he was from. Though the stories involving humans always turned his stomach a bit. It was one thing to know that they were a more looked down upon group. But another to hear the first hand accounts of just what they had been put through. Uvogin didn't let it get him down though. He was a fighter in all manner of the word.
A smirk settled onto the blonde's face. He could think of a certain former champion that would get along very well with the behemoth. He wondered if it would affect your judgment of the competition at all.
You had grown tired of keeping up appearances. It's not that you weren't grateful of the opportunities that Heaven's Areana had provided you. The money, the fame, and not to mention the position as a floor master.
But just how much did they expect you to put up with. You were a glorified brand model. Your face and name strewn across any announcements they plastered up.
Shoehorning you into this newest tournament, only as a judge. You are the current champion. Why shouldn't you be able to join in. Though the addition of non-human competitors did intriguing you. It must have taken a lot of convincing for the investors to accept the change. Maybe the ticket sales plummeting was enough to final push aside their prejudice.
Still the prospects of a pay increase can only push their bias so far away. If you happened to be vocal about your approval of the shift in contestants. Well they could only go against the face of the platform behind closed doors.
He was in awe of the large city. It was something he had just experienced through pictures. Never thinking that he may have the opportunity to see it in person himself.
The blonde shook his head at the giant's excitement. He had come to enjoy the other man's company. The big lug had grown on him. It also made him all the more confident that you would get along. He had brought up your name and saw the man's eyes light up. Apparently he had a great admiration for you. Though from what he had been told the Minotaur had never seen what you looked like. He snickered at the thought of the two of you finally meeting. He was sure that Uvogin would be quite surprised.
It was the last day for sign ups. You anxiously craned your head looking for Shalnark. It wasn't like him to wait for the last minute. A smile spread on your face as you saw a familiar head of blonde hair. He had just arrived at the enrollment area. Rushing over, you punched him on the arm. “Not a single letter, no word from you for weeks. What kind of friendship do you think this is?”
He waved his hands in surrender. “Come on (Y/N), you know I was on an important mission. In fact I have someone I think is excited to meet you.” He started dragging you over to the Minotaur.
You playfully struggled, but let him lead you. He may be a bit much at times. Still he had been loyally by your side for many years. So you could deal with any of his eccentricities. “This better not be another attempt to set me up with someone. That Hisoka guy was such a blood thirsty creep.” You would have continued listing off the idiots he had introduced you to. If not for the behemoth he placed you in front of. He was quite the sight. Seemingly as broad as he was tall. His muscled form not even hidden by the scrap of a shirt he was wearing. His bovine like features complimenting his strong body. Grey hair making his dark eyes all the more dazzling.
Hearing a snicker from beside you. You finally managed to shake yourself out of your ogling. Though from the way the Minotaur's eyes were roaming over you. You had a feeling that your weren't the only one enjoying the veiw.
As his eyes raked over your soft body, you didn't know just how right you were. Of all the humans he had seen on his travels with Shalnark. He had never seen one so lovely. You were plump and inviting to the eyes. Your friendly nature with the man he had travel with was quite endearing.
His eyes widened when you stuck out your hand. Glancing at the blonde he received a reassuring nod. Placing his hand within your own. He was surprised by the strength in your grip. You were easily matching the intensity of his own grasp. Raising an eyebrow at you he snorted in amusement.
Plulling your hand back, you smile. “You must be what held up this airhead.” Snatching the blonde into a headlock, you messed up his hair. After a few moments you spared him anymore embarrassment. Turning back to the tall man, you said. “Names (Y/N).”
Brow furrowing in confusion, he looked over your figure again. “Wait, the (Y/N). The (Y/N) that is a champion and Floor Master of Heaven's Arena?” He stared down at your much smaller plush body. He only had met Minotaur women in his life. Sure they were strong, but you. In comparison you seemed like a delicate flower. Glancing at the man beside you, he saw the mischievous smirk on his face. This little pipsqueak knew all along. He had went on and on about his admiration for you. Not once haf Shalnark mention that he knew you or what your appearance was. He glared down at the blonde, weighing the option of violence seriously in his mind.
Feeling the tension rise between the two men made your heart race. There was nothing you loved more than a good fight. Stepping in the middle of them an excited grin settling onto your expression. “In the flesh. Now as much as I like to see Shalnark squirm. Why don't we get in a practice round before you head to the bunk area. I'm sure I'd be a much better sparing partner. Mr….” Smile sifting to something a bit more salacious, you stepped closer to the behemoth.
Gazing down at you, he couldn't help but admire the fire in your eyes. “Uvogin.” Just as he was about to accept your offer, you were swept away. By a small girl with pigtails and a pink dress. He watched in disbelief as the child pulled you to a nearby building. Turning to his companion he was annoyed as the blonde shrugged and walked away.
Changing for the opening ceremony, you rolled your eyes. Bisky was reprimanding you for trying to start a fight. Something about it not being proper behavior for a woman of your standing. You were a champion of a fighting organization. What was inappropriate about challenging someone to a fight. To which she responded with, you are in a different league and therefore should act appropriately. She then left with a flip of her hair.
Frowning at the ground, you growled in frustration. You weren't above anyone! Yes you may be able to beat people physically, but that didn't mean you were better than them. Only that your were stronger than them. You had worked hard to become the person you were today. Anyone could do it though. They just needed to put in the work. To think that anyone was beneath you turned your stomach. That was the type of mindset that had oppressed so many others.
Clenching your fist, you steeled your resolve. If it was the last thing you did. You were going to make sure to help all non-human competitors through this competition.
Though the bunks were cramped, it wasn't anything Uvogin hadn't dealt with. A man of his size was usually plagued with things never quite being big enough. So it was nice to head out to the outdoor areana for the opening ceremony.
His eyes looked into the stands. Not quite sure what he was searching for, until they landed on you. You were sat at a large table with a couple of other people. One being the annoying girl from before. The other a young man with a bandaged head and large earrings. He only spared them a glance before solely focusing on you. Even though it had been a short time since he had seen you, his chest ached oddly. A warmth he had never felt before spread over him. You sat as regal as any royal figure. You were glowing, as radiant as the sun itself. He could have admired you for hours.
Suddenly the girl elbowed you and pointed towards the crowd. Your eyes scanned for a moment before landing on him. A broad grin took over your expression and you waved at him. Returning the gesture, he moved to call out to you. Until an announcement rang over the area.
“Hello Contestants.” He payed the woman little attention. Eyes staying on you, he listened to the terms of the contest. They would be fighting in the outdoor areana in a bracket style tournament. Each participant was randomly selected to go against their opponent. This would continue until there was only two people left. The victor would go to the last one standing. “That being said, there will be no killing in this competition. You may now return to your quarters. Lots will be drawn tomorrow.”
This was the thing that tore his attention from you. This would make it a much more difficult task. It would involve strategy that he hadn’t prepared for. Glancing back your way, he was surprised to meet your gaze. It seemed you were gadging his reaction. A cocky smirk plastered it's way onto his face. “Don't worry Princess. I won't get kicked out that easily.”
Rolling your eyes at the behemoth. You couldn't help but smile at his boisterous laughter.
Excitement coursed through your veins as you made your way back to the judge's quarters. Even if this turn out was a bit sparse compared to other years. There seemed to be a lot of capable contestants. A blonde Kitsune that was small, while holding a mysterious aura. A bright red Chimera that had a near endless amount of mana. Your fellow judge Chrollo may look like the average man. But a changling hid under that innocent mask.
Your mind couldn't stray far from a certain Minotaur. No matter how many times you scanned the crowd. Your gaze always seemed to settle back on his broad figure. Only to find his eyes already fixated on you. It made your chest flutter a bit. With the title of campion branded on you. You hadn't given much thought to relationships. Especially those of the more romantic manner. It was odd enough to have Shalnark stick around. But he was always more of an annoying little brother type.
Rounding the corner to your private chambers, you were met with a chest. Not nearly as firm as you were hoping. So it wasn't a surprise when your eyes spotted blonde hair. The self satisfied smirk that was on his face begging to be smacked off.
“So you're a princess now?” He crossed his arms and leaned against the door.
Twisting the knob, you took a deep satisfaction at the thud his body made as it met the ground. “Not to you. Boss would be the better term for our standing.” Stepping over him, you made your way to the private bathroom that was attached to your room.
Mock frowning, he scrambled over to a nearby chair and made himself comfortable. “Don't be like that. I just wanted to point out how right I was.”
Sticking your head out the doorway you glared at him. “A nickname means nothing. He may just acknowledge that he respects me on a level of strength. Or you could be reading into the situation and it was only said in jest.” Poping your head back in, you continued changing. The outfit that was picked out for the ceremony was not one of comfort. Thankfully that has been the only mention of wardrobe preparation on you behalf.
Shaking his head at your ignorance, he held in a laugh. If he had his guess, the two of you would be together by the end of the tournament. Maybe early if he wasn't mistaken about the blush that cover your cheeks at the Minotaur's announcement.
You grew disappointed as you got ready for the final day of the tournament. It hadn't last nearly long enough in your opinion. A few people dropped out after the first few matches were more intense than they expected. Still the few you had noticed in the crowd were some of the best contenders.
Your cheeks warmed at the thought of the final two participants. The blonde Kitsune named Kurapika. He was a chain wielder that was skilled in a seemless flow sort of fighting style. And the brutish yet endlessly strong Minotaur Uvogin.
You would keep your mind clear and unbias as you judge the final bout. Though the time you had spent with the behemoth may make that difficult. The many offers to walk you back to your private quarters. Making sure you never spent a meal alone in the dining hall. The whispered words in passing and jovial shouts of triumph as his opponent was defeated. Secret sparring matches in the empty areana. The moon shining on your glistening bodies. Lingering touches that would make both of your hearts race. Each of you leaving, but wishing you had a bit more time to spend without interuption.
With a deep breath, you shook away the memories. Making your way to the judge's table. Knowing the possibility that this could be the last day you could spend with the man you had grown to love.
He was restless, pacing around the locker room. This was it, the final match. He was originally shocked that the Kitsune made it so far. Although after watching his fighting style take out participant after participant. It was no wonder he would be pitted against someone so skilled. He needed to do this for his tribe, no his people. To long had the Minotaurs been looked down on and considered beast.
That wasn't the only reason his heart was racing. He would ask you to be his today. He had courted you under the laws of his people. Proving he was a good companion and provider. That he could protect you and was capable as a partner. An equal in strength and conversation. You were made for him, plush body and brilliant mind. He couldn't count the times you pinned him to the ground. As he lay on his back, gazing up at you in the gossamer moon light. He wanted to scream at himself for never leaning forward. Pressing his lips against your own and claiming you.
Shaking the alluring image from his thoughts. He focused on the task at hand. Defeating the Kitsune and winning your hand.
Sitting at the judge's table, your leg wouldn't stop bouncing. Chrollo shot you a knowing smirk. While Bisky sent a withering glare your way. You didn't pay either of them any attention. Your eyes were locked on the battle in front of you. It had seemed that Uvogin was going to make swift work of the other man. But the Kitsune's mysterious chains had more to them than previously thought.
It was as if this was a War of attrition, neither side getting an edge over the other. Until a sudden move from Kurapika had the Minotaur on his back. You were prepared for the match to be called. Even if the larger man hadn't won you would still make him realize just how far he had made it.
Then a glint of sun light shone in your eye behind the blonde. In only a moment you were crouched protectively over the behemoth. The blade sunk into your shoulder. Digging in further as it attempted to reach it's true target, Uvogin's heart. Snarling at the pain, you tackled the smaller man. “You dare try to kill an already defeated opponent!”
His face screwed up in a furious manner. “That beast isn't worth the taste of my blade.” He stepped forward.
Slashing out at him, you made sure to keep yourself between the two. “Then why even join a non-leathal competition?”
“Any opportunity to kill the monsters that wiped out my clan is worth the risk.” He spat at the ground as a pair of guards came to collect him. He went quietly, but his eyes blazed as they stayed on the Minotaur.
Uvogin laided on the ground in shock. He had expected his whole life to flash before his eyes a moment before. Instead his mind could only conjure up thoughts of you. Your smile, your laugh, the way you fliddled with your fingers as you explained something that excited you. Your kind morals and sweet caring nature. The ferocity that you fought with and the softness of your body. Just everything that made up you. Then to have you save him. He almost thought it was a dream. Here you were though, protecting him with a bloodied shoulder. He gazed up at you in awe.
You reached a hand out for him, he tugged you down instead. Mouth crashing against yours, he embraced you. The two of you shared the tender moment. Barely hearing the announcement of Kurapika's disqualification and Uvogin's victory. Much to wrapped up in one another and thoughts of where your lives together would lead you.
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bwabys-scenarios ¡ 1 year ago
Uvogin x Reader NSFW
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You can’t bend over in Uvogin’s presence.
I mean, physically, you can, but there’s always a consequence for it.
If you’re lucky, he’ll just give you ass a good squeeze or smack and he’ll be on his way.
And if you’re unlucky… well…
“Look at that…”
You shiver when you hear the purr in Uvogin’s voice, still bent over to pick up the lid of your water bottle that fell and rolled away. You attempt to straighten up, but his hand settles on the small of of your back, pushing you back down.
“Shh, stay like that. Just like that…”
His large hands grab your hips, and despite your size, you feel small in his grasp. Like a mouse being pinned down by a tiger.
His thumbs hook under the waistband of your shorts, yanking them and your panties down in one go.
“There’s my girl…” he almost coos, one thick digit sliding along your slit. His large tongue laps at your cunt, and you can only whine and tremble. The position he has you in isn’t exactly comfortable.
You feel his finger enter you, and despite the fact he’s done this before, it’s always difficult adjusting to how big even his fingers are. “Uvo…” you whine as your legs begin to buckle.
Uvogin laughs heartily, adding another finger as his tongue finds its way to your clit. “Gotta cum for me first, princess. Just focus on my fingers okay?”
You nod, holding onto the wall as best as you can. You try your best to focus on how his fingers feel inside you, how the small curling motion he does makes the coil in your stomach coil tighter and tighter.
Until it snaps.
“F-fuck, Uvo!” You cry out, moving your hips to meet his fingers as they thrust into you.
“That’s it, just like that princess. Cum all over my fingers.”
Once you’ve calmed down, he laps up all of your cum before helping you up.
He smirks, helping to pull your shorts up.
“Thanks for the snack, princess. Now how about I get the full course meal?”
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mrssugarpink ¡ 9 months ago
PLEASE do an Uvogin fanfic, I love uvo so much and there’s so little fics written about him 😭
Minors DNI
Reader and Uvo are dating/engaged, not really relevant 
This is WAY longer than I  intended it to be so yay, a treat for my first request I suppose. 
I love how much you can play around with Uvos' character but we all agree he's a little rough, and loves big girls with fat pussies. 
Warnings: Oral F! receiving, fingering F! receiving, pussy slapping, marking, possessive behavior and a surprise
With the constant snacking, drinking and semi frequent smoking, it wasn't long before you discovered Uvo had an oral fixation. He doesn't smoke that much anymore, as per your request, but that tends to be the case, they usually just need something in their mouths. 
Biting the strings of his hoodies, his nails, and cutlery, it was cute and he never seemed to notice. You could watch this little habit of his all day and he’d be none the wiser. Even picking up what fills his fix the most. He liked toothpicks more than straws, even though he’s not allowed to use your metal straws anymore, but wooden chopsticks were his favorite. So you made sure you had them all in stock. 
And honestly you never meant to embarrass him, it was just a cute thing you noticed him doing and it didn't bother you really, despite the broken straws (he can’t help it and you know that) 
So when your relationship progressed to the current stage of intimacy you realistically should have seen this coming.
It started with a kiss to your hand, then several, as he kissed each finger tip he ended at your thumb and slipped it into his mouth. Honestly it was so quick you barely had time to register it. Only registering the warmth. It wasn't until you picked up the solidness of his tooth that you jumped, alarmed and about to pull your finger away. Then his hand, much bigger than yours (everything but his is bigger than you) wrapped around it,warm and strong, to keep it there. 
Suddenly there were no more words. Your lips moving but no sound able to escape. Brown eyes glinting up at you, looking as playful as a foxes, his mouth full of you, pausing his sucking to ask, “What? You scared?” 
Gathering the your bearings you matched his attempt as seduction “No, but you should know better than to out just anything in your mouth” 
And with that your fate was sealed. 
On your back in his spacious bed, legs spread and trembling with your panties wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet, a spoil of war, he called it. He sucked and licked at your folds like he’d never eat another meal, drink another sip or another cigarette again. 
Holding you by the hips when you jerked, forcing your legs open more so he can get closer to his prize, you can’t even remember the last time he came up to breathe. 
One hand wrapped around your breast squeezing in tandem with the timed sucks on your clit. The slurps and overall wet sounds proved just how soaked you were, how drenched he had you. 
He finally pulled back and you thought you’d earned yourself a break, only for him to spit harshly over you. It traveled down your cheeks until the unfamiliar sensation caused you to whine, while he seamlessly wiped it up and pressed it into your already sopping hole. 
“You’re not done” he demanded ass he finger fucked you “Not at all babe, you either have to squirt or cream on my finger, then you get a break��� A groan of frustration escaped you which turned into a shreking moan as he slapped down on your hot pussy, making the juices fly out past his palm and some up onto your stomach. 
“Come on, you can do it” he encouraged “With how wet these panties are I think you’ll cream. Whaddya say? Show me sweetheart” he slipped in another finger after slapping you 2 more times laughing as you clenched down with each slap. 
“Tight as shit, fuck, baby. You scared I'll stop if it slips out?” You could hear the laugh bubbling up in his chest waiting for your reaction. Tears of pleasure gathered in your eyes as you looked at him pleading. As your mouth opened the spit connecting your lips that were bitten and brighter than before with all the blood flow, added to the utterly debauched look. He took the hand that he used to slap your pussy and slipped 2 fingers into your mouth, replacing it with his own mouth on your quivering heat. 
The feeling of his mouth back on you sucking your clit and stopping to lick around and loudly slurp. Along with his fingers pumping, almost fucking you up the bed if his his body weight  wasn’t keeping you in place. You’d never felt more wet in your life, crying some more at how embarrassing  this was. With a few more pumps you were coming and his slide became even more slick, if that was even possible. His mouth detached from your heat as he heard the gagged moans you let out around his fingers rise in pitch. Staring down, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and slick, shimmering mouth drawn back in a triumphant smile “Fuck yes, that’s it, let it out” At this point both his hands were fucking you, your mouth and your pussy and the hand in the latter only got rougher, fucking you through this orgasm 
“That's right, such a good girl, doing exactly like I asked. Best pussy I’ll ever have, fuck its so cute” Youre so wet you cant even feel it anymore but his filthy babbling is helping you through it. When you’ve finally calmed down, Uvo removed his fingers, they’re covered in white, nothing like you've ever seen before. He holds them over your body, fingertips pointing towards your stomach as he lets it drip off and smears it across your plush stomach. “U-V-O-G-I-N” he spells aloud. Then he spanks your ass with a laugh. “Big girls usually cream, a lot too, I knew it the moment I saw you” Some of the letters meet the dark stretch marks that reach up to the general placement of your belly button and in that moment, no matter how disgusting it was you’d never felt more at peace, owned, loved, slutty, cared for. And you’d found something you could both do to state his fixation.
As you came down you realized you were still suckling on his fingers, you’d sucked even harder when you came. He’d never remove them from your mouth. 
Guess you had one too.
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0asisbliss ¡ 1 year ago
Uvogin relationship Headcannons
Pairings: Uvogin x Chubby fem! reader
•This big man loves physical touch. Despite his size he wants to be under you 24/7. He's like your big baby always wanting your attention, and touches.
•Wants to cuddle all day everyday. He'll just pull you from whatever your doing and sit you on his lap, or lay you down in bed with him.
•Will randomly sniff you. Loves to smell your hair, clothes, etc. You'll walk in on him more than once sniffing, and inhaling you scent through your blanket.
•Wants kids one day. I just think this man would adore his son. Like it'll be to the point of them being one.
•Wants you to do essential house work. Yeah he doesn't mind you working, but he would love to come home to the smell of a clean house, and food cooking.
•Loves your cooking. Anything you cook for him will be downed in seconds.
•Loves squeezing you for some reason. You could be sitting on the couch casually watching tv, and he'll sit beside squishing your arm. Not in a weird way he just likes doing that.
•Can be annoying. He can be really loud when talking.
•His love language is physical touch, and acts of service. Like I said before he loves touching you. Everywhere. He'll always find a way to touch you. Uvogin is also the type to run errands for you. Need some type of cleaning supplies? He's there to go get it. Forgot something for dinner that night? He's on it.
That's is for today bby! Have a good day\night!
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yanderenightmare ¡ 1 year ago
♡ TW: NSFW, noncon/dubcon, size-difference, captive darling, punishment, deepthroating, bondage
♡ FEM reader
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You beg your big bulky kidnapper not to take your virginity because you’re waiting to give it to someone you love, and he just smiles at you crookedly – stroking your teary cheek as he rests the hefty weight of his big fat veiny manhood on your belly, leaking hot pre while cooing at you with deceptively kind eyes, saying that he thinks that’s a lovely idea.
Flipping you over, he starts prepping your virgin ass instead – spit and four fat fingers stretching it out while you sob and wring your wrists in your fluffy cuffs – all pointlessly as the pink hole starts to give, becoming soft and squishy, swallowing his digits up in wet velvety squelches.
And filling the taut hole up with his massive cock, he rubs your clit and whispers darkly that he’ll save your pretty cunt for when you fall in love with him.
He’s overjoyed to see you’ve already fallen in love with him after only one round of pounding your poor butt into a sore sloppy opening – all but begging him to take your pussy instead. 
Obviously, he obliges, sucking the bloated fat of your teary cheek with a hum and a firm squeeze to your sore buttcheek before flipping you back around.
He kisses your lips, your neck, your tits, your stomach – laving down until licking through your pretty pussylips, promptly tongue-fucking the sweet hole until you cum with a shudder.
Smiling into your trembling cunt – he chuckles, feeling it pulse against his lips. “Come on, baby ~” He encourages. “Tell me how much you love me – tell me how much you want my sweet, sweet love.”
He pulls your thighs around his torso, rubbing his messy cock against your slick cunt while nipping at the corner of your lips – patiently waiting for your forced consent. Grossly amused – and aroused.
“Ah – please…” Your lips warble – eyes screwed shut where you try angling away from his steamy breaths.
“Please what, baby? Please make love to your sweet pussy?” He suggests with a moan – hunched over your smaller form with his cock licking your clit as he slides it back and forth between your thighs. “Or do you maybe miss it in your tight ass?”
“No – please-”
“Then tell me, baby. Tell me you want it – tell me you love me, and I’ll give it to you.” He purrs – still while laying open-mouthed kisses on your lips and cheek.
You whimper, crying wetly. “I love you – please make love in my pussy…”
He hums in return – a satisfying rumble as he slips his cock-head through your folds until it settles in your opening.
Your breath hitches at the stretch – then you suck your teeth – hissing as he splits you open and treads your tight virginity over his girth – hugging him air-tight like a condom bought two sizes too small.
“Oh, baby~ so tight~ so tight and good~ wet like a good virgin should be~” He groans, sinking every thick inch inside despite the way you squirm, ignoring your sweet cry when you beg him to slow down. 
He’s down to the hilt in a moment – kneading against your womb with his chubby cockhead. Big hands squeeze your ass – using it to pump into you in steady deep-hitting thrusts – his lips on your forehead in a prolonged kiss.
You pant out sticky whines as he ruts inside you – fat cock stretching you badly for your first time – making everything sting numbly, only partly soothed by a tickling pleasure – tummy feeling hot and tight until it all snaps again, leaving you to shake on the massive member, throttling him all so sweetly.
“I love you, baby~ love you and your tight pussy~ squeezing me so good~” He slurs against you, drooling on your skin. “Gonna fill you up with love – all of it – all of it in your sweet pussy~”
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♡ BNHA – Deku, Denki, Kirishima, Hawks, Enji ♡ JJK – Mahito, Nanami, Geto, Gojo, Toji ♡ HxH – Uvogin
♡ FEM x M INSERT masterlist ♡ GN x M INSERT masterlist
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kiame-sama ¡ 2 years ago
Sweet Death- (Yandere!Phantom Troupe x Autistic!Chubby!Reader)
Random idea I had and felt like writing down. Tell me if y'all want more from this vein and what direction you think it should take.
Warnings; yandere behavior, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, troupe tries to cause a lot of mischief, intense masking, fem reader (tell me if y'all want a male reader or non-binary), creepy creature appearance,
"Wait, so you PAID for them?"
"But, why?"
"Piss off! Lady was nice."
Feitan snapped in his usual short manner of speaking, a glare on his face as Pakunoda bothered him. They had business in the airport and Feitan stopped to swipe some sweets. What they didn't expect was that Feitan actually paid for the food he got and was defending his uncharacteristic behavior.
Feitan was the most easily irritated, so it came as a surprise that whomever he interacted with did not anger him. What was even more of a surprise was that Feitan actually seemed to be behaving in a polite way to someone. The only one Feitan was polite to- and they use the term loosely- was the Boss of the Troupe.
Pakunoda was interested to learn more about the unusual woman that had enthralled Feitan enough to actually get the short-tempered man to pay instead of stealing, but she knew that he wouldn't tolerate any more questions. Instead, she endeavored to find out more about this woman on her own.
"Wait... What was I doing?"
"You were wondering what you wanted to order from here."
"Oh, right!"
It had been at least six times that the soft woman behind the counter had to remind the ever forgetful Shizuku of what she was doing. Six times that Shizuku had also changed her mind on what she wanted.
Franklin, who was accompanying the other Troupe member was actually getting annoyed with her because he just wanted to leave and meet up with the other members. There were certainly times where he had great patience but it was not one of those times for him. Even though he was getting annoyed, the woman behind the counter seemed calm and happy even as she had to change the order yet again.
"Sorry about her, she has terrible memory."
"It's no trouble, truly. There are greater tragedies in life than a bit of uncertainty and adjusted orders."
Franklin felt a pleasant surprise to hear such wisdom from someone he wouldn't even think twice about. The unusual and understanding way she seemed to approach the situation was odd, as most just got short tempered with Shizuku or even refused to adjust with her ever bouncing memory. Though he wanted to just move on, he felt compelled to stay, if only to see how long that patience would last.
"Wait... What did I order?"
"Think anyone would notice if I just stabbed someone?"
"Doubt it. I bet no one would blink if I fell down this escalator right now."
Uvogin had a wide grin even as he shifted his weight backwards, anticipating hitting the metal moving stairs but instead, landed on something soft.
"Woah there! Are you alright?"
He slowly looked up to see a soft looking woman with kind (e/c) eyes and a concerned expression on her face. To Uvogin, he felt as if he landed on the softest pillow to exist, feeling the nice warm body holding him up with a gentle touch. All words and coherent thought left his mind as he slowly blinked, trying to compose himself.
"Are you okay, sir?"
"Yeah! Yeah. I- uh... Fell backwards. Don't know why."
"No worries! I'm glad you're okay. Usually it's the vertigo that gets people, just don't look up too far and you should be good."
Uvogin didn't really want to move, but as soon as he and the woman got to the top of the escalator, he quickly got up. The woman smiled sweetly and tried to help stand him up despite his rather massive size. When he was upright, she chirped out a farewell and quickly departed, leaving Uvogin standing with a dumbfounded expression on his face.
"Yeah... Bye... See you later..."
It took a rough shake from Phinks to make Uvogin snap back to attention, feeling like he had been dunked in cold water. He had to tear his eyes away from where the woman had been standing, feeling confused as if he was coming out of some kind of haze. Uvogin had to literally shake his head to clear the odd brain-fog that had consumed him, glancing where the woman disappeared to.
"... D'you think she digs tall guys?"
"C'mon sweetcheeks. Just give me your number."
Machi glared at the man who was trying to heckle her into giving him her number. Though the troupe was trying to lay low before they put their plan into motion, Machi had half a mind to just outright kill the man. It was while she was weighing her options that a voice suddenly cut in.
"She said 'no', take that as your answer and leave."
Both looked over to see a soft looking woman with a clear frown set on her lips, seeming as if she were ready to fight at a moment's notice. Machi was surprised to see the feisty woman but the man seemed annoyed and sighed as if he were being told to do something distasteful.
"I get it, Fatty, you want a chance with me too. I don't usually like fat chicks, but-"
"But you're going to walk your happy ass in the direction of your flight or the exit before I get security to drag you by the taint out of here."
"You really think you can talk to me like-"
"I can and will talk to you like the piece of trash you are if you don't leave her the hell alone."
"Fine, fucking fat bitch."
"That's Ms. Fucking-Fat-Bitch to you."
Machi was surprised that someone so soft was so immune to insults, not to mention the fact that the guy actually fucked off. She made a mental note to single that guy out and get rid of him when she next had the chance, turning to the soft woman for the time being.
"I appreciate it. He was not taking 'no' as an answer."
"Yeah, guys usually think they can bully everyone into doing what they want if they act like their brain is in their testicles. Some don't even have to act."
The flat and almost annoyed tone the woman used made Machi actually let out a soft laugh, more than humored by the odd woman that had helped her. As she looked over the woman she realized that this must be the one the others in the group had been talking about. Certainly, the woman matched the description of the one the other Spiders had been discussing and Machi could see why the other Troupe members she had spoken to were so enthralled.
Perhaps she should tell the others of her similar experience.
Chrollo stood in the line of traveling people, having heard quite a bit about a rather unusual character who the Troupe had encountered several times. He had decided it was time for him to see what the woman was like firsthand. Based off of the testimony of other members, this woman either had manipulative nen or she was a gem among common people. Either way, he wanted to know whatever he could about her.
As he approached the woman in question- she was working the cash-register at one of the shops in the airport- he focused his eyes to see potential nen. What he saw was far from what he had expected.
Based off of her general aura, her nen bled off of her in an uncontrolled way instead of the way it was supposed to. On top of her nen being rather wild- making it clear she had no control over it and likely was unaware of it- something was noticeably wrong. Where abilities often formed as small spirits or beings, a more than intimidating creature stood behind her.
The being was far taller than the woman, even taller than Uvogin. It seemed to be a horribly emaciated humanoid with skin that writhed like worms were beneath the surface and searching for a meal. The skin- as translucent and paper thin as it was- seemed a sickly blue and purple, much like blooming bruises across the surface. It was shrouded in what could only be described as a shawl of shadows, face concealed beneath the rolling darkness. Though it's face was hidden, Chrollo could feel the eyes of the wretch staring out at him. In the beast's hand was a sickle often used for cultivating grain. The curved crescent blade seemed to be soaked in a dripping red ooze that moved slowly and without purpose, the leather handle held by elongated and bony fingers. Everything about the beast was wrong on a fundamental level.
Though the creature was frightening and clearly stronger than most normal nen abilities, it remained a loyal and silent sentinel over the soft woman's shoulder. It was obvious- to Chrollo at least- that the beast was brought to heel by the soft woman even if it seemed she was completely unaware of it. The contrast of the two beings was extreme and made Chrollo wonder just how the woman's nen was released and why it had taken such a vicious shape.
The more Chrollo watched, the more he realized that small amounts of the nen of others was drawn forward and consumed by the being, no doubt fueling the nen of its master. It was difficult to look away from the beast, despite how hard Chrollo tried, noticing the aloof nature of the creature disappear suddenly, becoming acutely aware as if it knew Chrollo could see it. A low hiss came from the beast as Chrollo stepped forward, next in line despite how far from reality he felt.
"Hi there!"
The chirped words paired with the oddly sweet way the woman said it gave Chrollo pause, not expecting such a greeting from someone with a disfigured and distorted reaper as their nen. Though she smiled, the smile never reached her eyes. Chrollo knew a social mask when he saw one, and he had to admit it was rather convincing. He could see why so many of the Troupe had become enamored with her and interested in her, his own observations thus far giving him a similar interest.
Even as he gave a random order he had no intention of keeping, the woman smiled and ensured to behave as if she were truly happy to assist. Chrollo had yet to reach a stage where he was fully believable to everyone with his own social mask, but even he had to admit that her mask was significantly more nuanced than his own. From the short interaction he had with her, he knew the woman was unique and had something to her that seemed to catch the interest of numerous Troupe members, himself included.
When he walked away from the quaint little shop and back to the Troupe, his mind was already working to parse out what he wanted to do. Surely the Troupe would follow his lead, but he wanted to hear their thoughts on the odd woman and her nen. Pakunoda could share the various experiences other members had and it would allow the group to have a more unanimous vote, but he had already settled on what he thought.
It was just a matter of what the Troupe thought now.
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rotten-pomegranate ¡ 10 months ago
Master list #2
check out the first masterlist here
hunter x hunter
reader sneaks out and gets a gift
reader with a clit/dick piercing
reader sneaks out and gets a gift
reader with a clit/dick piercing
Yandere phinks when reader initiates sex
reader sneaks out and gets a gift
reader with a clit/dick piercing
Yandere shalnark x virgin reader Light Noncon
Shalnark nsfw and sfw headconnons
Yandere shalnark x chubby fem reader
Valentine’s Day even (Yandere shalnark x reader headcannons)
Adult trio x human weapon reader
How he will Noncon reader
Yandere illumi and humiliation
Temptation yandere illumi x reader
Adult trio x human weapon reader
How he would Noncon reader
NSFW headcannons
Yandere Chrollo with a reader thats scared he’ll hit them
Yandere chrollo x virgin reader Noncon
Adult trio x human weapon reader
nsfw chrollo headcannons
reader with a clit/dick piercing
Yandere chrollo with broken and depressed reader
How he would Noncon reader
reader with a clit/dick piercing
reader with a clit/dick piercing
reader with a clit/dick piercing
reader with a clit/dick piercing
reader with a clit/dick piercing
multiple character scenario
yanderes with Soft punishments
Characters: Chrollo, kurapika, geto, gojo, all might, deku
yandere that hates you
Characters: toji, sukuna, Feitan, phinks, Bakugo, endeavour, dabi, shigaraki
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mel-the-simp ¡ 3 years ago
Hear me out
Uvogin and a full Nelson
That man has a monster bod and monster cock, so he's able to fold you anyway he wants
And a full Nelson in front of a mirror is his all time favorite <3
(Especially if ur chubby, holy fuck. He says he doesn't have a type but chubby women make this man WEAK. Seeing ur belly rolls all squished together as he fucks you in a Nelson, prepare for a night of fun babes cause he is allll over you <3)
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ocimumbasili ¡ 5 years ago
scrolling through the hxh tag is so crazy bc itll be like: cute art, babie gon, killua cat moments, UVOGIN POSSESSIVE YANDERE X READER, hisoka and illumi, kurapika chains, PHINKS X CHUBBY S/O ORAL SEX HC, alluka,
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admrlthundrbolt ¡ 1 year ago
Stranger Things
Straight Through The Heart (Eddie Munson x Chubby Reader)
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World (Okuyasu x Chubby Reader)
One Way Or Another (Selkie N'Doul x Chubby Reader
Voices In My Head (Secco x Chubby Reader)
How Did You Love (Polnareff x Chubby Reader)
Heal The Pain (Dragon Wamuu x Chubby Reader)
Black Magic Woman (Werewolf Santana x Chubby Reader)
Evil Walks (Poltergeist Esidisi x Chubby Reader)
Just What I Needed (Gorgon Kars x Chubby Reader)
Believer (Gargoyle Risotto x Chubby Reader)
Out Of My Mind (Giorno x Chubby Reader x Mista)
Resident Alien
Warm Heart Pastry (Harry x Chubby Reader)
One-Punch Man
Love is a Battlefield (Garou x Chubby Reader)
Holding Out For A Hero (Mumen Rider x Chubby Reader)
Elevate (King x Chubby Reader)
Bullet Train
Apple Blossom (Lemon x Chubby Reader x Tangerine)
Stayin' Alive (Ladybug x Chubby Reader
Resident Evil
Your Love Could Start a War (Lady Dimitrescu x Cubby Reader)
New Future Weapon (Mutant Wesker x Chubby Reader)
Dance Macabre (Bruno x Chubby Reader)
Harley Quinn
Have Faith In Me (Bane x Chubby Reader)
You Dropped A Bomb On Me (Junkrat x Chubby Reader)
The Road to El Dorado
I Put A Spell On You (Tzekel-Kan x Chubby Reader)
Camp Camp
Perfect World (David x Cubby Reader)
Ashes (Norman Osborn x Chubby Reader)
Emperor's New Clothes (Doc Ock x Chubby Reader)
Wait A Minute My Girl (Jayne x Chubby Reader)
You Spin Me Round (Billy x Chubby Reader x Stu)
Sweet Tooth (Iruka x Chubby Reader)
Leather and Lace (Killer Croc x Chubby Reader)
Friday the 13th
Die To Live (Jason Vorhees x Chubby Reader)
Hunter X Hunter
Do It All The Time (Hisoka x Chubby Reader x Illumi)
Drag Me Down(Minotaur Uvogin x Chubby Reader)
Guardians of the Galaxy
Edge Of Midnight (Nebula x Chubby Reader)
What We Do in the Shadows
Under The Graveyard (Petyr x Chubby Reader)
Alone Together (Nandor the Relentless x Chubby Reader)
Inglorious Bastards
Some Nights (Hugo Stiglitz x Chubby Reader)
Popular Monster (Demon Michael Myers x Chubby Reader)
Electric Love (Guzma x Chubby Reader)
Reckless Paradise (Silco x Chubby Reader)
Still Not Dead (Sevika x Chubby Reader)
One Of Those Days (Sarah Conner x Chubby Reader)
Mad Max
Radioactive (Furiosa x Chubby Reader)
Mario Bros
Love From The Other Side (Bowser x Chubby Reader)
Jeepers Creepers
Centuries (Jeepers Creepers x Chubby Reader)
Tongue Tied (Luke x Chubby Reader)
Run Run Run (Eddie x Chubby Reader x Venom)
Stardew Valley
Therapy (Harvey x Chubby Reader)
Blue Eye Samurai
Prisoner (Mizu x Chubby Reader)
Red One
Danger To Myself (Krampus x Chubby Easter Bunny Reader)
Black Clover
Somebody Told Me (Magna x Chubby Reader x Luck)
Take Me Out (Claptrap x Chubby Reader)
The Mummy
Mirage (Jackal Imhotep x Chubby Reader)
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bwabys-scenarios ¡ 1 year ago
You devoured ďżźthat phantom troupe x reader (literally). There just isn't enough phantom troupe x reader content, so like maybe a part two? Or another story?
Im thinking about making a series about reader, how she met them, and the way her relationship with each member of the spiders develops! It would be a short series, exploring each character and how they would react to a reader with unending patience and kindness. Reader is the SWEETHEART of the phantom troupe after all!
Each falls in love with her, and eventually they agree on sharing her.
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mrssugarpink ¡ 9 months ago
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Chubby x Reader only
Think US size 16 and up.
I have black women in mine while writing but tbh anyone can read it but don't ask for straight hair and slim bodies cus I don't do that
I'm Bi so I write for male, female, genderless, nonbinary characters idc as long as they're cute and I think they'll treat a big woman right (or wrong?)
Fandoms I write for
Demon Slayer
Death Note
Black Butler
Hunter X Hunter
And others, just ask and I'll tell you if I've seen it
I don't mind darker themes but I'm not sure I'd be good at writing them so only reblogs on those for now
Things I reblog
Yonder x Reader, Stalking, Kidnapping, Dub Con, Toxic Characters
Things I feel confident writing
Fluff, Smut, Slight Yandere Behavior, Pregnancy, Monsters, Polyamory I'm kinda all over the place
My Faves
Renkaza atm
Tengen ans his wives
Nanami (Have not watched jjk but he makes me want to growl)
Requests: Open
send em in
Someone can help me think of a name I don't have it in me rn
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0asisbliss ¡ 1 year ago
You've been spending more time with your male friend than him
Darling why run? Pt1
Darling why run? Pt2
Darling why run Pt.3
Phantom troupe Lawyer Pt.2
Chrollo not killing kids after he has one
Zombie AU headcannons
Golden touch
Train ride
Vampire troupe
Biting their S/o for the first time
How hxh characters react to you cooking for them
Little sis
Zombie AU
How hxh characters react to you cooking for them
How they react to being pregnant with their darlings child
Reacting to their child turning on them
Kurapika being their mentor
Reaction to you crying while drunk
Biting their S/o for the first time
How hxh characters react you cooking for them
Zombie apocalypse AU
Phantom troupe lawyer
Phantom troupe lawyer Pt.2
Reaction to you crying while drunk
Sleeping with Feitan
Vampire troupe
Biting their S/o for the first time
Relationship headcannons
How hxh characters react to you cooking for them
Reaction to you crying while drunk
Vampire reader
Play wrestling
Vampire troupe
How hxh characters react to you cooking for them
Relationship headcannons
Illumi x ChubbyFem!Reader
How they react to being pregnant with their darlings child
Reacting to their child turning on them
How they react to being pregnant with their darlings child
Reacting to their child turning on them
Kurapika being their mentor
Biting their S/o for the first time
Phantom troupe lawyer
Phantom troupe lawyer pt.3
Reaction to you crying while drunk
Vampire troupe
Phantom troupe lawyer
Phantom troupe lawyer pt.3
Vampire reader
Play wrestling
Knife play
Vampire troupe
Phantom troupe lawyer pt.3
Zombie apocalypse
Hates to see you cry
Reaction to you crying while drunk
Chubby fem!Reader
Play wrestling
Vampire troupe
Shalnark training a sweet S/o
Biting their S/o for the first time
Shalnark ramble
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bwabys-scenarios ¡ 1 year ago
Uvogin Fics
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Bend Over
Halloween with the spiders
HXH characters that prefer a chubby!wife
Are they good at eating pussy?
HXH characters take chubby!reader shopping
Uvogin Icks
who in HXH has a breeding kink
Dating the entire phantom troupe HCs
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bwabys-scenarios ¡ 2 years ago
HIII, could you do uvogin with icks and headcannons? please🤭
omg I need to write for Uvo more 😩😩
Uvogin’s Icks
-he’s rough around the edges and can say the dirtiest things out in public. he’ll embarrass the shit out of you just by plainly talking about how he had you bent over the kitchen counter a few hours ago drilling into your pussy
-this guy stinks sometimes 😭 he’s got a very strong smell, like musk and sweat. It’s not that he doesn’t bathe, he does! he’s just naturally a bit stinky!
-forgets important dates like your anniversary or holidays. it’s not malicious, he does care, but he often has many things on his mind
-personal space? what’s that? he’s not afraid to be ALL up in your business 24/7.
-he’ll slip his hands into your panties or up your shirt ANYWHERE. he has no problem with touching you in public
What icks him out:
-people that are too shy. don’t get me wrong, he finds your shyness cute, but he’ll get bored if someone is WAY too shy to do anything fun with him.
-overly confident people piss him off to no end. even if he himself is overconfident sometimes
-picky eaters! it’s not a huge issue but he thinks picky eaters are weak. wouldn’t NOT date a picky eater, but it’s something that can be a turn off
-he likes a challenge, but if you’re too rude/snarky it gives him the ick. he does want you to love him after all, so be sweet on him and he’ll be sweet on you!
random headcanons!!
-loves for you to sit on his face
-could listen to you talk for hours
-uses all of your soap and toothpaste without shame. he enjoys smelling like you
-if you’re cold he’ll take off whatever too he’d been wearing and drop it over you like a blanket. hopefully it’s clean and not covered in blood/sweat
-he’s so gentle with you during sex, mostly because he HAS to be. if he were to fully let loose you’d be seriously injured or killed
-he’s actually one of the only Phantom Troupe members that wants to be a dad someday!
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bwabys-scenarios ¡ 1 year ago
Can we see a chubby!reader who maybe doesn't know that Feitan is part of the phantom troupe, so she doesn't think Feitan can carry her but then he proves her wrong (maybe with a little bit of angst because she's self conscious, and then comfort because Feitan loves that there's more of her)
Idk if that made sense
Feitan x Chubby!Fem!Reader
A/N: another short one… but I like it!! Join my server !!
warnings: insecure reader, a bit of internalized misogyny
SFW: @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @aliceattheart @atransmuter
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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You had been dating Feitan for nearly a year now, and you still knew so little about him. His whereabouts while he was out of town were a mystery to you, and you had no idea what he did for work. All you did know was that he didn’t have a normal job.
When you jokingly asked him if he was in the mafia, he scoffed. “Mafia bunch of puss- wimps. Not part of it, not by long shot.”
You were a little perturbed by his answer, but couldn’t help laughing at the way he censored himself for your sake. He seemed to see you as some kind of delicate princess, closer to a porcelain doll than human. Feitan was always extremely gentle when touching you, his hands almost hesitant when making contact with your skin.
This was something you didn’t understand. Throughout your life, people viewed you as bigger, tougher, when in reality you were quite easily hurt, both physically and mentally. The topic of your weight had been a sore subject…
But your Fei wasn’t really good with reading social cues.
“Eat good. Here, for big girl.”
You stared at your boyfriend as he used his chopsticks to drop an extra egg roll on your plate. In your mind, you know he meant nothing by it. He was friends with larger people like Uvogin who ate tons to keep up his strength and figure.
But your heart felt hurt. You pushed your plate away and huffed. “Hmph.”
He was bad about assuming things, even if you knew it Feitan wasn’t being malicious, it still hurt your feelings when he assumed random things because of your body type.
But what you didn’t know, was that Feitan wasn’t assuming anything. You were his girlfriend, he had to provide for you and make sure you ate well. In meteor city, having meat on your bones usually meant you were well taken care of, and all he wanted to do was make sure you ate.
Feitan, though… he wasn’t good at communicating that. Or communicating at all, really, so he just stared as you pushed away the food. He scoffed, slightly offended that you turned down his offer.
“Why huff? Being brat.”
You sniffled, standing up and storming off. Feitan wouldn’t let this slide, he hated seeing you upset.
The dark haired man caught your wrist, squeezing with just enough force to catch your attention. “Why act like this? Made you mad?”
You pouted, puffing out your chubby cheeks. “Mmph… it’s embarrassing. You’re thin and I’m not… aren’t girls supposed to be dainty and small? Isn’t that what you would prefer, someone you could easily pick up?”
You wiped the tears from your eyes, not daring to look back at your lover.
But you didn’t have to look, because he turned you around and began lifting you with ease. Once you were in the air, he held onto your ass, squeezing softly. You squeaked and immediately wrapped your plump thighs around his waist for support, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“See? Easy. My little bunny.”
He held you in his arms, not straining or struggling in the slightest. It was like you weighed nothing at all to him and it was… relieving.
“Can’t understand? You… are mine.”
He huffed, sitting down with you in his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist. “We clear?”
You snuggled him, burying your teary face into his neck. “Yeah…”
Feitan tried to be a bit more sensitive with you after that, and made it a point to carry you around and show you off to his friends. It was a little embarrassing… but you felt loved and beautiful.
And that was all you needed.
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