#chronic illness gang rise up
feytouched · 11 months
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spicymoodle · 9 months
Hey, just wanted to pop in and say that I'm still working on requests (and I'm like 95% done w the mammon request). I've had a real bad flare-up, and my tremors have made it near impossible to draw for a couple of days.
Anyway, thank you to everyone rbing and liking my art. It's massively encouraging when I'm feeling sick. ❤️
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teenbiology · 1 year
almost said “you too” when a hospital worker told me to take care. i think out of the two of us, i probably need to take care more
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bayleyybee · 1 year
The Observation:
- When I wake up I can speak, but by midday my voice is gone
The Problem:
- I work full time and can only stream and record in the evenings, but I can’t do that without a voice
The Solution:
- Fk me I guess?
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ladyfarona · 9 months
They should invent a painkiller that's not acetaminophen or aspirin or naproxen or ibuprofen. We're long overdue for an upgrade in OTC meds who's with me.
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acedavestrider · 13 days
i am about to have........... a Rough Day
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little-light-bulb · 11 months
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feelin bad about my current life situation so instead of handling it in a healthy way i made a meme
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man-made-misery · 2 years
Just woke up from a long nap so I will be behaving like a sloth for the next 2-3 hours
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scorchamp · 2 years
i lied im in pain oops. maybw tomorrow
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horrorsix · 3 months
hi! do you have any general headcannons about district nine or any other district?
anon i thought you'd never ask!!!
so i have many headcanons about nine because it's my absolute fav (whattt that's crazy who knew?) but i DO have other district headcanons i'd like to share so ill do a 3 part post :3
district four
- there's a big black market system of alcohol, similar to district nine.
- it's illegal for them to keep the fish they catch.
- district four has heavy irish influence, the irish language has even survived in some parts of it.
- most merchants sell shell and pearl jewellery to make their money. the others are in the alcohol or food trade.
- there are legends of sirens that are heavily believed in. people often believe they lose their partners to the sea because of the sirens.
- there's also a tattoo industry that comes with the black market.
- there's another legend of a woman who tried to escape district four using the sea. its said that the capitol planted muttations in the sea to stop anyone from properly escaping. she was never seen again.
- children as young as ten are employed on ships to do small jobs such as mopping and helping out with rigging.
- taverns are popular, especially with sailors after work.
- district four had the first ever career volunteer and set up the first training academy.
- they have strong beliefs in loyalty to those from home. if any tribute betrayed their district partner they would be looked down upon.
- there are often tsunamis and the sea levels are constantly rising.
- christianity is practiced in secret with most families.
district eight
- lots of people have dyed hair since they use fabric dye to dye their hair.
- judaism is the main religion practiced in secret.
- intensely urbanised (in canon "not a blade of grass in sight") but the victors village is on an island in the middle of a lake and harbors lots of nature, the only visible nature in the district.
- has the highest disability and chronic illness rate of all of the districts due to the danger of the profession.
- the tributes have probably the worst disadvantage other than district twelve because they have never experienced nature and natural settings before.
- children as young as eight work in the factories.
- there's alot of gang violence, usually over drugs.
- the drug addiction rate is almost as high as district six's.
district nine
- it is very much a musical district
- there are performances on every night to keep up morale, with troupes forming made up of singers, various instrument players and performers (dancers, trapeze, actors etc.)
- their work uniforms are very colourless and basic - tshirt and dungarees/jeans. so after work they get to wear colourful and creative things. most people make their own clothes because buying clothes is too expensive. they use crochet usually.
- there are big plains of uninhabitable land because of the sheer heat and amount of tornadoes. the places that are safe are called safe plains and the places that are uninhabitable are called nadozones or killer plains.
- the main town is small and where the reaping takes place. people who live further away from the town and nearer the outskirts have to take a peacekeeper driven truck to the reaping the night before, and get the same back the day after.
- the families of the reaped are made to stay in the town whilst their children are in the capitol and in the games. in the likely scenario that the children die, they're shipped back when the corpse arrives to the district.
- there are lots of little lakes that people visit during the summer.
- they have the third largest black market business of any of the districts (1st is six and 2nd is two) they mainly deal in alcohol, which is what anona's (my oc) father did that made them better off than others.
- they have strong beliefs when it comes to moral code, similarly to four. a district nine specific thing though is hating lying and frowning upon anyone who using manipulation to get their way, even when it comes to the games. they believe in truth and honesty.
- they had a large rebel influence in the first rebellion which increased their capitol punishment in the long term, they're the third most impoverished district (1st is twelve, 2nd is eleven).
- their religion is mainly tied to ancient roman mythology. they also believe in honoring their land and crops, but the capitol takes that privilege away.
- the population is very small but is spread out over different plains, the great plain (largest plain, very dilute population), timber plain (most impoverished plain, its called timber plain because all of the houses are made of timber which is highly flammable and district nine is plagued by fires. there are also timber wolves that are found in the outskirts of timber plain), blue plain (has the most lakes), wild plain (has the most forests and wild animals) and central plain (where the town is), so certain people know eachother and others don't.
- half of the children are homeschooled due to the lack of accessibility to schools mainly in timber plain.
- there are lots of myths and tales about the district, such as the outskirts (the forests that encircle nine) being inhabited by deadly capitol muttations.
that's all i have 4 now, i was kinda lacking on my d8 hcs now i yhink ab it. ill definitely think ab some more and post them later!! tysm for the ask anon <3333
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beej-machinations · 6 months
PBA Canon Character Fic Nominees
To help you choose your fave PBA '24 Best Portrayal of a Canon Character Fics, grouped by name!
I've written my own summaries, centred around the nominated character and which of their traits the story explored.
Voting Round ends April 21st (vote here x)
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Card Games, Vampires, and a Very Late Letter by TheSailingRabbit Kinch enters the service while hiding a chronic illness; much later, Hogan has finally thought up a way to help him (It's very UnOrthodox). Kinch & Hogan friendship 👍👍🥲
Kinch in Mama Bear by PicassoPenguin 4+1 story of the times Kinch took care of the other bears. what's not to love? Kinch uses his skills in observation and subtlety to watch out for the crew in both direct and indirect ways.
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Carter in A Brother's Bond by PicassoPenguin After the war, Little Deer misses his brothers from Barracks 14. He tells Brown Rabbit about them, how much he admires them, and about the first days when he joined the heroes ( !!! )
Carter in Exit, Pursued By A Bear by pronker Carter has questions. The extent to which the gang humors or suffers him is a delicate balance. I think the author captured his voice well :)
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Hogan in Decoration Day by Abracadebra Hogan mourns, then honors, the men that have died under his command. He has to lie to Klink to do so, but that's only natural.
Hogan in Sergeant 'Don't You Sass Me, Hogan' Wilson by whatisthismandoinghere Doctors may make the worst patients, but Colonels come in at a close second.
LeBeau Hogan in Well and Truly Got by Cardinal Rose - (Hogan story, i think this was mislabelled in the poll) Hogan's luck runs out. He tries anyway, but the consequences are unavoidable.
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Klink in Klink's Brother by Sam Worth Klink talks a little about his family, both real and imagined. Well captured voice and mannerisms
Klink in Yoga Session by Deepbluethinking Klink discovers that kowtowing to Burkhalter leads to kowtowing in a more literal way, to the dismay of his hamstrings.
Klink in Ashes by LightShiner14 Atypically, Klink goes to church. Childhood memories rise unbidden; and Klink reflects on the irony of attending church in the bloodied present day. There's also a question pressing at him: what does he find within himself? Does he dare examine it?
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LeBeau in Operation Mother Hen by Tuttle4077 Lebeau is sick. He's miserable, prideful, and Not Happy with the fuss everyone is making - to the point of driving everyone crazy: until they recruit the best nurse (very cute)
LeBeau in Spring Flowers by Tuttle4077 a poetically evocative piece on how Lebeau witnesses the changes to his beloved Rhineland. For better, for worse, for better, for worse. for better? (the imagery is vivid, and Lebeau's love really shines through)
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Uneasy Company by dust on the wind Stuck between a rock, a hard place, a Hochstetter, and more troubles on the way, Newkirk is stranded without any backup. We get to see how he thinks and performs under pressure when the crew isn't there. When he needs to use his lockpicking skills, how can he explain them to the paranoid Hochstetter?
Drop Bears by dust on the wind Newkirk makes a bet with an Australian POW, and ends up taking a different gamble and performing some last-minute acrobatics.
A Deserved Gift by Cardinal Rose Newkirk dreams up the perfect plot for springtime. Most of the crew beg off taking part, because its an unnecessary risk, but regardless the victory is sweet and enjoyed by all. (in wartime, even Petty Revenge requires Pro Revenge tactics)
Cracking the Vault by Sierra Sutherwind Reminded of his younger days, Newkirk gives himself an inconveniently timed challenge - much to the dismay of Hogan and Schultz. They support him, but tbh they had their hands tied, what else could they do? (bonus: Schultz and the OCs in this fic go through some interesting developments, but they arent the focus in this category)
Once Is Enough by Abracadebra Newkirk is recruited as the reluctant accomplice in Marya's latest wild scheme. He shows off his skills at bluffing, snarking, and griping >:) i like how the more stressed he gets the funnier he gets haha
Autumn Winds by Fear-Of-The-Cold Newkirk's attitude toward human connection over the years, as it is influenced by his family and the world. we get to see a pre-Heroes POW Newkirk
The Assassin by lonewolfette9846 Newkirk is given the most important job in the war. And he has to do it alone. He does his best to keep his cover, and in the little time he has strategises his next moves. A very tense story - and that tension takes its toll on Newkirk. I like how methodical and tactical Newkirk comes across in this, despite the mission not being remotely in his experience.
(voting link again)
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dutchvanwinkle · 2 years
It Will Pass - Dutch x Reader
Happy New Year, friends! Decided to post this today bc I know the holidays can be tough for a lot of people, and in case you needed a cuddle from Dutch here it is <3
I wrote this with a chronically ill reader in mind, but it can read as mental health issues or just general unwellness.   
Link in case you prefer your snugs on ao3.
Summary: You're having an inevitable off day, and it brings out Dutch's soft side.
Word count: 1,511
Content warnings: Pure fluff!
The thing with being unwell, in the manner that you were, was that you were able to function most of the time. You could get on with your day like everyone else, the ailments troubling your body being there, but not quite forceful enough to knock you off your feet. Of course, you were grateful that things weren’t bad enough to stop you from experiencing all life had to offer, but that didn't negate how exhausting it could be. On some days, it became too much to handle, and you could no longer muster the strength to keep your head up. 
Today was such a day, ignoring the brightness of the landscape around you and instead pulling the blanket up to your chin and telling yourself five more minutes repeatedly until it was midday, when you still hadn’t shifted.  
Dutch was off working, which most of the time you were thankful for since you didn’t want to fuss in front of him, especially when there was nothing he could do about it; him often having an insatiable desire to fix every problem presented to him. Unfortunately, yours were problems that couldn’t be fixed so easily. But today, your physical and mental exhaustion had extended to emotional, and an overwhelming sadness, tinted with hopelessness, washed over you that you just couldn’t shake. You knew you’d probably feel better if you got out of bed, enjoyed the fresh air, went for a walk, had something to eat... but you just couldn’t. You wanted to lie in bed and pretend the world around you was still for a while.  
You curled up, cursing the parts of your body that protested and screwed your eyes shut in an attempt to quieten their pleas along with the thoughts in your mind.  
Glancing over your shoulder, you watched Dutch enter the tent with a mug clutched in his hand and slow steam rising from it.  
“Sorry, I’ll get up soon,” you murmured, guilt rising at the non-existent contributions you’d made to the gang that day. Usually, you’d be raring to do all the chores that needed doing, or join the others out on a job, or go into town to find leads of your own. What you hated the most was that you were more than capable of getting up and do those things, but your motivation had wavered to nothing.
Dutch only shook his head, his brow creasing as he took tentative steps towards you until he was sat on the edge of the bed. “Is everything alright?”  
“I’m fine,” you shifted onto your back to avoid straining your neck to look at him, “I thought you were out for the day?”  
“We got finished early,” he stated, leaning over to place the mug on the small table beside the cot, and remaining in his position to run his thumb over your temple. “Stop changing the subject. What’s hurting?”  
One of your favourite things about Dutch was his voice. The way he was able to convey so much emotion through it by its tone, volume, and of course his voice cracks. While you loved it when he was passionate and making a speech, assertive when giving out orders, growling when the two of you were intimate, the rarity of it being soft and concerned was always a breath of fresh air that few had the privilege of breathing.  
You shrugged, not wanting to admit that truthfully nothing was hurting that much, and risk him thinking you were being overly dramatic.   
“I see,” he hummed, and you weren’t too sure what he was referring to but then he stood, stripping down to his union suit and pulling back your covers to join you underneath them. He opened his arms in an embrace for you to fall into, which you did gladly and nestled into the warmth of his broad chest, thankful that he hadn’t pressed you further on the matter.  
The truth was that he didn’t need to, he understood without you saying explicitly that you just needed someone else to take the weight, if only for a short while. You never wanted it to be him, though, knowing the heaviness of the duties already pressing down on his shoulders.  
“I’m fine, really,” you mumbled into him to lament your falsehood, muffled by the fabric that separated you from his skin.  
Mhm, was all he responded with as he began stroking your hair, tenderly and not tangling it up to avoid causing you any further distress. He pulled you further in, and the smell and feeling of home getting all too overwhelming for you. You willed yourself not to cry, but it felt so safe in his arms, and you couldn’t help but let the floodgates creep open.  
“Now now, darling,” he shifted to look down at you, but you remained where you were since you didn’t want him to see you cry. You always wanted to be a support for him, something sturdy that he could rely on, not something pathetic and emotional that he had to take care of.  
“Look at me, please.” His hand gingerly cupped your jaw and gently willed you to follow his command, which you did hesitantly.   
The expression that met your tear-soaked one was still concerned but filled with a promise that told you it’d all be okay. You wondered if it was his intention, as those beautiful dark eyes bore into yours. His thumb ran under your eyes to dry your tears, and you sniffled. “I’m sorry.”  
“Stop apologising,” he chastised you gently, kissing your forehead before returning his gaze to you. “It’s okay, you know? It’s all okay. This feeling will pass, I promise.”  
“I know,” you nodded, and you did know. You’d known that morning when you woke up; the feeling will pass and by tomorrow you’ll be back to yourself. Sometimes, it just takes a small pity party before you can get to that point.  
“You are the most precious thing to me. I will always be in awe of how much you manage to carry,” he took a breath to press his thumb on your bottom lip, “all without complaining. But it’s okay, you can complain if you want to. You have every right. I know it’s tough, and you need to give some of that weight to me every now and again.”  
You could only nod, not sure if you’d ever fully believe those words but glad to hear them all the same.  
“Is this helping?” he asked, and you nodded as fervently as you could manage. “Then we’ll stay like this until you feel better.”  
“Dutch, no, it’s okay – you go and carry on with your work, I’ll be fine, don’t worry -”  
“My darling,” he chuckled with the raise of an eyebrow, “are you telling me what to do?”
You managed a small smile, your first one of the day, which softened his features somewhat.  
“Because I can assure you,” he continued, “there’s nowhere else I’d rather be right now.”  
“You’re sure?”  
“Positive,” he cradled your face in his hand, hands that had caused a lot of pain to many but right now were your greatest source of comfort. He nodded his head in the direction of the table behind him, “try some of that tea for me?”  
You shifted up onto your elbow, reaching over him and grabbing the mug to take a few sips. It was peppermint, you knew that much, one of your favourites and there was other stuff in there though you couldn’t pick out what it was. “Did you make it?”  
“On what?”  
“Do you like it?”  
You smirked, taking another few sips before setting it back down and nestling back into his embrace. “I do.”  
“Then yes, I did,” he admitted, though you weren’t sure if he was lying, or partially lying – you'd be sure to ask Hosea later whether it was his doing or whether he’d assisted him. You didn’t mind either way.  
“Well, thanks, in that case,” you snorted, slotting your leg in between his.   
“My pleasure,” he hummed, satisfied with himself. “Would you like me to read to you?”  
You shook your head, quick to correct yourself as you didn’t want him thinking you didn’t enjoy him reading to you; you did, but right now you wanted to lose yourself in him, the aggressive outlaw that also happened to be the gentlest person you’d ever met. “Could you just... talk to me? About your day, or a recent event?”  
“Course,” his voice rumbled soothingly as he pulled your frame closer, tucking your head under his chin and you were more comfortable there than you’d been all day. He paused for a moment, thinking of which story to tell before he began telling it while you listened to the faint rhythm of his heart. “So, you know how Trelawny hasn’t been around for a while? Well, you’ll never guess where Arthur and I found him this morning...”
You smiled to yourself as you found sanctuary in his words; it would all be okay.
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groovesnjams · 4 months
“Starburster” by Fontaines D.C.
At the time when I was mostly unfamiliar with both, I felt like Fontaines D.C. was maybe like the post-punk equivalent of the Sally Rooney novels. The Sally Rooney novels, I’d gathered, were like romance novels for the repressed and it was that chilly uptightness that made them debatably literary. Fontaines are like romance music for the fucked up – dark, truculent, wry sense of humor – and after a handful of singles I felt like they were debatably high art. I read Normal People last year and, like, yeah. It is a romance novel for the chronic anxiety and depression set. It’s better than that too – there’s a way that Rooney is able to capture the effete ennui of the rich and the numb rage of the not rich in stylistic choices alone, but you could also just read Edith Wharton because the times they have not changed so much. Fontaines D.C. maybe could be characters in a Sally Rooney novel. They’re entering their fourth album cycle with “Starburster,” a song that is by parts “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons and “With or Without You” by U2. These are big changes for the band that previously hewed very closely to a formula of a windowless room with an uncomfortable chair and a single lightbulb descending from the ceiling. It’s brighter, more colorful, as the title suggests. But it’s also tinted with a more obvious sense of desperation. For attention, maybe, or an agenda. The song doesn’t hit its stride until it shells its pretense and unfolds like so many soft petals into a sonorous interlude courtesy of Grian Chatten. His voice is simply undeniable, slightly raw and yearning, intimately vulnerable. It’s the stuff of transcendence, rising above class warfare and ill fated soulmates and the politics of the era.  
The only Fontaines D.C. song I know is last year's "Fairlies", which isn't actually by them but did unexpectedly win me over when I gave it a shot. I was expecting something very similar from Chatten's group work, which meant "Starburster" caught me by surprise. But maybe it would have done that anyway - it seems designed to resist expectations, with its false start and the alternate world of its extended bridge. I'm left with the impression that Fontaines D.C. are a band concerned primarily with formalist experiments and less interested in lyrics, the exact opposite idea of them I held after "Fairlies." This is intriguing if true! There aren't that many of those left, let alone putting out compelling music (Gang of Youths comes to mind as an example of one that manages it.) Based on "Starburster", I can only deduce that Fontaines D.C. are like Gang of Youths but more nasally. I will not be confirming this theory through any kind of research beyond this web site.
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sepulchretide · 8 months
chronic fatigue and chronic illness gang rise up
except don't because we can't handle that
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kyleesdollplace · 1 year
i haven't posted here in forever (chronically ill gang rise up ✌) but i just had to pop in and make this post because every once in a blue moon the generous soul who donated their beloved Samantha doll and collection bits to me likes a post on my main blog and I'm reminded of the incredibly kind thing they did for me because Samantha has been my dream doll since I was three and having her was and still is a dream come true and seeing them in my notifications fills me with such a rush of warmth and love and gratitude
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aeonblaze · 1 year
started spiking a fever in the last hour and a half if my shift, chronically ill gang rise up
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