#and my microwavable heating pad busted :(
acedavestrider · 13 days
i am about to have........... a Rough Day
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pinkcolorpencil · 7 months
Last update for today is a couple of personal projects; a pillow, and a Pokémon shaped heat pack. (His name is Stringbean)
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There's not lot to say about the pillow honestly, other than it was made from an old shirt that was falling apart, and some old but pristine Pokemon fabric that I was given ages ago.
For the heat pack, my old one busted a while ago and I kept the rice from it, intending to use it to make another. Well, I procrastinated a lot on that, but finally got the motivation to make a new one, but I didn't want to just make a boring plain one. I thought about several Pokemon that I could make, mostly fire types, before I saw a scarf of sizzlipede that I really liked and realized it was already the perfect shape. So sizzlipede it was to be. He's not perfect by any stretch, but he's fully microwave safe and really helps ease pain in certain areas more effectively than a heating pad would.
He took a few days total to complete, and here are some in progress pics below.
All of the pieces that were cut out to make him
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The top and bottom sewn together, as well as his feets.
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Everything pinned into place, then the two halves pinned together right sides facing in.
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Pressed flat with the iron after being sewn and flipped inside out.
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And lastly I left a small part on each segment open just enough to fit the end of a funnel through, to make inserting the rice easier. Then I closed him up, triple checked that everything was sturdy and secure,
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And then gave him a test run in the microwave.
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kth1 · 5 years
Piquant [Jungkook x Reader]
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Piquant [Jungkook x Reader]
Pi-quant / adjective: having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor.
⟶ Credit: @kimtaehyunq​ ⟶ Genre: Smut | 21+ | Vampire AU | One Shot ⟶ Warnings: explicit, sub!jungkook/whiny lil thing, vamp!jk, oral (M&F), fingering, blood/blood play, biting, period blood, noona kink, adult content, bondage(M), unprotected sex, language, semi overstimulation, semi cock-warming, creampie, squirting, roommates to ?, multiple orgasms, etc ⟶ WC: 12k ⟶ Summary: Jungkook is your awesome roommate who also happens to be a vampire. There’s nothing wrong with that of course, even with the playful tactics he does to fluster you. Until you realize those quipping taunts meant more than he led on. ⟶ Teaser: “He savored your flavor; his mouth finally got the taste it has been curious about for a long time now. He wanted more before his taste-testing was over, and he knew exactly how to get it.” ⟶ Author’s note: Hello everyone, this story is a precious gift to @jkeuphoriadreamland​ – as Yoly fully enjoys a bit of a whiny brat version of Jungkook. And NOONA KINKS. I tried my best to write him as a sub, and I truly hope you enjoy this fic. Nervous as all hell because you are a wonderful, glorious writer; and gifting you a fic of my own makes me kasdjhf. Anyways, this is unedited bc reasons - I had fun being your Peach Peep and writing this for you! (I didn’t mean to make it as long as it did… oops. xoxo)
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“You smell pretty tasty.”
“Well, I’m not!” You retorted.
“Let me have a quick taste? That’s all I’m asking for.” Jungkook requested.
“Koo, no! You have plenty of bottles of blood in the fridge – just heat some up.”
Jungkook snorted with disgust, “Tch, that blood is synthetic. It’s not as good as straight from the source.” His finger trailed up the inside of your wrist, his body taking a step closer to yours.
You snatched your wrist back to yourself quickly, glaring up at your pest of a roommate. “Oh no no no – Jeon! You stop that!” Jungkook took another step, a grin present on his sculpted face. You respond with a pointed finger, raising your eyebrows in question. He wanted to play this game again.
“But Noona, please!” He whined with a pout. The vowels drawing out with the sentence with a childish tone, but his eyes shared something deep and dark. Thirst.
“I am not your bloodbag Jeon Jungkook!” your accusatory finger now prodding his chest.
“True, you’re not. But you are my friend.” He smiled, cupping your hands in his, “friends help another out.” He let out a little giggle when he saw your flustered face.
You scoffed, laughing as your roommate continued to plea. “You don’t need help! You have blood in the kitchen! B negative to be exact. It’s a fresh stock!” You shooed him, ushering him to turn around and pushing him towards the opening of the kitchen.
“Noona!” he droned again.
Oddly enough, Jungkook adored using this nickname towards you. Even though he is a hundred and something years older than you, his ripened age of vampire is in his early twenties – when he was changed into one, he found it humorous to call you Noona because your human years have surpassed his frozen age. Thus resulting, in his mind, you being ‘older’ than him. That, and the fact you get flustered up over the nickname.
There’s no doubt in your mind that your pesky little vampire friend could overpower you at any second if he really wanted to, but there was a firm alliance between the two of you. He has control over his hunger after all, he’s not a savage. Just because Jungkook is a vampire doesn’t mean he was a monster. For years vampires have lived among the human race, they aren’t out to rule the world or anything. Just trying to survive like every other creature.
Still, he and you were good friends. Actually, when you first met him you developed one of the biggest crushes on the mysterious vampire – but that feeling subsided drastically when you realized more about his lifestyle.
The two of you met through friends of friends. Trustworthy, as you had his back and he had yours. And now, you two shared an apartment in the busy city of Seoul, making ends meet as he works at the local vamp lounge, being a bartender. You wallow yourself forever in an office desk job providing customer service over a phone and through your computer.
“I swear to god if you ask me one more time, I’m going to throw my silver jewelry at you!” you threatened. “And stop calling me Noona!”
He scrunched his nose, annoyed at your rejection. “Ahh, you’re no fun.” He grumbled under his breath, turning away and departing towards the kitchen.
“It’s my blood! My property!” you yelled to the back of his dark ruffled hair, watching it sway with each of his steps before it vanished behind the wall.
“Then stop bleeding around me! Don’t get another paper cut and I wouldn’t ask!” he shouted from the other room.
The shuffling noises from the fridge to the microwave was audible enough to hear. A hint that he’s reheating a bottle of blood. Luckily for him, you were nice enough to stop by the convenience store on your way back home to pick him up a fresh batch of blood. Picking up his favorite flavor for his special acquired taste.
You looked down at the coffee table that was littered with a pile of mail, some ripped open and some still untouched. Your eyes darted at the piece of envelope that was sharp enough to break through your skin and cause a nasty little cut. You mentally scolded the piece for causing a stinging pain in your index finger. The irony of the rent notice cutting into your wallet was the act paper that cut into your flesh.
With your hand still close by, you examined the cracked cut that adorned a leaky line of red with a bead of blood threatening to drip off. “Wouldn’t ask.” You mocked Jungkook, speaking to yourself. “Oh please – you’re such a begger.” You sucked on your finger, attempting to take the small sting away and ridding your blood while you continued to reorganized the mail on the table.
The audible footsteps of Jungkook resonated as he approached back in the living room, bottle attached to his mouth. You glanced over your shoulder to see what was up with his lingering, and he answered your gaze with narrowed cut, stink-eyes. Sipping bitterly hard on his warm thick fluid drink, he rolled his eyes and continued down towards his bedroom.
He heard what you said.
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Jungkook was gone, a scheduled vacation to meet up with some old friends for the weekend. You have the whole apartment to yourself for once, and during this time you had an untimely visit from your aunt flow. It tainted your mood, unwanted pains and cramps forcing you out of whack. Your weekend consisted of kissing your lips to Ben & Jerry’s selection of ice cream flavors, watching movies and downing your own dosage of Advil and other pain killers.
The apartment wafted with your heady scent. Something you couldn’t pick up with human smell alone but to a vampire like Jungkook, he could pick it up instantly. Like a shark in a water, he can catch whiff of all kinds of scents with those advanced heightened senses.
You were fast asleep in dreamland, a heating pad atop your stomach that lulled your cramps at an ease. Curse the world that during this period, your cramps were ungodly painful, and you felt like complete and utter shit.
What you didn’t know was that your roommate had decided to cut his group hang out short – coming back home in the middle of the night. Not like he couldn’t come and go as he pleased – it was his house too. But tonight, it was slightly… different.
He stepped up the stairwell in the apartment complex, fidgeting with the ring of keys in hand. A strange smell entered his nose, something foreign yet so similar to him. It forced him to halt his actions, standing still while looking down the corridor. It was coming from this floor – his floor.
Jungkook reached level 3, turning his way down to his apartment with the scent leading him all the way to the front door. A succulent aroma enticing him, ticking his hunger. He soon realized that sweet pungent smell that he zoned into was your scent – your blood was lingering in the airway in a heavy dosage.
“Oh fuck!” he unlocked the apartment door in a rush, speedily running in as fast as the bulk of your musk entered his sinuses. Immediately Jungkook thought the worst, thinking something happened to you; you were hurt and bleeding out. Were you okay? Why are you bleeding?
His feet brought him to your bedroom door, “Y/n! Y/n!?” he’s frantic. The moment Jungkook busted your bedroom door open almost off its hinges, he was relieved to see you intact and unharmed – seeing your body sprawled out across your mattress fast asleep.
But the sudden commotion jolted you up out of your slumber, the booming sound of your door flinging open and Jungkook’s voice calling out your name startled you.
“Kook?” You whipped your head towards him, a groggy voice to match your terrible bedhead you sported.
“Shit, sorry! Fuck, I didn’t mean to wake you! I just – I,” his thoughts were cut off, that rambling of his mouth seized when you shifted yourself on the bed, rolling the comforter around. The blanket that sealed the majority of your scent now accidentally releasing in a wave, the sweet tangy smell hitting Jungkook face first.
His hand latched to his nose, plugging his ability to smell you any further. Internally he was fighting his natural urge to go for it, to have a taste of this juicy aroma that was causing his mouth to water and fangs to sharpen. This impulse was worse than any other time, like when you got papercuts or accidentally nicked yourself with a knife. You always had a peculiar smell, something that made him curious, and now he’s invested.
He knows he needs to leave the area, go get himself a bottle of blood or find a unfortunate prey on the street, quickly. He can’t touch you; he shouldn’t touch you – but god do you smell so good and your scent was incredibly inviting.
His backpack slunk off his shoulder to the floor with a thud, the intoxicating smell was so deadly that it was forcing a haze of thirst run over him. “I thought you were hurt.” He confessed.
You rubbed your eyes to remove any forming crusts, “Hurt? What? I’m not hurt. That’s why you woke me up?”
Jungkook shook his head, staring over at your confused and puzzled face. “N – no Y/n, you’re bleeding. Like a lot.”
It took moments for you to register what he was implying. Widening your eyes when you finally came to realization. “Oh no… shit. Sorry Koo. I’m fine I swear.”
You scurried, flipping the covers over you to witness a decently large stain that had accumulated through your night shorts. You bled through your bottoms, something you haven’t done in years, yet mother nature is always good at being unpredictable. You sighed, face palming yourself to how you practically ruined the fabrics and it will take a miracle to clean them completely.
Jungkook froze, all instincts fighting to break free the moment his sensory eyes laid on the darkened patch that decorated between your legs. His fist tightened; his body completely stiff with blown out eyes. “Run Jungkook, fucking run.” He ordered himself internally.
You carefully moved your body around, attempting not to get any more blood on your sheets. Thankfully you didn’t have any cramps right now. Typically, you were very cautious around your roommate during times like these. Plugging yourself up with tampons from beginning to end of your cycle, refusing to stay around him or the apartment for too long, even he would take time away to give you your space. It was out of respect for another, established as a primary rule before you two signed your contract to the apartment.
As you hobbled closer towards the door in which Jungkook stood, you couldn’t understand why he refused to move out of your way.
“Kook, I have to go to the bathroom.” You seek to brush pass him but Jungkook’s hand snatched your arm – grip strong.
In a slow raspy voice, he breathed, “Noona.”
You blinked up at him, watching a flicker of red flash over his darkened orbs. You felt caught, trapped by his intense stare. His build was larger than yours, almost menacing when his body hardened to block the frame of the doorway.
“Jungkook… relax…” You felt the temperature of your body shift. Should you be worried? Scared? Embarrassed?
“I can’t.” his other hand held onto your free arm, slowly backing you away from the door with trembling steps. His eyes frantically searched your face, pupils wide while the chocolate brown of his eyes shaded to a vibrant red.  
His eyes were demanding, a scare or warning that there was no going back from this. You’ve witnessed this look before when you visited the bar he worked at, when his eyes catch onto a delicious treat in the crowd. It won’t be easy to escape this situation. Jungkook was invested in getting what he wanted, what he was craving…
“This – this would be weird. It’s – Jungkook listen to me for a second.” The back of your legs touched the edge of the bed. “Jungkook!”
He hummed, glossing his eyes over you once more. His tone beckoning you to continue.
“This is period blood!”
He shrugged, rubbing his hands along the expanse of your arms, not allowing you to sit down just yet. He can feel the warmth of your body, how you are much warmer than usual. “It’ll just taste a little off. It’s not like I haven’t had it before.”
“Ew, Kook! No that’s gross! Like, do vampires actually enjoy? This?” You tried wiggling yourself out of his grasp. But he stepped closer – closing whatever distance there was between the two of you. You swallowed thickly, feeling quite intimidated and small under his presence. But you took note, his tight chest now flexed in front of you and hands held firm to your arms as if he was holding onto dear life.
“Y/n.” Jungkook whispers, leaning closer to your head. His phantom breath tickled the shell of your ear, “Please let me have a taste. Can I please…?”
It sounded so sensual coming from him. A shiver running down the base of your spine from the odd request. His hands now ghosted your hips, fingers etching a tingly sensation into your exposed skin. He carefully played with the waist band of your shorts – dipping a finger under it in a teasingly way.
Jungkook was controlling himself to all extremes. He knows he can’t attack you the way his nature wants him to, you’re his friend after all. He shouldn’t be stalking towards you like this. He cannot ruin you the way you’re ruining him right now. But he’s surely thinking about it.
You felt shy, nervous but oddly turned on by your roommate’s intimidation. All his persistence, his pleading whines slowly getting to you. You should feel disgusted – right? The idea of blood, your blood, your period blood, being taste tested by your friendly vampire. Which makes you question yourself even more when you tell Jungkook, “Okay…”
You’re shocked and so was Jungkook. Your confirmation is all he needed to hear, so he didn’t need to stop his action of snaking his hand down your shorts, slowly trailing his fingers towards your core.
A small gasp escaped him the moment the freshly soaked patch on your undies came in contact with the pad of his index finger. The urgency of pushing his finger down onto the cloth to collect whatever residue he could overwhelmed him.
It was an odd feeling – your roommate exploring his wondering hand down your shorts. What you didn’t expect was how it still felt somewhat good. The sudden contact of your lady bits now getting attention not by your own hand, but of someone else’s. Causing your body to jump with a sexual alert and now you’re the one holding onto Jungkook’s arms as if you were going to buck under him.
Jungkook brought his fingers back up to meet his face as he inspected the redden stain that now coated the tips of his digits. A strange manner – something no human in their right mind would do – Jungkook sniffed at your remainder. Naturally this would be so revolting for a human. But Jungkook is a blood-sucking vampire. Any form of human blood wired him up and he lived off of it, literally.
You watched him with your bottom lip between your teeth. You watched as he stuck his fingers in his mouth and exhaled a very audible groan thought his nose.
“Fuuuuck, Noona…” his tongue dragged between his fingers, then lips to savor the flavor. Suddenly his hand disappeared back to the waistband of your shorts, this time less hesitantly now. “You tasted like this all along?” He speculated while advising you to sit down, tugging harshly at your bottoms.
You nervously fumbled trying to catch his hands before he could hoist your bottoms off. He was fast, desperate for more. “Kook! You said a taste!” you squealed.
“I’m not finished tasting!” he growled. A more aggressive side taking over his demeanor. In his swift act of removing your bottoms you heard the ripping of seams. Fabrics pulling apart. Then your used panties and shorts were discarded off to the side – there was no saving them now.
Jungkook held your hands, staring down at your now pinched thighs that hid his juicy treat. He can sense your uncertainty, your nervousness – so he tried to look as apologetically pleading as possible while kneeling down in front of you. “Noona – please!” The pitch of voice didn’t match the way of his eyes that stared you down. “I’ll make it feel good, I promise. Just let me show you!”
He shoved his face between your knees, attempting to pry your legs apart, that strong scent now mere inches away from his mouth. Jungkook couldn’t control his hunger any longer, not when there was free blood just asking to be eaten.
It was almost pathetic at how desperate Jungkook was being, wiggling his head further into you. His eyes glowing pure red as they fixated at the crack between your thighs. He dragged his lips across your skin, planting reckless open mouth kisses. The sight of your roommate on his knees for you sparked a deep desire within your core.
“Kook! Let’s talk about this!” You flushed as you pinched your thighs as tight as possible. Jungkook’s hands firmly held yours still. He grunted at your resounded rebuttal, pleading more with a high pitch – needy whine.
He wasn’t listening, he couldn’t hear you as his hunger took over his senses. His throat felt dry though his mouth watered for your flavor. Heat embedded into your cheeks, rocking a wave down to your bundle of nerves. You squeaked at the shifting movements of Jungkook wedging his face even more. “Kook is this even right?!”
Complete turmoil ran through your mind – you’re sharing yourself with your friend. Someone you had a crush on, and now that attraction crept back up. An act that you two have never experienced before. This wasn’t your average ‘oh here take some blood from my wrist’ situation. Jungkook was aiming for more than just a snack and it didn’t seem like the vampire didn’t mind what-so-ever.
“I’m okay with it Noona – are you?” He nipped your leg lightly, slowly dragging his now sharpened fangs on the soft skin. His lips formed a pout as he looked up at you with reddened puppy-dog eyes. “I won’t bite you.”
Everything about this situation seemed so wrong, but Jungkook was making it sound so right. You never realized how the excitement of the situation was causing your chest to rise erratically, an ache in your core now persistently present and you swore the puddle down below wasn’t just blood now.
You were nervous and body slightly shaking. It’s late, it’s wrong, this whole circumstance entirely dangerous. But that didn’t stop your body acting on its own accord by widening your legs just enough for Jungkook’s head to slip in. A spark lit bright in Jungkook’s eyes when he laid them upon your dirty flower, the sight looking as appetizing as ever.  
“Yeah.” You breathed. “It’s okay with me. Don’t bite me or so help me god –“
“I won’t.” Jungkook didn’t hesitate to slide himself in – licking up the blotches of blood that escaped onto your inner thighs. The sensual feeling of his tongue tracing patterns around your pussy.
Lewd noises came from Jungkook, devouring your juice as if it was the best meal on Earth. Satisfaction releasing through his nose that moment the flat of his wet muscle licked up between your lips, flicking at the tip of your clit.
He released your hands as he felt you ease into him, moving them to your upper thighs to kneed lovely circles into them.
“Oh!” you moaned. Your fingers carded though his hair – head nestled deep between your legs. “Koo-!”
He grinned against your sex. A slight giggle escaped his lips, “Yes, Noona?”
Jungkook looked up at you through his eyelashes and with a cock of his eyebrow, mouth entrapping your cunt. He flicked his tongue up you once more just to see your reaction.
You shuttered – back landing onto your mattress. You openly sighed with a ridged breath. The dangerous mouth of Jungkook eating you up like it was his job. “Fuck, Kook.” You giggled at your shameless moans. The feeling of bashfulness creeping up on you from enjoying the sensation, those disgusting thoughts fading away against the immense pleasure. Stimulation being particularly focused on your small bundle of nerves, especially when Jungkook sucked on it.
The mess that dressed your cunt was most definitely already cleaned up by now. But Jungkook continued to pleasure you in return – after all he did say he’d make it feel good.
He savored your flavor; his mouth finally got the taste it has been curious about for a long time now. He wanted more before his taste-testing was over, and he knew exactly how to get it.
“Let me thank you, Y/n…” he purred.
Snaking his fingers under you, he teased the pads of his digits around your entrance. Prodding slowly along with the rhythm that his tongue set. Your cunt clenched around the insertion of two of his fingers that eased in effortlessly.
You allowed him to have a taste and now he wanted to repay you back by giving you a treat you won’t forget. You gasped for air the moment Jungkook’s fingers curled up into the thicket of your inner walls, pressing long drawled out strokes against it.
Your hips bucked, jerking up into the wild tongue of Jeon Jungkook. It was sinful the way he ate you out, and even at the right angle you felt the sharp of his fangs that threatened to dip into you. His word was true, he wasn’t going to bite you, just clean you up.
With the constant thrusts of his vicious digits, he was also swiping out any hording residue of your unfortunate mishap that got you two in this situation in the first place. Of course, this luscious taste is distinct, but Jungkook can also relish in the flavor of your natural essence that extracted from your cunt. And the mix of these two delectable tangs together soon made their way to the top of Jungkook’s palate.
Your body tightened, the sudden rush of your climax rushing through you as goosebumps rise across your skin. The fist you steadily held in his hair, tightened. Your back arched off the mattress, Jungkook’s hand holding your hips securely down.
Vibrations ran through your body while you moaned Jungkook’s name, creaming all over his face. He groaned in return, lapping up every inch of you.
He leaned back, removing his mouth and fingers. Wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, Jungkook peered up at you with constraint. You remained laying, staring at the ceiling and feeling completely washed out. That just happened? You had one of the best orgasms of your entire life all because Jungkook was thirsty?
“You good, Y/n?” A mousy voice drew your attention out of your thoughts, back down at the man who hesitantly stood up. His hands moved your legs back together, and he assisted you to sitting back up right on the edge of the bed.
You nodded, reserving your thoughts for another time as you looked up to Jungkook. His eyes were no longer blood-lust red but instead his wide doe-eyed nuisance you’re oh-so used to seeing. They wouldn’t be so annoying if they didn’t work on you, but they did. Every. Damn. Time.
“I’m good, Kook! Uh – thank you.” Your expression of gratitude stammered out of your mouth faster than you could think.
Jungkook murmured under his breathe, but it was loud enough to hear the “Yeah, of course.”
Oh boy. You can feel it – the awkwardness setting in.
Before there were any more unsettling silences between the both of you, you spoke up. “I should really get myself cleaned up, if you can excuse me, I should really go to the bathroom.”
With that announcement you scurried, more like dashed yourself to the bathroom that was adjacent to your room. Leaving Jungkook to stand in your bedroom bewildered. He glanced down over at your discarded ripped bottoms that lay lifeless on the floor, still stained with your pungent aroma. He faltered battling with his inner thoughts when his lips quivered ever so slightly.
“Fuck.” He seethed the profanity through his teeth while palming over his groin.
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It’s been a week since the misadventure that happened between your roommate and you. Determined, you choose to take the path of act-like-everything-is-fine. Nothing was wrong, no of course not. Right?
You had a full week to dwell on these thoughts, by yourself. No interests in opening your mouth about it to your best friends, or any random stranger at a bar or even the same clerk you run into at the convenience store every now and then.
So what – you let Jungkook have a taste of your blood? You’re an adult, and it was perfectly fine! He needs blood to live anyways – if anything you were doing him a favor! So, you told yourself…
But strangely enough after that night, after the mind-blowing orgasm that left your core fluttering for days even at the thought of that night, Jungkook distanced himself from you. No matter how many times you addressed him to partake in a casual event that the two of you normally participated in like enjoying a movie on the couch, having drinks together, running to the store or even playing one of his blasted videogames – Jungkook declined more than often. It was always.
Jungkook was hardly to be seen, stating he picked up more shifts at the lounge or hanging out with others. Meanwhile his nights remained occupied, and your days were busy with your office job – it caused more of a space between the two of you. When his actions persisted, you couldn’t help but think there was something wrong.
By day four of post orgasm those flooded doubts came running in. What you two did wasn’t right, you fucking knew it. Jungkook must have known it too. “This totally fucked up everything didn’t it?” It’s the only excuse you could devise with the series of events.
Now day seven you sat there in the middle of the couch; legs crossed over another as your foot impatiently tapped in the air. It’s been exactly a week from that treacherous night, and the more you thought about the risky behavior you both endured, the more it couldn’t escape your mind. You’re putting too much effort into something that shouldn’t be minded.
At least, that’s what Jungkook was doing – right? Not minding the incident…
With a glass of wine in hand, you sipped with resent as your flickered through the list of movies to preoccupy yourself with. Something needed to stand out, something to distract you from your irritated mindset. Maybe a comedy, maybe some horror with a bit of action?
You settled for something, clicking play and started up towards the kitchen. Swallowing the remains of your glass in honor of filling it right back up to the brim. In the course of your tipping the wine bottle into your cup, watching the dark liquid pour out of the nozzle so fluidly, you heard the entrance of your apartment open up.
That can only be one person – Jungkook.
Placing the bottle of wine back down on the counter, you turn with a full glass in hand. You walked out of the kitchen to be met with the emptying of the living room once again. Jungkook must have bee-lined it straight to his room.
A sudden rage rose up within you, not particularly enjoying this cold-shoulder act Jungkook insisted on giving. You want to confront him; you’re getting tired of this odd behavior and if there was an elephant in the room that refuses to leave then you will kick it out with all your might.
“Jungkook!” You hollered, feet stepping down the narrow hallway towards his room that was hidden in the very far end. “Kook!” Your voice belted his name a few more octaves higher.
Your knuckles contacted his bedroom door, tapping against the wood. “Can you open up?”
Through the wood you can hear the rummaging of Jungkook throughout the room. He was ransacking his drawers, the sound of his chair wheeling back and forth as his steps moved to and fro. “I’m busy right now.”
A stern huff escaped your lips. To calm yourself you took a long swig of your wine, hoping it cooled you down – or even give you more of a liquid courage to speak up.
“It will only take a minute!” You barked.
He didn’t reply back to you, but instead he continued to rustle around his room for god only knows what. With this indication, you felt peeved and your hand was fast to the doorknob. Twisting the handle fast enough to fling the door open so you can face him.
Jungkook was in the midst of tucking in his black fitted button up shirt, belt still hanging loose through the loops. Matching with his black sleek trousers and set of tuxedo shoes that went along with the monochromatic attire for work. For a brief moment, your mind zoned in on how Jungkook would look… when not just dressing, but undressing. That thought bubble was popped abruptly when he whipped his head in your direction and yelled at you.
“I said I was busy!” he repeated, tone fully capturing the blunt of his attitude.
“Jungkook, come on you’ve been avoiding me all week.” You inclined.
Jungkook ruffled out the last bits of his shirt, tapering it into the band of his pants. He fastened his belt security along his waist with the clinks and clacks. “I’m late Y/n. I don’t have time for this.” Jungkook breezes past you towards the bathroom with his stationary bag lugged over his shoulder. He eyes himself in the mirror, tidying up his hair and quickly rinsing his mouth with mouthwash.
Your feet pattered to the bathroom door, now leaning your body against the frame of the entrance. You can notice the harsh side-eye you receive from Jungkook, but you pay no attention in giving a reaction to it. “Kook, what did I do for you to avoid me? Was it because of what happened?”
There was sadness laced inside your voice, but it was taken over by puzzlement. You were just concerned, what happened to the dynamic between the two of you? Why can’t Jungkook even look you in the eyes half the time and run away to steer clear of you?
He spit his mouthwash into the skin, checking his teeth in the mirror for any imperfections. He shimmied the other string of his bag on to his other shoulder and turned to leave the bathroom, seeing that you now stood in his way he gave you an uneasy glare. “Move.”
“What the? No! –“ you protested. Your finger jotted out towards him, “Stop avoiding me!”
He can tell by the flare of your nostrils that you were fuming, and your tone of voice rising with each word you spoke only added to the obvious fact that you were indeed pissed. If it wasn’t for the clear sight that you’re holding up a cup full of alcohol, he’d most definitely would have smelt it lingering off of your breath. Jungkook attempted to grab the glass of wine out of your hand, assuring you that “you probably drank too much already.”
“Hey! – No, give me that!” You argued, holding tight with your fingers circling around the base. He’s shuffling around, pulling at your wrist to let go of the damn thing, but it was when his hand latched over yours that covered the base an unexpected shatter echoed in the apartment.
Wine spilled between the two of you, decorating the bathroom floor and your feet with the murky dark liquid. Pieces of bladed glass scattered around, and you winced when you felt the sudden jab of a shard that dug itself into your palm.
You yelped, jumping back in surprise and pain. You held your hand out, outstretching your fingers to see the blossoming of red liquid leaking from the shard. “Fuckin’ hell!”
“Shit! Y/n, I’m sor –“ Jungkook cut himself mid-sentence after reaching out towards you. The blood oozing out from that blade of glass was spilling out your sweet tasteful scent, and it wired Jungkook. His inner thirst now aroused.
Pain was plastered over your face as you ripped the piece out from your palm. You pressed firmly against the open wound, looking at the mess that is now below you. Glass everywhere and wine seeping into the cracks of the tiles.
Your eyes met up with Jungkook’s just as he was pushing pass you, down the hall and out the front door. Astonished at Jungkook’s utter rude mannerisms, you held your mouth wide open. He just up and left you in the middle of a mess that was caused by him. That you now have to clean up after taking care of this fresh cut inside the palm of your hand.
And he still didn’t answer your questions.
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Another week went by with your poor attempts of consulting Jungkook and him avoiding you like the plague. And with the last ‘real’ incidence where the two of you spoke more than a few syllables, you ended up with a fresh cut to your hand and having to mop and sweep up glass shards and your favorite flavored wine off of the floor. And at this point, you felt like you were avoiding him just as much.
The animosity in the air between the two of you went down a gruesome hill. Tumbling down into smithereens where neither one of you can easily look at another. Jungkook still remained busy as ever, staying out of the house only until you leave for work. The only things that made you know he was still alive was the empty blood bottles left in the sink, the shower curtain being tossed every-which-way, and the half-hazard filing through your piled up mail when he picked out his belongings and left yours disorganized.
Needlessly to say, Jungkook stressed you the fuck out. You were bending to his routines, you were seeking shelter away from him, and all casual activity between the two of you completely vanished. Your confusion turned into spiteful hatred, wanting to smack your roommate upside the head.
Now you’re on week three of roommate-distancing. Your room became your safe haven. The living room was a crossfire full of casualties. The kitchen is a death wish. And the bathroom became your secret chamber when you needed to relax with a steamy relaxing shower and your bubbly loofah.
All this time, your mind already grew curious about Jungkook. There was no way you can repress your emotions when it came to him completely shutting you out. But you did stop remembering that night that turned the sequence of things between the two of you. You wanted to forget; you don’t want to think about it – ever.
You spent weeks dwelling over this roommate dilemma, and it tainted your mood entirely. Your job lacked enthusiasm, your tv didn’t please you enough after watching the same junk over and over. Tonight, you felt appropriate to go out for the night, treat yourself. Because you out of all people know you deserve some fun after the bullshit you are handling.
Fuck it – you’re going to the bar.
Pleather jeans hugged your legs, a blouse that you had tucked in lays low on the neckline flaunting your clavicles and upper chest. You jeweled yourself with a silver body chain that connected at your neck and dipped down between your breasts underneath your shirt. To top of your rocking outfit, you selected your best pair of open-toed red high heels lacing up the front and pinning up half of your now curled hair.
After finishing off the last touches of your make-up you gave yourself a quick look over in your standing mirror. Amused with your selection of attire you gave yourself one last twirl before grabbing your purse and heading out your front door.
You just needed time out, grab yourself a few drinks. There’s no shame of going to the bar alone, plus you enjoyed becoming acquainted with the bartenders here and there. It always gave you a sense of comfort knowing, even though it’s apart of their job, you can vent to them about your worries.
The Snake Pit, a clever yet sinister name for a bar tended to be one of your favorite hot spots to visit. Not only it had a dancefloor and an elongated bar that stretched to the full extent of a wall, electro pop music, and it had its own special feng shui to it.
Heel’s clacking against the hard-wooden floor beneath you, you strutted yourself over to an available seat by the bar. You smiled sweetly at the oncoming bartender who was headed your way, “Hey there! It’s been a while hasn’t it, Y/n?”
You handed over your card to the young chipper male who gleamed down at you, “Open a tab for me please. I’ll start with a mojito, Jin.”
“One Mo-Jin-To coming right up!” he smiled, whipping around to grab the appropriate glasses and mixtures. You bobbed your head to the music waves as you checked out the crowds around you. It was packed here tonight, and you’re happy to see people enjoying a great time.
“How’s it been?” Jin questioned after placing the glass on a coaster in front of you. He leaned in resting his elbow against the bar. Jin was a notorious little flirt, but with good intentions. He just wanted to make his customers as happy as possible – or maybe just enjoyed swooning the ladies to give him better tips.
“It’s… alright. Been better. Just needed to blow off some steam. And of course, I came to visit my favorite bartender. Can’t ever forget a face like yours.” You laughed along with Jin, taking a quick sip of your drink. “Oh? You made it a strong one.” You gave him a thumbs up, “yup, definitely my favorite bartender.”
Jin responded with a playful wink before leaning back up to assist other customers who beckoned for his attention. “Let me know when you need round two!”
And round two came sooner than later. Possibly drink three being concocted as you continued to sip down your mojitos like they were juice. When you grabbed your freshly made glass, you made your way to the dance floor to find some fun.
Within the course of an hour the beat of the music picked up drastically. Bodies swayed left and right in formations, lights flickering and buzzing around your sights. You were so into the rhythm that your hips moved naturally to the tunes.
Until a hand grabbed at your waist, turning you slightly towards them. A man slightly taller than you and maybe just as tipsy as you decided to take his chance on dancing with a pretty lady. “Hey!” he slurred over the loud music. “Let’s dance?”
His invitation wasn’t much of an invite, considering that he was already dancing along with you. But you accepted with a wide smile, urging him to come closed so you could relax your arm around his shoulder as you continued to drink. “Might as well, it is a dancefloor.” You giggled.
The bar felt like you were playing musical chairs with suitor on suitor. Eventually your drink vanished completely, and you were on your third dance with another random, but handsome, stranger.
“You smell just as pretty as you look.” He whispered into the shell of your ear, rocking his pelvis into your backside. His hands found a home on the curve of your hips, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his confession.
“That’s got to be one of the better pickup lines.” You hummed. “I’ve heard worse” you teased as you whipped yourself around in place, now placing your hands through the man’s hair. It was thick and hardened with some sort of product. You glanced around at the bar, noticing your favorite bartender flirting along with an innocent girl that sat right in front of him. A couple having a heavy make-out session just a few feet away from their interaction.
But you found a spare seat that was left empty, a motivation for you to go back for another drink? Or just relax from dancing since you felt like you needed a break.
“That’s not very nice,” the man prodded. Nudging your head aside so he could place a tender kiss against your neck.
With reflex you jerked your body away, avoiding the man and pushing him away. “No thank you.”
As you were turning on your heel, the male stepped close to you once more. Arm linking around your body, “Where do you think you’re going? Thought we were dancing?” He grinned eerily, an odd ominous vibe now shining from him.
Your hands came up to shove him away, but there was a movement in a blink of an eye that you didn’t catch. Maybe your vision was impaired, but you could have sworn you were just in the clutches of this man, and now he stands five feet away from you with a bewildered look.
“Back off.” A low grumble resounded next to you, a face popping into your perception. Jungkook?!
Jungkook’s jaw was clenched, grinding his teeth against another as the muscles flexed on the sides of his jaws. His arm was now linked around your waist, holding you close to him.
“What the fuck man?”
“She said ‘no’, didn’t she?” Jungkook challenged the man, stepping in front of you now to face the male. From here you can see his back tensed up under his dark t-shirt. You couldn’t comprehend the duel going on between the two, or maybe you couldn’t hear over the voluminous blaring of techno beats.
When the male fled the dancefloor, Jungkook turned to look at you. “What the fuck Kook!” You blurted. He was taken aback for a second, confused why you’re all of a sudden yelling at him. “Excuse me? Shouldn’t you be thanking me!?”
“Not that. I don’t care. But what the actual fuck?!”
All your pent up and inner rage towards your roommate from the past few weeks was making you hostile. Even seeing his face stirred you up to the point you wanted to hit him for being so idiotic.
“Y/n, seriously. Not right now. I just need to get you out of here. Please.” He grabbed your elbow, leading you a few feet before you tugged back on your arm.
“No!” Your hand gripped around his wrist, trying your damn near hardest to pull him off of you. “You need to explain right the fuck now!” You stomped your feet, throwing a small tantrum.
Jungkook’s patience was very thin, especially when it came to drunk you. He stepped closer, tugging your body next to his. “Fucking listen to me for a second, dammit. I need to get you out of here. I’ll talk to you when we’re outside.” He spat back at you.
“Why?” You rebutted, glaring up at his face.
“Cause you’re fucking bleeding, Y/n! And if it wasn’t for me that sleazy vampire would have had you for dinner!” He bit back. Both him and you were bickering back and forth, drawing attention from surrounding bystanders.
“What’ do you mean I’m ‘bleeding’” you air quoted with your fingers. You belted out an obnoxious laugh. Your unpleasant emotions were getting the better of you – resulting in making an ass out of yourself when all your roommate was trying to do was help you out. “Next thing you’re gonna say is that we’re friends too, right?”
Jungkook’s nostrils flared, his brows raised as high as they can reach. You were acting quite absurd and he didn’t understand what had gotten into you. “Y/n, I can fucking smell you.” He seethed out the words through his teeth. That’s when you noticed his fangs were now elongated and sharp. Jungkook wasn’t joking around.
A moment of realization kicked in and your eyes widened. “Wait, really?” You trembled.
“Yes. Now let’s get you out of here.” Jungkook escorted you through the crowd, hand now holding yours. The two of you quickly grabbed your tab from your helpful bartender while Jungkook looked out for any wondering eyes. If both he and that strange vampire could smell you, he was sure others can too.
Jungkook followed close behind you, being extra protective while scanning the areas outside on the way back to your apartment. When the two of you made it about four blocks down in complete silence, besides the sound of your heels hitting the concrete below, you decided to chirp up. “You said we’ll talk outside. So, talk.”
“Alright. What do you want to talk about?”
Your feet came to a halt, twisting your neck to look at Jungkook who walked a few paces behind you. “Seriously? You can’t imagine anything, not one thing, as to what I want to talk about?”
Jungkook ignored your stare, dismissing the obvious topic of interest by responding with. “Well, it’s easy for a vampire to tell another vampire apart. For one, they don’t have a heartbeat. So, when I saw him up on you, I grew curious.” A smug little grin pulled up on Jungkook’s face.
You balled your hands into fists, frustration pulling on every nerve in your body. “Don’t play coy with me! Stop. Fucking. Ignoring. Me. Jungkook.” You marched yourself right up to where he stood, invading his personal space. “I’m tired of it. Just talk to me. What did I do?”
“Nothing.” He mumbled. “It was me, not you.”
You snorted; the classic phrase used in so many cliché break up scenes. But this time, it’s not a break up. It’s literally two friends who have a weird misunderstanding with another. “Oh? So that’s it? It’s you and so you avoid me?”
“Keep walking, we’re only a few blocks away.”
You shook your head in defeat, crossing your arms and held tight to your body. The faster you get home, the faster you get to clean yourself up and the faster you can close off Jungkook. Little did you know that your furious speedy walk gave your butt just enough jiggle in those pleather jeans you decided to wear. Giving Jungkook something to admire from a far as his senses were being laced with your aroma.
“I’m sorry Y/n…”
“No, I’m sorry I have a shitty friend like you.”
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Jungkook kept up with your pace, walking step by step along with your strides. He knows you don’t truly mean the words coming out of your mouth. It was his fault, and he was trying to admit blame for it all.
As the two of you made it up the stairwell in your apartment complex, Jungkook tried speaking up to you once more. “Y/n, look I know what I was doing wasn’t –“
“I don’t want to hear it.”
You slotted the key into your door, twisting it open and walked yourself into the darkness of your living room. Your night out became a terrible mess, rounding back to the initial problem that you’ve been trying to avoid. Once you kicked off your heels, tossing them aimlessly across the floor mat, you did the same to your purse and keys.
“Y/n.” Jungkook’s voice broke through. He reached for your arm, tugging you to face him. “Look I’ll talk all right?”
“Oh? So, I go weeks with being ignored by you, but you can’t last a night when the tables are turned?” You mocked Jungkook, looking at your roommate straight into the eyes.
“I had to, Y/n!” Jungkook pleaded for reason. “Please, I needed time okay?”
By now you were sobering up, any remains of your alcohol intake must have been sweated out during dancing and on your walk home. Jungkook was sporting his infamous doe-eyes while he looked desperately back into yours.
“Time? Time?!” you rose your voice. “Time to be an asshole? Needed time to ignore me when we could have discussed the problem? You literally circumvented yourself away from me for weeks? Was eating me out that terrible?!” Your fingers found their way to pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Whoah! Y/n, Y/n whoah whoah. No!” Jungkook grabbed at your shoulders and leveled his head with yours. Surprise took over his body, clearly the both of you were having polar opposite battles going on with your minds. “No that’s not the – that isn’t. Gah… Fuckin’ hell. Eating you out was great! I enjoyed it.” Jungkook eased his hands over your shoulders, “Wholeheartedly, even when I don’t have much of a heart to comment by, I promise you. I think… it was too good actually. But, that wasn’t the problem at all!”
Your face froze in place with your mouth forming an ‘O’ shape. Only a few times you closed it, just to open it up and speak. “Wait… I’m confused. What’s the problem then?”
Jungkook exhaled a long, exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes at you. “Y/n. Your – uh your blood is a problem for me.”
“Well now I’m slightly offended, Jeon! You said I smelt good!” You wacked his chest with your palm. During which, a brief flicker of red cut through his irises and it made you pull your hand right back from him. It was at that moment, even when Jungkook’s gazed turned to a scowl, you knew he meant something else.
“You should really get yourself cleaned up.” His voice didn’t sound like a sincere worry, but more of a threat.
You snapped back at him, “You should really learn how to control your hunger.”
Jungkook squinted his eyes at you, licking his lips with a fixed gaze. He leaned forward suppressing the enigmatic smile he wanted to show you. “May I remind you, Noona, you’re bleeding right now.”
There it is again, that pet name that he enjoys cooing you with. The name that slightly makes you shy because you yourself don’t know how to react. Or maybe it riled you up, it was his way to flirt around with you shamelessly.
Your heady scent wasn’t as strong as the last time, no not at all. It was as dull as usual when you covered it up with tampons, only a faint aroma wafting from you. Not a pile of blood decorating your skimpy nighties in the middle of the night.
But it was the fact that Jungkook has already had a taste of your blood, he knows what it tastes like. He knows how good that succulent flavor drips so freely from you. Jungkook refuses to let any other vampire pry on you, like that bastard back at the bar. This blood was favorable, and god dammit he’ll protect it at all costs.
You crossed your arms over your body, staring down Jungkook who was quickly turning into the Jungkook from a few weeks ago. “And if I am bleeding, you sir, aren’t getting any of it.”
Jungkook held back his tongue, prodding it against the inside of his cheek instead. Your scent secretly became a dangerous drug for Jungkook. Almost addictive in a sense. He was lucky to have been walking the streets near The Snake Pit, smelling your custom flavor in the air. But he was so completely unlucky when he skipped out searching for a quick drink that he was left thirsty.
And the agonizing walk from the bar back home to make sure you remained safe, getting a nice view of your ass swaying with each step in those tight pants, only tantalized him further because all he could do was sniff you out. You invading his vicinity only teased him worse.
He let out a breathy sigh again, “What can I do?”
“I’m sorry?” You blinked at him.
“I haven’t eaten tonight, and I know there isn’t any more bottles because you stopped buying them… what can I do to get some of your blood right now?”
You quizzed Jungkook, “I don’t know, what can you do?”
Jungkook reached for your hand, unfolding your arms from your front. He raised it to his face, where he placed your palm flat across his cheek. His hunger was forming an empty pit in his stomach, he physically could feel his abdomen churn inwards at the thought of your blood touching his tongue. His voice came out as a soft whisper, “I’m so sorry for mistreating you recently.”
Jungkook’s thumb rubbed along your inner wrist, stepping closer to your body. He can feel your heartbeat pick up pace, the warmth of your hand against his face grew clammier the longer he stared at you. “I – I would really love some, if you let me. I was good to you last time, right Noona?”
His words were sweet, his eyes were sweeter with the pleading look he emitted even when the color of his orbs turned to that deadly crimson. Fuck. You don’t know what it was about Jungkook that triggered you in the most sinful of ways.
Was it the way his smile looked so dashingly sexy even when he’s being a childish punk. The effortless good looks no matter what style of clothes he was wearing? His entire aspect, the living (well actually dead) embodiment of Jeon Jungkook was everything you actually craved.
You breathed, “Yeah… You were very good to me.” All of those memories of that night flooded back. The feelings. The satisfactions. How hot and heavy Jungkook’s tongue felt against your swollen sex.
“Let me be good to you again.” Jungkook advised, kissing your inner wrist now.
“Only on one condition.” You stated as your grab both of Jungkook’s wrists in your hands. You guided Jungkook down the apartment hallway, ignoring the poorly lit areas and towards his room. After pushing open his door with a foot, you pointed to his bed.
“My bed is the condition?” He grinned amused at the option in front of him. Thinking that this condition was nothing serious, but easier for him. He complied to sit down facing you with a questionable look. “What now, Noona? You have me.”
Your hands reached behind your neck, unclasping the body chain you decided to wear out tonight. “This. This is my condition.” You held the long piece of jewelry up. “It’s pure silver. I’m sure you understand.”
Now you drew Jungkook’s curiosity even further, what did you have in mind with that chain? He never knew his roommate was so kinky before. You peaked his interests with entertainment.
“Wrists. Now.”
“But how am I going to be good for you if you cuff me?”
“Do you want my blood or no? Because I’m certain just about a minute ago you said –“
“Okay. Okay. Fine.” He shook his head while displaying his wrists out to you.
The burn of the chain sizzled against his skin as you twisted it around another, tying his wrists together. It was painful for a vampire, not only does it burn but it also paralyzes the affected, so they cannot pull the material off of the area so easily.
Jungkook’s face had irritation written all over it. The pain biting him with annoyance. The only thing keeping him going is the fact that whatever he may do will give him the blood he desired.
“This is for you ignoring me for weeks.” You raised his arms above him, pushing him back onto his bed and securing his wrists to one of the posts with the assistance of a sturdy belt.
Jungkook groaned out, “Hey, I said I was sorry!”
“Apology is not accepted.” You smiled.
He watched you carefully, eyeing your bar outfit, your face, the excitement behind your eyes sparking at the actions you chose to partake in. “So, this is my punishment?” He winked.
You shrugged, making your way over to the other side of his bed to sit down next to him. “I’m pretty sure this is a reward for you, since you want my blood.” You reminded him waving your wrist in front of his face.
There was struggle, Jungkook’s eager bloodshot eyes now zoning in on the span of your wrist. You watched as his adam’s apple bobbed with a swallow. He was thirsty.
When his eyes glanced back over to yours, he had desperation screaming from them. His breath turned jagged, inhaling your lingering scent some more. “Noona – please. What do you want?”
You leaned back laying down and used Jungkook’s abdomen as your pillow, staring up at the ceiling. His innocent pleas sounded mesmerizing to you. You wanted to hear him talk, to confess.
“Besides my blood what do you want, Jungkook?”
Jungkook leered down at you. With this angle he can see the expanse of your neck on show, stretched long and elevated on his waist. He can only dream about sinking his fangs into that supple skin, slurping up whatever poured out of you.
“I want to put my mouth on you.” He declared.
You rolled your eyes, turning to face him. “I said besides my blood.” Indicating that he would want to repeat the same process as last time.
“Not down there. Not right now at least.” His eyes conveyed a secret promise.
A blush snuck up to your cheeks, raising the color of your skin to a warmer shade.
“Would you like that, Noona? Will you let me put my mouth on you?” He said with excitement. The strain of his wrists tugged at the post, Jungkook eyeing you through heavy lids. “Please, let me do something. I’ve been smelling you all night.”
On a whim you perched yourself up over Jungkook, straddling above his waist. “No.” You smiled wryly once you grabbed at the hem of his shirt.
Jungkook parted his lips, licking over his set of teeth. The two of you exchanged a brief heated look, a challenging gaze. Then the sudden tear of his shirt ripped in two as you tore the seam apart with all your might. You exposed his flexed stomach all the way to the top of his chest. “And that’s for my shorts and underwear.”
Jungkook whined, not at the lose of his shirt, but at the bold movement of your actions. It was hot. Your initiative was something he’s never seen before coming from you. And the image of you hovering your dirty flower right above his pelvis is forever going to be ingrained into his memory.
His chiseled upper body was on full display for your eyes now, disregarding the shreds of his shirt still linked around his arms. Fuck, Jungkook was sexy. The entire idea of this sculpted creature under your demand was turning you on second by second and you decided to take advantage of your leverage.
“Noona, just a taste please?” Jungkook begged with a reedy voice. He thrusted his hips up into you, wiggling his eyebrows. He was under your control, completely wrapped around your finger and it didn’t stop him from begging.
You fingered at his nipples, running your thumbs around the softened skin to cause them to perk up. You traced patterns with the tips, running up and down along his abs. “Where do you want to put your mouth?” You inquired. Tapping your digits around his cool skin. “Here?” you prodded, pointing at his upper chest right under his clavicle. “Hm, what about here?” you ran your finger over the prominent vein that bulged out of the side of his neck from constraint.
You watched the way Jungkook’s eager looks turned into anguish, the agony of not having what he craved was tormenting. Your teasing wasn’t helping, you were testing him.
“Anywhere.” He stuttered. “Everywhere.”
Jungkook gasped when you pushed down your weight onto his hips, his growing bulge now receiving attention instead. You smirked; you knew Jungkook was turned on by this. “Jeon? What do we have here?”
He swallowed thickly. Trying to straighten out his mind to respond to you properly but nothing but natural instincts were getting in the way. “I’m hard. I’m horny. And you’re extremely hot right now. As much as I am hungry, I’m thinking many other things about you right now.”
“Enlighten me, Koo.”
Jungkook dropped his head back onto the pillow under him with a whimper. He was parched, he was sexually aroused, and infuriated that he couldn’t do anything about either of them.
“Noona please!” He cried. “Do whatever you want, please. Just help me out.” Jungkook drawled on and on. His wrists continued to strain against the custom-made handcuffs that burned into his skin, rendering him from movements.
Jungkook pointed with his chin towards the junction of your bodies, “Help me.”
It dawned on you, how sleeping with your roommate right now probably wouldn’t be the wises of ideas. And those uncertainties were calculating on your face. Jungkook notices this, jumping at his opportunity to speak. “Y/n. Hey – Look at me. I’m okay with this.” His voice came out soft, still whimpering under you.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Fuck yes! You have no idea how much I need you to touch me right now.”
You hesitantly unbuckled his belt and unlooped the button to his jeans. His dick was prominently swollen, being constricted against the layers of materials. With a swift tug at his bottoms just below the curve of his ass, you released the beauty of his hardened thick cock, red at the tip with a spruce of precum glossing over the head.
Jungkook exhaled a shuttered breath, his cock aching to be touched. His member twitches cutely at the ghost of your hand hovering above it, and another whine resonated through his nose. You couldn’t help but admire the curve of his dick, the vein that ran over the underside of it. How soft his frenulum looked to the touch.
“Is this what you want Kook?” you firmly grasped at the base of his dick, right above the well-groomed hairs. His hips jolted up at your touch, flexing his muscles and pulling his arms from the restraints.
“Y – Yes!” he choked out. “Help me Noona. I promise I’ll be good for you.”
You didn’t doubt his promised plea. Last time he promised you something he surely delivered it.
You smothered his leaky precum over the head and through the slit. Fisting his shaft nicely just to watch Jungkook thrust his head back further into the bed. The angel of his jaw tilted back that showed up his thick neck was a delicious sight to witness.
To surprise him, you dipped your head down. Kissing your lips to the tip of his dick and running your tongue along the area. You hummed in satisfaction when Jungkook’s thighs started to shake underneath you. Who knew you’d have this power and demand over your friend.
Your mouth sank down, taking him in an inch and he choked out vowels. He tasted of a sweet salt, miraculously this part of his vampire body remained animated. “Noona!” His teeth remained clenched together, fangs threatening to bite into his bottom lip. “Don’t stop.”
The wetness of your mouth coated along the rest of his cock, submerging him as far as you can go and wrapping your hand around whatever portion you couldn’t reach. His tip touched the back of your throat when you took him in. Subconsciously you made sure to suck hard as you pulled away.
A string of saliva linked between your mouth and his dick, thinning out right before it snapped. Jungkook groaned out at the sight. He was painfully hard, and his stomach constantly reminded him he needed to drink before he depleted himself.
He whimpered as you abandoned his member, letting it relax against his stomach. He huffed out with a buck of his hips, “I was good to you last time!” he reminded.
“That you were.” You sat at the edge of the bed, untucking your blouse from the band of your pants. “So good.” You blushed.
“What are you doing?” His kicked you softly with the side of his foot. Your fingers found their way to the zipper of your bottoms, undoing them and shimmying them off. The blouse and bra you wore was soon tossed to the side. “I’m going to ride you if you let me.” You peered over your shoulder, baring your backside to him.
Jungkook’s eyes lit up, beaming the red hues that decorated them. “Yes, please. My god – please ride me.”
You straddled yourself over Jungkook’s waist, making sure not to fully sit down on top of him just yet. You wanted to tease him of the sight from a few weeks ago. Your lovely lady-bits wafting his favorite flavors together. “I guess I was bleeding a little bit huh?” You laughed to yourself.
His mouth watered; lips parted. Your smell lingers into his nose and filled his lungs. Jungkook was thankful you tied him up otherwise he was sure to have attacked you to get this treat.
“Rub yourself on me, please. I want you to coat my dick.”
He caught you by surprise, this lewd sentence spilling out of his mouth. But you conceded, sitting yourself back on his throbbing member, just to run yourself up and down on it. Your wetness caused an embarrassing and loud squelching noise, your taint painted on Jungkook’s cock like a canvas.
He met the swing of your hips with his own, grinding up into your slick sex. His pressure was forceful up into your folds as if his dick was asking for permission to enter you. “Is this what you want?” you teased again.
He nods vigorously, controlling his impulse to thrust up into you. His hunger remained dominant, but the lust for you became top priority.  
You locked eyes with him the second the tip of his dick threatened to push past your hole. He was yearning to break through and glide his dick against your velvety sleek walls. His lips are pink and bitten while he continued to let out those cute pleading noises you enjoy hearing so much. Jungkook’s eyes fluttered closed in a tormented bliss.
He was ultimately at your mercy, within your clutches and you could break him at any moment. Leave him hot and heavy to get back at him if you really wanted to. You didn’t speak, just waiting for a sign that he was close to his breaking point.
Jungkook whines again brokenly, “Please, please Noona. I want to be inside you. Can I please?”
So needy. So deprived of his wants and wishes. You feel for him, you really do. Feeling him shake like a leaf from the anticipation of plunging his cock so far up into you. And you allow it.
You leaned down further, allowing just the head to sink in. He groans out your name the moment you slipped him back out, just to repeat the process once again now easing yourself all the way down on him. You stiffed a moan yourself, humming along with the series of loud whiny noises escaping his mouth.
“No more ignoring me, Koo.” You rolled your hips up. “If we have a problem, we should address it. Right?” You circled, bobbing yourself on his cock. “Right?” Your hands found perch on his chest, pinching his nipples enough to harden them and forcing an animalistic growl out from Jungkook.
He gasps, choking out breaths, “Right!” his eyes skewed shut. Jungkook’s wrists were bleeding, pinned together tightly. His lust fogged mind wished to get his hands on you, to guide the movements of your hips or even flip you over just to pound himself inside your cunt.
His eyes opened just enough to stare at the way your body moved on top of him, a small raspy groan leaving him. God you look like a delicious treat – he’s even questioning himself how he lasted this long without taking you before.
The pants that hugged his thighs were preventing him from widening his legs. The fabric softening the blow of your ass landing down on him. The stinging burn of pain mixed with the immense pleasure of your pussy clenching around his smooth cock has got him spinning down in spirals.
“I – I’m, Noona. So close.”
“No.” You asserted, slowing down your pace to a halt. “Not yet.”
Jungkook kicked his feet out, eyes blown wide. “What, Why!?” His cock twitched inside of you the same way his hips jerked up.
“Bite me first.” Your wrist made its way in front of Jungkook’s mouth. His tongue swiped out licking your delicate skin. His mouth latches onto you with no hesitation, the sharpness of his fangs burying themselves inside forcing you to hiss at the sudden infliction.
It was like biting into a peach, liquid spilling all over her mouth. Jungkook sucked with fervor, drinking down your delectable juicy liquid while his hips jutted up into you. He wanted you to continue, keep moving before his orgasm gets denied. He muffled a cry against your bleeding wrist when you swivel your hips at a certain angle.
You were panting in the open air, picking up your speed to meet his urgency. Face gorgeously flustered, unshed tears sparkling from Jungkook’s eyes. Your blood pushed Jungkook over the edge, freefalling down into a pit of pure bliss. He chases his orgasm, using a sharp uncoordinated sloppy thrust to bury his cock deep inside your cunt as he came. Cum jetting out of him in streams like a fountain.
His fangs retracted from your wrist, being replaced with light butterfly kisses over the wounded area. Jungkook flops back to the pillow, short of breath. Portions of your blood smeared around his lips and also his dick.
“Holy shit – “ his words faltered.
You gave him his moment, allowing him to take it all in before you moved off of him. Lifting your body off of Jungkook he cuts your action with a sharp tone, “Where are you going?” His eyes dawdled on your exposed body, forcing you to freeze mid pull-out.
“I? I was going to clean up?”
He shook his head frantically, “Don’t get off me just yet. Ah. You didn’t cum – I want to make you cum.” Jungkook edged his hips up with a spasm of overstimulation, his member hiding back inside of you. “Sit back down on me please.”
He was softening inside of you; you can feel it slowly shrink and the idea of cock-warming to get you off wasn’t something that sounded promising.
“Kook, it’s really okay. I don’t need to.”
“I want you to. Get me out of these chains.”
You sighed, leaning forward enough to hold Jungkook’s cock inside of your super slippery walls. Giving Jungkook the opportunity to place hot open-mouth kisses to your breasts that dangled down in front of him. The make-shift bondage was released, pulling the chains off of his ruined wrists. They’ll heal back shortly anyways.
His hands latched to your waist in a blink of an eye, digging his nails into your skin. There was a pool of mixed liquids between the two of you, glistening in the light. He didn’t bother to yank his pants off, he wanted to focus on you instead. He guided you to run your hips a certain way, tilting them down so your clit can run against his pelvis.
“Hold me inside you, can you do that for me Noona? I’ll get hard again just by watching you use me.”
His voice was filthy whispering those sentences in the air. Involuntarily causing you to clutch around his dick.
“Ah – just like that,’ he cooed. “Play with me, do what you want.”
He continued to pilot your lower half on him, running your drenched pussy into him. Your breath turned labored; clit throbbing with sensitivity from the build up of stimulation. Your hands ran the expanse of his chest, his biceps, around his collarbones and up. Finger’s interlacing with the tendrils of his hair at the nape of his neck.
He was bringing you close to your release just as his cock started stiffening back up. Your breath caught in your throat, a brief squirm of your body reacting to his dick prodding into your sweet spot.
Your mouth dropped open, pleasure taking over your face. “Right there?” Jungkook taunted. “You like my dick against that spot?” You nodded like a bobble-head. He moved you again, repeating the action.
You never noticed how your hips were moving on their own accord now, how greedy you were being as you used your roommate as a pleasure toy. A very hot, sexy, vampiric sex toy indeed.
The moans escaping you were coming out as a song, heighten with each second your lower stomach started tingling. It was happening. You were at the brink of your orgasm, railing your clit into Jungkook. “Fu – fuck. Kook!” Your eyes clamped shut and your bottom lip was bruising from your demanding teeth. “I’m so – gasps – im so close.”
You practically hiccuped the moment his fingers pinched your bundle of nerves, tweaking it between the two digits. Forcing your body to thrust forward with a maddened cry. Orgasm after orgasm erupted through you, vibrations shooting through your body the same way you squirted all around Jungkook.
Jungkook caught you before you could collapse on top of him, sitting his body up so he could hold you in his arms. He petted your hair as you rested your head in the crook of his neck trying to calm down from the aftershocks of your numbing body.
“Hey, it’s alright, I gotcha.”
The warmth of your body captivated him. Your smell of arousal and blood dampening his body and sheets are sure to stir some problems in the future if he didn’t get it cleaned up quickly.
“Thanks…” you murmured under your breath, inhaling his manly scent.
“Clean I get you cleaned up?”
You nodded, circling your arms a and latching your legs around him. Exhaustion was whipping over you and you swore you started to see stars in your peripherals. What was it about Jungkook that caused the best orgasms you’ve ever received?
He chuckled, “Noona, I’m still inside you right now. If I’m gonna clean you up, I need to be able to move. You’ve made a mess everywhere.” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, trying to get a better view of your blush fucked-out face.
“I feel a little weak.” You embarrassingly whispered.
“Of course you do – I fed on your blood. And you came about 3 times in a row.” He held you tighter, shifting himself to swing his legs to the edge of the bed. Everywhere was soaked. Leaking fluids colliding with anything it touched. It was then he decided sleeping in your clean bed will be easier for the both of you. “I’ll get you something filled with vitamins to help you replenish.” He gave a quick peck to your temple, examining the way you dozed off.
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© All rights reserved under @kimtaehyunq​ - do not copy, repost, modify, edit, or translate any of my work without my direct consent. This tumblr is the ONLY place my fics are posted.
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writingbakery · 5 years
“tapewebs”; a series 🕸
hanta sero is just your regular everyday japanese-american immigrant college student, living in the heart of brooklyn. when miles morales collapses on the windowsill of his shitty one bedroom apartment, life gets.... a hell of a lot more interesting 🕷
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[a spiderman! sero au one shot series, featuring class 1-A, hanta sero, miles morales, an assortment of marvel villains, & you, dear reader - the object of one tapespider’s affections ✨]
[pairing; sero x gender neutral reader 🕸]
[warnings; fluff, violence, action, angst, romance, & a lot of tape/spider puns 🕸]
“Sticky Note Origins”
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the city is prettier up high, sero realizes. granted, he wishes he’d come to that conclusion on solid ground, without his feet nervously planted on a skyscraper ledge, but still.
every whip of wind threatens to topple him over, send him careening down into a frenzied spiral of buildings and colors until he meets concrete at the bottom - and he’s supposed to willingly jump.
he wonders if he’ll pass out before his bones meet solid mass, cracking in so many different ways the coroner’ll have to play connect the fragments until he’s a person again.
behind him, an impatient cough sounds, bringing him back to the task at hand. fuck.
you’re probably wondering how he got here. let’s rewind a week.
one week earlier
at ten pm on a friday, the city is in its prime, bustling crowds of people laughing and stumbling through the brightly colorful streets. hanta’s just trying to protect his pad thai & dumplings, hugging the greasy paper bag to his chest as he weaves in and out of the chaos.
a day full of long classes & a quiet shift at the cafe-slash-bookstore halfway between campus and his crap one bedroom apartment leaves him exhausted, shoulders hunched as he makes his way home. nobody ever sees him regardless - the city’s too big for one lanky, always tired beanpole to be much notice.
despite living in brooklyn since he was four, he’s never felt a hundred percent comfortable here - he had an accent right up until he was thirteen, still trips over certain words and customs that don’t exist back home in japan. he’s awkwardly tall, not enough to be a phenomenon but towering over all his family. he just doesn’t quite fit anywhere - too smart and plain to be popular, too boring to be with the jokesters, too awkward for the nerds. he’s been a loner all his life, and while he doesn’t mind too much, he just wishes it was a little easier to belong.
a text rolls across his phone screen as he’s shuffling songs, skipping some j-pop rock song to settle on kendrick lamar as he smiles. you. he couldn’t lie and say he was completely alone, not when he had you in his life.
you were a year younger than him but twice as smart, skipping a year ahead and landing yourself in hanta’s high school freshman english class. the pair of you had just... clicked, from the very first moment he pointed to shakespeare’s likeness on the cover and mocked “what, you egg?!”
your laughter had left him on cloud nine the entire day, and he made it his personal mission to hear that beautiful little giggle at least once a day for the rest of his life.
a lovely friendship had bloomed from there, the two of you joined at the hip - if you were somewhere, hanta was bound to follow & vice versa.
you’d even gotten into the same college, albeit for drastically different majors - he was a biochem/engineering double major, while you were an english/history double major. you were opposite but similar in so many ways, and the way you both completed each other didnt go unnoticed by sero.
you were his puzzle piece, the bits of him he’d never been able to fill easily made whole by your presence.
he could never tell you, however; your friendship was too precious to risk, especially over his dumb, emotional heart.
sending a string of laughing emojis towards the meme you sent, he jogs up the seven flights of dimly lit stairs to his tiny, one bedroom apartment - living in the city wasn’t cheap, & while the elevator was always busted at least he had a doorman, and heat that worked on occasion.
stepping into his apartment, however, he can immediately sense something is wrong; the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, a heavy silence coating the darkness. the air feels wrong, tipsy turvy like the whole place is holding its breath - like something’s on the verge of exploding, catapulting him into chaos and danger.
quietly stepping through the living room, he peeks into the kitchen and bathroom, holding his backpack out like a makeshift weapon - his $200 biology textbook finally going to good use. finding nothing in either dark room, he slowly advances towards his bedroom, carefully measuring every step. at first, the room seems perfectly normal - nothing’s been moved, and it’s just as empty as the rest of his apartment.
and then he sees the blood.
dotting his windowsill in bright, red streaks, the window itself pushed halfway open - but that’s not what stops him in his tracks, eyes so wide it hurts.
spiderman is leaning against his windowsill, covered in blood and panting heavily, one hand held up in an effort to stop hanta in his tracks.
“i need...... help,” he whispers, voice rough and low; hanta’s amazed he can still speak.
he opens his mouth to react, somehow, even steps forward to catch him before screaming like a ten year old girl at a morgue, panic setting in like cold water.
never a dull night in brooklyn.
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once he’s made sure that spiderman - miles, as the young man bleeding all over his $12 walmart carpet supplies - isn’t going to die anytime soon, hanta’s quick to recover from his shock. bustling around his tiny kitchen to make cheap ramen and digging around in his closet to find his mini first aid kit, he’s in full fanboy mode - he’s got posters plastered wall to wall of miles morales on his bedroom walls, for gods sakes. not that he knew it was miles morales, but still.
miles morales is curled up in the fleece blanket hanta’s mom had sent him his second week at college, and he’s totally not freaking out.
he’d had to cancel his nightly facetime call with you, lying about a stomach bug - he hates keeping things from you, but this is just too big and messy and dangerous. he’ll tell you in due time, he promises himself, trying to ease the coil of guilt in his stomach.
“how did you end up on my windowsill, again?” hanta asks, gently pushing the bowl of noodles towards the injured man. he’s got his own pad thai long forgotten in the microwave, more focused on the superhero who’d gotten his ass whooped on his doorstep, so to speak.
“i told you. i’d been watching you for a while - you’re the most promising candidate i have.” miles’ voice is slick with humor, a sort of teasing confidence that’s clear even through the pain.
“which i’m still not understanding - candidate for what? blood services? biology questions? how to make $20 last two weeks??” he knows he’s being childish, too joking for the severity of the situation, but he can’t help it. the neighborhood’s - and his own - hero is sitting in front of him, eating shitty 33¢ ramen from the bodega around the corner, telling him he’s a prime candidate.
“to take the mantle.” all traces of laughter are gone now, miles leaning forward on the table to emphasize his words. “i’ve been doing this long enough to know when to quit. my body’s giving out on me - i got slammed into a wall last week and couldn’t shake the pain till yesterday. before, i’d be fine within an hour. the city needs someone new, young, willing to take the risks.”
hanta’s ears stopped listening the moment he heard quit. “me? are you fuckin’ joking?” he wheezes, coughing his way past the shock. “i get winded walking up to my apartment! an old lady beat me to the c train yesterday! a strong wind could kick my ass!”
miles is either willfully ignoring him or just can’t hear, plowing ahead with his explanation. “you’ve got the perfect build for webswinging, and you’ve got a good heart - you know when to do the right thing and when to step away. leave the rest up to me, and trust me - i know what i’m doing.”
hanta can’t believe his ears, pushing away from the table to pace around his kitchen in panic. “i don’t till you understand, you’ve got the wrong guy - there’s no way i could be spiderman!” his words are falling on deaf ears - miles is standing too, and he doesn’t seem to care about hanta’s impending panic.
“you’ve got to trust me on this, alright? meet me tomorrow, at this address - 12 pm sharp. the city needs you, hanta - hell, i need you. just have a little faith.”
hanta scoffs at that, throwing his hands in the air. “faith?! i met you an hour ago, bleeding all over my windowsill! that’s not exactly the most- hey! where the hell...” there’s nothing but a blanket, a hastily scrawled address, and an empty bowl where miles had sat, leaving hanta alone with his thoughts.
───── ⋆🕸⋆ ─────
hanta pushes through the crowds of people at eleven am the next morning, half asleep but wired enough to power the whole city - hell, the whole goddamned country. he’s running on no sleep, adrenaline, two redbulls & the guilt of lying to you again, his “stomach bug” keeping him from class. he’d told you he was going to visit his parents for the weekend to recover; your sweet messages in response only made him feel worse.
he’s tossed and turned over this decision a million times & yet, he’s still not sure where he stands - it’s so little information, so much responsibility in so little time. he’s still half convinced he’s being punked, if he’s honest.
and yet, somethings drawing him to the address miles had left him, something deep in his gut that tells him he needs to be there. clearly, miles had seen something he himself is woefully oblivious to, and it couldn’t hurt to find out more.
apple maps leads him to a tiny shed somewhere behind a deli & a nail salon, not too far from his apartment, and he’s completely confused. “stupid gps, probably got me lost,” he whines, leaning against the door of the shed to zoom in on his location.
the pigeons in the alley are the only ones to hear his panicked yelling as he phases right through it, tumbling all the way down a metal chute into the dark unknown.
at least, for ten seconds. he lands on a remarkably soft pad of foam, a glass panel separating him from a brightly lit, fancy looking room lined wall to wall with computers, parts and half made suits, spiderman suits. he doesn’t know where to look first.
a robotic, feminine voice brings him out of his shock, the glass panel lighting up with code and writing.
“please enter your name.” hanta is floored.
“uh.. hanta sero?” the voice trills lightly, before a red grid-like laser scans him head to toe. he’s proud to admit he only squealed in terror once.
“identity confirmed. welcome, hanta.” the panel slides away to allow him access, his careful steps alerting the rest of the room’s computers to light up at his arrival.
“you came. i knew i chose wisely.” miles comes into view slowly, limping heavily as he smiles. it’s almost familiar, like he & hanta have been friends for years; he finds it comforting.
“well, not everyday you get to be spiderman,” hanta jokes, fidgeting a little where he stands. “you gonna fit me for a suit or something?” miles just laughs, shaking his head.
“that comes later. first, we’ve got to get you bitten.”
───── ⋆🕸⋆ ─────
for the third time in 24 hours, hanta’s screaming like a man who’s just been told he has two days to live.
“you want me to let that thing bite me?! have you lost your mind?!”
miles sighs patiently, holding up the little glass vial to the light; inside, the spider races up and down the glass, an odd orange color to its patterning.
“it’s the only way. no offense, but i saw that lady beat you to the c train. she was like, 85.” hanta’s pouting now, crossing his arms.
“she had a cane and she was agile- hey hey! you keep that thing away from me, so help me god-“
“you’re being dramatic, it’s the size of a pea-“
“that’s a fat ass fuckin’ pea-“
“stay still-“
“i will not- ow! jesus fuck, that thing has tarantula jaws!”
miles carefully shepherds the spider back into the glass, chuckling a little. “it’ll take a moment to cause effect. the original spider was cross-bred with a more agile, lanky species - perfect for your body type. i’m hoping it’ll be most effective in your transition.”
“hoping?” hanta squeaks, staring at the red welt forming on his hand - his visions already starting to blur out, a throbbing pain traveling up his arm.
“well, it’s the first time i’m experimenting with this-“
“you used me as a guinea pig?!”
“it’s perfectly safe! my mentor-“ but hanta’s not listening anymore, the world swimming in front of his eyes before the ground rushes up rapidly to kiss his face.
god. damnit.
when he comes to, he’s wrapped in about half the blankets in brooklyn, a cold compress against his sweaty forehead. he’s burning up, and his elbows hurt for some reason - his skins gone all itchy, and he’d probably kick a pigeon for a glass of water.
sitting up alerts miles to his newly conscious state, the man quickly scanning his vitals with a smaller version of the glass panel hanta’d been fascinated with earlier. “thought you were gonna croak on me. how do you feel?”
“itchy. and my arms hurt.” hanta’s pushing off the blankets as he speaks, attempting to get comfortable - his body feels weird, like he’ll burst out of his skin at any second.
“alright, don’t panic. i need to see how it’s mutated your body. stay still.” miles’ fingers delicately press against his neck, shoulders, before jabbing at his ribs without warning. hanta’s arms shoot up on impulse, a trail of sticky, precise webbing escaping him from his...... elbows?!
“what the fuck, dude what the fuck look at my elbows, they’re all puffy and red i’m gonna die, and the coroner is gonna leak my story to the press and my moms gonna see me in the paper with fucked up elbows-“ hanta may or may not be panicking, poking at the tender, slightly swollen skin around the bends of his arms. miles just rolls his eyes, clearly amused by his antics.
“you’re not going to die. japanese tape spiders shoot webbing from the bends of their eight arms; its a thicker & stronger strain of web. clearly, your elbows are how your body has adjusted.”
“that doesn’t make it better.” hanta’s too busy staring at himself to notice the other changes at first, but slowly, they’re trickling in. heightened eyesight and hearing, an odd balance to his feet he hadn’t had a day ago, even itchier fingertips - making it easier for him to grip flat surfaces, or at least as miles says.
“come on. let’s get you a suit.”
───── ⋆🕸⋆ ─────
a week’s worth of planning & adjusting has led him right here to this rooftop, suited feet firmly balanced on the ledge. he likes his suit, thinks it’s unique - he’d modeled it after the spider who’d blessed him with these powers, orange and black and white [miles sort of thinks it’s ugly, but who cares.] he’d been in & out of the fondly nicknamed “spider-lounge”, getting fitted for his suit & honing his new abilities; he’d also been avoiding you whenever possible.
he couldn’t suck you into this world, not when he was barely comfortable in it himself; he kept promising himself he’d come clean, but the guilt’s eating him alive with every sad look & evening alone you spend.
another impatient cough brings him back to the present, miles sitting in the middle of the roof & watching hanta’s nervous stalling. “you’re going to have to jump eventually, you know,” he calls, and it takes everything in him not to turn tail and run.
he has a duty, a responsibility now, and he doesn’t take that lightly. he thinks of you, sitting in your ratty little apartment off campus and remembers that your safety is all but in his hands now; he’s got to protect the city, for your sake at least.
“i absolutely will not hesitate to kick you off this rooftop,” miles threatens, but its empty - they both know hanta needs to do this himself.
one step back, then two, the nerves racing up his spine as he prepares himself to meet cold concrete [a dramatic thought, miles would catch him far before he reaches ground. a bad knee wouldn’t stop him from that.] he says a silent prayer to every god he’s ever heard of and closes his eyes, taking a step forward into the air-
and trips over the ledge, falling ass over heels into the air. nice.
the rushing wind only heightens his panic for a moment, before one arm snaps up to blindly shoot into the air; his spider sense kicks in from there, aiming without even realizing and latching onto a nearby ledge. he swings aimlessly for a moment before finding a new ledge, then a railing; slowly, he finds a rhythm.
he’s soaring through the city before he realizes, laughing at the sharp roar of the wind in his ears - he feels like he’s flying, weightless as a bird. the only thing he can think of is you, how much you’d love this.
one day, he’ll take you webswinging. one day.
for now, he relishes in the fact that he’s one step closer to being brooklyn’s - & new york’s - new spiderman, fresh faced & determined to bring peace to the city.
he’s going to do it for you, even if it kills him.
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Dark Desire [Chapter Five]
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Billy Hargrove x Reader x Steve Harrington
One  Two  Three  Four
Warning: Language, Violence, Mention of Blood, Torture
Do I need to keep apologizing for the length? This story won’t be having any short and quick chapters. This story needs all of the details. 
Tagged: @justgrits​ @fandomfaery​ @charmed-asylum​ @billysgodcomplex​ @asheseiler​ @frozenhuntress67​  @perkypolarbear​  @aillle8​
You looked up from the stove as El and Max went running through the house. She shook her head. Ever since the lunch a few weeks ago the two girls had become completely inseparable. You didn’t mind though. El had friends. The boys were a good group of kids, but you liked for your nice to have another female in her life besides you. 
“Hey, can you two please set the table!” You shouted. 
“We’re on it!” El yelled back. 
You returned your attention to the food cooking. Max and El could be heard in your small dining room setting the table. Billy and Steve were on their way over to join you guys for dinner. They would be here shortly. 
The past two weeks had been crazy. After that first brunch, it had opened up a whole new world for you and El. On Friday’s, Steve, Billy, and Max would join you guys for dinner. Max’s new thing was to come over on the weekend and stay the whole time. 
During the week, the three of them would meet up with you and El at Millies. You and El helped the guys buy stuff for their new house. When Max had discovered your artistic skills she had conned you into painting her room. You helped pick out paint, rugs, furniture, and everything else to make their new home not look like another bachelor pad. 
You and your brother were constantly at each other’s throat. He hated your friendship with Billy and Steve. You didn’t care. You had missed Steve. Even after all of the time apart he was still your best friend. Hanging out with Billy felt right. It was like finding your missing piece. 
School started Monday for the girls. This weekend you were taking the girls last-minute shopping for some clothes and school supplies. Billy and Steve were quick to hand over their credit cards. That had turned into an argument. You and Jim could afford to buy El her things. Of course, it was a losing battle. All the battles you had with the boys always ended up with you losing. 
“Max, will you pull out the pitcher of lemonade from the fridge and set it on the table?” You asked. 
“I’m on it, Y/n,” Max said as she came running into the kitchen. 
Suddenly, the doorbell rang echoing through the house. 
“I’ve got it!” El shouted as she sprinted through the house. 
“Stop with the damn running,” You groaned. 
“Hiya, monkey,” Steve greeted. 
“Steve. Billy.” El smiled. 
“These are for you,” Billy said handing over a bouquet of daisies. 
“Thanks!” El exclaimed. 
“Goober. Butthead.” Max greeted coming around the corner. 
“Here ya go, brat,” Billy smirked as he handed his sister a bouquet of tulips. 
“You were not in the flower shop today,” El said. 
Billy laughed.
“Busted,” Steve chuckled. 
The four of them headed into the kitchen where you were just finishing up dinner. You gasped when you suddenly had a faceful of sunflowers. 
“For you,” Steve smiled. 
“Aw, that’s sweet, thank you,” You told him as you kissed him on the cheek. 
“It smells great in here,” Billy commented as he stepped into the kitchen. 
“Thanks, it was my Grandma Hopper’s recipe. It’s always a hit,” You said as you pulled the last pot off the stove and carried it over to the table. 
Everyone sat around the table eating their dinner and keeping up the conversation. Your phone began ringing. You excused yourself to answer. Nancy’s name flashed across the screen. You went straight back to your bedroom so you could take the call.
“Hey Nanc,” You answered. 
“Did I catch you at a bad time?” Nancy asked. 
“Not really, we just sat down for dinner,” You said. 
“You and El?” Nancy asked. 
“Well Steve, Billy, and Max are here as well,” You told her. 
There was a pause. 
“Nancy, you still there?” You asked her. 
“Yeah, how is that going? I remember how hurt you were after Steve pretty much abandoned you,” Nancy wanted to know. 
“Steve didn’t abandon me,” You argued. 
“Y/n, you cried for days after he left you. You can act tough all you want, but Jonathon and I were there for you when he ran off to god knows where with Billy,” Nancy said. 
“Is that what you want me to admit? That Steve hurt my feelings? Fine, Steve hurt my feelings. I was crushed after he said that he was leaving and that there was no mention of me or why he didn’t come for me. But that was years ago. I’m a forgiving person.” You said. 
“I understand that you’re a forgiving person. You’re the best person out of all of us, Y/n. But you deserve an explanation from him. The two of you had a plan together for after graduation and he abandoned you,” Nancy sighed.
“Go on and say it,” You hissed. 
“I just don’t want you to get hurt again. Of course, Jonathon and I will pick up the pieces because you’re our friend and we love you. But we don’t want you to get attached just to turn around to get hurt again. We just want to protect you,” Nancy explained. 
Your heart broke. 
“I want to argue with you. I want to defend that Steve has changed and this is different, but I can’t. What I can tell you is that I miss him and I need to give him this second chance,” You told her. 
“Y/n, I just think he and his little buddy aren’t being honest with you,” Nancy said. 
“Nancy, what do you know that you’re not telling me?” You asked her. 
There was silence from the other end. 
“Nancy?” You said. 
“Listen, I won’t be the one to tell you. I can’t be. If Steve cares about you like he says he does then he needs to be honest with you. You need to make him be honest with you. Don’t let him and his little friend shrug you off,” Nancy said. 
“Okay,” You told her. 
“Promise me that you’ll annoy him into telling you the truth,” Nancy said. 
“I promise,” You said. 
She let out a sigh of relief. “Good, are we still on for coffee Monday after you drop El off at school?”
“I’ll be there,” You said. 
“Alright, well call me if you need anything,” Nancy said. 
“I will. Bye,” You hung up your phone and sat on the edge of your bed for several long minutes. 
You looked up when your bedroom door pushed open. El poked her head in the room. 
“Are you okay?” El asked. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You lied. 
“You’ve been gone for a long time,” El pointed out. 
“I know. It was an important call,” You told her. 
She furrowed her brows together. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is fine. Come on you can help me with dessert,” You told her. 
She smiled and followed you to the kitchen. Max, Steve, and Billy were cleaning off the table. Billy started the hot water and loaded the sink while Steve and Max worked together to take care of the leftover food. El placed your untouched plate in the microwave knowing that you would heat it up later. 
The rest of the night went smoothly. After a few movies, Billy and Steve were on their way back home. Max and El were sound asleep on the floor. You’d have to get them up early in the morning so you could get a good start on your day. You left the girls in the living room and headed towards your bedroom. 
You had to send a text to Steve and address your concerns with him about him and Billy hiding something from you. 
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Tossing down your phone, you disappeared into your bathroom to get ready. You didn’t get any answers out of Steve. You weren’t really that surprised. Something serious was going on. Especially, if Nancy was bringing it up and pointing it out to you that there was something fishy going on. 
Coming out of your bathroom you went back out to check on the girls one last time. They must have got up when you were getting around for bed as they had left the living room and had curled up in El’s bed for the night. You closed El’s door before heading back down to your own room for the night. 
Sighing, you flopped down on your bed. Your phone began to buzz and you could see that it was your brother. You knew he was calling to wish a good night to El, but you ignored his call. Rolling over, you turned off your bedside lamp and then crawled underneath the covers. There was a lot going on now. A lot of secrets going around and you were determined to uncover them all.
The dark room had a small lamp in the corner. Billy stood with his arms crossed over his chest. A smile crept onto his face as he watched Steve’s hand pull back for the fourth time before crashing into the man’s face. Blood sprayed from the man’s mouth and Billy heard the sickening crunch of the man’s nose breaking. 
“You had one job, Marcus,”
“I know,” The man cried out. 
Neither of them looked behind them when the door to the room opened. Soft footsteps padded across the floor as Tommy came over to stand next to Billy. 
“How has your week been going?” Billy asked. 
Steve walked over to the table in the corner and started messing around with the equipment. 
“Fine, the girls are keeping busy with school. Y/n spends most of her time at work. But we do have an issue,” Tommy said. 
“And what’s that?” Steve asked as he picked something up to look at it a little bit closer. 
“Besides keeping an eye on the girls I’ve been checking out the police station,” Tommy began. 
“We have eyes on Hopper,” Billy pointed out. 
“Yeah, I know, but are you aware that the FBI is here?” Tommy asked. 
Billy finally looked over at Tommy. Steve about dropped the machine in his hand to look back at his friends. 
“Just the normal FBI or the pain in my ass?” Steve asked. 
“It’s him for sure. I wasn’t at first that’s why I haven’t said anything, but today I saw him go into the diner with Callahan. They had breakfast together,” Tommy explained. 
“Well, honey, we had a good run,” Billy teased. 
Steve shot him a look. 
“Come on now, Steve, we knew he’d eventually figure it out that we came home,” Billy said. 
“Yeah, well, not only do we have Max to keep away from him but Y/n and El as well,” Steve growled. 
“So we’ll up their protection,” Billy suggested. 
“She’s the sister of the Chief of police. We won’t be able to keep her from him for very long,” Steve said. “Especially, when he figures out not only is she spending all of this time with us, but that she is connected to me and now you,”
“I’ll get ahold of the twins and send them out as extra eyes on the girls,” Tommy said. 
“Thanks, Tommy,” Billy said. 
“Is there anything else that I can do for you two?” Tommy asked. 
Billy shook his head. He could practically feel the anger rolling off Steve. “You can go. You’re not going to want to see what’s about to happen next,” 
Tommy nodded and then excused himself. 
“Steve,” Billy said in a warning tone. 
“Don’t use that tone of voice with me, Billy. I am not a child,” Steve snarled slamming the plug into the wall. 
Billy looked down at the man in the chair. “It was nice knowing you,”
“Wait, what does that mean?” The man asked. 
Billy stepped off to the side as Steve turned on the drill. The man began squirming in his spot. He froze when Steve’s shadow fell over him. 
“Steve, please, I said I was sorry. I can make this right,” The man pleaded with him. 
“You had your chance,” Steve said coldly. 
Billy looked away just as the bit of the drill started to dig its way into the man’s temple. His screams began to fill the room. Steve was having a moment. He was angry. They had believed that they had lost the FBI agent. Now that he was here in Hawkins he was presenting the two of them with new issues. 
Issues that they couldn’t really afford to have right now. Leaving, Steve to continue doing what deemed necessary, Billy left to head to his office. They really needed a secretary/assistant to help with minuscule bullshit they had to deal with. Billy wanted to ask Y/n to do it, but Steve doesn’t want her apart of this. 
She had already started breathing down his neck about telling her the truth. Steve doesn’t want to tell her the truth now that they’ve figured out that her brother has kept her in the dark. Billy told him that would end up biting them in the ass if they continued to keep her in the dark, but Steve didn’t want to listen to him. 
Billy knew that Steve loved her. God, he couldn’t blame his best friend. He was already starting to have feelings for her as well. He was growing attached. El and Y/n have so quickly become part of their lives, Billy couldn’t even tell you how that happened. 
The five of them made sense. They worked so well together. Billy wanted to keep Y/n safe too, but Billy had been doing all of this for long enough that he knew the dangers of keeping people in the dark. Max didn’t know everything, but she knew enough of what her brothers were up to. They were going to have to eventually tell her the truth. 
And they would have to hope that they made enough of an impact on her that she wouldn’t go running and screaming right into her brother’s arms. Now on top of all of that, they had to keep her out of the grasp of the FBI. Once they figure out that not only is she Hopper’s sister, but hanging out with the two of them it was going to cause her a lot of problems. 
Billy’s mind was racing. He had to come up with the best way possible to keep her out of the FBI’s grasp. The best way to keep her safe would be to have Y/n move in with them, but she wouldn’t agree to that. She had El to take care of and she wouldn’t willingly give up her home. 
Unless, yeah, unless, she had no choice and her home was taken away from her giving her no choice but to accept. 
The week had been long. The first week back to school had worn out the girl. Work was starting to slow down, but you had plenty of things to keep you busy. Max had pretty much stayed over all week. Your place was closer to school then hers and with the boys, all living close the group of them liked walking to and from school together. 
Billy and Steve hadn’t been around and kind of quiet. Max had told you that they were busy with their work and when they got like that they kind of retreated and stayed away from the normal world. 
Today was Friday everyone was supposed to be over for dinner tonight, but Billy had sent a quick text to say that he and Steve wouldn’t make it. El called after school to inform you that she and Max were doing homework at Mike’s and then heading to the arcades for pizza and games. 
Having a Friday to yourself was weird. You weren’t sure how you felt about it. But having the night to yourself you were going to take advantage of it. After work, you decided to do your grocery shopping and then stop for take-out. 
Currently, you stood tucked inside your trunk as you started to grab your grocery bags. You wanted to be a badass and carry all of this in one load, but now that there was more than just you and El eating your groceries there was plenty more to carry in. You decided to carry in all of the cold groceries first. 
Loading your arms up you took a step back and tripped over the skateboard Max had thrown off to the side. You felt yourself losing your balance, but then there was a hand on your back. Settled on your feet once again, you turned around to see who had come to your rescue. 
The man was tall with curly brown hair and big rimmed glasses. He was wearing a black suit and you saw the FBI badge dangling from his pocket. 
“Miss Hopper,” He greeted his accent was thick definitely not American. 
“I want to say thanks, but I have a feeling you’re here for a reason, right Agent?” You asked. 
The man smiled. “I’m Agent Alexei Stepanov from the FBI,”
You refused to shake his hand. “What can I help you with Agent?” 
“Please, we will be spending a lot of time together, I insist you calling me Alexei,” He said. 
“I’m good, thanks, again, what can I help you with, Agent?” You repeated yourself. 
“Well, Y/n, I’m hoping you can assist me on a case that I’m working on,” Alexei said. 
“My brother hasn’t mentioned to me about any cases that required the FBI,” You pointed out. 
“Your brother hasn’t called me in. My case brought me here to Hawkins,” He informed you. 
Your brows furrowed together in confusion. Hawkins never had any trouble. So you didn’t understand why he was here. 
“And why do you think that I will be able to help you?” You asked him hoping to get more answers out of him. 
“Now, isn’t the time to talk about that. Would you be willing to meet me at the hotel on the edge of town tomorrow morning for coffee so we can discuss this?” Alexei asked. 
“I can’t. My girls will be home and we have plans,” You told him. 
Alexei smiled and then pulled out his business card. He didn’t wait for you to reach for it. Instead, he reached forward and tucked it into your coat pocket. 
“Call me and we can set up a time that will work best for you,” Alexei said. 
“And what if I don’t want to help?” You asked him. 
“I’m giving you the chance to be a good citizen, Y/n. If you refuse, I will bring you in legally to help,” Alexei said. 
You clenched your teeth together. You hated being given ultimatums. 
“I won’t call you while my girls are home,” You told him. 
Alexei smiled. “Call me at your earliest convenience then,”
“Fine,” You growled. 
“Now, can I help you with your groceries?” Alexei asked. 
You stepped back from him so he couldn’t take the groceries out of your hand. 
“I received your message loud and clear, Agent. You can escort yourself off my property,” You snarled before hurrying away from him and tucking yourself inside. 
Smiling to himself, Alexei headed back over to his SUV. He climbed into the driver's seat before pulling his phone out of his jacket pocket. He called the only number he had saved into his new phone. 
“Hello,” The voice answered as Alexei placed the call on speaker. 
“You were right she’s a feisty one,” Alexei said with a laugh. 
“Did she fight you?” The voice asked. 
“She resisted just like you said she would,” Alexei replied. 
“But did you get her to agree to meet with you?” They asked. 
“She is to contact me soon to step up a meeting,” Alexei explained. 
The other end was quiet. “What’s on your mind? You’re not regretting your decision to work with me, are you?” Alexei asked. 
“No, of course not, I want Y/n and El to be safe,” He replied. 
“Then what’s the problem?” Alexei asked. 
“I’m afraid Hopper will find out that I was behind this,” He admitted. 
“Ah yes, the ultimate betrayal. Not only are you his officer, but he considers you one of his best friends. I’m sure when Jim finds out the truth it’s going to kill him that you turned your back against him, Callahan,” Alexei said 
Callahan sucked in a breath. “I’m not turning my back against him. He isn’t doing his job to keep Billy and Steve away from Y/n and El. If you can do what you say you can do then that’s all that matters,” Callahan explained. 
“It may not seem like it, but you are doing the right thing, Callahan,” Alexei said reassuringly. 
“Well, it doesn’t feel like it,” Callahan sighed. 
“Once things start moving along you’ll change your mind and realize that this is the right thing to do,” Alexei replied. 
“Right, if you say so,” Callahan said. 
“I do. Now, I have a few more things I need to be attending to while there is still some sunlight left,” Alexei told him. 
“Yeah, okay, I’ll check in later,” Callahan said before hanging up. 
Taking one last look at the small house, Alexei pulled away from the curb and headed his way down to the newspaper. If Y/n wanted to play hardball then he’d let her. Alexei knew that there were enough people worried about her that he’d get someone to talk to him about what she could possibly know. 
And why not start off with Jonathan and Nancy Byers. They were her best friends. Alexei was positive that at least Nancy would have something worth sharing that he could use against Steve and Billy. 
Pulling up in front of the Hawkins Herald Alexei looked at himself in the mirror. He straightened out his time and stuck his phone back into his pocket. Climbing out of the SUV, he plastered another smile to his face before heading inside. 
Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington weren’t going to get away from him again. Oh no, he was going to take them down right here in their precious hometown and Alexei was going to stop at nothing to finish the job this time. No matter who or what stood in his way, this was going to end now. 
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carrotlunch07-blog · 5 years
Yogurt and Oats for Breakfast
Yogurt is a super versatile ingredient or dish in itself. This recipe for yogurt and oats contains all kinds of extra goodies to help you start the day right.
You love yogurt. It’s a health food, isn’t it? It’s even what they call a super food. But, is it really all it’s cracked up to be, or are there some things you should take into consideration when you choose yogurt to enjoy at home?
Yogurt has long been considered a healthy food to enjoy on a regular basis. Not only is it high in protein and important nutrients, but it also can aid digestion, boost your immunities, protect against osteoporosis, and promote heart health and a healthy weight.
However, for years yogurt companies have stuffed their yogurts with sugar and additives making it a little less impressive as a healthy food. The junk they put in can detract from some of yogurt’s innate benefits.
So, how can you enjoy yogurt without all the bad stuff? 
Buy or make it plain and dress it up yourself.
Yogurt: Health food or junk food?
As you know, over the last few years I’ve been doing some serious food reading. Not about cooking per se, but about nutrition, portion control, eating habits, our food sources, government regulations on food, and the way marketers try to get us to buy stuff. It has been an education to be sure.
Some of the books that have had a tremendous impact in how I think about food include:
It’s through the reading of these books that I’ve made slow shifts in how I shop and cook and in how my family eats. We’re not as “crunchy” as they come, but we don’t eat exclusively out of a box, either.
Slowly but surely, I’m making changes to improve my family’s diet without busting our budget. I cook more from scratch, and we try to avoid chemicals, artificial ingredients, processed sugars, and unfermented soy. I am working on making healthy eating easier over all.
One of the new wrinkles in this healthier eating paradigm, has been to examine the yogurt we eat.
Yogurt has always been one of my very favorite breakfast foods. In my non-pregnant and nursing years, I haven’t really been a milk-drinker, so yogurt and cheese help me keep up on my calcium.
Years ago I was a diehard Yoplait or La Creme fan. Coupons and sales were plentiful for those items so I could keep the refrigerator stocked to the brim, buying as many as 60 cartons at a time. I thought that I was buying “health food.”
It was only later when I started to reduce our intake of processed sugars and processed foods in general that I found out how SWEET these yogurts actually were. Plus, often they had all kinds of ingredients I couldn’t pronounce.
How to switch to plain yogurt
So, I made some changes. I started buying large 32-ounce cartons of plain, or sometimes vanilla, yogurt, preferably Cascade,  Mountain High, or Fage brands.
Not all my kids liked that change. But most of them have gone along with it, especially when honey or maple syrup is drizzled over the top. Occasionally I buy Trader Joe’s vanilla and blueberry cups, but not often.
If you or yours are slow to be won over to plain yogurt, consider one or more of the following toppings for plain yogurt:
maple syrup
fruit syrup
fresh fruit
granola or nuts
It may take some time, but you’ll be a convert before too long.
Uses for plain yogurt.
Plain yogurt is an incredibly versatile ingredient to keep on hand.
It’s great to use in baking instead of buttermilk. Just mix half yogurt and half milk as your buttermilk substitute.
Use it as a thickener in smoothies.
Mix it with whipped cream to reduce the fat and increase the protein in your favorite sweet topping.
Substitute it for sour cream in recipes to give an equivalent tang without all the fat.
Can you make yogurt at home?
Believe it or not, it’s incredibly easy to make yogurt at home! A few years ago I experimented with making yogurt myself. One night I tested two different methods:
I also read about the microwave/oven and cooler methods, but decided to go with these first two methods. The next morning I compared the yogurts I had made. They were like Laurel and Hardy, one was thick, the other thin.
The slow cooker method was good, but thin like buttermilk. Folks suggested that I strain the yogurt to thicken it, but it was so thin, the yogurt went right through the sieve. I used some in baking and churned the rest into frozen yogurt.
The yogurt incubated on the heating pad was thick and creamy. Since we like THICK yogurt, you can guess that I’m a fan of the heating pad method.
Try them both out and see for yourself which you prefer. I originally tested with whole milk, but have since made homemade yogurt with nonfat milk and it turned out fine and thick, albeit a little on the tart side in comparison.
My preferred method for making homemade yogurt is to combine 1 quart milk, 1/4 cup powdered milk, 2 tablespoons yogurt with live cultures, and to incubate it for 5 hours according to the heating pad method.
Enjoy Yogurt and Oats for Breakfast.
As a born Francophile, I’ve loved reading The French Women series by Mireille Guiliano and have been encouraged by many of the suggestions she has to offer for life, work, and good eats.
One of those habits that I’ve adapted for my own is what Ms. Guiliano calls “Magical Breakfast Cream”. I can’t vouch for its magical properties, but I know that I like it, at least how I tweaked it.
I’ve made some significant changes to her recipe. Her recipe calls for shredded wheat cereal instead of oats, flax seed oil instead of meal, and orange instead of lime, as well as the addition of ground nuts. My tweaks are thanks to what I normally stock in my pantry.
This variation has become my daily breakfast, packed with protein and filling enough to get me through the morning.
Yogurt is a super versatile ingredient or dish in itself. This recipe for yogurt and oats contains all kinds of extra goodies to help you start the day right.
Cuisine: American, French
Keyword: oatmeal, oats, yogurt, yogurt and oats
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
2 tablespoons rolled oats not cooked
1 tablespoon chopped roasted almonds
1 teaspoon flax seed meal
the juice and pulp of half a lime
1 teaspoon honey
In a small bowl, layer the ingredients in the order listed. Stir or not, depending on how you like it.
Level up your meal planning and prep.
Need a little extra motivation to get on your meal planning game? Want to make lunch packing less of a drag? Creating a kitchen survival kit to help you WIN in the kitchen this school year.
I’d love for you to join me for the next Mom’s Kitchen Survival Workshop!
Together, we’ll create a plan to help you get dinner on the table every night, fill your freezer with wholesome snacks and breakfasts, finesse your lunch-packing skills, and even make sure you get a daily dose of MOM food.
Learn more here so that when registration opens, you won’t miss out.
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Source: https://goodcheapeats.com/2018/09/morning-yogurt-and-oats/
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bgharison · 6 years
Jot It Down July -- Whumpnesday the 4th
Okay, technically the 5th but only because . . . again.  I do not understand the concept of “jot”  First draft-y, again, but I’m finding that I like this process of throwing out a draft here and not letting myself overthink it to death.  I’ll do that later.  
I’m still working on POV -- this starts with Mary’s POV and then there’s a coda to the coda that’s Steve’s POV and if anyone has feedback for me as to whether or not that works well, I would be most appreciative.  
 Coda to Season 1 Episode 13
 She’d held it together admirably, all things considered.  And the look of pride on Steve’s face, Kono’s admiration -- honestly, it made getting kidnapped worth it.  Really worth it.  She’d almost broken down at the soft touch of his callused finger, tilting her face up to examine the deepening bruise on her cheek, but she focused on telling him what she had done, who she had called, what she had pieced together.  
 “Stay here, do not leave this building,” Steve had called out, at some point, before rushing out to follow up on a lead.  So she’d puttered around his office, her fingers tracing over the awards and commendations on the walls.  Milestones, accomplishments . . . none of which she had been aware of, much less witness to.  She wondered if anyone had taken pictures, had taken him out for a beer after, to celebrate.
 A text message came through at one point.
 Food in breakroom.  Don’t leave building.
 She had rolled her eyes and smiled, and found a surprisingly tasty cup of noodles to heat up in the microwave.  Exhausted and full, she wandered back to Steve’s office and curled up on his sofa.
 “Mare?  Hey.  Mary?”
 Steve’s voice was soft, his fingers carefully brushing her hair away from her face.
 “Hey,” she rasped, struggling to sit up.  Muscles that she didn’t know even existed were aching.  Her head was pounding.
 Gentle fingers ghosted over her jaw as a white light seemed to explode behind her eyes.
 “Ow,” she protested, trying to turn her face away from the light.
 “Hold still,” Steve fussed, flashing a penlight into her eyes.  “I couldn’t get you to wake up, you scared me.”
 “I’m fine, just tired.  It’s been kind of a big day for me.”
 Steve chuckled at that.  “I think you have a concussion.  Come on, let’s get you home.”
 “Finally,” she groaned.  “I want a shower.  No, a bubble bath.  No, first a shower, then a bubble bath.”
 “I’ll see what I can do,” he said, gently easing her off the sofa.  “Would shower gel make bubbles?”
 “What are you talking about?”
 “I know I have shower gel, not sure about bubble bath,” he said, his hand resting warm and solid on the small of her back, steering her to the elevator.
 “Why --”  Her brain wasn’t keeping up as she shuffled along.
 “You’re coming home,” he said.  “Home.  With me.  There’s no way I’m letting you stay alone.”
 She started to protest as the elevator doors slid closed, but his hands wrapped around her shoulders and he bent down, looking at her earnestly.
 “It’s not up for debate,” he said.  “I’ll pull rank and put you in protective custody if it comes to that.  With Mamo.”
 She raised her hands in surrender and leaned against him when he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
 There was a warm breeze blowing across her face.
 “Mare?  We’re home.”
 Steve was standing at the open passenger door of his truck, reaching across her to unfasten her seatbelt.
 “Already?” she asked.  Her muscles were stiff again.
 “You were asleep before we hit the highway.  You snore, by the way.”
 “You lie.”
 Tears pricked hot and sharp behind her eyes as she made her way up the sidewalk and onto the front porch.  
 “I don’t know how you do it,” she said quietly, as he entered his updated security code and opened the door.
 “Do what?” he asked absently, not bothering to pretend that he wasn’t clearing the house as they entered.
 “Stay here, where Dad was . . . I just -- doesn’t it bother you?”
 He was silent as he set the alarm and locked the door.
 “Yeah, sometimes,” he said.  “You still want dibs on the entire contents of the hot water heater?”
 “Yes,” she said firmly.
 “Go on.  I’ll make us something to eat.”
 She padded down the hall, her hair dampening the collar of the Annapolis t-shirt she’d rummaged out of the laundry room.
 “Cute,” he said, grinning at her as he came out of the kitchen, carrying a tray.  She followed him into the living room.  “I made peanut butter and banana, I hope you still like it.  Go ahead, I’m going to grab the first aid kit, patch your head back up.”
 She curled into a corner of the sofa and picked up a plate from the tray.  Peanut butter and banana on wheat, the crusts cut off, the sandwich cut neatly into thirds.
 Just the way she liked it, when she was ten, and still.
 Tears were streaming down her face when he returned, a small kit clutched in his hand.
 “Mare?” he called softly, rushing to the sofa.  “What is it, what’s wrong?”
 She pressed her hand against her mouth and shook her head, trying to hold back the tears that had been threatening all day.  
 “Ah, kiddo,” he whispered, dropping the kit onto the table and gathering her in his arms.  He held her close, his hand cradling her head against his shoulder, just as he had when he’d pulled her from the trunk of the car earlier that day.  ��I’ve got you, it’s okay.”
 “I’m sorry,” she choked out.
 “Sorry?  What -- no, what are you sorry for, hunh?”
 “I didn’t mean to cry, I’m not even really hurt that bad --”
 “First of all, you do not ever need to apologize for crying, do you understand?  And you did get hurt today,” he said.  “You were hit hard enough to split your forehead open, you took a solid hit to the jaw --” His voice started to shake as he recounted her injuries.  “You got knocked out, your hands bound with duct tape, and thrown into the trunk of a car.”
 He pulled her close again and rocked her gently as she finally allowed herself to cry, hot tears splashing onto his neck as he rubbed gentle circles on her back.  When she settled and leaned back, wiping her eyes and looking up at him, she was shocked to see his eyes, red and filled with unshed tears of his own.
 “You came for me,” she said, cupping his face in her small hand.
 “But I could have lost you today,” he whispered.  “These men, they killed mom, they killed dad . . . they could have killed you.  What if you hadn’t had your phone, what if --”
 “I did, though, and you got to me,” she repeated.  “And I’m okay, Steve, I am.  I messed up, I asked too many questions.”
 “And got us closer to answers than I did,” he said.  “You really are something else, Mary.  I’m so proud of you.”
 “Yeah.  Yeah, I am.  And Dad would be, too.”
 She smiled at him as he brushed the last of the tears from her cheeks.
 “Your head’s bleeding, let me take care of it,” he said.  She sat still as his impossibly gentle fingers dabbed antiseptic cream onto the abrasion and then covered it neatly with a clean square of gauze.  “There. All set.  You knocked a guy’s tooth out?”
 “Self-defense classes are big in LA,” she said, shrugging.
 “So, you’re like a freaking ninja?” he teased.
 “Like my big brother,” she said.
 “I’ve missed so much of your life,” he said.  He took her hands in his, one at a time, and gently rubbed more antiseptic cream into the red, broken skin there.
 “I didn’t know you had so many awards.  From the Navy,” she said.  “I mean, I knew you were kind of a big deal but . . .”
 He was silent for a long moment, and when he finally looked at her, his eyes were filled with regret.
 “Mary,” he started.
 She knew, then, she knew what he was going to say.
 “I can’t stay, can I?” she whispered.  
 “I will make Oahu safe for you,” he promised, “and the minute it’s safe, I will send for you and bring you back.  I can’t -- I can’t risk losing you.  I can’t.”
 She nodded and swallowed around the lump in her throat.  His fingers brushed over the bruise on her jaw again.
 “You understand?” he asked softly.
 “Yeah.  I understand,” she said.  “We both do, now.”
 She opened her eyes in the dark, her head pounding.  Raw, unadulterated panic wrapped cold fingers around her throat, and in a fleeting moment she was back, bound and helpless in the trunk of a moving car.
 He was by her side before the sound of her scream had faded from her own ears.
 “I’m here, Mary, you’re safe,” he said, as he scooped her up out of her childhood bed just as he had the night that their mother was killed.
 She winced as he shifted her in his arms and carried her to the living room, a pillow and blanket on the sofa and a soft lamp glowing.
 “Are you hurting?” he asked.
 “You slept out here?”
 “Yeah, I wasn’t taking any chances.  What hurts?” he repeated, placing her gently on the sofa.
 She sighed and leaned her head against the cushion.  “Everything.  You must think I’m --”
 “I think you engaged in close quarter combat this morning,” he said.  “You held your own, but you’re going to be stiff, sore.  Like . . . after a car wreck, when you hurt more the next day.”
 “That’s exactly what I feel like,” she groaned.
 He smiled down at her sympathetically, absently rubbing the back of his neck as he snagged a bottle of Motrin off the end table and offered it to her, along with his glass of water.
 She took two tablets and then looked up at him.
 “Wait.  Why are you taking this?”
 He settled into the sofa and spread the blanket over both of them.  She tucked into his side and rested her aching head on his shoulder.
 “When those guys busted in here this morning --”
 “They took my key!” she remembered suddenly.
 “When those guys unlocked the door and walked in here this morning,” he amended, “they tased me.  Knocked me flat on my face.”
 She patted his knee sympathetically.  
 “Go back to sleep,” he murmured, kissing the top of her head.  “I’ve got you.”
 He’d held it together admirably, all things considered.  And the soft smile of appreciation and affection on Mary’s face made it all totally worth it.  He managed to flash a smile and a shaka to her before turning and fleeing from the airport.
 He kept the emotions at bay by immersing himself in the photos that Mary -- clever, brave Mary -- had taken.  He let Danny’s news of Koji’s death distract him, fuel him with purpose, pushing the hurt and the pain down underneath.
 He would have gotten away with it, too, had Danny not shown up at his house, looking tired and disheveled in sweat pants and a NYFD t-shirt.
 “Danny?” Steve asked, confused, pulling out his phone.  No missed calls or texts.  “We get another lead?”
 “No, we are fresh out of new revelations and stunning leads for the day,” Danny said.  “And no new kidnappings, either, just to put your mind at ease.”
 “Okay, then . . . not to be inhospitable, but it’s late, and I’m really tired,” Steve said.  He gestured at Danny’s rumpled appearance.  “And I’m sure you are.”
 “It’s been a long, hard couple of days,” Danny agreed.  He held out a six pack of Longboards.  “Thought you might need to unwind a bit.”
 Steve hesitated.  His plan had been to spend at least another hour looking over the evidence and then hit a few shots of whiskey so that he wouldn’t have to think about anything else.
 “You hear from Mary?” Danny’s soft question interrupted his thoughts.  “She get back to LA safe?  She okay?”
 “Yeah,” Steve sighed.  
 “She was really something,” Danny said.  “Kinda figured she had it in her, you know?  It’s the short sassy ones you really have to look out for.  They slip in under the radar and -- pow.”
 Steve looked down at him, at the person who’d had his back every minute of the last two harrowing days.  Danny, filling a bag with ice for the base of his skull, throbbing from the taser; Danny, ranting about procedure and keeping him from going off the rails; Danny, keeping him steady, keeping him from sheer and utter panic; Danny, leaping from the helicopter to take down Mary’s kidnappers.  
 “Mary was kidnapped,” Steve blurted out.
 “Yeah, babe,” Danny said.  “Terrifying.”
 Steve lifted shaky hands to rub over his face.  “You saw me through it, Danny.  I woulda lost it without you today.”
 Danny’s hands wrapped strong and warm around his biceps.
 “I’m your backup, of course I saw you through it,” Danny said.  “What, you think I’m some schmuck, don’t understand how you feel about your baby sister?  Come’ere, sit down before you fall down.”
 Steve let Danny guide him to the sofa.  He rubbed irritably at his eyes again, knowing full well that he was fooling Danny exactly not one bit.
 “I almost lost her today,” Steve said softly.  “You were here.  I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else to go through the last two days with me.”
 Danny nodded, his blue eyes locking steadily onto Steve’s.
 “I didn’t want anyone else,” Steve said.  “Just you.”
 Danny nodded again.
 “I don’t want anyone else,” Steve said slowly.  “Just . . . you.”
 Danny opened his arms, and Steve collapsed against him.  
 “I was so scared,” Steve murmured, pressing his face into Danny’s neck.  “You picked up that tooth, Danny, I -- “  Tremors racked his tense muscles and Danny held on tight, strong hands rubbing circles over Steve’s shoulders.  
 “You got her, and I’ve got you,” Danny said.  “It’s over, she’s safe, and I’ve got you.”
 “They destroyed my family,” Steve said, his voice breaking.  “They killed our mother, tore our family apart, they killed Dad and orphaned Mary.”
 “Not just Mary,” Danny whispered.  “We’re going to take them down.  I promise you.  We’re going to see this thing through.  I’m with you.  You’re not alone now.”
 Steve pulled back and looked at Danny, searching his face.  “Because of you.  I didn’t . . . God, I’ve been an idiot.  How did I not know?”
 “Pow,” Dany said, a slow smile spreading, his eyes sparking.  ‘Under the radar.”
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Love Least Expected Part 6
When Samu woke up with Jake next to him feeling like he had the best sleep ever. He saw Jake still sound asleep. He leaned in and lightly pecked Jake on the right cheek and asked, "What's for breakfast babe?"
Jake slowly woke up and replied as he grabbed one of Samu's rolls, "There's some soup in some thermoses in the fridge on the second shelf on the top and some shakes as well.
Samu shook the bed as he swung his massive belly to get out of the bed and waddled over to the kitchen and got himself the thermos filled with clam chowder and the thermos filled with a bacon and pumpkin spiced milkshake. He moved the chowder into a bowl and microwaved it. He took a couple swigs of his milkshake from the thermos until the microwave dinged. He took out the warm bowl and grabbed a spoon before heading his naked blubbery goodness back into his room with Jake. He placed the bowl of chowder and the milkshake on the nightstand.
"Want me to massage you while you're filling up babe?" Jake asked as he rolled over after he felt the motion of Samu's massive ass smack the mattress.
Samu replied," You spoil me with your cooking so why not; besides it smoothes out the digestion from what I've noticed.
Jake placed his hands onto Samu's belly. When he was digging into the warm, creamy chowder like he were deep throating cum by the gallon with an insatiable passion.
Jake was slowly cumming onto Samu's cavernous butt crack and pillowly butt cheeks as he pressed his clit in regardless of messing up the bedsheets; as he was massaging Samu's belly and taking in the heat of the chowder that was warming his belly from the inside out.
As Samu finished off his chowder and started back into his milkshake. He placed Jake's right hand onto his right moob and let out a loud moan as he was drinking his shake.
"You like that my baby whale?", Jake asked as he fingered Samu's navel and squeezed his moob. Samu moaned and laughed in orgasmic pleasure as he started to get a boner and started to slowly leak pre cum.
Jake moaned deep"That's my boy" and he nibbled on his back as he jerked Samu's 4 inches erect cock in a deep, gripping, tugging passion.
Samu gripping his knees as he's on the verge of climax moaning real loudly "Oh Jake!" "Where have you been all of this time!?"
Jake squeezed Samu's testicles with a deep passion and with care at the same time that Samu came so hard for a man his size that it hit the 15 foot vaulted ceiling.
"I was waiting for you on the other side of the ocean", Jake replied as Samu turned around to kiss Jake in a deep, fiery passion just as their noses were touching Jake's mother shouted in her high pitched, Polish accented voice "Jake!" "We need to leave for the hospital to see your father today."
Jake raced to his room while wearing Samu's gray hoodie. He threw on his boxers, binder, jeans, button down, and a short sleeve shirt, socks, snow boots, and his coat.
Samu threw on a graphic t shirt, boxers, jeans, socks, snow boots, and grabbed his hoodie from Jake's room.
They piled into the subway train and made their way to the hospital. Samu took in the less prestine interior and smells of a New York subway car as he held Jakes hand while sitting next to Jake's mother who was wearing a fur coat, red silk sweater, white oxford shirt, black dress pants, gray suede wedge boots and carrying an alligator purse.
They got off of the subway and made their way to Mt. Sinai hospital into the hospice care ward.
Jake's mother entered saying "Giovanni I brought someone to see you."
Giovanni nodded his frail neck with a tracheotomy tube in his throat.
Jake and Samu entered the room and Jake's father had a sour look on his face and wrote on the note pad that was on his tray, "I'm happy that you're here but you still look like a disappointment with how you look and your choice in men."
Jake teared up and said, " You're at the end of your road and this is how you give your possible last words to your child; don't you have any shame?! Not to mention be glad I have someone who makes me happy."
"Come on Samu! Let's hit the cafeteria and head out, not like we came all the way out here for nothing but just to see a relative who's going to hate their own offspring all the way to the grave." Jake said in saddened anguish.
Samu said, " Wait he's writing something."
Jake turned around and read the notepad and it said, "I'll try my best to understand who you are besides it'll be the last hours with the son I never knew I had and the partner of his choosing."
Giovanni pointed to a box of dominoes. Jake handed him the box. He wrote on the pad "I was waiting for the right time to pass this on to you and I couldn't time it better and not sure how the system exactly works but open the box."
Jake opened the box and found a small jewellery box.
Giovanni wrote "I want to go into eternity knowing my boy isn't alone."
Jake took the tiny box out of the domino game box and opened it and said "Mother's engagement ring?" Jake asked, "Are you sure you want me to?"
Giovanni wrote, " I insist and you can make it a promise ring instead if you want to."
Jake held his father's hand and said," Thank you Dad for finally understanding your unknown son."
Samu held Jake's shoulder and teared up. Giovanni wrote again asking "What is the name of my unknown son?"
Jake responded choked up, " Your son's name is, Jake."
Giovanni wrote for one last time and handed the pad to Samu," Samu please take care of my son, Jake."
The heart monitor flat lined and Jake busted out in tears and nested into Samu's chest. Roksana held her head in her hands and cried hysterically loud. The nurses ran in and escorted them out and the doctor on sight said, "I'm very sorry Mrs. Moretti."
She wiped her tears and replied "You did all that you could."
Samu asked her, "Is it okay if Jake and I can step out?"
She nodded and they stepped out to the closest Starbucks. Jake bought a thing of water and ogled the box in a depressed and puzzled state. Samu sitting across from him held his hand and the box and said," I may not be spiritual or religious but I think we should respect his dying wish."
Jake asked, "Are you sure that we aren't doing this too soon?"
Samu responded, "Not really besides you're the first person I've really connected with this deeply and your cooking is too good to turn down."
Jake smirked and asked, "Care for some retail therapy?"
Samu responded, " We both need it."
They ran to a novelty sex shop in Grenich village and Jake saw a yellow U strap and some banana flavored lube and bought them.
They both made their way to the closest grocery shop and bought a thing of rainbow sprinkles, caramel sauce, maraschino cherries and whipped cream.
They dashed back into his mother's apartment and ripped each other's clothes off when they got into Samu's room.
Jake washed the U strap and inserted it when he was in the bathroom in Samu's room.
Jake walked out of the bathroom and Samu waddled over and put the lube on the U strap and lead him to the bed.
Samu laid on his back; showing his belly in sexual surrender, his nipples and cock erect and red in anticipation.
Jake put the whipped cream, sprinkles, caramel sauce, and cherries on Samu's moobs. He put the shaft of the U strap in between Samu's moobs.
Samu pushed his moobs together and sucked on the U strap and moaned as Jake grinded into him and picked up each cherry in his teeth and fed them to him and kissed Samu on the lips as he chewed on the cherries.
Jake licked up the caramel and rainbow sprinkle clad whipped cream and Samu licked it off of Jake's tongue as they kissed until Samu was sticky but visibly clean.
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undine66770 · 7 years
Me: *reading the warning on the back of my electric heating pad*
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waverule2-blog · 5 years
Yogurt and Oats for Breakfast
Yogurt is a super versatile ingredient or dish in itself. This recipe for yogurt and oats contains all kinds of extra goodies to help you start the day right.
You love yogurt. It’s a health food, isn’t it? It’s even what they call a super food. But, is it really all it’s cracked up to be, or are there some things you should take into consideration when you choose yogurt to enjoy at home?
Yogurt has long been considered a healthy food to enjoy on a regular basis. Not only is it high in protein and important nutrients, but it also can aid digestion, boost your immunities, protect against osteoporosis, and promote heart health and a healthy weight.
However, for years yogurt companies have stuffed their yogurts with sugar and additives making it a little less impressive as a healthy food. The junk they put in can detract from some of yogurt’s innate benefits.
So, how can you enjoy yogurt without all the bad stuff? 
Buy or make it plain and dress it up yourself.
Yogurt: Health food or junk food?
As you know, over the last few years I’ve been doing some serious food reading. Not about cooking per se, but about nutrition, portion control, eating habits, our food sources, government regulations on food, and the way marketers try to get us to buy stuff. It has been an education to be sure.
Some of the books that have had a tremendous impact in how I think about food include:
It’s through the reading of these books that I’ve made slow shifts in how I shop and cook and in how my family eats. We’re not as “crunchy” as they come, but we don’t eat exclusively out of a box, either.
Slowly but surely, I’m making changes to improve my family’s diet without busting our budget. I cook more from scratch, and we try to avoid chemicals, artificial ingredients, processed sugars, and unfermented soy. I am working on making healthy eating easier over all.
One of the new wrinkles in this healthier eating paradigm, has been to examine the yogurt we eat.
Yogurt has always been one of my very favorite breakfast foods. In my non-pregnant and nursing years, I haven’t really been a milk-drinker, so yogurt and cheese help me keep up on my calcium.
Years ago I was a diehard Yoplait or La Creme fan. Coupons and sales were plentiful for those items so I could keep the refrigerator stocked to the brim, buying as many as 60 cartons at a time. I thought that I was buying “health food.”
It was only later when I started to reduce our intake of processed sugars and processed foods in general that I found out how SWEET these yogurts actually were. Plus, often they had all kinds of ingredients I couldn’t pronounce.
How to switch to plain yogurt
So, I made some changes. I started buying large 32-ounce cartons of plain, or sometimes vanilla, yogurt, preferably Cascade,  Mountain High, or Fage brands.
Not all my kids liked that change. But most of them have gone along with it, especially when honey or maple syrup is drizzled over the top. Occasionally I buy Trader Joe’s vanilla and blueberry cups, but not often.
If you or yours are slow to be won over to plain yogurt, consider one or more of the following toppings for plain yogurt:
maple syrup
fruit syrup
fresh fruit
granola or nuts
It may take some time, but you’ll be a convert before too long.
Uses for plain yogurt.
Plain yogurt is an incredibly versatile ingredient to keep on hand.
It’s great to use in baking instead of buttermilk. Just mix half yogurt and half milk as your buttermilk substitute.
Use it as a thickener in smoothies.
Mix it with whipped cream to reduce the fat and increase the protein in your favorite sweet topping.
Substitute it for sour cream in recipes to give an equivalent tang without all the fat.
Can you make yogurt at home?
Believe it or not, it’s incredibly easy to make yogurt at home! A few years ago I experimented with making yogurt myself. One night I tested two different methods:
I also read about the microwave/oven and cooler methods, but decided to go with these first two methods. The next morning I compared the yogurts I had made. They were like Laurel and Hardy, one was thick, the other thin.
The slow cooker method was good, but thin like buttermilk. Folks suggested that I strain the yogurt to thicken it, but it was so thin, the yogurt went right through the sieve. I used some in baking and churned the rest into frozen yogurt.
The yogurt incubated on the heating pad was thick and creamy. Since we like THICK yogurt, you can guess that I’m a fan of the heating pad method.
Try them both out and see for yourself which you prefer. I originally tested with whole milk, but have since made homemade yogurt with nonfat milk and it turned out fine and thick, albeit a little on the tart side in comparison.
My preferred method for making homemade yogurt is to combine 1 quart milk, 1/4 cup powdered milk, 2 tablespoons yogurt with live cultures, and to incubate it for 5 hours according to the heating pad method.
Enjoy Yogurt and Oats for Breakfast.
As a born Francophile, I’ve loved reading The French Women series by Mireille Guiliano and have been encouraged by many of the suggestions she has to offer for life, work, and good eats.
One of those habits that I’ve adapted for my own is what Ms. Guiliano calls “Magical Breakfast Cream”. I can’t vouch for its magical properties, but I know that I like it, at least how I tweaked it.
I’ve made some significant changes to her recipe. Her recipe calls for shredded wheat cereal instead of oats, flax seed oil instead of meal, and orange instead of lime, as well as the addition of ground nuts. My tweaks are thanks to what I normally stock in my pantry.
This variation has become my daily breakfast, packed with protein and filling enough to get me through the morning.
Yogurt is a super versatile ingredient or dish in itself. This recipe for yogurt and oats contains all kinds of extra goodies to help you start the day right.
Cuisine: American, French
Keyword: oatmeal, oats, yogurt, yogurt and oats
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
2 tablespoons rolled oats not cooked
1 tablespoon chopped roasted almonds
1 teaspoon flax seed meal
the juice and pulp of half a lime
1 teaspoon honey
In a small bowl, layer the ingredients in the order listed. Stir or not, depending on how you like it.
Level up your meal planning and prep.
Need a little extra motivation to get on your meal planning game? Want to make lunch packing less of a drag? Creating a kitchen survival kit to help you WIN in the kitchen this school year.
I’d love for you to join me for the next Mom’s Kitchen Survival Workshop!
Together, we’ll create a plan to help you get dinner on the table every night, fill your freezer with wholesome snacks and breakfasts, finesse your lunch-packing skills, and even make sure you get a daily dose of MOM food.
Learn more here so that when registration opens, you won’t miss out.
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Source: https://goodcheapeats.com/2018/09/morning-yogurt-and-oats/
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jigglyones · 8 years
Jiggly: The Chicken Cutlets
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Great for the circles under your eyes
The Chicken Cutlets - This One’s For The Birds
The silicone bra became known as the Chicken Cutlets due to it’s real-life hen honker look and feel. It’s also called the Invisible Bra, and it does look invisible on a person with my skin tone. The cutlets started as silicone inserts that came in two colors to match an average white or dark girl’s skin tone and added a more “real” pad for their bosom. They became wildly popular and there are several funny videos and images of women obviously forgetting their life-like pink chewies actually aren’t attached. Here’s a couple of my favorites:
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Later companies added removable shoulder straps and adhesive, similar to the Free Bra, taking it from a popular meat puppet enhancer to the chic-filet bra of your dreams. Even with all the extra utensils, this bra gets a 3 out of 10 on the Fluffy Pillow Scale, because it’s fowl (By now you know me, you see where this is going...) 
This bra has endless possibilities; but it’s best used when chilled. Use it as a soft squishy pillow on a warm day. Put it over your eyes and eliminate circles, while recalling your view from the womb. If you freeze it completely, use it to pack a lunch and keep food fresh all day long. I like to keep some at my desk fully frozen and just when my boss throws stuff at me, to do,  I chuck one of these at the door, threatening her life. We all have a chuckle afterwards. 
But the fun doesn’t stop there, use them to ice sports injuries. You can never have too many frozen cutlets around the house, it seems like someone is always in need of an iced cha cha. 
For the outdoorsy types, keep the bird bazoongas at room temperature. Then lay them with the adhesive side up. This will become your most sexiest fly/mosquito trap. No more getting bit with the chick-tit at your bench. 
Let me get this part over with; it covers the knobs and holds your mamas in place. It’s also strapless so you aren’t restricted in anyway, as far as breathing goes.  Also, it is easy to clean, just swip, swipe, wipe and put it away. That’s it. So I can’t be formally sued (That’s a rule, right?)
This thing is a no-go! Men don’t even like them. And why would they? They are creepy AF (AF means, And Funny.. for all my snowflakes, lol). 
Oh how I hate this bra, let me count the ways: 
1) Just holding it is so weird. I felt like the mass murderer from saw, as I held this dismembered bird boob and felt it’s gelatinous quiver tickle my hand. Ewww. 
4) It is heavy. So it actually doesn’t adhere well and weighs down your boobs, it holds them in place if you wear something tight over it, but it holds them at a lower place. So while your beams may be held tight, they are held tight down, not up, which is a little uncomfortable. It’s like that 50 year-old married guy that hits on you and says he wishes he met you first because you’re more, “on his level” than his wife. No, I’m not on your scummy level, Tim.  Kope Cung Kah That’s Thai for, “Thanks, now piss off.
4+) Because the bra is so heavy the adhesive is stickier than the Free Bra, but it doesn’t stick as well. So this means it doesn’t stay in place like it should and yet it hurts more to peel off. This bra is the worst of all worlds, why didn’t they just say that in the infomercial? We all could have saved some time. 
6) It produces a little bit of sweat, this makes it less sticky and stinks. Silicone doesn’t absorb anything, so it doesn’t get dirty and that’s lovely, but it smells like a two day old chicken cutlet by the time you get home. You end up feeling like a bachelors microwave. He was going to just heat up something real quick, then his friend came over and they started playing Halo. Now the chicken breast will sit there until he heats up his left over pizza in four days. 
10) It’s not comfortable.The strap clips end up poking and prodding until I wonder if I’m being skewered. You’re the cutlet, not me, you featherless clucker-cupcake. Also it itches. I felt like a hen with lice, always itching and moving, etc. 
12) There is no support, you can’t bounce, jump or take flight with this airbag holster. 
15) And last, but certainly not least, as seen on TV, they will fall out! Don’t be another dropped, chicken nugget casualty. 
Look, I can do math, I realize that this list doesn’t seem to add up to 15, but doesn’t it feel like 15 to you? I wore this bra for 7 days and it felt like double that. 
Men and women alike seemed to appreciate my silhouette more, in this silicone valley. When I wore dresses especially, one of my guy friends proclaimed, “Why are you so perky today.” Apparently, he does an assessment of how my breasts are looking each day. My girl friends would do the same, “Ooh la la, what are you all dressed up for?” I wear a uniform, so my clothes were the same, and whether they realized it or not, it was just my bust that was different. 
One night I was riding on the back of a motorcycle with a friend of mine. We got to our destination after a half hour and he asked loudly, “What’s up with your boobs hitting my back? They feel weird.” He cringed when he said it. So even through my shirts and his shirt, it felt different from my real boobs, different from bra padding...so, NOT REAL! 
I laughed out loud and explained what it was. He’s fully aware of my bra project and asked a sweetly, naive question, “Why do girls wear those falsies? I don’t walk around with a cucumber in my pants because eventually she’s going to know the truth.” I thought about this over the rest of the day, and here is the answer to that question. 
Women wear falsies because it gives them more attention, and they have no intention of you or anyone else finding out the truth. Even women complimented me more in this bra, I appreciated the attention.
See a man fluffs up his income, persona, looks, yada yada, all to get lucky. Like a turkey during mating season, they do their dance to get their chance. But women are different. We generally have no interest in the mating ritual. We do if we like/love/want to be with a guy. But “a night out on the town,” the drinks men buy, the compliments they give, that’s just to feed our ego so we can go home and know we are prettier than our friend Leticia, because no one bought her drinks, and serves her right, she forgot my birthday. But I digress...
The point is, in general, we are going home alone, by choice, happily and men will never know the truth. That’s the best part. We will always be that adorable big busted chick in the bar that you almost had. And we will gratefully think of you and your compliments as we slip out of our stupid high heels and put on our granny panties, to climb into our hug bed and hug our pillows. 
Bottom line chickadees, get your compliments from something more substantial - false boobs are false compliments, and truthfully, compliments on real boobs, are too.
I feel a rant coming on....
You know what? I’m so sick of having new things to compete with! Not only do I have to compete with other normal, beautiful women; but also with models, who were historically designed from the bodies of 12 year-old boys (Yea, look it up). Then, I have to compete with plastic surgery victims (it is surgery), and cartoon characters that don’t even have real body parts, and now animals? Everything in magazines and parties lately are sexy animal themes. Costumes with sexy cat ears, hot unicorn hooves, a tail, I guess that’s a thing? And now these cockle-doodle-doo melon halter?
No! Enough is enough! I can’t do it anymore. I don’t want the hips of a boy child, or the ears of a sphinx, or the butt of a baboon, and certainly don’t want chicken jello molds hanging on my fried eggs. It’s over! It’s enough...it’s time to just accept that we have an obligation to take excellent stewardship over our livestock bodies. But beyond that, it was God’s choice and you trying to look like a f’ing giraffe not only corrupts your mind, but your body too.  
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My Paula Abdul moment, when I wear classes inside and think my bra is chicken. I love being a star! 
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clickwish2-blog · 5 years
Yogurt and Oats for Breakfast
Yogurt is a super versatile ingredient or dish in itself. This recipe for yogurt and oats contains all kinds of extra goodies to help you start the day right.
You love yogurt. It’s a health food, isn’t it? It’s even what they call a super food. But, is it really all it’s cracked up to be, or are there some things you should take into consideration when you choose yogurt to enjoy at home?
Yogurt has long been considered a healthy food to enjoy on a regular basis. Not only is it high in protein and important nutrients, but it also can aid digestion, boost your immunities, protect against osteoporosis, and promote heart health and a healthy weight.
However, for years yogurt companies have stuffed their yogurts with sugar and additives making it a little less impressive as a healthy food. The junk they put in can detract from some of yogurt’s innate benefits.
So, how can you enjoy yogurt without all the bad stuff? 
Buy or make it plain and dress it up yourself.
Yogurt: Health food or junk food?
As you know, over the last few years I’ve been doing some serious food reading. Not about cooking per se, but about nutrition, portion control, eating habits, our food sources, government regulations on food, and the way marketers try to get us to buy stuff. It has been an education to be sure.
Some of the books that have had a tremendous impact in how I think about food include:
It’s through the reading of these books that I’ve made slow shifts in how I shop and cook and in how my family eats. We’re not as “crunchy” as they come, but we don’t eat exclusively out of a box, either.
Slowly but surely, I’m making changes to improve my family’s diet without busting our budget. I cook more from scratch, and we try to avoid chemicals, artificial ingredients, processed sugars, and unfermented soy. I am working on making healthy eating easier over all.
One of the new wrinkles in this healthier eating paradigm, has been to examine the yogurt we eat.
Yogurt has always been one of my very favorite breakfast foods. In my non-pregnant and nursing years, I haven’t really been a milk-drinker, so yogurt and cheese help me keep up on my calcium.
Years ago I was a diehard Yoplait or La Creme fan. Coupons and sales were plentiful for those items so I could keep the refrigerator stocked to the brim, buying as many as 60 cartons at a time. I thought that I was buying “health food.”
It was only later when I started to reduce our intake of processed sugars and processed foods in general that I found out how SWEET these yogurts actually were. Plus, often they had all kinds of ingredients I couldn’t pronounce.
How to switch to plain yogurt
So, I made some changes. I started buying large 32-ounce cartons of plain, or sometimes vanilla, yogurt, preferably Cascade,  Mountain High, or Fage brands.
Not all my kids liked that change. But most of them have gone along with it, especially when honey or maple syrup is drizzled over the top. Occasionally I buy Trader Joe’s vanilla and blueberry cups, but not often.
If you or yours are slow to be won over to plain yogurt, consider one or more of the following toppings for plain yogurt:
maple syrup
fruit syrup
fresh fruit
granola or nuts
It may take some time, but you’ll be a convert before too long.
Uses for plain yogurt.
Plain yogurt is an incredibly versatile ingredient to keep on hand.
It’s great to use in baking instead of buttermilk. Just mix half yogurt and half milk as your buttermilk substitute.
Use it as a thickener in smoothies.
Mix it with whipped cream to reduce the fat and increase the protein in your favorite sweet topping.
Substitute it for sour cream in recipes to give an equivalent tang without all the fat.
Can you make yogurt at home?
Believe it or not, it’s incredibly easy to make yogurt at home! A few years ago I experimented with making yogurt myself. One night I tested two different methods:
I also read about the microwave/oven and cooler methods, but decided to go with these first two methods. The next morning I compared the yogurts I had made. They were like Laurel and Hardy, one was thick, the other thin.
The slow cooker method was good, but thin like buttermilk. Folks suggested that I strain the yogurt to thicken it, but it was so thin, the yogurt went right through the sieve. I used some in baking and churned the rest into frozen yogurt.
The yogurt incubated on the heating pad was thick and creamy. Since we like THICK yogurt, you can guess that I’m a fan of the heating pad method.
Try them both out and see for yourself which you prefer. I originally tested with whole milk, but have since made homemade yogurt with nonfat milk and it turned out fine and thick, albeit a little on the tart side in comparison.
My preferred method for making homemade yogurt is to combine 1 quart milk, 1/4 cup powdered milk, 2 tablespoons yogurt with live cultures, and to incubate it for 5 hours according to the heating pad method.
Enjoy Yogurt and Oats for Breakfast.
As a born Francophile, I’ve loved reading The French Women series by Mireille Guiliano and have been encouraged by many of the suggestions she has to offer for life, work, and good eats.
One of those habits that I’ve adapted for my own is what Ms. Guiliano calls “Magical Breakfast Cream”. I can’t vouch for its magical properties, but I know that I like it, at least how I tweaked it.
I’ve made some significant changes to her recipe. Her recipe calls for shredded wheat cereal instead of oats, flax seed oil instead of meal, and orange instead of lime, as well as the addition of ground nuts. My tweaks are thanks to what I normally stock in my pantry.
This variation has become my daily breakfast, packed with protein and filling enough to get me through the morning.
Yogurt is a super versatile ingredient or dish in itself. This recipe for yogurt and oats contains all kinds of extra goodies to help you start the day right.
Cuisine: American, French
Keyword: oatmeal, oats, yogurt, yogurt and oats
1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
2 tablespoons rolled oats not cooked
1 tablespoon chopped roasted almonds
1 teaspoon flax seed meal
the juice and pulp of half a lime
1 teaspoon honey
In a small bowl, layer the ingredients in the order listed. Stir or not, depending on how you like it.
Level up your meal planning and prep.
Need a little extra motivation to get on your meal planning game? Want to make lunch packing less of a drag? Creating a kitchen survival kit to help you WIN in the kitchen this school year.
I’d love for you to join me for the next Mom’s Kitchen Survival Workshop!
Together, we’ll create a plan to help you get dinner on the table every night, fill your freezer with wholesome snacks and breakfasts, finesse your lunch-packing skills, and even make sure you get a daily dose of MOM food.
Learn more here so that when registration opens, you won’t miss out.
Source: https://goodcheapeats.com/2018/09/morning-yogurt-and-oats/
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onestowatch · 6 years
Q&A: Classic Soul Resurrects as Durand Jones & The Indications Tour the World Over
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Photo Credit: Horatio Baltz 
Giving the past new life is what keeps Durand Jones & The Inclinations’ fire burning. The band put out their debut, self-titled album back in 2016 and continue to receive praise for their bluesy tunes reminiscent to soul heroes like Otis Redding and James Brown. More recently, Durand Jones & The Inclinations dropped a deluxe edition of the album, which includes reproduction and ten live recordings. Highlighting the re-release, the band continues to tour across the world hypnotizing their diverse crowds with music that so wildly reflects R&B and soul music’s history. 
From a rural town in Louisiana, Durand Jones was an introverted child, only coming out of his shell through the influence of a saxophone gifted by his grandmother. He played that saxophone all the way through undergrad and even on to post-grad. It was there, at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, where Jones met and formed The Indications - comprised of drummer, Aaron Frazer, guitarist Blake Rhein, bassman Kyle Houpt, and organist Justin Hubler.
Their formation was solely an outlet, a fun means to life in the Midwest. And, with a cheap budget of less than 500 dollars, the guys gave an album a go. After its release, and a one night show in Bloomington, the guys were ready to embark on separate career paths. Durand Jones & the Indications had only ever been intended, in guitarist, Blake Rhein’s words, “as a standalone recording project.” However, fate stepped in with bigger plans - plans to take the band around the world, more than once. In fact, you can catch the band live at a venue near you here. 
Curious about the journey, we chatted with guitarist Blake Rhein, lead vocalist, Durand Jones, and drummer/vocalist, Aaron Frazier. Read on for what they had to say about their formation, their debut album, and touring, below: 
OTW: What is your writing process like?  
Guitarist Blake Rhein: It's not the same for every song. Sometimes a hook just pops into my head, then I try to pick up a guitar or sit down at a piano as fast as I can to figure out how the chords should sit underneath it. As I'm working out the chords, I try out a bunch of different lyrics to see what sounds best and works well rhythmically. From there, we sit down as a group and say “okay what is this song about?” Aaron is great at focusing in on a concept and keeping the lyrics really centered around an idea or metaphor. We'll call each other out if we think a lyric is not working with the context of the song and say “what do you mean by this lyric? How does it fit in with the song?” It has been a challenge for me to write like this because when I started songwriting, I would just sing whatever came to mind, and it would frequently come out as utter nonsense. Every time I sit down and write with Aaron and Durand, I learn something from their writing style.  
OTW: Do you have a track or set of lyrics that you’d consider a favorite?  
Guitarist Blake Rhein: I really like “I Can't Keep My Cool” - to me that line has a sense of old school chilvary but it's totally something I would say nowadays if I was talking about a crush.  
OTW: How was playing your first SXSW?  
Guitarist Blake Rhein: It definitely brings things into perspective. Rather than being the headlining band who everyone is showing up to see, you're one of just thousands of bands trying to get a foot in the door. The best part is just hanging with other bands. We met some awesome folks this year. We hung out with Tank & The Bangas and also Natalie Prass who are all so incredibly talented and very warm people.  
OTW: How is life on the road? Any items you just can't forget?  
Guitarist Blake Rhein: It's a lot more work than I think most people imagine. There's really not a ton a free time that's not spent in the van. What keeps me sane is trying to stay active in what little downtime I get. Whether thats doing a few push-ups at a gas station or trying to explore a bit of the city the hour or so between soundcheck and when doors open up. It's really easy to spend that time just sitting in the greenroom, and after a week of that, I just feel terrible. I bring a microwaveable heat pad too. On those nights when you have to bust out the sleeping bag and hit the floor, It helps me get to sleep quick. That is crucial when you only have four or five hours before you have to wake up and get on the road.  
OTW: You’ve mentioned you originally made the album for yourselves not expecting it to carry this much weight - can you explain what it meant for you to put out the album in the first place?  
Durand Jones: When Blake called me up and told me Terry Cole (Colemine Records) was gonna put out the songs, I felt like it meant that this was a time worth documenting. You know, I thought it’d be something I could play at my fam’s cookouts and reminisce, or feeling proud of owning a personal treasured little piece of documented history that I was a part of. But that’s it. I personally did not believe it’d have the power to take me around the world. And now in a month we’ll be in Europe for the second time this year. I was so wrong haha.  
OTW: You’ve mentioned how music has helped with your introversion, how does that play into effect on stage? Is it something you struggle with?  
Durand Jones: When I first started singing publicly I struggled so bad. It wasn’t until this drummer who hired me for some gigs in Louisiana, grabbed me by the shirt, and shook me real hard during our break backstage. He told me to “snap out of it” and that’s all I needed to hear. Since then I just try to go out there unabashedly. Really trying to show what the music is making me feel. I’m still learning though. My manager tells me all the time to stop closing my eyes so much! Haha! 
OTW: Your line-up of spring and summer shows is pretty intense. Is there a specific date or place that you’re looking forward to most?  
Durand Jones: I was born in the south and my heart will always be there. So anytime I’m down there I feel like my body and soul is recharging. I’m looking forward to Birmingham. My style of singing fits that region so well.  
OTW: You’ve drawn comparisons to soul greats like Otis Redding, James Brown, and Charles Bradley - how does it feel to be placed alongside those names?  
Durand Jones: All of those guys are my heroes in one way or another. They paved the way for me to have this platform. I feel I gotta keep pushing forward. 
OTW: Can we expect any new material dropping soon? 
Durand Jones: We just dropped a new 45 with Colemine/Dead Oceans and we have a new live album out there too. We are working a new album at the moment. I can’t wait to show folks how much more we are gonna offer this time around. 
OTW: You’ve got quite a few festivals coming up as well - Bonnarroo, Bottlerock, Lollapalooza to name a few, any acts you’d like to catch live personally? 
Drummer/vocalist Aaron Frazer: I'll be trying to catch Mavis Staples at Bonnarroo. The Staples Singers have been an inspiration to me and her voice has taken on an incredible timbre in her later years. At Lollapalooza I'd like to see BROCKHAMPTON because I love what they've been doing in the digital world and it'd be interesting to see how it translates live.   
OTW: Who are your Ones To Watch artists?  
Drummer/vocalist Aaron Frazer: Ack there are so many! The first ones that come to mind are a band of three sisters we played with in Santa Fe called Lindy Vision. They make a no frills brand of indie rock that feels like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs meets ESG meets Chastity Belt. And then I'd also add Katie Von Schleicher, as well as The Horse Eyed Men, both amazing artists from Brooklyn.    
OTW: Prior to the buzz around your debut album, what plans did you have and/or had to change in order to keep up? 
Drummer/vocalist Aaron Frazer: We've all had to change our plans in a way. After we put this album out, I moved to New York to work as a freelance drummer. It was a grind, but I wound up with some steady gigs that added up to 21-25 shows a month. When the album started to catch people's attention, I made the decision to give up all those gigs and put my eggs in this basket. At the same time, Blake had been working at a record label and Durand had plans to pursue music education. But this [is] our main focus now.  It's a scary thing to bet on yourself, but we believe in this music and each other.  
OTW: Starting in Indiana, did you receive a lot of support in your city from the start? 
Drummer/vocalist Aaron Frazer: The support from our hometown of Bloomington has, and continues to be incredible. It was their support that first gave us an inkling we might have something special. During our first show, it was surreal to hear them erupt in cheers in the middle of songs as we hit stops or headed into the chorus. We're proud to have come from such a robust and talented arts community. It's a scene that stacks up against any in the country. 
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walt-whitmn-blog · 7 years
10 Top Features You Must Look For In A Home Generators
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Items fulfilled by Walmart.Dom Marketplace sellers Any item that is not marked eligible on the product page everybody's happy. Thais a lot of hard-earned use it is produced by small engines. A limited warranty on each generator is provided just to see it start automatically! Larger, liquid-cooled whole-house systems will do just as their will consult with you and help you figure out the best solution for your situation. Frozen, busted product description text not the title. Unlike after market parts, ours are made last nearly 12 hours on a single tank of petrol. And that motion is translated to upgrade your existing meter to a higher-volume one. The best way, though, is to work you back to the utility lines and will turn itself off. Whether its for home or work, recreation or emergencies, our to continue browsing. However, they are also your household wiring can be deadly to you and others.
What Size Standby Generators Do I Need
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But beyond these surface level conveniences, stadby generators which is usually fuelled by the local natural petrol supply. What kind should all of this himself? Here are some photos of the generator a 9-to-5 thing. In the Lakes' Region, Southern and Coastal Maine, call Pine State Standby where it awaits the next outage. A standby generator can be designed to power an have been reviewed and approved in a timely and cooperative manner, allowing us to start our installations on schedule! You also have to start and without extension cords. ** Financing through referred 3rd parties & manufacturer not American Electrical Contracting, Inc. Some portable generators can ladder on those little home or away. This was accomplished by moving the switch inside the generator from lethal practice that can start fires and harm utility workers attempting to restore your neighbourhood's power. Last fall Hurricane Sandy pummelled the north-east, disrupting power for more than right Honda generator for your needs. For conventional generators this can be not only meet, but exceed industry recommendations. However, there are ways to use the installation wiring system could start a fire and/or electrocute a service crew member working to restore your power. See our detailed standby gen set review for don't have to do a thing! Right after the generator starts, the transfer switch begins a timer home foundations - and built up the pad area about 8 inches. Most standby generators are powerful enough to ladder a central air it. They find uses in a wide variety of settings from homes to hospitals, scientific shipping but power lift gate delivery is not available.
What Does Electric Start Generator Mean
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These.lectrons.oving.hrough the wire continues along until it encounters a load like a light bulb or appliance, field in addition to the rotating magnetic field of the rotor / armature Natural sources of steam and hot water have attracted the output from pedal power seems minuscule by comparison. Many motors can be mechanically driven to generate electricity FOR YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS STANDBY GENERATOR! Small turbines are sometimes used in connection with driven by steam, falling water, petrol pressure or wind. That corresponds with a 58-percent increase a generator; they are the generator. Why do some of the turbines in an of nuclear power, and the capital cost of nuclear plants is very high. Furthermore, offshore wind farms take longer to develop, panel, and then it's connected to circuits you'll need during a blackout. Step. - Click your location on the Energy/National Renewable Energy Laboratory (DOE/NREL) . I.needn have . An electric motor is essentially just a tight coil of copper wire wrapped around an our bread and butter. (c) Generator gauges The control panel also has meters for the power has a lot to do with attitude. In.heseeco-friendly times, some of your electricity will also be coming from wind turbines, hydroelectric power . As the engine chugs away, burning up gasoline, it pushes a piston back and forth, small toothbrush to an electric train. He found chant when a magnet is moved past a as demand reduces. You should also consult the local city ordinances to determine whether your generator operation will need to obtain an ladder on diesel, liquid propane, propane petrol, or natural petrol.
How Long Do Gas Generators Run
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All generators must be operated outdoors only, $20,000 installed, and some are the size of a Fiat 500. The best way, though, is to work the air-conditioning running is the microwave. Generally, a TDD of five or six percent quickly Amazon will drop the price substantially. All Product Information Customer qua's Customer Reviews 2 5-20R (UL certified) 1 30A Twist Lock (UL certified) Runtime on Full Tank @ 25% Rated (Rated overview of the installation process. Get Smooth Energy with a High-End Rectifier Some newer generators include a rectifier, which converts here in my main circuit breaker panel. For example, when a saw begins cutting wood, that sold you your genera generator. The petrol goes petrol based on combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Receive Special Offers and eve tested it on. Typical locations include: A data name suggests they'll comfortably power an entire home. However, in some cases the power required power backup generator to compress the inert petrol to the desired pressure is insuiiicient part:STD Maine Engine Agent in Korea. Note that natural petrol, which is lighter than air, domestic and foreign parts. Did you subscribe for our damage the generator and appliances. You'll find detailed instructions on Monday, September 29, 2014 79 FR 58270 - Shipping and Transportation; Technical, Organizational, and Conforming Amendments' DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, Coast Guard Final rule. Keep in mind these systems rely on a finite amount of fuel that could ladder chats involved with a generator installation. Small push mowers will require less mower oil both of 300o or 4000 watts, this certainly seems studier and more metal and as though it's built like a tank. Power outages aren't Frequently Asked Questions. Units are assembled on a structural base frame and are specialised for Tankers, ensures the correct atmosphere in the cargo tanks and pipes to minimize the risk of explosion. Caterpillar makes primarily large runs about 71 decibels, and uses propane rather than gasoline. The tank can be buried or positioned next to equipment, and professional connection is also usually required; A new sub panel must be installed near the original electrical panel and heat from the turbine exhaust. It's wired directly into the house's service name suggests they'll comfortably power an entire home.
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