#christopher's christmas mission
gae-ta · 10 months
Actually i think i'd like all of you to have a shot at watching Karl-Bertil Jonsson--- here it is with english subs... a true swedish x-mas classic:
The story of 14 year old boy whose greatest idol is Robin Hood-- and boy does it show!
Err... quick warning before hitting play though, this short movie has two scenes i feel deserve a trigger warning, please read those below before pressing play to avoid any unpleasant surprises-- and if this makes makes you too uncomfortable, then please do not press play at all
tw: at the 20:22 mark there's a second of lots of different flags depicted.. one of them the nazi germany flag--- this is not to glorify something awful.. but rather to depict the 1930/40 as it actually were... warts and all one can also read it as a jab at the 'neutrality' of my country at the time... but that's another can of worms
tw: at the 17:31 mark there's a split second of a lady with her tits out... and believe it or not that's still shown on tv for millions of viewers every xmas in sweden. culture shocks am i right?? got censored in britain apparently
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🎄God Jul🎄
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notthepasteldyke · 9 months
tis time for a tried and true swedish yule tradition
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babygirl-diaz · 4 months
In which, Buck recreates the Christmas scene from years ago to propose to Eddie...
This is supposed to take after this incorrect quote. Just go along with me... I know it's not perfect but meh.
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Eddie: So are you gonna ask me? Buck: Ask you what? Eddie: You know what. What you tried asking me the other day but failed miserably... Buck: No clue what you talking about Eddie: Did you hit your head on that fall or something? Or is there a reason you brought me here after exactly 10 years to the date? Buck: Okay, fine. I’m just scared to ask after you said no the last time… Eddie: I said no because you pulled a stupid stunt that almost got you killed. This? This is sweet. But where’s my ring? Buck: In Singapore. It hasn’t arrived yet. Eddie: You are getting me a ring from Singapore? You’re gonna make us broke before Christopher goes to college next year Buck: Don’t worry about it. I got us covered. Eddie: I will never live down the gold digger accusations. Buck: Nah, more like you’re my sugar baby Eddie: You wanna be my sugar daddy? Buck: Already am, babygirl Eddie: I should say no based on that alone. Also, I’m surprised you managed to bring Chris to meet Santa like he did 10 years ago. Buck: Oh, I had to bribe him but he said if he has to sit on Santa’s lap then he will make it his personal mission to get us divorced
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before this goes any further, I want it on the record that you all asked for this.
my first and most petty point: Midnight Mass gets basic details about Catholicism wrong, such that even I (not a Catholic) twigged them. The big one is that Catholics DON'T HAVE MIDNIGHT MASS FOR EASTER - it's a Christmas thing - but since the priest holding the mass is also a vampire, I can accept that he's going off-book. I have a harder time with them holding a PICNIC for ASH WEDNESDAY, aka THE DAY LENT STARTS, aka the day everyone starts fasting and are therefore not snacking on a potluck. It's a minor thing, and normally I wouldn't pick at it, but since this show ostensibly revolves around Catholic doctrine, it bears mentioning.
on a writing level, not one single character in this show talks like a human being. or acts like one. I couldn't give you any information about who these characters are as people, because they're not people, they're mouthpieces for Flanagan to impart his ideas to the audience. He is both deeply in love with his own writing and entirely unconvinced that his audience is smart enough to Get It, so he has his actors turn to the audience and lay it all out. Not only is this bad writing on a character level, it brings all plot and tension to a screeching halt whenever it happens. The most unintentionally hilarious instance of this has to be when Annabeth Gish comes to the sheriff to tell him that the church is being run by a vampire and her mother is aging in reverse, and his response is to start rambling about where he was on 9/11. Like. Nothing about this makes sense, and also why should we care when it has fuckall to do with the story?
(as regards the sheriff character: I, a white Quaker, am not the person to critique this show's handling of Islam. But I will say that Flanagan doesn't seem to have a clear idea what he wants to communicate: the overarching plot is antitheistic, in a very r/atheism sort of way ("WHAT IF THE SACRAMENT WAS VAMPIRE BLOOD" ooh wow didja cut yourself on that edge there, buddy) but Flanagan has no idea how to balance that with the precepts of any religion that isn't Christianity while also maintaining his broadly liberal bona fides, so it all sits very uneasily next to the church plot. I'm not advocating for the show to go full Christopher Hitchens, but I am saying that if Flanagan wants to posit that faith is a mass delusion and a net detriment to any community formed around it . . . he needs to either focus only on Christian characters or be willing to engage with how other religions function in society, because as is, the storyline with the sheriff and his son just peters out into nothing.)
but the thing that made me angriest - that took me from "this is so boring and pretentious and badly written" to "oh FUCK this guy and the horse he rode in on -" was the titular midnight mass. It is very overtly inspired by the Jonestown massacre, which a lot of horror media does, but what it fails to account for is that the members of the People's Temple did not voluntarily kill themselves. I know "drink the kool-aid" has entered the popular lexicon as shorthand for "blindly following a leader," but extensive testimony from Jonestown survivors - not to mention the death tape, which is available online if you really want to ruin your day - all confirms that the people who died that day were forced to drink poison at gunpoint, after years of brutal abuse from Jones and his inner circle. And even after all of that, people fought back. And not outsiders - people who had been in the Temple for years and wholeheartedly believed in the mission that had lead them to Guyana in the first place. (Christine Miller was a fucking hero and she deserves to be remembered for it.) Jonestown was not lemmings going off a cliff, and any serious take on the story would involve reckoning with that - that these people believed in a higher power and also believed that they had a right to live despite what Jones told them. But that would contradict Flanagan's point of "religion is dumb, WAKE UP SHEEPLE," so instead he borrows the iconography of a truly horrific tragedy and disrespects the victims by implicitly representing them as dumb, brainwashed cult members who eagerly toss back poison because they think sky daddy wants them to. He has so little respect for the subjects he's portraying, and the real people whose deaths he is copying for shock value, that he doesn't care about the inner lives of anyone whose beliefs might demonstrate that faith is more nuanced than his screed would have you believe.
There are good horror properties out there that are critical of religion and society - The Medium, which we posted about a few days ago, is one. The Witch is another. So is The Sudbury Devil. Hell, you could go back to the sixties with Witchfinder General. Religion - especially socially dominant religions like Christianity in the west - can and should be critiqued. But Midnight Mass is too sloppily written to be a critique of anything besides, accidentally, how far Mike Flanagan's head is shoved up his ass.
Anyway, that's why mod L doesn't like Midnight Mass. I did warn you.
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buckera · 7 months
☀️ writing patterns ☀️
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10+1 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
because we'll all arrive in heaven alive
buddie | 51.4k and counting | Explicit
Thursday, day 5
Buck was still trying to wrap his head around what had happened, it was all so quick; the rain, the debris, the mudslide and then the moment of radio silence before the chaotic explosion of noise.
“We’re not giving up on him.” Bobby had said at the time, but after four days, it has become abundantly clear that instead of a search and rescue, most people have already started to treat this as a recovery mission; except they still haven’t recovered the person who mattered the most.
And When You Speak, Angels Sing From Above
buddie + Shannon centric | 2.8k | Gen
Eddie should’ve seen it coming; the fancy restaurant, the idle evening walk in the city and the arranged sleepover giving them all night to be alone. In his defense, he was blinded by how perfect it all seemed.
Right up to the moment they got home, tangled into each other, rolling along the walls of the hallway, kissing and giggling at the increasingly silly things that Buck kept saying — then, Buck was suddenly gone from his personal space, getting down on one knee in front of him instead, saying words that rang through Eddie’s ears, without their meaning managing to penetrate the walls of his brain.
It didn’t matter.
no harm, no foul
buddie | 4.9k | Mature
The last couple of days felt… Well, honestly, confusing would be the word Buck would use.
The one thing that became clear in the recent weeks, was that he and Eddie were done pretending that there wasn’t something going on between them. (Right after spending at least two months violently dismissing any notion of such an idea, while simultaneously wondering if the other was doing the same. God, they could be really stupid sometimes… Buck was honestly surprised they even made it this far like this.)
Unfortunately, that clarity still left something else much more blurry; their direction.
we’ve got something permanent (i mean in the way we care)
buddie | 7.1k | Explicit
In hindsight, Eddie should’ve seen it coming from a mile away, after the week they’ve had.
It started out by having two days off back to back — which Eddie had planned on using to lay about the house, maybe with some slow make out sessions peppered in, while Chris was at school.
Apparently, Buck had other ideas.
Keep My Heart Warm In Yours
buddie | 18.5k | Mature
The whole thing started with Youtube — as most things do when 12-year-olds are concerned.
Christopher shuffled into the living room with determination, where Eddie was trying to figure out the settings of his new smart TV and Buck was folding and flipping the instruction manual back and forth, trying to find the beginning of it when Chris shoved his phone under his nose.
Of Love, Hospital Jitters And Christmas Lights
buddie | 6.3k | Teen + Up
“MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!” Buck shouted frantically as he pushed past people and ran through the sliding doors leading to the ER.
A nurse ran up to him immediately, waving to people behind herself for help and Buck felt his fingers go numb with fear as he tried to focus on her face.
You Ring, I Drool
buddie | 8.6k | Explicit
Eddie had long realized the resemblance, but it started to become more and more evident lately — and much harder to ignore.
Simply put; Buck was like a dog. In more ways than one.
If This Is What The Season Is Bringing
buddie | 2k | Teen + Up
December 25th 2021
Buck went straight to the fridge after he kicked his door shut. He really needed a beer right about now.
Okay, so Eddie was leaving the 118. Fine.
Well, not fine, nowhere near fine actually.
Out Of Order, Still In Line
buddie | 6.2k | Explicit
Buck could barely believe that today was finally The Day.
After weeks of power outages, paperwork mix-ups, unauthorised appointments and last minute emergencies, Buck finally made it to the Clinic.
And now here he was.
I Was Betting On Forever (But Forever Comes And Goes)
buddie | 4k | Teen + Up
Eddie was startled awake by the forceful ring of his phone.
He reached over to the nightstand blindly with an annoyed huff and pulled the phone off of the charger. He held it above his face, the brightness of the screen making him squint as he read the caller ID.
Unknown Caller.
Coming On Ever So Strong / Coming Off Ever So Soft
buddie | 14.7k | Explicit
Buck didn’t have the best track record when drunk.
That was probably the explanation why his head was pounding like someone was trying to break into his skull with a sledgehammer. And why there was someone pressed up to his side in his own bed.
oh I feel so exposed lmao all those pointed single sentence lines dropped in there, just to set the tone are definitely something I swear by... I also use timestamps a lot cuz I love to jump all over the place and then of course there's my dearest friend; in medias res.
I was tagged by the wonderful @jeeyuns @exhuastedpigeon and @wikiangela mwuahhh 💛 and I'm totally no pressure tagging @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @watchyourbuck and whoever else feels like giving this a go ✨
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watchinghallmark · 4 months
Christmas in July (and June) Schedule
Falling Like Snowflakes - June 29
Stars: Rebecca Dalton, Marcus Rosner
A photographer (Dalton), determined to complete her exhibit by capturing a rare photo of a 12-sided snowflake, enlists the help of a childhood friend (Rosner) and they go on a mission they’ll never forget.
Operation Nutcracker - July 1 on Hallmark Movies Now
Stars:  Ashley Newbrough, Christopher Russell
When an antique nutcracker set to be auctioned at the Warby family Christmas charity goes missing, a demanding event planner (Newbrough) and the heir to the Warby dynasty (Russell) try to track it down.
Three Wise Men and a Baby: Extended Cut - July 6 (television premiere) Stars: Paul Campbell, Tyler Hynes, Andrew Walker, Margaret Colin
Three brothers (Campbell, Hynes, Walker) get the surprise of their lives when they are forced to work together to care for a baby over the holidays. Watch the extended cut and prepare for the highly-anticipated sequel, Three Wise Men and a Boy, which will premiere later this year.
Rescuing Christmas - July 13 (television premiere)
Stars: Rachael Leigh Cook, Sam Page
Erin (Cook) is granted three Christmas wishes – with her final wish being that Christmas would just disappear. And to her bewilderment, it does!  Can potential suitor Sam (Page) help her bring back Christmas? The film originally premiered in 2023.
A Very Vermont Christmas - July 20
Stars: Katie Leclerc, Ryan McPartlin
A local champion skier (Leclerc) and Vermont brew master (McPartlin) teams up with an unlikely match to create a seasonal microbrew, in order to save her family’s business by Christmas.
An Ice Palace Romance - July 27 (television premiere)
Stars: Celeste Desjardins, Marcus Rosner
A journalist (Desjardins) faces old fears when she returns to her hometown ice rink to cover a story.  With the help of the owner (Rosner) and his young daughter, she begins to reevaluate her life’s purpose. The film originally premiered in 2023.
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mxviko · 10 months
To cope with somethings and to stay in reality
Welcome to
Foreign kids Christmas themed headcanons
Damien is favored for his body heat. It’s too cold? Stand near him and you’ll already start to get warmer. He doesn’t like being touched for too long or sometimes at all depending who it is, but feed his ego and he’ll be like “very well, have the warmth you are deprived of, but do not think I shall spare you.”
Pip hasn’t ever had a proper Christmas, maybe one year with Estella but I can’t imagine he’d ever have the full experience even when in South Park. If he spends the holidays with the other foreign kids, it’ll be something he’s so excited about and feels more festive then ever and can feel magic for the very first time. Totally gets told to chill with how excited he is but doesn’t.
Speaking of Pip, him and Gregory are on decorations no matter where they may celebrate. Pip doesn’t know how to pair colors well, so it’ll look like a hallmark movie but someone tripped with the box and it just fell. Gregory on the other hand doesn’t care much for quality or looks, it just needs to feel cozy and warm. So those two together are quite good for the decoration and both enjoy it, despite Gregory just annoyed by Pips presence but it’s the holidays they’re fine.
Christophe is your typical grump, he’ll put on the damn sweater but he’s not jolly. But that’s only on the outside. If he really didn’t like it he would be there or say anything when someone asked about the holiday…but expect a dramatic monologue about how horrible and stupid the holiday is and how bad god is. Has a fucking great hot coco recipe though.
Estella if she’s involved will not just be grumpy, we all know her. But goodness, this seasons colors were made for her. She won’t mind dressing the part. Estella will also tell Christmas stories, but her favorite and one she actually cares to tell is Krampus. She hates the grinch because Krampus is just so much better and more children should know him. Pip is traumatized.
If you’d want some shippy stuff Christophe is on a mission and paranoid of mistletoe. He’d rather hit someone with a shovel, but it’s not kissing a random person that scares him it’s possibly getting under with Gregory (who may or may not be around it a little to long a little to often..). The idea makes him die from embarrassment, he can only keep his composure for so long in certain situations..
Damien’s father usually held Christmas parties or events in hell he wasn’t invited to and doesn’t have the biggest opinion on Christmas. He claims to hate it, and uses the reason because it’s Jesus’ birthday, he’s the Antichrist why would he like such a thing. But when he began to spend more time in South Park or be around Pip during this time, the snow and whole process of experiencing it, it felt different then ever before. And his father has since improved since then, so now he enjoys the holiday but will always deny.
Gregory is a good gift giver and the worst to give to, he’ll give you what you need or something he knows you want, both of these things are the same in his head since he knows. He can see what you need or you’ve said so, so he’ll get it. You say you want something or he sees you want it, he’ll get it. He’s not someone who tries and guesses the perfect gift or worries over it. He’s never struggled with the “what do you get the one who has everything?” Issue, but unbeknownst to him, he’s caused that issue for many others to give him anything. I imagine his family is wealthy or high-class so it always seems he has everything. But he’s more of a giver then a receiver and appreciates anything given to him.
Estella doesn’t like mistletoe, she’ll probably kick you if you get near her with it. But, if she’s feeling nice, she won’t mind giving a peck on the cheek…she probably wore staining lipstick that will not get off your cheek without a fight.
Pip is sensitive to spice so all the cinnamon and gingerbread kinda drives him crazy, he likes it but gosh a bite from one cookie and he needs a break. I think he’ll love fruity candy canes the most and marshmallows.
Throwing pocket in there, I imagine he’d enjoy doing stockings for others, he’s very thoughtful and probably has been mistaken for an elf before outside of Christmas so it’s perfect. He’s spent many holidays with Estella and he’s aware technically she’s probably on the bad list but will give her nice treats anyway including those chocolate lumps of coal. Also will put his bunnies in cute bows and take pictures..will make them as Christmas cards.
Christophe enjoys the tree. He didn’t help with it unless it was lifting Pip to put the star on the tree or whatever topper they have, but finds peace in looking at it. Has fallen asleep under it. Many pictures taken of it.
I enjoy headcanons so may do more, and request of headcanons are also welcome
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Christmas in July 2024
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Falling Like Snowflakes and A Very Vermont Christmas are new, the extended cut of Three Wise Men and a Baby, Rescuing Christmas (this movie is great), and An Ice Palace Romance all premiered on Hallmark Movies Now last year during Countdown to Christmas.
🎄 Falling Like Snowflakes Premiere Date: Saturday, June 29 at 8/7c Cast: Rebecca Dalton, Marcus Rosner  Premise: A photographer (Dalton), determined to complete her exhibit by capturing a rare photo of a 12-sided snowflake, enlists the help of a childhood friend (Rosner) and they go on a mission they’ll never forget.
🎄 Three Wise Men and a Baby (Extended Cut) — new to Hallmark Channel Premiere Date: Saturday, July 6 at 8/7c Cast: Paul Campbell, Tyler Hynes, Andrew Walker, Margaret Colin Premise: Three brothers (Campbell, Hynes, Walker) get the surprise of their lives when they are forced to work together to care for a baby over the holidays. 
🎄 Rescuing Christmas — new to Hallmark Channel Premiere Date: Saturday, July 13 at 8/7c  Cast: Rachael Leigh Cook, Sam Page  Premise: Erin (Cook) is granted three Christmas wishes – with her final wish being that Christmas would just disappear. And to her bewilderment, it does!  Can potential suitor Sam (Page) help her bring back Christmas?
🎄 A Very Vermont Christmas Premiere Date: Saturday, July 20 at 8/7c Cast: Katie Leclerc, Ryan McPartlin  Premise: A local champion skier (Leclerc) and Vermont brew master (McPartlin) teams up with an unlikely match to create a seasonal microbrew, in order to save her family’s business by Christmas.
🎄 An Ice Palace Romance — new to Hallmark Channel Premiere Date: Saturday, July 27 at 8/7c  Cast: Celeste Desjardins, Marcus Rosner Premise: A journalist (Desjardins) faces old fears when she returns to her hometown ice rink to cover a story.  With the help of the owner (Rosner) and his young daughter, she begins to reevaluate her life’s purpose. 
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Hallmark Movies Now 🎄 Operation Nutcracker Release Date: Monday, July 1 Cast: Ashley Newbrough, Christopher Russell Premise: When an antique nutcracker set to be auctioned at the Warby family Christmas charity goes missing, a demanding event planner (Newbrough) and the heir to the Warby dynasty (Russell) try to track it down.
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gacmediadaily · 4 months
Carlos PenaVega and Alexa PenaVega will lead Great American Family‘s “Love at the Kettle,” set to debut as part of the network’s Christmas lineup at the end of 2024. “Love at the Kettle” (working title), written by Horace Priester, is executive produced by Mario Lopez, Mark Roberts and the PenaVegas; it is directed by Brian Herzlinger.
The pair will play high school friends who reunite at the holidays as she returns home and enlists him to help her write a song to win back her ex.
Per the press release, “As the two reunite for the first time in a decade, they embark on a Christmas journey down memory lane, and soon realize true love may be closer than they thought. The heart of the movie centers on Jack’s role with The Salvation Army, and Bella soon finds herself inspired by his devotion and passion to a life of doing the most good. Filled with charming original music and its share of twists and turns, ‘Love At the Kettle’ demonstrates the importance of never losing sight of the ones who matter the most.”
“We are so excited about Love at the Kettle because it represents everything Carlos and I love about Christmas and the holiday season. We want to be a light in this industry and to offer families positive, uplifting and faith-filled stories,” says Alexa. Carlos adds, “We also feel fortunate to have worked with The Salvation Army for a number of years, and we look forward to representing the authentic goodness behind the brand and mission.”
Great Amerian Media president and CEO Bill Abbott adds, “The PenaVegas are about faith, family, compassion, and love. With Alexa and Carlos starring in and co-executive producing with Mario Lopez a story that celebrates faith, Christmas, and one of the most beloved charitable organizations in America, The Salvation Army — it is guaranteed to be a winning moment for our viewers.”
Additionally, “Great American Christmas in July” will kick off on the first of the month on both the network and streaming on Great American Pure Flix with 24/7 holiday movies, royal movie marathons and faith-filled stories.
Movies will air featuring Candace Cameron Bure, Danica McKellar, Jill Wagner, Chad Michael Murray, Jen Lilley, Lori Loughlin, Trevor Donovan, Laura Osnes, Merritt Patterson, Paul Greene, Cameron Mathison, Jennie Garth, Christopher Russell and more. This year’s event includes encores of “My Christmas Hero,” “A Christmas Blessing,” “A Paris Christmas Waltz,” “A Royal Date for Christmas,” “Christmas Keepsake,” “‘Twas the Text Before Christmas,” “A Dash of Christmas,” “Christmas on Windmill Way,” “Destined 2: Christmas Once More” and “Meet Me Under the Mistletoe.”
On Great American Pure Flix, viewers can stream “Peppermint & Postcards,” starring Ella Cannon and Christopher Russell on July 1, “Bringing Christmas Home,” starring Jill Wagner and Paul Greene on July 4, “My Christmas Hero,” starring Candace Cameron Bure and Gabe Hogan on July 4, “Designing Christmas,” starring Susie Abromeit and Liam McIntyre on July 11, and “Sunrise in Heaven,” starring Caylee Cowan, Travis Burns and Corbin Bernsen on July 11.
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logi1974 · 9 months
Namibia 2023/24 - Tag 13
Merry Christmas!!!
Frohe Weihnachten!!!
Herrschaften und Oukies!!!
Für unseren diesjährigen Besuch von Lüderitz quartierten wir uns in die Pension „Zur Waterkant“ der Familie Hälbich, in der Bremer Straße, ein.
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Die Namen der unbefestigten Sandwege und Schotterstraßen auf diesem Lüderitzbuchter Hügel orientieren sich am Norden von Deutschland: Hamburger, Kieler, Lübecker und Bremer Straße.
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Herr Hälbich entstammt aus einer Einwanderer Familie die bereits 1863, als eine der Ersten, aus Deutschland nach Südwest kamen.
Ihnen ist unter anderem die Gründung der Stadt Karibib zu verdanken.
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Die Familie betrieb ein dort Handelshaus, stellte einige Jahre den Bürgermeister und hatte auch sonst großen Einfluss im Schutzgebiet gehabt.
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Natürlich nutzte ich, bei so einem geschichtsträchtigen Gastgeber, umgehend die Gelegenheit etwas über die deutsche Zeit in Südwestafrika zu erfahren.
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Die Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft war Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts auf der Suche nach einem tatkräftigen Siedler, der zur Unterstützung der Missionsarbeit in Südwestafrika angeworben werden sollte.
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Die Auflagen zur Findung dieser Person waren hoch gesteckt, verlangten die Kriterien doch, dass er über vielschichtige Fähigkeiten und als überzeugter Christ auch über Wertschätzung, Tugenden und Menschlichkeit verfügte. Die Wahl fiel auf Eduard Hälbich.
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Die 7-Generationen-Folge begann am 9. Januar 1864, als eine kleine Missionsgesellschaft unter der Leitung von Dr. Hugo Hahn sowie den Brautleuten Eduard Hälbich und Amalie Bartel mit dem Segler „Emma“ nach dreimonatiger Reise in Walvis Bay an Land ging.
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Kurz nach ihrer Ankunft traute Missionar Hahn das junge Paar am 1. März 1864. Somit war die erste deutsche Trauung in diesem trockenen Wüsten- und Steppengebiet vollzogen. Dem ersten deutschen Siedlerpaar standen große Herausforderungen bevor.
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Mit sieben Ochsenwagen und 140 Zugochsen musste die eingetroffene Schiffsfracht zum Bestimmungsort Otjimbingwe am Swakop-Rivier gebracht werden.
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Das von Missionar Rath 1849 gegründete Otjimbingwe hatte durch die vielen Konflikte der Witbooi-Nama und der Herero ein wechselhaftes Schicksal hinter sich. Mit dem Schmied, Büchsenmacher und Handwerker Eduard Hälbich wollte man den Menschen lohnbringende Arbeit vor Augen führen.
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Von Beginn an musste der junge Siedler beweisen, dass er den großen Aufgaben gewachsen war. Er schreckte vor keiner Aufgabe und Pflicht zurück. Unter den Einheimischen lösten die Erfolge Eduard Hälbichs große Bewunderung aus, und schon bald erfreute er sich großer Beliebtheit.
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Dem jungen Siedlerpaar wurden zwischen 1867 und 1878 sechs Kinder geschenkt: Christoph, Clara (später verheiratete von Goldammer), Eduard d.J., Wilhelm, August und Johannes.
Schon früh mussten die Kinder das Leben in seiner vollen Härte kennenlernen. Sie verließen ihr Elternhaus für viele Jahre, um sich in Deutschland ihrer Schul- und Berufsausbildung zu unterziehen.
Erst als Erwachsene kamen sie mit ihren Frauen nach Südwestafrika zurück und gründeten hier ihre Familien. Dieser Generation wurden im Laufe der Jahre insgesamt 31 Kinder geboren.
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Otjimbingwe wurde zum Mittelpunkt der Missions- und Siedlerarbeiten in dem Gebiet, das damals noch nicht zum Schutzgebiet proklamiert war.
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Eduard Hälbich wurde zu einer hoch geachteten Persönlichkeit. Um 1876, noch bevor das Deutsche Schutzgebiet ausgerufen wurde, wurde er vom damaligen Abgesandten der Kapregierung zum Friedesrichter ernannt. Innerhalb der einheimischen Stämme hatte Eduard Hälbich viele Konflikte zu bewältigen, und er wusste diese Probleme geschickt zu schlichten.
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Als das Land 1884 unter den Schutz der deutschen Krone gestellt wurde, mehrte sich die Zahl der Durchreisenden und Besucher, die die Dienste von Eduard Hälbich in Anspruch nehmen wollten.
Im Alter von nur 52 Jahren starb Eduard Hälbich am 21. Dezember 1888.
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Den folgenden Generationen entstammten Akademiker, Künstler, Kaufleute und Handwerker. Einige Söhne folgten den Spuren des Stammvaters, galt es doch, das weitläufige Farmland in der Gegend um Karibib zu bewirtschaften, das die Familie vom Hererohäuptling Zeraua erworben hatte.
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Auch die geschäftlichen Interessen in Otjimbingwe und Karibib mussten weitergeführt werden. Die anderen Söhne gingen in ihrer Eigenständigkeit ihren jeweiligen Berufen nach, wodurch sich die Familienwurzeln der Hälbichs über das gesamte Land ausbreiteten - unter anderem eben bis nach Lüderitz.
Charlotte Hälbich war so freundlich all ihre Gäste zur heutigen Weihnachtsmesse in die berühmte Felsenkirche von Lüderitz mit einzuladen. Es war ihr wirklich eine Herzensangelegenheit, der wir selbstverständlich gerne nachkamen.
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Alles was in Lüderitz Rang und Namen hat war auch tatsächlich beim Gottendienst anwesend. Wir konnten Herrn Grünewald, den langjährigen Inhaber des Nest Hotels, mit seiner Familie ausmachen.
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Außerdem erkennen wir auch Frau Marion Schelkle, die Inhaberin von Lüderitz Safaris & Tours, mit der wir eine Stadttour machen werden.
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Der Gottesdienst wird zweisprachig abgehalten: Deutsch & Englisch. Die Liedtexte werden mittels Beamer auf eine Leinwand projiziert. Eine gute Lösung.
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Für den Abend hatten wir eine Reservierung im Lüderitz Nest Hotel, wo wir die halbe Kirchengemeine wieder trafen. Ein großes Hallo!
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Ulf Grünewald ging von Tisch zu Tisch und begrüßte jeden einzelnen Gast persönlich. Egal ob Lokal oder Tourist, jeder wird behandelt, wie ein alter Freund.
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Natürlich gibt es für uns wieder die fabelhaften Austern.
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Meine Mutter findet inzwischen großen Gefallen am Kingklip, ein lokaler Fisch der am Meeresboden lebt und wirklich häßlich aussieht, aber dafür sehr lecker schmeckt.
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Micha endschied sich für ein Rinderfilet, das auf den Punkt gebraten war.
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Sehr schön anzusehen ist die alte Jetty, die man mittlerweile renoviert hat. Dazu noch eine tolle Beleuchtung am Abend - und schon ist die Stimmung perfekt.
Lekker Slaap!
Angie, Micha, Mama und der Hasenbär
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thienvaldram · 9 months
Forgotten Lives Omnibus Lore Dump
Just a bunch of lore related observations from FL1 and FL2
Christopher Barry
The Doctor moves an aberrant era of human history into the Cretaceous era, resulting in at least one ancient human civilisation (Aurelia) existing in that era.
He's married to a woman named Zodin, she is most likely Gallifreyan
He has an enemy known as the Abbot, who is also presumably a Gallifreyan (Described as 'Like the Doctor') who either expended all rejuvenations or was killed with no prospect of rejuvenation at the gallows only to return as a spirit and try to steal the Barry incarnation's body, he is defeated him at the cost of the Doctor’s own life. Causing a renewal.
He is most likely not the first incarnation of the FL cycle, as a newly renewed Banks Stewart expresses familiarity with the difficulties of retaining relationships 'across such a change'
Robert Banks Stewart
He established his bookshop shortly after renewal, and is earthbound there though he seems to also travel in the TARDIS whilst based there. He seems to have done so shortly after the start of the build-up to World War II, definitively pre-Dunkirk.
He has an acquaintance known as ‘The Magus’ who claims to serve ‘The Unity’, The Magus is definitely a Time Lord.
He’s on Earth for at least five years (1938-1943)
There’s a species that lives within the Earth called the Vril. They predate humanity and the Earth Reptiles.
We have yet to see his Rejuvenation as of FL2.
Christopher Baker
This Doctor has two kids, Cedric and Jilly. They seem to think the Doctor is slightly over 35 years old. They would be Thirty Five in 1975 so they were born in 1940.
The First Venus mission was returning to Earth in 1975, the third was underway by 1980.
The Doctor is well known for defeating the moon-men invasion as of 1975, building the Bot-u-tron robot and melting all the snow in Britain on Christmas 1974. The Doctor also helped repel the Magma Men in 1978, fought the Mighty Mole and “Hitler’s Robot”.
The Venusians were wiped out in a nuclear war, they had some form of Christianity
The British Government was performing time travelling Paleo-archaeology as of 1980. Piltdown Man is real… apparently.
By the time of his rejuvenation, Jilly now went by ‘Jill’ and was a teenager (adult by some standards). Cedric and Jilly seem to age 1:1 with their school friends on Earth. The year is between 1953 and 1955.
He picked up an infection of some kind from the Violet Moon of Bellerophon. Jill and Cedric got over it but the Doctor did not, and it eventually resulted in his renewal.
The Doctor at some point lived through World War I due to being stuck on Earth for 20 years, it is loosely implied to have been this incarnation due to the statement about him becoming human and falling in love with Joan Redfern in FL1, and prior to Cedric and Jilly’s births.
After letting Jill and Cedric leave in ~1955, he lay back in a chair and renewed into his next incarnation.
Phillip Hinchcliffe
He picked up his first companion, Rue, very shortly after renewal, during his first adventure.
He’s working for the Order of the Spheres and seemingly has been doing so since before his most recent renewal. He came to Idrotha looking for one of them. He is being led to their bodies.
The Demons of Dog Street is set in 1956 at first. This is presumably intended to be his ‘contemporary’ time.
The Doctor tried to help a young lady called Nelly Rosethorne who absorbed an artefact from a dead member of the Order of the Spheres, only for Nelly to become ‘The Witch of the White House’ with whom he would eventually later scuffle with, resulting in his rejuvenation.
He’s the incarnation who married Patience according to Cold Fusion.
We have yet to actually see the event of his renewal, but we know he ‘met a premature end’ suggesting he's the shortest lived of the Morbii.
Douglas Camfield
His early life was coloured by Space War II between two major powers that the Time Lords seemed to be loosely involved in. Space War II was very technically a Time War due to one of the opponents use of Time Travel tech.
This Doctor is willing to make people disappear, he does so to a cabal of war criminals from Space War II.
He says that the destruction of Dattany City is sixteen years in the relative past and claims its ‘Not much different for him’.
The Vidocs are a time sensitive species with wings, researching time travel. The Time Lords seem threatened by them and are trying to prevent them from engineering a star for time travel. They are in communication with a time active species called the Mey.
The Camfield Doctor is actively working for a sect of the Time Lord government to, among other things, prevent races from having both the intent and means to alter history.
The Time Lords have leverage over his Gallifreyan Family, who are later killed in Cold Fusion.
Dattany is 147 by Trail of a Time Lord, she joined the Doctor when she was a lot younger. She’d met Patience and the Doctor’s children. The Doctor’s eldest son could regenerate.
The Doctor gets out of trial from the Time Lords for hunting down the cabal by proving Space War II was a Time War. But he is convicted of consorted with aliens due to bringing Dattany to the Homeworld. He is executed as a result of this.
Graeme Harper
This Doctor is only referred to by they/them. They have a psychic beard and have at some point masqueraded as Martin Jurgens, an Earth Adjudicator whom the Roger Delgado Master would steal the credentials of.
The Captain is a conventional superhero, they claim that ‘One hundred and twenty years’ doesn’t look as good on them as it does on the Doctor, implying this incarnation is also at least one hundred and twenty by the events of Valhalla Must Fall! Which is considered ‘early days’ in the conflict.
The Doctor and the Captain were in battle with a species called the Outsiders, who were immortal and tried to take over the Universe in order to feel something. By the time the Doctor met with a dying Nimh, they had convinced the Outsiders to never become immortal in the first place.
This Doctor promised Death a week of servitude, but never said when and never returned to play that out. Possible link to Master (Where he makes a new deal with Death to make the Master Death’s Champion)
The Usher runs the Fountain Theatre, it is ‘on the same street’ as the Celestial Toyroom run by the Toymaker, the Usher uses it to link the Doctor to an early event from shortly after Event One.
The Doctor tells a story that, in the ancient past, under the influence of ‘A madman’ the people of Gallifrey split into two civilisations. Each comparing themselves to the other. The Doctor and another from the other civilisation, Hazel, devised a plan to switch places and disguise themselves, forgetting their true natures for a while. Upon remembering the two were able to use their positions to broker peace between the two sides. The two now have tattoos that prevent them from infiltrating or being unknowingly mind altered again.
He reacted in shock and worry when told 'The Other' was here
We do not see this Doctor’s renewal as of FL2.
Robert Holmes
Coming to a deal with the powers that be this incarnation was given the ability to travel the Universe in exchange for fulfilling his duty to the homeworld, though that deal has grown stricter over time and he has grown to resent the situation.
Early in his life he suffered an injury as a result of a failed mission for the Time Lords, that results in him walking with a cane.
He’s indirectly responsible for the creation of the Krotons, Sontarans, Autons, Drashig and Kroll.
The TARDIS is described as ‘bluer and boxier’ than it was under the Hinchcliffe Doctor.
The Doctor is told to ‘swing by in a hundred years’ though we never know if he does or not or in what incarnation if he does.
He has had fifty different handlers by the time of his rejuvenation.
He was shot and killed by an immortal during a confrontation. A Gallifreyan, Mountweazel, sacrificed themselves to trigger his renewal.
George Gallaccio
He experienced amnesia after his previous traumatic rejuvenation for most of his first story.
In 1970 there was a meteor storm that supposedly changed the course of human development. This was actually an arrival of the Nestene Consciousness and this incarnation gets embroiled in a brief adventure where he faces the Nestenes.
This incarnation was ejected from the TARDIS when it was taken over by an entity called the Nomad, resulting in a fatal injury that would lead to his inevitable renewal.
The TARDIS took a police box form in both his first and final adventures.
He believes he fused with the Nomad prior to his rejuvenation but that was in fact untrue.
Bonus – Retrogenesis
Timeline of the Kelda
The Kelda Stone arrives on Earth in what would become the village of Kellerston
The Squire tries to break up the Kelda Stone, but is stopped by the First Morbius Doctor, who partially awakens the Kelda in the stone.
The stone is taken from the village to the British Museum, the Second Morbius Doctor attempts to stop the Magus from awakening the Kelda. The Doctor learns the Kelda are a species, rather than a single being, as the Magus has had dealings with other Kelda whilst in service to the Unity.
The future
The Third Morbius Doctor first meets a living Kelda on a planet. By this point he knows the Kelda as a benevolent confederation who seed knowledge across the Universe to those that are ready for the privilege and hibernate on planets where they are not until they are ready. The Kelda are a form beyond the machine body which is implied by this Doctor to be the logical successor to the biological form as a species develops. The Doctor meets a Kelda named Aldorac.
The Distant Past
A Kelda has landed on a planet called Arkos/Orkos. This planet is very primitive, the Fourth Morbius Doctor is very confused by this. The Kelda reveals that this is their origin planet and it journeyed there from the far future, as a force from the future is aiming to change the Kelda timeline.
The Future again
The Kelda meet with their allotemporal counterparts, overseen by the Fifth Morbius Doctor. These counterparts are revealed to be the force from the future trying to interfere with their own history. Aldorac is part of the Kelda delegation. The peace deal is not completed, but the Kelda reveal they expected this and intended to negotiate with the Doctor, not their counterparts.
The Time Lords sign a deal to protect the Kelda Timeline.
The Distant Past Again
The Sixth Morbius Doctor Doctor abducts a child called Alylec, whom the Kelda’s opponents from the future are trying to kill.
The two factions of then planet, the Calendal and Zenithal are in an uneasy detente, both developing weapons of mass destruction capable of mutually assured destruction.
The Seventh Morbius Doctor causes a nuclear war that would lead to ‘the great separation’ that eventually leads to the creation of the Kelda as a species.
Alylec teaches the Zenithal survivors a peaceful way.
The Eighth Morbius Doctor surveys the planet, implying that the machinelike Calendal successors ‘Dals’ and humanoid Zenithal successors ‘Thals’ will eventually recombine to form the Kelda, but only if they’re kept apart and keep to their philosophies until they are ready.
The Eighth Morbius Doctor isomorphically locks the history of the Kelda, so no one but himself can ever interfere again, noting that “I’m hardly going to blunder in and undo all that hard work, now am I?”
The First Doctor arrives on Arkos, now ‘Skaro’ and accidentally causes the Dal survivors ‘Daleks’ to prematurely meet the ‘Thals’ and teaches the Thals a non-pacifist way of fighting back. This averts the Kelda timeline and instead creates the first Dalek Timeline.
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'Twas the night (okay, more like the week) before Christmas, and all through the tiny community of Pine Cove, California, people are busy buying, wrapping, packing, and generally getting into the holiday spirit. But not everybody is feeling the joy. Little Joshua Barker is in desperate need of a holiday miracle. No, he's not on his deathbed; no, his dog hasn't run away from home. But Josh is sure that he saw Santa take a shovel to the head, and now the seven-year-old has only one prayer: Please, Santa, come back from the dead. But hold on! There's an angel waiting in the wings. (Wings, get it?) It's none other than the Archangel Raziel come to Earth seeking a small child with a wish that needs granting. Unfortunately, our angel's not sporting the brightest halo in the bunch, and before you can say "Kris Kringle," he's botched his sacred mission and sent the residents of Pine Cove headlong into Christmas chaos, culminating in the most hilarious and horrifying holiday party the town has ever seen. Move over, Charles Dickens—it's Christopher Moore time.
submit a horror book!
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magicalgirllove92 · 7 months
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My favorite TV shows of 1997
1. South Park (1997-present) One of the best Comedy Central original shows and one of the longest running adult animated shows ever. The show takes places in the fictional town of South Park, Colorado where 4 young foul-mouthed boys got involved in the series of hilariously mature adventures. This cartoon is for adults only. Starring: Trey Parker, Matt Stone, April Stewart, Mona Marshall and Mary Kay Bergen. Distributed by Comedy Partners and Paramount Global
2. King of the Hill (1997-2010/2024-present) Fox Television Network folks is needed another adult animated show besides The Simpsons and Mike Judge arrives and creates one of the best-loved Fox shows ever King of the Hill. The show takes places in the fictional town of Arlen, Texas, chronicling the lives of Propane salesman Hank Hill, his family, and his 3 comical best friends. Starring Mike Judge, Kathy Najimy, Pamela Aldon, Johnny Hardwick and Stephen Root. Distributed by 20th Television Animation and Disney
3. Cow and Chicken (1997-1999) With an success of Cartoon Network's second original show Dexter's Laboratory and 3rd series Johnny Bravo, the all-cartoon TV network has come up with an plan... an new summer TV show that involves 2 funny young kid animals, an devilishly funny villain, an dashing brave weasel and an buffoon baboon. Thus, Cow and Chicken was born on July 15, 1997. This grossly laugh out loud animated comedy about an scrawny 11 year old Chicken, his beefy 7 year old sister Cow and their unconventional weirdest human parents. Cow and Chicken navigating their lives throughout suburbia, encountered hilarious problems not just at school but an evil funny guy with devilishly schemes named Red Guy whose singular intent to make the siblings' lives miserable. Along with Cow and Chicken, the 2nd segment that spun-off an very short-lived show called I Am Weasel. The spin-off that focus on a smart, dashing, intelligent, noble and successful weasel named I.M Weasel and an unintelligent, rude, dumb and stinky baboon named I.R Baboon who is unaware of Weasel's good deeds and acts as his rival and friend, and the mischievous funny devil Red Guy, he often antagonize the two. Starring Charlie Andler, Candi Milo, Dee Bradley Baker and Michael Dorn. Distributed by Cartoon Network Studios, Hanna-Barbera Productions and Warner Bros Television Distribution
3. Stargate SG-1 (1997-2010) An television sequel to an 1994 blockbuster hit movie that started it all. Showtime ordered 6 seasons before Sci-Fi Channel (Syfy) took over from the remainder of the series after successful reruns. An young team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets. They use the Stargate to explore new worlds, forge ties with friendly civilizations and protect earth from evil and hostile forces. Starring Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks, Amanda Tapping, Christopher Judge and Ben Browder. Distributed by Metro Goldwyn Mayer Domestic Television, Showtime Networks and Syfy Originals.
4. Disney's Recess (1997-2001) Recess is might be ABC's first original hit show/original Saturday Morning Cartoon show since acquired by Walt Disney Company in 1996. 6 brave 4th graders at the fictional school of Third Street School make it their mission to protect the kids on the playground despite King Bob and his minions who enforce his harshly unwritten law, TJ, Gretchen, Spinelli, Vince, Gus and Mikey seeks a rational balance between conformity an individually. The hit cartoon that spun 4 movies, the underrated 2001 movie Recess: School's Out, an Christmas compilation sequel Recess Christmas: Miracle on Third Street, 2 direct-to-video movies that debuts in 2003, an prequel Recess: All Growed Down and the series finale movie Recess: Taking a 5th Grade. Starring Andrew Lawrence, Ricky D'Shon Collins, Ashley Johnson, Pamela Aldon and Jason Davis. Distributed by Walt Disney Television Animation
5. Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction (1997-2002) Sci-fi/fantasy/mystery fans are need a relief after Unsolved Mysteries suffered from disastrous failure after the show was moving from NBC to CBS, 4 more months before the first ever Murder, She Wrote TV movie and the 1996-1997 season of The X-Files ended with gigantic cliffhanger, so Fox and Dick Clark Production conjure up an summertime experiment to turn the tide until September and that's when Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction? Debuts on May 25th, 1997. Each episodes that has 5 tales, all of them which appear defy logic or some of them are loosely based on actual events. The viewer is up to challenge of determined 5 stories that are true or false, at the end of each episodes, it is revealed to the viewer whether 5 tales were true or fiction. The show was massive popular in Germany, RTL II revives the show with Star Trek actor Jonathan Franks reprise his hosting duties in October 2021. Starring James Brolin and Jonathan Frakes. Distributed by Fox and Dick Clark Productions
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eemcintyre · 9 months
@eemcintyre's top 113 favorite movies in alphabetical order
An admittedly random number that includes objectively "well-made" films with artistic merit, objectively considered-to-be-entertaining movies, and possibly questionable ones that I'm sentimental for or just like for whatever mysterious reason (usually a hot guy but not always). This is just what I like and the premier way to get to know me.
(Updated 09/07/24)
A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965), dir. Bill Melendez
A Few Good Men (1992), dir. Rob Reiner
A New Hope (1977), dir. George Lucas
Amelie (2001), dir. Jean-Pierre Jeunet
American Made (2017), dir. Doug Liman
AMY (2015), dir. Asif Kapadia
Annie (1982), dir. John Huston
Argylle (2024), dir. Matthew Vaughn
Arthur Christmas (2011), dir. Sarah Smith
Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper (2004), dir. William Lau
Barbie of Swan Lake (2003), dir. Owen Hurley
Black Swan (2010), dir. Darren Aronofsky
The Blair Witch Project (1999), dir. Eduardo Sanchez & Daniel Myrick
The Bodyguard (1992), dir. Mick Jackson
Borat (2006), dir. Larry Charles
The Breakfast Club (1985), dir. John Hughes
Camille (1936), dir. George Cukor
Casablanca (1943), dir. Michael Curtiz
Chinatown (1974), dir. Roman Polanski
Cocktail (1988), dir. Roger Donaldson
Con Air (1997), dir. Simon West
The Conjuring (2013), dir. James Wan
The Conjuring 2 (2016), dir. James Wan
The Crow (1994), dir. Alex Proyas
Cruel Intentions (1999), dir. Roger Kumble
Die Hard (1988), dir. John McTiernan
Eddie and the Cruisers (1983), dir. Martin Davidson
Elf (2003), dir. Jon Favreau
Eloise at Christmastime (2003), dir. Kevin Lima
The Empire Strikes Back (1980), dir. Irvin Kershner
Enchanted (2007), dir. Kevin Lima
Face/Off (1997), dir. John Woo
Far and Away (1992), dir. Ron Howard
Footloose (1984), dir. Herbert Ross
Galaxy Quest (1999), dir. Dean Parisot
The Great Muppet Caper (1981), dir. Jim Henson
Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009), dir. Peter Chelsom
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002), dir. Chris Columbus
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005), dir. Mike Newell
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), dir. Alfonso Cuaron
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001), dir. Chris Columbus
Heathers (1988), dir. Michael Lehmann
Hereditary (2018), dir. Ari Aster
High School Musical (2006), dir. Kenny Ortega
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005), dir. Garth Jennings
Holes (2003), dir. Andrew Davis
The Holiday (2006), dir. Nancy Meyers
Hollow Point (1996), dir. Sidney J. Furie
Hotel Rwanda (2004), dir. Terry George
I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997), dir. Jim Gillespie
I, Tonya (2017), dir. Craig Gillespie
Ice Princess (2005), dir. Tim Fywell
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), dir. Steven Spielberg
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), dir. Steven Spielberg
In a Lonely Place (1950), dir. Nicholas Ray
Insidious (2010), dir. James Wan
Insidious: Chapter 2 (2013), dir. James Wan
Insidious: The Red Door (2023), dir. Patrick Wilson
Jackie (2016), dir. Pablo Larrain
Jerry Maguire (1996), dir. Cameron Crowe
JFK (1991), dir. Oliver Stone
The Karate Kid (1984), dir. John G. Avildsen
The Karate Kid Part II (1986), dir. John G. Avildsen
Knight and Day (2010), dir. James Mangold
Laggies (2014), dir. Lynn Shelton
The Last Samurai (2003), dir. Edward Zwick
Lawn Dogs (1997), dir. John Duigan
Lean on Me (1989), dir. John G. Avildsen
Leaving Las Vegas (1995), dir. Mike Figgis
Magnolia (1999), dir. Paul Thomas Anderson
Megamind (2010), dir. Tom McGrath
Minority Report (2002), dir. Steven Spielberg
Mission: Impossible (1996), dir. Brian De Palma
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023), dir. Christopher McQuarrie
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015), dir. Christopher McQuarrie
Mission: Impossible III (2006), dir. J.J. Abrams
Mr. Right (2015), dir. Paco Cabezas
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989), dir. Jeremiah S. Chechik
National Treasure (2004), dir. Jon Turteltaub
Natural Born Killers (1994), dir. Oliver Stone
Oklahoma! (1955), dir. Fred Zinnemann
The Outsiders (1983), dir. Francis Ford Coppola
The Pacifier (2005), dir. Adam Shankman
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987), dir. John Hughes
The Preacher's Wife (1996), dir. Penny Marshall
Pretty in Pink (1986), dir. John Hughes
Pride and Prejudice (2005), dir. Joe Wright
The Princess Diaries (2001), dir. Garry Marshall
Raising Arizona (1987), dir. Joel & Ethan Coen
Return of the Jedi (1983), dir. Richard Marquand
Roman Holiday (1953), dir. William Wyler
Sabrina (1954), dir. Billy Wilder
Scream (1996), dir. Wes Craven
Se7en (1995), dir. David Fincher
Sense and Sensibility (1995), dir. Ang Lee
The Shining (1980), dir. Stanley Kubrick
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), dir. Jonathan Demme
The Sound of Music (1965), dir. Robert Wise
Stretch (2014), dir. Joe Carnahan
The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999), dir. Anthony Minghella
Titanic (1997), dir. James Cameron
Tropic Thunder (2008), dir. Ben Stiller
The Trouble with Angels (1966), dir. Ida Lupino
Truly, Madly, Deeply (1990), dir. Anthony Minghella
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992), dir. David Lynch
Ulterior Motives (1992), dir. James Becket
Valkyrie (2008), dir. Bryan Singer
Vanilla Sky (2001), dir. Cameron Crowe
Vertigo (1958), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
The Way, Way Back (2013), dir. Jim Rash & Nat Faxon
West Side Story (1961), dir. Robert Wise & Jerome Robbins
White Christmas (1954), dir. Michael Curtiz
Zodiac (2007), dir. David Fincher
(500) Days of Summer (2009), dir. Marc Webb
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hpldreads · 2 years
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If you read and enjoyed "Fairy Tale" by Stephen King, you might also enjoy "Imaginary Friend" by Stephen Chbosky.
Fairy Tale: "Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid, but he carries a heavy load. His mom was killed in a hit-and-run accident when he was seven, and grief drove his dad to drink. Charlie learned how to take care of himself and his dad. When Charlie is seventeen, he meets a dog named Radar and her aging master, Howard Bowditch, a recluse in a big house with a locked shed in the backyard. Sometimes strange sounds emerge from it. Charlie starts doing jobs for Mr. Bowditch and loses his heart to Radar. When Bowditch dies, he leaves Charlie a cassette tape telling a story no one would believe. What Bowditch knows is that inside the shed is a portal to another world"
Imaginary Friend: "Single mother Kate Reese is on the run. Determined to improve life for her and her son, Christopher, she flees an abusive relationship in the middle of the night with Christopher at her side. Together, they find themselves drawn to the tight-knit community of Mill Grove, Pennsylvania. It's as far off the beaten track as they can get. Just one highway in, one highway out. At first, it seems like the perfect place to finally settle down. Then Christopher vanishes. For six awful days, no one can find him. Until Christopher emerges from the woods at the edge of town, unharmed but not unchanged. He returns with a voice in his head only he can hear, with a mission only he can complete: Build a tree house in the woods by Christmas, or his mother and everyone in the town will never be the same again. Soon Kate and Christopher find themselves in the fight of their lives, caught in the middle of a war playing out between good and evil, with their small town as the battleground."
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starrybouquet · 2 years
10 films I love
Tagged by @pixlerelish - thanks for the get to know you tag! Honestly, I haven't watched that many films but have been recently getting into them more (thanks, Top Gun Maverick)
Star Wars IV - needs no introduction. I'm a sci fi nerd, to nobody's surprise
Top Gun: Maverick - has planes and gorgeous cinematography in said planes. Features found family and a cocky flyboy who's secretly deep and not-so-secretly angsty. Literally this movie was made to be Starry catnip.
Star Trek IV - the one with the whales. Spock and Kirk running across San Francisco. "Don't forget where we parked"
White Christmas - sentimental favorite
Beauty and the Beast - other sentimental favorite
The Sound of Music - third sentimental favorite. Also Julie Andrews + Christopher Plummer 😍
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation - I'm gonna be in love with the opera scene for approximately 35 years
I'm completely exhausted right now so I petered out at 7. I feel like I can't remember any other films. Might add to this later 😂
No pressure tagging the one other person I've interacted with on the top gun side of things @lannisterdaddyissues and no pressure tagging a random number of SG friends: @professortennant @delicatelie89 @sententiousandbellicose @justplainmels @formerdetective @spacey-iris @mylittleredgirl @captainstressed @scatterbrained-daydreamer and anyone else who would like to do this!
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