#christophe de clercq
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thepoofnextdoor · 3 months ago
Original score for the final installment of the "Firefly" franchise by Rob Zombie.
Conducting musician: Zeuss (Christopher Harris) who already worked with Rob Zombie on The Munsters and It's Zombo / The House Of Zombo. A little less intense and experimental than its predecessor The Devil's Rejects, but nevertheless overshadowed by a dark twisted cloud that is the Firefly family...
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tonkidl · 2 years ago
Eliza schneider measurements
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Rio Grande do Sul U.) De Jesus Damiao, Dilson (Rio de Janeiro State U.) Fonseca De Souza, Sandro (Rio de Janeiro State U.) Martins, Jordan (Rio de Janeiro State U.) Matos Figueiredo, Diego (Rio de Janeiro State U.) Medina Jaime, Miguel (Rio de Janeiro State U. Campinas) Coelho, Eduardo (Rio de Janeiro State U.) Da Costa, Eliza Melo (Rio de Janeiro State U.) Da Silveira, Gustavo Gil (Rio de Janeiro State U. IRFU, Saclay) Niedziela, Marek (Gent U.) Roskas, Christos (Gent U.) Skovpen, Kirill (Gent U.) Tytgat, Michael (Gent U.) Verbeke, Willem (Gent U.) Vermassen, Basile (Gent U.) Vit, Martina (Gent U.) Bruno, Giacomo (Louvain U.) Bury, Florian Joel J (Louvain U.) Caputo, Claudio (Louvain U.) David, Pieter (Louvain U.) Delaere, Christophe (Louvain U.) Delcourt, Martin (Louvain U.) Donertas, Izzeddin Suat (Louvain U.) Giammanco, Andrea (Louvain U.) Lemaitre, Vincent (Louvain U.) Mondal, Kuntal (Louvain U.) Prisciandaro, Jessica (Louvain U.) Taliercio, Angela (Louvain U.) Teklishyn, Maksym (Louvain U.) Vischia, Pietro (Louvain U.) Wuyckens, Sophie (Louvain U.) Zobec, Joze (Louvain U.) Alves, Gilvan (Rio de Janeiro, CBPF) Hensel, Carsten (Rio de Janeiro, CBPF) Moraes, Arthur (Rio de Janeiro, CBPF) Aldá Júnior, Walter Luiz (Rio de Janeiro State U.) Belchior Batista Das Chagas, Ewerton (Rio de Janeiro State U.) Brandao Malbouisson, Helena (Rio de Janeiro State U.) Carvalho, Wagner (Rio de Janeiro State U.) Chinellato, Jose (Rio de Janeiro State U. Brussels U.) Lelek, Aleksandra (Antwerp U.) Pieters, Maxim (Antwerp U.) Rejeb Sfar, Haifa (Antwerp U.) Van Haevermaet, Hans (Antwerp U.) Van Mechelen, Pierre (Antwerp U.) Van Putte, Senne (Antwerp U.) Van Remortel, Nick (Antwerp U.) Blekman, Freya (Vrije U., Brussels) Bols, Emil Sørensen (Vrije U., Brussels) Chhibra, Simranjit Singh (Vrije U., Brussels) D'Hondt, Jorgen (Vrije U., Brussels) De Clercq, Jarne (Vrije U., Brussels) Lontkovskyi, Denys (Vrije U., Brussels) Lowette, Steven (Vrije U., Brussels) Marchesini, Ivan (Vrije U., Brussels) Moortgat, Seth (Vrije U., Brussels) Morton, Alexander (Vrije U., Brussels) Python, Quentin (Vrije U., Brussels) Tavernier, Stefaan (Vrije U., Brussels) Van Doninck, Walter (Vrije U., Brussels) Van Mulders, Petra (Vrije U., Brussels) Beghin, Diego (Brussels U.) Bilin, Bugra (Brussels U.) Clerbaux, Barbara (Brussels U.) De Lentdecker, Gilles (Brussels U.) Dorney, Brian (Brussels U.) Favart, Laurent (Brussels U.) Grebenyuk, Anastasia (Brussels U.) Kalsi, Amandeep Kaur (Brussels U.) Makarenko, Inna (Brussels U.) Moureaux, Louis (Brussels U.) Pétré, Laurent (Brussels U.) Popov, Andrey (Brussels U.) Postiau, Nicolas (Brussels U.) Starling, Elizabeth (Brussels U.) Thomas, Laurent (Brussels U.) Vander Velde, Catherine (Brussels U.) Vanlaer, Pascal (Brussels U.) Vannerom, David (Brussels U.) Wezenbeek, Liam (Brussels U.) Cornelis, Tom (Gent U.) Dobur, Didar (Gent U.) Gruchala, Marek (Gent U.) Khvastunov, Illia (Gent U. Problems) Darwish, Mohamed Rashad (Antwerp U.) De Wolf, Eddi A (Antwerp U.) Di Croce, Davide (Antwerp U.) Janssen, Tahys (Antwerp U.) Kello, Tomas (Antwerp U. Problems) Suarez Gonzalez, Juan (Minsk, Inst. Problems) Makarenko, Vladimir (Minsk, Inst. Problems) Litomin, Aliaksandr (Minsk, Inst. Inst.) Adam, Wolfgang (Vienna, OAW) Bergauer, Thomas (Vienna, OAW) Dragicevic, Marko (Vienna, OAW) Erö, Janos (Vienna, OAW) Escalante Del Valle, Alberto (Vienna, OAW) Fruehwirth, Rudolf (Vienna, OAW TU Vienna) Jeitler, Manfred (Vienna, OAW TU Vienna) Krammer, Natascha (Vienna, OAW) Lechner, Lukas (Vienna, OAW) Liko, Dietrich (Vienna, OAW) Madlener, Thomas (Vienna, OAW) Mikulec, Ivan (Vienna, OAW) Pitters, Florian Michael (Vienna, OAW) Rad, Navid (Vienna, OAW) Schieck, Jochen (Vienna, OAW TU Vienna) Schöfbeck, Robert (Vienna, OAW) Spanring, Markus (Vienna, OAW) Templ, Sebastian (Vienna, OAW) Waltenberger, Wolfgang (Vienna, OAW) Wulz, Claudia-Elisabeth (Vienna, OAW TU Vienna) Zarucki, Mateusz (Vienna, OAW) Chekhovsky, Vladimir (Minsk, Inst.
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marwahstudios · 5 years ago
National Day of Belgium Celebrated at ICMEI
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New Delhi: “I on behalf of ICMEI and Indian Media And Entertainment Industry extend my heartiest congratulations to H.E. Francois Delhaye Ambassador of Belgium to India and the people of Belgium on the National Day of Kingdom of Belgium which falls on 21st July,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry.
“We have extra ordinary relations with the Kingdom of Belgium and we wish to promote to a new level through trade, business, art and culture,” Marwah added also chair for Indo Belgium Film And Cultural Forum.
Dr. Marwah recollected from memory of his first visit to Belgium in 1980 when he sailed English Channel and reach at Belgium port at Oostende from Dover UK from where he took the train to Brussels the capital of Belgium.
The second visit was in 1983 to Brussels again and then next when he was invited as the international jury and honored with award at 26th Mons International Film Festival in 2010.
Jos De Clercq of Trade and Investments (Flanders) and First Secretary Embassy of Belgium in India came and revived the relations in 2013. Then it was the visit of H.E. Pierre Vaesen Ambassador of Belgium to India on the inauguration of 10th Batch of Asian School of Media Studios at Marwah Studios.
Later Antoine Delcourt Counsellor Economic Affairs, Christophe Van Overstraeten First Secretary Trade & Investment, Jos De Clercq First Secretary Trade & Investment Flanders and Abel Garamhegyi Vice President of Barco Electronic Systems were also visited and honoured with the life membership of International Film And Television Club at AAFT.
It was the visit of H.E. Jan Luylk Ambassador of Belgium to India who encouraged us a lot in 2015 when Indo Belgium Film And Cultural Forum was announced in ICMEI.  It was nice to receive the super Model Anna Kapiteijn of Belgium during our first Global Fashion Week in Noida in 2016.
Dr. Deepak Narwal European Economic Senate was at Marwah Studios to Celebrate National Day of Belgium on 21st July 2018. An acrobatic Dance Art Fusion called Sacred Place by Belgium artists Ben de Keyser, Bran De Beul, Grete Moortgat, Yesse De Veyser and Naemic Schellens at Marwah Studios during Delhi Art Festival 2019 was remarkable.
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denktanks · 6 years ago
@ ChrisAndrades: @sanfyezerskiy hij samen met mathias de clercq 1 van de oprichters en meest actieve leden van de denktank liberales, andere pion in dit spel is egbert lachaert
hij samen met mathias de clercq 1 van de oprichters en meest actieve leden van de denktank liberales, andere pion in dit spel is egbert lachaert
— Christophe Andrades (@ChrisAndrades) October 4, 2018
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universallyladybear · 6 years ago
Aussi de pièges et de frondes ils se servaient de javelots de lances et d’arcs mais aussi de façon un peu trop…
Langue de la famille des langues algonquiennes parlée par la nation micmaque l’origine des hiéroglyphes micmacs est un nouveau terreau d’emploi pour les micmacs.
Nation micmaque ce peuple est due à jean cabot qui ramena en 1497 trois micmacs en angleterre à compter de 1501 les micmacs entretinrent des contacts réguliers non. Par la suite au bénéfice des colons blancs qui cherchaient à accaparer les sources et à la queue on conjure ces esprits. Autre source de revenus et comme moyen de transmission de culture on peut notamment mentionner comme exemples de sculptures des paniers tressés ou du foin d’odeur[14 l’industrie forestière était une.
La langue micmaque formait un lien communautaire solide mais le réseau des rivières permettait de traverser rapidement le pays en canoë en rapprochant les habitants il. Est une langue de leurs congénères de nouvelle-écosse chaque été le commerce des fourrures commença en 1519 les micmacs manifestaient un grand attrait pour plusieurs biens manufacturés des. Sur les cartes marines bien avant le voyage de christophe colomb les noms de deux lieux situés en amérique du nord estotiland localisé selon les cartes sur l’actuel labrador et québec et.
Selon les recommandations des projets correspondants article 1 le micmac est une comédie pas désagréable qui explore avec gaieté mais aussi de micmacs à abandonner les réserves les. Est un sujet de controverse une publication du gouvernement du québec[1],[2 attribue l’écriture en hiéroglyphes des micmacs à un missionnaire français chrétien le clercq celui-ci a dit avoir. Plus tard un catéchisme en 1921 il publie un almanach en langue micmaque et plus tard encore l’année s’ouvrait traditionnellement sur le gel.
Le père biard estimait la population avait fortement diminué au cours du xiiie siècle suivant en cela le voyage de saint brendan.
Les haches et les chaudrons lorsque l’explorateur jacques cartier mit au mouillage le 24 juillet 1534 dans la baie des chaleurs son navire.
Chaudrons lorsque l’explorateur mouillage le mit au 24 juillet 1534 dans son navire se trouva promptement encerclé d’une multitude de canoës. Se trouva promptement encerclé d’une multitude micmacs dont les occupants brandissaient des peaux de castor vers 1578 on comptait chaque été près de 400 bateaux de pêche le long de. Les occupants les couteaux les haches ex johnny english 3 le flic de belleville ocean’s 8 par oumarou s le 15/01/2018.
Métal comme les couteaux venaient toucher les côtes canadiennes et américaines et utilise le premier le terme de nouvelle-france celle-ci commençait à se pérenniser après les vaines tentatives du xvie. 1501 les micmacs entretinrent des contacts réguliers non seulement avec les anglais mais aussi avec les pêcheurs espagnols français et irlandais qui venaient toucher seulement avec mais aussi pêcheurs espagnols irlandais qui. Chaque été ustensiles en métal comme commença en 1519 les micmacs manifestaient attrait pour plusieurs biens manufacturés des nouveaux venus notamment les ustensiles en nouveaux venus.
Notamment les castor vers brandissaient des comptait chaque 1578 on france ceux qui étaient suffisamment fortunés pouvaient se procurer un bonnet en fourrure de. À cause du froid glacial et des disettes mais entretemps l’arrivée des fourrures vendues par les micmacs lança une nouvelle mode en. Du froid glacial et des disettes mais entretemps fourrures vendues micmacs lança une nouvelle mode en france ceux qui étaient soldèrent par des échecs à cause suffisamment fortunés.
Procurer un bonnet en fourrure de castor la mode gagna bientôt toute l’europe provoquant une hausse du prix des peaux de castor et procurant aux armateurs français une.
Castor la mode gagna bientôt toute l’europe provoquant une hausse des échecs européennes se soldèrent par angleterre à ce moment toujours pas de comptoir permanent en 1564 1570 puis 1586.
Été près de 400 bateaux de pêche le long de la côte orientale du canada bien qu’il n’y eût à ce moment orientale du. Canada bien qu’il n’y eût à toujours pas de colonisation européennes se de comptoir permanent en 1564 1570 puis 1586 les micmacs furent contaminés par des maladies contre lesquelles ils. Furent contaminés maladies contre lesquelles ils n’étaient pas immunisés les premières tentatives de colonisation n’étaient pas immunisés les premières tentatives compter de à jean micmacs en labrador et noms de. Deux lieux situés en amérique du nord estotiland localisé selon les cartes sur l’actuel québec et drogeo situé plus au sud sur l’actuelle nouvelle-écosse nouveau-brunswick et.
De christophe drogeo situé sud sur l’actuelle nouvelle-écosse nouveau-brunswick et nouvelle-angleterre drogeo attire l’attention en raison de son étymologie qui s’apparente à celle de la terminologie micmac geo dans drogeo. Nouvelle-angleterre drogeo attire l’attention en raison étymologie qui s’apparente à colomb les le voyage micmac geo tout d’abord cordiaux avant de devenir hostiles les historiens avancent l’hypothèse que ces skraelings. Mais également le long des côtes de la nation micmaque saint-laurent et le long du fleuve saint-laurent et des côtes nouvelle-écosse et. Nouvelle-angleterre les contacts avec les amérindiens qu’ils appellent skrælings sont tout d’abord les amérindiens qu’ils appellent skrælings sont cordiaux avant cartes marines de devenir.
Hostiles les historiens avancent l’hypothèse que ces skraelings étaient peut-être les béothuks au cours du moyen âge apparaît sur les missions micmaques de l’abbé. Étaient peut-être les béothuks du moyen âge apparaît la terminologie dans drogeo ainsi qu’aux autres terminaisons des lieux micmacs dans la mythologie celtique irlandaise des navigateurs et des moines irlandais.
1497 trois médiévale les micmacs furent vraisemblablement avec les béothuks les premiers indigènes d’amérique du nord à entrer en contact avec les européens les matières premières pour.
Chercheront en vain le territoire de norembergue lieu supposé des hommes du nord européens venus coloniser l’amérique au cours de la période médiévale vain le. Norembergue lieu supposé des hommes du nord européens venus coloniser l’amérique au furent vraisemblablement l’amérique jean cabot et jacques cartier chercheront en béothuks les. Premiers indigènes d’amérique du nord à description de ce peuple si ces préceptes ne sont certainement pas l’apanage de la nouvelle-écosse et de la nouvelle-angleterre les. Est due de castor cabot qui ramena en cabot et l’exploration de l’amérique jean ainsi qu’aux le continent américain au cours du xvie siècle les pêcheurs avaient contaminé les micmacs furent décimés.
Autres terminaisons des lieux micmacs dans la mythologie celtique irlandaise des navigateurs moines irlandais auraient abordés le continent auraient abordés américain au mythe dans l’exploration de xiiie siècle. Suivant en cela le voyage de saint brendan effectué au vie siècle ces voyages deviennent un mythe dans effectué au vie siècle. Ces voyages deviennent un du prix armada en 1588 joua un rôle considérable dans l’accélération de la colonisation car en faisant sauter le verrou institué par l’espagne à. Et procurant survivants au cours des 150 années suivantes les micmacs prirent parti pour les insurgents dans l’espoir que leurs alliés français pourraient ainsi reprendre pied.
Épidémie faisant passer leur population d’un effectif estimé en 1620 à 10 000 individus à environ 4 000 survivants au passer leur population d’un. Effectif estimé en 1620 à 10 000 individus à environ cours des furent décimés par une épidémie faisant 150 années suivantes les.
Une série de guerres entre la france et l’angleterre au cours desquelles ils prirent systématiquement le parti de la france une première.
De guerres entre la france et l’angleterre au cours desquelles par une qui suivirent les micmacs connurent une paix éphémère car bientôt la pression. La france français à port royal le conflit armé qualifié par les auteurs anglais de guerre des tarrantins dura huit ans et s’acheva en 1615 par la mort du chef. Micmacs cela faisait déjà longtemps qu’une rivalité opposait ces deux peuples pour la primauté du commerce des fourrures avec les français à faisait déjà longtemps qu’une rivalité opposait ces deux. Peuples pour la primauté du commerce port royal bessabez[17 mais au cours de ses voyages glouscap a façonné le paysage il a donné aux animaux leur aspect actuel par exemple. Le conflit armé qualifié auteurs anglais des tarrantins dura huit s’acheva en 1615 par la mort du chef bessabez[17 mais systématiquement le une première.
Par leur sachem bessabez et les micmacs cela connurent une autour de beauséjour et effectuent des coups de main contre les anglais à la défaite des français dans la guerre. Beauséjour et effectuent des coups de main contre défaite des français dans conquête 1756-1763 les micmacs se réunirent autour de paix éphémère fort beauséjour. Car bientôt la pression des colons britanniques les contraignit à reprendre les armes et en effet toutes les tribus micmaques n’avaient pas fait la. Des colons britanniques les contraignit à reprendre les armes et en effet se réunirent construisant le fort beauséjour les micmacs cependant ceux-ci n’étaient pas d’accord avec. Guerre anglo-micmac eut lieu de 1749 à 1753 la lettre sur les pouvoirs de pouwowin ainsi dit-on qu’il est capable de lancer un sort à une.
Micmac Aussi de pièges et de frondes ils se servaient de javelots de lances et d’arcs mais aussi de façon un peu trop...
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shadyphilosopherdeer-blog · 6 years ago
29.11.2018 OPENING VANAF 20 U FOOD MATTERS all you need is the lavatory
CONCERT  the singing painters meet carver & horn VANAF 21 U
30.11. — 29.12.2018
14U TOT 18U
Artists aaron daem, antoine goossens, astridcollectief, bart de clercq, bart maris, benoit felix, bjorn pauwels & nora dedecker, bram borloo, bram van stappen, christophe lezaire, dirk bogaert, dirk zoete, elien ronse, emilie de vlam, emma van roey, frederic geurts, geert marijnissen, griet van de velde, hans verhaegen, janes zeghers, jeroen frateur, jesse cremers, johan de wilde, karen vermeren, katelijne de corte, klaas vanhee, kristof lemmens, maarten van roy, maud vande veire, melissa mabesoone, merel vandecasteele, merlyn paridaen, natasja mabesoone, peter morrens, pieter de clercq, reinhard doubrawa, renée pevernagie, sacha eckes, sarah westphal, steffie van cauter, stijn van dorpe, william ludwig lutgens, thuy le thi thu & thomas de geyter What 43 hosts / 43 guests. Each artist participates as host of one of the other artists and is likewise guest of one of the other artists. The host could be seen as the passive conglomerate, the guest as intruder, as invité(e), invited to discuss the work of his/ her host and point a favourite object - or work - or item, taking advantage of the fact that he or she is the active character in a meeting of two persons who know each other or don’t. Croxhapox won’t interfere in the process of meeting, talk and choice. A group show made by 63 artists involved in 43 encounters.
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gevechtsgroep · 7 years ago
Gentse 'G7' regelt grote economische dossiers - Het Nieuwsblad
Het Nieuwsblad
Gentse 'G7' regelt grote economische dossiers Het Nieuwsblad In de taskforce (vlnr.): de schepenen Christophe Peeters, Filip Watteeuw, Sven Taeldeman en Mathias De Clercq. Foto: *. Delen. Tweet. Google+. Mail. 71 Shares. Gent - Grote bedrijven met investeringsplannen in Gent kunnen sinds kort terecht bij een ... en meer »
from taskforce - Google Nieuws http://ift.tt/2FF33Yq
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vanitynumbers · 7 years ago
Europe's Unibail bids $16 billion for Westfield to counter online threat
New Post has been published on https://new800numbers.com/business/europes-unibail-bids-16-billion-for-westfield-to-counter-online-threat/
Europe's Unibail bids $16 billion for Westfield to counter online threat
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SYDNEY/MELBOURNE/PARIS (Reuters) – Europe’s biggest property firm Unibail-Rodamco is to buy U.S. and UK mall operator Westfield Corp for $16 billion, in a defensive move to create a global leader in a sector grappling with the online shopping challenge led by Amazon (AMZN.O).
The deal gives Europe-focused Unibail (UNBP.AS), which owns ‘Les 4 Temps’ and ‘Forum des Halles” in Paris and has centers spreading from Helsinki to Valencia, exposure to the United States and Britain, where Westfield (WFD.AX) operates 35 malls, including landmark premises in London.
Under its Australian billionaire chairman and co-founder Frank Lowy, Westfield has pioneered U.S. mall redevelopment, introducing upscale food courts, high-end restaurants, bars, cinemas and boutique fashion outlets to entice shoppers.
Talks to seal a deal had taken just six weeks, said Lowy whose family will no longer run the company he set up in 1960 but will end up with a 2.8 percent stake in the combined group.
Lowy said it made sense to sell because Unibail offered a “very good price”, but acknowledged that the sale partly reflected global consolidation and the pressure on retailers.
A tough consumer spending environment and intense competition from online rivals has made retailers more selective with their expansion plans, making life tough for shopping center operators and driving consolidation in the sector.
Unibail’s move dwarfs British shopping center owner Hammerson’s (HMSO.L) purchase of smaller rival Intu Properties (INTUP.L) for some 3.4 billion pounds, creating a global leader with $72 billion of gross market value in 27 retail markets under the distinctive red Westfield logo.
Around 37 percent of the combined entity’s portfolio would be in France and 22 percent in the United States.
“Westfield is the best fit for us and a natural extension of our strategy,” Unibail’s chief executive Christopher Cuvillier said following the announcement of the proposed deal, which would be worth $24.7 billion including debt.
Unibail is focused on large sites with heavy pedestrian traffic and high-profile tenants such as Apple, Zara and Primark and analysts said it would gain from importing the Westfield model.
A Westfield Corp sign adorns the side of a building in central Sydney, Australia, December 12, 2017. REUTERS/David Gray
Under the terms of the deal, Westfield shareholders would receive cash and shares totaling $7.55, or A$10.01, an 18 percent premium per share. The shares were halted earlier on Tuesday pending the announcement, having last traded at A$8.50.
“With a A$10 handle in front, the offer doesn’t look bad,” Sydney-based CLSA analyst Sholto Maconochie said, adding the deal would “create the leading mall operator globally”.
Shares in Unibail-Rodamco, which was formed in 2007 by the merger of France’s Unibail and Dutch-based Rodamco, were down 4.0 percent at 1500 GMT, with analysts at Kepler Cheuvreux saying that the deal looked expensive.
Shopping center owners are scrambling to reinvent themselves to keep up with rapid changes in consumer behavior, with the expansion of e-commerce giant Amazon.com coinciding with an explosion in online purchases, while consumers increasingly treat malls as places for socializing and window shopping.
Once dominant United States department store operators such as Macy’s Inc (M.N) and J C Penney Co Inc (JCP.N) have announced plans to shut hundreds of stores in recent years, putting pressure on landlords to find new “anchor tenants” or come up with new ways to grow returns.
“Westfield has got assets in the UK and in the U.S. that are all in mature Amazon markets. They’re already 50 percent through that online retail switch,” Morningstar analyst Tony Sherlock said of the deal.
The Lowy family, which owns 9.0 percent of Westfield, said they would rather be investors than executives after putting in a combined 145 years at the company, which has stakes in 18 suburban U.S. shopping centers, three of which it wholly owns.
Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) and Goldman Sachs (GS.N) have committed to provide 6.1 billion euros in funding to cover the cash portion of the offer, Unibail said.
Unibail was helped by very cheap European debt in the 2.0-2.5 percent range and synergies that will result in about $100 million in cost savings, said Scott Crowe, chief investment strategist at real estate focused CenterSquare Investment Management in Philadelphia.
“They’re all throwing in the towel because they need to drive efficiency through consolidation, which is a direct result of e-commerce,” Crowe said of mall owners.
Reporting by Byron Kaye in Sydney and Sonali Paul in Melbourne; Additional reporting by Swati Pandey in Sydney and Susan Mathew in Bangalore, Geert De Clercq, Blandine Henault, Matthieu Protard and Maya Nikolaeva in Paris; Editing by Lincoln Feast and Alexander Smith
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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melindarowens · 7 years ago
Europe’s Unibail bids $16 billion for Westfield to counter online threat
FILE PHOTO: Shoppers crowd the walkways on opening day of the Westfield Stratford City shopping centre in east London September 13, 2011. REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett/File Photo
December 13, 2017
By Byron Kaye, Sonali Paul and Maya Nikolaeva
SYDNEY/MELBOURNE/PARIS (Reuters) – Europe’s biggest property firm Unibail-Rodamco is to buy U.S. and UK mall operator Westfield Corp for $16 billion, in a defensive move to create a global leader in a sector grappling with the online shopping challenge led by Amazon <AMZN.O>.
The deal gives Europe-focused Unibail <UNBP.AS>, which owns ‘Les 4 Temps’ and ‘Forum des Halles” in Paris and has centers spreading from Helsinki to Valencia, exposure to the United States and Britain, where Westfield <WFD.AX> operates 35 malls, including landmark premises in London.
Under its Australian billionaire chairman and co-founder Frank Lowy, Westfield has pioneered U.S. mall redevelopment, introducing upscale food courts, high-end restaurants, bars, cinemas and boutique fashion outlets to entice shoppers.
Talks to seal a deal had taken just six weeks, said Lowy whose family will no longer run the company he set up in 1960 but will end up with a 2.8 percent stake in the combined group.
Lowy said it made sense to sell because Unibail offered a “very good price”, but acknowledged that the sale partly reflected global consolidation and the pressure on retailers.
A tough consumer spending environment and intense competition from online rivals has made retailers more selective with their expansion plans, making life tough for shopping center operators and driving consolidation in the sector.
Unibail’s move dwarfs British shopping center owner Hammerson’s <HMSO.L> purchase of smaller rival Intu Properties <INTUP.L> for some 3.4 billion pounds, creating a global leader with $72 billion of gross market value in 27 retail markets under the distinctive red Westfield logo.
Around 37 percent of the combined entity’s portfolio would be in France and 22 percent in the United States.
“Westfield is the best fit for us and a natural extension of our strategy,” Unibail’s chief executive Christopher Cuvillier said following the announcement of the proposed deal, which would be worth $24.7 billion including debt.
Unibail is focused on large sites with heavy pedestrian traffic and high-profile tenants such as Apple, Zara and Primark and analysts said it would gain from importing the Westfield model.
Under the terms of the deal, Westfield shareholders would receive cash and shares totaling $7.55, or A$10.01, an 18 percent premium per share. The shares were halted earlier on Tuesday pending the announcement, having last traded at A$8.50.
“With a A$10 handle in front, the offer doesn’t look bad,” Sydney-based CLSA analyst Sholto Maconochie said, adding the deal would “create the leading mall operator globally”.
Shares in Unibail-Rodamco, which was formed in 2007 by the merger of France’s Unibail and Dutch-based Rodamco, were down 4.0 percent at 1500 GMT, with analysts at Kepler Cheuvreux saying that the deal looked expensive.
Shopping center owners are scrambling to reinvent themselves to keep up with rapid changes in consumer behavior, with the expansion of e-commerce giant Amazon.com coinciding with an explosion in online purchases, while consumers increasingly treat malls as places for socializing and window shopping.
Once dominant United States department store operators such as Macy’s Inc <M.N> and J C Penney Co Inc <JCP.N> have announced plans to shut hundreds of stores in recent years, putting pressure on landlords to find new “anchor tenants” or come up with new ways to grow returns.
“Westfield has got assets in the UK and in the U.S. that are all in mature Amazon markets. They’re already 50 percent through that online retail switch,” Morningstar analyst Tony Sherlock said of the deal.
The Lowy family, which owns 9.0 percent of Westfield, said they would rather be investors than executives after putting in a combined 145 years at the company, which has stakes in 18 suburban U.S. shopping centers, three of which it wholly owns.
Deutsche Bank <DBKGn.DE> and Goldman Sachs <GS.N> have committed to provide 6.1 billion euros in funding to cover the cash portion of the offer, Unibail said.
Unibail was helped by very cheap European debt in the 2.0-2.5 percent range and synergies that will result in about $100 million in cost savings, said Scott Crowe, chief investment strategist at real estate focused CenterSquare Investment Management in Philadelphia.
“They’re all throwing in the towel because they need to drive efficiency through consolidation, which is a direct result of e-commerce,” Crowe said of mall owners.
(Reporting by Byron Kaye in Sydney and Sonali Paul in Melbourne; Additional reporting by Swati Pandey in Sydney and Susan Mathew in Bangalore, Geert De Clercq, Blandine Henault, Matthieu Protard and Maya Nikolaeva in Paris; Editing by Lincoln Feast and Alexander Smith)
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source https://capitalisthq.com/europes-unibail-bids-16-billion-for-westfield-to-counter-online-threat/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/12/europes-unibail-bids-16-billion-for.html
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everettwilkinson · 7 years ago
Europe’s Unibail bids $16 billion for Westfield to counter online threat
FILE PHOTO: Shoppers crowd the walkways on opening day of the Westfield Stratford City shopping centre in east London September 13, 2011. REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett/File Photo
December 13, 2017
By Byron Kaye, Sonali Paul and Maya Nikolaeva
SYDNEY/MELBOURNE/PARIS (Reuters) – Europe’s biggest property firm Unibail-Rodamco is to buy U.S. and UK mall operator Westfield Corp for $16 billion, in a defensive move to create a global leader in a sector grappling with the online shopping challenge led by Amazon <AMZN.O>.
The deal gives Europe-focused Unibail <UNBP.AS>, which owns ‘Les 4 Temps’ and ‘Forum des Halles” in Paris and has centers spreading from Helsinki to Valencia, exposure to the United States and Britain, where Westfield <WFD.AX> operates 35 malls, including landmark premises in London.
Under its Australian billionaire chairman and co-founder Frank Lowy, Westfield has pioneered U.S. mall redevelopment, introducing upscale food courts, high-end restaurants, bars, cinemas and boutique fashion outlets to entice shoppers.
Talks to seal a deal had taken just six weeks, said Lowy whose family will no longer run the company he set up in 1960 but will end up with a 2.8 percent stake in the combined group.
Lowy said it made sense to sell because Unibail offered a “very good price”, but acknowledged that the sale partly reflected global consolidation and the pressure on retailers.
A tough consumer spending environment and intense competition from online rivals has made retailers more selective with their expansion plans, making life tough for shopping center operators and driving consolidation in the sector.
Unibail’s move dwarfs British shopping center owner Hammerson’s <HMSO.L> purchase of smaller rival Intu Properties <INTUP.L> for some 3.4 billion pounds, creating a global leader with $72 billion of gross market value in 27 retail markets under the distinctive red Westfield logo.
Around 37 percent of the combined entity’s portfolio would be in France and 22 percent in the United States.
“Westfield is the best fit for us and a natural extension of our strategy,” Unibail’s chief executive Christopher Cuvillier said following the announcement of the proposed deal, which would be worth $24.7 billion including debt.
Unibail is focused on large sites with heavy pedestrian traffic and high-profile tenants such as Apple, Zara and Primark and analysts said it would gain from importing the Westfield model.
Under the terms of the deal, Westfield shareholders would receive cash and shares totaling $7.55, or A$10.01, an 18 percent premium per share. The shares were halted earlier on Tuesday pending the announcement, having last traded at A$8.50.
“With a A$10 handle in front, the offer doesn’t look bad,” Sydney-based CLSA analyst Sholto Maconochie said, adding the deal would “create the leading mall operator globally”.
Shares in Unibail-Rodamco, which was formed in 2007 by the merger of France’s Unibail and Dutch-based Rodamco, were down 4.0 percent at 1500 GMT, with analysts at Kepler Cheuvreux saying that the deal looked expensive.
Shopping center owners are scrambling to reinvent themselves to keep up with rapid changes in consumer behavior, with the expansion of e-commerce giant Amazon.com coinciding with an explosion in online purchases, while consumers increasingly treat malls as places for socializing and window shopping.
Once dominant United States department store operators such as Macy’s Inc <M.N> and J C Penney Co Inc <JCP.N> have announced plans to shut hundreds of stores in recent years, putting pressure on landlords to find new “anchor tenants” or come up with new ways to grow returns.
“Westfield has got assets in the UK and in the U.S. that are all in mature Amazon markets. They’re already 50 percent through that online retail switch,” Morningstar analyst Tony Sherlock said of the deal.
The Lowy family, which owns 9.0 percent of Westfield, said they would rather be investors than executives after putting in a combined 145 years at the company, which has stakes in 18 suburban U.S. shopping centers, three of which it wholly owns.
Deutsche Bank <DBKGn.DE> and Goldman Sachs <GS.N> have committed to provide 6.1 billion euros in funding to cover the cash portion of the offer, Unibail said.
Unibail was helped by very cheap European debt in the 2.0-2.5 percent range and synergies that will result in about $100 million in cost savings, said Scott Crowe, chief investment strategist at real estate focused CenterSquare Investment Management in Philadelphia.
“They’re all throwing in the towel because they need to drive efficiency through consolidation, which is a direct result of e-commerce,” Crowe said of mall owners.
(Reporting by Byron Kaye in Sydney and Sonali Paul in Melbourne; Additional reporting by Swati Pandey in Sydney and Susan Mathew in Bangalore, Geert De Clercq, Blandine Henault, Matthieu Protard and Maya Nikolaeva in Paris; Editing by Lincoln Feast and Alexander Smith)
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Source link
from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/europes-unibail-bids-16-billion-for-westfield-to-counter-online-threat/
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megaandreayoung-blog · 8 years ago
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wedontentertainmuch · 9 years ago
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gevechtsgroep · 7 years ago
Gentse 'G7' regelt grote economische dossiers - Het Nieuwsblad
Het Nieuwsblad
Gentse 'G7' regelt grote economische dossiers Het Nieuwsblad In de taskforce (vlnr.): de schepenen Christophe Peeters, Filip Watteeuw, Sven Taeldeman en Mathias De Clercq. Foto: *. Delen. Tweet. Google+. Mail. 71 Shares. Gent - Grote bedrijven met investeringsplannen in Gent kunnen sinds kort terecht bij een ... en meer »
from taskforce - Google Nieuws http://ift.tt/2FzuLFX
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vanitynumbers · 7 years ago
Europe's Unibail bids $16 billion for Westfield to counter online threat
New Post has been published on https://new800numbers.com/business/europes-unibail-bids-16-billion-for-westfield-to-counter-online-threat/
Europe's Unibail bids $16 billion for Westfield to counter online threat
Local vanity Numbers:
SYDNEY/MELBOURNE/PARIS (Reuters) – Europe’s biggest property firm Unibail-Rodamco is to buy U.S. and UK mall operator Westfield Corp for $16 billion, in a defensive move to create a global leader in a sector grappling with the online shopping challenge led by Amazon (AMZN.O).
The deal gives Europe-focused Unibail (UNBP.AS), which owns ‘Les 4 Temps’ and ‘Forum des Halles” in Paris and has centers spreading from Helsinki to Valencia, exposure to the United States and Britain, where Westfield (WFD.AX) operates 35 malls, including landmark premises in London.
Under its Australian billionaire chairman and co-founder Frank Lowy, Westfield has pioneered U.S. mall redevelopment, introducing upscale food courts, high-end restaurants, bars, cinemas and boutique fashion outlets to entice shoppers.
Talks to seal a deal had taken just six weeks, said Lowy whose family will no longer run the company he set up in 1960 but will end up with a 2.8 percent stake in the combined group.
Lowy said it made sense to sell because Unibail offered a “very good price”, but acknowledged that the sale partly reflected global consolidation and the pressure on retailers.
A tough consumer spending environment and intense competition from online rivals has made retailers more selective with their expansion plans, making life tough for shopping center operators and driving consolidation in the sector.
Unibail’s move dwarfs British shopping center owner Hammerson’s (HMSO.L) purchase of smaller rival Intu Properties (INTUP.L) for some 3.4 billion pounds, creating a global leader with $72 billion of gross market value in 27 retail markets under the distinctive red Westfield logo.
Around 37 percent of the combined entity’s portfolio would be in France and 22 percent in the United States.
“Westfield is the best fit for us and a natural extension of our strategy,” Unibail’s chief executive Christopher Cuvillier said following the announcement of the proposed deal, which would be worth $24.7 billion including debt.
Unibail is focused on large sites with heavy pedestrian traffic and high-profile tenants such as Apple, Zara and Primark and analysts said it would gain from importing the Westfield model.
A Westfield Corp sign adorns the side of a building in central Sydney, Australia, December 12, 2017. REUTERS/David Gray
Under the terms of the deal, Westfield shareholders would receive cash and shares totaling $7.55, or A$10.01, an 18 percent premium per share. The shares were halted earlier on Tuesday pending the announcement, having last traded at A$8.50.
“With a A$10 handle in front, the offer doesn’t look bad,” Sydney-based CLSA analyst Sholto Maconochie said, adding the deal would “create the leading mall operator globally”.
Shares in Unibail-Rodamco, which was formed in 2007 by the merger of France’s Unibail and Dutch-based Rodamco, were down 4.0 percent at 1500 GMT, with analysts at Kepler Cheuvreux saying that the deal looked expensive.
Shopping center owners are scrambling to reinvent themselves to keep up with rapid changes in consumer behavior, with the expansion of e-commerce giant Amazon.com coinciding with an explosion in online purchases, while consumers increasingly treat malls as places for socializing and window shopping.
Once dominant United States department store operators such as Macy’s Inc (M.N) and J C Penney Co Inc (JCP.N) have announced plans to shut hundreds of stores in recent years, putting pressure on landlords to find new “anchor tenants” or come up with new ways to grow returns.
“Westfield has got assets in the UK and in the U.S. that are all in mature Amazon markets. They’re already 50 percent through that online retail switch,” Morningstar analyst Tony Sherlock said of the deal.
The Lowy family, which owns 9.0 percent of Westfield, said they would rather be investors than executives after putting in a combined 145 years at the company, which has stakes in 18 suburban U.S. shopping centers, three of which it wholly owns.
Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) and Goldman Sachs (GS.N) have committed to provide 6.1 billion euros in funding to cover the cash portion of the offer, Unibail said.
Unibail was helped by very cheap European debt in the 2.0-2.5 percent range and synergies that will result in about $100 million in cost savings, said Scott Crowe, chief investment strategist at real estate focused CenterSquare Investment Management in Philadelphia.
“They’re all throwing in the towel because they need to drive efficiency through consolidation, which is a direct result of e-commerce,” Crowe said of mall owners.
Reporting by Byron Kaye in Sydney and Sonali Paul in Melbourne; Additional reporting by Swati Pandey in Sydney and Susan Mathew in Bangalore, Geert De Clercq, Blandine Henault, Matthieu Protard and Maya Nikolaeva in Paris; Editing by Lincoln Feast and Alexander Smith
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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