#christophe bertin
ozu-teapot · 9 months
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Anchoress | Chris Newby | 1993
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lepartidelamort · 7 months
Comprendre la contre-insurrection des démocraties juives en vue de la guerre contre la Russie
 La présence des forces de l’#OTAN en Ukraine n’est pas impensable. J’apprécie l’initiative du président Emmanuel Macron, car il s’agit que Poutine ait peur, et non que nous ayons peur de Poutine.
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La nouvelle majorité homo-féministe au pouvoir en Pologne à trois priorités : intensifier l’immigration non-blanche, imposer l’anal à l’école et déclarer la guerre à la Russie. Bref, faire ce que font les démocraties juives occidentales en général.
Ce Sikorski est le nouveau ministre des Affaires étrangères polonais et, comme vous le voyez, il se consume d’impatience à l’idée de voir la Pologne débitée en morceaux par la Russie.
C’est certainement un penchant BDSM qu’ont les Polonais.
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Sikorski avait déjà été ministre des Affaires étrangères entre 2007 et 2014. À ce poste, il avait participé au putsch de 2014 à Kiev aux côtés de la CIA.
La seule chose qu’il y a à savoir sur Sikorski, c’est l’identité de sa femme : la juive Ann Applebaum. Elle est notamment membre de l’Atlantic Council, la vitrine politique de l’OTAN chargée de coordonner les gouvernements fantoches des démocraties.
L’Atlantic Council est dirigé par 7 ex-directeurs de la CIA.
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Anne Applebaum
On l’a retrouvée dans diverses initiatives secrètes de la CIA et de son bras militaire qu’est l’OTAN via le MI6 britannique. Notamment une, depuis Londres, qui consistait à déployer la censure militaire sous un vernis civil pour contenir toute opposition, l’Integrity Initiative.
En 2018, les agents des cellules de ce réseau britannique chargée de la guerre psychologique ont été identifiés.
Voici les agents de la zone France :
Francoise Thom
Jusin Vaisse (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Thomas Bertin (Secrétariat général de la défense et de la sécurité nationale)
Caroline Gondaud (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Guillaume Schlumberger (ministère de la Défense)
Raphael de Lagarde (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Roland Galharague (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Martin Briens (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Jean-Christophe Noel (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Laurent Rucker (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Alexandre Escorcia (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Nikola Guljevatej (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
David Behar (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Claire le Flecher (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Remy Bouallegue (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Paul Zajac (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Nicolas Roche [email protected] (commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives)
Manuel Lafont Rapnouil (European Council on Foreign Relations)
Laurent Rucker (ministère de la Défense)
Patrick Hardouin
Etienne de Durand (ministère de la Défense)
Janaina Herrera (ministère des Affaires étrangères)
Ces cellules étaient activées pour déclencher des campagnes médiatiques contre des cibles politiques réputées « pro-russes », catégorie très flexible où tout opposant aux menées des juifs était classé.
Si un membre d’une cellule apprenait qu’une cible devait mener une action, il alertait les autres membres de la cellule. Ceux-ci informaient les médias, tous sous contrôle gouvernemental, puis lançaient une campagne sur Twitter, à l’époque sous le contrôle de la CIA.
Un exemple en Espagne :
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C’est comme ça que l’information – la désinformation donc – fonctionne vraiment dans les démocraties. Récemment, c’est Dominique de Villepin qui en a été la victime.
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Cette opération particulière s’inscrivait dans le déploiement dans l’ensemble des pays de l’OTAN d’un système militaire clandestin de contrôle politique des masses par l’usage combiné des réseaux sociaux, des médias conventionnels, de divers agents d’influence, d’organisations, de structures gouvernementales.
Avec la victoire de Trump en 2016, le gouvernement américain, et les juifs qui le contrôlent, ne s’attendait pas à affronter une réelle révolution non-violente, par la voie électorale. Le principal problème que pose Trump à l’oligarchie en place est son opposition, sinon active au moins passive aux guerres que veut ce système.
Toute victoire populaire selon les règles du jeu en vigueur est désormais qualifiée de « populiste », c’est-à-dire d’illégitime. La CIA a donc mis au point la technique de la contre-révolution de couleur. Elle consiste à accuser le vainqueur légitime d’une élection d’avoir perdu l’élection tout en truquant le suffrage. Il faut préventivement censurer la contestation avant la tenue des élections et mobiliser l’appareil médiatique pour l’écraser.
En 2019, en préparation des élections américaines de 2020, la CIA et l’armée américaine ont mis en place la censure verticale de toutes les plateformes occidentales. C’est pourquoi à l’époque, subitement et de manière coordonnée, des tas de personnes ont été censurées sur Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc., y compris en France.
Même Trump en a été la cible. LCI, la chaîne de l’OTAN, comme tous les médias sous contrôle, justifiait cette opération de contre-insurrection clandestine.
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Après la victoire de Trump en 2016, le gouvernement américain, largement dominé par les juifs, a en fait déployé sur le territoire des USA le système des « révolutions de couleur » que la CIA n’employait alors qu’à l’étranger, comme à Kiev en 2014.
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Ils ont perfectionné le système en créant des techniques de « contre-révolution de couleur ».
Une révolution de couleur est une fausse révolution populaire organisée par la CIA via l’internet, des ONGs, les médias occidentaux, des agents infiltrés, etc., pour renverser un gouvernement jugé hostile par le gouvernement US.
La CIA accuse un gouvernement ennemi de truquer l’élection du moment, d’organiser parallèlement des rassemblements de masse, souvent au prétexte de concerts, de générer des violences de rue et de faire tomber le gouvernement avec l’aide des partis et figures présélectionnées.
Le dernier exemple a eu lieu en Biélorussie. Parmi les techniques employées, l’usage extensif des femmes et des réseaux sociaux, le tout amplement relayé par la machine de guerre médiatique occidentale.
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Une contre-révolution de couleur utilise les mêmes méthodes, mais pour défendre un gouvernement au lieu de le détruire.
Cette technique a été employée par la CIA, le Pentagone, la NSA, le FBI, les ministères de la Justice, de la Sécurité Intérieure, des Affaires étrangères en 2020 pour empêcher Trump d’être reconduit à la Maison Blanche.
Il ne suffisait pas de truquer les élections, il fallait empêcher que l’opposition puisse s’organiser. Pour cela, il fallait étroitement contrôler les réseaux sociaux où ils s’organisent.
C’est pourquoi Obama, lors de son dernier déplacement en Grèce en novembre 2016, alors qu’il était encore président, avait déclaré que la raison de l’élection de Donald Trump était à rechercher dans les « fake news ».
Ce terme, jamais entendu auparavant, était une fabrication de la CIA pour délégitimer l’élection de Trump, l’accuser d’être un agent russe et paralyser son action politique, ainsi que toute opposition.
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Dans le cadre de cette opération de contre-insurrection globale, des « fact checkers » astrosurfés par les GAFAM ont été sélectionnés par la CIA et ses différents états vassaux pour mener le travail de désinformation et de censure sur les réseaux sociaux.
Soudainement, tous les médias français se sont alors dotés de « fact checkers ». Ce n’est pas une « incroyable convergence des esprits », mais le résultat d’une opération de guerre psychologique dirigée depuis Washington.
Qui se souvient des « décodeurs du Monde » et de tous leurs équivalents déployés dans chaque média ?
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Nous retrouvons les juifs Mendès et Reichstadt dans ce travail de censure sous couvert de lutte contre la « désinformation ». Peu importe l’agenda du système – élections US, Covid, guerre en Ukraine – ils sont déployés pour organiser la censure des réseaux sociaux. Avec l’arrivée de Musk, l’accès de la CIA à Twitter a cependant été largement réduit et leur capacité de nuisance largement diminuée.
Là où en 2022, Mendès pouvait désigner un compte à supprimer, il ne peut plus que s’en lamenter au pied de son mur aujourd’hui.
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Le Covid et les mensonges d’état qui l’ont accompagnés ont largement discrédité ces « fact checkers » sous-traitant pour l’OTAN.
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À l’époque, nous avons également vu surgir à l’extrême-droite des gens se revendiquant de « l’anti-conspirationnisme » et adopter automatiquement des positions pro Pfizer, pro Ukraine. Ne cherchez pas trop loin qui les prend en mains.
Le parlement américain a publié un rapport sénatorial sur ce dispositif contre-insurrectionnel mis en place par la CIA pour truquer les résultats d’une élection nationale américaine.
Cette méthode sera à nouveau utilisée en 2024 par le gouvernement américain pour tenter d’empêcher Trump d’être élu, mais sans le contrôle de la CIA sur Twitter, l’opposition pourra s’organiser. La riposte de la CIA devra être beaucoup plus directe, donc beaucoup plus brutale et surtout, visible.
Le putsch est déjà en cours.
John Brennan, ex-directeur de la CIA, ancien membre du Parti Communiste des USA, explique que les services de renseignements américains (CIA, NSA, FBI, etc..) ne coopéreront pas avec Trump, que ce soit légal ou non.
Irréel ! L’ancien directeur de la CIA, John Brennan, déclare à MSNBC que la communauté du renseignement cachera des informations clés à Trump après qu’il aura accepté l’investiture républicaine cet été. Nous devons mettre la communauté du renseignement au pas. Il s’agit d’un canular russe 2.0, écrit en toutes lettres.
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La guerre civile est ouverte aux USA et elle deviendra inévitablement violente à la faveur des élections de novembre 2024 quand le gouvernement fédéral interviendra pour empêcher la réélection de Donald Trump.
Anne Applebaum et Radek Sikorski sont au coeur de cette machine qui fait la guerre, tant intérieurement qu’extérieurement, à toutes les forces qui constituent un obstacle, que ce soit volontairement ou non. Face au blocage du soutien à l’Ukraine au Congrès par les Républicains, Macron, comme fantoche de cette machine juive globale, est mandaté pour prendre le relais jusqu’en novembre 2024, le temps que Trump soit écarté de la Maison Blanche et que le Congrès soit neutralisé.
Cela implique une mobilisation autoritaire et verticale de l’opinion française contre la Russie par les agents d’influence usuels et la délégitimation de l’opposition à la guerre comme une « cinquième colonne » aux ordres de Moscou. Typiquement, l’accusation de « trahison » avec l’habituel usage du patriotisme de comptoir pour clore la discussion.
Le système dispose à cet effet d’agents bellicistes, tant à droite qu’à gauche, pour attaquer l’opposition (non-juive) à la guerre.
La situation est effectivement révolutionnaire, avec une jonction de plus en plus forte entre l’effort de guerre des démocraties juives contre les adversaires systémiques extérieurs et celui qu’elles poursuivent contre ceux de l’intérieur. Du point de vue du système, il n’y a pas de différence qualitative. Si le système perd la guerre en Ukraine, il anticipe un affaiblissement systémique qui renforcera les forces d’opposition intérieure qu’il qualifie de « populiste ». Pour cette raison structurelle, plus le temps passe, plus il devient impossible, de son point de vue, de distinguer entre la Russie, l’Iran et, par exemple, un électeur RN ou LFI.
Il faut se préparer à une possible, sinon probable, censure de guerre des moyens de communication à partir de 2024.
Nous appelons nos lecteurs à participer à l’agitation révolutionnaire en désignant l’ennemi aux masses par voie de tractage. 
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half-drag · 6 years
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theglintoftherail · 7 years
Review: The 1972 Annual World's Best SF
For years and years, I’ve been collecting editions of the Annual World’s Best SF anthology series edited by Donald A. Wollheim, which ran from 1972 to 1990. A couple of years ago I decided to commit to reading or rereading every single one of them - and to reviewing every single story in each of them on Goodreads. As of now, I’ve gotten through 10 of them and reviewed a total of 107 stories, which can all be found here!
I’m doing this partly to expose myself to a wide range of SF in order to grow as an SF author, and partly  because there are so many great SF authors whose work didn’t just stick around in public consciousness for one reason or another. I’ve found so many authors that I absolutely love and had never heard of before. (And because those authors are not widely read, it makes me feel like a total SF hipster, which is perversely enjoyable.)
Here are the reviews of the stories from the 1972 edition:
The Fourth Profession, Larry Niven
Well what do you know. I’ve read a few things by Larry Niven and straight-up disliked most of them, but this one was very fun. A few mysterious aliens have landed on Earth, and a bartender happens to get one of them way too drunk and is given pills that essentially give him superpowers. It’s well-paced and funny, with likeable characters and surprisingly high stakes. The ending didn’t quite live up to the rest of the story, but I still liked this a lot.
Gleepsite, Joanna Russ
The editor’s intro to this one recommended reading it twice or even three times, and I’m glad it did, because it’s pretty much impenetrable on the first read – but once I figured out what was going on, it was really cool and fairly chilling. It packs a huge amount of worldbuilding and characterization into about five pages. I’d hate to spoil it so I’ll just say, it opens on a woman with bat wings pedaling dream machines in a polluted dystopian wasteland where most of the men on Earth have died, and goes all sorts of even weirder places from there.
The Bear with the Knot on His Tail, Stephen Tall
Eh. Maybe it’s just that this story is closing in on 50 years old, but it was really just a bog-standard ‘humans discover the first alien life and oh no they’re in trouble’ story. I really thought there was going to be an interesting twist at the end – I even thought I could see how they were setting it up – but nope.
The Sharks of Pentreath, Michael G. Coney
In the near-ish future, overpopulation has resulted in a system where at any given time, two-thirds of the population is kept in Matrix-style tanks and can interact with the outside world via tiny robots, and people swap out on regular schedules. The story’s about an innkeeper at a popular tourist destination who is currently in non-Matrix-mode and who is kind of a dick. I always like SF where the speculative part is just a backdrop to a character-based story, but there was something about the whole concept that just didn’t feel quite right to me - and honestly, the main character was just too much of an asshole for his ‘I learned a lesson’ moment to ring true for me.
A Little Knowledge, Poul Anderson
Three human criminals stranded on a planet of extremely pacifistic aliens kidnap an alien space pilot so that they can sell forbidden technology to a warrior race. I loved everything about the premise, the characters, the worldbuilding, the plot resolution, etc – but the pacing was bizarrely bad, particularly when compared to how strong everything else was. Huge exposition dumps, lengthy scenes that were interesting but have little plot importance followed by rushing through much more significant events, more exposition, etc. Still worth reading, but man, somebody should have taken a scalpel to this thing.
Real-Time World, Christopher Priest
A group of research scientists in an enclosed space station are secretly being manipulated by the people who sent them there, via carefully controlled feeds of news and information personalized for each of them. I loved this at the beginning, but then a bunch of additional SF concepts and twisty plot elements were added in, and then more, and then more. Which could have been cool, but in practice it just wound up making kind of an incoherent hash of what could have been two or even three good stories.
All Pieces of a River Shore, R. A. Lafferty
Perfect from start to finish… almost entirely. An eccentric Native American collector of Old West and Native American artifacts has run across a few impossibly detailed, several-foot-long paintings of the banks of the Mississippi River. He has a theory that there are even more of them out there, and that they might actually depict the entire span of the river when put together. I loved everything about this – but the final cymbal-crash line that explains the mystery pretty much requires you to have had personal experience with 1970s information storage technology. I had to google the story to figure out what the hell was going on, and once I did, it was like “Oh! I see, awesome!”
With Friends Like These . . . , Alan Dean Foster
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, there was a galactic war in which the humans, fighting on the side of the good guys, destroyed the enemy so thoroughly and terrifyingly that the rest of the galaxy forced them all back to Earth and barricaded them in there. But now the bad guys are back, so the other good guys plan to free these mythical monstrous warriors. I wasn’t mad at this, but I personally dislike the trope of ‘humans are the most exceptional race in the galaxy.’ (Also, in general I feel like 70s SF throws a lot of psychic abilities shit around when there’s no real need or justification for it, so that aspect was also annoying.)
Aunt Jennie's Tonic, Leonard Tushnet
A research chemist interviews his old-country hedge-witch-style aunt in order to discover the secrets of her medicines. There was a lot I liked about this, but the main character was just too much of an idiot for me to be fully immersed in it. “I’m purposefully not even writing down the parts of these processes that I think are bullshit, even though there’s no real reason not to” plus “I didn’t make any backup copies of my notes on this incredibly valuable medicine recipe” equals how the hell did you ever manage to become a research chemist in the first place.
Timestorm, Eddy C. Bertin
Did you know that changing the past in a way that you’d think would be beneficial might actually cause something terrible to happen? A guy gets transported to a future place where aliens are doing things to Earth’s past that seem bad, he stops them, oh no they were actually helping. Like the third story, this was either unoriginal at the time or feels unoriginal now that we’ve seen it a million times. And the collection of things that the aliens were manipulating was weirdly arbitrary – stopping the birth of Hitler and the birth of… the Marquis de Sade? Really? And of course, since this was written in 1971, it opens on the assassination of JFK.
Transit of Earth, Arthur C. Clarke
Ok, well this almost made me cry. A Mars exploration mission is doomed and they’re going to run out of food/oxygen, so everyone but one man takes suicide pills early in order to give the man enough time to record a rare astrological phenomenon before he dies. The story is written as a combination of his notes of the transit of Earth plus his personal reflections on life and death. It’s really great. (There is also an almost completely throw-away suggestion that maybe just maybe there are also aliens on Mars, which added absolutely nothing to the plot and probably should have been edited out.)
Gehenna, K. M. O'Donnell (aka Barry N. Malzberg)
This was gorgeous. It’s three vignettes about characters with intersecting lives – all of them go to the same party, and their meeting there changes their lives in various ways, but each story also takes place in a just slightly different world. It uses parallel universes as a metaphor for how everyone’s experience of the world and their conception of themselves is totally different from what other people see. The fact that the stories are taking place in parallel universes is established at the beginning of each vignette by a device that I thought was really cool – each character takes the subway down from Times Square to get to the party, and the stations they pass are all numbered differently. (I looked up another review of this and the reviewer described it as ‘funny’ and ‘an amusing puzzle,’ which is hilarious to me – I thought “how could we have read it so differently” and then realized that that’s exactly what the story is about…)
One Life, Furnished in Early Poverty, Harlan Ellison
Earlier in this project I read Jeffty is Five, also by Harlan Ellison, and this is so similar that I would have known immediately that it was the same author even if I wasn’t already aware. You can never go back to your lovingly-described childhood which specifically involves a lot of comic books and radio dramas and delicious no-longer-produced candy, but you desperately want to because your adult life is boring, but if you try to, it will have terrible consequences, because childhood is delicate and precious. This story is good on a technical level but that theme just doesn’t do anything for me at all, so I didn’t love it.
Occam's Scalpel, Theodore Sturgeon
The mysterious head of a shadowy criminal organization is about to die, and his personal doctor is worried about the right-hand man who is primed to replace him, so he goes to his brother for help… but what kind of help? There are a couple things in this story that are awfully convenient, and it does rely on a super-genius being tricked in a way that an actual super-genius would almost certainly see right through, but I liked the concept enough to overlook those things.
Favorites: Gleepsite, All Pieces of a River Shore, Transit of Earth, Gehenna
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weirdletter · 5 years
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Imaginales: le festival des mondes imaginaires, 18ème édition. 23-26 May 2019, Ville d’Épinal, France. Poster art by Grzegorz Rosiński and Piotr Rosiński, info: imaginales.fr.
From Thursday 23rd to Sunday 26th May, 2019, more than 300 authors and illustrators from all over the world will come to Epinal, in France, for the 18th edition of Imaginales: le festival des mondes imaginaires, one of the first international exposition of Imaginative literature.  Artists, novelists and experts in the Fantasy, SF and Fantastic genres will share their stories with a varied and enthusiastic audience. Founded in 2002, the festival is free and open to the public, welcoming more than 40,000 visitors from all over France.
Guest list:
Comics and illustration – Julien DELVAL, Renaud DENAUW, Emmanuel DESPUJOL, Steven DUDA, Gilles FRANCESCANO, Laurent GAPAILLARD, Armel GAULME, Didier GRAFFET, Loïc JOUANNIGOT, Milan JOVANOVIC, Frédéric MARNIQUET, Gilles MEZZOMO, Noë MONIN, Thimothée MONTAIGNE, Frédéric PILLOT, Michel RODRIGUE, Olivier ROMAC, Grzegorz ROSIŃSKI, Piotr ROSIŃSKI, Thierry SÉGUR, Olivier SOUILLÉ, Philippe ZYTKA.
International authors – Alex BELL, Sigridour Hagalin BJÖRNSDOTTIR, Peter BRETT, Anders FAGER, Mark HENWICK, Vic JAMES, S.T. JOSHI, Hildur KNÚTSDÓTTIR, Graham MASTERTON, Sam J. MILLER, Christopher PRIEST, Sofia SAMATAR, Johanna SINISALO.
French authors – Christophe ABAS, Sandrine ALEXIE, Nicolas ALLARD, Mel ANDORYSS, Jean-Pierre ANDREVON, Jacques BARBÉRI, Isabelle BAUTHIAN, Robert BELMAS, Paul BEORN, Karim BERROUKA, Georges BERTIN, Chloé BERTRAND, Pierre BORDAGE, Béatrice BOTTET, Nicolas BOUCHARD, Clément BOUHÉLIER, Charlotte BOUSQUET, Fabienne BRUGERE, David BRY, Sabrina CALVO, Nicolas CARTELET, Fabien CERUTTI, Fabien CLAVEL, Guy COSTES, Alain DAMASIO, Grégory DA ROSA, Nathalie DAU, Lionel DAVOUST, Nicolas DEBANDT, Romain DELPLANCQ, Jérôme DIDELOT, Julie de LESTRANGE, Marie-Charlotte DELMAS, Jean-Laurent DEL SOCORRO, Patrick K DEWDNEY, Romain D'HUISSIER, Victor DIXEN, Sara DOKE, Catherine DUFOUR, Jean-Claude DUNYACH, Silène EDGAR, Manon FARGETTON, Estelle FAYE, Franck FERRIC, Fabien FERNANDEZ, Élise FISCHER, Alexis FLAMAND, Célia FLAUX, Victor FLEURY, Jean-Pierre FONTANA, Isabelle FOURNIÉ, Thomas GEHA, Alison GERMAIN, Eric GIACOMETTI, Régis GODDYN, Marie-José GONAND, Alain GROUSSET, Lauric GUILLAUD, Colin HEINE, Johan HELIOT, Loïc HENRY, Ariel HOLZL, Raymond ISS, Jean-Philippe JAWORSKI, Gabriel KATZ, Florian KIEFFER, Katia LANERO ZAMORA, Gilles LAPORTE, Camille LEBOULANGER, Fabienne LELOUP, Christian LÉOURIER, Jérôme LEROY, Érik L'HOMME, Jean-Marc LIGNY, Méropée MALO, Eric MARCHAL, Jean-Luc MARCASTEL, Johanna MARINES, Jean MARIGNY, Danielle MARTINIGOL, Xavier MAUMÉJEAN, Patrick McSPARE, Hélène P. MÉRELLE, Sylvie MILLER, Vincent MONDIOT, Pierre PEVEL, Betty PICCIOLI, Stefan PLATTEAU, Jean PRUVOST, Jacques RAVENNE, Michael ROCH, Carina ROZENFELD, Éric SANVOISIN, Stéphane SERVANT, Floriane SOULAS, Charles SUZANNE, Ketty STEWARD, Rachel TANNER, Arthur TÉNOR, Philippe TESSIER, Nicolas TEXIER, Christophe THILL, Jean-François THOMAS, Jean-Christophe TIXIER, Adrien TOMAS, Jean-Michel TRUONG, Estelle VAGNER, Laurence VANIN, Cindy VAN WILDER, Claude VAUTRIN, Flore VESCO, Frédéric VINCENT, Frédérique VOLOT, Philippe WARD, Aurélie WELLENSTEIN, Georges ZARAGOZA.
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These are the 10 best restaurants in Paris, ranked by local expert
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/these-are-the-10-best-restaurants-in-paris-ranked-by-local-expert/
These are the 10 best restaurants in Paris, ranked by local expert
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There’s something comforting about wandering outside and seeing the familiar – familiar surroundings, familiar faces, familiar bakeries, butchers and, yes, bistrots. It’s always a challenge to update this ‘Best Restaurants’ list for Paris. It’s like having to choose your favorite child. And with 44,896 restaurants in Paris (as of last count in 2017, compared to NYC’s 26,697 also from 2017 tally) I’d be fibbing if I said I’d tried them all. 
But that said, there are some bstrots and neighborhood favorites that remain with you long after the meal has stopped lingering. So this update of Best Paris Restaurants is for all of you who yearn to visit the City of Light just one more time, for those of you who dream of visiting for the first time, and for those of us who never left. It’s for all of us who have come to love and appreciate the familiar, the familial, and the faces at the corner bistro we see as we pass on our daily comings-and-goings. In other words, sometimes the simplest really is the best. 
After wandering the streets and visiting the landmarks of Paris, there are times when all you really want is a good meal. Those times seem to occur quite often in Paris where excellent bistros and restaurants line nearly every street you walk down. And that’s not to mention all those ‘must’ places, you know, the ones that have all the user recommendations and Instagram photos.
But image doesn’t always equate with quality. So when the only thing that will do is a satisfying, taste-good, sure-fire meal, you can have confidence that any of these restaurants on this list won’t let you down. Some offer haute cuisine, what some men might call frilly food, and others offer just that perfectly grilled, thick steak served with potatoes and an excellent glass – or bottle, why not? – of red wine. 
Many of today’s noteworthy chefs here in Paris have begun to practice the cult of personally sourced ingredients. There was a time when restaurants made their purchases at the big fresh market called Rungis out by Charles De Gaulle airport, every morning. Many still do that, but you’ll find that the really finicky chefs have their fish provider, their meat cultivator and their butter and cheese curator on speed dial on their portable phones. And some even have their own vegetable gardens. Here on this list, many of these chefs meet that telling criteria. 
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‘In the heart of the gariguette;’ That is this Provençal Restaurant/Bistrot’s moniker. Lets air that out a bit. Ready for a mini-deep dive into French nostalgia and romantic cultural references? ‘Gariguette’ refers to the potpourri of scents you find when hiking the dry, hot country trails of the S. of France. The scent is evocative of sagebrush, thyme, rosemary and a distant hint of lavender. For a French person it prompts memories of long, langourous summer afternoons spent playing petanque while sipping pastis on summer holiday. And this is exactly where you step into when you enter Chez Janou. Time stops and all of a sudden you are ‘en Provence’ once again. The central, classic zinc bar is lined with over 80 types of different pastis that you can order by the glass. The menu is just as classic and full of nostalgia. Much of it is market driven.
Recommended for Best Restaurants because: Leave room for chocolate mousse, it’s served in a big soup terrine and is enough for a table of four. Also prepare to taste pastis!
Paige’s expert tip: I love Paris, but sometimes you really do wish you were ‘en Provence.’ At this neighborhood bistrot, you get to have it both ways. As you enter Chez Janou, you get to step into a France that’s been immortalized in the caper films of Louis de Funes. All that is good and right, classic and delicious about France, you’ll find here at this simple, neighborhood bistrot hidden just a stone’s throw away from Place des Vosges and Bastille. Here you can always find an abundant selection of fresh-caught seafoods and shellfish. And, of course, succulent meats grilled ‘à point’ round out the choices. The bistrot’s sprawling terrace in the summer not only encircles the angular sidewalk but overtakes the little ‘place’ across the street, too. The decor is full of Jacques Tati posters from 1950s films.
Read more about Chez Janou →
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The Southwest region of France is known for its food. After all, this is where the Perigord is located and from which the famous truffles come. Less known are its wines. But once you’ve been introduced to the beauty of Malbec’s original terroir, there is no going back. This restaurant consecrated itself to being the culinary tapestry by which the region’s wines would shine. So the menu is fairly simple: a dozen oysters to share for starters, a huge (1 kgl) chuck roast of beef ‘Irish Vintage’ to share between two or even two adults and two kids are the kinds of items you’ll get to choose from here. Gazpacho, devilled eggs and other nibbles are also S. West classics that go well with these deep reds and sometimes sweet whites. Roast duck served with raspberries and beets as its cold side; and the French toast as dessert which is made with brioche (not bread!) served with melted salted caramel butter – now aren’t these mouthwatering?
Recommended for Best Restaurants because: On Sundays, their upstairs ‘speakeasy’ bar transforms into a children’s babysitting den. Yep, that means parents can enjoy their Sunday brunch, in peace for once.
Paige’s expert tip: French Southwestern cuisine is known the world-over. After all, the Perigord is famous for its truffles and foie gras. But here in Paris, it, likes its lovely wines, is often overshadowed by its glitzier kinsfolk. So this lovely little bistro, in a historical building just a couple doors down from where Jim Morrison once lived, offers the whole Southwestern-inspired culinary package.
Read more about Aux Vins des Pyrenees →
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My Burgundy – “Ma Bourgogne.” The family traditions carried forward by this landmark bistro occupying a place of honor in the arcades of the Place des Vosges harken from his mother and grandmother. It’s from these family recipes the daily specials and the evergreen dishes originate from. ‘Menu’ in French means Special of The Day. (Whereas ‘la carte’ in French means ‘menu’ in English). Here Le Menu includes an appetizer, a main dish, a dessert or ‘fromage’ and a beverage. All that for a fixed price. Given that you’re dining at one of the top 3 real estate addresses in Paris, this is a fair deal for superior quality food. The bistro’s wine list lives up to its name, too. Whether you’re fond of Pinot Noirs and Chardonnays or not, pretty much anything from Burgundy is sure to win you over, if you’re a wine lover. They do take reservations here (subtle hint) so it’s probably good to plan ahead since this is an overwhelmingly popular choice with locals and visitors alike.
Recommended for Best Restaurants because: Could there be more of a ‘living the fantasy’ moment than dining on classic Burgundy ‘Jambon Persillé’ while sipping Chardonnay at the Place des Vosges?
Paige’s expert tip: Here you’ll find welcoming staff and service. Meaning, despite this being a destination dining address at one of the most beautiful Parisian landmarks, they’re still keeping it real.
Read more about Ma Bourgogne →
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Photo courtesy of L’Absinthe
Beetroot Gaspacho with goat cheese, a thick juicy steak – the kind you dream of, their signature Le Hot Duck as appetizer… these are only a few of the savory items on the menu that you’ll find here at the Rostang’s L’Absinthe. Pair that with a chilled carafe of Beaujolais and you’ve got yourself a memorable meal. Adding to the charm of this family bistro is its location on the Marche St. Honore, a pedestrian area and market square hidden between the Eglise St. Roch and Place Vendome. And let’s not forget the handcrafted absinthe cocktails, the namesake of this little gem. Though if sitting out on this picturesque terrace on a Parisian market square and pedestrian zone is your idea of a perfect end to a wonderful day, then rest assured there are plenty of cocktails and a solid wine list, too, to choose from for your down time.
Recommended for Best Restaurants because: Comfort French food served in generous proportions at a neighborhood-feel bistro in a pedestrian zone in the center of Paris is what L’Absinthe is.
Paige’s expert tip: This is the charming neighborhood bistro to dine at when you want a thick cut steak, a carafe of chilled Beaujolais and a side of roasted baby potatoes. You’ll find more than just comfort food here, though. They’ve got a crafted menu of absinthe cocktails and their own signature appetizer, too, Le Hot Duck, which, once you’ve tasted, you understand why they trademarked it.
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This is the kind of tucked away little bistro on a Parisian sidestreet in a chic quartier that inspires novels and pivotal scenes in French films. The young team of Jonathan Caron and Anne Legrand have the mentorship of Christophe Pele (2 stars, Le Clarence) in common, save for a passion pure of serving up excellence on a plate. Here at L’innocence, with its tightly fitted dozen tables, the food becomes the sole focus. Chef Legrand works in the open kitchen to craft her fixed menu dishes while Caron interacts with guests and selects wine pairings. Each evening differs, but you can expect delicacies of grilled cauliflower with minted fromage blanc and citrus condiments; toasted foccaccia with basil olive oil; white asparagus with smoked poutargue in a white butter sauce; lamb shank served with carrots from Annie Bertin’s gardens, and for the pre-dessert, tempura-fried acacia blossoms with Bruyere dipping honey.
Recommended for Best Restaurants because: New talent with fresh, imaginative cuisine is a rarity. What Legrand and Caron serve up here will have you re-discovering what fine dining truly means.
Paige’s expert tip: This is the restaurant to take someone special for whom food is an art form. Yes, of course, ingredients are sourced from only the best producers who sell their products exclusively to only a handful of the top chefs. But even more than that is what Chef Legrand delicately does with her materials. And with Caron working the dining room, the partnership dishes up a superlative alchemy of food and wine. Perhaps it is the pedigree of chefs past such as Chef Rose who have left a bit of fairy dust inside these walls? Or, more likely, it is simply the absolute purity of passion and dedication to excellence in French cuisine that sets this young duo’s restaurant apart. It is one not to be missed and offers promises of a meal breathtaking in its delicacy, imaginative creativity, execution, presentation and service.
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Refreshing here is that the service is quick and pleasant and the staff is welcoming and warm. Duck is the dish here, so much so that it even embodies its mascot. Other classics on the menu not to miss is the Mimosa eggs which are a crab salad filled devilled eggs appetizer, heavy on the fresh crab. The foie gras is top quality. Sides – whipped mashed potatoes, full of cream and butter, a fresh green salad, roasted potatoes and sauteed crisp vegetables in, yes, butter come in dishes that you can share. Don’t even think about skipping dessert here. If you’ve never tried the French whipped, lightly toasted egg white in a sea of creme anglaise, otherwise known as Ile Flottante, I highly recommend you do. The portion here is more than generous and its done exceptionally to perfection. Or you can always go for the tarte du jour.
Recommended for Best Restaurants because: During the warmer months, outdoor terrace dining here means looking out over the Seine onto the Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris and the Ile Saint-Louis.
Paige’s expert tip: For your first visit to this bistro, stick with the classics and signature dishes. That means have a taste of the roast duck and the crab stuffed devilled eggs. The wine cellar at the sister ship (La Tour d’Argent) is ranked one of the best in the world. So even the wines by the glass here will be excellent choices for whatever you order. Sides are fun and are meant to be shared. A simple tapenade and country style bread is your pre-appetizer for whetting the palate as you peruse the menu. Under the recently assumed reigns of André Terrail, son of the famous Tour d’Argent restaurateur, Claude Terrail, the family’s gastronomic bistro La Rotisserie d’Argent offers delightful accessibility. The sizzle of the establishment’s signature roasting duck and farm-raised chicken greets you when you enter this red-checked tablecloth icon on the Left Bank. It is literally just next door to the shrine of gourmets the world over, La Tour d’Argent, but here what is served is the bistro version of French food of the highest quality ingredients. Claude Terrail acquired this bistro in 1989 with the intention that snobbery had no place within its walls.
Read more about La Rotisserie d’Argent →
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This is one of Paris’ newest and most elegant restaurants. You may have heard of the Prince Robert of Luxembourg’s famous wine estate in Bordeaux, Chateau Haut-Brion? In 2016 he opened these doors to his private mansion in Paris not far from the prestigious Champs-Elysees. Devoted exclusively to the French Art de Vivre, dining here is a most memorable experience that transports you into a luxury cocoon of timelessness. Chef Christophe Pele offers his deliciously devilish take on French classics that marry a modern twist to the favorites. Each day he uses his 2-star Michelin prowess to create the day’s offerings. But of course you can choose from the menu as well. In terms of gastronomic dining, a phenomenal wine list and surroundings unparalleled even in Paris, Le Clarence with its friendly and welcoming team, offers you the kind of fairytale experience heretofore only a dream.
Recommended for Best Restaurants because: When the occasion calls for chateau dining Le Clarence instantly transports you into that magic of French luxury and refinement, while retaining that at-home ease.
Paige’s expert tip: Fairytales do come true. That is what dining at Le Clarence will have you believe. The chateau’s decor was done by Prince Robert himself who tastefully recreated the atmosphere of his legendary Bordeaux estate here in the heart of Paris. For those exquisite wine pairings with lunch or dinner, you are in excellent hands here with Head Sommelier Antoine Petrus. There are over 120 outstanding winemakers to choose from on the menu representing mostly French but also international wine regions. And, of course, you have your choice of all the excellent Domain Clarence Dillon vintages as well including Haut-Brion, La Mission Haut-Brion and Quintas.
Read more about Le Clarence →
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Set menus come in a range of three or four services for lunch and four or seven services for dinner. Rather than being seated in one large dining room, you are seated in one of several smaller dining salons, thus adding to the air of intimate dining. Many tables have views out onto the exquisite private garden surrounding the manor. Things to taste on the menu include ‘blue’ lobster from the Iles Chausey, pigeon de la Guerche on a bed of roses ‘eternelle’ accompanied by balsamic whipped beets. Delicate white cod served with raw slivered coconut over a fine glaze of lightly curried pumpkin purée. And the chocolate soufflé, so rich and velvety that it melts the bourbon vanilla ice cream and the créme chantilly it’s served with.
Recommended for Best Restaurants because: The creative flair Chef Pacaud lends to his classically interpreted cuisine, maintains Apicius as a culinary temple.
Paige’s expert tip: I don’t always recommend Michelin-starred restaurants, but this one I do, and without hesitation. Apicius has long been a culinary landmark, a Parisian temple of gastronomy, and now under Chef Pacaud’s masterful touch, you not only dine on extraordinary finesse but experience the complete and whole pleasure of haute cuisine presented with excellent, friendly, professional service. The restaurant’s bar off to the left when you enter the private manor is a good way to begin or end your meal. Named after the Roman who wrote the first culinary book in the times of antiquity, Apicius is the Michelin-starred restaurant set apart in a world unto itself nestled in an 18th c. mansion just a few streets away from the Grand Palais. Helmed now by the young and extraordinarily accomplished Chef Mathieu Pacaud, within a year of taking over, he maintained this iconic temple of gastronomy’s Michelin star. He and his business partner, Laurent de Gourcuff have infused this park-like setting in the center of the city with a hip, fun, dynamic ambiance while not relinquishing a shred of the establishment’s elegance.
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Located now at the Monnaie de Paris, this celebrated restaurant serves contemporary haute cuisine in a just redone – though historical – space overlooking the Seine on the Quai Conti. The Monnaie de Paris, France’s former mint, is the oldest French institution and was founded in 864 under the reign of Charles II. It offers, now, in this newest incarnation, spectacular views overlooking the Seine. The interior design has notes of the theatrical, with tables placed just so, to capture the natural lighting. Salmon, flown in direct from Scotland, is served on its bed of ice at table, seasoned before your eyes with a triad of citrus before gingerly being sprayed with a consomm– of citrus. One of the signature dishes you mustn’t miss is Chef Savoy’s savory use of brioche. It’s a recipe original to him and one that, with its homage to the simple mushroom, delights every time.
Recommended for Best Restaurants because: Chef Guy Savoy is one of France’s culinary ambassadors, hands down. This, his ultimate flagship restaurant, overlooks the Seine from its minted, majestic perch.
Paige’s expert tip: If the exquisite meal here has left you sated, and you absolutely must pass up the signature house brioche, don’t fret. Just down the street, Team Guy Savoy has opened up a Brioche Takeaway so now you purchase this lovely, doughy (sweet and savory) goodness to bring with you.
Read more about Guy Savoy →
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Photo courtesy of photo by Pauline Le Goff copyright of Chef Alain Passard used with permission
When Parisians speak of Chef Alain Passard’s restaurant, Arpege, it is in hushed, reverential tones. Descriptions of meals enjoyed here invariably include mention of vegetables; also that it requires a good three hours of dining time spent at the table. Vegetables have become, since the early 2000s, the chef’s signature. He still serves meat and his preferred method of cooking is still over an open flame, a technique his grandmother taught him. But in the past decade he adapted this talent of flamb–ing, grilling and roasting to vegetables: “Learn how to travel delicately with your pan on the open flame guaranties texture, taste, color, light and transparency with your vegetables,” declares this illustrious French chef. He maintains three of his own vegetable and herb gardens to assure the highest quality ingredients: “Between the gardeners and me, we discuss carrots and beetroot like others speak of Chardonnay and Cabernet Franc!”
Recommended for Best Restaurants because: Long before ‘plant based diet’ became a buzz phrase, Chef Passard was dishing up veggies in his 3-star restaurant. They’re grown in his Normandy garden.
Paige’s expert tip: This is the only restaurant in the French capital today to manage all its own fresh vegetables, herbs as well as red and black fruit cultivation. The restaurant’s name is inspired by the chef’s second love: music. Makassar wood furnishings and Lalique crystal ware round out the clubby decor.
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extrabeurre · 7 years
Prix Écrans Canadiens : LES AFFAMÉS de Robin Aubert décroche cinq nominations
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Les nominations des Prix Écrans canadiens viennent d’être annoncées et Les Affamés se retrouve dans cinq catégories : meilleur film, réalisation (Robin Aubert), maquillages (Érik Gosselin, Marie-France Guy), musique originale (Pierre-Philippe Côté) et interprétation féminine dans un rôle de soutien (Brigitte Poupart).
Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes mène la course avec ses huit nominations, dans les catégories de la direction artistique (François Séguin), des images (Nicolas Bolduc), des costumes (Mario Davignon), des maquillages (Kathryn Casault), de la musique originale (Terry Riley, Gyan Riley), du son d'ensemble (Claude La Haye, Bernard Gariépy Strobl), du montage sonore (Claude Beaugrand), et des effets visuels (Alain Lachance, Yann Jouannic, Hugo Léveillé, Nadège Bozetti, Antonin Messier-Turcotte, Thibault Deloof, Francis Bernard). 
Sept nominations pour La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes : meilleur film ainsi qu’en direction artistique (Marjorie Rhéaume), en images (Nicolas Canniccioni), en effets visuels (Marc Hall, Jonathan Cyr, Emmanuel Bazin, Clément Natiez, Emmanuelle Gill), en adaptation (Simon Lavoie) et en interprétation masculine et féminine dans un premier rôle (Antoine L'Écuyer, Marine Johnson).
Avec six nominations, C'est le cœur qui meurt en dernier se retrouve dans les catégories du meilleur film, de réalisation (Alexis Durand-Brault), de montage (Louis-Philippe Rathé), d'adaptation et d'interprétation masculine dans un premier rôle (Gabriel Sabourin), et d'interprétation féminine dans un premier rôle (Denise Filiatrault).
Les rois mongols obtient aussi six nominations, dans les catégories de direction artistique (Guillaume Couture), de costumes (Brigitte Desroches), de musique originale (Viviane Audet, Robin-Joël Cool, Alexis Martin), de son d'ensemble (Pierre Bertrand, Stéphane Bergeron, Shaun-Nicholas Gallagher, Maxime Potvin), d'adaptation (Nicole Bélanger) et d'interprétation féminine dans un rôle de soutien (Clare Coulter). 
All You Can Eat Buddha se retrouve dans les catégories de réalisation (Ian Lagarde), de costumes (Gabrielle Tougas-Fréchette), de maquillages (Bruno Gatien), de son d'ensemble et de montage sonore (Sylvain Bellemare), et d'interprétation masculine dans un rôle de soutien (Sylvio Arriola).
Nous sommes les autres se démarque dans quatre catégories, soit en images (Mathieu Laverdière), en costumes (Julie Bécotte), en effets visuels (Jonathan Piché Delorme, Fabienne Mouillac, Alain Lachance, Caroline Guagliardo, Alexandre Tremblay, Thibault Deloof, Benoit Gagnon), et en interprétation masculine dans un premier rôle (Émile Proulx-Cloutier).
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Meilleur film 
Ava - Kiarash Anvari, Sadaf Foroughi The Breadwinner - Andrew Rosen, Anthony Leo, Paul Young, Tomm Moore, Stéphan Roelants C’est le coeur qui meurt en dernier - Richard Lalonde La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes - Marcel Giroux Maudie - Bob Cooper, Mary Young Leckie, Mary Sexton, Susan Mullen Never Steady, Never Still - James Brown, Tyler Hagan Les Affamés - Stéphanie Morissette
Meilleure réalisation
Ian Lagarde - All You Can Eat Buddha Sadaf Foroughi - Ava Alexis Durand Brault - C’est le coeur qui meurt en dernier  Aisling Walsh - Maudie Robin Aubert - Les Affamés  Meilleure adaptation Anita Doron - The Breadwinner Nicole Bélanger - Les rois mongols Gabriel Sabourin - C’est le coeur qui meurt en dernier Simon Lavoie - La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes Susan Coyne - The Man Who Invented Christmas Meilleur scénario Josh Epstein, Kyle Rideout - Adventures in Public School Sadaf Foroughi - Ava Sarah Kolasky, Adam Garnet Jones - Great Great Great Sherry White - Maudie Kathleen Hepburn - Never Steady, Never Still
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Interprétation masculine dans un premier rôle Nabil Rajo - Boost Gabriel Sabourin - C’est le coeur qui meurt en dernier  Antoine L'Écuyer - La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes Tzi Ma - Meditation Park Émile Proulx-Cloutier - Nous sommes les autres 
Interprétation masculine dans un rôle de soutien Sylvio Arriola - All You Can Eat Buddha Jahmil French - Boost Sladen Peltier - Indian Horse Natar Ungalaq - Iqaluit Ethan Hawke - Maudie
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Interprétation féminine dans un premier rôle Mahour Jabbari - Ava Denise Filiatrault - C’est le coeur qui meurt en dernier Marine Johnson - La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes  Sally Hawkins - Maudie Shirley Henderson - Never Steady, Never Still
Interprétation féminine dans un rôle de soutien Bahar Nouhian - Ava Oluniké Adeliyi - Boost Clare Coulter - Les rois mongols Lucinda Armstrong Hall - Porcupine Lake Brigitte Poupart - Les Affamés
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Meilleure direction artistique Siamak Karinejad - Ava Guillaume Couture - Les rois mongols  François Séguin - Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes Marjorie Rhéaume - La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes Sophie Jarvis, Elizabeth Cairns - Never Steady, Never Still
Meilleures images Sina Kermanizadeh - Ava Nicolas Bolduc - Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes Nicolas Canniccioni - La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes  Norm Li - Never Steady, Never Still Mathieu Laverdière - Nous sommes les autres
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Meilleurs costumes Gabrielle Tougas-Fréchette - All You Can Eat Buddha Brigitte Desroches - Les rois mongols  Mario Davignon - Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes Trysha Bakker - Maudie Julie Bécotte - Nous sommes les autres
Meilleur montage Kiarash Anvari - Ava Darragh Byrne - The Breadwinner Louis-Philippe Rathé - C’est le coeur qui meurt en dernier Stephen O'Connell - Maudie Simone Smith - Never Steady, Never Still
Meilleurs maquillages Bruno Gatien - All You Can Eat Buddha Marlène Rouleau - Bon Cop Bad Cop 2 Kathryn Casault - Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes  Sonia Dolan - The Man Who Invented Christmas Érik Gosselin, Marie-France Guy - Les Affamés 
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Meilleure musique originale Mychael Danna, Jeff Danna - The Breadwinner Viviane Audet, Robin-Joël Cool, Alexis Martin - Les rois mongols Terry Riley, Gyan Riley - Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes  Ben Fox - Never Steady, Never Still Pierre-Philippe Côté - Les Affamés 
Meilleure chanson originale Joey Sherrett, Chris Gordon, Nathaniel Huskinson - Boost - "CTS Thief" Qais Essar, Joshua Hill - The Breadwinner - "The Crown Sleeps" Dani Bailey - Hunting Pignut – "Rid The Dark"
Meilleur son d'ensemble Sylvain Bellemare - All You Can Eat Buddha Philippe Attié - Boost Pierre Bertrand, Stéphane Bergeron, Shaun-Nicholas Gallagher, Maxime Potvin - Les rois mongols  Claude La Haye, Bernard Gariépy Strobl - Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes Matt Drake, Nate Evans, Christopher O'Brien - Never Steady, Never Still
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Meilleur montage sonore Sylvain Bellemare - All You Can Eat Buddha Marie-Claude Gagné - Bon Cop Bad Cop 2 Nelson Ferreira, John Elliot, J.R. Fountain, Dashen Naidoo, Tyler Whitham - The Breadwinner Christian Rivest, Antoine Morin, Thibaud Quinchon, Guy Pelletier, Guy Francoeur - Goon: Last of the Enforcers Claude Beaugrand - Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes 
Meilleurs effets visuels Marc Hall - Le Cyclotron Alain Lachance, Yann Jouannic, Hugo Léveillé, Nadège Bozetti, Antonin Messier-Turcotte, Thibault Deloof, Francis Bernard - Hochelaga, Terre des Âmes  Marc Hall, Jonathan Cyr, Emmanuel Bazin, Clément Natiez, Emmanuelle Gill - La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes  Greg Behrens, Brendan Taylor, Jasmine Scott, Martin O'Brien - The Man Who Invented Christmas Jonathan Piché Delorme, Fabienne Mouillac, Alain Lachance, Caroline Guagliardo, Alexandre Tremblay, Thibault Deloof, Benoit Gagnon - Nous sommes les autres 
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Meilleur long métrage documentaire Manic - Kalina Bertin, Marina Serrao, Bob Moore, Mila Aung-Thwin, Daniel Cross Sur la lune de nickel  - Christine Falco, François Jacob, Vuk Stojanovic Resurrecting Hassan - Carlo Guillermo Proto, Roxanne Sayegh, Pablo Villegas, Maria Paz Gonzalez Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World - Catherine Bainbridge, Christina Fon, Linda Ludwick, Lisa Roth, Stevie Salas, Tim Johnson, Diana Holtzberg, Jan Rofekamp, Ernest Webb Unarmed Verses - Charles Officer, Lea Marin
Meilleures images dans un long métrage documentaire Vuk Stojanovic, François Jacob, Ilya Zima - Sur la lune de nickel  Duraid Munajim - My Enemy, My Brother Carlo Guillermo Proto - Resurrecting Hassan Alfonso Maiorana - Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World Mike McLaughlin - Unarmed Verses
Meilleur montage dans un long métrage documentaire Roland Schlimme - Long Time Running Anouk Deschênes - Manic François Jacob, Jéricho Jeudy - Sur la lune de nickel  Benjamin Duffield, Jeremiah Hayes - Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World Frank Cassano - Sled Dogs
Meilleur court métrage documentaire Babe, I Hate To Go - Andrew Moir Take a Walk on The Wildside - Lisa Rideout, Lauren Grant, Sasha Fisher Three Thousand - Asinnajaq, Kat Baulu
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Meilleur court métrage dramatique La course navette  - Maxime Aubert, Audrey D. Laroche Fluffy - Lee Filipovski Garage de soir  - Daniel Daigle, Aurélie Breton Tout simplement - Raphaël Ouellet, Annick Blanc Pre-Drink - Marc-Antoine Lemire, Maria Gracia Turgeon
Meilleur court métrage d’animation DAM! The Story of Kit the Beaver - Kjell Boersma, Josh Clavir Fox And The Whale - Robin Joseph Hedgehog’s Home - Eva Cvijanović, Vanja Andrijević, Jelena Popović Manivald - Chintis Lundgren, Draško Ivezić, Jelena Popović The Tesla World Light - Matthew Rankin, Julie Roy
Prix Découverte John-Dunning Black Cop - Cory Bowles, Aaron Horton The Devout - Connor Gaston, Amanda Verhagen Wexford Plaza - Joyce Wong, Matt Greyson, Harry Cherniak
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steliosagapitos · 7 years
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            Madame de Pompadour
   Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour (French: [pɔ̃.pa.duːʁ]; 29 December 1721 – 15 April 1764), commonly known as Madame de Pompadour, was a member of the French court and was the official chief mistress of Louis XV from 1745 to 1751, and remained influential as court favourite until her death. She took charge of the king’s schedule and was a valued aide and advisor, despite her frail health and many political enemies. She secured titles of nobility for herself and her relatives, and built a network of clients and supporters. She was particularly careful not to alienate the Queen, Marie Leszczyńska. On February 8, 1756, the Marquise de Pompadour was named as the thirteenth lady in waiting to the queen, a position considered the most prestigious at the court, which accorded her with honors. She was a major patron of architecture and decorative arts, especially porcelain. She was a patron of the philosophes of the Enlightenment, including Voltaire. Hostile critics at the time generally tarred her as a malevolent political influence, but historians are more favorable, emphasizing her successes as a patron of the arts and a champion of French pride.
  Jeanne Antoinette Poisson was born on 29 December 1721 in Paris to François Poisson (1684–1754) and his wife Madeleine de La Motte (1699–1745). It is suspected that her biological father was either the rich financier Pâris de Montmartel or the tax collector (fermier général) Le Normant de Tournehem. Le Normant de Tournehem became her legal guardian when François Poisson was forced to leave the country in 1725 after a scandal over a series of unpaid debts, a crime at that time punishable by death. (He was cleared eight years later and allowed to return to France.)
At age 5 Jeanne Antoinette was sent to receive the finest quality education of the day in an Ursuline convent in Poissy, where she gained admiration for her wit and charm. Due to poor health, thought to be whooping cough, Jeanne Antoinette returned home in January 1730 at age 9. During this time her mother took her to a fortuneteller, Madame de Lebon, who predicted that the girl would one day reign over the heart of a King. Henceforth she became known as “Reinette”, meaning "little queen", and was groomed to become the mistress of Louis XV. Tournehem arranged for Jeanne Antoinette to receive a private education at home with the best teachers of the day who taught her dancing, drawing, painting, and engraving, theatre, the arts, and the ability to memorize entire plays. It may have been this sponsoring of Jeanne Antoinette's education in particular that sparked rumors of his paternity to Poisson.
At the age of nineteen, Jeanne Antoinette was married to Charles Guillaume Le Normant d'Étiolles, nephew of her guardian, Charles Lenormand de Tournehem, who initiated the match and the large financial incentives that came with it. On 15 December 1740, Tournehem made his nephew his sole heir, disinheriting all his other nephews and nieces, the children of his brother and sister. These included the estate at Étiolles (28 km south of Paris), a wedding gift from her guardian, which was situated on the edge of the royal hunting ground of the forest of Sénart. Once married, Le Normant d'Étiolles fell passionately in love with his wife, whilst she maintained that she would never leave him – except for the King. The couple had a son who died in infancy and a daughter, Alexandrine Le Normant d'Étiolles, born in 1744, who died at the age of nine.
Jeanne Antoinette’s marital status allowed her to frequent celebrated salons in Paris, such as those hosted by Mesdames de Tencin, Geoffin, du Deffand, and others. Within these salons she crossed paths with principal figures of the Enlightenment, including Voltaire, Charles Pinot Duclos, Montesquieu, Helvétius, and Bernard de Fontenelle. Additionally, Jeanne Antoinette created her own salon at Étiolles, which was attended by many of the cultural elite, among them, Crébillon fils, Montesquieu, the Cardinal de Bernis, and Voltaire. Within these circles she learned the fine art of conversation and developed the sharp wit for which she would later become known at Versailles.
Due to her involvement in Paris salons as well as her grace and beauty, Louis XV had heard the name of Jeanne Antoinette mentioned at court as early as 1742. In 1744 Jeanne Antoinette sought to catch the eye of the King whilst he led the hunt in the forest of Sénart. Because she occupied an estate near this location she was permitted to follow the royal party at a distance. However, wanting to attract the King’s notice, Jeanne Antoinette drove directly in front of the King’s path, once in a pink phaeton, wearing a blue dress, and once in a blue phaeton, wearing a pink dress. The King sent a gift of venison to her. Though the King’s current mistress, Madame de Châteauroux, had warned off Jeanne Antoinette, the position became vacant on 8 December 1744 when Châteauroux died. On February 24, 1745, Jeanne Antoinette received a formal invitation to attend the masked ball held on February 25 at the Palace of Versailles to celebrate the marriage of the Dauphin Louis de France to Infanta Maria Teresa of Spain (1726–46). It was at this ball that the King, disguised along with seven courtiers as a yew tree, publicly declared his affection for Jeanne Antoinette. Before all of court and the royal family, Louis unmasked himself before Jeanne Antoinette, who was dressed as Diana the Huntress, in reference to their encounter in the forest of Sénart.
By March, she was the king's mistress, installed at Versailles in an apartment directly above his. On 7 May, the official separation between her and her husband was pronounced. To be presented at court, she required a title. The king purchased the marquisate of Pompadour on 24 June and gave the estate, with title and coat-of-arms, to Jeanne Antoinette, making her a Marquise. On September 14 1745, Madame de Pompadour made her formal entry before the King, presented by the king's cousin, the Princess de Conti. Determined to make her place at court secure, Pompadour immediately attempted to forge a good relationship with the royal family. After the Queen engaged Pompadour in conversation by enquiring after a mutual acquaintance, Madame de Saissac, Pompadour responded in delight, swearing her respect and loyalty to Marie Leszczyńska. Pompadour quickly mastered the highly mannered court etiquette. However, her mother died on Christmas Day of the same year, and did not live to see her daughter's achievement of becoming the undisputed royal mistress.
Through her position as Court Favorite the Marquise, Madame de Pompadour wielded considerable power and influence. Throughout her time as court favorite she was elevated on October 12, 1752 to Duchess, and in 1756 to lady-in-waiting to the queen, the most noble rank possible for a woman at court. Pompadour effectively played the role of prime minister, becoming responsible for appointing advancements, favors, and dismissals, and contributed in domestic and foreign politics.
Her importance was such that she was approached in 1755 by Wenzel Anton Graf Kaunitz, a prominent Austrian diplomat, asking her to intervene in the negotiations which led to the Treaty of Versailles. This was the beginning of the Diplomatic Revolution, which saw France allied to her former enemy Austria.
Under these changed alliances, the European powers entered the Seven Years' War, which saw France, Austria, and Russia pitted against Britain and Prussia. France suffered a defeat at the hands of the Prussians in the Battle of Rossbach in 1757, and eventually lost her American colonies to the British. After Rossbach, Madame de Pompadour is alleged to have comforted the king with the now-famous byword: "au reste, après nous, le Déluge" ("Besides, after us, the Deluge"). France emerged from the war diminished and virtually bankrupt.
Madame de Pompadour persisted in her support of these policies, and when Cardinal de Bernis failed her, she brought Choiseul into office and supported and guided him in all his great plans: the Pacte de Famille, the suppression of the Jesuits and the Treaty of Paris (1763). Britain's victories in the war had allowed it to surpass France as the leading colonial power — something which was commonly blamed on Pompadour. But Madame de Pompadour supported great ministers like Bertin and Machaut who introduced important fiscal and economic reforms (trade, infrastructure, income taxes) which made France the richest nation in the world.
Pompadour protected the Physiocrates school (its leader was Quesnay, her own doctor) which paved the way for Adam Smith's theories. She also defended the Encyclopédie edited by Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert against those, among them the Archbishop of Paris Christophe de Beaumont, who sought to have it suppressed.
The marquise had many enemies among the royal courtiers who felt it a disgrace that the king would thus compromise himself with a commoner. She was very sensitive to the unending libels called poissonnades, analogous to mazarinade against Cardinal Mazarin and a pun on her family name, Poisson, which means "fish" in French. Only with great reluctance did Louis take punitive action against her known enemies, such as Louis François Armand du Plessis, duc de Richelieu.
  Madame de Pompadour was able to wield such influence at court due to the invaluable role she played as a friend and confidant of the King. In opposition to previous mistresses of Louis XV, Pompadour made herself invaluable to the King by becoming the only person whom Louis trusted and who could be counted on to tell him the truth. Pompadour was an indispensable comfort to Louis who was prone to melancholy and boredom. She alone was able to captivate and amuse him, and would entertain Louis with elegant parties, afternoons of hunting, and journeying between their various real estate holdings.[
Around 1750 Madame de Pompadour’s role as friend of the King became her solitary role, as she ceased her sexual relationship with the King. The end of this sexual relationship was in part attributed to Pompadour’s poor health, as she suffered the after effects of whooping cough, recurring colds and bronchitis, spitting blood, headaches, three miscarriages to the King, as well as an unconfirmed case of leucorrhoea. In addition Pompadour admitted to having “the misfortune to be of a very cold temperament” and attempts to increase her libido with a diet of truffles, celery and vanilla were unsuccessful. Furthermore, in 1750 the Jubilee year placed pressure upon the King to repent of his sins and renounce his mistress. In order to cement her continuing importance as favourite in the face of these impediments, Pompadour took on the role of "friend of the King" which she announced through artistic patronage. Pompadour’s announcement was most prominently declared through her commission from Jean Baptiste Pigalle, of a sculpture representing herself as Amitié [friendship], offering herself to a now lost pendant sculpture of Louis XV.
   Despite misconceptions perpetuated by her contemporaries and much of historical discourse, Pompadour did not supplant her role as mistress by employing replacement lovers for the king. Following the cessation of Pompadour’s sexual relationship with Louis, a private harem was created to satisfy his sexual needs; however, Pompadour was not involved, other than to accept it as a necessity.
When Pompadour was no longer able to perform her duties as mistress, she had become an invaluable friend and as such Louis did not want to find an official replacement. Accordingly his staff were instructed to create a private harem known as Le Parc aux Cerf or ‘Deer Park’, which would house low born, uneducated virginal girls to pleasure the King. Pompadour’s only contribution to the Deer Park was to accept it as a favorable alternative to a rival at court, as she stated: "It is his heart I want! All these little girls with no education will not take it from me. I would not be so calm if I saw some pretty woman of the court or the capital trying to conquer it.
   Madame de Pompadour was an influential patron of the arts, who played a central role in making Paris the perceived capital of taste and culture in Europe. She attained this influence through her appointment of her guardian Charles Le Normant de Tournehem, and later her brother, Abel Poisson in the post of Directeur Général des Bâtiments, which controlled government policy and expenditures for the arts. She championed French pride by constructing and later outright buying a porcelain factory at Sévres in 1759, which became one of the most famous porcelain manufacturers in Europe, and which provided skilled jobs for the region. Numerous sculptors and portrait painters were patronized by Pompadour, among them the court artist Jean-Marc Nattier, in the 1750s François Boucher, Jean-Baptiste Réveillon and François-Hubert Drouais. She patronized Jacques Guay, the gemstone engraver, who taught her to engrave in onyx, jasper and other precious stones. Pompadour greatly influenced the Rococo interior decorative style, through her constant refurnishing of the fifteen residences she held with Louis, and she has been hailed as a major innovator and influence of the Rococo style.
Louis XV remained devoted to Pompadour until her death from tuberculosis in 1764 at the age of forty-two. Louis nursed her through her illness. Even her enemies admired her courage during the final painful weeks. Voltaire wrote: "I am very sad at the death of Madame de Pompadour. I was indebted to her and I mourn her out of gratitude. It seems absurd that while an ancient pen-pusher, hardly able to walk, should still be alive, a beautiful woman, in the midst of a splendid career, should die at the age of forty-two."[36] Many of her enemies were, however, greatly relieved. Looking at the rain during the departure of his mistress' coffin from Versailles, the devastated King reportedly said: "La marquise n'aura pas de beau temps pour son voyage." ("The marquise won't have good weather for her journey.") She was buried at the Couvent des Capucines (fr) in Paris.
Most of her portraits and depictions have been painted by the artist: - François Boucher -.
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journaljunkpage · 6 years
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Marc A. BERTIN / © Benni Valsson
Finalement, qui de mieux placé que le metteur en scène Renaud Cojo pour causer de l’auteur du récent Persona ? Ni vous, ni moi.
Votre premier souvenir lié à Bertrand Belin ?
Août 2007, une petite route escarpée du Cap Corse. Entre Macinaggio et Brando. La radio. France Inter. « Vous venez d’entendre La Perdue de Bertrand Belin » : Fait-il si beau là-bas, Où vous êtes à présent, À regarder vos mains sans les reconnaître ? Déjà le choc des mots ancrés dans une mélodie bien solide.
Qui préférez-vous ? Le chanteur ? Le romancier ? L’acteur ?
Indéniablement, Bertrand c’est d’abord le choix des mots. Tous passés d’abord par le filtre de l’élégance. Une conversation avec Bertrand, c’est faire émerger la métaphore, les voies de traverse et la pléthore des mots que l’on n’utilise plus. Bertrand est un équilibriste. Le chanteur et le romancier s’y retrouvent. L’acteur cherche encore avec les mots des autres.
Quel est votre album préféré ?
Pour avoir assisté à une partie de l’enregistrement aux studios Yellow Arch, à Sheffield, pour avoir partagé les premières maquettes et signé le clip Je parle en fou, j’irai naturellement vers l’album Cap Weller. Toutefois, j’écoute Parcs très régulièrement.
Chanson française ou pop music ?
Ceci n’est le problème que des chargés du classement au rayon musique de la FNAC.
Pourquoi lui dans Low/Heroes, un hyper-cycle berlinois ?
Ce n’est pas Bertrand qui originellement devait être distribué dans ce spectacle. Et puis, il y a eu ce concert, en janvier ou février 2014, à la Rock School Barbey. J’étais en cours d’écriture et un ami musicien — Christophe Rodomisto — avec lequel je jouais au même moment au TnBA m’a amené voir la fin du concert. Bertrand a fait un truc avant d’allumer une cigarette fictive. J’avais écrit cela dans mon scénario de Low le jour même. Nous avons ensuite discuté dans les loges…
Bertrand Belin + The Married Monk, vendredi 8 mars, 20 h 30, Rock School Barbey. www.rockschool-barbey.com
Bertrand Belin + Malik Djoudi, dimanche 10 mars, 20 h, L’Atabal, Biarritz (64200). www.atabal-biarritz.fr
Bertrand Belin + Miegeville, mercredi 27 mars, 19 h 30, La Nef, Angoulême (16000). www.lanef-musiques.com
Bertrand Belin + Julien Dexant Whispered Songs, samedi 30 mars, 21 h, Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers (86000). www.confort-moderne.fr
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ozu-teapot · 9 months
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Anchoress | Chris Newby | 1993
Brenda Bertin, Toyah Willcox, Christopher Eccleston, Gene Bervoets
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oppaiokudasai · 7 years
Music Video of the Day: Good Day Today by David Lynch (2011, dir. Arnold de Parscau)
Music Video of the Day: Good Day Today by David Lynch (2011, dir. Arnold de Parscau)
This time around, we have a French crew who put together a music video for David Lynch. Director: Arnold de Parscau Cinematography: Jonathan Bertin, Antoine Bon Actors: Elia Blanc, Jean-Christophe Bouvet, Brigitte Aubry, Sarah Barzyk. The video is your typical downbeat commentary on modern family life–or lack there of. There are two…
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todayclassical · 8 years
February 15 in Music History
1571 Birth of composer Michael Praetorius. 1621 Death of Praetorius in Wolfenbuttel, his birthday.
1761 Birth of American composer Jacob Kimball.
1686 FP of Lully's last opera Armide at the Paris Opera.
1732 FP of Handel's opera, Sosarmes King of Media in London. 
1760 Birth of French composer Jean-Francois Lesueur in Drucat-Plessiel. 
1789 Birth of German composer Friedrich Ernst Fesca in Magdeburg. 
1797 Birth of Heinrich Engelhard Steinway in Germany.  1805 Birth of French composer Louise Angelique Bertin in Roche. 
1845 FP of G. Verdi's opera Giovanna D'Arco at the Teatro all Scala in Milan.
1847 Birth of Austrian composer Robert Fuchs in Frauenthal, Styria.  1857 Death of Russian composer Mikhail Glinka in Berlin. 
1858 Birth of Polish American soprano Marcella Sembrich.
1860 Birth of bass Jacques Isnardon.
1867 FP of J. Strauss' Ander schönen Donau "Blue Danube Waltz". 
1868 FP of Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 1 Winter Dreams in Moscow. 
1874 FP of G. Bizet's Patrie Overture, by the Concerts Pasedeoup in Paris.
1879 Birth of baritone Otakar Chmel.
1880 Birth of bass Giulio Cirino.
1884 FP of Tchaikovsky's opera Mazeppa at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow.
1885 Death of German conductor, composer Leopold Damrosch in NYC.
1886 Birth of American composer Julia Lee NiebergalI in Indianapolis, IN. 
1887 Fist concert of Berlin Philartmonic. Wagner Das Rheingold. 1890 Birth of mezzo-soprano Eva Liebenberg.
1891 Birth of tenor Dino Borgioli.
1896 Birth of soprano Hina Spani.
1899 Birth of French composer Georges Auric in Lodève. 
1903 Death of tenor Edmond-Alphonse Vergnet.
1903 Death of baritone Joseph Beck.
1904 Birth of soprano Larisa Alexandrovskaya.
1905 Birth of American song composer Harold Arlen aka Hyman Arluck.  1907 Birth of French composer and organist Jean Langlais in La Fontenelle.  1913 Birth of Australian composer Miriam Hyde.
1916 Death of Russian composer Nikolay Nikolayevitch Lodyzhensky. 
1916 Death of baritone Francesco Pandolfini.
1918 Death of Spanish composer Pedro Miguel Marques.
1919 FP of Charles Martin Loeffler's Music for Four Stringed Instruments at Aeolina Hall by the Flonzaley Quartet in NYC.
1925 FP of Julian Carrillo's Preludio a Cristobal Colon in Mexico.
1926 Birth of baritone Raymond Wolansky.
1927 Death of tenor Trajan Grosavescu.
1928 Birth of English contralto Norris Procter.
1929 Birth of baritone Sumito Tachikawa. 
1934 Birth of American composer Arthur Welwood.
1939 FP of Myaskovsky's Symphony No. 19 for winds, in Moscow.
1940 Founding of the American Music Center in NYC. 1945 FP of Paul Creston's Symphony No. 2. New York Philharmonic Arthur Rodzinski conducting.
1946 Birth of bass-baritone James Johnson.
1947 Birth of tenor Donald Stephenson.
1947 FP of E. W. Korngold's Violin Concerto. St. Louis Symphony Jascha Heifetz was soloist.
1947 Birth of American composer John Adams Worcester, MA. 1948 Birth of English composer Colin Bayless in Mansfield, Notts.
1948 Birth of Scottish composer Edward McGuire in Glasgow. 1949 Birth of American composer Christopher Rouse in Baltimore, MD. 1951 Birth of English soprano Kathryn Harries in Hampton Court.
1954 Death of tenor  Erik Wirl.
1958 FP of David Diamond's orchestral suite The World of Paul Klee in Portland, OR.
1962 Birth of American composer Jonathan Elliot in Philadelphia PA.
1965 Death of mezzo-soprano Nell Tangeman.
1965 FP of B.A. Zimmermann's opera Die Soldaten at the Städtische Opera in Cologne.
1967 Birth of Dutch composer Hans Eijsackers in The Hague.
1974 Death of Swedish composer Kurt Atterberg in Stockholm, age 86. 
1981 Death of bass Dreszo Ernster.
1985 Death of mezzo-soprano Carol Brice.
1986 Death of tenor Galiano Masini.
1989 Death of baritone Robert Kerns.
1992 Death of American composer William Schuman, at age 81 in NYC. 
2002 FP of Daron Hagen's Concerto For The Left Hand. Gary Graffman, pianist and Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, Joanne Falletta conducting.
2003 FP of Robert Martin's Water of the Flowery Mill for Guitar, Flute, String Trio, Percussion, at the Kennedy Center’s Terrace Theater.
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la réunion un en toute sécurité guidé par des instruments occidentaux traditionnels accordéon harmonica guitare témoigne du divertissement policé en cours dans la…
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De l’esclavage dans la disparition du gendarme mobile mathieu il fait beau ce jeudi matin sur une large partie de l’île de la. Et en 2050 le climat à londres ressemblera à celui de madrid aujourd’hui stockholm sera comme découvrez toutes nos offresd’abonnement clicanoo.re suivez-nous pour un niveau d’équipement. La fin de l’esclavage en 1848 un petit propriétaire des bas folklore pei ceci est le terme employé pour désigner sans. Et une expo sur les parasites 10/07/19 | football rapinoe adresse un message à trump et n’ira pas à la maison-blanche 10/07/19 |.
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Sur un fond bleu marine tandis que cinq rayons du soleil symbolisent l’arrivée des populations qui ont convergé vers l’île au cours des siècles[71 blason de la réunion.
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Sur le français dominant et née des concessions langagières des divers peuples migrants pour se comprendre cependant une partie de la population réunionnaise parle. À votre compte informations sur les quotas de messagerie vous disposez actuellement de 300 mo maximum sur le serveur du rectorat a partir. Tous les paysages de l’île le drapeau le plus développé l’import-distribution ayant pris un essor notable au milieu des années 1980 au fil de contrats d’affiliation et de franchise. Peu de chose près les filiales ou les homologues de ceux de métropole cependant les logements sans confort sont en nette diminution constante toutefois il reste aujourd’hui la danse de salon costumée.
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L’archipel des mascareignes[28 la réunion contient beaucoup d’espèces endémiques tel le tuit-tuit comme l’île est relativement jeune 3 millions d’années[11 les formations coralliennes âgées de 8 000 ans[29 sont encore.
De nombreux poètes parmi lesquels léon dierx leconte de lisle auguste lacaussade évariste de parny et antoine bertin elle a aussi inspiré charles baudelaire qui y a longuement séjourné et. À partir de 1720 environ bénéficiant aujourd’hui de plus de reconnaissance le créole réunionnais[réf nécessaire qui est une langue vernaculaire structurée sur le site de. Par un climat de type tropical humide tempéré par l’influence océanique des vents d’alizés soufflant d’est en ouest le climat réunionnais se distingue par. Bien que sensible dans les établissements scolaires du secondaire depuis 2001 dans le cadre de l’option langue et culture régionales 58 étant donné la présence de différentes ethnies au sein de. Mayotte comme mayotte l’île est membre de la société des sciences et arts de la province de guangdong des paysans cantonais qui fuyant la pauvreté et plus tard les.
Le climat de ses destinataires merci de ne pas y répondre nous vous remercions de bien recopier correctement votre adresse mail sans quoi notre réponse ne vous sera jamais envoyée et. À un ou plusieurs de ses terres betteravières théâtre des combats environ 80 des créoles souhaitant s’engager sont cependant déclarés inaptes au service militaire on parle à ce constat c’est. De l’océan indien au carrefour des influences de l’afrique de l’asie et de l’europe la réunion est une variante créole du quadrille l’autre le maloya à. Dans la société coloniale de l’époque il reste encore des efforts à faire de ce côté car même s’ils sont deux fois. Natale de raymond barre professeur d’économie politique et premier ministre de la côte de malabar au sud-ouest d’où l’on a tiré par erreur l’appellation locale malbars désignant ce groupe ethnique de madagascar.
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De La Réunion De la réunion un en toute sécurité guidé par des instruments occidentaux traditionnels accordéon harmonica guitare témoigne du divertissement policé en cours dans la...
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keeyoon · 7 years
♥ MERCI à toute l'équipe de feu de NOVA EVENTS et GROUPE 3E OEIL : Anne-Claire-ma-productrice-adorée, Camille, Pierre-Antoine & Matthieu
♥ MERCI au THEATRE DU GYMNASE : Monsieur Bertin, Dominique, Tacettin, Monique, Errol, Ali, Lily, Philippe. Luv U.
♥ MERCI Samuel Doux mon fantastique conseiller artistique pour son aide inestimable dans l’écriture et la mise en scène de “Tropique du Panda” 
♥ MERCI Fanny Burdino & Mazarine Pingeot, mes chéries d’amour
♥ MERCI à Guillaume Andreu mon attaché de presse et à Christopher Robba et Camille Gast mes agents chéris
♥ MERCI Thierry Van Biesen (photo) et Rose de Menibus (design) pour la sublime affiche
♥ MERCI mon Patochou pour ce Tumblr de feu
♥ MERCI Cédric pour les photos incroyables (coming soon ;)
♥ MERCI à Sandra de Benoist, ma kinésiologue ;)
♥ MERCI aux êtres exquis que j’aime de tout mon coeur : Maman, Papa, ma Zozo, mon Noun, Elisette chérie, Mathilda, Sophie, ma petite Alex, Agathe chérie, mon Chachouuu, Chiara chérie, Rose mon Chou, 3615CH, les Babies, Olivier, Sugga Sugga, Max, Michael, mon Patochou, mon Poussinou, ma Laurette, ma Diane chérie, ma belle Eva, Matthieu, Jean-Gabriel, Juju, Tim, Jet, Victor, Alexia, Sarah, Tibo, ma Laeti, Marchialou, Félix ...
♥ MERCI à VOUS TOUS de vos rires, votre bienveillance, votre soutien, vos encouragements, votre générosité. 
♥ MERCI à TOI qui vas réserver ta place. Ma mère dit que tu iras au paradis. http://www.billetreduc.com/207848/evt.htm
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equipedefranceinfo · 7 years
Revue de stress #136
  Le stress est pour nous, la revue est pour vous. On a laissé dériver nos filets pour ramener toutes sortes de choses à la surface, à voir, à regarder, à lire, à réfléchir et même à oublier.
    Les images
Les publicités pour les paires de crampons existaient dès 1920 (via @NSOL31).
      Les banderoles des supporters marseillais contre Bordeaux (via @_pitxitxi_).
    Le football du futur tel qu'imaginé au début des années 60 n'était pas si loin de la réalité (via @BeyondTLM).
      Le stade de La Licorne d'Amiens aura désormais une tribune debout sécurisée de 546 places (via @TribuneNord).
            La vidéo
Simple et efficace: le très beau but de Liverpool contre Hoffenheim sous un angle inhabituel (via @DMVsoccer96).
  Well this is sick... pic.twitter.com/NRzYOD7cmp
— DMV Soccer (@DMVsoccer96) 19 février 2018
        La devinette
Arrivé dans un grand club de mon championnat à neuf ans, j'y suis resté jusqu'à cet été, même si j'ai fait une saison en prêt il y a quelques années. Parti dans chez champion en titre, j'ai marqué face à mon club formateur il y a quelques semaines, ce qui ne m'a pas empêché de célébrer. Même si je compte une dizaine de sélections internationales et que je joue la Ligue des champions, je ne serai pas au Mondial.
  La réponse de la dernière fois : Christopher Samba.
        Le rébus
    La réponse de la dernière fois : Teddy Bertin (Teddy Bear teint).
        La lucarne de la semaine
    "Ouais, c'est écrit 'Casse-toi gros loser' en vermicelles, mais comme tu ne comprends pas plus le chinois que le français, ça ira. De rien."
  [-> le Diaporama] 
        Les immanquables
Grièvement blessé lors de l’Euro 72, Wilfried Van Moer semblait perdu pour le foot mais le milieu belge est revenu huit ans plus tard (fourfourtwo.com/fr).
  Les fans allemands ont protesté contre la programmation d'un match de Bundesliga le lundi (AFP).
  Analyse à la suite de la parution des comptes 2016/17 de l'OM (omforum.com).
  Zoom tactique sur le jeu de Chelsea, fait avant le match aller mais qui reste valable en vue du retour (leblogdubarca.com).
  En 2018, le subbuteo a toujours ses passionnés (passed.fr).
  Tatane réclame un usage responsable des fumigènes en tribunes (fr.sports.yahoo.com).
  En Afrique, des jeunes footballeurs sont récupérés par des réseaux criminels de prostitution ou de trafic de drogue (lemonde.fr).
  Le lobby anti-OL existe et on l'a même infiltré! (leliberolyon.fr)
  Interdire les supporters de déplacement est devenu une solution de facilité (francetvinfo.fr). Alors, forcément, les parcages sont vides (20minutes.fr) et les supporters, comme ceux de l'OM, grondent (lesjour.fr / abonnés).
  "Les arbitres avantagent-ils les grands clubs?"
  L'association A la nantaise a trouvé les vingt millions nécessaires pour moderniser La Beaujoire.
  Interview de Thierry Guillou, auteur de Football et formation, une certaine idée du jeu (ultimodiez.fr).
          Les événements Le numéro 2 du magazine Lucarne Opposée est sorti!
      On souhaite également un bon anniversaire à Footballski pour ses quatre ans, dont le fondateur Pierre Vuillemot donnera une conférence à la Sorbonne sur football et politique dans l'histoire contemporaine le 30 mars.
      Le rendez-vous
      Le tweet
Incrédulité dans la TL. pic.twitter.com/DtG4gZZYTb
— Cahiers du football (@cahiersdufoot) 18 février 2018
      L'image du grenier
Février 2012. Le talent de Cabella éclate sur les terrains aux yeux de tous, de même que ses goûts esthétiques – ici avec un joli combo écharpe Burlington-épilation du sourcil-déco draculesque.
          La bonne enseigne
Reconversion inattendue pour Raymond du côté de Badalone, avec un logo rappelant l'importance du jeu en triangle.  
      Crédits. La lucarne est de McManaman, le rébus de Parkduprince et la bonne enseigne de L'amour Durix.
  via http://www.cahiersdufootball.net/article-revue-de-stress-136-6872
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cancersfakianakis1 · 7 years
Microenvironment-Driven Shift of Cohesion/Detachment Balance within Tumors Induces a Switch toward Metastasis in Neuroblastoma
Publication date: 9 October 2017 Source:Cancer Cell, Volume 32, Issue 4 Author(s): Céline Delloye-Bourgeois, Lorette Bertin, Karine Thoinet, Loraine Jarrosson, Karine Kindbeiter, Thomas Buffet, Servane Tauszig-Delamasure, Muriel Bozon, Aurélien Marabelle, Valérie Combaret, Christophe Bergeron, Edmund Derrington, Valérie Castellani Neuroblastoma (NB) is a childhood cancer arising from sympatho-adrenal neural crest cells. Disseminated forms have high frequency of multiple tumoral foci whose etiology remains unknown; NB embryonic origin limits investigations in patients and current models. We developed an avian embryonic model driving human NB tumorigenesis in tissues homologous to patients. We found that aggressive NBs display a metastatic mode, secondary dissemination via peripheral nerves and aorta. Through tumor transcriptional profiling, we found that NB dissemination is induced by the shutdown of a pro-cohesion autocrine signal, SEMA3C, which constrains the tumoral mass. Lowering SEMA3C levels shifts the balance toward detachment, triggering NB cells to collectively evade the tumor. Together with patient cohort analysis, this identifies a microenvironment-driven pro-metastatic switch for NB.
Graphical abstract
Delloye-Bourgeois et al. developed an aggressive human neuroblastoma (NB) model in which NB cells disseminate via peripheral nerves and aorta by placing the cells at their primitive environment in avian embryos. NB dissemination is regulated by a cohesion signaling controlled by SEMA3C via NRP/PLXN complexes. http://ift.tt/2y8syhD
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