#chp 51.5
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tare-anime · 15 days ago
SxF 30 days challenge
Day 27: What place in Ostania or Westalis would you like to see?
SxF universe has an amazing landscape. But most of all we've seen is Berlint, the capital of Ostania. It's a beautiful metropolitan city, however I would love to see the countryside.
Like, Eastern Nielsberg for example. Is it still there? Or was the Briars' home town already wiped out?
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I mean, this countryside architecture is so beautiful. From the short chapter when Yuri was sick (chp.51.5) we know the place has forest and hills. And I get the feeling that it was peacefull.
For Westalis, we almost never see anything much yet?
But I'd love to see whether Luwen was rebuilt and thriving again.
From Twilight's past, we know it was an at least medium sized city if not a big city (although not as big as the capital) with parks, markets, and trams.
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And of course I'm curious about Westalis' capital, which name we've yet to know.
From the glimpse of this WISE HQ, we get a glimpse of how different the architecture was. Westalis' capital might be more modern and simple.
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tare-anime · 8 months ago
Mmmm... I think the Briar siblings were younger at that panel?
Because during this panel in short chapter 51.5, they already lost their parents.
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In this panels, I'm guessing Yor is around 10-11 years old, and Yuri around 3-4 y.o
And I assume, based on this panel at chp 91, Briar siblings lost their parents during war. Not after
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But then again, I'm not that dilligent with numbers and years. And clearly has no patience to create timeline 🤣🤣🤣
So, guess who had the brilliant fucking idea to put a timeline of the events of Spy x Family so certain events can be put in perspective and new theories can be established?
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god have mercy on me, something here is not matching
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mansetmalatya · 5 years ago
Ağbaba: Trol başı meczup, milletvekillerini tehdit ediyor
CHP Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Veli Ağbaba ile Baykar Teknik Müdürü Selçuk Bayraktar arasındaki T3 Vakfı polemiği sürüyor. Ağbaba, T3 Vakfı'na AKP döneminde İBB tarafından 41.1 milyon destek verildiğini açıklaması üzerine trol saldırısına uğradığını söyledi: Bir trol başı meczup, milletvekillerini tehdit ederek "Veli Ağbaba'yla ilgili tweet atmazsanız, isimlerinizi listeleyeceğim. CHP Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Veli Ağbaba, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi ile T3 Vakfı arasındaki Deneyap Teknoloji Atölyeleri’ne 41.1 trilyon destek verildiğini iddia etmişti. Baykar Teknik Müdürü, T3 Vakfı Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanı ve aynı zamanda Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın damadı olan Selçuk Bayraktar ise iddiaların asılsız olduğunu söylemişti. Bayraktar, “Kimseden bir kuruş bağış, bir metrekare yer devir veya tahsis almadık. Bilakis ortak hizmetlere emek ve maddi destek verdik, vermeye devam ediyoruz” demişti. Bugün TBMM’de bir basın toplantısı düzenleyen CHP Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Veli Ağbaba, T3 Vakfı’yla ilgili açıklamalarda bulundu: * Tweet’te yer alan rakamların tamamı İBB'nin hazırladığı rapora dayandırılmıştı. Bu rapordan hareketle, diğer vakıflara verilen destek gibi T3 Vakfı’na da 41.1 milyon lira destek verildiğini yazdık. BU RAKAMLARI MEVLÜT UYSAL AÇIKLADI * Aynı raporda TÜGVA'ya 74.3 milyon, TÜRGEV'e 51.5 milyon, Ensar'a 28,7 milyon, Okçular’a 16.6 milyon, Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Vakfı’na 16.5 milyon gibi destek verildiğini söylemiştik. Bu rakamlar AKP’li Mevlüt Uysal döneminde açıklanan rakamlar. Biz değil, Mevlüt Uysal açıkladı. * Vay sen misin bunu söyleyen… Nasırlı parmaklarına basılmış gibi hoplamaya başladılar. Bize de dava açtılar. İyi ki de açtılar. Gerçekler, belgeleriyle birlikte mahkeme kayıtlarına geçiyor. SORU BASİT: ALDINIZ MI, ALMADINIZ MI? * Bizim söylediğimiz çok net; 2018 yılı için İBB’den 41 milyon lira değerinde destek aldınız mı, almadınız mı? Sorduğumuz soru bu… “Bize destek verilmedi” diyor. O zaman bu tadilat nerede yapıldı? Bu araç gereç nereye alındı. Bu personel nerede istihdam edildi. * Biz “İBB’den destek almışsınız” deyince, “Asla Milli Teknoloji Hamlesi yolundan dönmeyeceğiz” diyorlar. “Gerekirse Vecihi Hürkuş gibi bedel öderiz” diyorlar. İHA diyorlar, SİHA diyorlar. Size bunları yapmayın diyen mi var? * Bu algı operasyonunu maalesef parlamentoda yüz yüze baktığımız insanlar, milletvekilleri yapıyor. Bir trol başı meczup, milletvekillerini tehdit ederek “Veli Ağbaba’yla ilgili tweet atmazsanız, isimlerinizi listeleyeceğim” diyor. KEDİ BURADAYSA, CİĞER NEREDE * Ey trol ordusu, beni savunma sanayine, teknolojiye karşı çıkıyor gibi gösteremezsiniz. Terörle mücadele kahramanları, Milli Gemi projesini yapanlar, asker pilotlar kumpaslarla cezaevine atıldığında onların yanında ben vardım, biz vardık. Bize böyle bir iftira ve yalan atmak hiçbir ahlaka hiçbir vicdana sığmaz. * Tekrar soruyorum: Bu belgeler gerçek değilse o zaman 41 trilyon nereye gitti? Kedi buradaysa ciğer nerede? Ciğer buradaysa kedi nerede? Read the full article
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studentofrhetoric-blog · 8 years ago
"President Tayyip Erdogan declared victory in a referendum on Sunday to grant him sweeping powers in the biggest overhaul of modern Turkish politics, but opponents said the vote was marred by irregularities and they would challenge its result. Turkey's mainly Kurdish southeast and its three main cities, including the capital Ankara and the largest city Istanbul, looked set to vote "No" after a bitter and divisive campaign. Erdogan said 25 million people had supported the proposal, which will replace Turkey's parliamentary system with an all-powerful presidency and abolish the office of prime minister, giving the "Yes" camp 51.5 percent of the vote.
That appeared short of the decisive victory for which he and the ruling AK Party had aggressively campaigned. Nevertheless, thousands of flag-waving supporters rallied in Ankara and Istanbul in celebration. "For the first time in the history of the Republic, we are changing our ruling system through civil politics," Erdogan said, referring to the military coups which marred Turkish politics for decades. "That is why it is very significant." Under the changes, most of which will only come into effect after the next elections due in 2019, the president will appoint the cabinet and an undefined number of vice-presidents, and be able to select and remove senior civil servants without parliamentary approval.
In Ankara, where Prime Minister Binali Yildirim addressed cheering supporters, convoys of cars honking horns clogged a main avenue as they headed towards the AK Party's headquarters, their passengers waving flags from the windows.
But the head of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), Kemal Kilicdaroglu, said the legitimacy of the referendum was open to question. The party earlier said it would demand a recount of up to 60 percent of the votes after Turkey's High Electoral Board (YSK) announced it would count ballots which had not been stamped by its officials as valid unless they could be proved fraudulent. Kilicdaroglu has accused Erdogan of seeking a "one-man regime", and said the proposed changes would put the country in danger."
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bluemoon21-blog · 8 years ago
Erdogan Declares Victory In Turkey’s Historic Referendum
ANKARA/ISTANBUL, April 16 (Reuters) – President Tayyip Erdogan declared victory in a referendum on Sunday to grant him sweeping powers in the biggest overhaul of modern Turkish politics, but opponents said the vote was marred by irregularities and they would challenge its result.
Turkey’s mainly Kurdish southeast and its three main cities, including the capital Ankara and the largest city Istanbul, looked set to vote “No” after a bitter and divisive campaign.
Erdogan said 25 million people had supported the proposal to replace Turkey’s parliamentary system with an all-powerful presidency, giving the “Yes” camp 51.5 percent of the vote.
That appeared short of the decisive victory for which he and the ruling AK Party had aggressively campaigned. Nevertheless, thousands of flag-waving supporters rallied in Ankara and Istanbul in celebration.
“For the first time in the history of the Republic, we are changing our ruling system through civil politics,” Erdogan said, referring to the military coups which marred Turkish politics for decades. “That is why it is very significant.”
Erdogan himself survived a failed coup attempt last July, responding with a crackdown that has seen 47,000 people detained and 120,000 sacked or suspended from their jobs.
In Ankara, where Prime Minister Binali Yildirim addressed cheering supporters, convoys of cars honking horns clogged a main avenue as they headed towards the AK Party’s headquarters, their passengers waving flags from the windows.
But the head of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), Kemal Kilicdaroglu, said the legitimacy of the referendum was open to question and those who supported a “Yes” vote may have gone beyond the boundaries of the law.
The party earlier said it would demand a recount of up to 60 percent of the votes after Turkey’s High Electoral Board (YSK) announced it would count ballots which had not been stamped by its officials as valid unless they could be proved fraudulent.
Kilicdaroglu has accused Erdogan of seeking a “one-man regime,” and said the proposed changes would put the country in danger.
Source: Erdogan Declares Victory In Turkey’s Historic Referendum | The Huffington Post
from Erdogan Declares Victory In Turkey’s Historic Referendum
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tare-anime · 3 years ago
Spy X Family Extra chapter 6
(Chp 51.5)
Beware spoilers....
I didn't expect such a cute short chapter 🥰🥰
Briar siblings back story 😍😍
I wrote so many hc in my fic, and I am so happy that things become canon!!
Yor taking care of a sick Yuri. Such a heartwarming pic
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They got a very village like house, full with plants.
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They got a nice neighbour lady helping them during hard times.
Yor made herbal tea for curing sickness, that work wonders, but taste horrible...
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They lived in Eastern Nielsberg, quite possibly an area at the Southern part of Ostania, which was a mountainous area (their mother's stew was a southern stew). And near the woods.
Where Yor got her herbs, and boar! She litterally fought and killed the boar. Since she's a little kid!
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And last but not least...
I noticed that at the summer special ilustration, Anya started to arrange her hair just like her mother.
And now we have Yor's small version. They really looked alike. 🥰🥰
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Short, but full with fluff and warm pics.
Truly a calm before the storm.
Chp 52 is going to be something. I'm sure 😁
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tare-anime · 3 years ago
Development of Yor Briar / Yor Forger
(up until chp 51.5)
Childhood time.
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This pics most probably just after the Briars lost their parents. Yor tried her best to take care after Yuri. I suspect she was around 10, and Yuri around 3 (by the way Endo draws her here.)
She wore generic clothes, without any sign of rose theme.
Several years later, when she was older.... perhaps around 12- 13 y.o. (She was taller, hair longer, started to develop her curves)
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When she entered the Garden. Under training, perhaps? First missions? She still used her regular clothes. But following her growth of skills, and perhaps as rewards for her sucessfull missions, the Garden started to reward her with Rose themed clothes. Rose bandana, rose buttons, better fabrics(?)
Until more than a decade later, after so countless harsh trainings and missions.... a deadly, cold bloded, robotic Thorn Princess was roaming around cleaning the country of traitors.
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Cold. Calculative. Deadly. Full rose theme. Black clothes. Garden emblem proudly wore (the earings). Devoid of emotions.
But then.... she entered her life as Yor Forger. People started to genuinly showered her with love. She was reminded of emotions. And she started to smile more...
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Genuine smiles. Coming from her heart.
Which resulted in a more expresive Thorn Princess.... (more smiles, more expression, rounded eyes)
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She reported happily when the job was done
She showed hatred for people who showed violence in the presence of children
She could relax in their "safe without threats" period
Buuuuttt...... she was harshly reminded that in their underground job, that was a flaw. Dangerous flaw
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And she was forced to realize her "mistakes". Forced to become the cold, deadly Thorn Princess once again... to return to her previous stage.
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And she had to comply or else.....
Thus for the time being, Thorn Princess was all business......
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However, I believe this time, the influence of Yor Forger will make her even more stronger.
That is her desire to protect.
She's no longer just a heartless killing machine, but someone with goals. Goals that she truly wanted. Goals that she can be proud about. Albeit still a secret from her family.
I can't wait to see what she'll become by the end of this arc 🥰
(Kudos for Endo and his details! So amazing!!)
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