#choose a ler
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al1en-invasi0n · 3 months ago
Hey Aleeins,I'm a little bit stuck right now! I know I wanna make more mouth washing tickle art and content in general, but I need characters to use! The latest post I made was Lee Daisuke and Ler Curly, so I'm hoping for different characters to be used here!
First off:
I will be deciding the Lee with a wheel generator since I can't do two polls per post! Goodbye for now, Aleeins!
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coy-lee · 1 year ago
Mr. America's kryptonite
Texas has fallen from how much he's jumping around X3.
As much as the other countries think his laugh is obnoxious, it's my lifeblood. The sillier the better!
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Him canonically loving the f-word was required for this piece, you understand right?
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shark-usha · 2 years ago
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autemka · 22 days ago
I am in a sudden Ler/Lee aggression I probably gonna post multiple sketches with tickles tonight (which I haven’t done in a while) so wait todaaaay the aaaart
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littleesistler · 11 months ago
This is hilarious like I kinda made a mistake by letting everyone vote for a full week and oh boy with so and alternatives to. Bruh this is not a good idea 😂
But like I had no clue so many where going to answer and care, I’m very flattered to the honest 👉👈
So what I’m going to do is once I’ve gotten 100 votes I’ll choose the top 3 topics and write more about them.
As of now: scp au, summer camp and apocalypse have been the most highly requested. But that can change so vote now!
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years ago
It's 15 days early, but in celebration for a certain silent bean's birthday. Time for more Headcanons... of the Hap Birf variety.
So it's Sunny's Birthday. A wonderful time for all, honestly it should be an International Holiday. Especially since the gang uses this day as an excuse (not that they really need it) to tickle him to pieces.
Honestly they do this for everyone's birthday, no one is safe from the Birthday Tickles. It's just Sunny's time to be adorably murdered.
It doesn't help that the biggest tickle monster in town, nay the World, sleeps right beside him. So here he was strolling around his dreamworld of colors and rainbows only to be snapped awake in a fit of laughter. Sunny would be annoyed that he was awoken from his dreams but he's too busy laughing to file a formal complaint to Mari. So he settled for an out of breath form of the silent treatment, which lasted for about 10 seconds until Mari promised to make him Birthday Cookies. Then he immediately started talking to her again.
So after the first wave, the second attack came almost immediately after the sibling duo got ready for the day. Because outside the door was Kel, eager and ready to serve up his Birthday Tickles. So, naturally Sunny ran away. Not to escape really because he knows there's no escape with Kel, but he wanted at least a comfortable place to lay down and die from tickles. So he ran into the living room to quote-unquote 'hide' on the couch until Kel caught up and started the onslaught.
Next up on the Tickle Attack Chart is Aubrey, and out of everyone in the friend group Sunny feared her tickle prowess the most. He'd argue that she was as close to being on par with Mari herself, mainly due to her innate ability to find an opening even with Sunny trying to block her evil tickling hands. It also didn't help that she's super quick on the draw, so every time Sunny would try to protect a spot she would quickly focus on another part. Realizing that there was no hope in trying to stop her Sunny just let her tickle him freely. Much to the ribbon girl's delight.
Anyway that should be all-- No wait Basil is coming in with his fabled technique... the Tickle Hug. A Tickle Dark Art that is practiced by a select few people, and Basil is a master at it. It's his bread and butter, and Sunny should have realized that this was all a trap. But he was loopy from the giggles and could never turn down a Basil Hug. Until... the betrayal. As Basil dug his fingers into Sunny's stomach he realized that he's caught in a vice grip of laughter and comfort with no hope of escape. It didn't help that Basil is... kinda strong. Mans carries bags of fertilizer semi-regularly for his gardens so once you're in his hug, there's no escape until he says so.
Now it's time for Hero, and he takes a more... vocal approach. He may not be as strong, or capable of doing endurance chases, or has as optimal hand-eye coordination as the others... but what he makes up for is talking. Talking and teasing and using that endearingly smug smile that Sunny both loves and hates!
Hero has like an thesaurus built into his brain or something, because he never repeats a tease. Ever. 'Will you stop squirming so much?' 'Why are you hiding, huh?' 'Not here? Hmm... nah. I wanna tickle here some more'. Even if Sunny was able to speak properly through all the laughing he would still not be able to articulate a proper rebuttal against all of that. Hero knows this too, which is why he's always last when it comes to Sunny Birthday Tickles.
But either way... that's it. All 5 of them got their tickles in. The sacred ritual has been compleee-- Why is Mari coming back for more? What is this? This is unprecedented!
Mari is just straight up saying 'Frick the rules, I have Sibling Perks', and is coming back for a second wind. Makes sense since she's an established practitioner of the Tickle Dark Arts. While Basil has only masted one of the techniques, Mari has mastered all of them. From the Tickle Hug, to Verbal Teases, to Ghost Tickles a technique she created herself, to even stealing Sunny's Sneak Attack technique. Such an expansive repertoire of moves earns her the right to the title of 'Tickle Monster' and she flexes that title often... mostly on poor Sunny.
And it was at that moment where Sunny realized that the tickle attack from this morning was just an appetizer. A sneak peek for the wreckoning he was facing. As he was held down by his big sister... who asked "Any last words?" He had one, and it was to stick his tongue out at her. She took that challenge in kind, as Sunny's laughter echoed throughout the neighborhood.
Aaaaah, birthday tickles is such a great trope, in my opinion! It is teasy, silly, playful and also very fun to see! To think of Sunny having a day full of giggles and laughter and not minding it at all is so heartwarming. My bruh is just having the time of his life with his friends and family during his b-day and it's very adorable to see. Also ahwcgwvwhwvw Mari being such a tickle monster is basically Canon for me xDDD
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cloudysfluffs · 2 years ago
i havent written a tckle fic in years, but randomly one day i got the BEST idea for one
it is. 17 pages long as of right now.
im not even halfway through all of my ideas?????????????
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subbyslvtxx · 1 month ago
I. Do you prefer cute, gentle, & cuddly tickles, rough & torturous tickles, or both?
Oh uhm sjenejndndnns both 🙈
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emiliemaria · 1 year ago
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fluffallamaful · 2 years ago
Poll Fic #1
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carrie-tate · 1 year ago
Ok first of all, I love ur art so much🫶🏻
Can we get some Lee Max and Ler Nikki and/or Neil?🤭
Thanks dear!
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I can't choose between these two, like, I think Nikki and Neil would almost always team up against Max, you know?
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mttsbcshhtpst · 2 years ago
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I just think @brovampire-ler is neat (〃´ ∀`〃)
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phillthy-reaction-whore · 6 months ago
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Remember, those who confide in their lers that they want to be pushed, will be.
Choose your words carefully 🤐
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mushyblushyredhead · 6 months ago
I meant Ler!Lucifer it was just a typo and you can choose and lee! You want.
EEE oki! Thank you for clarifying! (*^^*) This request was super cute and hit a little close to home actually with what I decided to do 🥺 Nothing like curing a sleepless night through a father-daughter tickle fight! <33
Free Art Requests: CLOSED
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wreckingtickles · 7 months ago
1 Hour in Tickle Hell!
Sir Nighteye doesn't appreciate Izuku endangering himself, and Mirio takes it upon himself to punish him as customary for their agency...
Characters: Lee Izuku, ler Mirio
Words: 7,757
Big thanks to @sleepysheepytea for letting me use her wonderful leezuku piece as a preview image! If you're reading this, you probably have already, but if not, go give her a like!
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Intense tickles under the cut!
“Reckless endangerment! You act like your life is of no consequence! But if you die, who is going to save everyone?”
That was the fifth rhetorical question Sir Nighteye asked of a bashful Midoriya as he paced up and down his office, dressing down the stiff teenager.
“Self harm! You risk permanent damage every time you push your Quirk too far, and if your disregard for your own health wasn’t a serious enough matter, what if you incapacitate yourself on the field? What if you had forced Mirio to choose between saving a civilian and you?!”
Neither was looking at the other, Nighteye yelling at the walls as if he couldn’t even bear to look at his intern at that moment, while his words weighed down Midoriya’s gaze and glued it to the floor. Deku understood everything the hero was saying, he realized he was right, but somehow he also knew that he’d make the same choices every single time.
Nighteye’s furious steps halted as he lowered his voice, “And worst of all…” he began before dramatically turning to point an accusatory finger at Izuku, “Your smile wavered! Who is going to believe that there is any hope if they feel like their rescuer is lying to them?!”
Once again, the intern said nothing. All Might’s former sidekick was going to kick him out of the agency, and even as he dreaded that verdict, part of him seemed to think he’d done nothing wrong. Was he really that arrogant?
“For all these infractions, I sentence you…”
Deku closed his eyes as if in preparation for a hard blow to the head.
“...to one hour in Tickle Hell.”
Wait, what? Izuku dared to look up. Nighteye’s impenetrable expression gave nothing away except his usual earnestness. Was that really it?
Mirio, still in his hero costume, piped up next to Izuku. “Sir, the machine broke.”
“Tiffany’s coming on Monday.”
“Then you’ll carry out his punishment,” commanded Nighteye as he took his seat behind his desk. He’d already checked out of the conversation. “Any problems with that?”
“None, Sir, but since it’s his first time, might we do it after closing time?”
“Very well. Make sure you close up after you’re done.”
“Yeah, I lied about the machine,” revealed Mirio with a chuckle. “I just thought it’d be weird for you, especially since it’s your first time.”
“Oh. Thank you,” replied Izuku tentatively, not quite sure what to make out of the surreal deal. If nothing else, he was grateful he wasn’t being tickled in front of everyone else, though Mirio calling it his “first time” didn’t bode too well for his future.
“So, let’s take a seat!” urged Mirio cheerfully, wheeling out two office chairs so they faced each other and motioning for Izuku to choose one.
Blushing to his ears, Izuku took a seat. Mirio plopped down in the other, the mechanism groaning a little under his weight. He was being goofy to put him at ease, Izuku knew, and he wished he could be grateful for it, but the whole situation was too awkward. 
Mirio was sitting there in front of him with his comforting smile, as if it was a perfectly normal thing. And it probably was, in Sir’s agency. It’s not like his classmates didn’t tickle him all the time either. Literally: all the time. Apparently, he was just too adorable when he laughed. And while it could be very annoying, he didn’t mind too much, since he could tell it was done with affection and not to humiliate him. But he hadn’t known Mirio that long…
“Hey, you still there?” Mirio’s question snapped him out of his reverie. “You were muttering to yourself.”
“Sorry, it’s just… I feel bad that you lied to Sir Nighteye for me.”
“He probably knows and knows why I did it. And besides, I don’t really mind the machine. It’s a good time,” explained Mirio with his usual jolly tone. “So, you ok with me tickling you?”
Izuku blushed a deeper shade of red and nodded. What else could he say?
“Good! Do you want to set the timer, or should I?”
He was making him feel like an active participant. He had to be an incredible hero in a crisis. But Izuku was too nervous and couldn’t remember where he’d left his phone. “You, uh, you can do it.”
“Great! I’ll set it to 10 minutes, then you get a 2-minute break. That’s how the machine operates. So if you factor in the breaks, you’re only being tickled for 50 minutes! ” explained Mirio as he set the timer on his phone and placed it on the desk next to Midoriya, so he could check it at will. “One last thing! I need you to take off your shoes and socks. Oh, and to make it count, I need to tickle you under your T-shirt, or you can take it off if you prefer. Is that ok with you?”
“D-Do you really have to?”
“Yep!” said Mirio, clapping his hands on his thighs. “I agree with Sir, you need to learn that your well-being matters, so don’t expect me to play nice!”
Maybe the machine wouldn’t have been so bad after all. But then he remembered that each time he’d seen the machine in action, it always started with those fuzzy appendages that targeted the poor hero’s sides and hips, and Izuku shivered at the memory. One hour of the spot his classmates had told him was his worst for a whole hour?! No way.
“O-ok,” stammered Izuku as he began to remove his bright red shoes, carefully tucking them aside. He also slipped off his black socks - thankfully the agency had showers and he’d been able to wash up - balled them up, and put one inside each shoe.
“You’re very tidy, good for you!” praised Mirio, but Izuku was too tongue-tied to utter anything other than a bashful “Thanks.”
Izuku sat back down, forcing himself to keep his bare soles planted on the ground and to keep his back straight, his hands balled into nervous fists on his thighs. He wanted nothing more than to hide his face behind his knees and die of embarrassment.
Mirio was looking at him with that smile of his. There was no telling what he was thinking. “Oh, can you start the timer?” he asked suddenly.
“Y-Yes,” answered Izuku, anything to keep his mind off of what was about to happen. He reached his hand toward the desk, tapped the screen… and suddenly found himself in a world of hysterics as Mirio’s hands snuck up to his sides.
“Not good, Midoriya! Expect the unexpected!” advised Mirio while his strong hands went on squeezing the green bean’s sensitive flanks. 
Izuku tried batting them away, grabbing his wrists, using any self-defense technique he’d learned, but Mirio was much stronger than him and even a mere few seconds of tickling had messed up his coordination. Betrayed by his own sensitive body, again!
It didn’t even matter that the senpai was tickling him through his T-shirt, all Midoriya seemed to be able to do was sink deeper into the chair and laugh as Mirio loomed over him.
“Oh wow, you’ve got it bad!” remarked Mirio with a chuckle. “Are you ticklish anywhere else?” he asked as he moved up to the trainee’s ribs. This time, the fabric of Izuku’s statement shirt lessened the effect of the probing fingers that vibrated and raked at his ribcage with single-minded dedication. 
“AAAHAHahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! PLEEEHHHEHEHahaahasssseeheheheh!!! StoohoHOHOHOHOP!”
“No can do, Midoriya! This is your punishment! Take your tickles with pride!”
Izuku couldn’t tell to what extent Mirio was teasing him and to what extent he was being his goofy self, but he found himself trying to hide his beet red face from his upperclassman, and failing miserably as the the thumbs suddenly pressing into the bottom of his ribcage forced him to squeal and to try to push the offenders away from him.
“NAAAAhahaahahahahahaha!!! IhihihihIHIHIHIHIT TIHIHIHIHIcklehehehehehehehssss!!”
Mirio couldn’t believe how adorable the first year looked when he laughed freely, his face scrunched up and his beautiful smile on full display as the boyish laughter rang in the empty office, an informal welcome.
Mirio hadn’t expected it would be that much fun. He could tell that Izuku, after the shock of the first few moments, was torn between trying to escape the tickles and forcing himself to sit still and embrace his weird punishment, and the clash between his will and his sensitivity made his struggle all the more endearing.
But when the probing fingers entered Izuku’s underarms, Izuku was suddenly of a single mind about his predicament.
He had fully sunk in the back of the chair, his legs kicking wildly at either side of the goofy tickle monster as the latter leaned forward to negate Izuku’s attempt to merge with the cushion, his tongue stuck out in concentration as he was determined to mine that weak spot for all it was worth. 
Naturally, the greenette’s natural reaction was to clamp down his arms, succeeding at limiting the range of motion of those pesky fingers… too bad they were exactly where Mirio wanted and Izuku didn’t want them.
Mirio raised his head - he didn’t even need to relent to glance at the stopwatch - and gave him an apologetic smile. “Take my word for it, you don’t want to know,” he promised as his index fingers made a push deeper into the all too sensitive hollows.
Mirio simply couldn’t believe how adorable the greenette sounded and looked when he was flailing in the throes of ticklish agony, his entire body tensing up from under Mirio, his eyes widening with shock for a moment, as the fingers inched upward and inward, teasing the very sensitive skin at the center of Midoriya’s underarms.
Izuku didn’t know what to do. They’d probably just started, but Mirio was going at it with an enthusiasm he hadn’t anticipated, he really seemed hell-bent on making that punishment feel like… a punishment.
But even through his T-shirt, it tickles so much that Izuku gave up hope of controlling his reactions, and he reflexively started pushing Mirio away in any way he could - and with his arms being out of commission as they were locked in their ineffective barricade, that meant trying to create enough space by wedging a knee against Mirio’s chest, then pushing with his other foot.
That maneuver had been created with grappling in mind; but in that specific scenario, it would lead to more harm and good, because when Mirio felt the foot push against his chest, he didn’t try to oppose it: he grabbed it. “Rookie mistake, young Midoriya.”
Izuku was almost relieved that first one hand, then the second left his poor pits alone. By the time he realized his mistake, it was too late, because four fingers were already scribbling up and down his bare sole.
“HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Nohohohoahaht thehehehehehehehehehehhere!!!”
It was only one foot, but there was no protective layer of fabric between the tickling fingers and the tickled sole, and Izuku really did not want to make the same mistake twice, so he tried to keep his other foot firmly planted on the ground, or at least out of Mirio’s reach, but no matter how hard he kicked, Mirio’s grip was a steel vise, and he only succeeded at rolling his chair farther and closer to his tickler.
For his part, Mirio was plenty happy to take his time with the one sole he got, a little squat and small in his hand, but arguably a little big on someone Izuku’s height, while he waited for the second to inevitably fall into his lap. He abandoned his scattershot approach in favor of a more analytical one, scratching briefly at the heel…
“Hahahahahahaha!!! Hehehehehehehehehehe!”
Then the scribbling fingers traveled up the arch, lingering on the instep when Mirio noticed that Izuku’s giggling grew more squeaky…
“Hahahahaahha!! NEHEHEHEHEhehehehehehehehhahahahaaha!!!”
He dragged his fingernails up and down the arch, and whenever Izuku would attempt to lessen the sensation by scrunching up his sole, Mirio would briefly focus on his arch right above his heel, constantly switching between those spots… It wasn’t just classmates who were oddly skilled at tickling!
“Ohohohohahahahahahahaha!! HAHAahahahahahahahahahaha!!”
Finally, the dull fingernails reached Izuku’s bubble-like toes, eliciting bubbly giggles and squeaks from the greenette, who gripped the armrests for dear life as Mirio seemed to have no intention of letting go and repeatedly stomped the ground with his other foot.
“NeheheehehHEHEHEHEHEEHHEEHE!!! Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha!!!”
“Your toes are so small and cute,” teased Mirio, proceeding to run his thumb on the underside of his toes before grabbing them one by one as if playing ‘this little piggy’. He’d noticed how Izuku wasn’t even trying to negotiate or plead, but had accepted his predicament even as his body fought against it. Either he didn’t hate it, or he was used to it.
Izuku went on squirming in his seat, floundering as his priorities were split between maintaining his balance and hiding his face. Mirio took that chance to lift his ankle higher, throwing him slightly off balance and forcing his other leg to kick out, and Mirio was ready, rapidly scooping both ankles in a headlock and spidering his fingers all over both soles.
“NOOOOhohohohhoho!!! SeheheehEHEHEHHEHEhenpaaaahahahahaihihi!!!! HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAahahahahahahhaha!!!”
“You sound so happy!” remarked Mirio, as if Izuku needed additional teasing. “Is this your most ticklish spot?” 
Izuku didn’t know if his armpits or his feet were worse despite the wealth of experience his classmates had regaled him with, they were bad in different ways, but he knew there was one spot that was even worse. He wasn’t going to say it, but he wasn’t going to lie either, and the compromise seemed to be to laugh his head off.
“I’m not hearing a no,” said Mirio as his frenzied scratching got faster, focusing on the arches and Izuku’s toes.
Izuku threw his head back as the ticklish sensation coursed up his body… and felt himself fall before his shoulders hit the ground.
Mirio stopped tickling him immediately. “Are you hurt?”
Izuku took a few deep breaths, shielding his face once more as he shook his head no.
“Good!” trilled Mirio before sending him into a new fit of laughter as he resumed tickling the squat soles. “Just kidding,” he said after a few moments, letting go of Izuku’s ankles and offering him a hand, which Izuku took. In a moment, he was back on his feet, welcoming the cold floor under his pink soles.
Izuku took that chance to glance at the timer. Six minutes. It hadn’t even been six minutes yet. Izuku went pale, meaning that his scarlet complexion dimmed to a dark pink. But he didn’t have a lot of time to mull over that piece of info, because he was suddenly pulled into Mirio’s lap, the upperclassman’s thick forearm a steel bar that pinned his chest.
Any protest Izuku might have formulated dissolved into gleeful cackles as Mirio’s free hand crawled under his tee and started scratching at his taut stomach.
“NEHEHEHahhahaahahahahahaha!! Stoohhohohohahahahaap PLEHEHEHEHEHAAASE!!”
“Here too? You are one ticklish guy,” chuckled Mirio without being bothered by Izuku’s attempts to grab his wrist or shield his tummy, being much stronger than the green bean who seemed hell bent on not using his Quirk to get away.
Mirio’s friendly claw was wreaking havoc on Izuku’s belly, inflating and depressing to the bright tune of his laughter. He roamed all across the abdominal expanse, dipped one finger in Izuku’s bellybutton to unleash a few adorable squeaks, spidered his fingers on his lower belly and waist, then let his hand tweak at every part of Izuku’s skin under the tee, revisiting his sides, his ribs, making brief attacks on his pits, before descending and squeezing  Izuku’s hip…
“I think you really mean it this time,” teased Mirio as he went on pinching and squeezing at the dreaded spot, switching sides so Izuku couldn’t keep up. When he saw there were only 20 seconds left, “You’re almost there!” he cheered as he latched onto Izuku’s hip and dug in repeatedly, fully unleashing his inner big brother to really give the younger student a laugh.
He kept his eye on the timer in case he couldn’t hear it over Izuku’s laughter, and when he saw it hit zero, he immediately let go of the green bean, only helping him steady himself so he wouldn’t fall again.
“There, there,” he said. “Take deep breaths.”
Izuku jumped off Mirio’s lap and landed on the chair in front of him, his perception of the hot seat completely altered after the last round of tickling.
“You good?”
“I’m… ok, just… uh…” stammered Izuku, and at first Mirio thought he was simply catching his breath, btu then he noticed how the green bean’s gaze was glued to the floor.
“I’m sorry,” said Mirio, causing Izuku to perk up. “Between my Quirk and working with Sir, sometimes I forget that some things come across as a bit weird outside of this office.”
“No, it’s… it’s ok, really,” assured Midoriya.
“I should have offered to let you tickle me first, because it’s really no big deal! Laughing is fun. Sometimes, if I’m having a hard day, I ask Sir to let me use the machine to feel better.”
That was some major Kirishima energy coming from the heroic goofball, and that familiar attitude relaxed the hold that embarrassment had on Izuku’s chest.
“But if it’s too weird for you, I can let you use the machine, or we can speak to Sir tomorrow and try something else!”
A wave of gratitude washed over Izuku. Still, “No, it’s… I want to do this,” he said. “Ihit’s not too… weird. In fact, I’m… kind of used to it.”
Mirio smiled. “I can believe that, your laughter really lights up the room! It’s so nice to listen to.”
That comment caused Izuku’s arm fortress to envelop his face again. Even so… “T-thanks,” he said. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard that, and he’d started to accept it as a compliment. Since they’d moved into the dorms, pretty much every brush with tickling he’d had was not a way to demean him, but affectionate physical contact or a silly way to bond, and it had started to remove the sting of past memories with it.
And Mirio… Izuku was a bit intimidated by the upperclassman who should have received One for All in his place, he was just so amazing that despite his kind demeanor, or perhaps precisely because of it, Izuku felt some kind of resistance at the prospect of getting close to him. And still, over time, he’d started to want to be his friend. So the fact that he was acting the same way his friends did was… comforting.
“Ready for round 2?” asked Mirio.
“You have one more minute, don’t worry, but I have a proposal. Two, actually!”
“Ok,” replied Izuku nervously.
“First: we use the machine’s restraints so you don’t have to worry about punching me in the face or activating your Quirk. Sounds good?”
No, it didn’t, but it made sense, and he trusted Mirio. Even so, he gulped before saying, “Yes.”
“Proposal the second: if you want to get this over with quicker, we can turn on the machine while I tickle you. We’ll say that cuts the remaining time in half. What do you think?” 
If Izuku tried to hide the panic in his eyes, he certainly failed. That would allow them to go home sooner, especially Mirio, who was essentially working overtime due to Izuku’s own mistakes, but the green bean didn’t want to find out what being double-teamed felt like. “M-Maybe later.”
Mirio nodded, his smile unwavering, and walked over to the machine’s control panel. “Let’s see…”
As he pressed various buttons, the machine began to shift, changing its angle, adding and removing restraints, creating protrusions and depressions. That thing was a lot more customizable than Izuku had ever thought, and he couldn’t help wondering who had made it and how much money Sir must have spent on it.
“Hop on,” instructed Mirio. The machine was nearly unrecognizable. It was at around a 30° angle from the floor, with a large cubic protrusion emerging from the bottom that seemed to be intended as a seat. Two metal rings jut out from the front of the cube - ankle restraints, surmised Izuku. There was a second set of restraints at the top of the machine, two adjacent parallelepipeds with circular holes.
Izuku sheepishly made his way toward the machine, eyeing the four cavities from which the tickle-tools were supposed to come out. But he knew they wouldn’t unless he gave Mirio the go ahead.
Before hopping on the cubic seat, however, he paused to remove his top - his hair was already damp and he didn’t want to sweat through his change of clothes as well. Considering how many times he’d seen Mirio naked due to Quirk-related accidents, he didn’t feel too awkward.
Mirio flashed Izuku a thumbs-up as the latter climbed into the machine, the cold metal not entirely unpleasant against his bare back. He placed his ankles into the two rings, which snapped shut around the cuffs of his emerald trousers, then raised his arms over his head and fitted his wrists through the padded restraints above him.
Lying there was certainly more comfortable than standing or thrashing about in an office chair, but it also made Izuku feel that much more exposed and vulnerable, his entire upper body stretched out and on full display, his bare feet dangling out of reach.
His nervousness was partly allated when he saw Mirio step closer to him, having concocted a rather extravagant solution to allow Izuku to see the timer: he’d put his phone in his armband and donned it on his head, so the screen was smack dab in the middle of his forehead. It was exactly the kind of kind and silly thing Mirio would do to put someone at ease, and Izuku felt a wave of affection for the older student.
“Are you ready? I won’t be too mean, I promise.”
Izuku nodded, steeling himself.
“Ok. Boop the timer,” instructed Mirio as he leaned closer to Izuku’s face, allowing him to start the timer with his nose. It took a few tries, and Izuku chuckled in spite of himself. Mirio was trying so hard to put him at ease, he had to do his part too.
“Timer booped successfully,” he said as he tried to approximate the upperclassman’s speech.
“Fantastic!” exclaimed Mirio an instant before he started squeezing Izuku’s knees.
The ticklish jolt caused the greenette to jump a little, and Mirio went on squeezing, looking for just the right spot as his fingers probed at the fabric and the muscle under it.
“Eep! Eek!” yelped Izuku repeatedly, before the string of squeaks melded into a steady stream of high-pitched giggles as Mirio’s thumbs found just the right spot above each kneecap and wouldn’t let go.
Izuku’s titters were just too precious, Mirio knew at that moment it wouldn’t be the last time he’d volunteer to punish the green bean if he kept running headlong into danger. There was something so innocent about the way he kept scrunching his fists and soles to cope with the sensation, about the way his toes pointed inward as he twisted his knees to escape the tickles.
It was such a mesmerizing sight that Mirio ended up spending way more time on that spot than he’d intended, so he tried to make up for it by goosing Izuku’s thighs. 
“Hehehehehehehehehehe!! Hehahahahahahahahahahaah!!!”
Thankfully, the thick fabric diffused some of the pressure, making it a lot more bearable than it would have been otherwise.
“It’s not so bad, is it?” asked Mirio.
“Ihihihit tihihihckleehehs buhuhut Ihihih cahahahn tahahahahke ihihihit!” admitted Izuku.
“Ok, good to know!” replied Mirio. “Time to get serious!”
And he started spidering his fingers up and down Izuku’s ribs and sides. momentarily avoiding the hot spot that were his hips, but not holding back at all otherwise, playing the green bean like a piano.
The reaction was immediate.
Izuku burst into laughter, it was so much worse when he was shirtless and couldn’t squirm away!
And Mirio didn’t linger on a single spot for too long, letting his fingers travel up and down, up and down, delivering light and quick touches like kitten licks.
Next he tried slowly dragging his fingernails, caressing the skin, and while Izuku’s laughter seemed to decrease for a moment, the longer he kept it up, the higher in pitch it rose, and it quickly spilled forth again, bubbling like a cauldron.
The contrast between Izuku’s frantic struggling and the slowness and delicateness of Mirio’s touches was just beautiful, enough that the older student wondered if he’d just found his new favorite antistress. Lighter touches seemed to work just as well, if not better. That would make the machine very effective.
But he wouldn’t rest on his laurels, because when the fingernails ended their umpteenth descent, skipping slightly as they hit the ridges of Izuku’s ribcage before curving down the soft slopes of his sides, he began his ascent by squeezing at the flanks, massaging the area with his thumbs as he did so.
Izuku’s laughter instantly became lower-pitched, but also louder, a new gale spilling forth as he was blindsided by Mirio’s new technique. 
When he reached the base of the greenette’s ribcage, he laid off on the squeezing and let his thumbs do most of the work, digging in and massaging, causing Izuku to snort. Mirio lingered briefly on that spot just to get him to let out that adorable sound again, before proceeding to count each of his ribs in a rather torturous manner, and then back down, and up again.
Satisfied with his initial exploration, Mirio then began mixing and matching methods and spots, digging his thumb in Izuku’s floating ribs while squeezing his side, scratching at his ribs while lightly dragging his fingernails down his flank, sometimes using both hands on the same side of his body, just to constantly keep him guessing.
The uncertainty and ever-changing pattern made it impossible for Izuku to get used to the sensation. Through half-lidded eyes, he managed to see there were about 4 minutes left. He could do it!
And then he felt Mirio’s fingers in his armpits.
Mirio smiled at the mirthful outburst. If Izuku reacted like that when his underarms were under fire, how would he react when Mirio would get to his hips? For the time being, however, he was perfectly content with driving the greenette up the wall by wiggling his fingers in the damp hollows, his scribbling motions light and quick since that seemed to be particularly effective.
Three minutes.
Mirio kept it up for a few more moments before switching to massaging the hollows top to bottom with his thumbs, pressing gently but firmly, and though Izuku wasn’t as hysterical as before, there was no stopping the cyclical torrent of guffaws and spasms.
“It’s not as bad when I use my thumbs, right?” he asked.
Izuku would have preferred not to talk, but even if past experiences had taught him to answer his tickler, he still felt some kind of obligation toward the older student, so he forced himself to reply, “HIHIHIHIYEHEHEHEHEHEHESSS!!”
Mirio snickered at his own deviousness. Izuku would forgive him, he just had to do it. Time must have been almost up anyway.
“Good to know,” he responded before plunging his thumbs into Izuku’s hips, using the same massaging technique on the depression next to the bone and on his waist and V-line.
He convulsed as if he’d been electrocuted, but the thumbs wouldn’t let go, so shrill, howling laughter exploded out of him. His shock of emerald hair flung droplets of sweat as he desperately shook his head in denial, a few landing on the display on Mirio’s forehead that kept ticking down. 1:43.
Even a few seconds in, Izuku’s laughter didn’t seem to subside at all. The poor guy was really ticklish. But Mirio wasn’t torturing him to have fun.
“Hey Midoriya, can you still hear me?”
“It tickles a lot, doesn’t it?”
“Good! So the next time you throw yourself into the fray without regard for your well-being, remember this, because I’m going to do it again. Got it?”
“I need to hear you say it!” demanded Mirio as he started squeezing his hips rapidly.
Mirio gave a few more squeezes before his fingers relented, slowing to a stop a few moments before the timer went off.
“You’ve made it through round 2! Very well done!” he cheered, but Izuku was too busy filling his lungs with hair to respond.
“It’s a great workout for your core, isn’t it?” asked Mirio as he patted Izuku’s stomach. 
The greenette winced, expecting Mirio’s fingers to curl and start tickling him again, but the upperclassman did no such thing.
“Whoa! Wat is that, some kind of manly endurance test?!”
Izuku felt a mixture of relief and horror when he noticed that two figures were standing on the threshold, and if the outline Izuku could make out through the mist of tears hadn’t been enough to identify one of them, his energetic, enthusiastic voice was unmistakable.
“I want to try it!!” beamed Kirishima, his whole face lighting up at the prospect of such a fun challenge.
“Hey, Tamaki! And you must be Kirishima, right?” asked Mirio, pausing the timer as he went to greet them. “This is supposed to be a punishment, but I can try asking Sir if you’d like.”
Izuku blinked the tears away and noticed Kirishima staring straight at him and the machine with awe, while Tamaki was doing his best to look at anything but Izuku, which made the supremely awkward meeting feel even more unbearable.
“I think y-you and t-this one have something in common,” stammered Tamaki in what may have been a tragic attempt at a quip.
“Hey Midoriya! How’re you holding up?”
Izuku nodded, muttering a feeble “F-fine.”
Mirio patted him on the head. “This champ has been going at it for twenty minutes. Only thirty to go!”
Kirishima’s eyes bulged as he did the math. “Fifty minutes?!”
He knew very well just how ticklish the greenette was, and the compassion and admiration he felt for him was bottomless.
“Think you could handle it?” asked Mirio.
Kirishima crossed his arms in front of his chest, instinctively protecting his sensitive upper body. “Good luck, Midoriya,” he wished somberly.
“Let’s leave him to rest, he’s earned it,” commented Mirio as he tried to move the conversation away from the disheveled greenette. “What brings you here?”
“Fatgum a-asked us to get case file TK-131. S-Sir Nighteye approved, he told us y-you’d be here.”
“That must be somewhere in the archive, I’ll help you find it! Have you been waiting long?”
This time it was Kirishima who replied. “Just a minute or two, we heard laughter inside and Suneater told me it was normal and to wait.”
Mirio smiled at his shy friend. “Good! The archive is downstairs, the door on the left, I’ll come help you out in a moment.”
Tamaki thanked him and led Kirishima away, but not before the redhead pumped his fist at Izuku to encourage him, while Mirio made his way back to Izuku.
“I have to help them for a little bit. Think you can handle the machine?”
At that stage, Izuku doubted that the machine’s fluffy appendages could be worse than Mirio’s strong and uncomfortably skilled fingers, so he was almost relieved to hear the offer.
“Great! I’ll just set it, give me a second… So, this would be the third round, so Level 3 it is… standard tools? Yes… 10 minutes… starting in 1 minute. Need a bathroom break?”
Izuku slowly worked his way through the words Mirio was saying to him, elaborating through a cloud of artificial giddiness. 
“S-Sorry you have to… do this on my… account,” he panted.
Mirio shook his head and retrieved Izuku’s bottle to let him drink. “You really have nothing to apologize for. But is it weird if I say I’m doing this because I agree with Sir?”
Izuku allowed himself to chuckle, his sore throat refreshed by the drink. 
“A little bit. But it’s not… so bad.”
Mirio smiled back, remembering only at that moment to remove the band from his forehead. “I’m going to go help them. And not like there’d be anything wrong with it, but we’re not going to hear you downstairs.” He winked and went after the Fatgum interns.
Izuku closed his eyes, trying to steady his breath and slow down his pulse. He could do it. It was just a workout. A very weird workout. And embarrassing, too. But Mirio’spersonality had the power to remove the sting of shame. For the most part. He could do it. He’d been through worse.
He took one last deep breath as the machine whirred to life. He eyed the lower set of openings, the ones of a height with his waist. It was just going to be a bit of fluff, he could take it. Fluff designed specifically to tickle him into submission. Even if that was true, it couldn’t be worse than a human with five fingers per hand!
But as the pink appendages emerged, looking like something in between foxtail spikes and miniature feather dusters, Izuku couldn’t help but notice that there were two per opening, and they immediately got to work, feathering his sides and his even more sensitive hips, from the bone to the waist of his trousers.
“Hehehehehahahahahahahahahaha!!! Hihihahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!!! N-Nohohohahahahaha!!”
Izuku, and way too many people around him, knew he was feather ticklish. In fact, he could feel every little barb of each of the four appendages, coming together for an effect greater than the sum of their parts. It felt different from rougher forms of tickling, like it was calling on his skin to come alive, a teasing sensation that was just as intense as form of stimulation with more pressure, but for which laughing did not feel like a suitable outlet, causing him to dissolve into breathy, hiccuping giggles punctuated by the occasional snort - less loud, just as tortured, and, possibly, even cuter.
And just as Izuku started questioning whether he’d underestimated certain things, the machine powered up again, extruding two more pairs of fuzzy appendages that began to oscillate up and down his ribs and in his underarms. What a terrible time to find out that his armpits were just as receptive to soft tickles as his hips.
“Wahahahaahahahahahaihihihit!!!! F-Fohohohohouhuhur wehehehehehehre ehehehnOHOAHAHAHAHAHAHahahaahahahahahahahAHAHhHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!”
But Izuku was in for another disappointment, because amidst his thrashing and laughing, he didn’t notice a panel slide forward under his feet, and an additional four fuzzy appendages got to work on thoroughly tickling his soles from heel to toe, one pair largely focusing on his arch and instep, the other on the ball and the base of his toes.
No new ground was broken this time - Izuku already knew that his feet were also extremely feather sensitive.
And that was when he realized that no matter how much he begged, the machine wouldn’t relent, the machine wouldn’t stop. He was on the hook for the entire ten minutes. 10 minutes during which the fuzzy appendages would keep caressing his sides and ribcage, dancing in his underarms, following the defined line of his pecs and back into the sensitive hollows, slithering up and down and across his soles so no matter how much he scrunched or waved them, they’d never escape the tickles, torturously teasing his waist and hips, inevitable.
The specially designed fuzz wouldn’t warp from continuous contact with ticklish skin or by absorbing the moisture of the layer of perspiration it erected as a last defense, no, it would keep delivering surgically precise tickles for the entire time it had been programmed to, without mercy or emotion, the twelve swaying appendages like hands counting down the seconds, and Izuku the hysterical, overstimulated clock face.
It tickled so much and in such a teasing, penetrating way that Izuku couldn’t help fighting against the sensation, trying to distract himself by counting, telling himself it couldn’t be much longer, but the seconds stretched into minutes and the stimulation was overwhelming.
First he stopped thrashing, not because he’d run out of energy or wanted to save it, but because he’d accepted defeat. He wasn’t going anywhere. Once again, he could only embrace what was happening to him, trying to focus on the smaller part that felt pleasant rather than torturous.
Then he stopped begging, which he’d kept up not to convince anyone except himself, that there was something he could do to put an end to it, at least at first, then the pleas melded into a mantra, which was finally broken by the hiccups and snorts.
Finally, he let the tears roll down his cheeks freely, unencumbered by shame or delusions of control, cutting through the freckles and dripping down his neck, allowing the giddiness to consume him.
That was the state Mirio found him in, plus a multitude of hiccups, a minute or so after the machine stopped, having already sent Tamaki and Kirishima on their way.
“Well done! you’ve made it past the halfway point!”
Izuku was too busy huffing and puffing to reply, but accepted Mirio’s offer of another sip of water and declined a toilet break. 
“You know, I was a bit like you a few years back,” said Mirio, filling the silence while he allowed Izuku to recuperate. “I wanted to keep everyone safe. Except for myself, I guess.”
The greenette forced himself to look at Mirio.
“It’s like Sir said. If you die, you can’t save anyone else. Think of all the good you could do in the future.”
Izuku sighed. If only it were so easy. The Quirk he’d been given, All Might’s torch…
“But it’s not just that. I understand you want to prove your worth, but you aren’t just a hero. You’re a person. You have people who love you and a life to live to the fullest.”
That struck a chord within Izuku. How often had he worried that his classmates were putting too much pressure on themselves? That they - no, not even him - weren’t ready for that kind of responsibility yet?
“And if you want to be a hero, be a hero for as long as you can. You have to value your life and respect your body. Got it?”
Izuku thought he could hear echoes of All Might in the upperclassman’s words, and wondered if he’d ever given Mirio a similar speech. Maybe he wasn’t changing his priorities yet, but there was something to that opposing viewpoint, something he’d have to confront, because it came from someone who seemed to understand him.
The green bean swallowed the last of his hiccups to simply say, “T-Thanks.”
“Mull it over, ok? Now we just have to make sure it sinks in. Only two rounds left!”
Twenty minutes. The thought horrified Izuku. No. He wanted it to be over as soon as possible.
“Can… you do it… too?” he asked, pushing down his nervousness. “To… halve the… time.”
The only way out was through.
Mirio would have patted Izuku on the shoulder if the way he was restrained didn’t make it impossible. “A fine choice, Midoriya! No need to turn up the intensity either,” he replied as he programmed the machine.
“You ready?”
Izuku steeled himself, then nodded.
The machine started up again, the appendages instantly sending Izuku into a new fit of hysterics. 
“You’re a brave one,” said Mirio as he walked toward the guffawing greenette. “Now, repeat after me. My life is important,” he instructed as he started squeezing his knees again.
“Sure you can!” urged Mirio while moving up to Izuku’s thighs, to give him an extra incentive. “My life is important!”
Izuku had convinced himself that with the machine already overwhelming his senses, Mirio’s touches would have lost some of their power. He was wrong.
“You can do it!” said Mirio while kneading his thumbs into the muscle of Izuku’s thighs.
What Mirio was doing, reaching deep under the skin, tickled in a completely different way from the twelve - twelve! - mechanical foxtails writhing in all his most ticklish spots, so instead of diffusing each other, the sensations compounded to instantly make Izuku regret his decision.
“You’re doing great! ‘My health is important!’”
Mirio’s requests prevented him from sinking into the sensation, forcing him to remain present at all times.
It also didn’t help that Mirio had moved his right hand away from Izuku’s thigh and had started scribbling his fingers on Izuku’s lower stomach, causing Izuku to spasm and to let out a loud squeak.
“My health is important!” repeated Mirio without letting up in the slightest.
“I’ll take it. Now for the last one!” promised Mirio while his second hand joined the first in scratching and poking all over Izuku’s abs, more prominent than ever due to the intense workout they were receiving.
“You’re almost there! ‘I am important.’”
“Uh, your belly looks like a pretty ticklish spot too, uh?” observed Mirio while his ten fingers continued to wreak havoc on said ticklish tummy. “Fear no, I came prepared!” he assured, seemingly without considering that he could just stop tickling Izuku to let him speak.
Instead, he pulled a green marker out of his pocket, removed the cap, and started writing something across Izuku’s glistening chest. “I… aaaaaaammmm…. immmmpooorrrrtaaaaannnnnt!”
Unfortunately, the tip also happened to tickle Izuku terribly, and Mirio was dexterous enough that his left hand didn’t have to stop scratching at his belly while he went on writing, tracing over the most ticklish letters smudged by Izuku’s perspiration or that were rendered unreadable by his useless squirming, renewed by the sheer intensity of the double attack.
“What was the second one? Mmmmmyyyyyyyyyyy… heeeeaaaaallllth… iiiiisssss… iiiiimmmmpoooooo-impooooooortaaaannnnt!” he spelled out as he wrote the letters right under Izuku’s pecs, uncovering a new ticklish spot for the greenette.
“No can do, Midoriya! Myyyyyyyyyyy… llllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiffffffffeeeeee… iiiiiiisssss…”
He’d started writing across Izuku’s belly, dodging the rivulets that glistened in the abdominal creases, and if the green bean had hoped that would mean Mirio’s left hand would remain idle or return to a spot protected by his trousers, he was sorely disappointed as the ticklign fingers attacked the underside of his pecs.
“Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmpoooooooooooooooorrrrtaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnt!” concluded Mirio, writing the “o” around Izuku’s bellybutton and circling it repeatedly before dipping the marker into the navel to color all around and inside it.
Mirio uncapped the marker, which gave Izuku enough bandwidth to remember just how awful the fuzz on his hips, soles, and in his underarms tickled, aided and abetted by the appendages still working over his ribs and sides.
“Good job, Midoriya! You’re almost done!” cheered Mirio as all ten of his fingers descended on Izuku’s defenseless tummy again.
“You can, I believe in you!” claimed Mirio while his fingers crawled up Izuku’s abs all the way under his chest, and then back down. 
Total meltdown. Izuku gave up, he had no choice but to, his mind melting into ticklish insanity as the machine lightly tickled his pits, ribs, sides, hips, and feet, seeming to make him even more sensitive to Mirio’s compassionate yet ruthless touches. 
He laughed, and laughed, and laughed, unsure whether Mirio was still talking to him or if his mind was clinging to anything to preserve its integrity, his lungs on fire, his senses overrun by the tickles, unable to see under his own damp curls and tears…
He felt his arms go limp, seemingly having slipped through the restraints. No. The machine had let him go. Neither it nor Mirio were tickling him anymore, even as he still felt the horrid fuzz demanding his ticklish atonement all over his body.
This time, Mirio was really talking to him. “...done for real. Congratulations!”
izuku gave a sheepish nod. Was it over? Was it really over?
“Shall I pick you up?” offered Mirio, and Izuku, tickled into accepting anything, nodded again without thinking.
He felt Mirio’s wiry arms lift him up without effort, and though he maybe should have felt embarrassed - not like his classmates wouldn’t pick him up just because they could - all he felt was safe and relieved.
Mirio gently deposited him on the office chair. “You might want to shower again,” he recommended as he pointed to the sentences written in green on Izuku’s upperbody. But the green bean primarily wanted his ticklish spots out of sight, so he put on his t-shirt anyway.
Mirio retrieved his shoes for him and helped him out, sneaking a few tickles to his sole. Izuku collapsed back into the chair in a fit of happy giggles, but he didn’t pull his foot away, because he could tell the upperclassman would stop immediately, and he did.
“Sorry we had to put you through all that,” said Mirio as he clasped the greenette’s hand to help him stand up.
“I… deserved it,” conceded Izuku, exhausted but also kind of happy. As far as punishments went, intense though it was, it seemed to create no hard feelings.
Mirio retrieved his own duffel bag and walked to the exit with him. “You know, if Sir punishes me tomorrow for lying, you might be able to get your revenge,” he said with a conciliatory chuckle.
Izuku giggled. No, it was ok… “I just… might take you up… on that,” he surprised himself saying.
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hopinglylost3214 · 20 days ago
Tickling ask game
Odd numbers are for asks related to tickling, even numbers are for non-tickling related asks. For the tickling questions, I tried to make them so both lees and lers can answer.
Is there a tickle spot that flusters you? If so, can you explain why that particular spot flusters you?
If you could wipe your memory and re-experience something, what would you choose to experience again?(This could be for re-watching a movie, re-playing a game, or re-living an actual event that happened in your life.)
If you are bilingual, does the word "tickling" evoke different emotions when said in English versus your mother tongue?
What's the best gift you've ever received?
Besides the basic necessities, what three things are you bringing to a tickling session?
What's the best gift you've ever given?
What's the ideal time length for a tickle session?
If you had a thousand dollars you had to spend in 24 hours just for yourself, how would you spend it?
Fill in the blank: All lees/switches/lers are valid, but lees/switches/ler who _________ have a special place in my heart.
If you could ask someone any question and they had to answer truthfully, what question would you ask and who would you ask? (This someone can be a historical figure, a person that's alive right now, or even fictional characters).
How important is tickling to you?
If you could get a definitive answer to a mystery(this could be something like unsolved criminal cases, unsolved math/physics problems or just something that happened in your life), which mystery are you choosing?
If you had to describe what type of lee/switch/ler you are in one word, which word would you use?
If you had to describe yourself in one word, which word would you use?
If you had to choose 3 spots for a tickle session, which ones would you choose?
Share a song from an artist you think is underrated.
Do you remember how you found out that you liked tickling? If so, how did you find out?
If you could send a one-sentence message to yourself one year ago, what message would you send?
What kind of aftercare do you like after a tickling session?
What's the most challenging thing you've done that you actually wanted to do?
How did you come up with your blog name?
If humanity were to lose all books except for three of your choice, which three books would you choose to preserve?
Tell us one aspect of tickling that you like.
If humanity were to lose all music except for three musical pieces of your choice, which three pieces would you choose to preserve?
Imagine your ideal day. Does it involve tickling?
If you could get a Pokémon in real life, which Pokémon would you want?(If you don't know any Pokémon, you can answer the question with any other fantasy animals or real-life animals that are exotic.)
For lees, what's one thing a ler can do to put you in a lee mood? For lers, what's one thing a lee can do to put you in a ler mood?
If you were to be reborn as an animal(excluding human), which animal would you choose?
What's in your tickling bucket list?
What's your favorite dessert?
How much of a lee/ler mood are you in right now?
If you could live in any fictional world, which one would you choose?
For lees, would you rather be tickled on your lower body or your upper body? For lers, would you rather tickle on lee's lower body or lee's upper body?
Would you rather take a hundred dollars for yourself or take a thousand dollars while your worst enemy gets ten thousand dollars?
For lees, would you rather be tickled while making eye contact with your ler or be tickled while looking away from your ler? For lers, would you rather tickle your lee while making eye contact with them or tickle them while they're looking away from you?
Would you rather eat breakfast for dinner for the rest of your life or dinner for breakfast for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be part of one-on-one tickle session or a gang tickling?
Would you rather be able to levitate up to 3 meters(9 feet and 10 inches), or would you rather be able to run 100 meters in 7 seconds?
Would you rather tickle/be tickled with hands or tickle/be tickled with tools?
Would you rather get a plane ticket to wherever you wanted to go once a year or would you rather get one thousand dollars annually that you couldn't spend on traveling?
Would you rather have a tickle fight or just tickle/be tickled?
Your own question!
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