lady-severus-snape · 3 months
Headcanon #21
Severus gets jinxed by a spell gone wrong. He is now a black cat who ends up with one of Dumbledore's grandkids.
🌠 Damn kids. He kept telling Albus to switch slytherin out with ravenclaw. Now he's atuck as a cat. It was only TUESDAY!!!
🌠Dumbledore lips twitching and his eyes twinkling as he thought of a solution. Severus was to stay with his grandchild y/n. They were in town from the States to visit him as a sabbatical for an injury sustained on the job.
🌠Severus being a scraggly emaciated little thing hissing and batting at everyone who tried to come near him. Y/n wasn't deterred and would entice him with quick ear rubs, homemade treats, cat nip, a toy, etc.
🌠y/n was told by grandpappy albus if they could watch a rescued cat. When you seen the little thing. You almost went off on them from the condition of the animal.
🌠you named him Cosmos after catching sight of a little white spot in the middle of his chest. And soon the two of you were inseparable.
🌠Severus tried to keep his distance from you, but somehow y/n wormed their way under his skin- erm fur and ended up I'm his heart. No matter how grouchy he was. How hard he bite or scratched, y/n always gave him a pet or two.
🌠y/n found out his likes and dislikes. He absolutely hated cat food and refused to eat on the floor. So for breakfast lunch and dinner Comos sat in a chair with his little fish shaped bowl and ate. He liked tuna.
🌠Soon Severus(Cosmos) started to recover. His coat became shinier, healthier. He packed on pounds. The first time y/n called him chonky monkey he was mortified. He bit them and hid to sulk and soothe his ego.
🌠By the end of y/n sabbatical, Severus was unrecognizable as a cat. He always cuddled with you and purred when you returned home from therapy. One day your pain was so intense that it caused him to be distressed enough. His transformation reversed and instead of cat sitting on your bed was Severus.
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