#choni in eras
hauntttedbodies · 2 years
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choni: the epic love era
Softly, swiftly, succumbing to love.
Revving engines. Squealing tires. The laugh of an unstoppable heart and the rustle of satin sheets on skin. There’s a certain thrill in speeding through cities you’ve never been to and exploring every crevice of the only place you’ve called home; every day is a new season of firsts. A laundry list of hopes and dreams is stuffed in your pocket; the whole world is saturated in color. you’ve never seen blues this deep or reds this vibrant. The world comes to life. 
And for the first time, so do you.
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I know I complain about it in the tags a lot, but I can't believe this season of Riverdale might actually be my favorite. I care about the plots, the acting this season is top notch, and the writing (while frustrating and still very riverdale) is actually REALLY good this season. It feels as cohesive as season 1. Riverdale has seemed so scattered lately. In terms of plot, in terms of character arcs, in terms of timeline. And don't get me started on reality vs fantasy and our suspension of disbelief on a LOT. (We're not gonna talk about last season's ridiculous comet superpowers nonsense.)
But this season has been consistent (as far as fiction goes) with the timeline and the character arcs. The drama finally has some depth, due in large to the time period, and they've tackled some pretty big issues. The most I've seen in a *single season. I think if this wasn't the last season, I wouldn't bitch as much. I was kind of hoping they'd let us off easy in the final season and so far I've had to deal with every one of my favorite ships not being together, mostly because of the era and all of the many biases the 1950s had.
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the-1ast-time · 1 year
this giving cheryl blossom energy???
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Do Jewish people have their own fairy tales? Have they ever been published in books?
We absolutely do!
I wouldn't call them fairy tales, though, we call them Midrash, Aggadah, Chassidishe Meises, and folk tales, among many other names. They range from fairytale-like stories with fantastical creatures such as the Ziz, demons, vampires, ghosts, angels, and Golems, to stories about Jewish miracle-workers such as Shlomo HaMelech, Choni Ha'Meagel, and the Baal Shem Tov, to name a few. These stories range from historical accounts to parables to dreams, and they're all extremely important in Judaism and Jewish culture.
Every diasporic Jewish group has their own folktales, and we all have shared folktales regarding the Tanakhic era, and a lot of the Talmudical era.
Storytelling is very important in our culture, and every story is supposed to have a lesson within it. There's a concept in Judaism called "Ma'ase Avot Siman L'Banim", which translates to "A tale of the forefathers is a sign for the children". This means that every story that's was passed down and remembered and recorded was recorded for a reason, to be a lesson for the descendents who learn from it in the future. That's why seemingly inconsequensial happenings are recorded in the Tanakh, because they were recorded for a reason. We may not know the reason yet, but we can reinterpret and derive meaning from all our stories.
Publishing books and written text is extremely important in Judaism, and all these stories have been published multiple times over centuries, sometimes even millenia, in many different version and iterations. I couldn't even begin to try and list all of them, but I encourage you to browse through the links I've included for a good picture of the diversity and beauty of Jewish folk tales.
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sewerfight · 1 year
most fucked up era of my life in the sense that I'm trawling the bones and all tag completely ignoring Timmy C and the wonderful protagonist trying to look for pictures of old cannibal man Jack Rylance on all fours in his white chonies and Michael stuhlbarg in the filthiest overalls I've ever seen. Rip to teenage love
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alexzalben · 1 year
all these 60s and 70s fits makes me wish they'd done a different for era for each season instead. Choni & Betty looked so good.
The theory that I (and a bunch of other people) had at the beginning of the season that they would start to jump through the decades in the the final few episodes, so we'd get a '60s episode, a '70s episode, etc... Would have loved that.
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liege-of-the-bees · 1 year
Episode 13: The Crucible
M continues their gay little notes
And ofc they're doing a red scare thing, surprised it hasn't happened sooner
Fellas, is it gay to admit you write poetry?
'If you're innocent you have nothing to worry about' KEVIN YOU'RE GAY.
Kevin the cop strikes again
Cheryl is a lavender menace
With the condition of Lesbianism
Cheryl. Talk with your friends. Tell them what's happening
Hiram should also have gay sex tbh
I get that Hiram is possibly trying to be a good person but not with that villain voice
Ngl I love her purple outfit
She's dyed her hair as well, this is her villain era
Archie's so stupid (affectionate), he's not gonna know people are manipulating manipulating him
Mr Fieldstone was such a dick for so long but this episode and last he's been just some quirky old dude?
Jughead's gonna get investigated for communism
Betty in her Gossip Girl era
Oh god Archie's gonna think Veronica's a spy no
Oh so the teacher was actually a communist
Jughead+Ethel dealer era
Choni and Clevin lavender marriage era 💜
This is not a Hiram redemption, I don't care what people are saying. He's just being manipulative and is desperate
Toni and Clay have such sibling energy tbh and I really wish that was explored more. Tbh I just wish Clay in general was explored more
John Proctor is an absolute dick. Don't emulate him.
Archie actor era?
But I'm a cheerleader reference? Cheryl?
Also them kissing the episode after baiting Betty/Veronica? Bad.
Even though she isn't grooming Archie, they're still framing it almost like she's the new girl in a High School drama
'It'll be our little secret' EW EW EW
Riverdale writers be like: 'She has a husband! She can't groom kids!'
Are they having all the police stuff take place in the High School because they've demolished the set or something?
Hermione is definitely also having an affair
I actually love Betty as an agony aunt
It honestly fees like a slap in the face
'Only the first season was good' No the fuck it wasn't
And here's the book burning
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little-green-lies · 1 year
I can't believe you think they're treating Choni badly this season or that they have bad storylines and especially that they painted Toni as a villain in 708 when she was simply finally granted some perspective and they tackled an issue with their own writing that always plagued Choni back in the high school days, to show how much they've matured. Their content this season is nothing short of excellent.
Okay this is the second time I'm typing this because Tumblr glitched and wouldn't post the first one. I probably typed too much but I really wanted to give you a solid answer. I will try to keep this more succint but I have a lot of thoughts on this so hopefully it posts this time.
I apparently also deleted my first paragraph so I've typed this section out three times now. I do not think they are treating Choni bad this season. My issue is and will continue to be the setting for this season. After two seasons of them not being together they've now thrown them into a situation in which they "can't" be together and that irks me. I thought when we got confirmation that they were soulmates, that maybe just maybe they'd let them be fully happy in the final season. And that is the full crux of the issue, it's the LAST season. I discuss Riverdale a lot more on my main page (which I encourage you to check out because I do speak about this a lot more in the tags of a lot of my Riverdale reblogs) but i actually just made a post stating that I think this may be Riverdale's best season. They opened this season with one of the strongest episodes I've seen in television thus far. Especially coming from a CW show. I do think this season is also shaping up to be Choni's second best season. They've had a lot of solid scenes and Vanessa and Madelaine are giving it their ALL. That being said, forgive me for hoping the last season would be spent wrapping up happy endings mixed with the usual Riverdale drama. I did not go into this season expecting SO MUCH new plot. And if it wasn't the last season, I wouldn't complain as much. That's always been my biggest gripe, it's the last season. That's all. If this was season 5 or 6 and I knew we had 7 seasons, then I would have nothing to say. Because yes, it's given us some really good content. I just don't want it for the finale. They could've tackled homophobia back when Kevin came out to his dad or when Cheryl came out to Toni. I don't want to see my favorite character forced back into the closet because they decided to set us in one of the worst eras in American history.
Now for my villain comment. I stand by that. I do think that scene framed Toni in a really bad light and here's why: Everything she said was valid and yes, it's an issue I've been wanting them to tackle for YEARS. What she said is not what made her the villain. It was the way they framed the scene that I knew would be misconstrued by the people that watch this show and always have a bone to pick about whatever she says or does. Up until that scene, we were led to believe that Toni's biggest issue with Choni is that she lost herself. But all they show that as, is she's given up writing for cheer. Okay fine, drop cheer and go back to writing. Cheryl wants to see her gf but she's not gonna stop her from doing what she loves. However, Toni breaking up with her felt out of left field to me because she's allowed to be her own person AND still date Cheryl. So I figured maybe they were setting it up for the fact that she doesn't like commitment and the other greaser got in her head about Cheryl being a rich girl too scared to come out of the closet. Also a valid reason. But that's not the scene they gave us. What they gave us was Cheryl asking if the issue was because she was white and Toni saying yes. Nothing up until that point had given us any indication THAT was the issue. What frustrated me even further was that they don't even give them room to have a discussion about it. Toni says her peace and leaves and all we get is a shot of Cheryl crying. She clearly cares about Cheryl enough to have pursued her for that long and then she drops her without even having a discussion?? And so soon after they got together? If we had gotten a scene where the difference of their skin was brought up before that (and that could've have been anything from an offhanded comment to Cheryl laughing about something someone says in their presence she didn't know was meant to be a dig) and we see that register with Toni, it wouldn't have felt off balance. Especially since her and Betty get along and she's white. Her and KEVIN get along and he's white. Kevin and Clay are dating and there seems to be no problem THERE. So they can be okay but she can't date Cheryl because of it? It just felt like after they gave us such a strong opening ep regarding race, to then have her drop that with no nuance didn't sit right with me. All of the digs against Toni that we had seen had been because she was bi or at least "queer adjacent" as far as Evelyn was concerned. The only time we see anyone being racist, is when she's dealing with the adults, never the teens. And I knew someone was gonna watch that and say "oh of course the black girl has an issue with her white gf blah blah blah". That's why I said they set her up to be the villain. Not that she was one. Purely based on how that scene was framed. It just felt like it was missing context. And who knows, maybe they filmed a scene and then cut it but either way, it felt off to me and having it not get brought up again until the Black Athena ep just left me feeling unmoored.
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navnae · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better, tagged by @augustjustice (oof I’m so boring 😭)
3 ships:
Steddie, villianeve, Choni
First ship:
Kim and jack from Kickin it (in my Disney era)
Last movie:
Bad Santa
Last song:
See you again by Tyler the creator ft. kali uchis
Currently reading:
Currently watching:
Nothing at the moment but I just finished Wednesday recently (I really liked it)
Currently consuming:
Nothing but I ate a sub earlier
Currently craving:
I’m tagging (if you want to do it!)
@melkene @lunaticmarunatic @lunarmaruna @lilstoopidgoblin @phantypurple @princessstevemunson @useless-nb-bisexual @ilovecupcakesandtea @therandomfandomme
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futfemspain · 2 years
aquí tu anon choni de confianza, q como buena choni bollera estoy al dia de lo q se mueve por los circulos del fula y alrededores. Desde hace tiempo nw y roci0 g4lvez son amigas e interactuan por rrss, pero ultimamente suben mas contenido juntas. Y el otro día nw subio una story con R en un super, y le hizo una broma con unas tijeras diciendole q de todo lo q habia allli eso era lo q le gustaba 😂 y la otra partiendose el culo. Pero vibes de vacile d amigas eh, no quiero empezar rumores absurdos
Anon choni
Me quedo muerta 🤣🤣🤣🤣 gracias por informarme 👀
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hauntttedbodies · 2 years
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choni: the falling era
Whimsy and pinning with a splash of first crush nerves.
Diner booths and melting milkshakes. Buzzing neon signs and a feeling that draws a line from the hollow of your throat to the pit of your stomach. There’s a tension there as it pulls you in and splits you right down the middle. There’s a slight tremor there; this ache caught in your chest. It feels like it will never cease. It’s clasped hands and the pang of yearning that courses deep. A mutual sense of longing that reminds you of pale sunsets and soft smiles. It’s teetering on the edge, the precipice, of a moment without knowing what’s on the other side. If anyone will catch you. 
It’s leaping, anyway.
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armatofu · 4 months
“No te hagas el choni”: el curioso origen canario de esta palabra
Choni tiene diferentes significados, según la Isla en la que se utilice
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“Eres un choni” o “no te hagas el choni”. El español de Canarias es sumamente rico. La Academia Canaria de la Lengua, fundación pública dependiente del Gobierno de Canarias, tiene como principales objetivos el estudio y descripción de la variedad canaria de la lengua española y de la producción literaria desarrollada en las Islas y es allí donde se encargan de mimar esas palabras.
Muchos y muchas conocemos la expresión choni que, curiosamente, poco tiene que ver con la que se usa, por ejemplo, en la Península, donde se refiere, según la RAE a una “mujer  joven que pretende ser elegante e ir a la moda, aunque resulta vulgar”, pero tiene un origen sumamente curioso y mucho más lejano de lo que puede parecer.
A finales del siglo XIX los muelles canarios se encontraban atestados de barcos ingleses. Aquello era una suerte para las Islas, que disfrutaban de productos llegados desde miles de kilómetros de distancia, tejiendo verdaderas redes económicas.
Johny era uno de los nombres que los canarios escuchaban más comunmente con la llegada de aquellas naves, el nombre fue derivando a choni para referirse a un turista extranjero, especialmente de habla inglesa. Aquello se fue extendiendo hasta aludir a chonerío, cuando se refería a un grupo de turistas de la misma procedencia.
El Diccionario ejemplificado de canarismos de Cristóbal Corrales Zumbado y Dolores Corbella Díaz, también se refirió a choni como una persona “boba o tonta”, como en la frase “no seas choni” o “no te hagas el choni”, un significado que ha llegado hasta nuestros días. En Lanzarote se usa como alguien ingenuo o que no tiene maldad “lo cogieron de choni”, mientras que en Tenerife se refiere a aquella persona que elude pagar e intenta siempre que todos sus planes sean gratis.
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lastraintolondon · 4 months
back to basics
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El otro día pensé en qué pasaría si me hubiera plantado en el colegio con los baggy jeans que últimamente no me quito. Era la época del pitillo ajustado y de tiro alto hasta el esternón (y iba a un colegio de curas) así que lo más probable es que ese día hubiera sido el hazmerreír del colegio entero. Ahora ir en pitillos es bastante de choni creo, yo definitivamente me deshice de todos en cuanto las tendencias empezaban a apuntar hacia un futuro mejor en el que nuestras ingles y tripa ya no tendrían que ir embutidas como una butifarra.
Encima, he visto fotos y me quedaban fatal. Los calcetines hasta la rodilla con rayas deportivas de American Apparel (lo único que me podia permitir de la tienda con mi semanada de quinceañera) y los shorts vintage híper cortos de Levi’s con los que me planté a la fiesta de verano del colegio para hacerme la moderna, también me quedaban realmente mal. Creo que nadie me dijo nada así que igual sí que coló, pero lo mas probable es que se rieran de mi a escondidas durante toda la semana. Y menos mal que me compré esos calcetines y no las cangrejeras rosas (que eran mi primera opción), pero tengo que decir que al body negro de escote en V que me compré junto con los calcetines le sigo dando bastante uso.
Pues mi conclusión de esto es que hay que comprarse básicos en los que te sientas cómoda, clásicos y atemporales, e intentar no hacerse demasiado la moderna. Vamos, nada nuevo.
En la foto: una de las infames campañas de American Apparel que lo petaban en Tumblr en el 2015.
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alexzalben · 2 years
Well it’s official I’m back in my Choni era
How dare you ever leave
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m0tel6mxzzy · 2 years
I know you reblogged that Choni gifset days about, but Cheryl didn't fake thinking her brother was alive to scare Toni? She was brainwashed in a cult into thinking she was talking to Jason, when it was actually just his body, and she spiraled/had a mental breakdown and continued to talk to his body. She did try to make Toni think Jason's spirit was haunting the house when Toni tried to get rid of him before she was ready for an ep, but it was not fake, she was mentally ill.
anon i’m so sorry that season was wild i literally just remember cheryl admitting to gaslighting toni and in general that was just a dark era for choni shippers bc toni was like, not allowed to speak whatsoever
literally i forgot what happened that season all i do remember is toni being scared for cheryl’s mental health and then cheryl once she fooled her weird estranged relatives, admitting she was fine? like also faking a suicide too considering at one point she was actually suicidal but most of these antics being to get her estranged family to leave thornhill and stop taking it over. like i swear i’m not pulling this out of my ass correct me on anything i haven’t seen the show in a while after s5
like i believe riverdale has since improved in its representation of mental illness but more particularly w betty than cheryl, but also there were times betty and cheryl who were clearly untreated in their mental illness symptoms (intense fear of abandonment, despair, anxiety, intense anger etc,) were kinda,,, revered for it? like the whole “dark betty” thing was betty’s anger issues not being treated and posing harm to herself and others. and then there were times i felt cheryl was incredibly toxic and hostile toward toni in their relationship, but this was because cheryl had no mental health resources and toni was her only source of support, but that,,, the answer ras gave was having toni literally only in the show w nay a syllable uttered unless cheryl is also in a scene w her, until vanessa morgan said something along w the pay gap
like that time toni admitted to feeling suffocated in thornhill bc she felt like she could never leave or be independent, then cheryl lashed out at her even tho it’s been explained since the pilot that cheryl is both a product of her environment and has gone thru immense trauma of losing jason so young and having no adequate parental figures. like in a lot of ways even accidentally, toni relying on cheryl just for shelter just puts her in a dangerous situation is kinda an example of what can occur in a toxic relationship w uneven power balances. like i think choni was set up in a way where ppl who aren’t the closest can form beautiful, healthy relationships w a little effort but that choni was somehow cheated?????
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petsch-mv · 2 years
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