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razorblade180 · 2 months ago
The right colors
Hu Tao:Aaaaaand open your eyes!
Chongyun:*opens eyes*
Hu Tao:*new outfit* Hehe, well? Go on. I’m dying for your opinion.
Chongyun:Y-You look nice.
Hu Tao: Aiya, oh come on! Here I go out of my way to make sure you’re one of the first to see this lovely gift and I receive a lukewarm response? My poor heart! I think I really will die.
Chongyun:At least you’d be buried in style.
Hu Tao:There you go! I knew you had it in you. So, what part do you like the most? Anything stick out? Hat? Glasses? Leggings? I know it’s the leggings for you.
Hu Tao:*smirks* Well, well, well, I was right on the mora it seems.
Chongyun:No! They’re lovely but that wasn’t what I was thinking at all!
Hu Tao:Oh yeah? Then do tell, what’s in that overactive brain of yours?
Chongyun:It’s just that…it’s nice to know you look good in white and red.
Hu Tao:Why does that-…..*red* Ah.
Xiangling:*frying up veggies*
Hu Tao:*walks in* I’ve returned.
Xiangling:Oh hey! So, how’d it go? Poor Chongyun didn’t overheat did he? Hehe.
Hu Tao:Nothing so dramatic. Just ummm, in a sense, on a spiritual and emotional level, I might be a fiancée.
Xiangling:…*turns around*
Hu Tao:*flushed* in a sense.
Xiangling:What does that mean!?
Hu Tao:I’ll get back to you on that one. Just know I very much appreciate this outfit.
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lukarion-ven · 1 year ago
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kagerou impact... 🌼💥
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luke-life · 1 month ago
If you go around liyue talking to the gang (xiangling, xinyan, xingqiu,yun jin and chongyun) chongyun mention picking up lessons on cultivation and saying that if he noticed sooner hu tao and the traveler wouldn't have taken a big risk
That makes me think of the main friend group chongyun was privy to what was going on I imagine in the tianheng clan they live by the same rules die in death and live in life due to the nature of their job
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lonespectre · 14 days ago
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Wanted to do more, but Hu Tao’s sleeves and hands… it was just too much.
So, just imagine she’s hanging on his back and that it’s a (late) Valentine’s piece
Reread Peach Cloud and some other Chongtao fics and I’ve got the brainrot again. Well, more accurate to say the Chongtao brainrot never left, it just hibernated. There’s a nonzero chance of more random art, but I’m not sure if I’ll write anything.
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bright-impact · 1 year ago
Chongyun, sitting with Hu Tao: ...I don't trust this.
Hu Tao, leaning on his shoulder: Hm? Like our relationship or this cliffside?
Chongyun: What? No no, I mean you at this moment.
Hu Tao: Awww, what could ever make you feel that?
Chongyun: Because I can hear our boyfriend in one of the bushes with something.
Xingqiu, coming out of his hiding spot with a bag: Ah. Curses.
Chongyun, glancing over: What's in it?
Xingqiu: Well I WAS going to surprise you with a dinner in this spot. But it appears our frosty lover had other plans.
Chongyun, still very skeptical: Mhm. And the rest of the plan Hu Tao?
Hu Tao: ...We had a ghost face painting at the top of the bag.
Chongyun: There it is.
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razorblade180-heated · 1 year ago
How about some NSFW Headcanon for Chongyun and Hu Tao? I am curious how different the cryo's relationship with both pyros are in this area?
This man has nearly mastered the art of being a calm leaf in the storm known as Hu Tao. In all actuality, he learned from both Zhongli and Xiao that Hu Tao has little defense against blatant honesty. While her teasing still gets him to blush, admitting he finds her cute and a joy to be with makes her just as flustered.
Hu Tao will rarely waste an opportunity to hug him from behind and when they’re alone she doesn’t think twice about doing something as bold as using his lap as a seat. Because of this, Chongyun is actually pretty okay at handling the extra body heat in these mild cases.
Chongyun is one of the few people Hu Tao will actually say “be safe” to, and goes as far as to actually reject any coupon he gives her; a consequence of dying and leaving her alone. In earnest, she obviously wouldn’t ignore her responsibilities in the case of the unfortunate, but Hu Tao wholeheartedly would prefer passing on before he did. She tries not to get too vulnerable but it’s as clear as day her affections for the boy mean volumes to her.
Some might mistake them to potentially be betrothed rivals with how they banter, considering pushing each other in their respective fields while also throwing a few jabs about the occupations every once and awhile.
Chongyun wouldn’t calm himself the jealous type but he gets a little in his own head at times; mainly because Hu Tao brings up how adorable she is. As whimsical as she can be though, she’s actually the more possessive of the two. Never in an antagonistic way but even Chongyun can’t help but feel his heart flutter whenever she holds him as if someone plans to steal him away.
In private they’re pretty passionate by nature, and a bit tense. Hu Tao adores teasing the man and provoking him until he shuts her up. He may try to act calm in most circumstances, but Hu Tao won’t let him get by with acting like he’s not slightly obsessed with her as much as she is with him. No need to hold back about it. She invites his Yang energy to flow freely and isn’t shy about letting him know he can take right up to death’s door each time they find themselves enjoying one another.
Chongyun can’t even say he’s embarrassed. Rather he just can’t believe how crazy he can be about her at times. It’s as if the limits between them are so far there doesn’t seem to be any, despite knowing there is. It’s usually after lots of yearning and cathartic passion that a flux of emotions pull them into more tender moments of care and intimacy. “I love you” and “I need you” often gets said over and over again.
Whoever said opposites attract we’re talking about them. Despite the differences, both of them are actually pretty similar; vulnerable people looking to share a true peace of mind experience with someone. Chongyun actually thinks it’s cute how needy Hu Tao can be, and Hu Tao actually pays close attention to Chongyun’s needs. Right down to making sure a window remains partly open at night so he feels comfortable cuddling under the covers.
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lycosaro · 2 years ago
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Rarepair offering :)
Old piece but I just doodle whatever comes into the brain
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buyandthrowaway · 2 years ago
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Relationship: Chongyun/Hu Tao (Genshin Impact)
Chongyun had no idea why she only told him.
Why she'd always stalk and pick on him every chance she gets, why'd she go on this business venture, and why the hell she'd only make things hard for him specifically.
Things—however, took a turn for the worse and they're now trapped in Inazuma, forced to go on the run. And Chongyun doesn't know how much longer he can take it before he cracks.
"Hu Tao, that is an incredibly stupid idea."
"It's not stupid if you don't try."
"And even more so if you do."
"If it's so stupid, why don't you follow me then?"
Yeah right...no you're on your own in this Hu Tao.
Or so he thought.
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ra1nbot · 1 year ago
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old stuff im probably not gonna finish
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cherriex-liaaoi · 2 years ago
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razorblade180 · 1 month ago
Live in Life
Hu Tao:*on a bench* You’re grumpy.
Chongyun:I promise I’m not grumpy.
Hu Tao:Sounds like a grumpy person might say. *leaning on him* You’re acting strange.
Chongyun:Hehe, you’re the strange one. You’ve been extra affectionate since you got back.
Hu Tao:It’s only natural. I was all prepared to not see your face for long while.
Chongyun:Yeah well, I wasn’t. You didn’t have to be so secretive with everyone.
Hu Tao:And have you all worried to death? It wouldn’t have been easy on my heart either.
Chongyun:I’m not faulting your job or responsibilities but what it would’ve been nice to make sure nothing was left unsaid.
Hu Tao:That’s why you live in life with no regrets! Don’t hold back! Speak your mind and eat your fill. You know that. Don’t tell me there’s something you haven’t gotten to tell me y-
Chongyun:I love you.
Hu Tao:*bright red* I-I know… you’ve said that before.
Chongyun:Wholeheartedly, I love you, Hu Tao. When the day comes when I have to let you go, I won’t hold on; but I’d it if you played a bit more straightforward with me. Tell me when you’re letting go, and don’t you dare do it if it was possible to hold on a bit longer.
Hu Tao:I…sorry, I’m kinda bad at this kind of stuff. Honestly, who asks a mischief maker to play things straight? *hides face*
Chongyun:Plenty of people actually.
Hu Tao:…I will be a little more upfront with everyone next time. I promise, so no need to worry.
Chongyun:Please, I’m always going to worry. Now and forever. It’s you.
Hu Tao:Pfft, enough! If you get any more sappy I might think you’re proposing or something.
Chongyun:Would you say yes?
Never has Hu Tao felt hot, cold, still, and fidgety all at once. She whipped her head around to see a sliver of mischief in his eyes, yet it was buried in sincerity he was known for that kept her face pink.
Hu Tao:Wh-What are you doing right now?
Chongyun:Living in life.
Hu Tao:I see, I see. I’m a terrible influence on you hehe. Umm, I’m not saying I would say no, but I would hope you’d spare a girl a heart attack and give her time to actually process such an important decision.
Chongyun:Is Director Hu actually feeling pressure?
Hu Tao:I don’t want to hear that from the guy who struggles with mild spices! Have you had your fill of making me frazzled? I already apologized.
Chongyun:I guess I could spare you. I’ll ask that question some other time. Until then, Happy Lantern Rite.
Hu Tao:Happy Lan-
Gently, his lips pressed against hers. He did it slow enough to not spook her, which she appreciated. Hu Tao leaned forward to deepen the kiss, her hands raising up to hold the sides of his face. Honestly, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling through it all.
Xiangling:Practicing for the big day?
Xingqui:I’d say so.
C&H:*immediately stop* HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE!?
Xingqui:Long enough.
Xiangling:While we all share Chongyun’s feelings about your responsibilities, I’ll have you know I’m personally keeping you on the hook a little longer! Who gives someone a new outfit then walks to their demise the same day!? You’re helping me cook for everyone today!
Hu Tao:Define “everyone”
Xiangling:*hands on hips*
Hu Tao:Okay, okay! Everyone it is; I will do my best.
Xingqui:Think of it as practice for the far future. Chongyun knows your favorite meals.
Chongyun:That’s enough out of you.
Xiangling:Alright everyone, let’s enjoy a bit of downtime before whipping up a feast fit for an archon!
They go off to celebrate, Xingqui and Xiangling taking the lead. As Chongyun was about to speed up to keep pace, his left hand was taken from him and pulled gently back to Hu Tao. She cunningly turned him around and gave him another kiss that he wasn’t prepared for, causing him to blush. He had learned to tease back, but was clearly still an amateur at receiving spontaneous affection. She lead him towards their friends with a skip in her step before they could fall too far behind.
Chongyun:Should’ve seen that coming.
Hu Tao:You have a long way before you surpass a master mischief maker like myself, hehe. Oh, and by the way… *smiles happily* I love you too. In life and in death.
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lazycatmeowsalot · 3 years ago
hu tao: *almost half-naked*
chongyun: *flustered* *doesn't know what to do* *wants to bury himself to the ground* *but wants to cover up hu tao first*
chongyun: can you please be mindful of yourself when you're alone with someone?!
hu tao: it's fine, you'll be fine. i'm not even attractive in anyway
chongyun: are you fucking kidding me?!
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ch3irv3 · 4 years ago
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I love them. 🙇‍♀️💖
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lonespectre · 3 years ago
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Man, I forgot I had a tumblr. Anyways, here’s some Chongtao fanart - honestly, this is more just me trying to store my art somewhere. Maybe it’ll convince me to draw some more and get better at this so I can actually make some art for my dozen rarepairs.
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bright-impact · 2 years ago
Chongyun: Do you two have any excuse as to why I shouldn't be angry right now?
Hu Tao:
Both, at the same time: You love us?
Chongyun, blushing: Not gonna work this time.
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razorblade180-heated · 1 year ago
Can we get some NSFW Headcanon for Chongyun and Xinyan?
Before anyone tries to take my head, I headcanon Chongyun as 19 and Xinyan as 20
Something about Chongyun gives me one tier below househusband vibes. Like incredibly helpful and lovely roommate energy. Meanwhile Xinyan is simply wonderful.
Xinyan is the more affectionately aggressive person with super hugs and cheek kisses. She also doesn’t hold back much with compliments. On the other hand, receiving such affection makes her giddy and flustered.
As big as her love is, Chongyun is the enamored one even if it doesn’t look like it at first glance. However he is very much outwardly when it comes to asking her out, helping set up performances, doing her nails, etc. It’s the cutest thing and just makes her want to hug him more
I think of this any time i imagine Chongyun with a pyro person but I believe they like warming their hands and heating him up gradually in private, romantic scenarios because he’s always a little bit nervous about his actions but she genuinely adores all of him and doesn’t want him to feel like it’s not okay to be himself in every capacity.
Despite his constitution, Chongyun is a bit of a tougher; holding on to wasted or a little bit of cuddling feels good. Most passionate moments start there and even though Xinyan generally kicks it off, Chongyun leads by the end of it.
They’re probably both switches and Xinyan is more bashful than she presents herself to be at first glance, favoring passion and gentle touches. “And I- oop” is probably the consistent feeling Xinyan has when riling him up to the point he just wants her. Is it off to say I think there would be a lot of laughing and giggling from both? I think it’s very fun and lighthearted for the both of them when they mess around.
I think there’s an overall positivity they don’t normally gain steadily outside of their relationship they feels really gratifying inside of it. Between Chongyun loosening up and Xinyan being showered in adoration from looks to sound, it becomes this loop of pleasure and joy. They’re definitely the kind to be a little too loud and also cuddle when it’s over.
I’m not sure if Xinyan is into anything out of the ordinary or in particular. At most I think she’s totally the person to have music playing the entire time and is definitely open to new things. Meanwhile Chongyun is embarrassed to admit he likes it when she’s assertive as well as the netting on her clothes. Both things she’s picked up on and will gladly indulge in.
Not quite sure if this is what you wanted but it’s what was on my brain. I really like pair, as well as Chongtao.
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