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playstoryscape · 5 years ago
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Hello folks! 
It’s that time of week again, are you ready for another edition of Friday feels? Let’s dive in 🏊
Thank you, and so sorry it took a while to get to you! Hope you enjoyed it, and that you made wise choices. :) 
Thank you, compliments passed along to the team and request for Etan noted! 
Thank you, and so glad you’re enjoying the crew! They’re good kids, they just need some love, guidance, and food. 
THANK YOU, WOOOOOOO! I’m excited with you! 
Thank you, we can’t wait to bring you more Aaron and The X-Files! 
Thanks you, we think she’s neat too! Personally can’t wait to bring you more info on our coming shows too!
Thank you, and I’m sorry. Please feel free to let it all out, we’re here with a tissue. 😭
Thank you, you’re the best! Appreciate your kind message!
Thank you, sorry for also taking a bit on this one! We feel incredibly appreciated and love, so maybe it was all of the well wishes we received. 
Thank you, and we’re well! Busy, busy, busy working on season 2s and new shows and updates to share with you all! We just wrapped up a weekly team meeting, where I show them popular pieces of feedback and memes, so hopefully they’re all in good spirits. ^^
Phew! Thanks to everyone! Working through the asks in our inbox and answering when I can, and thanks for your patience all. 💖
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somin-yin · 5 years ago
Thank you for tagging me @freewriterofdarkness ❤️
If you could bring any two fictional characters into the same world, who would they be, which world would you put them in, and what would their relationship to each other be?
Lemme see... Sangwoo from Killing Stalking and Seungho from Painter of the Night, I would leave them in their same world because they're both Korean but they're from different periods of time so it would be a matter of when rather than where... Oh and they would fuck like rabbits 😂😂😂 tbh I want them to get together cuz they have similar vibes, they're like reincarnations of each other.
If you could drop yourself into any fictional world, which would it be?
The Bloodbound world lol because I wanna meet Gaius and bang him 😂
What’s your spirit animal?
The phoenix
What is the most unpopular opinion you have?
I don't see the appeal in Kamilah Sayeed 🤷‍♀️
How do you like to style your hair?
Depends on my mood
What three books would you want on a desert island?
No.6 the novel by Atsuko Asano, Physics of the impossible, Physics of the future, Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension, all those books are written by Michio Kaku and I've enjoyed them a lot so any book by Michio Kaku would do, also any book by Stephen Hawking too (I've enjoyed a lot the one who talks about black holes) or even his thesis!! lol sorry I'm a huge nerd science geek, lemme be 😂
Something new you’ve learned in quarantine?
Μελετώ Ελληνικά.
Favorite alcoholic drink? (Or non if you don’t drink)
Jägermeister, whisky, tequila
Music you can’t stand? Music you love?
Despacito, ugh. I swear if I hear that song one more time I-
And I like all kinds of music but I enjoy rap and hip hop 😂
Have a favorite herb?
Does Eucalyptus count?
What kind of cups/glasses/bottles do you prefer to drink out of?
Mugs ❤️ cuz they cozy 😂
Preferred mode of communication: text, calls, email, letters?
T E X T, please don't call, T E X T
What’s your favorite weather?
Snowy ☃️❄️
What kind of lighting do you like?
Christmas lights 😂😂😂
What is the best thing you cook?
Do you have a favorite font?
I've never thought about that lol
What is something you’ve always wanted to write in a fic, but you’ve been to afraid to? Or what’s something you were afraid to write, but you did and it turned out awesome?
Well since I'm no writer, I always want to write the crazy things that come to my mind but I never know how to start or how to follow so I just give up and keep all that stuff safe inside my mind 😂
If you were in your favorite fantasy world, what would be your weapon of choice?
Psychic attacks like BB MC lol
Is there a commonly used expression/saying that you can’t stand?
Idk... I may have some but nothing comes to my mind right now lol
What’s something you’d like people to know about you?
Feel free to talk to me whenever you want, I'm good at listening and I don't judge.
Tagging: @dorkylittleweirdo @cryinginthebackseat @tyrilstarfuryy @choosiee @trinittyy @bachelorettebound14 @mrs-gaius-augustine @freya-blanco @visionsinpastelsbynxt @choicesplaystories @kingliamsbitch @an-urban-witch-ig @gaiusmywarrior @ofdreamsandrealities @theclownandtheflame @gaius-augustine-blog @mauldings @ntoraplayschoices
New random questions
I was tagged by @thirstforfleck <3
Lana/ Lala- Ana
If you could bring any two fictional characters into the same world, who would they be, which world would you put them in, and what would their relationship to each other be?
Ledger Joker and Arthur fleck, 1920’s…. They would be f*cking.
If you could drop yourself into any fictional world, which would it be?
Dark knight Gotham ;)
What’s your spirit animal?
A wolf.
What is the most unpopular opinion you have?
One tree hill sucks.
How do you like to style your hair?
I like to curl it or braid it.
What three books would you want on a desert island?
Crime and punishment, Milk and honey, and pride and prejudice.
Something new you’ve learned in quarantine?
That just because I have the time, doesn’t mean I will get to it XD
Favorite alcoholic drink? (Or non if you don’t drink)
Red wine or Green apple angry orchard
Music you can’t stand? Music you love?
F*cking blue grass. I have nightmares from having to go to concerts with my parents. Lana del rey, Davina Michelle, and Billie Ellish.
Have a favorite herb?
What kind of cups/glasses/bottles do you prefer to drink out of?
Wine glasses or mason jars.
Preferred mode of communication: text, calls, email, letters?
Text or snapchat.
What’s your favorite weather?
Thunderstorms or chilly fall weather.
What kind of lighting do you like?
String lights!
What is the best thing you cook?
Enchiladas, brownies  and blueberry pie. 
Do you have a favorite font?
Don’t really care.
What is something you’ve always wanted to write in a fic, but you’ve been to afraid to? Or what’s something you were afraid to write, but you did and it turned out awesome?
If you were in your favorite fantasy world, what would be your weapon of choice?
Loki XD
Is there a commonly used expression/saying that you can’t stand?
Lit or somebody come get her.
What’s something you’d like people to know about you?
That I’m always up to making new friends and I’m easy to talk to. I will legit to talk to anyone. My friends always tell me, that we can’t go anywhere with out me knowing someone XD…. I talk a lot, dammit.
tagging : @sophialemongrenade @sharpdressedclown @ladyoftheseastuff @mr–clown @clowndaddyfleck @kat-o-combs @somin-yin @jokersdyejob @ramsayboltonsmuse
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somin-yin · 5 years ago
@choicesplaystories Lmaooo mood 😏
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Sent by anonymous
‘Tbh I wanted to marry Gaius in Bloodbound instead of my LI but since it wasn't possible, I decided not to marry my LI so that I'm a free woman to be with Gaius someday lol they say time can heal everything so in my head they will meet again after some time and be together oh yeah 😂’
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somin-yin · 5 years ago
Thanks for the tag @ntoraplayschoices ❤️
Name: Just call me Somin
Nickname: Somin
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Height: 165 cm
Languages you know: English, French, Japanese, Spanish and a bit of German.
Nationality: I'm a world citizen
Favorite flower: I don't like flowers but if I have to pick, then maybe the lotus flower.
Favorite season: Winter
Favorite scent: Chocolate, gummy bears, the beach, forests, the scent of fun.
Favourite perfume: 🤷🏻‍♀️
Favourite designer: 🤷🏻‍♀️
Favorite color: I'm a tetrachromat so my favourite colour is one of those.
Favorite animal: Birds in general, owls, deers, dolphins, elephants, giraffes, chinchillas, etc, the truth is I love most animals ❤️
Favorite fictional character:
Colin Ritman
Gaius Augustine
Josephine Vance
Tyril Starfury
Light Yagami
Oh Sangwoo
Uchiha Sasuke
Sybil from The Heist: Monaco
I may have more but I don't remember at the moment.
Personality: Curious, I'm always looking to learn something new or how things work. I'm also very philosophical.
Hobbies: Lucid dreaming because I can do whatever I want there and it feels real, also I sometimes bring fictional characters into my lucid dreams 🤭 I also enjoy travelling and learning new languages or new stuff.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate
Average sleep hours: Like five
Dog or cat person: Cat person, definitely
Number of blankets I sleep with: 2 or 3
Dream trip: To the space 🌌🚀
Blog established: Idk, I don't remember
Followers: All cool and chill people, I love them all ❤️
Random fact: I was once told that in a previous life I was Egyptian (idk whether believe it or not lol)
Tagging: @dorkylittleweirdo @cryinginthebackseat @tyrilstarfuryy @freewriterofdarkness @choosiee @trinittyy @bachelorettebound14 @mrs-gaius-augustine @freya-blanco @visionsinpastelsbynxt @choicesplaystories @kingliamsbitch @an-urban-witch-ig @luciemiddleford @misswillowedschoices @gaiusmywarrior @ofdreamsandrealities @theclownandtheflame
tag game
RULES: answer 20 questions, then tag bloggers you want to get to know better.
thank you so much @saivilo​ and @liyanin​ for thinking of me <3
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