#choices darius
neunhofferart · 4 months
I didn't notice it until someone pointed it out, but Darius isn't wearing his Dino tooth necklace in Chaos Theory.
Is that an aesthetic decision, or is there an in-lore reason for that?
I think this design choice was on purpose.
So... in a scrapped version of the original script.... there was this big reveal after he calmed the Pachyrhino down that he no longer liked dinosaurs the same way at ALL. It was actually the first thing I drew on the show:
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But he had some crazy line like 'We both know you'd kill me in a heartbeat' or something and it was so over the top it always made everyone laugh (which wasn't the intention). It was decided this version was too melodramatic/the energy was wrong, so they redid how he was written/his acting in the first episode a few times until they found a sweet spot.
It was never meant to be explained why his necklace was missing, just implied.
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crimeronan · 9 months
Princess Au Au
Raine and Darius seeing the gang setting themselves up to raise a child and are like "NO. NO. NO. THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU NEED RIGHT NOW, PUT THE CHILD DOWN AND LET SOMEONE WITH A FULLY DEVELOPED BRAIN TAKE CARE OF IT!"
raine very patiently like luz. we've established a baseline of trust here, right?? we have a rapport?? you know i care a lot about you and wouldn't do anything to hurt you or anyone you care about, right?? you know i want what's best for you and i mean that in a genuine way and not a belos way?? we've established this??
Okay. cool. luz.
Give Me The Baby,
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cherrymoonvol6 · 11 months
ok nvm i'll elaborate right now
i think one of the many weird choices in the finale was to make belos possess raine out of all people. one, because it really comes out of the blue. when has belos ever shown any interest of raine? like, i'm sure he must be aware of raine's record of plotting against the establishment, but he never deals with them himself. instead he sends a plethora of other people to do it for him (darius, eberwolf, kikimora, terra). if anything, it is terra that has a bone to pick with them. and in a parallel work where raine got more to do, i believe terra and raine's dynamic would've been something really interesting to explore. kinda like the relationship between atreus and odin in GOW ragnarok, like this "okay i know you hate me and all that i stand for, but i see potential in you so i'll take you under my wing and prove to you that i am worth of your time and loyalty" kinda thing, which is a banger dynamic btw.
but the second part is that there are two way more attractive options. the first one, immediately on demand, is darius. ofc it would take some canon time of developing that dynamic between belos and darius (it pains me that it doesn't exist), but it would make sense that belos would keep a close eye on darius. after all, he was mentored and was a good friend of the previous golden guard, and it's implied in various scenes (mostly ASIAS) that he knows enough about hunter's "ancestors" to praise him when he doesn't follow orders, and ultimately play the long-con to betray belos. he may even be aware in some sense of belos killing the previous golden guard, or even the existence of the grimwalkers. in that case, it would make sense that belos would have built some resentment towards him that ultimately shows in the choice to possess, corrupt and kill his puppeteer-ed body. but then, there's an even better option here, and a character that belos has hide a long-time resentment against: lilith.
look, if belos remembers luz from all those years ago, then he abso-fucking-lutely remembers lilith as well. and in a sense you can interpret the actions in canon as him trying to exert his personal vendetta against her: keep her close in the emperor's coven, trying to get her sister to join and get branded with a sigil with the promise that he'll cure her from her curse, all this while knowing that she would eventually betray him and join luz's side. we know belos kept her close for a reason and he knows the extent of her abilities, her history and relationship with eda, and her weaknesses as well. belos possessing lilith, then, would not only be the definitive "fuck you" to her, but could've also been an effective way to provoke eda emotionally and lead her to abandon her hideout to confront him. and honestly, from the way belos acts in that scene in FTF, his reaction to finding the best candidate to possess would make so much more sense if it was lilith and not raine.
but like, aren't lilith and raine just... insanely similar characters in the show's narrative? both are figures of eda's past, who loved each other sincerely back in simpler times, and through plot-related actions (raine's reason is much better narratively though, IMO) abandoned eda and joined the opposing side, climbing the ranks through their powerful abilities until becoming important figures in the coven circle. trying to think about the things i'd change in canon to make raeda a better couple involve making them go through similar plot beats that eda and lilith have gone through: an emotional, powerful moment where raine has to choose between their position of power and eda's wellbeing, actual tension between them (resentment and guilt from eda's side, frustration and confusion from raine's side), situations where they are forced to colaborate and their chemistry can still come through but still their dynamic is permeated by those lingering wounds... like, all of those things are stuff that already happened in canon, between eda and lilith. there's even that moment in king's tide where eda has the same somber moment with raine and lilith before executing their sabotage:
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to me, it event seems like lilith got a lot of attention and development with eda in S1 and early S2 and then her character got sidelined when raine started to appear, and simultaneously: how raine's backstory and conflict of interest with eda are pretty much an afterthought but they still get to be a key player in the plot through late S2 and S3. i'm really sorry that economic character construction has to work this way, but that's how it is: you don't get to give eda a sister and a significant other and then make those two characters the same one. you have to commit to just one and integrate all aspects onto them.
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rou-luxe · 3 months
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monstergoblin · 1 year
A Dadrius thought
I keep thinking about Darius adopting Hunter after everything is over (Don't get me wrong Camila adopting him is cute too but I'm a sucker for Dadrius) Imagine Hunter being super clean cause he wants to make Darius happy and knows he likes it tidy. And Darius appreciates it but it makes him uneasy he doesn't want Hunter being clean because he's self-conscious of Darius, he should just get to be a kid and be messy. Anyway Darius would have to confront Hunter to tell him to just be a kid its fine. He knows he's a germ/clean freak but that's not Hunters problem. (Of course still clean normally just dont be conscious of Darius standards) And then Eberwolf complaining that Darius always makes them clean up their mess.
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pizzaboat · 2 years
Raine, after Belos: What if I got a buzz cut?
Darius: What if you didn't?
Eda, touching her own hair: What if I got a buzz cut?
Darius: No.
Lilith, cheerful: I had a buzz cut!
Darius: You've all lost it.
Raine, staring into the distance: Better than a mullet...
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thousand-winters · 10 months
At this point, I'm lowkey about Darius Deamonne the same way I am about the Jedi Order. Every person I see saying they suck and they're the devil incarnate and deserve bad things or to die or whatever just makes me go aggressively in the other direction.
They're perfect. Flawless even. Have never made a mistake in their lives. They should have committed atrocities, actually, they would deserve it.
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theowlhoussideblog · 1 year
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The fact that these two become siblings in any scenario is amazing.
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patchworkofravens · 11 months
The fact that the ball vehicle episode was relationship establishment/development for every pair except Benji is so funny to me idk why
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cmpumkin-arts · 2 years
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I made a joke tier list for Darius ranking who should be allowed a social media account, its very much for hahas
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Broke: Darius is bald without the abomination goo
Woke: There was an accident when experimenting with abominations and Darius ended up with an abomination permanently melded to his hair
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voidfell · 4 months
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After everything Darius put him through I think Cody deserves to kick his ass and have to be physically hauled off of the guy kicking and hissing before he murders him. Personally, I think it'd be good for him. Let him feel the full weight and rage of the trauma put on him. I think he should be allowed to throw back exactly as much murderous intent at Darius as Darius has thrown at him since literally episode 2 when he had Cody kidnapped just to try to scare the kid into not leaving the house again. I just think that after you highjack the kid's armor, trash his prized possessions, try to murder his found family right in front of him, and then actually succeed in temporarily murdering his primary caretaker rapidly followed by trying to literally blow said kid up ON HIS BIRTHDAY-- you forfeit your right to life.
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crimeronan · 2 years
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i promise not to liveblog my whole fic reread especially because i'm pretty sure summer kitkat already put a bunch of screenshots & quotes on this blog (even if i don't remember when or exactly what). but. this exchange Did just make me laugh out loud. holy fuck you three.
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mando-of-esverr · 11 months
Imperial credits are worth almost twice as much as the rebel currency." The man laughed, "But if your only standards to judge them by is their pilots - I'll admit they have the uncanny survivability of a roach."
He shrugged, "Of course, you've never met Tor Phennir, now he's a real pilot. His men too. And the added bonus; they aren't a gaggle of pirates, thieves, and traitors. Someone like you can do far better than them, and make better money while you're at it."
Darius couldn't deny the value of Imperial credits, but he couldn't go jumping on any suggestion a strange passerby might give. In his experience, it was always better to do a little digging and always take things with a grain of salt.
He paused though, the name ringing a bell.
"Tor Phennir," he repeated, rolling the name on his tongue. He felt like he should know the name, that it was important. He'd done his best to keep aware of what was going on in the galaxy between the Empire and the Rebels. Knowing who's who was critical in knowing which contracts were worth taking. A good pilot with men among the Imperials. He knew very few who survived long enough to reach any kind of notoriety in the Imperial Navy. But there were a few...
"You wouldn't be talking about the 181'st?" he asked with interest. "I know only of a few notorious Imperial fighters. More often than not, Imperial pilots don't live long enough to reach notoriety. But 181'st? I've heard of them."
There was a distinct note of respect in Darius' voice as he spoke and gestured to the seat across from him. "Sit friend, not often do I encounter interesting company on a day out." He shifted, setting his caf aside so the man had his full attention. "I still would like to know who you are, but I suppose the circles you run in include this famed pilot? Circles you think I'd profit from running in myself?"
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yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
Yandere Short Stories: Not the Same
Yandere Surgeon x Ex-Fiancée Fem Reader
TW: medical malpractice, horror, obsession, yanderre themes, unhealthy behaviors, blood, gore, murder, etc.
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A loud, frustrated scream ripped through Darius’s throat before various surgical instruments clattered to the floor. This experiment had been yet another failure…
“You’re supposed to sweetly ask me how my day is!” Darius screamed at his patient who held their arms over their head in a fetal position.
“I-I didn’t know-“ The patient screamed when Darius stomped his foot into their back side over the fresh incisions. Loud, pained wails left the patient’s throat as they crumbled to the floor. Apologies bubbled through their throat.
“She would have never made such a mistake…” Darius sighed as he turned to his scalpel. That’s right, his darling fiancée would have gave him a big smile and rushed into his arms… she’d never be so uncouth.
Darius grasped a scalpel from off the floor, his gray eyes reflected off the shiny surface. There was only one way to fix such a grave mistake he’s made…
Darius swung his fist into the patient, the scalpel now deeply imbedded into their eye socket. One last, pathetic wail left their lips before they laid in a pool of their own blood on the once pristine floor in a grotesque halo.
Darius rubbed the small bit of blood that splattered on his face with disgust. This wasn’t the same… it wasn’t her. This failure of an experiment could never compare to his perfect fiancée… his (your name).
“I wonder when you’ll come back to me…” Darius softly whispered to himself, his eyes studied the pool of blood in disinterest. “How many more of your little dates do I have to mutilate and dispose of until you become mine again?”
Darius thought for a moment before he studied the corpse’s ears in interest. Maybe he should send his beloved a little present? That should get the ball rolling.
Darius yanked the scalpel out of the patient’s eye before he sucked in a breath. This was all for her own good… he’d make her see that he was the best choice. By force.
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pincushionx · 4 months
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Hunter at Hexside! He’s about 17-18 in this and is a senior in this.
He takes advanced potions due to it being his first choice in ASIAS and I think it would be most familiar to him as it doesn’t require powers to do.
He also does advanced construction since alot of the magic we see him use when he was the golden guard besides teleportation was manipulating the ground around him and summoning objects (the sword in separate tides)
He does Bard because it’s a fun and new form of magic he can learn
Beast-Keeping as alongside palismen he picks up an affinity for animals from Camilla and Gwendolyn.
Abominations minor since he found them interesting from Darius and Amity.
He also dabbles in other forms of magic, illusions, plants, healing, even some oracle, but not enough to justify getting a class.
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