#choi jongho hurt/comfort
missmaniac25 · 4 months
Choi Jongho - Unprofessional
Therapist!Choi Jongho x gn!reader A little bit of hurt, a lottle of unethical behaviour (please do not fall in love with your therapist or vice versa) Word count: 2.5K Warning for reader being insecure, and unprofessional behaviour on Jongho's side
~ “First time here?” The receptionist asked, smiling kindly.
“Um, yes,” you answered as you squeezed your hands together. “Did everything come through from my previous therapist?”
She nodded before telling you to have a seat and that your slot would start soon.
Changing to a new therapist was stressful. Your previous mental health coach had suddenly up and left to go be with their partner in a different city. So reluctantly, you’d started the search and through a friend of a friend, you’d ended up here.
The second hand on the clock ticked slowly. As per usual, you’d arrived early and now had to play the waiting game, trying to sync your breathing with every five ticks of the clock. It kept you busy. So busy in fact that you didn’t even notice the door opening. It was only when you heard someone call your name that you became aware of how much time had passed.
It was time for your therapy session.
Dr Choi Jongho looked exceedingly comfortable in his cream-coloured cardigan and black slacks. A very clean pair of glasses sat on his noise, drawing your attention to his beautiful eyes.
“So, what brings you here today?” He asked, settling himself into his seat.
“Well, I’m sure you’ve seen what my previous therapist sent you.”
You tried your hardest to relax. Dr Choi seemed kind and open, but the new environment was still a tad bit unsettling.
“Yes, I did.” He replied and smiled, the happiness reaching his eyes. “But why today?”
“Honestly the worst of my problems are behind me,” you tell him. “But sometimes I still need help keeping my thoughts in order.”
Dr Choi nodded and scribbled something in his notepad.
“Tell me all about it.”
You left feeling far better than when you’d arrived, even feeling brave enough to give Dr Choi a little salute before heading off, which seemed to amuse him. Maybe this could work out after all.
3 months with Dr Choi
“To be perfectly honest with you, I think that you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.”
Dr Choi seemed particularly done with you today. Three months since starting sessions with him, he’d gotten to understand you pretty well. And vice versa.
“But this is a big deal!” You pressed on, scooting closer to the edge of the couch the more worked up you got. “Going on a first date is a big deal!”
Dr Choi looked you up and down before sighing and leaning back in his chair.
“Fine, I’ll bite,” he mused. “Why is it such a big deal?”
“First impressions!” You jumped up off of your seat and started pacing. “Having to expose yourself to a complete stranger.”
The faint scribble of a pen on paper could be heard as you ranted.
“Like, there’s so much that could go wrong!” You continued. “Besides, I’m not dating material. I’m literally only going cause my friend set it up and I don’t want to let her down. Besides all that, what even do I have to offer someone romantically? He won’t even like me!”
“Why not?”
Dr Choi’s words made you stop as you stepped. He wore a strange look on his face; something between confusion and… regret?
“Why not what?” You asked back, still not moving.
He was slower to answer this time.
“Why would he not like you?”
There was a long stretch of quiet before you plopped back down where you had been seated before. Dr Choi kept an eye on you the entire time.
“Maybe?” He pressed gently.
“Maybe I’m just insecure,” you confessed. “Maybe… maybe I’m just saying that because I’m nervous and looking for any excuse not to go. Or for it not to work out.”
You heart thumped heavily in your chest. The beginning of a tear threatened to form in your eye but you blinked it away.
“Good,” Dr Choi said, a small smirk appearing on his lips.
“Good?” you queried.
“Good.” He reaffirmed. “But I’m afraid that’s our time for today.”
Quickly you glanced at the clock, seeing that he was right. You gathered your belongings and made for the door, thanking him like you always did.
“See you next time.” You gave a little salute, as had become tradition.
“Goodbye.” Dr Choi saluted back, his face blank. “Good luck with your date.”
It wasn’t until later that you thought about how stiff his goodbye had been.
‘Probably reading into it too much,’ you told yourself. ‘He’s probably exhausted, hearing my nonsense once a week’
That had to be it.
7 months with Dr Choi
The pitter patter of rain on the roof had you mesmerized. It was like a spell being cast, keeping you from thinking of anything else. Just the sound. Pitter, patter.
“Are you still with me?”
Dr Choi’s voice finally got through to you.
“Theres no need to apologise,” he answered, that soft smile that you’d gotten used to on his face.
It was a smile that never quite reached his eyes. Like it was just something he had to do rather than a genuine reaction.
It had started to bother you once you had noticed it, how closed off he’d become. How he’d stopped saluting back when you left his office every week.
“There you go again.” Dr choi adjusted his grip on the pen he was holding. “Tell me what you’re thinking. That’s why you’re here.”
The debate of what to do held you back for a second but Dr Choi called your name, forcing you to decide.
“You’ve changed,” you stated.
His eyebrows raised in intrigue.
“Yes. For a while now, you’ve been acting differently.” You continued fulling facing him, “You used to be… friendlier.”
The two of you watched each other as though it were a stalemate; who was going to draw first?
“You noticed that?” Dr Choi finally said, voice quieter than usual.
“It was intentional?” There was a pang of hurt in your heart.
You really liked Dr Choi, as your therapist and as a person; to hear that he was purposefully acting differently towards you…
Dr Choi clearly could see how upset you’d become and tried to explain.
“No! No. Yes.” He stuttered. “I am behaving differently but it’s because…”
He shut his eyes, seemingly starting his own internal argument.
The air felt tense all of a sudden. The rhythm of the rain barely keeping you tethered to reality.
Were you really having a fight with your therapist?
“I think… I think I should go.” You stood up; Dr Choi finally looking at you again.
He said nothing as you made your way to the door, said nothing as you did your usual salute goodbye, and nothing as you shut the door and walked away.
It was only a day later when your phone rang. Hesitantly, you picked up, saying your name after greeting whoever was on the other side.
It wasn’t a voice you were expecting.
“Hi, it’s um… It’s Dr Choi Jongho.”
Everything froze. You didn’t move a muscle.
“Um, are you able to come in for ten minutes today?” He continued, voice sounding uneven. “I’d like to explain my behaviour yesterday. It was extremely unprofessional.”
“I still have work…” You began.
“You can come later,” Dr Choi interjected. “After hours. Free of charge.”
The majority of your brain wanted to say no. To say ‘forget everything’ and go back to normal. But there was that small part of you that was curious; that needed to know.
“Ok, I’ll be there.”
The receptionist had already gone home by the time you arrived and the door to Dr Choi’s room was already open. Cautiously, you knocked.
“Come in.”
With a deep breath, you went inside.
Dr Choi was putting away his notebook and pen into a drawer. He’d taken off his glasses and rolled his sleeves up.
“You can sit down,” he offered, watching as you shifted from foot to foot.
“Dr Choi…”
You swallowed nothing before he spoke again.
“Sorry.” He rubbed his hands along the legs of his pants. “That came out rather harshly.”
“You’re always telling me not to say ‘sorry’ but, seems like you do it too.”
Jongho smiled. And for the first time in a long time, it seemed to be genuine.
“Do as I say and not as I do,” he quipped back.
You tried to smile at him but something between you two still felt off.
“I suppose I should explain myself.” Jongho moved to stand in front of you.
“I’d appreciate that,” you said.
“I want to start by apologising again for my behaviour,” he said, looking at you earnestly. “It was unprofessional but more than that, it was rude.’
After a nod of acknowledgement from you, he continued.
“It also pains me to tell you that I can no longer be your therapist.”
“Why not!?”
The words flew from your mouth before you could stop yourself. “I forgive you for your weird behaviour today if that’s the problem!”
“No, no.” Jongho placed his hands on your arms. It was firm but still caring. “No, it’s something else. Something more than just that.”
In that moment, you were aware that this was the closest you’d ever physically been to each other. You could see the depth of his brown eyes, the freckle on his neck.
“I can’t be your therapist anymore because I’ve developed feelings for you.”
Out of all the possible things he could’ve said, that had not been at the top of your list. All you could manage was a quiet ‘oh’.
“I, uh.” He stepped back but the place where his hands had been still felt warm. “I tried to ignore my feelings. I had hoped that they wouldn’t get stronger but clearly in trying to ignore them, I’ve changed how I act towards you and… and I didn’t do a very good job of not letting it show.”
He glanced away for a second.
“And obviously I couldn’t stop those feelings from growing. And the more they grew, the worse I became.”
Jongho looked back at you, a shimmer of sadness in his eyes.
“So, that’s why you can’t be my therapist anymore,” you said, still trying to grasp this situation.
“Yes.” Jongho nodded. “But I have some people I can recommend you could go to, if you’d like their information.”
“Honestly.” You took a small step back. “I might need a break from therapists for a bit.”
The two of you stood in silence, neither of you sure what should happen next. You looked around, searching for guidance only to end up looking at Jongho again.
“I don’t want to take up anymore of your time.” He spoke up. “If you want those names, you can let my know.”
“I’ll think about it.”
With difficulty, you turned for the door, feeling your limbs fill with a heaviness. For old time’s sake, you looked back and lifted two fingers to your head. With a bittersweet look, Jongho saluted back.
You left for the last time.
One month without Dr Choi
Quiet. Nothing but quiet.
You’d thought about that day often especially in moments like these, when it was just you and your mind.
‘This is a bad idea,’ you told yourself as you picked up your phone and typed a message.
‘Hello Dr Choi, I was wondering if I could please get the names of the therapists you recommended. Sorry for the inconvenience.’
You sent it before you could change your mind. It was almost the end of the working day but contacting him after hours would’ve felt stranger.
‘You don’t need to apologize, it’s no trouble at all.’
The next message is a list of names and numbers; some of them you recognised from your previous search before you had found…
‘Thank you.’ You sent back and before the confidence could wear off you added:
‘Are you ok?’
Theres a long stretch of nothing and you assumed that he had decided to ignore you. You’re about to get up and move on when…
‘Normally I’m the one asking that question. Its strange to be on the receiving end of it.’
Ping. Another message.
‘I’m alright. Thank you for asking.’
You answer with just ‘glad to hear it’ before you put the phone aside and found something to do that wasn’t over thinking.
6 months without Dr Choi
Hearing someone call your name while you are grocery shopping is always a little bit scary. Turning around to see your ex-therapist is even scarier.
“Oh, hi,” you manage to say as you stood with your shopping basket in one hand and a box of brownie mix in the other. “Dr Choi.”
“Just Jongho is fine. You’re no longer my patient.” He gave you a smile. That fake smile that ended at the corners of his lips.
“Right, sorry,” you said before internally groaning. If you had still been his patient, he would’ve scolded you for that.
“It’s been a few months now,” Jongho said. “Are you seeing anyone?”
Your heart skipped a beat and he realised what he had said and his eyes went wide.
“Oh, no!” He quickly tried to correct himself. ‘No, not like that! I meant professionally, not…”
Jongho took a deep breath and closed his eyes before muttering quietly to himself.
“Why does that only happen with you?”
You waited until he had had his moment, speaking once his eyes were open again.
“It’s ok.” You tried to give him a reassuring look. “I know what you meant to say.”
Letting the brownie mix fall into your basket, you continued.
“Professionally, yes.” You told him. “I’ve been going to Dr Park. He’s good just a little up tight.”
Jongho nodded as you spoke.
“Personally, no. I’ve, uh, I’ve been building up the courage to talk to someone again.”
You watched as he shifted his weight on his feet. He seemed uneasy.
“Oh, well, that’s good.” Jongho offered his two cents. “I hope that you find enough courage to follow through with it.”
It was now or never.
“Jongho,” you said, moving a little closer. “Are you seeing anyone?”
“Personally, or professionally?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed.
His reply was a quick ‘no’ and a shake of the head.
“I, um.” Your heart pounded; like it was going to jump right out of your chest. “I don’t know if you still feel the same way about me as before or if this is even ethical but…”
“Yes?” Jongho gently pressed.
“Would you like to maybe have a coffee with me? At some point?”
A spark ignited in Jongho’s eyes and you could see his cheeks flush pink.
“Yes.” He finally smiled fully. “I’d love to have coffee with you.”
“Great!” You slowly started to shuffle around him. “I’ll send you a text.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
With one final nod, you turned your back and started to walk away.
“Hey!” Jongho called out.
When you looked at him, he had two fingers up to his forehead.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little as you did the same, giving the mock salute back.
“See you.”
“Yeah.” You smiled. “See you soon, Dr Choi.”
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asherthehimbo · 11 months
Taking care of you
Choi Jongho x gn!reader
hurt/comfort?? drabble
no specifics on readers' appearance except for the fact that they are taller than Jongho
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•You've always been a hopeless romantic, despite having minor dating experience. You had two minor relationships in highschool, neither worked out. You had somehow always been the one putting in effort, taking care of your partner and it made you tired. You were a caring person but you wanted to feel secure in a relationship, feel like you could depend on the other person. So you went through the rest of highschool, and the first year of college believing you wouldn't find love. You still believed in it, found it beautiful, yes you were jealous of others who had found their person, but you couldn't resent them for being happy.
•You never shared these thoughts with anyone, Wooyoung, your best friend, had a suspicion about this, but it wasn't his place to pry, you would tell him if you wanted too. He knew it hurt you to see others being taken care of in a relationship in the way you wanted to be. It hurt him, but you also refused to let your friends take care of you.
•It confused him at first, you taking care of your friends, yet refusing to let them care for you in the same way. Until he realized that's an action you're saving for someone special.
•You were in your second year of college when you met him, Choi Jongho. He was a year younger than you, a music major. He had a few other classes in common with Wooyoung, so he was invited into your little friend group. At first, you treated him like you treated all your friends. You took care of him, he was younger than you after all.
•Despite your tendencies you realized Choi Jongho doesn't like being cared for, at least not by you. He wouldn't be mean or refuse your help, but he wouldn't go out of his way to seek it, unlike your other friends.
•It started off small at first, him giving you his jacket when he noticed you were cold after you had given your jacket to Hong Joong. Then he corrects a barista who got your order wrong. Giving you a triple chocolate cookie (your favorite) when you have a bad day. How he noticed you had a bad day you will never know.
•Then he starts appearing when your classes end, walking you home, you start studying together in the library. Before you know it you've fallen deep for Jongho without even realizing.
•Wooyoung is the first to notice the change, he brings it up and you deny his claim, stating you and Jongho are simply friends. You can deny it to Wooyoung but you can't deny it to yourself.
•Jongho is doing everything you've ever wanted in a boyfriend, and he's not even your boyfriend. He walks with you everywhere, holds your hand in crowds so that you won't get lost, remembers the small details about your interests, he listens, like actually listens when you start to ramble about something. He looks at you with the softest smile you've ever seen, he makes you feel so warm, yet nauseous at the same time.
•Jongho isn't big on skinship, you know this, so you can't help but overthink every time he holds your hand, sits next to you, so close your thighs are touching, puts his hand on the small of your back when trying to move you out of the way.
•Despite being taller than him, when he hugs you, you feel so small, so protected. You never knew you were touch starved until you felt his touch.
•Jongho isn't your boyfriend, but he's far beyond being just a friend. For once in your life, you're comfortable to settle in the silence of not having a boyfriend. Because now you have Jongho, whatever your relationship may become.
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Ateez masterlist | Home page
note: This is just a fun little drabble I made and is not to be taken seriously. Please be respectful <3
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biaswreckme · 5 months
until the break of dawn | jongsan
San's touches to Jongho's shoulder in Wonderland (Symphony No.9 "From The Wonderland") into something more after Coachella.
Fandom: Ateez
Pairing: Jongho/San
Member: Jongho, San, mentions of the other members and relationships
Word count: 1500 words
Genre/Tropes: Canon compliant, Romance, Fluff, Smut
Rating: mature, 18+
Triggers/Warnings: smut, crying, mutual masturbation, no dialogue, implied polyamorous ateez, a little bit of hurt/comfort
You can read it on: AO3
Skinship was not something Jongho was ever incredibly fond of, but over the years living and working in close quarters with the other seven members made him aware of his limits and needs. He would frequently run or push the other boys away, but sometimes he craved and even initiated physical contact. 
When they first presented the new version of Wonderland, he was up on another level of the stage by himself, none of the others with him in the most nerve wracking moment of the song for him. As they continued to perform the Symphony 9 version on stages, they changed their positioning so he would walk out in front of the members to hit his high notes. It was subtle and he was confused the first time, but there was a comfort to the hand San pressed to his shoulder, almost a motivation for him to continue - it was an extra burst of strength and a signal that he was there for Jongjo.
So he started to yearn for this moment whenever the song was on their setlist, and they never talked about it, but it was a given that San would give him this encouragement. When they decided to include the song as the ending for their stage at Coachella, he knew he would be nervous, but he did not truly know the magnitude or the pressure he would feel when the moment arrived. They were all on the edge of their seats, knowing how much their performance would mean and how heavy their shoulders were.
When the time came that first weekend, he paused and took a deep breath, closing his eyes momentarily so he could gather the most of his energy and calmness to avoid making any mistakes. He felt San’s hand pressing down on his shoulder, a little bit stronger than usual, but they were all slightly more intense with the performance, feeling like they had to prove themselves to the world. But it worked; the stronger pressure ground him enough for him to confidently sing his part.
So in his week off he went back to Los Angeles while some of the members stayed to enjoy the festival and other activities. He knew his members worried about him using his time to have singing lessons, to try and better himself, so they reassured him, even sending videos and articles of people who didn’t know them commenting on Jongho’s incredible voice. He was fine, it was just an opportunity he didn’t want to miss while in the city. 
And then the second week approached, faster than he would like, but there they were again in that stage, curiously enough named after the same desert they started their career in back in the day. There was something different in the air that second night. They were having more fun, sure, but in giving all of themselves to the performance, they were also more tired. The wind was strenuous, their energies feeding off each other, internal chaos trying to get through to the end. He was sure that later at the hotel they would go off with their closest pairs to recharge, to balance their emotions, and he was - and it hurt him to admit it - not really sure who would be there for him. Hongjoong and Seonghwa, Mingi and Yunho, Wooyoung and San, and maybe Yeosang would join them, for he had seen the new developments between the two old friends.
He heard more than saw Seonghwa scream, shout out, giving himself that last burst of passion. And then it was his time, going to the front. He took his deep breath in and let it out, quickly closing and opening his eyes, bracing himself for the moment. San’s hand, San’s touch was even stronger this time around, almost searing hot through the layers he was wearing, as if he could feel the shape of the other man’s fingers. He could feel the great intensity of San’s gaze on him, indeed much stronger than the previous week. And then he did it. They all did it.
On the backstage and on the way back, as Jongho had predicted, there was tension thick enough to cut through with a knife, bodies shivering and teeth clenching with the remnants of the high emotions of that last stage. But not all of his predictions were correct. Hongjoong chose Seonghwa indeed, his touch so gentle against the older’s face, gathering his tears, pulling him towards the bedroom. Yunho, still with his fingers adorned with the silver claws, grabbed Mingi by the jacket, subtly touching the similar cross that hung heavy around the other’s neck and went to another of the bedrooms they had on the floor. Then came his surprise: Wooyoung entwined his fingers with Yeosang’s, a hypnotizing gaze on the transparency that the man was wearing, muscular chest for everyone to see, but only for him to enjoy that evening. And then there were two.
San extended his hand for him, a silent question in his face, an invitation, an open bedroom door. And Jongho took it. He knew once they crossed the threshold there would not be going back to the way things were before, but then again he was not sure he wanted everything to stay the same. He could feel his fingers were shaking - maybe his entire body was shaking - as San closed the door behind them. There was still silence. After all the emotions of the night, the loud music, the crowd, it was nice and comforting to not speak. San pulled him towards the bedroom, and once inside, started to slowly shed piece by piece of clothing; his own was easy and quick, but he took his time undressing Jongho, each item carefully folded on the fancy bathroom counter. 
There was a sense of easiness in the air now for a second, yet with both bare and not having anywhere or how to hide, Jongho soon could feel his eyes watering at San’s intensity, becoming overwhelmed by the attention. Before San could ask, though, Jongho took a deep breath and hugged the older, not minding the sweat and nakedness that usually bothered him. It both comforted and opened up the waterworks, his words spilling out uncontrollably the same as his tears. As he opened up his heart, San gently led him into the shower, turning the water on to a warm temperature, starting to wash away Jongho’s worries and insecurities, and in soaping him up, tried to instill with his words all he felt for the younger, his pride, his admiration, his love. They lost time, water starting to run cold.
Tomorrow morning or afternoon they would have time to discuss exactly what everything meant, the intricacies of this newfound passion between them - and what it would mean to the others now that Jongho was a part of it, but mostly to the two  members who were currently in the bedroom across from them, surely in the same state of undress. For tonight, they would focus on the moment. They finally turned off the cold water, goosebumps on their skins not only from the chill, a sliver of nervousness passing through both of them. It wasn’t like they were inexperienced, especially San in his - quite loud at times - relationship with Wooyoung, but it was always intense sharing a first with a lover, especially after such a powerful evening. 
The fluffy and warm towels barely met their bodies before they were falling into bed, a messy top lip kiss before they delved into a deeper and more sensual battle, legs entangling, getting even closer to one another. On their sides looking into each other’s eyes, breaths mingling with moans and shivers as spit-covered palms glided along their erections, feeling, discovering the familiar yet foreign skin. They were used to taking showers together, changing in front of the other members out of necessity but this was different. This was nakedness with intent; touch with intent of pleasure, of giving and taking. Of taking until their breaths were hitching, eyes closing and hands grabbing at each other at the sensations overcoming their bodies, reaching their peaks together.  
And now the air was light, soft giggles permeating the bedroom, trying to rile each other up to wash their hands and clean themselves again, rushing back to the bed. There was something about hotel rooms that made things easier, it was almost a limbo between the real world at home and this suspended romantic disbelief. They would rest under the soft lamps and white sheets until reality came knocking on their door. Jongho, however, no longer had any apprehension of becoming part of something bigger, of becoming more comfortable with the other’s constant touches, reaching for each other without even noticing. Even in his almost slumber, San was reaching for him, mumbling soft words that caressed his ears and his soul, and the ache so present in Jongho’s heart for so long was finally starting to be placated. 
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edenesth · 4 months
[7:16 AM]
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"I'm gonna dieeee," you wailed, curling up on the couch. Pouting, you glanced over at Jongho, who was busy preparing breakfast—or at least you thought so—in the kitchen of your shared apartment.
He snorted and shook his head. "You say that every month, yet here you are, alive and well time and time again."
"Would it hurt to console me a little? Try being a woman for a month and see how you like it." With a scoff, you reached for a pillow, ready to throw it at him, but a wave of cramps hit your lower half. Wincing, you clutched the soft material close and waited for the pain to pass.
Damn it, being a woman sucked. If you get pregnant, you suffer for nine months. If you don't, you still suffer every month. Why did you have to be a woman? Life would be so much easier if you were a man. Like that bastard standing there, engrossed in whatever he was doing, neglecting his poor girlfriend who was in so much pain—
"Here you go, babe. I got you your heat pad."
Suddenly, you felt guilty for thinking of him that way when all he had been trying to do was ensure your comfort. Your lips quivered as you reached out to him with grabby hands. Damn your period mood swings; they were driving you insane.
His eyes widened in panic at your tears as he rushed over, kneeling beside you and gently pressing the pad onto your stomach, knowing exactly where to hold it by now. One hand on your tummy, the other instinctively cupped your face. "What is it, babe? Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat."
You shook your head, mumbling, "No, that's too much work."
He hummed thoughtfully. "I can cut you some apples, at least?"
"Break them in half, you mean."
He nodded. "Yeah, or that too."
Just as he moved to stand up, presumably to go break some apples, you whined and tugged on his hand. "No, you idiot. I don't need anything else. I just want you to stay here with me… please."
Your boyfriend finally understood the cause of your morning grumpiness. Though your period cramps were always terrible and tended to affect your mood, today you appeared even more restless than usual. He softened as he realised his mistake in fussing over you when all you really wanted was for him to stay by your side.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here now. I'll stay with you for as long as you need me to," he whispered, settling beside you and pulling your smaller frame close. His heart fluttered when you immediately snuggled up to him as if it were second nature.
"Good, then stay forever," you murmured, leaning up to kiss his jaw. He gave you a comforting squeeze, his heart skipping a beat at your words. Pressing his lips against your head, he nuzzled his face into your hair, wondering why he hadn't done this sooner.
"Maybe I will," he said, savouring the feeling of you in his arms, pressed against him. The soft sensation of your breath on his skin, the warmth radiating from you, the rise and fall of your chest against his side, and the dreamy way you looked up at him—all of it made him think that staying like this forever wouldn't be so bad. "Be careful what you wish for. You'd better not grow tired of me when I do cling to you forever."
You bit your lip. "Never, Choi Jongho. I'll never get tired of you." With that, you sealed the promise with a kiss that seemed to make all the period cramps in the world disappear.
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ATEEZ Masterlist
The way I'm tired asf but felt the need to get this out of my system before going to bed. It's that time of the month for me HAHA I'm in pain and honestly, nothing makes me feel better than being delulu🤡
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this random little timestamp and as always, let me know your thoughts! <3
General ATEEZ Tag list:
@aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 |
@evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho |
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @skzline |
@sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid @tinyteezer @hollxe1 |
@pandabur666 @vampzity @tournesol155 @lilactangerine @oddracha |
@haven-cove @idfkeddieishot
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atzaurora · 4 months
[˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗] mᥲs𝗍ᥱrᥣіs𝗍
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inbox is always open for requests, feedback or if you wanna talk :3
➤ for ateez & enhypen (writing for txt, p1harmony and seventeen as well!)
➤ ☆-𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 ★-𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕/𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 ✱-𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕
➤ 𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒆𝒔: imagines, preferences, reactions, headcanons, hard thoughts, soft thoughts, text messages, audios
if you have any ideas or wishes let me know, requests are open
[𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕] here! ; [about me] + [guidelines]!
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❥ ot8 !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing their hoodie ☆(reaction)
-let them eat cake ✱☆(imagine)
-ateez as mitski songs (preferences)
-movie night or more ★(imagine)
-poly relationship headcanons ☆(headcanons)
-a twist in the spotlight ✱☆(imagine)
-accidentally sending them nudes ★(text messages) (hyung line, maknae line)
-stress release ★(imagine)
-asking them if you are breedable ★(text messages)
-sending them nudes mid argument ★(text messages)
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❥ kim hongjoong !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-stormy comfort ☆,✱(imagine)
-to watch you play ★(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-audio #1 ★(audio)
-midnight melodies ★(imagine)
-"swallow." ★(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ park seonghwa !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-back to our hotel ★(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-audio #1 ★(audio)
-triad of desire (ft. Mingi) ★(imagine)
-dance of desire ★(imagine)
-"swallow." ★(imagine)
-dessert ★(imagine)
-join in (ft. Mingi) ★(imagine)
-beneath the candlelight ★(imagine)
-moonlit whispers ★(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ jeong yunho !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-care in the comforts of home ☆(imagine)
-choose me over them ★(imagine)
-cloud watching ☆(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-splash of desire (ft. Jongho) ★(imagine)
-steamy serenity ★(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ kang yeosang !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-from stage to sheets ★(imagine)
-crimson nights ★(imagine)
-spilled ★(imagine)
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❥ choi san !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-fall asleep while i fall for you ☆(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-lessons in lust ★(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ song mingi !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-mirror, mirror on the wall ★(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-work distractions ★(imagine)
-triad of desire (ft. Seonghwa) ★(imagine)
-audio #1 ★(audio)
-link #1 ★(hard thoughts)
-join in (ft. Seonghwa) ★(imagine)
-seed of affection ★(imagine)
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❥ jung wooyoung !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-rain of pleasure ★(imagine)
-audio #1 ★(audio)
-heated waves ★(imagine)
-sunset harmonies ☆(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ choi jongho !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-from the living to the bed room ★(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-splash of desire (ft. Yunho) ★(imagine)
❥ ot7 !
-scared to hurt ✱(imagine)
-how loud they would be ★(preferences)
-sleepyhead (hyung line) ☆(reaction)
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❥ lee heeseung !
nothing here yet...
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❥ park jongseong !
nothing here yet...
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❥ sim jaeyun !
nothing here yet...
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❥ park sunghoon !
nothing here yet...
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❥ kim sunoo !
nothing here yet...
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❥ yang jungwon !
nothing here yet...
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❥ nishimura riki !
nothing here yet...
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okshu · 8 months
—ㅤ⠀ 峠ㅤ⠀ 𝗐͟𝗐͟𝗐﹕﹙ATEEZ FIC RECS﹚
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all fics of ateez that i read and went "omg wow". the authors are really talented too so make sure to check out their other works.
▨ LEGEND ㄑ ꮺ favs . f,a,s - fluff, angst, smut
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홍중 ─── kim hongjoong
i. guns and roses by @baekhvuns [s,ꮺ ] [mafia, enemies to lovers; 6.4k.] ii. love tailored by @arafilez [f] [e2l, fashion designer!khj x ceo!reader; 8.5k] iii. look after you by @mingigoo [f,s] [nurse fem reader x struggling musician hongjoong, enemies to lovers (kind of), some angst, smut, fluff, hospital au; 10.3k] iv. promise by @daesukiii [a,f] [angst, some fluff, hurt/minimal comfort, e for everyone, established relationship; 1.8k] v. ugh, as if by @ennysbookstore [s] [one-shot, punk!hongjoong x feminine!reader, enemies to lovers (kinda); 11.13k]
성화 ─── park seonghwa
i. sleep-talker by @mingigoo [f, s, ꮺ] [roommates au, vacation au, one bed trope, forced proximity au; 10.2k] ii. the duke and his general by @baekhvuns [a,s] [royalty, arranged marriage au, romcom, miniseries; 61k] iii. mr and mrs park by @baekhvuns [f,a,s] [mafia, romcom, e2l, single parent au, 50k] iv. bodyguard by @baekhvuns [f,a,s] [romcom, bodyguard au + forbidden relationship au; 37.8k] v. misguided by @flurrys-creativity [f,a]
윤호 ─── jeong yunho
i. come fly with me by @hwaightme [f, ꮺ] [love at first sight, bit of angst, slice of life; 9k] ii. bedfellows by @sungbeam [f] [one bed trope, frnds who cuddle; 1.1k]
여상 ─── kang yeosang
i. crash landing on you by @atozfic [f, a, s, ꮺ] [mild enemies to friends to lovers, fake dating au, nepobaby!yeosang, student reader; 20.3k] ii. 7:29 P.M. by @edenesth [a, comfort] [timestamp]
산 ─── choi san
i. this youth of craziness by @baekhvuns [f, s, ꮺ] [slice of life, drama, romcom & travel dreams; 40k] ii. when he's (drunk) too much by @atinybitofau [f, a] [headcannons]
민기 ─── song mingi
i. butterflies by @hwaslayer [f, s, ꮺ] [established relationship/marriage, parents au; 3.2k] ii. 23:47 by @lvlystars [f]
우영 ─── jung wooyoung
i. 3.20 a.m. by @strawberryseonghwaz [f] ii. bf texts w/ wooyoung by @beenbaanbuun [f] iii. change of heart by @hotteoki [f, ꮺ] [suitor!wooyoung x princess!reader, arranged marriage, medieval era, strangers to lovers] iv. 21:23 P.M. by @adoringsan v. i don't want to by @sanjoongie [f, ꮺ] [office au, single parent au, rivals to lovers; 1k]
종호 ─── choi jongho
i. scoot over, choi by @seonghwaddict [f, ꮺ] [one bed trope, slight fluff, slight enemies to lovers but they're not quite at the lovers part yet, agent jongho and reader; 0.6k] ii. falling and sleeping by @seonghwaddict [f] [crack, friends to lovers; 1.5k]
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𖥔 OT8 // POLY ˖
i. ateez in the multiverse by @hotteoki [ f, ꮺ ] [ headcannons ] ii. splish splash by @atozfic [s] [no use of y/n, swim team au, lifeguard!reader, pro-swimmers!sanhwawooho; 20k+] iii. asking bf!ateez to draw you a flower by @eightmakesonebraincell [ f ] [ text imagines ] iv. world episode fin:will by @arafilez [f,a,s] [ series ] v. happy death day by @flurrys-creativity [s] vi. ateez as mafia member who fall for you [ one . two . christmas sp ] by @eightmakesonebraincell [ f ] [ headcannons ]
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copyright to respective authors, don't forget to reblog their works ^^ okshu
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mingtinysworld · 5 months
Eternal Kisses
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Pairing: choi jongho x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, comfort, established relationship
Word count: 825
A/n: this is super short but i thought id write something cute and sweet for Jongho hehe. I feel like he would be suchhh a comforting bf. And just kind of a pillar in a relationship ykwim?
Networks: @newworldnet
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Jongho carefully unlocks the hotel door with his keycard, trying to be quiet as to not wake you. His meeting went much later than he anticipated and he didn’t get to see you when he promised he would. He felt sad that he let you down once again, making plans and having them not work out constantly.
He walks into the room and sees you sleeping peacefully. Your face is squished into the pillow, creating an adorable pout. He wants to poke your soft cheek but he resists, letting you sleep instead. He changes into his pajamas and tries to quietly get under the covers, next to your warm body.
“Mmh hi Jongie.” You mumble sleepily.
“Hi love, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.” He gives you a soft kiss, sending tingles across your whole body.
“That’s ok, I’m just happy to see you.” You nuzzle into Jongho’s neck and inhale his comforting scent. After a few moments you can feel his shoulders shaking. You look up and see that he’s laughing.
“What are you laughing at?” You ask with a pout, brows scrunched cutely.
“I just can’t believe how utterly cute you are baby. I don’t think you’re real.” He expresses.
You also let out a laugh and blush profusely. “You’re right, I’m not real. I’m actually made up of your imagination.” Deciding to play along, you give him a quick kiss on the lips. His eyes widen in surprise and he lets out an adorable giggle.
“I’m not real, so that means you can’t feel it right?” You continue to peck all over his face, smiling cheekily. Jongho explodes into a fit of giggles, completely entertained by your shenanigans. He grabs your hands and pulls you off of him and returns your attack of kisses. He kisses every inch of your face until your stomach hurts from laughter.
“Did you get your assignments done today baby? I know you were all stressed out about them.” He asks in a hushed tone.
You groan in frustration, being reminded about your countless amounts of schoolwork. “Almost but not quite. It’s insane, I keep working and working, but I never end up finishing them all.”
He looks on with empathizing eyes, relating to your frustration. Jongho is also in school currently, knowing exactly what you’re going through. “I know it’s hard, but you’re also completely capable, I know it. And I’m also here to help you. Nothing is difficult for my babygirl.” He squeezes you and you let out a spluttering gasp.
“Jongho! Don’t squish me to death!!” He laughs loudly and nudges his nose into you like a puppy.
You shake your head and roll your eyes, failing to hide your loving smile. You’re forever grateful to Jongho for being there for you always, helping you through anything and everything.
"Ugh I missed you baby. I hate how busy you are." You speak in a hushed tone. Jongho grabs your hand in his and leaves a sweet kiss to your palm while speaking softly.
"I know baby. I wish I could just stay here with you all the time. But you know how much I love you, right? I could cuddle with you for the rest of my life." He looks at you with so much love, his eyes displaying the unconditional affection saved just for you.
You wrap your arms around his waist, burying your face into his chest, and inhale deeply. His fresh body soap scent washes over you, soothing all your senses. As you melt into him he takes the opportunity to run his hand through your hair, brushing through the strands gently.
“Mmm you’re so comfy Jongie.” You murmur drowsily. He chuckles softly and holds you even closer. “Oh am I?” He asks with a fond smile.
You nod against his chest and let out a content exhale. “Will you tell me about your day?” You request.
“Of course sweetheart.” He shifts slightly to move you on top of him, making you lay your head against his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. “Today was kind of lame to be honest. The meeting was sooo long, I was actually secretly texting San in the middle of it, about ready to go insane. They were talking about marketing strategies and I just tuned them out.”
You let out a grunt of acknowledgement, letting him know you’re listening. However, the steady hum of his sweet tone was slowly lulling you to sleep, and his voice seemed further away the longer he talked. You let out a final yawn and you went to sleep, letting the stress wash away from your body.
As Jongho realizes you’ve fallen asleep he stops talking and just looks at your peaceful form. Your breaths fall in a similar rhythm and he pulls the blanket up to cover your whole body. He kisses your forehead sweetly and now closes his own eyes to fall into a comfortable sleep.
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ppumeonae-bigvibe · 1 month
his arms, your comfort
↖ navigation: ateez masterlist || main masterlist 
pairing: bf! ateez x gn! reader
↬ tags: established relationship!, trying something else this post ^^, feel-good vibes always, very self-indulgent because i want hugs too <3
summary: short blurbs of hugging scenarios with them
word count: 397 words
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ᯓ★ kim hongjoong
he feels your presence in the room and raised his gaze to meet yours. as soon as you approach him with tired eyes and opened arms, he mirrors your actions and you speed up towards him. he easily brings you unto his embrace and holds you tight, just the way you like it.
ᯓ★ park seonghwa
he comes home and without hesitating, he seeks you first. he drops his bag and kicks off his shoes by the door. he finds you half-asleep on the sofa waiting for him, and immediately lifts the comforter off you, earning him a soft whine. he slots himself in your arms and contentedly sighs, drifting off to sleep.
ᯓ★jung yunho
when his hands land on your arms, he is quick to pull you in and slow to let you go. arms going around your shoulders and your waist, his bigger frame soothes your frazzled mind, acting like a weighted blanket. he loves when you completely relax under his touch and ministrations, fighting back the urge to coo at you.
ᯓ★ kang yeosang
not the biggest fan of physical affection, but is somehow the one who enjoys it the most between the two of you. he won't ever admit it: he feels loved and appreciated when you hug him and comb your hands through his hair. definitely the type to play it cool when in actuality he's so down for cuddles.
ᯓ★ song mingi
with him, hugs are the first and the last highlights of the day. he starts the day charging up by sleepily hugging you, his heavy arms draped around your middle which prevented you from getting up. by the end of the day, he finds solace in you, laying his tired self atop you and falling asleep to the sound of your gentle breathing.
ᯓ★ jung wooyoung
this man is naturally clingy, he would not let you go. acts mock-hurt if you decide to leave his (very warm and comfortable) embrace. despite his silly antics, he can be quite the serious (and devoted) hugger. he holds you like you're his everything, as if you would disappear (you won't but wooyoung likes to be dramatic).
ᯓ★ choi san
somehow he knows when you need the hug before you do. he is attuned to your emotions, so the moment your voice comes through the phone call, he interrupts you: telling you to come home ASAP so he can give you that hug. his hold is not tight, yet it encompasses you so that you can feel that he is hear with you, grounding you.
ᯓ★ choi jongho
dare you say, hugging jongho feels like you're hugging a teddy bear. he finds it funny that you delight so much in just holding him. reciprocates your big bear hugs all the time, making sure to hold you tight to the extend you're laughing and smacking him to let you go. his hugs definitely recharge you when you need it the most
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@ppumeonae-bigvibe 's work , likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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itstheghostofmypast · 5 months
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Idol Choi Jongho x (F)Reader
Summary: How long does it take one to actually give up on you? How long does it take the other to realise that love is more than just an act of receiving, where bottled-up fears and insecurities may be enough to pull someone away from you, especially the someone Jongho had begun to take for granted.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2.4k
Est. Read Time: 20 min
Warnings: Strong language, thanatophobia (fear of losing someone you love)
Rating: PG-13
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
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Choi Jongho was anything but heartless, he was arrogant at times, he was stubborn most of the time, he was emotionally clueless sometimes, he was sarcastic most of the time, he was petty at times and he was straightforward most of the time, but what he was not, and he quotes, was a ‘heartless moron’. Now, he wasn’t one to fight, in fact, they’d barely ever get into a fight, usually because she would be compromising or choosing to accept defeat, but tonight was not one of those nights where he was given this privilege, where she would easily accept defeat and brush off his sarcasm, no, it just escalated into something ugly and gruesome.
It all started when he came home early for once, the dorm was empty too, or so he thought, for the moment he had flopped down on his bed, face forward, someone had jumped on him, scaring the daylights out of him.
“Boo!” “HOLY SHHHH- what are you doing here?” he whined, rolling over when she rolled off him, both of them lying on their backs, staring at the ceiling, well, he had his eyes closed, she turned her head to look at him with a pout, scooting closer, wrapping her arms around his arm as she pressed her cheek smush against his shoulder, enjoying the warmth of her baby bear, “I had the spare key, Wooyoung gave it to me last time I came over but you were out, so he was like I should have it, gave me his saying he’d get another one and-” Cracking open an eye he scoffed, “You sure talk a lot to Wooyoung huh?” turning his head to meet her gaze, she had stopped her monologue, to stare at him in utter shock, “What? I’m not wrong, I didn’t even know about the key thing- Sitting up she glared at him, “That’s because you weren’t home, Jong.” The tension between them was getting thicker, he was tired physically, but she was tired mentally, “You haven’t been responding to my texts or answering my calls, so I doubt you’d know- “I have a job, you know?” he scoffed, following suit, as she sat on his bed on her knees, frowning at him, and he sat at the edge of the bed, both in a heated stare off, he was actually waiting for her to avert her gaze, or mumble an apology or whine cutely to end the fight, so he’d feel like he’d won like he had control, some form of dominance, “I can’t just respond to your every whim.” That was probably what set it off, because the next thing he knew she got off the bed and snatched her phone off the side table, slamming the bedroom door shut when she marched out of the room, her tantrum just set the whole forest on fire as he marched behind her, slamming the closed door open and calling out, “Yah? Are you in your senses? Why are you being like this!?” reaching out to grip her wrist he turned her around, ignoring how she was trying to pull away, “What is your problem? Are you mad about the Wooyoung thing? Cause I’m right about that! You’re my girlfriend, not his!” by now he was yelling, furious, frustrated, fed up, but at what? At his hectic schedule or her? Or perhaps he was upset over how he was unable to spend time with her and the time he had been given was ruined by his own pride. “Y-You think I don’t know that?” she yelled back, snatching her wrist out of his grip, “I know you’re busy too, but the least you can do is leave me on read, can’t you? You don’t even open my texts! I can’t magically guess your schedule!” He should have stopped there, he should have, he had realised that he was in the wrong, but was he willing to accept it so easily? No. Why? Because he was jealous, he was upset and more importantly this was the first time she had ever ignored him, ever chosen to show how his nonchalant attitude had upset her, this was not what he expected, he just thought they’d go on for ten minutes and she’d probably change the topic, not list down why he’s a bad boyfriend. “Doesn’t mean you get all cosy with Wooyoung.” “I-” she stared at him standing in the hallway for a good minute before taking off her ring and throwing it at him, the clink of the gold ring hitting the ground resonated within the silence, before her words cut through it, “You’re a heartless moron.”
That was three hours ago, three hours ago when he had let her walk away like she didn’t even matter to him, instead, he stood there watching the ring on the tiles, the ring she had gotten for them on their first anniversary, it wasn’t a promise ring, but more of a ‘just know when we’re far apart across the world, you’ll always have a piece of me and I’ll have a piece of you’ kind of ring- why’d she throw it at him, shouldn’t she have taken it with her and asked him to give the one he was wearing back to her?
“I love how that’s the only thing you’re worried about.” Wooyoung sighed, climbing up the stairs, his phone sandwiched between his ear and his shoulder as he carried two bags full of groceries up the quiet staircase, “You’re a real idiot you know, she did come over three times last week, the poor thing sat outside the apartment for an hour the third time and that’s when I gave her my key…Hongjoong told me that was the right thing to do too.”
“I- I was busy.” The youngest huffed, staring at the gold band, twirling it around in his fingers, “It’s not like she told me, I was too busy to read her texts, so she should’ve understood-”
“Understood what? That you’re a shitty boyfriend?” Wooyoung stopped at a step, the step that led to their floor, someone was sitting on the floor next to the door to the hallway (Yes Woooyoung had used the fire exit to come upstairs, San had told him this was a great way to work out- he’d kill the bastard for that tomorrow), hugging their knees, head resting against the wall, puffy eyes closed- was she asleep?
“What? Why!?”
“Jongho, did you even call to make sure she reached home safe?”
“Well… I…no.”
“I’m amazed you found someone who loves your useless a**.” With that Wooyoung hung up, sighing as he walked over to her, placing the grocery bags on the floor to crouch down and gently shake her shoulder, “Excuse me miss, but are you in your senses- how are both of you this dumb?”
Jongho slammed the front door open, not even bothering to put on his mask as he hastily made his way out of the apartment, only to bump into a smaller form, hearing a familiar yelp he instinctively reached for her, wrapped his arms around her to pull her closer, pressing her against him. He let out a breath of relief, at the realisation that it was in fact her, she was too tired to pull away or even push him away, and that was why she just stood there, letting him wrap his arms around her, resting her forehead against his chest, too drained even to protest. He looked behind her to spot Wooyoung standing there, grocery bags in hand with the most disapproving look he could muster, “Found her on the staircase, poor thing cried herself to sleep there- then there’s you, a bastard with an ego as big as the sun-”
“H-her phone was powered off.” He quickly defended himself, pulling her even closer as he tightened his arms around her, not wanting her to escape. The moment Wooyoung hung up on him, he realised how bad he had f*cked up, Wooyoung was never one to leave a conversation hanging, that is until he completely gave up on the person, and if Wooyoung had given up on him, did this mean his patient, compassionate, honeybee had done the same? Though his question was answered with a loud sniff, causing him to look away from Wooyoung and look down at her, only to meet her teary gaze, his gut twisted at the way she asked the dreaded question with her voice trembling, as if it was being thrown around by her pestering insecurities, insecurities that he had brought to life, that he had helped manifest within her, by constantly pushing her to the sidelines, by ignoring her beckoning calls, by looking right through her even though she stood right in front of him, with a warm smile and a heart of gold- one he was not worthy to call his own; “D-do you not love me, anymore?”
It was this very question that had him look up at Wooyoung in panic, a cry for help, though the fox-like man shrugged and walked past them, mumbling, loud enough for him to hear, because he knew the girl crying in the younger man’s arms was sobbing so loud, the floodgates of all that pain and anxiety that was slowly drowning her had now enveloped her completely, leaving her a mess, a mess he was supposed to fix, so she couldn’t hear him, she didn’t hear him, when he side-eyed the youngest, and walked past them, “You f*cked up, fix it yourself,” slamming the main door shut behind him, finally leaving the two alone in the corridor.
An eternity later the two were sitting on the same staircase where Wooyoung had found her, the two were staring at the window ahead, she thought she was tired before, but all that crying just amazed her, at this point, she felt like she’d faint if he pushed any wrong buttons. Though they had been sitting quietly for the past hour, he had not uttered a word, which meant he wasn’t going to be the first to break the tormenting silence, as usual, it would be her, to kneel and-
“I’m sorry.”
Her eyes widened at the foreign choice of words, slowly turned her head to stare at him with shock through her puffy, swollen, eyes, licking her dry lips before speaking. Still, he cut her off again, this time turning to face her, the determination in his eyes somewhat scaring her, she’d only ever seen that look when he was going to sing a song that wasn’t the easiest when it came to the number of high notes, perhaps he was going to sing a perfect melody that was just for them, in tune with their pent up love for each other- for his locked up love for her, a symphony she wouldn’t mind hearing over and over again.
“I- I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but you need to understand I did not doubt your loyalties or misjudge your character, I was only self-projecting my insecurities, I know you’d never do such a thing, I know you love me and I- I” he paused, watching how her breath hitched, eyes widening in expectation, biting her lower lip unsure of how he felt about her, “I love you so much it turns me stupid- it scares me how much I want to be around you, I- I want to be vulnerable around you and…what if you don’t like it? You don’t like me when I’m not my at my strongest or my best…and I- I guess what I’m trying to say is,” he reached in his pocket to pluck out the ring, showing it to her, “Could you please find it in you…to give me another chance- you don’t have to say yes right away, I won’t force you, I could never…just…let me drop you home this time…yeah?”
She stared at him quietly, blinking slowly as his words processed before letting out a sigh, scooting closer as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, burying her face in his neck as she placed a soft kiss against his warm skin, sighing when she felt him pull her closer, gripping him tighter when she heard him sniff, feel his body trembling against hers, letting him finally let it all out against her, but never looking up, her face buried in the crook of his neck, mumbling sweet positive affirmations or kissing the skin as she let him have his moment, only to feel him slowly push her away, looking down at her with puffy eyes that matched hers, and a nose pinker than hers, “Please…stay.”
“I wasn’t going anywhere, you dummy.” Sighing she pulled off him, taking the ring from him but he didn’t let her, instead, he slipped it back on her finger, “I was waiting for you to come and give this to me…if I wanted to leave you for good, I would’ve told you to give me the ring you’re wearing back.”
Letting out a dry chuckle he shook his head, he was an idiot, one who couldn’t read situations as well as he boasted that he could- he guessed he was clueless when it came to love, at least he had someone as patient as her to help him pull through his minefield, frolicking through it like it was a field of daisies.
“Thank you…” he sighed and pressed his forehead against hers, before leaning closer to capture her lips in a kiss, only to realise how long it had been since he had kissed her, making him pull her closer, cupping her face as he tried to make up for lost time.
Finally pulling back she smiled at him out of breath, watching how he took in equally deep breaths, his cheeks all puffed out and pink, “I’m out of practice.”
“Don’t worry, we’ve got all night.” She smiled.
“I prefer taking things to the bedroom, not a voyeurism guy.”
“Choi Jongho.”
“I love you” he chuckled, watching her shake her head in defeat as he pulled her up to her feet, laughing when she whined at how he was speed walking to the apartment, mumbling, “Do you want me to carry you? Because I will, for as long as you want, honeybee.” And that’s what Wooyoung saw before Jongho closed his bedroom door, carrying her half-asleep form in his arms, bridal style as he mouthed a thank you to Wooyoung before going to finally cuddle up next to her like she had originally planned for the night.
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @mlysalt @the-kpop-simp @spooo00oky
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mybelovedwoo · 11 months
choi jongho as boyfriend - headcanon
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headcanon, romance, fluff, smut
gn!reader x bf!atz
wc. ~ 0.8k
an: happy jongho day everyone!! i hope you enjoy this one
you can request headcanons if you want to (please only headcanons)!! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics you can apply here <3
-the understanding, protective boyfriend who somehow know exactly what you think or feel without even saying it out loud
-he would be very shy around you at first, just because he likes you so so much, but over some time he would get more and more comfortable, and you guys not only would be the best couple but are literally best friends (he giggles in tiny a lot)
-also would be shy every time someone (his hyungs) starts to talk about you, they would probably tease him on purpose, they loves seeing their little one all flustered and red, whines "hyuuunnggg" so they would stop embarassing him
-he also would be shy to initiate any skinship around people, but when you are alone he is the most clingy little teddy bear in the world, and you just love it so much
-would playfight with you sometimes, but is literally so careful to not hurt you even by accident, he treats you like the most valuable treasure, like you are made out of glass, just like san did, but he is more careful because he knows he can be hard to deal with sometimes, he doesn't want to hurt your feelings ever
-he buys you food all the time, he doesn't care if you say your not hungry, you're gonna eat! it's just one of his love languages, he knows you can forget about yourself sometimes, so he's always there to take care of you
-his attention is always on you, he makes you feel like you are the center of his universe, and you truly are
-he likes long talks with you about anything and everything, especially at night maybe with a bottle of beer or soju, this is where you can connect in a deeper level
 -kisses with him would be passionate always, as i said before he would kiss you just when it's just the two of you there and no one else, he would grab your face or hug you close to him, he either likes little pecks or long ass make out sessions, no in between
-clings on you all the damn time (the only skinship he does in public too), hugs you from behind and never let's go of you, probably because he likes it that he can tease you like this
-sending you memes 24/7, he is the funniest boyfriend ever, "y/n open what i sent you, i wanna see your reaction" and would giggle next to you seeing all the faces you make about his dumb (but funny) memes
-he's super chill, like he never gets jealous because he trusts you with all his heart, but still got the dead stare when someone tries to flirt with you
-ofc coffee dates are your favorites, especially in a cold weather because you know when your hands gets cold he would take it and put it in his pocket and would hold them there
-i can't imagine him calling anything other then your name, maybe when he feels all lovey-dovey he would call you honey but that's the best he can do
-loves it when you wear one of his shirts when you sleep over at his place (would not wash it and would sleep in it the next day because it has you smell on it)
-when things get though for you, he is there and never leaves your side, always listens to you and gives the best advice
-waking up with him is not easy at all, clings to you and doesn't let you get out of the bed
nsfw +18!!!
-listen listen he is a dom no question (but not a hard dom, but not as soft as san either), but sometimes he likes it when you take control and take care of him, he think it's super hot
-he likes to take it slow and sensual, so foreplay is a must for him, where he can tease you as he wants, likes both loving and playful sex
-it's quite surprising but his sex drive is high, and it is far more meaningful than a quick release of energy
-he's okay with quickies sometimes tho, but they don't fulfill him nearly as much, especially as his love of foreplay and kissing
-he is a vanilla lover, a good missionary where he can hide in the crook of your neck or can watch your beautiful face
-it would 90% start with a long makeout session or cuddling session
-turn-ons for him, pure and simple things, naked bodies, rubbing, mutual masturbation, oral sex, your arousal, and you guys's special connection is enough for him sometimes
-biggest turn-offs is rushing probably, as i said before he likes to take it slow, and doesn't really like someone impatient
-as i said before communication is really important in your relationship, so this is no exception in bed either, you guys talk a lot during it
-he likes big cuddling sessions after it, sometimes you two fall asleep right then and there
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armpirate · 7 months
Through the storm | Choi San
Bf experience
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pairing: Idol!Choi San x fem!reader
w.c.: 2.6k
Warnings: Fluff, cuddles, Y/n is just going through a hard time
Summary: Lying was difficult for you, but it was ten times harder when it came to San, because he knew when something was wrong just by hearing your voice. And that day was no exception
Aprox. time of reading: 11 minutes
Your hand trembled as you tried to hold the phone to take a quick look at the screen, your heart beating was getting faster by the second, and the knot in your throat gave you a hard time to speak, and all of that was triggered by one simple question that usually just made you smile and roll your eyes.
"Are you okay?" he had asked, aware of the way your voice sounded off and weak as he spoke about his day.
Usually, you'd have answered with what bothered you. Your relationship was a safe place that allowed you to be just like that, opening so easily to him that you barely noticed when you started ranting about problems you didn't even think you had. And San was the best at cheering you up, with just one simple word he'd make your mind forget about everything that could've hurt you, to focus solely on him. It was a magical effect, and you were sure it wasn't because of what he said, but how he genuinely worried to make you feel good, doing everything on his hand to wash the pain away. And it always worked, every single time. You saw the next day with different eyes, remembering his comforting words and his loving look.
But not that day.
You couldn't ruin the performance they'd have that night because you had a bad day at work. You knew San well enough to know he would take less than ten minutes to show up at your door if something was wrong with you, even if you told him it wasn't anything serious.
Probably it was by how hard you tried to control your voice from shaking, but the pressure on your chest just got heavier with every second you spent on the phone with him.
"Just a bad day at work" a sob was threatening to escape your lips before you pressed them together, moving your gaze up to the ceiling. "Although... when is it a good one?" you tried to joke, hiding the fact that it indeed was an awful day at work and couldn't compare to any other you had before. "I'll tell you later, alright?".
"Alright" he nodded.
"Good luck. I love you" the first tear rolled down your cheek, forcing you to move the phone away from your mouth in case you weren't able to control a silent sob from escaping.
"I love you, too".
And you hung up.
Usually you two started that cheesy game of who'd hang up first, staying in silence until the other spoke, wondering why the other didn't hang up. But that day you did hang up, without saying any other word, without trying to make him stay longer with you.
You just ended the call.
"What's up?" Jongho showed up, looking confused at San by the way he stared at the phone with his eyebrows furrowed.
"She hung up" San whispered.
"I mean... that's what people do when the conversation is over" but it wasn't the best time to make jokes about it.
San knew you well enough to be certain that something was happening to you. You were awful at lying, but you were even worse at acting. Your body just wasn't made to go through something you didn't like, or pretend to show completely the opposite of what you felt. And he'd know every single time you tried to.
"What's wrong?" Hongjoong showed up behind them.
"San has just found out how phone calls work" Jongho kept teasing him, thinking he'd get a reaction from him, as usual, but instead San kept looking at the phone. "Did something happen?" his tone changed as he became aware of how their friends just had his eyes lost on a screen that was black.
"I gotta go".
"Wait-" Jongho tried to process what that could mean coming from him.
"Choi San" Hongjoong warned him.
But before neither of them were able to say or do anything, San was already walking down the corridor that led to the main stage.
He didn't care about the awards, he didn't care about the performance they were going to do in less than five minutes, he was too worried about you to be able to think about anything else that wasn't you.
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You were snuggled to your cushion in your couch, staring at the figures that kept moving on your television, but being too busy overthinking every possible situation to care in the slightest about what was on. You only turned the TV on so you wouldn't be alone in the dark, and in an attempt to camouflage your sobs from yourself when you started crying earlier.
Although that was until Ateez was mentioned, your senses managed to focus on that, only for a brief moment.
Until you noticed that something was off.
During the introduction you didn't pay much attention, because you assumed San would show up later, just like the rest popped up with each of their parts. But the chorus started, and seven of them were dancing.
You started counting, thinking that maybe you were so stressed by what happened that day to make a mistake on something so simple, but you were right. There were seven of them, and the only one missing was your boyfriend.
You: Babe, why aren't you performing?
You: Did something happen?
But there was no reply from him.
Nothing in the next fifteen minutes.
Your finger was already sliding over the screen to his contact, tapping over his name to call him, only to hear his ringtone, muffled by the walls, somewhere. You rushed to the door first, hoping it wasn't what you suspected it was, hoping your call didn't bring him there, but your doorbell rang over his ringtone, making you walk faster to the door.
His slick back hair had some of its locks falling over his forehead, draining some drops of water over his nose and cheeks, that still didn't get to mess with his stage makeup. His black hanbok was drenched in water, and his black boots were surrounded by the small puddles that formed with the water that kept dropping from his clothes. His breath was shaky, causing his chest to move up and down a bit faster than usual, and something that hinted you how he probably ran to your place, when it was deluging outside.
"What are you doing here? Step inside" you motioned him, wrapping his forearm with your two hands to pull him through the door frame.
He was there because he was able to recognize when things were wrong by just one word from you, although he was hoping on his way there he was wrong. But as soon as you opened the door, and San got a first look at you, he regretted being right. Your eyes were puffy and red, and your cheeks had that pinkish tone that it got after you cried. "I wanted to make sure you were okay".
"Babe, for fuck's sake, you had to be in those awards not here" blame was already finding a place in your head, thinking of the big deal that it was for San to miss something as big as that to be waiting by your footstep because you weren't able to pretend everything was okay a little bit better.
"Y/n, I don't care about that. I care about you" you stopped that defensive pose when he called you by your name, finally aware of how serious the situation was for him.
As soon as you two started dating, your names were replaced by cute pet names that only made you feel closer to each other, and left you two to use your real names whenever the topic to discuss was something serious. And there San was, using your name to remind you he skipped a performance he had been rehearing for weeks, only for you.
"You sounded off on the phone. Babe, what's wrong?".
You wished you were stronger, you wished situations didn't get through you so easily. But you also wished those three last words didn't work as magic words to get it all out from you.
As soon as your eyes connected it was over, and that knot in your throat was back in the same place. Your chin started to tremble as you tried to hold back from crying, pressing your lips together for a few seconds before they were curving down, almost in sync with some of the tears that would start rolling down your cheeks.
"Hey" San stepped forwards, taking you in his arms as if that could make you feel better actually.
And it did.
That knot untied, and with it the first whimper came out. Your head was hidden on his wet chest, feeling the satin fabric against your cheek as you felt your whole body relaxing in his embrace. Your arms were folded uncomfortably between you two, by the way he pulled you in for a hug by holding your neck, but that was the last thing you cared about.
Your boyfriend rested his cheek against the top of your head, with his left hand hid under your head, caressing softly your nape, while the other moved up and down your spine, feeling your body vibrate with your sobs.
"Shh, I'm here" he whispered, hating to see you like that, but at the same time thankful to have been able to be there for you. "It's going to be alright".
San didn't care how long it took you to calm down, he'd stay there, he'd look after you until you felt better to talk. While you got there, he'd do what he did best, which was giving you his support silently, expressing it through actions until you were ready to do it through words.
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Your chin was resting on your knees, as you hugged your legs, while waiting on the couch for your boyfriend. San had gone to get changed after you had assured him you were a bit better.
Thankfully you gave him the idea to leave some comfortable clothes in your place, for the times he slept there. It wasn't as cold, but it for sure wasn't the best idea to stay for more time with his wet clothes on. The last thing you needed was having San getting a cold.
He pressed his lips together, curving them up in a funny smile as he walked to you, already dressed with an oversize gray t-shirt and black baggy pants. His hairstyle was completely different, having his forehead covered by his wet bangs.
"How did you get here? You were soaked".
"I got a taxi, but he took the wrong turn and ended up in the street parallel to this one" he walked to you. "I wanted to be here as soon as possible, so I got off and ran here from that street".
As he stared back at you, and after hearing everything he did that night only because your voice sounded off over the phone, you confirmed for yourself how bad in love you were for that man, and how madly in love he also was with you.
"Are you a bit better?" he tried to know, sitting next to you.
You weakly moved your head, nodding without moving your chin away from yourself.
"You shouldn't have come" you insisted. "I could've waited until later".
"You were feeling bad. The least I could do was be here for you" he replied. "I'm not going to let you feel hurt if I can do something about it".
"The awards were important".
"You're more important" San replied almost instantly. "And it's not like you're in a position to judge what I did today".
It wasn't like both of your situations could compare either. You decided to miss a regular day of work because he was sick, barely able to leave the bed, and you wanted to look after him even if the members were also there for him. What he missed that day for you could have a big impact in his career, and you weren't sure you'd forgive yourself if that were the case.
San knew by your puckered lips and your slightly frowned eyebrows that you had no answer for that. Or that, at least, you wouldn't use it to snap back at him.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" he asked softly, trying to make every trace of pressure or impatience disappear, because he wanted you to feel comfortable enough to speak up.
Your tongue moved through your lips, watering them before you breathed in deeply. Where should you start?
Honestly, your work had been a burden for the past few weeks, but it wasn't anything so big that you wouldn't be able to sweep it off under the carpet. Usually, you never took home whatever issues that took place there, you never allowed the negativity from your workplace invade your safe place and your peace. You knew well where to draw the line so that wouldn't happen.
But that day, everything that you had been brushing off blew. You didn't even know you were saving so much deep inside you, until one last grain was added in the morning.
You didn't care about the silent treatment some of your colleagues gave you, because you kept convincing yourself that you went to the office to work, not to make friends. You also didn't care that much about being underappreciated, and seeing the team getting the merit for the work you had done. And you didn't care about someone else taking over your leadership in one of the tasks.
But you did care.
That day you realized how much you cared and how much it hurt.
"You're better than all of them" San started talking. "They're dumb as fuck if they don't appreciate you".
But San knew you didn't need words at that moment, because those wouldn't change a thing. You needed to feel at ease from your own thoughts and your own feelings, and he knew exactly how to make that.
His hands moved you gently, at the same time he also dragged his body over the couch. When he was close enough to you, he carefully lifted your body not to hurt you, placing you over his lap and letting your head rest on his shoulder. His embrace always made you feel safe, sure that nothing wrong could happen as long as you stayed there.
"I need to get the promotion" you whispered with a thin line of voice, finding the courage to finally say what was worrying you the most about that situation. "I don't want to think about what could happen if I don't".
You knew what could happen, you were just too scared to say it out loud.
Most of the people that were transferred to Korea from your home country were either displaced to other countries or sent back home.
They didn't need so many people doing the work that you did, the only way to secure that place was by being promoted and getting a higher range. You knew that. But it gave you whiplash to realize how many opportunities you had let run over you, while being eclipsed by the team, by not caring when others took the merit of what you did. It didn't bother you until it put you at the edge of a cliff.
"You'll get that promotion, babe" he assured you in a whisper. "You deserve it more than anyone else, and we'll celebrate it together when you get it".
The way San's lips moved over your forehead, and how his breath felt like a caress on your skin, had you cuddling onto him, wrapping your arms around him and hiding your face on his neck.
Moments like that only made you treasure your relationship even more.
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beenbaanbuun · 8 months
Bad Day with Choi Jongho
words - don’t know (whoops!)
genre - fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings - chubby!reader, brief mentions of unhealthy eating habits, jongho is soft, reader is hopelessly in love, sad!reader, nicknames (baby, loser)
not proof read bc i’m lazy <3
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coming home to an empty apartment after a bad day always sucks
the breakfast pots in the sink taunt you, and the thought of cleaning them up makes you want to slam your head through a brick wall
so you usually leave them, knowing that when you finally find the effort to cook yourself dinner, the pile would just get bigger
although when you feel like this, the likelihood of cooking a proper meal was slim
normally you settle for tinned ravioli warmed in the microwave
it tastes bad and it never stays warm for long, but its quick and easy and that’s what you need sometimes
but one day when you come home you notice your boyfriend’s mercedes parked right outside, and your can’t help the little flutter that your heart does
you practically run through the lobby, up the stairs (you can’t wait for an elevator when you know who’s waiting for you in your apartment) and swing the front door open
and the slam of the door against the wall makes jongho jump, splashing water on himself from your pots hes busy washing
he spins round to stare at you with a look of surprise
“you’re home, baby,” he smiles, wiping his wet hands on his now already wet jumper and giving you a soft smile, “i wasn’t expecting you so early.”
“jongho,” you whimper, bottom lip quivering as you shuffle over to where he’s stood waiting
it takes mere seconds for him to open his arms up to invite you into his warm embrace, and you practically launch yourself into his grip
and he’s warm and soft as he holds you close to him and presses his cheek to the top of your head
“oh, my baby,” his fingers brush an intricate pattern over your back as he lets you sue him for your comfort, “what happened?”
“bad day,” you grumble against his chest, “tried to put my favourite trousers on this morning but they didn’t fit and i just…”
you trail off, but jongho gets the gist of it
“fuck those trousers,” he grumbles into your hair, “making my baby feel shitty about something as natural as putting on weight…”
he lowers a hand to rest it against your soft waist, squeezing the flesh lightly
“how dare they make you feel so awful when i love you and your body so fucking much…”
he presses a kiss to your head
“your tummy, your waist, your thighs…” he squeezes you tightly, “i just think you’re the most beautiful person alive!”
and your giggles as he compliments are like music to his ears
so he continues, brushing his hands against anything he can get hold of as he whispers everything he loves about your body into your ears
your cheeks, back, arms, butt… anything is on the table for jongho
he just loves showering you with compliments when you pay him back with your sweet sounds and pretty blushes
“and your hands, baby,” he laced his fingers with yours, “your little fingers interlock with mine s-”
you cut him off with a soft kiss
it’s gentle, and it only lasts a few seconds, but it’s long enough to shut him up
“shut up, loser,” you joke as you pull back, “don’t overdo it!”
he throws his head back as he laughs
“overdo it? am i not allowed to make my baby feel better?” he pecks you on the corner of the mouth
“you are, but now you’re just making me blush…”
you know he doesn’t care
jongho lives to make you blush
you stand there in one another’s embrace for a while, and by the time you separate, the water on his jumper has dried up completely
it sinks in just how long he’d been stood comforting you, and you couldn’t help the butterflies that erupted in your stomach at how much you loved him
because not only had he come over unannounced to spend time with you, but he’d also decided to wash your dirty dishes that he knew would be left there for days if he didn’t, and he’d been more than happy to drop that task in favour of comforting your bad mood
and whilst you knew that you loved him, it was at that moment that it sank in just how much you loved him
his aloof personality that he was willing to drop in seconds to reveal his soft centre
his gentle kisses and pretty words that he gave you daily like a mantra he needed to repeat
his plush lips that drew back to reveal the most beautiful gummy smile you’d ever seen before in your life
his soft clothes and fluffy hair that always smelled so enticing that his warm cuddles were impossible to resist
fuck, you were so in love…
so you stood and stared as he finished your dishes, wondering if it was possible for you to be any more in love than you are right now
right now, it felt like no, but you knew the moment you woke up to pouty lips, you’d fall just a little more
“i love you, y’know…”
he looks over to you with a cocked brow
“i do know,” he replies, a smirk gracing his face when you pout, “i love you too, baby.”
“you do?” you goad him
“i wouldn’t have come here to clean your apartment while you were at work if i didn’t love you,” he chuckles, “wanted to surprise you, and i can guarantee that wouldn’t have even crossed my mind if i didn’t love you to the moon and back.”
you smile at him
“and i definitely wouldn’t have let you cover my jumper with your snot and tears if i wasn’t hopelessly in love with you…”
your smile fell
“jongho!” he just laughs, “i wasn’t even crying!”
he just chuckles to himself, leaning closer to kiss you
“love you, baby.”
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biaswreckme · 5 months
the prophecy | jongsang
"I'm just a paperweight in shades of greige Spending my last coin so someone will tell me it'll be okay" or Yeosang, who has lived under a curse his entire life, finds hope.
Fandom: Ateez
Pairing: Jongho/Yeosang
Member: Yeosang, Jongho
Word count: 1312 words
Genre/Tropes: Alternate Universe (Fantasy), Angst (with a happy ending), Hurt/Comfort
Rating: nc-17
Triggers/Warnings: past child abandonment, touch-starved characters
You can read it on: AO3
At first his family had tried to hide it from him, but soon Kang Yeosang learned the words that would haunt him. Some used to say it was a curse; others, a prophecy. Nevertheless, there was always this ominous cloud hovering Yeosang’s head. He remembered when his family just stopped trying to search for a cure and left while stars were high in the sky and he was fast immersed in dreams. He was reminded of the abandonment and the curse whenever he looked in a mirror, the reflection of the red mark on the side of his face as a constant and unfaltering presence of his bad luck. 
He remembered begging on the village’s square, knees red and bruised from being on them for far too long, calling out to anyone who would listen, to anyone who would take his message to a seer. After useless years and years of no one even bothering to spare a glance into his direction, much less conveying his message to someone who could help, he abandoned all his hope behind, left it all on that stone-floor square. He isolated himself even further, packing up his things and moving into an abandoned cabin in the woods halfway between two villages, close enough to get provisions when necessary, yet far enough so no one would bother him. Nights were always cold no matter the season, his fingers scaringly turning blue no matter how many layers and close to the fire he sat. He knew it was part of the curse, the cold permeating his body, and some evenings it scared him even more. 
He was set to go into the nearest village that day, and tried to prepare his mind and body. His clothes were simple; he usually got cotton fabrics, learning to sew and knit himself garments to avoid spending time in shops. His clothes were in shades of gray and beige, trying to be as unnoticed as possible when going into the village. And he always wore a hood, his hair on the longer side, to hide the mark on the side of his face.
As soon as he entered the marketplace, he heard the rumors that strange men had arrived into town, ones who talked about sailing from and to strange places, all things that made no sense to Yeosang. He saw people whispering, no discretion, and for once he was glad he was not at the end of the pointed fingers. But he could not help but be sad for the men. Sure, they were dressed in outlandish fits, but it made sense considering the stories. He could not count how many there were; he knew how it felt to be stared at, so he avoided his gaze, just going his way.
When he approached the stall to get some food that he could not gather or plant himself, something at the next stall seemed to be staring right into his soul. He approached and saw an open book, pages talking of curses that left visible marks on the skin. His hands shook, heart accelerating and he found it difficult to breathe for a moment. Before he could touch the book, however, the owner harshly closed it, stating that if he wanted to see it, he would have to buy it, and stated his price. Yeosang counted the small coins he had on a pouch, putting them on his palm. They were not enough to buy the food and the book that day, so he was going to have to make a choice. And even though his stomach grumbled and clenched in pain for something else, he chose the book. He could feel someone was watching him, and he adjusted his hood, hiding even further from prying eyes, and clenching the book tightly to his chest, he left. 
He just needed to know if he was going to be okay, if the curse could be reversed somehow, so as soon as he got home, he searched the book. His eyes searched the pages, finding branding as similar to the one on his own face, but there was confirmation to what he already knew. He almost howled, throwing the book at the wall. The aches in his body already were proof enough that the curse was acting up, the way his fingers froze - and he tried to lie to himself saying it was from the cold. How his body sometimes seemed stuck in a position, or a limb felt like stone. 
Because they were. Turning into stone, that is. Or better yet, he was slowly becoming a statue. The prophecy spoke of greater worlds, of men sailing the skies guarding a market soulmate that could end his curse, but there was no one like that. One sailed the seas, not the skies. And because the prophecy talked of warriors coming for him, his family was scared and left him. He was fated to freeze and crumble, alone in his isolated house. 
And then he heard a knock on his door.
He hesitated, for no one ever visited him. Whenever he needed, he set out to places, even when he needed coins and sold the garments he created. There was no other knock, and whoever it was seemed to go away, so Yeosang approached the front door and opened it, looking outside. There was nobody there. But when he looked down, he found a basket filled with the food he had longingly looked at when he was at the market. He suspected one of the strangers, because no one else in the village would do him this kindness. And over the next few days, there were even more small presents, as he liked to think of them. 
The day after the first basket he received, there was a note from the sender. Yeosang had guessed he was not from around here, and he was correct. Jongho was his name, and he came from somewhere Yeosang could not even come close to pronouncing correctly. Jongho had heard about him in the market, and saw how he was torn between the book and the food and how all the other people there treated him worse than garbage. At first Yeosang was livid, thinking Jongho was pitying him. But wasn’t he deserving of at least some pity? Of some compassion? So he thanked the man, leaving his response on his front porch.
There was an answer the next day, and so they continued with the communication. He was glad it was all written down initially, not having to face another person, afraid of his reaction upon seeing his curse. And so they kept the conversation, learning about each other, of Yeosang’s knitting and Jongho’s fighting. Of Yeosang’s rejections, and Jongho’s loneliness even when in a ship with his crewmates and friends. Of Yeosang’s family abandoning him, and Jongho’s family dying in a conflict. They learned, and they yearned. 
And when he saw (more like caught) Jongho leaving another note, he understood everything. 
There it was, in Jongho’s face, a mirror image of his own prophetic mark. A soulmate mark, red skin close to his eye, looking almost like a heart - as Yeosang noticed, his own clouded judgment about the spot never letting him truly notice it for what it was. And when Jongho extended his hand, he saw the gray discoloration on the man’s arms, but as he touched it, he could feel fresh air entering his lungs, warmth taking over his entire body, the cold on the other man’s limbs disappearing. And he cried. They cried. This was his warrior, the strange man who would sail the sky to find him. To save him. His soulmate.
And for the first time in his life, Yeosang had hope. He was going to follow Jongho into the unknown worlds, but he would be okay. They would be alright.
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i-luvsang · 1 year
adorable — choi jongho
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1.2K MILESTONE EVENT ☆ CLOSED  gn!reader , fluff, comedy , frenemies to lovers , cw : one bed trope eheh, unedited as per usual , wc : 1K , tysm for the request anne lovely !! hope you enjoy as much as i enjoyed writing it <333 @ssaboala
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honest to god, you have no idea how you got here. genuinely, the situation ended up so complicated that you couldn’t recount the story if anyone asked. all you know is that, somehow, you are stuck in a resort room with choi jongho, while everyone else is blessed with, more or less, their preferred roommates. and in any other room, you’d be just fine with jongho. you had tried to trade with mingi and yunho, because their room has two beds. but they insisted they wouldn’t even fit in one bed together. both you and jongho had argued that would be better than the two of you having to share, but the two tall boys just laughed and shoved you out of their room.
so here you stand, side by side with jongho, staring at the single bed as the clock ticks later and later. you shiver in your summer pajamas, silently cursing the blasting air conditioning that the both of you failed to find in order to adjust the temperature.
the silence lasts a few more seconds before jongho breaks it awkwardly. “i’ll sleep on the–”
“don’t say you’ll sleep on the floor, that’s so stupid,” you cut him off. he rolls his eyes.
“what, are you gonna do it?”
“no,” you scoff. “i enjoy being free of back pain, thank you very much. but if you’re that scared of sharing a bed with me, go kick yeosang’s partner out of their bed and share with him.” he makes a face of disdain at you, effectively shutting down your senseless offer. you decide to take initiative, walking over to the bed and pulling the covers down. “i’m going to bed. i’m tired. you’re welcome to join me if you can work up the courage.”
he scoffs at your usual antics, watching as you slip under the covers, turning your back to the other side of the bed. but all he does is follow in your wake, sitting down on the bed and flipping off the last light in the room, plunging you two into momentary darkness before your eyes adjust. he throws a look over his shoulder to see the dim outline of your back facing him before laying down and pulling the covers over himself.
it’s certainly awkward knowing that he’s right there, but as you settle into the mattress, you become more concerned with the cold that seems to seep into the bed with you. you had prepared for hot, summer weather, and stupidly forgot about the normal blessing of air conditioning which has now turned into an enemy of sorts. with the cold settling around you, you become even more aware of jongho’s presence mere inches away from you, his body heat calling to you like a forbidden comfort. you curl further into yourself, hoping that your sleepiness will win out over the cold so you can ignore the discomfort and the charming boy beside you. but your unlucky streak continues when you feel jongho turn to face you, then hear his quiet voice.
“c’mon, i can tell you’re freezing.” you turn your head to see him staring at you, his arms open as if to invite you into his embrace. “i won’t tell anyone that you like to be the little spoon, honest,” he teases.
you scoff, more out of shock than anything else. you can’t even seem to come up with anything to say in response.
“hurry up before i kick you out of the bed and let you freeze to death on the floor,” he threatens, but as per usual, he’s all bark and no bite. only for you, you’ve begun to notice as of late. that despite the constant bickering the two of you share, neither of you would ever do anything to hurt the other. that maybe, just maybe, underneath all of his sarcastic wit, he cares about you. just a little bit though. because of course, you only care about him a little bit.
you huff out a false sigh of frustration before closing the gap between the two of you, holding back a real sigh of relief at the feeling of his warmth enveloping you. with your back flush against his chest and his arms around you, you admit only to yourself that it feels like a bit of heaven came down and graced itself upon you. he doesn’t say anything else, doesn’t ask if this is better, doesn’t even tease you. he just lets you stay there, doesn’t push you away when he can feel your muscles relax and hears your breathing even out, even though you never intended to fall asleep like that.
so when you wake up as warm and cozy as can be, it feels like yesterday’s fiasco, because, for a moment, you can’t remember how the hell you ended up in your position. there are strong, sturdy arms wrapped around you and they could only belong to one person. choi jongho. startled and drowsy, unable to recall what happened in bed last night, you roll out of his hold, so fast you nearly tumble to the floor if it weren’t for his quick reaction. he grabs you, pulling you right back into him. you stare at him, dumfounded.
“what the hell are you doing?” you whisper-yell right into his face. 
“keeping you from falling off the bed, idiot!” he retorts, hands still glued to your waist.
“well why the hell were you holding me when i woke up?”
“i was keeping you warm because apparently some of us don’t know how to pack properly for trips,” he shoots right back at you. “and you’re the one who fell asleep in my arms.” it’s hard for him to hold back the thought that it was adorable. “don’t look so shocked,” he says, taking in your wide eyes and, well, shocked expression.
“d-don’t be shocked?” you question wildly. “hah! ‘it was adorable,’ you say?”
it’s his turn to look utterly surprised. “what?”
you let out a full laugh at that. “you didn’t mean to say that out loud, did you?” he yanks his hands away from you when he realizes what you mean.
“that’s not what i sai–” there’s a furious blush spreading across his cheeks as he sits up.
“that is what you said!” you exclaim, following him into a sitting position. “you think it’s adorable that i fell asleep in your arms.”
and there’s no way he could deny you.
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hwallazia · 9 months
ATEEZ’s FANFICS — a masterlist.
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the following content may contain : fluff, smut, angst, comfort, comedy, slice of life. minors do NOT interact with any posts that include smut.
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HALLEY’S COMET — drabble, fluff
in which wrapped in seonghwa’s warmth, you discover your home in his embraces, where tears are jewels of love.
WE KNOW : PART ONE & PART TWO — two shot, smut + s2l?
in which your boyfriend’s murder hurt for so long. so one cold night, you’d revenge him by meeting the head of the responsible for your boyfriend’s death. you thought it’d be a piece of cake but turns out he was so much smarter than you.
LATE NIGHT WORSHIP — drabble, smut + non idol!au
in which hongjoong is the best boyfriend in the world as he fingers you in your sleep <3
in which you should’ve known better before teasing your boyfriend under the table while dining with your parents.
YOUTH — drabble, angst + childhood friends to lovers
in which crossing the threshold of teenage years was so much harder without him by your side. among the echoes of a park, you look for that lost euphoria, which was wrapped in memories shared with him.
SKIN — one shot, fluff + angst + f2l?
in which yunho soothes you after your boyfriend breaks up with you.
nothing yet ... keep browsing
𓂅 ʚ CHOI SAN ɞ
AT YOUR MERCY — one shot, smut + idol!au
in which after shamefully losing a bet against your boyfriend, you’re forced to do whatever he wants for a whole week, and when there’s only one day left for the punishment to end, your boyfriend decides to finish it with a flourish.
LOVE LANGUAGE ft. wooyoung — one shot, smut + poly!au
in which after a long, tiring day at work, all you want to do is come home to your boyfriends and cuddle with them. of course they fulfill your wish, but with something more. a little surprise for you.
SURRENDERING TO DESIRE — one shot, smut + idol!au
in which after a very long year of hard work, san and you decided to spend the holidays in namhae. but you happen to be busy even on vacation, barely exchanging glances with your boyfriend. until one night, you find the moment of intimacy you need with him.
SOOTHE ME, SUGAR — drabble, fluff + non idol!au
in which san pampers his girlfriend when it’s that time of the month for her.
ANT!FRAGILE — one shot, smut + coachella! san
in which you pamper your successful boyfriend after his dream night at coachella.
GIVE IN TO ME — drabble, smut + non idol!au
in which san gives you some special princess treatment.
SIREN — one shot, smut + non idol! au
in which too many words aren’t needed to get laid with your dream man.
BITE IT, LICK IT, SPIT IT — drabble, smut + married!au
in which san discovers a new fetish while you ride him.
nothing yet ... keep browsing
MAKE UP SEX — one shot, smut + non idol!au
in which the lack of attention from wooyoung was suffocating you. he’d have to compensate you somehow. and fortunately, he knows exactly what you need.
LOVE LANGUAGE ft. san — one shot, smut + poly!au
in which after a long, tiring day at work, all you want to do is come home to your boyfriends and cuddle with them. of course they fulfill your wish, but with something more. a little surprise for you.
CHIHIRO — drabble, angst + lovers to exes
in which you finally let yourself let him go during a cold rainy night.
OCEAN, BED, TATTOO — one shot, smut + tattoo artist! wooyoung
in which wooyoung tattoos your skin with ink... and with his lips.
SILVER DIVE — one shot, smut + non idol!au
in which you and your boyfriend enter an abstinence zone against your own will since he decided to get his lip pierced. the wait is worth it though.
SNEAKY — drabble, suggestive + ceo! jongho
in which jongho naively melts under your slim fingers, already accepting with pleasure that you’d satisfy him so early in the morning. but you had other plans.
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🔭 — all rights reserved to © hwallazia | do not repost, translate, copy or plagiarize any of my works.
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ateeznoa · 4 months
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very much a brother sister relationship
one of the very first people she met when she joined kq (because this boy doesn’t know the meaning of rest or vacation)
the person noa goes to if she has an issue with another member or a personal issue
trust each other with their lives
the only member that doesn’t bully him (she doesn’t have the heart for it)
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very much a motherly figure towards her
like always making sure she’s eating (which he doesn’t have to do often because she’s ALWAYS eating)
scolds her if she isn’t wearing warm clothes when it’s cold or maybe she’s wearing something a little too revealing
always making sure she’s comfortable (he isn’t afraid to speak up if something is making her uncomfortable. he’ll put people in their place when it comes to her)
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her favorite boy🥺
honestly they are head over heels for each other
they are well aware of their feelings, but have also chose not to date because they would not be able to hide it for the life of them
they know how people are, they’ll hold off (or will they😏)
very supportive of her and everything she does
fans will constantly catch him just staring at noa with the biggest heart eyes
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pls they adore each other
they tell each other everything
constantly sharing secrets because they are the only two who can actually keep them
they are the iconic savage duo who clap back at everything and everyone
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only addresses him as sannieeeeeee
the member that she attempts to coordinate with during practices
she picks on him quite often
especially due to the fact that he likes to be shirtless a lot on stage
and he picks on her because he likes to say that if she were a guy she’d do the same thing because she’s very confident in her body as well
she’ll never admit that tho
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her baby🥹🥹
well jongho is her actual baby, but she babies mingi too
and he loves it
he just eats it up
looking for a mingi hype woman, noa’s there
looking for someone to boost his ego, noa’s there
looking for someone to tell him that he is god’s gift to humanity, well wouldn’t you know, noa is there
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oh boy
what to say about this relationship
remember how i said noa doesn’t have the heart to pick at and make fun of hongjoong
well she does for wooyoung
it’s okay tho, because he knows it all out of love
he picks at her too
they are on each other’s necks
the literal definition of standing on business
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hurt him and feel the wrath of noa
he gets away with EVERYTHING
she is the only one he isn’t bothered by when it comes to skinship
she wants to hold his hand, go for it
the punishment is giving the loser a peck on the cheek, you better believe that jongho will be sat waiting for noa’s kiss
she’s probably his favorite person on the planet
he adores his noona🥹🥹
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