hegelfthn · 2 months
Pelatihan Leadership di Bandung : Pengaruh Leadership Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (0813-2451-1570)
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Dalam dunia bisnis yang kompetitif saat ini, keberhasilan sebuah organisasi sangat bergantung pada kepemimpinannya. Dengan kepemimpinan yang baik, tujuan bisnis dapat dicapai selain meningkatkan kinerja karyawan, yang merupakan bagian penting dari organisasi. Menurut pelatihan leadership di Bandung Kinerja karyawan, yang mencakup produktivitas, kualitas kerja, dan komitmen terhadap organisasi, sangat dipengaruhi oleh cara dan pendekatan kepemimpinan yang digunakan. Ketika seorang pemimpin dapat menjadi contoh atau pelopor yang baik bagi karyawannya maka akan mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan.
Pelatihan leadership di Bandung dapat menginspirasi, memotivasi, dan memberdayakan karyawan untuk membuat lingkungan kerja menjadi tempat yang bagus untuk berkembang. Pemimpin yang baik mengetahui apa yang dibutuhkan, apa yang diinginkan, dan apa yang dapat dicapai oleh setiap pekerja dan mampu mengarahkan mereka untuk mencapai tujuan yang sama. Pemimpin ini dapat meningkatkan kepuasan kerja dan loyalitas karyawan melalui komunikasi yang baik, umpan balik yang konstruktif, dan penghargaan terhadap prestasi.
Untuk memastikan bahwa karyawannya berkinerja sebaik mungkin pelatihan leadership di Bandung memberi informasi bahwa organisasi harus mengembangkan dan menerapkan strategi kepemimpinan yang kuat. Kepemimpinan yang buruk, di sisi lain, dapat menyebabkan stres, ketidakpuasan, dan penurunan motivasi, yang sering berujung pada tingkat turnover yang tinggi, rendahnya produktivitas, dan penurunan kualitas kerja.
Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja Karyawan
Dalam menilai kinerja karyawan perlu sekali seorang pemimpin paham terhadap cara atau strategi peningkatan nya. Karena ketika seorang pemimpin memiliki inovasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawan maka karyawan yang dipimpinnya akan memiliki kualitas yang baik sehingga sangat berpengaruh pada sebuah perusahaan atau organisasi yang dipimpinnya. Adapun strategi peningkatan kinerja karyawan yang disebutkan pada pelatihan leadership di Bandung diantaranya :
Mengadakan pelatihan dan pengembangan
Melakukan monitoring atau penilaian kinerja karyawan
Berikan motivasi pengahargaan
Komunikasi yang efektif
Lingkungan kerja yang baik
Ketika seorang pemimpin dapat mengimplementasikan strategi peningkatan kinerja karyawan, maka karyawan-karyawan yang dipimpinnya akan terkondisikan dengan baik dan maksimal. Karena dirasa sangat perlu di dalam sebuah perusahaan dalam menjaga dan meningkatkan kinerja karyawan.
Kepemimpinan di sebuah lembaga perusahaan memiliki peran yang sangat penting bagi Perusahaan itu sendiri. Seorang pemimpin harus bisa mempengaruhi orang lain khususnya kepada karyawan agar dapat mencapai tujuan atau visi yang sama. Dan sebagai seorang pemimpin harus selalu mengontrol para karyawan nya dalam melakukan pekerjaan yang sudah ditentukannya. Seperti di PT. Hafara Group memiliki seorang pemimpin yang sangat memperhatikan kinerja karyawannya serta mengarahkan karyawannya terhadap tugas yang diberikan. Serta sangat membantu dalam mengembangkan softskill karyawannya.
PT. Hafara Group juga memberikan layanan pelatihan kepada karyawan perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia. Seperti pelatihan leadership di Bandung memberikan pelatihan leadership kepada para pemimpin di Perusahaan agar dapat membentuk mental seorang leader yang dapat memengaruhi bawahan dengan mudah. Lalu memberikan pelatihan motivasi yang bertujuan membangkitkan semangat para karyawan dalam bekerja. Lalu pelatihan pembentukan karakter (Character Building) pada pelatihan leadership di Bandung dengan tujuan agar para pemimpin dan karyawan dapat mengetahui cara membentuk karakter diri yang baik itu seperti apa. pelatihan leadership di Bandung juga memberikan tips kepada para karyawan dalam mengelola stress kerja yang rawan terjadi pada seorang karyawan. Dan PT. Hafara juga memberikan pelatihan tentang service excellent dengan tujuan agar sebuah perusahaan dapat menerapkan pelayanan yang baik. Dan juga pelatihan sales marketing training yang bertujuan memberikan cara dalam membentuk srategi penjualan yang efektif.
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Profile Trainer Bandung
Berlatar belakang pendidikan sarjana jurusan Tasawuf Psikoterapi serta pascasarjana dalam bidang Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, M. Aqil Baihaqi memulai perjalanan karirnya sebagai seorang motivator dan trainer pada tahun 2014.
M. Aqil Baihaqi telah menjejakkan kakinya ke berbagai kota di Indonesia untuk memberikan pelatihan dan motivasi pada berbagai perusahaan BUMN, serta Kementerian Republik Indonesia. Daya tariknya terletak pada keahliannya dalam menggabungkan pengetahuan yang luas dari berbagai bidang ilmu, seperti Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Coaching, Bisnis, dan Public Speaking.
Dengan pengetahuan yang mendalam dalam bidang tasawuf psikoterapi, M. Aqil Baihaqi mampu menyajikan pendekatan yang holistik dan berpusat pada keseimbangan spiritual dalam setiap sesi motivasinya untuk menstimulus individu dan organisasi dalam mencapai potensi terbaik mereka.
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Durasi Pelatihan Leadership bersama Trainer Bandung
Seminar (Durasi: 1-3 Jam): Sesi seminar motivasi ini dirancang untuk memberikan wawasan dan inspirasi kepada peserta dalam waktu singkat, dengan durasi 1-3 jam. Dalam sesi ini, peserta akan mendapatkan berbagai pengetahuan dan teknik-teknik sederhana yang dapat langsung diaplikasikan dalam dunia kerja.
Mini Workshop (Durasi: 3-5 Jam): Mini Workshop merupakan sesi yang lebih mendalam daripada seminar, dengan durasi 3-5 jam. Peserta tidak hanya mendapatkan sharing knowledge, tetapi juga akan terlibat dalam sesi praktik yang mengharuskan mereka untuk menerapkan teknik-teknik yang diajarkan.
Full Day Training (Durasi: Minimal 8-16 Jam) diperuntukkan bagi perusahaan yang ingin mengembangkan keterampilan karyawan secara intensif. Didesain khusus untuk durasi minimal 8-16 jam dengan sesi belajar yang komprehensif dan mendalam. Peserta akan mendapatkan sharing knowledge, pemahaman mendalam terhadap teori serta terlibat dalam praktik langsung.
Link Video: https://youtu.be/Kjzu-WKdF-4?si=Wxm0wG7RGvMut3jW
Metode yang Digunakan dalam Pelatihan Leadership di Bandung:
1. Metode pelatihan dan motivasi yang digunakan adalah secara online dan offline.
2. Untuk sesi online dilaksanakan zoom meeting dan akun virtual seminar lainya
3.Pelatihan dan motivasi baik secara online maupun offline dikemas secara menyenangkan agar peserta tidak jenuh.
4. Penyampaian yang enerjik dan aplikatif disertai dengan contoh-contoh kasus kekinian.
Berikut cara Mengundang Trainer Bandung!
Hubungi kami 089675678830 / 081324511570 (Call/WA) atau Klik https://wa.me/6281324511570.  Silahkan konsultasikan kebutuhan training anda bersama Trainer Bandung. Dan dapatkan penawaran terbaik dari Trainer Bandung M. Aqil Baihaqi!
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godhatesadam666 · 4 months
301 cal breakfast
Today I've planned to eat 515 cals but with house work some dancing and yoga I'll definitely be in the negative anyway
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applesandbannas747 · 2 months
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wake up babe new coaches just dropped
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ohhtobeagooner · 2 years
what on earth are we going to do when we run out of players to do smash or pass polls with???
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Hey ich wiege 53kg und würde gerne auf die 40kg ich tue alles was man von mir verlangt und bin offen meldet euch.
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footballworldindia · 5 months
Football World India: Elevating Skills through Expert Sports Coaching
Football World India is the premier destination for sports coaching excellence, offering comprehensive programs designed to elevate skills and ignite passion. Our dedicated team of experienced coaches provides personalized training sessions tailored to individual needs, ensuring holistic development and growth for every player. Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the fundamentals or an experienced athlete aiming to refine your technique, our dynamic coaching approach caters to all skill levels. Join Football World India today and embark on a journey of improvement, camaraderie, and success in the world of sports coaching.
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hearty-an0n · 8 months
also i still don’t know who im cheering for
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skylardoesthings · 2 months
PLEASE DOOOOO drop more or elaborate your hcs I'm starting to feel the eiliea illness creeping back up so might as well (the illness was never gone in the first place) also just realized your blog title. handshaking u on that we are in this asylum together 🤝 - @kumagorosh
LMFAO??? Yeah guys, im ill abt these guys, its funny that theyre not my favourite characters though.
Anyways i hope you like my insane ramblings, this is gonna be REALLY long so, you can see em all under the cut 👍
For the "in go, to the public Kiyama is Kira Hiroto, to his friends and family, hes Kiyama Tatsuya" hc, the reason why they found out his name is Tatsuya is because of Touko. No one knows how she found out, all they know is that one day during summer she appeared, saw Kiyama and went "HEY TATSUYA!" And watched him panic,
Inazuma Japan noticed that Kiyama and Mido sometimes tend to not answer them whenever they say their names, so they would say their alien names. When the two do reply by their alien names, they would yell "WRONG TRY AGAIN!" bc they are Not Gran and Reize anymore and they have to learn to not reply to those names
As for "The reason why InaJap was so nice to kimido was because of Dark Emperors" hc, it sorta came to me out of the blue while rewatching s3, Mido and Kaze are good freinds despite aliea and my hc is that is the reason why everyone warmed up to them – if DE didn't happen, Kaze wouldn't feel like he understood what Reize had to go through ans that feeling of inadequicy that followed them, if this makes any sense. (Note; if DE didn't happen, they would've either A. Not even be a part of InaJap or B. Be a part of it and get treated like outcasts, kinda like Fudou.)
Also all the sun garden kids, areori or og, knows how to fight btw. Og sun garden is just, better and stronger because of the Aliea Meteorite
ALSO BTW. This is game canon but like, aliea???! Is so fucked up in the games? Like Seijirou rlly was going to sell those kids as weapons of war and we went "wow, normal IE stuff." And Garshield too. Like what the hell
Anyways back to the hcs; Demonio, Kiyama, and Ronijo are friends! "How so?" You might ask, its the child experiments.
Prominence is very used to the heat and prefers it, they hate the cold.
Diamond Dust player, menawhile are the opposite, whenever it snows Hitomiko always has to remind them that they're human and need to be warm, so "Don't go outside without gloves or jackets–!" And they absolutely hate the heat.
Ok this is just semi canon bcz mido, but Gemini Storm totally has a inferior complex.
This is dubiously canon? But all of Eisei are on given name status with each other, and for the og cast, they're still a bit to awkward (well, more like strangers) with each other to do that, but in go they totally call each other by their given names
Ok now for my hyper specific hc where i have no idea where this came from but its something i like and kept
Reina is a psychologist! Maki is a nurse, why? Because honestly, with the way they grew up, they were probably frustrated a lot by all these different things would probably want to help themselves and others. Why them specifically? Idfk it just happened. Same thing with Mutou being a techie, Nagumo being a choach to bunch of kids (like handa in canon), and a bunch of other stuff
Ngl, my hc is that all the Kira's were probably in the spotlight post-aliea, so the hc that Shuugo probably lost a of friends when he was a kid was born,
Which takes me to the hc that he loves his friends and family. He's not ashamed to be a Kira, he holds so much pride for being one. One of his goal's for when hes an adult is to probably just make something for himself, be someone he himself could be proud of,
I honestly have ZERO idea where i got my "Kiyama sees a lot of himself in Kariya" hc, but i think it was when i was rewatching s2 and went "wow thid guy has a lot of similar mannarisms as Kariya" whenever i saw covert Kiyama+Gran
Which takes me to the, "Shuugo and Kariya are just mini versions of the aliea captains" hc, which is mostly by mannerisms. They probably unconsciously mimicked them or just adopted it into the way they do things or smthn idk. Hitomiko finds this adorable.
Ehm. Here's some of Shuugo and Kariya actually why not, mostly shuugo because... he's my favourite.
The whole "they're complete opposites of each other" bit is mostly based on my other headcanons, but also from Shuugo's recruitment needs + kariya's canon behaviour. (shuugo's talks for the both of them, and kariya in turn, insults people for fun)
Shuugo likes to fist-fight people btw, he's nice and calm, but he has anger issues, and when someone pisses him off bad he'd start fist-fighting people, which is pretty often. (Kariya in turn, gaslight people. for fun. like father like son, I guess?)
Nagumo taught both Shuugo and Kariya curse words.
Shuugo was the one who came up with the idea of Masaki transferring to Raimon (the moment he joined the soccer club, shuugo went through all five stages of grief at once)
oh yeah kariya and shuugo have a sibling-like relationship. idk if you can tell from all the previous hcs.
literally no one knew that they know each other, so one day during the match of raimon 1gun vs raimon 2gun in s1 of go, they started talking to each other post-match and everyone was just "????? since when ???" and the revelation that kariya is an orphan and shuugo knows him because his cousin(??) is the "owner" of the orphanage opened,
also because of kariya and shuugo knowing each other, the two of them (along with ichino and aoyama!) sorta become the bridge between raimon 1gun and raimon 2gun! they have a lot more joint practises and team 2 are able to play in official/friendly matches!
Also fun fact, Shuugo was supposed to have a character arc similar to Hikaru's when he was first introduced in the sequel for go s1, aka, Chrono Stone, but as we can see that never happened. Anyways, i totally do NOT have a whole ass plot and am writing a fic of this for myself. nope, Nuh-uh.
(i am, i just stopped writing it cause i got stuck with a bit I cannot write to save my life :sob:)
wow this is. really long, i am so sorry if this makes no sense, and I'm sorry in general.
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thinmanolia · 3 months
I'm a bit confused on what to do.
Whenever I dont exercise, ⭐️ving is easy and I gradually lose weight. Whenever I try to speed up things by exercising though, the weight loss stalls and my appetite rises. I feel like absolute shit if I dont give in and eat more.
What should I do? Should I just eat more or should I risk muscle loss and just prioritize ⭐️ving? I do mainly strength training and I used to work with a choach at some point who told me that if I ever build more muscle, I'll see the scale go up but also have more of an appetite bc muscles consume so much calories. What will change though is my appearance -> I will slim down.
Idk if that is desirable to me. I have body dysmorphia anyways. What use is it to look slim when I can't see it. The only thing I can "see" is the number on the scale and I'm not sure if I want that to go up or stay stuck at where it is right now for any longer...
Any advice?
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stormoflina · 11 months
Domi interview, part 3
Dominik says the biggest differences from going to playing in the Bundesliga to the PL, are pace and decision making.
D: "You get the ball, then you have 2 seconds to make a decision, in the Bundesliga you had 4. Every match is a life or death situation. Every team can beat the other, and this is what it's so great about it [the PL].
About how beefed up Salah got ever since his shoulder injury in Madrid, if working out like he does, strengthening core muscles are expected of everybody, or it's a plus they can decide to do:
The interviewer basically goes on a monologue about how muscular and strong Mo is. He seems very impressed, retelling how Mo works out, how strong he is and wonders if the special workouts he seems to do is what makes him avoid injuries. He asks Dominik about his opinion, if he too, believes in putting in the extra work, like Salah does.
D: "Nothing is obligatory, we don't have a gun to our heads to work out in the gym. Everyone does it for themselves. He [Salah], yeah, it's true all what you said. I talked a lot about to him about this, asking questions, because I was interested. He said, until he was like 28 years old, he didn"t do this (...), then he decided to cut out pasta, bread, sugar (...). He made his decision, and ever since, like even if we have training at 12, he is at the gym by like 10."
I: " And what about you, what do you think, do you do this or not (...)?"
D: "Everyone is different. I do my own things, this [what Mo does] is I think not what I need. I have tried it, being very strict about food (...), but I didn't feel better. I felt very anxious, that I had to restrict myself, I didn't feel free, didn't feel like I was able to do things freely. Now, if I feel like eating some chocolate, then I will eat it. He [Mo] thinks different."
About how much work he brings to his private life, if he watches matches in his free time, things like that:
D: It's hard still. I'm trying to build this habit up, that when I come in the door, I leave work behind, and when I leave the house and go to training it's all about football (...) But it's hard. (...) I very rarely watch matches, usually only when one of my friends play. I have a friend, who now plays in the NB2 (the Hungarian Second Division), sometimes I watch that on Youtube.
I have a friend group of 5 people, we do a shared call, than watch the friend's match on the TV."
I: "Do they do the same with you?"
D: "Sometimes it doesn't work out, but yeah, they all watch my matches too."
About playing style of RB Leipzig vs Liverpool
The interviewer goes on about how Klopp changed his tactics up a bit, after Liverpool became the champion, back then it was less direct, but now it's so direct, all about gegenpressing, there are so many balls going forward, meaning there are many, which "come back too". [It's all about counter pressing.]
D: "I can't really compare the two teams, it's a different league, different players. The coaching mindset is different too, even if Klopp and [Marco] Rose are quite similar choaches."
I: "And then there is Jesse Marsch, [Klopp and Rose] basically on steroids." (lol)
D: "You get the ball, long ball/long pass, then shuhsu. [makes a sound to go forward]
But, basically, the last season for Liverpool was kinda bad. So, he [Klopp] thought, let's twist it all up. We will go for every ball, we will get every ball, then when we have it, we will go forward. Not in a stupid way, of course, if we can't go forward, then we keep the ball, twist it around (...). There is [tactical] football, it's not get the ball forwards." [basically saying not hoofball]
I: "You are someone, who rather keeps the ball, turns it around in the sides..."
D: "Before the match against Everton, in training there was a situation, when we were playing, running for like 5 minutes, and I kept the ball, passed it back, said that why aren't we going forward? Then, the others told me, we are not going forward, because we have been running for 5 minutes, let the opponent run some, while we keep the ball."
I: "It was reported, that when TAA started inverting to midfield, he would find this information [if he has to do this or not] a day before the match. This seems ??? (sorry, for some reason I cannot understand what he says). Is it the same for you, because sometimes you play as a 6, mostly when you are down to 10 men [Dominik chuckles at that], it seems your position on the field changes a lot. How soon do you find this out?"
D: "Our positions are discussed in the training before the match. But everything can happen, so it does change a lot."
I: What did Klopp tell you yesterday [in the game against Everton] at the 61th minute, when he called you over to you at the side of the pitch? Everton was very deep by then, defending 5-3 basically, leaving no place left in the midfield. Do you remember what he said (...)?"
D: "He told me to go forward, to be closer to Jota. If there is a ball, shoot."
I: "In Leipzig and the NT too, you are right in front of the pitch with the ball [meaning that he had the time and space to attack, move the ball], but now, you are playing as an 8, where you have seconds to find space between the lines, it's all very quick. Which styling play you prefer (...)"
D: " I don't like to play backwards to the net. I feel like I'm someone, who can see things, when facing the net, which others may not. It's an advantage I try to use as much as possible, to give myself a bigger space from the people, then I try 1 vs 1, or either with passes, but if I have to play between the lines, then I will do that."
I: "Do you have any preference where to play? [position vias] You said you like to be in front of the net, but sometimes, as an attacking 8, that's not possible."
D: "It depends on how I position myself. Whatever position I play, I can position myself in a way that it works out for me. I don't mind if I have to play deep, what matters to me is that I can turn, and see everything in front of me. Not when I get the ball, and there are people breathing down in my neck. I don't like that."
I: "But that happens a lot lately. (...). Sometimes you have to play as a double pivout."
D: " Yeah, it happens, when we feel like we can't get through them. Then, Trent goes to the right wing, and then Mac Allister and I can deal with the rest."
The interviewer then mentions the problems Trent faced last season, that Henderson used to help him out. Question that when he has to do the same [cover for Trent, when he inverts into the midfield] how automatic it is, if it comes naturally, or it's something Klopp drilled into him.
D: "No, it comes naturally to everyone, I think. If you see your RB struggling, you will go and help them. I'm not a good defender, but I know what I have to do in that 1,5 min I'm there."
Question about the connection between Klopp and Pep. He said, and it was reported as well, that he [Pep] invented this new position of TAA, and sometimes it's him who is in charge of the training too. Who comes up with the tactics, who tells them (...).
D: "We don't know who comes up with the tactics. Klopp is the one who tells us, and it's only him, who does the training before the match. Other trainings, Pep does it sometimes."
Question about Dominik's feelings and impression of Pep.
D: "He is good. I love him. He listens to everyone, we all listen to him. It's great to work with him."
About Haaland.
Haaland said his superpower is regeneration. Examples how he tapes his mouth, things like that. "He is a machine, a robot, says that about himself as well." Question if Dominik believes in the same stuff as well.
D: "I don't judge (lol), everyone does what they think it's the best for them. Back in Saltzburg, I meditated with him a few times, because we shared a room. First, I thought it was stupid, then I joined him, because why not. He used to wear those blue light glasses, I tried that one out too, he said it would help me sleep better... Well, you can only guess, if it worked out I would be wearing them still. It didn't help me. Maybe it didn't work out for me, because I didn't believe in it. He does a lot of other [regeneration] stuff, that people don't know about. I have been in his place, yeah it's a lot. He is a bit strange. [laughs]"
Short questions:
I: "Do you prefer heavy metal football or a possesion-based, slower stlye?"
D: Both, it depends. Maybe I prefer when I have the ball, and it's the opponent who has to run, not me, even if I can.
I: DC or Marvel?
D: Marvel.
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banannasposts · 1 year
I want a scene in which someone (the choaches, Keeley, one of the players) calls out the homophobic comments in the locker room before they even know about Colin
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i really dont know what sort of delusion is pushing the english and the yankees, but there is no way in hell Jürgen klopp will be choaching usa or England nt anytime soon or ever tbh
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aesthetic-is-life · 8 months
Mibuchi is trans boy and when he did the chest surgery all the rakuzan team went to visit him at the hospital (the choach too)
Akashi brought flowers
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silverxxs-world · 6 months
Bryan Danielson vs Lance Archer
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Oh Lance that’s not nice
Archer just being a big meanie
No lace that’s an innocent man
Tony calling taz Choach
But I would like a Lance win
Black out???
Murder gandpa mention
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innamoratadellenuvole · 7 months
Io che mi metto a cantare come se fossi una cantante di fama mondiale/vocal choach quando in realtà sembro una papera incrociata con una cornacchia 😂
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nekotato · 2 years
okay real ask: what pet would each stex character have
Kiwi gets guinea pigs >:) brown one that also looks like a kiwi Electra, definitely some exotic bird or tiger like the OLC one was supposed to have GB a dog but like probably something like a pitbull that looks scary but is very sweet Pearl would also have a bird but a less exotic and a much smaller one Rusty gets a cat and the cat like to sit and purr because Rusty is warm Dinah.. hampters The Rockies have frogs that they show to the choaches to make them go "ewww" Dustin doesnt have a pet per se but random animals love him
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