pokerninja2 · 2 days
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Chizzles have their stony arms coated in magma, so they're hot enough to burn opponents as well! While their attacks are slow, the fact they can easily inflict burn makes them incredibly useful at clearing space. Watch out for the lava that appears when they use Magma Splash!
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thebunnednun · 5 months
Ace x strawhat!reader
Carnival Confessions Portgas D. Ace x Straw-Hat! Reader
Thank you for my first "Follower Friday's" request! <<33
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This is not the best photo but I could grate cheese on this mans abs and fucking lick it off. Like a dream about him at night. (Sorry Buggy!)
Time to add a new husband to the list.
Don't be afraid to send me any requests my loves and if you are waiting for the next installment I have my masterlist posted!
Like usual, never be afraid to hang out in the comments. I love you guys feedback and snort up all the love you show. <33
As the Thousand Sunny glides through the calm seas, a distant glow catches the crew's attention. Nami, always attuned to opportunities for fun and profit, eagerly informs everyone about the nearby island hosting the renowned Festival of Stars. With its promise of dazzling lights, delicious treats, and lively entertainment, it's an irresistible invitation for a crew in need of some rest and relaxation.
Excitement buzzes among the Straw Hat crew as they prepare to make landfall. Luffy's eyes sparkle with anticipation, Sanji's culinary imagination runs wild at the thought of new ingredients, and Usopp feverishly sketches plans for the perfect carnival game.
Suddenly, the sound of cannon fire echoes across the sea, breaking the tranquil atmosphere.
Luffy, ever the goof-ball, shouts, "What's that? Are we under attack?"
"No, Luffy, look!" Usopp points excitedly towards the source of the cannon fire. "It's a welcoming salute! They must be celebrating our arrival!"
A grin spreads across Luffy's face as he grips the ship's railing.
"Alright! Let's join the party!"
Nami nods in agreement, her eyes gleaming with the prospect of potential treasures. "Indeed! But let's make sure we don't get carried away and forget our mission."
Sanji, already envisioning the culinary delights awaiting them, adds, "I can't wait to taste the local cuisine! This festival sounds like heaven!"
Meanwhile, amidst the flurry of excitement, you exchange a meaningful glance with Ace, a silent acknowledgment of your shared desire to explore the festival together. The unspoken tension between you both hangs in the air like the scent of gunpowder after a cannon blast, waiting for the right moment to ignite into something more.
Amidst the hustle and bustle, Ace found himself stealing glances at you whenever he thought you weren't looking. He admired your determination, your wit, and the way you effortlessly fit into the fabric of the crew. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to confess the growing feelings stirring within him.
Little did Ace know, you were experiencing the same internal turmoil. Your heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled, and your cheeks flushed whenever he spoke to you. You admired his strength, his loyalty to his crewmates, and the way he carried himself with a quiet confidence. But like Ace, you were hesitant to reveal the depths of your emotions, afraid of risking the friendship you cherished.
Y’all were soooo down bad for each other. 
the Thousand Sunny gracefully docked at the island, the crew eagerly disembarked onto the bustling streets, immediately enveloped in the vibrant energy of the Festival of Stars. The air was alive with the scent of exotic spices and the melodies of street musicians, drawing the Straw Hats into the heart of the festivities.
Stalls adorned with colorful banners and twinkling lights beckoned them with promises of exotic treats and unique treasures. Nami, always the opportunist, discreetly pulled Robin aside amidst the bustling crowd, a mischievous glint in her eyes betraying her intentions. "Let's give those two a little nudge in the right direction," she whispered, and Robin's lips curved into a knowing smile as they exchanged a silent agreement.
Meanwhile, you and Ace found yourselves entranced by a lively carnival game nestled amidst the throngs of revelers. The enticing challenge involved tossing rings onto bottles, each success rewarded with a coveted prize. With a playful glint in his eyes, Ace turned to you, his charismatic grin inviting you to join in the fun.
"Care to test your luck, (Y/n)?" he teased, his voice carrying a hint of friendly competition.
You accepted his challenge with a determined smile, eager to showcase your skills and perhaps impress the fiery-natured pirate. As the game unfolded, laughter and banter flowed freely between you both, each toss of the ring accompanied by playful taunts and good-natured ribbing.
Unbeknownst to you, Nami and Robin watched from a distance, their subtle orchestration unfolding according to plan. With a satisfied smirk, Nami leaned towards Robin and whispered, "I think they're starting to get the idea, don't you?"
Robin nodded, her gaze lingering on the scene before them. "It seems our matchmaking efforts may bear fruit after all," she remarked, a knowing twinkle in her eye as she observed the blossoming camaraderie between you and Ace.
As the carnival game continued, amidst the whirlwind of colors and laughter, the stage was set for something more than just a friendly competition. In the heart of the festival, amidst the vibrant chaos, two hearts danced closer together, their connection blossoming like the stars that illuminated the night sky above.
However, the game proved to be more challenging than expected, with each toss of the ring met with exaggerated groans and comical expressions of determination. Ace's fiery competitiveness only added to the amusement, his dramatic reactions earning laughter from both you and the surrounding crowd.
After a particularly close call that had Ace teetering on the edge of the game booth in mock despair, you finally emerged victorious, clutching the small plush toy prize triumphantly. Amidst the cheering and congratulatory pats on the back, Ace flashed you an exaggerated pout, pretending to wipe away fake tears of defeat.
"Alright, alright, don't rub it in too much," he teased, a playful twinkle in his eye.
You couldn't help but giggle at his theatrics, playfully tossing the plush toy into his waiting arms. "Looks like you'll have to settle for being my second-place prize," you quipped, earning another round of laughter from the surrounding onlookers.
Unbeknownst to both of you, the rest of the crew watched from a discreet distance, their amusement evident in the smirks and stifled laughter exchanged between them. Usopp, still disguised as a carnival attendant, struggled to contain his laughter as he approached with a mischievous grin.
"Congratulations on your win! As a special prize, how about a romantic stroll through the festival's enchanted garden?" he exclaimed, barely managing to keep a straight face.
You and Ace exchanged incredulous glances, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected offer. With matching shrugs and bemused smiles, you accepted, unable to resist the lure of curiosity and the promise of adventure.
As you ventured into the enchanted garden, laughter echoed through the night air, mingling with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant strains of music. The comedic charm of the situation was not lost on the crew, who watched with amused anticipation from the safety of the ship, ready to intervene if their matchmaking scheme veered off course.
As you and Ace embarked on your romantic stroll through the enchanted garden, the atmosphere was filled with an air of whimsy and mystery. Twinkling fairy lights illuminated your path, casting dancing shadows on the verdant foliage that surrounded you.
Unbeknownst to both of you, however, a series of hijinks unfolded in the background, orchestrated by the mischievous members of the Straw Hat crew. Luffy, unable to contain his excitement, had snuck off the ship in search of adventure, only to find himself entangled in a comical chase with a group of festival performers dressed as mischievous sprites.
Meanwhile, Sanji, ever the hopeless romantic, had taken it upon himself to prepare a surprise picnic for the two of you, complete with an array of delectable treats and a bottle of his finest wine. However, his efforts were nearly thwarted when a wayward gust of wind sent his carefully arranged spread tumbling into a nearby bush, much to his dismay.
Back on the ship, chaos ensued as Chopper and Franky attempted to quell the commotion caused by a group of overexcited seagulls that had mistaken the Thousand Sunny for a floating buffet. With brooms and buckets in hand, they engaged in a slapstick battle against the determined feathered invaders, all while trying to maintain a semblance of order.
You and Ace began meandered through the garden, engrossed in conversation and unaware of the chaos unfolding around you, the sounds of laughter and mischief served as a whimsical backdrop to your romantic interlude. Little did you know, the antics of your crewmates would only add to the memories you would cherish for years to come.
The night wore on and the stars began their mesmerizing dance across the sky, a subtle shift occurred between you and Ace. With each shared laugh and stolen glance, the barriers around your hearts began to crumble, revealing the tender affection that had been quietly blossoming between you.
Finally, as the last firework burst into a kaleidoscope of colors, painting the sky with its radiant glow, Ace took a deep breath, his eyes locking with yours in a silent understanding. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you," he began, his voice soft but steady. "I've always admired your strength and kindness, and... I think I might be falling for you."
Your heart skipped a beat at his confession, the weight of his words settling over you like a warm embrace. In that moment, all the unspoken desires and lingering doubts melted away, replaced by a sense of clarity and undeniable truth. "I feel the same way," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I've been hoping you'd say something like that."
As the crew erupted into cheers and applause from their hidden vantage points, you and Ace shared a shy smile, the joy of mutual understanding washing over you like a wave. Surrounded by the magic of the festival and the warmth of each other's presence, you knew that this moment would be etched into your memories forever.
And so, hand in hand, you and Ace walked through the streets of the Festival of Stars, the world around you alive with possibility and promise. In that enchanted moment, you realized that sometimes, the most precious treasures could be found in the most unexpected of places - even in the heart of a carnival. And as the night faded into dawn, you knew that your journey together had only just begun.
As the cheers of the crew faded from the air, Ace's expression shifted from surprise to realization. "Wait a minute," he exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and amusement crossing his features. "Did Luffy have something to do with this?"
Before you could respond, the mischievous laughter of your crewmates echoed through the garden, confirming Ace's suspicions. "Looks like the little captain couldn't resist playing matchmaker," Sanji chimed in with a knowing smirk.
Nami, unable to contain her amusement, added, "I guess we owe him for helping set the stage for your confession, Ace."
As the teasing banter continued, you and Ace exchanged sheepish glances, both amused and touched by the antics of your crewmates. But before you could fully process the moment, chaos erupted in the garden as Luffy's laughter rang out, accompanied by the sound of running footsteps.
"Hey, come back here, you two!" Luffy's voice echoed through the night air, followed closely by the pounding of feet.
With a shared laugh, you and Ace took off running, the thrill of the chase adding an unexpected twist to the evening's festivities. As the fireworks continued to light up the sky, you and Ace found yourselves using your respective powers - his fire and your water - to outmaneuver your pursuers, weaving through the garden in a playful game of cat and mouse.
With each burst of laughter and flicker of flames, the bond between you and Ace grew stronger, fueled by the shared joy of the moment. And as the night unfolded in a whirlwind of excitement and hilarity, you couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected turn of events that had brought you closer together.
As the chase continued under the canopy of stars, you and Ace knew that no matter where your adventures took you, the memories of this magical night would always hold a special place in your hearts.
And as the fireworks danced across the sky, illuminating the path ahead, you felt grateful for the laughter, the love, and the unforgettable moments shared with your Straw Hat family.
This is also posted on the a03 account by the same name. A new update post will also be out tomorrow regarding updates and new stories.
Please check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don't be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
POsted on 4/10/24 same day as Chapter 3 to "Whispers of the heart."
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itschizzled · 9 months
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Just a colourful parrot boi, chilling on a chimney.
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julieverne · 2 years
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vonlipvig · 10 months
now this is TELEVISION!
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wolfsblog · 8 months
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xi1dius · 1 month
Good Things Take Time
‼️whole thing (chapter 1/??) ‼️
summary: You’re simons new neighbour, recently moved to manchester to live with your (abusive) step-father and older brother.
tw!: swearing, suggested abuse, OFC THERES A F-BOY (not really mentioned so much, might make it more obvious in next chapters)
a got a ton of people liking and reblogging (for me atleast) the tester, so here is the whole one! <3
again, ask to be added to a tag list if you’d like
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The move had already been horrible, you’d moved half way across fucking England and it was horrible. Woking to Manchester, very different places but at the same time.. nothing has really changed.
The first day of school had been a living hell. The part you lived in was poor, unkept. It was straight unsafe, really. The school uniform was tacky and poorly made could you could only buy it from M&S or the clothes section in Sainsburys (that happens to be horribly tiny). It hardly even covered the residing bruises scattered round your body, though it was hard to hide the black eyes and bandaged broken nose.
The teachers sucked ass, there was hardly any sports clubs (only football and netball, bare english bloody minimum) or clubs in general, it was just a boring town.
See, as you walked home to your run-down, semi-desolate and gang filled neighbourhood, you notice another person walking just in from of you. Clearly older and part of your school (due to the uniform), but definately not in the same year. He stood impossibly tall for a teenager, messy blonde hair and a huntched over demeanour. His body was too big for the uniform, clearly, the trousers sitting above the ankle and blazer sleeves riding half way up his fore-arm. He was intimidating, in full.
After what seemed like an age of walking in your old and worn clark’s slip-on’s, the boy infront of you met up with another, a boy you had seen around school during the day. He was boisterous and clearly extroverted, having nearly tripped you up three times in the school corridor from him running whiel you tried to find your classes, recognised as Ben, a year 10.
You hastily passed them, not really in for a chat or too get caught up in whatever the hell was going on. Plus, your step-dad would be livid if you where too late and that was never a good thing, you honestly didn’t understand why your mother loved him so much.. it wasnt like the two where very dissimilar though..
Welp, that plan failed.
“Ay, lil’ lady. you’re the one who I knocked over, right? sorry bout that sweetheart.”
Ben stopped you in your tracks, a hand on your shoulder. There was nothing to do but turn round, look up to the honest to god GIANT. You but your lip a little, eyes scouring his chizzled face. You opened you mouth to reply, but the boy you walked behind spoke up.
“leave the girl alone, Ben.”
He spoke sternly, his voice was trough but ever so slightly timid.. something was off wohin, how’s thoughs only miltiplied as you noticed the large bruise over his right eye and left temple. Poor guy..
“God, so stuck up Simon. She’s fine with it, any girl would be.”
Cocky.. okay!.. good to know. back. away. from. Ben.
Ben soon backed off and you took a step back. With a quaint nod you finnaly spoke up, voice proving to be no less timid then Simons.
“That’s kay’..”
You quickly ran off, prompting an amused chuckle from Ben and a miniscule sigh from Simon. After a good few minutes of jogging down the road, holding onto the straps of your backpack so the heavy contents didn’t slow you down as much, you arrived home. slotting the keys into the door and trying to enter a squiggly as possible. you managed to get in without anyone calling out for you, only able to assume your step-father had passed out on the couch again.
You really didn’t want to stay here, i mean.. who would? Your mother, older brother and younger brother still weren’t home and staying here was just.. vile. It felt like your room wasn’t really yours (mainly because you shared it with your younger r brother and his stuff was EVERYWHERE) and it felt uncomfortable to be in generally. This is what prompted you to put your items away, change into something easy going (a Black hoodie and a pair of dark blue baggy dungarees). You put your hair down, it hanging around chest-length.
Putting on a old pair of black and white converse, you grabbed your phone and climbs out the window, hopping into the back garden below, grass brown and no sight of life of any sort. You made your way round and climbe diver the back gate, walking onto the street. It was time to explore, you though to yourself so you took a left turn and began to walk down the street, only to be toppled over by none other then..
Simon Riley.
Well, that’s chapter one! i had fun writing this and i’ll probbably write another chapter.. i already have ideas in mind :)
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pricescigar · 8 months
Vampire!Price & Elvira Wolff Lore
Even though I've written Vampire!Price twice, I'm going to dump some new lore between Vampire!Price & Elvira Wolff
I have been brainstorming for a while because why not >:)
(And also because I've been too shy to share it lmao)
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You could say I got heavily inspired by Bram Stoker's Dracula / Castlevania because it's my brainrot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
John Price lore
Captain John Price, also known as "Dracula." "Prince of Darkness." "King of the Night."
Before he became a Vampire was of course a famous captain in the British army in the Medieval era ranging from 500AD to 1500's. John was born at some point in the early 1060 A.D. exactly date, month, was deemed to been long forgotten. The older you get, of course you forget your age and the people around you who are long dead now.
In his human years standing proudly at 190.50 cm / 6ft3 , short brown hair that was always slicked back. His blue eyes shone in the sunlight. Chizzled mutton chops, always neatly shaved regardless of time and place.
At a young age he joined the army, leaving the life he knew behind. He became an excellent swordsman, leader & strategist. He was a young man after all, well built, strong like any man.
Knowing the basic means of survival thanks to all what his father taught him, his father's name forever unknown to everyone else but John.
He sought his enemies to be dead upon the battlefield, always the one to rush into Battle. With his great courage and bravery he quickly became captain, leading his men into Battle with no hesitation. Despite all of the Battles he had won, he wanted more. Of course, John was immensely recognised by his bravery, leadership. He wanted more; He wanted to be King.
At the time had a supposed lover by his side. Despite how forbidden it was for a Knight to have fallen in love with a Princess, he did fall in love with her. He wanted nothing more to take her hand, and make her his. Yet... she soon passed away due to a grave illness, which also made him angry and guilty.
Greed & Power could only get a man so far. With deadly consequences, he betrayed the King, the same one who knighted him all those years ago. Taking the Throne for himself, his other relatives had been slaughtered, taking no second chances. While he sat ever so proudly at the Thone, killing anyone who had defied, dared to betray him.
(That had also meant most of his soldiers for that matter)
To be the Kingdom's forever ruler, John sought out means to possess immortality. He heard of many rumours that of a "Crimson Stone." By any means necessary, the stone got into Price's possession thus he gained immortality. But at a cost.
He became a Vampire. His appearance changed as a whole, all forms of humanity, forms of emotions were gone.
His skin became paler, his ears almost pointed. Teeth sharp like canines, sharp nails that could easily cut you at the slightest touch; Standing now at a staggering height 213cm / 7ft.
With his powers he managed to revive his men forming an undead army, at the bend of his will. Raging War on anyone. With his now gift of immortality, he also gained knowledge of Necromancy & master of Sorcery. Although he gained the common abilities of a Vampire. Price was the most special one of all.
Under the restrained rule of John Price, a band of rebels formed a resistance. A band of powerful sorcerers. With Price's newfound powers, it raged a powerful battle. Almost defeating Price he transformed into a bat, escaping just in the nick of time before his ultimate demise.
One of the sorcerers that almost killed him was a member of the Wolff family. Escaping England for good, moving far away to another foreign land. Yet over time, Supernatural forces grew despite Price's dissappearence, Vampires spawning everywhere causing destruction everywhere.
Soon a Hunters Regieme was formed to tackle the supernatural creatures.
Elvira Wolff lore
The Wolff family became strong as the generations went by, one of the many few families built the Hunters Regime, and what it became of in this day and age.
Elvira's mother passed away during birth, so it's been herself and father that stuck through thick and thin. Along with Elvira's godfather, godmother and uncles in their family estate.
Elvira was trained from a young age to be a hunter like her family members, from the age of 5 her training begun. Her knowledge was built on by reading various books about the supernatural creatures; How to fight them, how to deal with them, what to do when you encounter one.
(The list goes on)
By the age of 10 Elvira already had basic knowledge of supernatural creatures, but that was a starting point of her career path.
As she grew older her father got attacked and seduced by a Vampire and eventually turned into one. Bit by bit, all forms of humanity dissapeared within him.
Elvira's godparents, and uncles died in the hands of her father as they tried protecting her but to no avail. Dietrich always had the upper hand.
Elvira became a captive in her own home, each night she heard the various screams of men, women, being dragged into the family estate so Dietrich could feed on his eternal hunger.
Elvira did all she could to save them but that would only result in punishment, when she turned 21 in 1476. She risked her life to do the inevitable. Eliminating her father.
She risk burning down her family estate, trapping her father in it. By the time she got out Elvira was gravelly inured, yet she survived.
The Hunters came and nursed her back to health, yet due to her father's betrayl she had to work hard to regain their trust once more.
Her mission was to kill the Vampire King, John Price. Elvira had everything she needed to make the mission successful.
Yet the moment Price set his eyes on Elvira, the young woman reminded him for his long lost princess... His lover.
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chaotic-deity · 2 months
Continue to draw Godzilla chubby just to spite them
Also I do not get why they are so pressed about a fictional 200+ foot tall atomic lizard being chubby, I'll take any fat rep I can get because body diversity is nice, another thing is that why would a fucking lizard have chizzled abs?
The whole thing was bad but it truly started going downhill when I referred to Godzilla's atomic breath as "fire" 😭 the entire discussion was pure nonsense from beginning to end
And dw I will!! While doing things to piss people off is fun, the main thing I want when I draw diverse bodies is to make people feel happy and represented, that's way more important than whatever user poopfart69 has to say about my art <33
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julieverne · 1 year
Maura making Jane laugh is always a win.
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Susie and Maura were tight from the start. At this point we've only really seen Maura touch Jane, other than hugging Jane's parents as well. But Susie's second scene has Maura physically affectionate as well as physically comfortable with her.
Maura called her a kindred spirit.
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sonic06apologist · 4 months
Even worse: imagine being a caveman and needing to jerk off. like ooo ooo that pair of rocks kinda resembles titties time to dry jerk my dick. NO THANKS
I think they could've chizzled out some boobies and maybe even a cock n balls, maybe long smooth rocks were the first dildos, as for lube, well... Yeah actually that's awful no lube I'd let a dinosaur eat me
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idiotwithanipad · 5 months
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A new Ghosts OC
A lot more tragic and dark this time, so fair warning...
(TW: False accusations, Child abuse, Torture, Punishment, Death, Blood, Bodily harm)
"Foul temptress!"
The Lord's harsh voice boomed from the library. The young girl rested on her knees, cleaning out the ash collector of the furnace, her blistered hands trembled against the cold steel.
Sweat trickled down from her hairline as more and more anxiety piled atop the heat from the fire before her, which, compared to her fear, felt more like a warm bath. She had been accused of a horrible crime; seduction. The Lord's son, a boy of 15, was due to meet a girl of noble birth and wed before the month's end.
The son had mistaken a smile and a nod as foul intentions cast upon the young scullery maid by Satan himself. In a burst of outrage, the son had notified his father, and the price would be paid.
Agatha, her real name, was wrenched through the halls and into the basement. A masked man stood slipping on a pair of thick leather gloves. The other man, which dragged her, never even looked her in the eye as he picked her up and threw her upon a wooden table situated in the centre of the dim candle lit room.
Her hands were bound above her head as she tried her hardest to protest and kick for her life.
"Be still, foul creature!" The man restraining her roared in her ear, causing her to cease her thrashing at once and wince.
"By thy holy Father's name, sir, I beg of you, sir. I committed no crime, sir!" Agatha sobbed.
The cold faced man lifted his gaze from Agatha and up to his fellow man, giving a nod and clamping his hands down onto the girl's shoulders tightly.
Agatha watched in horror as a vice was placed at her right foot, two jagged and roughly chizzled stone slabs were placed meticulously either side of her shoeless foot.
Agatha squealed, the gravity of her situation hitting her like a wet bale of hay. The vice was tightened more and more as she felt the cold slabs press against the sides of her foot.
"Agatha Smith, did'st thou commit the sin of sexual gluttony towards the young sire?" The man behind her asked coldly.
The man, who Agatha assumed to be a judge, growled towards his fellow man, a word she wished she didn't hear.
"Tight her"
The lever on the vice was turned one full time, causing the slabs to clamp onto her foot harder, painfully and slowly. Her shrill screams could be heard from the grounds.
"Did'st though tempt the young sir?!"
"Tight her!"
More broken bones, more screaming, one less foot to walk on. This long winded game of punishment had proceeded for hours, until her feet were limp sacks of muscle and crushed bones. Slabs of concrete and rock had been piled atop her chest, hours later, she still barely breathed, but she was barely conscious.
Blood had, at one point come gargling from her punctured lungs and her badly beaten and fractured skull had to be covered by a burlap sack to avoid further stains on the wooden table.
"Grant thyself as lucky. You filthy, disgusting heathen. Had I my own methods, I would have your tongue pulled with the tongs from thy evil little throat" The judge sneered at the blood soaked burlap sack.
"We shall continue later. Silence thy tongue, with the grace of God, thou shall still be able to walk up the gallow steps come morning"
She couldn't hear him, her suffering had passed. Her tongue had stilled. And her breathing had ceased.
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A/N thank you for all the love! I really appreciate all of you, especially with me being new to tumblr and publishing my stories as well.  pairing: fem reader X Aemond Targaryeon 
Summary: You have always had a crush on Aemond he just learned and wants to use this to his advantage 
Warnings: none, a kiss?
You had been anticipating the day you returned to kings landing since when you last left, counting down the days. Simply to see a boy that had probably changed even more over the course of 6 months, but that also amused you. 
You had always had a crush on Aemond, being fascinated by his intelligence and kindness as a child, and now a man he has only improved. Your fascination was entirely apparent, everyone in Westeros could tell you were so far deep in love with Aemond Targaryen that the chance of escape, was less than slim. 
You had tried to find a reason, an exact pinoint on why you felt magnetically attracted to him, but overall you supposed it was his entire being. His beautiful silver hair, his chizzled face, perfectly shaped lips, and the eye patch. Some would say it ruined his overall appearance but to you, he was a god on Earth, and you prayed to them every night that maybe the next visit would be the one where he finally noticed you. 
Although you belonged in a lower less-known house King Viserys had a long lasted friendship with your father, meaning you spent many months of your childhood in kinglanding, mostly playing with Helena and listening to her fascinating facts on bugs while watching Aemond from afar. Sometimes, you would get distracted from her stories and focus on him, if that were during training or when he would read the stories stored in the huge castle library. 
Every year when you came to visit, and the more he grew, the more you were wrapped around his finger, and he had no idea. Yes there was the once in a blue moon conversation, it was inevitable to happen over the years of youth spent together, but this visit you knew it would be different.
It all began at the welcoming dinner, you had finally reached of age and showed it to, your body resembling a womans your untimely beauty and wonderful hair, your father had already been propositioned piles of marriage proposals. 
The dinner was as usual, you were sat next to Helena and Aegon, Aegon throwing you an occasional glance, but overall you mostly spoke to Helena and caught up on the newest events. 
Unaware, Alicent had already informed Aemond on how you looked at him, she told him what he was to busy to notice, your absolute infatuation with him, bringing him to a new fascination with you. 
Everytime you spoke to the whole table his eye followed you closely, and during the dinner you would occasionally catch his eye, turn red in the cheeks, and look away. He would smirk and continue his observations. 
Then it was under the tree in godswood, you were reading an epic from before your time, some of the translations were not completely accurate, but you tried your best to create the missing words yourself. The godswood was empty, for once, this was your favorite place to talk to Helena, and a good quiet area for absolute concentration. Usually. 
A relaxed Aemond made his way into the godswood, stopping in his tracks when he noticed your flushed face looking up at him before you shut the book and were beginning to rise, “Why are leaving my lady?” 
Your eyes raised from the ground wide and looking anywhere but him, a smile threatened to spread on your face from just a very sentence from his lips, “Uhm, sorry my- my prince I just assumed you would like to be left alone,”  You flattened out your skirts trying to straighten yourself and look as good as you could make yourself feel. 
Aemond smirked at you, “you assumed wrong, my lady, we can share the same tree, I do not bite, I swear it,” he smirked before walking over your eyes following him without looking him directly in the eyes, your whole body temperature had increased by atleast 10 degrees and part of you wanted to run away from everything, and another part wanted to bask in the moment and confess right then and there. 
When he sat under the tree positioning his book and himself comfortably he looked up at you, frozen.
“You may sit,” he smirked,
 “Oh yeah, right, sorry I forget myself,” 
he responded with a slight chuckle, that only made your stomach fill with more butterflies, you could probably grab the tension you felt. 
Once you were sat you opened your book and tried to pay attention to the words, but his occasional glances were making it almost impossible. 
“My lady your face is quite red, are you feeling ok?” he spoke lowly with false concern. 
When your head spun to meet his eyes before drifting away, “Oh yes my prince, thank you, these skirts are just warmer some days more than others,” what kind of answer what that? 
Aemond placed his hand on your forehead making all thoughts going through your head stop and only focus on his hand gliding down the side of your face before grazing your jawline and grabbing under your chin, “has anyone ever told you how gorgeous you are,” Over the years Aemond had grown to be a brave man, and knowing now that you were smitten with him, he planned on using this to his advantage, but he couldn’t deny your beauty or his fascination by you. 
“I uhm, thank you, thank you my prince,”  his decision was forward, very forward, he knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t seem to find a reason in the moment not to. 
“Might I kiss you, my lady,” He asked with a smirk, stunned at the sudden request you couldn’t form an answer and simply shook your head yes,”
“Eyes on me love, and please use your words,” Your eyes finally met his “Yes, yes please,” he spread his hand over your jawline, thumb still on your chin before he brought the two of you closer your lips meeting.
You couldn’t put in words how just one kiss left you breathless, it didn’t last long, both of you inexperienced, but it was enough to fuel your love for him more than you saw possible. 
When his lips left yours, he grazed the side of your face once more before simply returning to his book, leaving you confused, and still questioning if this was real or simply another day dream of yours. 
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optimisticunicorn · 9 months
Hey wanna read a short AlmondTruffle fanfic I wrote last year? I ended it abruptly cause I couldn't think of anything else
It was the beginning of a warm starry evening. The light of the moon was sprinkled across the streets contrasted by the warm glow within a bar. The filled with the low hum of chitter chatter. If you could pinch your ear you could almost hear delightful laughter coming from the corner booth.
"Okay I have another one." Cinnamon cookie said as he flipped his deck of cards around, sandwiching them together. Truffle was delighted by the little magic show put on display for her. The night was still young and she wasn't there to get drunk. But she did enjoy pun humor which Cinammon was overflowing with.
"So two atoms are talking and one of the says-"
They both looked up to see Almond adorned with a friendly smile.
"Sorry to disturb your conversation I was just wondering if I could steal Truffles from you for a moment."
Cinnamon looked to Truffles and replied. "Oh, we weren't actually talking, she was just letting me practice my act on her because she was bored.You two can go ahead"
She waved goodnight as she followed Almond to his seat at the farther corner of the bar. She wondered "why would Amond need to talk to her ? It's probably serious." She thought. Her thoughts where interrupted by the sound of his voice as they sat down.
"I didn't know you liked card tricks?"
"Oh well, I can't deny myself a little whimsy every now and again. Why do you ask? "
"Just couldn't help but hear you laughing for a while I got a little jealous.You must think he's charming."
"I find everyone charming." She replied she swirling her drink in her glass.
"Are you in need of my help for a case detective?"
"Hmm? Oh no. I'm off duty.I just wanted your company is all." He chuckled.
"Huh, I don't think I've ever seen you off duty, I just assume you're constantly on the clock dear."
Almond paused from taking a sip of his drink to chuckle. " I get breaks Truffles! I know it doesn't look like it but I do go home."
"Yes! But I've never seen you mingle you know? You're always mean looking, I mostly assumed you just weren't a people person." She giggled.
"Aww you think I'm mean?" He playfully pouted. He gently picked up her hand and kissed it. "I can be nice too even nicer to you if you want." He winked. Herheart pounded and flustered . Smiling as she faced away hiding her blushing cheeks. she could barely comprehend her thoughts.
"Aw, don't don't turn that pretty face away. Talk to me." He smiled.
"Oh this is all so sudden."
It did feel sudden Truffles could only count the times they've interacted on her hand. And she rarely ever dated. But he was kind of rugged, and he did have a nice chizzled face. He certainly wasn't the kind of man she was used to.She really didn't mind the attention of a respectable, older man. She didn't know what it was about him, but he somehow sucked the calm confidence she'd usually carry at every moment. She felt a little vunerable, but maybe that was ok.
"Yes well, I've been having my eye on you for a while."
Such a casual response made her hold her cheek and blush.
"When did I catch your attention?"
"I always thought you were a lovely woman. I'd look at you sometimes and just couldn't help but think to myself, wow her partner must be so luckiest person in the world."
" I find that I'm the luckiest tonight " she giggled under her breath she was having such a ball she almost didn't notice her phone vibrating.
"Oh my , I'm terribly sorry but I have to go."
"Oh early day tomorrow?"
"No I have to catch the bus. I'd walk if it wasn't so dark out."
"Don't you have a car?"
"Yes but a girl must get her exercise somehow."
"Well the least I could do is escort you ."
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I think it's funny when you can tell someone has never drawn kids before like why this 6 year old got the giga chad chizzled chin
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jensyao · 2 years
Nas - Nthology mixtape
100 physical copies were passed out outside at Nas' Madison Square Garden concert Digital download here: https://mtafz.bandcamp.com/album/the-nthology 0:00 Nthology Ntro (locomotive on you da man, the season on disciple, stillmatic freestyle on street's disciple, you gotta love it on nastradamus, make the world go round on it ain't hard to tell, book of rhymes on daughters, affirmative action on life's a bitch, if i ruled the world) 0:52 Re-Genesis (queens get the money and talk of new york on genesis) 1:50 NY State Of Mind (Hennessy X Nas: The Ride and project windows on NY state of mind) 3:05 World Is Yours (firm biz remix on world is yours) 4:23 One Love (AZ's unreleased verse to foxy on one love and cormega's one love, drink champs interview, and dirty game on cormega's one love) 6:38 I Gave You Shine (Shine on 'em on I gave you power) 8:43 Take It In Blood (Regis recites Nas lyrics on take it in blood) 9:09 Watch Dem Shootouts (shootouts on watch dem) 10:50 MC Serch Skit (mc serch on surviving the times) 11:51 Surviving Rise and Fall (surviving the times on rise and fall) 13:12 Journey Thru The Hate (everything i love on hate me now and diddy's Journey Through The Life) 16:25 Behind Bars (Tragedy Khadafi's Stay Free and last words on slick rick's behind bars) 18:58 The Hood (drake introduction, god love us on Tales From The Hood) 20:21 My Way (project windows on my way) 21:32 New World Can't Forget (new world on can't forget about you) 24:17 Hold Down The Block (god love us and Quiet Niggas with jungle on hold down the block) 26:33 Project's Two Hot (50's I'll Still Kill, nature's fire, jermaine dupri's turn it out on too hot, 50 and nas on summer jam) 29:14 Brother's Stillmatic (kanye's we major and purple on rakim's paid in full/stillmatic freestyle) 30:08 Who Shot Ya (ether on biggie's who shot ya) 33:43 KRS Tribute (KRS-One's Nas tribute on KRS-One's Step Into A World) 34:11 The Flyest (wu-tang's harbor masters and AZ's Everything is Everything (Remix) on the flyest) 37:06 Up 'Em Shoot (shoot em up on rewind) 38:10 Esco Vs The State (be a n too on and courthouse/like me on revolutionary warfare) 39:51 Books Of Rhymes (proclamation on book of rhymes) 41:30 Star Chizzled (stay chiseled with large professor on star wars) 44:03 Queens Where Y'all At (where y'all at queens story) 46:12 Enter Zion (as we enter with damian marley on road to zion) 48:47 Let's Go Hero (esco let's go on hero) 50:32 The Scientist (queens get the money, styles p's unreleased verse for nas, saigon's Greatest Story Never Told on scientist) 53:57 You Wouldn't Understand (remix) (You Wouldn't Understand on rakim's eric b is president) 56:50 Port Au Prince (promise land with damian marley and joell ortiz's Exhibit H on be a n too) 59:21 What's Love (life we chose on where's the love with cocaine 80s) 1:00:58 Music (get down/james brown intro, hi-tek's music for life on marvin gaye's i want you) 1:02:35 The N (the n/don't hate me now on no introduction)
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