#chirrut x reader
iracundiias · 2 months
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[ insatiable creatures ]
Chirrut Ȋmwe x reader (gender neutral) warnings: reader trauma, reader is in the rebel alliance, morning after, naked cuddling, post-coital cuddling, morning sex (reader receives but no parts specified) word count: 2.2k
summary: Ever since you could remember, your life has been full of chaos. It was something you had been accustomed to, being a member of the Rebellion… You were restless, moving from place to place wherever the action took you to sabotage any efforts the Empire was doing…
"Such an insatiable creature," Chirrut tutted quietly. "But I suppose we’re both insatiable when it comes to… this."
[read on ao3]
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egonscarif · 2 years
when my mind starts thinking about rogue one i have to stop myself because i cannot mentally nor physically handle it
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Don't Leave Me Here
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Changing format and style, because I want to keep my motivation strong. 💪👁👄👁
Fandom: Star Wars
Request: Nope. This is the very self-indulgent one shot.
Pairing: Cassian Andor x F!Reader
Summaries: Battle of Scariff brings hope to the Galaxy and the Rebels, but what about the Rogue One's crews, especially with your long-time-crush, Captain Andor.
Contents: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Mutual pining, Friends to lovers, Soft Cassian, Love confessing, Idiots in love.
Warning: Angst. Describing of Injuries, blood, pain and death. Crying. Anxiety. Cliché plot. Writer is being too over emotional and regret nothing.
Rate: M for melodrama
Words: 2,285
A/N: Alternate version of Rouge One 2016's ending. Because I had realised that I didn't write my own. Also, feel a little bit sad, because 2024 is feeling like eternity. But I'm gonna write Cassian's fix-it fan fictions, until I can't write. English is my second Language, please feel free to correct me, and let me know if I miss any CW+TW. Enjoy Reading 😊
🌹Click to My AO3
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Death Star Plan was successfully stolen. The battle at Scariff had been considered as a big victory for rebellions. Everyone who stayed at Yavin IV was cheering and crying with joy. Some systems, even, officially declared independents over the Empire’s sovereign right there. Some systems, which tended to give up before, decided to maintain alliances. The spark of flame was reigniting again. The light at the end of the darkest tunnel was like a new dawn — hope.
But it just was at the very first minutes, when the Plan completely broadcast. The Rogue One crews returned with survivors – were not long enough after the battle ended – but mostly were casualties. All Medbay turned into a big, chaotic area; doctors, nurses, medical staffs, and medical droids managed to diagnose every crew’s condition from the worst to ‘nothing much to worry about’.
And the worst, whose state was severe, was Captain Cassian Andor. Y/N’s one of her old and good friends, since she had joined the Rebellions in the first month.
Cassian was a mystery (some even said he was scary), moody, tense and taciturn on the outside – for almost everybody on Yavin IV Base. Actually, he was not. He had a strange humour and points of views toward life, also knowledges in many fields which attracted his team, many women on the base, and Y/N.
As the volunteer at Medbay – after hearing there were survivors – Y/N ran and helped the staffs as much as her strength allowed. First time she saw Cassian, he was covered by blood and wounds, while she was pasting Bacta gel on a supporting crew. She didn’t spare a time to visit him, she must stay outside – standing by. When she finished all the tasks, she noticed that a doctor and assistances had taken care of Cassian already. She was about to visit him in a patient room, but it was forbidden.
Few hours later, the Rebellion Alliances had received the news; Princess Leia was being held in custody by the Empire. Was anything worst happened to the Alliances right now?    
Three days had passed by, Y/N had switched to the ‘autopilot’ mode on working in her station, doing routine. Thanks to all the works which kept her busy until resting time, they also made her forgot what she had dreamt in her sleeping.
On the fourth day, main crews on the cargo ship gradually came to consciousness. Y/N’s good friend at Medbay told her that late morning. She immediately visited them and listening to the incident near the broadcasting tower on Scariff.
Jyn told Y/N everything which Cassian did. She even encouraged her to hold tight on the hope. Chirrut said the force had been staying with Cassian, and the force always worked in many surprising ways. Moreover, the medical staffs allowed everyone, whoever cared about Cassian, to visit him. He was getting much better now, but still unconscious.
She didn’t want to dig up those memories of him being covered by blood and wounds four days ago. Nevertheless, she shook them out, made up her mind, and deciding to see him. Maybe Jyn and Chirrut were right.
            Y/N exited her station to the room where Cassian was placed. She noticed the one and only re-programming Imperial droid on Yavin IV. He stood and starred through the window, seem like he hoped his Captain was waking soon.
“Y/N.” K2SO greeted, “I have calculated the possible that you are going to visit Cassian today, the percentage is…”
“Don’t tell me.” She cut the droid. “Let me go inside without your statistic. My head is aching enough.”
Keying a code, going inside, she cursed herself for being rude to K2SO. Somehow, after visiting Cassian – she would apologise to the droid – since she had forgotten his good intention, underneath the sarcasm.
As Y/N approached the bed, all Cassian’s blood and wounds were cleansed. BPM pulse and body temperature had not become normal yet. He would not wake up within two or three days, according to the report. Numerous I.V.s were still plugging into his veins, also a bandage on his torso.
Y/N sat on a chair beside the bed, examining Cassian’s state closely while she tried to hold back her tears, but it was failed. She could not help herself. All tears ran down her cheeks like a great flood. Four days and three nights felt like months. She let vulnerability got her by sobbing uncontrollably, started talking to him and wishing he could hear;
“Cassian, I know you are willingly to do anything for the Rebellion. I’m really proud. But why do you always run into suicide missions?” Her voice was depressed. “Sometimes, you don’t have to prove that you are one of the best rebel spies by destroying yourself. Mon Mothma and many commanders speak of you highly… even princess Leia…”
Tears still ran down, while she was reaching for his hand, biting lower lip and shook her head.
“I survived the first month because of your helps. You introduce me to many things I know just a bit or haven’t known before, so I can fit in. When I feel down, blue, even black, you cheer me up with your eccentric jokes – and if you are out for a mission, you always say goodbye… this time… you don’t even give me a chance…”
Y/N recalled what was happening when Rogue One recklessly leaved for Scariff, after most allies and commanders objected. She was there. When the meeting ended, she sought Cassian or whoever in his unit. Too late. They had gone.
“I want to blame my stupid brain for bringing the pain that I do not desire to feel. That isn’t a reason. Those words in my mind – I wish I could tell you, after all of these years…” Y/N softly squeezed his hand “Since here we are, only you and me. When you wake up, we are going to be the same. It’s now or never.”
She paused for seconds, took one deep breath, and let all her feels breaking control.
“I love you, Cassian. More than a good friend. I love you with all my heart, my soul, my breath, and my entire existence. You are the one. Every time you come back, I just don’t want to hug you – I want to kiss you like there’s no tomorrow, jumping into you, embracing you in my arms……”
            Y/N kept confessing her feelings toward Cassian until she recognised she was going to weep again. She stopped, stood up, leaned forward to kiss Cassian’s forehead gently, and whispered before leaving.
“Just don’t leave me here…”
            She dried her eyes, leaved Cassian behind, and repressing the desire to look at him again. As she exited, K2SO still had been on the spot. She sighed, walking toward the droid.
“I’m sorry Kay. I shouldn’t say such things. Well, I don’t have any excuse.”
“At least you didn’t hit me. I don’t expect anything. I have calculated, there is a high chance that you’re going to apologise. So, I forgive you.”
Y/N could swear to Kriff that K2SO mentally shrugged, judging by his tone. She crossed her arms and faking a smile.
“Then we’re even.” Looking on the floor, she gazed up at K2SO again. “Tell me, have you calculated when Captain Andor is going to wake up?”
“I did, but I think you don’t need it anymore.”
She raised her eyebrows. The droid did say nothing, just looked into the room. She followed suit, shook her head, and suddenly rushing inside.
Cassian opened his eyes. Blinking rapidly, he glanced around. The last thing he remembered – before everything turning black – was K2SO and Jyn helping him into an escape pod, also thinking about Y/N and regretting that he had not bid a proper farewell yet. And how the Kriff he could be here now, at the medical section on Rebelli—
“Maker!” she exclaimed, stopping him from the train of thought – While she was restraining herself from hugging him.
Cassian swore in his native tongue. Unbelievably, his eyes might be deceiving him – Y/N was here – impossible. This place could be wherever the creatures went after the death.
“No, this isn’t true. Scariff was destroyed by the Death Star… You can’t be here.”
Y/N wanted to punch him in the face, but it could send him back to the unconsciousness again. She tried to keep calm, but instead, her tears explode again.
“Don’t you dare say such a thing—”
His mouth was gaping a little, looking downward at his own body. His torso and his head still hurt. He felt everything which plugged on his arm, thinking backward – moreover, before he could open his eye – he could hear Y/N said something… about the relationship, and love. Especially what he had been holding on for a long time, the same thing she had blurted out. He thought they were an illusion.
He sat up, his back and his bone were cracking loudly. He breathed deeply, restraining all the agony. Y/N supported him; holding his upper body and adjusting pillows.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He paused, as she was sitting beside the bed, “This mission is important. We must do it fast. That fucking weapon is too dangerous… like I’ve told you before, if we waited for permission, the Empire could be a hundred steps ahead…”
“No hard feelings. You survive, wake up and healing. The Empire is going to fall. Those are all I want.”  
Seeing Y/N sniffed, sobbed and looked down at the floor, Cassian’s eyes were softer than ever. He reached out to take her hand, that grab an edge of the bed, caressing it gently.
“Please don’t cry. Kay tells me once that tears can drain oneself, and… You deserve all happiness in the galaxy.”
She gazed into his eyes. Perplexing spread on her pale face.
“What Kay’s randomly statistic has to do with my happiness?”
Cassian sighed quietly. Smiling, he whispered in Kenari, decided to speak all his heart out.
“Come sitting here.” He patted a space on the mattress. Although she was still dazing, she consented. Here, it was closer than ever, every time they interacted.
“Your happiness is my happiness. Your pain is my pain.”
She gasped. Something was dawning in her mind, but he still kept continuing;
“I thought I was dead or dreaming. It is not. I hear what you have said. I feel all the things you have done. I’m not going to leave you here anymore. I love you, Y/N; with all my heart, my breath, my soul, and my entire existence.”
“Please don’t leave me here, too.”
His voice was filled with pleading and the utmost longing. His eyes had not brightened yet, but they were brighter than ever – before he disappeared as the council was dismissing.
“I’m not gonna leave you. Ever.”
All the affectionate and things which left unsaid within their eyes were exploding. Her lips were parted – trying to reply – but his hand slowly moving to her face. Caressing it tenderly and trailing downward from her cheek to her chin, he tugged her weave behind her ear. Cassian and Y/N could feel their breaths upon their own skins. Their eyes were exchanging feeling from through all of these years, as she put her hand on his shoulder.
Cassian didn’t hesitate. He leaned in to capture Y/N lips softly. It was like a butterfly pecking on flowers, an index finger touching a velvet cloth. They paused for seconds to catch the breath. She sensed that the temperature in this room was rising and warmer than before.
“I won’t do this again…” He whispered, looked into her eyes and circling his thumbs over her cheek and her hand.
“You don’t have to…”
“I’m not gonna be reckless. I will ask Mon Mothma and other commanders for table-work. More time on base, less time t—”
Y/N sealed Cassian’s mouth with her lips, lightly pushing him back on pillows. His eyes were widening, but he grinned while kissing her back. His hand on hers moved from to the back of her neck, gradually pulling her down to deepen the passionate kiss.
“There is ninety-nine per cent that Y/N is gonna kiss you like this, Cassian.”
Y/N was abruptly jumping back to a chair. She almost fell from a sickbed, as she heard K2SO’s voice. Cassian, also the same, but he gripped a metal beside tightly enough.
“Kay!” Cassian hissed the Droid, who was standing near infirmary’s trolleys.
“Oh, I shouldn’t have disturbed you both, since you have always wished the scenario like this, should I?”
“Go visiting others.” He ordered. The droid did as he was told – turned around and walking out. Both Cassian and Y/N heard K2SO talking to himself, distinctly, like the droid wanted them to hear.
“Humans are such the peculiar life-forms. I will ask technicians on loading how to understand the humankind programme.”
“Maybe I will tell the technicians to not upload that.”
Cassian sighed loudly, shook his head, and turning to Y/N for opinion. But what he saw was she had been covering her face with her hands in shyness.
“No, I’m gonna tell them myself.”
Cassian joyfully laughed. She still sat and posing as the same. If his eyes were not deceived him, he saw the redness on her temple, her ears, and her neck.
“I should tell you how I feel earlier. But, it's okay, you are lovely when you are like this.”
“Stop it.” She glanced and swiftly pressing the comm, calling a doctor, before Cassian could tease her more.
At the point, she didn’t doubt why K2SO just being K2SO. Because the one who had reprogrammed this imperial droid was just the same as him.
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Thank you for reading Your likes, comments and rebloggings are appreciated! 🥰🥰🥰
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im-poe-dameron · 2 years
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a/n: i am making it a goal to post a new chapter every week for this fic. i've never done it before, but hopefully i can actually complete this goal. i'm so excited for where it's about to go (not just because i adore rogue one) but absolutely because i love rogue one. there are also hints in here revolving another star wars character i adore as well! so i hope y'all enjoy!
summary: as jedha is destroyed, you rush to escape. only to land on eadu, intent on stopping one man's mission. but when things go wrong and your mind starts playing tricks on you...you're left to uncover a defining truth about yourself.
word count: 5.1k+
pairing: din djarin x fem!reader (force sensitive)
warnings: not explicit, angst so much angst, a bit of violence, cussing, more angst, and some hints at the future.
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Stuck in a cell is not how you imagined your life would go. After years of doing your duty, of training to be a Guardian of the Whills and trying to keep the last part of the Jedi safe, it had been ruined. The Empire took over with their new need and interest in Kyber crystals and you were forced out of the temple. You could still recall the faint taste of blaster residue in the air as they took the temple for themselves, in the only way they knew how. Through violence. 
There was nowhere to go, no purpose out of life now, and so you were left to deal with the aftermath of things. To somehow find a way past all of the heartache and pain that had been caused on your home—on the people around it. Chirrut remained with you, along with Baze, but all that there would be was just the ruins of what you used to have. A former life that you couldn’t let go, and neither could he. That was all you knew growing up, all that you had to call your own, and now there would be no way to get it back thanks to the Empire and the destruction they brought with them. 
Except now you were stuck in a cell as you waited for the next great plan of the two people who dragged you into a new fight. He said his name was Cassian, a Captain for the Rebellion and while you agreed to go with Chirrut, to help them you couldn’t deny that this was a mistake overall. That old feeling, the one you pushed away over the years until it faded had returned, except now it was stronger. The tug in your body that told you to get away from Jedha, to go somewhere else, but you could no longer listen to it, because you were damned to a cell. 
Chirrut spoke to the Captain, but you weren’t listening, choosing instead to focus on that feeling again. Trying your best to figure out what it was. Only the more you pulled it towards you, tried to grasp onto it, the more that it faded away. A tempting offer of power, of hope, and yet you weren’t able to reach a single piece of it. What the feeling was you’d never be able to tell, but all you knew was that there was a part of you, somewhere deep down that knew no matter what, you had to reach it. That the feeling was both a part of you as well as everything else around you.
“You mustn’t fight it.” Chirrut had turned to face you. 
“Fight what?” You knew he meant that unknown mysterious feeling that continued to creep up the back of your spine. The one that seemed to haunt you constantly for no reason as to why.
“I can see what you are trying to do, and you must not fight it.” He motioned for you to breathe in deeply and you followed suit knowing he’d chastise you if you didn’t. “In order to connect to the Force you have to accept it.”
You shook your head, rubbing at your forehead. “I wasn’t trying to-”
“Don’t lie.” He knew; he always knew. You were raised by Chirrut, taught the ways of life, of how to protect yourself and those around you. He could read you better than you could read yourself.
Falling back against the rocky wall you could feel the defeated feeling wash over you again. Stuck in a cell. That’s how you would end up spending your remaining time in this graveyard of a home that you once held so dear to you. With the remains of what you knew strewn about the place. Things were meant to be different, but instead they continued to get worse. Continuing to take away any small piece of hope you had left within you. 
“I don’t–” Taking in a breath you felt the sting of tears that wished to fall. But you refused to let them; not after everything you endured. This would not be what broke you. “I don’t see how I can connect to it. I am not like them, Chirrut.”
He smiled slightly. “Like who exactly?”
“Jedi. I am not one of them.” 
Shuffling closer with the allotted room, he came to sit in front of you, hands resting on his knees, the staff placed across them as well. “One does not need to be a Jedi to feel the Force. It is very possible without. But do not doubt where you come from.”
“How am I supposed to doubt it if I don’t know where that is?”
“Did I not raise you young one?” he asked, bringing your attention to him fully. “Did I not train you to be like me? A Guardian? Where you were born, is not the place you come from.”
You knew he was right. Knew that you didn’t belong to the place you were born, but rather to the place that you once called home. The temple would always be your home, no matter where you ended up in this galaxy, even in this small cell it stayed that way. So, you sat upright choosing not to focus on the chaos the Captain was causing with the man in the cell next to you, and closed your eyes. 
Small faint pieces of light were in front of you and you waded through what seemed like endless darkness to get to them. The world tuned out, the chaos turned to calm, and suddenly you could feel it; that one feeling you’d been grasping for after so long. It enveloped you, breathed life into you and everything around you, but you could also see something else.
Chirrut’s voice echoed in the back of your mind, something about coming back, but you were too far out. There would be no way to return in such a quick amount of time, and so you remained where you were. Surrounded by the light as you looked up and attempted to make out what was in the sky. Stars were the first thing you could see, their light mixing with the entity that surrounded you, but then beyond that, beyond the hope sat a circular object tainted with nothing but darkness. You could feel it seep into your bones, into everything around you, and all you wanted to do was escape.
Opening your eyes with a ragged gasp, you were pulled back to reality by Chirrut’s hands yanking you up into a standing position. You followed him out of the now open cell, but after what you saw, you knew that you had to get out of there.
“We have to go,” you gasped. “Something’s here.”
He tossed you the staff you built like his long ago as well as a blaster that came from the Captain’s pack. “I know.”
Perhaps he’d sensed it, or seen it somehow. You wouldn’t be able to say, because you were already running out of the place following Chirrut and Baze. The entrance was nearby, only a few feet away, when you felt it. The tug in your gut, filling your entire body until all you could do was wait for the inevitable to happen. A slight tremor in the ground shook the place where you stood, growing larger with every wave, until you had trouble staying upright. 
“They’re destroying it,” you whispered to no one in particular. 
He heard you anyway. “We must go!”
“What about them?” Someone ran your way, one of Saw Gerrera’s men. You kicked up your staff ready to defend yourself if necessary, but he was already falling to the floor due to Chirrut slamming his own staff into his back. 
“They will make it in time. We must go.” He didn’t bother to say anything more and you were meant to follow. What would happen if you didn’t find a way to get off this moon? Would you become a part of the ruins of your home? Become dust just as the memory and legacy of the Jedi did?
“What if they don’t get out?” you shouted.
It seemed that all your questions would be answered in a matter of minutes, because the Captain and the woman he brought with him sprinted out just as you asked. They didn’t wait for you, nor should they, because you were following them as soon as they were out. If you could not be a Guardian for the kyber crystals anymore, you would be a protector for those who needed it most.
However, as much as you prepared for this feeling that had haunted you all those years. Of peace no longer remaining that way, you still lost your breath when it all came to pass. The sight in front of you shattered what little strength you had left—what hope you held in your heart, because you could no longer see the horizon. Nothing remained of it except the ground that now floated in front of you as they destroyed your home, the one thing you had left.
You nearly came to a stop at the sight, willing yourself to keep running, to get off this moon and get somewhere safe. There would be nothing left for you here, but in a way there never was. Not since the Empire stripped you of your duty and forced you out of the one sanctuary you had. Nothing held you here any longer, but the bittersweet feeling of having to say goodbye to the only place you knew broke your heart. 
“Go, get on!” the Captain shouted as he sprinted past you.
Leaping onto the ship you helped boost up those who needed it before collapsing onto the ground near the door. An Imperial droid sat up front near the controls, but you couldn’t worry about that. Instead, you turned your attention to the sight of Jedha slowly being turned to ash—to a desecrate piece of rock. You couldn’t hold back the tears anymore—didn’t want to—and so you continued to watch. Even as the ship took off into space, you watched as bits of the moon floated into the emptiness of; the home you had, forever destroyed.
What was there to do now but grieve?
You knew that Chirrut could feel the heartache, the same pain as he felt the moon vanish. No life would be left there—nothing but another graveyard that you both had to come from. How much more of this could you possibly endure? You wouldn’t know, but for now, you wiped the stray tears from your cheeks and settled in for what you assumed would be a long journey. Wherever they were taking you, it didn’t seem like a good idea. Yet none of this was a good idea to begin with. 
Closing your eyes, you leaned your head back against the metal wall and hoped for some semblance of sleep. A few hours should give you enough time to feel rested and ready to go. For now, you couldn’t focus on the pain of losing everything. All you willed yourself to do was remember that you still held onto your family—the two people who you knew most in life. Chirrut and Baze lived on and for now...that was enough. 
The same feeling from earlier tugged at your gut, pulling you towards whatever light remained and you willingly went along. Chose to follow the light rather than the dark, because the darkness was more than you could bear. It whispered its promises to you—begged you to just give into the pain—but you didn’t wish to have that for your life. Refused to subject yourself to those horrors that awaited you. 
Light flowed through you, pushing and pulling all in unison until you felt like you were floating. You supposed that sleep had finally overcome you, because images, voices, places you’d never seen nor been to flooded your mind and you allowed it to happen. Gave into it, because it seemed that only in dreams could you find your light.
“Don’t touch that,” a voice you never heard before echoed in your mind.
“Maybe he likes to play with it, because it reminds him of you...” you replied.
A blurry sight of a man wearing a helmet, turning towards you followed the voices. “He might try to swallow it.”
You were shifting to face a small green creature in a seat, holding a metal ball to his chest. Swallow it? No. You could tell exactly why he wanted it, and could hear the voice of the creature in your head. How? You didn’t know, but it echoed loud and clear as if he was talking directly next to you. He said hello in a soft voice.
“He won’t swallow it,” you murmured, tugging lightly on the creature’s ear, earning a small smile in return from him.
“And you know this how?” The man turned back to whatever he was doing. You couldn’t see beyond him, as if that part of the dream was cut off to you, forcing you to remain in this small moment of peace. 
Smiling once more you felt the calm wash over you, giving you something to hold onto. That lost feeling of hope you thought you’d never get back, finally returning and filling your lungs with air. At last, you could breathe again, and feel some part of yourself returning.
“I just do,” you said softly.
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Someone tapping your foot stirred you from your dream and brought you back to reality. No longer were you sitting speaking to someone you didn’t know, nor were you attempting to talk to the creature whose name you didn’t catch. Instead, you were back on the ship, back to the reality of a lost home and a new journey on your hands. Chirrut was speaking to the woman who’s name you also didn’t get while Baze made sure you stayed awake.
“Where are we?” you asked groggily, sitting up fully and blinking the sleep from your eyes. 
“Eadu,” Baze replied.
“Eadu? I thought we were going to the Rebel base.” You got to your feet and grabbed your staff, seeing that one person was missing in the ship. “Where’d he go?”
Chirrut turned in your direction. “I believe he went to complete his mission.”
“Mission?” you asked, seeing the woman had disappeared as well. Realization dawned on you the second you saw Chirrut open the ship door and get out to follow them. He liked to put himself in the battle, to help people, just like you did, but this was different. This felt different. 
Trying to think back to what would have made Chirrut go after the pilot in the first place, you came up blank except for one thing in particular. The Force focused itself around someone who is about to kill—or at least that’s what you’ve been taught your whole life. Realization hit you slower than you would have liked but you were already moving from where you stood. Maker they were going after her father, and you seemed to be the only one with sense enough to remain there on the ship.
“I don’t like it, but Cassian said to stay put.” The droid’s voice came out of nowhere causing you to jump. “They should have just given me a blaster. I could have helped them,” he mumbled.
“He’s going to kill her father...” You knew that you weren’t the only one with that information already, and it had you reaching for the blaster you held earlier. Jumping out into the pouring rain, you didn’t bother with covering up, knowing that you would dry eventually.
The droid called after you, but there would be no point in going back. Chirrut was following the woman and you were going after the pilot. No death would be had today—not if you had any say in the matter, but just as everything happened in the universe, you never had a true say. Not even things that concerned people you cared for. You knew in your heart that Chirrut and Baze would be okay where they were. They had faced far worse. But the pilot, the woman…the fear came off of them in waves. It seeped into the air around them, just as the rain did.
“No one has any fucking sense,” you muttered out, climbing the hill. 
Except you froze where you stood, the sounds of battle echoing in the air around you and bringing you back to that feeling of dread earlier that never went away. Forget the pilot—forget the woman—you had to get back to where Chirrut was. Gripping your staff, you sprinted down the hill, trying your best not to slip on the way down and nearly failing. But the need to get to your family overruled your body's wants at this point. So you continued on your way until you saw the flash of orange in the distance, illuminating the rain and rocky towers. 
“Chirrut!” you shouted. “Baze!” 
Another explosion rattled even you as what looked like X-Wings flew over your head and towards wherever the trouble was. You shut your eyes, focusing on that feeling again, desperately trying to reach it, and hoping with everything in you that the people you loved were safe. All of the chaos around you quieted down to a low hum until you were very aware of the rain hitting your face—soaking into your clothes. Until you could see every stone and pebble on the planet, and you pushed farther, past the point of want into pure need.
“Jyn! We have to go!” the voice of Cassian hit your ears.
“No! I can’t leave him!” the woman shouted over the rain. 
“Listen to me. He’s gone.”
You could see them. See her clutching the face of the man who lay on the ground, the life gone from his eyes. You watched as she was dragged away, the heartbreak and pain in her eyes a sight that you knew far too well. The sight hit you in the chest, causing you to reach out to them, but then you felt it. The utter dread from earlier, the fear—all the things you wished to stay away from rush towards you—overwhelming your senses. You were trapped in a pit of nothingness. No longer could you feel the rain or see the planet, let alone them. You shoved your way through it; did everything you could to get away.
The feeling stuck to you, tried to sink into your skin like something that wished to own you. A gasp left your lips as you continued to fight against it, trying to untangle yourself from its grasp, but it was stronger than you could have imagined. The Force dug its way into you, begged, pleaded, pushed into your mind, to your heart. 
Just when you were ready to give in, allow it to take over you could see a faint light in the endless sea of darkness. What looked like a hand reaching out towards you? Without a second thought you grasped onto it—felt it drag you out from the darkness.
Falling back onto the ground, the breath rushing into your lungs, you tried to calm the panic that filled your veins. Whoever it was that dragged you out of that pit, they could feel you just as you felt them. Almost as if you were touching their actual hand and you raised your own, staring at the lines in your palm, hoping for answers. But just like everything else…you would get no answers to the questions locked in your mind. Instead, you’d just have to continue to push away the debilitating fear until you no longer felt it.
Chirrut’s voice called back to you as he came down the hill. “Are you okay?”
“What happened?” you asked, scrambling to your feet. 
“Are you okay?” He was demanding an answer from you, that much you knew. 
Nodding you took in a breath. “I’m okay. I went looking for you and–”
A ship descended behind you and you readied yourself to grab your weapon, but Chirrut’s hand came out to stop you. Cassian and Jyn came up behind you, running with blasters in hand and shouting at you to move—to get on the ship. What choice did you have but to follow? Spinning on your heel you rushed up the ramp, beginning to feel the fatigue from your battle wane on your body. Whatever that force was—whatever it did—you felt as if you could sleep for another day without fail.
Everyone remained silent as the ship went into hyperspace, the grief hanging in the air over everyone’s heads. You looked at Jyn, saw as she stared into space, a look of nothingness in her eyes. An expression you’d worn before. She lost her father, and you watched it happen, unable to do anything but stand there. If only you could help, could do something besides see what you did not wish to bear witness to. But that’s not how things worked.
“You were there to kill my father, weren’t you?” she muttered in Cassian’s direction.
He held no answers, but you could see it. The Force that slowly faded away from him—from his body after the ordeal that went down. There would be no going back from that. No excuses as to why he was there in the first place and even you didn’t wish to know. A pain in your head began to slowly spread its way through your body until you couldn’t discern reality from dreams again. Except you let it happen once more, because it felt better than fighting to stay awake.
“You fought well,” a voice said in your mind.
Could you respond? You weren’t sure. It felt like everything in your body was slowly being pulled apart and put back together simultaneously. But there was no pain in this action, only a tug here and there, a light flashing once in a while.
“This is just the beginning,” he said.
“Who are you?” you called out into the darkness. 
Nothing but silence echoed back, but you knew that he hadn’t left. At least not yet. No, he still remained somewhere in this place. Wherever you were. Reaching a hand out you tried to feel for something, anything that would give you a sign that you weren’t alone. That this—whatever it was—wasn't dangerous towards you. 
“You’ll figure that out soon enough.”
Figure out what? A flash of blue lit up the area around you, until you could finally see something in front of you. Except you couldn’t see his face, couldn’t discern anything except what looked like a blue sword, glowing in front of you. There was something about the weapon—a certain familiarity to it that had you reaching out for it. What was it about this that drew you closer? That had you wanting to connect to it? But then you understood.
“Kyber,” you whispered.
“A Jedi’s weapon relies on it,” he replied, giving you a moment to take all of this in. “But a lightsaber doesn’t make you a Jedi.”
You knew that already from the stories told to you by Chirrut. Growing up he regaled you with them nightly as you continued to make your wish to the stars. Kyber is what a lightsaber relied on, but you’d never seen one in person, let alone one that felt familiar. Perhaps you were truly dreaming, the exhaustion having gone to your head to a point of hallucinations. That had to be it.
“Who are you?” you asked again. “I feel like I know you...”
The saber was turned off—the light disappearing until nothing but darkness remained once more. He must not have liked the question. Where did you know him from? He felt like an old friend. Someone you should know. The more you dug in your mind for a name, for something other than just emptiness, the more you realized that there were no answers. To any of this. If you knew him, you wouldn’t be able to say how, or when.
“Protect yourself,” he said, his voice beginning to fade into the distance. “Trust only in the Force. It has the answers you’re looking for.”
The ship jolting woke you from whatever dream you were having. You could feel your energy slowly returning to your body, but you didn’t worry about that. Instead, you tried to remember the person who you dreamed of. The voice sounded extremely familiar to you even now as it echoed in your mind. Trust only in the Force? What did he mean by that? The doors opened and you shot to your feet getting ready to head off, but a staff blocked your way.
“What’s going on?” you asked with a smile. “Am I in trouble?”
He waited until the others shuffled off the ship leaving just the two of you. He didn’t say anything else—didn’t tell you what to do—just sat down slowly on one of the cargo bins that the Empire had on before. You could feel something was wrong and part of you didn’t wish for him to say it; wished for him to keep it from you. Yet there would be no keeping from you the things that you had to know. You knew that as well as him. 
“When you were born...” His words had you already collapsing onto the bin across from him. “I knew you were different.”
He held up a hand for you to stay silent. “Your mother was young when she gave you to us. And she only had one promise that she was adamant we keep. That you know who you truly are when you are ready to choose.”
Your mother... You couldn’t even fathom the words he was saying to you, but nonetheless he continued.
“There is a reason I always told you to trust in the Force young one. I’ve known for a long time...but something tells me that you know it as well now too.” He heard your sharp intake of breath.
The tears stung your eyes as they fell down your cheeks. “Yes, I know,” you whispered. What had been speculation to you—nothing but utter dreams—was now being revealed to you as the truth. And as much as you wished to deny it, you could no longer do that. You knew that to deny it was to push away everything that made you who you are.
“Do you remember the piece of kyber you carry around with you? The one that you picked up whilst walking through the caves?” he asked. 
The same piece hung around your neck on a leather strand. When you were younger, a crystal had called out to you for some unknown reason, and you picked it up. Held it to you and felt that it was yours even before you had touched it. Chirrut told you to keep it with you at all times, to protect it as if it were the most precious thing you would own, because at the time you didn’t know that it in fact was.
“Kyber does not choose just anyone. It called out to you because of what you are. I was not meant to be your teacher for very long, but then again you were never meant to be a Guardian of the Whills.” He reached forward, searching for your hand until he found it and gripped it in his. “You are meant for much more than you know, young one.”
Letting out a choked sob, you smiled at him, gripping onto his hand for dear life. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
Now it was his turn to smile. “I had a promise to keep.” He stood, pulling you up with him. “You are ready to choose your own way.”
“And what about you? Baze? What about the fight?” 
He chuckled, walking out of the ship with you in tow. “This fight will continue for many more years than even I. For now, choose to learn more about what you should be, what you always were.”
“Is this you saying goodbye to me Chirrut?” you asked softly. 
Turning towards you, he tapped his staff twice on the ground just as he always did; the sound a comfort to you now. “Goodbye? No. You only have to look through the Force to find me, young one.”
“What about what I am?”
“You are afraid.” He could point it out when you didn’t want him to, but at this point you didn’t mind it. “Don’t be. Jedi fear nothing.”
The word caused your breath to catch in your throat. Jedi. Jedi. Jedi. You repeated it over and over again in your head, but still it felt wrong to say, to even think about. You? A Jedi? Part of you expected to see Chirrut burst into laughter and tell you that he was telling another story, but even you knew that this was reality. Everything you questioned—everything you wondered about—it all clicked together seamlessly until finally you felt whole.
Another wave of hot tears spilled over onto your cheeks as one more realization dawned on you. “I’m going to miss you,” you whispered.
He pulled you closer, wrapping his arms tightly around you and giving you a comfort, you would miss. One last memory to hold onto as you did your best to find your path in life. Your path as a Jedi. You dug your forehead into his shoulder, letting a sob go as the pain from the day, from leaving, and having to say goodbye to so much hit you all at once. But he didn’t say anything against it. Instead he continued to let you cry as much as you wished, because in a way…he was saying goodbye to the only child he’d ever had.
The only child he could call his.
“The Force is with me,” he said as you pulled away. 
Wiping at your eyes you smiled at him. “And I am one with the Force.”
“And may the Force be with you always,” he replied.
Perhaps this wasn’t truly goodbye. At least that’s what you hoped. Except the truth hung in the air, finally spoken aloud for all to hear. You had a path in life, something to call yours, and as you gripped your staff in your hands, watching as Chirrut walked away towards the entrance of the base. You knew that this would be the right choice for you. The way you were meant to go.
The way of the Jedi.
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birdylion · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Tag Game
@beatrice-otter tagged me, thanks!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
28, of which 11 are in German, 17 in English. Of the English fics, 2 are podfics and 1 is filk (for the lyrics someone else wrote). I should re-record that last one, I've become a much better singer since then.
2. what’s your total AO3 word count?
55,059 words
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Various, and rarely a lot in one fandom these days. Mass Effect and Rivers of London are my current go-to fandoms.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
What we're made of (Harry Potter: trans Viktor Krum at the Yule Ball with Hermione)
Sleepless Night (Good Omens: hurt/comfort double drabble about insomnia)
The Darkest Prison (Rogue One: pre-canon Baze/Chirrut fic about the early days of Imperial occupation and Baze's loss of faith in the Force)
Breathe, breathe in the air (Rivers of London: see my anwer to the smut question, Peter/Beverley and Peter/Old Beverley)
Bintumani (Rivers of London: Elsie Winstanley & Peter's mom have an adventure in Sierra Leone)
The first 3 are no surprise because they're all in rather big fandoms. The first one was for the "Trans Wizard Tournament" so it got lots of readers from there. The next two contain popular ships of their fandoms. The last two are a bit of a surprise, but they haven't that many kudos overall, just more than the others, and they are both from Yuletide and probably get some of their readers from there. The rest of what I write is either in niche fandoms or very niche within a bigger fandom or not in English.
5. do you respond to comments?
Yep, although I can take a while.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Under the burning sun (Mass Effect: Kaidan and Shepard go back to Virmire to grieve Ashley)
A fic about two survivors of a mission grieving their colleague who died on said mission. One feels responsible because he made the decision who to leave behind, the other feels guilty because he was saved while his colleague was left to die. Doesn't get any angstier than that in my book.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Phew hard to say, perhaps it's "Spürst du die Funken" (see my answer to the translation question)
8. do you get hate on fics?
Never got any hate mail, but then I don't have much of an audience either so the chances are slim.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I started recently, as in, over the last 1.5 years or so. There's one unpublished and unfinished fic that was actually the first, which only consists of a series of sexual fantasies so far but will lead to inadvisable undernegociated kinky sex between two characters who suck at communication and have loads of emotional baggage between them. There's another one that I actually published, a ... kind of weird metaphysical sex scene in which two characters have sex in the real world but also one of them has sex with the other's metaphysical alter ego on another plane of existence.
10. do you write crossovers?
I have 1 crossover WIP that I haven't touched in a long time, Rivers of London x The Old Guard, re:immortality. I tend to be intimidated by them because doing the different sources materials justice within one work sounds more challenging than if it's just one on its own.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but there's a half finished translation into English of one of my German fics, a HP Dean/Seamus getting together story with gray-aromantic bi Dean and gay Seamus.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, with @shakespearerants, but it's not published yet.
Also, the vast majority of my writing output (easily 20-30k words a year, used to be as high as 50k) is for a forum-based, long-form text writing RPG, which may count as co-writing and may count as fic.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I once wrote a 70k Harry Potter fanfic in German, a schoolgirl romance between Minerva McGonagall and Pomona Sprout (with my own character backgrounds for them). It would need much editing to be in any way presentable - the text is missing the character arcs I intended to put in it, I decided to change one of the characters' age and school year halfway in, and the ending would need a lot more preparation to be satisfying. And while I'm proud to have written 70k words of fanfic, I cannot overstate how little interest I have in connecting with others over Harry Potter these days, and I wouldn't enjoy interacting with readers about it. So I'm never going to share it and it's never going to be anything else than a first draft.
Edit: I just noticed I read the question wrong (I was very tired yesterday), but I'll keep my answer that way because the point stands: I'd like to have finished it because more satisfying than having written a 70k fic would be having it polished and published, but for aforementioned reason that's not going to happen.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Writing distinct character voices, I think. At least in German.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue! It always takes a lot of editing work to make it lively.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Ohh, lots. Basically the question is "what are you trying to achieve"? Why would the character do it? If you write dialogue in another language, which of the characters understands it, and do you want your readers to understand it? If two characters switch languages, why not say "[...] she said in French"?
The one fic in which I put the most thought about how to convey language is probably "What we're made of", the trans Viktor Krum fic, which is written from his perspective, but I elected not to add a orthographic representation of his accent, because he wouldn't be aware of it. I did give him some grammatical errors that I thought native speakers of Bulgarian might make in English - but just in direct speech and not in his internal monologue (all errors are mine there) because I assume his internal monologue to be in Bulgarian.
I did use some cyrillic, namely I used the spelling of "Hermione" from the Bulgarian HP4, from the scene in which Hermione tells him how to pronounce her name, because he would think about the pronounciation by way of the cyrillic spelling.
Also there's this sentence: "She pronounced his name ‘Victor’, as if it was English. A short i, the o as a short a, almost like ъ, and the r in that strange way English people pronounced their r, with bared front teeth." (ъ being the Bulgarian cyrillic letter for a schwa sound)
I haven't had any good opportunities to actually write dialogue in another language. One reason would be if the character was code switching, but then I'd want to be sure (in most cases) that readers who don't speak the language could still follow, so I probably wouldn't put the whole dialogue in another language, just a phrase or two, and have another character react to that. It could be fun as an easter egg for readers who speak both.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The first story for which I tried writing a continuation was some horse book set in Cornwall with Endurance riding.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Always the one I finished last? I don't know. I'm always proud that they're finished, and they all scratch an itch.
I'm tagging @freizusein, @astronicht, @hermitknut, @weatheredlaw, @shakespearerants, @evolutionsbedingt, @perching-owl
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feyre-darling92 · 2 years
Alive and in Love
Cassian Andor x reader Modern AU
A/N: Alright, this might sound weird but I thought why not?? Might be a series, (yeah I say this every time but I promise I will complete this)
Synopsis: You live a peaceful life working for the spy agency until you’re assigned on a mission that is about to change your life
Tropes used: Modern AU, Brother’s best friend (you’ll see), Enemies to lovers, Fake marriage, Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, that’s all for now, bad writing
Taglist: @stanny-uwu​ , @hollymac79​  (If you want to stop getting tag for this particular story just let me know!). Join my taglist
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Beep Beep Beep the alarm hit, waking you up from a so-needed sleep. You sat up and sighed, your eyelids still heavy and the morning sun peeking through the window and lighting slightly the room.
Another morning, another regular day. Perfect
“At least I’m still alive” you murmured to yourself while you made coffee.
Sometimes these four words, “I am still alive”, sounded like a miracle. Sometimes they sounded like a curse.
You see, working for the spy agency and being alive was an unusual combination, how you managed to succeed in both is still a question. But you knew and had already accepted that this was a part of the job. Unlike your family.
The feeling of a liquid in your hand put you out of your thoughts. You were so absorbed in them that you didn’t even realize that not only your cup was filled but the hot coffee leaked from the counter as well.
Cursing under your breath you grabbed a cloth and cleaned the mess. Yep, this was a regular occurrence, starting your day on the wrong foot. Weird but usual.
You got dressed and made your hair, grabbed your bag and threw the necessary things, and left the house. You were already late, though it was still 8 a.m. The city streets were empty, only a few people walking or driving, going to their jobs, you imagined.
Greeting a couple of neighbors who happened to pass by felt strange to you. The only thing you knew about each other was just a name, maybe a few personality traits but that’s it. You didn’t know their families, what they were doing for a living, or how was life for them. And they didn’t know about you either. Well, no one except your close family knew but still.
About five minutes later you could make out your friend’s figure waiting for you.
“Good morning, Jyn” you smiled at your best friend
“’ Morning. How are you?” you both started walking towards the facility you both worked in, not too far from where you were.
“You know, the usual”
“Depressed and single?” she said in amusement and you laughed, “Hell yeah. Life is so hard for me,” you said dramatically and she burst to laugh. “Drama queen”
Your ringtone interrupted your laughs, the name appearing on the screen ruining your mood. “Did I mention my awful family? I say it now”
You picked up the phone, “Goodmorning, mum. I am afraid I can’t speak now, we’ll talk later ok?” you said and put down your phone. “You shouldn’t be so harsh to her, you know. She is your mother after all” Jyn said after a few seconds.
“I am old enough to know what’s good and bad for me, Jyn. I chose this profession for some reasons and they have to respect that, not keep telling me every fucking time to change my career” you explained, feeling a little guilty.
“I wish I had a family like yours. They’re good people”
“Alright. First of all, you say that because you’ve only been with them for a couple of days. Second of all, you have me. I am the sister you don’t know how to get rid off”
“Both are true” she chuckled and we heard a voice behind us, “Goodmorning ladies”
“Morning Chirrut. Blaze” you both greeted your friends.
“Why are you so distressed?” Chirrut asked you but Blaze answered before you could, “You can’t see her. But yeah, what’s wrong with you?”
“I am fine” the answer sounded more defensive than you’d like it. The truth was that you had a bad feeling about this. You brushed off this thought and entered the building ready for another day of work.
Time passed more slowly than ever, the dull task of filling out the paperwork for the last mission assigned to you. One hour on this task and you were writing almost automatically.
“Y/N” you heard someone call out your name and lifted your head only to face Jyn.
“What happened? Felt sorry for me and came to save me?”
“I doubt if what I’m going to tell you will bring any joy to your miserable life but they need you”
Curiosity took over you as you got up and followed her to the chief’s office. “Do you know what is this about? Bet it’s another mission” you asked as you walked through the corridor.
“I don’t know. But I was sent to call him too”
“Call who?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know” she gave you a side glance and you immediately realized what she meant.
“Oh, you mean him,” you said not enthusiastic at all, the opposite actually.
When you reached your destination she opened the door for you, “Good luck” she whispered as you walked past her and when the door closed behind you felt more alone than ever.
“Chief” you nodded in greeting ignoring the man sitting on a chair next to you, “you asked for me?”
“Yes, L/N, please sit down” she gestured to the empty chair next to his. You sat and turned your attention to her.
“Let’s get straight to the point, you two are my best agents. And we, I need your help” she started and you straightened your back, ready to hear your assignment.
“As you know, for the last couple of months we are after an organization responsible for terroristic acts and crimes against humanity. The last agents we sent managed to find out that they are planning something big, but we still don’t know what ”
“What did they see?” he asked.
“They never returned to tell us and they’re not the only victims. They count over 65 assassinations” she looked at both of us and got up, “Cassian Andor and Y/N L/N, you are assigned on this mission together because you’re the best hope we have. Your goal is to find as much as you can and try to stop them. Blaze and Bodhi will inform you about what we know so far”
“We won’t let you down, ma’am,” you said and got up. Cassian opened the door for you and you muttered thanks. “Agents?” you both turned, “Be careful”
Alright, this was serious. The chief had never told you to be careful, before a mission.
 No, she wasn’t heartless, but she knew that all of you would be careful regardless of the seriousness of the mission.
“So, another mission together, huh?” you broke the awkward silence as you walked together to your mutual friends’ lab.
“Guess we make a good team”
“Don’t take it upon yourself, Andor”
“You flatter yourself, L/N,” He said and pushed the door to the lab open.
“We were expecting you” Bodhi turned his chair so he faced us. “You know that’s creepy, right?” Cassian chuckled and leaned against the wall. “What do you have for us?”
“Always into business and no fun. That’s why I like Y/N more than your ass”
Blaze teased him and you raised your eyebrows in amusement.“I love you, Blaze” you tapped his shoulder and took a seat next to Bodhi. “What do you have for us, Q?”
“You know James Bond is my favorite movie. But let me say that this organization is like Spectre”
“Great” you sighed
“What the hell are you talking about?” Cassian asked, not understanding a word of what you said.
“Oh, I forget you’re not a normal person”
“You say that because I haven’t watched James Bond?”
He just rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Bodhi. Before he could speak the door opened for one more time and Jyn and Chirrut entered.
“I see we’re all here” Chirrut joked and Blaze restrained himself from replying that he couldn’t see.
“So,” Bodhi pressed a button and six images appeared in front of us, “These four are the suspects” he gestured to the first four images. “And these two” he gestured to the last two “These are the agents we sent”
“Holly crap” you swore and leaned forward to have a better look at them. They both were a bloody mess, parts detached from their bodies, face fully distorted from the wounds and cuts.
“How terrible are they?” Chirrut asked and Jyn who was terribly disgusted replied silently, “I can’t even describe them”
The truth was that in the seven years you worked there you’d never seen anything like that before.
“We are doomed” you felt a tie in your throat as you spoke. This was definitely not what you expected to see. Cassian who surprisingly hadn’t said a word looked at you, “We’ll make it. We always do”
You hated that the only reassurance you had were his words and that they came from him, but in the end, you might die together.
“Now, the important part” Bodhi gave a file with the suspects to both of you, “These are the suspects”. You opened it and examined their profiles, they were all from the same town, but- “Blaze?”
“Please tell me that you’ve mistaken the name of the main suspect” you closed your eyes begging for it to not be true.
“No, they’re all right. Why?”
“Because she knows him” Bodhi replied from behind you. “I would come to that, though I know you won’t like it. You need to live there for a couple of weeks. Actually, the main suspect-”
“Is someone I used to know” you completed his sentence shocked. “Tell me this is a joke. Please”
“I am sorry, Y/N, but this is all true”
“You’re saying to me that I am assigned with him” you pointed towards Cassian, “to the town I grew up” you sat down, “and the main suspect is him?”
“Seems that someone has bad luck,” Chirrut said.
“And who are you even supposed to be?” you turned to Cassian who shrugged, “Who am I supposed to be?”
“Her fiance”
“Excuse me?” You both got up from where you were standing defending yourselves, “Absolutely not” “There’s no chance”
“I see you already know how to play your roles” Jyn chuckled but immediately regretted it when you both shot her a death glare. “I mean” she cleared her throat, “People usually assume that you’re married”
“It’s because we’re working together that long” Cassian said.
“But we still fight as a couple”
“It’s inevitable” he muttered under his breath.
“Excuse me?”
“Gods you’re insufferable”
“You think so”
“They are capable of killing each other before they complete the mission”
“We’re not!” you exclaimed.
“Yes we are,” Cassian said. “In order to succeed we need to work together. So, what do you say, L/N? Truce?” he extended his hand.
“Truce” you rolled your eyes and exchanged a handshake.
“Someone take a picture. We won’t see this happen again”
“Oh, shut up, Jyn!” You and he said in unison.
“Anyways, you’re dismissed,” Blaze said and turned to his computer, “unlike us”
“I did the paperwork while you sat here chatting with Bodhi. It’s more than fair”
“Talking about paperwork, I have to return to my office. See you later” Jyn greeted us and left and so you did.
You were about to reach the exit when you heard a voice, his voice calling you. “What happened? Missed me already?” you teased him as you both walked outside, “No, but I forgot to tell you that we’re leaving tomorrow morning”
“What time exactly?” you asked even though you knew that you wouldn’t like the answer.
“Early. Very early”
“Dare to wake me up before seven and I swear I’ll kill you myself”
“Funny, we’re leaving at 6.30 a.m.”
He shrugged and stopped, “The drawbacks of the profession. Don’t get too excited”
“Good afternoon to you too, Andor”
“Whatever you say” he teased and you watched him walk away. 
Insecurities immediately hit you. What would happen now? And most importantly would you survive this?
I am still alive. That’s all that matters you thought and headed home.
Part 2 , Part 3
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silentwaters4 · 7 years
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For @sissychoco...enjoy!
Y/N gasped as she tripped down into the sand for the millionth time. Her hands quickly covered her head as she heard another explosion go off nearby. A few bits of sand blew in her face from the impact. Setting her jaw, she shot her gaze back toward her destination: away from Chirrut. She had to draw the fire away.
Pushing herself to her feet, she faced her pursuers. Most held their blasters up and were running after her. They were smaller in number than they had been meaning...the explosion had taken some of them. Despite being their enemy, Y/N still felt the pang of empathy at losing comrades. It lasted only but a moment as her need for survival returned.
Eventually, she found herself heading back toward the base. By this time, she had managed to lose most of her pursuers. Unfortunately, there were still a few on her tail. Y/N leapt over a rock before stopping briefly.
“Gotta hand it to ya,” she shouted between breaths, “You really have a lot of stamina.” “The Empire is superior in many ways,” the metal-head replied.
As he spoke, Y/N gripped her blaster. She knew she was too far from Rogue One right now. Knowing her friends, they were just about finished. She had to start heading back. Closing her eyes, she focused on the only face she wanted to see: Chirrut. She let out a breath.
With renewed vigor, Y/N fired back at her remaining pursuers as she left the shelter of the rock. Once she was passed, she stopped firing and ran, keeping that same face in mind. She glanced over her shoulder and fired a few more times, making contact with just one of them. Facing forward, she duck another few blasts from her left from the AT-ATs on the beach. She was closing in on the ship, on Chirrut.
A smirk started to creep up her face as she came to that realization. She could see the ship now, Bodhi on the deck ushering in K2, Jyn, and Cassian. Baze was just a bit farther off, ushering in some of the volunteers, with Chirrut behind him. Grinning madly, Y/N picked up her pace. Chirrut looked in her direction as she went to raise her hand.
Before she could get a word out, her feet sunk...or flew. She wasn’t sure. Eyes wide, she realized she had been flung into the air. Instinctively, she rolled into a ball before blacking out.
Despite being blind, he had sensed Y/N close by. His heart rate increased as he called for Baze. Confused at seeing his life-long friend heading away from the ship, he lifted up his weapon and followed.
Chirrut sensed the remaining few pursuers were closing in on Y/N’s now limp body. Without a second thought, he readied his staff and stood right in front of Y/N. Confused, the troopers stopped to face him.
“You really shouldn’t have hurt her,” he stated sarcastically with an undertone of fury.
Just like that, he was off. Chirrut sprung on the troopers. Baze was behind him, hitting any one that attempted to run away. The blind man spun, knocking two or three heads. A man grabbed the staff, making Chirrut smirk to himself. He spun until his back was against the trooper’s chest.
“It’s not smart to hold something you don’t know how to use.”
A loud thwack connected the staff with the troopers head. Chirrut ducked and twirled his staff at an approaching trooper, flipping him into the sand.
“I’m sorry, didn’t see ya there,” he quipped. “Chirrut! Baze!” Jyn screamed from the ship.
Baze nodded and hurried to his friend. Chirrut was already bending over and picking Y/N up. He placed his forehead against hers with knit brows.
“She’s hurt,” he whispered. “Then we’ll bring her to Medbay,” Baze comforted, “We must go. They’re getting their weapon placed.”
Chirrut nodded. As quick as they could, the three made it to the ship. One of the volunteers took hold of Y/N as the other two climbed aboard. When he sat down, Chirrut asked the soldier to hand him Y/N. He complied, placing her head on his lap. Gently, Chirrut smoothed his hand from her forehead to her hair. He bit his lip as he lowered his head. She needed to recover from this; she had to...for him. He hadn’t told her how he felt. He had to tell her.
Baze lowered his own head as he heard him start to pray to the Force. Jyn watched, fiddling with her necklace. The ride was otherwise silent as they all hoped she would get through the pain and recover.
Perma-tags: @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @ttelesilla @caitsymichelle13 @myplaceofthingsilove @holywinchesterness @frostbyte-horan @lemonsareeverywhere Semi-tags: @the-gifted-imagine-blog
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barnes-dameron · 4 years
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We stan our blind warriors
Matt Murdock | Chirrut Imwe | Toph Beifong 
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seancekitsch · 7 years
Chirrut Imwe x Reader Headcanons: NSFW
Requested by: Anonymous -He's not always the most sexual but when he's in the mood or if you really want it he makes it an event like there's a whole Night devoted to it -He tries to make it as romantic as possible while still leaving his signature sass and flavor in the occasion -He likes to ask you a lot of questions before the act. Usually sexual, but sometimes they're just about your day -He's all about foreplay, maybe even more so than the act of sex itself -He uses the force around the two of you to predict and feel how you’re feeling each time you do the do so he knows how to fine tune his actions for the absolute best sex according to how you’re feeling -He loves to play around and tease you in bed until you're begging for him to stop -Dirty jokes and puns that make you groan but he just gives you that handsome smile and you let him get away with it -He's a talker . Dirty talk is common but sometimes he'll talk about how your day went or new developments in your life -He's sensual and kind of slow when he starts out and he talks about how much he loves you and what he loves you -But sometimes when he's really feelin it he is immediately kind of rough and fast and playful with you -Either way he ends it kind of playful while still making sure you know you're loved -He likes any position where he can kiss you on the lips -Honestly tho he kisses you all over your face and neck and shoulders -Lots of nice warm snuggles afterwards where he pulls you close and just runs his fingers along your skin ------------- Request anything you'd like to see! My ask box is open!
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iracundiias · 2 months
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[ fleeting respite ]
Chirrut Ȋmwe x reader (gender neutral) warnings: reader is in the rebel alliance, canon-typical violence, established relationship, bathing, oral sex (reader receives but no parts specified), outdoor sex (reader receives but no parts specified), praise kink word count: 3.2k
summary: “I’m sorry, I was eager to have a bit of respite.”
While Chirrut was one of the most peaceful people you had ever met, you knew that even he carried worry for you. The both of you had lost so much due to the actions of the Empire, and Chirrut didn’t want to lose you as well.
[read on ao3]
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artigas · 8 years
I just really need to share with everyone that I’ve been enjoying an absolutely extraordinary Rogue One fic titled The Crystal’s Song. The story follows Baze and Chirrut a decade or two before the events of the film, detailing how they meet, become mentor and acolyte to each other, and slowly but surely fall in love. The Crystal’s Song has everything I could ask for in a story: world building, stirring supporting characters, organic and earnest conversation and a breathtaking writing style. You want pining? You want character development? You want to absolutely fall in love with how charming and clever Chirrut is and how smitten and zealous Baze can be? You got it. This fic isn’t even halfway through and it’s already become one of the best I’ve ever read- it’s made me cry, it’s made me smile, and it’s made waiting for the daily updates an insufferable and delightful experience. Please do give it a try! 
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I promise!
Fandom: Star Wars
Chapter/ One-shot: One-shot
Characters: Pregnant!Reader x Cassian Andor, Wedge Antilles, Chirrut Îmve
Words: 1689
Warnings: Spoiler alert: Rogue one spoilers! 
A/N: This became a lot longer than I thought it would be. Sorry about the ending, I kind of fast forwarded it because everyone who has seen the movie knows what happens and I’m not good at rewriting stuff (plus it has been a few weeks since I last saw Rogue one so I don’t remember everything). And right now I do not have a longer story about [Y/N] background.. :) 
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You had been feeling nauseous lately and you had been late with your period. Even if you already knew what was going on you still wanted some confirmation about it. You were sitting on the bed in the medical bay, waiting for the medical droid to come back with the answers.
“Miss [Y/N], congratulations, you are having a baby” the droid said when it came back to the room. The droid told you that you were on your ninth week pregnant. You didn’t know how to react but you smiled at the droid before thanking it and left. Now you were worrying about how to tell your boyfriend, Cassian, about it. He was on a secret mission right now and you didn’t know when he would come back, in the meantime, you continued to do your work at the base. You did a little bit of everything, sometimes you were helping out with the ships and sometimes you were behind the desk, so to say. You were now helping Wedge Antilles, your best friend, to fix something on the wing of his x-wing when you saw Cassian's ship land. You excused yourself and went to greet him. They had a petite woman with them but you didn’t recognise her.
“Hi” you said when you met Cassian. He took you in for a hug and kissed your forehead.
“Hi, sweetheart” he whispered softly and you chuckled.
“Captain, stop messing around, we have a meeting to attend to” you heard the familiar voice of K-2SO. Cassian sighed before he let go of you.
“Hi Key” you greeted the droid.
“Hello Miss [Y/N]” he greeted you back.
“Sorry, I will see you soon” he said and quickly kissed you before he left. You smiled as you watched him walk away and soon you went back to help Wedge to fix on his x-wing. Moments later you heard Cassian call out your name and you turned around to see him jog towards you.
“Cassian” you gasped when he took you in for a hug again.
“Sorry” he whispered. You chuckled softly. Not so long ago he didn’t want to show to anyone his soft side. There you stood hugging again when you heard K-2SO walking closer.
“I’ve been looking for you, Captain” the droid said and you sighed.
“Key, give us a moment here” Cassian said, a little annoyed about K-2SO always interrupting you two.
“Very well, I’ll go and prepare the ship. We’ll be leaving soon.” the droid said before it left.
“You’re leaving again?” you asked Cassian with a sigh.
“Yeah, sorry, I was just about to tell you” he answered you. You looked up at him with a sad look on your face. He tucked your hair behind your ear and smiled weakly at you. You knew deep inside you that this was going to be a hard mission but your instincts told you that he would come back.
“I love you” you said as you looked lovingly into his eyes. Cassian smirked a little.
“I love you too” he said and leaned in for a kiss. The kiss wasn’t long but it was full of love.
“I have to go now” Cassian said and you nodded.
“Be safe and come back home” you told him and he smiled. He kissed you quickly before he left to the ship. You noticed that the woman he had brought with him was leaving with them but you didn’t think more of that. You watched as the ship flew away before you went back to yours and Cassian’s quarter.
As soon as you heard that Cassian was coming you ran to the docking bay to greet him. You didn’t have to wait so long when you saw a ship land. It wasn’t Cassian’s U-wing and you started to worry a little but when the ramp fell down and you saw Cassian you let out a breath. You ran over to him and threw your hands around his neck. He chuckled as he took you in for a hug. He leant in for a kiss and the kiss was full of passion.
“Hey” he said as you stopped kissing. You smiled as you greeted back.
“I missed you” you told him and he hugged you tighter and kissed your forehead.
“I missed you too” he whispered. Cassian had to go to a meeting again and he rushed away to get there in time. You walked over to greet the new arrivals. You learned that their names were Baze Malbus, Chirrut Îmwe and Bodhi Rook. You noticed that Chirrut were blind and he told you about the force helping him see. He also told you what happened on Jedha and Eadu. You sighed but you knew that Cassian did all this so that the resistance could be one step closer to save the galaxy from the empire.
“Is Cassian the father?” Chirrut suddenly asked you and you stared at him with your mouth open.
“How do you know?” you finally asked him after a moment of silence.
“The force is strong with your child, and also with you” he told you calmly. You quickly glanced up at Baze who shrugged his shoulders.
“The force works in mysterious ways” Chirrut continued and you looked back at him again.
“Yeah, well, there has been a jedi in my family. My grandfather was a jedi, and my mother used to tell stories about him when I was a child. I never became a jedi because the jedi-order got destroyed when I was just an infant” you explained to him and he listened carefully.
“I see. Who was your grandfather?” he asked.  
“His name was Qui-Gon Jinn”.
“Aah, I’ve heard about him” Chirrut said. You smiled at him. You saw that Cassian was walking towards you.
“You have to tell him” Chirrut said and you answered with a yeah.
“Hi” you greeted Cassian when he arrived. He greeted you back but soon asked you to leave them for a minute. And you did. Moments later you saw the petite woman, whose name you had learned was Jyn Erso, talking with Chirrut and Baze and soon you saw that Cassian had gathered a group of rebels and they were all talking with Jyn. You stood there watching them. When they were ready, Cassian came over to talk to you.
“You’re leaving again?” you asked and you felt a lump in your throat.
“Yes, we have decided to help Jyn get the Death Star plans.” he said and you felt tears in your eyes. “And it is probably going to be a one way trip” he continued and you started sobbing. He took you in for a hug and you sobbed into his chest. Soon you pulled away from him and you wiped the tears of. You looked into his eyes.
“Just promise me one thing” you begged him as you reached your hand to his chin and he leaned in to your hand.
“Anything” he said.
“Promise me that you will get back home again, in one piece.” you said and you reached your hand towards his and guided his hand to your stomach. “Promise me that you will get back home for us” you continued and the tears started falling again but you were smiling at him.
“Are you pregnant?” he gasped and stroked your belly. You nodded and let out a small giggle. “I love you” he continued and you tried not to start crying again.
“Promise me” you begged.
“I promise” he promised and you hugged each other. “Thank you” you whispered. You pulled away from the hug and gave a quick kiss to each other before he left to the ship. You saw Chirrut on the ramp smiling at your direction and you smiled back at him even if you knew that he didn’t see it. Cassian gave you one last look and you waved your hand at him. You watched as he disappeared into the ship and it took away. You ran up to the control room to wait for answers.
“What is your boyfriend up to?” one of the workers there asked you.
“Honestly, I have no idea” you answered him. You sat down beside him.
You were waiting for some answers and it felt like an eternity. You heard that the Alliance fleet went to support them.
“Your girlfriend seems nice” Jyn said to Cassian when they were onboard of the ship.
“She’s the best” Cassian told her with a smile. Jyn smiled back at him. They finally arrived to Scarif and they were lucky enough to get through the gates. Jyn, K-2SO and Cassian managed to get to the Citadel Tower.
After everything that happened in the Citadel Tower, Cassian and Jyn limped to the beach.
“I promised [Y/N] that I would get back” Cassian said to Jyn when they sat down. Jyn smiled and looked at him. “She’s pregnant” he said before he continued “And I love her”. He looked at Jyn with tears in his eyes and a weak smile on his lips. “But this was worth it” he said and turned his head to look at the Death Star as it fired the superlaser towards the planet.
“[Y/N]” someone shouted. You saw that it was Wedge who ran towards you. He was short of breath when he came to you and before he spoke he tried to catch his breath again. He looked at you and you could already guess what he was about to say but you didn’t want to believe it. He sat down beside you and took your hand in his. He looked into your eyes before he spoke. “I am so sorry, [Y/N]”. You stared at him before it hit you what he had just said and that’s when the tears started falling down your eyes. Wedge took you in for a hug and you sobbed into his chest. “I’m sorry” he whispered. Now you had to raise your child alone but you would always tell your child about his/hers dad who was a hero that saved the rebellion.
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im-poe-dameron · 2 years
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a/n: i plotted this story in 2020 funnily enough and since then i've been debating on even posting it here. except i loved the idea too much to let it go and i finally began working on it again. so after years of debating, i finally figured why not. i hope you enjoy my darlings.
i don't keep a taglist anymore, but instead i have a library blog.
summary: the guardians of the whills. it is a tale known to few, but a legacy beloved by many. the only one you knew.
word count: 1.5k+
pairing: din djarin x f!reader (force sensitive)
warnings: not explicit, tiny bit of angst.
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One could wonder what a star is made of. Matter? Different pieces of materials all formed together, all combined, working in sync, to bring together the beauty that helps to form and shape the galaxy. That creates parts of the universe as a whole. The small glimmering pieces of light in the night sky that are admired because one can not truly say what they are made of.
Perhaps a wish is to be made on one that falls from that sky, and perhaps it may be granted. One will never be able to unearth the truth of it all, because to do so would be revealing the mysteries of the galaxy.
It was always at night that you sat outside of the temple, eyes trained on the sky, and a wish held in your heart. A routine of sorts that you’d made for yourself, because it kept you busy in a way, even though you had plenty to do. The others would roll their eyes, tell you that wishing upon stars was useless, but they never went against you. Instead, they continued to allow you to sit out there and watch the night sky in hopes that one day you’d join it.
In hopes that one day you’d be among the stars.
“Wishing again I see,” a voice came from behind you.
You didn’t respond, but you smiled instead. He wouldn’t be able to see you smile yet something told you he knew you would anyway. Chirrut sat beside you, his staff resting between his legs as he pointed his head to where he knew the sky was. How he could somehow see without sight amazed you continuously, but he would just tell you that he used the Force to help. That the Force was the one thing that could help.
“What do you wish for this time?” he asked.
Shrugging your shoulders, you focused on the single star that seemed to shine brighter than the others. “To be up there with them.”
He nodded. “To join the stars.”
“Why is that?” He asked you this every night and your answer always remained the same, but tonight felt different. There was a shift in the air surrounding you, something calling out to you. Unlike before where it remained silent, peaceful, this brought with it the bitter taste of chaos. The lingering fear that things weren’t meant to stay this way for very long.
“I want to know what it’s like,” you whispered. That was true for the most part. You did want to travel the stars, did want to know what it was like to be among them, but you also wanted adventure.
The Temple of the Whills is where you were raised, where you were trained underneath Chirrut to become someone like him. A Guardian of the Whills, protector of Kyber. You were to take over in his spot and while you didn’t mind the duty, while you found peace in the work and pride in the title. You still found yourself longing to be somewhere else; to be something else entirely. Why? You couldn’t say, but it stuck with you day in and day out, until you found yourself outside every night wishing for that exact thing.
“The stars aren’t going to grant you wishes.” He told you out right as always and you knew he did it because you needed to hear it. “Trust the Force young one and you’ll find your path soon enough.”
It rarely made sense to you, why he told you to trust the one entity you couldn’t see or feel, but you didn’t question him about it. He’d been alive longer than you had; seen more than you would probably ever see.
“I thought only Jedi were able to use the Force.” You knew of them, had heard the stories, but you’d never known one personally, never saw how in fact they used the Force. Perhaps it truly was all stories; one’s to keep others hopeful. Or maybe it was the truth, but you’d never be able to find out for sure.
Chirrut smiled. “The Force is all around us, surrounding us. They are able to bend it, use it how they wish, but it is not only specific for them. We as the Guardians of the Whills, the ones who protect the Kyber crystals, depend on it as well. The Force is not a myth as you believe it to be.”
“I don’t think it’s a-”
“But you do. I can tell you do not trust it completely when you should. You, out of everyone in this Temple, should trust the Force.” He tapped his staff on the ground twice drawing your full attention to him. “Many don’t believe in the Jedi’s existence. Do you know why?”
“Because they do not see the Force as something that could be real. This temple houses the Kyber crystals, used in creating a Jedi’s weapon, but it also draws a strong connection to the Force. It is why we must believe in it; why we have to see it as vital in what we do.” His words struck something in you that you believed to have been gone. There were reasons in everything, in why you were raised here, why you didn’t know where you came from.
You sighed. “How do I know that this is where I’m meant to be?”
The doubt probably came off of you in waves, letting him know exactly what you were thinking, but there would be no way to push it away. That’s what you’d done for so long; pushed down the feelings of being lost, of wanting more, because you truly believed this was where you belonged. Except every once in a while, when you would stare up at the stars and make your silly little wish, the doubts would return and remind you of where you were.
“We never know where we are meant to be young one.” He stood from where he sat. “Come with me. You have to finish your readings.”
Glancing up to the sky, you focused on the brightest star you always set your sights on. “I wonder what you are.”
You weren’t saying it to anyone in particular, just to yourself. Perhaps that’s all it would ever be to you. A bright star in the night sky that you spoke to in hopes of regaining something back to yourself. In hopes of knowing who you truly were. That shift in the air, in the Force or whatever it was came back to you again. A new feeling of something coming, but you brushed it off, calling it a figment of your imagination.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to believe him, you did. Something else entirely kept you from believing that the stories of the Jedi were real, that they were indeed a part of the reality in which you lived. It was that if they were true, then that would mean they were truly defeated. That there only survived a few. And that is what kept you from believing, from putting your complete faith in it, because you couldn’t understand how.
You asked Chirrut once what happened to them, how they vanished, and he told you the truth. He revealed to you about the horrid order that was set into motion, the one that now left you in a galaxy with no protectors. Although you supposed that you were now one of those protectors. The ones who kept the last piece of the Jedi, the last hope they had, safe from the Empire.
Leaving the outdoors, you re-entered the temple and prepared yourself for the amount of reading that needed to be done. Except there still lingered in the air, in your body that faint tug of something somewhere. Telling you continuously that this would no longer be the same. That the pain, the agony that was endured before this would not cease to end anytime soon. But you pushed it away, and focused on the task at hand.
There was no time for hopes that only lie in the graves of former heroes. No time for the suspicions that plagued you day in and day out, because you wouldn’t be able to do anything about them either way.
Stopping in the archway of the entrance you faced that single lonesome star once more. The one that you felt akin to like an old friend you hadn’t seen in quite some time, and you sighed. Let out the air in your lungs, because you hoped, wished, that would get rid of the feeling that continued to linger in your heart. Perhaps one day you could believe in the Jedi, give yourself a chance to understand that they had to have existed.
A small tender feeling of hope rose in your chest the longer you continued to watch the star. “I am one with the Force...” you paused, turning back to the building, to where your future lay ahead of you. “...and the Force is with me.”
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myriadimagines · 8 years
All This ‘Force’ Nonsense
Star Wars (Rogue One) One Shot
Characters: [FEMALE] Reader x Chirrut Imwe + Baze Malbus
Warnings: none i think
Request: “Well I have one idea about Chirrut... Like reader is kind of Jedi? Or Grey Jedi and was trained by Yoda. No one knows who she is but Chirrut can feel the force in her? Is it too much?” - lulura
Word Count: 916
A/N: Not too much at all, I hope you like it ! I’ll admit I had to research what a Grey Jedi was, but anyways, here you go !
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; } // ]]>
“I’ll take this one.” you gestured to a plain dark grey robe. The merchant nodded, reaching it to hand to you. You handed her a few coins from the small pouch you carried, before tucking it into your belt, next to your concealed lightsaber.
“Where did you come from, stranger?” she asked, as she dropped the coins into a pot. You smiled politely instead, and began to move away. Pulling up your hood, you wrapped the robe tighter around you and began blending into the crowd.
You had arrived at Jedha a few days ago seeking kyber crystals for your lightsaber. You could sense that your crystal was damaged, and you needed to replace it before it imploded under pressure. Imperial troops swarmed the area, but this was the closet planet to your home that had a supply of crystals.
Keeping your head down, you manoeuvred around the crowd. You could feel curious eyes following you, but no one acted on their curiosity and confronted you. A few brave souls had asked where you had come from the past few days, but you opted to avoid the question. You didn’t want to risk exposing your identity to the wrong people.
You were a Grey Jedi, one who did not operate under the Jedi council and balanced on the thin line between the Light and Dark Side. That in itself was already unique, but being a Jedi alone would put you in danger. Thankfully, the busy markets of Jedha were a good place to hide while you sought the crystals; the constantly shifting dynamics of the market meant not too many people had the patience to stop and ask who you were.
Making your way towards a less crowded street, you suddenly felt a strong presence in the Force. Not the presence of another Jedi, no, but one who was very connected with the Force. Confused, you looked around you, but you did not see anyone who stood out to you. You began to continue walking, unaware that someone else had also felt your presence in the Force.
Chirrut nudged Baze with his staff, standing up. They were sitting in a secluded corner of the street. Baze was polishing his gun and Chirrut was meditating.
“Did you see a person passing by?” Chirrut asked, head turning in the direction you had just went down. Baze looked up into the almost empty street.
“No, the street is empty.” Baze returned to his gun, shaking his head. “Did the Force tell you otherwise?” he asked mockingly. Chirrut laughed good-naturedly.
“You still have much to learn about the Force, Baze.” Chirrut returned to his seat. “But I did feel a strong presence. It was almost overwhelming.” Baze grunted in response, still unbelieving. Chirrut attempted to meditate again, but he still felt the presence. Unable to tolerate it any longer, he stood and went in your direction.
“Where are you going?” Baze called after him.
“I am following the Force!” Chirrut called back, and he disappeared into a crowd. Baze paused, and attempted to go back to his gun. Groaning, he put down the cloth and picked up his gun, and moved to follow Chirrut.
You had almost made your way back to the temporary lodgings you were staying at. It was a small room with a single window, away from the busy markets. You wanted to explore and find the source of the presence you felt, but you decided against it. As you walked away, you felt the presence getting smaller and smaller, but suddenly now you felt it growing.
“Who are you?” you spun around and faced a man with closely shaven hair and a staff. You immediately noticed the opaque, pale blue of his eyes. It took you a brief moment to realise he was blind, but he looked straight at you.
It suddenly hit you. The presence. You were looking at him.
“You are one with the Force,” you spoke, finally understanding. “My name is y/n. The Force is very strong with you.”
“As it is with you. My name is Chirrut.” Chirrut replied, but he couldn’t help but smile proudly at your comment. Judging by your voice, he could tell that you were a young woman. Judging by your presence with the Force, he knew you were a Jedi. An extremely powerful one.
“A Jedi? Here on Jedha?” Chirrut wondered out loud. Instead of avoiding the question like you had been doing, you felt like you could trust this individual.
“I am here for the kyber crystals,” you relaxed a little. “For my lightsaber.”
“You have found the right person. A am a Guardians of the Whills, protectors of the Temple of the Kyber. I can guide you to the crystals.” Chirrut responded, and you felt yourself smiling in response. The Force had lead you in the right direction, as it always did.
“Are you boring more people about the Force?” a deep voice interrupted your conversation. You looked up to see a heavily built man approaching you. Judging by Chirrut’s smile, you assumed he was a friend.
“Baze, this is y/n.” Chirrut responded politely, and you and Baze exchanged curt nods.
“Don’t believe in the Force, huh?” you asked, assessing Baze’s sarcastic tone. Baze laughed and shook his head in response. You looked back at Chirrut, who had a knowing smile on his face. You turned back to Baze.
“Yeah, all this ‘Force’ nonsense,” you said, grinning. “I hardly believe it myself.”
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silentwaters4 · 7 years
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For anon...enjoy!
“You’re going to do nothing?” you shouted at Mon Mothma. She lowered her gaze. “To go after their plans on a heavily guarded base is suicide. We can’t ask anyone to do that.” “There has to be some way to get those plans! People died and were tortured to even get the information to tell us there was a weakness!”
The room fell silent. The woman in white looked you straight in the eyes.
“That was their choice to make. They knew the risks to bring that to us.” You narrowed your eyes. “Yeah. One of them apparently being that we sit on it like apathetic yokels.”
Before anybody could retort, you left the room. You were fuming with annoyance and irritation. You already knew how much Jyn and Cassian were going to dislike hearing the news. You just had beaten the pair to the briefing room. In fact, you passed them while muttering to yourself. The pair knit their brows before looking toward Baze, Bodhi, K2, and Chirrut. Baze whispered something to Chirrut right before you strolled by. However, you didn’t notice due to your growing resentment.
You also failed to realize that a certain someone was following you. Eventually, you stopped just at the edge of the forest. With a despondent sigh, you sat on the ground.
“Something is upsetting you,” a familiar voice stated.
You jumped slightly before realizing it was Chirrut. You smirked before it fell into a frown.
“The decision the council made,” you murmured, “They don’t want to do anything. Just sit on the information.” The blind man sat next to you, holding his staff. “That is troubling.” You nodded. “I just don’t get it. People are sacrificing themselves everyday, and suddenly this mission is too high stakes?” Chirrut nodded. “I see you’re quite willing.” “I am. I can’t be the only one, can I?” you asked, a little hopelessly.
You glanced up as Chirrut gripped your hand. He smiled while lowering his gaze as he gave it a squeeze. Smiling softly, you squeezed back.
“No. You’re not the only one.”
Perma-tags: @dontbeamenacetotheforce @ttelesilla @jumperswellies @caitsymichelle13 @myplaceofthingsilove
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certifiedskywalker · 8 years
Chirrut X Shy!Reader
i love your writings, can i request a chirrut x shy female reader ? thank you so <3
I’m sorry it’s short and if it’s not what you’re looking for!
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As a Jedha native, you felt deeply connected with the Force, the Jedi, all of it.
It grew harder to live on the sand planet as the Empire took the kyber crystals, thus taking away any trace of what had been.
One day you were trying to salvage a shard of kyber when you lost it in the crowds of people being chased by stormtroopers
Among them was Chirrut.
The crowd lead you to the gates of the city and you started your way back
When you returned to where you saw the kyber shard, you could see Chirrut sitting on the ground
You were approaching carefully when he spoke.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I made into a necklace to further grace your beauty.”
He held up the light blue kyber shard, hanging by a loop of twine.
You took it, and sat next to him.
He turned his head to face you, his unseeing eyes found yours.
Despite him being unable to see you, you blushed.
“Your energy is embarrassed, why in the Force’s name are you shy?”
You remained silent, which caused Chirrut to shower you in compliments.
From then on you talked to Chirrut everyday.
As time went on you grew more comfortable around Chirrut, and Baze who he introduced you to.
You spent most of your time with Chirrut and Baze
Listening to Chirrut talk about the Force and teasing you about your shyness.
Baze would teach you self-defense and how to use a blaster.
“Soon you’ll be better than Chirrut!” He would say.
It got to the point where Chirrut got a little jealous of the time you spent with Baze.
After you explained what you had been training with Baze, to protect the kyber, to protect Jedha.
Chirrut admired your devotion to the Force, to your home. It was in that argument he first realized he loved you.
The day after your small fight with him, Chirrut made plans to sneak into the temple and spend the day there with you.
When you both arrived, you could feel the Force dancing around each corner of the old Jedi stronghold.
Chirrut told you the story about how we wished he had a chance to train with the powerful Jedi.
You squeezed his hand as he spoke, guiding him around the abandoned temple.
When his story ended, you both had reached the area of the temple where the Empire had been stealing the kyber.
It was a cave like room and the crystals that remained hung on the ceiling and down to the floor. Most were white but some, like the one around your neck, were tinted blue. Other were greenish and few were stained purple.
It was a dazzling sight.  
You both stood in the center of the room, your hand still linked to one of Chirrut’s.
He turned you gently, pressing his forehead to yours. And another blush crept to your cheeks.
“So shy, all the time.”
You smiled, “No, just around you.”
You closed your eyes, as did he.
And a blast rung out in the chamber.
Chirrut was quick with his staff, swinging it at the guards.
You grabbed one of the guns a trooper dropped after Chirrut hit him. You started to help hi take them down. Soon more stormtroopers flooded into the cave, and you started looking for an escape.
Your search ended with the loud sound of heavy fire.
You looked up at the entrance and saw Baze unleashing his fury of bullets on the troopers.
His fire allowed you and Chirrut to escape.
Once outside, Baze ran towards you, motioning to keep going
The three of you all managed to evade the Empire
But the look on Chirrut’s face made your heart break.
“We’ve lost the temple. We’ve lost everything.”
Chirrut was sad for a while after that.
You trained with Baze during the day, and stayed with Chirrut during the night.
One night Chirrut was angry, with everything, and he broke down.
“After I lost my family, my sight, The Force acted as my guide and now I can’t even protect that.”
Yo knelt down before him, your arm reaching up to cup his face. His unseeing gaze landed on you and you felt his full attention.
“You are one with the force. The force is with you. Remember, by following The Force, by living with it, you are protecting it.”
Suddenly, he was leaning forward and so were you.
The kiss was slow, very careful as if any harsh movement would break the other.
Everything after that was almost normal, except there was more affection.
He still teased you for being bashful around him.
And you’d hush him with a kiss.
Baze would fake gag cause he’s just too tough for all the love (he ships it tho)
You and Chirrut would often stay up late, exchanging stories and tales of The Force and your lives.
He opened up about his childhood and family.
From that you gained such a heartbreaking understanding on why he followed The Force so strongly. The Empire had not been kind to him as a child.
But with that knowledge, your bond with Chirrut only grew strong from there.
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