#chip truck for sale
syd-djarin · 1 year
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Sugar, Spice & Please Fuck Me Nice (neighbor!joel AU)
chapter one: the new neighbors
*18+ Minors DNI*
Word count: ~2000+
Warnings: FLUFF, nervous reader, a hint of masturbation (f & m), neighbor!joel needs a warning, eventual smut
reader has hair that she fidgets with, "grows warm" /"cheeks burning" but not necessarily blushing, with embarrassment - minor edits to make this more inclusive for my readers <3
Author/s Notes: this is my first fic, so ofc I had to write Joel, and I have a weakness for neighbor!Joel.
this will be a series and I'm so excited to share this :) this is super self-indulgent, making reader based off myself so shameless self-insert kinda? lol
a huge thank you & ily to my babe @katiexpunk for helping me make edits/bouncing ideas and encouraging me to dive into writing <3
Tags: no outbreak AU, neighbor!joel, reader is sweetie pie, age gap (reader is mid-late 20's, joel is late 30's-early 40's in this), dilf!joel, gratuitous descriptions of joel being strong & sexy, f & m masturbation, eventual smut, fluff
You’ve lived in this neighborhood for the majority of your life, with the exception of your time in college.
Now that you’ve finished your undergrad, your parents, now retired and living in Maine, have graciously offered for you to stay in your childhood home. It wouldn’t be forever, you think, just until something comes through for you to use your degree on.
The neighborhood hasn’t changed that much through the years; some of the houses got renovations or additions, although many of the homes were the same that they have always been. Many of the people living in the cul-de-sac had known you since you were just a baby, and like to remind you of that more often than you’d like. 
Occasionally a home would go up for sale, and it just so happened that the house directly across the street from yours was one of them – a classic blue Ranch style home, well maintained, albeit a bit outdated, but full of potential. The previous owners lived there for nearly four decades, and the entire neighborhood is antsy to solve the mystery of who’ll move in next.  
You had assumed that the next tenants would be another nuclear family type – the stereotypical, American family - husband, wife, two kids, the works. Much to your surprise, a single father and his daughter were the succeeding residents of the house. A ruggedly handsome single father, at that. 
Move in day came for your new neighbors and just like everyone else who resided here, you couldn’t help but to be nosy, curiosity getting the best of you. 
You discreetly parted your living room blinds, your curiosity at its peak, as your new neighbors began unloading the hefty boxes from their U-Haul and settling into their new abode. You even went to check the mail to get a closer peek, despite having already checked it earlier in the day when it arrived.
You couldn’t help but ogle at the broad-shouldered man lifting boxes as if they weigh nothing. His dark gray t-shirt clings to his biceps for dear life and you feel your pussy involuntarily throb every time he lifts up the bottom of it, bringing it to his forehead to wipe the sweat collecting there, each time revealing his soft tummy and the dark hair that trailed down from his belly button. 
You imagine yourself holding onto those brawny arms, while he pounds- 
Oh my god, get a grip, you internally chastise yourself. It’s been too long since you’ve gotten laid, defending yourself for conjuring up dirty fantasies of a man whose name you didn’t even know. 
You decided you’d go introduce yourself once it appeared that they’d finished unloading the moving truck, not wanting to disrupt or cause an intrusion. 
Baking being one of your love languages, you decide to make your new neighbors your grandma's famous cookies – snickerdoodles and chocolate chip. The recipes don’t call for much, but your grandma swears it’s the love that goes into them that makes them as good as they are. She had taught you to bake at a young age; ensuring you knew the fundamentals, techniques, and the importance of quality ingredients.  She also taught you that the best gift you could give is a dessert, one that requires your time and attention. 
Besides wanting to be a welcoming neighbor, baking provides you with a necessary distraction to your nefarious thoughts about the new neighborhood DILF. Were these cookies for him, sure, but it proved to be quite a successful deterrent from your naughty thoughts, allowing you the space to fully engross yourself in the task of making the dough, folding in the chocolate chips, rolling the batches into little balls, and spacing them out evenly on the tray before popping them in the oven. 
After a couple of hours, the cookies now cool, and the warm autumn sun begins to set. Your home smells of warm sugar, a nostalgia that brings a smile to your face. You peek out the window and notice the moving truck is now gone, and figure now was as good a time as any to introduce yourself. 
You neatly package the goodies into their designated container, draw on your oversized flannel and shoes, and begin your brief trek across the street. As you begin walking down your porch steps you’re hit with a wave of nervousness,  your stomach does backflips and your heart beats faster. Get it together. You take several deep breaths and hold onto the cookie container a little tighter before continuing on your mission. Why are you such a nervous wreck? I mean, it’s just some guy, you (unsuccessfully) try to reason with yourself. 
Reaching the front door, you knock– tap, tap, tap. A brief moment passes, and the door opens, leaving only the space of the doorframe between you and a young girl with wide, curious eyes and beautiful curly brown hair staring back at you.
“Hi there, I’m your neighbor across the street,” you say, gesturing towards your own home, “I wanted to introduce myself – I brought you some cookies, just a little something to say welcome to the neighborhood.”
“Cookies! Ah sweet, I love cookies - what kind?” she asks, not at all trying to hide her fairly obvious interest for them and less in you.
“There’s chocolate chip and a few snickerdoodles,” you reply, giving her an amused smile. 
Her father, the devastatingly handsome one, makes his way up behind her and stands in the doorframe, halfway inside and halfway onto the porch where you stand. He was a sight to behold up close: dark hair that had a loose curls and a beard, both lightly dusted with some grays, chocolate brown eyes you could drown in, a mustache that perched atop plush lips. 
He’s muscled in the shoulders and arms, which act as a nice compliment to his soft torso. He had the kind of  physique that came from hard labor, which only fuels your attraction to him more. 
If this were a cartoon, you were sure your eyes would be bulging out of their sockets in the shape of hearts. 
“Oh, uh–hi,” you say, perhaps an octave too loud. “I was telling your daughter here that I brought over some cookies, you know, as a welcome gift,” you pause, realizing you hadn’t even introduced yourself. “I’m your neighbor, I live just across the way,” you say, nodding to your house. You turn back to face him and fidget with your hair. Through a nervy smile, you manage to give him your name. 
“I’m Joel, this here’s Sarah,” he says, voice gruff and smooth at the same time. He holds out his hand to shake yours. You hope he wouldn’t notice how sweaty your hand is; maybe it’s the nerves, or the still-sticky Texan air, despite it being October. Probably both.  
His palm is warm; worn and calloused in some places, but firm and inviting. You couldn’t help but gawk at how small he made your hand feel in his. He releases your grip; bringing you out of your brief trance, and your eyes once again meet. 
“Welcome to the neighborhood, Joel and Sarah,” you smile and hold out the container of cookies for Joel to take. Before he can even reach up to grab them, Sarah already has her hands on them and has run back into the house, murmuring something that sounds like thanks as she does. 
He had just met you, but Joel couldn’t deny how much he likes hearing you saying his name in your gentle, nectarous voice. 
Your hands now empty, you nervously interlace your fingers and twirl your thumbs, unsure of what to say next. Joel’s eyes take note of the smudge of flour on your cheek – cute. He also notices the flour in the cleft of your cleavage, but he tries not to make that fact obvious. The flour between your breasts stares back at him, but he collects his composure, averting his gaze back to you.  He should point it out to you, he thinks, but you seem shy and he doesn’t want to embarrass you, or scare you away from wanting to come over again. 
“‘Preciate the cookies, sweetheart,” he says, voice low. His eyes stay glued to your face. You avert your eyes downwards and cross your arms, buckling under the weight of his gaze. You felt your cheeks and chest grow hot at his use of sweetheart. 
“I’m just – uh,” you trip over your words, nervous, “I’m just across the street if you need me,” you offer, giggling at the suggestive way that sounds, “you know, like a cup of sugar or anything like that,” you add.
Joel nods in reply, edges of his mouth coming up in a smirk as if to acknowledge your kindness, being careful not to full on grin in amusement of his apparent effect on you. 
“Same to you,” he says before closing the door, perhaps eyeing you a moment too long as you walk away. He turns to enter the house, only to find Sarah staring at him, cookie in hand, and a knowing grin on her face.
“Why didn’t you tell her she had flour all over herself?” she asks, teasing, like she could already tell he was embarrassed to admit the truth. 
“Did she? Hmm, didn’t seem to notice,” he says, trying to hide the lie behind a weak cough, before walking away, cheeks obviously flushed. 
Back in the safety of your own home, you come to a still with your hand pressing on the door, reeling from your interaction with Joel. You were wired up, buzzing with arousal and nerves. 
And God, the way he called you sweetheart. 
You replay the moment over and over in your head, not wanting to forget his Texan twang or the way he looked at you when he said it. You could have died, right then and there. You let your mind run wild, thinking of all the things you wanted to do with him, what you wanted to do to him. 
Needing to relieve the throbbing ache in between your legs, you decide a shower is in order. When stepping into your bathroom, you catch yourself in the mirror. You were mortified at the discovery of the flour on your face and chest. You had been so engrossed with baking the cookies and too anxious about taking them over to Joel’s that you failed to give yourself a once-over in the mirror before heading out the door. The arousal you felt temporarily held precedent, you’d process your embarrassment later. 
You step into the steamy shower and touch yourself, thinking of Joel. You shove two fingers inside your pussy, imagining they were Joel’s long, thick, dexterous fingers. 
Little did you know Joel was having his own feelings about your little introduction. 
Several of his new neighbors come to introduce themselves in the coming days, under the guise of welcoming him and his daughter, but in reality, they wanted to get scoop on who they were. Where had they moved from, what prompted the move, we’re they planning on staying short-term, what did he do for a living, was there a Mrs. Joel Miller? And once they found out he was a contractor, there were a whole other set of questions of “would you mind taking a look at my ____”. 
He liked the neighborhood, and while the people were nice and seemingly mean well, Joel begins to feel irritation at the consistently prying questions, annoyed that people felt like they were entitled answers to begin with. 
But you. 
He was not expecting you. 
Beautiful, endearing, kind eyes, a smile he thought could end wars. You had been sweet and respectful, and didn't appear to have ulterior motives. It made his heart palpitate and sent blood rushing somewhere he knew it shouldn’t. You were young, too young and sweet, too sweet for a man like him. 
Then he saw how you stared at his hands, grew warm and shy when his gaze had lingered too long on you. 
That night, with Sarah tucked into bed, he grabs one of the snickerdoodle cookies, Sarah insisting that he save all of the chocolate chip ones for her, but he doesn’t mind; snickerdoodles are his favorite. 
He bites into the soft cookie, his eyes fluttering shut as he does, an involuntary reaction to the sweet, perfectly soft texture. He lets out a moan, the kind that is elicited when tasting something delicious. 
And the fact that you made them? The thought sends blood straight to his dick. 
Joel, in inner turmoil, was trying to resist the temptation to touch himself to the thought of you. God, if your cookies were this good, so sweet and fluffy, how good would you taste. 
The thought consumes him, the temptation too strong. 
He polishes off more than three of the cookies, before heading to shower. That night he takes his cock in his fist to the thought of you, and your stupidly delicious fucking cookies. 
Joel was a gentleman, sure, but he was also a man. 
And the best way to get to a man’s heart? 
Through his stomach. 
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mushroomates · 1 year
the fellowship at a hardware store, from someone who works at a hardware store:
sam: is in the nursery!! goes straight to the discount/dying plants and piles his cart full of wilted and sad plants. likes to rescue the houseplants first, has a soft spot for perennials and citrus trees. is a nightmare to check out but is very sweet about it. dirt and leaves everywhere. like, everywhere. they have to sweep after he’s gone. surprisingly strong and hauls big bags of dirt.
frodo: enjoys home improvement!! likes to wander carpeting and organization, hunts for good deals and keeps tabs on the sales weekends. he likes to peruse the shower curtains and closet accessories. likes to refurbish old furniture he finds off the side of the road- currently fixing up an antique dresser to put in the master bedroom.
merry: doorknobs, handles, dresser nobs. he likes to pick out the interesting and antique ones and customize his home with them. he really likes the oddly shaped ones, he has one starfish and one pickle on his nightstand table. likes to joke about touching all the knobs and fiddling with the knockers.
pippin: is lost in the lighting department. he’s staring up at all the pretty lights and hypnotizing fans. likes the remote controlled lights, enjoys messing with the demos. also likes collecting paint chips. (pippins also the kind of person to get really high and shit in the display toilets.) does not buy anything, maybe some beef jerky and skittles at the check outs.
boromir: this man has like 80 projects going on and is remarkably proficient in every conceivable area featured in the store. he’s here so much people think he works here. he kinda does. he’s happy to advise you, lead you to products, and lifts heavy things for little old ladies and swooning maidens. he’s happy to grab the things on the highest shelf as well as carry those bigs bags of dirt out to your care. he is just a naturally pure and helpful soul. <3
aragorn: has lost himself in scrap wood. straight to the lumber yard, straight to the pile of damaged and recycled wood. once a month, he comes and loads up as much as it will fit in a pickup truck. no one knows what he does with it but he keeps coming back. there are several theories around the store. either he’s building a bunker, has a side hustle by reselling it, makes massive fires or he does wood work. alternatively, he’s a homeless man building his own cabin in the woods so he can live away from society. that’s one’s probably the closest.
gandalf: mixes his own paint. he doesn’t work there but somehow he keeps getting back there and making his own custom colors. was known to pull a miracle and turn gray paint back into white. no one knows how he did this. likes to camp out in the seasonal section. enjoys lounging on couches and swings for long periods of time.
gimli: is so excited to walk into the tools section. wants all the toys. likes power tools in a way that’s both funny and scary. really likes chainsaws and leaf blowers, possibly because they pose the biggest threat to legolas. often gets flagged out the door because no one person needs that many tools and he must be up to something. he always beeps out the door because inevitably someone forgot to take off one of the sensors of his many, many tools. he used to be nicer about this but lately has lost patience with always being stopped out the door, and often will make a show of waving his receipt before leaving.
legolas: spends a good amount of time in the garden. i imagine he gets enamored with the fountains and ponds rather quickly, also likes the statues and fun pots. also, wanders through the garden and samples the plants. by samples i mean eat small bites of it, and if he finds the quality satisfactory he will purchase it. this is rarely the case and he often just goes around eating small bites of houseplants.
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henpillled · 3 months
Quick n dirty Hurricane post
Hurricane Shopping List
The government will tell you that you need 3 days of food, you need at least a week. After Ian we were flooded for about 4 days and had no power for 8. You want non perishables and you want tasty non perishables, get things you and your family like. Keep your eye out for sales through the year to keep a good stash.if you don’t have a grill,  Get a mini charcoal grill so you can also still cook 
tuna and other canned meats
Ramen (fun, not nutritious) 
Snacks like chips and crackers, salsa!*
Single serving sauce packs (go hog wild at fast food places)
Fresh fruit
Pasta sauce and pasta
Bread and shelf stable toppings like jelly* and peanut butter
Treats! It sucks, get some gummy bears, get BEER!
Instant coffee
*these aren't technically shelf stable,but yes they are lol, at least for a few days, sugar and acid are both preservatives, if it looks funny, don't eat it, but they'll be fine for a few days
Everything in your freezer will be good too, at least for a while. Eat everything in your fridge first, but after a few days, if you are going to lose everything in your freezer anyway, open it up and start using meats etc in there.
There are 4 categories for water, Drinking, cooking, cleaning, and flushing. ** if you do not have hot water, you need to be using bleach or vinegar or everything that gross. Hot water is our best friend and if we do not have her we need to kill every germ, without proper plumbing there are bad germs everywhere.
Drinking: half gallon  to gallon per person per day 
Cooking: A gallon per day, more if you have a larger family
These two need to be in sanitized containers intended for water storage, so bottled water, or food grade 5 gallon containers, tractor supply has good ones, or the huge water jugs at the grocery store.
Cleaning***: as much as you can, personally i start saving every 2 liter, OJ bottle, milk jug etc from about January to hurricane season so i can fill them all up when a storm is on the way. This doubles as you-cleaning water, so the more the better
Flushing: as much as physically possible. Fill up every tub, every sink, fill up your trash cans. I am 100% serious you WILL run out of flushing water before anything else. Literally as much as possible.
Misc items:
Battery banks, whether proper banks, or your laptop to use as a bank
A full tank of gas, never go under half a tank during hurricane season
This radio is great
Proper first aid kit (you should already have one tbh) 
Any medications you need, check your state laws to see if you can get emergency prescription refills
Toys, books, any kind of entertainment really, it gets boring, couldnt imagine being a toddler.
Extra pet food
Baby wipes
Extra period products 
Corn starch is a decent dry shampoo
General tips:
Find a radio station with a morning show, find several. There was a group in my area that was broadcasting 24/7 taking calls from people with trucks and people who needed help or medicine. They saved lives. 
Park your cars as high as possible, and as close to your house as you can
It is so much better to feel silly with all this stuff than to be caught off guard 
Lock your pets in a non carpeted room if you can.
Do laundry!!!!!
Shower and scrub every square inch a few hours before the storm starts, wash your hair!!!
Have 2 weeks of undies
Check on your neighbors 
Have a plan for if it floods, have important docs and some food in a bag ready to go. If you are in an attic without a way to break through the roof, you will drown.
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verdemoun · 4 months
Don't know if you've already talked about bill but how is he coping with modern times? I always imagined a modern bill becoming a car mechanic, or something adjacent, maybe even becoming a small influencer where he posts abt trucks and such (and also his dog. I just know that man gets a dog in any type of modern au)
i have not spoken about bill because bill as a character just makes me so sad fam like was he doomed to be the power hungry bastard of toxic masculinity we see in rdr1 or did the events of rdr2 actively make him that way why was everyone so mean to him like you can see the way people treats him chipping away at him it makes me want to scream but back to timewarp au
therapy. my otp is bill and therapy. man needs anger management and to unpack that emotional baggage. it would take a while but once bill made the connection sometimes when he feels angry and acts out he's actually feeling sad/upset he'd start to develop as a person really quickly.
he would be so conflicted about seeing the gang again. why does no one talk about what happened to bill in the gap between rdr1 and 2?? dutch fucking left him behind bill would've followed dutch to the ends of the earth and been the perfect obedient loyal son he always wanted and dutch just threw him away because hunting down arthur and john for betraying him was more important!!
the new main gang would've picked him up because they knew he was going to be timewarped but it would be so uncomfortable.
poor kieran would've been so terrified he had to stay with annabelle and grimshaw until bill left. he usually regresses a little whenever someone timewarps because he has obvious reason to be nervous about the gang but it would've been a full breakdown just knowing bill was coming back. bill would've felt bad about it too because he never made the connection between how the gang's teasing made him feel vs what his bullying was doing to kieran.
the rest of the gang would've gone straight back to teasing bill because that was the dynamic last time they were all together. he would've hated it and lashed out a lot. he became something after they died they better respect it but of course they just don't. bill would've barely understood modern era before he bounced.
happy stuff now i promise. he ended up hitchhiking for a bit and learning about the modern world from truckers. he would love going to bars and truck stops and dodgy mom and pop diners along the highway.
he ends up getting a job on a ranch (ironically the modern day MacFarlane which became a massive multimillion dollar operation) and still gets to ride horses almost every day. he picks up herding super quickly and gets all the validation and care he deserves. the owners love him and are really supportive and patient when it comes to dealing with his temper.
he gets a little power trip out of learning to drive the semi-truck and unlike most of the hands is always super excited and happy to go on cross-country road trips delivering things to processing facilities. his favorite thing though would be the combine harvester he will work 14 hour shifts without complaint harvesting grain.
bill loves dogs almost more than he loves his horses he cannot drive past a sign that says puppies for sale without at least stopping to look. this habit has resulted in him having five dogs and they are his new gang. his first dog was a stray he picked up on the side of the road it's a wire-haired gundog mutt just called Mutt. he also has two cattle dogs (Clem and Roanoke), a long hair shepherd called Mercer and finally a catahoula called Abel. they are all working dogs and he does not go anywhere without all of them. they all sleep on his bed and are just as happy to go on cross country road trips in the semi as he is.
he can control all of them with a whistle or non verbal commands and they are insanely well trained. Micah fucking hates him sure Baymax can bark and growl and look scary on command but the second one of Bill's dogs curls up its lips Baymax is hiding behind Micah terrified and Bill is so fucking smug about it.
through therapy and having his ideals challenged bill starts making an effort to be less racist and sexist and actually confronting some of the gang about the way they treated him in 1899 and mending those relationships because look yeah he went off the deep end after the VDLs but he does still care about them and wants to have good relationships with them he's just got to work through a lot of issues go bill i believe in you
and most importantly he finally got over the internalized homophobia and admitted to himself he's a bit/lot gay. he's not wearing beads at pride levels of comfortable with it yet but he is a classic bear who will protect the gaybies from violence with violence.
it's like a many, many years slow burn but him and alden get together because charlybird's art is one of the only reasons i gave bill a chance as a character and i am a better person for it
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Working as a grocery store pick-up shopper during the height of the pandemic was.... I'm still not recovered, I think. I would like to rant a wee bit here. It's my tumblr and I'll do as I wish with it.
I worked for Kroger at the time, and if you know anything about it, at the time Kroger was the last grocery company to add Covid pay and the first to take it away. For (I think) two months, I had an extra dollar added to my $10.50/hr paycheck. Then they started cutting hours so they wouldn't have to pay for our insurance. All the while, I had people aggressively coughing on me because I was wearing a mask. I had a grown man throw a can of yams at my head because we were out of the name brand yams he wanted. A man raised his fist to threaten me over cans of Pepsi, we didn't have any because of an aluminum shortage. Someone's grandmother slapped me because of toilet paper. One of my coworkers got in a fight with a customer because of jalapeños.
When coworkers started dropping from Covid, the rest of us had to pick up the slack. At one point, 14 out of our 18 person department were out for weeks. I worked 16 hour shifts for some of the rudest and most ungrateful customers I've ever seen in 12+ years of retail experience.
In the summer of 2020, they shut off the water fountains. My direct manager got us a big pack of water and put it in the back of the order fridge for us. Some of us were running orders out to cars in 100F+ heat, so we put some of the bottles in the freezers, too. Upper management saw these waters as some kind personal insult and threw them away, threatening us all with writeups and even firings if we were caught with personal water bottles on the sales floor. OSHA was called and they put a stop to that bullshit, but not before one of my elderly coworkers collapsed from heat and dehydration.
At one point, my cool manager got promoted to store manager, and our department got an outside hire to replace her. This woman is easily one of the worst people I have ever worked with. She was rude, she would micromanage, she would bully the differently abled. She would fat shame, was racist and homophobic, and generally aggressive to other women. One time, I was helping a coworker prep an order to go out. We were chatting about death in the Victorian era, a special interest of mine. I got excited and maybe I started rambling when my bitch manager yelled at me to "shut the fuck up, you're being annoying." I told her to fuck off, and we were pulled into a meeting about it, but ultimately nothing happened to her. I refused to sign the writeup that came to me later.
Due to this manager's negligence, I fell and chipped a tailbone in February 2021. She was supposed to salt the walkway that leads from our department to the customer pick-up area. At 5:30 that morning, as she was yelling at her staff (myself included), she didn't notice that I was sprawled out in the parking lot, having slipped on black ice. I would have hit my head as well, had I not been wearing my hair in a low bun. The bun acted as an airbag. I landed pretty hard, and I think it scared the customer. He got out of his truck and shuffled over to me to help me up. He even tipped me $10, which was super nice. I limped back in, and before I could say anything, bitch manager yelled at me for taking to long, shoved an order cart at me and barked at me to do the next one. I told her I fell, probably too quietly because I was hurting. She ignored me so I yelled it. She stopped to look at me, registered what I said, and then it dawned on her to ask if I was OK. I filled out an IR and a worker's comp claim. I did the drug screening, later that day I had an xray. I chipped a tailbone. They gave me 2 weeks off, I think it was paid but it's hard to remember because the doctor gave me codeine. One morning I'm laying on the floor on a yoga mat and bitch manager calls me. She doesn't ask me how I'm doing, she wants to know if I can cover a shift. I tell her no, hang up and then send her a picture of my black and blue ass crack. I should have sued Kroger. Sometimes I wonder if I still could. I still have back pain. I still struggle with some yoga poses or sitting on certain chairs.
The final straw seems so small in retrospect. I had endured so much while working for kroger for 8 years. Bitch manager was causing me such anxiety that I had to change my meds to deal with her. I was getting the produce for an order. The system timed you, the goal was to take less than 20 seconds for each item scanned in to the cart. I had grabbed some tomatoes and was weighing them up, counting the seconds out loud to myself to keep time (a time blindness coping skill I've had since childhood) when she walked past me. I heard her say "retard" under her breath. This wasn't the first time I've been called that in my life, but the first time I've ever heard it from a grown woman. She had been bitching at me about something earlier that day, and my deodorant failed from the stress. She walked past me again and stopped to look at me. She nearly shouted, making sure everyone around would hear, "You stink. Did you shower today?" And then smirked. I didn't reply. I didn't hit her, or yell, or throw tomatoes at her. I thought about doing all of it. I thought about knocking her to the ground and ripping her tacky extensions out of her scalp. I thought about all the nasty mean things I could say to her. Instead, I put down my handheld and told her I would be right back. I went to the back room, hung up my apron, grabbed my purse, and walked out. I didn't clock out, I let them figure out what time I left. I made sure I was paid for my time. She called me an hour later, and I didn't answer. She called 6 more times. My previous manager, the cool one later told me that the store manager was stoked about my leaving. "Out with the old, in with the new."
There was a mass exodus, nine people left after I did. Four of them followed me to my new job. We all got forklift certified in the same week for a company that offered profit sharing and $4 extra per hour for covid pay, plus $3 extra per hour on weekends. It's not the greatest place to work. Sometimes it's terrible, it's still retail after all. But it's better. Kroger is not a great company, and my store was one of the worst places. I know I'm not the only person with horror stories about it. I still hear, "we're all in this together" in my nightmares. I can't spend more than 20 minutes in a grocery store at a time. I have many more from before the pandemic hit, the pandemic was just the worst of it.
That's my rant. If anyone read this, thank you. If you want to add your own stories, please do! "Essential worker" feels more like "disposable worker".
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mad2jokes · 11 months
dog jokes - meaningful quotes - country - taxi driver - how to order coffee - hello quotes funny - pizza jokes - projects to try - getting married funny - funny texts jokes - healthy motivation quotes - sleep funny - texas police - cant sleep funny - vacation humor - bear - funny engagement quotes - tv funny - mother daughter wedding gifts - dog death - friend jokes - funny picture jokes - positive quotes for life motivation - joke of the day - you lied to me - port - good morning happy sunday - blonde jokes - christmas poems - female presidents - funny jokes for adults - hotel humor - marriage counseling funny - pizza funny - inspirational poems - wake up - feelings humor - whiskey and you - hugs and kisses quotes - wise quotes - young ones - train - funny school jokes - chocolate chip - alien - funny true quotes - marital advice - family balancing - chip cookies - funny questions - young farmers - stories with moral lessons - funny words - moral stories - siblings funny - mom jokes - rain - sister quotes funny - funny halloween jokes - private plane - group of frogs - hotels room - sunday prayer - ring doorbell - funny old sayings - pet hacks - jokes about men - fathers day sale - falling in love again - prison - citizen - cowboy boots - he is able - high school teacher humor - medical humor - food for thought - politicians funny - the woodman - the donkey - blonde couple - funny text message jokes - funny feelings - cooking lessons - wife humor marriage - you lied - funny jok - irish painters - names - desert island - sweet quotes - flowers bouquet - funny family jokes - places to visit - mommy quotes - lion and the mouse - farmer quotes funny - brother quotes funny - call husband - dear self quotes - public execution - the darkest - anniversary quotes for husband - before and after marriage - good morning beautiful quotes - primary school - butterfly quotes - clean funny jokes - mathematics humor - lost wallet - pig jokes - 40 year anniversary - life quotes pictures - teaching humor - short humor - bible verses quotes inspirational - broken arm - funny fart quotes - long jokes - funny math jokes - ceramics - funny physics quote - funny truck quotes - english short stories - marriage humor - wooden bowls - nurse jokes - dad jokes - amazing inspirational quotes - good morning funny pictures - crow - funny long jokes - grammar humor - adult dirty jokes - difficult relationship quotes - funny blonde jokes - funny toasts - funny relationship quotes - some jokes - guys be like - getting over him - christmas jokes - good paying jobs - funny sketches - pray always - get well quotes - pet shop - cop jokes - people skills - funny cat jokes - cleaning quotes funny - cute cats - its friday quotes - pearls - in this moment - cooking and baking - elderly man - irish funny - irish men - comedians jokes - anniversary quotes funny - women jokes - homemade recipes - cab driver - the trooper - very funny jokes - childhood sweetheart quotes - school - life is beautiful - white beard - funny picture quotes - funny dating quotes - good wife - how to look better - duck and ducklings - sunday school class - amish men - math humor - graduation jokes - funny text messages - lawyer quotes humor - famous scientist - daisy field - funny riddles - relationship jokes - sherlock funny - confidence funny - couples play - buy curtains - high jokes funny - the struts - medical humor doctor - funny medical quotes - success quotes and sayings - hospital humor - old quotes - fishing humor - shopping humor - engineering humor - work accident - bar jokes - sleepless - brother - eye black - angel quotes - blue suit - funny joke quote - writing a book - life quotes family - talk - teacher jokes - how are you feeling - sunday humor - lion - food places - friendship quotes - mirror jokes - short jokes - the silent treatment - antique oil lamps - funny marriage advice - school essay - anniversary quotes for couple - good moral stories - church quotes - mom humor - funny old people - train travel
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Bill Day
* * * *
Wow! You can’t make this up!
March 21, 2024
It’s hard to believe that the dysfunction in the Republican Party could get worse, but Wednesday saw new heights (or depths?) of chaos in the GOP. You are undoubtedly interested in hearing how the GOP impeachment hearing directed at Joe Biden produced damning evidence—against Donald Trump! But first, let’s look away from the GOP car crash to view the important work that President Biden is doing on behalf of the American people. (You’re welcome!)
As Trump and the GOP were entering panic mode at warp speed, President Biden was delivering on his promises to the American people. The Biden administration began the day by announcing a rule that would accelerate the production of hybrid and all-electric cars. See NYTimes, Biden Administration Announces Rule Aimed at Expanding Electric Vehicles. (This article is accessible to all.)
Per the NYTimes,
The Biden administration on Wednesday issued one of the most significant climate regulations in the nation’s history, a rule designed to ensure that the majority of new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States are all-electric or hybrids by 2032. Nearly three years in the making, the new tailpipe pollution limits from the Environmental Protection Agency would transform the American automobile market.
Accelerating the transition to hybrid and electric cars will deliver enormous economic and health benefits to the American people. Again, per the Times, the new regulation will
avoid more than seven billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions over the next 30 years . . . That’s the equivalent of removing a year’s worth of all the greenhouse gases generated by the United States . . . . The regulation would provide nearly $100 billion in annual net benefits to society [including] $13 billion of annual public health benefits thanks to improved air quality. The standards would also save the average American driver about $6,000 in reduced fuel and maintenance over the life of a vehicle, the E.P.A. estimated.
As the new “tailpipe emissions” standard was being announced, President Biden announced a massive investment in an Intel chip fabricating facility in Arizona. See Politico, Biden boosts Intel with massive CHIPS payout in swing state Arizona.
Per Politico, Biden said
“We will enable advanced semiconductor manufacturing to make a comeback here in America after 40 years. It’s going to transform the semiconductor industry and create entirely new ecosystems.” Biden said Intel would also invest “over $100 billion” across the country, in facilities in Arizona, Oregon, Ohio and New Mexico. Those investments should put the U.S. on track to produce roughly 20 percent of the world’s leading-edge chips by 2030, Biden said. He added that Intel’s new projects are expected to create 30,000 jobs nationwide in construction and manufacturing.
Beyond creating tens of thousands of jobs in the high-tech sector, the CHIPS and Science Act protects US national security. Recall that during the COVID pandemic, supply chain issues disrupted the flow of semiconductors into the US, hampering the manufacture and sale of hundreds of consumer products that rely on microprocessors. Manufacturing the chips in the US serves as a hedge against that future risk.
For most presidents, the Intel announcement and new tailpipe admissions standard would be the year's crowning achievements. For Joe Biden, those announcements were known as “Wednesday.” Biden gets stuff done. Tell a friend.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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fragileizywriting · 1 year
(dl) adrien and (dl) luka have come to find out that kitty and marinette are very, very similar.
well, duh.
but also.
of course.
it's easy and simple enough. after their first round of groceries, luka has offered to come along. it's a trap and adrien knows it, because he's weak to kitty's beautiful glittering puppy eyes. so what if they'd gone overboard and bought food that wasn't the healthiest of things? so what if there was so much chocolate that their marinette started getting dizzy? everytime kitty asked him to get something from the aisle, adrien would shrug and tell her to buy two more.
luka's keeping an eye on them. or at least on him. maybe with luka by his side, he'll actually have a backbone and not cave to kitty's desires on wanting to refuel herself with a chip-bag of madeleines.
(in her defense, they're actually kind of good, even processed to hell and back.)
so they're on their way to the local grocery store. they're walking, though they should ideally be taking luka's truck, because kitty can't sit still and it's best to run her through like a dog at a dog park, trying to get as much of her manic energy out as fast as possible. paris looks like her paris, as far as she's told them, so she's not paying attention to much of her surroundings other than chattering.
she sees a fruit stand up ahead, with a suspicious figure loitering around. the owner of the stand is on the cusp of saying something about it. conversation dies in her throat as they pass by, though she was mostly the one talking; adrien realizes the silence as her staring.
"be right back," she mumbles, passing through the tables and gesturing for the owner of the store to focus on her. “hey, excuse me, you’ve got any mangos?”
she chats up a storm. asking when they got the produce, if they’re sweet enough, if they’ve got any sales going on. she’s baking a cake, she says. gotta be fresh and good. not too sour and definitely not too sweet— she points at luka, shrugging as she whips up a story about how he’s not much of a sweets guy. the person loitering, no older than 17, snatches a few apples and disappears round the corner.
kitty comes alive. animated gestures so evident that she’s a young woman; using all the slang she can to push her naivety to the max.
kitty leaves with a few papayas and mangos, thanks the vendor, chirping out a “god bless! thanks so much!” and passes adrien with a smile.
“you helped him steal,” adrien says, almost shocked.
she laughs. “if you see someone stealing food, no you don’t. i’m a baker, i know what it’s like! besides, i overpaid.”
“would you look at that,” luka whispers, low and soft with the edge of a whistle in his voice. “that’s exactly what our marinette says whenever she does the same thing.”
she barks out another laugh. “good to know she agrees!”
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theopenbookwigtown · 9 months
As soon as I read about the concept of the open book in Wigtown I applied. Now, 5 years, 1 ferry, 2 trains, 2 airplanes and 4 busses later I am finally here. And I am already in love. Due to the Christmas season customers are somewhat scarce and sales are slow, but that was to be expected. Yesterday was only my first day and I needed it to settle in and have a proper look at the bookshop. Joyce from the Old Bank Bookshop came in with some information for me, so did Rosie from the Wigtown Book Festival office, then Ruth from Well-Read Books next door came in to say hello and Ben from the Bookshop Band with his sweet daughter Amie passed by and stopped for a little chat. The Wigtown residents are really as welcoming and kind as everyone says/writes here.
To round the first day off, I was lucky enough to spot the Fish and Chips truck next to the Christmas tree on the town square and was rewarded with a tasty meal. An excellent start into a long-awaited adventure.
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When Betsy Kramer put in a non-emergency call for a possible trespasser in the old Miller home on Rutgers Street, Sheriff Beckett Boyer was the closest one to answer. He drove by the Kramers, waving nonchalantly at Mrs. Kramer, who looked ever-so-worried about her potential new neighbor, before turning his attention to the house across the street.
He furrowed his brows. There was an unfamiliar truck parked out front, but he remembered how a FOR SALE sign had also been propped out in the front yard last summer. Naturally, someone must have bought it, and Mrs. Kramer was likely just looking to stir trouble or be a brown-noser about who was new in the neighborhood. With a huff, he parked his car in front of the old Miller home and tipped his hat over at Mrs. Kramer, who continued to watch on. Beckett supposed this town gossip was better than having to deal with real danger.
Walking up the front porch steps of the old Miller home, Beckett couldn't help but notice how refreshed it looked. Some exterior paint was still chipped, yet it looked lived-in now; not abandoned like before. He knocked on the door. "Baldwin County PD," he called out to the newcomer.
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wytfut · 1 year
Wedding Car
Another little adventure came up last night, that I participated in...
thru the years, our 1936 Ford, has been involved with a few weddings. 
Buddy Mark Hutchins texted and wanted to know if our car was available for a wedding.  A friend of his knew Mark was a car guy, and would probably know of someone, who’d have an old cool looking vehicle....
And he did... us. 
I like doing weddings. 
Many folks have old treasured cars. For good memories, investments, activities, a hobby to keep busy. 
Unless you are very rich, the investment sort of reasoning, is usually a loss, or if you are very lucky with your purchases. The vehicles that are in my range will not create any high profits. And most total restorations and/or modified have sunk so much money into the vehicle they will never get their money back. Extremely hi dollar vehicles on the other hand will create profits, but the market has to demand it with each individual vehicle. 
For example currently, the early 2000′s Ford GTs are commanding huge profits. And because of that, those very same Ford GT’s are coming out “for sale” by the truck load....   this could eventually flood the market value down. 
People who usually do car hobby this way, do not have emotional attachments to their vehicle. 
Car show guys are hard to figure, but make sense on the surface. I don’t really want to get into any depth here,  Other than an observation....  These owners are to an extent, slaves to their cars, only to show them and particapate in Car Club events (usually more shows). 
I’ve done car shows. Usually just because someone asked. I don’t do them regular by any means, and if I do one, I prefer something like a show and shine like “Culvers” every friday night. No hoopla, not huge amounts of folks, or cars. Just show up, look at everyone elses, maybe talk to a few folks about their cars,  and leave. 
What I like about wedding parties.... it gives another purpose to your collectible. At car shows, my Pop loved folks looking at his car, and talking about the “36″. He’d even go so far and let them sit in it if asked. 
Now when I do show, I’ll let them even sit in the rumble seat. Yes, it does indeed create wear and tear, but how many folks can actually say they sat in a rumble seat. I know Pop would just love this attitude I’ve taken. As do all of his grandsons.
Our “36″ is not a museum piece. Or better than new. Sometimes I don’t feel its good enough to show. I call it “crispy”. It has a great look from 10′. Up close you are going to see missing upholstery, deep chips in paint, spider webbing, and daily scratches and rubs. Believe me, I have no idea where they all come from, but between Pops age at the end, myself, and my Pop’s grandsons all drivers.... stuff is going to happen. Maybe someday down the road, we’ll paint the old girl again and fix the issues. 
Its been restored twice in the time we’ve had it. Its on its 3rd engine in the same amount of time. 
Wedding parties, love this car. It has a “class” look to it. Vintage. Not very common (1936 are orphan a little bit, and I don’t know why... marketing?)  And it cleans up nicely. 
Ellenore and her new Husband Jax, just adored our ride last nite. We even had a side trip to under the front doors of the State Capital, for some extra photos. I don’t know photography, but the lighting there was beautiful. All and any colors just popped.
Elle actually wanted to ride in the rumble seat, but didn’t .... “my vanity, wont allow my hair to get messed up in the back seat” .....   made me laugh.
We all hopped in the cab. Its a small cab, but it can be done, and has been done many times before.  
I had cleaned the cab before the wedding, and was very sure it was good to go. Unfortunately Elle’s dress caught some grease (I didn’t even think about it) off the top of the transmission (bottom of the stick). And somehow got some on her finger.  She took it all in stride, and grease on her dress apparently was on a hidden side, as I kept looking for it, although I saw in when she was in the car. 
The “36″ can be notorious for giving me fits at the wrong time, but performed flawlessly. The past few years not so much though. 
I noted to myself for future reference.... got to get brake lites fixed again (switch issue), clutch is due for adjustment, and so are the mechanical brakes. 
The “36″ was far from “wedding ready” when Mark called/texted. I had taken the starter button out of it AGAIN, last August. Since I had converted the “36″ to 12 volt (I had honestly not noticed this) it started eating the starter buttons on the floor. I finally figured it out last summer that the huge amps of 12 volt were basically blasting the starter buttons. 
With my back in such poor shape during this time... I never got back to reassembly. Because of that, it was filthy... just nasty (building is far from air tight. Laying on the floor of a 1936 Ford coupe is not pain free.
I put a call out to all of my Pop’s  grandsons.... and 2 responded immediately. Brennan said he’d get it back together, and Devin said he’d get her all cleaned up. 
As I had envisioned using a solenoid between battery and starter button worked perfectly. Brennen did a wonderful job of installing. Then I sat and watch Devin polish the old girl all up.... 
This was a couple weeks ago....    I do have a good crew to lean on. These guys got it done.... 
I’ve been thinking, (I know, I need to quit doing that), about organizing (like I have nothing else to do) a wedding car group. Other folks with same thoughts about being involved with weddings. Elle told me that none of the wedding shops had any sources for wedding cars, and even called a few automotive shops. 
I don’t understand why this is so....  
well if I get time... maybe I’ll pursue this....
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polyglotnotes · 2 years
American English to British English
airplane - aeroplane
apartment - flat
apartment building - block of flats
arugula - rocket
ATM - cashpoint/cash machine
attendance, take - register, take the
baby crib - cot
bachelor party - stag do
bachelorette party - hen do
bandaid - plaster
bangs - fringe
barf (verb) - chunder (verb)
bathrobe/robe - dressing gown
bathroom/restroom - loo (slang)
bathroom/washroom - toilet/bathroom
bathtub - bath
beets - beetroot
bell pepper - pepper/sweet pepper
Bic - biro
blinds - curtains
blood sausage/boudin noir - black pudding
broil (verb) - grill (verb)
bus - coach
camper van/RV - caravan
can - tin
candy - sweets
caravan - convoy
caregiver - carer
cart - trolley
cash register - till
checkers - draughts
checking account - current account
chic/classy/fancy - posh
closet - wardrobe
co-education/co-ed - mixed school
coach class - economy class
comforter - duvet
cookie - biscuit
corn - maize
corn starch - cornflour
cotton swab/Q-tip - cotton bud
couch - sittee
counterclockwise - anticlockwise
CPA (Certified Public Accountant) - Chartered Accountant
crosswalk - zebra crossing
custom-made - bespoke
diaper - nappy
downtown - city centre
eggplant - aubergine
elevator - lift
eraser - rubber
exclamation point - exclamation mark
expensive - dear
faculty member - academic staff
fall - autumn
faucet - tap
fire truck - fire engine
first floor - ground floor
fish sticks - fish fingers
flan (=sweet soft food) - flan (=fruit cake, not sweet)
flashlight - torch
flyby - flypast
freeway/highway - motorway
french fries - chips
French press - cafetiere
front desk - reception
furnace - central heating boiler
garbage can - dustbin
garbage collector - binman
gas/gasoline - petrol
gearshift - gearstick
grade - mark
green onion/scallion - spring onion
grocery store - grocery shop
ground beef - minced meat
ground/grounded - earth/earthed
ham - gammon
high beam (car) - full beam (car)
high school - secondary school
hot (sexy) - fit (sexy)
intersection - crossroads
janitor - caretaker
jumper dress - pinafore
jungle gym - climbing frame
kindergarten - preschool/nursery school
knickers - parcel
ladybug - ladybird
line - queue
liquor store - off license
mailman - postman
math - maths
median strip - central reservation
mom and pop store - family business
mommy/mom - mummy/mum
motorcycle - motorbike
movies, the - cinema, the
open house - open day
overalls - dungarees
pajamas - pyjamas
panties - knickers
pants/slacks - trousers
paper towel - kitchen roll
parking - car park
pay raise - pay rise
period - full stop
pharmacy - chemist
pickle - gherkin
pimple/zit - spot
pitcher - jug
plastic wrap - clingfilm
potato chips - crisps
principal - headmaster
public holiday - bank holiday
puffer vest - gilet
purse - handbag
quotation marks - inverted commas
rappel (verb, climbing) - abseil (verb, climbing)
recess - breaktime
round-trip ticket - return ticket
rubber boots - wellington boots/wellies
rummage sale - jumble sale
schedule - timetable
scotch tape - sellotape
second floor - first floor
shots - jab
sidewalk (=pavement is concrete/tarmac road) - pavement (=road for pedestrians)
silverware/flatware - cutlery
sink - washbasin
sketchy - dodgy
sneakers - trainers
soccer - football
soda/pop/coke/tonic - fizzy drink
special election - by-election
spelunking - potholing
store - shop
stove - cooker
stroller - push chair
study (verb) - read (verb)
subway/metro - underground/tube
sweater - jumper
sweater vest - sleeveless jumper/slipover
swimming suit - swimsuit
table (= verb – delay) - table (= verb – suggest)
tap - faucet
teachers' lounge - staffroom
teleprompter - autocue
teller - cashier
thong (=shoe) - thong (=underwear)
tic-tac-toe - noughts and crosses
tire - tyre
traffic circle/rotary - roundabout
trailer park - caravan park
transportation - transport
truck - lorry
trunk - boot
undershirt - vest
underwear - pants
vacation - holiday
vacationers - holidaymakers
vest - waistcoat
wallet - purse
windbreaker - cagoule
windshield - windscreen
woods, the - wood, a
yard - garden
ZIP code - postcode
zipper - zip
zucchini - courgette
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jpttools · 2 years
High Quality & Portable Pressure Washer - JPT TOOLS
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Heavy Duty Portable Pressure Washer Online
JPT Tools is happy to provide a diverse selection of machine shop tools and equipment. Our power tools for sale include a variety of instruments for shaping, cutting, grinding, shearing, molding, and generally shaping metal into the appropriate shape. This is accomplished by removing metal chips from the workpiece. This very advanced and modern technology can be controlled manually, remotely, hydraulically, or electrically, depending on the brand.
A portable pressure washer isn't as complicated as it appears. It's actually just an electric motor-driven water pump. The washer takes ordinary water from a faucet (or a tap in the UK), accelerates it to high pressure, and afterward flushes it out of a hose through a trigger gun at rapid speed.
Portable pressure washer have been around for a long, and most of them come with an inbuilt water tank, a tiny hose, and a spark plug outlet. However, most are not very forceful, and cleaning can often be as simple as even using a pail and brush, leaving one’s hands chilled.
Never use a gas-powered pressure washer, inside the room. It's also risky to use a gas-powered power washer near an open window. Use a power washer that's powered by electricity. The pressure washer sock should be suitable to flow through a window in the restroom.
Cleaning recreational facilities with a Portable pressure washer take less time and are more comprehensive. It is available during fire season and consumes less water than a fire engine. Employee interaction with harmful substances is also reduced, making it safer. Without disconnecting the tank or line, a complete slip-on pressure washer can be simply removed from the pickup truck. When not in use, the device can be stored.
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gibbonscommercial · 8 days
Top Tips For Finding The Best Deals On New Truck Sales
Shopping for a new truck can feel like a wild ride. With so many options, prices, and deals, getting lost in the shuffle is easy. But fear not, truck enthusiasts! 
Whether upgrading your workhorse or looking for a reliable companion for those weekend adventures, finding the best deals on truck sales in NZ doesn’t have to be daunting. 
In this guide, we’ll steer you in the right direction with top tips to help you drive away with the perfect truck at the perfect price.
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1. Do Your Homework: Research Is Key
Before you step into a dealership, arm yourself with knowledge. Start by researching different truck models, their features, and, most importantly, their prices. 
A wealth of information is available online, including reviews, comparison tools, and forums where truck enthusiasts discuss their experiences. 
By understanding the average market price for the truck you’re interested in, you’ll be better positioned to spot a genuine deal when it appears.
Check the Dealer’s Website
Dealers often advertise exclusive online offers you won't find at the dealership. These deals can include discounts, cash-back offers, or special financing rates. 
Make it a habit to check the dealer’s website regularly and sign up for email alerts to stay updated on the latest truck sales in NZ.
2. Timing Is Everything: Know When to Buy
When buying a new truck, timing can make all the difference. The end of the month, quarter, or year is often the best buying time. This is when dealers are eager to meet sales targets and may be more willing to negotiate on price. 
Additionally, watch for holiday sales and special events like New Zealand’s Fieldays, where manufacturers and dealers roll out some of their best deals of the year.
Consider Model Year-End Clearance Sales
One of the best-kept secrets in the automotive world is the model year-end clearance sale. As dealerships prepare to make room for the latest models, they often slash prices on the current year’s inventory. This is an excellent opportunity to score a great deal on a brand-new truck with the latest features.
3. Negotiate Like a Pro: Don’t Be Afraid to Haggle
Negotiating the price of a new truck can be intimidating, but remember, everything is negotiable. Once you’ve researched and know the fair market value of the truck you want, use that information to your advantage. 
Don’t hesitate to ask for a better deal or additional perks like free servicing or extended warranties. The worst they can say is no; you might be surprised at how much you can save just by asking.
Leverage Competing Offers
If you’ve received quotes from multiple dealerships, use them as leverage in your negotiations. Let the dealer know you’re considering other options, and they may be willing to match or even beat the offer to earn your business. This tactic is especially effective in the competitive world of truck sales NZ.
4. Explore Financing Options: Don’t Settle for the First Offer
When buying a new truck, financing is often where many people leave money on the table. Dealers typically offer financing through their preferred lenders, but those rates aren’t always the best. Before you commit to any financing plan, shop around. 
Compare interest rates and loan terms from banks, credit unions, and online lenders. You can find a better deal that saves you thousands over the life of the loan.
Take Advantage of Manufacturer Financing Offers
Manufacturers often provide special financing deals on new trucks, such as 0% interest or low-rate loans. These offers are typically available for a limited time and can significantly reduce the overall cost of your new truck. Look for these promotions, especially if you have a strong credit score.
5. Don’t Forget About Trade-Ins: Boost Your Budget
If upgrading from an older truck, your trade-in can be a powerful bargaining chip. Before heading to the dealership, find out the current market value of your trade-in. 
Use online tools to get an estimate and be prepared to negotiate. Dealers may initially offer a lowball figure, but you can push for a fairer price armed with your research.
Sell Your Truck Privately for More Cash
While trading in your old truck is convenient, selling it privately can yield a higher return. If you’re willing to put in a little extra effort, you could use the additional cash toward your new purchase, making those truck sales in NZ even more affordable.
Final Thoughts: Patience Pays Off
Finding the best deals on new truck sales in NZ is all about being prepared, patient, and persistent. By researching, timing your purchase, and negotiating effectively, you can confidently drive off the lot, knowing you have the best deal possible. Remember, the perfect truck is out there waiting for you—just make sure you take the time to find it!
Source From : Top Tips For Finding The Best Deals On New Truck Sales
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creativeera · 9 days
Mobile Card Readers: How Portable Payment Processing is Revolutionizing Commerce
Emergence of Mobile Card Readers Mobile card first emerged about a decade ago as simple magnetic stripe readers that connected to a mobile device via the audio jack. These early solutions allowed basic in-person credit card processing but lacked robust security and functionality. In recent years, advancements in technology have enabled the development of sophisticated mobile card readers that connect via Bluetooth and support chip cards, contactless payments, and value-added features. These next-gen devices are fueling massive growth and transforming how businesses accept payments on the go. Evolution of Connectivity and Compatibility Early mobile card used the audio jack connection, which provided a simple plug-and-play experience but came with security risks. As Bluetooth became mainstream, readers migrated to this wireless standard, allowing for a more seamless pairing with iOS and Android devices without compromising data. Now the latest mobile readers even support wireless payment formats like NFC/contactless that don't require direct tapping. In terms of compatibility, the first readers only worked with certain mobile models, but now universal readers are available that are compatible with virtually any smartphone or tablet. This wide compatibility combined with simple Bluetooth pairing has significantly lowered the barrier to entry for mobile payments acceptance. Expanded Acceptance of Payment Types Initially mobile card were limited to magnetic stripe cards only, which posed problems for newer chip-based cards. However, as EMV compliance grew in importance, card reader manufacturers added chip card slots and contactless payments to their products. Now a single mobile card reader can accept all major payment types, from magnetic stripe and EMV chips to NFC/contactless technologies. Mobile Card Reader unified acceptance allows merchants to receive all forms of customer tenders regardless of the cards' underlying technologies. The emergence of mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay has further expanded the opportunities for mobile merchants to accept new types of touchless payments. Advanced Functionalities and Integration Options Early card readers were basic platforms for swiping or inserting cards. However, modern readers integrate robust point-of-sale features into intuitive mobile apps. These apps turn a smartphone or tablet into a fully-functional mobile POS by enabling inventory management, integrated invoices/receipts, customer profiles, loyalty programs, analytics, and more. Leading providers also deliver payment APIs to seamlessly connect readers to leading shopping carts and platforms. Merchants gain access to robust back-end tools while retaining control over their brand experience. Additionally, many readers now feature integrated card-not-present payment options, allowing remote or mail/phone order merchants to accept payments seamlessly. Rise of New Mobile Commerce Models The combination of powerful yet affordable mobile card readers and extensive payment acceptance has spurred innovative new mobile business models. Food trucks, pop-up shops, delivery services, traveling consultants and more can now easily start and run commerce operations from a smartphone or tablet. Door-to-door and direct-to-consumer merchants no longer need to rely on costly POS terminals or delay accepting payments. Events and trade shows have also benefited as exhibitors gain the ability to quickly and securely accept payments at their booth. This proliferation of mobile commerce opportunities allows entrepreneurs to pursue flexible, entrepreneurial ventures that were not previously financially viable without robust payment acceptance solutions. Get more insights on Mobile Card Reader
Also read related article on Synthetic Aperture Radar Market
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accapitalmarket · 1 month
US labour market downward revision cements Sep cut
US stocks ended modestly higher on Wednesday as minutes from July’s Federal Reserve meeting cemented expectations for a rate cut next month, allaying earlier fears over the economic picture after downward revisions to labour market data.
The market had been cautious early on after the Bureau of Labor Statistics lowered its estimate for total payroll employment for the period from April 2023 to March 2024 by 818,000, as part of the agency’s annual benchmark review of jobs data, with the move reviving faint recession fears.
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But then the July Fed meeting minutes showed the "vast majority" of Federal Reserve policymakers signalled that it may be appropriate to begin cutting rates in September should the recent progress on inflation continue, and that gave Wall Street a late boost.
The minutes and data come ahead of Fed chair Jerome Powell's keynote speech at the economic symposium at Jackson Hole on Friday. Investors expect Powell to provide more dovish cues on rates, although he is not expected to explicitly outline plans for a reduction in September.
At the close in New York, the blue-chip Dow Jones Industrials Average was 0.1% higher at 40,890, while the broader S&P 500 index added 0.4% at 5,620, and the tech-laden Nasdaq Composite rose 0.6% to 17,918.
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Driving ahead, Ford Motor gained 1.6% after announcing that it is to scrap its planned three-row electric SUV and delay the roll out of a new F-150 truck due to softer demand.
Meanwhile, Chinese eCommerce firm JD.com shed 8.7% after news reports said Walmart planned to sell its stake in the company for about $3.7 billion.
In the earnings spotlight, Keysight Technologies jumped 19.2% after its earnings beat estimates.
Retail giant Target gained 11.3% after the firm raised its annual profit forecast and beat expectations for second-quarter comparable sales.
But in contrast, department store chain Macy’s dropped 16.9% after it missed market expectations for quarterly revenue. And furniture maker La-Z-Boy lost 3.5% as weaker-than-expected guidance largely offset strong earnings.
On the commodities front, oil prices fell on worries about demand following the revised US jobs data and given fears about China's weakened economy. That offset any supply support from a drop in US oil inventories.
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UK Brent crude dropped 1.3% to $75.13 a barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate shed 1.7% to $71.94 a barrel.
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