#chimchar is PEAK!!
picopubbydawg · 4 months
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pmd sona :)
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riraro489 · 1 year
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@heropartnerweek Day 7: Free Day | Previous Prompt -> AU
To put it simply, this is an antagonist swap AU and I'll talk more about it under the read more (+ there's an additional art piece!! Watch out because the explanation is very long and disorganized)
In this AU, Grovyle is swapped with Dusknoir while Cresselia has swapped with Darkrai. I came up with the idea of swapping Darkrai and Cresselia initially before deciding to combine it with my interpretation of a Grovyle and Dusknoir swap AU. Now, about Grovyle and Dusknoir. They wouldn't be too different from their main iterations; Grovyle becomes an instantaneous celebrity while Dusknoir tries to collect the Time Gears, hoping he'll find his friend Amber (now turned into a Chimchar) along the way. Because of this, I decided to make the partner a Treecko (named Oran) as I feel like being betrayed by Grovyle would hurt a lot more. Where this AU differs, however is Grovyle's motive. It's not that he wants to avoid disappearing; instead, he wants to prevent his friends (Dusknoir, Celebi, and Amber) from dying. Unfortunately, when Grovyle joined with Primal Dialga (who he calls Lord Dialga) his friends felt that he was a traitor and cut ties with him. Even so, he still continues to try and stop them from changing the future. This leads up to the events of Special Episode 5, where Grovyle essentially arranges for the Sableye to kidnap Celebi as he attempts to lead Dusknoir to the same spot. As Dusknoir and Grovyle venture together, Dusknoir begins to believe that Grovyle has given up on trying to change the past. However, once the two reach Icicle Forest, Grovyle reveals that he intended to have Spiritomb prevent Celebi and Dusknoir from leaving as one last ditch effort to prevent history from being changed. Grovyle finally admits that he was doing so so that Dusknoir and Celebi wouldn't disappear. Dusknoir and Celebi both speak with him and convince Grovyle to be on their side. Naturally, Grovyle agrees and has Spiritomb release the two. Unfortunately, Primal Dialga shows up to ruin the heartfelt moment and starts attacking Grovyle. Dusknoir immediately steps in with Fire Punch, screaming at Primal Dialga and calling them a monster. Just before Primal Dialga is able to retaliate, an aurora appears, showing that the future has been changed. Dusknoir, Grovyle, and Celebi all combat Primal Dialga at the peak of Vast Ice Mountain. They are victorious and Dusknoir holds his two lovers friends in his arms as they disappear. Just like in the original Special Episode 5, all the Pokémon are returned to the future and are able to live out the rest of their lives.
Moving on to Darkrai and Cresselia :]
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Oh boy these two are vastly different from canon. Darkrai is highly optimistic and hopes to make many friends (hence the Friend Bow) despite the fact that he causes nightmares wherever he goes. Meanwhile, his delusional sister Cresselia constantly puts people to sleep, saying things along the lines of "Would it not be better if everyone slept forever?" Essentially, Darkrai is constantly trying to chase her down and stop her. In this AU, Cresselia is the one responsible for the collapse of Temporal Tower and she begins distorting space after that fails. Believing Team Sunset (Amber and Oran) are in the way of her plans, she attempts to pin the distortion of space on the two children. This ultimately fails as Darkrai manages to catch up to her and convinces Palkia that Cresselia is in fact the one distorting space. Cresselia then flees to Moonlit Mountain (a dungeon near Crystal Crossing, meant to be the opposite of Dark Crater) after she taunts Amber, Oran, and Darkrai into going there. Upon reaching the pinnacle, Cresselia informs Amber that she was the cause of Amber's memory loss. She also goes on to explain that she initiated the collapse of Temporal Tower as well. Cresselia proceeds to summon six other Pokémon to fight alongside her. Once she is defeated, Cresselia opens a Dimensional Hole and gloats about her victory instead of actually escaping. Because of this, Palkia is able to show up and stop her. Unexpectedly, Darkrai leaps in front of the attack, pushing Cresselia aside. The Dimensional Hole closes and Cresselia is utterly mortified as she cries out, questioning why Darkrai would even bother to save her. Darkrai reminds her that despite everything Cresselia has done, she is still his sister and that she has the capacity to be a good person. Cresselia finally remembers why she had done everything: Cresselia was trying to protect Darkrai. After all, Darkrai was constantly harrassed for simply being himself. Cresselia believed that if she put others to sleep, then they would stop berating Darkrai. Her desires eventually grew twisted as she derived satisfaction from harming those she deemed to be evil, leading her to become the Pokémon she is in this AU. To make up for her misdeeds, she uses Lunar Dance, healing Darkrai. Palkia leaves, convinced that Cresselia will not continue to distort space. Darkrai requests to join Team Sunset, which Amber and Oran happily accept. Cresselia on the other hand, decides that she needs time alone to reflect upon her actions, but, when she is ready, she will return to the peak of Moonlit Mountain for a fair battle should Team Sunset wish to recruit her.
That's my take on this AU! I'm not sure if anyone else has made this AU before I have. If someone has, I'd love to see their iteration of it!! Thank you for taking time to read this! I know it was really long, but I hope it was at least of some interest to you :] I might draw more of this AU, but I am (slowly) working on a different PMD 2 AU idea I had so I might not draw too much of this AU in the future :/
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aurasoulhikari · 1 year
PMD Hero and Partner Week Day 2: Flowers
Day 2 of Hero and Partner Week! So today the topics were homes, flowers, and favorite scenes. Now this one I had a hard time picking which one to do cause I had a lot of ideas. But then I remembered Sky Peak from Explorers of Sky and it hit me! So today this will be of my Explorers of Sky OC team, Team Truth that consists of Hero Aura the Riolu, partner Blazer the Chimchar, and their third member and friend Amu the Skitty. But this will only have Aura with a few familiar faces.
“Come on guys, we're almost there!”
“That's what you said last time!”
“Well this time I mean it!” Aura was grinning standing on Sky Peak Summit Path behind her were.
“Oh come on Luna it's not that bad.” Celebi smiled.
“Celebi you and Dusknoir can't talk, you can fly and he can float!” Luna the shiny Umbreon pouted.
“You never complained when we did this kind of climbing back in the future.” Grovyle smirked.
“We never climbed these big mountains, Grovyle!” Luna countered. Aura snickered at the usual teasing bickering before looking to Dusknoir.
“I still can't believe you never came here even though you've been here as long as me.” She remarked.
“At the time the mountain and even Shaymin Village was closed off from outsiders. I had only heard stories about it.” Dusknoir admitted.
“Ah well you’ll be in luck to see the top.” Aura grinned. “It just has to be my most favorite spot ever.”
“All the more reason to see it ourselves.” Grovyle remarked, patting his friend’s back. Aura smiled; she had been eternally grateful her old friends were here with her and grateful her teammates gave her this time to spend some time with her friends and getting to know Dusknoir. Soon though they finally reached the summit Luna flopped on the ground with a groan.
“Finally!” She gasped.
“Wasn't so bad.” Celebi smiled, giggling at the glare she got from Luna. Grovyle chuckled but then took notice of the pink flowers that were in bloom around them.
“These are…” He began.
“Gracidea Flowers.” Aura answered with a smile. “Special flowers that only bloom up here on Sky Peak. Shaymins like Shay use them to change to their sky form but you also give a bouquet of these to those you are grateful to as thanks since it looks like Shaymin the Gratitude pokemon.”
“Oh how lovely.” Celebi smiled.
“It is a wonderful custom.” Dusknoir agreed.
“Heh glad you think so but that isn't the only thing I wanted to show you.” Aura grinned. “Come on and you'll see the true treasure of Sky Peak.”
Curious, the future pokemon followed Aura until standing at the summit lookout as she smiled.
“Now start forward and look up.” She told them. They did so and they gasped awed and breathless by the enchanted and beautiful view of Sky Peak from the pure blue sky to be even able to see the bright and colorful stars from above.
“Oh my….” Luna breathed.
“Amazing…” Grovyle whispered.
“Beautiful…” Celebi gasped softly.
“No doubt if we had been in that future we would never be able to witness this.” Aura replied with a serene smile. “That's why after your return this was the very first place I wanted to show you guys.”
Aura then heard choked sounds and glanced to see Dusknoir staring at the view with tears in his one eye holding in sobs. But as the emanating pokemon Aura could sense all the emotions he was feeling. Awe, wonder, joy, pain, and so much guilt. Guilt that he had been part of a tragedy that would've taken something like this away. Grovyle had told Aura what had happened after he and Luna took Dusknoir back to the future with them and what Dusknoir was going through. In ways Aura understood Dusknoir’s reasonings and fears despite not having anything, to just disappear would frighten anyone. Survival was a natural instinct hence why she never truly held any grudges from the wild pokemon of the future and that included Dusknoir as well.
She chose not to say anything and only patted Dusknoir’s back for he wasn't alone anymore now. And now he didn’t need to feel ashamed for wanting to be alive. A feeling she knew all too well after once thinking she had been the only survivor of that dark future. Then Aura felt a tap on her shoulder making her look to see Celebi smiling, holding out a Gracidea flower to her much to the human- turned Riolu’s surprise. Then she saw Grovyle do the same, then Luna, and even Dusknoir. Surprised for a moment Aura smiled, taking each flower from them she held her own small bouquet of Gracidea flowers while they all stood silently with smiles watching the treasured view of Sky Peak.
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fireroll · 1 year
Tell me your Pokemon faves pls!!
YOO i've been wanting to go on a rant about cool Pokémon, your timing is /pos
I'm not sure whether you mean the characters, or the actual Pokémon, but I'll do both!
Also would like to clarify I'm just a very indecisive person. I genuinely don't dislike any of the Pokémon sjdhfj
Fuecoco's my favourite starter Pokémon! He's just so goofy and silly. Not a single thought behind those eyes. /pos (Also I have a little Gen 9 bias but shh /lh) Overall I just really like Fire starters c:
I also really appreciate Sandygast, small sandcastle fella who was my first shiny in Scarlet/Violet (the black colours are amazing too!) Gen 3 to Gen 6 the designs peaked imo, but I seriously love every single one of those critters :] Name any Pokémon and I will go on a mini-rant talking about how I appreciate them.
Honourable mentions goes to the Chimchar line, the elemental monkeys (people hate them but I think they're really neat), the Turtwig line, the Gligar line, Buizel, and East (Blue) Shellos!!
As for Pokémon characters! I'm very basic haha, fav champion would probably be Cynthia (or Steven/Wallace), they're just soo cool!! The Gen 9 rival-trio scores really high in my heart, they just have so much personality even just in-game, and watching them banter and talk to each other was such a nice experience. I particularly like Nemona because she's just so excited to see me!! Gets me pumped up too :D Penny is just a solid mood and Arven needs a hug and more dogs.
Honourable mentions goes to Team Rocket (Jessie, James, Meowth, Wobbuffet), Clemont (from the XYZ anime), and the Sun & Moon anime squad!
I probably forgot a bunch as I can guarantee I like a lot more characters and Pokémon than I listed out here.
Lastly, thanks for the ask!! I appreciate it >:]
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rangersveppir · 26 days
For the ask game: Chimchar!
- @anxious-trainer
Quite a few, my personal favorite was back when I was still a ranger a rumor started in Oblivia that I secretly did all the styler repairs after a rookie I was training saw me replace a burnt out rotor. (at my peak I could disassemble, replace and reassemble in about 20 seconds ((the rotors in the MK 4s where prone to burning out)) and when he asked if I did all the repairs I sarcastically said yes. Apparently he did not pick up on the sarcasm.
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elizabysmal · 3 years
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gijinkas for my ancient beloved pmd2 characters, cyrila and jaroo :) 🧡💚
For day four of @heropartnerweek!!
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dreamersdivine · 2 years
I choose you!
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Pairing: PokemonTrainer!Sapnap x gn!reader
Written: June 7, 2022
Warnings: awkward conversations, cussing, 
An: dude idk i don’t write sfw anymore- T^T
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"I still can't believe Dream," Sapnap grumbled, kicking a few pebbles out of the way. "He promised my chimchar would be strong enough to beat that stupid squirtle," 
The top of the pokecenter peaked out at him over the hill. "Now I missed out on a shiny," his frustrated mumbles continued as headed towards the building. 
Poor pebbles on the ground became the target of his irritation, kicking them away from his path as soon as he was close enough. Sapnap pushed open the double doors, adjusting the hat on his head. He rummaged in his pocket for his pokeball. "It wasn't a bad fight, but I just need a quick heal," he said, placing the ball on the counter. Then he looked up. You were staring at him slightly amused. "You're not the usual nurse here?" 
"I am not," you agreed, smiling. 
Oh. That smile made him melt into a puddle. You moved a strand of hair out of your face before glancing at the clock. "I can help you in just a few minutes okay," Sapnap nodded silently, taking his pokeball and sitting down nearby. 
You headed into the backroom collecting a few pokemon to return to their trainer's care. Sapnap watched you give the healed creatures back some with a stern frown and others with a smile that made him feel oh so gooey inside. How long had you worked here? How come he'd never seen you before? Lost in thought Sapnap didn't even notice you waving for his attention, your lips moving to say words he didn't understand. 
"Hm?" He blinked.
"Oh, Sapnap," 
You gave him a puzzled look. "Your Pokémon's name is Sapnap?" You asked slowly. 
"Wait no!" He stood up out of the chair. "I- I'm Sapnap. My chimchar doesn't have a name, not yet at least," you set the clipboard in your hand down. 
"Okay well I'm ready to heal up your pokemon now Sapnap," you chirped. "H-here," he fumbled with the pokeball handing it over. 
"Great let me just make sure this is the right pokeball," you hummed opening up the scanner next to you. "Okay, just wait here a few moments and I'll be right back with your pokemon," you hummed leaving the brunette at the counter. 
You were quicker than he expected. Less than 10 minutes later you were already headed back to him, pokeball in one hand and small fruit in the other. "Here you are, all healed," you grinned. Sapnap took the items from your hands. "Make sure he gets that," 
Sapnap looked down at the berry confused. "I thought he's all healed though?" 
"Oh, he is. I just like to send them home with a treat; kind of like when you get a lollipop from the doctor," you explained. 
He pocketed both of them, handing you some cash. "Thank you, I'm lovely," you both blinked at each other. "I mean you're lovely! I'm...leaving," he muttered practically dying inside. He tugged his hat down more, hiding his face. 
"Remember to give him the berry," you reminded as he stepped through the double doors. 
"Right I will. I'll see you tomorrow," Sapnap waved over his shoulder. "Well, not tomorrow just- yeah. Bye," 
You giggled as he tripped over his own words. The brunette finally left having made a fool of himself, making a beeline for Dream's house. 
Dream had just been trying to enjoy a nice sandwich when Sapnap kicked down the door. 
"I have something to tell you- also wait fuck you for telling me to do that battle. Punz's pokemon was way stronger," 
Dream allowed himself to be dragged off by the collar by the brunette who continued to complain the entire way up the stairs and to his bedroom. "Dude you should have seen them," he gushed. 
"Calm down Romeo you just met them and said like 5 words," Dream rolled his eyes. He let Sapnap continue to ramble though, taking amusement in his friend's new infatuation. 
Unsurprisingly Sapnap was indeed back at the pokecenter the next day. You peeked out at the lobby through the doors as you were scooting past, pausing as you spotted Sapnap. He was standing at the counter aimlessly flicking a pamphlet around. You watched as he perked up making eye contact with you. 
"Hey, back so soon? Not getting into any more fights are you?" You asked approaching the counter. 
"Uh yes. I mean no!" He shook his head rapidly. "I'm- I was just- my chimchar missed you," 
"Your pokemon missed me?" You slowly asked, a grin pulling at your lips. 
Sapnap pulled out the familiar pokeball and pushed it into your hands. "Yeah. I mean. He needs a check up- or something," he waved his hand dismissively, clearing his throat. You blinked before offering him a small smile. 
"Okay then Sapnap, I'll go make sure your pokemon is in perfect health," you pressed the ball allowing his chimchar to be released. "Come with me, you have an odd trainer," you admitted softly to the small chimp as you led it to the back. 
Sapnap watched as you took his pokemon through the doors. As soon as you were out of sight he started formulating his next move. What was that piece of advice Dream gave him? Right. Compliments. That's easy, right? You came back out with his pokeball gracing him once again with your etheral presence. 
"Here you go, nothing was wrong and he's in very good shape," you reported, handing it to him. 
"Thank you," He cleared his throat. Okay, here he goes. He's got this. "I like your um- I like the way you heal my pokemon," what was that. His confidence was quickly squashed by your soft laugh. 
"No! I mean. I like your laugh," he mumbled. His cheeks burned as an embarrassed blush overtook them. 
"Thank you," 
he took his pokemon from you and turned quickly to leave. You waved goodbye to the blushing flustered man. Sapnap was mortified. Some advice Dream gave. 
"Your advice was shit," was the first thing he said, kicking down the blonde's door for the second time this week. 
Dream looked over at him from his usual spot in the kitchen. "Really? A compliment didn't work?" He frowned. "Are you sure you said it correctly?" 
Sapnap threw himself down on the couch. "Of course I did," 
"Right...Well if a compliment didn't work how about talking about favorite hobbies and interests?" 
Sapnap grimaced, shifting uncomfortably. "Have any other advice?" He asked after a brief awkward pause. 
Dream flipped around staring at him with an accusatory glare. "Sapnap," 
"You've had a decent conversation with them right?" 
"Of course I have! I'm just- looking for a more flirty route," Sapnap exclaimed knowing very well he can barely talk to you without dissolving into a mess. 
"Try a pickup line this time. Anyways, what kind of compliment did you use?" 
"I like the way you heal my pokemon..." 
"What's wrong with you?"  
At Sapnap's silence, Dream began laughing, wheezing even. "You're an idiot," he said between gasps of breath. 
Sapnap groaned attempting to be swallowed by the couch cushions. "Yeah yeah laugh it up, but seriously Dream you gotta help me," the laughter was extinguished quickly. 
"You just said my advice was shit," 
Sapnap turned to peer over the back of the couch. "Dude cmon please," 
"puppy eyes don't work, they just look weird," Dream said, frowning. 
"I'm serious, help me out, I'll cook for like the next week," "Your cooking sucks," 
Sapnap rolled his eyes. "Okay then... I'll feed patches! For like- the next month. And I'll do some extra chores," Dream crossed his arms in disbelief. Even if he were to help Sapnap there was no doubt that Sapnap would just mess up again. Oh well. At least he'll get fewer chores to do, seems like a win-lose to him. Dream fought the slight smirk on his lips. 
"Fine deal, you take care of patches for the next month and extra chores that I tell you and I'll help you plan what to say to them," 
"Deal!" Sapnap exclaimed, shooting up. 
It was a genius plan. Sapnap would walk in, go to the counter, see you, toss out the pick-up line Dream told him then immediately lead into the big question. Dream had him repeat it several times. "Would you like to go out to dinner sometime," that's it, super simple stuff. 
Yeah. It took him two weeks. Two weeks to gather the courage to even think of asking. But today was the day! Today Sapnap was going to ask you on a date and goddammit he was going to say it right. 
Late afternoon Sapnap confidently walked through the pokecenter doors and right up to the counter where you stood with your clipboard. 
"Sapnap!" Your face glowed as you saw him. "It's good to see you, how can I help you today?" 
Sapnap leaned on the counter mustering a charming smile before speaking "Did I hurt when you crawled from heaven?" 
You giggled "What?" 
He shook his head. "No! That's not- um-" 
Oh god, oh no. That went to shit. What was the next step? Um, a compliment.  Wait no it's- walk into the pokecenter! No! It's asking for a date! Ask for a date. He's got this. 
"Would you like to-" Sapnap shifted nervously. 
Anxious thoughts had begun to fill his head. What if you said no? Or already had a significant other? His eyes darted around searching for a question, any question other than the one his lips refused to let pass. You tilted your head confused. 
"-Show me how you take care of the pokemon," he blurted out. 
Great job. At this rate, he'd get a first date. About um. Never. 
Your eyes lit up as he finished his sentence. "Of course! I could show you-" you began rambling off words that Sapnap could only dream of understanding. He flinched as warmth encased his hand. 
"Cmon," you smiled, tugging him towards the back doors. 
Butterflies made him almost sick. You were holding his hand as you lead him to your work area. He was ashamed to admit he didn't understand much that you said but dear god he was hooked on every word you chirped. 
The way he was looking at you had you fumbling over your words. Like you were the most perfect thing he'd lay eyes on. His company felt- nice. 
Sapnap glanced over at the time, heart dropping when he realized hours had passed and he still hadn't asked what he wanted. 
"Well it's almost time for the night shift, so I should probably head home," you hopped down from your seat on the counter. He was silent as you walked with him to the front doors. "I know you didn't understand a word I said," you smiled half-heartedly. "But it was nice to have someone to talk about it with," 
Sapnap offered a bashful smile in return. "I guess I'm not the best actor," 
"No, No you are not," you giggled. 
"Bye," he said, turning away. 
You both headed off in different directions. But the guilt and a voice screamed "do it now!" 
Ask. Ask. Ask. 
Before he could stop himself, his feet halted, body turning to face you and he called out. "Wait," 
You turned confused. "Hm? Is something wrong? If you forget something inside I'm sure the night nurse can-" 
"No, earlier, there was something else I wanted to ask," he said walking closer to you. 
Nervous energy was beginning to eat both of you up with every step he took. "I loved talking about the pokemon but that wasn't what I wanted to ask," Sapnap took a deep breath before blurting out a jumbled mess of syllables and noises that made you giggle. 
"What was that?" 
"Oh for fucks- I wanted to know if you would like to go out..with me..to dinner sometime?" You took a few moments to answer, Sapnap being sick to the stomach with anxious butterflies.
"Of course," you grinned. 
"Dinner would be great for a second date," 
Wait a minute. Sapnap blinked. "Second date? When- when was the first?" 
"Just now," you waved laughing, as you turned the other way once more. "You're pretty cute Sapnap," you added as you left him standing in the road shocked. "See you tomorrow!" 
Sapnap made a sharp noise in celebration, he couldn't wait to run home and tell Dream about what he did without his help. 
Damn. Dream's advice really sucks.  
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prof-cypress · 2 years
Do you know a good companion Pokémon for a younger Chimchar? I’ve had him for about 2 weeks and is very timid (so far he only trusts me and my Sandslash), though I can tell he really wants a playmate, hopefully one around the same age or size. Thanks in advance!
Well, ideally, you could get another chimchar that is similar in age to him. That's my best suggestion, but as for other species of pokémon...
A young charmander would probably be good. They're social (exhibit pack behavior), and don't mind sharing their food/toys/etc because of that. They're also fire types, so they'd have common ground to relate to each other with. The standard cautions for the charmander line goes, though: they become increasingly stubborn as they evolve, the trait peaking as charizard, and the fires on their tails should always have a careful eye kept on them as they cannot live without them.
A young pansear would also be great, as they are pretty similar to chimchar. Fire type, primate. Don't touch the whorled tuft on its head though, you'll burn yourself as it contains a live flame inside.
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mobtism · 3 years
Who's your favorite starter? Also favorite eeveelution? AND what do you think about fennekin. Also want you to know thinking about Pokemon has made me remember the time a pokemon roleplay account fell in love with me when I was like 12 and it was just. Lucario
firstly! fennekin is a VERY good starter. when i first played xy, i chose chespin, but man was the evo line… such a let down 😔 i wasnt too fond of any of the starters at the time, but over the years (especially after playing the first pokkén tournament game), i realized how superior the fennekin line is to the other two. a fucking?? elegant fire wizard fox??? are you fucking kidding me????? incredible. exquisite. PEAK fucking design. i think we deserve more wizard themed pokemon. absolutely incredible.
my personal favorite starter, now thats a loaded question!
turtwig used to be my favorite, since they were my first starter! they do still hold significance for me, however! they are not really much of my favorite anymore
i think my top favorite starter at the moment is actually oshawott!!!! i think the black & white anime seasons played a small part in my favoritism towards them,, but still. oshawott is just a really cute and really good starter. however im not impressed with the evos for them either 😔 dewott is kinda good but i just feel,,, samurott was too big of a jump from the two to really fit in my opinion. i feel oshawott shouldve been given a bit more of a playful final evo design, and less,,, serious. like yes, oshawott & dewott are pokemon that act tough & serious!! but thats part of it!! oshawott (and im assuming dewott too) still have a playful and lovey feel to them, while samurott is just very cold and distant. i feel that fit really well for the snivy line, but oshawott shouldve been given smth a lil bit more… soft… in a sense… i just feel like the whole gun-on-all-fours thing just wasnt it
HOWEVER! my two runner ups for fav starter currently have to be chimchar & scorbunny!!!!! i have no qualms about their designs necessarily. love scorbunny’s!!!!! they did with cinderace what they shouldve done w/ infernape (and in a sense, samurott too). scorbunny started with a very energetic and happy personality!! and that was still shown through cinderace, but as well as the addition of cinderace being a bit more serious as a “pro soccer player” -esque theme. i could probably talk about this for hours and if i could draw i promise i would make redesigns.
but thats not important!!!! anyway backstory time i used to have a long lasting unbridled hatred for chimchar ever since i first played pokemone pearl (i think it was bc of the type matchup 😔) but recently i got over that and came to the realization that like. chimchar? thats just a funny monkey. just a fun little dude. theres no reason to hate them. they just like to have fun. and now chimchar is one of my top favs :-) 💛
ALSO THATS SO WILD i bet that happened on q didnt it. it sounds like a q thing to happen. fuckin lucario rp acc… shbfjdnIffnjsn
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beaversatemygrandma · 4 years
Pearl Nuzlocke P13
We last left off on our journey, i had defeated Team Galactic and caught Palkia for myself. We call her Andromeda and sadly due to nuzlocke rules, i can’t use her until another pokemon dies. 
We now head to Sunyshore City for the 8th and Final Gym battle!  It’s an electric type gym, I’m sure Alder can handle the whole gym himself. 
Current Team: Alder the Torterra Lv 45, Click the Luxray Lv 45, Riley the Lucario Lv 44, Peaches the Gastrodon Lv 43, Dusk the Sneasel Lv 44, Peeko the Pelipper Lv 43.  Dusk is getting the EXP share now, she has to catch up to the rest before we continue. 
I get to Rt 222 and find my first pokemon. A Lvl 40 Glameow. I catch her and name her Lyla. 
Finally i go and challenge the gym. The trainers, yet again are of no issues. There was this child who claimed she was Super Hardcore because she was dressed in a pikachu costume. Cool kid ngl. 
There’s also very few electric types in Sinnoh (fire types too, just chimchar and ponyta lines), so half the trainers here have the most random pokemon. There’s a psychic in there too? At least all my pokemon are getting their chance in these fights. Dusk is now lvl 45 after that psychic. 
Now we’re at Volkner. Apparently the guy has been dealing with depression lately because nothing challenges him anymore and he’s experiencing some bad stagnation. Tbh that’s a mood. Now it’s my job to give him a good fight and make him realize that he can still make himself better even when it looks like he’s at his peak as gym leader.  His first pokemon, Raichu fell in just one earthquake from Alder.  Next is Octillery. Alder stands up to it with a razor leaf, it takes a couple his to take it out, but Alder takes a few hits and survives against it easily.  Next is the lvl 49 Luxray. Alder stays in the battle. I’m sure he may be able to do this himself. One earthquake does a good 95% of its HP and it uses its sitrus berry to heal a little. One more earthquake does it.  Alder has already taken a decent amount of damage from the luxray so the last pokemon, ambipom, is up to Riley.  All it takes is just one Aura Sphere. Volkner is now defeated. Apparently I gave him the thrill he was seeking and win the gym badge. I hope this guy is doing better from now on. 
Anyways, i head north to my next challenge: Victory Road. Jasmine, the gym leader from Johto meets me and gives me the HM for waterfall. It’s a shame i have to add another HM to Peaches. I wanted to give it to Peeko, at least he would have a good water move on him with it, but he can’t learn it.  When i get onto the route, the first pokemon i come across is a very tanky lvl 44 tentacruel. I call him Ziggy, after that one jellyfish from the movie Shark Tale. He just reminds me of those weird cgi rasta jellyfish. 
Once i get up to the Victory Road, I find and catch a lvl 45 Machoke. I catch it and name him Superman. Ironic that i was just dissing Machokes in the last part. Guess it was meant to be. This nuzlocke is painful lmao. 
Just a little further in, I’m given absolute hell by a lvl 48 Blissey that some ace trainer has. It hardly can even harm Riley, But It Heals Every Other Turn and only takes like 1/5 of health with a Super Effective Hit. This is Excruciating.  It’s been 10 minutes now.  Riley is only down 6HP. Why won’t this Blissey GO DOWN?!? ;^; The only moves it uses are Sing and Softboiled. I finally get it to the yellow and it HEALS AGAIN. It still hasn’t even done anymore damage.  I DONT CARE HOW MANY AWAKENINGS I USE AT THIS POINT IM NOT SWITCHING RILEY OUT BECAUSE NOBODY CAN HIT THIS DAMN THING LIKE HER.  It took a while but it went down. I’m done with that person. I’m out. Time to keep going. 
We go a little further and come across another ace trainer. She starts with a beefy clefable who uses gravity, but Riley takes it out easily. Next is a torterra. I send out Dusk, but the torterra hit with earthquake, getting her dangerously into the red, so i switch her out with Peeko. Then i remember that he can’t even fly with gravity. Oh no.  I hit it twice with fly after tanking three turns worth of hits. I hope it defeats it easily but before i get the third fly, its leech seed took what little hp Peeko had left after the attack. Peeko is dead now.  I have to send out Alder to take a few hits.
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Basically this for a couple turns while i heal Dusk.  I send her back out, and immediately gets put into dangerous HP levels by a single earthquake. I can’t let her get defeated by it, so Alder is going to work this thing down with Rock Climb. It works at least. Hopefully the torterra’s synthesis fails soon. It keeps using Synthesis, i keep using synthesis. Eventually it gets Alder down to an HP I’m not comfortable with and i switch to Riley to hopefully finish it with Dragon Pulse and not get one-shot by an earthquake.  She hits, gets it to the red. It Uses Synthesis again. Shouldn’t that be out of PP already?  Two turns later she gets it to 1HP. Then it uses Earthquake. Oh fuck no. SHE SURVIVED WHAT A TROOPER. Just 2HP tho.  I have no other choice but to use Click. He’s fast enough to quickly finish it. And he does exactly that. 
Alright. So now to use an escape rope and get the heck up outta here. I can’t fly anymore so that’s thing. BUT I now get a Palkia in my team Because I Can.  Anyways, i shit you not, i have killed every flying type i have caught. 2 Starlys, Zooble, and now Peeko. Good thing all i have to do is the League and Victory Road. I think I’ll be fine just training here for the League. No need to fly until post-game, right? (I can’t wait to get killed halfway through the league, I doubt I’ll really win this nuzlocke at this point.)
I bet these Ace Trainers were scared shitless when i let out Andromeda, the goddess of space herself. Bet you weren’t expecting that, huh?
It’s also a shame Serebii doesn’t have the info on the trainers through Victory Road for Diamond or Pearl, just Platinum. I can’t plan ahead all too well.  It has everything else i need though so I’m good going through blind like i always have before.
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This is getting exciting. In the next part, we’ll see if i die! 
0 notes
primordialpaper · 7 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @papalogia and I’m determined to actually complete one of the for once!
rules: post the rules, answer the questions given to you by the tagger, write 11 questions of your own, and tag 11 people.  
1) design your ideal pokemon team, no legendaries allowed.
Oh man, my Pokemon knowledge isn’t the best, but I guess I’d go with: Seviper, Flareon, Vaporeon, Rampadash, Arbok, and Haunter.
2) along the same line of thought, if you could devise the standard 6 party team using only starter pokemon (no pikachu), who would be on it?
Turtwig, Chimchar, Bulbasaur, Litten, Torchick, and Squirtle. 
3) shuffle your music and list the first three songs.
We Are The Wildest Ones by Zayde Wolf, Death Valley by Fall Out Boy, and Kill The Lights by Set It Off.
4) do you enjoy the rain?
Not really.
5) what’s the car of your dreams?
I’m gonna be a basic bitch and say a Lamborghini. I like the way the doors swing upwards to open.
6) do you write your notes in pencil or pen?
PENCIL. To write notes in pen is to commit mortal sin.
7) favourite movie of all time?
Spy (the Melissa McCarthy one. It’s fucking hilarious)
8) what’s your favourite vine of all time?
Any of Thomas Sanders’s.
9) sweatpants, jeans, or leggings?
Sweatpants all the way.
10) are you a night owl or a morning person?
It can kind of fluctuate. On the weekends, surpringly, I have little trouble getting up in the mornings. It suddenly gets much harder when I have shit to do.
11) what is Peak creation hour, if you have one?
Around noon, I’d say.
My Questions:
1. At what age, if ever, did you start drinking coffee?
2. Name a trope you really like.
3. Name a trope you really dislike.
4. What kind of ship are you most likely to get into? (Enemies to lovers? Big scary person A and smol ray of sunshine character B? ect. ect.)
5. Are you a dog or cat person?
6. Fantasy or Sci-fi?
7. What was your first job?
8. Do you ride roller-coasters, or steer clear of them?
9. Favorite video game?
10. Favorite band?
11. List 3 qualities you like about yourself.
I’ll tag @echollama, @sullivantwissarcana, @marriedthedark, @dragonshost, @eight-of-pentacles, @thefourteenthdarkone, and @sassyhazelowl
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glubbity-moved · 7 years
i'm gonna watch twin peaks and soft reset for a shiny chimchar all day woohoo
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ashandpaulrivalry · 2 years
Ash and Paul’s rivalry is one of the many peaks in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. So much thoughts were put into this rivalry and the storytelling remains to be perfect, even after a decade. So I thought I’d analyze this rivalry and what makes it so spectacular.
I’ll be watching all the episodes from DP that focus on anything related to this rivalry. I’ll use the Japanese sub to present my analyses since it’s more accurate than the English dub.
(Note: Italics is used to represent me, the author, analyzing and making inferences and non-italics are used to describe what’s happening in the episode.)
Paul represents the ‘Pearl’ in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. His Japanese name, ‘Shinji’, derives from ‘Shinju’, which translates to ‘Pearl’. Even Paul is hinted to be derived from ‘Pearl’. Ash represents the ‘Diamond’ in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. The diamond is to the pearl as the sun is to the moon. Both are the complete opposite to each other, however the presence of both is a necessity for life. This is Ash and Paul’s rivalry.
Ash is continuing to train with his Pokemon for the next round of the Hearthome Tag Battle competition, when suddenly he notices a Fire attack ascend in the sky.
Chimchar seems to be undergoing some rigorous training as he takes several attacks from Paul’s Pokemon as Paul commands Chimchar to use Flame Wheel to defend himself. Ash notices the harsh training from behind them and is concerned. Paul ignores him and commands Chimchar to use Flamethrower and he accidentally hits Ash.
From this scene alone, one could infer that Chimchar is undergoing through some ruthless training. The animators drew Chimchar with several scratches on parts of his body, which meant that Paul had probably been pushing Chimchar to his limit. Chimchar’s Japanese voice actor also excellently conveys to the audience that he’s physically exhausted with shaky breaths and heavy gasps.
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Ash compliments Chimchar’s strength as Chimchar smiles in response, but Paul calls Chimchar back to continue training. Ash questions the aggressive training on solely Chimchar just as Dawn approaches them, and Paul refuses to explain assuming Ash wouldn’t understand. Ash seems confused and Paul reveals his intention is to get Chimchar exposed to powerful battles. Dawn reprimands Paul for this, but Paul brushes her off and mentions that Chimchar needed to get hit by Surf in the competition earlier that day.
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Something I’ve noticed is that in recent episodes, such as the episode when he battled Cynthia, Paul only insulted Chimchar, and not his other Pokemon despite losing to Cynthia’s Garchomp as well. In prior episodes he insulted his other Pokemon, namely the Starly he had when he first battled Ash, and Azumarill when it lost against Roark’s Geodude. It really emphasizes that Paul was so obsessed with restoring Chimchar’s true power, and that only became further proof when he wanted Chimchar to get hit by Surf. It subtly foreshadowed that Paul only treats Chimchar with such brutal training rather than all his other Pokemon.
Ash explains that he should train Chimchar by improving on its strong points, rather than on its weak points. Paul assumes that’s a waste of his time. Dawn asks if he treats Elekid in a similar manner, but much to Ash and Dawn’s surprise, this is what Chimchar desires. Ash tries to convince Chimchar that there are other ways to improve his strength, but Paul and his Pokemon walk away, prompting Chimchar to follow behind with a sad frown.
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Chimchar doesn’t truly desire this harsh and ruthless method of training; he just thinks he does. The way I see it, I believe Paul has unintentionally brainwashed and convinced Chimchar that he’s truly weak. With just how merciless Paul can be when it comes to Chimchar, not just in training, but also with insults and degrading comments, I believe Chimchar started to believe he’s not strong enough without Blaze. The more Paul insulted Chimchar, the more Chimchar started to feel inferior about himself.
With that being the case, Chimchar probably assumed he had to somehow restore his powerful Blaze just to appease Paul and get some sort of praise from him. This could explain why he’s voluntarily choosing to undergo such relentless and brutal training. Plus, the fact that Chimchar’s with Paul, the most calculated, shrewd, power-obsessed trainer, for a long time meant that Chimchar was most likely never exposed to any other methods of training aside from Paul’s.
Chimchar never knew there was other ways of getting stronger; he was never aware that it didn’t have to be so excruciating and tormenting. He never got to understand that there are tender, considerate, heartfelt, and enjoyable ways of getting stronger. He was never able to receive any kind of compassion, admiration, or love from his trainer that he really needed. He won’t realize this until he chooses to go with Ash instead, where he’ll be much more content.
Paul continues training Chimchar as his other Pokemon continue to attack him until he falls to the ground, too exhausted to get up. Paul orders Elekid to wake him up with Thunder when Chimchar doesn’t get up; however, Ash’s Pikachu intrudes in with his Volt Tackle to protect him. Ash and Dawn rush in before telling Paul that they’ll take Chimchar to the Pokemon Center.
Brock treats Chimchar at the Pokemon Center and mentions that he needs rest. Brock then confronts Paul about his harsh training methods towards Chimchar. Paul is reluctant to reply at first but then starts to explain when Brock is asking for Chimchar’s health rather than just for Ash’s concern.
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This is the first scene where Paul is opening up to someone, and it’s fitting that the first person he’s opening up to is Brock. The show already does a good job of allowing Paul to consistently respect adults, as in the case with Rowan and Cynthia earlier. However, Brock is a really good choice because he probably reminds Paul somewhat of his brother, Reggie. Reggie is the closest human relationship that Paul has up this point. Brock (at this point in the series) and Reggie are both Pokemon Breeders as they nurture and care for Pokemon; not to mention, Brock also naturally plays the older, wiser brother in the group.
Paul doesn’t respect Ash and his methods of training because they remind him of Reggie and his past, which is why he and Ash are always at crossroads with each other. Paul opens to Brock because it probably reminds him of who Reggie is today – a person who’s still wise, caring and nurturing. It’s really apparent that Paul respects and cares for his brother as well just by opening up to Brock. The show will continue to do this later as well as there is another scene where Paul opens up to Brock about Reggie in a future episode.  
During the flashback, after Paul captures a Ninjask, he notices a Chimchar racing throughout the forest with several Zangoose chasing after and relentlessly attacking him. Chimchar eventually ended up at the edge of a cliff as the Zangoose lunged towards him. Chimchar activates his Blaze ability and uses his Flame Wheel to defend himself, while consuming the area with a spiral of fire, chasing the Zangoose away. That impressive strength and power made Paul want to catch Chimchar.
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A small detail to note is that Chimchar was also drawn with scratches/injuries on his body while the Zangoose were chasing him during the flashback. Now one could instantly tell that Paul was trying to recreate the same harsh and relentless treatment from the first day Paul met Chimchar when he was training him for the Hearthome Tag Battle. 
Flashbacks from previous episodes play for the audience’s understanding: Chimchar’s battle against Ash’s Turtwig, Chimchar’s battle against Roark’s Cranidos and the most recent one being Chimchar’s battle against Cynthia’s Garchomp.
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This elaborates that most or all of these battles were subtle foreshadowing towards this backstory. This is what the series had been setting up for and the audience finally has a clear-cut and definite answer for why Paul treats Chimchar in this manner.
Paul believes on pushing Chimchar beyond the limit, but Ash and the others try to convince Paul to let Chimchar rest. Paul hesitates until Nurse Joy manages to convince him.
It’s the last battle of the day; Ash calls out Turtwig and everyone is shocked when Paul lets Chimchar out to battle. Since Chimchar hasn’t fully recovered yet, Ash informs Turtwig to protect Chimchar during the battle.
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I don’t think there has ever been a scene where Chimchar is getting along with any of other Paul’s Pokemon. Typically, the only scenes where Chimchar is with his other Pokemon is where Chimchar is undergoing severe training. Chimchar has almost never appeared happy engaging or interacting with Paul’s other Pokemon.
In the previous episode, Chimchar and Pikachu seemed to form more of a natural bond and connection during their tag battle. They actually worked together and displayed more teamwork than their respective trainers. In addition, during Ash and Paul’s second battle, though Turtwig was Chimchar’s opponent, Chimchar was undeniably enjoying himself during that battle. Now, Turtwig is his partner, as he’s smiling towards him and getting along with Turtwig. Chimchar was clearly meant to be in Ash’s possession, in a non-toxic, affectionate environment, surrounded by Ash’s Pokemon who actually cared and supported him.
Their opponents send out a Metagross and much to Paul’s favor, a Zangoose, instantly putting Chimchar in a state of fear. Ash suggests that he’ll take on Zangoose, but Paul commands Chimchar to use Flamethrower. Zangoose jumps in, rendering Chimchar too scared to follow up with his attacks. Turtwig uses Razor Leaf on Zangoose but Zangoose swats the attack away, and Metagross lands Bullet Punch on Chimchar.
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The audience can easily deduce that Paul doesn’t care about Chimchar’s feelings at this moment; he has a golden opportunity to restore Chimchar’s impressive power – and in Paul’s mind, this was probably his last chance to do so. He wants to take advantage of Chimchar’s fear. Meanwhile, since Ash is aware about Chimchar’s backstory now, he cares more about Chimchar’s fear of Zangoose and his health rather than his potential power; that’s why he’s constantly commanding Turtwig to protect Chimchar from Zangoose’s attacks.
Zangoose eventually attempts to attack Chimchar with Crush Claw, and Chimchar’s too traumatized to counter-attack, as horrid memories resurge. Turtwig protects Chimchar by using Bite to stop the attack. Metagross charges in with Bullet Punch and Paul orders Chimchar to use Flame Wheel on Turtwig. Chimchar refuses to attack Turtwig but Paul insists, as eventually Chimchar attacks Turtwig, successfully separating Turtwig and Zangoose from each other. Ash is rightfully furious at Paul for intentionally harming Turtwig.
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This scene really demonstrates just how obsessed Paul is with restoring Chimchar’s power, and not to mention, how heartless and callous Paul really is. The audience is already aware of how ruthless Paul can be, but this takes it to another level. Ash is constantly getting in the way by protecting Chimchar from Zangoose, contrary to what Paul wants, and Paul takes measures in his own hands. He’ll stop at nothing to ensure Chimchar’s Blaze is activated again.
Zangoose charges in with another Crush Claw and Paul commands Chimchar to use Flame Wheel, but Chimchar is pinned towards the ground by Zangoose. Paul orders Chimchar to use Flamethrower, but Chimchar is too frozen in fear to counter-attack. Paul seems to have given up on Chimchar, shocking Ash in the process. Turtwig then uses Razor Leaf to get Zangoose off Chimchar.
Zangoose then unleashes a Fire Blast towards Turtwig and Chimchar comes forward to block the attack, preventing Turtwig from getting hurt. Metagross prepares to launch another Bullet Punch, as Ash and Chimchar await Paul’s command, but Paul turns away officially giving up on Chimchar.
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Despite putting his fear aside of Zangoose for a split moment just to protect Turtwig to repay Turtwig for all the times when he protected Chimchar during the battle, Paul is still indifferent. Paul has been attempting to rejuvenate Chimchar’s power ever since he caught him, and in his perspective, if reliving the very fear of when Zangoose relentlessly attacked him the first time did not successfully bring that impressive power back, then nothing ever could; Chimchar was a lost cause for Paul.
Ash refuses to give up even if Chimchar’s own trainer refuses to give commands, and surprises everyone by commanding Chimchar to use Flamethrower. Chimchar launches a powerful Flamethrower, effectively knocking Metagross out. 
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Chimchar just defeated Metagross, a pseudo legendary, without needing to activate its Blaze and even though that’s impressive for Ash, Chimchar still desires some sort of praise and admiration from Paul, as he looks towards Paul for any sort of comment. However, Paul has already given up on Chimchar; he still believes that Chimchar’s weak without producing the powerful strength from Blaze. 
Turtwig then spin dodges a Crush Claw, and then finishes Zangoose off with Tackle, making Ash and Paul win the battle. Ash commends both Chimchar and Turtwig, but Chimchar looks at Paul with a melancholy expression, who still has his face turned away.
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This is the most apparent foreshadowing of what’s about to come. Subtle hints were given to the audience before, such as with Paul releasing his Starly and Stantler, and when he gave Azumarill to a little kid for not being up to his standards, and it all led up to the very next scene. In addition, Ash commanding Chimchar while Paul has decided to give up on Chimchar gives the audience a clear tease for what occurs next. These sequence of events, not just from this tag battle, but from the beginning of DP and from the moment the audience has met and gotten to understand Paul’s character and how he strikingly differs from Ash and his perspectives, is all done purposefully so the audience is mentally prepared for the very next scene. 
The moment has arrived; Paul releases Chimchar and tells him to get lost, as Chimchar attempts to convince him otherwise. Ash and his friends arrive and reprimand Paul for giving up on Chimchar and their special training together, but Paul walks away, unconcerned. Chimchar turns to leave, looking extremely dejected, as Ash looks completely sympathetic for him. Ash makes a revolutionary decision that will severely alter Ash and Paul’s rivalry for the betterment of the two; he offers Chimchar a spot on his team, stunning Brock, Dawn and even Paul.
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This scene is so well done in terms of portraying the right level of emotion, especially with the background music that plays during this scene. Even though this was evidently set up from the beginning, you can’t help but feel sorry for Chimchar. Chimchar has been trying his ultimate best to appease Paul, constantly putting up with his harsh training methods, insults and emotional abuse; he most likely felt like a disappointment himself.
Just when things seem despairing and hopeless, Chimchar is presented with a new opportunity with Ash’s offer. This entire scene takes place at sunset. A sunset signifies a change and a transformation of some kind. Sunsets represents the end of something; in a way, the sunset marks the ending of Chimchar’s horrid and dreadful experience with Paul; Chimchar’s liberated in a way. After every sunset, there is a sunrise. Ash’s offer to Chimchar is the sunrise – it’s not just another opportunity, it’s a new, hopeful life that Chimchar is being offered – it represents a new beginning, happiness, peace, and liberation.
Closing Thoughts
This episode cannot be described in words for just how astounding it is. Everything from the beginning of the series was set up for this specific moment. The constant debates between Ash and Paul and how they differ in treating and training their Pokemon, their contrasting personalities, and their varying philosophies – it all paved the way for Chimchar’s release. Chimchar is the link between Ash and Paul’s rivalry and he is going to forever alter the course of their relationship in the future; he was very much needed so these two could finally respect each other in the future.
The episode also finally gives a definitive answer to both Ash and the audience as to why Paul’s been so obsessed with Chimchar’s power and why he only treats Chimchar in such a cruel and merciless manner compared to the rest of his Pokemon. Considering Paul is so obsessed-hungry for power and strength, the backstory makes complete sense for Paul’s character. Plus, the ultimate reasoning for why Paul releases Chimchar also makes logical sense - it all works perfectly. 
In conclusion, this is truly such a fantastic and well-written episode that really symbolizes that a major change is going to happen, exactly what was hinted at when Ash and Paul met Cynthia. Chimchar’s abhorrent and apPauling (see what I did there?) life with Paul is finally over, and he has the potential to be presented with a much more cordial, satisfactory, happy and a new beginning with Ash. 
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ashandpaulrivalry · 2 years
Ash and Paul’s rivalry is one of the many peaks in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. So much thoughts were put into this rivalry and the storytelling remains to be perfect, even after a decade. So I thought I’d analyze this rivalry and what makes it so spectacular.
I’ll be watching all the episodes from DP that focus on anything related to this rivalry. I’ll use the Japanese sub to present my analyses since it’s more accurate than the English dub.
(Note: Italics is used to represent me, the author, analyzing and making inferences and non-italics are used to describe what’s happening in the episode.)
Paul represents the ‘Pearl’ in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. His Japanese name, ‘Shinji’, derives from ‘Shinju’, which translates to ‘Pearl’. Even Paul is hinted to be derived from ‘Pearl’. Ash represents the ‘Diamond’ in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. The diamond is to the pearl as the sun is to the moon. Both are the complete opposite to each other, however the presence of both is a necessity for life. This is Ash and Paul’s rivalry.
The episode continues directly from the last scene of the episode prior, with Ash reaching out a hand to Chimchar, offering him a position on his team, and Paul watching from behind. Ash is impressed at how strong Chimchar is; meanwhile, Paul taunts both of them and tells them they deserve each other for being useless. Ash chooses to ignore him and tells Chimchar that they can get stronger together and prove Paul wrong.
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Cynthia’s words already come into effect here. While Chimchar’s pondering the decision to join Ash’s team, Paul stays for a bit just to see what choice he makes. In fact, he was visibly shocked and curious in the prior episode. Chimchar hasn’t even accepted Ash’s offer yet, and Ash and Paul are already connected because of Chimchar. Plus, Ash’s promise to Chimchar to prove Paul is wrong is not only foreshadowing but is also going to be the most prominent driving force for altering Ash and Paul’s rivalry.
Paul then chooses to walk away and Chimchar is about to accept – before being attacked by Team Rocket. (This was an annoying interference of Team Rocket). Chimchar’s captured by Team Rocket, and Ash promises to save Chimchar. Chimchar takes action in his own hands, destroys the balloon with Flamethrower before falling to the ground. However, Ash is able to catch Chimchar before he got injured. Ash offers Chimchar a spot on his team once again, and Chimchar doesn’t hesitate this time and accepts the offer.
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Typically, I don’t include Team Rocket because they don’t add much to Ash and Paul’s storyline; however, this scene is the complete opposite of what took place when Chimchar was captured by Team Rocket when he was still in Paul’s possession. Paul didn’t care about his safety when trying to rescue Chimchar and even intentionally let Chimchar get injured. Meanwhile, Ash is evidently concerned for Chimchar’s safety and doesn’t let him get injured. Chimchar is really touched by this as well; he needed someone to give him the affection and love that he deserved that he never received from Paul. Ash being concerned and protective of Chimchar when he was captured was probably further evidence to Chimchar that he was going to find the love and affection he desired.  
Later that night, Ash and the gang are seen talking to Professor Oak; Oak is happy that Chimchar’s with Ash now but advises him that he and Paul still need to work together to win the tournament.
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As stated before, what’s ironic is that Ash and Paul will win the tournament, but not due to their display of teamwork. Now situations have gotten more interesting. The audience will have their first look of what it’s like with Chimchar officially being with Ash, and how Paul reacts to the scenario during the tournament.
The Tag Battle competitions resumes and the next match-up is Ash and Paul against Brock and Holly. Ash sends out Chimchar to watch the battle before sending out Staravia to battle. (Chimchar is notably no longer drawn with scratches/injuries on his face and seems perfectly fine now). Paul sends out Torterra, while Brock and Holly send out Croagunk and Farfetch’d respectively.
Ash commands Staravia to use Aerial Ace on Croagunk, while Brock counters with Poison Jab. Holly has her Farfetch’d launch Air Slash at Torterra, who Paul commands to use Hyper Beam. The Hyper Beam breaks the Air Slash, slightly injuring Staravia in the process, completely knocking Farfetch’d out. Ash reprimands Paul for injuring his Pokemon yet again.
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In the prior episode, Paul had an (albeit terrible) excuse for harming Ash’s Turtwig; he wanted to separate Turtwig from Zangoose so Chimchar could activate his Blaze by getting close to Zangoose. But now, Chimchar’s with Ash – Paul doesn’t have a reason to care about the competition anymore. He probably feels obligated to finish the tournament and thus couldn’t care less what happens to any Pokemon on the field.
Torterra’s now immobilized due to Hyper Beam’s secondary effect and Brock commands Croagunk to use Brick Break on Torterra. Ash commands Staravia to use Aerial Ace on Croagunk from behind. However, Croagunk slides under Torterra, and Staraptor stops the attack, not wanting to injure Torterra. Croagunk attempts to follow up with Poison Jab, leading Ash to command Staravia to turn around, but Paul angrily tells him to let him handle this himself. Torterra can now move again and uses Leaf Storm before Croagunk can attack again, knocking him out, giving Ash and Paul the victory.
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Ash congratulates Staravia for doing a good job, but Paul commented that Staravia contributed nothing to the battle. He then glares at Chimchar, who turns away from intimidation and fear.
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To be fair, Paul does have a point – Ash’s Staravia wasn’t able to land any attacks, and Paul’s Torterra defeated both of the opposition’s Pokemon, but that was only because he took full control of the battle and prevented Ash from intervening. I assume Paul just wanted to get the battle over with; he couldn’t care less about allowing Ash to contribute to the battle and developing teamwork with him. That could be the reason why he used his Torterra, his strongest Pokemon, for this battle. Meanwhile Ash still wants to win the competition – after all, he entered it just for fun; he also attempts to work together with Paul but can’t because he refuses to cooperate. Ash is a happy go lucky kind of person, willing to participate in any fun activity while Paul is extremely antisocial and reserved.
In addition, Chimchar seems to actually be scared of Paul now, which is given considering the amount of relentless and harsh training he went through. This feeling of fear from seeing his old trainer will continue for a few episodes.
After Paul heals his Pokemon, Ash and Paul intensely glare at each other. 
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Moments were always tense between these two due to their clash of personalities, but now it seems to be on another level. This is evidently because of Chimchar; the audience is only getting a glimpse of what’s to come in future episodes. Stakes are going to be at a higher level with Ash and Paul’s rivalry.
The final battle is now taking place between Dawn and Conway against Ash and Paul. Ash sends out Chimchar while Paul sends out Elekid. Chimchar looks at Elekid worriedly before Ash reminds Chimchar that he’s with him now. 
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Chimchar was once on Paul’s side with Elekid; now he’s on Ash’s side and he stands with Elekid together as a team, despite belonging to a different trainer now. Elekid and Chimchar will soon form their intense rivalry, mirroring Ash and Paul’s rivalry, although it was subtly hinted at even when Chimchar was with Paul. 
Almost whenever Elekid is present, Chimchar is there in some form, whether it be on the opposition, battling each other or side by side, even after they’ve evolved into their final forms. They have a connection and rivarly to each other as much as Ash and Paul do.
Dawn sends out Buizel while Conways sends out Heracross. Chimchar launches a Flamethrower at Heracross while Elekid attempts to attack Buizel with Thunder. Buizel’s able to neutralize Flamethrower with Aqua Jet and hit Chimchar; Heracross takes Elekid’s Thunder to power up Revenge, which inflicts double damage onto Elekid. Ash informs Paul that they’re going to lose if they don’t work together, but Paul retorts angrily. Ash refuses to give up and continue battling.
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This is further proof that Paul couldn’t care about winning or losing the tournament now that the main purpose of entering the tournament in the first place is gone.
Dawn then commands Buizel to use Aqua Jet, allowing Paul to use Protect. Buizel then jumps and Heracross uses Feint, smashing the Protect, shocking Paul in the process. (The show acknowledges Paul’s defensive battling style, with Protect on Elekid being the most notable method )
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Ash soon commands Chimchar to use Flamethrower on Heracross, but Buizel jumps in front of Heracross and uses Water Gun, creating an explosion. Elekid uses Thunder Punch while Heracross counters with Megahorn, the attacks colliding and creating another explosion again. 
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Elekid’s taken a lot of damage and Chimchar looks notably worried for it, and to everyone’s surprise, Elekid begins to evolve, pleasing Paul in the process. 
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If Paul couldn’t get Chimchar’s Blaze to activate during this tournament, Elekid evolving into Electabuzz was the next best thing for him. This is his true victory; obtaining a newly evolved and powerful Pokemon. Meanwhile, Ash will be content with the Soothe Bell and receving Chimchar on his team. They both will gain something valuable specifically to them and their ideologies during this tournament.
Paul commands his newly-evolved Electabuzz to use Thunder. Conway tells Heracross to get the jump on Electabuzz with Megahorn as Dawn tells Buizel to use Water Gun on Chimchar, but Ash tells Chimchar to dodge Water Gun and use Flamethrower on Heracross, right before Electabuzz launches Thunder at Buizel. Buizel crashes into Heracross, causing a huge explosion. They’re seen still standing after the smoke clears but soon fall to the ground, fainting.
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Ash and Paul are officially the winners of the Hearthome Tag Battle competition. Ash and Pikachu proceed to cheer over their victory while Paul continues to remain indifferent.
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Ash congratulates Chimchar and tells Paul that Electabuzz’s evolution made a remarkable difference during the battle. Paul retorts saying that the only reason they won was due to Electabuzz since Heracross was still standing after Chimchar’s Flamethrower and only went down when Buizel collided into him. Ash refuses to listen to Paul and still thinks Chimchar performed great during the battle.
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Chimchar and Electabuzz both displayed effective battling, but separately, rather than working together, just like their respective trainers. What Paul states is ironic and hypocrtical because both Heracross and Buizel were standing after Electabuzz and Chimchar launched their attacks on them, yet Paul only rebukes Chimchar for this. Ash is able to accept and even acknowledge how strong Electabuzz is; meanwhile Paul refuses to compliment Chimchar in any manner right now. It really comes across as Paul attempting to purposefully get under Ash’s skin sometimes. 
Ash and Paul then receive their Soothe Bells and while everyone applauds, Conway notices how ironic it is that the team that cooperated the least ended up winning a tournament that emphasized teamwork. (Once again, Paul seems indifferent to the victory, even his Pokemon reflect those feelings, contrary to Ash and his Pokemon)
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Later, while Ash is talking to Dawn and Brock, Paul suddenly appears and throws his Soothe Bell at Ash, saying he has no need for it and walks away. 
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A Soothe Bell is a held item that increases a Pokemon’s friendship. Obviously, Paul doesn’t like terms such as friendship/trust and only relies on evoking a Pokémon’s raw power; he doesn’t believe in being friends with Pokemon. Paul giving the Soothe Bell to Ash, rather than just disposing it or something, could mean that he recognizes that Ash is his true opposite and would definitely want the item or is more deserving of the item due to his strong faith and friendship in Pokemon. As stated before, Paul’s true victory from this tournament was his Elekid evolving; he was able to power up his Pokemon, which is exactly what happened...it was just never meant for Chimchar right now, because Paul’s training methods were always highly ill-suited for Chimchar. 
The episode ends with the gang deciding to head to Veilstone City for Ash’s next gym battle – with a new partner on his team.
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Closing Thoughts
The Hearthome Tag Battle arc has officially come to an end and the final episode was a perfect conclusion not only to the arc, but to the first season of DP as well. Everything has been perfectly set up for this to happen. Chimchar’s brutal and harsh training is officially over with Paul and is rightfully with the trainer that he deserves to be with - Ash. Ash and Paul’s rivalry are now at greater stakes with Ash and Chimchar’s dedication (and foreshadowing) to prove Paul wrong. Chimchar is going to make an astounding impact on their rivalry and will always keep the two connected. Chimchar is the ‘connection’ or ‘bond’ that Cynthia refers to.
Throughout this entire arc, it’s constantly explicated that Ash and Paul do not work well together as a team. They’re constantly arguing and going back and forth with each other, even after Ash has Chimchar on his team. Despite being the most divided and uncooperative team, they still manage to win the competition. As stated before, this is done intentionally. Ash and Paul still do not respect each other’s philosophies, but them winning the competition due to their separate efforts is a symbolic representation of both their ideologies proving to work. It won’t be until later in the series where the two really show signs of finally respecting each other. 
With Chimchar on Ash’s side now … Ash and Paul’s rivalry is just getting started.
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ashandpaulrivalry · 3 years
The Brain and the Heart
Ash and Paul’s rivalry is one of the many peaks in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. So much thoughts were put into this rivalry and the storytelling remains to be perfect, even after a decade. So I thought I’d analyze this rivalry and what makes it so spectacular.
I’ll be watching all the episodes from DP that focus on anything related to this rivalry. I’ll use the Japanese sub to present my analyses since it’s more accurate than the English dub.
(Note: Italics is used to represent me, the author, analyzing and making inferences and non-italics are used to describe what’s happening in the episode.)
Paul represents the ‘Pearl’ in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. His Japanese name, ‘Shinji’, derives from ‘Shinju’, which translates to ‘Pearl’. Even Paul is hinted to be derived from ‘Pearl’. Ash represents the ‘Diamond’ in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. The diamond is to the pearl as the sun is to the moon. Both are the complete opposite to each other, however the presence of both is a necessity for life. This is Ash and Paul’s rivalry.
Paul’s next appearance is three episodes later, immediately after Ash catches his first Sinnoh starter, Turtwig.
Ash’s newly attained Turtwig bites onto Ash’s head affectionately and among the laughter, a familiar voice belonging to none other than Paul calls out to Ash from behind, taunting him in the process. Ash is surprised to hear that Paul is training for his Oreburgh Gym. Paul enquires if the Turtwig belongs to Ash and he confirms, also stating that it’s really strong. Once again, Paul is unimpressed, and Ash is immediately infuriated, then demands a battle from him.
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Once again, the difference in ideologies clash. Paul probably sees Ash’s Turtwig as merely feeble, especially since it was recently caught. (And he’s probably thinking how weak it is compared to his Torterra). Ash is infuriated immediately because his belief and faith in Turtwig is being questioned, and he wants nothing more than to prove to Paul that his Turtwig is indeed strong.
Paul agrees to the battle and calls out his Chimchar, emphasizing the fact that he wanted another chance at revenge (In the dub he refers to Chimchar as his ‘friend’ and that’s really ironic). Dawn reminds Ash that Turtwig has a type disadvantage against a fire type like Chimchar. But Ash is determined to prove Turtwig’s power.
This is a subtle yet perfect example of the collision of logic against emotions. Paul, being rational and sound, purposefully chooses Chimchar, knowing he’d have the advantage over Turtwig. On the other hand, Ash’s emotions get the best of him, his dedication to prove Turtwig’s strength taking over. He doesn’t care that he’s at a disadvantage. If Paul is the brain, Ash is the heart.
The battle starts as Paul offers Ash the first move, and Ash starts by ordering Turtwig to use Tackle. Chimchar quickly evades the attack and launches at Turtwig with Scratch. Ash orders Turtwig to dodge but oddly, it takes Chimchar’s Scratch. Ash is puzzled at Turtwig’s refusal to dodge, but then orders Turtwig to use Razor Leaf. Chimchar avoids the attack once again and follows up with Ember. Brock observes that Chimchar seems to have gotten stronger (I assume Paul was disappointed in Chimchar’s loss against Ash’s Aipom in their first battle and trained him more). Ash commands Turtwig to dodge the attack, but once again Turtwig takes the attack. Ash is confused yet again but tells Turtwig to use Synthesis to replenish its energy. Paul orders Chimchar to finish Turtwig off with Flame Wheel; Turtwig makes no effort to dodge yet again and is engulfed by flames. Ash asks Turtwig if it can still continue to battle and once Turtwig confirms, he orders another attack but is interrupted when a net is fired from the sky.
Everyone looks up to see Team Rocket leering down at them as they begin to recite their motto, however they are immediately cut off when Paul orders Chimchar to use Ember on them. (This will always be hilarious to me.)
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Paul is annoyed at Team Rocket for interrupting their battle and calls them pathetic as they begin to fight among themselves. James then sends out his Carnivine to silence the arrogant trainer and Carnivine launches Bullet Seed. Ash tells Paul to get out of the way, but Paul refuses to listen to him and orders Chimchar to use Ember. Ash then orders his Turtwig to use Razor Leaf to break out of the net, grabs the falling Turtwig and has Pikachu to use Thunderbolt to send Team Rocket flying.
The impact of the explosion sends Ash, Paul and Chimchar over the edge of the cliff they were having a battle on. Paul is simply unfazed and remains focused, landing on a tree and then jumps down safely with Chimchar. Meanwhile, Ash continues to plummet as he grabs a hold of Turtwig to protect him and lands in the water below.
I’m aware this scene is portrayed to show the difference in athletic capabilities between these two, but Ash definitely has impressive athletic prowess as well as seen in previous series.
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Ash agrees with Brock and Dawn to meet up on the far side of the forest before he hears a sound, and he looks back to see Paul recalling Chimchar before walking into the forest. Ash takes this opportunity to start a conversation to befriend Paul, but he clearly has no intention of being friends with Ash.
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At this point in their relationship, I don’t believe that Ash and Paul hate each other. I believe that Paul is just indifferent to Ash at this moment. He’s almost always apathetic towards Ash, but is still curious about him, although he won’t admit it. Ash is just as curious as well despite the fact that he resents Paul’s beliefs and training methods.
In a future episode at the Sinnoh League, Paul mentions that he doesn’t like emotions and beliefs such as friendship and trust, probably explaining why he has no intentions with being friends with Ash (or anyone really). It also explains why he treats his Pokémon as tools and not friends at the moment. Paul represents logic and doesn’t rely on emotions.
On the other hand, Ash loves all his Pokémon and human friends. He deeply cares about them and is willing to do anything to ensure their safety, even if it puts him in harm’s way. Ash is an emotional person and easily allows his emotions to take over. It can easily blind him as well, which explains the losses he’ll face in battles against Paul later in the series.
The two may be the complete opposite, just like logic and emotions, but one can’t exist without the other, which is exactly why it’s almost impossible for Ash and Paul to ignore each other.
Paul then reminds Ash to be wary of Stantler since they’re in Bewilder Forest. After Ash and Turtwig fall into Stantler’s illusions a few times, Paul is seen watching them unimpressed and taunts them. Despite that, however, Paul calls out his Chimchar to have him use Ember to send the Stantler fleeing.
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This is further proving my point on why these two don’t loathe each other. They may have a dislike to each other, but I don’t believe its necessarily hatred. If Paul hated Ash, he wouldn’t care to tell Ash to be careful in the forest and wouldn’t bother to help him despite being disinterested. The same can be applied to Ash. He doesn’t agree with Paul’s methods of training and treatment towards Pokémon but yet he still makes attempts to befriend him.
Paul then catches Stantler but after examining it, he immediately releases it since it only knew Tackle. Ash assumed the Stantler wanted to be friends with Paul, but he states he doesn’t need friends and leaves. (Paul is undoubtedly a loner; the audience never sees him with anyone apart from his older brother, Reggie.)
After a heartwarming moment between Ash and Turtwig that allowed them to bond together and discover why Turtwig refused to dodge earlier, another Stantler appears from the bushes. Ash covers his eyes before slamming into a tree, disturbing a swarm of Beedrill. The Beedrill chases him and Ash is spotted by Brock and Dawn, and the reunited trio being running away from the Beedrill as well.
The group then bumps into an intimidating and powerful Ursaring, and Turtwig bites onto Ursaring’s head to defend Ash. Ursaring attempts to attack Turtwig but skillfully dodges, and Ash is pleased to see this. After a few more attacks, the Ursaring becomes more frustrated and fires a Hyper Beam. The trio flees out of the forest with the Ursaring stampedes behind them. Ash then notices Paul in front of them and they get out of the way so that Paul can catch said Pokémon. Ash is skeptical of Paul keeping Ursaring at first, but after Paul scans the Pokeball, he concludes that Ursaring is good enough to meet his standards.
Paul is surprised that Ash still has Turtwig despite not being strong enough, but Ash retorts, stating that they’d get stronger working together. Ash insists on another battle, persistent on proving Turtwig’s worth and after a bit of hesitation, Paul concurs.
Paul allows Ash to commence the battle again and it starts off in a similar way as their earlier battle – Turtwig proceeding to use Tackle and with Chimchar countering the attack with Scratch. However, Ash tells Turtwig to dodge and complies, evading Chimchar’s attack. Turtwig then launches a Razor Leaf while Chimchar counters with Ember. Ash then orders Turtwig to use Bite but Chimchar avoids the attack by using Dig. Chimchar then emerges from underground and manages to land another Scratch.
Turtwig attempts to launch another Bite, but Paul just responds with another Dig. Chimchar continues to tease Turtwig from underground (The audience can get a glimpse of Chimchar’s playful personality; he’s having a lot of fun in the battle.) before it lands several Scratch attacks on Turtwig. Ash decides to switch things around and orders Turtwig to launch a Razor Leaf into one of the holes created by Dig, successfully landing on Chimchar. Paul is somewhat impressed at this and then orders Chimchar to use Ember again and then Ash tells Turtwig to get into one of the holes to avoid the attack.
Everyone praises the impressive strategy of using the hole to escape but Paul had an inclination that Ash might use the same strategy he did. He orders Chimchar to fire Ember at the hole and Turtwig is flung out, engulfed in flames.
If Ash is one step ahead of Paul, Paul is easily two steps ahead of him. Notice how Ash uses the same strategy that Paul used to avoid Turtwig’s attacks by jumping in the hole and how Paul used the same strategy of launching attacks in the hole. They implemented each other’s strategies and used it against each other. Ash just underestimated that Paul can easily do the same to him and is caught off guard.
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Ash tells Turtwig to use Synthesis to heal itself. Once Chimchar approaches Turtwig with a Flame Wheel, Ash orders Turtwig to go back in the hole. Turtwig is shocked at first, but Ash assures that it can trust him and Turtwig complies. Chimchar then attempts to aim Ember at the hole but then Ash calls for a Bite attack and Turtwig successfully jumps out of the hole and latches onto Chimchar’s head. Paul is unfazed, however, and decides to take the battle underground; Chimchar leaps into the hole with Turtwig still attached to it.
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This is again proving that Paul is not just one step, but two steps ahead from Ash. He was anticipating for some kind of clever tactic from Ash, such as attacking from close-range. He was aware that Ash wouldn’t use the same approach of escaping attacks underground in the risk of being attacked underground again. I think at this point Paul recognizes that Ash is skillful in Pokémon battles in some way or form (although he still thinks he’s far more adept than Ash).
Chimchar uses Flame Wheel and flames burst out of the holes and both Pokémon are thrust out of the holes. While Chimchar is still standing unaffected, Turtwig looks weak but is still determined to continue. Ash matches the determination and commands Turtwig to use Tackle. It collides into Chimchar’s Flame Wheel. The smoke clears revealing Chimchar standing and Turtwig knocked out. Paul is evidently pleased as Ash falls to his knees and apologizes to Turtwig for letting it down.
I’m not sure if this is intentionally done, but notice how the camera pans up to showcase Paul’s conceit and how the camera pans down to exhibit Ash’s defeat. If done intentionally, this is a subtle yet effective way to demonstrate the difference in attitudes. Also, it allows the audience to easily empathize with Ash here as Ash looks extremely devastated by the loss.
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Meanwhile Chimchar happily dances but Paul scolds it before recalling it. The entire trio is angered by this and Ash comments how impudent Paul is, but Paul isn’t fazed by Ash’s words and walks away. Ash calls out to him, furious, his shoulders shaking, and his eyes covered with his hat. He stares at Paul, giving a determined look and developing a newfound goal to beat him the next time they meet.
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This is Ash’s first official loss to Paul. While their first battle three episodes ago emphasized that Ash and Paul are equals despite their contrasts in beliefs, this battle sparks their rivalry because of Ash’s will power to prove Paul wrong – to demonstrate that his beliefs are also in the right. Ash is aware that Paul’s methods work despite not agreeing with them – this battle proved it. Even though Paul is brutal towards his Pokémon, he’s also extremely calculating and shrewd, thus having the upper hand in this battle – and this is just one example.
Ash also got an upper hand later on in this battle and a new viewer of this series could assume he could have won. This episode is one of the perfect examples of ditching the repetitive formula of Ash losing ruthlessly in a battle, suddenly developing a strategy in the midst of the battle and somehow winning at the end. Even though Ash’s bond with Turtwig improves in the midst of the episode, he still lost to Paul simply because he was sharper and more logical, while Ash relied solely on his emotions and trust in Turtwig to win.
This entire rivalry would be futile had Ash won here. The point of their rivalry is to question Ash’s beliefs and ideals as a trainer; hence, this is such an important battle to initiate their rivalry and Ash’s drive to convince Paul that his beliefs aren’t in the wrong.
Closing Thoughts
This episode as Ash’s first loss to Paul is a perfect way to instigate Ash and Paul’s rivalry. Three episodes earlier, the audience just got a glimpse of the potential of their rivalry, but this episode officially initiates it. It’s also a flawless portrayal of the clash of logic and emotions. Logic has the upper hand in this battle simply because Ash is a bit blinded by his determination and willpower in Turtwig. Emotions are often uncontrolled by logic and that’s exactly what Ash portrays in this battle – and future battles to come. Ash’s humiliating defeat to Paul only manages to increase his vow to defeat Paul one day, but most importantly, gain respect for his beliefs.
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