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#Repost @greenflowermedia • • • • • • What do @FrenchyCannoli, @TheDankDuchess, and @LeoStoneOfficial have in common? They’re all chillum connoisseurs 💨 Quick Hits host @derekgilman demonstrates how to properly use the oldest known smoking device: the #chillum ___ I have been more and more appreciating the bond created just in the breath control and in the passing on the chillum to another person. For a time, nothing exists outside of the circle. Smoking hash filled chillum on set, surrounded by earnest homages to cannabis culture, peered at by the interested end encouraging crew, blanketed in the quiet reserved for stage performance was still heart grounding when sharing space (and my @danielechillom) with someone whose company I sincerely enjoy. Some of these most fun I have had in front of the camera had been with @derekgilman at @greenflowermedia. Not only did Green Flower provide the ideal platform for my first educational video, the crew has been my first film family. Several of the smoking scenes and photo captures (@chrisvee_dp) have been the best I have had in cannabis. ___ #MyNicheisHashish #AllWeedEverything #TheDuchTouch #onset #lightscameraaction #hash #hashish #solventless #bubblehash #traditional #chiloom #leather #sitbackandrelax #dank #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #TheDankDuchess (at Ventura, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-IA7_yJ9nc/?igshid=fzzbifhy82hy
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Io la ricordo la prima volta a tdn. O meglio, la prima volta a tdn occupato, perchè io in quel posto ci andavo da molti anni : era una discarica a cielo aperto, c'era un metro di spazzatura ovunque (nel capannone, al piano di sopra, in giardino, fino alla strada, OVUNQUE) e io e i miei amici teppisti andavamo a spaccare mobili per divertimento. Quando il collettivo lo ha occupato mi sono sentito un po "derubato" del mio parco giochi, e speravo quasi che li cacciassero via. Un giorno abbiamo provato ad entrare : il portone del capannone era chiuso, ma da dentro proveniva della musica, così abbiamo bussato, abbiamo sentito il latrato di qualche cane (chissà, probabilmente uno di loro era Roots) e qualcuno ci ha aperto. Il giardino e il capannone erano ormai sgomberi dalla spazzatura, dentro c'erano una decina di persone sedute in cerchio su poltrone di fortuna che fumavano un chiloom ascoltando musica da una grossa cassa spia. Ero giovane, inesperto sui temi droghe, repressione, occupazione, per cui mi colpì molto la scritta "no eroina no polizia", mentre il chiloom buttava fuori una colonna di fumo : per me le droghe erano tutte uguali, come mi avevano diligentemente insegnato i miei genitori. In quell'occasione nessuno dei presenti ci parlò, ne ci spiegò nulla del posto, e ce ne siamo andati dopo poco, ancora arrabbiati per la perdita del nostro lunapark. Forse nemmeno due anni dopo, io e la mia compagnia di scappati di casa eravamo a ciondolare in via Napoli, quando vediamo arrivare quattro figuri in tuta bianca, che vedendoci in faccia (e riconoscendo i tipici occhi arrossati) ci fanno fare un breve questionario sull'antiproibizionismo, e ci invitano a prendere un the alla canapa, ogni venerdi pomeriggio. Ho iniziato così, insieme alla mia ragazza di allora, a frequentare il centro sociale. Prima per un pomeriggio, poi per una serata, poi alle assemblee. Da quel momento nulla è più stato lo stesso nella mia vita. Ho imparato a fare il fonico, e ho aiutato a suonare sul palco di Tdn centinaia di gruppi, poi ho imparato a stare dietro ad un bar, e ho spillato centinaia di migliaia di birre, ho imparato a fare i conti per gestire uno spazio, a pulirlo, a prendermene cura come se fosse mio. Ho imparato a posare le piastrelle di un pavimento insieme a Raffo, per poi litigarci furiosamente quando parlavamo di fare una sala prove autogestita : lui sosteneva che un gruppo che suona nella saletta di un centro sociale dovesse essere necessariamente schierato politicamente, e io cercavo di spiegargli che facevamo heavy metal, ed era complesso cantare le gesta di un vampiro comunista. Un'estate al centro sociale venne proposto di fare un concerto, Yellowman, una leggenda del reggae, e per l'occasione costruimmo un palco in giardino, da zero, con ponteggi e tavole di legno. C'era caldissimo, era pieno di zanzare, la musica usciva fuori dalla macchina di Polpo e noi eravamo emozionatissimi per quell'occasione. Quel palco, con gli opportuni rinforzi, è ancora li in giardino, e anche se nessuno ci canta più sopra da anni, resta un bellissimo spazio dove prendere il sole la mattina dopo una festa. Un anno ci siamo messi in testa che dovevamo fare una festa della semina davvero plateale, e riuscimmo ad organizzare un concerto in piazza della vittoria, sotto l'arco di trionfo, regalando piccole piante di canapa (SENZA THC) a chiunque le volesse. C'erano quasi 2000 persone quella sera. Per fare le cose ancora più plateali poi, abbiamo seminato un bel campo tutto a canapa. Come sempre l'azione era stata dichiarata pubblicamente, ma la Polfer di Genova Principe, sempre sul pezzo, una sera si accorse del campo in crescita. Pensando di aver fatto la scoperta del secolo (nota bene : il campo era praticamente a 50 metri dalla strada, e non aveva alcuna protezione intorno) arrivarono un po di volanti che tagliarono 1/4 della canapa in crescita e la portarono ad analizzare : lavoro inutile visto che potevano chiederci le certificazioni dei semi, che avevamo legalmente acquistato e che erano certificati senza sostanze illecite.
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One day, I will certainly make it to India for good #charas, #chai, and #chillum. For now, I am appreciating this moment; exactly where and when I am. #mahashivrati #chiloom #patience #blessings. (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B82MqYKhT11/?igshid=beh6nx1ih2ig
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I cannot overstate the immense gratitude I have for my life is at this moment. A few years of profound change, the most of which has between my ears, has been an eye popping rollercoaster of synchronicities, flat out disasters, beams of hope and light, and ultimately endless reminders to just let go and trust all will be well. We have all made it through our very worst days, so we must believe we have enough grit and reserves when the flame burns so low it is imperceptible. We must remember when rather than throwing our hands up in surrender, we have clawed and scratched at the eyes of defeat; providing one last opportunity to best our circumstances and show the world and ourselves the diamonds from which we are made. We are stronger, more resourceful, kinder, more compassionate, and more imperfectly perfect than we can ever imagine. For each day that I remember that triumph is but an eventuality, I am eternally thankful for my gumption and my faith. After all, today is a great day to be AWESOME! BOOOOOOOOOOOM! ___ 📸 @politapepper, a gem of a woman I have had the pleasure to meet. Thanks roomie!! Thanks @cannativa_ !! Thanks @copamexicomx !! ___ #TheDuchTouch #chillum #chiloom #Chillinwiththechillum #cannabis #hash #smokeweedeveryday #groweryourown #gratitude #beauty #blackgirlsrock #melaninpoppin #naturalista #cannabiscup #judge #LatinAmerica #love #lamota #pufftuff #yesimhigh #purity #cannabiscommunity #cannabisindustry #dank #high_larry_us #staylifted #TheDankDuchess (at San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato) https://www.instagram.com/p/B39zJMwBpft/?igshid=ayx3zkrbp1wl
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With age and experience comes the ability to notice, but not react. It can be so tempting to jump into action, but some pots should be left to simmer. Patience allows situations to settle as they should while being viewed objectively and with a broader perspective. Cannabis helps me keep a guard over my mouth, but my eyes, however low, are always watching. ___ People can be so very entertaining. Sit back and watch them perform. Given enough stage time, bad actors reveal themselves. Just watch and wait. ___ Do you like adventure? Do you see resin on IG and wish you can make some of the same? Want to make the best product possible? Hands on Hash Class Feb 23 in Oakland, CA. #linkinbio Purplepass.com/thedankduchess ___ #MyNicheisHashish #Cannabis flower fuels my power. Rolling logs and blowing fog. #AllWeedEverything ___ #theduchtouch #bubblehash #solventless #hash #Hashish #hachis #chillum #chiloom #crochet #portrait #stoicism #tradition #creativity #passion #patience #love #beauty #joy #writer #blackgirlmagic #melaninpoppin #cannabiscommunity #dank #TheDankDuchess (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8YHTIfpHZX/?igshid=cizn2t19hrq8
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Wafting into Monday like smoke from an Alderman chillum..too smooth. ___ March 12, 2019 : In the midst of #offspannabis2019, I conducted a hash workshop at @lakalada in #Barcelona. The same day @Frenchycannoli hosted his insane #Hashish #hookah. And what kind of hash party would we have without beautiful chillum supplied by @chiloomdaybcn: @danielechillom , @kaiocreations, and of course @aldermangoa In this brief slice of life. I had just left the @bobby_kalada and machine spinning Pineapple Haze (I think) so that I could have a smoke break. I was quite happy to see @marijuangie lighting up to start the circle. Unbeknownst to me, the chillum was not filled with weed and hash (that's not the custom anyway), but with treated (and therefore significantly less harmful) tobacco and a hash/charas mixture. Bang zoom and to the moon. Nothing like that experience at all. An immediate head rush followed by the slightest wave of nausea (being honest) before the sensation of every nerve ending being turned on full. I am honestly seeking that feeling every day for the rest of my life. Sometimes I can see a color on a particular shape and for the briefest moment, I relive that sharp, inhibited fullness. From now on... Every. Single. Day. #Butteredtothedges ___ #theduchtouch #lushluxeliving #AllWeedEverything #chillum #chiloom #weallsmokethesame #madbuttah #likeaking #international #jetset #ganjagoneglobal #TheDankDuchess (at Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1n-lXBhHmJ/?igshid=69al2mfgz0iv
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I am so very pleased to welcome everyone to the #ChillinwiththeChillum circle at Saturday's Moonlight Moveable Feast (@highdining.club) in Southern California. Under the beautiful flower moon and clear desert sky we will commune with people bubbling over with positivity, openness, and wonder and it will be mindblowing. Within the circle we will become grounded and connected as we mind our breathing, vibrate in tune with others around us, and inhale copious amounts of dank flower and hashish. In the vast openness of nature we will ponder the scope of our existence and find our unified core. Care to join us? Contact @highdining.club for last minute tickets. Last year's event was amazing! The people, the food, and the environment... perfection! ___ . . . . ♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕ My niche is #Hashish. #Cannabis flower fuels my power. Rolling logs and blowing fog #AllWeedEverything Today is a great day to be awesome. ♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕🌱♕ . . . . ___ #theduchtouch #consultant #solventless #hash #bubblehash #edibles #dazedandblazed #fullmoon #hashlovers #ganjagyal #cannabisheals #lightscameraaction #chillum #chiloom #weedsociety #cannacommunity #420family #cannabisfarmer #cannabisindustry #retreat #cannabislife #weedwomen #dank #TheDankDuchess (at Joshua Tree, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxjMXRmBdye/?igshid=yet5ctcb63u9
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