#chilled water ac
farsanaashiq · 2 months
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Chilled water air conditioning systems are a popular choice for commercial buildings, providing efficient cooling solutions that cater to larger spaces. These systems utilize water as a cooling medium, circulating chilled water through coils in air handling units. The process begins with a chiller that reduces the temperature of water, which is then distributed throughout the building. This method not only ensures consistent cooling but also promotes energy efficiency, making it a preferred option for environmentally conscious businesses.Visit Emicool for more information on innovative cooling solutions tailored to meet your needs.
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hasnazameer · 9 months
Chilled water AC systems are a sophisticated and energy-efficient solution for climate control in various settings.Emicool takes the lead in introducing advanced and energy-efficient chilled water AC systems, redefining climate control across diverse environments.
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"i actually like that Alastor is an aroace serial killer in hell bc it helps people not infantilize him :)"
Spoken like a truly privileged able-bodied person who's never had to just sit and watch their entire community actively trying to boycott and cancel Guillermo Del Toro for having a mute woman fuck a fish in a Period Piece because.... "Well u kno that actress isn't actually disabled n the sign language they use is all wrong! :/ She's infantilized and overly sexualized and dehumanized Ariel from Little Mermaid is so much better she could kick that woman's ass if she wanted too! We wanna be where the PEOPLE are because disabled people AREN'T MONSTERS! :/ What's that 'incomplete' garbage about that level self hatred is sooo disgustingly ablest on top the abled actress not knowing how to Sign It! :/ This mute woman from the 60's that she shouldn't even be playing needs to just go 2 therapy n' learn 2 love herself more! :/ Like why exactly does she hate herself sooooo much she needs to end up with some stinky fish man instead of the racist dude who rapes his wife that would've been soooooooo much better because at least HE'S A NICE HUMAN and NOT A MONSTER! ;/ All those dirty masturbation and sex scenes were disgusting and infantilizing and dehumanizing! #NothingABOUTUsWITHOUTUs, DEL TORO! :/ Anyway, now that thats over im gonna go harass and bully a trans woman off the internet for publishing some very hurtful and harmful body horror erotica that made ME personally unfomfy! >.<"
..... I really think identifying as a Disabled Monster Fucker is on par if not worse than Catholic Guilt y'all like I just need Nun Alastor to come and spank my ass or something.....Not sorry.
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staraircondition · 23 days
We are a leading AC Supplier of high-quality air conditioning Services in Pune. Our company, Star Air Conditioning, offers a wide range of split, window, and commercial AC units from top brands like LG, Voltas, Blue Star ,Dakin ,Samsung ,Godrej and Carrier. We provide best Air Conditioner Manufacturers | Suppliers in India Pune.
Star air conditioning as Top Ac Manufacturers in Pune and Ac dealer in Pune. Find here home Appliance Dealers, AC Dealers, AC Repair & Services, AC Installation Services, best repairing Services in Pune.
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sundayinthcpark · 1 year
on a completely different note. i hate air conditioning so much.
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Basically, it’s discovered that to help stabilize Danielle, aka Ellie, it’d be best to have her be smaller. She refused to be turned into a kid by Frostbite/her own power ability, when Danny remembered the shrink ray his parents made. The side effect is that they’re kind of stuck as humans when they’re that small—they can use some ghost powers, but basically, it’s a weird side effect of the shrink ray. That’s canon, by the fucking way, lmao
Anyways, so Ellie agrees, and Danny will shrink himself with the ray to her size to help her out when needed/when she wants company her size, with Jazz, Sam, and Tucker occasionally helping out. Sam buys one of those really ornate Victorian dollhouses, with wooden everything, and Danny does some… renovations… so that it no longer opens and is a proper house. There’s still some oddities because it’s a dollhouse originally, but it was easier and faster to give her a home. One of the first additions was a water/wastewater system, followed like two hours later by an electrical system. Since it was so small, Danny was able to do it fairly quickly in his big size, occasionally going small and using the small window for using his powers to double check on things.
The water system had to be refilled every week, unless hooked up to a plumbing system in a house, which Danny made some outlets for in Jazz’s room—it was easier and had significantly less questions/didn’t stand out as much if placed in Jazz’s room. They usually did it every three days, though, as the plug-in process was still a bit… hinky. The tanks for holding the water were in the ‘basement’, which was mostly inaccessible from the inside of the dollhouse but basically looked like a big stand the dollhouse stayed on. Like someone ripped a full house out of the ground WITH the basement attached. There was a small access hallway down some stairs in the house for the clean water system, though.
The electric system was fairly simple, as it didn’t cost much energy to light a dollhouse and heat/cool water. There was an AC unit, Ellie’s request, but it hardly was used and was fairly efficient just due to pure size. It was fueled by ecto batteries, which Danny made sure had a few rechargability options—just because it was efficient energy didn’t mean it didn’t ever need recharging. There was a very small ecto filter, but due to its relative small size, was easy to clean and was fairly stable, so they had a whole closet of them just chilling out, both filled and empty. The battery itself could be charged by ecto sources, Danny’s own blood, or ambient ectoplasm gained by using something that looked like a solar panel and a satellite dish had a child that the batter could be placed in. The hookup also allowed for like… normal D cell batteries.
They would buy dollhouse furniture, and occasionally just buy the big version then shrink it down. Ellie had a huge old house to herself, basically, might as well go ham. And she had a fun time with the designer doll clothes Sam liked to get, although the cheap doll clothes from the store were also fun. Best option was just buying normal clothes and shrinking them, but using things that were already small or just making stuff using normal sized objects was fun.
At some point, though, the Fenton siblings decide to go on a trip. Ellie begs to be taken along, and Jazz agrees—there’s a doll showcase in Gotham, and Jazz wanted to see if anything caught Ellie’s interest. Danny, having a room in the dollhouse himself, also went along. Might as well make it a sibling’s trip, right?
Ellie can be full size for small chunks of time, which they did while exploring the expo. They found some cool things to add, and some doll clothes Ellie was far too interested in trying on, as well as some to force on Danny later. He sighed, but like—that’s his little cousin-sister, he’d put up with it. After all, he learned how to plumb an entire (miniature) house in two days when she refused to move in until it had a fully functional bathroom, so.
They have a fun time, and sure, lugging the relatively giant dollhouse was a PAIN, but it was Ellie’s home, and some stabilizing tech made it relatively safe to move without risking everything freaking breaking. They load everything in again, and the dollhouse is now restocked with clothes, tiny furniture, and a lot of shrunken supplies—some foods are just hard to work with full size, and are easier to shrink, okay? Also soap, paper goods, pencils and pens, books, etc. Jazz loads the thing into her car, and Danny offers to stay with Ellie in the dollhouse—so Jazz gets them in, and shrinks them down, holding onto the shrink ray in the meantime.
All is going relatively well in Gotham traffic until there’s a rogue attack.
Go figure.
Jazz ends up unconscious, and Danny and Ellie can’t do anything before the rogue is taken care of and a paramedic team comes up. They hide back in the dollhouse, listening as the medics say she seems to be okay, just unconscious. A relief, but now they’re taking Jazz away. Fenton luck states she’s one of the few actually injured. The Bat Brigade comes by, and Batman notices that there’s a wallet for one Danny Fenton. Red Robin confirms that Jazz was likely here with at least two other people, based on the ticket stubs for the expo. However, there is a strange lack of social media presence, Danny doesn’t have a photo ID, and there’s no way of knowing for SURE that it was just Danny with her, if it was just two other people, or if Danny was in the car with her. Still, as they can’t find him but DO have his sister and his wallet, they assume he might be missing, possibly kidnapped.
The Gotham PD of course take in the car, although it’s pretty trashed. Knowing well and good that the dollhouse and such things are actually quite expensive, Commissioner Gordon mentions that it wouldn’t be a bad idea for Batman to maybe hold onto the Fenton’s things that *aren’t* related to the investigation.
Batman just takes everything. Including a rather peculiar looking gun that seems to have sustained some damage during the attack and car crash.
Gordon sighs. Figures.
So, Danny and Ellie end up in Wayne Manor. Most of the things end up in the Batcave, but Alfred insists that they place the doll things upstairs in the manor proper—the cave isn’t *that* damp, but doll things are small and delicate. So, upstairs they go.
At first, it’s fine. Danny and Ellie are fine in the dollhouse, and it’ll be at least a week before any of the systems NEED to be worked with.
Then Ellie ends up with a massive migraine. She gets them, on occasion, a sort of growing pain. Usually, they just shrink some medicine for her as she needs it, because she’s like—twelve. While they did have some medicine that had been pre-shrunk, when they were stocking up in Gotham, it turns out pain medicine was more expensive there. Not by much, but they figured—they’ll just stock up in Amity Park, they’ll be there in two days.
Haha. Nope.
So, Danny finally has to venture out. He lucks into finding the first aid kit—why there was one in the main living room, he’s not sure—and is currently working on trying to get open the blister packet of an ibuprofen when Alfred finds him.
Alfred stares at this tiny boy with a tiny make-shift knife trying to get into… over the counter pain medication.
Danny stares at this butler guy who had very gently cleaned the outside and noted the strange fact that the dollhouse did not open.
Danny waves at Alfred.
Alfred waves a tiny finger back.
“Hello,” Alfred says softly, which is fantastic because loud noises could get painful—part of the reason for Ellie’s headache was an argument between Tim and Damian. “How do you do?”
Danny hesitates, before he makes an exaggerated so-so gesture.
“You understand me?”
Danny nods—it’s rare for people to understand what he’s saying when he’s 5 inches tall.
“How wonderful,” Alfred smiles. “And how can I help our young guest tonight?”
Danny gestures to the blister packet.
“Pain medication? Isn’t that a little bit large for you.”
The teen thinks for a second on how to communicate. He points to the pill, then makes a slight show of pretending to grind something, like a mortar and pestle.
Thankfully, Alfred got the idea. “Would it be easier if I ground it up for you?”
Danny takes a moment to think before accepting with an enthusiastic nod.
“Very well,” Alfred says, taking the blister packet in one hand. He then hold his other out, palm up, like a platform. “Would you like to come with me?”
Danny ‘his survival instincts died when he did’ Fenton gets into Alfred’s hand.
Alfred grinds up the pill into a fine powder. Danny hands him a tiny bottle—still large in Danny’s hands, as it was not a shrunk bottle—that he had tied around his waist. Alfred fills it, and hands it back.
“I assume you came from the tiny house we have in our living room?”
Danny again nods. Alfred takes him there, setting him down outside the front door. Danny bows, and sure it’s Japanese as hell, and he’s white as all get out, but it’s a generally understood gesture of thanks. He hopes.
Alfred understands it just fine. “I bid you goodnight, then. Perhaps we will talk more, when you are feeling better?”
Danny hesitates, again, but he nods. Alfred had been nice enough, so far.
Danny heads in, quickly measuring out the medicine—shrunk pressure plates and scales and weights made what it was measuring relative—to him the weights on the hand balance scale felt the same weight. Ellie got her medicine, and they both went back to sleep.
He told her in the morning what happened. Ellie was strangely gung-ho about meeting this butler guy, and so—when no one else was around—, she and Danny went onto the tiny balcony as Alfred came in to dust.
“Oh my,” he said. “There’s two of you, now. Should I expect more?”
Both of them did an exaggerated ‘no’ dance.
“Very well, I don’t believe I’ve introduced myself. I’m Alfred Pennyworth, the family butler. Welcome to Wayne Manor.”
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hello! Could I request a platonic MC telling Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Cater, Leona, Floyd, both Scarabia boys, and Malleus that out of the whole cast, they're her favorite?
I'm not sure if that's too much, but if it is you could you just do Riddle, Leona, Scarabia, & Malleus. Thank you!
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request! I found this one to be rather cute, thank you, Anon! I hope that you enjoy!
Tw: Brief mentions of trauma (Riddle, Malleus, Scarabia duo, and tiny bit in Floyd's)
Request: Boys reacting to being the favorite of platonic!MC
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He promises that he isn't mad, given that's when we see his face as red as he is, you just... caught him off guard
Out of everyone, he was your favorite?
Granted, you seemed to have a good choice in mind, it's just that... him?
He didn't exactly have the best upbringing and much of what he does is rather new
But he takes this role of being your favorite very seriously
You are now the best and closest person that he has to family, and ring the honorary 'older brother' and favorite, he wants to be able to give you the things he wasn't able to have growing up
Now, if everyone will excuse him, he has to meet with MC for strawberry tarts and tea
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One word, smug
There were literal princes in this college, and he was the one you said was your favorite?
Yeah, he is eating that all up
But he also sees just how serious you are about that declaration with how you seem to stick to him, especially in moments of danger
Big brother mode has been activated
Ace is quite often seen hanging around you a whole lot more
Before anyone asks, no, he doesn't know what happened to his spare jersey is, and yes, it is just a coincidence that you have one that matches
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Instantly told his mother the moment that you told him that he was your favorite out of everyone in the college
Low-key wanted to cry
Another who took this role very seriously
Deuce ensures that you have everything it is that you need throughout the day
Food, water, a spare jacket, notebook, or a pencil
He just wants to be able to take care of you, if he is seen as your favorite, he must take on that responsibility
Do you wanna come and watch him during club practice? He will make sure that you have what you need to be comfortable
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Please excuse him, he needs a moment
You managed to catch him alone when you told him of this little information of yours
And for the first time, you saw that constant positive facade of his drop for just a moment
Are you sure it's not just the happy side that he shows to everyone that is your favorite?
It's literally all of who he is?
Yeah, a couple tears were shed
You are the only person he let's see him for who he is and much of the time you two are together, you're chilling in either of your rooms
He remembers the excitement he felt when you showed up to the Light Music Club to see him
Will you come more often?
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Another one who needed a moment to reflect on what it is that you said, even asked you to repeat it several times
Look, all his life, he's been second place to pretty much anything and looked down upon for his second born prince status
And he is your favorite out of everyone here?
Also a bit smug about it
Will want to hear you say it every day, him being your favorite
Will often give you small gifts here and there ranging from clothes to little trinkets
Protective big bro mode coming out
Oh, you came to see him during Magic shift wearing his dorm uniform?
Well, don't take your eyes off of him. Time to show you all that your favorite can do
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Congrats, you're a Leech now
New little sibling, you have been adopted and he's bringing the parents to come and meet the newest edition to the family
If you thought he was latched onto you before, it's at an all new extreme now
He is your favorite person
Meaning he now wants to be with you and take care of you like a good big brother
He is used to people wanting to be more around Jade as they deemed him to be the safer of the twins (an error on their part), so having someone who says he is the favorite?
He takes his last name a bit seriously
Did you just show up to the game in his spare jersey? Well, it looks like NRC is going to secure themselves a win
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To be honest, it's a phrase he is kinda used too, given all the siblings that he has, there is no doubt that he has been told that before
But it's different for you
You're new to this world, you have no one here to really turn to, so the fact that you have chosen him as your favorite?
He is quite happy to hear those words and was merely seconds away from throwing a party before you stopped him
If there is anything that you need, please let him know, he will certainly get you anything that you need no matter what it is
Another one who told his family about you and they are all rather excited to be able to finally meet you
Kalim was quite happy seeing you at club practice, want him to teach you? He has no issue with it
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Will also make you repeat that statement several times no matter how many days it has been since hearing that statement
At times, it is still a bit hard for him to believe, given how he was raised and his status
He was never anyone's favorite before, so he will be clinging onto that title something fierce
Every time you tell him, you can see the hint of a smile on his face, a real and genuine smile
Constantly ensures you have what you need throughout the day
Unlike with Kalim, he is more than happy to help you out
Homemade meals, tea, even help with studying, just let him know and he will be there to help you out, okay?
Now, are you ready? He just brought everything you guys will need to make a traditional Scalding Sands meal
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Well, it isn't raining anymore
It had been a rather stormy day on campus when you had finally found him and shared that little bit of information
Now it was nice and sunny outside and he had a smile to match
Are you saying that you actively went out in that horrible storm with the sole mission to seek him out, and tell him that he was your favorite person?
He had been alone for so much of his life, so to have this conversation with you
Please excuse him, he really isn't trying to tear up
Instantly invited to Diasmonia for a number of things
Has to stop Lilia from straight up adopting you.... even if he didn't mind, he wanted you to be okay with it before anything
Sebek obviously praised your taste when it came to choosing your favorite person, of course you would choose Malleus!
Now, if you will all excuse them, they have some gargoyle studies that they have to attend too
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Thank you for your request! Have a wonderful day/night!
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liferockingitout · 2 years
oda fix the one piece timeline, I'm begging you
the fuck do you mean that Alabastia, Skypeia, and Enies Lobby all take place between February 19th and March 25!?
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midnightloversmusic · 3 months
You’re so golden!
When you and Harry are forced to endure a heat wave outdoors shenanigans inevitably occur…
Warnings: SMUT, oral fem!receiving, dirty talk
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The last time you checked your phone was this morning when you were rudely awakened by the suffocatingly humid air and the pull of sticky sweaty skin while turning away from Harry who was practically in a heat induced coma. It's almost July and it is hot, unusually so. Not to mention that your AC broke in the middle of the night leaving you no escape from the heatwave that just hit your once comfortably warm town. This left you and harry no choice but to pile into an ice cold shower this morning trying desperately to cool off, but failed miserably when he got distracted looking at your tits. 
Now you are in your pool trying to cool off as Harry stares helplessly at his phone that won’t turn on because it overheated. He sighs and you snicker silently to yourself. You had given up trying to go online hours ago. Harry lays his head back and you take a second to admire the expanse of his torso through your sunglasses. Sweat trickles down his butterfly tattoo down into the ridges of his abs. It's practically an obscene sight. He should look innocent, he's lounging on a lawn chair with his pretty mouth set into a pout and his hair fluffier than normal because of the humid air. You think the heat must be messing with your head because the sight makes you want to pounce. He seems to finally notice your staring and looks up from his slouched position to point his pout at you and say
“Why are you staring, love?”
“I’m not staring, I was looking behind you, there was a bird.”
He says with a knowing smirk. You can’t keep your smile hidden and end up erupting into a soft burst of giggles. Apparently the heat is not only making your limbs move a bit slower it's making your mind slack too, or maybe that's just your boyfriend in tiny blue swim shorts doing.
You  decide you have had enough of the water and use your arms to push your body out of the pool. Making your way over to Harry soaking wet. He motions for you to come and lay down with him and you see him eying the rivulets descending down your chest. His eyes are no longer playful but instead hungry. Maybe the heat is messing with his head too. 
You lay your languid limbs in a heap next to his own and he lets out a hiss as the cold water from your body hits him in a rush.
“Fuck thats freezing, feels good though. I thought I was going to pass out for a bit over here, Its so hot I can literally see the air, or the heat, or atmosphere, whatever the fuck you wanna call it. I see stuff” 
He trails off and you giggle into his chest. You reach over him to grab at the bowl of strawberries he had brought out a little earlier. You grab one by the stem, sit up slightly and wrap your lips around the end. It's a little warm after sitting in the sun for a bit, but it still has the chill from the fridge and the sweetness of a perfectly ripe strawberry. You close your eyes and tip your chin back letting out a satisfactory hum at the flavor. A bit of juice falls from your lips and drips to your chin and ascends down your neck.
Before you get a chance to wipe it off Harry does it for you, with his tongue. You moan at the unexpected wetness on your neck and reach your hand that's not holding the strawberry to tangle itself in his messy curls to keep him firmly at your neck. He doesn’t seem to mind, he just hums and starts sucking and nipping bruises onto your skin. You curse under your breath as he inches towards a spot that is just right and you can feel wetness growing under your bathing suit bottoms. To send the messenger across you pull Harry from the chair you two were laying on down to the towel on the ground you had set up earlier. His new spot on top of you gives you the perfect advantage of lifting your hips up to brush his creating the most heavenly friction. 
Harry lets out a gasp and pushes your hips back to the ground with his own.
“Please” you say without really knowing what you were asking for
“Please what, love? What d’you want, hm?”
“Want you” you whine, having no patience for his teasing.
The sun was burning down on both of you, already drying you off. The heat made it hard to breathe, but Harry slowly kissing down your chest and moving one strap of your bathing suit down your shoulder was more than enough to stop the air from entering your lungs completely. Through your spell of dizziness you hear harry say
“Breath, lovie”
And you would do whatever this man tells you to. You’d bring him the damn moon if he told you to go get it. You suck in a sharp breath just as harry takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks hard. You make a noise somewhere between a whine and a moan as he continues sucking and moving your bathing suit down so that both your tits are out on display for him. He alternates between sucking and nipping both of them until you impatiently grab his head and start pushing him downwards
“You're quite bossy today, doll”
“‘M only bossy because you're teasing me” 
You say in a pathetic whimper. Harry seems to take pity on you though because he starts sloppily kissing down your body. His hand comes up to yours and you don’t realize what he's doing until he takes your forgotten strawberry out of your hand, smirks and pushes it down your stomach. He licks up each path he draws with the strawberry. He’s lost in his own world. Drawing H’s on your tummy with strawberry juice just to trace them with his tongue.
“Tastes so good love, but never as good as you. God, I can’t wait to get your sweet juices on my tongue.”
You let out a loud moan at his explicit choice of words and your back arches as he gets closer to your covered pussy. He drops the strawberry on the grass beside you and licks over your bathing suit bottoms causing your back to arch and your stomach to flip. He wasted no time pulling your bottoms to the side and diving in. The feeling was indescribable. His tongue explored every inch of you. You could feel it slide in and out of you and swirl around in a way that left you a puddle with only thoughts of harry harry harry harry. 
He works his way back up to your clit and sucks, his cheeks hollowing as he looks up at you. He takes your hands and buries them in his hair.
“So pretty baby, you look so pretty” 
You let out in a breathless sort of way. Harry’s eyes soften and almost droop like he's drunk off your pussy. He places his hands on your hips to keep them in place as he focuses back on getting you off. He’s moving in all the ways he knows will drive you crazy. You let out little gasps and moans of pleasure at every sweep of his tongue. Unable to hold back your noises anymore. Harry lets out appreciative moans at the sound. You feel the bright hot pleasure of your orgasm building and you can't stop your legs from trembling. Your mind blanks out and you're all consumed by the tingling pleasure between your legs. Squeezing your legs shut around Harry's head as he continues to eat you out while you ride out your orgasm. Once your orgasm is done and Harry's tongue moving on your cunt has become too much to handle you pull him off by his hair as he whines. He lays his head on your stomach and looks completely fucked out as if he was the one who had a mind-blowing orgasm and not you. Your legs are still twitching and the only sound around you is the light breeze and the heavy panting from both you and Harry trying to catch your breath.
“I felt like I couldn't breathe before and now that you have successfully devoured me i’d say i'm going to pass out in the next three minutes give or take” 
You say through a giggle that steals the last of the air from your lungs. You take a greedy breath to make up for all the ones you’ve lost in your recent activities. 
“It was so worth it, we’ll pass out together, love”
You push him off you in an attempt to escape the heat burning from the sky and both of your bodies. You stand up to jump, more like flop into the pool. The cold water immediately cools you down and clears your mind from your post-orgasm fog. You swim to the top of the water to catch a breath but in the process you get hit by the splash of Harry jumping into the pool with you.
Yeah heat waves suck, but you and Harry can make it work. 
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3rachasdomesticbanana · 3 months
Side Effects | Han Jisung
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•Synopsis: Your science loving nerd of a roommate Jisung has been acting strange but that's not what has fear coursing through your body. It's the feeling that someone's watching you when you're supposedly all alone, the objects moving seemingly on their own and the phantom intimate touches that has you on edge.
Are you going crazy or is there something or someone in the apartment targeting you?
•Pairings: science geek Jisung x Female Reader
•Content Includes: smut, mentions of hauntings & hallucinations, lies and secrets, slight non-con?, somnophilia, unprotected & protected p n v, pervy Jisung, masturbation (m + f not mutual), cliffhanger, Chan makes an appearance a few times
an: if I missed something and you feel it should be included in the content warning please kindly let me know in the comments ♡
Part two will include more scenes with Bang Chan but Jisung is still included. Part three, which will be the last part, will be Jisung.
Part II
Want more smut? Follow the banana 🍌
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⚠️tiny warning before continuing: there are moments where reader is unaware of what's happening due to being sleep. these moments may appear as non consensual which is the reasoning for the slight non-con warning. I tried make it known that any sexual activity that happens is welcomed. I hope I was able to convey that. Just a heads up lol. Enjoy♡
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Your roommate, Jisung, is a nerd. You mean that in the most affectionate way, of course, but it’s true. When he's not helping the chemistry professor at the local college in his free time, he's experimenting in the apartment or researching different chemicals and compounds. His room is a chaotic mess of beakers, test tubes, and textbooks, everything he needs to create something from science. In the two years of living here, It’s never bothered you. Just as long as he and his equally nerdy friend, Chan, don’t blow the place up or set anything on fire. In fact, you’ve grown quite used to the faint, yet sharp scent of various chemicals wafting through the apartment over the years.
Today, the scent of acetone and metal permeates the small apartment. Jisung and Chan have been working on something for months, the two of them locked away in Jisung's cluttered bedroom. When you ask about it, they just shake their heads with a smirk and say, “Top secret, y/n.” You roll your eyes but smile, understanding their need for secrecy. You respect their space and their experiments, no matter how strange it makes them act, always offering to clean their beakers and test tubes whenever you're washing dishes. The dynamic between you and Jisung is what makes the roommate setup work.
Jisung couldn't believe his luck. Not only was his roommate hot and open minded but a gamer who's always down for a Naruto or Bleach marathon. He was so grateful that you weren't like the stuck up pretty girls he dealt with in highschool. Jisung really felt comfortable with you, he could be himself without fear of feeling like his IQ was lower than what it actually was. So whenever he and Chan were close to a scientific breakthrough and you never asked too many questions it only caused his “little infatuation” as he calls it, to grow.
One evening, you find yourself in the kitchen, hands submerged in soapy water as you scrub away at the dishes. The random playlist you chose earlier plays softly in the background and the faint scent of lemon from the dish soap mixes with the clean, crisp scent of freshly laundered towels, filling the kitchen air. You’re lost in thought, your mind drifting as you methodically clean the plates, forks, and glasses, when you feel a sudden, inexplicable chill. It’s as if a cold breeze has brushed against the nape of your neck but the windows are closed and the AC isn't on. You shiver involuntarily and glance around, half expecting to see Jisung standing there. But the kitchen is empty.
You shake your head, chalking it up to just a random chill and turn back to the sink. The sensation lingers, though—a prickling awareness like you're not alone. For ten minutes it felt like someone was there in the kitchen with you but each time you looked around, no one would be there. You could hear faint tinkering and music from Jisung's room and you knew he was working with Chan. The cold is back as you finish up the last of the dishes and when you turn around again, you nearly drop the plate in your hands. Jisung stands there, silent and unexpected. Brown eyes behind round framed glasses shine at you and he gives you an awkward smile.
"Where did you come from?" you ask, your voice higher than usual.
"Sorry," he says with a shrug. "Didn’t mean to scare you, just needed a drink."
You laugh nervously, feeling your rapidly beating heart slow down. "Jeez Ji, you should wear a bell or something." You let out a breathy chuckle.
He shrugs again and laughs quietly before grabbing a drink from the fridge and disappearing back into his room without another word. The interaction leaves you confused and slightly unsettled. Well, that was strange… stranger than usual. There’s something off but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You shouldn't really be surprised by strange behavior when it comes to Jisung but he's never acted that strange before.
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Over the next few days, strange happenings become more frequent. Objects begin to move on their own; a cup slides across the kitchen counter that you barely just noticed and a book falls from a shelf behind you while you watched tv. You find yourself jumping at shadows and sounds and now you're convinced that the apartment is haunted. Of course you haven't said anything about it, Jisung would more than likely think you're crazy.
One evening, you’re gaming in the living room. Headphones on, fully engrossed in the game, when your can of soda just sort of levitates a few inches off the coffee table before gently coming back down. The controller slips from your hands as a cold sensation moves across your cheek. You jump back and scream, calling out for Jisung, but it’s Chan who saunters into the room. Curly hair wild, lab coat askew, and glasses perched on his nose.
"Jisung’s in the bathroom," he says, noticing your wide eyes and pale face. "What’s up y/n?"
"The can... it moved on its own." You stammer.
Chan chuckles, shaking his head. "Must be a temperature change or something. Science can explain a lot of weird stuff, y/n."
“Channie, it fucking levitated! Can science explain that?!” you say in a half shout, half whisper looking up at him.
“Mate, chill out.” He gives you a sympathetic smile and walks over to you to pat your head. “Science can most definitely explain that. I can show you how if you want? I'll just need a few supplies for the demonstration.” His eyes light up and he smiles wide at you, showing off his dimples.
“That’s… okay, Chan. You don't need to do that.” The lack of enthusiasm in your voice isn't missed and he chuckles, patting you again before leaving the room.
You’re not convinced, but you nod to yourself and try to focus on the game, occasionally glancing back at the can. The feeling of being watched never truly leaves, though. Every day you start to notice more—subtle things, like the way Jisung’s eyes linger on you a fraction too long, or the odd satisfaction in his smile when you mention the hauntings after you caved and told him. Jisung's watchful eyes make you feel like you're part of one of his experiments, like some sort of test subject. He's always been a bit weird at times, but this is a whole different level of weird for him. You shrug it off as stress or lack of sleep since he and Chan have the tendency to overwork.
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The night is warm tonight, the air heavy with the lingering heat of the summer day. You sit in the black metal wicker chair on the balcony, a book loosely cradled in your hands, listening to the sounds of traffic and crickets below. The warm summer breeze drifts across your skin and you adjust your tank top and shorts that have already begun sticking to your skin from the heat. With a sigh, you look down at the worn paperback book in your hands and try to focus on the words.
You’re half-aware of your surroundings: the breeze, the faint smell of an impending rainstorm, the sounds of the city. It’s peaceful, lulling you to sleep. Your body relaxes, and the book slips from your fingers, resting across your lap. You're in a state somewhere between consciousness and slumber when you feel it.
It's subtle at first, like a feather brushing against your skin, but it soon shifts to the feeling of hands. The touch is hot and insistent, groping your breast under the thin fabric of your tank top. Panic surges in your chest and you force your eyes open, heart pounding in fear. You sit up, the book slipping from your lap and landing with a soft thud on the concrete floor.
You glance around, trying to make sense of what you just felt, but the balcony is empty. You glance down and your breath catches in your throat. Your left breast is exposed, the strap pulled aside in a way that couldn't have happened by accident. A cool breeze brushes against your bare skin, a stark contrast to the phantom heat of the touch you just felt. You pull your tank top back in place with trembling hands, looking everywhere but seeing nothing. Scrambling to your feet, you slide open the glass door and step inside, locking it behind you.
With your heart still thundering in your chest, you make your way to Jisung's room. When you knock on his door, you hear shuffling, the sound barely audible over the whir of some machine inside. He opens it a little and you’re momentarily stunned by the sight of him—disheveled hair, sweaty brow, black-framed glasses askew and wearing an oversized black hoodie.
"Can I help you?" he asks, his voice tinged with exhaustion.
"I think…” you sigh and brace yourself. "The apartment is definitely haunted." you blurt out.
Jisung looks shifty, eyes darting to the side but he quickly recovers and a skeptical smirk plays on his lips. "Haunted? Really, y/n?"
"I’m serious," you insist. "I think something just touched me. Out on the balcony." You point a finger in the direction of the glass door.
Jisung’s brows knit together and he steps out of his room, closing the door behind him, giving you his full attention. "Like... someone was out there?" He messes up his hair even more, running his fingers through the dark strands.
You shake your head, wrapping your arms around yourself. "No, there was no one there when I opened my eyes but it felt hands on me Ji. I don’t know how to explain it."
His eyes darken with a mixture of skepticism and concern. "So you think the place is haunted and that a ghost touched you?" You nod, your heart still pounding in your chest.
He places a comforting hand on your shoulder, his touch grounding you, if only slightly. "Sounds like you were in REM sleep. Dreams tend to feel real and vivid in that cycle." He gives you a sympathetic smile and adds, "Maybe it’s just your imagination."
You narrow your eyes at him. "I’m not imagining this, Ji." You say starting to feel frustrated.
He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay, y/n. I’ll look into it, alright?"
Reluctantly, you nod and walk to your room with more questions than answers. As days pass, the strange activity continues. You catch glimpses of movement from the corner of your eye, feel phantom touches on your skin, and hear whispers that have no source. You're starting to feel like you're going crazy.
Jisung’s behavior becomes stranger. He spends even more time locked away, emerging only to grab food or ask you cryptic questions about your day. You start to suspect he knows more than he’s letting on but every time you ask, he deflects with a nervous laugh and spouts some scientific theory. Even Chan is acting odd, though he's usually the more grounded one among them. Not by much—Chan's a weird one too, but it’s part of his charm. He’s an adorkable dork.
The two men are lounging on the couch tonight, eyes glued to the anime playing on the screen, while you're in the kitchen preparing popcorn for the three of you. The scent of melted butter fills the air as you pour it over the freshly popped kernels.
Suddenly, Chan's voice cuts through the ambient tv noise. “You did what?!”
Jisung quickly shushes him, their heads whipping around to you as you turn to look at them, each wearing an identical, innocent grin. Weirdos, you think, shaking your head, tossing the popcorn.
You missed Jisung's whispered confession to Chan about his antics on the balcony. Chan already knew about the mysteriously moving objects and the true cause behind them. It's because he was partially involved. He and Jisung had created a liquid that granted invisibility to the drinker. Their top secret experiment they were working on for damn bear a year was almost near perfect. After successful trials on mushrooms and lab rats “borrowed” from Jisung's chem professor, they decided to take it a step further. Jisung volunteered as their human test subject, and you became the unwitting participant in their trails.
Chan never imagined Jisung would push the boundaries so far though, especially by groping you. But Jisung couldn't resist. Initially, his plan was to give you a harmless scare, maybe brush against your arm. But when he saw you asleep, your tank top revealing the side of your breast, his self-control vanished. He was overwhelmed by a primal urge and it was like his hands were moving of their own accord. He gently pulled your left breast free and gave it a firm squeeze. His mouth hovered inches from your skin, ready to kiss the mound of flesh when you woke with a start.
“Bro, I don't know if you should be taking so many doses. We're not sure if there's any side effects.” Chan cautions, his voice barely audible as you rejoin them in the living room.
Jisung stays silent, unable to respond to his partner as you settle on the floor in front of them, handing over the bowl of hot popcorn. Chan’s concerns echo in Jisung’s mind. He knows Chan is right, but the thrill of invisibility is intoxicating. He revels in the mischief, in watching you unaware of his presence. The moments when you think you're alone, wearing nothing but that oversized Tokyo Ghoul T-shirt and panties, are his favorite.
Every time you reach for a cup or a plate, the hem of your T-shirt lifts just enough to expose a tantalizing glimpse of your ass. When you bend over, the thin material of your thong outlines your pussy, making him feel certifiably insane. Sometimes he would intentionally knock something over just to watch you pick it up. The sight of you bending would make him painfully hard and he'd have to slip away to his room, unable to resist the urge to jerk off to the image that was now burned into his mind.
Jisung’s addiction to the elixir grows with each use. He tells himself it's all in the name of science, to see how much is needed for long-lasting effects but deep down, he knows it's because he can’t get enough of watching you unseen. He needs to be closer to you.
One night, Jisung decides to take things further. Pretending to go out to help the professor at the college, he sneaks back into the apartment quietly, slipping into your room while you’re in the shower. The steam fills the air of your bathroom, the hot water cascading down your body. As you stand under the spray with your back to him and eyes closed rinsing your hair, you remain oblivious to his presence. The glass door to the shower is slightly ajar, giving him a perfect view of your wet body. His breath hitches as he frees his hard cock from his sweats. It’s as if he has no control over his impulses; the need to cum clouds his thinking or maybe it's the elixir that's got him feeling this way? He rubs the palm of his hand over the head of his cock, coating it with precum. When you bend over to shave your legs, he almost cums at the sight of your bare pussy.
Jisung’s eyes are glued to the space between your thighs and the way the water bounces off your skin as the steam rising around you. He bites his lip to keep quiet, thinking, “So beautiful.” His hand moves faster, and he's bucking up into his closed fist until he can’t hold back any longer. With a muffled groan, he cums hard, splattering onto your ass and mixing with the water, washing away unnoticed by you. If only the elixir made his semen invisible too, he'd probably always cover you in the warm, wet fluid like this. He knows he would.
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Watching you becomes a nightly ritual for Jisung. He drinks the pale teal liquid that is the invisibility elixir and sneaks into your room. He watches you during intimate moments, like when you fuck yourself with your fingers before bed. He hears you moan his name occasionally when you bring yourself to multiple orgasms and it only adds fuel to the fire. He never thought you found him attractive.
To him, you’re way out of his league. But watching you climax to the thought of him is a dream come true. His obsession grows, and he becomes bolder, unable to resist the urge to touch you while you sleep. Each night when you fall asleep, he lightly runs his middle finger up and down your cunt over your pajamas while he fucks his hand. The soft moans you let out in your sleep never fails to make him cum.
One particularly hot night, you decide to sleep naked on top of your covers. It's impossible to be comfortable when your pajamas stick to your overheated body. You’ve just had an orgasm and you lay there, sated and relaxed waiting for sleep to take over (though you really should get up to pee). Jisung watches you from the corner of your room, his cock painfully hard in his hand. He's lost track of how long he's actually been in here watching you. He waits until you're deep asleep, your chest rising and falling steadily, before he moves closer to your bed.
He can’t resist the sight of you, legs spread apart, pussy glistening. He begins to stroke his cock standing at the foot of your bed but it’s not enough. Before he knows it, he’s slipping out of his sweats. The bed dips as he crawls onto it but you don’t stir. He pushes your legs apart more, his breath catching as he sees just how wet you still are. Slowly he rubs the head of his cock against your folds, shuddering and the sensation. He tells himself “Just the tip,” but when he pushes into your opening, your pussy clenches around him and he can’t stop. He pushes deeper and deeper, burying himself inside you, freezing when you make a soft moan.
He waits, barely breathing before he starts to move slowly. You feel so warm and tight around him. He knows he should stop, "This is so wrong!" his inner thoughts yell at him but it feels too good.
“Fuck, Y/N, you're so wet.” he whispers in the dark, feeling bolder.
Slowly he moves but soon each thrust becomes more desperate than the last. He has to stop himself from slamming into you so that he doesn't wake you.
“Slowly… slowly… ah! Oh shit.” he mumbles quietly. “Is this what you were imagining when you came moaning my name, y/n? Hm? Were you imagining my cock pumping in and out of this tight cunt? Oh fuuuck, mm.”
His legs soon begin to shake as he watches the way his cock disappears inside your dripping cunt and slips out again, leaving his length covered in your creaminess. It's too much—the sight, the soft sighs you're making in your sleep. He pulls out just in time, pumping once into his hand before he's cumming onto his palm, careful not to leave any evidence behind.
He takes one last look at you, still sleeping, before he tiptoes out of your room and back into his. Had you woken up, you would've caught sight of Jisung cumming into his hand above you. The elixir wore off just as his orgasm hit him. He lays in his bed still feeling the lingering sensation of you squeezing his cock with your pussy and it takes a lot to not down more of the pastel teal liquid that sits on his desk and go back into your room to fuck you again.
“How can I make it last longer? There's got to be a way to lengthen the invisibility time frame without taking too many doses,” he mumbles to himself, looking up at the ceiling and lazily stroking his cock. He cums hard minutes later, moaning loudly into his pillow, replaying the sound of you moaning his name in his head and falls asleep peacefully with a smile on his face.
The next morning, you’re up early, sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in your hands. A blank sleepy expression on your face as you stare off into space. Jisung joins you, wearing his best poker face.
"Hey, y/n," he says, trying to sound casual. "Sleep well?"
You nod, your eyes, however, tell a different story. "I had a weird dream. It was so vivid... so real. It felt a lot more real than the one I had on the balcony."
Jisung’s stomach churns with guilt but he forces a smile after pouring his own cup of coffee. "Dreams can be like that sometimes. Maybe it’s stress or something."
"Maybe," you murmur, stirring your coffee absentmindedly. "It’s just... I woke up sore." Your face heats with a blush thinking about your activities before you fell asleep last night. Maybe you were too rough? But then why do you feel like you were stretched out way beyond your two fingers?
He swallows hard, trying to keep his expression neutral and ignore the growing sensation of his cock as he sits down across from you. "Sometimes dreams can manifest physically. Your mind is very powerful, you know."
You nod slowly, still feeling doubtful. You know that something strange is going on around the apartment but it's just your testimonies with no hard evidence.. Soon the conversation shifts to more mundane topics and Jisung couldn't be more relieved but the tension remains between you. Throughout the day, you barely see him. Even when Chan came by, Jisung didn't come out of his room. You got the weirdest feeling that he was avoiding you.
“Maybe he's just tired of hearing me complain about my delusions,” you wondered to yourself stirring a cup of chamomile tea.
You spent the time you weren't working convincing yourself that you were indeed experiencing some stress-induced hallucinations. Who were you to doubt someone as smart as Jisung and Chan? A week off of work would do you some good—maybe you'll give yourself a spa day, binge on junk food, and catch up on some anime.
Meanwhile, Jisung and Chan worked hours and hours trying to study their creation further. Jisung's secret of what he did last night stays that way. A secret... No way could he tell Chan—he'd probably stop the experiment, maybe destroy all their hard work and Jisung couldn't, wouldn't let that happen. He needed it now, needed you now. He wasn't just obsessed with the science and having created something that scientists have tried to create for centuries; now he was obsessed with the feeling of invisibility, obsessed with the power it gave him and obsessed with the feeling of you. He craved it all. He knew that feeling could be a side effect, as well as feeling out of control while invisible and all the reckless wrong things he did but he chose to ignore every red flag and blaring warning signs. The more he drank the elixir, the more it controlled him, possessing him with insatiable lust and desire.
That night, driven by compulsions he can't deny, Jisung slips into your room again. Once more, you're naked, lying on top of the covers and the cool air from a fan blowing over your body, makes your nipples hard. The sight takes his breath away, every inch of your body exposed to his hungry gaze again makes his mouth water. He positions himself between your legs, slipping on a condom before pushing into you. The sensation is overwhelming, and he bites down on his lip to keep from making a sound. You moan in your sleep, your hips lifting towards him, and he nearly loses it. He begins to move, each thrust slow and deliberate, watching your face for any sign of consciousness. You murmur something unintelligible but stay asleep. In and out he moves, the slow tempo is so frustrating to him but he knows he needs to be smart. You moan his name in your sleep and he flinches, startled by your voice.
"Shit..." He whispers looking down at you.
Jisung’s heart pounds in his chest, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through him. Your breathing changes, a soft whimper escaping your lips. He can't help but cum quickly and it's intense. He's trembling and panting, spilling into the condom that he hastily slipped on earlier with a grunt. He's still thrusting into you slowly, riding out his orgasm when you start to wake up.
The room is dark when your eyes slowly flutter open. A faint glow from the streetlights seeps through the blinds of your window and casts eerie shadows across your walls. There's a random sensation between your legs pulling you from the depths of sleep. At first, it feels like another dream, but it's all too real. Your eyes scan the darkness, heart pounding, but there's nothing—just the dark room and the soft rustle of the sheets.
The feeling of being filled, stretched in the most intimate way and the rhythmic movements should scare you, but the pleasure is too incredible. Your breath hitches and you find yourself moaning softly as your fingers instinctively trail down your body, finding your clit. You begin to rub, matching the invisible thrusts, your mind in a haze of pleasure and confusion.
Jisung is mesmerized by the sight and his own pleasure builds again as he watches you pleasure yourself. The combination of your fingers and his cock pushes you closer to the edge and he can feel your orgasm approaching, your muscles tightening around him.
"Fuck me harder." you whisper, the words slipping out before you can stop them. Your eyes squeeze shut and you arch your back lost in the intensity of it all.
Jisung bites down hard on his lip but obliges silently, thrusting harder, deeper and the bed creaks with the force of his movements. He's getting closer to a second orgasm and he can't hold back. His speed picks up and his fingers dig into your hips as he rails your eager warmth. Your body tenses, your back arching further off the bed as you cry out, the sound of your orgasm filling the room. He watches you, unseen but not unnoticed, every moan, every tremble fueling his own arousal. The sight of you coming apart because of him, the feel of you around him—it's too much. With a hard final thrust, he cums hard, filling the condom more that it's dangerously close to overflowing.
You collapse back onto the bed, chest heaving, eyes fluttering close. The room is silent, the only sound is your labored breathing. You sit up slowly, heart racing, looking around the room, but there's nothing like always—just shadows and silence. Even the full feeling is gone.
"Was… Was that real?" you whisper, voice trembling. "I'm losing my mind."
You slide out of bed, legs unsteady and make your way to the bathroom. The light is harsh, almost jarring after the darkness. You look at yourself in the mirror, skin flushed, eyes wide. The lingering effects of your climax make you shiver.
"If that was a dream, it was the most realistic dream of my entire life." you whisper to your reflection. "But if it wasn't... does that mean that whatever is haunting this place just fucked me?" You shake your head and turn the faucet on, splashing your face with cold water.
Jisung slips away, heart pounding, mind spinning. He knows he has to stop, that what he's doing is wrong in so many ways. But the memory of being inside you, the way your body responded to him awake—it’s past addictive. He can still feel the heat of you, the way you clenched around him and he’s not sure he can give that up. He retreats to his room, the guilt eating at him even as your climax plays over and over in his mind.
He lies awake, staring at the ceiling, knowing he’s crossing a line but unsure if he can ever come back from what he's doing. The need, the desire—it’s too powerful. He’s gone too far, and he knows it. The thought of stopping, of never feeling you again—it’s a torment he’s not sure he can endure. All he can think about is the moment he's able to be inside you again.
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As the days pass, the tension between you grows. Jisung’s obsession deepens. He becomes reckless, pushing the boundaries of what he can get away with. When he asks how you're doing, you gloss over your experiences of the previous nights, only telling him that you had another strange dream. You don't tell him how you're starting to enjoy them or how feeling sore and wet the next morning is almost addicting.
You think you've gone insane but you embrace the lunacy. Each night, you feel the presence, the pressure, and you give in to it. Giving the ghostly dream specter a face, you've started imagining Jisung, which only makes the experience that much more real and pleasurable. You picture his face, his body, the way he would touch you if he knew your secret desires. It’s become a habit for you now, a way to cope with the confusing feelings. It's better than things getting messy between you two. You'd have nowhere to live if something went wrong between you and Jisung. No need jeopardizing your living arrangements and friendship.
The night is still early, and you can hear the two men in the other room tinkering with their experiments as you rest in your own room. Does the feeling only happen when you're asleep? Could you trigger it somehow? Should you try talking to it?
As you lie naked in your bed, you close your eyes and imagine Jisung. You see him in your mind, wearing nothing but his little lab coat and glasses, kneeling between your legs, looking down at you. You slip a finger past your folds and then another. Your fingers work furiously, slipping in and out. “Jisung,” you moan softly.
His heart skips a beat, for a moment he thought you were aware of him in your room.
“Jisung,” you whisper again into the darkness. “Please… please touch me.”
Unbeknownst to you, Jisung stands at the foot of your bed, invisible and now trembling with need. He hears your whispered plea and it’s like a spark to a stick of dynamite. He climbs onto the bed, his eyes devouring the sight of your naked body, so inviting, so ready. You feel the bed shift and gasp, afraid to open your eyes in fear of the feeling disappearing.
He moves between your legs, his hands tracing the curve of your thighs and you shiver at the familiar, unseen touch. You moan softly, your body responding instinctively, your hips lifting in anticipation. Jisung takes his time, savoring every moment, his cock already hard and aching.
He lets the bead of precum drip onto your pussy before he slides into you slowly, watching your face contort with pleasure as he stretches you. You gasp, your hands clutching the sheets, your back arching off the bed. So real, so intense, you moan Jisung's name again, the sound driving him wild.
“Jisung… yes, please…” you plead, your voice thick with desire.
He moves within you, his thrusts deep and steady, the bed creaking with each motion. You meet him with equal fervor, your hips rocking against his, your body desperate for more. The room is filled with the sounds of your shared pleasure, the slick, rhythmic slap of flesh against flesh.
Jisung’s heart races, the thrill of fucking you while you moan his name, steadily pushes him to the brink. He watches your face, the way your eyes squeeze tight, the way your lips part in ecstasy and he knows he can’t stop. Not until you're cumming around him.
“Fuck, Jisung,” you cry out, your fingers digging into the mattress as your orgasm builds. “Fuck me harder.”
He does. Jisung leans into you supporting himself on one hand fucking you harder, pushing into you deeper and gripping your hip so tight it'll leave bruises but you don't notice. You meet his movements eagerly, your body arching, welcoming him in. The sound of your moans fills the room, mixing with the creak of the bed and the slap of skin against skin.
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper, urging him on. “Yes, Jisung, just like that.” you pant, your voice breathy and desperate.
He's driving into you with a force that makes the bed rock and hit the wall. Your tight, wet heat and your voice spurring him on. He can feel your body tensing, can tell you’re about to cum.
“Cum for me, y/n.” he whispers, his voice barely audible. “Cum on my cock.”
You cry out, shocked at hearing a voice and your body is convulsing as you reach your orgasm. He pulls out just in time, spilling his seed onto your stomach, watching as it glistens in the dim light. He didn't mean for this to happen; he was only in your room as a test. Chan, back in Jisung's room, sits with a stopwatch timing just how long the test run will last. He was only meant to watch you. Jisung didn't have a condom this time but he can't seem to care about the consequences of leaving his cum behind.
You lie there, panting, a satisfied smile on your lips. “Jisung…” you murmur one last time before rolling over, drifting off to sleep.
Jisung watches you for a moment longer, a mix of pride and guilt churning inside him before he goes and rejoins Chan, who heard everything. He's questioned by his best friend as soon as he walks into the room. Jisung has no choice but to confess and with a deep breath he tells him everything. The watching, the touching… the sex. By the time he's done, Chan is staring at him in disbelief.
"Dude, that's... I don't even know what to say," Chan finally says. "You know that's messed up, right?"
"I know," Jisung says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know… but I can't stop. You don't understand. There's this compulsion, this undeniable need when I drink it. It's… it's like my deepest desires control me and I can't do anything to fight back. Please, help me."
Chan sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Of course, I'll help you. We're in this together. I'll be the one drinking it now, and I'll stay here to make sure you don't do anything you shouldn't. We need to be more careful from now on.”
Jisung nods and sighs with relief and for the next few weeks, they work tirelessly, refining the elixir. They study Chan's reactions, starting from the lowest dosage, slowly upping it little by little. Jisung tries to keep his distance from you, but it's hard. Every time he sees you, his desire flares up and he has to fight the urge to use the elixir again. He misses being inside you.
It's been weeks since you felt the ghostly presence and you miss it but you figured since it went away, then it really must've been due to stress and the days off from work truly helped. You didn't think you'd ever feel the strange sensation of being fucked by something you couldn't see again.
How incredibly wrong you are....
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★𝔗𝔞𝔤 𝔏𝔦𝔰𝔱★ wanna be tagged? Let me know here
@resi4skz @3rachasninja @moonlightndaydreams @rylea08 @hanjiphile @krayzieestay @oddracha @ldysmfrst @jeonginsbaee
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farsanaashiq · 4 months
Maximize Efficiency with Expert Chilled Water System Maintenance Service for Chilled Water AC Units
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Ensure optimal performance and longevity of your cooling systems with our expert Chilled Water System Maintenance Service. Regular maintenance is crucial for your Chilled Water AC units to function efficiently and reliably, preventing costly breakdowns and ensuring a consistent, comfortable indoor environment. Our comprehensive maintenance service includes thorough inspections, cleaning, and necessary repairs, keeping your system in peak condition. Trust our experienced technicians to deliver top-notch service, enhancing the energy efficiency and performance of your chilled water AC system. Keep your cooling systems running smoothly and efficiently with our specialized maintenance services.
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joontroverted · 4 months
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kiss it better (nsfw)
husband! ran haitani x wife reader
fandom : tokyo revengers
word count : 2.9k
cw : anal beads, anal fingering, vaginal fingering, penetrative sex, daddy kink, reader is a brat, impregnantion talk, fluff! this is a sweet fic, i'll have you know 😤
twitter porn that inspired me!
happy reading!
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ran comes home late often enough that it's not an issue.
his schedule is erratic. he doesn't work every single night, but when he's called to work he's gone, and almost unreachable too. and he's definitely coming home late on those days.
between the two of you (two sleepy people) he knows it's no hard feelings to come home to you fast asleep. he just strips off, does a quick shower, speedruns through his unskippable skin care routine and settles into bed with you. one arm snaked around your waist and into your panties, two fingers in your warm pussy, and he's out like a light.
it's a fun routine.
but you miss him.
sure, you have the sleepy mornings and the evenings filled with wine and whichever new little snack ran had flown in from God knows where, but you missed the nights.
the nights of opening your arms and legs for your man, undressing him, tumbling around in bed till you're both sore and filthy and then hopping in the tub for another round- ahem, a bath.
so tonight's the night!
you're adorned in a light blue lingerie set, the type that highlights your titties and has a crotchless panties. your usual home clothes are thrown on on top of this sexy get up because of the chill from the ac, and even though you've fought back many a yawn, the moment you hear scuffling and the beep of the lock, you throw off your loose clothes and position yourself spread across the sofa.
you watch as ran staggers into the foyer, stumbling, stifling a yawn. he makes a beeline past the hall and straight to the master bedroom without paying you even the slightest glance.
you sit there dumbfounded.
you can hear him tossing off his clothes, washing his face and finally turning the lamp by the nightstand on to do his skin care before he realises you're not in bed.
you hear him jog out of the room, turn the corner and seeing you sitting on the sofa, all (sex) dolled up, and glaring holes into him.
"what are you- oh," he stops, eyes taking you in. "oh honey, come here," he calls you, spreading his arms.
you stare at him and get up, and walk past him to your bedroom.
"honey? honey! baby, i'm so sorry, it's so late and it's been such a long day, this has nothing to do with- "
"literally die," you mutter, clambering onto the bed.
"are you wearing those crotchless panties?"
"die! go hang out with your precious besties! die!" you hiss, wrapping the blankets around yourself and settling in.
"baby- "
"i don't want to hear one fucking word ran haitani."
you shut your eyes, turning your face into the pillow, tears of anger stinging behind your shut eyelids. god, this was so humiliating more than anything. you were so excited, and the worst part is you can't even blame him, you know how tiring his days can get.
you hear him slowly sit down on the bed and turn the lamp off. no skincare, nothing, and he settles into bed next to you, almost spooning you, but giving you some space.
you feel his hand come up to stroke your hair.
"good night angel."
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something's keeping you up.
you can't put a finger on what it is exactly.
you twist around and see ran fast asleep next to you, no doubt too exhausted to even pleade his case with you. his hand is on your pillow, having fallen asleep while stroking your hair. you had fallen asleep too, but something woke up you up around twenty minutes ago, and you can't seem to figure out what.
the temperature of the room is perfect. chill, but not cold. the blankets aren't too heavy to make you hot. you aren't hungry and you just took a few sips of water some time back when you had woken up.
so what is it?
do you miss ran? do you miss the contact of him spooning you?
no... not that you wouldn't miss it, but more like you and ran moved around in bed a lot while you sleep so you aren't always touching each other.
no, this is something more related to your body.
for a second you wonder if you're secretly pregnant.
you press a hand on your stomach. you feel like you're close to the problem, because now you can zero in on something inside you being wrong, but pregnant? no. not even food poisoning, you didn't eat anything disagreeable.
something inside you...
"ran. ran!"
you shake him, and if you weren't so taken aback, you would've stopped to admire how gorgeous he is. his purple and black hair fans out on his forehead, and his chest gently rises and falls. he really could be a model, his strong angular jaw and his angelic features uniting masculinity and femininity to create such beauty.
"ran!" you smack him across his face with your pillow.
"what, what, fuck!" he shouts, rising up to his elbows, his eyes flitting over you. his hands immediately roam over you before his eyes adjust to the dark to make sure that you're in one piece and not hurt in any way.
"wha' happened," he says gruffly, sitting up this time, his hands still on your waist protectively.
you falter, seeing how protective he is of you, and how much sexier he sounds with his voice deeper from sleep.
you bite your lip. "hi."
"what the fuck happened," he blinks at you slowly, like he can't believe this situation. he's just been forced awake by his panicked little wife who had just been screaming and now you're sitting pretty, hair mussed, bra strap sliding off your shoulder, eyes wide, looking ditzy.
"um, nothing much. what's up with you?" you shrug, looking down.
"i'm going to count to three- "
he doesn't even have to finish his sentence for you to start talking. you know all too well what happens when he counts to three.
"so you know how i dressed up for you and then you so very rudely ignored me?"
"i apologized for that, and you told me to die."
"yeah, that."
he stares at you. "and?" he prompts.
"i didn't actually want you to die."
that makes him crack a little smile. "why thank you. that's one less person now. unfortunately the list's a bit too long for me to be in the clear, honey."
you scrunch up your face at that. ran's a terrible person. you forget that sometimes. his worst crime is probably torture and homicide, not kicking your plushie off the bed.
"was that all?" he asks, thumb stroking your waist. "can we sleep now?"
"no," you say firmly. and then you mumble something.
"there's something inside me."
"what did all those creampies pay off," he laughs. "wait a minute, did they?" his face morphs into horror.
"no, jesus. this is less scary."
"just spit it out already!"
"fine! when i was waiting for you, i..." you shift. "um i stuffed myself with some... beads," you trail off, nodding, glad that the lights are off, so he can't see you clearly.
ran leans to the nightstand and flicks the lamp on, making eye contact with you. well there goes decency. he looks at you, his face a mix of disbelief and criticism. "you stuffed yourself with some beads."
you nod again, unable to look at him.
he grabs your face and forced you closer. "you stuffed yourself with the anal beads i bought you and told you that i would help you with."
"i wanted to surprise you okay?"
"and then you fell asleep with them inside you. who was that for? the icu when they surgically remove them from you? what if i couldn't come home tonight?"
"fine!" you pull yourself away from him. he had spent his entire life being both a brother and a father to rindou that when he brought up his stern voice he could be so goddamn condescending. "i'll do it myself then! i don't need your help anyways!"
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you most definitely did need his help.
and that's why you find yourself laid on your tummy between ran's spread legs, him having pulled your hips towards him, ass facing him, legs locked around his back. your bra was tossed to the side, and your crotchless panties dangle from your ankle in sad defeat.
ran had sat back quietly, arms folded as he watched you try to pull the beads out. he didn't say a word, but watched you seriously, as though he were a teacher watching his student helplessly mess up an equation even further. the scrutiny sure didn't help, and only made you more tense.
you sniffle.
"and whose fault is it that you're in this position, huh?"
you get a sharp slap on your left asscheek.
"it's my fault! i'm sorry!"
you can't see him, but you're sure he's enjoying this. ran's rather laidback and chill, but all of that is made up for with how much of a stern disciplinarian he is in situations like this.
he pulls your ass closer and your pussy settles on his crotch, feeling his thick and hard cock beneath his boxers. you snicker.
"what was that for, slut?" he asks, giving you a harsh pinch on your other cheek.
you squeal and kick your feet. "nothing. just nice to know you missed me too."
"hmm," he hums, taking you in.
you really are the stupidest little girl in the world. of course he misses you. he'd be mad not to. the light of his life. he loves his job, but he's been liking it less and less as it eats up all the time he keeps especialy for you. he's missed too many meetings and too many trips just to spend an evening watching a movie with you or a weekend away with you. and here you are, pitching a fit because apparently he doesn't miss you anymore.
as much as he chides you for your carelessness, it's landed his beautiful wife face down ass up, stuffed full in her ass with purple anal beads. all that could be seen of it was the glinting sea pearl that hung out like a charm from the base, with the backdrop of your pretty little pucker behind it.
he grabs the base and gives a little tug, causing you to yelp.
"you need to relax honey," he mutters, rubbing your back.
"well you're not helping with that," you grumble.
he rolls his eyes. he reaches for the lube and sees the half empty bottle and can't help but think about how much lube you had emptied within yourself trying to get it in in the first place, a finger pushing each bead in while the other hand poured lube on your gaping hole. his cock jumps at the image of that.
"hmm, what how can we get you to relax, huh? would a spanking work? you get pretty brainless from a good spanking, don't you honey? i was meaning to give you one in the morning just because of how you behaved with me."
you kick at the thought of that, heat filling your face, pussy pulsing at the thought. yes, unfortunately ran had trained you into taking his spankings well, but that would tense you up too much, and he knew that. he's just doing this to rile you up.
ran smirks as he watches your pussy squeeze around nothing, dampening. he's trained you well.
"but on second thought, maybe you need something more humiliating. you think i'm just wasting time hanging out with my guys at work, huh? how 'bout i handcuff you over the table with your panties pullled down, huh? so all the bad, bad men i work with can remind you of how tough this job is, huh?"
"no!" you whine, pushing your ass out. "no!"
he watches your pussy get wetter and wetter. he massages your lubed up hole with two fingers and slips two fingers inside you. you really were a sick girl. his sick girl.
"o- ohhh," you moan, as his thick, long fingers sink deeper inside you.
in and out, up and down. all while teases your asshole into opening. his finger swipe further and hurther in, scissoring before they finally curl down and hit your g spot.
"ran! ran! please, please, more!"
and that's when he slows down.
the rhythm he had built up slows down into a gentle massaging on your g spot.
"ran, what the hell? you're so- "
you falter as a another feeling takes over. an insistent pushing from in the inside of your hole.
"there we go," says ran, and you can hear the smile in his voice. " there's my big girl."
the first bead popped out, shiny and glossy, warm from your insides, lube dripping down it. your hole closes up again, and he presses down on your g spot again, causing you to let out a strangled cry.
"another one sweetheart," he coos, "relax for me?"
the second one pops out as your mind is lost from both the sensations. the bliss from having your g spot massaged combined with the odd pleasure that's coming from him playing with your hole.
"oh, there's another one," you murmur, dazed.
"my big girl can count can't she," he laughs. he sure has the fucking audacity. "last two honey."
you push your ass out and get onto your knees, chest pressed on the bed. he snickers at your eagerness and drives his fingers deeper in you, stroking away.
you feel lighter, both inside and in your head. you can't believe that for all your complaining, you're spending the night with your husband yanking anal beads out of your asshole. not even in a sexy way particularly. for the sake of not having a medical emergency.
"last one angel," he kisses you ass cheek. "can you do that for me?"
"uh huh."
"what do you say?"
"yes daddy," you keen as his fingers push deeper in you again. you feel his lips a feather light kiss on your perineum, and you can blush from how soft it feels.
he watches as the last bead slowly pushes it's way out of your hole with a final little plop!
watching your pretty hole gao almost sets something primal off in ran, and with a low growl he gets on his knee, one leg braced against the bed. he lowers his boxers and brings his heavy cock out that he had neglected for a little too long. the grinding of your pussy on his crotch wasn't nearly enough for what his eyes were feasting on.
the thick head of his tip slaps against your sloppy pussy and you whine, finally getting a taste of what you've been missing.
"give it to me ran, i've been waiting for too long."
"i know pretty, i've been gone for too long these days, haven't i?"
he pushes in, and that familiar feeling of being filled is back. you husband is back.
"daddy," you cry in ecstacy as his tip finally reaches the deepest it can go. "i love you."
"daddy's home honey," he pants, having mounted you finally, and now driving into to you. "i love you."
the pace picks up and you're boneless as ran's firm grip on your waist is all that's holding you up. he slams into you, his cock hitting all the right places as he leans down and covers all of you, holding you tight.
"i'm sorry angel, i'm sorry i haven't been home lately. but it's all for you, yeah. it's all so i can give you a beautiful life and make you a mama one day, nice and plump and spoiled."
"ohhh!" that sends a wave through you. "you wanna make me a mama?"
"yeah honey, you'll be a good mama, won't you? perfect girl?"
"yes, yes daddy," you cry, "i'm cumming, gonna come!"
"come for me angel," he pushes into you one final time, and you come together. the orgasm hits you like a tidal wave, causing you to sink under bliss as you feel him filling you up to the brim with his thick, warm cum.
he bites the crook of your neck and coos as he watches you shake underneath him.
"my wife," he whispers, pressing kisses down your neck. "my beautiful silly wife. i always miss you. i love you."
he turns you over, and you immediately twist your limbs into each others'. you smile as you look into his eyes, his hair still untouched despite it all. you reach out and mess it up, causing him to laugh and kiss your wrist.
"i love you," you mutter. "and i know you love spending time with me. i was just frustrated... and in need of a rough night with you. i don't actually want you to die."
"i know." he nods, giving you little kisses. "i'm the luckiest man alive to have a wife who loves me so much she stuffed herself full of the anal beads i told her not to use without me."
"my hole is sore," you groan as he nuzzles against your chest.
"bend over, i'll kiss it better."
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reblogs, tagging, comments, likes and asks are HIGHLY APPRECIATED!!!
read my other tokyo revengers fic -
bully baji x popular reader fic
all right heathens. this one's done. pls hop on anon/asks and tell me i'm not alone in my insanity and you're this horny for this man too ❤️
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staraircondition · 4 months
Star Air Conditioning is a leading provider of HVAC & R solutions, dedicated to delivering high-quality and timely services to its clients. Established in 2008 in Pune, the company has grown over the years to become a one-stop solution provider in the HVAC & R industry, offering a diverse range of products and services including room ACs, light commercial ACs, VRF systems, ventilation, chilled water work, Chilled Water Piping System in Pune and fire fighting & electrical solutions With a vision to make its mark in the industry, Star Air Conditioning has expanded its operations across Pune, Nagpur, and other parts of the country. Best HVAC dealer in Pune.
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glitchfiles · 1 year
heatstroke. [ljn]
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pairing. mechanic! jeno x (afab) reader
wc. 3.8k+
cw. SMUT MINORS DNI!!, hard dom! jeno, profanity/cursing, outdoor/car sex, oral (m receiving), throat fucking, boot grinding, rough sex, degradation, name-calling (’slut’, ‘fucktoy’), etc…
an. i had this idea in june, but haven't had much time to write until recently. i had to rush a bit because i wanted to get it out before august/summer ends, I just made it lol. if there’s typos… oops… hope you enjoy :3
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just before the muggy summer air lulls you to sleep, a series of sharp knocks at your windows jolts you fully conscious. as your eyes snap wide open, you turn to look to see a man standing outside of your car. he can tell by the bemused expression on your face you're struggling to figure out why he's here.
"roadside assistance, you called." realisation washes over your features, and the mystery man can't help but find it amusing how little control you have over your countenance.
you open the door slowly, allowing him time to move back, and groggily step out of the car. rays of sun prick your skin - the floral mini dress you had on left more of you exposed than covered.
"thanks for coming," you laugh nervously.
the sun is blinding, you can just make out the figure before you as you give your knight in shining armour a squinted once over.
his uniform consists of navy overalls and heavy boots; though he had taken the top half of his overalls off and tied the sleeves around his waist, you're sure he's sweltering. the white tank top he wore hugs his broad, muscular torso, which you can't help but ogle at.
"no problem. any idea what the issue is?" as he nears your car, you get a better look at his face. and just as you feared, he has a face to match the body.
his features are sharp, from his jaw to the upturned corners of his mouth to his nose. in contrast, the way his eyes soften up as he smiles at you fills your stomach with butterflies.
you catch yourself then clear your throat before responding. "no, it just broke down. i'm lucky i pulled over in time."
if you were trying to hide that you were checking him out, you were doing the worst job ever.
unabashed stares were far from foreign to him, he couldn’t say he minded them - especially when they were from someone cute.
he takes a quick walk around the vehicle, checking for any external damage. "tyres look fine," he mumbles to himself.
then he stops at the hood to pop it open. a frown settles upon his features as he begins to try to diagnose the issue at hand.
you don't even try to understand what he's doing, you're honestly far more concerned with analysing every square inch of the adonis before you.
"you okay standing out here? it's pretty hot," he turns to you. you had lost track of time, has it been a few minutes or a few hours? "you can sit in my truck, it has ac, or i can get you some water."
"just the water is fine!" you respond, even though cold air sounded like paradise right now actually, "i've always been somewhat interested in cars and stuff." you lied again.
"oh, really?" he raised an eyebrow, unconvinced.
"yeah, my dad used to fix old cars up - he'd make me hand him tools from time to time." you walked closer to him, leaving a few centimetres between your bodies.
"then, you wouldn't mind helping me out a bit? i think i know what the issue is here." you nodded vehemently, unable to stop yourself from forming an eager smile.
only when he walks away do you realise you have been holding your breath. you barely have time to catch it before he's back with two chilled water bottles in one hand and a hefty toolbox in the other. bulging muscles ripple across his arms, the sight puts a fluttery feeling in the pit of your stomach.
he sets the box down with a light grunt, then looks at you kindly and with an outstretched arm to hand you a cool bottle. the fact his hand, which you notice is comparatively larger and rougher, brushes against yours only exacerbates your condition.
you can barely look him in the eye as you take the bottle from him; you waste no time before cracking it open and gulping down a considerable amount. his eyes can’t help but follow the droplets of water that escape the corner of your mouth, trickling down your chin, your neck and then your chest before disappearing between your cleavage (which he had been trying to ignore from the moment you stepped out of your car).
“someone’s thirsty,” he mentally slaps himself and comments with a chuckle to ease the moment of tension.
he takes a swig of water before putting on gloves, picking a took out of the box and getting to work.
for a moment, only the sound of distant wildlife in the surrounding area can be heard. leaving you ample time to watch. the way his brows furrow as he concentrates on his job is more attractive than it should be.
“my name is jeno by the way,” he breaks the silence. you hadn’t even thought to ask, you quickly reply with your name. “where are you heading?”
“my friend’s place for a barbecue. this was supposed to be a shortcut, but it ended up leaving me stranded in the middle of nowhere.” he lets out a sympathetic hum before letting a comfortable silence fall between the two of you again.
he hands whatever tool he has in his hand to you and asks, “can you pass me the torque wrench?”
you stare at him blankly then you stare down at the array of tools laid out. the temperature of your body increases even further as he smiles at you knowingly.
“hard to think with the heat, huh?” he chuckles walking past you to pick up the tool you would have never guessed was what he was asking for. “don’t worry about it, you can just stand and watch,” he said as though that wasn’t what you had been doing up until now anyway.
he’s sure you’re not actually interested in cars in the slightest but rattles on about the topic. most of it all flies over your head but you nod and giggle as your gaze trails over the veins on his arms are he tightens bolts.
after a short while, he stands up straight. wiping his forearm over his sweaty forehead he declares he thinks he’s done.
“key?” he plucks off his gloves as you fish it out of your purse and hand it over to him. “glad you know that one.” he teases.
you watch with bated breath as he gets into your car to start it; sure enough, the engine purrs when he turns the key.
he jumps out of the car and flashes you a proud smile that makes you melt more than the heat.
"so...” he starts tucking his gloves into his pocket then he rubs his hands together before placing them on his hips. "how would you like to pay?"
"oh yeah, let me just get my purse. how much was it?." you open your bag to rummage around for your wallet as he tells you the price.
your phone…
a pack of gum…
lip gloss…
no wallet.
you smile up at him nervously, excusing yourself to go look in your glove compartment.
jeno follows you around to see you bent over and rummaging around. he loses track of time, too preoccupied with the way your dress rides up to barely cover your ass. he didn't notice how translucent the fabric was until now, he could just make out the outline of the thong you were wearing.
while he blissfully enjoys the show, dread fills you at the realisation you may not be able to pay. you desperately look for stray bits of cash, but you can’t seem to find even a penny in your car all of a sudden.
your frantic search yields absolutely nothing. you take a second to steel yourself before stepping back onto the ground and turning towards him with a doe-eyed guilty expression that makes something stir in his abdomen.
"i swear i had it but-" you mutter, finally moving to sit facing him in the passenger’s seat. he suddenly feels a lot bigger now you're staring up at him and he's looking down at you. "but it's not- i don't have any money so-"
"well, there are other ways to pay." only when the words leave his mouth does jeno realise there is room for misinterpretation but, for some reason, he doesn't feel like correcting himself.
maybe it was the warmth or the stress of your predicament, but your mind began to entertain itself with thoughts that had nothing to do with getting this man that you had only met today his money.
you blinked dumbly, absolutely none of the cogs turning in your brain as you started eyeing him again. starting at the neckline of his tank and then fixating on his deep collarbones momentarily before drifting down.
sweat had turned the white cotton covering his torso almost transparent. the material clung to the ridges of his toned chest and abs, leaving almost nothing to the imagination.
your mouth went dry; you were eyeing him like a dehydrated desert wanderer who had just spotted an oasis.
“like… how?” you blink up at him as though you don’t catch his drift. the innocence you feign starts to chip away at his self-control.
though he comes off as rather relaxed on the outside, jeno is rather rigid with himself. he had to be to run a business with any success. but at the end of the day, he was his own boss; no one had to know about this.
he glanced around. you were on a road in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woodland and he couldn't remember the last time he had seen another car drive past.
he could bend his rules this once for you.
“you’re not just a pretty face, you’re a smart girl, right?” finally, he gives into the desire that had been building inside of him since the moment he laid eyes on you. his charming eye-smile turns into a dark glare; his voice drops a couple octaves. “use your head.”
without another word, you stand up and sink down to squat, reluctant to get your knees dirty. you stare up awaiting further instruction.
“you know transfers are a thing, right?” he laughs sliding a hand over your cheek, feeling a switch inside of him flip. here you were debasing yourself for a man you had just met. “i think i like this much better though, clever girl.” 
he can’t believe you’re doing this.
he can’t believe he’s doing this.
you untie his overalls letting them drop down to his knees and tug down his boxers. internally you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of a well-groomed semi-hard cock. feeling it twitch up to attention as you wrap a hand around it. he groans out an obscenity as you begin to tentatively stoke him.
“you’re gonna need to do a lot more than that if you plan on giving me my money’s worth.” he tuts down at you, sliding his hand to rest on the back of your head. 
“whatever you want.” the seductive lilt of your voice makes him reel.
“whatever?” his chest rises as he takes a deep breath and forms a light grip on your locks. 
“anything.” you nod.
“then open your fucking mouth, slut.”  his voice suddenly becomes gravelly and commanding as he cranes your head back. you obediently open up for him, wrapping your lips around his tip to lap at the salty fluid that had started to spill out of it.
“hands behind your back,” the look in his eyes is wild as he watches you promptly obey him without reluctance. you want to please him, repay him for his kindness.  
you take the initiative to take him even deeper, creeping down inch by inch deeper with each bob; the more you take, the more drool escapes the corners of your mouth, dripping down in thick strings. you let out garbled moans, sending vibrations through him; his hand instinctively grips your locks, pushing his cock harshly into the back of your throat. you swallow a gag and tears prick your eyes but keep going.
“you’re so good,” he huffs, abdomen tightening, “you do this often? bet you’d let any man shove their cock down your throat, cheap fucking slut.”
you whine around him in protest, he lets you up to speak. you vehemently shake your head and choke out, “only you.“
“just for me.” his thumb softly endearingly caresses the back of your head. “god, what did i do to get this lucky.” he half mutters to himself before shoving himself back into your accepting mouth.
he continues to fuck into your face like you’re nothing but a hole and you take it. his head tips back as he lets out unbridled moans, comforted by the fact there was no one for miles to witness your debauchery, but infinitely turned on by the fact you were so out in the open.
jeno's breathing gets more ragged with each thrust, he hunches forward at the feeling of his orgasm hurtling towards him. if your mouth wasn't currently stuffed, you would smile as you brought a hand up to toy with his saliva-coated balls.
"oh my fucking- i'm cumming." it was the last push he needed before shooting his load down your throat. keeping you locked in place, nose smushed up against his pubic bone. all strength leaves your legs and you fall to your knees, the hard ground digs into your skin but the pain means nothing when he’s groaning about how well you’re taking his cum. you can barely breathe and your head is spinning but you wish you could make him cum again already. 
after a while, he settles down from his high and slowly removes himself. his hand grips firmly at your hair, keeping you in place. 
“what a fucking mess.” he sneers while admiring his work, how filthy you look kneeling before him. spit and cum cover your chin down to your chest; the low neckline of your dress is soaked. not to mention your makeup, black inky streaks ran down your cheeks. “liked taking my cock so much you forgot you had something to look pretty for.”
the look in your eyes was close to piety, unfazed that there was no way you could go to your friend’s house in this state. maybe he’d fucked your face a little too hard and knocked some sense out of you. it was the only explanation for you so gleefully offering yourself to every whim of a stranger; jeno was not a good enough man to refuse such an offer. 
“want more? you know, most of my customers tip.” he says in an expectant tone. “no pressure though.”
“wanna fuck me?” you run a finger up his thigh, skipping being coy - you needed him.
“i don’t know, can i?” he wants to toy with you, however.
“i said you can do anything, didn’t i?” you shuffle closer to him on your knees, batting your eyelashes up at him. 
“anything…” he repeats, dark thoughts run through his mind. a deep, shaky breath leaves jeno’s nostrils as he tries to contain the arousal stirring back up inside of him. he moves his leg forward, situating one of his heavy work boots between your legs; with the grasp he still has on you, he forces your core to come down against it. 
he doesn’t have to utter another word before your hips start moving. you bite your lip to contain the sounds threatening to escape you, shame finally kicking in somewhat. but he was having none of that; a sharp tug at your hair was all it took, he tipped your head back, and all the moans came spilling out. 
“good.” his praise encourages you to circle your hips faster. the panties you have on do nothing to hide how slick you are. 
you angle your hips for more stimulation, your swollen clit growing more sensitive by the second. you haven’t been at this for that long, but he can tell by the way your moans pick in pitch you’re nearly there. 
“close already?” he lifts the toe of his boot, pressing into you harder. “go ahead, cum on my boot. dirty, pathetic slut.” you whimper out pitifully as your orgasm finally wreaks you. 
he leaves you no time to recuperate before tugging your locks to make you stand and smashing his lips against yours. only now does it hit you that you’ve skipped quite a few bases, it’s the first time you’ve felt his lips against your own. 
you melt into his domineering kiss, trying your best to keep up with his lascivious pace. hands grope at your body, smoothing up your thighs and under your dress. 
a whine leaves your lips when his hands roughly squeeze your ass. he wastes no time attaching his lips to your neck, nipping at the skin as he moves to start pulling your panties off, you help him get them off the rest of the way and throw them somewhere into your car. 
deft fingers wander between your folds, collecting your wetness on his fingertips. the slightest brush against your raw clit makes you shudder in his grasp.
“gonna use this wet little pussy, just like i did your throat.” he whispered hotly against the skin of your neck, teasing your miserably sopping slit. “and you’re gonna take it like the good fucktoy you are.” 
now’s the point he’d finger a girl open a bit, maybe make her cum again. he’s usually kinder, more careful, less selfish; all that runs through his mind are animalistic thoughts of ruining you. 
you see the moment his resolve snaps completely, pupils dilating as a vein pops up on his temple. with no finesse at all, you’re turned around; a hand plants itself on your back, firmly pushing your torso down, you barely cushion your fall onto the car seat. 
he almost goes right in before the last fragment of sense left inside of him reminds him he’s forgotten something crucial. 
“shit, i don’t have a condom.” he slaps a hand over his face, vexed over the possibility of things ending here.
“i think i might,” you hurriedly reach into the glove compartment. not taking long to produce a foil packet and hand it to him; you turn to see he has an amused expression on his face.
“you remembered condoms but not money?” he snickers. “priorities.” 
you lower your head in embarrassment, begging him to get on with it. he obliges, quickly ripping open the packet and wrapping his cock up. with a deep hum, he slides his cock up between your ass cheeks. your back arches to push your backside further against him temptingly.
your mouths hang open in unison as he slides into you. he releases a long groan as he bottoms out, your tight unprepared hole swallowing him up deliciously. jeno’s body moves on its own, allowing neither of you time to adjust before reeling his hips back and slamming back in. his hands find purchase on your hips as he begins to pound you, digging into your curves for leverage; each thrust punching a choked moan out of you. 
“taking me so well,” he eyes the shameless mess beneath him, skin glistening with perspiration. he’s sure he’s equally as sweaty with the heat, probably more so with how much he is exerting himself; sweaty bangs stuck to his forehead, he can feel droplets racing down the sharp contours of his face to drip off his chin. yet he feels no fatigue, adrenaline keeps him going - keeps him fucking into you at a bestial pace. something about being surrounded by wilderness draws out a side of him so despicably feral, a side of him he had never been able to admit to having. 
when he said he would use you, he meant it well and truly. his cock bullied its way deeper into you.
“god! so fucking deep.” you manage to stutter out as he mercilessly crams every last inch of his cock inside. you’re sure he doesn’t mean or care to, but he hits all the spots that make your walls clench around him tighter, sucking him in deeper. 
“i can feel how close you are,” your legs shake, everything becoming more and more overwhelming by the second. his fingers dig into your flesh, holding your squirming body, “like being my fucktoy, yeah? gonna cream all over my cock?”
your legs shake and your nails scrape at the hard cushion beneath you as you bawl out incoherent words about how you’re cumming. your eyes roll into the back of you as the feeling seizes your body wholly. leaving your ears ringing and broken moans tumbling out of you as he drills you through your high.
once you fall, your legs give out and you fall limp on the seat. jeno doesn’t let up at all though. strong hands lay into your shoulders, your body is pressed further into the chair with his body weight. you barely have the space to breathe but he couldn’t care less, not when he was so close to the peak. 
he plants a foot on the car’s sill to anchor himself through a barrage of unrestrained, choppy thrusts. your poor car jolts and whines under their power.
between getting your throat fucked raw and brain-melting overstimulation, you could not form words; nothing that came out of jeno was coherent either, guttural noises of pleasure erupted from him. 
you only find out he’s cumming when you feel his cock twitch inside your sensitive walls. the fact he’s moaning your name between grunts is something you barely pick up; your body and mind have gone numb. motor function is off the table now, the only movement you can manage are involuntary muscle twitches.
jeno stills, basking in the fading pleasure, catching his breath. you’re too out of it to let out a small whine as he pulls out of you, leaving you devastatingly empty. 
“you good?” he pipes up, as you sluggishly pick yourself up. 
“fine, i think.” the heat and exhaustion have evidently defeated you; the look in your eyes is vacant as you wipe the sweat off of your forehead. you fix the straps of your soiled dress and plant your feet on the ground, your legs give out momentarily, but you catch yourself before you fall to the ground. he can't help but burst out laughing.
“look at you,” he takes your hand to steady you. the smirk on his face tells you he’s thoroughly enjoying the fact he’s fucked you to the point you can’t walk straight. “let’s get you cleaned up and home.” 
“thanks,” your cheeks grow hot as you limp toward his truck.
 “next time, bring money. not everyone’s as nice as me.” 
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★ thank you for reading! my inbox is open for feedback and requests!
© glitchfiles
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Hi 👋🏽 Congrats for your 1000 likes 🥳.
I’d like a Ace x reader with some nsfw, you can write it with the plot of your choice.
Reader X Ace, Reader x Law, Reader x Marco, Reader x Shanks
Helping Needy Reader
Authors note: Another attempt at perspectives of events with multiple characters. This time a NSFW category. Different approach, OP men letting needy reader use some different tactics to get off. Hope you enjoy! Please let me know your thoughts and comments below or in my inbox.
Warnings: NSFW. MDNI, Fingering, finger riding, thigh riding, breast play, ass play, masturbation (F), public sex, watched masturbation, vaginal penetration, female riding, petnames, I do not own these characters, praise kink, breeding kink
You couldn’t sleep, so you went for a stroll on the main deck of the Moby Dick. The deck was empty this evening, the night shift lookouts were standing guard in the crows nest, so you were alone with your thoughts. Your boyfriend, Ace, was away on a mission and you were missing him in more ways than one this evening. 
Your mind races with the thoughts of activities you wished you were doing with Ace. A cool breeze blows by your ear and helps dull your need. Stopping at the railing of the Moby Dick, you look out at the choppy water and take a deep breath of the salty air. You pull the blanket that covers your skimpy pajamas tighter around you. A gravelly voice calls to you and wakes you from your daydream.
“Can’t sleep, Y/N?” Ace asks.
You turn around swiftly at the sound of the man's voice. A large smile grows on your face as he tips his orange hat to you. He smirks at you with delight as he gets a peak at your pajamas as you adjust your blanket when you realize who is in front of you.
“Ace!” You call as you run to hug him. “When did you get back?”
“Not too long ago. I’ve just been updating a few of the other commanders. I still have to speak with Pops and Marco.” He says as he plants a soft yet passionate kiss on your lips and wraps you tighter into his embrace.
As you pull out of the kiss you bite your bottom lip. Ace tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. You look into his eyes longingly as you feel your needy heat begin to rise in you. You and Ace made certain activities pretty regular, but he’d been away several days and you couldn’t help, but crave him. He knew what you wanted when you bit your lip and looked at him with soft blinking eyes.
“Can it wait..?” You ask as you gently begin to caress his muscular arms. 
Ace gently kisses you again. Then slowly moves his lips to your ear. Chills run up your spine as his hands move beneath your blanket and begin to dance up and down your waist.
“So needy for me… You just can’t wait, can you?” Ace whispers before he nibbles at your neck. “You know how Pops and Marco get if I take too long to give them an update, but…”
“But… what?” You whisper between moans as Ace kisses down your neck to your collarbone.
Ace takes a nibble of your skin, just above your breast. You moan and pull him closer to you by the back of his head. He smiles against your exposed skin.
“But… maybe I could help you real quick, then catch up with you again later?” He asks as he stands up tall to look down into your E/C eyes.
You nod at him with a soft smile. A wide grin grows on his face as he grabs you by the hand and takes you to stand at the railing on the side of the Moby Dick. He carefully begins to remove your blanket revealing your pink slightly see through pajamas. You look at him in confusion with your eyebrows furrowing.
“Ace, what are you doing?” You ask.
“You wore that to take a walk on deck? My my… my princess was a naughty one while she thought I was away.” Ace replies as he examines your figure, the blanket still around your shoulders enough to hide your body from the rest of the ship.
“Hey! I couldn’t sleep. I had the blanket on, so no one would see anything. Now what are you doing? Let’s go to my room.”
“Tsk. tsk. On a beautiful night like this? No. Let's stay here. We’re alone after all. It’ll be fun and exhilarating.”
“But what if someone wakes up and sees?” You ask Ace as you begin to bite your lip and reach for his chest.
“I’ll put the blanket around my shoulders and wrap my arms around you.”
“Okay. But I thought…”
“Wearing something like that on deck while I was away..? Then being so needy for me the minute I get here… Now you have me risking getting in trouble with Pops…” Ace says as he peels the blanket off your shoulders and wraps it over his.
Ace puts his arms around you, the blanket draping over your body. Ace spins you around, so your back is flush with his chest. He takes a step forward and you follow suit. His lips find your neck and begin planting soft warm kisses down your shoulder. You moan softly and reach forward for the rail in front of you. His hands under the blanket roam up to squeeze your breasts.
“Ace.” You say breathily.
“Y/N. I’ll give you something you want, but you’ll have to do the work, then maybe later I’ll give you more.” He whispers as he twists one of your sensitive buds.
You nod against his chest as he bites the side of your neck. His hands roaming down to your waist where one stops to rest. His other hand continues until they find your wet core. He rubs back and forth on your core through your shorts.. He laughs softly to himself then kisses the top of your right breast.
“So wet for me and I haven’t even touched you.”
“Ace.” You moan.
“You’ll have to stay quiet, Princess. Can’t have you waking up the crew with our fun.”
Ace finds the waistband of your pajama shorts and slips his hand inside. You grab to pull the blanket tighter around the two of you in one hand as your nails dig into the wooden rail with the other. He slides his fingers up and down your core as you close your eyes and bite your lip to stifle your moans. Without a warning he slides his middle and ring fingers inside of you.
“Accceee.” You say as you clench around his fingers and close your eyes at the wonderful feeling of his fingers filling you.
You hear a door open and close. Your eyes dart open and you nervously look around the deck. You see no one else on deck. Ace’s fingers sit still inside you as he watches you look around the deck, a large grin growing on his face. You look up at him nervously with wide eyes.
“It’s alright Y/N. I’m pretty sure it was just the galley door in the main hold.” He says as he pulls you by the waist closer to him. “Now you have me. Show me what you want. Ride my fingers.”
“But Ace. You aren’t going to help me?”
“Not this time, Princess. I want to watch you work for it. If you’re so needy, show me what you want and I’ll reward you later.”
Your hips buck as his warm palm adjusts to rest on your clit. You were desperate for friction against it and he was providing a source, but you wished he’d do more. Ace wanted a show after his long journey and it just so happened, you were desperate enough to give it to him.
Ace takes over holding the blanket around the two of you as both your hands return to gripping the rail before you. Your hips begin rolling against his hand and fingers inside you. You stand on your tippy toes and bounce up and down on his fingers. His fingers curl slightly within your core. You moan and begin rolling your hips forward again to rub your clit upon his palm.
“Ace.” You say as you begin to feel heat build within your core.
“That’s it princess. You can make a mess, it’s okay baby. Let loose for me. It’s just you and me.” 
His hand holding the blanket around you lowers to your pajama top where he flicks at your nipple. You moan out desperately for his touch as you continue to rock against his fingers inside you. The salty breeze blows through a break in the blanket causing you to cry out from the stimulation.
“Ace.” You coo through closed eyes as he laughs against your neck.
The door to the inner deck swings open and you hear footsteps approach from behind you. Your rolling hips slow to a gentle rock and your teeth clench. A voice calls to Ace. Ace looks over his shoulder at the owner of the voice. You through half lidded eyes attempt to follow the call.
“Ace.” Marco calls. “Didn’t know you were back. How was it?” 
“Oh, hey Marco. I was just coming to update you and Pops. Byn was just telling me how much she missed me.” Ace replies as his fingers begin to play with your g-spot.
Your lips purse inwards, to suppress a moan. You grip the railing hard. As Ace and Marco converse you attempt to remove a hand from the rail to grab at Ace’s wrist to stop his actions, but he moves his thumb to stimulate your clit. You bite your lip in response, feeling the heat building to its finality within your stomach. You grip Ace’s wrist tightly trying to make eye contact with him about your oncoming release, but he’s looking at Marco. You can’t help, but pant at the pleasure building within you. You’re trying not to look at Marco and instead stare lazily at the ocean before you.
“You feeling okay Byn?” Marco calls.
“Fine. Thanks for —Checking Marco.” You say with a jolt in the middle of your sentence as Ace’s fingers start to pound in and out of you.
You smile at Marco before turning your gaze back to the sea to focus on not letting Marco know what’s going on beneath the blanket around you. Your nails dig into Ace’s forearm and he pulls you closer. Ace’s thumb circles your clit as his fingers within you curl tighter to pound your g-spot. With one more twist of your nipple with his hand,  holding the blanket around you, your hips rock and your climax explodes.
Ace’s fingers don’t stop through the whole thing. Your eyes close and your teeth clench. A small moan escapes you, but you’re too distracted by the pleasure from Ace’s fingers to care. Ace moves his lips to whisper in your ear.
“Good girl. So needy for me you didn’t even care that someone was watching.”
Marco raises an eyebrow at Ace’s action and rolls his eyes. He turns around and waves to the two of you. 
“Come find Pops and I when you’re done Ace.” Marco calls.
You lay your head back sleepily against Ace’s chest. Ace plants a kiss on your lips and readjusts your pajamas beneath the blanket. He unwraps the blanket from around his shoulders and places it around you. He puts one of his hands on your waist and licks the fingers on his other hand clean. You look at him with pursed lips.
“That was mean.” You say through pants as you try to recover.
“You being so needy, certainly made coming home more fun. I can tell you enjoyed it. Now, I better go find Pops and Marco. Wait up for me and I’ll reward you some more.” Ace says with a wink.
He wraps his arms against your blanket covered body and kisses your forehead. He pulls out of the hug and heads for Pop’s cabin. You lean against the railing of the ship and watch him go.
You awoke this morning and for some reason found yourself more needy for your boyfriend, Law, than usual. Problem was, Law was a workaholic. He did not like his work to be interrupted, that’s why you often scheduled “activities” with him. However, this week he had to cancel a session to care for one of your sick crewmates. The result was, today you needed him, desperately.
All day you tried to distract yourself with chores and conversations with your other crewmates that would deter you from the dirty thoughts in your head and the heat building in your core. The minute you stopped working or had a moment to yourself to think, your thoughts wandered to Law. When you saw him in the galley, you could hardly look away from him. He caught on to this a few times and looked at you suspiciously in response, through furrowed brows. Your crewmates were having to wave their hands in front of your face to bring you attention back to them. You then had to come up with excuses for why you were staring off at your Captain. Your crewmates of course didn’t officially know the two of you were together, but there had been speculation. You were doing a terrible job of deterring their theories today, but you couldn’t help it, you missed Law, you needed him.
By about 7 pm, you couldn’t take it anymore. You knew on Wednesdays Law liked to do research late, but you had to try for the sake of your sanity. You head to your room to change. You pick a yellow sundress which accentuated your cleavage and the hem of which hit just above mid-thigh. You knew Law would grumble about you being outside of the dress code, but you knew once he saw you in your outfit, hopefully he would be unable to help himself and stop caring. You sneak to his office, hoping to not be caught by any of your shipmates who were mostly slacking off playing cards in the galley. Once at his door you take a deep breath and knock softly.
“Law.” You call quietly through the door.
Law’s body stiffens as the knock upon his office door draws him from the pages of his medical textbook. He relaxes as he hears your voice beyond the door. He stands abruptly and walks to the door. He undoes the lock and opens the door. As the metal door swings open he stops it half-way and he examines you and your outfit at his doorstep. His eyes widen as he looks upon you.
Your arms are behind your back, you’re biting your lip and staring up at him through blinking eyes. You smile softly at him as he leans against the doorway. His right shoulder rests on the door frame and his arms cross in front of him. A half smile forms on his face as he tries to look at you sternly.
“Y/N. What are you doing here and why are you out of dress code?” He asks as he looks up and down the hallway for your crewmates.
“I had a quick matter to discuss with you, may I come in?” You ask as your gaze flicks down to admire his muscular figure, then back up to meet his gold-gray eyes again.
He steps back from the doorframe, holding the door open for you. You enter and Law closes the door behind you. He leans against the door and looks at you with raised eyebrows. You wander to his desk and begin examining the papers he was studying, ignoring his gaze that lingers on your back.
“Y/N. I thought we agreed I would work late on Wednesdays..?” Law questions as he takes a deep breath and heads back to his seat behind his desk.
“Yeah but…” You start as you look up from his desk to meet his eyes glaring at you.
“But..?” Law asks as he takes a seat.
“I. Well with Bepo being sick the other day… We didn't get our time and well… I miss you.” You say as you round the corner of the desk and place a hand on his shoulder. “I know it’s your work late night… and I tried Law. I just. I don’t know. I’m sorry.” You reply as you look away from his gaze and lean against his desk.
“You what?” He says as he continues to stare at you.
“I don’t know.” You say as you glance over at him, then return your gaze to the floor before you.
“Spit it out already. I really need to get back to work. I’m behind this week.” He says angrily.
“I need you okay. That’s why I put on this stupid dress and snuck around the sub to come here. I need you. It was dumb. I know how you like your schedule.” 
Your head sinks low and you take a deep breath before stepping away from the desk. Before you can get too far, a hand is on your wrist. You look over your shoulder at Law and see his lips curled in a half smile. He pulls you onto his lap. You place your hands on his chest and he wraps his arms around your waist. He kisses you tenderly and brushes your hair off your shoulder and behind your back.
“I’m sorry. I miss you too. I just really need to get this done.” He says as his eyes meet yours. “I can help, I want to help. I just need to keep working, but I want to give you something. You’re so pretty for me after all.” 
He lifts you up to stand in front of him and spreads your legs. His hand rubs up your leg from just below your knee to your inner thigh. His eyebrows raise as his hand reaches the top of your thigh. You moan as his fingers slide across your wet core.
“Came all this way and forgot your panties. Someone certainly is needy for their Captain’s attention.” 
Your hands slide down his chest as he guides you to sit on his right thigh. He scoots his chair forward, so your back is inches from the desk. The cold feeling of his jeans feels great against your folds, but you were hoping for more of him. You stare at him and furrow your eyebrows.
“Law?” You question as he returns to looking at the book on the desk in front of him.
“I have work to do, but I’m happy to have my thigh help you. Entertain yourself now and I’ll give you more later, I promise.” He says in response as he kisses you gently on your cheek.
You lick your lips and adjust yourself against his thigh. The friction did feel nice against your naked clit. Laws hold on your waist tightens with one arm as he turns the page of his book with the other. You lean forward and plant a kiss on his neck, hoping if you distracted him enough he would help you. His leg beneath your core began bouncing up and down gently, causing the friction between your legs to shift.
“Law.” You moan softly against his neck between pants. 
Your hips roll forward against the bouncing motion. Your lips kiss down Law’s neck and stop to bite his collarbone. He continues to pay you no notice, too entranced in his reading to look at you, but his leg begins bouncing beneath you quicker. You claw at his chest as the friction between your legs causes the heat to rise in your abdomen. Now your nipples were demanding attention as well, so you pull the top of your dress down to reveal your hardened buds. Law continues to stare at the book before him, but his hand around your waist pulls you closer, so your nipples are rubbing against his clothed chest. You moan as friction hits your exposed buds.
“Let go for me babe. Show me how needy you are.” Law says as he licks his lips and finally looks over at you.
“LAWW.” You yell as you hump him faster.
One of your hands falls from his chest and plays with your clit. You feel the heat in your stomach build as the friction between your legs and against your chest overstimulates you.
“Going to cummm.” You say breathily.
“Make a mess for me babe.”
“LAWWWWW.” You call as you lean your head back and he tucks his head into your exposed breasts. 
Your warm juices erupt from your core and wet his spotted jeans. He continues to bounce you on his leg as your body shakes against him. You pant as you try to calm your body atop his leg. 
“Good girl.” He says as he licks his lips and lifts your head back up to face him.
His soft dry lips press against yours. He gently nips at your bottom lip as he pulls away from the short kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck and your head flops on his shoulder. He pets your hair and pulls you close.
“Now I really have to get back to work, but if you go lay in my bed and let me work for a bit, I promise to take good care of you when I’m done.”
You kiss his cheek and slide off his lap. As you stand you slide your dress off the rest of the way, so it falls at Law’s feet. You smile deviously at him as you turn around and walk to his bed, completely nude.
“Clearly. You miss me too.” You call glancing over your shoulder at him.
“Now that was cruel.” He calls back as he watches your ass shake as you crawl into his bed.
You and the First Division Commander had been seeing each other off and on since you joined the Whitebeard Pirates. You weren’t sure if it was dating necessarily, but the sex was off the charts. You knew he didn’t like it when you slept with anyone else and you felt the same, but much more than that, you hadn’t discussed. That’s why when you woke up this morning hornier than usual, you decided to stay on the ship with Marco. You chose this to the alternative of joining your crewmates in exploring the new island you had just docked at. 
You enjoy your morning meal with your crewmates and explain to them you had some journaling to catch up on and were planning to stay on board instead of exploring with them. They moan and groan at you, but ultimately understand as you’d become a pirate to write of the world beyond your home island. That way anyone who didn’t have the chance to leave their home and explore could do so through your writing. You stand on the deck and wave them off as they set out on their next adventure.
You knew Marco had planned to stay back as you’d heard it from Izo the night before. Something about him needing to reorganize the medical storage was all Izo could tell you. It had been a few days since you personally had talked to Marco. You return to your room and sit down to do some writing. However, you don’t get very far before you notice a heat between your legs. Your thoughts wander to what Marco is doing in the infirmary. You finally give in and head to find him.
The door is open when you arrive at the infirmary within the ship. You look down and examine your outfit. You’re wearing a short black skirt and a low cut tank top with a blue button up, resting lazily on your shoulders. You take a deep breath and knock on the doorframe of the infirmary.
“Hey Marco.” You call.
Marco turns the corner from the supply room holding a box and looks up at you over his glasses. He smiles and sets the box down on the counter. You take his smile as an invitation and take a few steps into the infirmary. You look around at the open cabinets and supplies covering every empty surface. 
“Hey Y/N. Decide not to head out with everyone else?” He asks as he glances over at you,  before returning his gaze to open the box in front of him.
“Yeah. I had some writing to catch up on. Izo told me you were reorganizing, so I wanted to check in and see if you needed a hand.” You say as you stroll over to lean against the counter beside him.
“Hmm…” He says looking over his shoulder at you standing beside him. “Something tells me you aren’t here to help.” He adds.
“Hey. I just… It’s been a few days… I wanted to check in.”
“Sorry Y/N. I’m a bit busy today. You’re welcome to stay here and entertain yourself. Let me get a little farther then maybe I could help.” He says with a laugh as he looks you up and down before returning to the contents of the box in front of him.
“Self entertain huh?” You say as you tap your fingers on the counter beside him.
Marco shakes his head at you, then returns to the storage room off the infirmary. While he’s out you decide to take him up on his offer. You shut the door to the infirmary and lock it. Then you lay back on one of the infirmary beds. You trace your fingers across your lips as you hear Marco talk to himself in the room next door. You smile as you listen to him search for something. You wished he was searching you.
“Hey Y/N, do you see a box of tongue depressors in there?” Marco calls.
You reach down and pull your underwear down from beneath your skirt. You pull them from your ankles and drop them on the floor beside the bed.  You look around the room for the box Marco asked about, but fail to notice it. You spit in your hand and bring it to your core beneath your skirt.
“No. Sorry, Marco. It’s not here.” You call back.
“Damn.” You hear him say to himself as you hear boxes move around on shelves in the closet.
You close your eyes and begin tracing your hand up and down your slick folds. You take a deep breath and moan softly at the feeling of your cool fingers moving across your core. Your other hand lifts to play with your breast through your shirt. Your nipples harden and you lower the hem of your tank top to expose your buds. You twist a nipple between your thumb and forefinger with one hand and use your other to roll your fingertips over your clit. You moan a little louder this time, loud enough for Marco to notice. Marco exits the storage room and stands in its doorway looking at you. Your eyes flutter shut as you start to imagine Marco’s larger hands playing with your sensitive parts. 
“Wow. I didn’t know you were this needy.” Marco says as he leans against the doorway to the storage closet.
He adjusts his glasses and watches you explore yourself with your fingers. You flutter your eyes open and look over at him. You bite your lip and lower the hand playing with your breast to the sheets beneath you and grip them. Your other hand continues to play with your clit causing your fingers to buck. A smirk forms on Marco’s face as he watches two of your fingers lower to tease your entrance.
“I’m only doing as you instructed. How about you come help me?” You beg as you flutter your eyelashes at the blonde muscular man before you.
“Not turning to someone else today..?” Marco asks.
“Marco. All I want is you. I need you.” You coo as you look him up and down. “If it means I have to entertain myself sometimes..” You say breathily, pausing to pant while your fingers continue to play between your legs. “I will help myself if I need, if you need, but you’re what I’m imagining between my legs.” You reply as you dip two fingers into your entrance.
“Prove it. Let go for me, Y/N.”
You nod as you close your eyes and dip your fingers in and out of your entrance while your thumb rubs friction upon your clit. You bite your lip and hear Marco’s footsteps grow close to you. He sits on the end of the bed and watches you curl your fingers to reach your g-spot.
“Marco.” You beg.
Your hips roll harder against your fingers as you start to feel the heat in your abdomen build. His calloused fingers roam up your calf and rest on your knee. He swallows hard as he scoots closer to you. Your fingers curl faster on your g-spot causing you to squeeze the sheets harder.
“Look at me, Y/N. What are you thinking about?”
You pant and slow the action of your fingers. You gently open your eyes and look at the man licking his lips before you. You push a third finger into your entrance and continue to curl your fingers within you. Your heat builds.
“You, Marco.” You say breathily. “You, you pounding me here in this bed…” You say.
He smiles at this and reaches for your hand between your legs. He lifts it, removing your fingers from your entrance and guides it to rub your clit. You moan as he guides your fingers faster and faster without breaking eye contact.
“Keep going, Y/N.” He says as he lets go of your hand and slides two of his large fingers down into your slick to your entrance.
You keep rubbing varying sized circles across your clit as Marco’s ring and middle finger enter you and pound in and out. Your free hand grips tighter at the sheets.
“Cum for me.”
You nod. Marco’s fingers begin to curl and toy at your g-spot hitting it better than you were with your smaller fingers. Your hips roll against his fingers, your hand on your clit slows. Your eyes cross as you feel your heat burst. Marco’s fingers continue to service you as you scream his name.
You lift your head and slam it back on the pillow behind you. Your juices squirt out on the fingers between your legs. Your eyes drift closed as you come down from your ecstasy. Panting, you half liddidly gaze at Marco, a large smile across your face.
“Thank you. Thank you, Marco.” You say. 
A smile grows on his face as he stands from the bed and cleans off his hands on a nearby towel. He returns to sitting beside you on the bed and kisses your forehead. As he sits up and looks down at you, you raise a hand to his cheek.
“Marco.” You say licking your dry lips.
“Hmm..?” He says staring at you deeply.
“I meant it. All I want is you.”
He presses his lips softly against yours.
“Alright then. I’ve never done the girlfriend thing before, but guess we will try it.” He replies with a smile.
You press your lips to his again and wrap your fingers in his hair, pulling him close.
(Daddy) Shanks
You were a newer member of Shanks’ crew. The only woman. Shanks tried to resist, but he quickly grew infatuated with you. Your crewmates all warned you not to get involved with the playboy, but you couldn’t help it. The two of you began seeing a lot of each other. However, lately he was too focused on planning his next plan of action, to spend much time with you. You and Shanks had been regularly active the past few weeks, so the sudden lack of attention left you very needy. 
Tonight Shanks finally announced his plans to go after the One Piece to you and the rest of the crew. The announcement resulted in a celebration. Maybe it was missing Shanks or just the alcohol, but an unquenchable heat began to brew between your legs. One you knew only Shanks could tame. You chose a low cut red dress for the occasion. 
After finishing another mug with Lucky Roo you found Shanks at a table with Yasop and Benn Beckman. You approach  from behind and place a hand on his shoulder. His officers knew about his now somewhat common meetups with you, as they tended to be loud. Seeing you at the Captain’s table hadn’t surprised them, frankly it probably didn’t surprise any of the crew. You’d quickly proved your own as a new member in more ways than one. Everyone was happy to have you on the crew. 
Shanks raises his hand to set his calloused fingers on yours. He looks over his shoulder and meets your gaze. The other men at the table chug their drinks and head to the bar for a refill. Shanks grabs you by the waist and pulls you to his lap. You place your arms on his chest and look around the crowded room, then bring your eyes back to meet his.
“Shanks, what if someone sees?” You ask.
“They’re all drunk. Who cares? They’ll barely remember any of this tomorrow.” He says as a smile grows across his face.
You purse your lips inward and stare down at your hands on his chest. You take a deep breath as your eyes dart up to meet his gaze. He tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“What is it?” He asks gently.
“I haven’t seen you in days…” You confess nervously.
“Yeah? Do you miss me?” He asks with a soft laugh. 
“Shanks.” You start as you raise your hand to run your fingers through the back of his hair.
He raises his eyebrows at you. You bring your lips to his ear. Before you can speak he kisses your neck causing you to moan. Your hands slide back down his chest as you rest your forehead against the side of his head.
“What is it?” He whispers in your ear before he nibbles at your neck. 
“I need you.” You reply with a soft moan.
He removes his lips from your neck and looks deeply into your eyes. A devious grin forms on his face. He pulls you closer into his chest  before raising his hand to the strap of your dress. He traces his finger down the strap of your dress across its neckline, causing your breath to catch in your throat. 
“Is that why you wore this red dress? Hoped to drive me wild, aye?” He asks as he rubs at the fabric hitting just above your left nipple.
“Shanks. It’s been days. Can we go to your quarters?” You beg.
Shanks laughs as he presses his lips against yours. You get so distracted by the taste of his sweet lips you forget you’re in a room surrounded by your crewmates. His hand begins to explore your body as your fingers rifle through his hair and pull him closer into your embrace. Mid-kiss you quickly pull away from his lips and look around the room wide eyed.
“They’re all plastered, Y/N. No one’s paying attention to us.” He says as his hand roams up your thigh to your core where he pulls your underwear aside. 
You moan as his fingers slide between your slick folds. You claw your hands down his muscular chest as he dives two fingers into your entrance, causing your hips to buck. You moan in his ear and wrap your arms tighter around his neck. Bringing your well endowed chest closer to his face. You feel his length harden against the fabric of his clothes beneath your core. You can’t help but hump against it.
“Shanks.” You moan as your thighs clench inward.
“If you’re this needy, Y/N. Ride me right here.” He says in your ear as his fingers curl at your g-spot.
You pull away from him and look into his eyes. He nods at you and pulls your lips back to his. His kisses were intoxicating, they had a way of making the world around you melt away. You’d never had sex in public before, but Shanks had a way of making things comfortable when you tried new things. You pull your lips from his and stand from his lap. You look around the room and notice no one is staring at you, they are all drunkenly laughing with one another and enjoying themselves. 
You rest your hands back on Shank’s shoulders and nod at him. He unbuckles his pants and lifts his length from the waistband of his briefs. His large length never fails to make you gasp. You scoot up his waist, to stand and hover over his length. You examine the room around you still no one notices you and Shanks. He pushes your underwear to the side beneath your dress and he lines up his length with your entrance. 
“You ready?” He asks as he looks up at you with a smile.
You bite your lip and nod. His hand lifts from beneath your dress to rest on your waist where he guides you as you sit down on his length. You slowly sit down, sucking him between your legs, deeper and deeper. You moan through clenched teeth and closed eyes as you swallow him whole between your legs. You rest your head on his chest and catch your breath once he’s fully inside you. Your dress perfectly covered your new connection, 
“So tight for me.” He mutters breathily. “Now use me like you need, Princess.” He says into your ear. 
You moan against his lips and he shushes you.
“Shhh… Princess. Don’t want them catching on.”
Your lips find his as you slowly start bouncing up and down on his hard member. His hand roams your waist until finds your ass and squeezes it. His lips separate from yours and he pulls you tighter around his chest. You tuck your head into his neck and begin rolling your hips to help stimulate your clit and g-spot. You weren’t sure why, but your heat was building in your abdomen quicker than normal. You return to bouncing up and down on your captain’s waist.
“Surrounded by your crewmates? Such a slut for me.” He says in your ear.
You swirl your hips on his member and clench down on him. Shanks holds you tighter as you return to bouncing on him. Your breaths both quicken as you ride him faster and deeper.
“Shanks.” You quietly moan against his neck. “Going to…”
“Me too. Make a mess for me, Princess.”
Shanks hand wraps tighter around your thigh as he begins to lift from his seat and pound into you. His length hits your cervix and your eyes cross. Your ecstasy explodes. You bite into his shoulder trying to cover your finish. Your juices drip down your thighs.
“Shanks.” You mumble..
“You take me so well.” He says with a smile.
Shanks continues to pound into you as you come down from your high. He presses his lips against yours as you feel his length twitch within you. You clench around him and feel his warm seed fill you. He pulls his lips from yours and rests his head on your chest, as he breathes heavily.
“I’m going to have to let you get needy more often.”
You laugh and tuck his hair behind his ear. 
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timetravellibrarian · 2 months
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Luffy x reader
Luffy was known to be a selfish man. He said so himself.
1. During meal times he'd steal some of his crew's food right after finishing his own
2. He never shares his food.
3. He sought adventure even when warned of the dangers by his crew(Nami, Ussop and Chopper)
4. He cared not for others unless they were in his crew, fed his unending hunger or he felt like helping them.
Then you came along.
No one could believe that Monkey D. Luffy had a single romantic cell in his body.
But as you sailed along with the crew together further into the Grandline through all the rowdy days and quiet nights it became apparent in the little and large ways. Monkey D. Luffy was in love.
He didn't even know it.
At first it was small glances that he stole, his smile wide whenever you sat down beside him or even so much as glanced his way.
The way he'd avoid stealing food from your plate when everyone ate together – Mainly because you threatened to throw him overboard because no one shall lay a hand on your food. You did share some of your food with him if you were too full though.
Then he started saving food for you too when he had the chance - a.k.a when he doesn't finish it all. If he knew that you were really hungry he'd place more food on your plate. Of course everyone was shocked but they weren't about to question his actions.
"Has he gotten sick?" Nami would ask no one in particular. She and Ussop were ready with evasive maneuvers in the case of danger at Luffy's behaviour.
Robin would chuckle at her words, a small smile on her face. She had seen some of Luffy's actions, having an idea of what was going on."No he's not. Let's just see how this goes."
His arms would wrap around you whenever he would go somewhere, much to your complaints. Imagine sitting peacefully beside Robin having a cup of tea together and the next thing you know you're being catapulted to the other side of the ship while you were about to take a bite of a cookie. "LUFFY WHY???!!!!!"
Most times he'd stick with the boys and explore an island but he'd choose to walk beside you or be nearby wherever you were if he felt like it. Shopping district? He's by a food stand. Visiting a relative or friend? He wants to meet them too. In a forest and lost? He's beside you with his own hiking stick and singing his heart out- you're his backing vocalist and you'll start a band at this point.
Since you're friends with the Nami a.k.a the boss lady, she loves to kidnap you while you're busy chilling and might try dressing you up in different outfits she bought while shopping. When you agree with some of the outfits she gives you, you walk out the woman's quarters to only find Luffy staring at you like for a second in awe before he asks if you wanna join him, Chopper and Ussop in their shenanigans, mainly bothering Zoro when y'all felt like it. "Come on Zoro, you can't catch us, you're too slow!"All you four did was laugh as you ran away.
"I'll kick all your asses!"
In times when you preferred to stay in your room, mood melancholy and eyes watering at something that made you sad you'd turn around in your bed to catch charcoal coloured eyes staring back at you in concern .
"You okay?"
For once you bared your heart and the both of you lay comfortablly in your bed, your head on his chest as the both of you took a nap.Since then, Luffy would check on you whenever you seemed down. He'd even do silly things to make you laugh.
Since the events of Sabaody and losing Ace he had prioritised keeping everyone safe. His mind always going to where you were in the event if a dangerous attack. Yes he knew you were capable of handling anything that could threaten your safety but he couldn't help but check. At this point it became an unspoken thing amongst everyone to keep each other safe and protected.
Some even having an important job of making sure you were covered when you fight : Zoro, Sanji, Robiin
Those you would take cover with if the enemy was too much of a bother: Nami, Ussop, Chooper
Those you went crazy on the battlefield beside: Franky, Brook
The one you'd stay beside half the time because of his calmness: Jinbei
The way he'd look on with so much love at the crazed look you'd have while fighting.
Luffy: She looks so cool and amazing.
Any sane person: Are we looking at the same thing cause that looks like a psycho.
Luffy learnt to show his affection more apparent to you after you confessed to loving each other.
He introduced you to Sabo just as he did to Ace in Alabasta. Talked about you anytime he mentioned anything about his crew. Definitely would be the definition of keeping a picture of you in his pocket so he'd show every one how gorgeous you look on your bounty poster. Immediately shuts down anyone who tried to make a move on him.
His brain consisted of you, meat, the One Piece and everyone on the crew. That is in no particular order.
Bartolomeo literally refers to you as the Queen. Legit fainted, bowed, praised, asked for you to step on him and everything on the list of his simpery when he saw you, much to your confusion and Luffy's annoyance.
Luffy would run to kiss you on your cheek, lips or forehead when he sees you after not having been around you for a while.
Blushes anytime you compliment him on anything. Tries to deny it when you call him cute but learnt to accept it.
Listens to your advice - rare occurrence ofcourse - when he sees that your intelligence is needed.
Sometimes you feel like you lose braincells when he's around but you love him nonetheless.
The way he always loves to have a feast and party all the time you learnt to go with the flow, him pulling you onto the dancefloor with his hands roaming your body to lead you into the next dance move. That's when you learnt that he had some exceptional dancing skills, his body going in rhythm with yours to the music that's being played.
Gets furious when you're hurt and lingers nonstop by your bed while you heal up. May or may not beat up the asshole who decided to lay a finger on you. If someone hurts you emotionally he's ready to step in as well, defending your honour and fighting the person who made you cry.
You always check on him too, patching up wounds when Chopper isn't around, ask him how he feels, remind him to rest too instead of being hyper 24/7. He may be your Captain , powerful and freeing nations almost all the time but he has to think of himself too not just his appetite.
Sometimes you take the time to wrap your arms around his just as he does but without the rubber arm thingy. You'd run to kiss him on his cheek or lips too. Be around him too everywhere he went. Showing just as much love as he gives you.
There was never a shortage of love aboard the Thousand Sunny.
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