bleaksqueak · 1 year
How how how does this still go as hard as it goes AND WITH THAT ALBUM COVER.
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s4no · 1 year
k, p, x for nsfw alphabet obey me simeon pleaseee 🥺🥺
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[ k ]: kinks - what’s a kink or two of his? simeon has always been extremely curious about temperature play. he'll slowly trail an ice cube across your stomach, watching in awe as chillbumps rise along your skin. dragging it up between your breasts, it's almost like magic the way your nipples harden when he circles it around them, and he wonders why he didn't think to try this out earlier. admittedly, he's a little nervous about pouring hot wax on you. but when you moan at the pleasurable sensation, your skin soft and flushed, he abandons all of his reservations.
[ p ]: position - what's his favorite sex position? call him boring but his favorite position, by far, is missionary. it's intimate and he enjoys watching your face while he makes love to you.
[ x ]: x-ray - how big is he? is he a grower or a shower? his cock is a solid 8 inches— and it's so fucking pretty. he's a grower so when he gets hard, he doesn't really know what to do with himself. he'll constantly adjust himself.
nsfw alphabet
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unmellowyellowfellow · 8 months
Chalk Mountain | 0 - Dixie Alvarez Holds a Grudge
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draft status: (complete rewrite)
(tw: drug use (marijuana), language, (daddy issues)
A/N: hi, so, this is the introduction chapter to my wip; and this is my first time sharing it. i hope you enjoy, i would love feedback (especially on dialogue. that shits hard). but never more, here it is! in all her rusty glory. everyone, meet Dixie.
The red sand of the west Texas desert gets into every nook and cranny of life around these parts. The texture is rough, yet soft; and leaves a stain on your Sunday best that sticks to ya like a honeybee to a marigold. It sneaks underneath your fingernails and hides in the corners, just out of reach.
I suppose that may not be a problem for some folks. Some like the orange tint to their white button shirts, or the wind blowing in an excuse to call into work on a Wednesday to go get evening coffee and pie with your aunt down the street, or the way it sounds against the windows may resemble the gentle patter of rain against the sill.
Dixie quite liked the color of the red sand, although she called it the red dirt. Her fluffy hair greatly resembled the red dirt below her porch steps that she left her stained boots on when she came home from trekking downtown. She sat down next to her boots and flicked a lighter, watching the flame dance.
She thought of her mother with a furrowed brow and a professional skill to ignore her father when he shouted inside the house about this and that. She missed her brother who ran away from home when they were children, who always had her back when their father would lash out back then. Dixie always wondered, and secretly hoped, that they were out there together somewhere.
Right as Dixie lit up an old roach that she had found in the dirty pockets of her overalls, her lungs burned from the deep inhale as her father came out the door. “Dixie,”
“Yes, Walter,” The smoke trailed through her words.
“What the hell‘re you doing?” He stepped over to her and looked at the spot next to her on the step. She responded in a single nod and scooted away from him to let him sit.
“Drugs,” Dixie offered the cherry towards him and he scoffed.
Dixie and Walter butted heads for as long as she could remember. Her mother always told her it was because Dixie had a spirit filled with fire and gold and passion and Walter’s spirit got used up and dried out years ago when he was just a boy. She never understood how they met and fell in love and always partly blamed him for her disappearance, thinking maybe she did it to get away from him.
However, Declan disappeared before their mother; 6 weeks to be exact. He ran away from home on a warm, rainy night after a family explosion about grades over dinner. Dixie used to sit by the living room bay window and wait for mother to return with her baby brother.
They existed quietly with each other for a moment while a tumbleweed rattled in the wind, tangled against their street sign. ‘Lower Passage’ was what it read before the wind storms sand blasted most of the paint away. Lower Passage was a long dirt road in the middle of nowhere around 8 miles long, out where the banjos play, as Dixie would say. Other people lived down Lower Passage, too, but they all had farmland and nobody paid anyone any mind.
The front yard was filled with the seasonal white flowers that take over like a plague. They danced in the wind with the trees whose leaves were floating in the air to the ground and chillbumps littered Dixie’s arms and legs. In the distance, she heard children laughing and running through the leaves in the side yard.
She closed her eyes and imagined Declan running past the front porch, his burgundy hair tangled in grass and sticks. A little curly fire haired Dixie played with young Declan and danced about in the flowers with a dainty and fragile crown of flowers and weeds upon her head.
Their mother watched from the wooden bench swing they had on the big live oak tree in the yard with a careful eye and a toothy grin. Her mother laughed as little Declan got scared by a bee; the laugh echoed further away once Dixie opened her eyes.
“Where do you think they are, daddy?” She coughed and flicked the ash to the dirt, then smushed it with her sock.
“Who, your mom and Declan?” Walter sighed and lit a cigarette. She nodded and hugged her knees to her chest. “I don’t know, Dixie Anne. If I did, they’d be right here at home.”
“But this ain't home anymore, is it?”
He paused to take a long drag, then blew it out with a shake of his head. “No, I guess not.”
“I’m gonna find them one day. I swear it, I will.”
“Now, I thought I told you it’s time to drop that shit. You can get yourself hurt goin’ out there playin’ detective,”
“I’m not playing anything, I’m taking care of my family,” A crow flew in front of Dixie and cawed loudly and began to peck at the grass.
“I’m your family,”
“No, you sure ain’t.” Dixie ran her tongue along her teeth, then spit some of her lunch carnage onto her fathers shoe. He looked up towards her with a frown that showcased the matching dimple that Dixie inherited from him. She mimicked him and stomped her socked feet across the porch; the screen door exaggerated her dramatic exit by a loud slam against the wooden frame.
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luc3 · 1 year
(an interesting one)(for once)
"Tagged" by @buddyblanc -
Rules: Fill out the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better!
Relationship status: eternity is long, especially at the end*...
Favorite Color: probably blue (and to be smart like @buddyblanc, I'd say blue-kandinski)
Song stuck in head: Chillbump - Nothing New -
Last song I listened to: "Les Cloches du Hameau" (Traditional folk song of Dauphiné.)
Three favorite foods: pepper, salt, sugar (lol)
Last thing I googled: trains timetables Oslo -> Bodo, and Stockholm -> Narvik
Dream trip: US West Coast - Scotland - Greenland - Mongolian Steppes - Lapland AGAIN YES AGAIN
Anything I want right now: less back pain (I'm still a simple person :D)
I tag @nimfeach, @queenofloci, @passifloramoonlight, @graveyarddirt, @grayladyofthewell, @she-who-keeps-the-lighthouse,@uchchhishta-matangini,@chaoticlawful, @gamayunsteward @epine-dorsale mais ça ne t'intéressera pas je suis quasi sûre
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psybrepunk · 2 years
Its amazing how the brain works
If something elicits a dopamine response in my brain, but another thing doesnt, if you associate those two things I will begin to make the dopamine association with tje second thing that didnt afford me any dopamine by itself.
I have examples.
I didnt like a song by John Denver until they released that trailer for Fallout 76 with this song, then my brain made the dopamine association with Fallout crossover to John Denver and now the song gives me chillbumps.
On a similar note I never particularly enjoyed cinnamon until I got into Dune and learned that spice tastes like cinnamon and now via the dopamine I receive from pretending anything I consume with cinnamon has spice in it, I am contented.
The moral of this story? If you understand your brain's core motivations you can trick yourself into liking anything.
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ethtyn · 1 year
i mean. Ngl i see ur vision now. but also dramatic bitch and Just Some Guy is a hilarious concept
plus can you imagine the Situations. the man is frankly legendary for ignoring Lore through sheer force of will and while the Clockers have really managed to frog-march him into roleplaying a bit this season somehow?, i really feel like Martyn's overall (vague gesture) and editing would mean we could potentially get Etho-included "lore" for once. which i'm getting lil chillbumps just thinking about like a fucking NERD.
anyway. EXACTLY. i am so glad we understand each other. 💖
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acidcaught-a · 2 years
aftercare:     for our muses to participate in aftercare together
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he has his arms wrapped around her, his lips in her hair. right hand runs down the side of her body, fingertips gently sliding over her skin. there's a water bottle next to her hand on the bed, cap screwed on tight so as not to spill on the sheets. the cotton sheet is pulled over her before chillbumps rise from the quick turning fan. he's actually happy that gotham's weather is abysmal. the patter of rain on the windows soothes as he breathes, mindful of his beating heart. he whispers i love you, baby girl. once, twice, and the first three words once more for effort. ( the bathtub water runs in the background. he'll pick her up in three for a soak harvey will be most pleased to join. )
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marcusmonroe22 · 2 years
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#writer #writersofinstagram #wordporn #thursdaytouch #chillbumps #silentlanguage #understood #fingerplay #fingertalk #thattouch #intentions #hewrites #silentknight #darkknight #slowhand https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf_p19nOz5L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#writer #writersofinstagram #wordporn #mondaymood #chillbumps #thatspot #ooohrightthere #ummmm #warmtheoven #hewrites #silentknight #darkknight #dreamweaver https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVul3Iu0Mw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deadchicksarecool · 7 years
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Those chill bumps! 🎃👻💀 www.deadchicksarecool.com #halloween #halloweensection #halloweenstore #halloweendecor #halloweendecorations #chillbumps #talkdirtytome #goosebumps #creepygirls #halloweenwhore #countdowntohalloween #halloweencountdown #october #october31 #october31st #deadchicksarecool
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onlymingyus · 2 years
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header edited by me (@chogiwapadada) do not remove the watermark and do not repost
pairing; jeon wonwoo x afab reader
genre; smut (minors dni)
warnings; unprotected sex, possessive wonwoo, hand around the throat, fingering, fingers in the mouth
word count; 1.2k and some change
request; no
a/n; this was written for @wonwussy after seeing this tweet (it is a safe link with slightly suggestive themes but no porn)
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You can feel Wonwoo’s hands run along your back as he pushes you down over the table. Your clothes discarded from the moment you walked in the door but neither of you had made it to the bedroom. The cold wood pressing against your chest makes you gasp in contrast to the warmth radiating off your bodies as he leans over you and you can feel his hard cock simply press against your ass as he ghosts his lips to your ear. 
“I’m tempted to say this is better than being at Jeonghan’s party. No one else is looking at you in that tight little dress you put on. Course…where is that dress now?” You grunt as his hand grips at your hip, his voice making your entire body erupt in chillbumps at how low and calm he is speaking. 
“It’s by the front door, Wonwoo.” He smirks against your neck before pressing a gentle kiss to your skin before speaking against your ear again. “Mm it is. Along with everything else that might get in my way.” You moan softly as his hand moves between your legs from behind, his long slender fingers pressing between your folds as his teeth nip at your ear lobe. 
You feel Wonwoo’s fingers scissors along your folds as he teases right outside of any areas where you want him the most. Your body reacts to him as you push your hips back towards him causing your ass to push back against his hard cock. Wonwoo grunts into a laugh before his mouth is on your neck and you gasp loudly when he bites at your neck gently. His tongue runs over the spot before he mutters against your skin, “So greedy.” 
“Please…” When you beg for him, Wonwoo smirks standing up behind you. His free hand moves to glide along your spine making you shiver as you move to stand slightly on your toes when his other hand circles your clit. “I love when you sound so desperate. Tell me…who else do you get this desperate for?” 
You shake your head and Wonwoo’s hand on your back moves along your hip, his nails grazing your skin lightly as you speak. “No one else.” He sucks on his bottom lip and leans over you slightly once again as he moves his fingers towards your dripping entrance. “That’s right, and why is that? Who do you belong to?” 
“You, I belong to you.” With your words Wonwoo sinks two fingers into you slowly making you moan his name as his lips press to your shoulder. Your body pressing harder into the wooden table as you feel the fingers curl into your walls with such precision you know only he could make you feel like this. Wonwoo feels your knees begin to give out as he pushes you towards your first orgasm of the night so his free hand wraps around your waist as he uses his strength and the table to keep you steady. 
Wonwoo groans when he feels your cum slipping around his fingers when he pulls them from your pussy. He couldn’t help the overwhelming feeling that he got around you, especially when you were around his friends. The possessiveness radiates from him even now when he sucks his fingers clean and you are panting for a full breath on the dining room table under him. 
With his arm still around your waist, Wonwoo helps you stand and turns you in his arms before sitting you on the edge of the table. His lips brush yours as his hand lines his painfully hard length at your entrance. Wonwoo steps in closer to you and uses his other hand to lift you slightly so that he slides into you. The stretch is delicious but slow, your arms move to drape around his shoulders as you moan against his lips once he bottoms out. 
Wonwoo grunts against your lips as his hand tightens on the side of your thigh before he pulls back to look at you when he begins to thrust into you so deeply with tight short thrusts you think you are going to see stars. “I kept thinking at the party, every single time one of them sat down next to you, every time one of their hands lingered a little too long…how much I hated them touching what was mine. It’s bad enough to watch them look at you.” 
You whine and lean your head back but Wonwoo grabs your face and makes you look at him with a tsk. “We are having a conversation baby. Like I was saying…” You moan his name and how good he feels as his cock rubs against your spot making your thighs quiver as you nod trying to listen to what he is saying. “I don’t want any of them Wonwoo.” 
He nods and puts his finger over your lips before putting two fingers into your mouth for you to suck on. “I know baby, now shh. I’m talking. I know you don’t want them but that doesn’t mean they don’t want you or that it doesn’t feel like it. Fuck it just gets my blood boiling. I just don’t like to share. It’s not in my nature.” You moan around his fingers nodding in agreement as you feel the coil tighten in you once again. Your nails digging into his shoulders. 
“Fuck you are so tight babe.” Wonwoo grunts and his hips snap to yours as he feels himself getting just as close to his own climax. His brain chanting, ‘mine, mine, mine’. His fingers fall from your mouth before his hand wraps lightly around your neck towards your jaw to push back your head. His lips find yours in a hungry kiss as you fall apart on his cock. Wonwoo’s brows furrow deeply as your walls clench around him, sending him over the edge after you as he spills into you with a few final thrusts. 
Your hands run through Wonwoo’s hair and over his temples to wipe away beads of sweat as his hands slide along your body before he carefully slips from you but remains close unwilling to let you go. “Wonwoo…baby?” He grunts, his forehead resting on your shoulder before you lift his head to make him look at you meeting him with a smile. 
“I love you. I don’t want anyone else.” He sighs and nods leaning to kiss you before taking your hand in his kisses your fingers, palm, then wrist before moving from you to grab something to clean you both up as he speaks. “I know. I love you too. I just get possessive. I’m sorry if I’m too much sometimes.” 
You can’t help but to laugh as he moves back into your arms letting you run your fingers over his face as he looks down at you with much gentler eyes than he had when you had first entered the door. “I love when you fuck me like that Wonwoo…but I also don’t want you to ever be worried about others.” Wonwoo smirks at your words raising his brows when you say you like being fucked like that. 
“You like being fucked hard and reminded who you belong to?” You sigh and groan as you lean your head back into a laugh. Wonwoo smiles watching you as you shake your head. “Out of that entire sentence that is all you got?” With a gentle hand he tilts your head back up and presses a soft kiss to your lips before shaking his head. “No I heard the rest too, that was just my favorite part.” 
tag list; @bangchanbabygirlx if you want to be added to the tag list send me a message
© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.  
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shujiful · 3 years
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feat: mikey, draken, mitsuya, chifuyu, kazutora, baji
tw: fem!reader, spanking, dacryphilia, pet play, breeding, face riding, overstimulation, edging, daddy kink, cucking, voyeurism, knife play, gun play, degradation / humiliation, angry sex, overall very smutty
a/n: all characters are aged up (baji is alive i’m in denial) ; part two is coming !!
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— MIKEY ♱ mikey has impressive restraint but even he tests his limits when he’s edging himself, forcing his hips to keep thrusting while he resists the urge to cum inside you. he knows the longer he lasts, the more satisfying it’ll be when he finally finishes.  ♱ because he’s lost so much of his family, he’s developed a breeding kink. the thought of stuffing his partner full of his cum just makes his head spin. he always fucks it back into you until it’s leaking down your thighs and onto the bed.  ♱ while he’s a sucker for missionary, he loves it when you ride him. his eyes are locked on the way your tits bounce, the way your chest heaves with each ragged breath. his hands grip your hips, helping guide you up and down on his cock.
—DRAKEN ♱ the first time you call draken daddy, it accidentally slipped out, but now he makes a point of referring to himself as that when you two get intimate. it’s because of you that he developed a daddy kink, making you call him that if you wish to cum.  ♱ he’s not afraid to discipline you if you get a bratty attitude with him. he’ll bend you over his lap, flip your skirt up and spank you until your ass is completely red, using the other hand to keep your face pressed into the mattress.  ♱ his favorite position is doggy style and it’s because he’s enamored with the way your ass jiggles as his hips slap against yours, squeezing the flesh between his fingers. he’d take a picture of you arching your back if you’d let him.
—MITSUYA ♱ mitsuya loves sleepy sex. his favorite time to have sex is early in the morning, when he wakes up for a nap, and right before bed, when your walls are down and you’re your truest self. he’ll give you tons of forehead kisses and praise. ♱ though, if you ever want to have sex in the shower, he’ll never pass up the opportunity to fuck you while water drips down your body, his hands tangled in your wet hair. afterwards, he’ll even soap you up and wash you down. ♱ no matter when or where you have sex, he pays extra attention to your nipples. his fingers will pinch them in between his fingers before he takes them in his mouth, swirling his tongue around them until they’re pretty and pert. 
—CHIFUYU ♱ sex with chifuyu is usually soft and sweet with slow, deep strokes and lots of praise. however, he doesn’t just stop after you’ve climaxed once; he wants to overstimulate you until the only thing you can moan out is his name. ♱ he has a weakness for giving you head, and he prefers it when you ride his face, legs on either side of his head and dripping cunt above him. his hands will caress your thighs, holding you still so you can’t move away. ♱ though it takes him a long time to admit it, he’s a fan of cucking. he’ll only let his closest friends participate, but he’s enamored watching you take someone larger and stronger than him. he’ll sit there and get off to it.
—KAZUTORA ♱ his favorite part of sex is the foreplay. he loves teasing and riling you up, and he’ll frequently make you ride his thigh to get yourself off. the way he can feel your arousal seeping through his pants drives him feral. ♱ he’s also into pet play, and he realizes this when he sees you in a pair of cat ears, asking you to keep them on as he climbs on top of you. one day he gifts you a collar with his name on it, and you two don’t leave the bed all day. ♱ when he’s feeling more sadistic, he’ll participate in some knife play, dragging the blade against your skin and reveling in the chillbumps that rise in its wake. his favorite thing to do is draw circles around your nipples with the weapon.
—BAJI ♱ it doesn’t take a lot to set baji off, so he’s constantly getting angry over the most ridiculous things. and since you’re always close by, he usually takes it out on you. you two have an almost comical amount of rough, angry sex. ♱ his mean streak comes out in bed, especially when he’s already pissed off. he’s a hard dom with a tendency to humiliate and degrade you, smirking at the fact that you clench him tighter every time he calls you a slut.  ♱ he also likes striking fear into his partner’s heart, pulling out a loaded gun and pressing the barrel of it to your lips. his finger’s on the trigger while you suck on the cool metal, his other hand wound in your hair to bob your head. 
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my general vibe is shuddering submissive armin being called babyboy and babydoll but i just got the pussyshocks from this imagery so HEAR ME OUT.
you're stressed out from the day you've had and you're at a house party. and from your experience in past hustles, you mix drinks like a mf pro and it's kind of theraputic for you so you get into a flow just to take your mind off things.
but your sweet doe eyed boy sees how hard you're shaking martinis and comes to check on you.
"hey... what is it..?"
you feel his voice-- that soft, airy gumdrop voice that does so many things to you-- before you even sense his body, and it's behind you, a sinner's touch tracing along that pretty brown skin peeking between your top and your jeans. and you ignore the blooming chillbumps he sends illuminating your glowing body. but the vibes in here were ones you wanted to absorb, not taint. so why speak your problems out and screw up the good time?
"i'm not about to fuck this party up over--"
shit. and you almost let it slip, too. the storm over your head was not letting up on you even with everyone else having a ball around you. in fact, it felt like it was trying to grow just to spite you, now that your sweetheart was here to save the day. "over some bullshit." you finish weakly. nope. you were not giving this your energy. and you definitely weren't about to cast it on armin, "i don't want you bothered over it."
"so then talk to me, baby," he rubs a tender set of circles into the small of your back with his thumb, biting a little smirk when it arches for his touch. "who do i need to embarrass?"
he said so teasingly, but you knew full well what armin was capable of with that mind and that mouth on him. and he knew you knew. you'd seen him take down entire reputations, you'd seen him raze positions in social hierarchy to the ground just with how he could expose and read folks. over slights, over digs at his friends, any reason he felt like. he could lay any bastard he wanted to out completely bare and do it with the coldest disposition you had ever laid eyes on. heartless. relentless. ruthless. he could do it without giving a fuck, and for some reason, that power of his turned you on even more than dudes out here who would knock somebody out for the same offences.
"boyyyyy..!" you whined, pushing at him softly with your crush on him stretching your cheeks in a smile. he ate it up, encircling you in his arms from behind and rocking you from side to side, his chin resting on your shoulder. "nobody..! i said don't worry about it..."
"you can't think i'm going to let something upset my queen and not worry. i'll swing on whoever, just point me where."
you can't help it. you melt. armin was the warmth of sunshine to you, and just him caring so much was whisking away everything that had gotten you so worked up. "no, cause then you can't squeeze on me."
"you want me to squeeze on you, baby?" he asked lowly, softly. you could hear the smile in his voice.
"i want you to squeeze on me."
he gives you what you want. soft and full and tight, making you feel the most heavenly mix of appreciated and owned. his body is so strong and encompassing, protective of yours-- in his smell, his closeness, his care, his unmatched brand of sexiness that was so unique to him. slowly he lessens the hold, only to hum and squeeze you again. it's so full of intimacy that you forget you two aren't alone.
he sets your body alight, and suddenly you feel yourself getting hot between your thighs.
"mmm... better..?"
"...yes," you answer more breathily than you should have. but you feel his response against your ass, so you don't regret it, "don't stop, please..."
"i love you, baby," he answers back so dreamily and elated, wrapping you again in a warm squeeze, "you know i won't stop. you know i'll do anything to make my queen feel good."
you feel one of his arms leave, and mourn the loss of that touch. but you feel two fingers press against the denim cupping your pussy, and pull in a silent gasp. "...i want to make you feel so good."
"armin..!" he eats his name when he kisses your soft lips, swirling more pressure into your pussylips while his tongue slowly collides with yours.
"just one, baby... just one for me..." he closes his eyes, his nose pressed into your edges as he begs low in your ear, "please? i promise i only need one. i swear."
your knees buckle when he finally smears your pussy open for him through your bottoms, getting that contact with your sweet little clit he wanted. he holds you up easily with the one arm still around your middle, shushing you to calm.
"let me make my baby's pussy cum... she's been so stressed all night. you didn't see like i could. it hurts so bad to see my baby like that. can i have one..?" he asks huskily, "isn't that fair, baby..? she needs more, but i'm a patient boy. i can wait for more when no one can see her shaking and crying for me... please..?"
you're grasping and grabbing now, clutching at the arm he has around you and the countertop that's hiding what he's doing to you from everyone else. "sh...shittttt..! yes, yes, baby, yes you can have it. take it, take it, please please, fuck..!"
his breath hitches and breaks in your ear, panting and shaking in a gasp like your permission alone made him bust his nut in his pants.
and damned if that didn't set your pussy on fire. you felt your arousal trickle out and gush into your panties, to armin's absolute delight. he rubbed you faster and with heavy pressure in the pads of his fingers. he's moaning into your ear in rapture with every rotation, like you're the one with your lips and tongue tight and soaking around his dick. and he's thrusting into you from the back from how bad you turned him on.
"tell me who's your babydoll."
"you!" you waste no time answering, and he groans out the gratification that so sexily gives him, "it's you, armin, only you..!"
"and am i your babyboy?" he asks further, biting his lip when he sees you roll your hips and ride his fingertips.
"you know you're my little babyboy," your glossy, half-dazed eyes land on his-- black with how lustful you'd made him, and he coos, placing tiny kisses over your cute nose and cheeks.
"and you're going to let your babyboy make you cum, right?" he egged again, seeing that you were starting to climb the peak.
"ohhhh sshhhhhiiiiiiitttt..."
"you're gonna let your babydoll get your pussy to cum all on his fingers, aren't you, baby..?"
"oh my fucking--armin, i'm about to... cummm!"
"don't keep me waiting, then, baby," he husks before kissing you, smothering your cries and writing his name into your pussy while you came, over and over while your orgasm had you convulsing against him.
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dionnaea · 4 years
If I Could Love You | Zeke x Reader
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pairing: zeke yeager x reader
warnings: reader is magath’s daughter, smoking, angst
wc: 1.7k
a/n: kinda want to write a prequel to this? like the start of zeke and the reader’s relationship. any interest in that? also, thanks for reading!
attack on titan masterlist | general masterlist
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“Welcome back, monkey man.”
The sound of your voice tumbled into Zeke’s ears, a jumble of longing, elation, and teasing all mixed into your tone. You had been waiting for him, he knew. He knew before he even stepped out onto the balcony that you were standing there, and he knew that he shouldn’t have let himself step out in the first place. Choosing the safest option on this dangerous encounter, he ignored you. But when you said his name, his head immediately turned so that his eyes could meet yours. 
He was met with a cloud of smoke, and when it cleared, your grin stared back at him, cigarette hanging from your fingers. He left his face blank, seemingly unamused by your tricks, and turned back around, taking a few steps forward until he could lean on the railing. 
You were quick, though, and twisted your body in one fluid motion so that your back was pressing against the metal railing and your feet were crossed as you placed most of your weight on one leg. Zeke was used to this by now, and didn’t spare you a glance as he himself hunched over to rest against his forearms. 
The night sky in front of him was dark, only a few stars untouched by the light pollution of the city. In the distance, he could see the beginning of the sea, a black abyss promising the unknown. He could feel your eyes on him, hear the sounds of you sucking tobacco into your lungs and blowing it back out. The heat that waved off of your body was smothering, and Zeke didn’t know if the air was getting caught in his chest because of that or the smoke. 
“Those things will kill you,” he stated. 
“Sure,” you shrugged. “But won’t just about everything?” You took another puff, lightly pushing the exhaled smoke towards Zeke. He brought his hand up and swiped it away. Annoyance played on his features, but you knew that you weren’t really bothering him. “What’s up with you?”
Your gaze was studious, and Zeke knew you were trying to gain any hint of insight from his subtle reactions. He remained stoic, repressing the downturn his lips so desperately wanted to perform. He was well aware that you’d catch him if he even attempted to lie so instead he remained silent, letting you dissect him all you wanted but knowing you would find nothing. 
“Zeke,” you sighed and for some reason it was more exasperated than disappointed. You lifted your free hand up, brushing it side to side. “I get it. You’ve been at war. You’ve seen things. You’re sad or angry or whatever the hell you are. So what? I don’t care. Stop acting like a baby and talk to me.” 
Your words, your tone, was harsh, but coming from you, Zeke knew it was gentle. He knew you meant it all in the best way possible, knew you just longed for his attention, knew all you wanted was to be with him, and that killed him. That knowledge killed him in the most delicious way. Your existence was sugar laced with poison, and still, Zeke kept consuming you like it was the last meal he’d ever eat.
Which quite possibly, it was. 
“Don’t you know how to leave a man alone?” He was fighting a smile, you could tell. 
“Absolutely not,” you replied, shifting your position so that you leaned on only one arm and your whole body faced him. His mouth had formed a small grin, but he still wasn’t looking at you, choosing the darkness rather than the light right beside him. “Zeke. Look at me?” 
There was an unspoken ‘please’ on the end of your sentence, a light desperation dancing across your tongue. He was hopeless, absolutely hopeless, Zeke lamented as he turned only his head to finally meet your stare. Your eyes were pools of liquid, a shine on them as if you were fighting off tears. But no, Zeke realized, it was the moonlight dancing off of your irises, creating shadows of your eyelashes that rested along your cheeks. 
You breathed a sigh of relief and offered the cigarette to the man, dangling it between your dainty fingers so lightly that Zeke was scared it would fall. He closed the distance between the two of you, pulling the drug into his lungs until he could breathe no more before tilting away and blowing the smoke behind him. The wind picked up in that moment, aiding the smoke’s departure but cursing Zeke as your sweet scent wafted into his nose. It filled up his head, dizzying him until he was able to breath fresh air again. 
He dared to look back down at you, and for the first time in months, truly took you in. You were wearing pajamas, the strap of your camisole loose as it rested on the curve of your shoulder. There was lace on the front, enticing his eyes to glance where they shouldn’t. Your shorts were a bit too short, and your legs looked a bit too soft. As his eyes grazed back up your figure, he was met with a soft upturn of your lips, pink and plush and begging for his own.
It was obvious, you made it obvious, that you wanted him in whichever way he would give himself to you. It had always been like this, you opening yourself up fully and gladly taking whatever pieces of himself that Zeke would give you. You had roped him into a game through sweet smiles and subtle glances, and it seemed every time he felt like he understood the rules, you changed them. You were not something to be understood, you were something to be chased, to be longed for, to be loved, and Zeke cursed himself for not being able to do all three. 
“I know what you’re thinking,” you started, dropping the cigarette and pointing at it with your bare toes. Zeke obliged your silent request, stomping it out with his boot before kicking it in between the wooden slats. “You’re thinking that you shouldn’t, that it isn’t right or that it isn’t worth it.” You bit your lip, eyebrows furrowing, and Zeke couldn’t help but like the way little wrinkles appeared along your forehead. “But I’m telling you now that it is, okay? Just… just trust me for once.” 
That was the problem, Zeke thought, he always trusted you. He put too much faith in your reassurances and let himself fall too deeply into your fantasies. Thinking about it, Zeke realized that you were exactly like the sea: something he would inevitably drown in in search for answers and a warm embrace. You were a known unknown entity, and that scared Zeke more than he could express in words. 
Remaining silent, Zeke lifted his hand, and you froze in anticipation of what he would do. Gently, he brushed his calloused fingers against your upper arm, lightly pushing your camisole strap back up so that it rested properly against your collarbone. Your body involuntarily shivered, and chillbumps dusted across your skin. You waited with held breath, his fingers resting against the curve of your neck. After a moment of reverie, Zeke brought himself back to reality and pulled away. To your surprise, he shrugged off his jacket, casting it over your shoulders and waiting until you had thread your arms through the much too long sleeves before saying anything. 
“The armband doesn’t suit you.” His words were firm, almost angry. 
The weight of the band burned into your being, but you kept your eyes locked with his. “It doesn’t suit you either.” Zeke was well aware that you were dead serious, an anomaly in your family when it came to compassion. “Is this…” You already knew the answer, you had asked a million times. “Is this about my father?” 
Zeke sighed, running a tense hand through his hair and turning away once more, resting back onto the railing. He didn’t know why you asked when you already knew the answer, but he supposed that a small part of you kept the hope that someday something would change. It wouldn’t. 
“Why?” Your volume rose. “Why? It doesn’t have to be! Why do you let it!” It wasn’t even a question at that point. It was just a statement, an indisputable fact that Zeke’s future was decided by everyone but himself. 
He gave a noncommittal hum in response. 
“Do you think I’m an idiot?” 
He could hear the anger in your voice, the frustration, but he also heard something else. Sadness? Loneliness? 
He wasn’t given a chance to respond before you were speaking again. “I know you’re leaving. You’re going to Paradis, and you’re going to fight back against Marley, and then you’re going to die. Maybe not even in that order.” You took a deep breath in and reached out, placing a soft hand on the side of Zeke’s face and turning it until his grey eyes were forced to look into yours. He automatically leaned into your touch. “So tell me this: With how much you’ve given up in your life, why are you still choosing to give up me?” 
There was pain dancing across your face, and suddenly Zeke didn’t think those forehead wrinkles were as cute. He had underestimated you as he always did, and was once again stuck in your crosshairs, having to make the decision of trying to run or giving himself up completely. His entire being begged him to do the latter. 
Because for Zeke, you meant more than every war combined. You meant more than most everything. But you didn’t mean more than his conviction, and he was a very stubborn man. So when you asked him to stay, even offered to come with him, he had to refuse. 
That night, Zeke realized something. Until that moment when your heart shattered and your face hardened over, you had always been known. You had never changed the rules, only adapted them so that you could be with him for just a little bit longer. All you had wanted was to love him. 
And the one time you had asked him to love you back, he had said no. 
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y0dar · 7 years
La playlist du mois d’octobre est un condensé des sons majoritairement en français qu’il fait bon d’écouter en toute occasion.
Aline Crétinoir
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lastoneout · 2 years
Showed my friend your post and they wanted me to tell you that you can call goosebumps chills or chillbumps
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