#child vaccination
marzipanandminutiae · 25 days
As someone who works with social history for a living, I feel like I’m the aggressive opposite of an anti-vaxxer
I fucking LOVE vaccines, friends. Give me the science stab. I’m so ready. it’s a beautiful day to not die of a Bajillion and one diseases that carried off like half the population before they had even reached age 10, and a significant portion before they made it to old age, 150 years ago
I go to the old cemetery. I see the vast numbers of infant and child and young adult graves. And then I go to my doctor and get injected with Potion of Fuck That Noise. This is beautiful and miraculous and I do not remotely understand how some people can reject it – not just for themselves, but for their children
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wausaupilot · 2 months
Public health leaders urge parents to get kids vaccinated before the school year starts
Dane County has already seen an outbreak of whooping cough in teenagers this summer
By Hope Kirwan– Wisconsin Public Radio Most Wisconsin students still have a month left of summer vacation. But public health officials are already urging families to think about getting kids up to date on vaccinations before the school year starts. Milwaukee County leaders held a press conference encouraging back-to-school immunizations on Tuesday. Dr. Ben Weston, chief health policy advisor…
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kazifatagar · 2 months
Revisiting the Importance of Childhood Immunisation
By Associate Professor Dr Neoh Siew Hong, Associate Professor Dr Chee Seok Chiong, and Dr Lim Yin Sear, who are academics specialising in Paediatrics at the School of Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at Taylor’s University. The measles outbreak in Penampang, Sabah this past January is an example of suboptimal vaccine coverage in a population. This further emphasises the…
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townpostin · 3 months
Special Vaccination Drive Launched in East Singhbhum
Awareness Campaign for Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccination* A special campaign has been initiated in East Singhbhum to vaccinate children against diphtheria and tetanus. JAMSHEDPUR – Diphtheria, a severe disease, poses a higher risk to children who are not vaccinated due to lack of awareness. To address this, tetanus and diphtheria vaccines are being administered to children in the district. Dr.…
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Good child care involves many things, including strengthening your little one’s immunity. Here, we offer five tips to guide parents in boosting their child’s immune system.
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As parents, keeping our children healthy and happy is our top priority. From providing the best nutrition to keeping them protected, we make every effort for their well-being. One of the most effective ways to safeguard your child against preventable illnesses and diseases is through vaccination. The Savera Child Clinic is a leading healthcare provider and the best child vaccination centre near me, offering comprehensive immunization programs for children. In this blog post, we will discuss five important reasons to vaccinate your child and why it is essential to seek out the services of a reputable vaccination centre.
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froody · 2 months
child mortality rates were so high in the 1840s and 1850s that when I see record of someone who’s (documented) children all survived into adulthood I’m like “wow. how the fuck did you do that.”
also there is this idea that parents just cared less about their children back then because they died so often but the many many many accounts of mothers and fathers holding their gravely ill children all night not sure if their next breath would be their last. that loss was the greatest fear then just as it is now and just as it seemed to be in Paleolithic times. they compartmentalized their grief to survive but that didn’t mean they felt it any less keenly.
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accordhospital · 2 years
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truth4ourfreedom · 3 months
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The trial of a Carievale, Sask., man charged with abducting his daughter ended Friday with a jury finding him guilty.
Court heard Michael Gordon Jackson failed to return his seven-year-old daughter to the care of her mother, who had primary custody, after a long-weekend visit in November 2021.
Jackson, who represented himself at the trial in Regina Court of King's Bench, had told the jury his only intention was to prevent his daughter from getting the COVID-19 vaccine. Jackson said he believed the vaccine would harm his daughter and claimed the mother did not let him know her views on the vaccine for months.
The Crown argued that Jackson's goal of keeping his daughter unvaccinated meant that he purposely kept the girl away from her mother. The prosecutor also said there is no doubt Jackson made his concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine clear, but the girl's mother had the final say according to the custody agreement. 
After the mother told Jackson that she planned to get their daughter vaccinated, he decided to "take the law into his own hands" and keep her, the Crown said. [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @vague-humanoid
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dickmaster420 · 1 month
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sauce-cat · 2 years
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I don't believe that man has ever been to medical school.
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wausaupilot · 1 year
As child vaccinations fall, public health officials call for local response
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic almost four years ago, millions of children around the world have gone without routine childhood immunizations.
By Joe Tarr | Wisconsin Public Radio Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic almost four years ago, millions of children around the world have gone without routine childhood immunizations. Last year, 20.5 million children missed one or more routine vaccines, according to the World Health Organization. While better than the previous year when 24.4 million missed a vaccine, the rate remains…
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unknowablea · 5 months
da hye really went from "i will leave you" to "i will leave for you" just to make her third 180 and finally decide to stay instead of running
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arctic-hands · 28 days
I will forever despise people who defend chickenpox parties–even the ones that happened pre-vaccine.
Because some parents decided to send their poxy son to daycare when I was ten–pre the vaccine being widely available–I nearly died from shingles when my immune system completely collapsed six years later and I horrifically contracted an atypical case of shingles. The pustules were everywhere on my body–down my throat, up my genitals, ON MY INTERNAL ORGANS. My skin underneath the pustules turned green. I was in the worst pain of my life and delirious with a fever. My hometown E.R refused to look at me for "just chickenpox". My mom called the hospital an hour and a half away and they told her to get me there ASAP. After I got there, the E.R team said that had she waited just two more hours to leave I would have been dead on arrival. I was admitted to the PICU and given a PICC line, and even after I was discharged I was still hooked up to an IV pole with acyclovir going straight to my heart for MONTHS. My academic life never recovered and this is a contributing factor in my dropping out the next year. I still have pox scars on my chest.
In contrast, when I got chickenpox as a ten year old I just had a mild rash on my stomach for like a week. My mother was sensible enough to keep me home that week. The parents of that boy weren't sensible, and I paid the price for it.
Anyway if you're a parent who doesn't vaccinate your kids I hope you get them removed from your "care" for your atrocious neglect. That goes for all diseases we have vaccines for, like covid. And if you intentionally infect kids "to boost their immune systems" because you're too stupid to look up how vaccines work? I hope you get your ass beat.
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reminder that antivaxxers began out of a hatred for autistic people.
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