#child custody rights in florida
ryuukoizawa · 1 year
Are you looking for based-in Child Custody Florida Lawyer? ZAGER LAW is your ultimate solution. Whether it is Asset Protection Attorney, Child Support Attorney or Asset Protection Attorney in Florida, Zagerlaw has got your back.
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Are you looking for based-in Child custody Florida lawyer? ZAGER LAW is your ultimate solution. Whether it is Asset Protection Attorney, Child Support Attorney or Asset Protection Attorney in Florida, Zagerlaw has got your back.
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Domestic Violence Laws: What Constitutes Controlling Behavior
 In the realm of domestic violence laws, understanding what constitutes controlling behavior is crucial for both victims seeking legal protection and society's efforts to combat such abuse effectively. Controlling behavior encompasses a spectrum of actions that perpetrators use to manipulate, intimidate, and exert power over their partners or family members. These actions are not always physical but can be equally damaging psychologically and emotionally.
Defining Controlling Behavior
Controlling behavior involves a range of tactics designed to dominate and undermine the autonomy of the victim. This can include monitoring their movements, isolating them from friends and family, controlling finances, and dictating their everyday decisions. Such actions are aimed at instilling fear, dependence, and a sense of helplessness in the victim.
Legal Perspectives and Recognized Acts
Under domestic violence laws in many jurisdictions, controlling behavior is increasingly recognized as a form of abuse that warrants legal intervention. While physical violence is more visible and often easier to identify, laws are evolving to encompass non-physical forms of abuse such as emotional and psychological manipulation. This shift acknowledges the profound impact of coercive control on victims' well-being and safety.
Examples of Controlling Behavior
Isolation: Preventing the victim from seeing friends or family, monitoring their communications, or restricting their social activities.
Financial Control: Taking control of finances, withholding money, or sabotaging the victim's employment or educational opportunities.
Manipulation: Gaslighting, which involves making the victim doubt their own perceptions, memories, and sanity.
Intimidation: Using threats, gestures, or looks to create an atmosphere of fear and compliance.
Monitoring: Constantly checking the victim's whereabouts, reading their messages, or demanding to know every detail of their day.
Legal Protections and Remedies
Many jurisdictions have introduced specific laws or amendments to address controlling behavior within the context of domestic violence. These laws empower victims to seek protection orders or restraining orders against their abusers based on evidence of coercive control, even in the absence of physical violence. This legal recognition is crucial in providing victims with the necessary support and protection to break free from abusive relationships.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite progress in recognizing controlling behavior, challenges remain in enforcement and prosecution. Often, victims may not recognize these behaviors as abusive until they escalate or seek legal advice. Additionally, proving psychological abuse in court can be complex, requiring comprehensive evidence and understanding from legal professionals.
Educational and Awareness Efforts
Increasing public awareness about controlling behavior is essential in preventing domestic violence and supporting victims. Education campaigns, training for law enforcement and judiciary, and community outreach programs play a vital role in identifying and addressing this form of abuse early on.
In conclusion, while physical violence remains a stark reality in many domestic abuse cases, controlling behavior represents a significant and equally damaging aspect of the abuse spectrum. Understanding the nuances of coercive control is paramount in providing effective legal protections and support to victims. As domestic violence laws continue to evolve, addressing controlling behavior comprehensively ensures that victims receive the justice and safety they deserve, and perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. Through continued education, advocacy, and robust legal frameworks, we can strive towards a society where all individuals live free from the fear of coercive control and domestic abuse.
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attorneycraigvigodsky · 8 months
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Visitation Rights Lawyer Near Me in Pensacola, FL | (850) 912-8520
Visitation Rights Lawyer Near Me in Pensacola, FL
Craig A. Vigodsky, P.A. focuses on helping clients in the Pensacola area who need a divorce lawyer find balanced family law solutions. He assists clients in family legal matters including divorce, child custody and support, paternity, and modifications and relocations.
Craig Vigodsky, P.A. 221 W Cervantes St Pensacola, FL 32501 (850) 912-8520 https://pensacolalawoffice.com/
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jackhues · 7 months
new au idea (m.tkachuk!daughter) lmk ur thoughts!!
on december 17th, 2019, delilah/lilah was born. matthew has just turned 22 a few days ago, and he didn't want a kid. he told mom he'd pay for child support, but he didn't want to be a part of her life because he was too young, he was too into hockey.
he never bought any presents for her, simply sent a monthly stipend to mom bcz he didn't want any attachment. he gave a little more money than needed to mom, but it still wasn't much to him.
his parents weren't super happy, but they live with his decision. brady and taryn fought with him for a while, but then decided that she's their niece even if he doesn't want to be the dad. uncle brady and aunt taryn are a part of delilah's life and she loves them.
mom has a history of drug abuse, but she'd been clean for a few years when she met matthew. she'd collect the extra money he gave, promising it's for a bday present for lilah, but she ended up giving up and relapsing. she did this a few times, but no one found out and she always promised herself it'd be the "last time".
on april 5th, 2023, (lilah's 3) when brady went to visit mom and lilah in florida while he was versing his brother, he found mom high out of her mind. he basically ran in the house looking for lilah, and found her crying in a corner behind her bed, too scared to get out. brady took her and left.
he called matthew, who didn't pick up, so he ended up driving straight to his house. matthew opened the door and saw brady with a kid and was so confused until brady was like "it's your kid. this is delilah."
matthew's pissed like "why tf would you bring her here? i've already talked to her mom, we've got an agreement--"
"does that agreement still hold when she's high out of her mind?" brady asked. "when she's scared lilah so much she didn't want to come out from her corner behind the bed?"
and matthew's like ...shit. he looks at lilah, who's pretending to be asleep soundly in brady's arms and he doesn't know what to do anymore.
brady puts lilah on matthew's bed and is like to him, "look, idc what your problem is with having a kid. but her mom's got some issues, and at least until she works them out, you gotta watch her. she's your kid." and when matthew looks unconvinced, he adds, "yk what? if you don't want her, fine. but you're still her dad, and legally, her guardian. i need you to watch her until taryn or i can get custody."
and matthew snaps out of it and he's like, "i don't need one of you guys to take custody. she's my kid. i've got her."
and brady's shocked bcz that's the first time matthew's acknowledged it, but he's feeling accomplished, so he heads out.
matthew looks at lilah sleeping in his much too big bed and is like, "brady's gone. are you still gonna pretend to be asleep?"
and lilah opens her eyes and sits up, looking matthew in the eyes. she doesn't ask him if he's her dad, she doesn't ask him where she is, she simply goes, "are you gonna keep me away from mommy?"
matthew sighs and lilah flinches (which breaks his heart) but he sits on the floor and is like, "your mommy is not feeling good right now. until the doctors can get her better, until she can get herself better, you'll be staying with me."
and lilah's like, "i don't wanna go back to mommy. she's scary. can i stay with you? you're uncle brady's brother, right? my dad?"
and matthew doesn't know how to answer the first question, so he just nods and goes, "yeah, i'm your dad. and i know you've got a hundred more questions, but right now, you need to sleep, okay? you had a long day."
"can i hold your hand?" lilah asks. "mommy ripped apart my bernie (a stuffy she has) and now i need to hold something."
so matthew scooches a little closer and let's lilah wrap her tiny fingers around his hand and she falls asleep for real this time.
and for the first time, matthew's feeling this connection with a kid he never even saw, and he's like "i'm not letting anyone hurt you like that again, i promise."
let me know what you guys think of this :))
EDIT: this is now an au, here's the navigation page!
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ausetkmt · 10 months
A baby-faced 14-year-old boy has been accused of trying to murder a black teenager by attempting to drown him in a Cape Cod pond. 
John Sheeran appeared at a court just outside Boston on Monday over the July incident, which allegedly saw him hurl racist slurs at his unnamed victim - and even call the teen 'George Floyd' during the drowning attempts. 
He wore a navy suit, shirt and tie. Despite prosecutors' calls for Sheeran to remain in custody, a judge released him with a tag and ordered him to remain at his father's home.  
The victim told law enforcement Sheeran started throwing rocks at him and calling him racial slurs after he showed up at Goose Pond on Cape Cod. Sheeran then threatened to beat up the victim, it is alleged.
The victim couldn't swim, so he wore a life jacket in the water. Despite the vest, Sheeran attempted to pull him under the water multiple times to the point that victim was no longer able to breathe, it is alleged. 
In July, Sheeran allegedly attempted to drown a black teen in Goose Pond (pictured) in Chatham, Massachusetts
The victim told police that the accused 'held on to my life jacket and pulled me underwater and back up about four-to-five times ... while doing it water got into my mouth and nose and I could not breathe.'
Afterwards, the victim said Sheeran began calling him 'George Floyd' while kicking him and pulling him beneath the water. 
The victim said he was screaming he couldn't breathe, which was when the suspect and another teenager at the scene 'started laughing and called me George Floyd.'
He continued crying for help as the two teens continued to pull him under the water. Eventually, bystanders arrived to help and the victim was saved. The other alleged attacker hasn't been identified - and it is unclear if Sheeran knew his alleged victim prior to the attack.
Prosecutors allege just several hours later, Sheeran punched an Asian child in the face. That child has not been identified. 
Sheeran was charged with attempted murder and a civil rights violation in connection to the case.
In court on Monday, baby-faced Sheeran was led into the room with his hands cuffed in front of him.
His mop of brown hair turned downward as he took a seat before the judge. He wore a blue suit and striped tie.
Over objections from prosecutors, Sheeran was released to home confinement in Chatham. His release includes wearing a GPS monitoring device that will confine him to his father's home. He is also required to continue reporting to juvenile probation.
Prosecutors argued Sheeran should remain in jail, calling him a danger to the community.
The victim said Sheeran began calling him George Floyd as he screamed that he couldn't breathe. Floyd infamously told officers that he couldn't breathe before he died during an altercation with Minneapolis cops in 2020
Sheeran was released to his father's custody. Earlier this summer, he had moved to Florida with his mother as his parents went through a divorce
The suspect allegedly began the criminal interaction by throwing rocks at the victim and calling him racial slurs
'Mr. Sheeran can’t be out in the community because whether it’s three o’clock in the afternoon at a pond with his friends where he should be able to behave or 8:15 at night when he runs into another child, he punches that kid,' said Assistant District Attorney Eileen Moriarty in court.
'He’s a violent child, we’ve heard no mitigating factors, this violence is unfortunately targeted towards children of other races, children that don’t look like him,' she added.
At the time of the incident, Sheeran had just moved to Florida with his mother, as his parents went through a divorce, according to prosecutors.
The teen will now be required to stay in Chatham with his father as the court case continues.
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alexazcharms · 9 days
The Story of Aileen Wuornos
Aileen Carol Wuornos was born February 29, 1956 in Rochester, Michigan. After her mother Diane Wuornos abandoned Aileen and her older brother, Keith, Diane's parents legally adopted the two children. Aileen never knew who her biological father who was imprisoned for child rape and died by suicide while in custody. She developed an explosive temper and found it difficult to make friends after a fire scarred her face when she was younger.
She later found out that her "parents" were indeed her biological grandparents. Childhood friends said that Wuornos' grandfather beat her and sexually abused her and her brother and that her grandmother was an alcoholic. Around age 11, she began trading sexual favors for money, beer and cigarettes resulting in the derogatory nickname "cigarette pig" which further isolated her from her peers.
She ran away from home and was eventually sent to a juvenile detention. At 14. Larui sent a pregnant Aileen to Detroit home for unwanted mothers. She told the family the pregnancy was a result of rape but later offered different explanations. Many people believed that the father was an older adult friend of Wuornos' grandfather. The infant baby was born March 1971, later given up for adoption. After giving birth, she dropped out of school and bounced between juvenile detention, the Wuornos house and sleeping in the woods or abandoned cars, she was 14 when her family kicked her out the house.
By the early 1980s, after her brother's death from cancer, she moved to Florida to work as a prostitute. She was frequently in trouble with the law for being a prostitute and other crimes. By 1991 her record included(including other felonies and misdemeanors) arrest for illegal possession of a firearm, forgery, assault, and robbery. Associates and law enforcement personnel often described her as erratic and easily angered, Her arrests records noted, "Attitude POOR."
In 1986, Wuornos met Tyria Moore at a bar in Daytona Beach, Florida and they began an intense romantic relationship that ended before Wuornos' final arrest in 1991. As a prostitute, most of her clients were old middle aged men. They started to sell stolen items at Florida pawnshops. During the murder investigations, the Volusia County police discovered items belonging to Richard Mallory at a local pawnshop, with her thumbprint on the receipt.
Policed then traced other stolen items from Mallory to Wuornos. A camera from Mallory's automobile was found inside a rented warehouse unit, which was opened with a key taken from Wuornos. She had rented the unit under an alias. Police traced other items from Mallory's car to people or pawnshops Wuornos had contacted.
By 1990 Tyria Moore had become suspicious – if not fully aware – of Wuornos’ activities.  Moore moved in with her family in Pennsylvania. When Wuornos was arrested on an outstanding warrant at a biker bar in Harbor Oaks, Florida, police tracked Moore down and used her to elicit a confession from Wuornos.
After Aileen Wuornos was found guilty of the murder of Richard Mallory, a penalty trial was held before the same jury to determine whether she would be sentenced to death or life in prison. The State’s expert psychologist, Dr. Bernard, testified that Aileen Wuornos suffered from both borderline personality disorder as well as antisocial personality disorder. The jury decided that despite her psychological difficulties, Wuornos knew the difference between right and wrong. he judge followed the jury’s recommendation of death and sentenced Wuornos to the electric chair on January 31, 1992.
In June 1992, defeated by the loss of her once trusted friend Pralle, Wuornos pleaded guilty to the murder of Charles Carskaddon and received her fifth death sentence. In February 1993 she pleaded guilty to the murder of Walter Antonio and was again sentenced to death. During her plea to the court, she held to her statement that Mallory had raped her. In a rambling statement she said, “I wanted to confess to you that Richard Mallory did violently rape me as I’ve told you. But these others did not. [They] only began to start to.” On May 15, 1993 Judge Thomas Sawaya rendered three more death sentences. She turned to Assistant State Attorney Ric Ridgeway and hissed, “I hope your wife and children get raped in the *ss!”  She made an obscene gesture and muttered, “Motherf****r!” The clip below, from the documentary "Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer," shows Wuornos' reaction to receiving death sentences for the murders of Burress, Humphreys, and Spears.
No charges were brought against her for the murder of Peter Siems, as his body was never found. In all, she received six death sentences.
During the extensive post-conviction period, from 1994 until 2002, Wuornos argued her original trial counsel provided ineffective representation. One example of poor representation revealed in subsequent appeals was trial counsel’s failure to uncover Richard Mallory’s prior rape conviction, which could have corroborated Wuornos’ argument of self-defense. In addition, trial counsel failed to call lay mitigation witnesses during the penalty trial who could have testified to the defendant’s claims of abuse during her childhood and adolescence, even though several childhood friends and neighbors said they would have testified if they had been called. In later hearings several of these potential witnesses testified they were contacted by the media following Wuornos’ arrest, but never by the Public Defender’s office. The defendant also argued she had not been effectively evaluated regarding her competency to stand trial.
Throughout the post-conviction period Wuornos’ erratic behavior continued to worsen. She fired several attorneys and in 2001 dropped her appeals. Some of these attorneys contacted the Florida Supreme Court to express their concerns that Wuornos was not competent to be executed. Wuornos also wrote several extensive and rambling motions to the courts in which she claimed prison staff were abusing her. All of Wuornos’ claims were evaluated and rejected by the state and federal appellate courts.
On October 9, 2002, Aileen Wuornos was executed by lethal injection at Florida State Prison. In her last statement, Wuornos said, "I'd just like to say I'm sailing with the rock, and I'll be back like Independence Day, with Jesus June 6. Like the movie, big mother ship and all, I'll be back." She was pronounced dead at 9:47 a.m. Aileen Wuornos was the tenth woman to be executed in the United States since 1976 and the second woman ever executed in Florida.
The case of Aileen Wuornos highlights issues that are prevalent in many other capital cases. The following links will take you to a portion of the Capital Punishment in Context Web site designed to provide substantive information on each of these important issues and how they relate to this particular case.
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California Is Officially the First Sanctuary State for Trans Youth | Them
OAKLAND, CA - FEBRUARY 9: Governor Gavin Newsom speaks at a press conference on Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022, in Oakland, Calif. Newsom signed legislation to extend COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave for workers and bolster Californias support for small businesses. (Aric Crabb/MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images)MediaNews Group/East Bay Times via Getty Images
We all need some good news to close out the week, and here it is: California is now the first sanctuary state for transgender youth in the U.S.
On Thursday, Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is currently running for reelection against Republican challenger Brian Dahle, signed into law SB 107, blocking states with anti-trans laws from prosecuting families who seek gender-affirming care in California. The law, which was introduced by state senator Scott Wiener in April, takes several measures to protect families of trans youth who flee their home states due to legal threats or investigations in states including Florida and Texas.
Under the new legislation, no subpoenas based on out-of-state laws that “interfere with a person’s right to allow a child to receive gender-affirming health care” will be honored or issued; doctors are no longer compelled to disclose a trans child’s medical information if the request is made in relation to a law prohibiting gender-affirming care; and state courts are now granted emergency jurisdiction over child custody cases in the event that the child or family is fleeing such a law or investigation.
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viking-raider · 1 year
I am RAGING! *triggers!!!*
I'm just finishing watching the Netflix documentary "Take Care of Maya".
I am so fucking angry at the system!
You can say, they were trying to do right by her, and there can be a couple of people involved that were! But Dr. Sally Smith, fuck you.
But Maya's mum, Beata, was the true warrior for her daughter's illness, CRPS Syndrome. It took them multiple doctors and treatments to get Maya on the right treatments and her illness bearable. But a hospital visit and one social worker fucked that all up. Causing Beata and Maya's dad to lose custody of Maya.
Beata was a nurse who, not only knew something wasn't right, but documented everything for the 80+ days that kept her daughter out of her care and hospitalized in John Hopkins All Children's Hospital. No doubt pissing off the doctors, social workers, judges and investigators with her countless questions and calls after her daughter's care, well-being, treatment plans. Accusing Beata of Munchausen by proxy and Maya of lying as well.
Sadly, the truth, that Maya does indeed have CRPS Syndrome, confirmed by an out-of-state specialist, didn't come until after Beata, disheartened by being kept away from her daughter and knowing Maya wasn't getting her proper treatment for her illness, for 87 long days, took her own life. The cherry on top, being denied giving her ten-year old daughter a hug at a custody hearing, the day before.
This fills me with such a raging anger. Beata did everything for Maya, the only thing she was guilty of was pushing and demanding to see her sick daughter and ensuring Maya got the correct treatment, so she wasn't in agony. It pisses me off more, knowing that more parents went and are going through the same thing.
Florida has a privatized child and adult protection system. Pinellas county has the highest case of child abuse victims being taken out of the home, mostly through Suncoast Center, who handled Maya's case.
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mihinisland · 2 months
A short piece for Mihin Island 🌉
i. Context (you can go straight to Part II if you like rawdogging original universes :D):
The Mihin Island universe;
Humans, kemonomimi and anthros can have biological children, but can also receive babies from storks.
Considered a supernatural phenomenon, stork baby delivery seems to befall random individuals at random times. The babies received are ‘random’ as well; they can be of any species, with any kind of health status.
The babies come in a basket with basic accessories and ID.
No one knows where the storks or the babies come from.
What to do when you receive a stork baby:
laws vary by state.
In Florida, where our main characters live, the stork baby has to be surrendered immediately to a hospital equipped to handle them. The baby will then be quarantined, and assessed for any health issues.
Some ‘parents’ may simply abandon their infants at the hospital. But if a baby recipient does want to keep their new child, they will be subject to a background check, and will have to fill in the paperwork.
Finally, a stork baby may go home with its parent(s), or become state custody.
ii. Ben is A Grandpa
(Here's a link containing Ben's latest ref sheet:)
Ben's feline ears perked up first, an automatic response to hearing that familiar ringing sound.
He looked up from his printer, which was still spewing out paperwork for his next meeting, and saw the device at his desk; his office phone was receiving a call. Ben sighed, a bit tired; his first worry was that it was going to be Amir from Diamondways again.
The catman walked up to the phone and hesitated for just a split second. Finally he picked the handset up and answered.
"Oh, Dirk!" The catman relaxed completely, sitting down in his chair. "What's up?"
A deep sigh. "Wow. So..."
"Yes...?" Hearing his son hesitate had certainly piqued Ben's curiosity, without him overthinking it so far.
"I think... well... you're a grandpa, now?"
Ben tried to think about this statement for a moment.
"...I-I mean, I didn't call you to say like, I had sex with Maelle or something," Dirk quickly continued, realizing what a situation like that normally entailed. "Actually... we, uh, we had a stork baby."
"Oh! Seriously? What—"
"Y-yeah!" Dirk explained excitedly. "We were just having lunch at, uh, Coffee & Candy, then the bird smashed the windows, demanding to be let in. Someone opened the door, it walked up to Maelle and dropped the baby!" The half-human's voice faltered a little.
"Really." Ben himself was trying to acknowledge this was actually happening. He was now standing up, his crooked black tail quivering. "So— now what, are you at the hospital?"
"Yeah. With Maelle. They're still checking her health and everything."
"Oh," Ben breathed. "It's a she?"
"Mhm. Human. And, uh, she came with the name 'Hani'."
"That's beautiful. You're..."
Both father and son paused for a moment, taking it all in.
"...I mean, you're gonna keep her, right?"
"Mhm," Dirk squeaked, full of emotion; his father purred softly, empathetically.
Dirk purred and sniffled. "Are you gonna come and see her?"
"Of course." If he could, Ben would be giving Dirk the biggest dad hug he's ever given. "I'll go get your mom. You've gotta wait for us, after work, okay? And did you call her?"
"Nope! You'll do that, then?"
"I will, kit. Thanks for calling. You've made my day, love you."
"Love you too, Dad."
"And Maelle, my love. G'bye!"
The catman set his handset back down, tail still swishing. Agh, he couldn't think about his to-do list now. He had to be there for his son and daughter-in-law! They were finally getting the family they wanted; damn this office!
Ben impatiently grabbed the handset again, and punched in his wife's office phone number—if he was going to feel antsy for the rest of the day, he might as well find himself some company.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Jan. 7 (UPI) -- A woman jailed in Florida on murder changes since 2022 is pregnant, prompting an investigation into possible rape or sexual assault.
Daisy Link, 28, has been held in the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center in Miami-Dade County since 2022, when she was charged with second-degree murder. Her lawyers contend Link fired a single shot at her partner to protect herself in a domestic violence incident. The case has not yet gone to trial.
"We don't know what's going to happen to her. But we do know Daisy should not be four months pregnant," said Crystal Barreto, Daisy Link's sister, told CBS News.
Barreto said that her sister had called her from the jail to tell her she was pregnant and had been sexually assaulted, but that the hospital "never tried to give my sister a rape treatment." She said her sister did not name the man who attacked her.
"The care, safety and rehabilitation of all those in our custody remains our top priority," corrections officials said to CBS News. "While there is no evidence of sexual battery against our inmate at this time, the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy are currently under active investigation."
But Barreto said officials are not doing enough to investigate what happened to her sister. She told NBC News that when Link had tried telling jail officials she was pregnant, they mocked her and suggested she got pregnant by "aliens."
"My sister is a human being," Barreto said. "She deserves a right to due process. She deserves a right for this to be investigated and that unborn child also deserves a fighting chance and for medical care and to be properly care for."
Meanwhile, Link's lawyer Marlene Montaner dismissed "implausible" reports that Link became pregnant by a male inmate passing his semen to her through an air duct.
Even so, "no matter how you slice this for them, at the end, they are at fault for her pregnancy," Montaner said.
"Nobody should come out pregnant in jail. This is really ridiculous," Barreto said. "We're just very worried about Daisy and her well-being, her safety and the safety of her unborn child." _______________
I'm with the lawyer here on that one, next up immaculate conseption.
She's gonna have to come up with a name here though
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attorneycraigvigodsky · 8 months
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Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer in Pensacola, FL | (850) 912-8520
Prenuptial Agreement Lawyer in Pensacola, FL
Craig A. Vigodsky, P.A. focuses on helping clients in the Pensacola area who need a divorce lawyer find balanced family law solutions. He assists clients in family legal matters including divorce, child custody and support, paternity, and modifications and relocations.
Craig Vigodsky, P.A. 221 W Cervantes St Pensacola, FL 32501 (850) 912-8520 https://pensacolalawoffice.com/
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meret118 · 1 year
It allows a Florida court to take jurisdiction over child custody disputes when an out-of-state parent is pursuing gender-affirming care for their child and the child is present in Florida, even if only temporarily. It’s the only provision of its kind in the country, said Shannon Minter, legal director at the National Center for Lesbian Rights and also a member of that team.
“I have had to spend an inordinate amount of time dispelling misinformation about the custody provisions specifically,” Chriss said. “The misinformation alleging that the state can take children away from their parents — which is just completely untrue and wildly unfounded — [has caused] fear and, honestly, trauma among so many folks in this community.”
The law doesn’t apply to children who aren’t the subject of a custody battle in another state. And it wouldn’t allow the state to take custody of children who are provided with gender-affirming care in Florida.
. . .
The exception for children already on hormonal treatments, which was added as an amendment, requires them to get off those treatments over the course of an unspecified period with the help of their doctor. Only those who started receiving those treatments before June 1 and also had at least 12 mental health counseling sessions or six months of psychotherapy are eligible to continue taking the treatments temporarily under that provision.
But the provision is based on the false notion that children can safely “wean” themselves off the treatments. “That is medical malpractice,” Minter said. “It’s like weaning a child who’s diabetic off insulin. There is no medical reason to discontinue the care, and doing so will be harmful to those kids.”
There’s also a question as to whether those children will even be able to access care. Many clinics in Texas that offered gender-affirming care have already closed or stopped offering those services on account of political pressure, including most recently a clinic at Austin’s Dell Children’s Medical Center. The hospital announced last week that all the physicians working in that clinic would be departing, and it’s unclear whether they were fired or left of their own accord.
“I don’t think there’s any mystery about why it’s happened,” Minter said. “The state of Texas has made it very clear that they are punishing doctors who try to continue to provide” gender-affirming care.
Another provision in the Texas bill that prohibits public money from being used to provide or facilitate the provision of gender-affirming care to a minor has raised alarm bells for Oakley. While other states with gender-affirming care bans have adopted similar provisions, the language of the Texas bill is much broader and could have more far-reaching consequences.
A “plausible reading” of the language suggests that any entity that does business with the state, even on just a one-time basis, could be held liable by Texas if they provide employee benefits that cover gender-affirming care for minors, Oakley said. “It’s possible that the state of Texas would have a claim against that company for providing those benefits to employees far outside the state of Texas,” she said.
I'm confused since I've seen so many articles say FL can take your kids with no mention of custody.
The Texas legislature passed a ban Wednesday on gender-affirming care for kids under 18, which includes hormone treatments and gender-affirming surgeries, though such surgeries are rarely performed on children. The ban allows trans teens already receiving hormone treatments to temporarily continue them. Still, it requires that they “wean” themselves off the treatments. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott is expected to sign the bill.
Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is reportedly gearing up to announce his 2024 presidential bid next week, also signed a similar ban in his state Wednesday, one that imposes felony penalties on health care providers who administer gender-affirming care to kids under 18. 
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bestofsophieturner · 10 months
The fact that Joe, his family and PR team ran a smear campaign is already terrible, Joe used children for PR and called the paparazzi is terrible, the fact that he pressured the third child, did not support after the second child and forced to go to events is terrible, but what information appeared now from the court documents (if I understood correctly) simply show that he is the worst. They were planning to live in England, they had already bought a house (if I understood correctly and there are probably documents about this), the daughter was supposed to go to an educational institution (I hope it was documented), and then this piece of shit changed his mind or something and he decided to persuade Sophie, for the children to go on tour with him, she was against it, but he pressed and she agreed, although she didn't want to, but she didn't know what he already planned at the time, and she thought that after she finished shooting Joan, the children would go to her to England where they will continue to live. And he intentionally filed for divorce while she was filming and while his children were with him and did not even have the courage to tell her about it, she found out through the media. I can't even imagine how Sophie felt and feels, I'm sure it's hard for her, I wish her patience and strength to get through everything and I really hope that she will win custody and take the children to England.
Honestly, it's crazy and the divorce is getting uglier everyday. I'm sad for the girls. Their life is being exposed to the world. I don't understand why the divorce fillings are public. Is there some kind of law about it ? Like I said I know nothing about it...
Honestly, if she can prove everything she's claiming in the document, it will be hard to say the contrary. Like you, I understand they bought a house in UK and were supposed to live there in december. There's probably a contract that Joe can't really deny... and if it was really signed in July, then we can believe everything else... that the divorce happened very suddenly. Imagine buying a house one month with someone, and only two next months later you decide to divorce. If I was Sophie, I would be very upset. And actually the fact they decided to sell their home in Miami last year totally support her claim.
If they had started searching for a school, there are probably proofs too, meeting, calls, maybe even documents.
Honestly, I feel like, based on what I've read on the document, Joe changed his mind (I'm not going to speculate on the reason) and didn't really tell her until recently. I don't really get why Florida is the right location for this case like Joe is saying in response. They lived in Miami in a little laps of time, from what I got. They lived in Los Angeles for a long time, their eldest was born there. Why Miami and not Los Angeles ? Is there a law in Florida that help in his case ?
If everything said in the document is true, I understand very well why she's angry.
And you know what I noticed ? In Joe's response, it said that the children were in his care for the last three months. Something we only got from "rumours" and "sources" until then.
Well, I'm going to stop there by saying that it will be horrible and terrible for everyone.
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spade-riddles · 1 year
Submission: What are they gonna do with the paperwork?
Hi Spade!
I'm submitting this because I wanted to explain some thoughts and ask a few questions to the rest of the fandom in case they know more than me.
So the thing for me with the second pregnancy is... how is this all gonna affect them in the future? I've been thinking of the legal /optics implications of it all and it all leaves me a bit bewildered. Let me explain why.
So what a lot of people are hoping now narrative wise is that at some point in the next year/s Karlie's contract will definitely end and she will be able to "file for divorce" with whatever narrative the choose to feed the public. I put this on quotation marks because I know the majority here thinks they are not really married and that there is no paperwork, so it will be just a show for the press.
But this is precisely one of my worries. Because yeah, Marriage licenses are private info and not disclosable under New York law as I understand it. And that's great, it gives them cover. But as far as I know its not the same for birth certificates, is it? Maybe if there's a kaylor lawyer in the room they can correct me. Maybe it is in NY.
Full disclosure: before I became a kaylor I was already a larry and Louis Tomlinson had his whole fake-baby scandal that he is draggin to this date and doesn't look like it's going to be resolved anytime soon. Long story short: what I learnt in the 1D fandom was that bird certificates, at least in California, are somewhat public records. You will get a copy of the basic info of a birth certificate if you ask for it. you can only get the full info with authorisation, but the limited copy has the name of the mother the father and the baby.
So what is the game here? Because I'm assuming that even tho they are not really married he IS the one that appears in the birth records. Or does Levi birth certificate have a blank for the father? Has anyone in fandom checked this?
In case he does appear on the records: is Taylor okay with him appearing in them as the father even tho he isn't? What's the plan? Will Karlie chose a narrative for the divorce like "I cheated 2 times and he is the father of neither of them" when the time comes so he can get purged from the records? If he does stay on the records that has real fucking consequences even if they aren't married y'all. Like he can claim custody. I doubt he wants to but you never know how low that rat can stoop. And he might want to do it to show off  and show how "good of a father he is".
And on the other hand, that will imply that Taylor will always be a step-mum. Which is no practical difference in terms of how much she'll love her kids but to the general public it's another thing.
I don't know any other way the criminal can get expunged from the  records that doesn't imply the cheating narrative or that he voluntarily renounces the paternity, which would not look good on him. Not to talk about what this would mean for the kids as they grow up?
I don't know man. From where I'm standing this is all incredibly delicate if our assumptions are right and all it would take for this to get out is a few curious and insistent journalists from maybe a small magazine that doesn't normally treat with their PR teams. Someone who will value more an exposé with that juicy info instead of whatever money their PR teams can offer.
Sorry this has all been so long. I hope I've made clear my concerns and that there are some lawyery kaylors around that can shed some light.
Thank you Spade
SR: Hi! I think the answers are pretty simple. I am not a lawyer, but Google has the information. First, KK is not married to him. They conveniently got 'married' in New York, where marriage records are confidential.
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His name will not be on the birth certificate because that would be an outright lie on a public record. They would not do this:
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Also, in New York and Florida (where she allegedly gave birth to the first child), birth certificates are confidential:
New York:
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Tumblr media
Others may want to chime in as well.
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mydarlingdahlia · 1 year
Please please please read this. The things I am going to say below need more attention than they are getting.
The USA sucks right now. Florida, for example.
This is the state that I live in. And I am fearing for my safety as of now. For one, I couldn’t even name all of the anti LGBTQIA+ laws and bills that have been passed. Some of my coworkers who have kids (and are apart of the LGBTQIA+ community) are risking having their kids taken away from them.
If your kid is in preschool all the way up to eighth grade, sorry! They’re “too young” to be exposed to anything remotely related to sexual orientation or gender identity. Preschoolers and all of the younger kids, I can get behind that a little. But middle schoolers? Sure, maybe they shouldn’t get top surgery or anything (not saying they aren’t allowed to) but they don’t have to be shielded from that kind of stuff.
And we have a gender affirming care ban, and an anti transgender bathroom bill.
And academic freedom? Thanks to our Governor, Ron DeSantis, say goodbye to that. Oh, and your healthcare? You can be discriminated against by a nurse or doctor or denied medical care by your religious, moral, or ethical beliefs.
I am going to go into detail about some of these bills, so be prepared to read.
Expansion Bill (HB 1069): In an intentional effort to erase transgender and non-binary people from the curriculum, HB 1069 bans instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity from Pre-K through Grade 8, creates an anti-LGBTQ+ definition of sex based on reproductive function, and would force school staff and students to deadname and misgender one another. In April, Florida’s Board of Education also voted to expand Gov. DeSantis’s shameful “Don’t Say LGBTQ+” bill from 2022 to all grades.
Extreme Gender Affirming Care Ban (SB 254): Even among the crowded field of extreme and damaging bans on best practice, age-appropriate health care, this bill stands out as particularly mean-spirited. SB 254 would penalize providers by inflicting criminal penalties (including felony penalties) on providers who give gender-affirming care; it would take licenses away from those providers; and it would prohibit Medicaid from covering gender-affirming care for transgender youth or adults. It would also forbid public funds, including those of a public university, public hospital, city or county, and Medicaid, from being used to provide benefits that include gender-affirming care – for transgender people of all ages. And – uniquely – it allows the state to use gender-affirming care or the “risk” of such care for a child as a reason to give Florida family courts exceptional jurisdiction to set aside another state’s custody determination. By singing this bill, DeSantis is disrespecting the United States Constitution as well as the rule of law, not to mention transgender Floridians, their families, and their medical care providers.
Anti-Trans Bathroom Bill (HB 1521): HB 1521 criminalizes transgender people for using the restroom that matches their gender identity. The bill prohibits gender-inclusive restrooms and changing facilities in schools, public shelters, healthcare facilities, and jails.
License to Discriminate in Healthcare (SB 1580): This bill will allow healthcare providers and insurers to deny a patient care on the basis of religious, moral, or ethical beliefs. It creates a license to discriminate by allowing healthcare employers to discriminate in hiring, and it bars medical Boards from disciplining doctors for spreading misinformation
So far in 2023, HRC is opposing more than 520 anti-LGBTQ+ bills that have been introduced in statehouses across the country. More than 220 of those bills would specifically restrict the rights of transgender people, the highest number of bills targeting transgender people in a single year to date. This year, HRC is tracking:
More than 125 gender-affirming care bans — bills that would prevent transgender youth from being able to access age-appropriate, medically-necessary, best-practice health care; this year, 14 have already become law in Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, South Dakota, Utah, Iowa, Idaho, Indiana, Georgia, Kentucky, West Virginia, North Dakota, Montana, and Oklahoma;
More than 30 anti-transgender bathroom bills filed;
More than 100 anti-LGBTQ+ curriculum censorship bills, and;
45 anti-LGBTQ+ drag performance ban bills.
By comparison, last year in 2022 politicians in statehouses across the country introduced 315 anti-LGBTQ+ bills, 29 of which were enacted into law. These efforts — the result of a coordinated push led by national anti-LGBTQ+ groups, which deployed vintage discriminatory tropes seeking to slander, malign, and stigmatize LGBTQ+ people — only yielded a less than 10% success rate, as more than 90% of anti-LGBTQ+ bills were defeated. The majority of the discriminatory bills – 149 bills – targeted the transgender and non-binary community, with the majority targeting children. By the end of the 2022 state legislative season, a record 17 bills attacking transgender and non-binary children were enacted into law.
I have done my research. I know the stuff that I am talking about.
Oh! And we have something to else to worry about as fanfiction writers and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
The KOSA bill.
KOSA, or K O S A stands for Kids Online Safety Act. This bill will be presented to Congress in about a month or fronting it as a way to keep kids safe online or to give parents ways to regulate what their kids are accessing online.
You might be thinking right now, why is this a problem?
We have to listen to what they are not directly saying out loud. Because surprise surprise!
The people who actually wrote the bill are extremely transphobic and homophobic. Republicans are looking for ways to censor the internet, but only in ways that push their beliefs forward and everyone that does not fall in line with that are going to be deemed as a groomer or a predator.
Which is incredibly rhetoric to be spreading.
Any site that has any LGBT topics like AO3, Wattpad, Tumblr, fanfiction in general, will fall as victims to this act.
And it has bipartisan support, so that means support from both Democratic and Republican sides are being like “yeah let’s get this out there”.
So who are they targeting? Platforms such as Wattpad, TikTok, Twitter, and AO3. And this bill, if passed, could possibly take down AO3 if set into motion.
Remember how bad the uproar was when AO3 was under the DDoS attack? What if it was all just gone? This bill is basically breaking the first amendment: Freedom of RAPPS. (Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition, and Speech.)
Here is some more information about the KOSA bill here.
If parents don’t want their kids doing things they shouldn’t online, the parents should handle it. Not the government.
Come on. It’s fucking 2023. And there are probably some people out there who aren’t against this bill and against LGBTQIA+ members saying “oh this generation has gone so downhill” or “back in my day we didn’t have trans or gays”. No, no. You did.
They were just so closeted out of the fear of being prejudiced against. And now that people are coming out of the closet, your bigot and outdated mindset doesn’t know what to do.
People and children are being prejudiced against for no damn reason. What’s the point of it all? So the conservatives can have their way? If you try to get rid of something, it’s just going to go underground.
Like all of the controversy with abortion. So a 12 year old has to be forced to push out a baby when their body isn’t physically ready, but as soon as the baby is born you don’t give a flying fuck about what happens to it.
“Abortion is murder!” And killing the mother in the process of birth isn’t? What if a child got raped? Would you be on the living, breathing host’s side, or the unborn fetus’s side? What if having a baby is detrimental to their health? What then?
Would you say having an abortion is fine if the host will die? But if it’s an 11 or 12 year old they have to give birth? Where do you draw the line? Cause I don’t fucking see it.
Most of this stuff isn’t just in Florida, it’s the whole country.
Please reblog and share this with your friends, I don’t care if you have zero or 20k followers. Please. We need to get this out there.
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