#chezz say
chezzkidsarchive · 25 days
my crush with sunken eyes; a short horror story by @chezzkidsarchive . slightly based on a true story, a story about love, the undead and being unsure
There was a girl I fell madly in love with in high school, head over heels for this beautiful girl with borderline grey skin and sunken eyes. Her hair was always choppily cut in the style that made someone immediately know she probably cut it in the mirror the night before with tears in her eyes about something and dyed a faded dandelion yellow.
There was a girl I fell madly in love with in high school, head over heels for this beautiful girl with borderline grey skin and sunken eyes. Her hair was always choppily cut in the style that made someone immediately know she probably cut it in the mirror the night before with tears in her eyes about something and dyed a faded dandelion yellow.
Her voice was soft, but raspy. Her fingertips are always basically blue with black painted nails. She was everything to me. I followed her around like a lost puppy, hearing her talk about her new favorite book which seemed to be from thirty years ago as she tended to the greenhouse at our school.
My memories if her and clear as day, except for her name. It was never at the tip of my tongue, just faded and lost to time.
This girl was the capsule of time capsule of post Reganomics teenage rebellion, she smoked cigarettes during our lunch break and would snuff them on her heels, or to bother our teacher, her wrists. She never flinched. She only smiled.
Every time she opened her mouth to answer a question, my heart would skip a beat. She looked porcelain in the unnatural sense, her cheeks got rosy in the winter the way it only looked on the types of 'haunted' dolls you'd find at thrift stores.
Our classmates constantly compared her to a zombie, the way she wore clothing from the 1980's that she 'borrowed' from her mom or haggled from nearby antique stores, the way the veins in her arms were bright blue at all times. She wouldn't make noise the few times she slept in class, nor would she move.
Some random day our math teacher said she looked ready for her casket. She laughed, pulling her pencil from her teeth and said something like "Been there, done that" before going back to barely paying attention.
That rattled my brain for weeks. To this day I still think about it.
We didn't really do physical contact, she joked that her limbs would rot and fall off with a laugh that popped and snapped like a VHS tape. We hugged maybe three times, I vividly remember feeling her ribcage protruding under her old flannel shirt that was filled with moth holes. There was never a heartbeat.
Her blue-grey eyes were always a bit darker, even when she smiled while explaining to me the long, hard to follow plot of the movie Chopping Mall, explaining that she loved it the day it came out.
That one bit never made sense to me, we were the same age to my knowledge. She was a bit shorter than me, although I slouched a bit and she was about a head shorter than me. When she walked, her scuffed Mary Janes would click against the floor as she walked with a limp.
Nobody knew her family, her parents were spoken about as if she escaped a prison, the only relative we ever saw was her twin brother's hand out the window of his 2004 Hondai Sunada with the bumper falling out like a loose tooth holding onto its vein for dear life.
God, she was so cool. I wanted to be just like her. The idea of holding her, being close with her in any way would give me heartburn. Just being friends was enough.
It was amazing how she was real. She seemed like a character from Juno, the weird alternative fashion girl from every sitcom aimed at high schoolers and nostalgic twenty something's.
We sat next together constantly and chatted, which really meant she would explain to me the books she liked and I would listen with great intent. I never knew anyone like her, she was like Daria, Allyson Reynolds, Ramona Flowers, every mysterious cool girl my mind could cook up.
In the middle of November, she got really into making zines in art class and was very fixated on the ever-so-prominent issue of the late 2010's, the epidemic of missing children and teenagers on milk cartons.
Before Christmas break our teachers had given up trying to teach us and let us do essentially whatever we wanted, so she and I would skip class and sit in the bathroom on the floor and listen to whatever book, movie or album review she had saved to her phone, or her mp3 player.
The bathroom floor was cold, with cracked beige tiles and two stalls, it was too big on the inside, but the door was huge and borderline soundproof. While her podcast of Twin Peaks was playing, it echoed across the walls.
She turned to me, her glazed over eyes filled with excitement looked nearly identical to a sunrise over a frozen lake as she explained to me her plans for winter break, something about going home and how I should check our town's newspaper archives a few days before Christmas.
For the first time in a long time, she held my hand with both of hers, she was shaking as she rattled on about being the next Janie Johnson, like I was supposed to know who there is. She squeezed my hands with excitement and hugged me before her twin brother drove her home for winter break, and I started my walk home with snow lightly falling around me.
Looking back, it probably looked like the starting scene to a movie. To my rose colored glasses that were superglued to the frame of my nose, it was a meet cute. As an adult, it seemed like a horror documentary.
Three days before Christmas I was at the public library, doing what she recommended and looking through archives. Our town wasn't special outside of a generic county fair or the occasional lottery winner.
Doing this was incredibly boring without her, and if I wasn't a hopeless idiot who was head over heels for a girl way out of my league and desperate for any scraps of approval, I'd probably be doing anything else.
After at least forty five minutes, I fell asleep on one page of some newspaper from 1988 that was thankfully preserved in plastic, or something protective when I felt my phone burning through my pocket.
It was at 29%, and I had at least 15 missed calls from classmates. We didn't talk or text much, our class was under a dozen people and we were all pretentious assholes going through different phases.
However, this felt off. My stomach fell through my body and my mind filled with dread, there was no calm before the storm. I felt hollow as I peeled myself off the table and stretched, my bones cracking before I opened my voicemail as I looked down at the newspaper in front of me.
An older boy by maybe a year's voice crackled through my speaker, he was clearly high but still frightened. "Hey.. uh. They found ..... frozen on the lake. I guess she fell asleep there or something but she looks like that dead girl from the Twin Files or some shit. I didn't know she could look anymore like a fucking zombie. Anyways, call me back."
How someone could be so casual about the death of someone who they saw every day? Maybe it was me being madly in love with her, but it didn't sit right with me until my eyes flickered below me.
My blood ran cold as I wiped a long trail of my spit off the jacket of the archive. Her face was in the bottom left corner, looking like a mugshot. She was already a masterpiece, frozen in time but this was different. Much different.
When I called her a masterpiece, I meant like an old Polaroid, not a missing child poster from 1990 "L. Layne, age 16 was found asleep on a frozen lake frozen to death. Cause of reason unknown, if anyone has any information on this young woman please call your local police station."
I gulped. The girl of my dreams who loved horror novels, indie movies and making stamps out of safety pins and erasers truly was lost to time. My femme fatal was no longer a dead girl walking.
Her corpse like features, frozen fingers and protruding ribcage turned my personal Sarah Charlesworth into a splitting image of Laura Palmer.
Was she a zombie? Some sort of paradox or a skip in the Matrix? There was no way of knowing, I still don't know. She was so beautiful. I couldn't help but picture her; Was she wrapped in plastic like Laura Palmer or forever preserved like the infamous painting of Ophelia? Maybe she's like a mosquito trapped in ember who will limp into someone else's life and bless them.
Somehow, my crush was still strong for her even though I'll never know what she was, let it be a child who desperately needed medication, someone who pulled a very elaborate prank or unliving proof that Corpse Bride had a chance to happen.
I do know, that my heart still beats for her, even if hers never did.
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withmytailtotheworld · 4 months
I lowkey want to make a yo-kai watch horror project that’s just centered around the robot yo-kais like robonyan for example :33…
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biographydivider · 1 year
Calling it a warmup for a busy writing day ahead, but it’s really a present for @yamujiburo​ - I read that ask about my favourite awful feline scamming his way into two meals and got inspired. For the most accurate reading, Meowth is in his Maddie Blaustien era, because she was the best thing to ever happen to the character and that was the version of Meowth I love the best.
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It was a beautiful, sunny day in Pallet Town, and Delia was in her vegetable garden; occupying herself while Jessie took Arbok and baby Ekans for a training day in Viridian Forest. Ash was supposed to be home soon, and she thought she’d make a fuss. She had some garlic growing, and a crop of beautiful tomatoes that were practically falling off the vine; she’d make a nice pasta sauce. Oh - and those razz berries were looking just delicious, too! Perfect for a sponge cake.
“Haaa...oh, woe is me...”
Delia looked up to see the strange little Meowth that Jessie and James had adopted on their travels wandering along the path that led to her home. Delia knew that Meowth had taken the breakup of Team Rocket to heart; he technically lived with James, but sometimes he just took himself off on an adventure to Pallet to bother Jessie for a few days. He’d follow her around, yammering about this and that, bringing up the Good Old Days, and Jessie would pretend to be annoyed by him right up until the second he planned to leave. Then, the tears would start.
“I just don’t tink I can go on for much longer...”
With a swoon, Meowth flopped down just outside Delia’s garden gate.
“Oh my goodness!” she cried, scrambling to her feet and running to his side. She scooped the Meowth’s massive head into her lap; noticing how hot his fur was to the touch. “Are you alright, Meowth?”
“Huh? Who’s there? Come closer...”
“It’s me, Meowth. Delia. Jessie’s partner.”
“Oh, Delia!” coughed Meowth. “You were always so - hack! - so kind ta me...”
“Have you walked all the way from Celadon City by yourself?”
“Yeah...James was busy for the weekend. Wit his fashion stuff, yanno. He said he didn’t have time to feed me, so I...hack, hack! I wanted to see a friendly face.”
“Well, Jessie’s not home right now --” The pitiful whine from Meowth didn’t so much tug on Delia’s heartstrings as yank them painfully out her chest. “But you can stay with me until she gets back! I have a glass of fresh lemonade chilling in the fridge, you really must quench your thirst after that long walk...”
“Really? You’d do that for lil’ old me-owth?”
“Of course, dear.” Delia set Meowth on his wobbly two feet. “Now, run inside and have a nice long drink. Then, when you’ve cooled off, you can help me pick some razz berries for later.”
Meowth dashed into the house happily, and Delia tutted under her breath. She loved James - really, she did - but she sometimes wondered if he and Jessie forgot that Meowth was a living creature who needed their care. She couldn’t imagine Ash forgetting to feed Pikachu, after all.
“Yanno, I gotta say, Deels - can I call ya Deels?” Meowth asked, popping another berry into his mouth, “You got real a nice setup, here. All’a this food, just growin’ on your doorstep?!”
“Well,” Delia said, filling up her basket with berries, “it takes a lot of work. But I’m happy the end result is so tasty, Meowth.”
“Oh, yeah; an’ after such a long walk, too, I really - ooh, chezz berries! - I really needed some sustanance. So, whaddaya pickin’ all this food for, anyway?”
“Ash is home, soon. And I’m going to make pasta sauce from scratch, and a cake.” Delia looked out over the horizon; wondering idly what the plume of dust rising from Viridian Forest was. It seemed to be approaching fast. She hoped Jessie and the Pokemon were safe. “I know Pikachu will appreciate a good tomato sauce, and Ash always did love my sponge cakes.”
“Oh. How, uh, how nice. For the twerp.” Meowth chewed thoughtfully on a chezz berry. “Say, uh - d’you think I could maybe stay a lil’ while longer? Maybe, uh, try some of that pasta you was talkin’ about before I go...?
The plume of dust was getting closer. Delia watched it race along the footpath, until a familliar and beautiful and violently angry figure emerged from within it.
Meowth was on his feet as Jessie crashed into the garden gate, Arbok and baby Ekans in hot pursuit. “Hahahaaaa...Jeeeessiiiiee!” he cried; voice breaking, hands held out in front of his body - trying either to placate his friend or protect himself from bodily harm, “Whaddareya doin’ here? Delia said you was out training Ekans in the forest?”
Delia blinked down at Meowth. “I didn’t tell you that,” she murmured.
“I was,” Jessie hissed, “until we met you and James for our picnic. Until you ate all the food and wouldn’t stop blabbing for longer than five seconds. Until James told you that you can’t have cupcakes because sugar is bad for Pokémon --”
“Dat’s a gross oversimplication of events, Jess --”
“And until you --” Jessie picked Meowth up by the face and shook him violently this way and that, “went flouncing off into the forest saying he shouldn’t have brought anything you couldn’t have, and that you didn’t need our stupid picnic anyway! I should have known you’d go to Delia with some sob story, you greedy little freak!”
Meowth kicked out, aiming for Jessie’s face with his long, brown-and-white feet. “At least she’s nice to me - unlike you, ya big nasty mean ol’ lady!”
“What did you call me you --”
“That’s enough.” Delia hated pulling out the Mom Voice, but as both of them fell into guilty silence, she had to admit it gave results. “Jessie, I know you’re angry at Meowth but I wish you wouldn’t hurt him like that.”
“Ha!” cackled Meowth, wriggling out of Jessie’s grasp. “See, Jess? You should be nicer ta me, coz Delia says so --”
“And you.”
Meowth froze.
“You took advantage of my kindness, Meowth. You lied to me and told me James was mistreating you. That really hurt my feelings, and I’m very, very disappointed in you.”
There was a long moment of silence. Then, to Delia’s surprise, Meowth plopped down onto the floor and began to sob. “I-I-I’m sooorryyyyyyyyy...” he wailed, thick wet tears falling down his cheeks. “I didn’t wanna hurtcha feelin’s, but everyone’s so busy and the gang’s all split up an’ you’re so nice an’ I just wanted someone ta be kind ta meeeeeee...”
“Meowth, kindness goes both ways. Now,” Delia pushed the basket of berries into his paws, “you can go wash these for me in the sink, and put them in the fridge until I need them. That would be a good thing to do, to show me how sorry you really are. You want to show me you can be kind?”
“Then scoot.”
Jessie watched her friend head into the house - head bowed, sniffling - with a look of total wonder. “Did you just get Meowth to admit he wants to go straight?”
“Yes,” Delia said, standing up and kissing Jessie on the cheek. “I did.”
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alharringtonfan · 6 months
honestly I haven’t been that involved with the whole Alex stuff but am I somewhat not surprised how Chezz and many others are acting this way since the whole “the holier than thou” and “oh don’t worry guys I’m unproblematic and safe uwu” stuff some analog makers have if that explains it and please correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t one of the people that “came out” like also tried accusing Martin of the same shit? Like what.
Honestly I don’t wanna accuse people of anything but I would not be surprised if one day something similar comes out about them.
it’s just feeding a monster that will soon come to bite them in the ass.
I'm pretty sure it's Mitcha who started the grooming thing (always has to be them huh). They also went against Alex but the thing that confuses me is that they warned him about Ven making a callout doc... so, are they a hater or not? I don't know about that whole thing really well because I'm a donut specialist© but searching around the alex tag you'll finds tons of information about them.
100% my friend. Alex tried the same thing back then with Urbanspook and it just reflected back to him like a boomerang. This thing with pretending that you're better than everyone else is complete bullshit, because good people don't have to prove to anyone that they're good in the first place. Same thing with humility. People who are humble don't go around screaming "LOOK! I'M HUMBLE!!! LOOK AT ALL MY GOOD ACTIONS!!" because they don't need to. They show it through their actions and people see them and recognize them as such.
Chezz and Martin are disgusting people that try to mask their filth with a facade of kindness and acceptance. They try to pander to as many people as possible to convince the world that they're genuinely "good"; and to do that, they go for the narrative that's most widespread and accepted by the general public. Because if they would dare to even think about going against the masses, people would pile up on them. And they will do ANYTHING to prevent it from happening. What Martin fears the most (aside from cats apparently) is people hating on him. The guy is so fucking insecure that some mean things said about his series prompted him to take a year-long break. Oh and on this topic I recommend that you check out Radal's reaction to The Walten Files. It's funny and it pisses off Martin so win-win. Their public image is everything they have, they don't care about being genuine. If people will pat their backs and praise them for their behavior and "courage", that's good enough in their books. Same thing with donut, the slanderer queen and master of the anti-alex death cult.
So, don't ever trust people who are too overly accepting of everything, everyone, all the time. Especially if it is compatible with modern culture and media. EVERYONE has the things that they hate, the things that they disagree with. Milquetoast creators like Alex Kaizo and Tyler Osborne, who will just nod along to whatever their audience says and not even conjure a single original thought of their own because they're too afraid to face backlash are fake. They're all plastic without a hint of morality in themselves.
Also, it will DEFINITELY bite them in their asses. Believe me. Kwite and Squizzy collaborated with Slazo's ex girlfriend to try and cancel him over false allegations of abuse. Both of them got canceled. Alex went along the mob and tried to cancel Urbanspook because that was the hip new thing to do at the time. He got canceled as well. It's just something that happens on the internet, and it'll never change because people are willing to remain or at least pretend to be dumb if it gives them likes and a bit of notoriety. Nobody is perfect, and if a meh relationship was enough to get Alex to face all this shit, who knows what will be the catalyst of the next drama. Martin and Chezz are horrible people that do not deserve the audiences that they have. I am without a doubt when I say that they HAVE done something infinitely worse than this. Chezzkids is a serial clout-chaser and grifter, who let the little "fame" he got after calling Urban names (just like the toddler he is) get to his head and inflate his ego to an immense degree. People who are too full of themselves and think they're the best of the best mess up due to a lack of forethought. They are so confident in their abilities that they won't even think about if what they're doing is the right decision to make. And that's why the twat won't ever back down. He's too egotistical to accept defeat just like Ven's cult members defenders. If Chezz is willing to stain the relationship he had with Alex over some crappy highschool level drama, you can already pinpoint his morals and character, and how he truly treats others within his vicinity.
Martin has a server with a security tighter than the CIA. He's afraid to bite the hand that feeds him but it will punch him back when time is most appropriate; despite the lengths he will go to try to keep his image squeaky clean. One can only imagine the shit he has in there and when it'll eventually surface.
Urban "boogeyman" Spook is a better person than 99% of these cardboard cutouts that dare to call themselves creators. They can only destroy. All they create is hate, the sole things they know how to spread are lies and manipulation. They're nothing more than greedy, hateful, cowardly sycophants.
Phew. I feel a lot better now. Thank you for the ask, anon! I hope you're doing fantastic today 🫶
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
brainy for the ask meme (im predictable)
Sexuality headcanon: Gay. A home of sexuals. A lover of men, if u will
Gender headcanon: This one has been plaguing my mind tbh because like. In terms of official au it kinda has to follow the guys growing up together but also the discord's Brainy gender stuff is rlly good .. I have more leway with human au but I don't want too many differences but perhaps!! He/They Brainy, as a treat.
A ship I have with said character: Brainy/Gutsy and Brainy/Chef on the brain, always. I'm even tempted to say I almost ship them equally and honest to Peyo would have made it an official BV OT3 but Bladesmith already existed by the time I started to REALLY like Brainy/Chef and I can't really conceive an OT4 w/ Butcher in the middle of all that so. Instead I can enjoy Brainy/Chef in my Au's and keep Brutsy as my main <3
A brOTP I have with said character: Clumsy, of course! I think they had a mutual 'it's complicated' and I don't overlook the gay aspects of the 80's, I've never denied that, but (vaguely gestures to you know. Everything)
A NOTP I have with said character: HM I think Brainy is p/ funny with a lot of characters. I don't think I like Brainy/Handy purely for the fact I find they're much funnier as rivals
A random headcanon: He has leftover WereSmurf aspects, although he doesn't transform. Would be team Jacob though /j (I have never watched Twilight)
General Opinion over said character: He's so pathetic (affectionate) Actually Brainy was one of the two that got me INTO Smurfs so my opinion has always been positive and he deserves better. I've always had a soft spot for the uppity rule-obsessed nerds (Chezz, Mido...)
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The phone buzzed again on the desk and I sat there with my head in my hands just pondering what was going to go wrong out here. The humidity was at 100% and the temperature was just about 101. Fuck. The phone continued to buzz. Between my fingers I saw the name of the person calling, it said Cesare.
“Hey you,” I said once I accepted the call.
“Hey you yourself,” my wonderful husband said back to me.
“Chez, you know that Gallegos is away and his nephew is here helping out. Today’s problem is the irrigation system. Apparently there are some overgrown trees by the property line and the roots have busted into the pipes,” I told him.
“Damn. That sucks. Do you have an idea how bad it is or are you waiting for the nephew to tell you exactly how bad it is,” he asked. I knew if I went on, he’d be on his way to figure out how to fix it.
“Actually I’m going to wait for Tarik to tell me. He’ll be here in the morning and the nephew, Derrick, is probably digging up and around the pipes to help Tarik out,” I said as I swung the chair around to look out the window to see if I could see Derrick. I couldn’t see him from this vantage point.
“Well, Gerta, we’ll get through this and won’t let on anything is wrong. They’re going to come to ride and they’ll leave without a word,” Chez told me in his warm voice. He could hug me tightly without being in the same room. Why was I so delighted to hear his voice? What he whispered in my ear at our wedding, I can’t repeat here, but I think it was that Armani suit he was wearing.
“And what do I owe you for this phone call,” I asked grinning.
“I wanted to let you know that Torjen, Steve-O and Mikhales are going to meet up at Manuel’s downtown for dinner tonight and I’m asking if you’d like to join us,” he said and I could see him smiling back at me.
“I’ve got three or four more riders on the books today and I’m sure that Molly and Charlotte can handle them. I’m going give them a shout out and I’ll meet you after my yoga class. With traffic, is 7:30 good for you,” I posed to him.
Cesare and I agreed that we’d see other later at Manuel’s. I was lost in my thoughts and I was thinking about Cesare. He’s my engineer and I love the way he engineered his way into my heart a few years after Xavier died. He’s a hot shit and the way he says, “Chezz-a-rrray San-teee-no” gets me every time and he has no real discernible accent whatsoever except when he says his name like that and Derrick.
I was startled by him standing there by the door. His white shirt was smudged with dirt, the armpits were noticeably wet as well as the collar of his shirt and the knees of his pants were covered in dirt. Even though he had wiped his face and forehead, the gleam of sweat was still visible. Fully dressed he looked like he could have had just walked out of the gym. Gawd. Dayum. Y’all.
“You were on the phone, Miss Santino and I didn’t want to interrupt you,” he said quietly and he looked right at me.
“I’ve finished digging around the irrigation pipes and it’s a hot mess. I’m not sure what you need me to do next, but y’all can get at the pipes now,” Derrick stated.
“You scared the shit out of me, Derrick. Anyway, Tarik, he’s my water guy and he’ll be here in the morning to look at it and see exactly what’s happening,” I reassured him. “Tarik is quick and I’m sure between the two of you, you’ll have this done in no time at all,” I said making sure I kept eye contact with him.
“Good to know. Well, if there’s nothing else, then I’ll just change clothes and call it a day and I’ll see you in the morning. I’m hoping that’s okay with you,” he said in a questioning tone.
“Absolutely, Derrick. I too am going to leave. Molly and Charlotte are here and I don’t want to be late for my yoga class,” I retorted.
“You’re into yoga? I do Pilates,” Derrick said and then proceeded to stretch. Lithe. Sinewy. I had to stop with running through adjectives to describe what I was looking at when he was stretching. He smiled back at me and left the lodge. I paused for a moment before I grabbed my stuff in order to make it to yoga on time.
I shuffled papers around on my desk and put them in a tray next to the small table lamp. After a few minutes, getting all my shit together and I was about to get in my car when Derrick came around the corner as he too was about to leave. Fresh from the shower, in well worn grey sweats and his rucksack tucked away on his shoulder, he most definitely was going commando.
“See you tomorrow,” I said and quickly got into my car. As I was securing my seatbelt, I had my head turned towards his truck and I looked up, his behind. Cassavas. I paused. Then my inside voice screamed, “GERTA!! You are going to be late!!” Finally, I had the opportunity to engage the car and hit the road. Jay Trachtenberg was on the radio and was talking about Liberty Lunch in its heyday. As I was driving down towards the entrance, I noticed Molly and Charlotte, I waved at them and then looked in my rear view mirror and Derrick was pulling up behind me. He too waved at the girls and then waved at me. I barely made a motion that resembled a wave of recognition and looked both ways, a tad too heavy on the gas pedal, I squealed away from the barn and didn’t even look back. Shit. I’m doing 60 in a 45 zone. Cleansing breath, inhale deep and slowly let it out.
It was all a blur. Like a time lapse video sped up three or four times: driving. Cursing. Stop and go. The white noise of the radio. Yoga. All sweaty. A quick stop home. Shower and finding the little black dress. More driving. More cursing about the other drivers. Extricating myself from the car and the air conditioning was a chore, but here I was on South Congress Avenue handing over my car keys to the valet outside Manuel’s. I walked in and heard Torjen’s unmistakable laugh and I was making my back to the booth when Cesare noticed that I was coming to the booth. He got up to greet me with a big kiss on the lips. Steve-O and Mikhales made noises as Torjen called my name, “Gerta, darling.”
Waleed and Melouk had been both interrupted by other phone calls. They hadn’t a chance to reach a consensus regarding Reza and their parents, but they did have a mutual laugh over how they behaved and how awful their wanton pretentious behaviors were front and center.
They referred to their parents as The King and Queen since their lineage was tangled up with the actual royal family of Jordan and it’s most definitely convoluted, but yes, they are related and removed several times from The Hussein family. How many miles are there in a light year?
Omar and Habiba, their parents, had at one time been in Gibraltar on holiday when they met Constance and Tudor Spencer. They allegedly were related to Diana Spencer. This may have been true but the DNA strand was iffy at best and with a case of myopic astigmatism maybe the Spencer’s could have come over a century later after The Pilgrims. Yet Habiba perpetuated the notion that Omar had the first family of Jordan on speed dial. It’s almost impossible as George and Wheezy having laid claim to Sally and Thomas Jefferson.
They were all lounging in a cabana and watching the surf from their hotel.
“I know that Gibraltar isn’t the most in August, but we’re off to Dubrovnik next week,” Constance told them and of course Habiba was enthralled with her well-educated British accent.
“We’ve never thought of going there in early September,” Habiba said.
“Habiba, my dear, Dubrovnik, the toni cognoscenti bringing you Paris Fashion Week in seventy two hours is a truly a spectacle,” Constance lit up and with a great flourish of hands and arms she finished with, “It is divine and shouldn’t be missed.”
Apparently that was it for Melouk’s parents who had spent ten days in Gibraltar after meeting The Spencer’s. Tudor and Omar were usually deep in conversation about how to make more money and how their children would siphon off them. They’d never disparage their wives because they secretly loved having them both say things like, “This champagne is burnt and had to have been frozen in the bottle at some point. By the way, this is Osetrova Caviar but I do prefer Petrossian Beluga. Isn’t there something you can do to remedy this ghastly situation?”
Constance told Habiba how she and Tudor traveled around Europe, Asia and Africa. “Darling, April is not to be spent in Rome for Easter. We do Madrid and Seville. It’s Féria and the male flamenco dancers do keep the home fires burning. Though Ibiza is right there and it does have its siren song,” she said with a wink and a nudge. Habiba made note of this new information.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It’s 7:57 pm local time and it’s a balmy 73 degrees in Newark. Please make sure that your trays are in their upright and locked position. Also, please make sure that your seatbelts are secure and fastened. We’ll be coming through the cabin momentarily to collect any remaining debris,” said a cheerful female disconnected voice.
“It’s been mandated, Venka.” Its Habiba’s pet name for Omar. “He will do as I’ve asked and he will not hesitate for one second. Reza is going to North Carolina and he will stay there until I’ve deemed it acceptable. Once I have an inkling that Reza can be trusted and released into his recognizance, then they both will have to make due with Scheherazade. The house I bought her is big enough for all of them. Again I will have everything thing in place for the next year. I am absolutely positive that this carrot will work. There’s absolutely nothing else to do now. Well…save for a pied a terre in New York or Paris, or is it both of them? Amman has a piece paper with his name on it in your office and one thousand dollars. A safe deposit box in Zurich has a piece of paper with his name on it and it’s very generous. Venka, I do know,” she said as she looked in his eyes and placed her hand on his forearm. Habiba is ruthless.
Omar clenched. He just wanted to have his estate to be divided equally between his children. His wife was a great mother to all her children and they both supported them in all their endeavors, but when Melouk was outed by Aziz, Habiba became glacial in every aspect and fawned over the others. Cutthroat was mild adjective once she made up her mind about Melouk. The brothers were not going to be ready for this one as they’d be standing downwind of the shit hitting the fan.
Dinner came to an end and they were all laughing together as they left Manuel’s.
“Any chance you could give us a lift to the airport,” Torjen asked. “We’re all here at The Hilton.”
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duhragonball · 7 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (72/?)
French Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Toothy Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Previous chapters conveniently available here.
[19 February 234 Before Age.  Toth-Thoth]
Detective Bret ducked under the brightly colored ribbon that cordoned off the crime scene and found a group of lawmen huddled together.  He headed straight for them and introduced himself.
"Glad to have you on this case, Bret," said Captain Neier.  "I usually hate it when they call in people from other precincts, but this time we could use all the help we can get."
Bret nodded. "May I look at the body?" he asked, pointing down at the tarp lying at their feet.
"Sure," Neier said.  He titled his head and glanced over his shoulder.  "Over this way."
Bret looked past him, and spotted a covered body lying on the ground.  "I don’t understand," he said, pointing to the tarp they were standing around.  "If that’s the body, what’s this?"
Neier sighed.  "I’d better show you the victim first."
Bret shrugged and followed him to the other tarp, which Neier pulled back to reveal the corpse of a humanoid male, six feet in height, lying face down in the alleyway.  He couldn’t tell much from the first look.
"No signs of a struggle," he said. "No obvious wounds.  Can’t say I’m surprised.  This guy looks like he could handle himself in a fight."  He sat on his haunches to take a closer look, and noticed a rip just below the belt-line of his trousers.  "Is that...?"
"A hole for his tail," Neier said. "He’s a Saiyan."
Bret looked up at him in amazement.  "Who could have done this to a Saiyan?"
"That’s what I’d like to know," Neier said.  "Between you and me, this is one perp I’d rather not find.  With any luck, the killer’s already left the planet, but it’s not like anyone here would have been a threat to him, you know?"
Bret shuddered at the thought.  He removed a pen from his jacket and carefully manipulated the fabric around the tail-hole to get a better look.  "So where’s his tail?" he asked.  "Some Saiyans cut them off or lose them in battle, but this must have happened recently, or he wouldn’t need to rip a hole in his pants."
"And that’s why we called you in," Neier said.  He waved for Bret to follow him back to the first tarp, and nodded for one of the other police officers to remove it.
It was a pile of Saiyan tails.  Bret took an involuntary step backward as he realized what he was seeing.  Something about the sight of all those furry appendages lying together made him nauseous, even before the smell wafted up to his nose.
"We’re assuming one of them is his," Neier said, "but we’ll need to run DNA tests to be sure.  Best guess for now is that this collection goes back about two months."
"There must be..." Bret stopped to wait for his stomach to settle down.  "Must be twenty of them there."
"I counted twenty-four," Neier said.
"But there haven’t been that many Saiyans on Toth-Thoth in the past two *years*," Bret said.   "I don't think there's two dozen Saiyans in the whole sector."
"Like I said, whoever did this may already be long gone," Neier said.  "I don’t know why he left behind his collection of trophies, but I doubt he’s finished hunting.  He’s out there somewhere, waiting to kill again."
[26 February 234 Before Age.   Nat-Chezz II.]
Inspired by Luffa's exploits, Zaperc had tried to follow in her footsteps, but the path was even more difficult than he had expected.   Most of the galaxy only knew Luffa by reputation and rumor, and even the planets she had fought for had only a vague idea of who she was and how she operated.   In desperation, Zaperc had turned to an unauthorized biography-cum-self-help book entitled "The Luffa Way".   He then assembled a band of followers and led them here, to Nat-Chezz II, where he planned to protect it from invaders, just as Luffa had done for other planets.   It was going well, right until the real Luffa showed up and turned his entire movement upside down.  
Meeting her was an honor, though she was very different from what Zaperc had envisioned.  For one thing, Luffa was a woman, and she acted very much like most off the typical Saiyans he had known throughout his life.  At the same time, she had an idealistic streak that put his own lofty dreams to shame.  
Zaperc longed to achieve greater glory, if not for himself, then for his son, and for the Saiyan race as a whole.    Luffa, however, seemed to have an almost apocalyptic worldview at times.  She never quite came out and said so, but she seemed almost disappointed that she wasn't constantly fighting a desperate battle to the death.  All Saiyans loved to fight, but there was something different about her, something that ran deeper than the golden transformation she used to manifest her immense power.  
He wondered if Luffa had been changed by her evolution, or if she had been that way from the start.   As he and his followers sat in a half-circle to learn at her feet, he hoped that the answers would come forth through her lessons.   Thus far, however, all he had learned was that she was a very unorthodox teacher, and she didn't seem to care if it made her students impatient.  
Standing before them, Luffa balanced herself on the toes of  her right foot.   She then crossed her left leg over her right thigh, bending her knee such that her left foot was pointing toward the sky.    
“I know this seems a little weird,” she said, “but it’s a pretty effective technique, especially when you’re surrounded by multiple enemies.   Now, you’ll want to put your left arm up like this, elbow straight, with the wrist bent so your hand is over your head, palm down.   Then you put your right arm up like this, parallel to your shoulders.  Bend the elbow and bring your right hand palm up in front of your chest.    It’s like you’re using your hands to sort of frame your face.   The pose is critical to the technique, so if you get it wrong you could be wide open to an attack.  Any questions so far?”
Brockle raised his hand.   Zaperc smiled with pride.   While he was grateful for all his followers, he hoped that his son would benefit from these lessons most of all.   Brockle was extremely talented for his age, and with the right guidance, Zaperc was sure he could become a warrior on Luffa's level.  He lacked patience, true, but at least he was asking questions about Luffa's skills instead of resenting her for them.  
“Go ahead Brockle,” Luffa said.  
“Why the hell are we doing this?”  Brockle asked.  
Zaperc sighed and closed his eyes.   Brockle still had a long way to go.
“Because the Shiei Fist is a brilliant technique,” Luffa replied.   “I picked it up while fighting a horde of shadow warriors on Planet Zansu.   The Zansans who developed it couldn’t do a whole lot with it, but in the hands of a Saiyan, the explosive wave is--”
“This is stupid!” Brockle growled.   “You said you would teach us something useful, and you’re showing off alien dance moves.”
Luffa dropped the pose and approached Brockle.  “Is that so?” she said.    “Well maybe you’d like to teach me something.”
Brockle sniffed with contempt.  “What’s the use?” he asked.  “You’re so strong, you can afford to use whatever sloppy techniques you please.”
“Oh, is that my problem?” Luffa said.    “You admit that I’m stronger than you, so you want to salve your ego by pretending you have more finesse.    Well I’ll tell you what, Brockle.   Why don’t you show me your finishing technique, your ultimate move, and I’ll evaluate it for you.”
“You’re on,” Brockle said.   “It’ll be worth it to put you in your place for once, woman.”  
In spite of the hostility between Luffa and Brockle, Zaperc was hopeful.   As much as he wanted Brockle to respect Luffa, he also longed for Luffa to recognize Brockle's potential, to see Brockle the way Zaperc did.  Perhaps this demonstration would show her that Brockle was worthy of her respect.    
Luffa waved for Brockle to begin, and he gathered his ki, powering up to his maximum strength.   Luffa watched him and crossed her arms, apparently fascinated to see what he would do.  
He held his hands in front of his face and made the tips of his index fingers glow crimson.    Then he began to wave his fingers in an intricate pattern, weaving a complex image of red light that trailed his hands as they moved.   In a matter of seconds, he had created a globe of criss-crossed energy tendrils, and he smiled arrogantly as it floated above his outstretched palm.    
“The Devil Mesh!” Brockle announced.   “I can make it change direction, but it can also alter its shape in mid-flight.  It can tangle enemies like a net, or impale them like a spear!”
Zaperc beamed with pride.   The Devil Mesh was based upon simpler techniques Zaperc had used for decades.   Brockle had managed to refine them into something far greater, and he seemed to complete the execution of the technique a little faster each time he tried it.  
Luffa rubbed her chin thoughtfully as she considered what he had made.    “Interesting,” she said.   “It’s a little too clever by half, but I like the versatility.”
“It’s only ‘too clever’ because you’re too stupid to do it yourself!” Brockle snarled. 
“Well, I’ll give it a try,” Luffa said.  
To Zaperc's surprise, she didn’t bother building up her ki.   Instead she simply made all ten of her fingertips glow, and she waved them around with an intense speed, completing a globe like Brockle’s in a fraction of the time.  
“That... you can’t...” Brockle gasped.  
“I just did,” Luffa said.   “It’s a little tricky, but kind of fun to play with.    It’d make a good training exercise for a kid.   And it’d be a good lesson on spotting weaknesses in techniques.”
“Fool!” Brockle growled.   “There is no weakness to the Devil Mesh!”  
Luffa pointed her finger at Brockle and fired a thin beam of light at the crimson sphere floating over his hand.    
It exploded in his face.    
“It’s so complex that it's unstable,” Luffa said.   She waited for him to finish coughing before she continued her explanation.   “If you actually made one of those in the middle of a fight, your enemy could easily sabotage it before you’d ever get a chance to use it.   It wouldn’t even take much power to pull that off.   Even a weakened or dying opponent could still have enough energy to take you down with him.”
Zaperc was stunned, almost as if the Devil Mesh had exploded in his own face.  Only a moment ago, he thought of it as his son's greatest achievement, and Luffa had deconstructed it with ease.  She didn't even need her Super Saiyan form to do it.   He knew she was powerful, and he had long assumed she was brilliant, but this was beyond anything he could have imagined!
She quickly dismantled her own Devil Mesh  before any of her students got any bright ideas.    “Now, maybe we can get back to the Shiei Fist?”
Brockle gnashed his teeth as he sat back down.  Zaperc wished he could offer him some sort of encouragement, but it was better to let things take their course.   Luffa's training was a bitter pill to swallow, but she *was* the Super Saiyan.   If she couldn't show Brockle the way to the next level, then no one could.
Deep in the dense, treacherous jungle the Saiyan had been using for training, Zatte was helping Jikama to his feet.  
"How long was I out?" he asked as he rubbed his forehead.  
"About an hour," Zatte said.  
"You've been waiting here for me to wake up this whole time?" Jikama asked.   He rose to his full height, and while he wasn't quite as tall as some of his comrades, he was still massive enough for Zatte to fit entirely in his shadow.
"Normally, I wouldn't stick around," Zatte said with a shrug.  "But you're not nearly as sore a loser as the others.   Especially Hijik.  I took him down about six hundred yards that way.  Went back and shot him again twenty minutes ago, just to prove a point."
She patted the large pistol holstered on her hip as she said this.  
"It's because I'm only half-Saiyan," Jikama said.  "I find I'm not nearly as hot-headed as the rest of them."
"I don't care if you're half, full, or double-Saiyan," Zatte said.  "Hijik's a dick, and being a dick for no good reason is a good way to get yourself killed.  Anyway, my wife's as pure-blooded as he is, and she still knows how to show a little respect."
Jikama chuckled.   "Not to me, she doesn't," he said.  
Zatte made a concerned frown as she looked up at him.   "Something bothering you, Jikama?" she asked.  "I know Luffa's rough on you guys, but it's for your own good, trust me."
He shook his head and smiled.   "It's nothing I'm not used to," he said.   "Saiyans look down on half-breeds like me.  Oh, the others are accepting enough, but only up to a point.  Aliens like you are on thing, but a half-Chezzi like me will always be one foot in, one foot out."
Zatte nodded.  "But you did really well today.   That's why I hung around, to congratulate you.  You tracked me down to within fifty feet.   I don't know how you kept picking up my trail, but I'm impressed."
"I knew I couldn't rely on smell or sound," Jikama said, "and your power lets you hide your ki, so I decided to try focusing on the ki of our surroundings instead."  He waved his thick arm at the jungle canopy over their heads.  "I figured your powers would slightly affect my perception of the life energy from the trees and grass as you came into contact with them, and it worked, but the difference was too slight to get a fix on your location."
"Nice," Zatte said.  "You'll have to hone your senses until you can get a fix.  And I'll have to work on covering my tracks a little better.   You're resourceful, Jikama.   That's the high praise where I come from, and if Luffa doesn't appreciate that, she'll get an earful from me."
"That's kind of you to say," Jikama said anxiously, "but I wouldn't want to cause any arguments between the two of you."
"Trust me, one more won't hurt," Zatte said.  "Maybe the other Saiyans won't respect you, but I expect better from Luffa."
"To be fair," Jikama said, "I will say that I find her a refreshing change from most Saiyans I've met."
"What do you mean?" Zatte asked.  
Jikama shrugged.  "She looks down on me, sure," he said, "but she seems almost more disappointed with the purebreds."
[28 February 234 Before Age.  Bigreen.]
Chirad was a librarian and aspiring historian, but after he helped Luffa save Planet Bigreen from the evil Hamey, he had been hailed as a great hero.  He was only one-quarter Saiyan, and his power was only a meager fraction of Luffa’s might, but the Bigreenese still adored him as their local champion, and revered him as an expert on Saiyans.
While he appreciated their esteem, he knew he didn’t deserve it.  Luffa and her friends had done most of the work in liberating Bigreen, but they had gone and he had stayed, and so his role in the adventure had been amplified in the public opinion.  All that really mattered to him was that it got the girl from the Special Collections desk to finally notice him.
"Now just wait here, Emeral, I’ll speak with the Director and it should only take a minute and then when I get done heh-heh.  We’ll go see a movie!  How’s that?"
She lolled her head to one side and made a high-pitched giggle, which Chirad took as a sign of approval.  Just as he was about to enter the Security Director’s office, the door opened, and someone stepped out to greet him.
"Ah, you must be Chirad," he said cordially.  "Yes, of course you are I’d recognize that wild mane of black hair anywhere.  Very rugged, it suits a man like you, a descendant of the Space Warriors, mmm yes indeed won’t you come inside?"
Chirad was surprised.  "Uhhhhh... Director Pine I was just about to go into your office wow how about that, weird."
Pine led him inside and offered him a seat across from his desk.  "I’m afraid the situation is very serious, Chirad, though I wish it wasn’t ohhhhh, I certainly hope you can help us errr... please have a seat, oh, well you already have heh heh heh.  Very convenient.  I don't mind at all!"
Chirad only knew that a Saiyan had arrived on Bigreen recently.  This was not unusual in itself, as Bigreen was on very friendly terms with Saiyans from all walks of life.  But Chirad knew that something must have gone wrong, or they wouldn’t have asked for him to get involved.
"Director," he said, "if you need someone beaten up, well, I’ll help my planet any way that I can but I’m not that strong.  I mean I’m stronger than most people but when it comes to Space Warriors... uhhhh?"
"Ah, you’re too modest, Chirad," the Director said.  "But I only wish it were that simple.  Yes a powerful menace that even you couldn’t defeat what a treat that would be compared to this!  Even if you failed to save us we could always contact your friend Ruhffer to come and save us.   Yes, I doubt that any normal enemy could stand against a Space Super Warrior like her but our problem is very different look at this."
He tossed an envelope onto his desk and slid it over to where Chirad could reach it.  Chirad opened it to find several crime scene photographs of a dead woman clad in traditional Saiyan attire.  There was no sign of any wounds, except for the amputation of her tail.  There was also an autopsy report that concluded the Saiyan had been poisoned by an unidentified toxin.
"Now, Chirad, as you already know, we like to maintain good relations with the Space Warriors and their home planet of Saiya," Pine said.  "That’s why it’s especially bad that this woman isn’t just a murder victim oh no.  She was also a minister--that’s right-- in the court of King Rehval, yes the very King of the Space Warriors!"
"Then you mean the King of the Space Warriors sent his minister here?" Chirad asked.
"Hmm?  Not in an official capacity you see no she was here on personal business though I’m not privy to such matters, being personal as they so often are," Pine said.
Chirad understood.  Even if the minister hadn’t been attached to a diplomatic envoy, her murder would still be a strain on Bigreenese/Saiyan relations.  He still had more questions than answers, but at least now he understood why the highest law enforcement official on the planet was involved with the case.
What Chirad still didn’t know was how he was supposed to help with any of this, but somehow he doubted that he and Emeral were going to make it in time to see that movie he promised her.
NEXT: The Roles We Fill
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brattylikestoeat · 4 years
Dumb question but is chez pronounce like shay or chezz
Say Sanchez, drop the San.
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chezzkidsarchive · 7 months
I have no idea if this was intentional but "The Glasglow Willy Wonka Experience" sounds like a parody of every analog horror ARG in existence down to The Unknown being a fucked up blurry figure in a mask
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thismustbetheblog · 5 years
i just heard some one say chez like ‘chezz’ with the same energy as this
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Roblox be like:
Amy/Rich/Single/Half wolf/Half demon/Fails in school/Mean/Sad/Just wants a friend
((Mod: I know that feel T w T
..Roblox is weird, they say “I hav a chezz burga tuu!”
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alharringtonfan · 6 months
hey it’s that anon again! Oh I definitely agree, even thought I myself ain’t a huge Urban fan or anti or whatever ppl call it like say whatever the fuck you want about him but like He was kinda right, he knows not to get “buddy buddy” with certain or just online horror creators in general or act like the second coming of Jesus.
Maybe urban is the embodiment of karma /j
Hey, anon! I'm happy to see you again <3
Hahah definitely. Urban's a very authentic guy. He may not be the person people want him to be, but that just makes him more genuine in my book. Urban knows who he is. Martin, Chezz and Pastra don't know who they are. Not even Alex does. They just know what to say to keep their audience around. It's not healthy to be this worried about voicing your true opinions out loud, it's just cowardice. Sure, the masses may not like it and they WILL confront you about it; but what's better, to have a big audience that will eat you alive when the clock strikes midnight (and one that you didn't even want to in the first place); or a small but loyal audience made up of thoughtful watchers? Urban took the risk, got bit, and came around with the people he didn't want to appease hating on him (and consequently not being part of his community), and with his intended target audience gladly following along on his endeavors. Urban has fans and friends that are like him and who will think twice before believing any statement made against him; Alex's audience is nothing like that. He tried to pander to so many people at once that his fandom was always like a pressurized pot just waiting to explode. It'd happen eventually. The people he chose, or didn't, are fake and gullible. They thirst for drama. They aren't genuine or 1/10th of the person they try to make themselves out to be. Again, good people don't have to pretend to be good. All these people have are words, but no actions. Urban didn't choose his words and to them he was done because that's all they care about. Words.
And that's how the utmost importance of trimming down your audience comes into place. To some people it may seem extreme for him to have called Pastra an autistic furry and a pussy, but that's because people are against what's different and thrive on puppeteering others. It makes me sick just how common that's become nowadays. They want everyone to be just like themselves. Besides, Urban didn't even say anything bad. He called the guy autistic, a furry, and a pussy (which he is, at least these last two). Big effing deal. First world problems at their finest.
People only see his exterior. Edgy, mean, grrr how dare he say these words I don't like!!! — but they fail to understand that by wanting to control people into being something they deem is good, they are inherently cooperating on this endless cycle of harassment and cancel culture. It's trying to put others into a box, shaping HOW they want him to be like, WHAT he should say and HOW he should act. This is not diversity, it's the opposite of being diverse. THEY are the authorities they claim to be so much against.
Urban had all the reasons in the world to be upset at Pastra and everyone else. ALL of their arguments were in bad faith. They went into The Painter EXPECTING it to be bad. People like Chezz leap into drama already choosing sides (always the most popular one) while ravenous for the opposition's blood. Not even bothering to hear the other side of the story or the context around it. It always comes down to ego or the belief that many people backing up a claim must mean that it's true/false. Kaizo himself fell for it, arguing "BUT THERE'S SO MANY DOCUMEEEEEEENTSSS!!!!" and being too much of a fat slob to read such artifacts of slander; because all they see are numbers. Bigger numbers good = many subscribers good. Many subscribers.... have to say good take!!!!! Many likes in post = true = good.
The cancelers always get canceled because they surround themselves with people who want to control others just like them. Urban was smart enough not to do that. He knows who he is, and saved himself from the burden of being part of this "friend" group of illiterate slop content creators. I'm positive Alex has learned this since he spoke about meeting people in real life and giving up on making internet friends. That's great and I hope he goes forward with this, as his fans are more unstable than Moscovium and break down at the smallest gust of air being blown their way. I can see Urban hooking up with one of his fans — Martin, not in a trillion years.
And I'm not even a fan of the series! Urban is talented, but I just think that the writing of it is lacking. It DID make me scared, which is more than I can say about TMC itself.
In short, Urbanspook is this image in flesh and blood. I think you can already guess what category Martin Walls and Chezzkids belong to.
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(not trying to change your mind about urban. just stating my own thoughts on him :^))
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❤PERFECT US❤ Its been a year now since we met each other……Nd these are the memories which will last forever with me…..I know Post kafi lamba h😂 but isse b jada tha bolne k liye…….. 5 th October was the day jaha s actual m hmari frndshp shuru hui Jab maine tujhse tera no.manga tha u know i was quite happy jaise pta ni kya he mil gya ho.. 6 th Oct- When i got placed bt trust me apni job ki khushi s jada teri job na lagne ka dukh tha mko..I thought we both will go together kafi kuch imagine kr liya tha.. But jo bhi hua us din ka wo night stay m kbi ni bhulungi or subh uthke jo paglpanti ki thi dono n that was totally crazy but i just love it..17th October - Diwali break or tu ghr ja rha tha and dt was the frst time humne pure din batt ki thi mjhe kbi lga he ni ki yeh ladka itni batte krega mjhse i thought bhav khyga bt aisa kuch tha he ni ..Uske badd s toh jo batte hui start bhyi ldke ka exam tha phir bhi batt kiye bine mann ni lga iska😝..Ghnta kuch ni kiya dono n diwali p but phir bhi wo diwali happening thi kyunki tu tha mere pass tujhse batt kar k wo diwali b best hgyi thi meri .jaha log enjoy kr rhe the waha hum batte kr rhe the or yhi sbse amazing chezz thi …. Phir toh Dhere dhere kb hmara bond itna strong hogya pta he ni chla …It was like ek din bhi agr msg ya call ni krte the toh din he nhi pura hota tha although abi tk nhi bharta mann Jab tk batt na kr le ek dusre s..Diwali k badd jb colg aaya toh bichara pura din us group m bethta tha jha uska mann b nhi krta tha bethne ka but phir bhi betha mere liye …Batt nhi ho pati thi unke aage bt ek dusre ko sirf dekh le is chakkar m pura time mere sath hota tha …Kitni bar aisa hua jaha control ni kr pate the apne emotions bt still ek dusre k liye wo bhi kiya gussa aata tha ki yar sath hokr bhi sath nhi h but phir b khushi thi atleast dekh paa rhe h ek dusre ko…Remember our first hug shock he hogya tha tu toh ki yeh kya hgya. uske badd s toh jaise ek dusre ko hug kiye bina mann he ni lga dono ka kbi..In sab k hote hue bhi hmara chupke s milna taki do minute akele m spend kr sake bs thodi der k liye sahi but ek dusre ko jee bhar k dekh toh sake..3rd floor nhi bhulungi kbi hmari first date toh wahi thi wo do ghnte mere best do ghnte the colg m jb phli bar hum 3 rd floor p mile the or phli bar he ek dusre ko tightly hug kiya tha..Aise bht sare moments humne share kiye h ek dusre k sath jo i guess m kbi ni bhulne wali.. 31 dec saal ka end tere sath khtm hua mera isse jada best kya he milega mjhe…Or sbse best cheez ki mere colg k last year m mjhe tu mil gya Trust me m abi bhi wahi khungi “You are the best thing happened to me”…Nd i never thought tu itna jada special bn jayga mere liye… Tu bolta h na fight nhi hoti hmari gadhe kabi hogyi na toh bilkul mann ni lgega batt kiye bina ek toh tera puppy face jo dekh k koi bhi pighal jaye m toh definitely pighal jati hu phir toh bs bht sara pyar aata h tujhpe😘..or jo tu bolta h na mko ghnta fark ni pdta sab fark pdta h tko mera mood thoda sa khrab hjata h toh acha ni lgta tko…Tujhse thoda sa gussa hojau toh muh fula leta h …Bas ek he kami h sojata h batt krte krte bt still mko gussa ni aata…
Tujhe hmesha lagta tha ki tune mere liye kuch ni kiya but lemme tell u one thing jitna tune kiya h na mere liye mjhe usse jada chahye bhi ni ..tujhe jb time mila tune nikala mere liye i know maine bhi nikala bt tere y efforts kam ni the mere liye.Jis group m bthta ni tha uske sath bthna shuru kr diya taki mere sath time mil sake tujhe ..Apna phn tak tujhe hide krna pdha dusro s mere chakkar m…Jo ldka hostel m aram s ghumta tha wo specially mere liye bhr aata tha taki mjhse cl p batt kr ske…Mere final project ki tension mjhse jada tujhe thi or ache s naraj bhi hua tha tb toh or wo frst time tha jb do din humne dhng s batt tk ni ki but phir bhi cl krta tha mko kyuki mnn ni lgta tha tera….Mjhse bhr milne k liye kitni bar juth bolna pda tujhe in sbse …Tu aisa tha nhi bt tune y sab kiya just for me..Phir bhi tu khta ki tune kiya he kya mere liye ..Itna underestimate ku krta h apne apko tune bht kuch kiya mere liye😘…
Or sbse jaruri batt jo tko lgta h na tu mko deserve ni krta toh beta dubara aisa socha na i’ll smash your face kyunki agr tu deserve ni krta na toh mjhe ni lgta koi or bhi krta h or y m dialogue ni marr rhi aisa sach m feel hota h mko..Itne thode time m kafi sweet memories bna li h maine tere sath …But all i want to say is that m falling for you every single day whenever i looked into your eyes …I just want to hold you in my arms and give you a thousand of kisses daily… Ab tu chla jyga dur mjhse bt m nhi chahti y bond weak pde ..U matter alot to me and i don’t want ki yeh bond kbi bhi kam ho ….. ‌M gonna miss u badly pta nhi kaise mann lgega tere bina chahe life m kuch bhi bura ho rha ho tujhse batt kr k sb acha hojata h ..Tu smjhta h mujhe bhot ache s😘…I know life aise he hoti h but itni attachment hgyi h ki difficult hoga bht jada..Tujhe daily dekh ni paungi hug ni kr paungi jb mann hoga ….ab koi 3 rd floor ni hoga …But I’ll miss you AND ‌Dont forget you are mine, Only mine…😘😘😘😘
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startuplifedenver · 4 years
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The strip club has opened again and my favorite people in the entire world are not in there. Not a fucking single one. Maybe one? Mr Diz lost his prescription glasses and sees nothing so perhaps there is a ton of new cattle in the feedlot, plenty of antibiotics and unpronounceable chemicals making them look like humans but Mr Diz sees nothing.
But the club is open, and open it is. There are still humans inside but not sure for how long because Bill Hates wants to kill everybody and hence the club has to close down in October when Bill said they will ramp up the volume again on this non-existent Pirate Flag that feels more like a 9 inch syringe being rammed up the ass of everybody same as starting a car in the dead middle of winter cold and dry.
And Mr Diz is back at the strip club, spreading the goodness, not seeing shit because of the aforementioned non-sense but still, out and about. You see this is a very important part of Mr Diz’s life and perhaps the roomie with the perfect smile will freak out but Hey! go over there, give them a call, wear your mark of the beast and of being a beast, and pay a visit and see with your own eyes the television lies but of course it’s easier to lie to someone than to tell them they have been lied to.
Mr Diz is starting to think that he has not seen a stripper worth his time since the one time when he saw that poor girl that was standing barely on the arteries at the other strip club. Or the one with the bigger than normal ass and also perfect smile.
But the cherry on top of everything is at the end of the day Chezz: A stripper who is thankful tor those making the decisions and the apparently the god damn awful decisions they have laid upon and and others that thanks god they are not the one making the decisions.
Really, those were the words. The Kool-aid had been drinked, eaten, fried, baked and distilled down to a very contaminated drop and let it in in the eye and the arm. Mr Diz was tempted to say “And don’t forget to repeat you love big brother” you fucking monkeys but Hey! there is still the chance he may fuck someone from the other strip club and the official strip club.
Either way everybody is fucked.
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duhragonball · 4 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (138/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
[23 November, 233 Before Age. Nagaoka.]
Through his mastery of the alchemical arts, King Rehval III Trismegistus had conquered the universe. The Saiyan had merged his life essense with the Planet Nagoka, making both impervious to any attack. The bulk of the Saiyan species had bound themselves to his will, and any galactic powers who dared to defy him would suffer the wrath of giant earthen creatures that he could control like puppets. The cult of Saiyans who served him had been in high spirits. Their greatest enemy, the Super Saiyan Luffa, had failed to destroy them, and she had fled the Nagaoka System, disgraced and alone.
Then she returned. King Rehval believed she had come back to die in a blaze of glory. For all her power, she was no match for him, or his army of alchemically powered Saiyans. He expected his warriors to hunt her down within a matter of hours.
Eight days later, Luffa was still at large, and the morale among Rehval's followers had declined sharply.
What frustrated everyone was that no one understood Luffa's plan. If she only wanted to die in battle, then there was no need to drag things out. Whatever she was trying to do, she needed at least eight days to make it happen, and in the meantime, Rehval's cult had been powerless to figure out what it was or how to stop it. The two prevailing sentiments among the cultists were:
"Why doesn't Trismegistus do something?"
"Trismegistus has it all under control. Trust the plan."
Because of these contradictory opinions, the growing list of Luffa's victims were viewed both as "heroic martyrs" and "unfaithful losers".
From her lowly position in the cult, Lesseri heard it all. Scrubbing the breeding pits, she would catch parts of a conversation from passers-by. Trimming wicks for the candles, she would overhear idle chatter from the barracks. Disposing of diapers in the nursery, she would see how frightened the children were when they could sense Luffa's ki on the attack. There were a multitude of perspectives, but it boiled down to just two. Either their omnipotent leader couldn't kill Luffa, or he was allowing this terror to continue for unknown reasons.
Lesseri's own thoughts were usually focused on binaries like these. Strength and weakness, acceptance and rejection, good and evil. Of all the cultists, she had actually trained under Luffa during a brief period in her former life. The cult had a dim view of this past association, and Lesseri had been struggling to redeem herself ever since. She found herself awed by their grace, but also frustrated with the way they punished her for something so trivial.
For Luffa, that training camp had been a passing fancy to try to teach other Saiyans her ways. For Lesseri, it was just an opportunity to get close enough to kill her own mother. Vigurd had abandoned Lesseri and her sister in a gestation facility, and Lesseri had been bitter about it ever since. It seemed strange to Lesseri that the cult approved of her ruthless assassination, but not of the way she had manipulated Luffa to achieve it. It wasn't as if Luffa had passed on forbidden knowledge to Lesseri and the others. Mostly, Luffa had nagged them all for not being "Saiyan enough". Lesseri had dismissed Luffa as a hypocrite a long time ago, but the cult still demanded more contrition from her.
But now that Luffa was here, and Lesseri could sense that immense Super Saiyan ki once more, she was reminded of just how deeply Luffa's harsh words had cut. Luffa accused other Saiyans of cowardice. On Nat-Chezz, they had encountered a pair of aliens with the ability to to fool ki senses. They used this power to bluff stronger warriors into surrendering without a fight. Only Luffa had the courage to stand up to them, not because she saw through the deception, but because she alone wanted to fight enemies stronger than herself. The lesson of that incident had been lost on Lesseri that day, but now, Lesseri was experiencing it all over again. Nagaoka was supposed to be an invincible stronghold of power, and yet Luffa had dared to attack it all by herself. Rehval's followers had the advantage, and yet they were still anxious about what would happen to them. None of them were eager to die when they were so close to achieving final victory.
It hurt Lesseri to think about it. She had given herself over, body and soul, to Trismegistus, and yet her old frustrations and doubts still lingered. It had been convenient to blame everything on Luffa, but now she wondered if Luffa's only crime had been to point out the problems that had always been there. And now, she had come to Nagaoka to pass final judgment on them all.
Lesseri didn't know or care who would win in the end. She only knew that, no matter what happened, that Lesseri would surely lose...
The surface of Nagaoka was desolate, but not completely uninhabitable. The persistent cloud cover made the scenery especially gloomy, but enough sunlight made it through to support some vegetation. Most of it was inedible, although Luffa had discovered some roots that were nutritious enough to justify the effort of picking them. Game was scarce. The apex predator in the grasslands of Nagaoka was a small, four-legged dinosaur that chased after rodents. It took patience to catch them, but that was no problem. She needed something to pass the time anyway.
As she chewed on the raw carcass of a fresh kill, she walked back to her latest campsite, which was little more than a small fire and a Saiyan skull she had been using to carry her stone tools. The only other item was her prisoner, a cultist she had captured on one of her raids, three days ago.
"I killed six more," she told him as she slung the carcass by the fire and picked up the skull. "They sent more after me, but it didn't help much. I think Rehval's trying to do a pincer thing this week."
The man lay helpless on the ground, his arms and legs fractured in several places. Luffa had hurt him so badly that he lacked the ki energy to be sensed by his comrades. She estimated that he would die in another day, if not sooner. She kept talking to him anyway.
"Pincer. You know what I mean? Spread out his forces across the planet, then when one group is close enough to engage, some of the others can come in from the other direction and cut off my escape. What he doesn't get is that it just gives me a bigger target to shoot at while I run away."
The man groaned, either from the pain of his injuries, or from hunger, or terror, or delirium, or from all of these. Luffa ignored him and began carving up her kill.
"Funny, that's the same thing Jerk Number Seven said when I killed his six buddies," Luffa said. "You should have seen it. They tried to surround me, but I rushed right into a group of them, like I was trying to slip between them. Then I set off an explosive wave right in the middle of them. The six died right off, but the seventh was far enough away that he just got hurt really bad. He's probably still alive, though. For now."
"Triis... mej... isssss..." the man tried to say.
"He's not here and he's not coming to save you," Luffa said. "You can pray to him all you want, but he doesn't give a damn about you. Idiot. You sold your pride to that fool, and he doesn't even know you're still alive. I doubt he'll bother giving you any medical attention, not after that stunt I pulled on their hospital ward a few days ago. No, he'll want to conserve his supplies for the healthiest troops. The ones who stand a chance of pulling through in time to defend his sorry ass. That won't be you."
She put the bulk of the dinosaur on a spit she had fashioned from a spear she had taken from one of her victims, and carefully positioned it over the fire. "Ahhhh," she said. "This is really gonna hit the spot. It's like the old proverb: hunger is the best seasoning. So how was your day? Anything cool happen while I was gone?"
"Wh-wh-why... are you... doing this?" the man whimpered.
Luffa lay down on the ground, propping her head up on a pile of brush she had gathered. "Really?" she asked. "I mean, we've been over all that, haven't we? I told you all about it. How Rehval's a monarchist fool. How he took my son from me. Twice. He wrecked my marriage-- although I'll take partial responsibility there. And he even showed me that my own species is a worthless band of hooligans that deserves to die. Oh, and he's trying to conquer the universe, which wouldn't bother me so much except for the rotten way he's going about it. Magic potions. Really, what is that?"
"Nooooo..." the man whispered. "Not that... Why...... why... keep me... alive?"
"Oh, that," Luffa said. See, it's actually pretty simple. I learned this when I was a kid. I guess your parents never filled you in on it. See, when you're up against a superior force, you can even the odds with some psychological warfare. Wreck their morale, they start making little mistakes. Before they know it, their advantage starts to fritter away. That's why I hit their medical supplies. I'd like to taint their water supply too, but I haven't planned that out yet. I may not have time to get around to it, actually. Make sure you tell Rehval that when you see them."
"Yeah, they should track down this camp before too much longer. If not, I'll just transform and they'll come running. I'll be long gone when they get here, but they'll find you. And you can tell them everything I've been telling you this whole time. Every last word. Or as much as you can remember. I think the message will get across."
"Yeah," Luffa said. "See, I'm not 'keeping you alive'. You'll die eventually, no matter what. But I want the others to see what I've done to you, and hear what I've said to you, and I want them to realize exactly what it is they're dealing with."
She reached into the pockets of her yellow pants and pulled out a wooden stick, about five inches in length. There were several notches cut along its length. As she spoke, she stared intently at it.
"I think a lot of them see me as some sort of ultimate foe, and they get to have this big epic showdown with me, or at least they can die for their master, quick and clean. Makes sense. I'm the Legendary Super Saiyan, and Rehval's taught them all that I'm the devil or something. They want a big dramatic battle, like in a movie. A few of them might get their wish. But not you. No, you get to suffer. And I want them to know that any one of them might get the same treatment as you. Or not. Some of them might luck out and take a Vengeance Cannon through the brain and die painlessly. Some choice, right?"
He shivered, either due to the cold, or the onset of some infection he had contracted, or perhaps simply because Luffa's words horrified him so. Luffa simply did not care. She watched her meal cooking, monitored enemy movements with her ki senses, and then carved another notch on her stick with her thumbnail.
[25 November, 233 Before Age. Nagaoka.]
"The water supply? You're absolutely certain that's what he said?"
The cultists who found Luffa's prisoner bowed low to the ground as they murmured in the affirmative. "He was insistent on this point, Master," said their leader. He rambled like a madman, repeating everything she had said, including many unspeakable insults towards you and your ancestors, but--"
"Enough," Rehval said. "Return to your duties. No, wait. You three." He gestured to the trio of men on the right side of the group. "Go and help the repair efforts on tunnel six. Dismissed."
Normally, he spoke to his followers in more parental tones, closing with words like "Let my triple-blessing be upon you," or "Go with Jindan, my children." But Luffa had been laying siege to his planet for ten days straight. He no longer felt the mood to keep up his role as Trismegistus, the almighty Alchemist Supreme. Even the easy diplomacy of King Rehval seemed to escape him these days. Nearly two thousand of his followers had been killed since Luffa had arrived on Nagaoka, and with each hit-and-run attack, Luffa always found a way to hint that this was only a warm-up act.
"Having trouble, dad?"
He had begun to find a measure of comfort in his daughter, the Princess Seltiss. In his heart of hearts, he had always viewed her as more of an apprentice in statecraft, or a great bridge he had engineered to lead the way to the future. Now that she was back in his life, and now that they were stuck together on this planet, he finally began to appreciate her as family. Of all the Saiyans on the planet, she knew him best, and was never afraid to speak her mind.
"You saw the man they brought in this morning," he grumbled as she walked into his chamber.
"Yeah, I just came from the infirmary. They just pronounced him dead," Seltiss replied. "I came over to tell you. His last words were something about the water resevoir--"
"I already know," Rehval said. "It's bait. It has to be. There's fresh water all over Nagaoka. Even if she does poison our wells, even if she takes out our geothermal stills, it would only be a minor inconvenience."
"Like the spaceport," Seltiss said. "And the medical supplies. And Tunnel Six. She's not interested in striking decisive blows. She's wearing us down, a little bit at a time."
"It's more than that!" he insisted. "She's... building towards something. She threatened to kill us all, even me, when she already knows that's impossible!"
Seltiss shrugged. "She probably thinks that if she kills enough of your followers, then you'll lose the power you took from them, and that'll weaken your connection with the planet," she said. "Could that work?"
"Not well enough to do her any good," Rehval said. "I need the Saiyans. Without them, my work has been in vain. But there are other Saiyans in the galaxy. Weaklings, and not many of them, but enough for me to begin anew. As for this planet, my connection to it is complete."
"Cool beans. Then you have nothing to fear," Seltiss said. "It's like you told us before. Luffa's no threat to you anymore."
"That doesn't matter!" Rehval shouted. He rarely raised his voice. He considered it one of his more admirable qualities. What surprised him more than his outburst was the way he had slammed his fist on the armrest of his throne. Without thinking, he had pulverized it, and sent cracks running down the right side of the seat.
Seltiss had never seen him like this before, and though she tried to mask the shock with cool indifference, he knew better. He leaned back in his seat and rubbed his forehead. "She is the serpent in my garden," he said. "Rebelling, even when there's no possible way for her to win. I have to kill her or control her, or my authority will never be absolute. Her defiance proves that I can never tame the Saiyan heart, no matter how completely I control the others."
"So control her," Seltiss said. "You keeps saying you have the power. Find her, and put an end to this."
"She can mask her ki, and somehow use it at the same time," Rehval said, more despondently than he meant the reply to sound. It was unseemly for him to whine before his own child. "I suspected that she could do something like this, but I didn't realize to what extent. The squads can't find her."
"Then take away her hiding places," Seltiss said. "We know she's living off the land. Like, you keep saying you are the planet now. You can do with it as you please, right? Take the land away from her, and what does she have?"
Throughout this crisis, a thin beard had begun to grow on Rehval's face. He had been too preoccupied to shave. Now, he rubbed the stubble thoughtfully as he considered his daughter's advice.
[30 November, 233 Before Age. Nagaoka.]
Luffa waited for the squad of cultists to fly directly overhead, and then she attacked, transforming into her Super Saiyan form so quickly that none of them had time to react. There were twenty of them in all. The first died instantly, and she used an explosive wave to kill two more, and throw the rest off balance. Then she flew away, leaving the other seventeen to wonder what had gone wrong.
As she flew into the clouds that covered the Nagaokan skies, she took a moment to admire the destruction taking place on the surface. Rehval had finally grown impatient enough to order a carpet bombing of the wilderness. As before, there were groups of twenty or more Saiyans spread out across the planet, but instead of hunting Luffa, they were now scouring the land with ki blasts. This suited her perfectly. With so much Saiyan energy being tossed around all at once, Luffa could fly much more freely across the planet without being detected.
Adjusting her trajectory, she propelled herself directly into the path of another squad two hundred miles away, and powered down so they wouldn't sense her approach until it was too late. Then she transformed again, and tore through them like so much paper. Just as they began to get their bearings, she flew away again, leaving them completely disorganized.
She repeated this trick again and again, picking off targets across the entire planet. It would have been glorious, if she wasn't so furious with them all.
"It's not like it was in the Federation, is it?!" she screamed as she impaled a warrior on his own short spear.
"Boxing me in, forcing me to jump from planet to planet to keep you from hurting innocent people!" she screamed as she broke another's neck three thousand miles to the southeast.
"You thought you could wear me out! Well I'm still standing!" she yelled while blasting four of them with a barrage of energy needles.
"And now you're the ones on the back foot!" she roared. At the equator, one of them managed to get off a decent shot at her, but she pulled one of his teammates into the line of fire.
"You've got nowhere to run!" Her boot slammed into a Saiyan's back at twice the speed of sound, and she grinned at the wet snap she heard on impact. Nearby was Nagaoka's fourth-tallest active volcano.
"This time you're trapped here with me, and I've got nothing and no one to protect!" Near the south magnetic pole, her Vengeance Cannon technique cut through five of them in one shot.
She doubled back to the fourth-tallest active volcano and shoved a woman face-first into a lave floe. "You all move so slow you might as well be standing still!"
She found a beach and decided to stand her ground for a few minutes. This wasn't for sport, but just to remind them that she could. The squad she attacked seemed almost grateful for the chance to try to fight back, but they soon found that their numbers weren't as effective as they'd hoped.
"I've been fighting you clowns for months!" she screeched as she slashed her nails through a Saiyan's throat. As he fell back and clutched his bloody neck, Luffa rolled forward and caught one of his partners with her legs. She flipped him over and sent him crashing down to the surf below, and then fired ki blasts down at him, then towards a third Saiyan who was trying to catch her off-guard.
"All that ganging up you punks do? It doesn't mean anything to me anymore! I've seen all the routines a dozen times! Hah!" She suddenly flung her left hand under her right shoulder and fired backward to catch a Saiyan coming up from behind. "Six? Ten? Twenty? It won't save you!"
One of them had the good sense to focus his ki on protecting his vital organs. Luffa punched him in the forehead and was surprised that he withstood the blow. She kept on punching him, like a jackhammer, until his skull finally gave way.
Before long, she had finished them all off. She sensed reinforcements coming, and by the time they arrived, they found her in a half-squat position, charging her power. Once they were within range, she unleashed it all at once, creating a massive explosion all around them.
"Still alive..." she observed as she flew towards handful of survivors. She rose up into the air above them and swung out her arm at the ground. "Now that's what I like to see!"
Her follow-up fused the sand into glass, but could not penetrate more than a few feet into the ground, thanks to Rehval's mystic power that tied him into the planet. Instead, the energy Luffa released was reflected back upon her targets, and they were helpless to resist the intensity of it. A few survived, and Luffa slaughtered them, lopping off their heads by using the edge of her ki-charged left hand like a knife.
"Enough, Luffa!"
She turned and found a familiar face, and she grinned savagely at the sight of it.
"Well, well," she said. "Look who's finally come out to play."
The ground behind her had swelled up, forming a hill, which gradually shaped itself into the image of a man: King Rehval.
"I'll say this for your stupid alchemy powers," Luffa said, "You've made this planet a lot sturdier than anywhere I've ever been before. I can't destroy it, but that's kind of handy too. It's nice to know I can cut loose while I fight your lackeys, and not have to worry about the whole planet exploding out from under me."
"I command you to stop this immediately!" he shouted.
Luffa responded with a Gallick Gun to his stony face.
"You can't harm me in this form!" he said. Indeed, the attack had left his earthen avatar completely undamaged. Luffa didn't find that very disappointing.
"Don't worry," she said. "That Gallick Gun was just a baby, Rehval. When I'm ready to hurt you, you'll know it."
"Damn you, woman!" he seethed. "You know this is pointless!"
"Sure it is," Luffa said with a grin. "And you came all the way here to remind me, just in case I'd forgotten how pointless this is. Very thoughtful of you."
"If you already know that, then why do you persist in this--?! Arrgh!"
As he had spoken, she gathered her energy and plowed directly into the avatar's body, then released it in a massive explosion. The surrounding area was reduced to charred wasteland, and Luffa alighted near one of the largest fragments of the rock-Rehval she had destroyed. Slowly, it merged with the ground below it, and rose up again to form a new body.
"Will you--! Stop that?!" Rehval seethed.
Luffa laughed again. "What's wrong? If what I'm doing is so pointless, what does it matter whether I do it or not? Don't tell me the almighty god-alchemist, his royal majesty King Revahl the Third is getting flustered over little old me."
"I'm not!" he shouted, and then he attempted to regain his composure. "I just... I don't like when you... when you flout my authority. I wish you would... not do that."
Luffa raised her hand high over her head and extended her middle finger. "And I just don't like you. I don't like your authority much either. I don't think anyone else on this planet likes it much either. I'm just the only one around here with the guts to do something about it."
"I'll kill you," Rehval said. "You won't be able to avoid my forces forever, Luffa. There's only so much habitable land on this planet, and there's less of it each day. Once you run out of hiding places, you'll have no choice but to face the full force of my power."
"It's a date," Luffa said. "You're going to rue the day you first heard my name, Rehval. But right now, I gotta go. See you real soon!"
With that, she shot into the sky like a rocket, just as another squad of Rehval's followers arrived.
"My lord," gasped their leader as she fell prostrate before his earthen likeness. "We came as quickly as we could..."
"The Saiyans who joined us," the rock-Rehval said. "Seltiss's band, the Free Companions. Have they received the Jindan power yet?"
"N-no, Master," the leader said, now rising to an upright position. "There hasn't been time for them to complete the initiation rites, and--"
"I don't care about the rites!" he snapped. Go back and prepare them immediately. I want them as strong as possible, so that I can crush that vile little throwback once and for all!"
The leader was gravely disturbed to hear this, but she was too loyal to question the command. "Yes! It shall be done right away, Great One!"
Then they flew back in the direction of their base. Having no further use for the rock-creature, Rehval allowed it to collapse back into the ground.
From her hiding place in the sky, Luffa saw all of this while she listened in on the comm-link she had stolen from one of Rehval's soldiers. She made a grim smile, then cut another notch in her stick.
[3 December, 233 Before Age.]
As Trismegistus, Rehval had established a lengthy series of rituals and trials for initiates in his cult. He claimed that these were necessary to make the applicant worthy of receiving the potion that granted the Jindan power. In truth, their actual purpose was to brainwash the cultists and erode away their sense of independent thought. Now, as Rehval became more desperate to put an end to Luffa's rampage on Nagaoka, he chose to skip the protocol and dispense his potion to the newest recruits into his fold.
His daughter, Princess Seltiss had assembled a band of independent Saiyans, with the idea of establishing a new Saiyan nation in her father's absence. She had allied this Free Company with Luffa's Federation, but then switched sides, rejoining her father once it became clear that he was unstoppable. Seltiss considered herself a pragmatist above all. In her mind, joining her father in his moment of triumph was completely consistent with turning against him during his apparent madness. The decision was simple. There was no hope in opposing an invincible enemy, one who held every card and offered no weaknesses to exploit. And yet, she still feared for his sanity. The decision to join him had been a simple one, but it was by no means easy for her.
On the other hand, convincing the Free Companions to accept the Jindan potion had turned out to be very simple and easy. Luffa had killed over three thousand Saiyans since she arrived on Nagaoka's surface, and most of these had been Free Companions. The Jindan-empowered cultists were stronger and faster, and while Luffa had killed plenty of them as well, the Free Companions made much easier targets. As much as Luffa despised the cult, she had a real talent for driving Saiyans into Rehval's open arms.
In her quarters, Seltiss contemplated the bottle containing her own dose of the Jindan elixir, the last one. The cultists seemed to trust her to drink it, or perhaps they didn't see her empowerment as a high priority, since Seltiss didn't have a high power level to begin with. There was really no point in anyone checking to make sure she took her medicine. It was a matter of survival now. The curious red liquid might be the only thing that would save Seltiss' life during Luffa's next attack. And even without Luffa rampaging in their midst, she had already resigned herself to drink when she ordered her ship to surrender and land on Nagaoka. Things were happening faster than expected, but the cold equations had not changed. Her continued survival depended on swallowing her father's concoction, and then washing it down with whatever was left of her pride. What was she waiting for? Seltiss herself didn't seem to know.
And then, just as she brought the bottle to her lips, she sensed that terrible ki once more. Luffa was on the move again. Startled, she dropped the bottle, and so great was her dread that she didn't even notice it until the glass shattered on the stone floor. All that remained of the potion was a strange discoloration on the rock, and some maroon stains on her pink Montablanian leather boots.
Seltiss wasn't sure whether to be relieved or afraid. As she sensed the rising powers of her father's followers, she realized that it might not matter how she felt any longer.
There were no names for the places on Nagaoka, and even if there were, Luffa wouldn't have known them. She had chosen a particular location to make her stand, but mostly for aesthetic reasons. It was a dry lakebed surrounded on all sides by buttes and mesas. It reminded her of some of her favorite hunting grounds on Dorlu Prime. More importantly it offered the best of both worlds for a battle: The lakebed was a wide-open space for fighting, while the surrounding topology allowed plenty of nooks and crannies to hide behind for ambushes. Luffa didn't expect any of this to matter, but she had a sentimental reason for choosing her battleground.
She expected it to be her last.
Rehval's forces had destroyed most of the terrestrial life on the planet by now. His hope was to cut off Luffa's supply lines by taking away the flora and fauna that she fed upon in between her hit-and-run attacks. But he had utterly failed to consider the seas, which were abundant in edible wildlife. While his followers had scoured the land in a desperate attempt to flush her out of hiding, she had been diving under glaciers for aquatic mammals. In the lakebed, she now chewed on a piece of blubber while she prepared herself for what came next.
The skies of Nagaoka were perpetually overcast, but on this night there were peals of thunder that hinted at a storm. It was completely dark, save for an occasional faint flicker of distant lightning in the clouds. Luffa took the stick out of her pants pocket and felt the notches that she had made in the wood. Satisfied with the count, she cut one last notch with her fingernail, and then tossed the stick to the ground. The time was right.
She transformed. Since coming to this planet, she remained in her Super Saiyan form only long enough to attack or to outmaneuver an enemy. This time, she stood and waited, letting the yellow glow of her aura illuminate the desiccated ground. She could sense Rehval's minions all over the planet, searching in vain for her. Now that they could sense her power, now that she was staying in one spot, they all began to converge on her position. Within minutes, she was surrounded. Thousands of Saiyans stood on the rocky outcroppings in all directions, all of them dressed in dark red uniforms, and carrying short spears, which seemed to be the signature weapon of the cult. The tips of the spears glowed a pale blue color. Luffa had been dealing with these weapons for some time now, and could only guess that there was some trick to making them work. Every time she had taken one for herself, it only behaved like an ordinary spear.
They all kept their distance. Luffa might have accused them of cowardice, but she couldn't deny that it was the smart play. Anyone who might have broken ranks to rush at her prematurely was probably already dead from all of the previous skirmishes. Those that remained knew that best hope of defeating her was to put their combined might into a single, concentrated force. If they could cut off her escape, if they could keep her surrounded and attack her on all sides, then they would have the power to overwhelm her.
Or so they believed.
At last, King Rehval himself showed up, after a fashion. She could still sense him staying behind at his underground compound on the opposite side of the planet. She had expected as much. He was a coward, above all else. Instead of appearing in person, Rehval used his avatar again. By whatever mystic alchemy he used, he formed a mass of earth and rock to rise up from the ground and assume the shape of his own body, more or less. The eyes of this two-hundred foot tall creature glowed purple as he glared down at her.
"Enough, Luffa. This time, there will be no escape," he announced.
"That's what I was about to say to you," Luffa replied.
"I thought you had some plan," Rehval said. "But I see now that you really did come here to die, after all. You just decided to drag things out for as long as possible. You wanted to kill some of my flock to get a measure of revenge, but now you've run out of hiding places, haven't you? Why else would you stand still and raise your power level? You practically summoned us here to destroy you. You've clearly given up hope."
She turned her head and spat on the ground. "You don't get it, Rehval," she said. "I already gave up hope before I came to this stupid planet. Everything since then has been rage. And patience. The waiting is over, Rehval. I'm ready to kill you all now."
"You don't have the power for that," Rehval said. "And even if you did, you could never kill me, Luffa. I have transcended beyond the mortal realm. I am more than anything you could imagine. I have the power of this entire solar system behind me. What do you have, besides that garish transformation?"
Luffa smiled. "Let me show you," she said.
And then, she began to yell.
Rehval and his forces held back, unsure of what to expect. Luffa's body glowed brightly, and for a moment, some of them expected her to attack, but instead she fired a ki blast straight up into the sky. The energy dissipated into the clouds, and for a moment the thunderheads turned yellow from the light. Then they parted, opening up a hole of clear skies directly above Luffa's head. For the first time in untold centuries, starlight shone down upon the surface of Nagaoka. The hole expanded in diameter, until at last, the clouds had retreated to the horizon, leaving only a panoramic view of outer space.
And there, high above the battlefield, was Nagaoka's moon.
It was full.
Luffa looked straight up to admire it. Her lips curled into a wicked smile, and her green eyes suddenly turned blood red in the moonlight.
"No..." Rehval said quietly as he realized what was happening. Panicked murmurs could be heard among his troops, as the ones who understood explained it to the ones who didn't. Luffa could barely hear them over the pounding of her heart in her chest.
"The tail!" Rehval shouted. "Destroy her tail! Now, before she has a chance to--!"
But it was already too late. Luffa began to laugh, and then a wave of golden energy spread out in all directions. Then another, and another. The Saiyans attacked, firing their own energy in unison, but none of their ki blasts could penetrate through to Luffa herself. They couldn't even see her.
But they could hear. The lakebed echoed with the giddy laughter of a Saiyan woman with nothing left to lose. And they heard this laughter gradually transform into the low, feral growl. Bolts of yellow lightning arced out across the lakebed, dancing from one mesa to the next.
At the epicenter of this terrible disturbance, Luffa continued to stare up at the moon. Her heart beat harder and faster with each passing moment. She let the transformation carry her away, neither knowing nor caring where it would take her. Normally, her body was only sixty-three inches tall. Now, she expanded with each breath, swelling to ten feet, then twenty, then thirty, and more! Her limbs and torso changed proportions as she grew, and a thick coat of fur sprouted from her skin. Her face contorted, warping her nose and mouth into a savage muzzle lined with sharp teeth, and her ears formed slight points on top. Her clothing was ripped to shreds by this awesome change, but this was the furthest thing from Luffa's mind. In that moment, all she cared about was power, and the retribution it would bring.
At last, when the transformation was complete, and her enemy could finally see her clearly, she loomed over them in the form of a giant ape. The Saiyans knew the Oozaru form well, but this was different. For Luffa's Great Ape had glowing yellow fur instead of the usual dark brown. Her blood red eyes glowed with murderous intent, and her bestial lips twisted with fury as she looked down upon them all.
By now, Rehval's followers had been fighting Luffa for some time, and they had allowed themselves to believe that they were used to the idea of what Luffa had become. Now, as each of them felt their blood run cold, they realized that they had no idea what to do. They all stood transfixed at the sight of this new horror, unsure what would happen next.
Luffa threw back her head, and began to pound her fists upon her chest. And then, she made a deafening roar.
NEXT: The Golden Oozaru.
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deepear · 7 years
Mystery Train Recordings podcast 006 from myself is ready to listen on SoundCloud !!!! #deephouse #techhouse #realhousemusic #housemusic enjoy share listen repost are welcome! tracklist: 1 Wanna See You Pop Late Nite DUB Addict DEEP 'N' DOPE Records 2 Back To Old School (Phoeph Remix) Lj Guru Lemon juice records 3 NYC (Original Mix) Stefano Crabuzza Safe music 4 Work.Groove (Chezz Cosmic Groove Remix) Mark Farina, Homero Espinosa Fan Page, CHEZZ Moulton Music 6 You Want Some (Original Mix) Lee Clarke Lisztomania Records 7 Soul Scene (Original Mix) Kid Only Swing & Jam Records 8 Do Da Dance (BeeKay Deep Remix) Tahir Jones, Beekay Deep Oh So Coy Recordings 9 We See Time (Extended Mix) Ant LaRock Dopewax Records 10 One Accord (Original Mix) Arie Mando Groove Is Our Business 11 Don´t Come (Gaol Remix) Iban Montoro & Jazzman Wax,, Gaol Induction Muzic 12 Versey (Black Loops Remix) Sondrio, Black Loops Ciao Recs 13 The Power (Atjazz Floor Dub) Karizma, Atjazz R2 14 Don't Say Another Word (Joey Pinto nyc remix) Arturo Garces & Paul Najera Late Night Jackin 15 Your Name Anthony Mea Large Music 🎶🔈🔈🔈🔈🔈🔈🔈🔥
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