#chewy has a family
thecleverqueer · 2 years
Random thoughts during The Star Wars Holiday Special:
*Oh shit! They’re interrupting the Incredible Hulk for this!
*What’s immediately lovely about this is the fact that it wasn’t digitally remastered… It’s in the same awful formatting that it was presented in originally in the 1970s…because Lucas tried to bury it and failed. It’s still available on YouTube.
*Chewbacca has a family… a wife (named Malla), a son (named Lumpy) and a father (named Itchy). They have green shag carpet in their tree house on Kashyyyk. They’re not at all as well put together as Chewbacca. The father looks like he was done up on a very tight budget. Though Malla looks like she uses a great Wookiee conditioner. There are no subtitles, so I have no idea WTF is going on.
*There’s a weird dance/ acrobatics/ juggling sequence on a holo-table. It’s got Lumpy all hella excited, but then he whines annoyingly when it’s over… Like, very, VERY annoyingly.
*Luke is wearing those fierce black boots that he wears in The Return of the Jedi. Fierce.
*The Wookiees are placing desperate calls on a machine that is making Galaga noises. Hopefully, they’re not using the fulcrum sub-space frequency?
*There is an imperial officer with a pornstache in this shop run by Art Carney… and he hands him a cube with… beta fish in it? Because Wookiees like them? Also, Carney’s puns… awful… absolutely awful.
*Is this… A drag queen cooking show? Making a bantha roast? In 1978? How many arms does she have? OMG! This is bananas!
*Then, it violently shifts into an epic space battle between the Millennium Falcon and an Imperial convoy…on Life Day. Fascists just don’t break.
*Art Carney just straight up drugs Chewbacca’s dad…. Like he goes on a kaleidoscopic acid trip that kind of turns into wet dream with some ASMR/ musical number with Diahann Carole. This is so WTF? Seriously. I’m not high enough for this.
*Holy shit! Carrie Fisher is drunk AF!! It’s like she read the script and was like “F*^% it”… and just went with it. She’s literally stumbling. On god.
*What in the hell is a Wookiee-ookie?
*The Fascists have come crashing into the Wookiee crib to ruin Christmas.
*Wait, wait, wait…. It’s Jefferson Starship in a box?! And, the fascist officer loves it! I’m not even sure I’ve ever heard this song before. What? Is? This??
*Lemme stop right now and say this is NOT something one should watch sober. Not at all…
*Now there’s a cartoon. Luke is flying around in a Y-wing… which is weird. Chewbacca runs the Millennium Falcon into an ocean of strawberry jam. There’s a Loch Ness monster being ridden by Boba Fett? Why are C-3PO’s eyes blinking?
*Oh! This is the Boba Fett Cartoon.
*Wait, wait… wait, “Star-log update:” WTF!!!? This is STAR WARS, not STAR TREK! I’m so confused.
*Luke and Han Solo are hanging up-side down for some reason. Boba Fett is working with Vader. No surprise. Okay. Turns out, Chewbacca knew… apparently Boba Fett smells bad. “Star-log 3241”… this is Star Wars, right? …um, right!?!
*Back to the fascists destroying the Wookiee house. They tore the head off the bantha plushie. Sorry bastards!
*I’m trying to figure out this Harvey Korman bit. Is he an android? Or… is this supposed to be funny? What am I supposed to be feeling while watching this?
*Ha ha ha!!! They’re shitting on Tatooine! They’re calling it a shit hole where no one wants to live! I told you! I’ve told you all this before!
*They do have some hella jiving Bith Bands on Tatooine though. Say what you will about the thuggery and villainy and downright scumbaggery, but those bands jam, man.
*Bea Arthur is running a cantina on Tatooine. And, apparently, she’s, uh, fallen victim to a simp? He drinks from a volcanic hole on the top of his head. I’m too sober for this.
*Does Bea Arthur have a Pantoran bouncer!?! OMG!
*Oh no. It’s a Bea Arthur musical number. She’s singing. I repeat, she’s singing. She’s giving everyone in the bar a round on the house. Oh. No. And, Holy balls! There’s a giant chinchilla in the corner of this cantina! Jesus Christ!
*Chewy and Han made it home. There’s a weird affectionate sequence. Now they’re getting these clear balls with lights in them. What’s happening?
*Now they’re all in red robes walking across the Galaxy into a Star or some shit… or maybe they’re in a Wookiee church? I genuinely have no clue what’s going on.
*R2 and C-3PO show up out of nowhere… no wait, Luke, Leia and Han are there at the Wookiee church!
*Leia is giving a drunken speech about fighting fascism and darkness this holiday season! Hell yeah! Every holiday season! F*^% fascists! F*^% the Empire!
*Um. Another musical number… I didn’t know Carrie Fisher sang, but here we are. There she is drunkenly hugging Chewbacca.
*Chewy is reliving “A New Hope” in his mind to the music that they play at the ending where they basically screwed him out of his medal.
*Now they’re eating a meal, and saying a Wookiee prayer? Who TF do the Wookiees pray to!? Why must all galaxies be tainted with evangelical religions? How did their tentacles reach so goddamned far!? Dammit, man. This is why no one in the galaxy far, far away can be gay! It’s taboo there too!
*Okay. Holy shit. It’s over. I’ve never watched it all the way through, but it’s bad. Bad, bad, like uncomfortable, watching a slow moving train wreck bad, like a venereal disease on Lucas’s legacy bad because it will never go away.
*But yeah, if you haven’t seen it… go… watch it. You cannot call yourself a true Star Wars fan until you have.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 months
Reading the novelization of A New Hope already changed how I saw Luke as a character but Splinter of the Mind’s Eye is going one step further and making me question the very fundamentals thought to be obvious about Luke.
Like, Luke is, for lack of a better term, a nerd. He studied languages and cultures -
“”Yes,” Luke admitted modestly. “I used to study a lot about certain worlds, back on my uncle’s farm on Tatooine. It was my only escape, and educational as well. This,” and he indicated the creature resting a massive long arm on his head and shaking him in a friendly fashion, “is a Yuzzem.””
-he wants to study more languages and cultures-
“Empty doorways beckoned to him and he was tempted, very tempted, to enter one of the ruined structures to find out if its interior was as well preserved as the outside.
This was not, he reminded himself firmly, the time for playful exploration. Their first concern was to find a way out, not to go poking around this ancient metropolis. However wonderful it was.”
Luke wants to know about people. He wants to know about cultures and creatures and he wants to be able to communicate and…
He really just. Is a great Jedi. He jumps between Leia and danger and he befriends the Yuzzem the prison guards thought would kill him and he wants to explore the creepy abandoned ruins of a civilization long past and he uses Anakin’s lightsaber underwater to cut the stem of a lilypad they use as a boat and he comments that the rock formations are almost too beautiful to cut down and he knows how to work Imperial explosives and
He’s a Jedi, man. He’s a Jedi. He’s been a Jedi this whole time, before any of us even knew what that actually meant.
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chewysgummies · 4 months
thinking about killbot 86 being IG-88's son
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hylianengineer · 9 months
Feeling nostalgic because I'm cooking my great-grandma's caramel roll recipe and might have figured out a better way to make it gluten free. This dough can actually be rolled out! And it's not pizza dough this time!
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byzerodigital · 10 months
Also known as Black Kuruvai Rice or Black Rice is an important rice variety which belongs to kuruvai family. It usually grown in the period of kuruvai. The time period of this crop is June to July. Many siddha doctors prescribe this rice for its medicinal properties.
It is rich in vitamin E
It has rich nutrition than brown rice and white rice
Impurities and toxins can be easily removed from our body with the help of this rice
The phytochemical are present in this rice
It improves the immunity as well as stamina
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genderlessdude92 · 5 months
Hi, I really love your work! If your requests are open and if it's allowed, can I request for headcanons of Vox/Val/Alastor/Lucifer with their biological baby w reader?? I'm sorry if this is weird I just die for family dynamics😭😭 like, how would they act, would they be present or neglectful, and that stuff!! Ik it's impossible to have a child in hell but HEY. ITS FICTIONAL. It's really your decision if this is super fluff or super angst, but personally I believe it would be angst because it's hell and they are really famous 😭 THANKU
AUTHOR RESPONSE: First ask but urmmmmmm OFC OFC OFC!!! I’m all in for dis req :3 I feel like i absolutely will eat up Al’s part of this post so stay tuned. Other ones are questionable because idk if it’s OOC or not but…I’m just a girl!! >.< (I’m a genderless dude as you can see from the name ^^) I’m sorry i’m not funny- These might be short btw im rushing a little bit bc i’m trying to start a multi-chapter fix yay awesome but uhhh i’m still having fun with this 💋
(and reader that gave birth to em somehow <3)
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PAIRINGS: Alastor x Reader, Lucifer x Reader, Vox x Reader, Valentino x Fem!Reader (ALL SEPARATE) SUMMARY: Alastor, Lucifer, Vox, and Valentino are dads now. Aw shucks. (Headcannons) WARNINGS: MINORS DNI. Breeding kink, (obv bc Val is in here), Val mention, reader is female because they literally gave birth to them, mentions of pregnancy, birth, Valentino being a weird fuck, Valentino again, unhealthy duck obsession in Lucifer’s area, Breastfeeding, Cannibalism, physical slaps, everybody being nervous shots but Vox, really rushed, lmk if i missed anything pookie (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
NOTICE: please don't copy or steal or translate any of my work or you will be haunted in your dreams and i will spawn something unpleasant at your porch the next day. But...thanks for liking my work !! >.< Property of @l4zyb0n35 and @genderlessdude92
Requests are open, support is highly appreciated!
〰ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ..。.:*・゚♫₊ ♪ *♬‧₊enjoy!~
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-Alastor is 100% nervous at first since he has to be the dad and his dad wasn’t…the best!! ^^
-But also doesn’t want to back away because, I mean, it’s kinda rude to just walk away from your creation that you INTENDED to make real.
-This gentleman’s baby was not an accident, I assure you.
-Alastor would absolutely dangle the baby off the edge of a balcony just to tease you.
-Also tried to feed the baby devil meat to make it a cannibal.
-Suprisingly worked.
-He probably got taught to knit by Rosie so if the baby ever needs clothes he’s on it.
-Cradles the baby during his radio show hours, aw, and if the baby ever cries he immediately cuts to a quick song break.
-If both you and Alastor are like completely booked and can’t take care of the baby, he’s giving it to Rosie.
-Rosie can’t? Charlie.
-Charlie can’t? Cancelling all plans.
-He just cares for his bloodline, yeah?
-If the baby ever needs like a chewy sensory toy, he’s going to try and get one that resembles Lucifer.
-Like and apple or a snake OOO A SNAKE NVM
-Snake is better since it resembles two ppl mwuhehehe
-Alastor would be a great girl dad but in general i think he would be rlly doting to them.
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-Oh, you thought Alastor was nervous?
-Oh, you’re so funny.
-‘Cuz Lucifer is QUAKING once he finds out you’re pregnant.
-and expecting.
-…and that it’s alive and out the womb.
-Basicslly all because he wasn’t really in Charlie’s life that much.
-But you told him that this can be a second chance?
-Which made him cry more than he was before.
-Feeds the baby the most fine meals to ever exist for a baby to eat, even tried to sneak in some wine in its milk bottle.
-Then earned a slap at the back of his head from yours truly.
-I see him as a helicopter parent at first, but then is just chill once they grow more older.
-But he’s like, devoting his immortal LIFE to this baby 24/7.
-The nursery is themed ducks.
-Sometimes you get dizzy when you walk in.
-He even wanted to name the baby duck.
-You slapped him again, of course.
-This man acts like a 8th grade frat boy whenever you breast feed the baby like he just scoots away gagging.
-Another slap.
-One time in bed you guys were like getting freaky or sum and then you but his nip
-“Honey…what was that?”
-“That’s just how it feels, Luci.”
-“When i breastfeed B/N.”
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-Bro is so confident in being a dad.
-The first day after the baby was born he cancelled all his special guests on his show just for the baby to be the only one.
-This man is fucking insane.
-Puts this baby on his. advertisements.
-We’re talking billboards, pop-ups, etc.
-Only lets his supervisor babysit the baby when needed.
-Don’t expect Velvette or Val to even step foot near this baby without Vox in the room.
-It’s like a sibling love-hate relationship :D
-Now i wouldn’t say this baby was on purpose…most likely?
-But honestly, it might happen again because he thinks you’re hot pregnant.
-Who said that what.
-Omg who typed that???
-Fuck this is so short uhhh He like puts on child shows for the baby if they sit in his lap.
-But the baby never ever sleeps in the bed you guys share.
-not in a million years.
-Puts those shirts that look like tuxedos on the baby but they’re just printed on.
-Feeds the baby deer meat.
-Has a deer head mounted above the baby’s crib.
-Takes him deer hunting.
-Vox just needs em to learn early.
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-Valentino was “so, so careful” when you guys did it.
-and this baby was 100% and accident.
-obviously you guys couldn’t abortion because like some health reason.
-Val cried that night.
-It was kinda funny that he was crying to keeping a baby.
sorry not sorry
-When the baby is born,
-Oh god should i write that
-He’s probably recording.
-Not posting just like…saving it.
-Guys, come on, it Valentino, you should’ve seen this coming.
-Deletes it later though fuck that’s hilarious.
-He starts whining and crying when he sees you breastfeeding.
-“Your wasting the milk, mi precioso, are you kidding me?”
-He’s like in the middle of being a good dad and a bad dad.
-Suprised he made it that far on the scale.
-whenever he’s busy, he gives the baby to some random star and tells them to bring them back by like 10:30 or smth.
-with a coffee order. Very iconic.
-Same idea with Vox and liking you pregnant, and tried to get you pregnant again but you ask him why he doesn’t have a condom on if you don’t have your pills.
-He gets frustrated when that happens lol.
-Can’t wake up the baby!
proceeds to wake them up each night
END NOTES: zomg this was sososo fun to write <3 But it’s so fucking short and i didn’t even realize until i was done. I’m actually so sorry. I still like these headcannons, very humorous, very real, thank you for asking me to make this because this is my first ask i got, i still have exactly 16 more, so ur just a little lucky duck, asker. Support is appreciated! New multi-chapter fix i’m working on might be posted on Friday-Sunday!! Baiiii!!!!
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shorthaltsjester · 2 months
there are literally no standouts in downfall because everyone sat down at that table and said hey you wanna see something cool and proceeded to Become their characters but idk if it’s because they’re beside each other and that aids the dynamic or just because it’s the delicious similarities and insurmountable distance between the god of death and the god of (in various ways) life but ayden and emhira’s interactions were so chewy and delicious. i’ll be thinking of their exchange fairly early on after ayden cast lesser restoration on that old man and emhira not cruelly but just simply stating “you cannot heal everything.” and ayden’s equally simple reply “we can always try.” emhira seeing the family trist has built and wondering at the presence of children, “surprised there is laughter in such a horrible place” and i know she’s speaking of hawk’s hill but i wonder if she is also speaking of exandria itself in some ways. the delicious space between in and out of character that only really happens in improv stories where as brennan is narrating and says “in this dark room” and nick interrupts and adds “it is not dark.” brennan’s incisive point in the cooldown that while the love that ayden and trist have for mortals and for exandria is warm and the kind of love someone would likely Want from gods, there is something maybe more honest or whole about emhira who says . actually these mortals are little shits that will kill you not because they fear you but because they hate you. whose very existence should be (and still often fails to be) a reminder that the gods can be usurped by mortals. the insight nick shared in the cooldown that ayden does not forget emhira’s origins but in a way dismisses them, that the god of death is a different beast. ayden wanting to find. way to save the people of aeor, insisting that the prime deities Win if they can find a way to do so. emhira reminding everyone that death is inevitable (and she does not add anything to clarify that she intends such a statement to only exist for mortals) as she argues for them to work to take down aeor and the people in it. the fact that the god with the most present connection to mortality is also the one given the most explicit clarification that she Is the god we know as SILAHA calls her the matron, brennan’s narration clarifies purvon is her champion, taliesin as asha asks for clarification on the recognition of emhira as a god and prompting the familiar spectre of a woman in a white mask.
i want to be very clear that when i say there are no standouts i Mean it because i’ve been awed and endeared and intrigued by every single character choice everyone made and as always brennan’s narration is so incredibly well suited for the mission impossible greek tragedy vibes that comes with this story and i’m so fucking delighted by the fact that laura, ashley, and taliesin are playing gods that their characters have known quite well in the past. i’m incredibly excited by what we’ve already gotten to see from abubakar, nashir, and nick and cannot imagine what other greatness is to come. i’m psyched to see the relationship between asha and the law bearer and am delighted that (perhaps for now perhaps for the whole arc) it is being seen through the lens of “my wife promised me a visit with apples and all i got was a rock ice emissary”. i also have many incoherent thoughts about the fact that, of the players who appeared as the same character in the opening and the story, taliesin’s ash and asha are the ones whose name remains the most unchanged.
i’m obsessed with the fact that this creature sent as a stand in by the god of law and duty believes his primary gift is love. while there is a certain mourning and sadness to every god we see, that SILAHA has a certain playful whimsy and jofyful curiosity about the world. that the only one of them who has been mortal before stops to steal an imp necklace from the neck of a drunk on the train (and that moment between brennan’s narration that this man will be dead by morning but, with death standing invisible in front of him, he is incapable of seeing it coming, and then laura as emhira breathing in deeply and brennan having that spark a coughing fit. they are Story Telling). asha seeing the erased image of a god, of a family member and saying “there’s a hole in all of us.” brennan narrating “this is a place where they tried to kill a story. it’s a very frightened thing to do.” (and god. the motif of fear. especially given the very present fear felt by the gods in current day exandria. they’re doing insane things in the critical role 3 part departure).
trist reminding ayden “he never tells the truth” and asha contesting “he only tells the truth, it’s just rotting.” emhira and asha both as perhaps the less Good™ much more neutral but doing so in such different ways, asha as bitter and hungry while emhira seems uncomfortable but there’s a familiarity and a certainty in her discomfort with mortality (the law bearer would also be included here but the emissary seems much more like trist and ayden (for now) than emhira or asha). something as insignificant as trist and her husband speaking to their children and affirming that little lies are okay while trist has lead a significant part of her life likely dishonest about who she is. the fact that there’s a certain childlike quality to the emissary who they’re all charged with ensuring makes it to the end of things even if they cannot. the fact that nahal (unclear which god they were, and i’m assuming it’s the first god of death but regardless still an absolutely compelling development in a short amount of time) in those opening moments is horrified by the concept of away which is unfamiliar to them only to soon after look upon their family and say. maybe away was better. Especially if those were words spoken by the god who would one day be replaced. these three episodes are going to haunt me and i’m excited to meet the ghosts.
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marvelstars · 2 months
Artoo knowing everything is one of the greastest creative decisions Lucas made because it connects the PT very neatly with the OT.
How did Artoo know the place of Luke´s home? He has been there before.
How did he know Obi-Wan´s name and why he and old Ben saw each other so suspiciously? ObiWan is trying to order Artoo not to tell Luke anything about his Dad and Artoo isn´t having anything of it but he will let Luke discorver for himself what´s up.
Why was artoo so easy going inside the death star ? he is used to work on military stations just like that one.
Why he decided to take Yoda´s food? Because he knew exactly who this guy was and didn´t like him trying to hide himself from Luke?
Why is he so attached to Luke and Leia? They are his bro and his lady little kids, they are all he has left of them and he will protect them even if it destroys him. Same reason why he protects Threepio so much.
Artoo may not recognize or consider Vader Anakin but he will protect his kids in his memory, he got attached to Anakin and Padme since they were wee 14 and 9 years olds, he is way too invested in this family to let go of them now.
Artoo and Chewie are the war veterans of their group and it amuses them greatly to see the younger ones shenanigans, especially because they don´t realise how much more they know than them about everything.
Anakin´s force ghost said goodbye to artoo and nobody can take this from me :D
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absolutebl · 9 months
Best & Worst BLs of 2023
My Top 15 BLs of 2023 are (in order)
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1 Our Dating Sim
Korea Viki
Nerds in love, deadlines, gaming, teasing, pining tiny idiots, casual affection, linguistic oops, ADORABLE. If you haven't watched this, it's a must. A perfect short form KBL, an office set reunion romance featuring geeks that really suits 8 eps with no fluff and no chaff. Just comforting and yummy.
I adored every aspect from the casting to the pristinely simple premise to the quietly smooth execution. Sure it’s low stakes, but that makes it high domesticity and extremely warm and gentle. This is a fuzzy blanket of a story - a cozy BL. It lives in my rewatch pile and you know what’s best about it? Every single episode is in that pile. There’s no skipping with this one, it might be good natured and calmly sweet but it’s tight and the pacing is excellent.
Also recieves my 2023 award for best giggle.
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2 I Cannot Reach You
AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai
Japan Netflix
This classic friends-to-lovers BL is everything Japan does best. Angsty. Emo. Aching. Driven by real thirst. Yamato is deeply in love with his childhood bestie, Kakeru, and has been for ages, unable to hide his ungainly damaging high school need. He wants Kakeru in every way possible and it oozes off of the screen.
Kakeru is silly and a little simple, but not frenetic or overly camp about it. He is earnest, and genuinely wants to keep Yamato in his life which means giving a romance (and gayness) a fair chance. We watch him realize his affection and what form it can take in a truly authentic way.
This show was impossibly kind to both of its lead characters and I felt almost honored that I got to watch something so lovely and rare play out on my screen.
Also wins the best thirst award.
These were the 2 BLs that got 10/10 from me in 2023. The rest of these got 9/10 from me.
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3 My School President
Thailand YouTube
GMMTV gave us a classic high school set Thai BL with tropes like messy boys singing their feelings that made this one Love Sick for the modern age with all the gentle sweetness and pining ache, but none of the dated damaging tropes or issues. Who let my BL be this wholesome and funny? My favourite GMMTV BL offering to date. And yes, I've watched them ALL.
Received the Namgoong award for best wingman 2023.
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4 I Feel You Linger in the Air
Thailand grey
IFYLITA is an exquisite BL, from filming techniques to narrative framework. Steeped in history and family drama this is an elegant and classy BL. The main couple (both as a pair and individuals) were excellent, particularly Bright (Yai) whose eye-work acting style is a personal favorite of mine. It's a marker of how great it was that it's so high on my list despite the ending which was very much not what I wanted.
Additional accolade, sexiest moment of 2023 - (the oil scene).
You could try to fight me, but you'll have no grip.
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5 Kiseki: Dear to Me
Taiwan Gaga & Viki
The plot is totally ridiculous and slightly unhinged. There’s a gum-ball machine of cameos, elder gay rep, great chemistry from all pairs (everyone is queer), and a KILLER side couple. It involves all the tropes under a very offhand framework of gay mafia gangs + food = love. As a result Kiseki is a poster child for Taiwanese BL, and I happen to love Taiwanese BL. Bonus? They also managed to END IT WELL, which we cannot expect from Taiwan.
Best side couple 2023!
(thank goodness Taiwan made this list!)
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6 Jun and Jun
Korea Viki
A delightful office romance about an ex-idol who joins cubical life only to find his new boss is his first love. With a snappy (sometimes even raunchy) script, enjoyable sides, a pretty as peaches cast, and descent chemistry this show made up for in style what it lacked in substance. I like fluff. I loved this. I smiled every moment I was watching.
Best flirting 2023.
AKA "the tongue knows" award
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7 The Eighth Sense
Korea Viki
This one is a bit chewy and sticky and less perfect than most KBLs. It’s got a bit of an age gap, country boy/city boy, stellar acting, complex characters, and leads with great chemistry and tension. This isn’t in the KBL bubble, there’s sharp edges and lots of triggers. For a BL the darkness of the content left me feeling unsettled (which is the only reason it didn't get a perfect score) but it has a glorious ending and that counts for a lot.
2023's most likely to appeal to non-BL watchers.
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8 Unintentional Love Story
Korea iQIYI
The lead, Gongchan (maknae of B1A4) is a fucking GIFT, who carried this show. He was luminous with extraordinarily expressive eyes, which he used to carry a killer plot and challenging role. Forced into a totally understandable betrayal, falling in love despite himself, put into a corner he can't get out of, the AGONY, the eyes EMOTING at us in PAIN. Driven by external conflict, social tension and pressure this story seems simple but it's actually refined and quite complex. I loved this show.
Best story structure 2023.
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9 My Personal Weatherman
AKA Taikan Yoho
Japan Gaga
This is classic yaoi of the kind that really only works from Japan. Basically: boys who fell in love in college end up living together but both are so repressed they actually don't realize they're in love. It's high heat is well done, but it leaned into the "why don't they just talk for fuck's sake?" which is exacerbated by the fact that they're already fucking. Sure is sexy tho.
Best use of props 2023 for the shower of sheets.
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10 Our Dining Table
AKA Bokura no Shokutaku
Japan Gaga
Lonely salaryman and talented cook gets accidentally adopted by a college kid and his little brother. It’s a quiet & cozy little parable of found family alleviating loneliness. It's lovely & sweet with the romance beats used to build a family relationship, not just couple intimacy. Special.
First prize for domesticity.
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11 Laws of Attraction
Thailand iQIYI
This is a great gay suspense thriller with several solid couples, fun plot, killer characters, queer rep, and a happy ending. It’s tons of fun and I had an absolute blast watching it.
Charn wins my favorite character of 2023.
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12 La Pluie
Thailand Viki
This BL takes to task the fated mates trope and what it means to have love chained intimately to predestination. It’s about how faith in destiny before choice diminishes the authenticity of emotion, relationships, and connection. This is a high concept to examine through the lens of a BL. With good chemistry and decent acting all around, plus some excellent high heat and representation of consent and a few other rare tropes, this one has to (like it’s sibling show My Ride) earn high marks.
Most interesting concept 2023.
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13 The New Employee
Korea Viki
So good, SO QUEER, so soft, a near pitch perfect office BL with conflict derived from that setting. Also found family and a lesbian bestie. This is what I wanted from this new crop of office set KBLs ALL ALONG. Rainbow rice cakes forever!
Best overall queer rep from Korea.
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14 Step By Step
Thailand Gaga & YouTube & Viki
This was Thailand’s answer to The New Employee, and everything I loved about that show I loved about this one. This was an office romance between stern boss and sweet subordinate that felt more authentic to an office environment than previous Thai BLs of this ilk which added tension to the narrative and character development.
Chot wins best queer character 2023.
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15 Love Tractor
Korea iQIYI
Most of this country-set BL had me feral for the beautiful broken city boy and his hot young farmer. Hyung romance, puppy/cat pairing, open frankness meets jaded reserve, language play, water hose frolicking, only one bed = all my favorite silly tropes.
Biggest "he so pretty" gasp of the year award.
10 Worst BLs of 2023 (that I watched)
My Blessing
My Universe: Casanova Begins
Boyband the series
Cafe In Love
Chains of Heart
Hit Bite Love
Only Friends
Senior Love Me
The Luminous Solution
The Promise
Yes, you read that right. I know I'm against the flow but I really did not like Only Friends. Everyone's taste is different.
However I DNFed faster and more BL's this year than ever before, so that means my 10 worst probably aren't quite reflective...
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10 Probably Actually Worst BLs (I dropped 'em)
My Story
The Day I Loved You
Beyond the Star
Crazy Handsome Rich
Dinosaur Love
House of Stars
Mr Cinderella 2
Love Bill
Stormy Honeymoon
The Star Always Follow You
Codicils in General
I only carefully track/watch Thailand, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. Other countries are not fully represented.
My Numbers
So my spreadsheet chronicled 138 BLs that finish airing in 2023.
101 = watched & reviewed
2 = still in the docket (WDYEY2 & Love Syndrome III)
15 = CNF (could not find)
20 = DNF (which also accounts for how few very low scores I handed out in 2023 as opposed to previous years, I just stopped watching). Speaking of which...
Ratings spread
(# of stars. #of BLs given that rating)
0 (see the DNFs instead)
2 - IT'S DEPRESSING they killed the gay, save yourself
7 - FATALLY FLAWED but still basically BL, however… do we want to support this kind of behavior?
9 - WATCH IF YOU HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO but don’t expect much, it’s a total hot mess
17 - WORTH WATCHING BUT FLAWED probably around the ending or in narrative structure/cohesion or censorship
14 - RECOMMENDED WITH RESERVATIONS i.e. isn’t quite BL, convoluted, not strictly HEA, too short/long, or chemistry issues
30 - RECOMMENDED some concerns around tropes (like dub con) or story structure but still satisfies as BL
13 - ABSOLUTELY RECOMMENDED probably a few pacing issues or one flaw
2 - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED faithful to tropes, happy ending, good chemistry, few flaws, high rewatch potential
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Baby, you're my sugar
pairings - Cobra Kai characters x you/non-binary reader
kg's notes - i just wanted to make something that was cute, fun, and overall a new layout of how I would present my headcanons. so here are the Cobra Kai characters sharing their favourite sweets with you, because they love you!
Demetri Alexopoulos - he would really love to share a Whatchamacallit or Cherry airhead with you and tear off small pieces and feed them to you. he goes from doing that to having it in his mouth to 'feed' you like that when you know the truth is he wants a kiss from you which you happily accept with chocolate on your face from the Whatchamacallit.
Miguel Diaz - he would love lots of Spanish candy and would tend to bring you back a lot of it, especially since he makes frequent trips to Mexico to visit family. the different varieties and textures make you both excited (and nervous) to try them and he'll make sure to take note of which candies you prefer so the two of you can enjoy them together, even if some of them aren't in his personal preferences but he likes seeing you happy.
Robby Keene - he's definitely spicier than anything actually sweet, but he tries to get something not so spicy for you to try, which makes you scoff and say you could handle it. he looks at you funny knowing that you're either lying to him or telling him the truth, either way he's intrigued about how motivated you are to try his "spicy" candies. if he doesn't eat candy he shares the corn nuts with you and you say the ranch flavor is your favourite.
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz - he's the type who really appreciates sour candy and if you don't like it he's willing to share his dark chocolate with you. he wasn't raised eating candy, so you two would share a slice of fruit like: watermelon, apple, orange, or whatever kind he has in his pantry the moment. you actually started his love of chocolate (he would never admit this to your face but he would tell Demetri and Anthony) after telling him to get you some during your period since it helped you with the cramps, even though he retorted with a banana when you asked for the chocolate.
Anthony LaRusso - he would get the little variety packs like Kit Kats, Buenos, or anything chocolate related. he's not a big fan of regular-sized or larger chocolate (like King-size Hershey bars), since it now makes him uncomfortable to eat so much chocolate again. he would unwrap it and feed it to you instead of allowing you to make it yourself, although he would only allow you to take a couple of pieces of chocolate before hiding it in his room. he got better at hiding candy because you were sneaking around while he was trying to hide it once.
Samantha "Sam" LaRusso - similarly to Eli, she would rather eat fruit than real candy, but she sometimes eats real candy and it normally comes from Italy instead of here, America. she's not a fan of chewy or gummy candy, so the cappuccino candy she likes comes as a hard candy to make it last longer, plus she says it's better than the coffee you might get at a coffee shop. you're on the fence about that. it's not your favorite thing while it's hers and you offered her yours to see if she would like it and that is to be determined…
Tory Nichols - she's used to sharing a lot of things especially with her brother (Brandon) because that's all she knows, so it's no surprise when she offers you pieces of her chocolate. she's more on the bitter side of things like something rich—an espresso or a cappuccino if you will for her chocolate, although there are rare times when she would eat Sour Patch Kids or Jolly Ranchers (blue raspberry and watermelon are her favorite flavorus).
[I will add Kenny, Shawn, Aisha, and the adults depending on how well this does and I still need to finish my fic and the last two suggestions in my drafts right now]
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marleemutt · 10 months
TLDR: im a black trans artist who can use some help right now following the sudden passing of my only sister - her doberman is now the responsibility of my parents and we can use help for his food, supplements, toys etc.
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Kofi (help me send Chewy orders to my parent's house)
Wishlist (literally send him things like toys, treats, etc.)
⬇️ more info ⬇️
hey guys
some of you might be aware of this already, but early October, my eldest sibling & only sister suddenly passed away due to a seizure, she had been dealing with epilepsy her whole life.
this has been incredibly difficult for me, and my family. her passing was incredibly sudden, she was only 30.
for the past month or so ive been struggling to find any motivation to draw, and barely able to work.
she was the incredibly devoted owner of a doberman named Remi(Ramsey). Me and my sister traveled 4 hours to pick him up three years ago. He's a goofball who tears up socks and needs constant supervision. My parents love him, but I can tell he is a lot of work for two people who have fulltime jobs and have lived long lives.
I'm going to try to help them take care of him as much as possible, I feel that it's the least we can do to honor my sister's memory, since she loved him so deeply.
My sister always wanted a doberman, for years she would watch videos about dobermans and talk about them to anyone who would listen.
Remi wasn't easy to raise - I shared a room with my sister when she got him in 2020, she still worked a 9-5, five days a week, so I was his nanny for most of his difficult childhood. I was his chew toy for the first year of his life about - but that only made him bond closer to me. If he wasn't following my sister, I was choice #2. Dobermans are "velcro dogs", they were bred to guard their owners, and because of this, they are fiercely loyal. I've been moved out of my parent's place for going on 3 years, and my sister had just moved with Remi out a few months prior to her passing.
A week before my sister's sudden passing, we had to board Remi at my dog daycare job while my family and I took a trip out of state. When dropping him off, although he was happy to see me again for the first time in months, the moment my sister turned her back to him he began to panic. He got through the boarding all right but my coworkers told me he would cry and wait by the door for me or her. When my sister picked him up, they said he jumped all 80+lbs into her arms.
Since my sister's passing, Remi has been directionless. He's with my family, people he trusts, but he's bored, confused, and heartbroken. My sister would often take him to the dog park, social events, on runs, etc. but my parent's can't do that in their age. If my apartment allowed large dogs, I would take him, but I can't, and I see him maybe twice a month if possible.
Ramsey's Christmas List
I made a christmas list for him of things that might help my parents better take care of him. We're trying different food brands out because he struggles with frequent stomach issues, and we can't seem to figure out what food my sister was feeding him. This list is by no means a necessity for him, but I tried to add things to help with his boredom and keep him stimulated when my parents can't give him all their attention.
i do want to state that my family is capable of providing him with the essentials to live, we arent irresponsible. i would just like to help my parents out since a 3 year old 80-90lb doberman is a lot of work to be suddenly placed on them soley. And I worry for his health and well-being sometimes - Remi has a tendency to eat/tear random objects when he's bored.
please consider donating whatever you can. Everything goes directly to him.
thank you for taking the time to read this, and possibly reblog if possible. ❤️
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tangledinink · 1 year
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Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? Donnie typically switches from contacts and headphones to glasses and earrings when he’s at home! source material lol. if you’re not following @pinetreevillain already, then you should (maybe even check out their patreon) love everything they make. had to give donnie lil earrings in his honor,,, i had a really good time drawing donnie go swing swing swing so then i draw a bunch of the hamatos stimming (very stimmy household) and babbled abt it under the cut
raph: loves to fucking chomp, dude. had a biting problem as a child (gee i wonder why), gets chewy necklaces for every christmas/birthday/holiday. will put almost anything he finds in his mouth. second most tactile hamato-- he's not as inclined to seek out physical contact as mikey is, but enjoys it very much when hes got it!
donnie: second biggest chomper, has a chewy jewelry collection. loves to flap, fidget, and, yes, to swing his earrings. plays with his hair a lot as well. also does a lot of verbal stims-- the most inclined of the bunch to chirp or make other noises. whenever he chirps, trills, or cheeps at leo, leo will always reply in kind. they used to do this WAY more often when they were little, but still occasionally do it now. the even more popular stim of choice is speaking to each other in vine quotes.
leo: mostly verbal stims. enjoys making noises at donnie, esp when they were little, stim of choice is (repeatedly) repeating quotes from tv shows, movies, vines, etc. will just start saying shit out of no where and gets excited when someone else jumps in. he'll do it at anyone in the family, but donnie is the most active participant. if you start a quote leo will finish it. (donnie absently mumbling to himself in his room: michael with a b..... | leo, screaming from down the hall: THER R E S A BE E E EE ?)
mikey: fidget fidget fidget fidget. arguably the stimmiest boy. cannot fuCKING stay still. bounces his leg, rocks in his chair, taps his fingers, paces, jumps, swings his legs back and forth, plays with the beads in his hair, clicks pens, etc etc. he also dances as a stim and paints as a stim when he's feeling restless. by far the most tactile hamato-- loves textures and touch, huge fans of hugs and snuggles and deep pressure. he often seeks raph out for these things. when he was little would use his family as jungle gyms. now that he's older and bigger, however, he only uses raph as a jungle gym :)
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shugar0cone · 8 months
Alastor x reader with a sweet tooth 👀? anything from soda to hard/chewy candies to pastries basically 🎉
*honestly Alastor is surprised your teeth ain’t fucked up with how much Shugar and hard shit you eat.
Charlie brought some of her candy too you, you both enjoyed sweets sometimes y’all would go on a swweting trip, aka you consume a shit tone of sugar. You tried to get Alastor to eat some with you but he refused the only thing that was worth eating to him in dark coco with espresso, yep that’s it.
But one time OHHHH you were so close to get him eating a sour hard candy. “Please my dear!.” You leaned on Alastor. He hated when you used ‘dear’ on him. It was a no escape on what you needed/wanted him to do. “Darling I have to keep my smile, don’t need to ruin it.” He smiled thinking that would make you stop. You smiled mischievously knowing that would come up. “Alastor this doesn’t mess up your teeth see.” You grinned almost as wide as him.
He took the green sour ball out of your hands. You smiled knowing that you possibly won until Niffty came along and swept it out of his hands. “MINE!” Yells Niffty putting it in her mouth, and makeing a sour face. “Oops looks like I can’t doll.” He leaned down to you smiling.
Next day you had a soada, Alastor did like fizy drinks like champagne and fancy bubble water but one again that’s it, no wonder he is a fucking stick. “Here al!” You say a champagne glass with your sprite. “What’s this?” He said. “What can’t do somthing nice for my love, my poet, my charmer!” You gasp. He deadpanned to you. “It’s sparkling water Charlie had some in her stash.” You say sitting crossing your arm. He took a sip as a record scratch played. “YES! I FUCKING DID IT!” You say raising your arm. You turn around seeing Alastor drink the whole thing. “This ain’t bad I don’t do well but this has a kick.” He said. No shit it’s from hell Donald’s.
A/N: so there ye go love! Now I know this ain’t the best because I have a sweet tooth and never met anyone who hated sweets, especially when you come from a family that makes ALOT of pastries and sweets. Anyways hoped y’all love it.
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calif0rnia-lovers · 2 years
growing pains.
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rating: 💙 | pairing: rio x his wife | words: 904
an: can't remember who requested this one, but I adore you. here’s another story I never got around to posting
request: rio and his wife again? but this time she's pregnant and can't get comfortable so rio tries to take her mind off it
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Rio's eyes open.
He can breathe. Actually, breathe. That’s the problem.
Rio can never breathe—at least not properly—when he’s in bed with you. He’s become accustomed to waking up with you curled against him, most of your weight pressing him into the mattress. As much as he teases you about your inability to sleep without laying on him, Rio secretly loves it.
The absence of your touch is enough for Rio to fight off the tug of sleep already threatening to pull him back under.
His eyes find the clock on the bedside table.
2:15 A.M.
Lifting his head from the pillow, Rio finds you pacing the length of your dark bedroom.
One hand on your forehead, the other on your hip. Eyes closed, you quietly shuffle past the foot of the bed.
“Keep it up, you’ll burn a hole in the floor,” Rio’s chuckle fills the dark room, the sound of his voice causing you to jump.
You both wince as he reaches over, flicking on the bedside lamp.
“Sorry,” you groan. “I didn’t mean to wake you—”
Rio silently dismisses the apology, pushing the comforter back. “You good?”
Instinctively, you nod.
The action would convince many. Throughout your pregnancy, Rio has learned you’re an expert at masking your discomfort. When your friends and family ask how you’re doing, you instantly reply “I’m fine.”
The problem is, you try to do the same with your husband. Five years of marriage and you’ve yet to realize your husband can see right through you. This is why he can’t help but softly smile as your eyes meet his.
“If that’s the case,” Rio sighs. He comes to a stop before you, hands settling on your waist. “Why don’t you come back to bed?”
“Believe me, I tried. But, it seems I’m carrying the next Ronaldo,” you giggle, the exhaustion bringing your forehead to rest against your husband’s chest. “He’s been restless all night.”
“Sorry, mama.”
Soft kisses press against your forehead, over the bridge of your nose, and down to your lips.
Your hands find his chest, gently applying pressure as Rio leaves a final kiss against your lips.
“I’m fine,” you smile softly. “I’m sure he’ll settle down in a bit. Go back to bed.”
Being up this early in the morning was not ideal. Despite your protest, Rio has picked up much of your responsibilities as your third trimester has begun to wind down. Taking Marcus to school is one. You know he only has a few hours of sleep left before he has to take on the task.
Rio eyes drift to the bedroom door. The smile slowly spreading across his face arches your brow.
“You know…I don’t think I’ve ever said this, but yellow looks good on you.”
Your giggle prompts your husband to glance over his shoulder.
Seated at the island of your kitchen, elbows resting against the surface, you watch Rio carefully balance the cooking pan in his left hand. He pushes the oven door shut with his right, pausing to cut it off.
Rio notes the twinkle of your eyes as you give him a once-over.
A large bee adorns his chest, completing the phrase bee happy. The apron he wears matches the yellow, bee-covered, oven mitts protecting his hands from the hot baking pan.
“Every color looks good on me,” Rio chuckles.
“Very true,” you agree, eyes following him as he makes his way around the island. “But, I’m a big fan of this look.”
Rio’s lips meet yours in a brief kiss, his smile growing as you pull away.
The half-eaten cookie you hold soon regains your attention as he slides onto the stool alongside yours.
You’ve lost count of the number of cookies you’ve eaten over the last twenty minutes.
Soft, warm, and chewy, the cookies were loaded with three of your favorite things. Chocolate chips, pecans, and caramel.
Rio had watched you teach Marcus how to make the cookies nearly a dozen times. Usually, while you and his son were busy mixing the dough, Rio was busy stealing chocolate chips and pecans to snack on.
Tonight, it seems the two of you have switched roles. Rio had forced you to remain seated while he focused on preparing the cookies.
“There’s nothing the perfect cookie can’t fix,” you’d once told Marcus after he returned home from a rough day at school.
The family recipe taught to you by your grandmother has become the savior of many stressful situations. And a gift at many celebrations.
They proved to be the perfect distraction from your previous dilemma.
Ignoring the swat of your hand, Rio manages to steal a bite of your cookie, his eyes drifting to the stairs visible from where you sit.
“You better hurry up and eat. Gotta hide the evidence,” he chuckles as you pout.
“There’s plenty of cookies,” you remind him, stealing the cookie out of his hand. “Eat your own.”
Rio shakes his head, his lips pressing a kiss against your shoulder. “I like yours better.”
“I’m eating for two,” you remind him, the smile on your face growing as his eyes roll.
“Funny how that comes out at the most convenient times.”
Primarily when you steal food from his plate. Your eyes drop to the cookie you’d recently stolen from your husband.
“Remember that next time you think about getting me pregnant.”
“Speaking of kids…I’m not taking the blame when Marcus wakes up to find you didn’t share any with him.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
SOLDIER Vlogging Shenanigans pt. ???
[The camera turns on showing Zack, wide-eyed, with his face pressed against the camera in a nervous expression. A commotion is heard in the background along with breaking objects and screams]
"Okay!" Zack smiles, "Probably a really bad time to vlog, but—
[Zack laughs nervously, glancing over his shoulder]
"So, uh, life updates! Right, let's see... Training's been super intense lately, but I'm hanging in there!"
[He ducks as a spatula flies past his head, but maintains his smile]
"IT ENHANCES THE FLAVOR!" Angeal screams back.
"FIRE!" Sephiroth's panicked voice continues. "DO YOU PEOPLE NOT SEE THE FLAMES?"
[Zack nervously adjusts the camera angle as he begins to talk faster]
"Anyway, we had this mission last week, and let me tell you, it was wild. We were dropped off by helicopter in the middle of the desert and—"
[The sound of Sephiroth avidly beating the fire with a dish towel makes Zack lose his smile]
"THE FLAVOR IS SHIT!" Genesis continues.
[The camera blurs as Zack dodges a baking tin that flies past his head. And then fire alarm starts blaring]
"So, uh, what else? Oh! I finally tried that new pizza place here in Sector 0! Their pizza is to die for. You guys gotta check it out!"
[Zack has abandoned his eye contact with the camera lens. His head is now turned as he watched the chaos off-frame]
[Zack blinks back at the camera and smiles weakly]
"So I bought a new beanbag chair for my room! It's super comfortable!
[Zack looks back at the camera]
"Who's Sal Minella?"
[Sephiroth's scream makes Zack jolt, the camera blur, and then film Zack's horrified expression as he watches the scene unfold off-frame]
[Zack looks back at the camera and grins]
"And as you can see, we're still one big, happy family!"
"W A R M T H"
[Zack's eye twitches as he continues grinning at the camera]
"This is why Cloud refuses to hang out with us," he says through clenched teeth.
[Angeal and Genesis' fight becomes audibly physical, and Zack makes it his cue to pan the camera around to catch them going at it while Sephiroth gazes appreciatively at the oven, which is engulfed in flames]
"Hey guys!" Zack yells. "Say hi to the vlog!"
[Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth slowly turn their heads, horror written clearly on their faces for a split second before they rush to look presentable. Genesis and Angeal separate—with Genesis quickly preening himself and smoothing his coat. Angeal steps in front of the flames, trying to hide them]
"I thought we agreed on no more vlogging," Angeal says as he walks towards the camera.
[Sephiroth steps aside and gestures to the fire]
"Zack, come film the fire and how beautiful it is—"
[Angeal quickly rips the camera from Zack's hands and turns it off. The video ends]
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redstuffs-ig · 1 month
snippets of a possible star wars modern au I may make, but mostly just translating the events and characters of the series into a modern setting, let's call it "Whillstown". most of these are general fandom consensus, some are taken from AUs i've seen on Tumblr which I've really liked, but i've sprinkled some stuff of my own too
The Disaster Lineage is just a long, winding, complicated string of relationships. Great-Grandpa Yoda refuses to die and speaks cryptic riddles to whoever will listen. Grandpa Dooku won't shut up about politics and lives alone in a massive house with an adopted young adult going through one hell of a phase and his weird pet gecko. Anakin and Obi-Wan are adopted brothers, who both deal with their dad Qui-Gon's weird schemes and potential gambling addiction in the making. They've somehow befriended a kid called Ahsoka who babysits Ani's twins from time to time. Anakin's wife Padme is a town councilor and proud holder of the single set of brains in the entire family. Anakin is a real gearhead, with a loyal dalmatian named Artoo and a neurotic ginger cat called Threepio.
Palpatine is like. A regular politician. Somewhat shady, a bit controversial, but he's just the kindly mayor of Whillstown. The 'Dark Lord Sidious' meme spread when a young Luke Skywalker snapped a covert picture of the mayor in his favorite, hooded black dressing gown, and it's haunted the old man since.
Clan Fett is a gigantic extended family whom no one can make heads or tails of. Jango Fett is presumed to be the family's patriarch, despite only fathering a single son. Rex and Anakin are inseparable, while Obi-Wan and Cody are cordial co-workers who kinda had to become besties too in order to wrangle their brothers. Boba Fett is already a delinquent in his tweens, while an estranged offshoot somehow got custody of the only girl in the family.
'Mother' Talzin Opress is the neighbourhood witch. She has a... Complicated relationship with her three sons, and is an old friend of both Dooku and the mayor (She pretty much strongarmed Dooku into adopting the orphaned child of one of her late friends). Weird green light comes from her house at ungodly hours of the night, and few dare to even approach her door. Her eldest and middle children, Savage and Maul both started a punk rock band called 'Crimson Dawn', and even managed to unite all the town's bands for a music festival once. Maul and Obi-Wan beef over the pettiest shit, and Ahsoka beat him up once.
Han Solo and his dog Chewie live in a rundown trailer park off the outskirts of Whillstown. Despite being older than Luke and Leia by a few years, he became their best friend in their teens, something cranky old Ani does not approve of. He owns an utter shitbox of a Honda he lovingly calls the Falcon, which has a tendency to break down very often at the worst possible time. He also has beef with Boba Fett. Like, a LOT of beef with Boba Fett.
Lando Calrissian on the other hand is easily the most charming boy in town, and Han's ""best friend"". He always find success in his ventures while Han's numerous get-rich-quick schemes always find a way to blow up in his face, something the latter greatly resents.
In highschool, Leia got into a long feud with persnickety Headmaster Tarkin by way of numerous cases of malicious compliance and outright disobedience. The uptight principal was none-too-pleased to find the academy crest distorted into a 'wretched gray ball of death' one morning, after having imposed a strict break policy earlier in the week.
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