ophthalmotropy · 4 years
😍🤷🌍 for the fic ask meme
😍 What is your favourite fic trope?
I love Enemies to Friends to Lovers and, cliche as it is, I'm not immune to And There Was Only One Bed. And I don't know if this is a trope or a subgenre but I really like fics where it's just two (or more) characters talking.
🤷 What thing that your fandom loves do you just not “get”?
Ok, this is very specific and very personal, but AUs where Dave needs therapy to realise that Bro was abusive aren't my favourite thing. Don't get me wrong, he probably would've realised it faster that way and he'd probably need therapy to process it after the epiphany, but the fact that he, with some time and support from his friends and family, was able to come to understand that by himself is really important to me. This isn't a manifesto against therapy and you could argue that he shouldn't have had to, but I really like that he could, and I don't want to take that away from him.
🌍 What is your dream AU?
I adore AUs that combine two or more of my interests, so POLITICS in SPACE is something I like very very much. (Fortunately, those AUs are fairly common in the HS fandom.) And not to honk my own horn but Chessstuck is good also.
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sleepyspoonie · 10 years
lmao eridan singing pity the child
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princepandemonium · 13 years
Dave Strider: King (Blue) Jade Harley: Queen (Blue) Equius Zahhak: Rook (Blue) Nepeta Leijon: Rook (Blue) Eridan Ampora: Bishop (Blue) Ferferi Peixes: Bishop (Blue) Sollux Captor: Knight (Blue) Aradia Megido: Knight (Blue) John Egbert: King (Red) Rose Lalonde: Queen (Red) Tavros Nitram: Rook (Red) Gamzee Makara: Rook (Red) Vriska Serket: Bishop (Red) Kanaya Maryam: Bishop (Red) Terezi Pyrope: Knight (Red) Karkat Vantas: Knight (Red) I might do designs of this later. For now i just needed to get it down somewhere, lol. The kids are the Kings and Queens based on their relationships that Karkat said they should have. The trolls were the hard part to figure out, especially how they should pair up. But in the end I think it turned out okay. Comments or critiques? Just leave me an ask or reblog this with your comments.
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sleepyspoonie · 10 years
vriska as molokov and terezi as the arbiter and kanaya as decoursy and equius as viigand. (i can't take credit for these roles, anatoly-vassy came up with them, but they SURE DO FIT)
CT: D--> Vriska tells me you want to play chessTA: go two hell
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sleepyspoonie · 10 years
Arasolfef chess with eridan as freddie though
oh my god.
feferi’s personality suits freddie/florence interactionsso well too"T)(ey just wanna sea if a nice guy beats a BUM 38P"
and eridan with the press
"Promise me you won't go on about the landdwellers at the conc)(ference, okay?"[five seconds later]"does your opponent deserve such abuse?""all landwwellers deservve abuse."
fef throws her hands up in frustration
and the mutual antagonism between freddie and anatoly for most of the matches would be hysterical with sollux and eridan because god damn does anatoly sass about freddie constantly
"iit iis hard two rebut ever growiing 2u2piiciion2 my oppo2iitiion’2 a NUT."
and same with solfef
"ii hope he pay2 you what you’re worth.""I’m not getting RIC)(, my only finterest is in somet)(ing whic)( gives me t)(e c)(ance of working wit)( t)(e B—-EST.""ii can only 2ay ii hope your dream come2 true. tiil that far off day, ii hope you cope wiith helpiing number two."
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chessstuck · 11 years
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Rose Lalonde, Derse/Black Queen
Roses design is more elaborate than those of most others, simply because she holds the rank of Derse Queen. It's a mixture of her black squiddles dress and her dreamer outfit, with armwarmers and some detail added.
I'm not quite sure which crown to give her - there are four designs, the tiara-headband thingy, the two circlets, and the blindfold. The tiara-headband is closest to her original design, with the headband, while the fourth with the blindfold touches upon the (Blinded) Seer we see in Homestuck. The other two are mainly there to have a complete aspect symbol version to choose from.
This time, the only sketch version shown is the revised one - I couldn't find my first design, but it's really mostly her black squiddles dress, which was quickly revised into the one shown now - I just redid the sketch with some details.
This is currently the most elaborate design, even Vriska's doesn't quite reach it. On that note, ouch my hand hurts. I really love how it turned out, though! Also ugh, drawing hands >>_<< I'm getting better at that though! These two were done much quicker than they would've been half a year or a whole year ago.
chessstuck designs are in essence dreamer designs, for the two moons play against each other, but each include the character’s aspect and their personal symbol.
-wO out
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chessstuck · 11 years
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(Aaaand it went to the wrong blog again. Sorry about that. >>_<<")
Kanaya Maryam, Prospitian/White Bishop, Space/White Tiles
Derived from the German term for Bishop, ‘Laeufer’, which means runner, the design is based on a messenger, someone who runs, thus the wings on her boots, unobstructed leg movement, and bag. The wings are based on those of her Mother Grub.
This time, I played with coloured lines instead of going completely lineless, and used colours that are less saturated than in the other pictures. Personally, I like the effect.
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chessstuck · 11 years
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Jade Harley, Prospit/White Rook, starts on black/space tile (a1)
the rook design basically stayed the same. A breastplate with the moon, a slit skirt with the aspect symbol on the centrepiece, and a veil thing with the personal symbol on the back. We went for a tower-esque look for the headpiece, since the rook's german term is 'turm' - tower. they are advancing walls of doom.
chessstuck designs are in essence dreamer designs, for the two moons play against each other, but each include the character’s aspect and their personal symbol.
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chessstuck · 11 years
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Aradia Megido, Derse/Black Bishop, black/time tiles
After long silence, another concept art! I had the sketches ready since late summer, but nanowrimo preparation and university gobbled my time.
the bishops underwent a great redesign, as is plainly visible between the two sketches - one over a year old, one relatively recent - while the bag, winged shoes, and aspect symbol location stayed, the overall outfit changed. it looks less maid-like in aradia's case, less based on her class (even though i kept the pants form), and she 'lost' the wings on her back. and, as you can see, the bootwings are actually based on her god tier wings in the finished picture.
face and hands gave me great trouble.
the bishops' design is based on the german term for it, laeufer, which means runner. we wanted a messengery feel, hence the bag, and put the aspect symbols on the legs, which are elementary for running, in addition to giving them outfits they could easily run in. the running aspect also plays in the wings on their boots.
chessstuck designs are in essence dreamer designs, for the two moons play against each other, but each include the character's aspect and their personal symbol.
edit: updated with a colour palette that is not as harsh on the eyes
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chessstuck · 12 years
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(whoooops that went to the wrong blog)
The defining visual attribute of the Queen is her crown. Vriska, designed as a pirate, wears a tricorne as her crown, with her aspect symbol on it. Since her long hair covers the back of her coat, her personal symbol is on the other side.
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chessstuck · 12 years
Players:Calliope (White Side / Prospit) Caliborn (Black Side / Derse)
Prospit: King: John Queen: Vriska Bishops: Gamzee (Black / Time Tiles), Kanaya (White / Space Tiles) Knights: Rufioh, Terezi Rooks: Karkat (Castling), Jade Pawns: Kankri, Porrim, Latula, Jane, Jake, Tavros, Aranea, Kurloz
Derse: King: Nepeta Queen: Rose Bishops: Aradia (Black / Time Tiles), Roxy (White / Space Tiles) Knights: Horuss, Damara Rooks: Equius (Castling), Dirk Pawns: Dave, Eridan, Cronus, Feferi, Meenah, Sollux, Mituna, Meulin
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