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chessondemand · 2 years ago
How should I learn chess?
Learn the rules: Start by understanding the basic rules of the game, including how the pieces move and how the game is won or drawn: Learn the rules, Practice, Study, Analyze and Play with stronger opponents.
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chessforkids · 1 year ago
📢 Unleash your inner chess enthusiast with our latest blog post! Learn the art of setting up a chessboard step by step. Check it out now and get ready to master the game of kings! ♟️https://blog.chessforkids.in/2023/10/how-to-set-up-chessboard.html🔍 #ChessForKids #ChessBasics #ChessRules #ChessStrategy
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🤔 Curious About Chess Rules for Your Child? Discover the Top 10!
Are you wondering about the essential chess rules your child should know? Chess is not just a game; it's a mind-boggling strategy that offers numerous benefits. If you want your child to grasp the intricacies of this captivating game, you must start with these 10 crucial chess rules.
📜 Here are the Top 10 Chess Rules Your Child Should Master:
1️⃣ Touch-Move Rule: Learn the importance of handling pieces with care.
2️⃣ Pawn Promotions: Explore how pawns can transform into powerful pieces.
3️⃣ Fifty-Move Rule: Discover the rule that prevents endless games.
4️⃣ Insufficient Material Draw: Understand the conditions for a draw.
5️⃣ En Passant: Uncover the unique pawn capture move.
6️⃣ Three-Fold Repetition: Learn how repeated positions can lead to a draw.
7️⃣ The Seventy-Five-Move Rule: Explore the draw in situations with no captures.
8️⃣ Stalemate & Draw: Find out how a weaker player can save the day.
9️⃣ Castling: Master the special manoeuvre for your king and rook.
🔟 Resigning: Understand when and why a player may resign a game.
At Eight Times Eight, we offer online chess classes that combine skill-building with fun and structured learning. Our syllabus is curated by Grandmaster S L Narayanan, ensuring top-quality instruction. We're dedicated to instilling a love for chess that goes beyond just winning.
👦👧 Ready to unlock your child's potential through chess? Explore our programmes designed to support your child's improvement with a structured approach. Check out the complete guide on chess rules here!
🧠👑 Help your child become a chess grandmaster in the making! #ChessRules #ChessForKids #EightTimesEight #ChessClasses
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chessmadefun · 3 years ago
Welcome to the game of chess, which is played by millions of people all over the world! We will teach you how to play chess here. Let's get started learning the basic chess rules! Learn how to create strategies, play strategies, and winning strategies. For more details contact us: (678)-952-9897 or visit our website - https://bit.ly/3stdKb9
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chessrulers · 5 years ago
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Hello friends. Welcome to Chess Rulers♞ - Every Master Was Once A Beginner!! Chess Rulers is an exclusive website to learn chess for the people of all ages ranging from children to old aged people who want to learn chess and develop it as a hobby, and for the players who want to improve their chess up to the Master’s level. Here you will learn the basics of chess, all chess rules, advanced chess skills ranging from tactical skills, positional skills, chess openings, chess puzzles, chess game analysis, top GM games in the PGN files, and many more to become #1 Player. This Post Is Made For The Beginners. So That They Could Learn Chess Here. Firstly, we will study the basics of chess moves, then we will move to the advanced levels. Today You will get to learn about how the Pawn Moves♟️ basically, after that we will move to the advanced moves and strategies of the pawn. " Learning is the best earning of our life". So let's learn together. Have Fun !!✅
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themobilelegends · 5 years ago
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CHESS RULES FOR BEGINNERS Sekarang2 lagi demam auto-battler membuat banyak penerbit berlomba menghadirkan game ini. https://youtu.be/DxrSaYLrqZ0 #chessrules #chessrulespawn #chessrulesforkids #chessrulescastling #chessrulesforbeginners
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sarahmillerlove-blog1 · 5 years ago
Chess next move (update)
Chess is a two-player Board game played on a checkered board with 64 Squares organized in an 8×8 matrix. The game is played by a large number of individuals around the world. Chess arrived in Europe by the ninth century, because of the Umayyad victory of Hispania. The pieces accepted their present powers in Spain in the late fifteenth century; the cutting edge principles were institutionalized in the nineteenth century
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chess-rules-core-tips · 6 years ago
Visit our website to read more info on battle chess: http://chessrules.coretips.com/battle-chess.php
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kennande · 8 years ago
Chess anyone? Just follow Mac's rules. #familytime #chessrules (at AMC Mission Valley 20)
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core-tips · 7 years ago
The adaptation of the traditional games to the computer dimension has been a gradual process that has finally led to the creation of great interactive play opportunities. This is the case of battle chess, a computer game that combines the beauty and intricacy of classical chess with the complexity of new technological achievements.
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tensorchess · 7 years ago
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For our users that need a refresher course in traditional chess rules, we put together a handy guide to get you into the game even quicker. Visit our page at: Tensor Chess Android & Tensor Chess Game Learn more at: http://ift.tt/2uXfwll #chessgames #chess #chessrules #traditionalchess #tensorchess #tensorgame http://ift.tt/2vfZkOU
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chessforkids · 1 year ago
📢 Unleash your inner chess enthusiast with our latest blog post! Learn the art of setting up a chessboard step by step. Check it out now and get ready to master the game of kings! ♟️https://blog.chessforkids.in/2023/10/how-to-set-up-chessboard.html🔍 #ChessForKids #ChessBasics #ChessRules #ChessStrategy
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monkeypickles · 8 years ago
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Chess is a game of strategy and wit- do you have the guts? #ChessRules, #ChessStrategies, #Chessboard, #HowToPlayChess, #RulesOfChess
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chessmadefun · 3 years ago
Learn Chess With Top Chess Coaches Online
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Playing improves your game! You can learn chess quickly and easily here. How do the pieces move? What are some effective strategies? How do you checkmate? Chess Made Fun has assembled a comprehensive list of the greatest chess lessons online available on the web by top chess coaches. For more information visit our website - https://bit.ly/3Ig1WgV
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chessrulers · 5 years ago
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Hello friends. Welcome to Chess Rulers - Every Master Was Once A Beginner!! Chess Rulers is an exclusive website to learn chess for the people of all ages ranging from children to old aged people who want to learn chess and develop it as a hobby, and for the players who want to improve their chess up to the Master’s level. Here you will basics of chess, all chess rules, advanced chess skills ranging from tactical skills, positional skills, chess openings, chess puzzles, chess game analysis, top GM games in the PGN files, and many more. Firstly, we will study the basics of chess moves, then we will move to the advanced levels. Today You will get to learn about how the king Moves basically, after that we will move to the advanced moves and strategies of the king. " Learning is the best earning of our life". So let's learn together. Have Fun !!
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themobilelegends · 5 years ago
CHESS RULES FOR BEGINNERS Sekarang2 lagi demam auto-battler membuat banyak penerbit berlomba menghadirkan game imitasi dari Auto Chess. Kini giliran sang penerbit PUBG Mobile, Tencent, yang menawarkan Chess Rush buatan mereka. Secara kasat mata, game ini masih mengembangkan mekanik dan karakteristik yang sama dengan Auto Chess. Kira-kira, apa saja aspek lain yang berusaha disesuaikan sama Tencent? Lalu, apakah formula tersebut berhasil? Lagi-lagi, game yang lagi ngehit bikin para pengembang seakan terkena "penyakit" yang membuat mereka malas berinovasi. Tencent lagi-lagi mengimitasi mekanik hampir semua Hero. Mereka hanya menambahkan beberapa hal yang justru berdampak sedikit ke pola permainan. Sinergi maupun kemampuan para Hero dibuat percis sehingga pemain hanya perlu membandingkan beberapa karakter.Tencent boleh saja berbangga kalau mereka menawarkan mode cepat bertajuk Turbo ketika merilis Chess Rush. Sebenarnya, mode ini telah lebih dulu diimplementasikan Drodo dalam Auto Chess. Aturannya pun sama. Pemain hanya memiliki 60 poin darah dan menghadapi delapan lawan yang sepadan dengan fase yang lebih cepat.Namun, enggak ada yang benar-benar berbeda dari mode Turbo. Dengan strategi yang masih sama, enggak ada hal baru yang ditawarkan sama Chess Rush.Dari interface juga dapat dilihat kalau Tencent mengubah tampilan daftar pemain dan sinergi. Mereka bisa dibilang hanya menukarnya dari mayoritas game auto battler lain yang secara proporsi menempatkan daftar pemain di sebelah kiri. Ini membuat orientasi pemain game lain kurang nyaman ketika menyentuh Chess Rush.Sebagai tandingan buat beberapa game yang rilis lebih dulu, Chess Rush menawarkan sajian grafis yang justru tampil penuh kekurangan. Selain karakter yang didesain terlalu berlebihan, visualisasi yang ditawarkan oleh Chess Rush dipenuhi teks yang bikin jengkel.Di bagian shop misalnya, bukannya menyisipkan simbol sinergi, Tencent malah menuliskan ras dan kelas karakternya. Hal ini tentu sangat mengganggu mengingat ada karakter yang punya dua ras atau dua kelas sehingga teksnya memenuhi layar. Padahal, mereka membuat ikon simbol. Tampilan inisangat disayangkan karena justru enggak mendorong aksesibilitas. Meski banyak hal yang serupa, terlihat intensi Tencent untuk menyediakan ruang bermain game auto battler berbasis sosial. Pemain bisa memasang foto profil mereka dan terhubung langsung dengan media sosial Facebook. Setidaknya, avatar tidak dimanipulasi sebagai konten berbayar.Mata uang di luar permainan seperti Gold maupun Voucher bisa dibilang mempertahankan model transaksi item di kebanyakan game mobile. Meski enggak menghadirkan fitur gacha, mereka mematok harga pasti untuk beberapa item. Di bagian menu, konten customization ini tampil cukup dominan sehingga terkesan menawarkan pemain pilihan yang kurang berkenan.Game ini memang "diiklankan" oleh Tencent agar optimal untuk mobile. Sayangnya hal tersebut jadi tampak lemah lantaran selain membuat gameplay yang mirip, pemain harus mengumpulkan banyak poin untuk menukarnya dengan item di luar permainan. Yakin, ingin menghabiskan waktu banyak hanya untuk memainkan permainan seperti ini?Secara keseluruhan, Chess Rush gagal menunjukkan orisinalitasnya. Game semacam ini rasanya menjadi proses imitasi yang salah tempat. Sudah banyak game sandingan lain yang dibesut dan beberapa berani menelurkan karakter atau mekanisme baru. Jika terus menjiplak seperti ini, jangan heran pada nantinya game ini akan terlupakan dengan sendirinya.Kurangnya peningkatan performa dan lagi-lagi usaha imitasi membuat hadirnya game auto-battler semacam ini dirasa tidak perlu. Chess Rush bisa saja menawarkan orisinalitas sistem karakter namun mekanik serta keberadaan karakter yang mirip lagi-lagi membuat variasi semacam ini enggak berkesan sama sekali. . #chessrules #chessrulespawn #chessrulesforkids #chessrulesking #chessrulespdf #chessrulesknight #chessrulesqueen #chessrulescastling #chessrulesforbeginners #chessrulescheck #chessrulesrook #chessrulesstalemate #chessruleskingmoves #chessrulesbishop #chessrulespawnqueen #chessrulesprintable #chessrulescheckmate #chessrulesfordummies #chessrulesdraw #chessrulesofthumb
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