#cheshire catalyst
b3aches · 5 months
Criminy I miss him.
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flamdoodles · 1 year
Now my running theory is, Malevolent is Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass written by Lovecraft. Here's some elements to that theory:
Arthur is randomly a British guy in Massachusetts
The initials of his name are the same as the girl's who inspired the character of Alice (Alice Liddel)
Poems, poems everywhere
Arthur goes on a little adventure in the Dreamlands, through a mirror (yes, I know that the King in Yellow is the one sending him to the Dreamlands, but the mirror in the cultist town was the catalyst)
He follows a little creature and falls at the bottom of a pit
Frank's "drink me" bottle
Arthur's going against a deadly royal figure of a very specific color, which also happens to preside over madness
Do I need to tell you that Kayne is the Cheshire Cat, let's be real here
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athena-xox · 5 months
Changing the characters featured in each special without doing any research (it’s been like 2 weeks since I’ve proper watched eah).
True hearts day - chefs kiss it’s perfect
Thronecoming - I like the characters with their side plots but specifically for those going into the storybook of legends I would change blondie and cedar. Blondie would be at the game, it makes no sense why she was there (unless she followed them but she would have to be covering the game anyways so??) and cedar because I feel like they either should have focused more on her being able to lie or just cut her. I would replace them with 1 kitty because she could cover both the plot points that blondie n cedar bring (aka finding out where to go and how to get in) because I think definitely smth could be worked out with her going into the in between. And then I’m in between Ginger and Holly for the 8th girl. I feel like Ginger just because she’s important for spring unsprung so it would make sense to meet her earlier, but also then the focus would be less on raven + briars horrible destinies and on gingers. And I think that Hollys destiny makes a lot of sense for a quick little montage but then that brings the question on if it should be poppy instead or if the sbol they go into is a fake or not.
Spring unsprung - for the girls who get outfits from Lizzie I’m not going to switch them for Maddie and Kitty even tho it would make sense for Lizzie to make the outfits for them (but then again I’m pretty sure the og queen of hearts doesn’t even know who the Cheshire Cat + Mad Hatter r) so the only one I’ll switch is Holly. Just because I didn’t commit to her for the thronecoming arc and so I feel like she doesn’t really need to be there. I would switch her for Farrah (ik she didn’t exist yet but do I look like I give a fuck?) because in the diaries her cedar and Lizzie design together. And briar and cerise can stay because they’re featured and they are like main characters. The others in this special make sense tbh
Way Too Wonderland - ok yeah it makes sense for the 6 girls. The 3 wonderlandians who left pre curse that makes sense. Briar who is literally the catalyst for all these events. And the two main characters. If I could add someone I’d add cerise because her parents got married in wonderland, which could create an interesting plotline, and after spring unsprung her character was kinda discarded which is too bad. The others (the charmings + bunny and Alistair can stay too). Mm honestly I’d remove faybelle. It makes sense for her to be there just to establish her character before dragon games + epic winter but she wasn’t needed. Honestly could switch cerise with her.
Dragon Games - now here’s where I start to actually dislike the line up not just in a nitpicky way. Okay so off the top of my head the ones who compete in the dragons games are Melody, Lizzie, Poppy, Darling, Holly, Apple, Ashlynn, Maddie and Raven. I’m sorry what?! No briar?! Or cerise?! Immediately cutting Lizzie and Melody for those two. And I feel like Ashlynn could be replaced by Jillian, Cupid, Ramona or Nina. And then for those who go to the forest originally are Raven, Darling, Maddie, Ashlynn, Poppy, and Holly. Definitely adding Briar because that just makes this so much more interesting / briar’s rebel arc could have happened!! I’d either just add her to the existing group or if cut the O’Hair twins and also add cerise because cerise is close friends with raven and is seen with darling lots.
Epic Winter - so if you know me yk were cutting rosabella. I’m very tempted to just add Lizzie but we will resist the temptation. I’ll definitely be changing this one a lot. So the crew is Briar, Faybelle, Ashlynn, Blondie, Rosabella, Daring and Crystal. Cutting Blondie & Daring and adding Poppy and Duchess. Okay that might not look like a big change but im changing who gets which arc. Those with flowers are now Briar, Rosa, Poppy and Crystal. Ashlynn is just there because she’s friends with Crystal not because of the flower. Faybelle is there for the same reason. Rosabella is just there because of her flower, of course she becomes friends and stuff but the whole ‘I can fix him’ thing is gone. Instead this is poppy and duchess. Whether or not it’s seen as a ship or friendship Duchess is the one who needs redemption not Daring. Also I just found the blondie wanting a real story arc to be stupid
Forest Fest - I forgot this is considered a special? Is it considered a special? Anyways I think it’s fine I found it annoying how raven and dex had to be the ones to save the girls it could literally be anyone else. I found Poppy kinda a random choice for blondie to take, like just for the hair?? Maybe Ginger instead because she also has a show and they could be going together.
Tbh I want to make another post with in depth analysis
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hi brainrot!!
just had an idea for a full headcanon request: MC finding out that M6 is ticklish. just something cute and fluffy
i love your work, take your time ❤
The Arcana Mini-HCs: Finding out MC is ticklish
(full HC requests are closed right now, but here's a mini! ^.^)
Julian: "Ohohoho, you're mine now!" the type to tickle you when he's in an affectionate and playful mood, though he rarely takes it too far
Asra: *cheshire cat grin* "Did I just ... find something?" likes to randomly poke you in ticklish spots to make you jump and squeal
Nadia: surprised, and then you watch a slow, sly, flirtatious smile spread across her face. she is going to destroy you (respectfully)
Muriel: worried at first that he hurt you, and then so enamored of your laughter that he does it again without thinking. blushes heavily
Portia: she found out because she was looking. will tackle and tickle you until you plead for mercy and let her win the play wrestling match
Lucio: likes to use tickling you as a catalyst to chase you around the paths until he can finally catch you and kiss you behind a tree
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Butterflies - Ch1 - Lies of P/Alice Madness Returns
Relationship: P/Alice Liddell
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53898544/chapters/136426825
Next Chapter
Chapter One: How Alice Came to Krat
Wonderland had taken Alice the majority of her life to figure out the mechanics of. Whilst the asylum had been the catalyst for her visits, it had also been just as much a hindrance; it made her believe what everyone else told her; Wonderland wasn’t real. It was a figment of her imagination; her broken mind keeping her safe from reality, and she was mad.
That part had always made her want to laugh – Wonderland had never been safe; often times it was more dangerous than London.
The truth was, as truth generally is, more complicated than that. Instead, her experiments over the years, led her to conclude reality was, in fact, like a Matryoshka doll; there were layers to it. Wonderland was a layer on top of London, like a pair of spectacles over the regular world – thus, Londerland had occurred until she’d been able to separate the lenses from London. Alice had discovered a way of putting on those spectacles, thus encountering Wonderland.
It complicated further, because not everything in the two worlds had a direct correlation. Alice certainly did: most moves she made in London moved her in Wonderland too; a bar in London was the Carpenter’s lair in Wonderland. However, creatures like the Cheshire Cat certainly weren’t in England. (Unless he had been Dinah, and had, in Wonderland, been a boy, instead, but she couldn’t conclude that either way.) This aspect was a mystery, and Alice was left to conclude that some people just left bigger marks than others; like bruises running through an apple; only some reached through to the core.
These metaphors weren’t working.
Alice paused over her journal, her fountain pen wavering. First, she had compared Wonderland to glasses – something layered over the top, and now she was talking about bruises – something that went internally. That was contradictory.
Did it hugely matter? This journal was for her. Anyone else would conclude it the ramblings of a mad girl. The important point was Wonderland did not just exist in her mind. Wonderland was a different reality.
Therefore, it stood to reason, that there were more of these other realities. She had, through bumbling along odd jobs and meeting interesting people, discovered this to be true. On the way, she had also discovered how to slip entirely through to these worlds, instead of just partially through. This was extremely helpful in not finding her way back into an asylum. No more wandering in two worlds at once for Alice, thank you very much.
She decided to abandon the metaphors altogether, and packed her journal in her satchel. She would head down to the docks early. The theatre wasn't running shows for a good month; they had chosen February to make refurbishments to the building, and no one wanted to see shows now the festive season was over.
It gave Alice the time away from work to truly explore. That was what she planned: she was going to search for new worlds.
And, luckily, she'd made a few friends who were happy to take her on as a passenger on their next trip. It was ‘luckily,’ because good things generally didn't happen to Alice Liddell. At least, they hadn't, for a good decade. Now, it seemed that things were starting to change.
She wasn't the first to reach the handsome steamship she was due to sail on. A boy sat on the crates that were waiting to be loaded on, panpipes between his lips. He waved when he saw her, but didn't take the pipes away from his mouth.
She'd met Peter when he'd tried to sneak into the back of the theatre. He'd heard that people truly flew in the latest show, and he had to see it for himself.
Alice had known immediately there was something different about Peter. It was in the brightness of his blue eyes; the ruffle of his hair when there was no wind; the glint in his smile that was so unlike any London urchin. He wasn't a London urchin.
That much had become clear when she'd told him to buy a ticket like everyone else, and then inexplicably found him at her bedroom window the next evening. Her window, on the third floor of the boarding house.
Peter lived like her, between realities.
And currently he was working for Captain Nemo as a cabin boy. That was how he'd persuaded the Captain to let Alice join them as a free passenger.
Alice perched next to Peter on the crates, waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive. His pipes played a soft, haunting tune. This early in the morning, with the sun still rising, London was beautiful. Yellow lights flickered in the windows, and the smog was not so prevalent.
The men arrived. Captain Nemo was like all ship captains; gruff and growly with a good heart – and certainly had a better track record with his ships than the mock turtle, Alice thought. He chided Peter for slacking off, but ruffled his hair all the same.
Alice slipped off the crate to dip a joking half-curtsey. "Thank you again for letting me accompany you."
"None of that, now, Miss." He waved a beefy hand at her. "You can help us get loaded up, and all."
She had no qualms about that, so she did. She assisted in heaving the crates onto the ship. They were heavy, and left her sweating, but at least it felt as though she’d done something to earn her way.
It was nearly midday by the time they were setting sail. Of course, that was a figure of speech now. Instead of releasing sails, an engine was started up. The boat puffed out clouds of great smoke from a chimney, chugging them down the Thames.
Peter and Alice sat on the deck. It was drizzling, but not enough to be a true bother.
"So, why're you headed to France?" Peter asked. He sat on the rail, swinging his legs.
Alice leant her back against the metal rail, fiddling with the ends of her hair. It needed a good cut. "Charles Perrault."
"He was a writer. He wrote fairy tales. It stands to reason that he could do what we did. I'm hoping that if I follow his footsteps, I'll be able to discover them too."
Peter tilted his head to one side. Even in the gray day, his green eyes gleamed. "But why go looking for them when there's no guarantee you'll pass through?"
After all, Alice had not yet visited Neverland, despite Peter’s urging.
"Because it’s an experiment, and I jolly well won't learn anything more about all this unless I try."
Peter smiled, as though he was about to laugh at her. She narrowed her eyes at him. It didn’t quell the smile completely, but he didn’t tease her further. He stretched, almost overbalancing on the rail.
"I don't see why you can't be content with London and Wonderland."
It was a good point. Why wasn’t Alice content? Why must she search for more? Wonderland was twisted and dangerous enough – other places might be even worse.
She let go of the frayed ends of her hair. "I'm curious."
That was a lie. The real reason was that she had no reason to stay. Not in London, and not particularly in Wonderland.
Peter stopped stretching. His smile was even wider, his teeth very white. "Didn't curiosity kill the cat?"
Alice rolled her eyes. But she couldn't help her own mouth twitching. Just a little.
The had journey started smoothly. Most disastrous journeys did start smoothly, Alice supposed. The steamboat moved at a good pace. By the evening, they could see the line of the continent. They were easing their way around the coastline of Spain; threading the needle to reach France, and then onto Italy.
It was a relatively peaceful night, but the rain got heavier. What started as a pitter on the tin roof became a furious drumbeat. Became heavier and heavier, until it was as loud as hail. The wind howled at the tiny porthole in Alice's cabin.
She dreamt about the Mockturtle, and it was only when she woke in her own bed that she wondered if it really had been a dream. Either way, she was still stuck on a boat, in a storm. There was a distant roll of thunder. Yellow light flashed through the room so quickly that she wasn't sure it had even happened.
Alice knew the worst thing to do would be to fight her way onto the deck. But she still grasped the door handle, fighting to stay upright. The boat rocked on the waves.
Another flash of lightning.
She couldn't stay here. She couldn't stay in this tiny cabin and be thrown around like a sardine. It would kill her. Already she could feel a desperate, clawing panic in her chest. If she stayed, she'd be trapped in a tin can. If the boat sank, she'd sink with it.
She'd rather get thrown overboard. At the worst, she could fall back into Wonderland, and no doubt land on her feet, there.
There was shouting on the deck. Alice slipped, banging her knee on the floor, and fought her way upwards. The ship lurched drunkenly, the deck illuminated by another flash of lightning and the silver moonlight. Rain flew down in silvery sheets, competing with the roar of the waves.
The stairs seemed determined to attack her at every step, but Alice struggled on. Her breath came in great gasps, and she fought to keep hold of herself. She needed to keep hold of herself, or she would slip into Wonderland.
It seemed like years before she finally reached the deck. The men were just dark shapes, darting to and fro. Peter saw her, his boots sliding over the planks as he tried to reach her.
"Get back downstairs!"
"Not a chance!" she replied. The ship lurched again, sending them both slipping to the rail at the port side of the boat. Alice gripped it so tightly that the cold metal stung her skin. Her hair hung in her face. Her nightdress was soaked through already; the rain plastering the fabric to her skin.
The storm continued.
She clung to the rail as the ship moved the other way. Her feet slipped, and she nearly went head over heels. She hooked her elbow through the rail, hauling herself upright.
Peter had caught himself too. He looked like a seal; his hair plastered to his scalp. The silvery light made his eyes flash like a cat's. For a moment, he didn't look like anything from this world.
Then he was rushing to help a fallen sailor.
Alice clung to the rail and tried to catch her breath. The freezing rain stung her cheeks like ice. She looked up, through the silver and black, to try and see how far away from land they were. It didn't seem too far. They must be parallel to France, now, maybe even close to Italy.
There was something out there. Something bright, and blue. Something with wings, fighting against the wind.
It was a butterfly.
Yells sounded behind her. Rail pelted her on the back. Alice didn't move. The butterfly came closer. It was beautiful; seemed to be leaving a trail of glittering dust in its wake.
"Alice!" Peter yelled.
Alice lifted her hand from the rail. She reached for the butterfly.
And the whole ship lurched again.
The sea was cold and dark. Alice remembered little; she likely slipped through realities whilst underwater, to survive for any amount of time in that storm. When she regained consciousness, she found that she was still half in the water. It lapped against her legs.
Her front half was in something hard and bumpy. Her hands sunk into it when she pulled herself up to sit.
Shingles. And it was waves hitting her boots.
Alice coughed. Seawater didn't come up. Logically, she should be at least half-drowned, if not dead as a dodo. But here she was, on a shingle beach. Curious. She pushed her dark hair from her face, pulling her legs from the water, until she sat perched like a mermaid.
It was still night, with not even a streak of light on the horizon to signal dawn. At least the clouds had cleared enough that a strong moon shone down. The beach was abandoned. There were craggy rocks down the shore, and, more pressingly, there was a sea wall about ten feet from her. Like the kind the children said Brighton had.  If Alice squinted, she could see a chain rail, cornering off stone steps. Beyond the wall, she could make out the dark shapes of a city. A city, she suspected, that did not exist in France, or Italy, or anywhere in Europe. She suspected this was another reality altogether.
Not least because the blue butterfly was back. It fluttered down from the stairs, still heading towards her.
Alice's heart raced, but not from being thrown around by the waves. In fact, she felt none the worse for wear considering her sea trip. Her heart raced with anticipation. With excitement. Where was she? What wonders awaited her in that city?
"I sensed your power nearing us." A voice came, presumably from the butterfly. It was a soft, female voice. A voice Alice felt she could trust, from the outset – and that was a rarity. "Though, I must confess, I didn't believe I would be able to bring you here."
"I likely helped you," Alice said. “I have a few skills, like that.”
"Yes." The butterfly fluttered in place. "Your ergo is – different."
"Thank you." It seemed good manners, even if she didn’t understand that. Alice lifted her hand, and the butterfly landed on her fingers. It didn't weigh anything. In fact, she barely felt it at all. "I suppose we must ask the obvious questions. Who are you, and who am I, and do you need my help?"
"My name is Sophia," the butterfly said.
"And my name is Alice."
"I'm not sure you can help us, Alice." The butterfly's wings moved slowly. "Our city is in a dire situation, and I cannot ask you to put yourself in danger for a world that is clearly not yours."
"That's true, this isn't my world. But I'm not powerless, and I would like to help."
Because there was another sliver of silver on the beach; something else had washed up with Alice. She reached for it, careful not to jog the butterfly on her other hand, and her fingers found a familiar handle.
The vorpal blade.
It still snicker-snacked perfectly when she tested it in the air.
The butterfly fluttered, as though it was excited by this development too. Alice stood, carefully, her legs tingling. She'd noticed, as soon as she realised, she was wearing boots, that she wasn't in her nightgown any longer. Her outfit had become something familiar and dear. Her blue Wonderland gown, with her striped stockings and practical boots. Her omega pendant flashed on her chest.
It felt as good as chainmail.
"I will lead you to hotel Krat," Sophia continued, lifting herself from Alice and fluttering through the air. "It is a safe space, and we can talk face to face there."
"Thank you." It wouldn't do for Alice to forget manners. She followed the butterfly across the beach, her boots crunching in the shingles. It was easy enough to tug the chain to the steps free, and to make her way up them.
The moon and stars bathed everything in soft, white light, and Alice fell in love with it from first sight. It was patchworked together; it was buildings with gargoyles on the edges; was crooked chimney pots; was warm stones and cobblestones; was a fantasy from a gothic novel.
This was the city of Krat.
Sophia explained to Alice, as they continued down the streets, that Krat had once been very different. Was not the ghost town it was now, but a thriving seaside city. But then the puppets had – frenzied – and thrown the city into chaos. Puppets had been created to help humans; they were created to obey, and serve, and make life easier.
Alice could see why they might get tired of such a life.
She met one of these puppets, on their journey. A policeman lurched out at her from an alleyway. She raised her knife on instinct, slashing against its forearm.
The vorpal blade cut through the metal as though it was butter. Black spurted out, too shiny for blood.
The puppet lurched forward, and Alice got her first real look. A mechanical man, eyes empty, jaw gaping. It reminded her of those ridiculous puppet shows in Covent Garden.
She hated those puppet shows.
She drove the blade into its chest. When it didn't still, she plunged it in again.
It fell backwards, and clattered onto the cobblestones in defeat, making an almighty noise.
Sophia fluttered by Alice's cheek, as though she touched her face. She appreciated that.  She wiped her cheek with the back of her hand. It wasn't blood, or tar, it was oil.
They continued.
Hotel Krat was beautiful too. The flickering halogen light was beautiful; the wide windowsills were beautiful; the abandoned tram line coming out of it was beautiful. It was beautiful because this building had dim, yellow light in some of its windows which winked like eyes.
Alice loved Krat. Krat was just as dangerous and broken as Wonderland.
It suited her, perfectly.
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charalysis · 1 year
Alice Liddle: American McGee's Alice
Alice Liddle of American McGee's Alice and its sequel, Madness Returns, is a severely mentally ill character in the games she stars in. She endures trauma after trauma, with next to no assistance, alone. In this post we will break down what happened to her, her reactions, and how she developed.
Disclaimer: Despite mental illness being the main theme here, I will not be attempting to diagnose Alice, as I am not professionally trained and she does not have an official, canon diagnosis of any kind. I will however make inferences.
For those unaware, American McGee's Alice is a horror twist on Alice in Wonderland, following the protagonist Alice. In this first game, you play as 18 year old Alice Liddle, who from eight years old to that point has been living in Rutledge Asylum in England. The game begins with the player introduced to the catalyst of Alice being in the asylum: a house fire.
In this fire, Alice is the only one to survive from her family, with her parents and sister, Lizzie, dying in the fire. This causes a massive snap in Alice's mind as she watches the house burn and townspeople surround her.
In this scene we are also introduced to the idea that Alice was likely already mentally ill, as when the fire begins, what wakes her isn't the smoke or screams, its Hatter and March Hare screaming in her dreams about the fire, begging her to wake up. (However, its likely it was just a framing device, but we do see its what woke her.)
From then on, Alice spent her time in the asylum, nearly comatose. She was catatonic and would only speak in shrieks and shrill screams. She'd have seizures and episodes of hysteria before falling unresponsive and mute again. Her doctor's notes also describe an incident where she "wielded a spoon like a knife and the orderlies, then turned the makeshift weapon in her own arms".
Needless to say, the fire that killed her family severely traumatized Alice, and she struggles heavily with possible PTSD and survivors guilt.
Alice in the first game also expresses suicidal ideation, or at the very least a passive desire to die. She's heard saying, "Save myself? From death, is that it? Is that why I've come here? I'm not afraid to die! At times I've welcomed death..."
And, "Everyone I love dies violently; unnaturally. I'm cursed! Why go on? I'll just hurt others."
The latter of these quotes is indicative of her guilt; it shows she blames herself for not just her her family's deaths, but others, and believes those she grows close to will also die horribly if they stay around her. She expresses she thinks people are better off without her.
In regards to Wonderlands occupants and how they relate to her fragile and broken psyche... American McGee has stated that all in some way represent her fragments mind and emotions. How, I don't think is explicitly stated beyond the Queen, but I have theories:
Cheshire: Her subconscious and manifestation of Dinah in her mind. Dinah lead her to safety in the fire, showing the way out. Chesh is guide that knows more than Alice consciously knows, but things she's got hidden in her mind. He tells her the clues she's seeing and picking up on subtleties she can't. That's why he uses riddles.
Hatter: Hatter is obsessive and rambling. He's a sort of representation of her doctor in the asylum, after all he runs one himself. He's paranoid and obsessed with time and loathes mechanical malfunctions. He may very well be a sort of ego aspect, where the Queen is super-ego. He could also likely be the manifestation of Alice's own paranoia and frustration surrounding her own "malfunctioning" mind.
Queen of Red Heart: She is Alice. She is the part of Alice that causes her the most grief and torment. She is what keeps Alice locked in her psychosis; a malevolent manifestation of super-ego. Cheshire compares her to a cancer in the body, which must be excised or Alice would die.
Jabberwock: A creature who taunts Alice and accuses her of not caring about her family. He is what taunts her about their deaths and says that she was, "in dream land taking tea with friends", and she, "couldn't be bothered". He is her guilt and self anger and he is there to remind her of this guilt constantly.
Caterpillar: He provides her wisdom giver. He takes things she sees and can help her recontexualize them. He is similar to Cheshire, but more to the forefront. He is also seemingly the calm part of her mind.
Tweedles: looking identical to the orderlies in Rutlidge, the Tweedles are cruel to Alice and lack any higher intelligence beyond orders. They are childishly cruel and likely have something to do with Alice's self punishment.
Rabbit: More obsessed with time than Hatter, Rabbit is a mostly absent guide who rushes ahead of Alice and he's very, very fidgety. He likely represents her conflict between anxiety and comfort. The comfort being from him being based on her favorite toy, and his face being easing to her. But he's very paranoid about time and danger.
Duchess: Initially a manifestation of the cruel nurse in charge of her, Nurse D, Duchess is a violent cannibal. It could be argued her outfit initially resembles a nurses outfit too. Later in the second game, she is seen in more revealing clothes and no longer eats people, and prefers pig now. Her "overbearing goodwill" and appearance now more represents her nanny, Nan Sharp.
While I do not believe these games are a 100% accurate depiction of mental illness and trauma, they do a good job showing the struggle between one's self and the inner machinations of their mind as they struggle with their mental health, and struggle to learn to cope on their own.
The second game is much better about the direct correlation between Alice's real struggles and Wonderland falling apart.
In Madness returns, we see an older Alice struggling in therapy as her doctor, Angus Bumby, tries to make her forget her past. She wants to forget everything rather than continue to struggle with it. We see she's still being abused and exploited by Nurse Witless, who's blackmailing her.
In Wonderland, we see the Corruption and the pollution destroying Wonderland piece by piece as the Dollmaker (Bumby's influence and brainwashing) takes over her mind bit by bit. We see her remembering her childhood and the past Bumby tried to erase, and we see her piece the truth together as she slowly banishes the Dollmaker.
By the end of MR, we see a confident Alice, the pieces of her fragmented life and mind put back together as Wonderland blossoms and Bumby dies via a train after Alice confronts him with his crimes.
Tl;Dr: While imperfect in their portrayal of mental illness, PTSD, and more, American McGees Alice And A:MR depict the grittiness, the despair, and the pain that can come with these things fairly well. It also depicts a woman struggling but succeeding in helping herself and bettering herself. These games revolve around facing your issues head on and healing. Their use of symbology is fantastic in my opinion.
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rozonrozark · 1 month
I was wondering
1-Does Marinette invents new powers all by herself or she alredy knew their possibilities somehow (and never mentioned that to kwamis because they seem suprised)
2-Soo about Nadja's plans, will she really sucessfully bring Misterbug and Cheshire to her show? Its been years since i seen that episode but i remember her being akumatised because it didnt go acording to plan. (i guess she showed the picture of them kissing and...?)
3-What are your plans on Lila? Will she stay in background or became someone important to story?
4-Adult Alix seems very very worried about Bread and she talks about how she will pay her back... im assuming something very very wrong happened to Bread or Alix just feels really guilty. (It also confirms she will know her identity in the future. Is it due to her job or at one time she revealed herself or got revealed? oh no)
5-Considering lack of humans in her life, would it be too much of a exaggerate to believe that Mari didnt interact with anyone who isnt a kwami for days at some point?
6-Its more like wanting some sweet karma but when the fuck will Cloe exiled to literally anywhere else? And what about rest of the class? Seeing them comotose in captured au was a balm to my soul. Also, does Mari knows she can teleport Cloe to noth pole and get away with it? Im sure as hell at least half of kwamis would cheer on her.
8-Mari isnt a cat and that probably means she is a bug but what if she is something else? I really can't come with any ideas but thats interesting as heck.
9-If bonding with your kwami in long term means you gain similar traits from them, assuming Bread keeps Plag for much longer does that means she will be much more like cat like? Will she hate showering? Will she knock of stuff from tables? Will she develop heavy preferance to meat? Will she develop claws???
1: For the most part she knew that there were other powers based on the theories of her ancestor. But the powers she came up with that surprised the kwamies were the ones that should have been impossible. Like, the Black Storm Dragon that was a fusion of two kwamies powers.
2: Nadja's plan in this AU will come about but unlike in the Cannon, where they kept pushing for higher ratings, there is no concern for the same thing to get to her.
3: She is the Starscream, that is all I will say.
4: Alix is concerned about Mari because she hates everything that happened to her BEST friend. I will not say if anything else bad will happen to Mari just that she will be getting some positive development. Now as for how she will learn the cat's identity, that is something to be found out.
5: Now what do you count as Marinette having human contact? Becuase Cheshire would have regular human contact thanks to patrols and other such. Marinette though... She does have contact with her parents through texts and phone calls. Let that just say what you want.
6: The various kwami have pointed out what they could do but Marinette has passed on them. After all the miraculous need to be used for the betterment of humanity.
7: I just double checked and you skipped this number. I don't say that to be mean I just found it funny :D
8: I have honstly been thinking about what Mari could have been. Either a Bug or a Fox. Both are creative and she would work well with either.
9: She will become more cat but as for claws and the like? Those kinda changes will only come about due to over-using Catalyst.
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ascendedheavenly6 · 7 months
Meta out of this Alice in Wonderland Scan No.6
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Scan from @restructuralcommittee!!
All information and interpretations will be a synthesis between the No.6 Novel & Manga + This Alice in Wonderland Analysis from the Lewis Carroll version!
*This whole analysis was copy-pasted from my Discord*
Shion as the White Rabbit!!
HONESTLY, THIS IS A GOOD CHOICE NGL. I remember someone said Shion acts like a catalyst of the story, one way or another. You know now as I read the novel, Shion is the catalyst to the titular No.6 as he learns and relearns and then his background and experience mesh up to shift the direction of the setting. Shion’s curiosity and nervous demeanor of ‘down the rabbit hole’ is really like him too Also— on the website on Alice in Wonderland analysis stuff, they noted White Rabbit’s
The White Rabbit is nervous and always in a hurry. However, he is confident enough about himself to contradict the King of Hearts.
This is also fitting because Shion’s position later on (and even before) as a prestigious figure and highlights Shion’s personality as prestigious but not prideful, I think? Or is the exposure of being the ‘new person’ in Alice’s human world that made him weird at first glance…?
Nezumi as the Mad Hatter-
Technically this makes sense on multiple faces. One on the fictional effects of people, even though there’s actually not a lot of info about Mad Hatter as far as I know, he (or at least his archetype) remains quite popular, I think that’s also the influence that Nezumi has on reader: some sprinkle of mysterious and interesting narrative. Two is that in the original Alice in Wonderland, I just found out that Mad Hatter isn’t the original name - it’s only Hatter or some variation of that - which is kind of like Nezumi’s identity like ‘masking, unintentionally?’
But also here there’s a bit about Mad Hatter that on other opinions is that he keeps changing his personality, but his devotion and eccentricity remain true. I think this speaks to Nezumi a lot because he sticks to his promises no matter what, and his presence has kind of a charm - whether it’s in the theatrical dramatic sense or genuine - there is a presence of Nezumi that makes him consequently, quite lonely, or becomes more significant (Eve, VC, or his knife skills, or his high empathy) that it’s kind of ironic when it touches his survival instinct to stay low
He occasionally is very rude and provokes Alice during the tea party. When he is called upon by the Queen, he is very nervous and frightened
That kinda fits Nezumi because I think that in the end he is still human and he expresses his fear of Shion pretty often
That kinda fits Nezumi because I think that in the end he is still human and he expresses his fear of Shion pretty often
Also apparently Mad Hatter is a term to describe workers who were poisoned by Mercury exposure? I haven’t thought about how this fits it but uh - the more you know.
Inukashi as Cheshire Cat
Okay for one, that’s a very contrasting choice considering what Inukashi has attached themselves to, but also there isn’t a prominent dog-like character in Alice as far as I know.
But - the analysis website, states that Cheshire Cat actually listens to Alice’s concerns and guides her toward Wonderland itself. Cheshire Cat is mischievous, yet also a guidance is a guidance figure too - quite explicitly. This characterization is something that I think Inukashi also has because Inukashi, lovingly raised in a cruel environment, would still lend a hand and also express care like when they interrogated Nezumi or eventually wished Shion and Nezumi to be back safely Also as a guide - could be looking at Inukashi’s role in baby Shion’s life too?
But I don’t want to go among mad people,’ Alice remarked. Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the Cat: we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.’ How do you know I’m mad?’ said Alice. You must be,’ said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.’ Alice didn’t think that proved it at all; however, she went on And how do you know that you’re mad?’ To begin with,’ said the Cat, a dog’s not mad. You grant that?’ I suppose so,’ said Alice. Well, then,’ the Cat went on, you see, a dog growls when it’s angry, and wags its tail when it’s pleased. Now I growl when I’m pleased, and wag my tail when I’m angry. Therefore I’m mad.'
(sorry for the sucky format-)
Simple arguments but remain credible because one is a resident of that unknown place is also very Inukashi…
I’m sorry Rikiga but idk what the hell are you and I don’t wanna analyze you cause uh
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tarobii · 1 year
For the ask meme, how about 5, 10, and 23? 👀 (provided they haven't been answered/asked already ofc ><)
5. are any of your ocs based off of a show/book you like? if so, who?
yep! Alice in Wonderland! I have ocs for the queen, the white rabbit, mad hatter, blue caterpillar, cheshire cat, and some in the same universe that aren't directly based on Alice in Wonderland characters.
I've only actually drawn two of them but here!
Haruto (Blue Caterpillar) and Chess (Cheshire Cat)
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there's a bit more lore to it than them just. being the same characters from the story (bc,,, they're not,,,,,) (they're the descendants of the og cast) but yk lol
10. are any of your ocs part of a story? if so, what is it about and who’s in it?
they're all in one connected multiverse, and I like thinking of silly little scenarios, so technically they're all in a slice of life
with one exception!!
which is a work in progress but the basic plot synopsis is that it starts as a slice of life and shenanigans with the association employees
but then the Catalyst happens and what's basically the apocalypse happens
our main characters are Sans (Spade) and Kyrian, and their main goal is to find their respective brothers, Papyrus (Clover) and Evelin
they don't know if Pap and Eve are okay or even alive, because they were out of town on a mission--but they were due to come back on the day the catalyst happened, so their status is unconfirmed
23. which oc do you think has affected you the most as youve grown with them?
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his name is Raiden and he's my oldest oc that I still actually use and I am so very attached to him he's my bbg through and through
he's also the oc with one of the most batshit insane backstories lol (hint: all of those funeral pictures in the second one are *all* him)
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Also about the Genshin and Twst crossover, Riddle as an Electro catalyst with a familiar like Oz.
Story time, he got his vision while playing with Trey and Chen'ya, so his familiar took the form of a cheshire cat because purple and easy to hide from mother (it didn't have a form at the beggining, it took this appearance after the tart incident because Riddle missed his friends, although it can also turn into a hedgehog).
Before his overblot, Riddle always hid the familiar, so his attacks are as generic as they can get, with electro projectiles, a shockwave for the elemental skill and a thunderbolt as his burst.
However, if you hold the elemental skill, then the cat is summoned. It mostly just prances around on the field, dealing damage, healing the characters and taunting the enemy. It even boosts electro attacks.
The main difference is Riddle's attacks, however. Instead of electro projectiles, his attacks now take the form of cards, teacups and other items related to Wonderland (he throws a tree as his charged attack), with his burst featuring an assortment of items crushing the enemy, as if he opened a rabbit hole and threw all of the furniture, cards and clocks that were floating around there.
The funny thing is that his mother wanted him to get an hydro or cryo vision. Also that he can only be considered a healer like she wants when he summons the familiar representing his friends and the childhood he never had. The electro healer class is also a nice nod to Kuki Shinobu and how her parents want her to be a shrine maiden while she studied law.
The cat actually helps in the fight against Riddle's overblot, but only shows up during emergencies or with people Riddle trusts in later chapters.
Which means most people only find out about it during Chapter 6. Poor S.T.Y.X. soldiers.
The team in chapter 6: Why is this the first time we ever see this familiar of yours, Riddle?
Cat: Because trauma! Also I don't like you guys.
Chen'ya teases Trey over how the familiar is a cat like him.
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ao3feed-izch · 9 months
ユニバーサルクラッシュ - Universal Crash
by Pyxilate
A what if scenario: if all these characters from all these fandoms existed in the same universe, but in a desolate, destroyed one that couldn’t handle all of them being in it. Their history changed, and with it, the main characters… Kokoro, who is in love with a tax collector. Nyx, who is in love with Silver Wolf. Catalyst, who may or may not be Catra’s older sister. Arataki Nevou, the girl who wins the heart of Manaria and Philine. Pyxilate, the mermaid princess and archon of light in love with Furina. Shinpi Cheshire, jack of all trades, master of none. Aoi, the secret dragon girl. Dive into a world with everything combined, with its own equally immersive lore. One question remains: will they be able to put the universe back together?
Words: 1581, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 捏造トラップ-NTR- | NTR: Netsuzou Trap (Manga), このはな綺譚 | Konohana Kitan (Anime), 私の推しは悪役令嬢 - いのり | Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou | I'm in Love with the Villainess - Inori, 私の推しは悪役令嬢 | Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou | I'm in Love with the Villainess (Manga), ささやくように恋を唄う | Sasayaku You ni Koi wo Utau | Whispering You a Love Song (Manga), Mage & Demon Queen (Webcomic), 転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 | Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady (Anime), 転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 | Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady (Manga), 転生王女と天才令嬢の魔法革命 - 鴉ぴえろ | Magical Revolution of Reincarnated Princess and Genius Young Lady - Karasu P, 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), 崩坏3rd | Honkai Impact 3rd (Video Game), 崩坏:星穹铁道 | Honkai: Star Rail (Video Game), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Miraculous Ladybug, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), RWBY, Wings of Fire - Tui T. Sutherland, Ever After High, SCARLET NEXUS (Video Game), Ratchet & Clank, 请欺负我吧恶役小姐!- 赤色陷阱 | Please Bully Me Miss Villainess - Chise, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Undertale (Video Game), Wednesday (TV 2022)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Original Characters, Asanagi Yori, Clorinde (Genshin Impact), Satsuki (Konohana Kitan), Bakugou Katsuki, Katheryne (Genshin Impact), Rae Taylor | Oohashi Rei, Claire Francois, Manaria Sousse, Philine Nur, Malori Crowett, Velverosa Ghalaztox, Elsa Dorothy, Anisphia Wynn Palettia, Midoriya Izuku, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adora (She-Ra), May Francois, Aleah Francois
Relationships: Claire Francois/Rae Taylor | Oohashi Rei, Malori Crowett/Velverosa Ghalaztox, Euphyllia Magenta/Anisphia Wynn Palettia, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Elsa Dorothy/Yvonne Smollett, Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee, Adora/Catra (She-Ra)
Additional Tags: What Have I Done, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, The main characters are complicated, I hc Wednesday as a delivery person idk y
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52682122
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b3aches · 1 year
Sad day today. He will be sorely missed.
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widdleteabunny · 1 year
Head Canons
Her constellation is named the Ponum Granatum de Orcus. The stars form the shape of a pomegranate.
She is the youngest in a family of 13 sisters. In order they are: Beatrice, Marie, Jolie, Christabella, Louise, Elodie, Rose, Delphine, Sylvie, Fosette, Giselle, Odette, and Alessa
All of the sisters work at the tea shop along with various employees.
Her favorite food is Carrot Cake, and her favorite drink is pomegranate juice.
Four of her sisters are already married, and of her married sisters, two have children. Being the youngest, she cares for the children whenever her sisters come to work at the shop.
She and her sisters are references to Alice in Wonderland characters: Rose (The Caterpillar), Marie (The Mad Hatter), Chirstabella (The Cheshire Cat), Delphine (The Doormouse), Odette (The White Queen), Sylvie (The Knave of Hearts), Fosette (Tweedledee), Louise (The March Hare), Giselle (Tweedledum), Beatrice (The Queen of Hearts), Jolie (The Mock Turtle), Elodie (The Carpenter), and Alessa (The White Rabbit)
She's always running late to things.
Like her mother, Alessa is well mannered and kind and polite however, if she's pushed too far, she becomes rather blunt and rude if need be.
Alessa wields the light vision (Photo) and is a catalyst user. Her use of her ability is newly found as it has only manifested now due to the resurgence of the Photo Archon.
She has never journeyed outside Fontaine but yearns to see the world outside her homeland.
Alessa is a relatively shy being around strangers, she tends to be closed off and unapproachable unless she's in the presence of people she knows.
Her hobbies include tea brewing, tinkering, dancing, and reading.
She loves experimenting with the tea leaves her family purchases and has created unique blends and concoctions sold only by her family's tea shop. This along with the fresh breads made by Chi, is the reason why the shop is so successful and well-known in Fontaine.
She is the only one who knows her recipes, not sharing the information with anyone, so the competition never steals a creation to sell in their cafes.
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fmdjace · 2 years
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❝ not my business, don’t know myself, just following my heart, playing
solo related jihoon’s and his solo debut endeavors pt.4 date: december 2022 song choice: cheshire word count: 413 notes:
"so everything is set in stone?" jihoon asks as he sinks in his seat, not really believing the management and staff sat around the table. his first solo album was done, wrapped up, it was all about practice practice and practice. along with finishing up the schedule catalyst had, finishing up the year in general. a lot of things are ending and the stress is slowly lifting of his shoulders.
"yes, we've done everything, your comeback date was picked and you just have to keep on top of your job now. practice and keep up with whatever catalyst has in store for you." his manager says, skimming through the papers he had in front of him. "it's the 11th of january, so not long now. promotional stuff will start coming out, and then you will have your debut showcase and stage. just like that, a few months of work is wrapped up." 
it sounds surreal, really, to think about how this started and how soon it's gonna finish. and depsite all that time that has passed, he still hasn't confessed his little crush. was it actually little if he wrote a whole mini album about her? the thought is enough to make jihoon reach up with a hand and rub his face. this was more stressful than his debut with catalyst, but then he had people around him, a team. now he was gonna be alone for three weeks promoting and even his birthday is in the middle of it. it all seems a lot, but he doesn't say much.
there is small part of him than hopes he would get a cute birthday project, but its not like he will be disappointed if he doesn't. he doesn't say anything else for the rest of the meeting, because there is nothing to say. it's done and almost dusted, he is sure he doesn't have to worry about anything at this point in time. so he keeps quiet and listens. the conversation slowly moves from what is expected of this release, to what plans people have for the rest of the holidays and jihoon chimes in every now and again. it's not as stressful as the start of this project really, he's managed to find a good balance and working with this specific group of staff has been absolutely amazing. its not like he wants to release anything ever again, but if he did... he probably would ask for these people again. and again.
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sidereuxs · 4 years
ii. tagdump ( character specific pt. i )
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fwibblefwobble · 2 years
Hello there! I saw that you were out of ideas and I have one for you. How would Morpheus react to reader having powers?
Hihi my lovely anon!! Thank you for sending me this request!! It kept me company through a very long and sleepless flight :) I hope you enjoy!!
The Dreaming is a realm of wonder, a catalyst for change. Mankind has fought its wars, chased its fantasies, found self-realization in this very place. Every person that has ever lived is deeply, intimately familiar with this space of collective consciousness. You, especially so.
You're not quite sure what the Dream Lord sees in you. To him, you're a tiny blip in an ever-expanding universe. An inconsequential star in an overwhelming sea of night. At best, you're a case study. At worst, well... you haven't gotten that far.
You're also incredibly aware of Dream's omnipresence. It's impossible to ignore, especially in the thick of his domain. Life pulses to his heartbeat. Wind gusts to his breath. You can feel the land swell and sing at his presence; feel the rise and fall of his chest through the grass of Fiddler's Green. You could blush at the intimacy of it all.
He's not shy in the way he lavishes your subconscious either. Tonight, he has you running along a field of poppies, vivid and bright against the setting sun. You giggle as you flounce around, delighting in the way each step you take gives life to another blushing red blossom. The waning light of the sky warms your face, washing you aglow in a sea of beauty. It seems that Morpheus took note of your favorite color when you mentioned it in passing. When you picture his signature sourpuss face, you chuckle. The mopey bastard cares more than he lets on.
Air compartmentalizes as you fall backwards, slowing your gravity to a featherlight descent. Petals stroke your face, tickling your cheek as you pass. You stretch, content in your safe haven, and think nothing of closing your eyes and drifting.
When you wake, you're sprawled on a lacquered scarlet floor polished to gloss. You blink, dazed and confused at your new surroundings. This doesn't feel like the Dreaming. You can feel the familiar hum of Dream's presence guiding you in your sleep. This place feels... wilder. Primal.
Your voice reverberates through the caverns of your surroundings, echoing through what seems like valves in the walls.
A voice thrums back at you, deep and enthralling. "Hello," it purrs, "what can I do for you?"
You move to stand, apprehensive.
"Who... are you?"
A laugh snakes through the room, winding through your ears in loops.
"Who or what I am doesn't matter, darling. I just want to know about the little mortal who caught dear Dream's eye."
Your breath catches, eyes darting around. Trying to track the voice around you is impossible. It's in your head, in the walls, in the air, thick and cloying.
"Who are you?" it drawls. "What do you want? What do you most... desire?"
The last question lingers, drilling into your head with potency. Your mind is brought inward as every yearning that has ever been rushes to the forefront. A figure with long, polished nails scrolls through them leisurely, shimmying in delight. You gasp at the intrusion, hands flying to your head in an attempt to reel yourself back in.
"My my, you really do like Dream, don't you?" Their eyes flash gold, lips pulling a Cheshire cat grin. They peruse through a memory of you and Morpheus on the beach of his realm. You're witnessing the creation of a newborn dream, surveying its maker all the while. He's quiet as he works, fingers weaving in tandem with the growth of new nerves and bodily structures. It's easy as breathing, natural as the moon and its tides. For him, it might even be mundane.
You, on the other hand, remain awestruck. Witnessing an Endless is a privilege beyond all else, not to mention one in its own element. It's unfathomable how much he gives for his realm, for humanity. His role in the universe is beyond mortal comprehension. Duty is a tragic thing, one that weighs heavily despite its beauty. You can't help the way your heart breaks for him, how much you wish you could shoulder his burden. How, despite the crushing responsibility, you want to have a little magic too.
Desire's eyes narrow at your admission. They pluck the memory from your mind, rolling it between their fingers like one would a marble. Your other memories are dismissed with a flick.
"Well, isn't this cute?"
Your head burns with the influx.
"Let's give this little wish a try, hm? For the both of us. Just to see what'll happen."
As the figure turns to leave you heaving in its wake, it stops its saunter halfway down the hall.
"And before I forget... let's leave Dream out of this, okay? It'll be our little secret."
You wake up in a cold sweat, hands clutching at your sheets. The world around you is a terrible kaleidoscope of expansion. Your room is hardly recognizable, every object shifting and warping erratically in its place. Every transformation feels like a piece of you warps with it. It's uncontrollable. It's violent. It hurts.
"Morpheus," you scream, "Morpheus!"
The air around you shifts, and you know the Dream Lord has answered your call. He rushes to your side, surveying the madness around you. You nearly sob in relief at the cool touch of his hand on your face.
"What happened?" he demands, "Who did this to you?"
You choke as you try to recall your memory. The flash of the golden figure's smile rips through your consciousness. All you can manage is a vigorous shake of your head.
Morpheus watches the chaos around you with quiet fury. Something, someone must have found out about his involvement with you. Sought to punish him for it. Why, he wonders, holding your writhing frame in his arms. Who would enact such cruelty upon an innocent? Just to get under his skin?
This, he decides, he will unearth later. For now, he will gift you a paltry bliss, slipping your lids shut gently with two fingers and a soft kiss.
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