cheridraws · 1 year
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lastoneout · 2 years
Oo! 17 and 25 for the End of the Year asks?
17 - Post a picture from the end of the year!
Here's my mom's dog Nova in the little scarf he got for Christmas <3
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25 - Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one!
HAHAHA OH DID I EVER BAYBEE!! Well technically Eugene and Ophelia are older characters that I only just started really fleshing out this year, as for new ones in their 'verse, Sasha is def my fave. Feral ass thembo with a death wish <3 Dressed like they got all their outfit ideas from 80s movie bad boys <3 <3 Absolute disaster human I would do anything for them <3 <3 <3 Anyway this is my favorite drawing I did of them:
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send me a new years ask!
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mercury-falls · 1 year
It’s so cool that your watching mob psycho too!! How are you liking it so far?
I’m LOVING it so far! I couldn’t help but give in after seeing so much hype surrounding season 3 and Reigen skdjskdjsk
I started season 2 a couple days ago and I’m already so attached to the main cast. I haven’t laughed this hard while watching a show in a very long time and it’s MUCH needed.
My semester just started so I hope I can make time to finish it asap. I’m so happy to join you in MP100 brainrot Cori 😂👏
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krynutsreal · 2 years
do you know the whiplash I got when seeing these two at the same time
are you two the same person or am I going insane and you guys just had a same brain moment
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shartbaby1 · 2 years
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I posted 307 times in 2022
That's 307 more posts than 2021!
186 posts created (61%)
121 posts reblogged (39%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 225 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#hxh spoilers - 53 posts
#rambles - 21 posts
#digital art - 10 posts
#deltarune - 8 posts
#spamton - 8 posts
#/j - 7 posts
#spamton g spamton - 7 posts
#hxh - 6 posts
#crowcore - 5 posts
#adhd - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 97 characters
#it’s now safely at our home waiting to be gifted to our dad for christmas because he’s a mechanic
My Top Posts in 2022:
Me shopping online trying to remember what my fandoms are: 
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13 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Wobbledogs Jack o lantern!!! By me :)
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14 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
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im fucking bored yalls, have this shitty drawing of spamton I made in like 10 minutes
22 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
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22 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Hajime has been captured for studying, this is his temporary home. Please wait patently for the results, thank you
24 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
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stageplaymlp · 2 years
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I posted 3,954 times in 2022
That's 826 more posts than 2021!
74 posts created (2%)
3,880 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,072 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#pokemon - 625 posts
#submas - 536 posts
#ingo - 400 posts
#emmet - 310 posts
#pla - 248 posts
#fav - 227 posts
#tmnt - 197 posts
#rottmnt - 197 posts
#elesa - 104 posts
#nimbasa trio - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like... i also understand if it’s like “oh i’ll stay ‘till you guys have dinner and then i’ll go home” as a sort of benchmark but damn okay
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Did a comic based on Chapter 19 of @yautjan​‘s fic ‘In Tandem’. It’s a very good fic, I highly reccomend it, and this bit of dialogue made me laugh.
Link to the fic and screenshot of the original dialogue below cut.
See the full post
230 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
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See the full post
401 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
I think it’s really sweet when people portray the subway bosses as being affectionate with their Pokemon, because pretty much all of their Pokemon (namely in B&W/B2&W2) aren’t really traditionally “cuddly” Pokemon.
By that I mean, they’re not like, say, Eevee or Pikachu or what have you. Y’know, Pokemon that are seen as “cute” and “cuddly” and aren’t too dissimilar to actual house pets.
Klingklang and Durant are made of metal. Haxorus has an axe for a face and Excadrill has a giant metal spike on its head and pointy claws. Crustle is a crab with a giant rock in its back. Garbador is literally a pile of (albeit nice smelling) rubbish. Chandelure is a living lighting fixture. Etc.
But is that going to stop them? Fuck no. Give that giant spider pets. Hug that eel. Give that little metal ant a kiss on the forehead. Full-body hug that walking health hazard.
Pokemon are just animals and they all deserve love. And shoutout to all the creators in the fan base who portray the trains lads loving their funny dogs, I owe you my life. :)
434 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Okay so I know we all love the subway masters plushies, 
But Nimbasa Trio fans,
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669 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
@pigdemonart Soooo as soon as I saw tiny screaming Ingo, I knew I had to make something
Link the original comic these screenshots are from here: https://pigdemonart.tumblr.com/post/685057606980599808/same-as-it-ever-was-pretty-sure-this-parody-has#notes
1,148 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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thebalancedangel · 2 years
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radioeuroextasis · 1 year
Dennis Chenson - Angel Of Light
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Trance con su directo y edificante himno de trance Angel of Light. Bombeando enérgicas líneas de bajo metálicas que empujan la pista hacia adelante junto con patadas agudas y percusión contundente, mientras que en la parte superior agrega variedad de capas melódicas celestiales llenas de hermosas melodías sensuales. Su desglose es etéreo con fascinantes voces femeninas distantes acompañadas por la melodía de piano muy conmovedora y altamente emocional. De repente, los grandes punteos sintéticos pasan a primer plano para excitar a la multitud y burlarse de ellos por el clímax de sentirse bien eufórico que viene a continuación con sus melodías épicas de sintetizador para energizar y cargar a cualquier trancer durante horas de baile y perderse en la pista de baile.   https://youtu.be/shlWn8ceflM Read the full article
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asianvillehq · 1 year
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Hey, psiu! Você conhece CAMILLA CHENSON que mora na 3RD STREET do KOTO BOULEVARD? Então, um vizinho me falou que ela tem 23 ANOS, nascida 19/01/ 2000 em NEWARK, NOVA JERSEY Você acredita? Ela é descendente de CHINESES e trabalha como ATENDENTE NA SOFT SPOT. É verdade, ele me contou tudo! Ainda disse que ela é muito ANIMADA E EXTROVERTIDA, mas pode ser um pouco IRRITADIÇA E MENTIROSA. Quem diria não é? Com aquela carinha, parecida com SHUHUA - (G)I-DLE pode se dar bem aqui em Asianville. Olha lá, ela tá vindo, disfarça, se quiser saber mais, segue ela no @ASVL_CAMILLA, me falaram que dá pra saber todas as fofocas por lá! (ooc +18 - informações extras)
Hey, psiu! Você conhece OH MINJI que mora na 4TH STREET do KOTO BOULEVARD? Então, um vizinho me falou que ela tem 29 ANOS, nascida 14/06/1993 em BUSAN, COREIA DO SUL. Você acredita? Ela é descendente de COREANOS e trabalha como DONA DA ANTIQUE. É verdade, ele me contou tudo! Ainda disse que ela é muito DETERMINADA E LEAL, mas pode ser um pouco WORKAHOLIC E INTENSA. Quem diria não é? Com aquela carinha, parecida com SUNMI pode se dar bem aqui em Asianville. Olha lá, ela tá vindo, disfarça, se quiser saber mais, segue ela no @ASVL_MINJI, me falaram que dá pra saber todas as fofocas por lá! (ooc +18 - informações extras)
Hey, psiu! Você conhece VESPER LOVELACE que mora na 3RD STREET do KOTO BOULEVARD? Então, um vizinho me falou que ela tem, nascida 31/10/1997 em SEATTLE, ESTADOS UNIDOS. Você acredita? Ela é descendente de CAUCASIANOS e trabalha como MÉDICA RESIDENTE NO GOOD SAMARITAN. É verdade, ele me contou tudo! Ainda disse que ela é muito DEDICADA E LEAL, mas pode ser um pouco PARANÓICA E FOFOQUEIRA. Quem diria não é? Com aquela carinha, parecida com MADELINE FORD pode se dar bem aqui em Asianville. Olha lá, ela tá vindo, disfarça, se quiser saber mais, segue ela no @VESPER_ASVL, me falaram que dá pra saber todas as fofocas por lá! (ooc +18 - informações extras)
Hey, psiu! Você conhece SKY KIM que mora Na 3RD STREET do KOTO BOULEVARD? Então, um vizinho me falou que ele tem 22 ANOS, nascido em 22/09/2000 em SEOUL, COREIA DO SUL. Você acredita? Ele é descendente de COREANOS e trabalha como VENDEDOR NA ANTIQUE. É verdade, ele me contou tudo! Ainda disse que ele é muito INTELIGENTE E ESFORÇADO, mas pode ser um pouco GROSSEIRO E IMPACIENTE. Quem diria não é? Com aquela carinha, parecido com SEUNGMIN - STRAY KIDS, pode se dar bem aqui em Asianville. Olha lá, ele tá vindo, disfarça, se quiser saber mais, segue ele no @ASVL_SKY, me falaram que dá pra saber todas as fofocas por lá! (ooc +18 - informações extras)
Hey, psiu! Você conhece LEVI JACKSON KISTENMACKER que mora na 3rd STREET do KOTO BOULEVARD? Então, um vizinho me falou que ele tem 36 ANOS, nascido 27/08/1987 em NOVA JERSEY, EUA. Você acredita? Ele é descendente de CAUCASIANOS e trabalha como CLÍNICO ATENDENTE NO GOOD SAMARITAN. É verdade, ele me contou tudo! Ainda disse que ele é muito EFICIENTE E CUIDADOSO, mas pode ser um pouco PREOCUPADO E PERFECCIONISTA. Quem diria não é? Com aquela carinha, parecido com CASEY DEIDRICK pode se dar bem aqui em Asianville. Olha lá, ele tá vindo, disfarça, se quiser saber mais, segue elx no @ASVL_LEVI, me falaram que dá pra saber todas as fofocas por lá! (ooc +18 - informações extras)
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woodlanddreams · 2 years
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I posted 100 times in 2022
10 posts created (10%)
90 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 45 of my posts in 2022
#danganronpa - 20 posts
#danganronpa goodbye despair - 10 posts
#fuyuhiko kuzuryu - 9 posts
#sdr2 - 7 posts
#kyoko kirigiri - 6 posts
#mikan tsumiki - 6 posts
#thh - 5 posts
#trigger happy havoc - 5 posts
#makoto naegi - 5 posts
#danganronpa 2 - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 90 characters
#that’s my review for this fic: it was so good i had to scroll for an hour to find it again
My Top Posts in 2022:
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i haven’t posted on here in forever but have a funhouse exploration piece!
20 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
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sleepover! i have fallen victim to the “soda has a crush on everyone in class 77” headcanon
also i think mikan would have very steady hands to put makeup on with her being a nurse and all :)
ibuki is a fidgeter and she would LOVE braiding hair
31 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
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back on my “fuyuhiko and mikan should be besties bc of all the time they spent hanging out when fuyuhiko was injured” bs
i hc that mikan rants when she’s upset and fixing people up
39 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
i can’t help but feel that the thh survivors would feel a little bitter towards the remnants because they all ended up surviving.
especially considering makoto’s breakdown in future arc, i think he might’ve taken it hard. don’t get me wrong, i think that he and the other survivors are super supportive and caring of the remnants (and i’d love if they were pals but that’s another rant) but also there might be a slight disconnect for a bit just because of survivor guilt and anger/bitterness that their class doesn’t get a second chance.
49 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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long day
59 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
can’t believe tumblr said “i know what you are” and proceeded to expose me for using tumblr almost exclusively to find danganronpa stuff
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marciamodenese · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Embroidered satin sequins purse.
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cheridraws · 1 year
So in like a week Mob has not only become the god of a cult but is also wanted by every gang leader in the city
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lastoneout · 1 year
🔥🧸 and 💌 for the oc asks?
🔥 - What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
Ophelia can't take genuine compliments or being flirted with AT ALL. It's very sad. Eugene bushes her bangs aside gently and says her eyes are beautiful and it's a 1-hit KO that she needs to recover from for a week.
Eugene is so genuine that he's immune to even obvious flirting and the only thing that really does it is Ophelia being physically affectionate.
Sasha has never once been flustered in their entire life. People have tried, they really have, but it's just not gonna happen.
🧸 - Into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?
Ophelia...she pretends PDA bothers her BUT it's in a very tsundere way. Like she wants to hold hands and kiss and small stuff like that, she just has to Get Over Herself and admit it. Once she starts tho....well she's still reserved but she's def....clingy to say the least. (She can't do anything too big tho, and as stated before flirting destroys her. Eugene holding her hand? Fine. Eugene telling her that she's beautiful? Dead.)
Eugene is neutral, though as stated above PDA tends to make him flustered partially bcs it's a sign Ophelia is more comfortable in their relationship, and also bcs while to like 90% of the people that see them he appears human, deep down he's still touched that Ophelia is perfectly fine with being seen with him.
Sasha says they wouldn't make out with someone in public. They are lying.
💌 - How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
Ophelia isn't about big, complicated, grand plans. She pays enough attention that she'd be able to pick something her partner would like, but if they're into it she's very "let's order some good food and stay home watching movies and then you know ;)" and, spoiler alert, Eugene is very into that.
Eugene, on the other hand, was made to be a highly skilled demon secret agent, and while he isn't one anymore, old habits die hard and he WILL plan a month in advance, have every single thing covered, at least one backup plan, and make sure it all goes off without a hitch. Only for special occasions tho, he knows Ophelia is an introvert and doesn't care for Big Grand Dates most of the time so he's happy to do whatever she wants to do.
Sasha is a wildcard, they're willing to put lots of work in or completely wing it, and it's kinda hard to tell which it was until they say so. They could take someone on a super polished date that seems like it would have taken ages of planning and it turns out everything fell into place like an hour before it started and next it's something wild and crazy that seems completely impossible but was actually on their calendar for a year. They also, unlike Eugene, are willing to use their magic for selfish reasons, so that helps.
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Já que o tempo não está colaborando para termos aquele pôr do sol bonito, alaranjado que nos inspira tanto, vamos de bolsa desse tom para dar uma animada no fim de tarde. Linda bolsa de ombro Geométrico whisky. Possui abertura dupla de zíper. Também dispõe de bolso interno e externo com zíper. 💰 Só 199,00. ➡️ Clique na foto para ir pro nosso site. Enviamos para todo o Brasil. Cada modelo é escolhido com muito cuidado pensando na beleza e na funcionalidade. Qual cor combina em qual modelo. Por isso que quem compra Chenson na Bergamoda não se arrepende nunca. Pq as nossas bolsas sempre superam as expectativas das clientes! É isso! 🤗 Texturas, metais, costura e zíper da cor da bolsa... . . Cada modelo, uma paixão! Apaixone-se você também. . Quem compra Chenson by Bergamoda não se arrepende!. . Bergamoda! A sua Chenson Store na Internet! . . Cola na gente que é sucesso😉! . . . Atrasou no presente???🎁 Dê bolsas, carteiras e mochilas #chenson da Bergamoda! . . . Compre pelo site ou visite-nos na loja física. Rua Manoel da Silva Pacheco, 526 em frente a Decortintas - Camaquã- R/S . www.bergamoda.com.br Enviamos para todo o Brasil. . . .sigam ⤵ @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial @bergamodaoficial . . #chensonbrasil #chensonbolsas #followme #swag #musthave #fashion #brasil #photooftheday #picoftheday #glamour #glam #style #bag #Bags #handbags #handbag #bolsa #bolsas #instacool #instagood #bergamoda #verniz #espaço #brilho #carteirafeminina #bolsafeminina #bergamodabolsas #bergamodaacessorios (em BergaModa Bolsas e Acessórios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTp5NZRJQPn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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barthurborgan-art · 6 years
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have a sketch dump, nerds
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