#chemical fertilizer
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stone-cold-groove · 6 months ago
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The Conquest of Hunger Featuring Prosper Plenty and His Magic Chemicals. Front cover of a National Fertilizer Association pamphlet from 1951.
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gardeningloverfamily · 5 months ago
What kind of fertilizer do you prefer?
1) Organic fertilizers 2) Chemical fertilizers
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year ago
Every week, Eco India brings you stories that inspire you to build a cleaner, greener and better tomorrow.
On the outskirts of Delhi, social enterprise Urban Farms supplies farmers with organic compost. Made from paddy stubble and other crop waste, it lets farmers forego chemical fertilizers and pesticides that degrade the soil.
Supervising Producer: Nooshin Mowla
Field Producer & Script: Jessica Goel
Video Editor: Richard Kujur
Associate Producer: Ipsita Basu
Director of Photography: Richard Kujur
Production Assistant: Aakriti Thatal
Voiceover: Chandy Thomas
Executive Producer: Sannuta Raghu
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balwaan · 4 months ago
रासायनिक उर्वरक का असर | खेती में रासायनिक खाद के बढ़ते इस्तेमाल से बढ़ता खतरा
प्रिय पाठकों, बलवान कृषि के ब्लॉग सेक्शन में आपका स्वागत है।
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रासायनिक उर्वरक (Chemical Fertilizers) के प्रभाव से खेती की ज़मीने धीरे धीरे बंज़र होती जा रही हैं। खेत की मिट्टी के साथ साथ रासायनिक खाद के माध्यम से उगने वाला अनाज भी मानव जाती के स्वास्थ्य पर बहुत बुरा असर डाल रहा है। कई दशक पहले जब देश खाद्य की कमी को पूरा करने के लिए हरित क्रांति के रूप में लाया गया एक तात्कालिक समाधान जो की खेती में रासायनिक उर्वरक का उपयोग था, आज किसान और नयी पीढ़ी के लिए श्राप बन चुका है।
मिट्टी के बंज़र होने से किसान लगातार आत्म हत्या कर रहा है। National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार भारत में हर घंटे एक किसान/खेतिहर मजदूर आत्महत्या करता है। आज के ब्लॉग में हम विस्तार से जानेंगे रासायनिक उर्वरक क्या है और इन उर्वरकों के दुष्प्रभाव के बारे में।
यहां पढ़ें पूरी स्टोरी : रासायनिक उर्वरक का असर | खेती में रासायनिक खाद के बढ़ते इस्तेमाल से बढ़ता खतरा
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badikhetiagro · 2 years ago
Buy Chemical Fertilizer Online at Affordable Price in India
Buy Best Quality Chemical Fertilizer Online at Badikheti.com. Badikheti provides premium Chemical Fertilizer from variety of brands from all over India.
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rjzimmerman · 6 months ago
Something’s Poisoning America’s Land. Farmers Fear ‘Forever’ Chemicals. (New York Times)
Excerpt from this New York Times story:
For decades, farmers across America have been encouraged by the federal government to spread municipal sewage on millions of acres of farmland as fertilizer. It was rich in nutrients, and it helped keep the sludge out of landfills.
But a growing body of research shows that this black sludge, made from the sewage that flows from homes and factories, can contain heavy concentrations of chemicals thought to increase the risk of certain types of cancer and to cause birth defects and developmental delays in children.
Known as “forever chemicals” because of their longevity, these toxic contaminants are now being detected, sometimes at high levels, on farmland across the country, including in Texas, Maine, Michigan, New York and Tennessee. In some cases the chemicals are suspected of sickening or killing livestock and are turning up in produce. Farmers are beginning to fear for their own health.
The national scale of farmland contamination by these chemicals — which are used in everything from microwave popcorn bags and firefighting gear to nonstick pans and stain-resistant carpets — is only now starting to become apparent. There are now lawsuits against providers of the fertilizer, as well as against the Environmental Protection Agency, alleging that the agency failed to regulate the chemicals, known as PFAS.
In Michigan, among the first states to investigate the chemicals in sludge fertilizer, officials shut down one farm where tests found particularly high concentrations in the soil and in cattle that grazed on the land. This year, the state prohibited the property from ever again being used for agriculture. Michigan hasn’t conducted widespread testing at other farms, partly out of concern for the economic effects on its agriculture industry.
In 2022, Maine banned the use of sewage sludge on agricultural fields. It was the first state to do so and is the only state to systematically test farms for the chemicals. Investigators have found contamination on at least 68 of the more than 100 farms checked so far, with some 1,000 sites still to be tested.
In Texas, several ranchers blamed the chemicals for the deaths of cattle, horses and catfish on their properties after sewage sludge was used as fertilizer on neighboring farmland. Levels of one PFAS chemical in surface water exceeded 1,300 parts per trillion, they say in a lawsuit filed this year against Synagro, the company that supplied the fertilizer. While not directly comparable, the E.P.A.’s drinking-water standard for two PFAS chemicals is 4 parts per trillion.
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ophilosoraptoro · 8 months ago
Why American Sperm Count Dropped 41% in 50 years
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ujjawalachemical · 8 months ago
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Ujjawala Black Ratan
A Unique combination of Humic Amino, Fulvic Acid & Sea Weed Ujjawala Black Ratan an unique soil conditioner, a naturally accusing organic substance consisting primally of Humic acid, Amino acid, Sea Weed, Fulvic acid and minor levels of minerals gypsum and clays. The molecular structure provides numerous benefits to crop production. Suitable for all kinds of crops, vegetable and fruits. Best for fertination, drip & foliar spray. Dosage: Soil Application: 1 kg of Black Ratan for 1 acre. Foliar spray: 0.50gm for 1 ltr. of water.
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y0rkminster · 8 months ago
I knew 1 in 4 pregnancies ended this way but never thought mine would.
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stone-cold-groove · 6 months ago
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What will your soldier eat today? Barrett ad - 1943.
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ujjawalachemicals · 9 months ago
Ujjawala Chemical And Fertilizers company in Jaipur, chemical company in Jaipur, pesticides company in jaipur
Ujjawala Chemical & Fertilizers is a Modern Agriculture Company. We develop products and systems to help farmers around the country grow crops while using the best of the inputs efficiently. We believe agriculture inputs have the potential to bring humanity's needs in balance with the resources of our planet. Ujjawala Chemical & Fertilizers was established in 1996, during that time it was one of India's first Bio Fertilizers companies. We offer Plant Nutrients and Crop Protection solutions including Fertiliser, Crop Protection, Bio-pesticides, Specialty Nutrients & Organic fertilizer. Ujjawala always make their farmers happy and our motto is also Ujjwala's Farmer Happy Farmer
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ourprosolutions · 1 year ago
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Premium Products for Agricultural and Landscaping
Elevate your results with our professional-grade agricultural, turf & ornamental products at OurProSolutions. Our premium solutions ensure excellence in crop care and landscaping, delivering superior performance for a thriving, vibrant environment.
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gardenholic · 1 year ago
9 Best Tips of Gardening for Beginners
Ever thought about starting your own garden but didn’t know where to begin? This blog post is designed to help beginners embark on their gardening journey with some simple and effective tips.  As a home gardener for decades who once was a beginner too, I understand the challenges that come with your first gardening project. We’ll cover the basics: from choosing the right soil, selecting plants…
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anarchocuntboogaloo · 2 years ago
Your old enough to be a grandma and you have baby fever. 🤨
You're old enough to spell you're correctly and yet you choose to act like a retard.
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mydecorative · 2 years ago
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Starting A Successful Garden From Scratch
Vertical gardening techniques are a great way to maximize the area in your garden, especially if you have limited space. By planting shrubs vertically, you can increase the number of plants you can grow in a small area. You can use trellises, stakes, and other supports to grow climbing plants which can add more dimension to your backyard and create a more private and intimate area.
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vtm-world · 2 years ago
An Astonishing Surprise: Not Good!
I have long known that reproductive rates in human has declined around the world in developing nations. Correlated with that has been the weakening of religious influences. A factor that many, including myself, have known to champion human reproduction. If, as I suspect there is some truth to that, there is clearly more to this story…and it is a Big Story! It is well worth your time to see this…
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