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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Samayukt Gold
Water Soluble Multi Micronutrient mixture
Ujjawala Samayukt Gold is a chelated multi-micronutrient having Zinc, Iron Manganese, Boron, Copper and Molybdenum, it is the perfect complement to fertilizer.
It is useful for the prophylactic and curative treatment of micronutrient deficiencies in intensive crop and field crops.
The formulation of these products takes into the amount the subsequent combinations with fertilizers occurring in Impregnation and foliar applications.
This prevents precipitation, therefore avoiding clogging the irrigation system and atomizers.
It contains Homogeneous free flowing micro granules rapidly and completely soluble in water.
It ensures rapid uptake and protection from premature fixation.
Crop: All crops Dosage: Use Ujjawala Samayukt Gold @3-4ml/liter of water and foliar spray on both sides of leaf.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Zinc 700
Zinc Oxide Suspension Concentrate (39.5% ) SC
Ujjawala Zinc 700 is a fully formulated flow able Zinc Oxide SC 39.5% liquid micronutrient fertilizer containing a high concentration of zinc for foliar application which can penetrate with good mobility within the plant to prevent and treat zinc deficiency on a wide range of crops.
It Is plays an important role in plants by activating certain enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis of certain proteins, formation of chlorophyll and carbohydrates, conversion of starches to sugars and its presence in plants tissue helps the plants to with stands cold temperature.
It is essential in the formation of auxins, which helps in growth regulation and stem elongation.
It is formulation ensures rapid and uniform spread of the product and enhances zinc absorption.
Recommended Crops: Ujjawala Zinc 700 is suitable for Field crop, Fruitcrops, Vegetable crops, Flower crops, plantation crops, Spices and condiments crops, Medicinal crops, Aromatic crops and gardening plants.
Dosage: Use Ujjawala Zinc 700 @ 1 ml/liter of water or 200 ml/acre
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Copper
Copper Sulphate (as Cu) 24%
Ujjawala Copper contains copper (as Cu) 24% and Sulphur (as S) 12%.
It is an important component of proteins found in the enzymes that regulate the rate of many biochemical reactions in plants.
It is activates some enzymes in plants which are involved in lignin synthesis and it is essential in several enzymes systems, it is also required in the process of photosynthesis, it is essential in plant metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.
Promotes seed production and formation and plays essential role in chlorophyll formation.
This contains 24 % copper and is used to prepare Bordeaux mixture. Preparation of 1% Bordeaux Mixture: Dissolve @ 1.0 kg of Ujjawala Copper in 50 liters of water in the first container In the second container dissolve 1.0 kg of Calcium carbonate or any lime source in 50 liters of water. Finally mix both the solutions slowly in a third container by stirring continuously for solution to become neutral.
Deficiency Symptoms: Copper deficiency results in dark green leaves and stunted plants. Cereals show whitening of young leaf tip with the leaves twisting in spirals and bent over at right angles to the stem. Ears may be malformed and underdeveloped and appear white at harvest; sometimes trapped within the leaf sheath. Dosage: Dissolve 1 Kg of Ujjawala copper in 200 liters of water and spray on both sides of leaves in one acre area.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Manganese
Manganese Sulphate (as Mn) 30.5%
Ujjawala Manganese contains Manganese (as Mn) 30.5% and Sulphur (as S)17%.
It helps in photosynthesis and regulates auxin levels.
It is important micronutrient for plant growth, development and sustains metabolic roles within different cell compartment.
It is also involved in pollen germination, pollen tube growth, root cell elongation and resistance to root pathogens.
Disintegration of chloroplast occurs in manganese deficient leaves. It helps to develop disease resistance and improves seeds quality.
Wheat crop demands more Manganese; however, it can be used on all crops.
Deficiency Symptoms: Manganese deficiency results in dead spots or patches. Yellowing between the leaf veins of young leaves, with browning of leaf edges on acid-loving plants is observed. The pattern is not as distinct as with iron. Palm fronds are stunted and deformed, called "frizzle top." There is a general reduction in size of plant parts (leaves, shoots, fruits). Symptoms typically appear as a speckling and mottled appearance, usually seen on the younger (upper) leaves, which then develop into necrosis. Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 1Kg of Ujjawala Manganese in 100-150 liter of water and spray liberally on both the sides of leaves on one acre aera. First spray should be 30 days after germination / transplant. Repeat the sprays at 20 days' interval.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Field Star
Water Soluble Multi Micronutrient mixture
Ujjawala Field Star is a chelated multi-micronutrient having Zinc, Iron Manganese, Boron, Copper and Molybdenum, it is the perfect complement to fertilizer.
It is useful for the prophylactic and curative treatment of micronutrient deficiencies in intensive crop and field crops.
The formulation of these products takes into the amount the subsequent combinations with fertilizers occurring in Impregnation and foliar applications.
This prevents precipitation, therefore avoiding clogging the irrigation system and atomizers.
It contains Homogeneous free flowing micro granules rapidly and completely soluble in water.
It ensures rapid uptake and protection from premature fixation.
Crop: All crops Dosage: Use Ujjawala Grow 1Kg/250litre of water. For Best Results - Repeat dose every 15 days.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Valiant
A unique combination of Chelated micro nutrient
Ujjawala Valiant is a rich source of micro nutrients in ideal and chelated from such as Zinc, Ferrous, Manganese, Copper, Molybdenum and Boron.
It helps in plant growth. flowering and fruiting. Improves size, color and quality of fruit resulting in better yield.
It can be used in all crops including vegetables, fruit and ornamental plants.
Direction for use: Dissolve 1-2ml Ujjawala Valiant per litre of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Ferrous
Ferrous Sulphate (as Fe) 19% Ujjawala Ferrous contains Iron (as Fe) 19% and Sulphur (as S) 10.5%. Iron plays vital role in photosynthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates. Iron play a significant role in various physiological and biochemical pathways in plants. It severs as components of many vital enzymes such as cytochromes of the electron transport chain, and it is thus required for a wide range of biological function in plants. It ensures normal growth of crops & high-quality yields and is suitable for all crops. Deficiency Symptoms: Iron deficiency results in yellowing between the leaf veins of young leaves. Browning of leaf edges also occurs in acid- loving plants. Dosage: Soil Application: Apply 10 kg of Ujjawala Ferrous per acre for all crops.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Zinc 33
Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate (as Zn) 33% Ujjawala Zinc 33 contains Zinc (as Zn) 33% and Sulphur (as S)15% in powder form. It is essential for several enzyme systems, production of auxins & in protein synthesis. It is used in the formation of chlorophyll and some carbohydrates, conversion of starch to sugars and its presence in plant tissues helps the plant to withstand cold temperature. It improves disease resistance, promotes seed production and hastens maturity. It is suitable for all crops. Deficiency Symptoms: Zinc deficiency results in stunted growth and small leaves ("little leaf'). There is general yellowing of older leaves (bottom of plant). The rest of the plant is often light green. Symptoms seen as stunted plants showing a bleaching that can spread to the veins but the midrib and leaf edges remain green. Symptoms appear on older leaves first (unlike sulfur deficiency). Dosage: Foliar Spray: Dissolve 500-1000g of Ujjawala ZINC 33 (Powder) in 200 liter of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves. First spray is given 30 to 35 days after sowing/transplant. Second spray is repeated 15 days after first spray. Soil Application: Apply 4-8 kg of Ujjawala Zinc 33 per acre.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Zinc Plus
Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate (as Zn) 21%
Ujjawala Zinc 21 contains Zinc Heptahydrate (as Zn) 21% and Sulphur (asS) 10%.
Continuous use of fertilizer and intensive cropping on the same soil can result in depletion of Zinc.
Chemical compound, a very easily water soluble, transparent, colourless, crystalline compound. Although many carriers of zinc are available, zinc sulphate is found to be most effective one.
To overcome Zinc deficiency we have developed Zinc component products Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate 21%.
It is promotes lush growth of healthy green leaves.
It is reduces whithening and patches it stops the formation of abnormally small leaves.
It increases the plant's resistance to diseases and boosts growth rate.
It is proven product that substantially accelerates the yield. It also reduces the intensity of chlorosis, flower, and fruit drop.
It is also helps in the growth of crop shoots and the formation of grains and fruits in faster way.
Dosage: Apply 15 Kg per acre at the time of sowing or transplantation.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Stick
Silicon Based Wetting Agent and spreader
Ujjawala Stick is a 100% non ionic silicone based product which has been proven to have effective and powerful spreading, wetting and activating capabilities when used in aqueous sprays.
Ujjawala Stick is recommended to use through spray as well by drip irrigation, Ujjawala Stick is effective silicon based non-ionic spray adjuvant. It can be used effectively in all seasons & for all types of crops.
Ujjawala Stick is useful for faster & enhanced spreading while spraying of agrochemicals. Because of addition of Ujjawala Stick in the spray solution, the spray solutions get fast penetrated in the plants making spray solution rain fast and due to this, maximum benefit of spray solution observed.
Ujjawala Stick Spread can be used effectively with all types of agrochemicals viz.Insecticides, fungicide, Herbicide, Water soluble Fertilizer micronutrient and certain plant growth promoters etc by spraying as well as with drip and flood irrigation.
Dosage: For spraying: 0.25 to 0.40 ml/liter water with all type of herbicides, weedicides and Insectides.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Tyson
A unique combination of Amino acid with Chelated Micro Nutrients Ujjawala Tyson is an Unique Research Based Product It play a major role in plant growth and development. It help in photosynthesis and regulates auxin levels. Its use stops the fall of fruits and flowers. It is improve chlorophyll content and photosynthesis of plant. It activates many plant enzymes needed for growth and development. It helps to develop disease resistance and improves seed quality. It helps in reproductive growth so it helps with Pollination. It is also help in the growth of crop shoots and the formation of grain and fruits in faster way. Dosage: 2-3 ml per litter of water for foliar application.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Huminos
Humic acid Liquid 18% It is bio-stimulant and good soil conditioner. It is environmentally safe. An effective soil enhancer. A chelating agent & disease suppressant. Rich in Humic and fulvic acids, minerals and vitamins etc. Increases microbial & mycorrhizal activity. Accelerates seed germination. Increases crop yield. Helps in root formation. It accelerate the soil nutrients. Reduces frost damage. Application: Apply 2-3 times as foliar spray @ 300-500 ml./acre in vegetables such as potato, tomato, carrot, cabbage etc. & fruit such as apple, pear, citrus, grapes, strawberries etc. and other cereal, oilseed & legume crops. Soil Application: Apply @ 15-20 ml. per ltr. directly to the soil.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Zicos-P
Zn is an important component of various metallo enzymes such as carbonic anhydrase, alcohol dehydrogenase etc that are responsible for driving various metabolic reactions in plants. Zn also plays a role in nucleic acid, protein synthesis and helps in the utilization of phosphorus and Zn-HEDP increases the yield upto 27% and the Zn content is increased upto 85% in grains compared to control. The chelated fertilizer composition is used to cure Zn and P deficiency in crops and plants, increase yield with more Zn and P content, thus reducing the risk of Zn and P deficiency in humans. Dosage: Dissolve 100-200g Ujjawala Zincos-P in 150-200 liter of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Zinc EDTA
Chelated Zinc (Zn EDTA) 12%
Ujjawala Zinc EDTA contains Zinc in chelated form (Zn EDTA 12%).
It is a superior quality chelated zinc product, which gives better and quicker results compared to other zinc sources.
It is essential for several enzyme systems, production of auxins & in protein synthesis.
It improves disease resistance, promotes seed production and hastens maturity.
It is helps in setting of flowers and fruits, increases yield and improves quality and suitable for all crops
Deficiency Symptoms: Upper leaves will show interveinal chlorosis with an eventual whiting of the affected leaves. Leaves may be small and distorted with a rosette form. Dosage: For Foliar application: Dissolve 100-150g Ujjawala Zn-EDTA in 150-200 liter of water and spray on both sides of leaf. For Soil Application: Apply 500gm Ujjawala Zn-EDTA in standing crops/acre
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Uijawala Ferrous EDTA
Chelated Iron (Fe EDTA) 12%
Uijawala Ferrous EDTA contains chelated iron (Fe EDTA 12%). Whenapplied as foliar spray, chelated form of iron is easily available to thecrops.
It helps in chlorophyll formation, plays crucial role in oxidation-reduction reactions, nitrate reduction, sulphate reduction, N-fixation, N & S assimilation, etc.
It is a superior quality chelated Iron product, which gives better and quicker results compared to other Iron sources.
Deficiency Symptoms: Iron deficiency results in yellowing between the leaf veins of young leaves. Browning of leaf edges also occurs in acid- loving plants. Dosage: Dissolve 100-200g Ujjawala, Ferrous EDTA in 150-200 liter of water and spray on both the surfaces of leaves. Soil Application: Use 500g of Uijawala, Ferrous EDTA in standing crop/acre
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Perfect
Phosphorus Solubilizing Biofertilizer
Ujjawala PSB contains several soil borne bacteria, particularly those belonging to the genera Bacillus megaterium.
This bacterium can solubilize inorganic phosphate in the soil by releasing organic acids and make it available to plants.
It also suppresses the growth of plant disease causing fungus.
It produces plant growth promoting substances like IAA, GA, amino acids and vitamins.
Dosage: Soil application: Mix 4 kg of Ujjawala PSB with compost/FYM and apply to one acre. Seed and Seedling treatment: Use 5m1 Ujjawala PSB for 1Kg Seed for Seed Treatment and @ 50-100 ml of Ujjawala PSB in 10-20 liter of water and dip the seedling for 30 minutes before transplanting so that the bacteria get attached to the roots.
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ujjawalachemical · 7 months ago
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Ujjawala Venza
Mycorhhizal Bio-fertilizer
Ujjawala Venza contains Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM), which in symbiotic association with root system helps in better absorption of phosphorous, water and other essential plant nutrients in easily usable organic form.
It produces wide range of plant growth promoting substances like IAA, IBA, GA. which helps in healthy growth of plants.
It also increase plant tolerance to different environmental stresses.
Moreover, these fungi play a major role in soil aggregation process and stimulate microbal activity.
Dosage: Mix @ 4 kg of Ujjawala Venza with 100 kg of well decomposed farmyard manure and broadcast in one acre before sowing or transplanting crops.
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