#chel x tulio x miguel
moonbeam-dragon · 1 year
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Who here has seen "The Road to El Dorado?"
Keep reading. You need to know this. Watch it if you need to understand.
But at the end of the movie, the main characters , Miguel, Tulio, and, Chel, abandon their homes to adventure together. They give up gold and luxury so have a life together.
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So I always shipped them a lot... I figured all the proof was the famous quote. "Both? Both? Both. Both is good." And I associated it with Tulio and Miguel both being bisexual and polyamorous.
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Well as it turns out, the original script was supposed to have them as open gay lovers... Dreamworks originally wanted them to be an actual couple!! It got scrapped but we can agree they were fruity right? So they were still gay lovers but not open.
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K so Chel did have that intimate relationship with Tulio that became a bond. She also had that thing with Miguel. I mean like, she kissed him. So...
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Miguel x Tulio x Chel is canon and there's nobody who can stop it!
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maluuustrawberry · 4 months
"My biggest treasure"
(Túlio X Fem!Reader X Miguel)
(The road to El Dorado fanfiction)
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{Part. 1}
A/N: HOW NOBODY WROTE A FIC OF RTED?? Don't ask me why, but I really wanted to write a fic about them after watching again. (It's my favorite movie after The Emperor's New Groove) I was undecided which character to write (I love these two so much) so I decided to do both and you readers will decide, {Túlio X reader} will be a relationship between enemies to lovers and {Miguel X reader} will be friends to lovers. You who will decide, remembering that if there is any error, you can correct me. Good reading 🤗.
It was just another normal day in Barcelona, Spain in 1519, and things weren't looking too good in the city, especially for Isaac, or rather Y/n. As we all know, we were still in the 16th century where theft and machismo were still commonplace. Y/n wasn't like the other women who accepted this quietly and whose only job was to serve her husband and look after the house. She liked to be free and not depend on anyone, earned her own money by disguising herself as a man to work on an export ship, it was her only way of earning money since women weren't allowed in jobs and especially jobs like these. She had to be a man to work and a woman to walk around quietly when she weren't working.
Today you'd find yourself at the market in the center of town, buying your things with the money you'd earned through your efforts, luckily in the eyes of others it was your "husband's" money.
You were at the fruit stand choosing apples to buy and take home, until a man bumped into you by "accident," he was thin, tall, wearing a blue shirt, his black hair was tied up in a ponytail:
“Sorry, Señorita.” The man said as soon as he bumped into her and continued on his way in a hurry.
You were a clever woman, and the way he bumped into you in such a hurry made you suspect what he was about. You quickly put your hand in the pocket of your dress where your money bag and your diary should have been, which was one of your most precious possessions, and unfortunately they were no longer there, the only thing that went through your mind was that you had been robbed by that man. It wasn't going to stay that way, you wasn't going to lose the money who had fought to get and the diary that belonged to your father:
“Hey! Come back here!”
You spoke to the thin man and he accelerated his steps. You had no choice but to go after him, passing through the crowd of people and not letting him out of your sight. As soon as you were out of the crowd, he started running and you ran after him. The brunette didn't expect you to react, after all he thought you were like all the women he'd stolen, little did he know that he'd messed with the wrong woman.
You kept running after him, turning corners and entering the streets where he passed, there was no point in calling the guards since there were none around, only the people around, but you knew that if you asked for help no one would help.
The thief had an idea to lose her. As soon as he turned the corner, he knocked over the barrel of fish when no one was watching, the ground was wet and sticky, as soon as you passed, you overbalanced because of the slippery ground, tried to hold on to the other barrel so as not to fall, but failed, the barrel containing dead fish spilled on you and making you slipped on the ground and fell. Luckily, no one was around, not even the vendor responsible for delivering the fish, the poor woman was all wet and stinking of dead fish. The thief watched the whole scene from seated on top of the wall and laughed:
“I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, lady. Looks like someone's going to have to pay for that...” The skinny brunette laughed and teased you by showing you the bag of money he had stolen in his hand. “...and you need a bath too.” He added, grimacing.
“You little fucking thief! You'll be dead when I get my hands on you!” She tried to get up, but slipped once again, drawing laughter from the man.
“Wow, I'm scared to death of a girl who stinks of fish.” He sneered as he analyzed the old diary in his hands.
“At least give that notebook back.” Y/n said angrily.
“There must be something very important in there for you to run after me and dirty yourself with dead fish over a notebook...”
He smiled and put the notebook in his pocket:
“Adiós.” He jumped over the other side of the wall, taking your notebook and your money.
You finally managed to get up, cursing that damned thief, you'd try to catch him next time, that's for sure. You were angry not only because you had lost your money but also your father's diary, in that diary there was a lot of information about the legendary city of El Dorado, your father was obsessed with finding that city and when you were little, before he died he gave you that diary, which has now been lost by that thief...
You were upset with yourself for that. As soon as got up, you quickly left the place before the vendor saw that you were responsible for the mess and made you pay dearly for it, probably more than half your salary for those fish.
Luckily, your house was nearby. On the way there, there were murmurs, ugly looks and disgusted faces about you, after all, you stank and looked awful. When got home, you immediately took a shower to get rid of the smell. While was showering, you cried with anger and sadness, but you tried to stay in a good mood, because you was going to work that afternoon. It probably wouldn't be so easy to get rid of that fishy smell...
~ {Pov} Tulio:
I couldn't stop laughing as I remembered that girl's fall after stealing from her, she was such a fool to think she could catch up with me. I went over to Miguel who was attracting the others to our bets, the blond was playing his mandolin to attract more people, he immediately stopped and his attention went to me when I arrived:
“Where were you? Did you get anything?” He asked and I handed him the girl's money bag and the diary. “Wait a minute, why the diary?”
“I don't know, I just stole it from a girl and it looked like something really valuable to her, maybe there's something in there.”
I know Miguel is curious, so he put the diary in his pocket and put the girl's coins in the pile of money on the floor:
“Why are you keeping that?” I asked.
“As you said, there must be something important, it's not every day that a girl can read or write.”
“I think it's a waste of time reading that witch's diary... It's probably just girly stuff.”
I helped him attract more people, we had a lot of money from the bets, and all thanks to our addicted data. Before Miguel could open that girl's old diary to read what was in it, three men came up and decided to bet, but in exchange for money it would be for the map of El Dorado. They're seriously going to bet on a map of a city that doesn't even exist!? Miguel soon became very excited about this, he always wanted to live an adventure and believed in these legends. Before I could say "no" to their offer, Miguel pulled me close to him to take a closer look at the map:
“Just a moment, gentlemen...” I said and joined the blond, analyzing the map with him.
“Tulio, look... El dorado! the city of gold... it could be our destiny! Our future!”
“If I believed in destiny, we wouldn't be playing with loaded dice!” I whispered to him, of course I thought this idea was ridiculous, I wasn't going to give up everything because of a map. Miguel made that sad dog face at me. “Don't make that face! No! No...”
“So, do we have a deal?” The man asked and Miguel kept looking at me with that face, I can't believe I'm going to do this...
“All right, let's start.” I started to shake the dice to play, there was no way we could lose that bet with our dice, but the man interrupted me.
“Wait, not with those, this time we use my dice...” Miguel, you pay me... “Got a problem with them?”
He showed us his dice. I had no choice but to accept or else they would suspect that our dice was loaded. I took the dice from him and turned to Miguel, making that sign by putting my index finger to my throat:
“I'll kill you!” I muttered between my teeth to him. He kept smiling and went back to playing his mandolin.
“That come on baby, papa need that crappy map” I said to myself as I shook the dice and blew a little for good luck. “Come on... Show me seven...”
I threw the dice that rolled across the floor, hoping to get the number I asked for. The first dice landed on four and the third on three:
“Seven!” Miguel and I celebrated happily, Miguel picked up the map and I bent down to pick up the money that was on the floor. “Well, nice doing business with you...”
My dice fell to the ground, giving the number seven. The man picked up the dice and threw them several times, but they gave the same number:
“I knew it!” the man exclaimed angrily and everyone looked at us suspiciously and angrily. “Your dice was loaded!”
Now was the time... I have to play the game. I held your mandolin, stopping it from playing and looked at Miguel:
“What?! You give me a loaded dice?!”
“You dare to impune my honor!?” Miguel got into acting, Also pretending. “The dice was yours! You were the one cheating and stealing from those men!”
The guards were close, Miguel grabbed the sword of one of the guards and I did the same, then we started to fake a sword fight, fortunately everyone was believing, it was a good opportunity for us to escape from that situation.
~ {Pov} Y/n:
I was at work, pretending to be a man and loading the export food onto General Cortés's ship, which was going on a trip in search of El Dorado as well. Fortunately, I was going on this trip to take care of the ship's cargo, at least one trip to make up for the horrible day I'd had. But now I have to be as careful as possible or I'll be discovered, since I'll be around men twenty-four hours a day... My back was already starting to ache from this, so I stopped for a while to stretch until one of the men called out to me:
“Are you tired yet, Isaac?” That was my male alias, sometimes it's hard to get used to being called by that name. “I need help with the apples.”
He pointed to the large basket of apples. Holy shit...
“Sure, I'll be right there.” I smiled and forced my voice to sound more masculine.
I helped him carry the big basket and we put it on top of the two barrels that were on the lower deck of the ship:
“That's all for today, we're leaving now.”
He spoke punching me on the shoulder and left the deck. As soon as he had left me alone there, I lay down on the wooden floor, tired, and took a deep breath. I felt the ship moving, we were leaving now and starting our journey. As I was going to be on deck for a long time, I decided to take a break and sleep, after all, I deserve a bit of rest.
I kept thinking about the diary that had been stolen, of course I know a lot of things in that diary from having read it so many times, but it was something of value to me, it was my father's. I felt quite down when I remembered that diary. I was looking forward to it too, after all I would get to see the city of gold, but something was bothering me, something was telling me that I didn't want it to be this way... I felt my eyelids getting heavy and the tiredness getting stronger, and it wasn't long before I fell asleep.
I woke up a little lost in time, wondering how long I had slept, sat up stretching my back and yawning, until my attention went to two voices on the deck.
“One... two... three...”
“One... two... three...”
I don't recognize anyone with those voices, and they were inside the deck, but how? If I'm the only one here:
“Let's go again... one... two... three!”
The voices were coming from the two barrels, and I worried that they might be thieves who had sneaked onto the ship. I got my sword ready and went over to the barrels that were being covered by the apple box, they were trying to get out, but the big heavy box was preventing them from doing so... I was curious to know who they were, anyway I was going to report them to the captain and the general.
I helped, taking the heavy box off the barrels with a lot of effort. Hell, I've never picked up something so heavy... as soon as I did, two men pushed the lid off the barrels and came out, immediately startled to see me. I pulled out my sword and pointed it at them, the first man was a blond man with medium hair wearing a red shirt, the second man... my eyes went wide, I immediately recognized him, he was the man who robbed me!
To be continued...
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kabishkat19 · 8 months
My Fav Poly couples🖤
(Both Canon/Non canon)
1. Tulio x Miguel x Chel
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I think this goes without saying, this is the starter pack of Poly couple ships; the chemistry and banter alone.
2. Sour x Jenny x Buck
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These three self proclaimed outcasts caring about each other deeply; say no more
3. Gene x Courtney x Alex
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I just feel these three have potential and there’s no way Gene will end up in a conventional relationship.
4. Rey x Po x Fin
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Might get hate but I preferred this over the Rey x Kylo ship, this just makes my heart melt.
5. Scooby Gang (Not Scooby himself)
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This goes without saying; each one of these characters as chemistry with each other and it’s the 70’s.
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lovestrucklyuniverse · 8 months
I was looking through screencaps of El Dorado for an edit when I came across this one:
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Talk about them being the polyamorous throuple they so obviously are. Who the sane one in the relationship is probably switches depending on the moment.
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invisible-pink-toast · 5 months
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i mean are they really an ot3 if they're not all riding a horse together at the same time??
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silvixxen · 2 months
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What if they el dorado’d …..
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Sweet thangs :3
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thistlerockcaster · 15 days
road to el dorado is THE reason im polyamorous btw. if anyone cares
the writing never paints chel as evil or as if she "steals" tulio from miguel. the conflict comes from miguel feeling neglected by tulio first and foremost. even when miguel and tulio are actively breaking up, miguel doesnt treat chel as the problem. he never blames her for tulio betraying his trust, and its shown several times throughout the movie that miguel likes chel! theres no weird jealousy between miguel and chel over tulio's attention; miguel's issue is tulio not taking his feelings or desires into account and trying to make decisions for the group without consulting him. the closest he gets to blaming chel is during the scene where he overhears her and tulio planning for her to come to spain with them, and even then what miguel focuses on is tulio saying "forget miguel". he doesnt paint it as chel convincing tulio to leave him behind, he sees it for what it is: a disregard of miguel by tulio bc tulio takes him for granted.
idk yall its just. polyam rep for bi characters (like tulio 1000000% is) in media seems to always fall into the same pitfalls that cr1 vaxleth/vaxilmore did for me, which is an assumption that partners will by default be prioritized into the "real" partner and the "extra" one, when that is so often not the poly experience. and, like in the case of vaxleth/vaxilmore, it is almost always the same sex pairing in the polycule that gets labeled the "extra" by the source material AND fandom. but road to el dorado doesnt do this!!! not only are miguel and chel's relationships with tulio treated with the same gravity and weight, but miguel and chel's relationship is given weight as well! chel isnt just an opposing force to miguel, shes an opposing force to both of them. she balances out both miguel and tulio and that allows them all to work better. at the end of the movie, chel is the one who inspires spontaneity and a true sense of adventure in both miguel and tulio, something that they lack the ability to truly tap into early on in the film when theyre working alone.
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totallynots8tan · 2 years
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bestshipsmackdown · 1 year
Pre-qualifiers; Group Three: Finale
Crowley x Aziraphale from Good Omens
Stolas Goetia x Blitzø from Helluva Boss
John Watson x Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock Holmes
Chel x Miguel x Tulio from The Road to El Dorado
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sinkaraia · 2 years
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tulio is kind of a jerk so he deserved that ✨ uncensored ✨
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maluuustrawberry · 4 months
"My biggest treasure"
(Tulio X Fem!Reader X Miguel)
(The road to El Dorado fanfiction)
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{Part. 2}
{Part. 1}
A/N: I'm really happy with the support you're giving me and that you're enjoying my fanfiction. I promise that I will soon post what you asked me to write, I didn't forget, don't worry, lol.
~ Moments before...~
I drew my sword and pointed it at them, the first man was a blond with medium hair and wearing a red shirt, the second man... my eyes went wide, I immediately recognized him, he was the man who robbed me!...
~ {Pov} Y/n:
“You?!...” I said angrily and pointed my sword at him, who looked at me in confusion.
“Me?” he asked.
“Sir, is your voice too girlish or is it just me?” The blond asked confusedly as he put his hands up.
Damn it, I spoke in my real voice... I regained my "manly" posture and got back to the point:
“You two!” I forced my voice to maintain my disguise and carried on as if nothing had happened. “Thieves... The captain will be thrilled to know there are stowaways on that ship!”
“Hey mister, calm down, it was a misunderstanding.” The blond tried to explain himself, still holding his hands up.
“I told you this plan wouldn't work!” The thief muttered to the other.
“And it definitely didn't.” I said, still pointing my sword at them. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn't hand you over to the general.”
“Listen, me and my friend here were on the run and ended up hiding in these barrels, only we didn't know that these barrels were going to...” The blond began to explain until he looked around thoughtfully. “What ship are we on?”
“General Cortés' ship, heading for El Dorado....” I replied and they looked surprised and scared at the same time.
“Oh... Right...” The blond cleared his throat. “Anyway, we were on the run and ended up hiding in these loads. Please, we swear it was an accident.”
“Running away? Running away from the guards, right?” They kept quiet as if they had nothing to argue about. “You, blondie, I can forgive. But you...” I pointed my sword at the brunette. “You'll see me before you go to the general, you bastard!”
“Hey, wait a minute, do I know you? What have I done to you?” He asked confused.
“You know very well.” I ended up letting my real voice take over, I couldn't control myself any longer, I was angry after all. “Give back the diary and the money you stole from me!” I pointed my sword at his face.
“Wait, wait i shaved this morning...” He mocked, but looked scared at the sword.
“Oh yeah? There's a bit missing... Come on! Give back what you stole from me.”
“Wait a minute, little woman! I didn't steal anything from you!”
“What did you call me, Thief?!”
“Calm down, Tulio...” The blond meddled, if he hadn't meddled I'd have put that sword through that bastard's neck. “Control yourself.”
“That idiot has to control himself! He's even pitching his voice like an angry little girl!” The thief, whose name was Tulio, mocked me.
I quickly took off my hat, let my hair down and took off my fake moustache, revealing who I really was:
“And I really am an angry little girl, you scoundrel...”
They were surprised by this, especially Tulio:
“You?!” Tulio asked, surprised and looking down at me.
“Wait, for God's sake what's going on? I'm very confused right now.” The blond said as he tried to get out of the barrel. “Let's take it easy.”
“And you, stay there! Stay where you are, both of you!” I pointed the sword at them and the blond immediately went back into the barrel without question.
“What is it, Princess? It's not enough that you know how to read and you've had that dead fish bath, and you're humiliating yourself by pretending to be a man?” Tulio spoke mockingly and looking at me up and down.
“Humiliating myself? No dear, I'm trying to survive, earning honest money unlike you!”
“You should be looking after the house instead of doing this!”
“Shut up or I'll cut out your tongue, you bastard!” I said, pointing the sword at him.
“Do you know each other?” The blond man asked.
“He stole my money and my diary when I was at the market and made me fall into a puddle on the ground full of dead fish!”
“It's not my fault you're so clumsy!” Tulio said.
“That wouldn't have happened if you hadn't robbed me!”
“You shouldn't have followed me!”
“You should know what woman you're messing with!” I said, approaching him and pointing the sword right at his face.
“Calm down! Calm down.” The blond interjected again, looking like he was trying not to laugh. “If this was all about the diary and the money, we can return it and pretend nothing happened.”
“How are we going to give it back if we bet...” I heard Tulio whisper to blondie, but he interrupted him by elbowing the brunette.
“You'll definitely give me back what you stole. Now the part about pretending nothing happened I won't do...”
“Wait! Trust me!” The blond insisted.
“How? You're his friend.” I couldn't take my eyes off Tulio. “And it's like the Bible says: 'Tell me who you're with and I'll tell you who you are'.”
“You're looking for El Dorado, aren't you?” As soon as he touched on this subject, my attention went to him... how did he know?
“How you...”
“I read your diary.” He interrupted, picking up the notebook in his pocket and handing it to me. I immediately took my father's diary from his hands. “We can make a deal.”
“I don't make deals with thieves.”
“Please listen to me.” The blond man spoke calmly and looked into my eyes, somehow I was moved by this, he really seemed to want to say something important, I sighed and looked at him, waiting for him to say it. He's very persistent. “We want to find this city just as much as you do, we can form a partnership, get off this ship together and go after the city.”
“Miguel!” Tulio scolded him.
“Me? Making a deal with thieves? no way!” I couldn't trust them straight away, especially this brunette, but I was curious, they're really confident of finding this city. “After all, do you have any more clues or was it just my diary? I'll warn you in advance that we don't know for sure if these notes are real.”
“Look at this...”
“No! You're not going to show...” Tulio held Miguel's hand, preventing him from showing me anything. This made me even more curious.
“Show me, now...” I said firmly, pointing the sword at Tulio, who slowly let go of Miguel's hand. It was easy to intimidate them both...
Miguel took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me, I unfolded the paper and it was a map, the map that led to El Dorado, I looked for any signs of forgery, but there weren't any, it was real, it even had some of the things my father had mentioned in his diary:
“How did you get this?...” I asked.
“We'll explain later.” Miguel continued. “You seem to be a very intelligent and strong woman to have disguised yourself as a man for all this time, and you know a lot about the city. Look, with the map and your research, we'll find this city easily and you'll get all the gold you want. Help us get off this ship and come with us.”
I was silent for a few seconds, I don't know if I should go with them, my dream and my father's has always been to find this city, it's a good opportunity, they have the map. But they're thieves, they could ambush me or betray me...
“Miguel, do you know that little voice in your head that tells you to stop?” Tulio asked. “You don't have one?!”
“All right, I'll go.” I said and put my sword away. Miguel looked at me with excitement and a gleam of joy in his eyes, while Tulio was disbelieving and shocked.
“Oh, that's great!” Miguel said and I immediately interrupted.
“But... if you plan or even think about cheating on me, you'll see me.”
“Relax, I promise I won't.” Miguel said sincerely. “You can trust me.”
“I'll give you a chance... Beware that I take promises seriously.”
“And if you ever think of telling on us, telling anyone that there are two intruders on this ship...” Tulio said as he climbed out of the barrel with Miguel and came closer to me. “... I don't think they're going to like knowing that they're bringing a woman undercover for this trip on the ship all this time...” He gave a mischievous smile. “After all, women on a ship are a bad omen.”
“Are you threatening me?” I asked a little angrily.
“An eye for an eye, my dear. You've blown our cover and we've blown yours, so we're even.” Actually, I showed it myself in my anger. “If you do anything stupid, You know what will happen. You have no choice but to help us get off this ship without being discovered.”
“You really are a bastard...”
“And you're quite the liar, you managed to fool even the general with your disguises, princess.” Tulio grabbed my chin and lifted my face to look at him, I hated that bastard.
“Call me princess one more time and I'll drive this sword right through your a-...”
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Miguel stepped in and stood between the two of us, putting his arms around our shoulders and pulling Tulio and I closer together. “There's no reason for us to fight anymore, guys. Look, the three of us, the first to find El Dorado and the men...” He interrupted himself and looked at me. “And you... We will be the richest in Spain.”
Miguel was really excited, it would certainly be a good adventure, even with the annoying Tulio around, the blond finally let us go and spoke:
“I don't think we've introduced ourselves before. My name is Miguel, this is Túlio.” He pointed to his friend next to him. “And you? I don't know your name yet, señorita.”
“Y/n. My name is Y/n.”
“Good, Y/n. Now... do you have a plan for us to get out of here?”
Miguel asked and I thought for a few seconds, then the idea popped into my head, but Tulio spoke before me:
“First we get as much food as possible...”
“I thought the question was for me.” I interrupted him, before he could go on about the plan.
“My dear, I'm the idea man here, I make the plans. What's a woman going to plan? That we dress up as women for the men on the ship and seduce them?”
“Not a bad idea.” I gave him a mischievous smile, teasing him. “After all, you wearing a dress would scare the men off the ship and it would be much easier.” Tulio frowned, getting annoyed.
“Guys, the plan...” Miguel reminded us and tried to ignore this argument between me and Tulio, letting out a sigh.
“Well, we grab as much food as possible, get a rowboat and head back to Spain with everything we can give...”
“Spain? I thought we were going to El Dorado.” I interrupted Tulio, who was looking at me disapprovingly. “Are you really going to row to Spain? Do you have any idea where we are?”
“And by the way, how did we get off the deck without being discovered?” Miguel asked Túlio, with a little smile on his face. The brunette kept quiet for a few seconds and then continued.
“Okay. First, we disguise ourselves as these men who work here on this ship and...”
“The general and all the men will recognize you on the spot.” I interrupted once more.
“All right, what's your idea, smart girl?!” Tulio snapped.
“Well, you're lucky I'm the 'Man'.” I made quotation marks with my fingers. “In charge of the ship's cargo. I'll keep up my disguise until nightfall and in the meantime you two stay here, hiding in the barrels and I'll get our rowboat ready with the food so we can leave at night when everyone's asleep.”
“Yeah, that's a good plan.” Miguel said, winking at Tulio, who rolled his eyes. “Okay, good luck, Y/n.”
“Are you really going to trust her?” Tulio asked Miguel in disbelief.
“We made a promise.” I said as I tied up my hair and put on the hat that had been lying on the floor, starting to return to my disguise. “And you can bet I take promises seriously.”
“I don't trust you.” Tulio said in an attempt to offend me.
“Let alone me you, do you think I'm going to easily trust someone who stole from me?” I put on my fake mustache. “I'm not asking you to trust me, after all you have no choice, I know this ship and I know the way to escape better than you two.”
I put up the ladder to leave the ship's deck, before I left, I looked back and they were hiding, Good. I left the deck and closed the door carefully, I hope it works...
~{Pov} Miguel:
I watched the woman leave the deck, Tulio and I immediately went into the barrels where we were, while we hid, I decided to talk to him, I wanted to know his opinion of Y/n:
“Are you really going to trust her? What about our scheme?” Túlio asked, as if he had already guessed that I was going to talk about it. “It was just 'Miguel and Túlio' and no one else!”
“It's good to have new people in the group from time to time.” I said as I picked up the barrel lid. “Think about it, the three of us have the same goals!” I said with a smile on my face.
“No, we don't. It's just you and that crazy woman who want to find a city that doesn't even exist.”
“El Dorado does exist, Tulio. If you took a look at that girl's diary... there was plenty of proof that El Dorado was real, and what's more, we have a map!”
“I'm still not going to take her with us.”
“Come on. Give her a chance, I liked the girl.”
“Give her a chance? That crazy woman wants to kill me at the first opportunity!”
I started making that face of mine when I ask Tulio for something, it always works. He got angry:
“Aaah! Okay... let's go to El Dorado.”
To be continued...
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I just rewatched The Road to El Dorado and I'm proud to announce that Tulio and Miguel are undeniably Sirius and James variants; respectively.
Like, I want you all to take a good, long look at James and Sirius and tell me that these two wouldn't somehow manage to girlboss a bit too close to the sun and convince an entire culture that they're GODS. I will absolutely be using this in the future.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
**Bonus little tidbit~**
*Sirius and James feigning a sword fight to get out of being arrested* Sirius: "You fight like my brother!" James: "I've fought your brother! That's a compliment!"
Also, I'm just going to put this out into the universe, you can all do with this information what you must.
Remus Lupin is Chel.
I don't make the rules.
Actually yes I do.
And I'm right.
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kay-the-royal · 2 years
They are so bi and poly
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newnewtheicon · 2 months
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Miguel from the road to el dorado and my o.c/ self insert into the road to El Dorado universe
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amusement-park-date · 3 months
A fic playing around with the ending of the movie. Well, one of two fics actually. This one paints a much happier picture in which the characters all get just about everything they wanted. Minus all the gold, of course.
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dreamworks ships > disney ships
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