crazymelimelo · 2 years
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Head pats are banned --- Commissions are OPEN
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catluvus · 1 year
[ad_1] Cheek needed a excellent scratch #catscratch #MANtrucks #dascher #lkwfahrer #truckers #truckersofinstagram #hgv #cats #cornerbrush #kittens #spoiledcat #truckingmemes #memes #catmemes #lkw #camion #gato #pisici #kochka #cheekrub #truckers #lorry #meme [ad_2]
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manchasama · 2 years
It's been a while but it's me 🕊️ again lol. I just had a silly wing AU idea:
If the boys can control how prominent their bird traits get,(ie shrinking their pokemon traits, making themselves less feathery, etc) I think their sideburns can turn into like, parrot fluffenchops
(if you're unaware, that's the silly pet name for the cheek feathers that fluff up around the sides of a parrot's beak its comfy/flustered. I highly recommend you look up pics. they're especially cute on cockatoos <3 )
I have looked and fluffenchops is the best term I have heard like...EVER.
(Also welcome back :>)
I'm not certain if I will have them with the ability to shrink their pokemon traits, because that also seems like a bit of an easy cop-out to hiding traits, buuuuut at the same time it can also add it's own brand of drama. Is it painful to keep part of you shrunk down for a long period of time? Does that make them pokemon by some definition?
I have been thinking about giving them some sort of head feathers tho, usually hidden under their hats. More mystery to why they always wear them lolol~
Let's just let their hair/feathers work like a Miyazaki film and be done with it. *fluffs up the boys*
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
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The cuddle is worth the little shock ⚡
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vayler · 6 years
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Im slowpoke it seems with those pictures. need to visit tumblr more often. XD
Commission for Phil from FA of his purple anthro dragon Phil and his blue friend Myro. Just being very nice to each other. First joint icon commission after long time ago. 75 Frames, Full version. Mane animation took alot of frames again. I think I carried away and did a bit more than was expecting. Rubbing and good manners to friend. Making cute stuff is fun Phil (c) Phil_The_Dragon Myro (c) Myro Animation made by me. Only Phil and Myro from FA can use this.                
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Aside from the berserker tiger, how do you think the rest of the fallen warriors would take to kitty Omi?
Oh, this seems fun! Lemme see...
Out of the fallen warriors, of course I think the berserker tiger/crow is the one whose interest is piqued the most immediately when Chase sets his sights on Omi. He’s the one who Chase gushes to most about Omi besides Wuya, and the berserker practically sees Omi as his own little wolf pup. He has a very aggressive but playful type of physical affection and spends the most time with Omi out of the warriors. Omi is more or less his charge, because he essentially called dibs.
Some of the others were also fascinated by Omi by his battle prowess, some found him an amusing kid already, some are simply sworn to loyalty and go along with it at first and got curious later, though they're all also interested in Chase's hand-picked protégé and apparent second-in-command. There’s quite a range, but they all come to like him or accept his “position” (or the position Chase insists he’s destined for), and quite a few even want to show off for him, so kitty Omi is quite good for the army’s morale! And in a headcanon inspired from @writerkatsblog, they each have diminutive nicknames for Omi in their own mother tongues.
Some headcanons for some of the notable ones:
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The Samurai keeps to himself, so he was one of the ones who hadn't had much of an opinion on Omi himself. The little one was a skilled opponent when they fought as enemies, but as a Samurai-turned-ronin-then-turned-Samurai-under-Chase, he’s come across plenty of tough opponents and came to view fighting as just something to do to survive instead of an art or a skill he took pride in.
The Samurai is very reserved and reclusive, and keeps to himself, for the most part. But Omi follows him away because they’re a lot alike, both very socially awkward but honorable and loyal and patient. And despite their similar natures, the samurai’s armor and weapon and style is so different than what Omi is used to, and Omi sees the Samurai practice his moves a lot to stay sharp and precise. The Samurai’s strict, disciplined way of carrying himself reminds Omi of his home at the temple, and the things about him that aren’t familiar fascinate Omi to no end.
The Samurai still doesn’t talk much, but he lets the kitten follow him around and watch him practice, and he gradually feels pretty flattered by how much Omi gushes about his “most unusual” blade and armor. Armor he’s blushing and making very shocked faces under at the praise, but luckily the armor hides it, and as a cat, so does the fur. He’s the most awkward jungle cat and gets embarrassed about showing affection since it’s been so long since he’s even tried, but if you watch him closely, you’ll notice lots of silent ways he shows he’s fond of the little tagalong, mostly slow cat blinks. He still looks stoic, but the others tease him about how his eyes sparkle around the young master.
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The Zulu warrior is one of the ones that took an interest in Omi on the battlefield. Not in the playful wolfpack way that the Berserker does, but in acknowledging that that little kid is impressive and she sees the potential Chase sees in him.
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She’s like a cool big sis. She has a good head on her shoulders and is pretty mature and straightforward outside of battles. If Chase isn’t the one pulling Omi up by the scruff out of a mess he gets himself into, like getting stuck too high in a tree or in a hole, she’s probably the one helping Omi out. She’s not necessarily motherly and isn’t interested in giving Omi a tour or anything, but she had some younger siblings back in her day, and finds Omi pretty endearing and amusing, so she lets him do his own things and just butts in to help if it looks like he needs help. He makes her giggle, and she keeps a good eye on him.
She’s physically affectionate, but less so than the Berserker. Mostly headbutts, cheekrubs, or messing up his furr. She pokes fun at the others for the more obtuse ways they show their fondness towards Omi, thought that often goes over Omi head.
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The Aztec Warrior! I don’t remember if it was confirmed which animal he is, but I chose to believe he shifts into a jaguar, since they have some significance in Aztec culture, as world destroyers and giant killers. He’s very battle oriented and proud of his power. He mostly interacts with kitty Omi on the battlefield, where there’s almost a bit of encouraging rivalry between them?
Kitty Omi swore his loyalty, so he listens to Chase, but he’s not necessarily enthusiastic about some of the things that entails. The jaguar takes it upon himself to give Omi some motivation, to try to reignite that admirable warrior’s pride the little one always had when they were on opposite sides before. 
Nudges his shoulder when he starts to get sad about it, taunts Omi to take down more targets than him as his commanding officer, gives him a wry smirk and a “Not bad... as expected of the master’s apprentice,” at the ends of fights. Just tries to keep Omi focused and lively in the heat of things. And a part of Omi appreciates the little rivalry of theirs.
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The Tiki Warrior! He’s significantly smaller than the other jungle cats, though not nearly as small as Omi. He’s quick and agile and slippery, and just a bit mischievous, as far as fallen warriors go. He’s the one that’s best at slipping into tight spaces and getting into high places.
He likes to see which of his antics he can get Omi into, and mischief is a few steps down from villainy, so Chase encourages it, too.
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castershellwrites · 3 years
So... Ghost of Tsushima/Pokemon crossover anyone?
What would be cooler? Or rather, what would people want to discuss/write about first?
Ghost of Tsushima the game occurs exactly as is but just so happens to occur in a world with Pokemon.
The characters from Ghost of Tsushima live in the World of Pokemon and are trainers, gym leaders, professors, etc.
What should this crossover be called? Ghost of Pokemon? Pokemon Tsushima? Ghost of Tsushimon?
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Pokemon team ideas below the cut...
Jin Sakai: My personal theory, no matter what, is that Jin’s mom had a ninetails.  Her ninetails had a litter of vulpix the day Jin was born and as a little kid Jin bonds really closely with one of them that’s a little different from the others. Jin’s vulpix is either shiny, the runt, a little weaker... it’s just different somehow, but it is his most loyal companion. Also... when his mother dies and he runs away to look for her in the forest and gets lost, he finds a little orphaned cubone and bonds with it.  That cubone is Jin’s first wild pokemon.  Jin’s vulpix and/or cubone help lead Kazumasa to him.  And neither pokemon leaves his side while he’s sick afterwards.
Taka: He has a steel type pokemon, aron being the obvious choice, and uses pieces of its shed as a source of steel. Though maybe he has a bigger more intimidating steel type? I like the idea of Taka stubbornly taking care of a feral injured wild pokemon even though everyone warns him to stay away or it’ll kill him, but he ignores them and keeps taking care of it with food and medicine until it trusts him and they become BFFs.  Maybe he also has a fire type to help with forging?
Yuna: She has a meowth. Do I even need to explain why?
Kenji: His horse Miko needs to be translated into a pokemon equivalent. I have no idea what she would be. But I think he also has a pikachu. A fat pikachu. Why a fat pikachu? Because her cheeks are so chubby and round and he likes to smoosh them and she enjoys the cheekrubs until she eventually accidentally zaps him.  She hangs out on his shoulder and under his hat.  He met her when she was buried face first in a tub of rice, eating her little heart out.  He face was covered in powdered rice and she looked so cute.  He tried to shoo her off, then fed her something that wasn’t his good sake rice so she’d stop stealing it, and then she just stuck around no matter what he did.
What should Ryuzo have? A dragon type for the name pun?
What would Norio have? Shimura? What would Khotun Khan’s pokemon team be?
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askbittyerror · 4 years
Daaaaaaaaw *so much headrubs and purrs and nuzzles for all three. Is so adorable*
Happy wiggles from Ink and Drake, soft happy cheekrubs from Freshy boy.
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mybunnyburrow-blog · 7 years
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Bunny.burrow - Love cheek scratches ❤️🐰 Follow:@bunny.burrow 👈👈 # #bunny.burrow #cheekrubs #happybun #rabbit #cute #love #bunnies #bunnylove #bunniesofinstagram #rabbitsofinstagram #pet #instabunny #bunniesworldwide #rabbits #animal #pets #adorable #instarabbit #petstagram #petsofinstagram
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void-tiger · 5 years
I guess Tonks sensed my depression, ‘cause the cuddly, purry furbaby insisted on giving me cheekrubs and kisses
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roaringup · 6 years
Nutmeg is FULL of beans today... she leapt up onto the kitchen counter (a very rare event) and started cheekrubbing all the jars of spices. Knocked over the paprika! Licked the plastic bag containing the garlic! Pounced on a bay leaf! I think she needs some new toys.
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foxn-sox · 9 years
I guess he's not so bad... He loves cheek rubs that's for sure! #beardeddragon #cheekrubs #snuggles
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