#checking out the how to draw horses book from the school library in third grade like a kajillion times in a row
the-grey-hunt · 2 years
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My friend decided to make a centaur paladin, and my horse girl instincts came back so strongly I immediately decided to draw him.
His name is Julio McCoolio from Coolsville-Ohio, and he's a paladin of OSHA
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purplespaceace · 3 years
The six of em as little kids
he was obsessed with teenage mutant ninja turtles
and my little pony
he had a Spider-Man blanket he carried around from ages two to four
he had lots of stuffed animals and he slept with all of them in his bed so he didn’t hurt their feelings
he liked musicals. a lot. he would slide around the house in his socks singing them
when Anya was born they all learned sign language together. Corbin would try to come up with his own signs
he played pretend constantly
when he was five the only thing he’d eat for a month was oatmeal
before Anya was born he carried a baby doll around to get used to being a big brother
she played pretend all the time. it would be; some version of running away from home; living in the wilderness; or war
she was obsessed with dinosaurs. all she watched was the land before time and dino dan. she had a million dinosaur stuffed animals and figurines
she watched Dora way too much so she knew a little Spanish but forgot it before she turned four because she stopped watching it
she loved animals. she wanted a dog really bad because of her cousins beagle. she watched nature documentaries
she got stung by a bee once and know she’s afraid of them forever
she would try to make up languages with her friends and she’d write down dictionaries with all the words she could think of
she created worlds and alien species all the time
she hated math and would work on drawing instead of schoolwork
she thought her third grade teacher was unfair so she planned a revolution
she learned Spanish and English at the same time so she could speak both fluently, but she couldn’t separate one from the other
she had lots of musical toys. her mom made sure she was surrounded with music so she had toy drums and pianos and something to record her own songs on
when she needed to fall asleep her parents would drive her around listening to Taylor swift
she had a noise machine that played white noise
elmo was her thing. that and blues clues
she wanted a cat when she was little until she realized how much work they were
she wore skirts and dresses everywhere. her parents thought maybe she should wear something more practical to play in so she wouldn’t get it dirty but she refused
she loved playing dress up. she would also do her parents‘ make-up
she played computer games on nick junior while eating a bagel with her other hand every morning
she wanted to know everything. she would check out dozens of books from the library, non-fiction ones about frogs and the revolutionary war and viruses, and fiction like scooby doo, which was her favorite because they solved mysteries and had a talking dog
she loved pirates. she does not know why
she liked to make collages; she liked how the glue felt stuck to her fingers and how pieces of construction paper could come together to make art. this resulted in great Mother’s Day cards
she played doctor because she wanted to help people and she read about how doctors saved lives in one of her library books
she liked to bring her friends gifts like pebbles and cool leaves. part of the reason why she liked them is because everything had a pattern, and she liked spotting it
she always wanted a dog, but with four sisters her parents didn’t want more chaos and mess
she always thought it would be cool to live on a farm because she was a total horse girl and she thought it would be cool to grow her own food
she loved going to the farmers market with her mom because she liked seeing all the fresh produce and handmade goods you couldnt get in stores
she had a puppy stuffed animal she took with her everywhere. she was a golden retriever named spot. she did not have any spots
he would dress up in dresses before his dad told him to stop. when his dad wasn’t home his mom would get them out of a chest she his in the shed and they would play dress-up or princes
there were frogs outside his house because the nearby park had a pond. he would catch them and put them in cages with mud and sticks
he and his mom and his brother would go down to the pool and they would have splash wars
he loved avatar, especially aang because he was a pacifist who didn’t let his friends pressure him into compromising his beliefs
he took kind of a long tome to talk. his first word was mama
he never liked live action things
he was so excited to be a big brother when he heard they would have to share a room he cleared his stuff from one half and put together a box of toys he thought the baby would like
he had a sea turtle backpack for the longest time
he liked to play with dolls and legos, together
she was obsessed with pandas and had her late dads panda stuffed animal she carried with her everywhere. Sargent stuffels got very dirty in their heroic adventures
she was always climbing trees even if there were bugs
she couldn’t sit still long enough for her dad to braid her hair so he tried to put it in a ponytail so maybe she would stop returning with leaves and twigs in her hair. she never returned with the hair tie
she always asked for bedtime stories of her dads in high school or college
she would build block towers just to destroy them
she almost lit the house on fire several times as a kid until she accidentally burned her dad and she understood why she couldn’t do that
she got hurt a lot because she was always jumping off of playground equipment so she was always covered in bandaids-some were pink and sparkly, some had cartoons and some were princesses
one time a kid said he bet she hit like a girl so she did hit him and he cried but her dad didn’t punish her because he said being hit by a girl wouldnt be that bad and Noelle was just proving a point
when she found out she needed glasses she got purple ones with stripes and glitter. she broke them within a week and they got contacts (he did let her keep a copy of the other pair for reading because she loved them so much)
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