#check your voting registration status
vintageseawitch · 2 days
this message is for American white women especially during this election season. specifically, those who are still thinking about or fully intending to vote for donald trump:
what the actual fuck are you doing. should trump win, not even your whiteness is going to save you. even YOU will be expendable to the men in power. they will be banning abortion & any care should your state forced pregnancies have any problems. YOU ARE JUST AS EXPENDABLE AS THE REST OF US. these men who want this power don't give a flying FUCK about you once your usefulness has come to an end (in this, it's using your voice now that will absolutely be taken away later aka voting & then eventually making enough white babies until you're physically unable whether because of age or complications from another pregnancy making you infertile or you just straight up fucking die).
they hate ALL women, you most of all, because some other man (probably your father) has already broken you. these men want to fucking break other women who dare stand up to them or be different. you're fucking BORING to these precious men of yours. you will be forgotten once you're no longer pretty or able to give them their precious white babies they don't intend to help you raise. you're expected to do ALL the childcare, household chores, keeping track of appointments, etc. your precious masters won't let you have your own voice or opinion.
deep down inside, & that's deeeeeep down inside of your subconscious that maybe once in a while flares like a minor toothache, you know this to be true. but not only is your whiteness important to you, but so is the colonized status quo, & anyone who isn't white, especially POC women, deserve to be looked down upon. you're DISGUSTING. you're recklessly allowing yourself to be sacrificed in order to maintain the illusion of superiority. NO WOMAN WILL BE SAFE IN A SECOND TRUMP PRESIDENCY WHERE THEY WILL IMPLEMENT PROJECT 2025. the USA is going to fucking crash & burn. the economy will fail, WWIII will be imminent, & millions will suffer & die, but at least your white men will be in charge & kicking those they & you don't even deem human down.
fuck you. your whiteness will not save you. i say this to you as a white woman myself. FUCK. YOU. this is why i can't entirely get on board with the "i support women's rights... & women's wrongs" because your particular brand of wrong is beyond despicable & hateful & hypocritical. they want their white babies sooooo fucking badly. you voting for the orange traitor won't save you.
be a better person. listen to other voices that are trying their hardest to save us all, especially black women. they've done so much but we as white women have the duty & responsibility to use what privileged power we have to do something good. if you're voting for him because your husband demands it, please know that your vote is PRIVATE. please, don't allow yourself to be a victim of the state. be better. vote blue.
check your registration status!!! there's Republican scented fuckery happening everywhere - Oklahoma, Montana, Texas, Arizona, Georgia, Nebraska, etc. don't stop talking about Project 2025. WHITE WOMEN, PLEASE DO BETTER. I KNOW MANY ARE TOO FAR GONE IN THEIR ROTTENESS BUT I HAVE HOPE FOR SOME. vote blue 💙
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boyduroy · 2 months
please vote 🔵
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esoxwrites · 2 months
It's more important than ever, and it was already terribly important, to VOTE. VOTE, because it's the foundation of democracy: collective voices matter, and can overwhelm the shrieking fanatics. Go here to learn how to register, or *confirm* your registration is active (very important in current times), and to generally access voting information:
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
I feel like it's important to point out that in the last few days alone, in the middle of the ongoing flap about How Old He Is, Biden has announced two MAJOR pieces of progressive legislation/priorities for his second term: a) major SCOTUS reform, term limits for SCOTUS justices, a constitutional amendment nullifying the "president god-king" ruling, and b) legislation to cap/stabilize rent costs nationwide and financially punish landlords who raise their tenant's rent by more than a certain percentage (the news I saw had it as no more than 5%) in a year.
It is important to note that aside from these both being necessary and needed (the SCOTUS reform alone, holy shit) Biden's response to challenges to his candidacy is to go MORE left, not LESS. The conventional wisdom for 800 years has always been that Democrats Need To Go More Centrist, a mainstream and longterm Democrat like Biden has absolutely heard it over and over, and we have heard so much about how we need to court Republicans who are tired of Trump by being more conservative. Biden is not doing that. He is making the electoral gamble that the way to win is by going even more left, which would also have implications for his policy agenda in a second term, especially when he was freed of re-election concerns and could just go "fuck it."
Now we, and I cannot emphasize this enough, need to reward him for the move leftward and incentivize him to do it more. When you shout endlessly at politicians to be more left and then just bitch at them for not being even more left even when they move in that direction, you discourage them from doing so and make the hoary old Move To The Center narrative come back yet again. So:
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ayeforscotland · 2 months
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US followers, you need to deny Trump the presidency at all costs.
There’s a lot more work to do on top of voting but you need to get out and vote against him.
Here’s how to check your voter registration status.
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thebibliosphere · 7 days
Hey, US citizens who are eligible to vote, today is National Voter Registration Day!
As someone unable to vote in the country I live in, I’d like to take a moment to encourage everyone who is eligible to vote to check their voter registration.
Deadlines are coming up fast in many states, and many states have been purging their voter rolls to try and suppress the vote. Don’t let them take it from you.
You can use this link below to check your voting status, and remind your friends/family/followers to do the same; it only takes a couple minutes.
And remember, if you’re vote didn't matter, the bastards wouldn’t be working so hard to take it from you.
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Spotify: remember to check your voter registration!
Me (has worked on multiple voter registration drives):
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n7calibrations · 9 days
Okay, look. I know I don't have a huge following. I'm hoping my friends @nudityandnerdery and @dee-the-red-witch and anyone else I may manage to tag after might be kind enough to share.
Im well aware tumblr isn't a US site. However this post ist for US citizens.
If you think you are registered to vote, and you plan on doing so this November, MAKE SURE. DOUBLE CHECK. Because you may not be.
A month or two ago, a tumblr post encouraged me to verify my voting status, and I did. All was well. I was happy. Nothing to worry about.
I saw a different post elsewhere today that gave me a mild nudge to check again, and to my surprise, I was listed as INACTIVE.
Nothing about my registration had changed. I hadn't moved. I hadn't changed ID numbers. Obviously my SSN doesn't change. My job hadn't even changed. There is absolutely no reason my voter registration should not have been the same as it was 2 months ago.
I have updated it. But you can bet your ass I'll be checking it weekly until it's actually time to vote. And you should, too.
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liquidtoast · 23 days
“Overwhelm the vote”. That’s the best I’ve heard.
Election Day is important.
Vote. Call out sick to vote. Use a PTO day. Work extra hours to make up the money ahead of time.
If you don’t vote, you can’t complain. You did not even try to make change, you just hoped other people would do it for you.
There are services to help make that happen. Vote.
Also check your registration status often. Make sure you can just show up and vote.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 27 days
If you are a US citizen and you're registering to vote or checking your voting status online, make sure that you're only using OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT SITES. That means either a federal site like vote.gov or state government sites.
A registration status check should NEVER ask for things like your gender, race, ethnicity, job, marital status, party, etc. If it does, leave that site and use a government site.
There are legitimate organizations that help people register to vote, but there's also a flood phishing scams to collect information (especially about Democrats and third party party voters) and prevent people from registering using false forms. Don't trust random emails you get and stick to the trusted sites.
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vergess · 2 years
Buddy, when racist cunts illegally prevented me from registering to vote by just refusing to accept my papers, I PROMISE YOU shitty guilt trip memes about my inability to vote made everything worse.
You know what ACTUALLY helped?
More than every passive aggressive shit for brains on this website telling me I deserve to me racially harassed for not giving Democrats my soul?
A fucking email from a fucking HERBS AND SPICES STORE that unlike you wretched cunts ACTUALLY HAD VOTER REGISTRATION HELPLINES IN IT.
Every time one of you godforsaken freaks tells me to 'get out and vote' like its cutely trivial and didn't take months of desperate phone calls just to register (IF my registration even WORKED THIS TIME).
If you, like me, are struggling with registration or poll access, try contacting your STATE board of elections.
Request that they send you TWO copies of their registration guidelines. Collect any documents listed in them.
Then, contact your LOCAL board. Tell them you would like to register IN PERSON IF POSSIBLE.
Bring your documents and the two copies of the guideline AND a working cell phone.
If you get ANY trouble AT ALL tell the local person you will call the state board to confirm their registration requirements. Be polite, but do not leave. Put the phone on speaker.
Most of the time, the local person who is doing Actual Serious Federal And State Crimes will give up at that point. If not, the person at the state board will generally outrank and overrule the local one.
Make a note of the names of both the local and state official.
Then, and this is the most important part:
It may take a day or two for your registration to appear.
Unfortunately, if it's been a week, you're going to have to repeat the process.
Take the names you noted previously, and contact the state board again. Report that these people denied you registration on this day, in spite of you providing these documents, then list all the required papers you collected.
The person at the state SHOULD be able to direct you from there, but the process varies hugely by state.
Good luck to you all.
ETA: I was able to vote eventually, BTW. It took far more work than it should have. Physical injuries were sustained. But I did get to vote!!
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vintageseawitch · 29 days
a pro-Palestine movement called "Abandon Harris" in order to "punish her & the party" is absolutely wild. what the US is doing is not okay; this kind of impassioned response now is a little weird mainly because it's during election season.
yes, absolutely criticize our political leaders as long as we're able to. pressure them for better things. emphasize that certain things need to stop. but this "movement"? where they offer no realistic alternatives & are working hard to attack a woman of color to "punish her"? it's a very fine line. i don't hear this rhetoric for the men let alone trump. why isn't HE getting "punished"??
i'm a white woman. it's not my place to be some kind of white "savior." i'm just pointing out it's strange. besides her being non-white, she's also a woman. another point (& i'm not saying they deserve to go through a genocide because of this... but honestly it's not great) is that Palestinians are also pro-women-are-second-class-citizens so anyone using the language of "punishing" a woman is absolutely gross.
like i said, they don't use that language to attack trump. they don't use that language to attack members of Congress who are also anti-Palestine. the only time i'm seeing this is them attacking the campaign of a presidential candidate who is a woman of color. yes, she's currently vp, but these same protestors also don't seem to know how the government works or just ignores reality.
am i splitting hairs? maybe. they're so passionate about this & it's admirable because of that, but i'm always questioning: does it seem like they're being particularly harsh to her due to misogynoir? it's a fine line that's for sure. i'm not saying to not protest but people also need to be realistic. between this & protestors lashing out at those who care about out domestic issues it doesn't feel too great.
a movement like this specific one feels sus, though. like they're trying too hard to divide us to make sure trump wins. i hope that's not the case bit so many leftists also love jill stein who is a putin puppet & doesn't care for us at all. y'all aren't the perfect individuals who never fall for propaganda you think you are. we all are susceptible. be pragmatic & reasonable. try not to let feelings & ego make such an important decision for you. this election is not a normal one.
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🌊Ready to make some waves?🌊
Voter registration deadlines are coming up! Remember to register, check your registration status, and pledge to vote.
Voting is one of the most powerful conservation actions you can take—it’s a way to use your voice to protect the ocean and the animals (and human communities, and all life on earth, really) who depend on it. You have the opportunity to elect leaders who will support the protection and restoration of streams, rivers, lakes, and our ocean 💪💙🌎
Not eligible to vote in this election? You can still share information on candidates, key issues, and the voting process to help your community make informed choices!
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USAmericans of voting age:
- we should all be checking our voting status periodically leading up to an election, whether it's Federal or State. Especially check your registration status in the weeks and days leading up to submitting your ballot. There are also ways to see if your ballot has been counted after submission. Check your county/state election website or the ballot itself for instructions.
There are deadlines for registering to vote and they do vary from State to State, so this isn't something to procrastinate on, just FYI! Check here for deadlines listed by State/Territory. This does not mean you need to wait until the deadline to register!
Register to vote: https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote
Check Registration Status: https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration
How, When and Where to Vote: https://www.usa.gov/how-to-vote
Find Your State/Local Election Office: https://www.usa.gov/state-election-office
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mishacollins · 1 year
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It’s nice of Mother Nature to offer to water my plants in Southern California while I’m in Charlotte this weekend, but I think a hurricane might be overdoing it. Hawaii’s burning and so are Canada and Greece. California, Vermont, and India are flooding, droughts are drying up lakes around the world and there is 100-degree sea-water off Florida and devastating heat waves worldwide…
Climate change is real and it’s here. Biden’s huge IRA bill is really doing something about it by moving us to 80% renewables by the end of the decade. A President Trump would just burn more Saudi and Russian oil, grab a Big Mac and watch it all burn. This is yet another reason we have to actually care and actually vote. Check your voter registration status right now: https://bit.ly/GoVoteMC
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meret118 · 2 months
“I have yet to find one of them that I felt was credible enough for me to actually file documentation for that voter,” he said. “So as a good steward for voter registration, which is what I’m charged with doing, I should not act upon stuff that is proven to be not credible.
”This year, election officials like Wilcox have spent valuable time sorting through pages of these mass voter challenges. And voting rights advocates worry that the trend could result in eligible voters being removed from the rolls, or from accommodations like being on lists to automatically receive ballots in the mail.
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But experts and election officials who spoke to HuffPost said voters should confirm their registration status now — before the November election season heats up — just to be safe.
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The month following that election, True the Vote teamed up with Georgia Republicans to challenge the eligibility of more than 364,000 voters in the state, based in part on U.S. Postal Service address-change data.
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Some voters only found out their registrations had been challenged when they didn’t receive requested ballots in the mail for Georgia’s January 2021 U.S. Senate run-off election. Ultimately — after courts stepped in — the vast majority of these challenges were rejected. True the Vote’s list “utterly lacked reliability” and “verge[d] on recklessness,” a federal judge later observed.
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At least one Georgia county has signed a contract to use the software, and in May, the director of the Florida Division of Elections sent county officials a list of 10,000 names to review that a local “concerned citizen” had generated with EagleAI.
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Other efforts are state-based, including the “Pigpen Project” in Nevada and “Soles to the Rolls” in Michigan. Some even go so far as to go door to door to ask voters to confirm their information, raising concerns about intimidation. The Republican Party is also involved in the effort — in June, a federal judge rejected a GOP lawsuit alleging Nevada officials had failed to properly maintain voter rolls. (The GOP’s data was “highly flawed,” the state said.) A similar suit, against the state of Michigan, is ongoing.
And some states have made mass challenges even easier. In Georgia, S.B. 202, passed in 2021, allowed anyone to formally challenge an unlimited number of registrations, and S.B. 189, passed this year, requires voters to defend their registration against even frivolous challenges, sometimes at in-person hearings. It faces a lawsuit.
More at the link. Check your registration!
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