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dcstruction · 2 years
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[ mason gooding | cis man | he/him | twenty-six ] ——   welcome to grimrose, calvin alexander bowan . it’s cool that you’re here, you know. haven’t you heard of the history of this place… anyway, how’s being a local who has been in town for three years, especially since you spend most of your days as an paramedic/firefighter at the grimrose firehouse? also, not that it’s a bad thing, of course, but i’ve heard people say you can be a little boastful more than you are jovial… but that’s just coming from people who are bored here, i promise. to me, you remind me of smells like teen spirit by nirvana and the ash that clings to your clothes for three days, longing for the hands that once held and hurt you to bring you back to the surface, a laugh that is hardly uncontrollable, and always being in crowds so you’re never alone. hope to see you around, calvin . 
full name — calvin alexander bowan  nick name —  vinnie , houck   age — twenty-six date of birth — may 14 place of birth — san diego , california   current location — grimrose, new hampshire gender — cis male  pronouns — he/him religion — nonreligious / atheist   occupation — paramedic / firefighter  education level — associates in paramedicine , several certificates   residence — townhouse in edgewater oasis   family —   muriel bowan (nee hastings) [mother , deceased ] , clyde bowan  [father , living ]   finances — lower middle class / living pay check to pay check  spoken languages — english  faceclaim / voiceclaim — mason gooding
background - tw mentions of terminal illness (cancer) in the first bullet point 
it took four times for the bowan couple to conceive ; each time another piece of muriel lost in the grief that she wanted to leave something for her husband . she was sick , and nothing could change that but a child could . it meant that every obstacle the couple had undergone was worth it - getting a greencard for her husband was hard enough as he was a black man from another country, but having her family finally accept him as her groom was hard enough so why add cancer ?  the pregnancy was a risk but she was determined - she pushed , and pushed , and lord , she pushed again . calvin was a beautiful son even at birth and he was cherished even those three years they had together before her body was returned to the earth . 
calvin hardly remembers if what he remembers of his mother is real or some figment of what a mother should be like from what he’s heard from his friends . he got to know her through stories told by his grandparents growing up : she was loving , she was smart and oh , you have her pretty eyes . the energy he had as a toddler made the single father nearly exasperated but he was grateful that the child never had any time to miss what he could’ve had . life was so full inside him and nothing could stop him from making the most of every minute . there was beauty in the smallest of things and calvin understood that from an early age . 
 always the class clown but always in trouble . he soon had his growth spurt and was the captain of his basketball team . sure , he might have been the only black kid in his grade but it was because of his skill that the coach picked him right ?  calvin had many friends but never a best friend - too little time to get to know someone who was always moving to the next step . 
the time for college applications came but calvin decided that four years was nearly too long . he needed a job and it was quite a coincidence that his guidance counselor heard about some cheap course the local government was holding to train emergency medical responders (EMT-R). a quick certification and it could prove to be the kind of environment to keep the bustling teenager busy . a year passes and he’s gotten his emergency medical technician (EMT) certificate and a paramedic notices his potential . paramedic school is no quick feat ; but the boy only needed some guidance and accountability . 
 it’s when he meets the love of his life does he learn of grimrose . he had a feeling that what they had was real - and it certainly was . his father would be fine in san diego so why couldn’t calvin do something for himself for once ?  the coast town  was certainly not as busy as san diego and the people may certainly be a little nicer too . it only takes three suitcases to move his things across the country but it only takes four months for calvin to move out of the house they’d bought together . she knew he worked twenty-four hour shifts three days a week - and the late nights at her office were certainly not for the promotion . but now he’s gotten too comfortable in grimrose to leave ever again. 
several head cannons :p
calvin is very book smart - but that’s about it . he is very easy going and friendly to any one that reciprocates it . to someone who may be an introvert , he might be a tad bit much as he’s always talking or needing to say something but he’s gotten better at not interrupting someone while they’re talking . 
runs on energy drinks . he barely sleeps mostly because of the innate rush that is always coursing him and it’s certainly has something to do with the undiagnosed ADHD . if he’s not at work , he’s probably jogging or wishing he was at work . 
has many friends but he requires a very patient person to get past the acquaintance stage . there is no ill intention but it’s hard for him to slow down the madness that is in his head . 
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blsm-m · 21 days
If you live in a larger body, sometimes it feels like you can’t win. If you don’t lose weight, people will criticize you for being “lazy,” “unhealthy,” or “lacking willpower.” But if you take medication to help you, you’ll be criticized for “cheating” or “taking the easy way out,” even if you’ve tried for decades to manage your weight through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes (sometimes extreme ones). In this article, we’ll be talking about a highly contentious group of medicines—GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs such as semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus) or tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Zepbound). And people have lots of opinions about them. But the opinion that matters most? Yours. At PN, we’re medication agnostic. We’re not here to judge whether a person should or should not take medication for weight loss. Ultimately, that’s a choice left up to you, with the guidance of your primary care physician. Either way, we’re here to support our clients and elevate their results. Whether you take medication or not, a coach can help you optimize nutrition and satiety with the right foods, find exercises that work with your changing body, and help you navigate the emotional ups and downs that come when you attempt to tackle a big, meaningful, long-term goal. However, we also understand that if you’re debating the pros and cons of beginning (or continuing) medication, you might have mixed feelings. If you’re not sure if these new medicines are right for you, we have your back. In the following article, we’ll give you the honest, science-backed information you need to make a confident decision. You’ll learn… Why it’s so hard to lose (and keep off) fat Why taking medication isn’t “cheating,” nor is it the “easy way out” How GLP-1 drugs work, and the health benefits they can have (aside from weight loss) How to determine if you’re at a “healthy weight” (it’s not just about BMI) What actions you can take to minimize side effects and maximize long-term health, if you do decide to take these medications Let’s begin. Over 150,000 health & fitness professionals certified Save up to 30% on the industry's top nutrition certification Help people improve their health and fitness—while making a great full-time or part-time living doing what you love. Learn More First, why is it so hard to lose fat? Fat loss is hard. Period. But for some people, it’s harder still—because of environmental, genetic, physiological, social, cultural, and/or behavioral factors that work against them. Here are a few of the contributing factors that can make fat loss so challenging. We live in an environment that encourages a caloric surplus. Imagine life 150 years ago, before cars and public transit were invented. To get from point A to point B, you had to walk, pedal a bicycle, or ride a horse. Food was often in short supply, too. You had to expend calories to get it, and meals would just satisfy you (but not leave you “full”). Today, however… “We live in an obesogenic environment that’s filled with cheap, highly-palatable, energy-dense foods [that make overeating calories easy, often unconsciously],” says Karl Nadolsky, MD, an endocrinologist and weight loss specialist at Holland Hospital and co-host of the Docs Who Lift podcast. “We also have countless conveniences that reduce our physical activity.” Of course, even in such an environment, we have people in lean bodies, just as we have people who struggle to stop the scale from continuously creeping up. Why? Genetically, some people are more predisposed to obesity. Some genes can lead to severe obesity at a very early age. However, those are pretty rare. Much more common is polygenic obesity—when two or more genes work together to predispose you to weight gain, especially when you’re exposed to the obesogenic environment mentioned earlier. People who inherit one or more of these so-called obesity genes tend to have particularly persistent “I’m hungry” and “I’m not full yet” signals, says Dr. Nadolsky. Obesity genes also seem to cause some people to experience what’s colloquially known as “food noise.”
They feel obsessed with food, continually thinking, “What am I going to eat next? When is my next meal? Can I eat now?” Physiologically, bodies tend to resist fat loss. If you gain a lot of fat, the hormones in your gut, fat cells, and brain can change how you experience hunger and fullness. “It’s like a thermostat in a house, but now it’s broken,” says Dr. Nadolsky. “So when people cut calories and weight goes down, these physiologic factors work against them.” After losing weight, your gut may continually send out the “I’m hungry” signal, even if you’ve recently eaten, and even if you have more than enough body fat to serve as a calorie reserve. It also might take more food for you to feel full than, say, someone else who’s never been at a higher weight. Being in a larger body often means being the recipient of fat stigma and discriminatory treatment. Until you’ve lived in a larger body, it’s hard to believe how different the world might treat you. Our clients have told us stories about being bullied at the gym, openly judged or lectured at the grocery store, and otherwise being subjected to innumerable comments and assumptions about their body shape, health, and even worth. Even in medical settings, people with obesity are more likely to receive poor treatment.1, 2 Healthcare providers may overlook or downplay symptoms, attributing health concerns solely to weight. This can lead to delayed- or missed diagnoses or just plain old inadequate care. All of this combined can add up to an incredibly pervasive and ongoing source of stress. This stress—in addition to being socially isolating and psychologically damaging—can further contribute to increased appetite and pleasure from high-calorie foods, decreased activity, and poorer sleep quality.3 Which is why… Taking medication isn’t an “easy way out.” In 2013, the American Medical Association categorized obesity as a disease. And yet, many people still don’t treat it as such, and rather consider obesity as a willpower problem, and the consequence of simply eating too much and moving too little. (The remedy: “Just try harder.”) In reality, people with obesity have as much willpower as anyone else. However, for them, fat loss is harder—for all the reasons mentioned above, and more. So, just like chemotherapy or insulin isn’t “the easy way out” of cancer or type 1 diabetes, medication isn’t “the easy way out” of obesity. Rather, medication is a tool, ideally used alongside healthy lifestyle behaviors, that can help offset some of the genetic and physiological variances that people with obesity may have, and have little individual control over otherwise. What you need to know about GLP-1 drugs In 2017, semaglutide (a synthentic GLP-1 agonist) was approved in the US as an antidiabetic and anti-obesity medication. With the emergence of this class of drugs, science offered people with obesity a relatively safe and accessible way to lose weight long-term, so long as they continued the medication. How Ozempic and other obesity medicines work Current weight loss medications work primarily by mimicking the function of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), a hormone that performs several functions: In the pancreas, it triggers insulin secretion, which helps regulate blood sugar (and also helps you feel full). In the gut, it slows gastric emptying, affecting your sensation of fullness. In the brain, it reduces cravings (the desire for specific foods) and food noise (intrusive thoughts about food). In people with obesity, the body quickly breaks down endogenous (natural) GLP-1, making it less effective. As a result, it takes longer to feel full, meals offer less staying power, and food noise becomes a near-constant companion, says Dr. Nadolsky. Semaglutide and similar medicines flood the body with synthetically made GLP-1 that lasts much longer than the GLP-1 the body produces. This long-lasting effect helps increase feelings of fullness, reduce between-meal hunger, and muffle cravings and food noise.
Interestingly, by calming down the brain’s reward center (the part of the brain that drives cravings and even addictions), these medicines may also help people reduce addictive behaviors like compulsive drinking and gambling, says Dr. Nadolsky. Note: Newer weight loss medicines, for example tirzepatide, mimic not only GLP-1, but also another hormone called gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP). Like GLP-1, GIP also stimulates post-meal insulin secretion and reduces appetite, partly by decreasing gastrointestinal activity. Other drugs soon to come on the market, like retatrutide, mimic a third hormone, glucagon. How effective are GLP-1 drugs? Researchers measure a weight loss medicine’s success based on the percentage of people who reach key weight loss milestones of 5, 10, 15, or 20 percent of their weight. These medicines are still evolving, but so far, they have shown to be quite effective: About 86 percent of people who take GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic, Rybelsus, and Wegovy lose at least five percent of their body weight, with about a third of them losing more than 20 percent of their body weight.4, 5 And newer generation versions of these medications—such as tirzepatide, and the not-yet-FDA-approved retatrutide—are only getting better, with up to 57 percent of people losing more than 20 percent of their body weight.6, 7 How do weight loss medications compare to lifestyle interventions? In the past, weight loss interventions have focused on lifestyle modifications like calorie or macronutrient manipulation, exercise, and sometimes counseling. Rather than pitting lifestyle changes against weight loss medicines or surgery, it’s more helpful to think of them all as compatible players. With lifestyle modifications and coaching, the average person can expect to lose about five to 13 percent of their body weight. When you add FDA-approved versions of GLP-1 and other weight-loss drugs to lifestyle and coaching, average weight loss jumps up another ten percent or more. 8, 9, 10, 11 Fat loss often comes with powerful health benefits For years, the medical community has told folks that losing 5 to 10 percent of their body weight was good enough. Partly, this message was designed to right-set people’s expectations, as few lose much more than that (and keep it off) with lifestyle changes alone. In addition, this modest weight loss also leads to measurable health improvements. Lose 5 to 10 percent of your total weight, and you’ll start to see blood sugar, cholesterol, and pressure drop.12 However, losing 15 to 20 percent of your weight, as people tend to do when they combine lifestyle changes with second-generation GLP-1s, and you do much more than improve your health. You can go into remission for several health problems, including: High blood pressure Diabetes Fatty liver disease Sleep apnea That means, by taking a GLP-1 medicine, you might be able eventually to stop taking several other drugs, says Dr. Nadolsky. Experts suspect GLP-1s may improve health even when no weight loss occurs. “The medicines seem to offer additive benefits beyond just weight reduction,” says Dr. Nadolsky. Research indicates that GLP-1s may reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events (heart attacks and strokes) in people with diabetes or heart disease.13, 14, 15 In people with diabetes, they seem to improve kidney function, too.16 The theory is that organs throughout the body have GLP-1 receptors on their cells. When the GLP-1s attach to these receptors in the kidneys and heart, they seem to protect these organs from damage. For this reason, in 2023, the American Heart Association listed GLP-1 receptor agonists as one of the year’s top advances in cardiovascular disease. What even is a “healthy body weight”? Many people say, “I just want to be at a healthy weight.” But what does that even mean? At PN, we believe your healthiest body composition / weight is one that: Has relatively more lean mass (from muscle and healthy, dense bones), and relatively less body fat
Emerges from doing foundational, sustainable health-promoting behaviors (like being active and eating well), rather than “crash diets” or other extreme measures Is relatively easy to maintain with a handful of consistent lifestyle choices, without undue sacrifices to overall well-being (or what we call Deep Health) Allows you to do the activities you want and enjoy, with as few limitations as possible Keeps your health markers (like blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar) in safe and healthy ranges as much as is reasonably possible Feels good to you This is not a specific size, shape, look, body fat percentage, or category on a BMI chart; A “healthy” body composition and/or weight will vary from person to person. … Which can be both freeing and frustrating to hear. Without a specific number to aim for, it’s harder to know if you’ve “arrived” at your healthiest weight or body composition. However, we like this way of qualifying what a healthy weight is because it takes the pressure off a number on the scale, and puts the focus on behaviors you have more control over, and more importantly, how your life feels. 7 strategies to make weight loss medicines more effective—and improve long-term health Here’s what we believe: Weight loss medicines don’t render lifestyle changes obsolete; they make them more critical. When GLP-1 medicines muffle food noise and hunger, many find it easier to prioritize lean protein, fruits and veggies, whole grains, and other minimally processed foods. Similarly, as the scale goes down, people often feel better, so they’re more likely to embrace weight lifting and other forms of exercise. Indeed, according to a 2024 consumer trends survey, 41 percent of GLP-1 medicine users reported that their exercise frequency increased since going on the medication. The majority of them also reported an improvement in diet quality, choosing to eat more protein, as well as fruits and vegetables.17 This is great news, because it further reinforces the idea that medication isn’t simply “the easy way out.” (Of course, sometimes drugs are used as “the easy way out”; After going on medication, people can continue to eat poor quality food—just less of it. This increases the risk of losing critical muscle and bone, and losing less—or even no—body fat.) When used correctly, weight loss medication is a tool that, as mentioned above, can make healthy lifestyle changes easier to accomplish, making both the drugs and the lifestyle changes more effective, and enhancing both short- and long-term success. If you do decide to take weight loss drugs, use these strategies to get the most out of them—and preserve your long-term health. Strategy #1: Find ways to eat nutritiously despite side effects. The slowed stomach emptying caused by GLP-1 drugs can trigger nausea and constipation. Fortunately, for most people, these GI woes tend to resolve within several weeks. However, if you’re experiencing a lot of nausea, you’re not likely going to welcome salads into your life with open arms. (Think of how you feel when you have the stomach flu. A bowl of roughage doesn’t seem like it’ll “go down easy.”) So, try to find more palatable ways to consume nutritious foods. (For example, fruits and vegetables in the form of a smoothie or pureed soup might be easier.) Dr. Nadolsky also suggests people avoid the following common offenders: Big portions of any kind Greasy, fatty foods Highly processed foods Any strong food smells that trigger your gag reflex Sugar alcohols (like xylitol, erythritol, maltitol, and sorbitol, often found in diet sodas, chewing gum, and low-sugar protein bars), which can trigger diarrhea in some Strategy #2: Prioritize strength training. When people take GLP-1 weight loss medicines, about 30 to 40 percent of the weight they lose can come from lean mass.18, 19, 20 Put another way: For every 10 pounds someone loses, about six to seven come from fat and three to four from muscle, bone, and other non-fat tissues. However, there’s two important caveats to this statistic:
1. People with severe obesity generally have more muscle and bone mass than others. (Carrying around an extra 100+ pounds of body weight means muscles have to adapt by getting bigger and stronger.) 2. Muscle and bone loss aren’t inevitable. (As Dr. Nadolsky puts it, “Muscle loss isn’t a reason to avoid treating obesity [with medication]. It’s a reason to do more exercise.”) To preserve muscle and bone mass, aim for at least two full-body resistance training sessions a week. In addition, move around as much as you can. Walking and other forms of physical activity are vital for keeping metabolism healthy—and can help to move food through the gut to ease digestion.21, 22 (Need inspiration for strength training? Check out our free exercise video library.) Strategy #3: Lean into lean protein. In addition to strength training, adequate protein consumption is vital for helping to protect muscle mass. You can use our free macros calculator to determine the right amount of protein for you. (Spoiler: Most people will need 1 to 2 palm-sized protein portions per meal, or about 0.5 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day.) Strategy #4: Fill your plate with fruit and veggies. Besides being good for your overall health, whole, fresh, and frozen produce fuels you with critical nutrients that can help drive down levels of inflammation. In addition to raising your risk for disease, chronic inflammation can block protein synthesis, making it harder to maintain muscle mass. (Didn’t know managing inflammation matters when it comes to preserving muscle? Find out more muscle-supporting strategies here: How to build muscle strength, size, and power) Strategy #5: Choose high-fiber carbs over low-fiber carbs. Beans, lentils, whole grains, and starchy tubers like potatoes and sweet potatoes do a better job of helping you feel full and managing blood sugar than lower-fiber, more highly processed options. (Read more about the drawbacks—and occasional benefits—of processed foods here: Minimally processed vs. highly processed foods) Strategy #6: Choose healthy fats. Healthy fats can help you feel full between meals and protect your overall health. Gravitate toward fats from whole foods like avocado, seeds, nuts, and olive oil, as well as fatty fish (which is a protein too!)—using them to replace less healthy fats from highly-processed foods (like chips or donuts). (Not sure which fats are healthy? Use our 3-step guide for choosing the best foods for your body) Strategy #7: Consider coaching. It may go without saying, but the above suggestions are just the start. (There’s also: quality sleep, social support, stress management, and more.) While many people choose to tackle these strategies on their own, many others find that the support, guidance, and creative problem-solving that a good coach can provide makes the whole process a lot easier—not to mention more enjoyable and more likely to stick. And that’s the real gift of coaching: A coach doesn’t just help you figure out what to eat and how to move; They help you remove barriers, build skills, and create systems and routines so that habits become so natural and automatic that it’s hard to imagine not doing them. Then, if you do want to stop taking medication, your ingrained lifestyle habits (that coaching reinforced, and medication perhaps made easier to adopt) will make it more likely that you maintain your results. References Click here to view the information sources referenced in this article. 1. Phelan, S. M., D. J. Burgess, M. W. Yeazel, W. L. Hellerstedt, J. M. Griffin, and M. van Ryn. 2015. “Impact of Weight Bias and Stigma on Quality of Care and Outcomes for Patients with Obesity.” Obesity Reviews: An Official Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity 16 (4): 319–26. 2. Tomiyama, A. Janet, Deborah Carr, Ellen M. Granberg, Brenda Major, Eric Robinson, Angelina R. Sutin, and Alexandra Brewis. 2018. “How and Why Weight Stigma Drives the Obesity ‘Epidemic’ and Harms Health.” BMC Medicine 16 (1).
3. Tomiyama, A. Janet. 2019. “Stress and Obesity.” Annual Review of Psychology 70 (1): 703–18. 4. Wilding JPH, Batterham RL, Calanna S, Davies M, Van Gaal LF, Lingvay I, et al. Once-Weekly Semaglutide in Adults with Overweight or Obesity. N Engl J Med. 2021 Mar 18;384(11):989–1002 5. Garvey WT, Batterham RL, Bhatta M, Buscemi S, Christensen LN, Frias JP, et al. Two-year effects of semaglutide in adults with overweight or obesity: the STEP 5 trial. Nat Med. 2022 Oct;28(10):2083–91. 6. le Roux CW, Zhang S, Aronne LJ, Kushner RF, Chao AM, Machineni S, et al. Tirzepatide for the treatment of obesity: Rationale and design of the SURMOUNT clinical development program. Obesity. 2023 Jan;31(1):96–110. 7. Jastreboff AM, Aronne LJ, Ahmad NN, Wharton S, Connery L, Alves B, et al. Tirzepatide Once Weekly for the Treatment of Obesity. N Engl J Med. 2022 Jul 21;387(3):205–16.. 8. Leung, Alice W. Y., Ruth S. M. Chan, Mandy M. M. Sea, and Jean Woo. 2017. “An Overview of Factors Associated with Adherence to Lifestyle Modification Programs for Weight Management in Adults.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14 (8). 9. Jastreboff, Ania M., Louis J. Aronne, Nadia N. Ahmad, Sean Wharton, Lisa Connery, Breno Alves, Arihiro Kiyosue, et al. 2022. “Tirzepatide Once Weekly for the Treatment of Obesity.” The New England Journal of Medicine 387 (3): 205–16. 10. Jastreboff, Ania M., Lee M. Kaplan, Juan P. Frías, Qiwei Wu, Yu Du, Sirel Gurbuz, Tamer Coskun, Axel Haupt, Zvonko Milicevic, and Mark L. Hartman. 2023. “Triple–Hormone-Receptor Agonist Retatrutide for Obesity — A Phase 2 Trial.” The New England Journal of Medicine 389 (6): 514–26. 11. Maciejewski, Matthew L., David E. Arterburn, Lynn Van Scoyoc, Valerie A. Smith, William S. Yancy Jr, Hollis J. Weidenbacher, Edward H. Livingston, and Maren K. Olsen. 2016. “Bariatric Surgery and Long-Term Durability of Weight Loss.” JAMA Surgery 151 (11): 1046–55. 12. Ryan DH, Yockey SR. Weight Loss and Improvement in Comorbidity: Differences at 5%, 10%, 15%, and Over. Curr Obes Rep. 2017 Jun;6(2):187–94. 13. Marx N, Husain M, Lehrke M, Verma S, Sattar N. GLP-1 Receptor Agonists for the Reduction of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Circulation. 2022 Dec 13;146(24):1882–94. 14. Lincoff AM, Brown-Frandsen K, Colhoun HM, Deanfield J, Emerson SS, Esbjerg S, et al. Semaglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Obesity without Diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2023 Dec 14;389(24):2221–32. 15. Kosiborod MN, Abildstrøm SZ, Borlaug BA, Butler J, Rasmussen S, Davies M, et al. Semaglutide in Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction and Obesity. N Engl J Med. 2023 Sep 21;389(12):1069–84. 16. Karakasis P, Patoulias D, Fragakis N, Klisic A, Rizzo M. Effect of tirzepatide on albuminuria levels and renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis. Diabetes Obes Metab [Internet]. 2023 Dec 20 17. N.d. Accessed May 21, 2024. https://newconsumer.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Consumer-Trends-2024-Food-Wellness-Special.pdf 18. Ida S, Kaneko R, Imataka K, Okubo K, Shirakura Y, Azuma K, et al. Effects of Antidiabetic Drugs on Muscle Mass in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Curr Diabetes Rev. 2021;17(3):293–303. 19. Wilding JPH, Batterham RL, Calanna S, Van Gaal LF, McGowan BM, Rosenstock J, et al. Impact of Semaglutide on Body Composition in Adults With Overweight or Obesity: Exploratory Analysis of the STEP 1 Study. J Endocr Soc. 2021 May 3;5(Supplement_1):A16–7. 20. Wilding JPH, Batterham RL, Calanna S, Davies M, Van Gaal LF, Lingvay I, et al. Once-Weekly Semaglutide in Adults with Overweight or Obesity. N Engl J Med. 2021 Mar 18;384(11):989–1002. 21. Gorgojo-Martínez JJ, Mezquita-Raya P, Carretero-Gómez J, Castro A, Cebrián-Cuenca A, de Torres-Sánchez A, et al. Clinical Recommendations to Manage Gastrointestinal Adverse Events in Patients Treated with Glp-1 Receptor Agonists: A Multidisciplinary Expert Consensus. J Clin Med Res [Internet]. 2022 Dec 24;12(1).
22. Tantawy SA, Kamel DM, Abdelbasset WK, Elgohary HM. Effects of a proposed physical activity and diet control to manage constipation in middle-aged obese women. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. 2017 Dec 14;10:513–9. If you’re a coach, or you want to be… You can help people build sustainable nutrition and lifestyle habits that will significantly improve their physical and mental health—while you make a great living doing what you love. We'll show you how. If you’d like to learn more, consider the PN Level 1 Nutrition Coaching Certification.
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Top 5 Business School in London
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How are Business Schools in London Adapting to Modern Challenges?
The prospect of studying in London is no longer daunting. London, home to 40 internationally recognised universities and some 400 Fortune 500 companies, is known to enhance the career aspirations of international business students. London is not a cheap option for students, but why do students still choose to pursue a British-accredited certificate from top Business schools in London?
Despite the high cost, London has claimed the “best student city” title, according to the most recent QS Best Student Cities ranking! It is also adapting its programmes to meet the evolving needs of students and employers alike. Let’s see how business schools in London address emerging trends in education.
Changing standards in Business schools in London
Over the last ten years, the way courses are delivered and how students learn has changed dramatically. Business schools in London are adapting to these rapid social and technological changes by introducing new offerings, such as specialised master’s programs and flexible learning formats to appeal to diverse applicants.
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Career Breakthroughs in Business London
Student attitudes reflect the business environment. A revolution is happening in the current Business London. International students are heavily involved in startup activities in the UK. 57% of startups founded at UK universities have at least one international student on the founding team. Although international students in the UK are subject to many work restrictions, there are still opportunities for them to explore and survive during their student life. After graduation, they can develop entrepreneurial ideas in their home country or explore options in other countries where there is business scope. UK graduates continue to travel and work abroad and are in demand by employers around the world.
Which British accreditation is widely recognised and favoured to progress in Business London?
Ofqual, the highest awarding body in the UK, regulates various awarding bodies in the UK, including the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), the British Computer Society, OTHM, Qualifi, City and Guilds and ILM.
CMI courses focus on developing leadership skills that are central to entrepreneurs who want to grow and compete with their businesses. CMI has developed the UK’s first Diploma in Management Studies. It is the only awarding body that can award Chartered Manager status – the highest accolade in management. CMI coursesinclude Diploma, Certificate and Award programmes from Level 2 to Level 8 in Team Leading, Principles of Management and Leadership,  Management and Leadership and Strategic Management and Leadership, Leadership Coaching and Mentoring, Professional Consulting, Strategic Management and Leadership with MBA Top Up.
Become part of the business school in London through SBTL’s CMI courses.
International students are an important part of the UK startup ecosystem, driving innovation and contributing to the economy through entrepreneurial ventures. The 2024 Startups 100 Index lists many innovative startups, some of which were founded or co-founded by international students. This index lists companies from various sectors, including technology, health and sustainability that are making a difference both locally and globally.
Want to be one of them? Join a business school in London and pursue a CMI course!
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citynewsglobe · 3 months
[ad_1] Individuals ought to make the appropriate choice in selecting the best certification program that they're prepared to pursue in a dispatch that can assist them get a job in logistics and provide chain self-discipline.  As a result of a truck dispatcher manages the move of products and communication from one level of the availability chain to a different, a person should have correct coaching. Listed below are among the elements to contemplate when making the choice to get a dispatcher certification program:   Accreditation and Recognition The preliminary test, in the case of such a certification program, is subsequently to search out out whether or not this program is accredited and respected within the trade amongst skilled our bodies.  Such packages are these wherein sure skilled associations or different authoritative establishments acknowledge that supply prime quality academic packages and correspond to some determine.  To make sure that you discover essentially the most applicable certification, it's crucial to contemplate these which have been accredited by the appropriate authorities.   Curriculum Content material Modules type the premise for the training that any certification program presents. Ensure that this system covers in depth matters which are related to up to date dispatching roles. The course ought to cowl core topics like logistics administration and regulation of transportation, route planning, communication, and know-how.  These areas are essential with a purpose to get an perception into extra superior strategies of dispatching. On this regard, by presenting these matters, it would allow members to grasp expertise and data wanted of their duties with a view of dealing with the challenges and dynamism of the logistics and transportation industries. The great nature of this certification implies that accredited individuals are able to deal with real-life conditions with cheap ease: thus making a big contribution to the enhancement of the general effectivity of dispatching.  Tutorial High quality Tutorial high quality is actually vital for attaining passable studying outcomes. Instructors ought to be those that have an satisfactory understanding of the trade’s functioning and who additionally possess data inside the spheres of logistics, transportation, and provide chain. Ask round to see if there are opinions from college students who took the course beforehand to evaluate the standard of the instructing. Mode of Supply Dispatcher certifications might be delivered in varied codecs, and these embody: in individual; on-line, and a mix of the 2. Take into consideration what works finest for you by way of studying and schedule and choose the mode you'll full. On-line packages present a excessive degree of flexibility; you may take your time and study the course at your personal comfort as a result of you aren't as time sure as you'd be in the event you have been doing this system whereas working. Now, on-line or at the very least hybrid packages could convey extra sensible expertise and networking prospects. Furthermore, be sure that the net packages embody some type of interplay, similar to instructor-led on-line lessons, classroom discussions, reside suggestions, and prompt messaging. Sensible Expertise and Internships Sensible expertise may be very useful for dispatcher coaching. Packages that embody internships, simulation workout routines, or on-the-job coaching parts may give you actual life publicity that's so vital to your profession development. Observe is a crucial side of studying as a result of it requires performing some put up principle coaching that includes sensible classes, together with the simulation of dispatching. Moreover, college students will have the ability to observe day by day dispatching procedures. Certification Examination and Persevering with Training You will need to perceive how certification works. Discover out if this system
features a complete examination to evaluate your understanding of the topic and your skills. The certification also needs to be appreciated and thought of by dependable organizations working within the logistics and transportation sectors. Additionally, examine the probabilities of academic packages that present for ongoing training. Logistics and provide chain administration is an evolving subject, and thus common updates relating to new developments, and applied sciences can show useful. Ultimate ideas Selecting the right dispatcher certification program ought to take into consideration sure elements that embody accreditation, course content material, time spent in coaching, sensible expertise, and price. Sensible expertise is especially very important in dispatcher coaching, because it lets you apply realized ideas in real-world eventualities, enhancing your readiness for the job market. Moreover, contemplate the price of this system and guarantee it presents good worth for the funding. Evaluate completely different packages to search out one that matches your finances whereas nonetheless offering a high-quality training. This fashion, you will discover a program that not solely imparts the appropriate data to you but in addition makes you eligible for additional work within the logistics and transportation industries. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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indyhypnosis · 1 year
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The Personal Growth Industry Needs A Makeover
“I’ve been in therapy for nine years, and although my therapist has been helpful, I’m still battling with the same feelings of not being enough. I keep procrastinating and sabotaging my business, and it has to stop.
I have lost so many opportunities, but I don’t know what to do. It feels like I haven’t gotten deep enough into the real issues that are blocking my growth. I’ve watched your testimonials and done a lot of research on you, and believe you’ll be the one who can finally help me get past this.”
I hear stories like that every day, and it makes me so upset.
Nobody should have to be in therapy for nine years and still feel the same way as before they started.
Three significant issues are causing a major problem in the personal development industry.
Traditional psychology and social work training provides outdated tools that produce poor and inconsistent client outcomes. They also aren’t equipping therapists with practice-building skills.
Life coaching schools and Hypnotherapy certifications are flooding the market with students missing the same rapid transformation skills as psychologists and therapists. They also need more confidence and the business/marketing systems to grow a financially successful practice and create a more significant impact.
Ego-driven characters and internet marketers are pumping out cheap NLP-knock-off certification programs that harm the personal development industry because people are tired of wasting money on poorly trained coaches and consultants. If everyone is an “expert” because they went through a $500 online course, that word has lost meaning!
Let’s go through the first of these problems, and then I’ll provide a resolution since it’s annoying when someone complains about an issue but doesn’t offer possible solutions.
Traditional psychology programs produce the same poor results as a high school education.
The public has been complaining about the need to update the education system in America for a long time. The original design of our education system was to train factory workers, but our children would thrive much more if taught how to think like entrepreneurs, collaborators, and innovators.
I watched an interview on the topic of America being the greatest country in the world and was shocked and moved when one of the famous panelists disagreed and shared unsettling stats. It’s worth watching.
The psychology industry also needs an overhaul.
Sadly, the profession attracts large egos and wounded people who don’t always have others’ best interests in mind.
While attending college and two graduate schools to learn clinical psychotherapy methods from 1988-1996, I encountered and witnessed certain professors abuse their power and gain satisfaction from making students cry and doubt themselves.
Plus, the intervention tools learned hardly had any positive or lasting effect on clients, except for what I experienced from Dr. John Harris, who introduced us to a controversial modality during a Counseling Processes class called Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Although it was the only class where I experienced fast and lasting transformation, other professors didn’t take that approach seriously.
Instead, they emphasized psychological testing, rewards and punishments, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, an elaborate and sometimes complicated form of positive thinking.
To be clear, there were and are, wonderful psychology professors teaching and making a difference for their students, and I did learn valuable lessons from many of them.
Yet, my destiny changed in 1990 while taking one of the 33 psychology courses I completed at the college/graduate level.
It was a Psychological Interventions class, and the instructor brought guest speakers to present their work.
One of them was a Hypnotherapist, and when I volunteered to get hypnotized so I could make my classmates laugh (I got my self-worth from entertaining others, even when it landed me in serious trouble), it set me on a course to learn how to use Hypnosis so others could experience the deep inner peace I felt that day.
Since my first psychology class in 1988, I’ve become obsessed with finding proven methods for producing positive, lasting, and often immediate results for people regardless of their presenting situation or symptoms.
Over the last 35 years, and facilitating over 15,000 individual sessions and hundreds of group coaching programs on a wide variety of personal and professional growth-related subjects, I figured out what those precise methods are and turned them into a series of unconscious reprogramming experiences called the One Belief Away™ Method.
I’ve discovered that you are just one belief away from having a significant breakthrough that will almost instantly transform all areas of your life.
That would have sounded too good to be true if I had heard someone say that, which is why I’ve documented the results for twenty years with thousands of written, video, and audio client testimonials.
Although I’ve been teaching my Hypnosis methods and Certifying people to become Hypnotherapists since 2007, I’m relaunching a new One Belief Away™ Certification program on May 15, 2023 to fix all the issues I’ve pointed out.
Watch for Part 2 of this tomorrow, as I have a lot of feedback to share from life coaches and Hypnotists who are all struggling with the same challenges.
Thanks for reading!
Have a productive day
🙂 Tim Shurr, MA
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davidanderson121 · 2 years
Health Club - OAK Health Club
5 Best Health Club Options In Your Area If you’re looking to improve your physical health, there are a number of great options available in your area. Whether you’re looking for a traditional gym, an outdoor activity center, or something entirely new, these five health clubs will have you covered. If you’re unsure where to start, take a look at our handy guide to the best health club options in your area. From prices and amenities to fitness classes and more, we’ll help you find the right club for you. Health Club What to look for in a health club 1) First and foremost, make sure you are looking for a health club that adheres to fitness guidelines set by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). You want to make sure that the health club has a variety of equipment, including cardio machines, weight machines, and free-weights. 2) Also look for clubs with qualified staff. Make sure that the coaches have a minimum of two years’ experience and hold certification from an ACSM-accredited certifying organization such as ACE or NSCA. 3) Check out the amenities offered by the club. Are there saunas, pool tables, full gym facilities, and more? 4) Finally, consider your budget when picking a health club. Do you want to spend more money for superior facilities or do you want to stick to less expensive options? The best health club options in your area When it comes to finding the best health club options in your area, you have a few different things to consider. Do you want a large facility with plenty of equipment and amenities? Or do you want a smaller, more personal gym? And if you’re looking for a specific type of workout, are you interested in cardio, weightlifting, or yoga classes? Here are five of the best health clubs in your area: 1. Life Time Fitness: This large chain has facilities all over the United States, but is especially popular in big cities like New York and Los Angeles. There are usually lots of options for classes and activities, and the staff is always willing to help new members get started. 2. 24 Hour Fitness: This chain is also nationwide, but tends to be slightly less popular than Life Time. It still has a wide range of options, including lots of classes and facilities for both cardio and weightlifting. 3. Gold's Gym: This old-school gym is known for its cheap membership fees and strong emphasis on fitness training. While it may not have as many amenities as some of the other clubs on this list, its focus on hardcore workouts will give you plenty of results. 4. CorePower Yoga Studios: If yoga isn’t your thing, CorePower offers dozens of other classes that will give you a variety of benefits for your body and mind. The studio is small so there Conclusion If you're looking for a place to get fit and improve your fitness, there are many health clubs in your area that offer great options. From yoga classes to weightlifting, these clubs have something for everyone. If you're not sure where to start, our top five health club choices may be able to help steer you in the right direction. So whether you're new to the world of fitness or are looking for a new challenge, our top five health club selections should be able to help!
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robkishentrepreneur · 2 years
Yoga Certification Online
In today's competitive yoga market, certified teachers have a distinct advantage over those who don't. With so many people vying for students' attention, having the best yoga certification online degree can help you stand out from the crowd and attract more students to your classes.
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harmonyd · 2 years
Life Healthcare College of Learning Fees Structure 2023/2024
Life Healthcare College of Learning Fees Structure 2023/2024
Life Healthcare College of Learning The amount due for the Academic Session of 2023–2024 has been made public by the Life Healthcare College of Learning. Candidates and applicants must obtain the relevant information regarding tuition and other school costs. Every academic session, Life Healthcare College of Learning reviews its payment/fee structure. The following fees are included in the…
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consolelog · 2 years
Laying the foundations of my career: how + why I chose community college to begin my transition into tech
A quick search will yield thousands of online resources to launch a career in tech, including bootcamps, courses, degrees, certificates, informative articles, and even YouTube tutorials. Yet the #1 dilemma people continue to struggle with when making the transition is not knowing where or how to get started. With all of the online and in-person options available, why does tech still appear inaccessible? Recognizing this gap, I decided to document my journey hoping to share helpful and relatable experiences to help others shape their own. Below is part two of my journey (between 2020-2021), written through the lens of an adult without a degree. This story outlines the personal struggles I faced with not knowing where to begin, and how I found solutions to them for laying the foundations of my career.
It was nearly a decade later after dropping out of college when I decided to pursue a career in tech. No matter how much searching I did online, getting a job in the industry seemed far beyond my reach. Despite endless pages of resources, there were very few (if any) success stories or relatable experiences from other women also coming from minimum wage jobs and night-life gigs. At the time, I was single, estranged from family, and barely knew anyone in LA, so moving forward with a career in tech meant carving my own path without a support system to guide me.
I spent over a month scouring the internet for helpful articles, investigating bootcamps, browsing local college programs, and reading a lot of Reddit posts. My searches into different fields and how to land a job looked like this: “Can I land a ___ job without a college education?”, “Do I need a degree to become a ___?”, “What programming languages do I need to learn?”, “Should I finish my degree?”, “Should I get a degree in CS/CIS for ___?”, “This bootcamp vs that bootcamp”, “This field in tech vs that field”, “Bootcamps vs college vs certificates vs studying on my own to land a job in ___”. After deciding on software engineering as my career path, I began racking up bookmarks, taking notes, and narrowing down my options by comparing them in a word document organized into two main categories: free vs paid. I (eventually) tried them all:
1. Bootcamps. I read reviews and researched job outcomes, full-time vs part-time curriculums, syllabi, mentor services, career coaching, and payment plans. They were selling me my dream: that their program would land me a job within a few months after graduation and I could kiss poverty goodbye forever. However, all of them were expensive, and their deferred tuition plans meant being locked into a contract that would take a percentage of my income after being hired. Nonetheless, this was originally my first course of action. I was desperate to find a way out of my current circumstances and rushed through the interview and admissions process. I even tested into the program and went as far as to fill out the deferred tuition form. However, when it was time to submit the application, I backed out. Even after all the research I poured into choosing a bootcamp, I was still uncertain, and debt scared me. I kept asking myself, “Did I really explore all of my options?”, and concluded that it was best to start with the free resources first, which led me to option two:
2. Self-study. I put the idea of joining the bootcamp on hold to give studying on my own a chance. I watched YouTube tutorials and dabbled in free + cheap online courses to explore different programming languages. I realized quickly into this decision that I would have put myself in a detrimental place (financially and mentally) had I joined the bootcamp without prior knowledge about any of the programing languages. I also discovered that my learning pace was too slow for a bootcamp at the time due to being out of school for so long. There was now an extra layer on top of trying to learn new material: I needed to re-learn how to learn. This was probably the most upsetting realization of them all, because it meant pushing back my transition into a new career even more. Eventually, learning on my own proved to be unsuccessful and my dream of getting out of a poverty hole felt impossible. By this point, I felt so low I was questioning whether or not software engineering was the right career path for me, which led me to my final option:
3. College (community college). After deciding that a bachelor’s degree was too expensive and would take too long to accomplish, I registered to complete a full-stack certificate. Although lockdown made orientation and the financial aid process a nightmare, my determination resulted in being able to attend with a pell grant. I was surrounded by people of all ages and various backgrounds that shared the same goal as me: to give myself more than what I had. Taking classes in Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React connected me with a large network of people in CS/CIS Discord servers where I had access to other teachers, tutors, graduates, internships, and job-postings. Beginning my transition into tech with community college allowed me to get acclimated with learning again at the pace I needed, which ultimately solidified the idea that choosing this career path was indeed right for me. I was also not alone anymore, but part of a community where I could turn to the support of others.
In hindsight, the setbacks I faced in the beginning boiled down to three factors: 1) not having any prior exposure to the industry, 2) not knowing how to educate myself after being out of school for so long, and 3) not knowing what questions to ask to get started. At the time, my income, employment, education level, and overall poor quality of life reflected the demographic of my tumultuous background and familial relationships. I was living in a constant state of scarcity mentality, trying to survive unsafe living conditions, and battling toxic generational patterns. It was only because I spent my twenties addressing those issues that I was able to start believing I was capable of more.
Even though it was a decade-long, painful process, my life choices eventually led me to an inclusive community of people with diverse backgrounds also pursuing tech-related fields. Slowly, I began shedding harmful beliefs of who I was and where I came from, building a support network, and taking the first steps of my educational journey into tech.
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What is a life coach?
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To answer this question, we must first examine what a life coach is not. There are many misconceptions of life coaches. First and foremost, at the time of this post, life coaching is not a regulated industry. There is no official governing authority overseeing life coaches. The closest type of organization to regulation would be the International Coaching Federation (“ICF”). ICF has set what it considers to be standards for the life coaching industry. However, one is not required to be registered with ICF, nor is one required to be certified.
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With that said, many self proclaimed “life coaches” may not have received formal training, and they may not be aware of things that may be inappropriate to do. To be a good life coach, in general, requires patience, emotional intelligence, active listening skills, ability to synthesize information, access to resources, supportive and encouraging demeanor, and proper use of appropriate questions. Certification legitimates an individual by demonstrating one has had proper training. Therefore, it is worth hiring a life coach who is certified through an organization such as ICF or the Certified Coaches Alliance (“CCA”). These entities require codes of ethics to be adhered. Violations of these ethics may result if revocation of certification.
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It is a popular misconception that life coaches are therapists, counselors, advisors, or consultants. That, in part, can be blamed on employers mixing job descriptions to hire “cheap” labor and/or under qualified candidates. Therapists and counselors can be life coaches, but life coaches are not therapists or counselors unless they have degrees and have passed state board examinations, which qualify them to be therapists and counselors. In other words, a therapist or counselor need not require additional training to be a life coach. Conversely, a life coach would require specialized training and credentials to be a therapist or counselor.
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Psychologists and psychiatrists can diagnose, but some states may have rules and regulations, pertaining to diagnoses by therapists and counselors. Life coaches are neither qualified nor authorized to diagnose unless they are licensed to do so. In coaching, we learn, to effectively serve clients, we must distinctly separate our services. For example, if one is a psychologist and a life coach, one should delineate between which services are being provided and when. Similarly, a certified health coach must separate him/herself from being a certified personal trainer if s/he is also a certified personal trainer. Each service should be separate and distinct.
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A good life coach knows how to identify when a client needs services beyond the scope of the life coach. It is recommended that life coaches establish networks and/or resources to better serve clients who would benefit from additional services. For example, it is common for people to “feel stuck.” A good life coach can help clients uncover what is blocking their progress. However, if it is discovered that there is a deeper, clinical reason for the blockage, at that point, a good life coach would know to make a referral to a mental health provider who can work in conjunction with the life coach and client. Some blockages may be trauma related or entwined with past experiences, inhibiting progress. Mental health providers help resolve past experiences. Life coaches focus on the present, leading to the future.
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Life coaches serve as accountability coaches by helping clients set clear goals, manage goals, and take incremental steps to achieve those goals. Mental health providers may also incorporate some of those techniques, but their main focus is resolving cognitive concerns of the past. A person who was bullied may encounter difficulties with achieving goals due to feelings of inadequacies or failure. A life coach can help the client identify that as the obstacle, but a mental health provider helps resolve the trauma associated with events of the past. Confidence coaches can help with strategies to improve self image moving forward, but psychologists help resolve the past.
Why can’t a life coach give me answers or tell me what to do?
People often misconceive the role of life coaches, and potential life coaches often have misconceptions of what life coaches actually do. When they hire life coaches, they think we are supposed to diagnose and treat them or that we are supposed to give them answers to all of their questions. A popular myth is that life coaches solve people’s problems and tell people what to do. Here is why they are wrong.
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The only person who can truly know and understand you is you. If your life is a book, then you are the best author. You have the first hand account of your life and experiences. You know what circumstances you have, which vary by person. An answer for your friend may not be the best answer for you. Let us think of two very different people with the same exact question: what should I do with my life? While the question is the same for both individuals, each person has his/her own journey. By journey, we can say each person experiences life differently. In chado, traditional / formal Japanese tea ceremony, we were taught a classic way of thinking — ichi-go ichi-e, which means one chance, one encounter.
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To further elaborate, if you are standing at the beach, looking at a rainbow at 10:00 EST on Sunday, May 1, 2022, while wearing blue shoes, then you did the same thing the following year, not every single variable could be perfectly replicated. The weather, wind, sunlight, birds flying, other people, precise color of the sky, earth’s exact position, and other factors would be different if even slightly. You may not even have the same exact emotion, physical sensation, or thoughts. Due to these characteristics and many more, no two people can have the same exact experience given a plethora of uncontrolled variables. This is why two people can have the same question but experience the question in differing ways.
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Life coaching is a co creative relationship not a co dependent relationship. It is not a structure for a client to become dependent on a life coach. A good life coach aids with strategies of independence, so clients can learn to rely upon themselves. If people did everything for us, we would lack basic survival skills, and we would have no incentive to think for ourselves or learn problem solving skills. Example: learning math is useful when calculators fail. Our lives will not stop completely when calculators stop working. We were taught basic skills to compute on our own. This is similar to the life coaching relationship.
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With all of that said, a life coach cannot simply give you answers, because the question itself is not so simple on a personal and individual level. The answer for you may very well be a different answer for another person. Individuals may not be able to objectively ask themselves questions to find the answers they already possess. As a life coach, our job is to listen to you objectively and judgement free, clarify what you are stating, and help you dig deeply to reach those answers. We help you destroy self-imposed limits and boundaries to unlock your full potential. We help you discover your truth. We help you feel empowered.
Why hire a life coach, if a life coach cannot tell you what to do?
Life coaches cannot judge, advise, or command. Life coaching is a co-creative relationship in which the coach listens judgement free. The coach should not give you answers or tell you what to do. To state it simply, life coaches are not qualified to give advice as to how you should live. The only true expert in all that is you is you. You know yourself best. While we each have similar questions, such as, “What is my purpose in life?” we each have different answers. The answer for one may not be the answer for another. This is why we are our own experts.
We all have the answers we seek. Sometimes those answers are beneath the surface. Other times those answers are deeply hidden. A certified life coach is trained to actively listen, concisely clarify what you have stated, and ask deeper questions designed to help you peel away the layers until you reach the answer. A certified life coach is there to help you ask the questions you may not think to ask yourself.
Most people do not typically prefer feeling lonely, which is different than being alone. Having a life coach is similar to having your very own cheerleader — someone who supports and encourages you, so you do not have to feel alone. Research studies evidence individuals with coaches feel they are able to achieve their goals more so than when they did not have coaches. This could be due to having external support systems. Tasks seem more enjoyable when encouragement and support are offered.
Once you have uncovered your answers, it is usually time to take action. Certified life coaches help you identify and set SMART goals. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. Certified life coaches facilitate action plans to achieve your goals one step at a time by serving as accountability partners. They help you break down big goals into more manageable pieces. During each session, the life coach should summarize with you the plans of the prior session to see if you have accomplished what you decided to do.
Schedule your initial consultation to see which coaching plan is right for you. Actualization may be reached in the first session; however, results vary by individual and is affected by individual processes.
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robkishentrepreneur · 2 years
Herbalist Schools
Tt doesn't have to be this way! By enrolling in a life coach certification program, you can learn the tools and techniques to help you break through barriers and reach your potential.
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kenzhl-blog · 4 years
Bundy supposedly found out who his mother was
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exyjunkies · 5 years
Hi can you do JereJean + 88?
okay i decided to write this one out as a teeny brain exercise so… enjoy my crappy writing
trigger warning: light homophobia
fic meme 1-100: jerejean + 88. “Don’t panic, but I think we might have accidentally gotten married…”
send me a ship and a number and i’ll write you a drabble (1-50) (51-100)
The first thing to register in Jean’s mind was the searing pain in his left eye. Which burned even more, as he attempted to open it.
Crap. That’s going to be one hell of a shiner.
The second thing to register in Jean’s mind was the fact that the light coming into his only functioning eye was too sunny to be familiar. His body, too heavy and groggy from sleep, failed to come to terms with the expected panic. So instead, his initial response was to stretch out on the (yet again unfamiliar) extremely comfortable duvet.
As awareness took over him, Jean stretched out his legs, wriggled his fingers. Rolled his shoulders, inhaled and exhaled. Listened to the quiet rumble of his stomach, awaiting some breakfast.
As he blinked himself into wakefulness, he saw the ring around his left ring finger.
His heart dropped.
“Putain.” He jolted upright, examining the ring. There was no doubt about the legitimacy of the gold band around his ring finger, holding it captive as if it meant something.
Beside him, a voice drowsily said, “Come on, Jean. You know I don’t speak French.”
In that moment, Jean was doubly mortified. He couldn’t bring himself to look to his right.
The striker turned his head on his pillow, looking up at Jean with droopy, peaceful eyes. He yawned and stretched into the bed, looking to get even more comfortable. 
“What’s the matter?” Jeremy asked, already in the middle of another yawn.
When he saw what Jean’s shocked expression was for, he struggled to get up and over the covers. It took half a minute for the both of them to be sitting upright, and the other half of that minute for Jeremy to be able to properly speak.
“What. Is. That.” Jeremy’s eyes goggled at the sight of Jean’s ring.
“Well, I guess,” Jean was at a loss for words himself. “This is what happens when we drink as much as Kevin.”
“Um.” Jeremy blinked once, twice, thrice, then he brought out his own left hand from under the covers.
On Jeremy’s ring finger sat an identical gold band, solid and glinting against the morning sunlight.
Jeremy looked between the two rings and made a not bad face, while Jean flopped back down on the bed in disbelief.
“Bordel. Out of all the things we could’ve done.”
Jeremy sighed and patted Jean on the arm. “Calm down, Jean. I didn’t think it would be like this either. At least not with–ow–my right hand hurting like a bitch.”
“What do we do now? Vegas was supposed to be a stopover, not some major life turning point.”
“We can talk about it if you’re ready.”
“And what about the team?”
“Oh. Well. I guess we… tell Coach. Or Alvarez first, because she’s always known how to get out of sticky situations.”
Jean nodded, slowly reaching for his phone. His notifications were one after the other, several missed calls after a bunch of messages after Twitter alerts after mentions on Instagram. He shook his head in disbelief.
“Hey, Laila? Is Alvarez there?” Jean said, grateful that the pick-up was on the third ring. “Yeah. Can you get her for us?”
“Mornin’, lover boy,” Alvarez greeted, the sound of a door closing soft in the background.
“Uh,” Jean looked to Jeremy, who mouthed an I don’t know and stood up to look out the window. “There’s a problem.”
“Why, what’s wrong?” Her amused tone seemed suspicious, but Jean pushed through with it anyway.
Jean put the phone on speaker, and took a deep breath. “Okay. Well. Don’t panic, but I think we might have accidentally gotten married…”
A beat of silence, then Alvarez laughed out loud on the other end.
“What?! What was that for?” 
“So,” Alvarez said, in between gulps of air, “you guys… hah! really don’t remember? Oh God, this is hilarious.”
“Of course I don’t! We had…”
And then Jean remembered. The nightclub, the pulsing lights. The series of shots that the entire team had participated in. How he had opted to stop after two, and Jeremy had backed out after three. The two of them separating from the team sometime around midnight. The two of them laughing at scenes on the dance floor, talking about anything and everything in between. Jean getting punched by a homophobe, only for Jeremy to come to his defense and knock the guy out. The two of them holding hands, getting another drink at the bar. The two of them stumbling into a storage room, mouths against each other, drunken confessions in between moans.
Oh, Jean, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted–
Jeremy, yes, please–
How one of them had slurred let’s get married and the other had dragged the both of them to the wedding chapel just a couple of blocks away.
“And you didn’t care to stop us?” Jean exclaimed, having Alvarez burst into yet another laugh.
“Okay, okay, slow down, drama queen. We got your invite. We were there. Unfortunately, you– yeah, babe, they’re panicking right now,” Alvarez broke off, and Jean heard Laila laughing in the background.
“Not funny, Laila.”
“You’d actually be pleased to hear that Laila sponsored your rings, so I think you should spare us the hostility,” Alvarez shot back, high-fiving Laila.
Jean groaned. He looked at Jeremy with a frown. Jeremy rolled his eyes and decided to look at the room service menu.
“You were saying?”
“Unfortunately, we did try to stop you, but you got all… serious and lovey-dovey.”
Jean could hear Laila cooing in the background.
He narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean–”
“What she means is,” Jeremy cut in, eyes boring into Jean, “that you were the one who insisted on pushing through.”
“Jean, you said some… really nice things last night,” Alvarez said, her voice growing softer and more serious. “I think I’ll leave you and Jeremy to talk about it.”
The line went dead, and all Jean could do was look at Jeremy. His throat went dry.
“I…” Jean didn’t know what to say. He let out a nervous chuckle.
“The first day of our marriage, and the first thing you do is panic to someone else?” Jeremy jokingly scolded, crossing his arms and sitting on the edge of the bed. “That screams trouble.”
“Well, maybe if you hadn’t suggested telling Alvarez–” Jean sighed, and looked up at Jeremy’s amused face. “You know what. It doesn’t matter.”
Jeremy shook his head and smiled. He offered his hand and waited until Jean reached out and held it.
“Drunk or not, I think you meant those words you said,” Jeremy said, and Jean avoided his eyes.
Jean couldn’t remember all of it, but it was sappy enough for him to be sure that he was blushing a little right now.
Defensively, he replied, “At least I had wedding vows.”
“Well, inebriated me isn’t exactly the most literate.”
“Yeah. I would have to agree.”
They laughed, and Jean found it more than okay when Jeremy moved closer to him on the bed. It was even better when Jeremy put his arm around him and let him lean on him.
“Is your eye okay?”
“Still bruised, thanks for asking.”
They sat there for a while, just holding each other. Jean wondered if they needed to be anywhere at this time. Jean realized he didn’t really care if they did.
“Do you think these cheap-ass Vegas weddings are legitimate?” Jeremy murmured, looking at their hands loosely holding.
“I think so. I remember the certificates and the signatures. Why?”
Jeremy turned to face Jean. He brought his other hand to Jean’s face.
“That’s too bad,” Jeremy said, a soft smile on his face. “I would’ve wanted a more memorable wedding.”
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