#chazrizard doth speaketh
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#chazrizard doth speaketh#it new yerr#hap new yerr#i might be a little drunk#but who the fuck knows#i hope 2018 doesn't fuck me over like 2017 did
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So here’s my meet the artist! As you can see I’m not very interesting but meh whatever.
If anyone has questions, you wanna chat about stuff like cats or just wanna gimme some dank memes the hit my question-y doodad up.
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I've truly reached my artistic peak, spending 4 hours approx. Digitally painting a croissant. Its not even that good
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I've recently cleared out my pigsty of a room and found my gcse art stuff... There's so much manga crap it hurt
#Chazrizard doth speaketh#i was fucking weeaboo trash#fml#theres even a anime/manga sweeny todd i did that's so bad#its all been banished to the loft#hopefully it might get rain damaged
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So ermm I now have twitter again... If anyone is interested in following me? Drop me an ask and ill give you my tweety thing
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The awkward moment when you mix up the names of Baron Vengeous and General Grivious in conversation about Star Wars
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Being Hopes Peak academy's new ultimate Clutz is paying off well!!
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I got tagged to do this by the wonderfully lovely iwishiwastanithlow iwishiwastanithlow so here we go!!!
RULES: once you’ve been tagged you’re supposed to answer the 92 truths about you and at the end you choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
~What was your last beverage: Coffee ~Last phone call: To my uncle, about my cousin ~
Last text message:
To my cousin, telling her my e-mail ~Last song you listened to: The Dangan Ronpa closing theme it's too long for me to put the whole title and I'm too lazy. ~Last time you cried: A few months ago I think, I can't really remember
~Dated someone twice: *sigh* yeahhhhh ~Been cheated on: Nope ~Kissed someone and regretted it: *thinking noises* No? Noooo? ~Been drunk and threw up: Nope ~LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: Black, White and Red
~•IN 2014 DID YOU:•~
~Make a new friend: Yep ~Fall out of love: Yep ~Laugh until you cry: Quite a lot I suppose ~
Meet someone who changed you: Yes? I think? ~
Find out who your true friends are: I suppose ~Find out someone was talking about you: No? ~Kiss anyone on your Facebook friends list: *deep sigh* yeahhhhh
~First best friend: A bloke called Will, whom I met in primary school, we're still friends now, which is sorta nice I suppose ~First sport joined: It was either, Cycling, Karate, Swimming or Snorkelling, I don't remember which came first. ~First vacation: Ok story time, My VERY first holiday was when I was a wee baby, my parents took me to Greece, they were in a bank and a woman came up to my parents and asked to take a picture of me or something because I've got a very odd shade of ginger hair, she'd never seen anyone with that coloured hair because it's not very common in Greece so I was a slight oddity. She even called her mum to have a look at me. ~First pair of trainers: Pretty sure they flashed or had Pokemon or the Powerpuff Girls on them
~Drinking: Nothing, It was coffee ~
I’m about to: Start playing Dangan Ronpa 2, and maybe go to the loo ~Listening to: The TV, more specifically the pointless answers on Pointless. ~Waiting for: My psp to charge
~Want kids: No ta. ~Get married: No ta. Also that would imply that there's someone out there who likes me enough to drag me to Church to tell some sky dude that I'm gonna spend my days with them. ~Career: An illustrator would be nice I suppose, or a Comedian
~Lips or eyes: Both ~Hugs or Kisses: Both ~Shorter or taller: Taller, any shorter than me and they'll be the size of a child. ~Romantic or spontaneous: Both? ~Nice arms or stomach: Both ~Sensitive or loud: I'm not too fussed ~Trouble-maker or hesitant: Both?
~Kissed a stranger: No. ~Drank hard liquor: Define hard liquor? ~Lost glasses/contacts: Sorta, I put my black framed glasses down on a cream bed-sheet then went to find them again and since my vision is soooo bad I couldn't see them. ~Turned someone out: No? Because people aren't like stoves. (I don't know what this means!) ~Sex on the first date: Nope ~
Broke someone’s heart: I don't think so? ~Been arrested: No ~Cried when someone died: Yeahhh
~Yourself: Mehhh ~Miracles: Sometimes ~
Love at first sight: No ~Heaven: Meh ~Santa Claus: Yeah Totally.... *rolls eyes* ~Kiss on the first date: If you want? ~Angels: Maybe, but the question is, do they believe in ME?
Right Tagging people, don't feel like you need to do this, I'm not gonna tag 25 people cause I don't have that many people to tag who like me.
alexandrabowtie alltimegouldy carnelian1111 consultingskeletondetective gemmawolf misty-m0untains-cold that-raccoon valkyrieraisingcain secrets129
Don't feel like you need to do this, if you don't want to that's perfectly fine. Just ignore me :D
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Going on a mystery weekend... Dont know where... But we were supposed to leave an hour ago, we've not left yet -_-
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There's absolutely nothing on TV so I've resorted to Pocoyo, despite the fact it's a kid's show, I've come to the conclusion that Pato is an inconsiderate poop noggin. I mean who the hell, puts a bathtub in a plane?
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Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable)
EEEEEEEEP!! Someone loves me enough to send me one of these!! Thanks dynamatrix-troublesome (We’ve not spoken before but I can tell you’re amazing!)
SO! Five things about me eh? Lets see errrrrrrrrrm…
1) I’m fairly pessimistic, I get that from my father, YAY cynicism!!
2) I’ve still not read the last Skulduggery Pleasant book (yup I know I suck) it’s just kinda sat on my desk looking sad with all of the other books that I’ve not read, thanks university…
3) I’m an Illustration student and I’m one of the youngest in my class, seriously, everyone else took a foundation year but I didn’t cause I’m faaaaaaaaaaar too lazy for that stuff…
4) I’ve got a weird fascination with folk music, I don’t know what is about it but it just makes me smile, which doesn’t happen a whole lot.
5) I’m tiny, seriously, I’m 5’1 and surrounded by people who think it’s highly amusing to constantly point out my pint-sized stature, please don’t I’m well aware of how smidgy I am…
Wow that was really difficult to do… I’ve really rambled on there… D:
Apologies for that!
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Just a fun little thing I've found out today, on the British Amazon store, the indie game Knock Knock is free to download as an app, im not sure for how long but yeah... Have fun...
#knock knock#this game scared the shit outta me#its freaking awesome#i love it#chazrizard doth speaketh
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Gonna make some gingerbread men, wish me luck
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Dear Spotify,
How the hell is Miley Cyrus, Adel and Blurred Lines EVEN REMOTELY like Royal Republic and the Nosebreakers?
Answer: They're bloody not
plz sthap
Sincerly, Chazrizard
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Help!! Ive got no one that inspires me! Its making this homework so much harder than it needs to be
#chazrizard doth speaketh#art#university homework#ive not even started my illustration course and im already stressed#*cries forever*
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I can safely say that I think ive lost my mojo, I dont feel like drawing. Like seriously trying to draw in this mood is like trying to push rocks through a sieve, its not gonna happen and you're going to ruin a perfectly good sieve
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