swizzlesmalarkey · 3 years
event starter for @oliifoxwrth​
Swizz hadn’t planned on seeking out his ex at the ball, but since Fawn had ditched him, he was feeling lonely and a little chaotic. Randy was hanging out, feeling sorry for himself since he couldn’t drink or see Wendy, and Tinsley was too preoccupied with Dewey. Thus led Swizz to the volunteer area, where people were taking drink orders and getting trays of appetizers prepared. “Do you ever know how to just have fun?” he asked teasingly as he approached Oliver. It seemed that his days were filled with more volunteering than actually doing things that his ex enjoyed, though he did know he probably liked volunteering more than the ball itself. “I bet they won’t miss you if you come for a dance. In a way, you’d be volunteering your time to make me less lonely.”
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michaelxrhodes-blog · 6 years
Mike set up one of the training areas for when Oliver would arrive. He decided to get warmed up a bit. They were in for a pretty good session. With his one-on-one clients, he always had a plan to work them up to a goal, whatever it would be. And since he and Oliver were friends, it would be fun, a little chit chat and working out together. As a trainer, it was his job to help others get fit and have fun. He went over to the weights and once he was all stretched out, he picked up one of the barbells and started lifting.
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jayxnash · 5 years
“Well, well, well, look who it is...” Jay approached Oliver with a smirk. “Our own town rockstar. I hear you’re going on tour,” he said, folding his arms over his chest, looking at him with an amused expression.
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thecxllective · 7 years
“✉” - Oliver
send “✉” for a text that wasn’t sent
[ Oliver ] : ... i wish you would just fucking give up the whole act[ Oliver } : and let someone actually love you
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ameliaclifton · 8 years
Amelia sat a bag of various groceries on the counter of her kitchen and began to put things away. There were many things that she wasn’t entirely sure where to put. She didn’t keep any food in her house for herself- she didn’t need to. But since she had hired the young pup to help her it only felt right if she had food for him while he was there working. The vampire looked up from what she was doing once she heard the back door open. “I’ve got you some food. I figured you’d be hungry once you finished.”
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swizzlesmalarkey · 3 years
closed starter for @oliifoxwrth​
Ever since he’d seen his ex at the Halloween bash, Swizz had been itching to see him again. Though he missed the feeling of truly wanting to see Oliver, this wasn’t it. It was a different kind of wanting, like he was trying to make up for the fact that things had been undeniably awkward, or that he needed to apologize for everything that he’d ever done, and maybe then Oliver wouldn’t look at him like a stranger. He found himself at the animal shelter (on a day that Fawn wasn’t working, because that would’ve been a new level of torture Swizz was not ready to handle) when he saw his face again, and this time, Oliver looked even more shocked to see him. “Hey, I...didn’t think I’d see you here,” he lied, though he was a bit shocked that this was only the second time he’d worked at the shelter and his plan had already succeeded. “Sorry, I just--you know my mom. She’s encouraging me to do more for my mental calm, all that shit, so...here I am.”
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kira-park · 7 years
Kira had spent the last hour making sure everyone at the party had a drink and was preoccupied with the party. Things were going over very smoothly this far, and she couldn’t help but feel a bit proud of herself. The pup looked over the attendees for another moment to notice a new guest. He was very tall, and didn’t look like a teenager at all. She didn’t recognize him at all, but somehow felt immediate intimidation. Taking a breath, she moved over to them and smiled. It was only polite for her to greet the new guest. “Oh, hi. Do you know Kita? I’m not sure we’ve met. I’m Kira.”
“I’m aware.” He smiled, a charming smile at that. “I’m actually here to introduce myself.” Kira rose her brows, surprised, but let him continue. “I’m Syrus,” he looked around to make sure that any of the other party attendees wouldn’t be within too close of earshot. “I’m the alpha of the Tantalascar. The pack that’s territory that circles the town.”
Kira froze for a moment. What? How was she supposed to react to this? It was flattering that there was a pack that knew she existed... but why did they know she existed? It did also explain why she felt a bit small next to him, and not just in size; though he did essentially mammoth her. The pup remembered Oliver explaining to her that alphas gave other wolves a sense of unease. She felt excited and curious with this new friend. “Oh, wow. Lovely to meet you Syrus. What do I owe the honor, if you don’t mind me asking.”
"Possible recruitment. I’ll be frank.” Syrus said very blatantly. “You may not know, but your wolf ancestry goes very far back, and we think that you’d be a good addition to the pack. We like to have as many born-wolves in as possible. The ancestry builds us stronger. I won’t take up your whole birthday, but would you like to meet me about a mile north of here next week? To talk more.”
“Oh, wow,” Kira was shocked at all of this to say the least. She didn’t realize that her wolf ancestry went back as far as he made it seem. And she could believe that a real life actual wolf pack wanted her to join them. Kira was working on finishing her answer when she saw Oliver walk up. “Oh, Oli. Hi, this is Syrus.”
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thecxllective · 7 years
✘ (Oliver and Billy)
send “✘” for a hateful text.
[ OLIVER ] : Don’t think I forgot what you did. You are going to pay, Wiccan.[ OLIVER ] : Keep your distance, kid. 
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enticingbianca-blog · 9 years
Company | Bianca & Open
theorphannamedoliver​ liked your photoset
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“It was a little hot out and I couldn’t be bothered with too much clothing. I’m still covered for the most part.” She didn’t turn to look at the person behind her that entered onto her property as she lounged in the front yard.
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swizzlesmalarkey · 2 years
event starter for @oliifoxwrth​
After full-out dancing with his ex at the last event, Swizz was hoping for a less awkward outcome this time. He at least didn’t have someone standing him up this time around, he figured, and he was perfectly content looking after Cami and Lloyd for the night. Still, he hoped that things could be better between the two, and it was Swizz who’d asked for a bit of a fresh start, after all. “You here volunteering again, or actually trying to have fun?” he asked teasingly, approaching his ex with a smug smile on his face. “You should try doing things for yourself sometime. It’s not as horrible as it seems.”
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iliana-dominick-blog · 11 years
I need oli-pop...
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