kira-park · 6 years
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Mother Name:  Soon-ja Rhee
FC: Gong Hyo Jin
Species: Human - werewolf desent
Alive(age)/deceased?: alive; 42 years old
Relationship? Kira’s mother is easily the most valuable person in her life. While being a bit temperamental, Kira has always realized that her mother sacrificed absolutely everything for her and Kita. 
Father Name:  Joo-won Park
FC:  So Ji-sub
Species: Shape-shifter
Alive(age)/deceased?: alive; 45 years old.
Relationship?: Kira and her father have never been particularly close. He had always found it hard to connect with his daughters compared to his son’s while they were growing up. It certainly caused a rift in their relationship, though looking back in retrospect she can understand that he was stressed with having three children come into the world within a span of two months. Kira and Kita haven’t spoken to their father in three years as he stopped reaching out to them.
Step Mother Name: Jessica Park
FC: Natalie Portman
Species: Human
Alive(age)/deceased?: alive; 42 years old
Relationship?: Growing up, Kira never really knew how to feel about her. She never understood the situation within their family when she was younger. Jessica always had been inconsistent whether she was warm and welcoming, or cold and distant. It became more of an uncomfortable awkwardness more than anything.
Joo-wan and Soon-ja met each other when they were young. Joo-wan was twenty-two and married. Soon-ja was eighteen and very in love. Thier affair lasted for a year before Soon-ja became scared and pregnant. After hearing the news, Joo-wan was scared, but was ready to leave Jessica to be with his mistress. It was something he had been vowing to do since they had started the affair, but never actually had the motivation to do. Things seemed to be on a nice set path for them, until Jessica had revealed that she was also pregnant. 
Joo-wan ultimately decided that for the sake of his reputation to stay with Jessica, and stop his affair with Soon-ja. It seemed more logical to avoid a divorce and have an illegitimate child, rather than leave his pregnant wife. The stress and tension was only amplified when they learned that Soon-ja would be have twins. 
Twin Brother: Kita Park
FC: Kim Myungsoo
Species: Shape-shifter
Alive(age)/deceased?: alive; 19 years old
Birthday: March 15th, 1999
Relationship?: The twins have always had a fluctuating relationship. Kira can be overwhelming and clingy, which easily annoys Kita. Kita can be distant and overprotective, which annoys Kira. Despite this, they know that they can rely on each other for support when needed.
Half Brother: Brendan Park
FC: Hansol Vernon Chwe
Species: Human
Alive(age)/deceased: alive; 19 years old
Birthday: April 27th, 1999
Relationship?: Kira and Brendan haven’t talked recently. They kind of stopped talking once their father stopped reaching out to Kira and Kita. There’s not much contact from them other than occasional comments on social media.
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kira-park · 6 years
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kira-park · 6 years
“i think this is a wise use.” Jin argued because getting up and walking around sounded like hell on Earth right now, and when to better use a card like this then when he was lazy. He reached to poke at Kira’s cheek, smiling brightly, “Y’know, I think if I pout and whine enough I can get you to do anything I say~!”
He’s not surprised that Kira noticed the shift in mood. Noticed him tense. He’s not a scaredy cat or anything. He loved horror movies, especially supernatural stuff–or maybe loved when it was all fake to him. When he knew there wasn’t witches and curses and demons. When bumps in the night were games and pranks….. not cautionary tales and warnings. He’s never been a good liar, and someone like Kira who he has known for so long would be able to tell there was something up. Would be able to know something was wrong. But this isn’t something you just blurt out. Kira lived here her entire life. Maybe she knew already?
That thought makes his stomach churn. How could she know and not tell him? With Viola missing in a place like this he couldn’t–he didn’t– “I don’t–It’s not the movie; not really.” He admitted quietly. It was more what was in the movie. How did he even talk about this? How did he even explain what Oliver told him? “Kira… I–well–I just found something out that’s, honestly, a little ridiculous.” Did he bring Oliver into this? He didn’t want to risk putting him in danger, didn’t want to risk doing anything to hurt him or Kira. He wet his lips, “Things are weird here, yknow? And at first I thought it’s just because I’m from the city, and small towns were like this but–it’s a lot more than that, isn’t it?” He looked at her, brows knitting together, “There’s… more going on here in Asteria isn’t there?”
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kira listened to jin-sol intently. she was worried about what could be wrong. at first it seemed fairly typical. like it could be something as simple as a work problem, or maybe something a bit more tough. maybe it went back to viola. however, as what was bothering him began to unfold, she felt an unexpected nervousness take her over. was he talking about the supernatural world? it certainly seemed that way. but how in the actual fuck would jin-sol have any kind of knowledge of it? who could he have talked to that would spill that kind of information?
kira’s gaze became fixated on the floor board of the card. her lips brought to a flat line as she tried to think through this. how did he know.  well, she didn’t know that he knew, but what else was she to assume with his pointed questioning? 
when the wolf realized that he was expecting an actual answer she fumbled a bit. “oh wow, okay um...” her teeth worried her bottom lip nervously. “i mean, you could say that i guess...” she felt her heart pounding. what if whatever he was hinting at wasn’t what she thought it was? “i mean, you might need to be a little bit more, uh, specific, ya know?” she tried to bring her tone back up, like she wasn’t just put on edge by this, though she definitely was. “i need you to tell me exactly do you mean?”
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kira-park · 6 years
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the vampire let out an amused chuckle. “ why are you even asking ? is it something for class again ? ”
“no, classes start in a couple days so i don’t have to deal with that just yet. admittedly i was just curious.” she shrugged a shoulder. “people who don’t die always have cooler answers than anyone else.”
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kira-park · 6 years
“Ow you lil shit.” He laughed holding his side where her bony elbow stabbed him. “I think you punctured a organ. And why not do all of those things? Make it a big shebang out of it! To celebrate your last days of freedom.” He smiled at the idea. “We could borrow your Mom’s car and have a mini road trip out into the woods and go camping which is nature’s sleepover and bring a laptop to watch HSM or something. I dunno what do you think?” 
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“oh my god, that sounds amazing!” she grinned. “it might take some convincing on getting my mom to be okay with us taking the car since i scratched the door last time i borrowed it, but i think she’s already gotten over it.” she trailed off in thought before jumping right back into her thought. “we need to figure out exactly where we wanna go. like it can’t be somewhere too close, otherwise we’ll miss out on the road trip vibes.”
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kira-park · 6 years
“–If you ask me, I think you should blame it to your clumsy nature, Kir.”
She teased with a shrug, before her lips crack a grin. Luna was quite skeptical towards superstitions stuffs. But, her life had been different and she had met a witch once, so that’s probably something that she needs to work at from now on.
“–But come on, now. You don’t need to lock yourself in your house, eh?”
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“i dunno! it seems like the safest option!” kira whined out. “i mean look at what’s happened the moment i leave the house.” she smiled and tilted her head. “maybe i’m cursed. what if that’s it? i don’t wanna let my bad luck rub off on you, ya know.”
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kira-park · 6 years
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“ please. i’ve been here for centuries — i’ve got rights to be dramatic.” he shot back with a grin, followed by laughter at her clarification. “ honestly, same answer still applies but if you want something more specific, both things would be my immortality. ”
kira huffed and rolled her eyes. she couldn’t tell if it was a cop out or a legitmiate answer. it seemed as though it could go either way. she eyed him for a moment before nodding. “fine. i’ll allow that answer i suppose. but only because i’m in a generous mood.”
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kira-park · 6 years
Oliver belted out a laugh feeling triumphant as he finally released her out of his grasp. “I’m extremely satisfied.” He managed to get out from his chuckling fit while wiping a tear from his eye. “God. You make it so easy to fuck with you.” He smirked giving her a nudge. “So whats on the agenda today? School is starting back soon for you right? We gotta do something adventurous before you go back.”
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kira rolled her eyes and threw an elbow at his side. “sorry you just make it so easy.” she muttered back in a mocking tone. “um, oo. i don’t know! there’s no many opportunities. what about a road trip or camping, or movie night, or just a cool ass sleep over?” she listed off the long list of options without much thought. “what are you thinking?”
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kira-park · 6 years
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“ guess the universe had to balance it out somehow, ” he chuckled. he raised a brow at her question. “ isn’t it obvious ? ” he prompted, before smirking. “ what i am is both a blessing and a curse. ”
"oh my god. are you always so dramatic, ardan?” kira tilted her head and smiled. “i mean if you had to choose one thing about you that would be considered a blessing, and one thing that would be considered a curse what would it be?”
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kira-park · 6 years
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“ YOU ARE UNREAL. ” he started, staring at the young pup. “ i mean, how can you be this unlucky and yet fucking adorable at the same time ? ”
kira smiled and shook her head. “i’ve been told it’s a blessing and a curse i was given by fate. i’m luckily the cute twin, but unfortunately the clumsy one.” she explained. “what’s your blessing and what’s your curse?”
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kira-park · 6 years
“um, you almost broke my foot.” jin points out, turning some to look up at her, smirk settling on his features. it was a low blow, it was mean to use with against her, but he didn’t want to move just as much. he chuckles a second later, and presses closer to her warmth, “i think you should have to do all the work. i’m tired and lazy too.” he says, his voice almost coming out like a whine, he’s half a second away from pouting when the the movie starts up. 
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he leans back to tune the radio. they pulled into the horror movie genre, because jin loved the feeling of getting scared, the building of adrenaline. he settles back in his own seat, and reaches to pull kira closer, into his chest with a sigh. the title of the film starts, and it’s some old vampire thing. jin’s eyes soften and he tenses for a moment, oliver’s confession of the supernatural in the back of his mind. it was… a lot to handle… to believe. but it was all true. he looks down at kira, his grip tightening. did she know? oliver and her were friends. she grew up in asteria. and if she knew, why wasn’t he told? especially with viola here… or possibly here. he sighs. he wants to ask, but he’s not sure is he should talk about it, doesn’t want to betray oliver, or scare kira. 
kira pouted and playfully recoiled from his broken foot comment. a hand moved to her chest to -dramatically- show the blow she had taken. “look i said I’m sorry you only have a certain amount if times to use it against me before it grows stale. use it wisely.” she teased. she moved more into his chest, taking comfort in the warmth he surrounded her with.
she could feel his hold stiffen. what was relaxed before seemed a bit more stressed within just a moment. everything seemed fine, so what was happening? “what’s wrong?” she peered up to him with concern. moving a hand up she poked the down-turned corner of his mouth. “you were so pumped just a moment ago. do you not like this one? they have other movies set up around town if you want check those out.” 
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kira-park · 6 years
Oliver laughed maliciously at his friend’s screams to let her go. “Alright now you’re really gonna get it.” He then placed his finger in his mouth to prepare for deserving wet willy. He placed his finger at her ear with a smug ass smile. “You wanna bet? This is your last chance Kir.. take it back or face the wet willy of certain death.” 
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when kira saw the preparation of a wet willy she squealed and tried to wriggle away harder than she was before. a series of nononononono’s rang from her as she failed in getting away from him. “you’re such a prick. oh my god.” she groaned out, huffing in defeat. “i take it all back. are you happy?” 
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kira-park · 6 years
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the rebels and free spirits who believe in doing good and being good, by their own standards.
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kira-park · 6 years
Oliver rolled his eyes and sighed over her retorting the over used song. “You’re w-what?” He blinked and dramatically gasped before wrapping his arm around her neck to give her the proper punishable noggie. “You best take that back or I’m not letting you go nerd.”
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kira squealed and wriggled her self in his hold. “oh my god, let me go.” she whined out using her hands to lightly, playfully slap up to the boy holding her hostage. “i’m still funnier than you and you’ll never make me take it back!”
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kira-park · 6 years
Oliver couldn’t help but laugh at his friends misfortune. “Kira. I think you were just born with bad luck. I mean just the other day you were telling you tripped over your own feet and dropped a customer’s cake on the floor right in front of them.” He laughed a little harder and patted her on the back. “Just except you’re a clumsy lil fool. I still love you for who you are. It’s gonna be okay. I’m sure we can find a support group for you or something.”
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kira pouted and nudged him away with her elbow. “look i’m just a small town girl, living in a lonely world. i’m doing my fucking best oli.” she huffed, but couldn’t help the smile that curled her lips. “you’re just as tragic as i am. i’m just more funny.”
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kira-park · 6 years
“okay, so i purposely stayed in and basically hid on friday the thirteenth. not because i’m superstitious or anything, but i just figured with the luck of everything it was for the best, ya know?” she explained to the person to her right. “but now- it’s far past the thirteenth, but i’ve managed to spill coffee on my favorite shirt, and run into a glass door twice. i think bad luck followed me and there’s no where to hide now.”
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kira-park · 6 years
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