#chat can i kill them with rocks
spliqi · 7 days
just remembered ayatsuji taking that photo of tsujimura the night before he left. oh my god man
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boytoycowboy · 2 years
i’m gonna maim my next door neighbor.
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pomefioredove · 24 days
Hello and good day 🕊️
How will the vice dormheads react seeing reader overblot and finding out they kept the pain all to themselves until they couldn't take it anymore?
Pls I'm so desperate for overblot!reader content and angst❤️❤️ tanks
RARE VICE HOUSEWARDENS REQUEST 🔥🔥🔥I LOVE ANGST!!!! not adding ruggie this time because I'm lazy sorry everyone
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ overblot!reader
type of post: headcanons characters: trey, jade, jamil, rook, lilia additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, established relationship for the Angst
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there are a lot of things Jamil is feeling right now. fear, a little frustration, too. but he's mostly just ashamed that he never saw the signs. his favorite person in the whole world, the only shoulder he had to lean on, is overblotting, and he has no idea why. you were so supportive through the aftermath of his own overblot, he never thought to... it's his own selfishness and pride slapping him in the face, and it stings
but he'd rather feel guilt than grief. overblotting is painful, exhausting, and emotionally scarring, and he knows it. he's going to get you out of this, even if you hate him for it
this makes the second time someone close to Rook has been led to overblot, and the second time he didn't see it coming. a tragedy in two parts. and his guilt would have killed him, if it weren't the only thing keeping him alive now. he has to survive this for you. he can feel miserable about it after you're safe and sound at his side again. he won't even consider the other possibility; you have so much more to explore together
it just can't be over yet
Lilia has followed grief for his entire life. now, at his age, when he's finally settled down, and the world is quiet for once, this happens. he can't tell if he had simply missed the signs, or ignored them, and each answer is equally distressing. despite what he's said about life and loss, he was never ready to confront the reality of losing you, especially so... soon. so, reality confronted him instead
he can't let it end like this. not again
Trey blames himself. how could he not? all this time, he's been trying to stay out of the way, to keep the peace. if he had been by your side, if he had defended you, if he had made a better effort, maybe you wouldn't be in this place now
his unique magic isn't particularly strong, and his magic pool isn't very deep, but he'll walk right into the center of the storm if he has to. it's about time he started rocking the boat
Azul's overblot was tragic, but Jade knew it was coming. it was entertaining, anyway. but this...
never in his life could he imagine something making him so uncomfortable. it makes him queasy, almost seasick, which is a strange thing for a man of the sea to feel. he wishes he could just talk to you, but it's too late for that now. when this is over, you can have a long chat over tea
he just needs you to hold on for a little while longer
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rcsewcrld · 3 months
marauders x y/n incorrect quotes
making these funny is my forte
feat. james, sirius, remus, barty (jr), reggie, lily, marlene
y/n: You know, remus gives sirius flowers everyday, I wish you'd do that too.  james: Okay.  *Later*  james: *gives sirius flowers*  sirius: ???  james: I don't know, I'm confused as well.
y/n, pointing to james and remus: Distract them! I'll be right back! *leaves*  sirius: Okay!  *five minutes later*  y/n: *returns and sees james and remus unconscious on the ground* What did you do? I said distract them, not knock them out!  sirius: There's just no pleasing you sometimes.
remus: Why do you look like that?  y/n, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?  remus: Like you’re dead.  y/n: It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.  sirius: y/n accidentally called james “babe” in front of everyone today.  y/n: *sobs into the floor*
remus: Time sensitive question how flirt boy.  y/n: Throw rocks at he.  james: Hot Dogs.  sirius: Kill him.  remus: Thanks guys.
james: Why is y/n crying on the floor?  remus: She took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.  james: And?  remus: She got sirius.
y/n: This food is too hot... I cant eat it.  near full moon!remus: You’re very hot, and I still eat you.  Everyone at the table: *silence*  james: YOU GUYS ARE DISGUSTING!  sirius: One dinner... I just want ONE DINNER!
remus: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.  y/n: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?  james: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.  sirius: Guys.
remus: What do you three have to say for yourself?  y/n: sirius: james: Oops?
remus: james... How do I begin to explain james?  y/n: james is flawless.  sirius: I hear his hair's insured for $10,000.  barty: I hear he does car commercials... in Japan.  regulus: One time he punched me in the face... it was awesome.
remus: Croissants: dropped  james: Road: works ahead  y/n: BBQ sauce: on my titties  sirius: Shavacado: fre  barty: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead  regulus:  regulus, grumpy: I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you.
'Can I copy the homework?'  remus: I can help you with it!  james: Yeah, sure.  y/n: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.  sirius: lol nope.  barty: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!  regulus: *Read 5:55pm*
remus: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?  james: >:O language  y/n: Yeah watch your fucking language  sirius: OKAY WHO TAUGHT Y/N THE FUCK WORD?  barty: 'The fuck word'.  regulus: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time  y/n: Oh my god he censored it  barty: Say fuck, regulus.  y/n: Do it, regulus. Say fuck.
remus: If you got arrested what would be the charges? james: Theft. y/n: Disturbing the peace. sirius: Aggravated assault. regulus: Arson. barty: All of the above.In that order, probably.
y/n: Why are sirius and james sitting with their backs to each other? remus: They had a fight. y/n: Then why are they holding hands? remus: They get sad when they fight.
remus: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos. y/n: That's the most hopeful thing I've ever heard. sirius: But what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos? james: Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.
y/n: Is stabbing someone immoral? sirius: Not if they consent to it. james: Depends who you’re stabbing. remus: YES?!?
sirius: You lying, cheating, piece of shit! y/n: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD sirius: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING REMUS WITH ME james, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Cop: You’re receiving a ticket for having three people on one motorcycle. sirius: Shit. remus: Wait, three? Cop: Yeah? y/n: OH MY GOD JAMES FELL OFF!!!
remus, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.  sirius: Hey.  james: Hi.  y/n: Hello.  lily: Hey!  remus: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!  marlene: We were out of Doritos.
*Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’*  remus: Thanks fam!  sirius: oh no  james: *cries* I love you too  marlene: Sounds fake but okay  y/n: *A flustered mess*  lily: can i get a refund
y/n: I think we're missing something.  james: Teamwork?  sirius : Cohesion?  remus: A general sense of what we’re doing?
james: *Screams* sirius: *Screams louder to establish dominance* remus : Should we do something? y/n: No, I want to see who wins.
y/n: james, I'm sad. james: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay. sirius : remus, I'm sad. remus, nodding: mood.
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norrizzandpia · 11 months
can you write just lando being a cute bf and like he comes on in the middle of a stream just to ask if youve eaten and took medication and drank enough
Boyfriend Lando (LN4)
Summary: Where the chat goes wild for Boyfriend Lando.
Warnings: Lando being everyone’s fav bf, language, sexual references lol
Lando’s scream rocked the room as he erupted in laughter after having been killed in Halo. He slunk back in his chair, arms falling over the sides, and groaned loudly at the defeat.
Max, on the other hand, was yelling at the top of his lungs victoriously.
“I FUCKING BEAT YOU, BITCH! HAHA! I DID IT!” The chat, surely, was crying of laughter from the other side of their screens with the overflowing messages in all caps.
Lando stared at the ceilings, huffing and puffing, before he heard the small creak of his door. Tilting his head back further, a smile broke out on his face at the upside down view of his girlfriend.
“Y/n!” He exclaimed as she walked closer to him, leaning down and kissing his forehead lightly.
He blushed, something the chat and Max made fun of him for, before sitting up and turning around fully. He grabbed her waist, pulling her down onto his lap, and kissed her lips sweetly.
“How are you?” He said, ignoring the way Max laughed at him.
She nodded, “I’m good.”
“Eaten today?” He inquired again, eyebrows wiggling at her playfully.
She nodded, “Drank today?”
Again, she nodded.
“Took your medication?”
She almost nodded, but slyly smiled at him, “No, Lan, it’s not time yet.”
He shook his head immediately, “Yes, it is.”
“Baby-” He interrupted, “It’s 12:04 pm. You take your medication at 12:00 pm.”
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, smile peaking through, “Oh my god, okay, mom.”
She got up from his lap, but not before he called up, “It’s daddy, remember?!”
“Ew, what the actual fuck?” Max countered, voice displaying his disgust.
Lando squinted to read the rapid comments, “None of your business, bitch.”
“You made it everyone’s business when you screamed it?!” Max exclaimed, aggravated.
“Do you want it to be your business?” Lando challenged, licking his lips when he caught Max.
“Fuck no.”
“There you go.”
Lando resorted his attention back to the chats, reading some out.
“Wow! What an interesting thing to say? ‘Lando knowing Y/n was late to take her medication is something I will fall asleep to tonight’”
Max joined him, “‘Y/n not being fazed by Lando’s questions has my heart’ Aww, how cute. Lando cares about his girlfriend.” He deadpanned.
Lando laughed, reading another, “Oh, this one’s in all caps. Should I scream it? Guess I should. ‘I HATE MY LIFE I WANT LANDO AND I WANT Y/N I WANT THEM BOTH.’”
There was a comical silence that ensued, bringing loud laughter to the two best friends before Y/n was walking back in the room with a proud smile.
“Medicated!” She exclaimed, Max choking on his water with the chuckle that emitted from him.
Lando whooped and hollered, spinning around in his chair before stopping as she came to sit back down on his lap. When she was settled, he let one hand rest on the side of her waist, the other squeezing lightly the skin of her thigh. Her hands curled in his hair as the two looked at the chat’s comments.
God, it’s me again.
Can we plz go back to that daddy comment? Like Lando is daddy, but he shouldn’t know that?
Lando chuckled at all the words, arms pulling Y/n closer to him. To add fuel to the fire, he kissed her shoulder and whispered, only for her to hear, how much he loved her. From her blushing and the toothy grin on her face, the chat went wild for the ambiguous moment.
Truthfully, they didn’t need to be told anything to know it was Lando expressing how he felt for her.
He was always doing that.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 10 months
Hello! I saw that your requests are open so I thought, I'll shoot my shot
So, it'll be SAGAU with Impostor and Isekai trope. The reader is a real Creator, while the fake one is on the throne. But! What if they look completely different? Characters don't hunt reader because well, they don't look like their beloved grace and they're unaware that their sweet creator is in fact a real impostor.
But when you look at reader and the fake creator, you can see a total difference in their surroundings. The real Creator - Reader, is connected to the Teyvat, right? The flowers bloom everywhere where they stand, the trees are more green and lively, while there's nothing like this with the impostor in the throne.
So! To the idea- How about Zhongli and Kaeya's (or any other characters you'd like to add here) to see their Reader cut themselves and suddenly bleed gold - while they saw their beloved Grace bleed red and suddenly, they connect the dots?
Ooh, this is certainly interesting, @ilumin! I'll see what I can come up with :)
Zhongli & Kaeya Find Out The Imposta :)
You weren't gonna lie—you kinda freaked when you realize the isekai and sagau trope thing happened on you. Reading fanfiction from the internet, you knew how things were gonna go down. You read the signs.
Safe to say you were not expecting you yourself to be the "lucky winner" of this entire thing. Nu-uh. Not one bit. You knew this was gonna be a hellhole.
That is, of course....you realized that the Imposter did not look like you at all. You were kinda stoked about it—that means you weren't gonna get ratted out, or killed, or hunted—so yay you! Time to chill with some bros! Time to free ball it while you still can!
And thennn... one night you were hanging with some ppl, and you accidentally nicked your finger.
You guessed it right, fellas, you bled gold. And that did not go unnoticed.
Good luck.
(Warning: Might be OOC!)
When he first met you, Zhongli thought you were like The Traveler—you were someone who passed the Celestial Atmosphere above, and descended down to traverse the world.
With Their Grace present, their world has prospered and Zhongi is proud to say that Liyue was doing well under their rule. But when you came, he was a little surprised to see how the earth seemed to connect with you. Flowers around you seemed brighter, precious rocks seem to surface at your presence..and you somehow manage to always be able to get the most freshest fruit anyone can come across.
You were truly an interesting enigma that Zhongli is curious to learn more of. He commits every detail about you to memory. The day the wind conveniently came to the rescue when the days were boiling hot. The time where you managed to restock your food stalls even though so many Liyueans were nabbing them and almost leaving you nothing. Everything Zhongli saw, he noted down in his mind.
You eventually became acquainted with him the moment he walks up to your food stall. It wasn't that packed in the morning (somehow), and it allowed the two of you to get to know one another better. Safe to say your relationship was solid.
And then you bled gold that one night. Zhongli eyes your blood with wide expressions, before immediately excusing the both of you out of the situation.
He cannot believe that the person that sits on the Creator's Throne was not the Creator. He's constantly being bombarded with the "Creator" and their meetings, while you were just selling goods on the streets of Liyue.
"...Your Grace..." Zhongli looks at you as he puts a bandage over your finger. "...Truly, we have all been deceived." And while you're glad that he wasn't suggesting you start up a riot, you were kind of worried about what he'll do to the Imposter the next time Zhongli sees him.
Safe to say he did have a "Chat" with them that consisted of a meteor and a lot of "I will have Order!" voicelines repeating over and over again.
When you got plopped into Mondstadt, somehow, the winds started becoming more gentle and a lot more carefree. Everyone saw this as a sign of Barbatos, you saw this as a sign of the world trying to rat you out or something.
You decided to get a job at the Tavern to get info, and boom you meet Kaeya. You should've expected this when you got a job at Angel's Share, because this hottie bro is very much interested on your merchandise.
Safe to say, though, Kaeya was very interested in you. Like Zhongli, he takes note of your every move. But, unlike Zhongli, Kaeya's trying to see how your...unique superpowers work, and how they can be used to help protect Mondstadt—assuming he manages to convince you to join.
Kaeya is very talkative in the Tavern, so he usually talks to the bartenders. Diluc is pulling his hair out to see how much info Kaeya's spilling to you during your shifts, half of which are just boasting about the Knights of Favonius.
When you nicked your finger, though, you knew things were going down. It didn't help that Kaeya noticed. His eyes widen for a fraction, before he stands up and suggests that you both should take a walk around the streets of Mondstadt when your shift was done.
You agree, seeing as there's no way out of this, and quickly grab a bandaid to patch up the scratch. Once you were both out, Kaeya speaks first, in a low tone.
"My...I never knew the Almighty Creator could be this sneaky, to have an imposter sit on the throne while they serve cups at my favorite tavern." You look at him incredulously. He took the situation to praise you to make himself sound like he was blessed?
Good sir, this was the opposite of how your life got thrown upside down when you entered Teyvat. Then again, this sounded a lot better than getting killed, so you'll take it as a win. For now.
Kaeya promises to keep this a secret, but safe to say Diluc is rubbing his temples when he hears the Calvary Captain himself trying to offer you a position in the Knights of Favonius, saying you had potential and whatnot.
Honestly, he just wants to spend more time with you outside of the tavern.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: Why the heck did this take SO MUCH LONGER than I expected sobbing. Sorry y'all—istg life is hitting me like Truck-Kun.
Also one more thing: Furina is my new child now. She and Fremmi are my Fontantian Children. Love 'em both too much ppl will have to pry them out of my cold-dead hands.
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i can't stop fucking old people. it's seriously a problem. their hearts can't fucking take it. they know i'll kill them. but they never say no. i travel city to city with each conquest. i log onto tinder and meet a girl. three chances a year... one for easter dinner, one for thanksgiving, one christmas. she takes me to her house to meet the family. the grandmother and i lock eyes from across the table. grandfather has passed. shes here alone.. sad.. we make eye contact for a while until she excuses herself, and i follow her. sometimes the deed is done right there in the bedroom, sometimes i'm given the number to her jitterbug, to return to her later. she makes me go in raw no matter what i suggest. i break up with the girl shortly after i've achieve sexual contact with one or both grandparents. i've no family of my own. that's true, that's always the excuse. i got a reputation that follows me. that's why i'm always moving. the grandmother often catches a VD from our little quickie. her weakened immune system. she passes away a few weeks later. some time before her time. or maybe just in time. god forbid, she invites me over. i sit in her little rocking chair as she speaks to me. that was her husbands chair.. she eyes me. my presence awakens this within her. i make her feel young again. she leads me to her bedroom. i have no reason to restrain myself, nobody will find us. she comes, then she goes. i clean her up as she grunts from the remnants of her heart attack, and leave her tucked into bed. she lays there peaceful, like shes asleep. that's when i lock the doors on my way out, and head to the next city. the next city, where i'll lay low until the next holiday season. start chatting up some chicks while i'm at it.. god, and the grandfathers. unlike with the grandmothers, they dont need to have lost their love to want me. they always cheat. they always want to use me as a tool to cheat. they look at me in ways their wives havent seen in years, and their wives see this. but their wives remain subservient. they always let him do this. they pray for him, but none of them pray for me. they hate me. they hate me so much. they know what i'm doing but refuse to make it stop. i lead their husbands away and kill them. they know it serves him right. i leave them heartbroken. but they'll never say a word. they'll never say a word about how an ugly little gay boy stole their man and now he's paid the ultimate price. and so have they. they seethe until their death. sometimes i swoop in on them too. silence them. they want me to silence them. but usually its too risky. after all, there are simply some secrets, that one must take to ones grave no matter what. i have nothing to gain from doing this. what i do is completely legal. all are lucid. but i feel as if i'm moving through a dream. i feel the earth around me shift as though i were asleep. i can't settle down. i can't fucking stop it. i want to stop. i want to find love. i feel so guilty. how many women fell in love with me, only to lose me. lose one or both grandparents and i'm nowhere near to comfort her. by the time it comes to mourn, i'm already long gone..
But yes, i suppose you can apply this to your fucking little tomgreg or harry styles or whatever. Yeah dude. You fucked that old man.
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intoxicated-chan · 9 months
𝐈𝐭❜𝐬 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐮𝐭!
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Summary ➳ When you and the rest decide to sneak up on an Orc camp, you receive an injury. You believe you can handle it yourself but Legolas thinks otherwise.
(A/n) ➳ I AM SO SORRY! Tumblr ended up deleting the request but I remember it but not all of it so forgive me if this isn’t what you wanted. If it isn’t then don’t hesitate to shoot a message or request again!! I also learned that apparently the Fellowship traveled at night and slept during the day. I seriously did not know that until today.
Word Count ➳ 1.5k
Content Warnings ➳ Gender Neutral Reader, description of violence, blood, death, stitching, blood loss, angst-to-fluff…
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“There must be some other way.” Legolas uttered to Boromir. “You cannot believe that sending (Y/n) out to assassinate the Orcs is the best solution.”
“She won’t be alone, Aragorn will be there with them.” Boromir replied. “The two of them will attack from above while we attack from below.” He drew his sword, walking closer to the Orc that was alone. He was swift with it, moving behind the Orc and slitting its throat. “See? Wasn’t that hard.”
You took a deep breath as you aimed your bow, you kept your focus on the leader. You could see from the corner of your eye Aragon sneaking up on the other two. You knew he was waiting on your signal and he would wait however long, but you were all on a strict time.
Another deep breath and- “Hey!” You shouted out of instinct, Legolas’s arrow went through the Orc’s head, killing him but you brought attention to yourself.
You jumped down from the tree and quickly nocked, drew, aimed, and released at one Orc that was reaching for its weapon. You swerved past another arrow, more flying past your head until you took cover over a giant rock.
Before you could nock another arrow, an Orc came from behind, grabbing your arms to throw you against the ground. You rolled when he attempted to stab you, dodging more swings until you managed to kick his sword away.
He charged at you, taking your knife that was strapped to your leg, and used it against you. You used your bow to block a couple of slashes until he fell to the ground. Instead of standing, he got onto his knees and managed to stab you in your thigh.
You let out a scream but in return, you shot an arrow through his head. Your breathing staggered as your hand wrapped around the knife and slowly pulled it out and then covered it with terrible bandaging.
“(Y/n)!” Legolas popped up a few seconds later. “I heard you scream.”
“I believed I twisted my ankle.” You covered your wound with your as best as you could, smiling through the pain.
“Let me help you.” Legolas took your hand, helping you walk to the rest of the group. Luckily, your cloak covered your bleeding wound and your dark pants were enough to hide the blood seeping out. “We just have a couple more hours before daylight.”
Like Legolas said, Aragorn finally decided that it was time to rest. “We will set out when it becomes dark.” He told you all before he started to set up his makeshift bed.
Legolas looked over your ankle, looking closely and pressing against it, looking back at you for a reaction. “It doesn’t seem to be twisted, but it may be strained. You have been jumping a lot, and might have happened when your footing was incorrect.”
You could practically feel the sweat running down your forehead. “Does it seem bad?”
Legolas smiled, his usual smile that was beaming with kindness. “No, the pain should fade later. Are you in pain or hurt anywhere else?”
“No, no, thank you.” After Legolas joined Aragorn, chatting. It wasn’t long before it was just murmurs among the Fellowship. Sam and Frodo were cooking together, Gimli was most likely perched up against a tree sleeping, but you didn’t know about the rest.
You were farther into the forest, a needle and thread in your hand. You placed a thick piece of fabric in between your teeth and bit down, you used your other hand to keep the gash close together so you could stitch it.
You let out a strained cry as you attempted to stitch your wound yourself but it was difficult due to your vision blurring. You didn’t know how long you were out here, so focused on closing your wound that you didn’t hear branches breaking or leaves crunching.
“You’re hurt.” Legolas’s voice broke you out of your concentration. You could see the panic in his eyes, he kneeled by your side, taking the needle from you and moving your hand from your thigh. “And you’re doing it incorrectly. You’re hurting yourself more.”
He used his other hand to pull a container of water, and flushed out your wound. “How did you get this? And when?”
“Just a couple hours ago.”
“And you’ve been bleeding this entire time?” Legolas’s voice was filled to the brim with regret, like he was ashamed of himself. He carefully threaded the thread into your skin, making sure it wasn’t too tight or too loose.
You took out the cloth from your mouth. “Look Legolas, I’m still alive and well.” You tried to ease him. “I’ll be alright, I’m okay.”
“I should’ve known, you have been moving slower, as well as your reaction time.” He acknowledged. Once he finished stitching your wound, he poured water again to wash out the rest of the dried blood.
He helped you to your feet, throwing your arm over his shoulder and an arm around your waist. He moved at a slow pace back to camp, everyone was now asleep, save it for Aragorn who just watched you both silently.
He helped you lay down. “I’ll be fine.” You repeated yourself, it felt like the hundredth time.
Legolas shook his head. “Please, do not hide anything. You shouldn’t be silent about these kinds of things.”
As if waking up very early in the morning couldn’t be any better, Orcs have seemed to find you all. You had a feeling that they were stalking you all, waiting for the moment to attack. You used your bow instead of your sword, making sure none of the Orcs came close to the Hobbits.
An Orc charged at you. You dodged the first couple of swings but not the kick to the leg, making you kneel and it felt like the stitches broke.
You screamed as you used your arrow to stab it into the Orc’s shoulder. Legolas’s arrow came from behind and slew the bastard and Merry came to your side to help you stand.
“Run into the forest!” Boromir shouted, blocking the sword coming down at him. “Go! Quickly!”
Merry helped you speed through the forest. You suddenly felt sick, like you wanted to pass out. But it wasn’t long before the Orcs gave up the chase and Merry sat you against a tree.
“They’re bleeding!” Merry alerted the rest of the Fellowship.
Legolas dropped in front of you, pushing your hands away from the wound. “I need a needle and thread.” He said, more like demanded. “Or a cloth to stop the bleeding.”
Aragorn ripped a piece of his shirt and handed it to Legolas, he snatched it and was quick to tie it around your wound. “I’ll need some herbs, in case the wound becomes infected.” Sam shuffled through his bag. “Luckily you should be able to walk but not run.”
You swore under your breath. “It seems the Orcs are watching us at all times.” You looked up at Aragorn. “What do we do?” You asked him.
“There may be another camp nearby.” Aragorn replied. “Boromir, Legolas, we need to search.”
“Someone should stay and protect the Hobbits.”
“Gimli is here and (Y/n) still has the strength to use their bow.”
“But what if they need to retreat? What will happen then?” Legolas still pressed, wanting to remain by your side. “We cannot put the Hobbits at risk, especially the ringbearer.”
“Gimli will be here, just go with them.” You told him.
“I will not.”
Aragorn was too annoyed to even put up an argument anymore. “Let us go then.”
When they were out of sight, you pushed his shoulder slightly. “What was that?” You asked him, confused out of your mind.
“Someone must be here to protect the Hobbits-”
“I know that, it would’ve been fine. They are taking care of the camp, the Orcs won’t be nearby to bother us.” You once again tried to explain to him. “What is going on with you? Are you still feeling guilty?”
“Doesn’t seem like that.” Your breathing hitched as you attempted to stand.
Legolas grabbed your warm to stop you. “You cannot be moving at the moment. Give yourself time to relax.”
“It’s just a small cut!”
“A cut that could’ve killed you.”
You huffed. “What is going on with you Legolas?”
“Becoming reckless is one thing but hiding a serious injury that could have killed you is another. It makes me worry, it makes me question if you have more injuries you’ve hidden.”
“Look, I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about the wound. I didn’t think that it would mean so much for you.” You admitted.
“I worry, I worry every single day, every fight, during the night and during the daybreak. Will the morrow be the day where someone or something takes you from me?” His hand grazed over your wound. “I just want to know I’ve done everything and anything.”
“I’m sorry.” You apologized again.
“Just promise me, I do not care how small it is or how big, please do not hesitate to ask for help.”
You nodded. “I promise.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2023, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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fictionandfixation · 2 months
Older Bachelor headcanons!
Older Bachelor stardew headcanons because I’ve been playing lots recently! All sfw, some mentions of smoking/alcohol 💕 also please bear in mind I am no SDV expert, so sorry if these go against canon occasionally!
Harvey ☕️🔬📚
• Secret smoking habit that he would rather die than tell anyone about. Not often, but during flu season when he’s stressed, you can find him cooped up in his room with an imported cigar or a Marlboro Gold, an espresso and an Agatha Christie.
• Plays classic soul, funk, golden oldies and jazz in the foyer of the clinic on an old-timey record player, and chooses every day from his large record collection. Frequently irritates Maru with the extent of his Doris Day enjoyment.
• Kind of wide-set - very broad shoulders, and quite tall.
• Packets of salted peanuts and cookies on the clinic foyer desk which he restocks every week.
• Goes to fetch you personally from the mines or Skull Cavern sometimes when you get knocked out. And he also keeps a vintage forest green car behind the clinic to pick you up in. He hopes one day you’ll wake up on the way back and compliment his tasteful vehicle choice or notice he’s bringing you home. You don’t.
• Best friends with Evelyn. Worst enemies with George.
• Tennis player. Plays with whoever will say yes in the mountains and always manages to punt the ball into the lake somehow. Also used to be in a rock climbing club at university, and has sort of sinewy forearms as a result.
• Outrageous flirt after a few glasses of Pinot Noir, mostly because I think he’s on the spectrum but also because I think it would help him stop being quite so nervous.
• Brown suspenders. Every. Single. Day.
• Gives Jas and Vincent candy after their checkup.
• “Sweetheart/honey” as a nickname for you.
Elliott 📜🖋️🐚
• Striped. Matching. Pajamas.
• Finds, forages and cooks mussels when he needs to impress someone. And on that note, very much a French cuisine enjoyer.
• If blue cheese has no fans Elliott is dead.
• Rizz master. Silver tongue. Read so much romance when he was a teenager that it has actively become a part of his personality to be a book boyfriend.
• Very willowy and slender. Metabolism of the gods. Puts away food like it’s nobody’s business.
• Can read several languages, but just can’t master an accent so never uses them in a spoken context. Definitely a student of Latin.
• English accent headcanon! Probably spent the first couple of decades of his life in somewhere high-income like Warwickshire, or (more likely) Cornwall or Exeter, on or near the coast. I am also envisioning him as having been to an old collegiate university like Durham, or maybe a college at Oxford (Merton I reckon).
• Writes and then burns poems about everyone he’s ever been in love with. Starts keeping them when he meets you.
• Chats fashion history with Emily and Haley.
• Religious about his collection of cravat-style ties because he’s seen the Colin Firth Pride and Prejudice a few too many times.
• Frequent book club gatherings with Caroline, Marnie, Robin and Jodi (mostly because mothers love him, the main selling point here being that he has definitely read at least one Jodi Picoult book. He does not remember anything about it, he’s just glad to be invited).
“Dearest/my love” as a pet name.
Shane 🍺🍕🐓
• Snores. Very quiet about it though.
• I know a lot of people HC Harvey as oldest but I reckon it’s Shane. He also acts the most like a bitter old man whereas I feel Harvey is just ‘mature’.
• Could be convinced to grow a beard. Maybe.
• Goes for a jog three times a week. Hates it. Refuses to stop and really isn’t even sure why he does it himself any more.
• Secret Lana Del Rey enjoyer. Mainly a fan of Midwest emo, classic rock, nu metal and sometimes country but the kind of country where they sing about killing people and getting away with it.
• Raised by heavily Christian parents in the Deep South. Yes this is a Southern accent headcanon. Yeehaw.
• Lets Jas put eyeshadow on him sometimes. Shaves properly only when she wants to put makeup on him.
• Craft beer’s number one opp. Wants an ice cold tap Budweiser only, and if there isn’t enough head on it he will be asking for a refund. Not that Gus would ever do that to him.
• Has muscle with padding. Very strong, very wide in stature, but not lean at all. Biceps wider than your neck that you could (and would) use as pillows.
• Makes the most insane hangover breakfast known to man. Bacon. Pancakes. Sausage. Home fries. Butter. Syrup. You’re putting on a bit of healthy relationship weight for sure with Shane as your partner.
• “Darlin’/baby” user. “Sweet cheeks” as a joke. Kind of a joke.
Hope you guys enjoyed these!! I am down irretrievable for Older Bachelor content because I love ✨older men✨
Please let me know if you’d like some more for these characters or the other bachelors and bachelorettes!
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We can have Andrew and Ashley (separately) dating reader who is a singer/guitarist in a Punk rock band, who has a somewhat cynical, indifferent personality but is quite kind when you get to know her.
But there is a problem, she is possessed by a demon and needs to kill or drink human blood to survive (just like that movie Jennifer Body feat. Megan Fox)
Friggin love Jennifer’s Body- hell yeah anon!
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Ashley and Andrew Graves x Possessed Punk Rock!Reader
Andrew Graves
You met Andrew after he went to watch your band play. He came up to you after the show and started up a conversation with you.
You were the best part of the band in his personal opinion
You’d heard this all before, and like always you went along to get on his good graces
Honestly- you had full intention of eating him until he started some playful banter with you
You both just bounced off of each other so well
“Alright, so- it’s the zombie apocalypse and you have to team up with 2 other people at this bar.” Andrew was leaning against the bar, he phrased it like such a serious question, “Who you picking?”
“Hmmmm…” you hummed, turning your attention to the cluster of people, “Probably that guy-“ you nod towards one muscly frat dude chatting with his equally muscular friends, “He looks like he could punch some zombies. Dumb and fearless, ya know?”
Andrew chuckled, “Ahhh, so you’re into beefy dudes, huh?”
You gave him a deadpan stare before rolling your eyes and smirking a little, “Nah, if anything he’d be a sacrifice to the undead horde. I’m more into sickly looking emo dudes.”
A small blush painted Andrew’s cheeks, he turned to look at the crowd, “Soooo- does that mean I’m on your apocalypse team?”
“Not in the slightest,” you leant back on the bar stool, “It’s about survival, and no offense hun- but you’re usually the first to die in those kinds of movies.”
Andrew dramatically clutched his chest, giving a faux harmed expression. You playfully shove him to wipe the look off his face. He laughed a little as he sat back up in his stool.
“Alright, alright-“ you wave your hand towards him, “You can join my apocalypse team. We’ll team up to sacrifice the big dude.”
“You’re too kind.”
He was fun to talk to, what can ya say?
You ended up feasting on that frat bro after Andrew left- but not without giving you his number
You two hung out a bit after that- and Andrew became a regular at your shows
You even started inviting him to rehearsals to sit and watch
You make him a shirt with the band’s name on it as a joke- but he wears it constantly.
He’s a dork, but soon enough…he becomes your dork <3
Which is why you were nervous to tell him the truth about you
“….I’m sorry you’re what?”
You winced at his words. There- was no easy way of telling him this, but- you don’t know. It feels like the right thing to inform your partner you’re actually possessed by a demon and crave human flesh and blood.
“I’m possessed by a demon,” You turn away from his, rubbing your arm anxiously, “It- happened when I was 17. Some fucks tried to offer me as a sacrifice to a demon to make them famous and- well, now we know the reason virgins are sacrificed for demon deals.”
Andrew blinked, and a silence fell between you two. He turned away from you, his eyes fixed on the ground,
“….you know my sister is friends with a demon.”
You scrunched up your nose in confusion, turning to give him a look of “What the fuck?”
He held his hands up defensively, “Hey I don’t know! What else was I supposed to say?!”
“I don’t know!” You threw a throw pillow at him, “You’re the first person I’ve told!”
Andrew caught the pillow, placing it gingerly on his lap, “Well- I’m not a stranger to this whole…demon stuff. Can’t say I’ve dated one though…”
Your eyes widened. You looked at him in disbelief, “You- still want to date me?”
“Well- yeah.” He shrugged as if it wasn’t obvious, “You’re not gonna eat me- I’d assume at least.”
“Nah,” you gave him a small smirk, “Not enough meat on ya.”
You received a pillow to the face in response to that. You broke out into soft laughter, Andrew shortly joining in. This…went better than you thought it would.
From then on Andrew helped you with finding food. He’d scan for potential meals at your shows and direct you to them after.
He seems way too experienced in this sort of thing
Ashley Graves
That relatable moment when you’re about to feast on this guy, but this cute goth chick was about to sacrifice him to a whole other demon <3
After a show you had planned on following this couple and devouring them both- you were really hungry
Low and behold- the girl led her date into the woods and summoned a whole ass demon to take his soul
She noticed your presence as she was getting ready to move the body and-
She said that as if trying to move the soulless body of a grown ass man in the middle of the woods was the most normal thing in the world. You were- dumbfounded honestly. Apparently you were staring for too long, as the woman dropped the corpse’s arms and crossed her own,
“You gonna scream- or are we going to be chill about this?” She tapped her foot as she glared at you, “Don’t make me offer another soul to my friend.”
“Ha! Good luck with that-“ you stepped out of the bushes, shaking off any leaves that stuck to your pants, “Your friend would just be confused why you’re offering them their own kind.”
She looked you up and down, her eyes narrowed with suspicion.
“Yeah- look. I’m possessed- and I was following you and that boy toy of yours to have some dinner.” You pointed to the corpse between you two, “So I’ll do you a favor and get rid of this body for you.”
The woman rubbed her chin, looking down at the body. She then grinned deviously, “Hmmm…you mind if I join you?”
Your eyes widened. Was- she being serious? Did she want to chow down on this guy with you?
Apparently she could notice your confusion and shrugged, “Well I was going to eat him anyway. Was thinking of grilling him- some salt, oregano, paprika as seasoning. Help me carry him and you’ve got yourself a 5 star meal.”
This has to be the most insane woman you’ve ever met. Is this what love feels like?
“Sure thing-“ you reach down, hoisting the man’s arm around your shoulder, “Names Y/N.”
“Ashley Graves.” Ashley made no effort to help you carry the body, just leading you along as your struggled.
And thus started a beautiful friendship!
Ashley sacrifices a soul, you two eat the soulless body. Win-Win!
As you hang out more outside of your hunts, Ashley learns about your band
She’s not happy that you have friends outside of her, but she goes to your show anyway
She claimed that everyone sucked except for you
“We should just eat them,” Ashley suggested, her chin rested on your shoulder.
You glance at her before speaking, “No can do- I’m not eating my band mates.”
“Fine-“ she huffed, shoving you away from her, “Then I will!”
“Ashley- No-“ you groan, turning around to look at the currently pouting woman, “Look, I have a life outside of you ya know- don’t like it, don’t come to the shows. Nothing wrong with keeping things professional between us.”
Ashley went quiet at that. She hugged herself, turning away from you.
“…what if I don’t want to be professional?” She muttered, just loud enough for you to catch.
You blinked down at her, “You- what?”
“We get each other! I want to keep doing this, and I don’t want those ‘bandmates’ getting in the way.” She glared up at you, “You…You like me too, right?”
You did. You’d be lying if you didn’t find her general unhinged-ness hot, but you couldn’t kill your band.
“Hey, look-“ your voice went soft as you took Ashley’s hands into your own, “I…like you too Ashley, but we’re not eating my band. If I’ve been ignoring you for them, I’ll- cancel rehearsal tomorrow so we can go do something. Just us. Sound good?”
A small smile formed on Ashley’s face as she nodded, “Yeah…that’d be great.”
You may be the possessed one here, but Ashley Graves is a whole other level
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gladiatorcunt · 5 months
modern!feyd thoughts? is he crazier than modern! coryo? i feel like modern feyd would be like a underground boxer or something
this ask is crazy because it’s so good. like i haven’t even considered modern!feyd before but the underground boxer element is 😋, went with the typical opposites attract hello kitty s/o trope again SORRY, mdni (AFAB reader)
Yeah something that like or mixed mma, i do imagine him in a more athletic field but it’d have to be one where he’s allowed to make a spectacle of being violent. The rookie that has a borderline demonic reputation because he’s so vicious. And sometimes he doesn’t even go into fights with winning being the first thing on his mind, he wants a good show as much as the audience does and he wants blood in whatever capacity he can get it.
He’s for sure crazier than Coryo, like lock them into a room together and Feyd’s skinning and deboning him like a fish. Still far removed from how he is in canon obviously, but i think that he does do the same extreme facial expressions during a match to psych his opponent out. Feyd wants to make it big, yes, but more so because he wants a bigger “stage” to have more people see him at his most raw and real.
But he stays because he knows no professional organization worth their salt would turn the other cheek when he loses control and kills his opponent. Not that that’s a common occurrence or anything, but the chance of it happening is never zero.
(His uncle definitely has a hand in the betting that goes on at his matches, and even places his own bets from time to time. Feyd’s resentment grows with every rigged match. He’s an unhinged freak with a penchant for blood lust, but he does still want to win at the end of the day when he’s done playing with his food)
You’re in the crowd for one of his matches. Attracted by the mystery and the taboo nature of what he does. You look nervous, rocking from side to side as your eyes follow every punch and dodge. You’re out of place, sticking out like a sore thumb in your tennis skirt and hello kitty necklace. There’s no date hanging on your arm or friend chatting your ear off, which leaves you ripe for the picking.
He keeps an intrigued watch on you out of the corner of his eye, hollering and crowding his opponent against the ring. He hopes you’re watching as he pummels his fists into the sorry bastard’s face. The low lights and the cheers from drunks and gamblers get his blood pumping. Even through all that background noise, he hears you softly gasp as teeth clatter to the floor.
Underground Boxer!Feyd who stares you right in the eyes when he’s declared the victor of the match, clocking how much you’re playing with the hem of your skirt. He smiles, a gross expression stained crimson and spits at his feet. It’s a good thing you’re so strangely accepting, his muscles are too sore to chase you down through back alleys and city streets.
He’ll burn through his winnings to give you the life you deserve, and he’ll wash the blood off you both when you get home after a fight. He can’t wait to see how you react to the motorcycle he’s got parked outside.
Fucks you against the cage when no one else is there and on his motorcycle. Gives you backshots in the shower, killing two birds with one stone. Bends you over his prize money and makes you squirt until you pass out on top of it.
Mean mean mean bf but he loves his favorite cheerleader with everything he has.
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Random Soap MacTavish headcanons
sfw and nsfw
pairing: sgt. Soap MacTavish x reader (cod mw)
tags/tw: domestic stuff, afab!reader, handjobs, shower-sex
a/n: just a taste of our cinnamon-role-but-can-kill-you Scottish man before I start publishing my new series with him, tihi
Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish MASTERLIST
-the way to this man's heart is through his stomach and I will die on that hill
-has such a big appetite, two portions minimum and has no shame in eating more, ''m a big lad, bonnie, need the fuel'
-but he's still respectful if you're having dinner outside your closest circles of friends and family, not complain and always lets everyone have their fill before even thinks about serving himself a second one
-this means Soap always has some snacks with him, most times it's a protein bar or something verging on healthy
-such good table manners??? you were surprised when Soap didn't eat like the average man, scarfing down the food in seconds well he still did that sometimes
-you got the explanation when he caught your poorly hidden astonishment, explaining how his ma drilled him with all kinds of etiquette and manners always saying 'just because yer in the army doesn't mean yer need to behave like a Neanderthal'
-give this man an evening with a home-cooked meal and cuddle on the couch to nap away the food coma afterwards and he's whipped
-he never puts on a shirt at home, just really likes walking around with only a pair of joggers
-he unmistakably has golden retriever energy, but compared to popular belief, his seemingly never-ending social battery can run out, and when it does, Soap's behaviour can flip like a switch
-makes him an introverted extrovert, he loves people, loves chatting and social situations, but craves alone time to re-charge
-you're his uncertified pillow, if you sit together he most certainly either has his head in your lap, is sprawled on top of you and face in your neck, head on your stomach with arms wrapped around your waist
nsfw under the cut
-much like, but compared, to Price, Soap doesn't mind your ass but he's a certified boob man
-if your boobs are big enough, he likes using them as cushy pillows, which often end with his face between them
-yes, he's definitely motorboated you out of the blue
-other times he repeatedly nudges them so they wobble or simply squish them together, grinning when you question if he's having fun
-if you don't have fuller busts, he likes to just rest his hand on your chest, always defending himself that even you unconsciously do it sometimes, but the argument falls apart when he rubs your nipple to make it perk against his palm
-Soap. loves.handjobs
-will never forget when he was taking a shower and you decided to join him, boobs pressed nicely against his back as your arms wrapped around his torso, then your hand slipped down his stomach until brushing his already half-hard cock, blood rushing straight to it the second you joined him
-when your fingers wrapped around him, Soap's hands fell to the wet tiles, head hanging between his shoulders, staring at your small hands jerking him off
-sometimes he feels like a teenager concerning how reactive he's to your presence, you don't even need to do something overly sexual and blood rushes south
-sometimes you caught the way he watches you intently, asking an innocent 'what?' squealing out a 'Johnny!' when he pulled away whatever cover or his pants remember the point of him going commando most of the time? showing off his bulge or rock-hard erection rather than verbally answering
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sophaeros · 7 months
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arctic monkeys for clash magazine, april 2010
Words by Simon Harper Photos by Jason Joyce
As Britain’s favourite band headed out on the European leg of their ‘Humbug’ tour, Clash discovered that Arctic Monkeys were less sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll, and more cakes, ping-pong and Coco Pops…
The city of Offenbach, about twenty minutes south of Frankfurt, was once noted for its abundant leather industry, and is currently the base of the German weather service, but such claims don’t negate the fact that it’s basically a sterile, grey, typically German suburban borough. The arrival of a fleet of trucks and buses, carrying Arctic Monkeys, their crew and stage gear, heralded the notion that for one night only, Offenbach may just come alive with suitably bustling energy.
Offenbach’s Stadthalle is the smallest venue on the Monkeys’ three-week tour of Western Europe. The band have been through Portugal, Spain and France, and know how to kill time during the day while everyone works around them, building the stage for that night’s show. And so, when Clash finds them, upstairs in the Stadthalle’s back rooms, they’re in the middle of a fierce ping-pong match – the game scores being tallied up across the tour. The table, it transpires, is the band’s own, and follows them wherever they go. A set of football goals lie waiting for action, but the small white balls prove more enticing.
It’s a cold, February Tuesday, and these back rooms are where the band will spend the whole day.
Previous encounters with Arctic Monkeys have been somewhat tough – notoriously reticent and famously press-shy, there’s a tangible wall that surrounds them, which is seemingly hard to penetrate. Suspicious stares cut through you, while succinct answers frustrate you. Today, however, they couldn’t be more accommodating.
Clash sits with the quartet in the band-only room, where their personal equipment is kept in a vertical flight case of drawers, and a small fridge is at hand for cold beers. Nick O’Malley, Jamie Cook and Matt Helders sprawl on the leather couches, while Alex Turner perches on the table, often pacing the room, then escaping in search of a lighter. We’re here to talk about life on the road. What starts as an interview eventually descends into louche conversation; daft chat punctuated by much laughter. Perhaps they’re glad to see a friendly face; perhaps the monotony of touring makes them crave any respite; perhaps there’s nothing better to do in Offenbach.
Is being on tour like real life, or does it feel like you’re detached from what real life is?
Matt: It’s probably real life. It doesn’t seem like it’s too separate or miles away.
When you go home is that normality or is it just a continuation of what you do on the road?
Matt: I don’t find it hard to settle back and switch between the two.
Nick: You feel like you’re unemployed when you go home properly.
Like you’ve got nothing to do?
Nick: Yeah, or like if you’ve got a couple of weeks off.
Matt: Like school holidays.
Alex: Does that make this school then?
Matt: Yeah, but it’s like basketball camp or something you enjoy.
How do your friendships cope with life on the road? 
Matt: It’s fine.
Nick: Yeah. We know how to not annoy each other. We’ve never really had friction, because we’ve all got a similar outlook on how not to annoy people, I suppose, so there’s never really been any problems.
Alex: (Mock nastily) That’s what you think, mate.
Nick: (Laughs) I suppose if you see the same people every day, after a while you’re bound to get a bit annoyed, but as long as you keep in your mind that it’s just because of the situation and not because you don’t like the person, then you can kind of avoid outbursts that you might not mean. It’s never really been a problem so far.
Do you notice a huge cultural difference between touring Europe and America? 
Alex: Even between places in Europe. I mean, often, to be honest, certainly at this stage that we’re at, days like today aren’t uncommon, where you’re out of town and you don’t even really see where you are, as I’m sure you’re aware. But you can really tell the difference just in the show, from the crowd. We did Madrid and Barcelona over t’weekend, and last week Portugal, and they were really excitable and there was like a frenzy going on when we were playing. Whereas I think crowds elsewhere can be a bit more reserved, can’t they, depending on where it is. I reckon one of the best crowds on this tour was a gig we did last week in Porto. We’ve never played there before. There was this real appreciation or something just from the start. You can just sort of feel it, can’t you; ‘We’re all here to have a laugh’.
Alex lives in the States now. Have any of you considered moving to somewhere you’ve visited on tour?
Matt: Yeah. It’s good that you do get to see places that you might consider moving, like Berlin. I could imagine living there.
Does living apart make you appreciate each other more when you’re back together?
Jamie: [Long pause] Mmmm…yeah.
Gone are the days when you’re living round the corner from each other.
Alex: Yeah, I suppose that’s true. You’ve got to sort of organise to be in one place. I suppose that is a bit of an inconvenient drag.
Are there any essential items that you have to pack before you come out on tour?
Jamie: One of them rolly things that gets fluff of your coat. (All laugh)
Alex: I feel like you’re a lot better equipped than the rest of us with things like that.
Yeah, you’re looking very bobble-less.
Jamie: Ah, cheers. Yeah, I did it this morning actually. A quick roll.
Matt: A skipping rope – except I forgot it this time. I’ve lost mine.
Nick: DVDs, stuff like that.
A ping-pong table?
Jamie: A ping-pong table is essential actually. I don’t think we’d go on tour without that.
Alex: Some kind of series…
Matt: A box-set.
Alex: Kinda really discovered that this last year. It was summat I’d never really got into before.
Nick: Any HBO series.
Alex: (Laughs) Yeah. I’ve really learned to appreciate that sort of continuum, because you can follow a thread.
Matt: You know what you need to do the next day.
What have you been watching?
Alex: We’ve got into Deadwood a bit on the last tour. That’s what’s been missing, I think, for me on this tour, some sort of thing like that.
Have you done The Wire?
Alex: Yeah.  I went Wire mad on that tour. I just got so greedy. I get so greedy with them things.
Matt: I couldn’t catch up.
Jamie: Yeah, he ditched everyone. I got ditched on t’second series!
Matt: Six in t’morning, I could hear him.
Jamie: You’d get up and that [theme] song would be on. It’d just be crisps all over, a bottle of…
Nick: ‘Wire Beast’s been up all night again!’
Alex: ‘Where’d you get that dressing gown from?’
Jamie: Just laying there with crumbs all over him.
Have you ever had any scares at customs? 
Nick: I got searched yesterday actually.
Matt: It was your squeaky wheels, just as I’d said. I said, ‘Them wheels are gonna attract attention.’
Nick: In Germany. A very thorough search, but luckily no glove action.
Jamie: They probably wanted to mend your wheels for you.
Matt: ‘I’ve got summat for that, some GT85.’
Nick: They were really suspicious of me. They really took everything apart and didn’t put it back as neat as I’d put it in.
Alex: At this end, yesterday?
Nick: Yeah, when we arrived in ‘Munchen’.
Alex: They’re quite, like, strict, aren’t they, Bavarian authorities.
Nick: Yeah. They had a look at me belt, everything. All me case and bag. Took everything apart. Then he were like, ‘Where have you come from?’ I went, ‘Barcelona’. He were like, ‘Have you had any contact with drugs in Barcelona?’ I went, ‘No.’ He went, ‘What do you do?’ I said, ‘I’m in a band.’ And he went, ‘Ah’, and then, like, swabbed everything.
Alex: When I got in t’car yesterday, the fella were like, [German accent] ‘If you like to do drugs, do not try and do it in Bavaria.’
American customs scare me most. 
Matt: Yeah, it’s a load of questions.
Alex: ‘What are you doing here?’
Jamie: New Zealand were quite funny. We all got pulled…
Matt: We had to sit in them chairs for a bit…
Jamie: And this guy was asking us directly the last time we ever did drugs. Then someone came over who worked for us…and he soon disappeared rather fast. We were fine. (All laugh)
Alex: I’ve come to quite enjoy the American customs people. (All laugh)
Matt: They’ve always got weird names.
Alex: They’re like, [American accent] ‘So you’re in a band, huh?’ You go, ‘Yeah, yeah.’ ‘What do you do in the band?’ ‘Oh, I’m the singer.’ ‘Yeah? You don’t look like a singer to me.’
Nick: ‘Do you sound like Coldplay?’
Alex: Yeah, ‘What kind of music do you guys play?’
Jamie: ‘Do you sound like Staind?’ I went like, ‘Staind? I know them… Fuckin’ hell!’ It took me ages. ‘Yeah, yeah, we sound a bit like Staind.’ When he said it I were like, ‘Yeah, a bit.’
You’ve said before that you wanted to try and get an album out this year. Do you get any time on the road to do any work on that?
Alex: Not really. That’s a bit of a pain in the arse, not being able to rehearse and work stuff out. I don’t think I write very good songs on t’road. They’re all a bit wonky. You get back and you’re like, ‘Hmmm’.
Does it detach you from what we were talking about earlier, ‘real life’? Does it detach you from the things that you want to be writing about?
Alex: I dunno. You can still use your imagination, but I just think, yeah, in your surroundings there’s always about to be something that’s going to happen. You can’t think. I always write wherever I am, but I dunno if the things that come out when you’re touring around always have the shelf life that the other things do.
Have you got any songs earmarked for the next album?
Alex: Yeah. I mean, there’s some ideas, but we haven’t really had the chance to get out the fine toothed comb.
‘Humbug’ was a departure in sound from your previous albums – do you think you’ll continue in that direction, maybe bring Josh Homme in again?
Alex: Not sure, really. We would like to do something with Josh again – it was terrific for us to go on that adventure – but whether or not it’s this next thing, I’m not sure. And also, like, he’s busy! (Laughs) He’s got a schedule himself, doesn’t he?
You went to record over in his place, so do you think next time you’ll have him over to...
Alex: High Green? (Laughs) Homme in High Green? I quite fancy that.
Nick: He’d look like a superhero in High Green, all the bad genetics there are in High Green. He’d look amazing.
Matt: He’d be the biggest man there.
You’ve released a couple of singles exclusively through Oxfam. What made you decide to do that? 
Jamie: Laurence and Jonny at Domino came to us with that idea – a great idea for the charity reason, and then cos Woolworths and stuff had shut down, but there were always an Oxfam.
Alex: Like, in towns where there perhaps aren’t, like, an Our Price or something.
Do you have to think of more creative ways to get your records out there?
Jamie: Yeah, rather than just sat at home.
Matt: They should think about making the journey exciting – paint paths a nice colour to the record shops.
Alex: The yellow brick road.
Matt: Something that makes people want to walk to a record shop. Even if it’s just free parking. (All laugh)
Jamie: It’s just too easy to buy music now.
How do you feel as artists about the devaluing of music? Does it annoy you that you’re working hard to make something, but people can just pick it up from their friends?
Jamie: I suppose we were never in the industry when it were big money, when people used to sell twenty million albums. Has that ever happened since we’ve been around?
Probably someone like Dido has.
Jamie: Yeah, that were probably the last.
Matt: It’s like, we wouldn’t expect anything like that to happen to us, so…
Alex: I do think there is people that always will want to go and get records.
Matt: Yeah, it won’t change everybody.
Alex: I was reading a couple of months ago about there’s an idea where you won’t even have – you know like you pull songs off iTunes or whatever – but they were saying you subscribe to a database and pay to get ’em…
Jamie: Spotify, that’s what that was.
Alex: Yeah. But you can’t get them on…
It streams the music – you can’t download them.
Alex: But you can’t do that on your phone, can you?
Matt: Yeah, you can do Spotify on your phone if you pay about £10 a month. Nokia did that thing where you can just pay a monthly thing and you can have as many as you want…
Alex: The fella had a quote, he’s like, ‘There’s nothing sexy about an MP3 on your desktop’. (Laughs) He’s like, ‘There’s nothing sexy about having a subscription to a database’. (All laugh) But then you could just sort of buy a record and stand it up against your wall. Not that that’s particularly sexy, but, you know what I mean… I like things that you can stand up.
Jamie: Like you said the other day, everyone’s just gonna have an empty house.
Matt: Yeah, there’s gonna be nothing on t’shelves. Not even books now.
Jamie: No one’s got any photos anymore, no ones’s got any CDs or records…
Matt: You’ll just have a screen and a chair.
Jamie: You’ll just go, ‘Sound. This is sound.’
Matt: With nowt on your wall.
Jamie: You can just have everything [at your fingertips]; turn your fire on, open your curtains…
Alex: You’d get in it for your bath. (All laugh)
[Alex goes into the band’s equipment drawer, pulls out a giant figure of Freddie Mercury in full-on rock pose. “See, he said he likes things that stand up,” Matt says.]
Does being on an independent label give you the freedom to experiment with your marketing or promotions? 
Matt: Yeah. They [Domino] have as many ideas as us for stuff like that, like the Oxfam thing. They tend to think on a similar level, and, at the same time, if we have a suggestion, they’re open to it. It sometimes is a good thing to have a label like Domino, cos they’re experienced in doing weird stuff, and have obviously signed things that aren’t necessarily to make any money or anything, so we’ll listen to them if they have a suggestion, and vice versa. They’d put records out on tins of beans and all sorts. (All laugh)
Jamie: I wanted to do it on a conifer. I wanted to put an MP3 out on a conifer.
Matt: Or just seeds. Christmas tree seeds.
Alex: Yeah. What did they actually do?
Matt: There’s a Jewish guy, I forgot what his name is, and they did it on a kosher chicken noodle soup or something. You buy the soup and you get the code [for the MP3]. Which is good in a way, because he’s just poo-pooing the fact that there’s not much point. It’s an incentive, but it doesn’t get it in the chart, you see. It’s a give-away. So you can sell anything and just have an MP3 code on it. You can sell a car and you’d just get one song.
Jamie: But then it doesn’t count towards t’charts?
Matt: No. The Oxfam thing don’t either, does it. Only the download bit does. You’re not allowed to give away incentives like free stuff, because that’s obviously encouraging people. See, that’s the thing – people might buy the soup and not download the song. ‘I wonder if they make good soup?’
Jamie: When you see a good cover sometimes…
Matt: Yeah, you buy it for the cover.
Alex: Perhaps the epitome of that is you buying a Lady Gaga picture disc. (Laughs)
Matt: Yeah, I did. I’ve been a fool.
Alex: It’s great, cos she’s wearing like a fuckin’ box of Coco Pops or something. (Laughs)
Matt: You could buy that Freddie Mercury thing and get a Queen album, for instance. You don’t need to put it on or owt.
Jamie: You want to make it awkward.
Matt: Buy a chair. Buy a flat pack piece of furniture and you get a code for an album.
Jamie: You have to put your furniture up and send a picture to someone, then they send you the MP3.
Alex: That would make a good video: playing in a bowl of Coco Pops. (All laugh) Remember that kids programme where they used to have to go swimming in a bowl of cereal…
Jamie: Ah yeah. Didn’t they used to do something like that on The Big Breakfast?
Matt: They did, yeah.
Jamie: It were a massive cup of tea and you used to have to get the sugar lumps…
Matt: Yeah, yeah, that was it: One Lump Or Two.
Jamie: One Lump Or Two, yeah!
Alex: It would be great: kid comes down, he’s having his breakfast – Coco Pops – and then, like, Arctic Monkeys are in his cereal. (All laugh)
Jamie: Hot milk, though.
Matt: Hot milk in t’afternoon.
Alex: (Laughs) ‘Why not try Coco Pops after school?’
Jamie: (Laughs) I love that advert!
Alex: It’s the best!
Do your fans give you CDs of their bands?
Matt: They throw them on t’stage! Imagine if you got one of them in t’eye! Fuckin’ hell! Remember in America, a kid got on stage and he had a handful [of CDs] and someone had to grab him to get him off, but he threw them. So he were getting pulled away and he threw them.
Alex: I’ve been getting less CDs though…
Matt: Now they’re throwing download cards at you!
Alex: I got a pair of underpants…
Jamie: People are chucking downloads at you. You’re like, ‘What the fuck?’
Matt: People are throwing zeroes and ones at you – it’s like the credits of The Matrix!
Jamie: You can’t get any flick on a download.
Alex: They’re chucking Spotifys at me. Maybe that’s what them pants were – some sort of code.
I think it’d be a totally different sort of code! Do you listen to the music that fans give you?
Matt: I listened to one that someone gave me the other day. It just were at home though, he just gave it me.
Alex: No more than I’d wear that pair of pants! (Laughs)
Matt: It were just convenient – I were getting in me car and there’s a CD player there.
What’s the strangest thing a fan has given you?
Matt: Just in Japan – everything you get is weird! Like, a monkey hat – it left your own face in but it’s got ears and a tail.
Jamie: And sweets.
Matt: A lot of sweets.
Jamie: We once said, ‘Oh, we like these sweets’ in an interview…
Nick: There’s someone that makes baked goods.
Matt: You got a good one, where it were like a picture of you…
Alex: Yeah, I got like a diagram of myself…
Matt: A diagram, pointing at every bit, and then asking to fill in, like, what his favourite brand of jeans were.
Alex: Hand it back, and then she’d sort of kit me out.
Matt: She’d buy it all! So, like, ‘Favourite shoes? Trainers or boots?’ It would be like that. He’d fill it in and send it back and then she’d buy it. ‘Will this do?’
Alex: Back it came with this jumper that were perfect actually. She really knew me better than I knew meself.
Nick: With baked goods, I know it’s not [spiked], but you never know… It’s probably fine – it’s more than likely fine – but it is a gamble.
Matt: It’s innocent, but someone might have seen that opportunity.
Jamie: I don’t think I’m ever gonna eat a baked good that some stranger’s made. You learn about that. There is a story there…
What’s the first thing you do when you get home after the tour is finished? 
Nick: See your friends and family that you’ve not seen.
Matt: I go and get my photos developed. That’s actually one of the first things I do.
Alex: I usually pick up me guitar. Honestly. It’s a deep breath.
Later that evening, Clash is back in the ping-pong room. The tour manager comes to break bad news to the band - the curtain at the front of the stage is broken. They won't be able to make their usual grand entrance. "Ah, we've got to do it," grins Alex. Do what? "We've been saying on this tour if ever the curtain doesn't work, we've got to go on to this song." Which song? "Black Eyed Peas’ ‘I Gotta Feelin’’," Alex beams. The band are giddily bouncing around, electrified by the prospect of taking the stage to the song that's soundtracked many a menopausal vodka-stained Saturday evening's preparatory gathering.
“But when do we go on?" Matt asks.
"The rap. We gotta wait for the rap," Alex asserts.
"We should wait until "Mazel tov”,” Jamie smirks.
Ten minutes later, Clash is amidst the Offenbach crowd when the lights go out and the song bursts from the PA. A wave of euphoria swells, the irony not lost, and right on cue, just as the Peas declare, "I know that we'll have a ball", the four Monkeys stride towards their instruments.
The nineteen-song set covers their three albums - with Nick Cave's 'Red Right Hand’ thrown in for good measure. The last song before their encore is 'Secret Door’ from 'Humbug’. Just as Matt cracks the snare drum that launches the song's long psychedelic outro, cannons on the roof blast out gold and silver confetti over the joyous crowd below, proving that the Monkeys aren't averse to a bit of showmanship every now and then.
The after party is a subdued affair (well, in Offenbach it's bound to be!), with just the band, some friends, crew, and Clash, diving into the beer and nibbles on offer. A fairly drunken chat with Alex about Johnny Cash, Billie Holiday and Gram Parsons rounds off our time with the band, as they retreat back to the confines of their bus, about to depart for Dusseldor and their next gig.
Such a welcome and warm atmosphere is often rare backstage, especially with a band as celebrated as this, but the Monkeys - ever changing and ever surprising - are beginning to make a habit of defying expectations. Growing up has never been such fun.
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hyperfixat · 3 months
found this game in my steam wishlist 😭 i remember putting it in there and i forgot abt it for so long but i got around to playing it and !!! Okay!
So naturally, as one does, i decided to write a fic where u fucking kill yourself Obvious CW for suicide and overdosing on painkillers
(okay there’s kinda an open ending) anyway 1.2k words. GO.
You had no intention of winning your bet. Sure you taunt and tease the reaper, even before knowing who (rather what) he is, but you don’t intend on taking his soul. You wouldn’t even know how to take a soul if push came to shove.
It’s been an idle plan in your mind for years now. Suicide, that is. So when someone contacts you asking for your soul, you assume whatever god was overseeing you had a sick sense of humor.
Honestly, you think this “Grim Reaper” guy is planning on making a snuff film out of you. When you make your first call you think, this doesn't look like the type of guy to make snuff films. Hey, maybe he’s some rich pervert, using his fortune to prey on random people by installing spyware and stalking them before getting his rocks off to their death.
This false impression of Grim comes to a harsh end when he literally takes a stroll inside of you. And does stuff. You’re not quite sure what the hell that was about, but, again, this guy is either death incarnate or way richer than you had initially given him credit for.
You wonder if your ideas are graffitied on your soul, mindscape, wherever it was Grim ventured. It, this cosmically far away concept of the depression you have become, has been a shadow over your life. Surely it stained itself into your very being.
If there was any indication of that you’d like to think Grim would have mentioned the blight bleeding into you. But he doesn’t. So you don’t ask.
All too soon your week is coming to a close. You can’t lie to yourself and say you haven’t been falling for Casper (he had indulged you in his real name), but you’ve been looking for an excuse to do this for years and you won’t let someone you’ve known for less than a week hold you back.
Really you’re doing him a favor.
Maybe you should have done this sooner.
You are meant to be dead. Was it supposed to be by your own hands all along? Were you truly too much a coward until this very day to finally do it?
It’s cruel to leave your pet behind, but you hope they have it in them to forgive you. Grim seemed to think they were cute, hopefully he’ll agree to take care of them. You draft up a message to send to him before you trudge to your medicine cabinet. The value pack of 500 painkillers stares back at you, taunting.
No time like the present. You grab the bottle and take it to your kitchen, pouring a big cup of soda. You want to go out drinking your favorite drink and water is for losers. Popping the child safety lock off you pour out a handful of pills. How many would you have to take to get the job done, you wonder.
Well, it’s not like anyone else needs them, so you go handful by handful and down as much of the container as you can, before your stomach starts to ache. It’s likely the ache is from how full you are, but it could be your system beginning to realize something is wrong with your body, so you slide into your desk chair and open up the chatroom.
Grim is online. He’ll probably rush to your place. Out of excitement? Duty? Fear? Pity? There are too many possible outcomes, but you want to make sure the message gets sent, so you paste it into your chat bar, watching the line flickering at the end, prompting you to either send or type more.
Now your stomach is really starting to roll. You lean over and grab your trash bucket, holding it to your chest. Only when your burps start to taste like stale medicine do you hit the enter bar, sending the message.
Don’t do it.
I’m coming over now.
Hm. That last message forces a chuckle out of you. Does he know what that means? An open contradiction; unless he’s gullible enough to believe it means Keep Yourself Safe.
Yeah, he definitely thinks it means keep yourself safe.
A bit late for that, though.
You have enough cognition to stumble forward and lock your window. A mere glass panel won’t stave death away, but hopefully you’ll have passed by the time Casper breaks it or breaks in through other means. You fall back into your spinning chair, and the momentum slides you halfway to your bed. That’s far enough away where you have a clear view of your window.
With glazed over eyes and a heavy slouch you watch as Casper flies up as if propelled by a very steep zipline. His eyes are wide and alert as he attempts to lift your window, a harsh contrast to your own.
He’s saying something but the window and your brain muffles it, probably telling you to let him in. Tough luck is what you’d tell him if your mouth wasn’t salivating so much. Casper bangs on your window at a frantic and fearful pace. Your emotions are swiftly changing.
You want to console him, hold him and tell him it’s alright. You know this is what you deserve, what’s been coming for you. Though it’s not in your best interest, you think your body is past the point of saving, not without some serious medical know how, so you stumble on deer legs to pop the lock open on the window.
Casper wastes no time in flinging it up and open.
“What have you done?” He’s all over you in an instant. Hands in your hair; hands on your face, peering into your dazed eyes, hands over your chest, hands feeling your abdomen. Casper looks distraught.
“It’s okay.” You reassure him, though your words sound oddly gurgle-y. “You win, it’s okay.”
“I don’t want to win. I forfeit, please, what have you done, tell me, I can fix this.” Casper speaks fast as if the haste with which he delivers his words will somehow fix you. His hands settle on either side of your face. “Look into my eyes, everything is going to be alright. I’m not upset, I’m not mad, please look into my eyes.” His words are like a mantra, and the desperation in his tone makes you compelled to follow his instructions.
The tears in his red eyes refract the light like rubies. You can’t imagine anything more beautiful.
“Can you imagine a bridge for me?” Casper’s hands are shaking against your face, the tremors get worse when you shake your head ‘no.’
“It’s okay.” You repeat yourself. “I love you, okay?” In another situation, far less serious than this, Casper would make fun of your excessive use of the word, but he barely notices.
“That’s alright, that’s alright, just keep looking into my eyes, got it?” Yes, you want to do that, Casper has the prettiest eyes. You wouldn‘t mind them being the last thing you see. That would be a lovely final view, you think.
They are.
the endings i thought of are:
one; you fucking die
two; casper establishes a soul mind link and gives you part of himself to keep your tethered to your body for long enough that you heal and you don’t die
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bed-of-ashes · 6 months
sooo I made a whole post about SL cletho and I've just watched all of Cleo’s LL and I'm having Thoughts so you're all gonna suffer for it
They've got this "you're good with me and I'm good with you" thing going on. Every season as I can recall they're never actively hostile toward each other beyond teasing jokes. They default to allying with each other when their main alliances fall apart, and they both just sorta know they won't be hurt by the other. They never discuss this on camera, but it's always true. Cleos always welcome in the white castle and they go there just to chat with Etho sometimes, she didn't want to let him get boogey'd by Pearl, he helped them on red life.
"I know you enjoy that kinda thing" "what, I enjoy rudeness?" "Don't you?" "I mean, don't *you?*"
Also just him betting on their life is so funny 💀
They are The last nonred alliance in the server, despite not being allies the entire season
He tells them AND other people that he's scared of her. Like?? Etho the minecraft man himself genuinely does not want to get on their bad side, to the extent he makes deals with her that are just "here I'll give you potions if you don't go after me for just this episode"
Etho’s panicked "BACK AWAY EVERYBODY IM DANGEROUS- oh, Cleo. Cleo, come with me." Man calms down IMMEDIATELY realizing it's them.
When they're ghosts, Cleo goes "oh Etho! I didn't see you die!" and he says "I got killed Cleo, I didn't survive :(" stuck out to me for some reason
He is the only one she takes compliments from. They don't even accept compliments from Scott or Pearl, but Etho keeps going "ooh that was good Cleo!" and "nice job with that one Cleo!"
bouncing off that he goes so far out of his way to make Cleo feel like a useful member of the team I'm. crying
"I thought I ran into lava but it was Cleo’s hair" I laughed so hard
Theyre just such good friends, like. In general they're very similar people in that they click really easily, they tend to gravitate toward each other in these Life series because they just generally trust each other. they have such a good foundation that you can put them in any situation and they'll still be rock solid. Cleo & Etho, man.
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2smolbeans · 7 months
I can see the yandere darling's support group going south fast, well, that is if some of the yandere figure it out. What if they have they own support group just for finding their darlings!? 😭😈
Note: This is an add-on to the yan's darling support group (you can read here for context ^^)
But Omg NOOOO- The poor darlings 😭😭
But tbh I totally agree and see this happening.
Like the yanderes would've also started off as a private facebook group called "losing the love of our lives" or smth like that. They would all share their stories through the chat and vent about how their lover either ran away, cheated, divorced them, and the whatnot! It started off as just a typical anonymous groupchat for people to vent, but when their true colors started to show- everyone realised that they were all the same and could truly tell the FULL story.
Yandere 1: "They killed themselves.. I don't believe it. I don't know how. I made sure to hide everything. I had cameras littered everywhere..I should've chopped their fucking hands off when I had the chance.."
Yandere 2: "They hit me square in the face with a rock.. It was a pretty nasty one as well. I had to go in for surgery and..Apparently this is how I lost my eye. They really hit it hard..Heh, they always were so feisty."
Yandere 3: "Sigh... They ran off after our honeymoon.. They were so loving and so adorable.. God, it was the best night of my life. They were so beautiful.. Of course, I forgot to lock the locks! Oh well.. I'll find them somehow.."
Yandere 4: "Our daughter.. They used our daughter. After everything I've provided, after the child we created.. They have the gnall to run away after I got rid of that 'pest' they were so attached to. Ex spouse or whatever. It's such a shame how brainwashed they are..And now our poor daughter is waiting for her favorite parent..I know I shouldn't be so soft after they've abandoned us, but I can't help it! I know they're just being hysterical! Once I get them back, I'm sure some treatment will help them get back to normal. And then we can be a happy family again."
Then of course once everyone is on the same board and level as eachother (AKA, everyone understands they are all just as crazy), they'll begin to meet in person at some diner or casual brunch- disscussing their plans to find each others beloved.
And you know..Yeah once one of them finds one darling walking to the group- and hell even decides to join their group for a while..Well the rest will find them and you can only imagine how that went.
Just all of them walking into that group, bewildered, shocked, and amused to see them. All of those darlings..Sadly, are rounded up in a nice bundle for their obessessor to finally pick them up.
But yeah! Thanks for that wonderful input lololol-- it made me have a good laugh once I thought about it 😂
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