#chase collins fanfic
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thatzenithnerd · 2 months ago
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Anyone else notice the “Z” for Zoom shaved into the back of Jack’s hair?
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years ago
Hidden Sisters, Chapter 16
Word Count:  1.6k
Warnings:  sexual situations, slight angst
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“Oh god, you smell so good,” she purred against his neck.  Lance felt a shiver go down his spine as she nipped along the column of his throat.  He took a sharp breath in when he felt her tongue lathe over his neck.  His hands grabbed hers and he removed them from his groin, pressing her against the wall instead.  She broke away from his neck and looked at him, nothing but pure, unbridled lust in her eyes, “I want this, Lance…please.”
His cock twitched at the raspy breathless tone that her voice held.  He wanted nothing more than to claim his mate and fill her with children, whether they be nymphs or shifters.  But instead he pushed away his more carnal thoughts and stared at his mate, “I-I don’t want to take advantage of you, Annalise…this is not what I-“
“I want you, Lance,” she whimpered, cutting the nymph off.  She attempted to kiss him, but he held his ground, keeping his distance from her.  She whimpered again, her wolf feeling a little bit of rejection the longer he held her at bay, “d-don’t you want me, Lance?”
“More than you know,” he admitted sadly.  He admired her every curve as his eyes traveled the length of her body, “but I will not take advantage of you like this in your current state…y-you need to get in the shower to stave off the fever��I-I’ve made a call for toys for you and my guard should have them soon…but you need to lis-“
The nymph was cut off when Annalise’s lips caught his own.  His hands fell away, crumbling with his willpower as she pressed herself against him.  Her nails scraped lightly against his bare chest and back down to his pants.  Their lips broke from one another and Lance gasped.  She giggled, taking the opportunity to put her hand down his pants and grab his achingly hard length.
“I want this…”
Two days later and Lance had felt like he was nearly driven up a wall.  He’d heard her almost constant moaning; how she had orgasmed again and again with the toys that his guard had come back with. 
But it had all stopped in the early afternoon. 
The castle fell silent. 
And then there was a small knock at the door. 
Lance’s eyes snapped up on it and he waited anxiously.
Lance felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest as she called for him.  There was a tiredness to her voice that made him scramble from his spot in the hall. He didn’t want her to know that he personally stood guard at her door the past few days, nor did he want her to know that he’d sent away everyone from the castle, but he was desperate to hear from her.
“I-Are you there?” she asked desperately, “I-I think I can come out now…”
Lance rushed to the door, scrambling to its lock with the key in hand.  The click felt like a barrier was broken between them as the door creaked open slowly. All at once, Lance was hit in the face with the smell of sex that filled his room.  He inhaled deeply, his eyes rolling yet again as it felt like an aphrodisiac to him.  His cock hardened immediately and twitched in his pants. 
She stood, nervously, just a foot away from the door.  She was coated in a thin layer of sweat, the sheen making her legs glisten under the lights.  His breath caught in his throat as he was eye to eye with her bare thighs.  She was wearing one of his tunics, but nothing else. 
“My god…”
“Thank you!” she whispered gently, offering her sincerest gratitude to the man she once saw as vain and almost cold.  She held onto her arms, cradling herself as she stood in front of him in nothing but his shirt, “th-thank you for not taking advantage of me, Lance.”
“I would do anything to keep you safe, my sweet alpha mate…”
“I-I see that now…” she all but whispered, “and I want to stay here…I-I don’t want to go back to Ransom and Jakes until I come of age that we can marry.  I want to stay with you, Lance.  I want to stay here, with you!”
“As you wish, my love.”
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“She’s been gone for days!”
“It’s not my fault, Jake…i-I don’t know where she went,” Sam all but cried to her older brother, “I can’t help it that she-“
“Oh I know exactly where she went,” Jake groaned, “she went after that egotistical prick, Lance!”
“Jake…calm down,” Ransom tried, coming up to his husband’s side, “we don’t know th-“
“HE’S BEEN AVOIDING MY MESSAGES!” Jake roared, “I know that he has her!  I KNOW IT!”
“Jake…you’re scaring the girls!”
Jake frowned as he looked away from his husband and mate to his two daughters that had stopped playing and were watching him intently. 
“Aunt Liss?”
“Your Aunt Annalise will be home soon!” Jake reassured Mira, “go play with your sister in your room, okay?  I need to talk to Aunt Samantha.”
The girls frowned together but followed after each other until they were out of the dining hall.  Ransom reached over to Jake again, but the wolf snarled at him.
“Easy, pup!” Ransom said delicately to his husband, “I’m on your side.”
“We haven’t gotten Annalise back.  We have-“
But Jake stopped speaking when he noticed a new figure standing tall in the entrance of the dining hall. 
The young father stood in woodland gear, leaving both Ransom and Jake confused, “Chase…what are you doing here?  Where’s Johnny and the kids?”
“I’ve come by request of my nymph king, Lord Jefferson,” he said simply, a sad smile gracing his features, “this is official business, and Johnny is home with the children.”
Jake frowned, his jaw tightening at the mention of the other nymph king.  He was quick to move to his sister’s side before placing himself in front of her.  It was obvious that he came here requesting something that he was not willing to give, “you are not taking her.”
“I do not do this because I want to, Jake,” Chase frowned, “I told Jefferson that I would rather stay out of his personal affairs, as I have a biased response.  You are my brother-in-law…but he sees that as a good bridging point between us.”
“I will not turn my final sister over to him,” he growled, the firm raspiness building in his throat as the growl became louder, “I will not turn her over like a piece of meat.”
“Nick has Jennifer, and they are with child,” Chase reminded him, “they are married and united as one.  And Jefferson has received word from others inside of the water kingdom that your sister Annalise is at his castle, and has spent her rut with him…”
“Jefferson wants Samantha,” Ransom finished for him, “so that he won’t be the last man in the race.”
Jake all but snapped in Ransom’s direction, “excuse me?”
“Nick is a fire and water nymph.  If him and Jennifer are truly with child, the new line of heirs has already started,” Ransom answered sadly, “and nymphs are highly competitive, especially their kings…if Annalise has spent her rut with Lance, there’s a chance that they will soon follow in an announcement of hatchlings.  Lance is ensuring his heirs will rule the water kingdom and not Nick’s.”
“I love Jefferson!” Samantha began, her heart aching at the thought of her mate being insulted, “he’s not using me.  He’s done everything by the book, like you as-“
Jake snapped at his sister.  Her words stopped on a dime as he glared at her, “If what he’s saying is true, then he’s sending for you so that he can knock you up, Samantha!  Can’t you see that?  He all but abandoned you when they originally spoke of war, and now that Jennifer’s pregnant, and Annalise ran off with Lance, he doesn’t want to be the last one to knock you up!”
Samantha looked at Chase, her half-brothers’ husband.  He was tight-lipped, but looked at her with a glance that told her that what Jake was saying was true.  She shook her head, not wanting to believe it, “but Jefferson…he-he’s not like that.  Chase…tell me that’s not the truth!”
“I do not wish to be tied to these affairs, Samantha…I only wish to get home to my own family,” he admitted, “but it is my duty to ask what is required of me by my king…and for now, he has asked that I bring you to the woodland realm.”
“You’re not to have her!” Jake spat, “tell your king that!  If he wants her then he shall have to fight me…and she’ll only go over my dea-“
“I’ll go!”
Jake stopped speaking and looked at his sister, “…Sam…”
“It’s what I am to do, Jake,” she said without fear, “I’m promised to him…”
“But Sam-“
“I’ll be okay, Jake…”
“You don’t know that.”
She took her brother’s hands in her own and gave him a sad look, before wrapping them around him.  She nuzzled against his cheek, trying to give him the comfort she could feel that he so desperately needed, “I promise…I’ll be fine…Jefferson will not do me harm…”
“I can’t lose you too…” Jake all but whimpered. 
Sam frowned and pulled away so that she could look him in the eyes, “worry not, big brother…you are not losing me…”
“I promise, Jake…you are not alone.”
Chapter 17
Tag list:  @lohnes16, @dontbescaredtosingalong, @teambarnes72
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povlvr · 1 year ago
I love how long the list is! Our little psycho playing puppy !
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theadhddimsenion · 4 days ago
A bunch of ideas I had for hellaverse crossovers that you all can feel free to use in your fanfics and other such things.
The events of both hazbin and helluva take place long after or before the events of doom eternal but every hellborn shudders at the slayers name and he is often used as a bogeyman to scare young hellborn into obedience.
Mancubi are native to the gluttony ring and are often used to clean up the dead bodies all around hell by devouring the rotting meat of hellborn and sinners alike. Queen bee has found a less disturbing use for them as cooks with their natural flamethrower hands complete with silly chefs hat.
Archviles act as advisors and task masters for the goetia. Often charged with managing the servants and legions of the nobility on their behalf due to their above average intelligence and skill in bending lesser demons such as imps and hounds to their will be it by either magic or simple charisma.
The green fire that burned down the buckso circus Is the same green fire that barons of hell use in their attacks. For example you could have a seen in which a barons cruelly taunts fizz by scaring him with said fire while the nobles of hell are meeting before Ozzie chases him off.
The imps we see in the doom games are called "badlanders" and are a feral subspecies of imps that live in the wild untamed areas of hell where the old ways from the days of the war in heaven where hell was pure anachry and souls where tortured with whips and chains rather than allowed to run free. The term fire toad I'd actually a mocking and cruel comparison of the "civilized" imps to their more feral badlander kin.
Devil may cry.
Dante and his kin by extention have earned a reputation among the hellborn that almost rivals the slayer.
Hellborn belive the tree to be a myth.
The angels of the bayonetta series are known to the rest of heaven as "paradisians"
An adam vs cerzza rivalry.
Bayonetta accidently summoning one of the hazbin or helluva cast.
A joke about stolas demon masquerade was the only time he ever liked being inside a woman.
Heavenly viture adam is much like his base form but 6 stories stall and welding a massive triple necked guitar capable of leveling cities with it's feedback.
Ruby turns out to be one of blitzs many "exs" or as blitz remembers it they had a one night stand and she never let it go. I can see a comical argument about how supposedly stupid blitz was to "fuck over veroskia fucking mayday" while Sam and Dean just look confused as to what the hell these two are talking about.
Blitz and dean bonding of metal and burning mothers. Also blitz doing the "you have nice eyes daddy" bit again and to the immense disappointment of fangirls everywhere both the whincester Brothers are confirmed straight.
Just blitz happily frolicking through equstria like it's heaven.
Good omens.
I once saw an episode of the real ghostbusters where this demon guy had to get the boys in Grey's help because none of his infernal kin would let him hear the end of how his major deal with a mortal was to get rid of chickens and they all found out because his imp which was stored in like a gerblie crate had told them so I think it would be funny if Crowelys assigned imp was blitz like he's been cramed into a glass box too small for his size and the front desk guy was all like "I have to warn you sir this one has a mouth on it" and blitz is all like "you bet your ass I do!!"
Azherpale bonding with Emily and collin as well as dragging Crowely to the hazbin by his ankles.
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catastrxblues · 2 years ago
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currently shadowbanned which means i can't interact in ANY way at all through this blog so sorry if you replied to my posts or mentioned me and i haven't responded 😭
“our sheer capacity for a feeling has got to be so unwieldy that we staggered under it, like atlas with the weight of the world.” — oliver marks, if we were villains.
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⛧ okay so hi! i’m nadine. she/her. muslim. student. apparently an isfj. virgo. afternoons enthusiast. #1 full machine by gracie abrams enjoyer. think about everlark a lot.
┏ i like to read, watch, and sometimes write. but nowadays i really just prefer rotting and decaying on my bed because school is absolutely exhausting and i have no better idea than to use all my spare time for simply sleeping.
┏ STEM at heart, but sometimes all i really want to spend the rest of my life doing is reading, pondering over poems, learning to bake, crying over songs, writing in an immense amount and is good at it, working at a bookshop, collecting so many books that i have sagging bookshelves on the walls of my room, watching the moon, examining the stars, and enjoying the afternoon sun in a meadow or hills or somewhere with running creeks and flowers (but that's unrealistic so)
┏ i come on here to reblog, read fanfics, and rant about my obsessions (and also my life so sometimes this actually does feel like my little messy personal diary- that's a warning by the way)
-> currently reading : the ballad of songbirds and snakes by suzanne collins, six of crows by leigh bardugo,
-> currently watching : gilmore girls s2, brooklyn nine-nine s1, the summer i turned pretty,
-> some favorites :
(books) the hunger games, percy jackson / riordanverse, a good girl’s guide to murder, hp & the marauders, nevermoor, if we were villains, anne of green gables, djats & tshoeh, keeper of the lost cities
(artists) taylor swift, gracie abrams, phoebe bridgers, lorde, conan gray, sabrina carpenter, olivia rodrigo, maisie peters
(movies) mcu, romcoms, little women, thg adaptations, legally blonde, clueless, bridge to terabithia, lady bird, barbie, heathers, before sunrise
(tv shows) bridgerton, stranger things, heartstopper, jatp, asoue (show), disney channel shit (both), alexa and katie, nhie, lost in space (2017)
*(the italic ones are the ones i currently actively (and sometimes intensely) hyperfixate on on this blog!)
(+) fictional characters
[ i also will like to add that i am a peeta mellark, katniss everdeen, percy jackson, annabeth chase, anne shirley, jo and amy march, pippa fitz-amobi, and ravi singh enthusiast & i will defend them to the end of the earth thank you <3 ]
sideblogs & others
┏ i have a writing blog!! (@kitchentablebillsaredue) it’s not exactly a fanfic blog, just a blog to post all of my miscellaneous semi-personal mess <3 (it’s collecting dust right now because i didn’t realize how hard it will be to get myself to post some writings on even a small corner of the internet whoops)
┏ i created another (actual) sideblog because i was bored and i thought why not. it’s @andillwatchh (as in a reference to that famous little women 2019 scene) and it’s for some movies/shows insanity etc.
┏ another one thank you. @iborrowlibrarybooks mostly for bookish things & moodboards.
by no means this is a consistent fandom blog by the way, i'm just really annoying and can't stop talking. but yeah that's it!
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ollieofthebeholder · 7 months ago
8, 13, and/or 16 :]
8.) what’s a podcast where you mix up the characters voices? I've honestly never really had that problem! Every podcast I've listened to has done a really damn good job of keeping their character voices distinct. Now, I might occasionally mix up the actors' voices (we won't discuss how long I thought Cam Collins was the voice of Glory Ann Boggs), but never the characters.
13.) what do you like to do while listening to a podcast? "Like" is a strong word, but I usually listen to them while I'm working. If I'm listening off the clock, I crochet or cross-stitch while I listen. Just something with my hands that I don't have to think too hard about so I can focus on [REDACTED].
16.) what songs do you associate with a certain character/ podcast? Oh, boy, this is a List™. In no particular order:
"Bones in the Ocean" by The Longest Johns is inextricably bound up with Zolf Smith in my mind. (I know I used it for a TMA fic too but it's a Zolf song.)
"All the Wasted Time" from Parade is the ultimate JonMartin song and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Similarly, "You and I (The Story of Chess)" from the musical Chess inevitably makes me think of TMA. You and I We've seen it all Chasing our hearts' desires Yet we go on pretending Stories like ours have happy endings...
Maybe it's cheating to say "Lower Lights/Throw Out the Lifeline" is now forever associated with Martin Blackwood, since I did that to myself, but I did it and now it's true.
Apart from all the music that's been the weather, which doesn't count, "Weekend in New England" by Barry Manilow always makes me think of Welcome to Night Vale, and in particular Carlos and Cecil during that period where Carlos was trapped in the desert otherworld.
"Walk Through the Fire" from the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer will never not make me think of Hamid and the fight against Guivres ever again.
"Sixteen Tons" (originally by Tennessee Ernie Ford but I like Geoff Castellucci's version) has been associated with Old Gods of Appalachia in my mind since the first time I heard it and that isn't changing any time soon.
Less podcast and more fanfic, but the first time I listened to "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri this whole animatic unfolded in my head of JonMarTim's relationship arc in leaves too high to touch (roots too strong to fall) and now it plays across my mind every time I listen, which means I can't listen to it too often or I start seriously lamenting my lack of artistic skills.
I'm sure there are more, but those are all the ones that come to mind...
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gyunikum · 2 years ago
First Lines Meme
I am very grateful to be tagged by @swimmingfoxsticks and @bobparkhurst both of whose fanfics I’ve greatly enjoyed!
Rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recent fanfics.
 1. By request of the grass (SAS Rogue Heroes, Paddy/Eoin)
Paddy holds, in a vised grip, Eoin’s striped jersey, cloud white and sea blue, now all grey brown. 
2. Desert swimmers and upside-down sinners (SAS Rogue Heroes, Paddy/Eoin)
‘Stirling’s got a place in Cairo,’ says Eoin, driving carefully over a soft patch of sand that looks like the rest that is not soft.
3. To the burned mountain over Sicily (SAS Rogue Heroes, Reg/Johnny)
The town of Augusta was alive with the din of post-battle procedures.
4. Sunder and Surrender (Band of Brothers, Ron Speirs/Eugene Roe)
There was an ancient authority to the mountains of Austria that only poems could reflect.
5. Gathering Storms (Dunkirk, Collins/Peter Dawson, HP!au)
“It’s for the greater good.”
“Whose greater good? Certainly not any of us.”
6. Oasis Reverie (Dunkirk, Collins & Farrier)
Somewhere above the Western Desert, Collins chases Farrier’s Spitfire.
7. Desolate and Solace (Dunkirk, Collins/Farrier)
The sand is so grey, it doesn’t resemble sand. Ash—the old world burned layers back to expose rotten flesh upon which the kingdom come’s foundations are built.
8. When the sun dismisses the fog (of war) (Dunkirk, Collins/Farrier)
"Frequency check, Fortis Two. What’s the plan after this mission?"
“We’ll grab a pint when we get back. I’ll even watch the sunset with you,” Farrier promised.
9. Letters for a golden home (Dunkirk, Collins/Peter Dawson)
It takes Collins a few more months after the end of the war to leave the airbase and go home—home, for him, is the endless stretches of the sky, the gasoline slick belly of a Spitfire [...]
10. 'Cause there's a blue sky waiting for us tomorrow (Dunkirk, Collins/Farrier)
Collins and Farrier had a ritual before every mission—their own lucky charm, they called it, a tradition of sorts for only the two of them.
tagging @almost-a-class-act @butternuggets-blog @rosescruensixxam @booksoncanvas 
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unhlnged · 2 years ago
Would you ever roleplay JJ?
// since I've already written fanfics for JJ and he's one of my favorite characters from obx, why not? Actually I've already made a sideblog for him... @salt-lifer 😅 I might add him to my muse list if I ever create that multi-muse blog. Other canon characters I'm thinking about adding are: Barry from obx, Ryan Atwood from the OC, Luke Riordan/Golden Boy from Gen V, Chase Collins from the Covenant, and, of course, Dale 'Barbie' Barbara from Under the Dome. Any other suggestions?^^ Rafe will always be my fave tho
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years ago
Moon Rituals, Part 3
Summary:  what did you learn
Pairings:  Chase Collins X Reader
Rating:  mature
Warnings:  lap riding, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.3K
Series Masterlist
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Nervously you wait at the edge of the mushrooms for Chase.  There was so much to discuss with him, and all that you had learned from Morgan and Chase’s kinfolk.  This changed things.  It made what you and Chase were in the process of doing seem much more worth it.  You could bring on a new age of moon sprites.  You would no longer be alone.  
You hear his boots clomping through the forest before you emerge.  Getting pulled back by quite a small pixie, “Please, My Queen, don’t go.  Revel in the moonlight with your kind.”
“Chase is my kind.  He bears my marks, and he will soon be truly mine.  Stay in here, so Jenny won’t get you though,” he gives you a pitiful little pout as you step out into the moonlight, and it was as if the moon was directly on you and Chase.  Watching as you told him a bit more about your fate.  “You’re late, Chase Collins.”
“You’re keeping up with me,” he gives you a little smirk as he gently holds onto your forearms.  His fingers drawing shapes on them, “You’re warm.”
“I’m happy,” leaning forward he presses a chaste kiss along your cheek, before sitting on the forest floor, rubbing his lap enticingly.  “What is it that you want?”
“I want you to sit in my lap, and tell me about your day.  That shouldn’t be too hard, right, My Queen?” Rucking up your dress, you straddle his lap, looking directly at him.  Things were so much more intimate now.  You could feel his sexual hunger through your bond.  Could feel his anxiety grow as he was further away from you.  
Looking up to the sky, you look at the moon, and softly close your eyes, “The festival is tomorrow, are you nervous?”
“No,” he shows you his palms and the burned moons in his skin, “You have sworn yourself to me, and I you.  What did you learn from Morgan Le Fey?  Good news I hope.”
“You’re descended from a very powerful family, did you know?” Chase gives you a quick nod, while his hands massage over your legs.  “Morgan is very much in love with your lost relative Goody Pope.  They were bonded to each other.  Not quite like we would be.”
“How so?” Chase looks down at your lap, and doesn’t draw attention to the slow gyrating you were doing with your hips, only pushes you further into his lap where his bulge was right at your core.  Grinding over it just felt natural.  
“Our situation is different, Morgan is not of a royal standing.  The Moon Sprites are no more.  Just myself.  It’s prophesied,” you stutter a moment, gulping at the pleasure that was blooming in your stomach.  Ignoring how quiet the forest had grown.  Adoring how Chase’s eyes looked brighter blue in this light, almost as if they were glowing and silver.
“I am to change the bloodline,” you stutter as heat pools to your core, your pace growing as you look at them.  “Create a new world of Moon Sprites.  Powers beyond our former glory.  Powers from a witch and a faerie,” his fingers dig into your ass while your back arches up, and you start panting.  “A true binding of our souls, our lines, our magic.  It won’t be as strong, but it will be pure, wild, and different.  It won’t…won’t…Chase it won’t…” he gives you a kiss to your temple as you finish out this ride.  
Faeries from the guard stand excited around the edge of the forest, and staring at the two of you.  Salivating as you search for something.  Search for your words.  For this impending high that was stopping other thoughts.  It was just Chase.  There was nothing more.  Leaning your head back you bask in the moon’s barely there light.  Whispering up at her like a prayer until the damn breaks, and you press your forehead against his.  His petal pink lips brushes the softest kisses against yours, and he smiles at your labored breath.  
“She’s his.” “The process is nearly complete.” “The official binding is well underway.” “Drink of her!  Taste her!” “Finish the process, mortal!”
Chase’s fingers slide up your leg, connecting to your drenched folds.  “Don’t enter me,” you answer nervously, but he swipes a finger up your slit.  Bringing his fingers up to look at your slick.  Twisting his fingers into the night before stuffing them in his mouth, sucking on each one like he was tasting the most delectable dessert.  Gazing up at the moon before he pulls you in for a bruising kiss.  
Giving your greedy tongue a suck, and you taste yourself on him.  Moaning out his name, while the other faeries begin to back away.  Their mischievous grins look up at the moon until they bow to the moon, and to her almost reborn children.  A screech in the distance sounds out, but it was as if you and Chase were in a protective bubble, and heard nothing.  Nothing else mattered.  And you hold both his hands in your own, pointing them to the sky.  
A tall figure and one wretched crooked one bow in the darkness, before making their way back to their cabin.  It was official, and they were soon to give their life for your own.  
Chase cups your cheek, running his thumb over your kiss swollen lips before pressing it into your mouth. You give the digit a bit of a suck watching him.  “Tomorrow night, you can enter me.  The use of your magic…” you pull his thumb out of your mouth, tracing the blackened new moon on his hand.  “It won’t age you.  You’ll be willing your magic to me.  We have a duty though.”
“Does it have to start right away?  Like we’re bound together, but I have to give you babies immediately,” you shake your head no, with a smile.  “I’m confused, my queen.  What does this mean?”
“It is prophesied, it will happen when it shall happen.  Until then, we have fun.  Play with our new powers.  Discover one another.  I will lose my wings, but I don’t use them anyways.  I will become more human than fae.  But we rebirth a species.  Making it better than the generation before.  They will be more powerful than us.”
“And I’m immortal?”
“Of course.  We will be trapped in this state forever.  We will be together forever.  Should one of us hurt, the other shall hurt.  If one dies, so does the other.  We will be one.  We will be…”
“Of the moon,” Chase states, as he gently kisses you.  “And we can never go within your faerie circle again, hmm?”
“We must create our own.  But we can live amongst mortals.  Have a relatively normal life.”
“I don’t want to be normal,” he gives you a little nibble on your lip.  “I want to be extraordinary.  I want to be…yours.”
“You are,” your voice squeaks, and you find yourself circling your arms around him, and pulling him closer.  He was never close enough.  “You will always be mine.  Remember, your powers will not be as great, but you still will be more powerful than any witch,” his smile flashes sinister for just a moment, and you shake your head no, “There’s a process, Chase Collins.  And I’m not just saying that.  I’ve heard about you and your coven.  Heard how you wanted to force someone to will you their powers.  I’m aware you’re not innocent.  But you soon will share in my innocence.”
“What?” Grabbing his hand, you push it up against your core, sighing in pleasure.  “What does that mean?”
“We become one.  We share the experience during that.  I’m giving you my innocence.  There will be a change in you.  I must go.  If you want to finish the ritual, I shall see you at the beginning of the festival.  Should you not, in time your burns will fade, and both our bloodlines will die out.  Farewell, Chase Collins.  I hope to see you soon.”
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @sstan-hoe @peaches1958 @whimsyplaty92​ @potatothots @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10
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thatzenithnerd · 9 months ago
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Zoom + Stardew Valley
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bxcketbarnes · 4 years ago
The Newcomers
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Pairing: Chase Collins x Reader
Words: 2500+
Author's Note: Back at it again with simping over Seb characters! Fun fact- I started this a while ago and @thewxntersoldier has been reminding me that I have to finish it since he's her fave. 🥰🤣
You stand beside Sarah and Kate, hugging your arms as the chill of the wind brushes against your exposed skin. You listen as the brunette gives both you and the blonde a rundown of who's here.
"Who's that?" Sarah asks and points in the direction behind you. You follow her line of sight, seeing a brunette making his way through the sea of students with a grin on his lips.
"The new guy," Kate explains and your breath hitches in your throat when his eyes meet yours. You can feel your cheeks heat up when he gives you a small wave, lifting your own hand in return. "Ouh! Seems like you've caught someone's attention already."
Your cheeks blush more at Kate's teasing, her hand slapping your shoulder gently. You clear your throat and tear your gaze away from the guy, turning to face the girls once more. "Shut up," you chuckle softly while shaking your head, hugging yourself tighter as a shiver runs down your spine.
"Go talk to him!" Sarah encourages and you shake your head once more, glancing over your shoulder to see him walking around.
"I could never. Too shy," you chuckle softly while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Yo, Caleb!" Someone yells, causing the three of you to look in the direction the voice came from.
You glance towards the two girls as the group of four walks closer to you, hearing Sarah ask who they are. "Sons of Ipswich," Kate answers as one of them says hi. You notice Sarah checking out Caleb, a smile coming to your lips and you nudge her arm slightly.
Kate greets her boyfriend with a kiss before the blonde's eyes meet the two of you. "Who do we have here?" He grins and Kate glances towards the two of you, her arms wrapped around his waist.
"This is Sarah and Y/N," she motions towards you, "Sarah's my new roommate and Y/N lives a couple of doors down." Kate rests her hand against the man's chest before introducing the group. "Sarah, Y/N, this is Pogue Parry, Tyler Simms, Reid-"
"Garwin," the short-haired blonde cuts the girl off, pushing his way through his friends to hold out his hand. "Reid Garwin. Good evening."
You chew on the inside of your cheek as the blonde's eyes never meet yours, his gaze staying on Sarah as he goes to shake her hand. "Good evening," Sarah tells him and Reid proceeds to inform her that his grandmother has the same name as her, causing you to snort.
Pogue and Tyler's eyes dance towards you with amused looks on their faces as you press your lips together, moving your gaze back to the bonfire.
"Caleb Danvers," the dark-haired and brown-eyed man introduces himself, telling Sarah that she doesn't bring his grandmother to mind in any sort of way.
The two look each other in the eyes for a few seconds before a woman's voice speaks. "Hey, Caleb," the one known as Kira greets with a grin on her lips, stepping in between him and Sarah.
You roll your eyes at the girl's behavior, already figuring out that she's kind of a bitch. You zone out of the conversation as you wish you brought a stupid coat to this party. 
"Excuse me?!" A high-pitched voice calls out and you snap out of your thoughts, seeing Kira standing in front of you. "I'm talking to you."
Your brows furrow and glance towards Sarah for a few seconds. "Okay? What did you say?" You ask her and the girl scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest.
"How is it that both of you got into Spencer? Fuckin' airheads," she rolls her eyes.
"Okay, Kira, why don't you give it a rest?" Caleb asks, causing the brunette to turn and face him when Aaron shows up.
"Why don't you give it a rest?" He repeats, standing a couple of inches from Caleb.
What is happening right now? You think to yourself as Aaron and Caleb get into a little argument. The jock pushes the mysterious brunette, causing Caleb to stumble back slightly before the new kid steps in between them.
You watch as his hands rest on Aaron's chest before his gaze moves to Kira. "You were being kind of bitchy," he states and your stomach does flips at the sound of his voice. Your eyes meet his once more, seeing how blue his irises are.
You're snapped out of your gaze when one of Aaron's friends starts to vomit on him. You cover your mouth with your hand, taking a few steps back when the music suddenly stops.
"Guys! Dylan just texted and said that he saw three cop cars headed this way on Old Dell Road!" One of the DJsspoke into the mic, causing everyone to slightly panic before breaking out into a run.
You follow the group of friends, rubbing your arms as you cautiously look around. You've never been a fan of the woods and walking around them in the dead of night isn't exactly fun for you.
A jacket gets placed on your shoulders as Caleb asks Kate if the three of you have a ride. You glance to your left to see the cute brunette standing beside you, hands shoved in his pockets as he gives you a cute grin.
"No, Sarah drove us here," Kate tells him and Pogue asks the girl if he's going to see her once they get back. "It's getting late. I'm just gonna crash. Call me in the morning?"
"I could use a lift," the man from beside you speaks up and Kate glances over her shoulder and mumbles, "no problem," her eyes meeting yours before giving you a wink.
You hug the jacket closer to your body, shaking your head a bit as he introduces himself to Caleb. "Chase."
The four of you walk over to Sarah's car as you and Chase pile into the backseat. Your hand brushes against his by accident and you quickly pull your hand away while looking at him through your peripheral.
You can see the slight smirk on his lips as Sarah attempts to start her car. She lets out a groan before opening her door, telling the group of guys that she can't get her car started.
"What's your name?" Chase whispers into your ear and you jump at the feeling of his breath fanning your ear. A chuckle leaves his lips as Reid helps Sarah with her vehicle, his blue eyes staring into yours.
"Y/N," you whisper loud enough for him to hear, your heart pounding against your ribcage. "Nice to meet you, Chase."
The brunette hums in response, tearing his eyes away from you when Sarah finally gets the car started.
It doesn't take long for the four of you to get back to the dorms, your hands shoved inside of Chase's coat as you all walk down the hallway. Sarah and Kate come to a stop in front of their door, the brunette mumbling that this is their stop.
Both girl's gaze meets yours and the two give you a knowing look, causing you to roll your eyes. You and Chase bid them goodnight before the two of you continue. You chew on your bottom lip, trying to gather the courage to say anything to him as you grow closer to your room.
"What, uh, what room are you in?" You ask suddenly, turning your head to look up at him.
Chase quickly glances at you and shoves his hands into his jean pockets. "311, you?" He answers and your eyes widen a bit at how close your rooms are.
"300," you chuckle and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. You glance down towards your feet, seeing the beige coat you're wearing, and instantly remember that it's not yours. You begin to take it off when Chase stops you.
"Keep it," he mumbles and you stop walking, looking up at him with wide eyes. Chase licks his lips before biting them gently, his eyes roaming your face and body. "Gives me an excuse to see you again."
Your cheeks flush as butterflies swirl around in your stomach. "I- that's so cliché, but okay," you giggle and slide it back up your shoulders.
Chase shrugs his shoulders and chuckles. "I can be pretty cliché around a pretty girl," he flirts and you look away from the guy, your cheeks beginning to hurt by how much you're smiling.
"Shut up," you laugh and push him playfully. You come to a stop in front of your door, pulling your keys out of the pocket. "Well, this is me."
The brunette smiles and looks towards your door for a few seconds before glancing back down at you. "It was nice to meet you. I'll see you around?" Chase asks and you lick your lips, smirking up at him.
"Well, I have to give you your jacket back, so yeah," you inform him jokingly. You lean on your toes and press a gentle kiss to his cheek, your cheeks flushing.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Chase."
"Come on," Chase begs as the two of you walk towards your class, his blue eyes looking down at you. "You have to come tonight. The girls are going to be there if it makes you feel better."
A laugh leaves your lips as the brunette stops you from moving forward, the two of you standing in the middle of an empty hallway. "Chase, I really need to study for this exam. We can't all be smart like you," you tell him and you watch his tongue lick his lips.
"Just for an hour or two? I'm begging you," he mumbles and moves closer to you. Your breath hitches in your throat as the two of you stand inches apart, your chest almost brushing against his.
You look up at him through your lashes, feeling his fingertips brush your forearm. A sigh leaves your lips as you tear your gaze away from him and glance at your feet. "Fine, but only for a few hours!" You cave and the biggest grin comes to Chase's lips.
"You won't regret it, I promise!" He laughs while draping one of his arms over your shoulder.
"I better not," you giggle while leaning into the brunette's touch. "Also, you owe me a drink."
Chase smirks and leans down to whisper into your ear, "gladly." A shiver runs down your spine and you stifle a laugh, the grip on your books tightening as the two of you walk into the classroom.
You feel his hand slide across your lower back as you head to your assigned seat. You sit down in between Sarah and Kate, feeling their eyes on you as you get situated before class starts.
"So," Kate draws out and you glance towards her, seeing a smirk on her lips,  "you and Chase seem to be getting along well."
You lick your lips and glance over at the brunette. "Yeah, he's… he's something else for sure," you giggle while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"You guys should go for it. The two of you are definitely into each other," Sarah mentions and your eyes widen a bit.
"Oh, no, no. He's- He's just being nice. There's no way he would go for me," you stutter and look between the two girls.
Kate scoffs and pushes your arm causing you to giggle slightly. "Girl, that's incorrect. Chase is totally into you," she wiggles her eyebrows and you bite your lip gently. "We'll be at the bar tonight… try to get close to him."
"Yeah, we'll see," you mumble and glance towards Chase, his blue eyes meeting yours. You smile at him and wave your hand, feeling your heart pounding against your chest.
You, Sarah, and Kate walk into the bar as Chase follows closely behind you. You look over your shoulder at him and he smiles down at you. "What do you want to drink?" The brunette asks you and you nod your head in response.
"I'll just have a vodka-soda," you inform him and Chase mutters alright before heading towards the bar.
You sit down beside Kate at a table in front of the Foosball Tables. You glance towards the bar to see Chase leaning against it as he talks to the bartender. You bite your lip gently as his blue eyes meet yours from across the room, a smile coming to his pink lips.
"You're so smitten by him it's disgusting," Kate laughs while nudging your arm with hers. You roll your eyes playfully as Chase comes back with two drinks in his hand.
"For you," he grins, setting the glass down in front of you. Chase grabs a chair and sits beside you, feeling his leg brush against yours.
You take a few sips of the cocktail, humming in delight as the liquid glides down your throat. "This is very good," you giggle, chewing on your straw as Chase glances down at you.
"Yeah? Can I try?" He asks and you nod your head, pushing your glass closer to him.
The brunette leans down and wraps his lips around the straw, seeing the liquid glide up the straw. "That's very good," he nods his head after pulling away.
The two of you get lost in each other's eyes, the voices of your friends drowning out as Chase places his hand on top of yours. Your eyes flutter shut as his face grows closer to yours, his nose brushing against yours.
Your breath hitches in your throat when Chase's lips barely touch yours, causing you to pull back slightly. You bite your lip gently and clear your throat at how awkward you are. "Sorr-"
"Have you kissed anyone before?" He asks out of curiosity, feeling his thumb stroking the back of your hand.
An embarrassed laugh leaves your lips and you shake your head, avoiding making eye contact with him. Chase brings his hand to your face, lifting your chin with his finger so you're looking at him.
"Can I kiss you?"
Your heart pounds wildly against your chest and you nod your head in response. Chase's fingers glide along your cheek as he reduces the gap between the two of you. Your hands grip his forearm as his lips connect with yours.
Cheers from your friends fill your ears and you can't help but laugh during the kiss. You pull away for a moment to glance towards the other's, seeing smirks on each of their lips.
"Why don't we go somewhere else?" Chase mumbles into your ear. "I can give you a kissing lesson."
Your cheeks flush and you look up at him through your lashes. "Is it that bad?" You mumble and the brunette shakes his head, his thumb gliding across your bottom lip.
"Absolutely not, but there's no harm in practicing," he winks and you melt under his touch, butterflies swarming in your stomach.
"My place or yours?" You ask breathily and Chase smirks, dipping his head to quickly kiss your lips. Your heart continues to pound against your chest as he whispers into your ear before pulling you out of the bar.
Taglist: @metalbuckaroo​ @jessalyn-jpeg​ @bumblebet-20​ @queen-of-mischief​ @thewxntersoldier​
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georgiapeach305132 · 4 years ago
Moon Rituals
Summary:  You meet Chase Collins for the first time
Pairings:  Chase Collins X Fae!Reader
Rating:  Explicit  
Warnings:  No warnings for this part, but as the story progresses so will the warnings, so be forewarned it will not stay mild.  18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2k
A/N:  Doing this as a prequel to the Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty one shot.  I felt this had potential to be more...so let’s see
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You had never been outside of the Faerie Ring.  The brightly colored toadstools of various sizes, colors, and even shapes, circle around the largest oak in the forest.  The Faerie Ring keeps you, a member of the illustrious Unseelie Court, safe.  The last of the Moon Sprites.  You weren’t as powerful as some of the Fae Folk, but you were still of royal blood.  Protected by the Unseelie Court, especially during moon phase celebrations.  The moon being one of the most important entities to the Unseelie Court.
Your handmaiden Elswyth annoyingly goes everywhere with you.  Even when you sit at the edge of the Faerie Ring, for no reason.  You can’t help but wonder what’s beyond the ring.  Sitting at the edge daydreaming about revelry in their world.  The other fae talk about them like it’s a disease.  They are dangerous.  They would cause harm.  But would they if they didn’t know about your heritage?
All fae possess the power of glamour.  Which comes in handy considering you’re a fae with wings.  Wings that are taller than you, extending above your head, with delicate tails that drag the ground.  Fae not of royal blood don’t have such large wings.  Wings with the most beautiful shades of twilight, deep blues that intertwine together and fade into a nearly silver white.  Delicate but strong wings.  And you stick out because of them.  
Most of the Unseelie Court who have wings, have wings with black, purple, or silvery white.  Their wings are more like gossamer, sheer, and more for looks than functionality.  The Unseelie Court is not as strong as it once was.  Faerie Courts have broken down into smaller courts; The Summer Court, the Autumn Court, the Dark Court, The Winter Court, The Shadow Court, The High Court.  The Unseelie and Seelie Courts are dwindling down.  Even talks of you needing to move to the Shadow Court, but no longer do you want to be cooped up in this stupid Ring, or behind another Ring for that matter.
Just to test out if there’s any alarms that might go off if you happen to leave the Ring you pop out one of your indigo stocking clad feet beyond the Ring.  Resting it outside, for once Elswyth is nowhere to be found, and for once you feel at peace.  That is until you hear the rustling of the leaves.  Unquietly your foot slips back into the safety of the ring.
A handsome man with a square jaw, brunette hair with soft curls, that is styled perfectly walked into your forest.  You know he can’t see you on the other side of the ring, but his piercing blue eyes stare right into your soul.  His mouth cocks to the side as he looks at the ring that surrounds your home, “Faerie folks are in old oaks.”  Kicking around at the dried leaves his gaze sets back upon you, “Is that true?”
You gasp.  Not only does it appear that he looks right at you, but he knows of the fae, and if that’s true he knows what the ring of toadstools means.  His hand rubs along his jaw, and he steps closer to the ring.  Going against everything you’ve been taught you dare to stick your head out at the man.  “Please don’t.  You’ll be trapped here for seven years.”
“So, it is true.”
“I don’t know what you mean, sir.”
“What are you?” he asks, his face holds a kindness, but his eyes they hold a darkness in them.
“A Moon Sprite.  Last of my kind,” you know he probably doesn’t know what that is, nor would it matter.
“What court do you belong to Moonbeam?” you can’t help but have butterflies in your stomach at the nickname he gave you.  Affiliating you with your affinity.  Little does he know the nights you have danced in moonbeams, soaking up their power for your own.
“The Unseelie Court.  How do you know so much about the fae, sir?” you dare to poke even more of your body out of the ring, your shoulders now exposed to the handsome stranger.
“I’m a witch.”
You roll your eyes at him, “They no longer exist, sir.  They allowed their powers to die out.  Too weak for the growing world.  All because they wanted to be acclimated with humans.”
The stranger doesn’t answer you, but his eyes cast over with the blackest black, blocking out his bright sapphire eyes.  The wind stirs in the forest and wiggles around the toadstools, breaking a few off of the thick ring.  “Stop, sir.”
“I had to prove myself.  You believe me?” you nod at him.  “Are you not going to step outside the ring?”
“Not today, sir.  Us fae don’t trust witches.”
“Because we possess real powers?” he asks with a crooked grin.
“Because you know our weaknesses.  You live amongst humans, and you taught them our secrets.”
“I didn’t,” quickly his hand comes up to your cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb.
“Please don’t sir,” your body lurches back after letting his soft warm hands touch your cold skin.
“You don’t have to call me sir, Moonbeam.”
“Then what is your name?” it’s occurred to you that you haven’t given him a name either.
“Chase Collins,” his head tilts towards you, wanting you to offer up your name.
“Moonbeam,” your faerie giggle rings out into the forest.  Stirring the guards outside the ring to your presence.  In the pond nearby a green lady emerges at hearing the last moon sprite outside of the ring.  Her mouth set to attack to protect you from the stranger.  Chase’s body looks around the forest.  His eyes spotting the random fae throughout to protect the Ring.  “Fae don’t give out our names, Chase Collins.  A name holds power.  If I give you my name, then you have power over me, and you are a witch.  I can’t let you have that, sir.” “Does that mean you have power over me?” you nod your head.
“Goodbye, Chase Collins.”
“Wait!  Can I come see you again?” your eyes look up at the sky to view the moon, needing to know what phase it is in.  A few more days until a half moon, you shouldn’t be out of the ring during a full moon, not a Moon Sprite.
“Yes, tomorrow.  Twilight.  I’ll see you tomorrow, Chase Collins.”
“Will I get to see you fully?” he gives you a boyish grin, biting on his lip.
“Perhaps,” Jenny Greenteeth exposes her sharp teeth, hissing at the stranger.  “Come alone.”
“I don’t think she likes me,” he nods over to Jenny, looking and seeing more of the fae, walking closer to him.
“Enough you lot,” you command them.  Because you are of royal blood they cease their movements.  
“You have that power over them?”
“I’m of royal blood Chase Collins.  They are my subjects.”
“Tomorrow,” he bids you farewell.  Walking confidently through the forest.  Eyeing each of the fae before he’s out of sight.
“Your Highness, you know not what he wants.  Witches can’t be trusted,” Jenny warns you.  Her body sliding further into the pond.
“What would you know?  No one inside the ring knows about his visit.  Are we understood?” another command to your subjects.  They nod their head.  “I’ll allow you to guard me tomorrow.”
“Do not step outside the ring,” is Jenny’s final warning before fully becoming the duckweed again.  You fully go back into the ring, with a bigger smile than you have had in thousands of years.  Feeling like for the first time you aren’t alone.
It took some time to pull yourself away from the court to make it back out to the edge of the Ring.  Thankfully the majority of the Unseelie are scared of the edge.  Untrusting of “out there”.  You see Chase Collins before you get to the edge.  His body planted on the forest floor, legs crossed, waiting for you.  His long fingers tap along his khaki peacoat.  His eyes daring a glance at Jenny.
“Maybe she’s changed her mind,” Jenny’s voice rings out.  A sharp shrillness that most humans find detestable.
“She’ll show,” he assures her.  Never exhibiting that he’s scared of her.
You sit on your calves.  Giving you the ability to lean your head out of the Ring right at his eye level.  He jolts at the sudden intrusion in his space.  Your tinkling laugh echoes through the forest, stirring the guards at your body in the outside world.
“Are you really not coming out?”
“Not today, Chase Collins.  I was told not to trust witches.  What brings you out to find a Faerie Ring anyways?”  you can’t help but smile at his boyishly handsome face.  Fae don’t look like him.  In all your thousands of years, you’ve never met anyone like him.
“I heard stories.  Wanted to see if you existed.  When I learned of an extremely old oak in the area, I had to investigate.  Can I not come into the ring?”
“You could,” your head nods at him.  “But you would be trapped.  It would feel a mere few hours, until you stepped outside the ring.  Seven years will pass.”
“My Qu... you shouldn’t speak our secrets.  Humans can become our pets,” Jenny’s ever worried tone speaks at you.  Nearly spilling your biggest secret.
“Chase Collins is not a human.  He is a witch,” your eyes never leave his.  The crystal blue nearly putting you in a spell before you quickly look away.
“I may be a witch, but you do hold power over me, since you know my name.  You can just call me Chase though.”
Tilting your head, you look at him confused, “Is your name Chase Collins or not?”
“It is.  Us humans typically only use first names.”
“Seems informal, Chase Collins,” his long fingers pet along your cheek again.
“As does Moonbeam, My Queen,” a wicked grin crosses his face.  Jenny’s voice hisses at him, while her body crawls out of the muck.  Red Caps, sprites, pixies, goblins, and such all march towards him.
“You shouldn’t have said that, witch,” Jenny’s voice screams at him.
“Make them stop,” his voice quietly begs.  His eyes darken to black.
“St-st-stop,” your voice cracks, and none of them listen.  Your whole body emerges from the ring, extending your wings for the guards and Chase to see.  His body backs away from you slightly.  Eyes wide as he takes in your full appearance.  Your hair and eyes turning to silver, reflecting the barely there moon.  Your dress indigo and cobalt, with the deepest leather arm wraps tied tightly around your biceps in intricate patterns.  Extending your wings, you show your true form.  The fae stop, bowing down to you.  “This one is not to be harmed, you lot.  Now be gone.”  With their retreating feet, your form shrinks back.  Ears no longer pointed, your wings go to your back, creating a train for your dress.  
Chases’ body walks closer to you.  “My Queen,” he bows, holding his posture, before his head turns to look up at you.
“Please get up Chase Collins.”  Chase grabs for your hand, gently kissing it, and you nearly melt at his touch.  “I should go,” your voice shaky with the power that his lips left behind.  
“Please, don’t.  You only just go here.”
“Chase Collins, you should forget this place,” he doesn’t have your name, and already you feel him holding a power over you.  You’re a young and naïve Moon Sprite.  You have no business consummating with humans, much less witches.  Humans live for far less a time than you do, and witches cannot be trusted.
“No, don’t say that, Moonbeam.  I... whatever I did I apologize,” his voice sincere.  The wicked look he normally carries disappearing.
“Witches can’t be trusted, Chase Collins.”
“Tomorrow?” he begs, his voice nearly cracking.  “Please.”
“I won’t be coming out of the Ring,” your body walks backwards to the ring, but your wrists are grabbed tightly by Chase’s hands.  A small yelp exists your mouth, but none of your guards stir.
“Promise me.  Or I take you with me.”
“Promise me,” the darkness in his eyes is evident as you struggle to get away, nearly breaking free before the complete obsidian black coats his eyes.
“Fine.  Tomorrow.”
“Outside of the ring,” his hands loosen their grip, but his onyx eyes get even darker.
“You won’t take me?” the movement of your body stops.  You now have no desire to move back within the safety of your Ring.
“Not tomorrow.”
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mrwinterr · 5 years ago
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18+ & spooky stuff 👻 🚫 MINORS DO NOT INTERACT 🚫
✨NEWEST Fast In My Car (Steve Harrington) The Nerve (Steve Harrington; Eddie Munson)
🔥MOST LIKED Slippery, Smooth (Bucky Barnes) Over & Over (Pornstar!Bucky Barnes)
🎸Eddie Munson
🕶️Steve Harrington 📱Kurt Kunkle
⭐️Bucky Barnes 🏰Charles Blackwood 🔮Chase Collins 🚔Lee Bodecker
🎧Leo West 🚊David Budd
EDITS  because *insert name here* is an aesthetic.
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captainscanadian · 5 years ago
Little Witch | Chase Collins x Reader
My Masterlist
Summary: Chase Collins did not die at the Putnam barn fire that night after his fight with Caleb Danvers, but instead he was saved by a Siphoner witch.
Word Count: 2829
Pairing: Chase Collins x Siphoner!Witch!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Death & Murder, Witchcraft
A/N: I wanted to get this one out in time for Halloween and it seems as though I have succeeded. I got this idea for a crossover between Chase Collins and a Siphoner!Witch!Reader from the The Vampire Diaries Universe because I liked the idea of a warlock who was addicted to his power and a witch who can only draw power from others.
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The last thing Chase Collins remembered before he awoke from his deep slumber was being engulfed in a ball of fire by an ascended Caleb Danvers and crashing into the Putnam barn. He could have sworn that he was falling into his death or even worse, being transported straight to hell as his foe had hoped. Yet there he was, lying awake in this very unfamiliar bed. “W-Who’s there?” He called out, for he was sure that he wasn’t alone. The cackling fire that burned from across the room was evident enough to prove that. Yet he could not help but feel slightly concerned about where he was, who he was with and how he was still alive. “Hello? Who’s there?” He tried to sit up on the bed and lean back against the headboard, only to realize that he had been confined by the shackles on his wrists. But when he tried to magically remove them, he had failed, for apparently they had been spelled to make sure he did not use his magic.
His current situation only allowed more questions to arise in Chase’s mind. If he had survived the fire, did that mean that The Covenant had taken him prisoner? Why hadn’t they just killed him for his plot for revenge? He did not know where he was or how long it had been since he had fought Caleb. But the bandages on his ribs had indicated that he had certainly been injured from the fight and was being tended to. Yet, who would do such a thing?
There was no way that The Covenant could be so merciful. After all, they had banished his family for a reason. For as long as he had been alive, Chase had been on his own. He had been left to fend for himself until the Collins’ had come along. But even after he had managed to kill them, he had worked on his revenge plot all alone. He had no one, no family or accomplices whatsoever.
The thudding sound of your feet against the wooden floors of the cabin had startled him slightly, yet he had expected a group of warlocks from The Covenant or even the Sons of Ipswich themselves to be keeping him captive. He was certainly not expecting a young woman who was as close to his age to respond to him calling.  
“You’re awake.” You gasped for air from your hike up the stairs as you stood by the doorframe of the master bedroom where you had brought the young warlock a few weeks ago. “That must mean the herbs are working. It’s been three weeks so it’s about time.” There was a slight sense of relief that was evident in your eyes, a smile peaking at the corner of your lips as you spoke. The mixture of herbs and healing spells that you had been trying on the poor warlock did not seem successful at first. But you had no other choice than to keep trying. After all, the blow that he had received from that Danvers boy had been quite strong. How you managed to grab him out of that barn alive, you had no idea. Not to mention the fact that taking him to an actual hospital was not an option. The police and the Covenant were still searching for him and if it wasn’t for you swiftly putting a cloaking spell on him at that barn, they would have found him by now.
“Who the fuck are you?” Chase spat as he struggled to get out of the shackles. He felt powerless and he despised that. His whole life had been spent in thirst of more power, yet he was now aware that he had failed at acquiring that power. Not only had Caleb Danvers not willed him his powers, but he was now unable to use his own powers, thanks to your cursed shackles. “And what the fuck am I doing here? Let me out!”
“Y/N Y/L/N. It’s nice to finally meet you... properly, this time.” You introduced yourself as you chuckled softly, stepping into the room as you watched him fumble with the shackles. “And you are, Chase... Collins, right? Or do you prefer Goodwin Pope or Putnam? I wasn’t going to assume that you preferred Collins, since you... apparently killed your adoptive parents, I was told.”
“Y/N... Y/L/N.” He repeated your name, the sound of it being so familiar to him in the back of his mind. He could not remember where he had heard that name. It would come to him, eventually, as he was still feeling a bit groggy from however long he had been unconscious. “Chase, just Chase.” He told you with a shrug of his shoulders. “Who are you, Y/N? And how do you know all of this? How do you know who I am? And how did you... how am I even alive? I thought I... how am I not dead?”
“I’ve been watching you.” You replied to him as you shrugged, despite the fact that you may have come off as a creep for saying that to someone whom you had just formally met a few seconds ago. “I’ve been watching you ever since you left John’s...” Saying your former father figure’s name had pulled at your heartstrings, yet you could not afford to break down in front of this man whom you had saved, the man who was the biological son of the man who had once saved your life and raised you. Despite not being bound by blood, you had loved the old man like a father. Coming home to his corpse had been the worst night of your life but revenge had not been your response to the pain that you were feeling. Your old man had not raised you to kill.
“You’re Y/N... John’s Y/N.” Chase finally realized where he had heard your name. It was from his biological father. He recalled when he had met an old and weak John Putnam a few years ago, when he had learned about The Covenant and his own powers.
The young yet old man had told his son of the young witch he had taken in and raised as his own child. He had told him that you had been banished by your own coven and left to die when he had found you. He had been the only family you had. By the time he had figured out that your powers were very different from his, it was too late. His powers had weakened him yet you were not willing to give up. You had tried to use your own powers to save him, but you could not siphon his aging from his magic. That was when Chase had found him. Thus, John Putnam’s death had been inevitable.
“You’re... the Siphoner witch.”
“Yep... that’s me, the one and only... of my kind.” You replied with a sigh, putting your hands on your hips. “Listen, I don’t know how much he told you about me but... I don’t care. It doesn’t matter. I just wanted to make sure you were okay because it’s probably what he would have wanted, since you’re his son. I spent most of my life trying to find a way to fix his aging... none of the herbs that I brought back from different covens were working; not even my own siphoning could have helped him. You did... you put him out of his misery by letting him will you his powers.”
“Why did you save my life?” He asked. He wondered why you could have had a reason to save him. After all, he was able to see your side of things. John Putnam had been the closest thing you had to a family, yet Chase had been the reason why he was now dead. If anything, he would have expected you to have left him to die at Putnam barn or to have killed him when you had the chance. Yet, there you were, standing in front of him after spending some time tending to his injuries. “Because I’m going to assume that you must have been at the barn the night. I knew that Caleb was going to kill me but I’m not dead so... you must have had a part in that, am I right?”
“Because I owe John... my entire life. And I loved him a lot, like my own father.” You replied, sighing. “He kept me alive, fed me, put a roof over my head, sent me to school... helped me figure out how my powers worked without having to rat me out to my coven who wanted me dead. He taught me every spell I know. By the time I had understood how to... siphon magic from... mainly, it was dark objects but also from John and then he was growing weak. He couldn’t will me his powers and even if he could, I wouldn’t have let him and he knew that. I left home to look for a cure for his aging but I couldn’t find it. And then I found a witch in Vancouver who happened to know how to create an anti-aging spell for him. But as I was on my way back, John left me a voicemail... saying that... he was miserable and in a lot of pain and that... he had been found by his son and... that it was his time to go. He said that I didn’t need him anymore and... that he couldn’t let me waste my life caring for him either.” You couldn’t help but let out the tears that pricked at your eyes. “When I got home, you were gone... and so was he. After that, I... tried looking for you. I assumed that you would be going after The Covenant for what they did to your family and I was right. I watched you for months. That kid who died at your school, I knew it was you... that girl with the spiders... I was watching your every move.”
Chase felt a ping of guilt when he realized how much pain his thirst for power had caused you. He had never had a problem with killing people. He had thought it came naturally to him. After faking his adoptive parents’ supposed car crash, taking the life of his own biological father had been easy for him. Yet, seeing the consequences of his actions in person made the young warlock feel the slightest bit of remorse. Not only had he taken away his shot at having a family but he had also taken that away from you. How selfish had he been? “Why didn’t you... try to stop me? Why didn’t you come to me sooner if you had been watching me for a while?”
“Because I wasn’t ready... to see you. What you had with the Sons of Ipswich was none of my business. I knew I couldn’t stop you from doing what you did. I was powerless and I was angry at you for the part you played in taking away the only family I thought I had, even though I knew that it was what John wanted when he willed you his powers. I wanted to fight you... but I knew that I would have lost, considering that your powers come within you while mine... have to be drawn from elsewhere. You would have killed me and... as much as I had no reason to live, I didn’t want to die. I knew that John wouldn’t have wanted that for me.” You explained. “I knew I should just let you have your revenge. In a way, I wanted revenge on them too. The Covenant was the reason why John became addicted to his powers and grew weak... they could have saved him but instead; they had turned their backs on him. So, I watched you... hurt them. But when I knew that Caleb was overpowering you, I couldn’t just watch. When he launched you at the barn, I put a cloaking spell on you. He saw you disappear as you fell inside. You broke your ribs when you fell but... while he was distracted with saving his girlfriend; I snuck into the barn and dragged you out. I siphoned some of your power and used it to undo the creation spell you put on that girl to make it seem like the spell was broken because you were dead. I left no trails behind.”
“I’m... sorry.” He admitted, looking down at his tied up hands. “And I mean it, Y/N... as a matter of fact, this might be the first time I feel sorry for killing someone, even though he was my own father. I should have waited, Y/N... I should have made him wait until you were home before I let him will me his powers. You should have at least gotten to say goodbye.” As he listened to you explain why you hadn’t stopped him from going after the Sons of Ipswich and how you had managed to save his life, he couldn’t help but realize that he did have someone who cared for him after all. You may have had your reasons for saving his life and you may have had your issues with him for what he did, but for the first time in his life, Chase did not feel alone. “Thank you...” He said, softly, looking up at your tear stained face. “Thank you for not letting me die out there. And thank you for caring for me like you cared for my father. I know I’m not deserving of it but I do appreciate... what you did for me.”
“Well, I was coming home with the anti-aging spell so... I don’t know about that goodbye. Too bad he didn’t need that spell though.” You shrugged in the midst of your tears. “Your thirst for power was your downfall, Chase. But I don’t blame you for it. John used to tell me how addicting it was to use... and I wish I could have done something about it. I was too young to know what was going on.” You admitted. “But I know better now. I couldn’t help him but... I could help you. It’s the least I could do in return for what he did.”
“He raised you well, Y/N.”
You gave him a nod as you quickly wiped away your tears. “Had he known about your existence when you were younger, he would have raised you just the same.” You admitted, smiling slightly as you sat down at the edge of the bed.
He nodded in agreement. “Maybe, he might have.”
You placed your hand against his tied up once but not siphoning some of his power to remove the shackles just yet. “I can let you out of the shackles if you promise not to use any of your powers until you’re fully healed. The Covenant are not convinced that you’re not around anymore, Chase. When they didn’t find your body once that barn burnt down, they assumed that you must have been transported straight to hell. The cabin’s cloaked so they can’t try any locator spells to find you. But I know that once I let you out, you’re going to try to use your powers... Caleb Danvers can sense when one of the Sons of Ipswich has used their powers. He’ll know it’s you and we both know that won’t end well. I saved your life to keep you alive, Chase. I don’t want for John to have died in vain.”
“I wouldn’t trust me if I were you...” Chase admitted, laughing bitterly at his current situation. “This power is addicting. I won’t be able to control how much I use...”
“Well, if you do eventually... find a way to control yourself, I may or may not have an incentive for you.” You informed him with a shrug, your hand still not leaving his. “I still have that anti-aging spell that I managed to get for John.”
He pondered your offer for a moment. An anti-aging spell would definitely help him use his powers without worrying about the aging. But after his battle with Caleb and his own injuries, he could not bother about them. He was too exhausted and in pain to think straight. He did not know what he wanted by he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. After all, he did not want to be alone and if you were to spend the rest of your life alone, that would have been his fault too. “How about I go back to sleep, just for now?” He asked. “And I’ll think about what I want... eventually.”
You nodded, grinning widely. “Of course. Goodnight, Chase.”
“Goodnight, my little witch.” He said as he closed his eyes, knowing that he had just used his father’s nickname for you.
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dollwritesarchive · 6 years ago
one call away. ❆ chase collins
features: chase collins x fem!reader
includes: toxic relationship, manipulative!chase
support me: please reblog & give feedback!
do. not. repost or claim as yours.
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“This place gets kind of creepy at night,” you’d told the boy as he walked you to your new dorm. you hadn’t been at Spencer long, but long enough to know you hated the corridors at night. you’d found solace in the fact that Chase Collins had always seemed to be there at the perfect moment, just as things reached maximum level creepy, to flash those pearly whites and bat those beautiful blues until your fear went away. it made you feel crazy, that everything you were hearing and seeing, that strange feeling of being watched, disappeared as soon as he showed up. 
your name slid off his tongue while you jammed your key into the door labeled with your number. 307. once it clicked, and you’d pushed it open, you turned to face him, only to find his intense gaze on your body. it snapped up and to the attention of your own eyes when you caught him staring, and you blushed. “Remember,” he leaned forward to close the gap between your bodies, and you felt your heart skip a beat once he was close enough that the two of you were sharing body heat. his breath was a warm tickle against your nose, plush lips only inches from yours. “I’m just one call away.” his tone was so damn inviting, and all you could do was stare at his mouth, so close to yours, all you needed to do was simply lean in and your lips would meet...
your shyness got the better of you, however, and you couldn’t bring yourself to make the move that he clearly wasn’t going to. was he only waiting on you to do it? you couldn’t be sure. Chase always seemed to be playing some kind of game with you, and what was worse that he always seemed to be two moves ahead of you. sure, he was sweet and incredibly charming, but there was a tiny voice inside the back of your mind whispering a sweet song of caution against him. you couldn’t understand it. even as you said your goodnights and closed the door just as his back was disappearing into the shadows towards his own room, you found yourself still pink with a blush on your cheek. pressing your back to the door, your teeth found your lower lip and tugged on it, but it couldn’t stop the smile that danced on your mouth, that had been so close to Chase Collins’ just moments before. “You’re absolutely whipped,” you whispered to yourself, shaking your head. what you needed, you decided, was a good night’s sleep and to allow your mind a break from Chase. you’d spent enough time stealing glances at his profile in class and walking the corridor with him tonight because you were too scared to make the trek back to your room alone, your sanity screamed for a break. just one night to recover before he would invade your thoughts again, before your crush would take over your conscious mind and your digits would send tingles throughout your body and shivers down your spine when those steel hues met yours.
moments later, you’d stripped out of your pants and rid yourself of your bra, left only in your tee and boyshort panties, and you were crawling into your bed and pulling the thick blankets up to get comfortable. it wouldn’t be long before you were drifting off to sleep in the comfort and isolation of your room.
“oh, Babydoll, don’t you look ravishing like that? Like an angel, you’ve the most delicate features, the softest hair I’ve ever seen. That’s why you’re so precious. Not to mention, the way you dress, it kills me, Baby, but you know that, don’t you? Sometimes, I think you wear these things just to make me sweat.” his gaze raked over your attire, slowly, taking all of you in and savoring every last curve until he was met with the disappointing hemline of the blanket. the waistband of your panties just barely peeking out to say hello to him. “So simple, so you. I prefer you in this over any pricey lingerie, just so you know. You never have to try to take my breath away, you just do.” Chase, or the misty apparition he projected, stared down at your sleeping form as he hovered by your bedside. he often did this, in fact it was becoming a habit every night. he thought his addiction to magic was bad before, but since he’d met you? he’d needed to see you as much as he could. from anywhere that he could be alone to use in peace, he would set up a nice, comfortable little corner and project himself, essentially leaving his body in a sleeplike state as his consciousness traveled the halls of the dorm. admittedly, there had been several times that he’d followed you straight into the showers, watched you in your most intimate moments, and shared them with you. to him, it was a beautiful thing, being able to witness your purity from the view of a fly on the wall, but it wasn’t enough. he had to have you, all to himself, always. he wanted to possess you, to own you. he had everything else he could ever want: he was powerful, successful, intelligent, and generally well liked (to those who didn’t know better, of course). yet, he couldn’t seem to get a leash on the one thing he truly wanted more than all of that. you. seeing as though you wouldn’t call him unless you were frightened, he found himself using more and more to frighten you so you would contact him. his need to be your savior, to be your knight, was overwhelming, and he would do anything to make sure you would need him as much as he needed you. his obsession with magic was only shadowed with his new and intense infatuation with you. “That’s the beautiful cruelty of it all, Sweetheart. I wish you would just come to me because you want me, I know you do, but you’re oh-so-shy.”  he had to see you, he had to have you, but the more he pushed, the more you recoiled. this was his only option: frightening you straight into his arms. “You’re so cute when you’re shy, Baby, I just wish I didn’t have to scare you so much to get your attention. I don’t like seeing you scared, you know. I really don’t”
his voice was as soft and wispy as the way he appeared in this moment as he drifts closer to your bed, ghostly hand reaching out to brush back your hair. you shift under his touch, but remain asleep. your subconscious must have brushed off the feeling as being the wind or something equally as incorrect but seemingly rational. “I think you know I’m here with you now, little one. Am I wrong? Look at how you shiver at my touch, you must feel something.” however, you didn’t stir from your sleep. part of him wished you had, wished you’d seen his phantom form and realized that he was always watching over you, protecting you, even if you didn’t know it.
for a moment, he thought about how using this much magic was affecting his own body; it was damaging him slowly but surely, each time. he’d been hooked before he met you, but had never used so much.  “I’m hurting for you, you know that? Each time, it hurts more and more. Still, I willingly destroy my own body for you, every single damn time. If that is what it takes for you to want to see me, though. I will do whatever I need to until you’re mine and mine only.” piercing blues, the only distinct feature on the spectral form of Chase, raked over your body as if for the first time, all over again. “If you won’t see me without a reason, then I’ll give you twelve. If you’re too shy to just open that pretty mouth of yours and tell me that you want me, then I’ll bring your deepest fears to life until you’re begging me to save you from them. And I will, of course, because you’re my girl. I will always protect you, you’ll come to know that.” the phantasmal form of his projection frowned as wind howled outside, branches scraping against the window by your bed. he leaned forward, ghastly lips against the shell of your ear as he whispered, “As beautiful as you look when you’re peaceful, my love, I am selfish enough to want to see you now.”
blue hues went black as the darkest night as he glanced toward the window, coaxing a crow to dive head first into it. the sound was loud enough to shake you out of whatever peaceful dream you were having, and his misty form dissipated just as your eyes opened.
the sudden crash jolted you awake. you were still hazy from sleep, and the confusion only frightened you more as your heart pounded so hard against your rib cage you thought it might break straight through your chest. frantically, you looked around, your mind trying to process where the sound that had woke you came from. just as you glanced towards the window, noticed a small smear of red on it, the exact same noise made you flinch, watching in utter disbelief as a large black bird flew at lightning speed directly into the glass.
with a shriek, you leapt to your feet, pushing back your sheet as you did so, your eyes never leaving the window. “What.. The... Hell?” you breathed out, and glanced around the dim room. it was times like these that you wished you had a roommate. or that Chase was around. you hated that your mind immediately jumped to him. you liked him, sure, but why did you get the feeling that you relied on him too much? he was always there, at the perfect time, to save the day. to make you feel better. it was almost eerie how he seemed to always be around or awake, even if you called him at three or four in the morning. did the boy ever sleep?
your heart was pounding so hard you could hear it ringing in your ears. another crow divebombing into your window sent you back several steps. what was happening? the fourth bird to attack your window chipped a piece of glass out of it with it’s beak, a tiny web of cracks shooting out from the impact as you backed away. you felt your back coming flush with the door, but your eyes were wide with horror as you caught the sight of a black mass, an entire murder, headed straight for your window. they would shatter the glass and be inside, and you sure as hell didn’t want to know what they would do once they were inside. sure, one bird getting into your room would be no big deal, but an entire flock of seemingly sick crows with razor-sharp beaks and talons? 
blindly, your hand shot out and felt along the door until it gripped the knob, your forefinger flipping the lock until it clicked and you flung the door open, you were met by a blast of freezing air as you spun on your heels to run from the scene, and then, very abruptly, engulfed in warmth as two, toned arms snaked around you in a hug. you were face first into his chest, you couldn’t see his face just yet, but his scent and the taut build of muscle and definition just below the thin tee was so undeniably him.  “Chase... What are you doing here?” you were panting, breathless from fear as your eyes rose to his features, shrouded in the shadows of the room. a couple of lights in the dorm’s corridor lain on his cheeks, but only gave him a more otherworldly beautiful visage, in your opinion. 
“I couldn’t sleep, I was on my way back from the library but I heard you scream. I didn’t mean to scare you. Is everything okay?” his story didn’t make sense, but you didn’t care. he was here, and that’s all that mattered.
“I don’t know, I was sleeping, and these birds they just started flying into my window, I don’t know why, I think they may be sick or something but there’s so many and I-” you were cut off by a gentle shushing as Chase’s eerie grip slid up to your shoulders, digits curling around them as he rubbed in small circles.
“Sh, sh, it’s okay. Let’s look, okay?” your name was the next thing on his tongue, but you shook your head.
“I just want to go-”
“We’re not going to let a couple of rabid birds scare you out of your dorm, Sweetheart. Take my hand.” his tone was almost authoritative, and you found yourself obeying, sliding your much more fragile hand into his calloused palm. it all but swallowed yours, and he wore a devil’s grin as he pulled you back into your darkened room. looking around now, you were utterly stunned. no birds threatening to break your window, the room was deadly still and silent. what’s worse is that when your gaze turned to the window, ready to point out the blood and cracks in it’s integrity, nothing was there. no imperfections on the glass. Chase’s azure hues looked you up and down, and you could read his face. he thought you were imagining things. “I’m sorry, you said the window, right? I don’t see anything.”
“W-what? No!” you all but stomped as you stayed close to his side, but pointed to the window. “I swear, I swear, one cracked the window. There was blood and everything. A whole damn flock was coming.”
his expression softened as he held your hand and took a few steps over to sit on your bed, lightly leading you, too. “I think it was just an awful dream you had, little miss. Sometimes they feel so real you think they’re really happening, and then you wonder how the hell you imagined something so horrific. Trust me, I know.” you bit down on your lower lip, wanted to protest, but Chase was already pulling your frame close to his as he lay back on your bed. you complied, snuggling close to him, wedged between his firm figure and the cool wall. you felt so small next to him, but part of you was hyper aware that it was not only due to his stature. he made you feel small, the way he spoke to you, that demanding tone he took, the way he cooed in your ear that you would be okay. you hated it, so why did you want to hear more?
“Chase, sometimes it’s scary how you’re always here just as I’m freaking out.” you were talking more to yourself as you rested your head against his solid chest, ear placed just above his heart, which was beating at an uncannily steady rate. 
“I like to think it’s a good thing,” he murmured against the top of your head, you could feel wisps of your hair flown aside by his breath.
“It’s like you’re a fucking magician or something.” you replied, closing your eyes. it was late, and you’d been so jolted from your sleep, so scared that you’d forgotten how tired you actually were. until now, in Chase’s arms.
a low chuckle was the response you got from the man holding you. “I wouldn’t say that.” 
sleepiness was overtaking your body, and you felt your limbs go heavy, lids refusing to open although you wanted to look upon his features more. you tilted your head up towards him the best you could, eyes still closed. “Then.. How-”
you felt warm, supple lips against your mouth, but you had no energy to pull away. you didn’t want to. the taste of Chase’s mouth, the hints of spearmint and something deeper you couldn’t place. a dark, forbidden taste, his taste.his tiers moved against yours, slick tongue brushing out over your bottom lip. even as your lips parted lazily to allow him inside, he didn’t enter. that devious tongue slinks back into his own cavern and you’re left exhausted, cheeks sporting pink, and lips wet and wanting more of his kiss. “You’re my girl,” his whisper was gruff and hot against your mouth, but sent shivers down your spine at just how possessive the statement was. “I will never be too far from you. I’m always one call away, I told you. I protect what’s mine.” strong hands gripped your hips as he adjusted his body against yours, turning on his side to press you completely against himself, blocking you in against the wall. “And you are. All mine. Forever.”
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seb-owns-these-tatas · 5 years ago
Hey'aa, Tater tots 🔞
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I just wanna tell y'all that I'm planning on something. I've just made an introduction towards the Chase Collins smut I had and him and the reader's relationship is going to be so toxic and dirty that..Oh dear, I don't know how to start because there's infidelity and shit and that sugar baby content. Do y'all wanna see it? Do ya' think I really should make it a series? Do ya' want it to proceed into a series?
I had to even think about the intro while I was shitting in the bathroom. What the heck, Tata. Anyways, DO YA WANT IT?! IT'S BASED ON THE CHASE COLLINS SMUT NAMED 'PACIFY HER' 😊 Go check it out and tell me what ya' think!
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