#charlotte meridian
I LOVE your insight to GSR! I am re-watching the entire series and I have a question. If Grissom and Sara had a relationship before she came back to Vegas how does Grissom reconcile perusing other women? Is it because he doesn't think he can have Sara so he's trying to fill that void? I am interested in your thoughts!
hi, @i-collect-things!
i've previously written a bit about this topic here, if you're interested.
however, to elaborate (and update) a bit:
the short answer here is that while grissom falls in love with sara at first sight and has a kind of nebulous romantic and possibly sexual connection with her prior to her moving to vegas between 1998 and 2000, he is never in a committed, monogamous relationship with her at any point prior to 2005.
furthermore, for as much as he loves her from the first time he meets her in 1998, before october 2000, he never has any reason to believe that they can be together as a serious, committed couple, given that they live in separate states.
those things being the case, while i don't believe he dates a lot of people outside of her during this time and especially none seriously, he is technically at liberty to do so if he so chooses—just as she is technically at liberty to date other people if she so chooses—which is something he does at least one time that we know of (i.e., when he takes charlotte meridian to the dark side of the rainbow show sometime before mid-october 2000).
the reason why he does go on at least that one date (and possibly others unknown to us) is not because he's trying to move on from sara or because he "enjoys playing the field" or even because he is seeking to fill the hole in his life caused by her living faraway from him but rather just because he seeks social companionship.
certainly, he has no intentions to fall in love with anyone not sara and he's not searching for any kind of "deeper connection" outside of with her. likewise, by the same token, he also (as i read things) isn't interested in seeking out sex with anyone who isn't sara, either.
he is just interested in spending time with a person he finds intellectually and socially stimulating in the only way social conventions will really allow him to (i.e., by taking her on a date).
as for how he can justify pursuing other women (in this case, teri miller) after sara moves to vegas in 2000, at that point, he is very much trying to distract himself from sara, as he feels he cannot ever have her.
however, he is wildly unsuccessful in doing so, which is why his relationship with teri miller ends so abruptly and disastrously.
longer answer after the "keep reading," if you're interested.
so let's put the issue of grissom's romantic adventures between 2000-2005 on ice for a second and focus instead on the precanon era of his and sara's relationship between 1998-2000.
in order to answer the question "if grissom falls in love with sara the first time he meets her in 1998 and then they have some kind of ~relationship~ between 1998 and 2000 before she moves to las vegas and joins his team, why would he date other people besides her during this time?," first we have to deconstruct it.
point of deconstruction #1: for whatever grissom and sara's pre-vegas relationship is, it is not an official or labeled one. while during this period, they fall in love at first sight, may go on some sporadic dates, may potentially have some physical component(s) to their dynamic, etc., they aren't "boyfriend and girlfriend," per se.
given that they are living 400 miles away from each other and have no opportunities to see each other regularly, while connected, they are not committed.
in no sense is their relationship a formalized one, particularly since at this point in their history they have no reason to believe that their situation will ever really resolve itself, as she is living and working in california while he is living and working in nevada, and neither one of them has the intention to quit their job and/or move without first having some other place to land. as far as they see things, for as strong as their feelings for each other are, their separation from each other is interminable.
ergo, there is no expectation for monogamy between them at this point.
though they both are secretly heart-set on each other and would gladly give up seeing other people were the option to be exclusive with each other somehow suddenly to appear on the table, with her living in san francisco and him living in las vegas, they aren't actually in a position to build their lives around each other in that particular way yet.
so, though in love, they are still technically single.
and as single people, they are technically at liberty to date other people, if they so choose.
—which brings us to point of deconstruction #2: we don't actually know what either sara or grissom chooses in this regard.
we don't know how much they do actually "date other people" after meeting each other.
doug wilson is the only even potential non-grissom "gentleman caller" from sara's past we know of whom she could possibly date during this time. however, not only is it unclear exactly what kind of relationship she and doug actually have—are they just mutually attracted to each other or do they actually hook up?—but it's also unclear when exactly during her san francisco days sara knows him; he is just as likely to predate sara meeting grissom as postdate it.
that so, we can't definitively say whether or not sara actually dates either doug or anyone else after the time when she meets grissom or not.
meanwhile, while we know grissom goes on a one-off (bad) date with charlotte meridian sometime prior to the events of episode 01x01 "pilot" in 2000, we can't actually speak to the fact that he sees any other women besides either her or sara between 1998-2000 before sara moves to vegas.
though it's technically possible that he may date julia holden during this time, it's also possible that he dates her before he ever meets sara (i.e., sometime prior to 1998).
excepting his unnamed college girlfriend (see episode 09x08 "young man with a horn"), whom he breaks up with long before even meeting sara, his only other confirmed "lady friend" on the show at all besides those two is teri miller, whom he meets and takes on a date in 2001, which, for those of us playing along at home, is only after sara moves to vegas and he begins trying, ineffectually albeit, to distract himself from her.
so while of course it's possible that he may date other women between 1998 and 2000—either casually or seriously—the fact is that we just don't have any explicit evidence that such is the case.
and, in fact, we have circumstantial evidence to suggest that maybe it isn't.
recall that in episode 01x04 "pledging mr. johnson" (which takes place, within the universe of the show, in november 2000), catherine accuses grissom of living "alone in [his] hermetically-sealed condo" and "[having] no relationships, so [there is] no chance one will slop over into a case."
again, though it's technically possible that grissom does have romantic relationships during this time and catherine simply doesn't know about them, based on how perceptive she is and how much she tends to be interested in his personal life, it seems unlikely to me that if he were in the habit of regularly dating, she would be entirely oblivious to that fact (especially since if the women he were dating weren't coworkers, there would be no reason for him to try to conceal his relationships with them from her a la what he later does when dating sara).
if catherine is savvy enough to pick up on the fact that he's attracted to and has some kind of romantic connection to sara right away when sara moves to vegas, then it stands to reason she could probably also do the same regarding other romantic relationships that grissom were to be having at this time if said relationships existed.
so the fact that she seems to be under the belief that he has no personal life/doesn't really date to me implies that maybe he is not in the habit of entertaining female companions very often during this 1998-2000 time period.
honestly, it's possible that charlotte meridian is one of just a very few women he dates after meeting sara—possibly even a singular anomaly unto herself.
—which brings us to point of deconstruction #3: there is a difference between going on dates and dating, particularly where grissom, with all of his nontraditional views on sex and romance, is concerned.
we know he feels that he and sara have been "connected" and have always had a relationship from their very first meeting (see episode 08x02 "a la cart"), but, as discussed above, just the fact of them being in love with each other from day #1 doesn't automatically mean they're dating in the sense of having a formalized relationship.
by that same token, just going out with someone for an evening doesn't necessarily mean one is dating them in the sense of having a formalized relationship, either.
there is a difference between a date (noun, singular) vs. dating (verb, present continuous).
and, to my mind, that distinction is very much in play with charlotte meridian, as grissom is concerned.
of course, i read grissom as being demisexual, so i don't think it's in his m.o. to approach random women with sexual intentions anyhow, but even if one doesn't share my views re: his orientation, we know for a fact that with charlotte meridian in particular, baby boy views their outing to the show as a social activity rather than a romantic one—hence why he doesn't even attempt to kiss her during the course of the evening, much less initiate sex, despite her sending him clear signals that she would like him to do so.
as i talk about in this post,
through grissom is certainly “smoother” and more charming with charlotte than he will be with other women throughout the course of the show, he is also seemingly oblivious to her sexual cues until she states them to him outright.
when she makes her quip about wanting to be pinned to a wall, grissom raises his eyebrow, surprised and intrigued, as if the thought had never occurred to him. his explanation of why he planned the date he did points to the fact that, for him, the object of the date was something other than sex. he wanted to do something new and interesting. in his view, the date was a means to explore a curiosity.
were sara in vegas at this time, there's no question grissom would've taken her as his date to the show instead.
admittedly, we don't know the exact nature of grissom and charlotte's dynamic, and neither do we know how he approaches her to go to the show with him.
are they longstanding work friends prior to the time that he makes his invitation or is their acquaintance perhaps more nascent? is it the kind of deal where he calls her up one day after shift and asks her out with him in a formal way (giving her every expectation that the outing will, in fact, be a date, in the traditional romantic sense) or is it more the type of thing where somehow the topic of the show comes up while they are talking at work and he mentions his desire to go and then asks somewhat spur-of-the-moment if she might like to accompany him? does she possibly float the idea of them hanging out after work together to him (though she leaves him to determine the activity) or is he the initiator? are they in the habit of flirting before the date takes place or have they always maintained a professional rapport prior to this first foray into "extracurricular activities"? how does charlotte feel about him before they end up on their date—has she been nursing a crush on him for a while or had she never really thought about him in "that way" until he asks her out?
honestly, we don't know.
only headcanon can say.
but what we do know is that however everything goes down, grissom doesn't even attempt to "put the moves" on charlotte while they're out, despite the fact that she is sending him all sorts of signals that she would like him to do just that.
grissom's lack of sexual/romantic intentions with charlotte raises the question: "why does he even bother asking her out if he has no interest in pursuing a physical relationship with her?"
and that's where the whole "grissom has some different views about sex and romance than most folks do" angle comes into play.
again, regardless of whether or not one shares my view that grissom is demisexual, the fact is that he is somewhat "old fashioned" in how he socializes.
he isn't the type to try to sleep with someone on the first date (even if that someone would perhaps like him to); he likes to get to know the person first.
he also doesn't assume that one date will necessarily transpire into others, even if the company is relatively pleasant and the date itself goes well.
you know in the reboot how sara talks about how the "gears don't shift for [her] husband until he sees how they work" with regards to how he approaches his cases (see episode 01x04 "long pig")? well, the same principle applies to his social relationships: he likes to see how things play before he commits to anything (his falling in love with sara at first sight here being a notable exception to what is otherwise his standard operating procedure).
so him asking charlotte out for one night doesn't necessarily (to him) mean that he is trying to get into a relationship with her and/or sleep with her.
he's much more of a "one step at a time" guy (again, with everyone but sara).
maybe charlotte is under the impression that if he's asking her on a date, he must want to sleep with her and be nursing at least some hopes that they could eventually have a long-term romantic relationship.
but his thinking is way more discrete.
to him, it's just one date, and it will likely only ever be "just one date."
because that's the thing:
putting all of these points of deconstruction all together, what we're left with is a situation where we have a grissom who has met the love of his life but isn't in a formalized romantic relationship with her because they live 400 miles away from each other. though he has no real interest in dating (in the present continuous tense) or even with having casual sex with anyone in lieu of her, he does on occasion want for social companionship and so he will—rarely—go on one-off dates with other women.
were sara available to him instead, she would be his first (and only) choice for these activities.
but in her absence, he has to make do with others.
how many of these "others" there are, we can't say—though my personal sense (again, based on the fact that catherine seems to view the grissom of this era as being perpetually alone and single) is that there aren't many; maybe just charlotte meridian or possibly one or two more women beyond her during the entire two-and-a-half-year period between when he first meets sara and when he invites her to move to vegas and join his team.
it's not something he seeks out often.
just when there is an activity that he would enjoy having a companion for.
he's not stupid, of course: he knows that when he asks a single woman to spend time recreating with him outside of work, he's asking her on a date.
however, he also doesn't assume that just asking a woman on a date is the same as dating her, and neither does he have any expectation that the date will include any "physical activities," particularly as it is a novel occurrence.
so, to tie all of these loose threads together, here's how i parse the charlotte meridian situation in particular (as described in the first post linked at the top of this reply):
i believe grissom and sara have some kind of nebulous relationship going on between 1998 and 2000, while sara is living in san francisco and grissom is living in vegas. 
they’re both in love with each other, though they haven’t said so aloud. they see each other at conferences, and grissom occasionally visits sara in san francisco. they’re intimate in their own way, though not necessarily regularly. there’s a lot of assumptions held on both sides.
i tend to think that this relationship isn’t formalized and that there is no expectation for monogamy with it—i.e., that neither party presumes that they are dating each other exlusively or considers that the other will forego dating and sex with other persons, despite their interactions with each other.
when they meet at conferences or grissom comes to visit sara in san francisco, they’re together, but sara imagines—and cringes to do so—that grissom sometimes picks up other women when he’s home in vegas. 
(how could he not, being as handsome and brilliant and charming as he is?)
grissom likewise grits his teeth as he supposes that sara probably has dates and hookups in san francisco. 
(she’s young and beautiful and full of life, and he’s seen how younger men look at her when they’re dining out or walking around conference centers together. how could he ever hope she’d confine herself to him, particularly when they only see each other a few times a year?) 
of course, because it’s gsr, neither one of them ever broaches the topic with the other, and they each suffer in private as they consider the possibilities surrounding the other one’s love life, which they presume must include more persons than just themselves.
the truth is actually that neither one of them really has a great interest in dating other people, now that they’ve met each other, so they don’t really date around.
they’re more monogamous than either one of them would expect, but neither one of them knows it.
that’s not to say that neither party ever takes notice of someone else or that there aren’t a few times during those nearly three years—they meet in february 1998, and sara moves to vegas in october 2000—that they don’t occasionally go on dates with others, either because well-meaning coworkers set them up or they chance encounter someone interesting in their work or leisure time.
after all, they’re not technically a couple, and they don’t even live in the same state, so there’s no harm in it. it’s just that, in the backs of their minds, they both tend to think, “what’s the point? i’m already in love with someone else”—which means that even when they do go on dates with other people, these dates never transpire into anything bigger or more lasting. they’re both just kind of biding time and are emotionally loyal to each other, even if they’ll sometimes socialize with others.
so the thing with charlotte meridian?
that’s not something grissom goes into thinking, “i want to take a woman other than sara out on a date. i’m looking for someone else.”
that’s something where grissom hears about this “dark side of the rainbow” show playing at a drive-in movie theater in the desert. he’s read about the synchronicity, jungian theory, apophenia, and confirmation bias behind the whole phenomenon, and he’s eager to observe it for himself. if possible, he would like to bring someone from work in order to have partner with whom to discuss his observations.
he tries hinting at the possibility to catherine, but she shoots him down before he can even extend her a proper invitation: “alan parsons said the whole thing is a coincidence,” she tells him. “there’s no way i’d waste a night off watching ray bolger dance to ‘brain damage’ when i could be home with lindsey instead.”
nick and warrick he doesn’t socialize with outside of work, especially at this point. they’re his subordinates, and, while he enjoys their company, there’s a boundary there he isn’t going to cross.
so then grissom thinks of charlotte. he has had conversations with charlotte at work. she’s his friend. she’s whip-smart and fun to banter with. he asks charlotte to go to the show with him for exactly the reason he later states to her: he thinks it will be something different, an interesting pop culture adventure for two scientists to embark on.
her powers of observation have always impressed him, so she’ll make good company at an event like this one.
he is vaguely aware that an unrelated man and a woman attending a public event together can be construed as a date, and he isn’t opposed to thinking of it that way or of allowing charlotte to do so herself. to him, there is a difference between going on one date and being “involved.” 
(involvement implies an emotional connection and devotion that he doesn’t have with anyone but sara.)
he really doesn’t intend or expect for this one event to turn into a ~thing~. he also doesn’t suppose that all dates have to be romantic or that this date carries with it any expectation for intimacy. he’s old-fashioned. he’s not looking to kiss charlotte or take her home with him. he just wants to converse with her and pick her brain about correspondent accidental symbolism and meaning-making.
of course, since he doesn’t want a repeat of what happened with catherine, in asking charlotte, he extends a blanket invitation first—i.e., “would you honor me with your company next friday night?”—and only tells her it’s the pink floyd thing after she actually says yes.
what he doesn’t realize is that charlotte has had a thing for him ever since she started at the lab. he’s kind of got this silverfox charm going on, and he’s so mysterious. she’s been playing her best flirt game with him for months, trying to be witty and forthcoming and send him all the right signals, so when he makes his invitation, she thinks all her hard work has finally paid off, and they’re really going to connect.
unfortunately for her, grissom spends the whole night paying attention to how the songs match up with the visual cues. never once does he try to get “on base”—not even when she purposefully leans up against him during “us and them.” hell, he doesn’t even try to hold her hand! occasionally, he asks her if she caught this or that lyrical allusion and points out that some stanford study describes people’s willingness to adhere to discredited notions as a form of psychological preservation of the self and world-schemas, but he seems oblivious to the fact that, if she had her way, they’d be rounding third in the back seat by now.
she has a terrible time, not only because he ignores her but because she can’t stand pink floyd. he has a great time because he gets to see his show, and charlotte ultimately agrees with him that the coincidental synchronicity between the film and the album is less than remarkable.
(postulate debunked!)
grissom doesn’t think anything more of the adventure until charlotte brings it up a few weeks later. it’s only then he realizes that he disappointed her. he’s not quite sure what to do about her disappointment, as, honestly, he has no intention to ask her on another date. 
the trouble completely slips his mind when the holly gribbs debacle busts wide open—and especially because, even after everything’s settled, charlotte eventually switches to day shift, and he doesn’t have reason to talk to her much anymore, especially considering that sara’s moved to town.
while the above conjecture is focused on charlotte meridian specifically (as she is the only non-sara "female companion" we know grissom has between 1998-2000), i believe the same principles outlined for this scenario would apply to any other potential dates grissom might go on—if there are any—during this same era, as well.
it wouldn't be a deal where grissom was super attracted to some other woman than sara and wanted to have sex with her or commence a committed romantic relationship.
it wouldn't even be a thing where he was trying to distract himself from sara or "fill the void" without her, either.
it would just be a thing where he'd be looking for a social companion for a particular event and so asked someone on a (completely chaste) one-off date.
and because he and sara aren't technically themselves dating at this point and have no expectation for monogamy, he wouldn't feel any degree of guilt in what he was doing or feel the need to justify it were she to somehow find out.
"involvement" is different than just going on a date with someone, in his mind.
and, besides, it's not like he was going to sleep with this other woman anyway or likely even ever go out with her again.
he would presume sara was probably doing similar things on her end (i.e., that she occasionally was going out with other guys aside from him)—and though that thought wouldn't necessarily please him, he'd be resigned enough about it, because, really, what other choice would he have?
for as long as they weren't actually together and couldn't be because of the distance, they'd both just have to keep "living their lives," you know?
it'd be unreasonable to expect both of them to never spend time with another person even though they weren't technically together.
of course, all of the above said, getting back to the 2000-2005 era of grissom's life, i do think that once sara moves to vegas and after her and grissom's relationship dynamic starts changing around mid-s1, grissom's approach to dating other women besides her does change, at least for a while.
again, teri miller is his only confirmed non-sara romantic companion from this time (as it is uncertain, per canon, whether he has ever had a romantic relationship with heather kessler or not).
so just focusing on teri miller, she is definitely meant to be a distraction from sara.
—and, indeed, it is noteworthy to me that within the universe of the show, grissom asks teri out in episode 01x14 "to have and to hold" only about a week after the events of episode 01x13 "boom."
to me, that choice on his part suggests panic, like he spends the serial bombing case working in very close proximity with sara, basically treating the investigation as if it were a date with her, but then he realizes what he is doing, freaks out (because by this point he knows that he and sara can't be together, despite finally living in the same state; not if they want to keep their jobs), and, in an effort to convince himself that he isn't actually still hung up on the her, he asks another woman out as soon as the opportunity to do so presents itself to him.
even so, while grissom does go through the phase of trying to distract himself from sara during s1, i think he very quickly gives up on it, not only because he blows things with teri after just one half of their first date but also because (deep down) he recognizes the futility of the exercise.
his heart is still with sara, and no amount of seeing other people will change the fact that it is, so why bother trying to date anyone who isn't her?
better to just focus on trying to resign himself to the fact that he and sara can't be together, you know?
rambling now.
suffice it to say, i think that the best way to view grissom's relationships with other women between 1998-2000 is through the lens of him seeking social companionship, and the best way to view his relationships with other women between 2000-2005 is through the lens of him trying to distract himself from sara (whom he believes he can never have).
however, the bottom line in both cases is that no matter whom he may go out to dinner with, his heart is ultimately always with sara, and he realizes as much.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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flashinq-liqhts · 2 years
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entering a new era 🪩
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
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☾ book recommendations: *✲⋆.
my all time favorites:
the brothers karamazov by fyodor dostoevsky
notes from underground by fyodor dostoevsky
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
frankenstein by mary shelly
the plague by albert camus
we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson
others that i'd recommend:
break the body, haunt the bones by micah dean hicks
tomie by junji ito
uzumaki by junji ito
berserk by kento miura
the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson
i have no mouth, and i must scream by harlan ellison
the tell-tale heart by edgar allen poe
the cask of amontillado by edgar allen poe
rebecca by daphne du maurier
wuthering heights by emily brontë
dune by frank herbert
a shadow over innsmouth by h. p. lovecraft
the color out of space by h. p. lovecraft
the dunwich horror by h. p. lovecraft
crime and punishment by fyodor dostoevsky
demons by fyodor dostoevsky
the idiot by fyodor dostoevsky
jane eyre by charlotte brontë
animal farm by george orwell
do androids dream of electric sheep? by philip k. dick
a long fatal love chase by louisa may alcott
the stranger by albert camus
the metamorphosis by franz kafka
the trial by franz kafka
dragonwyck by anya seton
discipline and punish by michel foucalt
the castle of otranto by horace walpole
faust by johann wolfgang von goethe
the fall by albert camus
the myth of sisyphus by albert camus
the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde by robert louis stevenson
blood meridian by cormac mccarthy (do look into the content warnings though, there's heavy violence/depictions of 1840s-1850s racism)
the death of ivan ilyich by leo tolstoy
the dead by james joyce
the overcoat by nikolai gogol
dead souls by nikolai gogol
hiroshima by john hersey
useful fictions: evolution, anxiety, and the origins of literature by michael austin
no exit by jean paule satre
candide by voltaire
white nights by fyodor dostoevsky
notes from a dead house by fyodor dostoevsky
the shock doctrine by naomi klein
the 100 year war on palestine by rashid khalidi
blackshirts & reds by michael parenti
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mydarlingbat · 3 months
How many women Batman kissed?
April Clarkson. Chase Meridian Selina kyle. Talia. Barbara Gordon. Wonder Woman. Bakka. Charlotte Rivers. I think her name was Felina. Harley Quinn. Poison ivy. Laura Avian Jennifer. I don't know her last name. Jezebel jet. Jillian Maxwell. Kathy Kane. Kimiyo Hoshi. Lois Lane. Luna Glass. Natalya Trussville. Silver St. Cloud. Susan Maguire. Superwoman. Vicki Vale. Julie, Princess Portia. That's all I remember, but I'm pretty sure there's more.
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podcastgirlsweek · 2 years
You're invited!
This central podcast wlw couple is getting married (or renewing their vows) and you're invited! This may or may not be a good idea, but it is definitely happening.
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misterfeller · 3 months
the cryptic asks are fun :)
you'll never know who i am
mainly because we're not mutuals and i dont follow anyone, so i'm invisible to you
so uh
you can call me whatever you want
ohhh okay!!!! i thought you would be one of my mutuals. you kind of remind me of faggot mouse. i am okay with more cryptic asks this is so fun yay! deciding what to call you is going to be really hard bc i barely know anything about you. i have this stupid thing in my phone where it gives me cats and i name them. maybe you could look through them and see if any names feel like you. i would put screenshots of all the names here but there would be too many. i will copy and paste some for you. under the cut bc there are 5 million even with some taken out
a kiss without the moustache is like an egg without salt
al crane
alexandra vondude
arnold babatunji
baas kwaadwillig
bat masterson
beach ball
big audrey
big louise
billy brown
billy the phantom bellboy
bobo botn
bora karaca
bruce bunyip
cab calloway
captain buffalo birnbaum
carl azuz
chick the cherub
chicken nancy
chris harrington
clarinda quackenboss
clive montague
colonel ken krenwinkle
darlin companion
davy jones
deady bye bye
dirty bobby
dr. charlotte
electric larry
elizabeth van vreemdeling
fats waller
flying saucer
frosted mini spooners
gee wilikers
go to bed
goopy bloppy drippy sparkly
gwendolyn marshrat
hammersmith odeon
harold boonstangle
her majesty
horatius birnbaum
hot dog supper
iggy birnbaum
jurgen leitner
k spar
kitty nebelstreif
little bunny foo foo
live at the beeb
maple leaf rag
minnie the moocher
molly o'malley
moly b. denum
monkberry moon delight
mr bloodvessel
mr moon
mr moonlight
mr. plumbean
mrs. wimpydimple
ms. magistra
muffin man
neddie wentworthstein
nick bluegum
odds bodkins
nick bluegum
odds bodkins
orthoclase feldspar
percy "thrills" thrillington
pickled pepper
pizza pie
plagioclase feldspar
polly pocket
potassium feldspar
prairiedog birnbaum
prime meridian
professor tag
rex the wonder horse
rip van winkle
roger van tussenvuxel
ronnie wolfspit
samuel klugarsh
sandor eucalyptus
sargent caleb
satin spar
seamus finn
serutan yob
sholmos bunyip
smokey joe
space station level 7
stella octangula
steve craft
strega nona
suzie bunny boo boo
the baritone buckaroo
time machine
tough bananas
uncle borgel
wah watusi
wicked anabella
wing ding
woofy davis
woopty doo
yggdrasil birnbaum
zaphod beeblebrox
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d-criss-news · 1 year
Tour Dates - http://www.darrencriss.com/tour
A Very Darren Crissmas Tour 2023 http://www.darrencriss.com/averydarrencrissmas2023
・Tue Nov 21: Atlanta, GA - Atlanta Symphony Hall ・Wed Nov 22: Charlotte, NC - Knight Theatre ・Fri Nov 24: Charleston, SC - Charleston Music Hall ・Sat Nov 25: Clearwater, FL - Capitol Theatre ・Mon Nov 27: Fort Myers, FL - Barbara B Mann Performance Arts Hall ・Tue Nov 28: Ft. Lauderdale, FL - The Parker ・Wed Nov 29: Orlando, FL - Steinmetz Hall at Dr. Phillips Center
・Fri Dec 1: Durham, NC - Carolina Theatre ・Sat Dec 2: Vienna, VA - the Barns at Wolf Trap SOLD OUT ・Sun Dec 3: Vienna, VA - the Barns at Wolf Trap SOLD OUT ・Mon Dec 4: Red Bank, NJ - Hackensack Meridian Heath Theatre ・Tue Dec 5: New York, NY - The Town Hall ・Wed Dec 6: Ridgefield, CT - The Ridgefield Playhouse ・Thu Dec 7: Boston, MA - Emerson Colonial Theatre ・Sat Dec 9: Toronto, ON - Elgin Theatre ・Sun Dec 10: Detroit, MI - Fisher Theatre ・Mon Dec 11: Chicago, IL - Athenaeum Theater ・Tue Dec 12: Madison, WI - Barrymore Theatre ・Wed Dec 13: Columbus, IN - The Commons at Nugent-Custer Performance Hall SOLD OUT ・Fri Dec 15: Northfield, OH - Center Stage at MGM Northfield Park ・Sat Dec 16: Indianapolis, IN - The Cabaret at Columbia Club SOLD OUT ・Sun Dec 17: Indianapolis, IN - The Cabaret at Columbia Club SOLD OUT ・Tue Dec 19: Lexington, KY - Lexington Opera House at Lexington Center ・Wed Dec 20: Nashville, TN - CMA Theatre at the Country Music Hall of Fame
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mbta-unofficial · 8 months
US people who care about railroads should definitely read the Corridor ID Selections. While it was published a little over a year ago, the program is designed to fund shovel-ready programs and dedicate money to assessing the viability of corridors which would be either new or upgraded, and they just posted a massive update to the map including new HSR viability studies.
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A partial list of served cities:
High speed rail candidates
San Francisco, Anaheim, LA, Vancouver, Portland, Seattle, Eugene, Charlotte NC, Atlanta, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Las Vegas, Palmdale
New Conventional rail candidates
Asheville NC, Salisbury NC, Savannah GA, Chattenooga TN, Nashville, Memphis, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Boston, Albany, San Jose, San Luis Obispo, King's Mountain NC, Moline IL, Naperville IL, Wyanet IL, Chicago, Fort Wayne IN, Columbus OH, Pittsburgh PA, Cleveland OH, Cincinnati OH, Dayton OH, Toledo OH, Detroit MI, Coachella CA, Fullerton CA, Indio CA, Riverside CA, Palm Springs CA, Fort Collins CO, Pueblo CO, Denver CO, Boulder CO, Colorado Springs CO, Newport News VA, Charlottesville VA, Roanoke VA, Richmond VA, Dover DE, Wilmington DE, Berlin MD, St Paul-Minneapolis MN, Eau Claire WI, Fayetteville NC, Raleigh NC, Lillington NC, Fuquay-Varina NC, Mobile AL, Bay St. Louis, Gulfport, Biloxi, Pascagoula MS, Houston, San Antonio, Rosenburg TX, Flatonia TX, Seguin TX, Meridian MS, Mineola TX, Longview TX, Marshall TX, Shreveport LA, Ruston LA, Monroe LA, Vicksburg MS, Jackson MS, Jacksonville FL, Miami FL, Orlando Fl, Tampa FL, Indianapolis IN, Louisville KY, Milwaukee, WI; La Crosse, WI; Eau Claire, WI; St. Paul, MN; Fargo, ND; Bismarck, ND; Dickson, ND; Glendive, MT; Billings, MT; Bozeman, MT; Butte, MT; Helena, MT; Missoula, MT; St. Regis, MT; Sandpoint, ID; Spokane, WA; and Pasco, WA, Duluth WA, Peoria IL, Phoenix, Tuscon, Maricopa, Reading PA, Scranton
These are most of the cities with new service
If you are between two of these cities, there is a serious chance you will have a train coming to you soon. Check the Doc for more as well as service upgrades on existing services
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tcsernisauthor · 9 months
Alucard Aleksei Reiner
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Learn a little about Alucard, one of The Numen Chronicles' main characters!
Grab yourself a copy of the dark fantasy gay romance book through Amazon or several other platforms, with shipping to any country! (Head to my website HERE for more information!)
Alucard (Aleksei) was born into the Diabolus, a cult of witches, humans and demons who worship Lucifer as their god. Alucard's mother, Charlotte Reiner, was a Meridian, a very powerful witch in possession of Numen ethos. His creation was solely for the purpose of freeing Lucifer from his prison, but Damien intervened, condemning Lucifer to remain locked away forever, and Alucard to a life of depravity.
Damien grew tired of Alucard, though, and after wandering Aegisguard for many years, Alucard eventually found himself a family. However, they were shortly taken from him by the Diabolus. Devastated and enraged, he sought revenge, and Janus, the God of Beginnings, unlocked a hidden power within him, turning him into Aegisguard's first vampire at twenty-four. However, Janus had a nemesis, who created Ada, Werewolf Queen. For their amusement, the two gods pit Alucard and Ada against one another, unleashing years of battle and conflict between their two species'.
Years later, Alucard killed Janus and withdrew from the gods' stage. He focused more on the 'Nosferatu', his globally-known organisation. He strived to make the world a safe place for his people and started by placing covens all over Aegisguard. He soon returned to his homeland, Dor-Sanguis, and dedicated his time to ridding the land of werewolves, creating a treaty with the humans, and ensuring his vampires were safe.
And then he met Zalith.
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Beggars and Choosers - Showtime - 6/19/1999 - 12/12/2000
Comedy / Drama (42 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Brian Kerwin as Rob Malone
Charlotte Ross as Lori Volpone
Tuc Watkins as Malcolm Laffley
Christina Hendricks as Kelly Kramer
Isabella Hofmann as Cecile Malone
William McNamara as Brad Advail
Paul Provenza as Parker Meridian
Keegan Connor Tracy as Audrey Malone
Bill Morey as Emory “E.L.” Luppin
Carol Kane as Lydia “L.L.” Luddin
Sherri Saum as Casey Lenox
Beau Bridges as Dan Falco
Alex Zahara as Wayne
Ben Bass as Brian Peske
Colin Cunningham as Herb Kolodny
Rudolf Martin as Nicky Krasnakov
Klodyne Rodney as Latitia Martinez
Kaj-Erik Eriksen as Carey Malone
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Sort of a weird question but I was wondering if you happened to know if Holly Gribbs was originally suppose to be Grissom’s love interest? He just seemed pretty flirty with her on the pilot, and since Sara wasn’t thought up of until the second episode, I didn’t know if that’s what they were going for. A Grissom that hugs new coworkers is so weird!
hi, anon!
i've never seen anything to say that she either was or wasn't, so i honestly can't give you an "official" answer.
the only stuff i've ever read about the character makes it sound like the decision to kill her off came fairly early in the process, as the actress had tested poorly with test audiences.
that said, my personal sense is that she wasn't necessarily written to be grissom's love interest, for a couple of reasons.
for one thing, her depiction skewed toward making her seem both very young and very green, much more so than with sara; grissom hugging her and looking out for her, while not presented as being entirely paternalistic, does seem much more like a boss looking out for a rookie than a "white knight" swooping in to save "the princess," at least to me. though the actress (chandra west) was actually a year older than sara is (and only two years younger than jorja fox in real life), holly herself comes across as being very much still a "kid," to the point that i think there would have been a creep factor had they tried to pair her with the much more experienced and distinguished grissom.
for yet another thing, i don’t think the way that grissom is written/depicted as interacting with her is necessarily meant to read as romantic. while it is a bit flirtatious, the grissom of the pilot is a flirt all around (which is part of his s1 oocness)—but, again, to me, the hug doesn’t read as being at all emotional or sensual; it’s just meant to be human and endearing, an acceptable quirk for a grissom who is, at this point in his history, being presented as much more open and even “normal” than the grissom of later seasons will be.
furthermore, i also think that during the pilot era, the writers weren't really in a place where they were conceptualizing of grissom as someone who might have a long-term love interest at all, never mind the holly gribbs component specifically.
the grissom of the pilot is much more like some of billy's former movie characters than he is like the grissom we eventually come to know and love, not only in the sense that he is a loose cannon much more so than the restrained and introverted man he will eventually morph into but also in the sense that he is a bit of a “cad about town” (as opposed to the later grissom, who is so thoroughly monogamous and uninterested in romance outside of with sara). while his conversation with charlotte meridian tells us he's not necessarily successful in his dating efforts, there is still something of a sense that he “gets around.”
i think he was very much written, in the beginning, as that classic cop show hero: the man men want to be like and women want to be with.
so i'm guessing that had that iteration of the character tested well and been something billy was more interested in pursuing, the writers would have kept him “single and ready to mingle” for a long while; they wouldn't have tried to tie him down to one girlfriend.
and, i mean, in s1, they really don't do so, even as is: he has romantic interactions or at least flirtations with charlotte meridian, teri miller, sara sidle, and even a few female suspects and persons of interest throughout the course of the season. while sara is his official love interest (and was conceived of as such since before jorja fox even auditioned for the role), she is so in a very "long game" sense, with the writers in no rush to get her and grissom together and very willing to pair him with other female characters in the interim.
that so, i just can't imagine that they went into writing the pilot with the idea of holly being “the one” for grissom (and especially not because, frankly, the actress was not strong enough to play off of a powerhouse like billy).
anyone they were going to cast as grissom's love interest was going to need to be a much more charismatic performer in her own right.
i think they only eventually changed tacks between the writing of the pilot and episode two because of feedback they got from the test audience and because of billy's vision for the character.
as was talked about at paley fest 2015, there was a considerable time gap of probably about five months between the writing and filming of the pilot in the spring of 2000 and the writing and filming of episode 01x02 "cool change" in the fall of 2000, during which time jorja fox was hired.
i think some of grissom’s more “too cool for school” tendencies got nerfed between episodes 01x01 and 01x02 and that the writers wanted a way to ground him and round him out, and that’s where the idea to give him a long-term love interest came from.
but before that revision to the character was made, i don’t think anyone was thinking down the lines of “who is going to be the love of grissom’s life?” yet.
that’s just my sense, though—and, like i said, i can’t either confirm or deny if holly gribbs was originally intended to be grissom’s love interest or not.
it’s just my personal sense that she wasn’t.
sorry i can’t give you a more certain answer!
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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sammychampagne · 1 month
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Good mawnin,
I'll keep it real, I'm not really good at this... But I channel my biological father's gift when I do make a post on here.. Hopefully, it touches you one day and the most high can show you that it's been genuine with me.. I can remember before this.. I was working in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where we kind of stopped taking eachother serious, and I was being selfish with my ego, and I didn't see the bigger picture... 8 years later, survived a brain anurism... And, I must say that I'm not the same human being that I was back then.. My feelings about life have dramatically changed, and I owe u in ways I can't even speak about. I am a lot better with my health, and I don't consume any tobacco products anymore.. Most of all, I feel better about life, to where there isn't anything holding me back from loving someone correctly. No lingering relationships, that I'm guilt tripped about, and my heart is pure... Since the last time you seen me I'm stronger now since...
I had no prior relationship with the higher calling, until I met you.. At least not attemped to.. You embody it all.. Educated, smart, quirky in a great way 😂.. And your smile... Wit dem cheeks... Even before you had a lifestyle change, I wanted you, when you were at your lowest in Charlotte.. I still felt you were beautiful.. But who am I? Just a survivor... At all costs..
You don't even know how moved I get from any type of communication from you that I recieve.. It gives me a sense of intent, and purpose, thats why I see more than what anyone on this earth, anytime I see you.. And personally.. I still love you.. Always, did.. Everything about you.. I am not a man to ever chase a woman, but I'd make a journey for you based off your energy and spirit alone.. Do you remember what my mother asked me while you held my hand? Just know that I knew you were right there.. .You honestly are perfection, and you don't even feel that way about yuourself.. I will probably chase after your heart til the end for me... As a great poet by the name of Justin Scott who hails from Meridian, Missisippi once said: Being friends makes it harder to breathe; So if you're ready to fly, just forget about me; But if you're willing to try, them I'm willing to leap, out the window of pain, and fall in love at your feet....." {Big K.R.I.T.- Red Eye}
I know you have your life, and I will never get in the way of your own personal happiness. Even though it will make my own life miserable, it make my spirit smile, so it makes it worth it for me.. But just know, this.. It popped up on your snap, but it prompted this...
0 notes
bigboimoose · 4 months
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Flip Murray
6' 3" | SG/PG | 2002 (42nd pick)
Career NBA stats:
9.9 PPG, 2.1 RPG, 2.3 APG, 0.8 SPG, 0.2 BPG,
41 FG%, 30 3P%, 73 FT%
High school: Strawberry Mansion (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
College: Meridian CC (1997–1999),
Shaw University (2000–2002)
Career history
2002–2003 Milwaukee Bucks
2003–2006 Seattle SuperSonics
2006 Cleveland Cavaliers
2006–2008 Detroit Pistons
2008 Indiana Pacers
2008–2009 Atlanta Hawks
2009–2010 Charlotte Bobcats
2010 Chicago Bulls
2011 Efes Pilsen
2012 Austin Toros
2013 Azovmash Mariupol
2013 Austin Toros
2014 Al Mouttahed Tripoli
Career highlights and awards
• NBA D-League champion (2012)
• NABC Division II Player of the Year (2002)
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chorusfm · 6 months
Sum 41 Add Canadian Tour Dates
Sum 41 have added some final Canadian tour dates. 03/29 – Mexico City, MX @ Punk Rock Festival 03/30 – Monterrey, MX @ Pa’l Norte 04/19 – Omaha, NE @ The Astro ^ 04/20 – Wichita, KS @ Wave ^ 04/21 – Kansas City, MO @ Uptown Theater ^ 04/23 – Minneapolis, MN @ The Armory ^ 04/24 – St. Louis, MO @ The Factory ^ 04/26 – Grand Rapids, MI @ GLC Live at 20 Monroe ^ 04/27 – Milwaukee, WI @ Rave ^ 04/29 – Baltimore, MD @ Pier 6 ^ 04/30 – Boston, MA @ MGM Music Hall at Fenway ^ 05/01 – Portland, ME @ Cross Insurance Arena ^ 05/04 – Asbury Park, NJ @ Stone Pony Summer Stage ^ 05/05 – New York, NY @ Brooklyn Paramount ^ 05/06 – New York, NY @ Brooklyn Paramount ^ 05/08 – Reading, PA @ Santander Arena ^ 05/09 – Raleigh, NC @ The Red Hat Amphitheater ^ 05/11 – Atlanta, GA @ Coca-Cola Roxy ^ 05/12 – Daytona Beach, FL @ Welcome To Rockville 05/14 – Nashville, TN @ Ryman Auditorium ^ 05/15 – Charlotte, NC @ Skyla Credit Union Amphitheatre ^ 05/17 – Columbus, OH @ Sonic Temple 05/18 – Philadelphia, PA @ Skyline Stage at The Mann ^ 05/19 – Norfolk, VA @ Chartway Arena ^ 06/13 – Interlaken, CH @ Greenfield Festival 2024 06/14 – Hradec, CZ @ Rock For People 06/15 – Nickelsdorf, AT @ Nova Rock 06/16 – Derby, UK @ Download Festival 06/19 – Dublin, IE @ Fairview Park 06/21 – Neuhausen ob Eck, DE @ Southside Festival 06/22 – Lyon, FR @ Slamdunk 06/23 – Schneesel, DE @ Hurricane Festival 06/26 – Viviero, ES @ Resurection 06/28 – Ysselsteyn, NL @ Jera on Air 06/29 – GeiselWind, DE @ Mission Ready 06/30 – Marmande, FR @ Garorock 07/04 – Nantes, FR @ La Nuit de ’Erdre 07/05 – Werchter, BE @ Rock Werchter 07/06 – Belfort, FR @ Les Eurockéennes 07/07 – Hunxe, DE @ Ruhrpott Rodeo 07/09 – Milan, IT @ I-Days 07/11 – Argeles sur mar, FR @ Les Deferlantes 07/12 – Madrid, ES @ Madcool 07/13 – Lisbon, PT @ Nos Alive 08/01 – Rimouski, QC @ Parc Beausejour 08/03 – New Glasgow, NS – The Jubilee 2024 08/04 – Saint John, NB – Area 506 Festival 2024 08/07 – Saguenay, QC @ La Baie’s Harbor Village Agora * 08/08 – Québec, QC @ Quebec City Old Port Agora * 08/09 – Victoriaville, QC @ Rock La Cauze 09/03 – San Francisco, CA @ Masonic Auditorium ^ 09/04 – San Francisco, CA @ Masonic Auditorium ^ 09/06 – Portland, OR @ Alaska Airlines’ Theater Of The Clouds ^ 09/07 – Seattle, WA @ Wamu Theater ^ 09/08 – Boise, ID @ Revolution Concert House and Event Center ^ 09/10 – Salt Lake City, UT @ The Lot at The Complex ^ 09/11 – Denver, CO @ Red Rocks Amphitheatre ^ 09/12 – Des Moines, IA @ Vibrant Music Hall ^ 09/14 – Detroit, MI @ Masonic Temple ^ 09/15 – Cuyahoga Falls, OH @ Blossom Music Center ^ 09/17 – Coraopolis, PA @ UPMC Events Center ^ 09/23 – Miami, FL @ The Fillmore Miami Beach ^ 09/24 – Orlando, FL @ Orlando Amphitheater ^ 09/26 – Louisville, KY @ Louder Than Life 2024 09/28 – Austin, TX @ H-E-B Center at Cedar Park ^ 09/29 – Houston, TX @ 713 Music Hall ^ 09/30 – Irving, TX @ The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory ^ 10/02 – Phoenix, AZ @ Arizona Financial Theatre ^ 10/03 – Los Angeles, CA @ YouTube Theater ^ 10/05 – Las Vegas, NV @ Bakkt Theater at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino ^ 11/23 – Nanterre, FR @ Paris La Défense Arena 01/10 – Victoria, BC @ Save On Foods Memorial Centre # 01/11 – Vancouver, BC @ Rogers Arena # 01/13 – Kelowna, BC @ Prospera Place # 01/16 – Calgary, AB @ Scotiabank Saddledome # 01/17 – Edmonton, AB @ Rogers Place # 01/18 – Saskatoon, SK @ Sasktel Centre # 01/20 – Winnipeg, MB @ Canada Life Place # 01/23 – St. Catharines, ON @ Meridian Centre # 01/24 – Ottawa, ON @ Canadian Tire Centre # 01/25 – Laval, QC @ Place Bell # 01/27 – London, ON @ Budweiser Gardens # 01/28 – Toronto, ON @ Scotiabank Arena 01/30 – Toronto, ON @ Scotiabank Arena (Final show) * = w/ PUP ^ = w/ The Interrupters # = w/ PUP and Gob --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/news/sum-41-add-canadian-tour-dates/
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d-criss-news · 1 year
Darren Criss Announces New Holiday Tour Dates Across the U.S. & Canada
Darren Criss is celebrating "Crissmas" this year with a brand-new lineup of holiday tour dates!
Criss will be playing The Town Hall in New York City on December 5 and will also be stopping in Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, Detroit, Toronto, Indianapolis, Nashville, and more. Check out the complete list of tour dates below!
"Summer is coming to an end (well, not in [Australia]) … which means it’s time to think about cold weather (in [the U.S.]!) Announcing a TON of NEW Holiday Show dates to warm up your November and December," Criss captioned his Instagram post announcing the dates.
Pre-sale will begin this Wednesday, September 13 at 10:00 am local time. Tickets will go on sale to the general public on Friday, September 15 at 10:00 am local. Click Here for more information on how to buy tickets.
Criss released his first-ever holiday album entitled “A Very Darren Crissmas” on Decca Records in 2021. In it, he brought his radiant imagination and encyclopedic musical knowledge to a wildly eclectic collection of songs: big-band standards and novelty tunes, mid-century musical numbers and modern-day folk-pop ballads.
Criss’ original track “Drunk on Christmas” featuring country chart-topper Lainey Wilson, showcased his effortless ingenuity as a songwriter. The result is an essential new entry into the holiday-music canon, both thrillingly unpredictable and touched with a timeless sense of Christmas magic.
Made with Ron Fair, multi-Grammy® nominee and producer of numerous GRAMMY-winning hits, “A Very Darren Crissmas” also featured special guest appearances by Adam Lambert and Evan Rachel Wood. “A Very Darren Crissmas” was only the latest evidence of Criss’ singular gifts as a song interpreter. 
Darren Criss Holiday Tour Dates November 21 - Atlanta Symphony Hall - Atlanta, GA November 22 - Knight Theatre - Charlotte, NC November 24 - Charleston Music Hall - Charleston, SC November 25 - Bilheimer Capitol Theatre - Clearwater, FL November 27 - Barbara B Mann Performance Arts Hall - Fort Myers, FL November 28 - Lillian S. Wells Hall at The Parker - Ft Lauderdale, FL November 29 - Steinmetz Music Hall at Dr. Phillips Center - Orlando, FL December 1 - Carolina Theatre - Durham, NC December 2 - The Barns at Wolf Trap - Vienna, VA December 3 - The Barns at Wolf Trap - Vienna, VA December 4 - Hackensack Meridian Health Theatre at the Count Basie Center for the Arts - Red Bank, NJ December 5 - The Town Hall - New York, NY December 6 - The Ridgefield Playhouse - Ridgefield, CT December 7 - Emerson Colonial Theatre - Boston, MA December 9 - Elgin Theatre - Toronto, ON December 10 - Fisher Theatre - Detroit, MI December 11 - Atenaeum Theater - Chicago, IL December 12 - Barrymore Theatre - Madison, WI December 13 - The Commons at Nugent-Custer Performance Hall - Columbus, IN December 15 - Center Stage At Mgm Northfield Park - Northfield, OH December 16 - The Cabaret - Indianapolis, IN December 17 - The Cabaret - Indianapolis, IN December 19 - Lexington Opera House At Lexington Center - Lexington, KY December 28 - Cma Theatre At The Country Music Hall Of Fame - Nashville, TN
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