#charlies so skrunkly i love him
kaisdrumsticks · 2 years
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charliebughug · 9 days
≈MORE KALIII!!!!!!!≈
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@paruparuparuparu ≈i hope you dont mind me @/ing you with the progress :)≈
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Charpim Prompts, Baby! Tag me if using any of these because I’m bored and I love raising hell in this fandom!! Thanks ✨
CW: All prompts on this post skirt the line between genuine prompts and just me shitposting again.
EDIT: Not to be a buzzkill but I almost forgot: Please don't make straight-up NSFW smut of my prompts, I know SF is an adult cartoon but that stuff makes me uncomfortable. Thank You.
Charlie and Pim go to a bar + Pim gets drunk and becomes the life of the party and Charlie pisses off a gang of bikers = all hell breaks loose The boys go rollerblading + it’s before they confessed to each other.
Charlie takes Pim to go camping in the woods and raccoons steal their stuff. Vampire!Charlie x Witch!Pim facing off against monster hunters and protecting each other. (inspired by @bluebellcup)
The boys lightheartedly bicker about which show they wanna watch on Meepflix during date night.
Pim baking Charlie something sweet and Charlie returns the favor by making something for him.
The beautiful bride (Pim) and the skrunkly-ass groom (Charlie)
Pim finds out about what happened to Charlie in the Gwimbly episode and pulls an elaborate prank on James that leads to the nasty bastard getting publicly humiliated much to Charlie’s delight.
Charlie is embarrassed to admit to liking girly stuff and Pim, a bonafide femboy, helps him embrace it as the boys doll each other up for a day.
The boys working for Anonymous to hack Twitter’s rotting remains aka X by having it so that the boring white backgrounds are replaced with crude doodles mocking Elon Musk.
Charlie and Pim as astronauts and they share a ship together for 3 months. They become the first Critters on the moon!!
They’re in a rock band, with Pim as the lead singer and Charlie on the guitar.
Maid!Charlie is Princess!Pim’s lady in waiting and he trains to become a knight to challenge that chauvinist pig Knight!James to a duel to show him who’s who!
They’re robots in a gritty cyberpunk setting reigned by Grim and Gnarly because they’re literal edgelords.
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nemo-is-my-dad · 2 months
My opinion on every character in "Nautilus" (part 1)
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"oh Charlie how the hell have you watched the whole series in TWO DAYS?" powers of autism :3
...I really need to answer this?
*happy stims*
I want him to adopt me.
Also Shazad is talented as hell,he deserves my respect🫂
I'm a dog for smart,badass girls
I didn't have high expectations for her, but she managed to exceed them.
I just didn't like that kiss in the end...(I NEED NEMONNAX NEMONNAX NEMONNAX)
On my knees ma'am 🛐
I loved her, totally.
She's so..UGH🤭
I may have a thing for older women?
Mai boy :3 (please I use this emojis ironically don't kill me)
He's silly
That scene when Nemo hugged him in episode 4 got my heart melting
I really hope he comes back
He's so sweet and wise
And he was so caring with Humility,just like a grandpa
Aw I'm sad now
He reminds me of those funny uncles
I liked him and then BOOM.DEAD.
I cried for him.
He's so silly and neat
I don't really have a solid opinion about him,but he's good for me
He must have suffered so much with Jagadish's death
Poor boy
I loved him
He's a skrunklie to me and that's it
That scene where he's happy and then kisses Boniface and Suyin 💕💕💕💕
He helped Nemo so much
And helped all of the crew,of course
Aw man,when he hugged Nemo and he teared up I almost cried
I need to see more of him
Also I don't have a solid opinion about him,but I liked him as well
He's the malewife in the relationship and you can't tell me otherwise
I got sad for him when they left without Loti
She's literally the mother of the crew
Also need to see more of her
Is it just me or I think she sees Turan as a son? I'm crazy for more head cannons
I couldn't understand his issue with anger and with the doctor.He had some kind of disorder?Can someone explain to me😭
He's also silly,loved him
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 6 months
It's late and I have no one else to rant about these things so ur the victim<3
1:I genuinely love Charlie and finn so much. Finn was my introduction to yuuri's content, I was in love with his comp thumbnail and was like, "Hey that's cute, oh it's kinda long. Let's see how this goes ig" and then I fell in love with him. I won't lie, before Charlie, I listened to Lucien and Faust's audios first! In order it was Finn, Lucien, Faust, Charlie, Bittersweet boy's, then Jack! And in complete honesty, My favorites will always be Charlie and Finn. They're tied lmao
They're both just so.....idk I just love both their vibes and how silly and skrunkly they can be<3
2:As previously stated, Lucien was one of the first Yuurivoice boy's I listened to! And I love his design {Huge shout-out to the artist I love her sm} and I sometimes find myself thinking about his design specifically. I love demons, designed a couple myself, and I so badly wanna draw my rendition of him cuz it genuinely seems like so much fun. {Mainly has to do with giving him ram legs and all that grunge/emo/whatever genre that is, stuff}
3: Faust. Just Faust. I love that twink so much. Tbh I didn't know why at first, thought it was just his design or something, but after thinking about it for awhile, I realized why I like him so much! It's because {at least so far} you can totally view {some of} his videos as platonic/just a blooming friendship! And I LOVE that. I love the fact it doesn't just full dive into romance, I love that he has his issues, I love that he's trying to fix them, i love that about him and Charlie, i love them allllll im gonna start crying 😭😭😭
God I'm so sorry for the wall of text, plz ignore this if u don't feel like responding/reading, I just really needed to get that outta my system🫶
Bro I love when people tell me stuff like this! Yall are 10000% allowed to come into my inbox and just yap I'll listen dw
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raedshadowlegends · 11 months
Poker Face: The John-O Character
Omg hi howdy. Welcome back to a long essay featuring nothing groundbreaking whatsoever! Today we are going to be talking about Poker Face, the greatest show of all time. But more specifically, we're going to be talking about John-O.
For the uninformed-- John-O is a character featured briefly in the first episode of the series. He's only in two scenes but he sure is a silly little guy. Everyone loves John-O.
And upon my 17th rewatch, this time featuring my good friend @room215 , they pointed out that there seems to be a John-O-escue character in every single episode.
So we kept track of the John-O's. And now I'm going to be dissecting each one for no good reason.
Now there are no specific criteria for what makes a John-O. It's really just based on vibes. There are similar patterns between characters that are worth analyzing but for the most part you just know it when you see it.
I'll be talking about the first five episodes in this potentially very long post so grab yourself some popcorn and buckle up.
Oh and there will be spoilers. So go watch Poker Face if you haven't already, it's the best show ever actually.
Episode 1: Dead Man's Hand
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There are definitely moments where I could get better pictures of him but I think this one is kinda perfect.
This is John-O. He is a silly little guy who has a history of stealing shit and breaking into places. He seems to be reformed because he states he "don't do this shit no more." So he is morally good. I trust him.
He's very silly and likes to add the suffix "-o" to the end of things he says. Like hey-o and good-o. He's just this goofy old man and his vibes are impeccable.
He's an ally to our friend Charlie Cale, helping her break into Nathalie's home despite his morals. He even offers to cut her in with his playboy sales. What a good guy.
Overall, John-O is a friend-o. He establishes our precedent of the "John-O character" being silly and the vibe that we're after.
Side Note: I love that Poker Face is an episodic show with a rotating cast of characters. It's seriously awesome and you don't see that shit often. However I am heartbroken at the loss of this man cause we probably won't see him again. It breaks my heart. I hope he's doing ok.
Episode 2: The Night Shift
"Meteor Shower" Trucker
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Literally just this dude who is in one scene.
He is only here to tell Charlie about the meteor shower that evening. But he does it in the funniest fucking way imaginable. He literally gives Charlie a heart attack by just saying, "Meteor shower tonight." It's the funniest thing to me.
And I think about him way more often than I ought to. He's kinda skrunkly.
I said on the night during our analysis that he's cute in the same way on old man themed muppet is cute. Y'know? I feel like that makes some sense.
But yeah he's just here to be a jumpscare and tell Charlie about the Leonids. What a silly guy. I wish he was in more than one scene.
So far in our John-O analysis we have two quirky old dudes. The best kind of character imo.
Yeah I don't have much else to say on him </3
Episode 3: The Stall
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Why does he look like that.
Anyways yeah, Beto is the John-O of episode 3. I do think he is pushing the amount of scenes a John-O can be in but it's ok cause he's kinda silly. He's just doing his job, man.
Poor guy is the one who found George's body. He's probably gonna have some issues for a while.
He's got some silly interactions with Charlie and even though they're brief, they're fun.
I actually don't have a lot to say about this guy. Whoops. My bad.
But you may have noticed he is not a skrunkly old man. That is true! He is not that.
I will be grouping this dude into the category of, "Guy who is just doing their job" under the broader "John-O" umbrella.
None of those words were in the Bible, I don't think.
Anyways, that's Beto for ya. Now we get to move on to my favorite guy!
Episode 4: Rest In Metal
Guy Who Threw The Stapler
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Why the fuck would he do that.
I don't even know I can classify him as a John-O character but oh my god I think about him so much. Literally what is his deal, why the hell would he do this.
He is just here to throw a stapler at Gavin and whoop and holler. That's so fucking awesome.
That's all he does so I don't exactly know what else to say about him but I will add this:
My friends and I have been saying, "aREN'T YOU THE BAND THAT DOES STAPLEHEAD??? PLAY STAPLEHEAD!!!!!!!" to each other in the most man baby-escue voices possible for days now. It's the funniest thing on the planet.
*hits you with a stapler*
Episode 5: Time of the Monkey
Gino the Bull
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This random guy in Howard Wolowitz's car.
He meets the flexible criteria of being a skrunkly old man so he gets points for that, for sure. ALSO HE'S KINDA SILLY?
He's just in the car being a silly goofy guy. These dissections are getting shorter and also worse. My bad guys, I'm really tired. Been staying up watching too much Poker Face B).
Anyways yeah, I don't know what his deal is. Very important to be a John-O, you just don't know what their fucking deal is.
I wanna say Gino the Bull is some kind of mafia/mob man? I dunno. I think it'd be funny if that were the case. That's my head canon at least.
So now we have three skrunkly old dudes, one man baby, and one Beto. Awesome.
I'm gonna cut this one of here before it gets too terribly long. Mainly so I can just get this posted. But also I imagine this shit is quite the long read.
My bad B).
These are our first five John-O characters in Poker Face! Tune in soon to learn about the next five!
It's not gonna be as silly. Sorry. Episode 9 and 10 are major bummers and there's not much fun to be had there.
As always, thank you for reading <3
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sfigatino · 2 years
Spotify Wrapped #9?
I hope the memory’s killing you over there, don’t even front, you know that you just can’t compare what it used to be, I hope your jacket smells like me.
Nathan walked to school with a huff as he watched his pathetic little brother with Marinette. They had been officially dating for a little while now, everyone’s perfect definition of a couple. Gross.
Marinette grinned and laced her fingers with Felix’s, who visibly blushed and looked down with a smile. Pathetic. Oh, if she only knew… Nathan could do so much better and he knew it. 
The chance she had to go out with Nathan, the Nathan from the gym club, the one that everyone always wanted to date or attract the attention of. Marinette could’ve been the most popular girl in school, clad arm-in-arm with Nathan. She could’ve been powerful in that school, free to do whatever she wanted with whoever. 
But no, she decided to set her gaze on someone else. Not just anyone else, but Felix. Stupid, skrunkly Felix who couldn’t do anything right according to Nathan and their father. Ugh, don’t even get him started on their father. Their father, high and mighty in that colorless office of his, was of the opinion that Nathan and Felix were both failures. Everything they did was wrong, everything they did was meaningless. 
And maybe somewhere inside, Nathan was just lonely. Maybe he just wanted to have a chance to do something right, to be good enough for something. Someone. 
But no. That’d be ridiculous. Nathan liked to pretend he was better than everyone else to get away from that. And Marinette wanted no part in that.
“Marinette.” Nathan nodded as he marched past them, shoving Felix forward and almost toppling him.
“You don’t have to be so rude.” Marinette pouted, stamping her foot as she helped Felix regain his balance.
Nathan glared. “You don’t have to have such bad taste in men.” Felix shot him a look and silently kept walking. 
“Yeah, no kidding. I can’t believe I ever fell for you.” She sniffed with distaste as she tried to catch up to Felix.
Nathan growled under his breath, shoving his fists in his pockets. She could’ve had everything. She could’ve been everything. She could’ve been mine.
And that Felix. Nathan watched as Marinette slid into her seat, Felix tenderly sitting down next to her and silently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He was so gentle, so elegant, so… so… so pitiful.
No doubt, Marinette agreed to love him because no one else would, this was Felix. Where Nathan feigned superiority to be better, Felix shut everyone out. He was about as romantically desirable as the Grinch. 
Which meant she had to be pitying him. Pretty predictable, all things considered, she was nothing if not nice to everyone, adopting every little charity project she could because she was nice like that, Nathan figured. 
Nathan shrugged off his thoughts as he entered the building and dozens of people visibly cleared the way for him as he stormed past, some even swooning on sight. But not Marinette. She was still chatting away with Felix as he followed her like a lost puppy. Again, pathetic. 
But whatever. It’s not like she was the entire world. Only she was, to several people, and Nathan was determined to get her out of Felix’s cold hands and awkward embrace, and into his warm loving arms. He would hold her, keep her warm, so she wouldn’t even have to ask him for his jacket, like Felix always offered his. 
He wouldn’t be shy when she held his hand. She wouldn’t have to search for kisses and affection. She wouldn’t have to wait for him to make a move. She wouldn’t have to wonder if he was uncomfortable. 
He wouldn’t be Felix. 
But she didn’t want that. 
But whatever. 
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pastacurls · 2 years
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Catcfember day 3 - Charlie bucket
He’s my little skrunkly I love him so much
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lillylvjy · 2 years
Drabble time! Drabble time!
Phantombur edition!!!
Reblog if you would like too!:)
Ok so phantom is a skrunkly , shy boy. He hides away when things get to overwhelming and he just wants to be loved:(
But, then he found you! A new person to the smp, and you were just like a tubbo! You had characteristics of a bee. He didn’t immediately go up and say hi to you. Oh no! Him.. initiating conversations? Your funny! He just watched you and admired you for a while ( until Tommy found him and made fun of him for a while)
But one day, you found him talking to Charlie. You went up to Charlie and asked who he was talking to. “Oh! You guys haven’t met yet?! Well, y/n this is Wilbur, Wilbur this is y/n” he said smiling. You looked over at the slightly transparent man in front of you. ‘He’s kinda cute. His eyes, his smile, practically everything is perfect about him’ you thought. Wilbur cleared his throat and you came back to reality. You blushed and apologize. Phantom smiles and said it was ok and that you guys should hang out sometime. “I would love too” you smiled as he nodded and walked away.
Ahh the beginning of a love story. Ok but really he was head over heals for you… but he thought you didn’t feel the same. Yes! You exclaim how much you love him everyday and yes you give him so much affection (that he loves and needs)
But, lately you’ve been talking to Jack a lot. Like a lot a lot. And he’s nervous. Is he better than me? Has he seen more to this life? Type of deal you know?! (I’m so sorry)
But really. He thinks your gonna leave him. He’s overthinking a lot. He’s talked to Phil and techno about it. Techno said he’s should just turn invisible and spy on them. Phil obviously strongly disagreed. ‘What could be the harm in that?!’ He thought to himself as he left to go see where you were.
He then saw you and Jack in the gardens together, laughing and holding onto each other for dear life. He felt sad, mad, disappointed and another emotion he couldn’t quite grasp. What were you doing here with him? Am I not good enough? What does he have that I don’t?
Questions ran through his mind like a running train. And they didnt stop. He got closer to you guys so he could here is conversation. After you guys stopped laughing, you sighed and slumped.
“I feel like I’m too much for Wilbur. Like I’m too hyper and too clingy for him. Like he’s a chill and super stand off-ish guy. Like whenever I hug him. I feel like he’s uncomfortable and I not want that at all. I don’t know maybe I’m going crazy but I love him so much Jack! I’d do anything for him. But i don’t know how he feels and I’m overthinking everything.” He said tearing up.
He stood there confused and baffled. You? To much for him?! Absolutely not! Never! The only reason he seems like it, is because he’s never had this kind of affection before and he’s trying to get used to it. The fact that your overthinking about him not liking or wanting you anymore is insane to him.
He went to go walk away before anything else happened, but he stepped in a rock and fell down, losing his ability to be invisible in the process. You and Jack both jumped up and turned around to see how it was.
The look in your face, showed anger, but really you were relieved he was here. Did he here all of that? Does he feel that way? Or is he going to say he feels the complete opposite and make me feel better about this relationship? You now had thoughts running in and out of your head.
Wilbur quickly got up and starting apologizing. You face softened from the angry expression. You hated how he sounded. His tone was desperate and sad in a way. He didn’t want you to be mad at him for spying, he just cares so much.
Jack walked away with a smile towards you as you went up to Wilbur. You placed your hands on his face, cupping it. “How much of that did you hear my love?” You asked.
“All of it. I didn’t mean too! I just wanted to see why you and Jack have been hanging out so much! It felt like you liked him more than me and I had a bad feeling and-“ he rambled on, until you pulled his head down to put his forehead on yours.
“You don’t have to be jealous of Jack you know? He’s like a brother to me. And I’ve been talking to him alot because… well you heard.” You smiled.
Jealous. That makes sense. Makes sense why he was feeling that way towards Jack.
“Darling. You aren’t to much for me. I love how clingy you are. I love how hyper you are. I love everything about you. And I’m sorry if I seem uncomfortable. I’m just new to all of this and I’m getting used to it very slowly. Never think you aren’t good enough for me because you are so much more than good enough.” He said while grabbing your hands and kissing your nuckles. You sighed and smiled up at him.
“I’m so glad that’s cleared up. Ok now give me a piggyback ride!” You said while giggling.
He laughed and kissed you. “What a way to ruin the moment huh?” He asked as he turned around a bent down for you.
You jumped on his back and kissed his cheek. “It’s what I do best. But seriously, I know you were overthinking to my love. I don’t deserve you. You deserve the world and so much more. You are perfect Wilbur. And I love you so much.” You said holding onto him tight as he began to walk.
He smiled. “You are my world, darling. And your everything I need and so much more.” He said giving you a kiss on your forehead.
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becca-is-not-well · 1 year
I'm Becca (as you probably figured out) and my friend said I should make a fanfic Tumblr cuz I wrote some for them.
I'll probably be writing mostly xreader fics, whether platonic or romantic. I will write smut, but preferably nothing too vanilla. I am REALLY exposing myself here. NOTHING NON CON.
This is the only time I'll be fully serious: If I write about heavy subjects (depression, anxiety, SH, etc.), it is simply to let people know they aren't alone and to help them through it. I am not in any way romanticizing it. As someone who has been through all three examples and much more, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I've written things for myself about my comfort characters helping me through shit and it genuinely helped me so much, I would love to do that for someone else.
If you know me in real life... no you don't.
All are platonic OR romantic unless specified otherwise
Who I plan on writing for:
Harry potter:
Golden age
Marauders (especially Sirius my beloved)
Fair warning I HATE Snape his "redemption arc" was BULLSHIT
Good omens:
(Said friend got me hooked)
Aziraphale (platonic)
Crowley (platonic)
Aziraphale & Crowley (ineffable husband's with platonic reader)
(This is lowkey embarrassing oml)
Sweet Pea
Veronica lodge (love her)
Betty Cooper (PLS RAIL ME)
Jughead Jones (I'm weird. I'm a weirdo.)
My friend got me even more obsessed with this holy heck
Morpheus (my skrunkly baby I love him sm)
Desire (is it getting hot in here??)
Lucienne (I need a hug from her)
Hob Gadling
Lab Rats:
(Why is this also embarrassing kskeidhxb)
Chase Davenport (been in love with him for forever)
Adam Davenport
Bree Davenport
The Rookie:
(Is this niche??)
Tim Bradford
Lucy Chen
John Nolan
Sam Winchester (my baby)
Dean Winchester
Castiel (not my cup of tea but I see it)
Jacob Black
Carlisle Cullen (i love DILFs)
Charlie Swan (again. DILF.)
Jasper Cullen (yes. As in the 👁👄👁 mf)
Emmet Cullen
Rosalie Cullen
Big Time Rush:
(Half of these things feel like a confession)
Logan (LOML)
Carlos (underrated)
Wizards of Waverly Place
Justin Russo
Alex russo
Harper Finkle
Teen Wolf
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Isaac Lahey (UNDERRATED)
Derek Hale
Malia Tate
Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Peeta Mellark
Haymitch Abernathy (I said what I said he's hot fr)
Katniss Everdeen
Gale Hawthorn (not the Canon mf tho he sucks ass)
Other random people:
Billy Russo (punisher)
Caspian (Narnia)
(I fucking love Ben Barnes)
The Darkling (Shadow and Bone)
Alina Starkov (Shadow and Bone)
Spencer Reid (criminal minds) (yes im one of those. Are u surprised?)
Legolas (bAbYy!!) (That's an inside joke)(LOTR/Hobbit)
Clark Kent (smallville)
Mac (MacGyver reboot)
I also like writing poetic type stuff so let me know if u want me to post some of that lol
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lerios · 1 year
tagged by all time icon @baynton 💕 this has been in my drafts for like a month because i wanted to answer it after i properly started succession but now i get the feeling its gonna take a while to get a proper grip of that show lmao😅
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
1. bbc quacks
2. firefly (my absolute beloved 😍)
3. its always sunny in philidelphia
4. bbc ghosts
5. fuck it, critical role (i don't watch much TV lol)
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Favourite? probably Wash my gorgeous comedy boy with an icon wife i spent years simping over, BUT i don't think we can ignore how fucking fixated i was on Simon. like, he was gender envy before i knew that Gender™ was a thing.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
i lowkey highkey want to throw hands with Robert. how dare you marry a girlboss and then not appreciate her wtf. give me her number
3. What’s your favourite episode of 4?
the Thomas Thorne Affair popped off. like yeah sure my skrunkly is centre stage but also the episode is just really well done.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
I AM A SEASON 1 TRUTHER. vox machina i miss you so much 😭
5. What’s your favourite relationship in 3?
charlie mac brotp.
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
jayne/river shippers are wild, she's like 12 and they don't even get along (also jayne/simon is the real OTP)
7. How long have you watched 1?
well i first posted about it in march, so like 5 months probably
8. How did you become interested in 3?
my mate jon said there was a musical episode so i watched like 10 seasons of it lol.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
okay i don't really know anything about any of them, but ben seems like a vibe. i too write mostly depressing shit and don't talk to anyone about anything 🥰
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
3 because theres 16 seasons of always sunny and only 1 season of quacks 😭😭😭
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
my man mike is alive and has a magical badass wife that can talk to ghosts.
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
my man Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo the third can never die, fuck off. (i'd kill him in a suitably emo way probably. he dies alone and still demon-infested, having scared the rest of vox machina away from caring about him once and for all, then probably getting converted into a vampire).
14. Would a ¾ crossover work?
asdagjsdag YES the gang would make such a big deal of having ghosts, they'd probably try to make money off of julian somehow. robin and charlie would be 100% best friends. the captain would be having a breakdown at thier impropriety 24/7 but fanny would get along with them way better than she'd expect lol
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
okay theres not many characters in quacks but i would love to see john/william. john absolutely needs to drug him 🥰
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
probably 5 because i got Parasocial about them for a while. pro-lgbt kings.
and i’m tagging: fucking nobody because i don't have the braincells to do social shit rn but i wanted do this when i found it again bc it looked fun
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
Glad to know I'm not the only one strangely obsessed with Charlie from it's always sunny <3
😭😭😭😭 I never truly understood what the words skrunkly scrimblo meant before this man, i had never had a poor little meow meow that was so poor and so little and so meow meow, yes i am attracted to him no I would never lay a finger on him because breathing the same air as him would expose me to at least 50 different diseases, i want to dissect him and then eat his brain with a spoon, i have not been so turned on as when i watched that Charlie Work episode and he gave that speech i felt the instant urge to run into his arms and make out with him like i was the love interest in the action movie and he was the strapping action man with a ripped shirt and glistening abs. He has changed my brain chemistry and now i am this, i apologize 😔
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superstarmew · 3 years
I read the novel version of silver eyes and damn
I love how I've grown so much more attached to Charlie and the others but like
I love how I hate William even more now
It's so funny I'm like
Dang, I love how they write William, he's even more threatening and awful in novel form, And I also like how He is designed in the graphic novels he's so greasy and skrunkly and it's fun to draw him, he has such great character to him
But at the same time I wish to grab this man's head and shove it into a toilet agressively while I flush it and drown him
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mooph · 3 years
for blorbo ask game: dsmp?
thank you for the ask!
i've been massively obsessed w dsmp for nearly 2 years now (oh god)
blorbo: this has gotta be tubbo. my boy. i'm so glad the tubblings are big on tumblr bc i've had lots of thoughts on this kid for a while 😭
skrunkly- foolish. i feel like if i squish him hard enough he would make a squeaker noise
scrimblo bimblo- sapnap. he's definitely gained more popularity but i think he's cool <3
glup shitto- i'd say purpled or charlie slimecicle. love them to bits <3 sucks one killed the other but i can forgive
poor little meow meow- definitely quackity or schlatt. my pathetic beloveds
horse plinko- definitely wilbur. moreso revivebur, cause i feel he would be fully invested in whatever bullshittery i did to him no matter how stupid then plan a sequence of revenge scenarios that would end up with both of us in an unwanted team up where we come out the other side with character development and friendship
eeby deeby- george cause i think it'd be funny
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