#charlie who hid the fact that he had a bedroom and has no reason to sleep with frank
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dennisboobs · 2 years ago
why did charlie have to say this.
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finelinevogue · 4 years ago
Can you do something where Y/N is sick and Harry has to take care of her please?
i actually had written something similar to this before so i present you a lengthy blurb;
You were pretty sure if you got invited in to hell it would feel something like this.
Hot. Sticky. But chilled.
You had come down with a concerningly high temperature. Along with the added luxuries of a deafening headache, cold sweats and an upset tummy. Your body was burning all over, as if it had just been freshly cooked in the oven but you felt colder than ice. It was a confusing juxtaposition, but there it was.
You'd called Harry, since he was in the studio recording his new music and asked him to come home early. You didn't even get to the reasoning of why he should come home before he hung up, telling you he was already vacating the premises. You hated to be that needy girlfriend who had to call about nearly everything, but Harry loved it more than anything. He loved the fact that you needed him. It gave him purpose, apparently .
You couldn't work out whether you regretted asking him to come home, or whether it was a blessing. It was a very fine line.
It was a blessing because, he looked after you like a mother would her child and made sure he stood by your side any time you found yourself lurched over a toilet. He made you chicken soup from scratch and even tested it to make sure it wasn't too hot, or salty - despite being a vegetarian himself. He even made you honey and lemon tea, which he had to run to the store for the honey. When you say run, you mean run. He didn't want to leave you alone at all, so he put on his running shoes and sprinted to the shop and back. However, it was a slight regret because of how fussy he was over you. He loved it to bits - nursing to your every need.
You truly believed you didn't deserve Harry. He was just too kind and pure for his own good. You were unarguably lucky. Laying on what felt like your death bed, didn't feel so lucky though.
It was now 10 pm and you could hear Harry turning on the alarm for downstairs, the loud beeping noise preventing you from sleep. That's all you'd done all day. Sleep. You thought it'd be more magical than it was. It was just uncomfortable though, because of how cold and hot you were.
Your much better looking other half trudged through the bedroom door within a minute of the alarm going off. He was only wearing checkered pyjama bottoms and a white t-shirt and yet he made it look like Gucci Runway 2021.
The jingling of keys signalled Charlie was also present. Charlie was your 2 year old Golden Retriever. He was beautiful. When you and Harry has moved in together 2 years ago you'd managed to persuade him to get a dog. Within a few weeks of moving in you had a 5 month old puppy running around your house. He was your best friend, no doubt about it. He was also ridiculously photogenic.
"Hey Chaz!" You cooed as Charlie walked over to your side of the bed, where you were snuggling down under the sheets. You reached out your hand to give him some loving and attention. You could tell by the small smile and sparkling eyes that he was one happy boy.
"Alright, buddy. Let's leave mum alone." Harry came behind Charlie to manoeuvre him into his bed, which was in the corner of the room. It was more like a big cushion. He started to whine after being forced to leave you - having not seeing you all day. Harry was strict in keeping him downstairs so not to disturb you whilst you were sleeping.
"H it's alright, let him on the bed. He can curl up on my feet." You sympathised with Charlie, as you always did, hating to hear or see him upset. Harry was like the 'bad-cop' when it came to parenting Charlie, because you were too sweet to say no to him.
"You're one spoilt boy, aren’t you?" Harry messed around with Charlie, before telling him he could get up on the bed to see you. Charlie leapt on the bed and wandered over to give you all the kisses he could, before Harry came to calm him down - as you really didn't have the strength.
"I missed you too, Chaz." You quietly laughed, not wanting to set your headache off even more.
"You gonna let me kiss mum now?" Harry rhetorically asked, but as he came over to you Charlie laid down on you so your face was buried underneath his body. You could feel him panting with his adorable tongue out above you, as he hid you from Harry.
"Someone's jealous."
"Feeling like a bloody third wheel over here." Harry tutted and you laughed until you got hot with the movement.
"Harry? Can you move him please?" You whined as you tried to shuffle around.
"Okay Chaz. Let's let mum get some sleep, alright?" Charlie is slowly removed from you and ends up curled on top of your feet, keeping them warm for you.
Harry slipped into the covers and shuffled his way over to you, putting the back of his hand over your forehead and hissing quietly at the simple touch.
"Baby you're so hot." Harry complained.
"I know." You teased with a wink at him, taking his worry out of context and turning it into a flirting compliment.
"Oh piss off!" He chuckled and wrapped an arm around your waist to bring you closer. "What am I going to do with you, baby?" Harry then planted only a few delicate kisses to your lips - not wanting to overwork you and your tired body.
You woke up with drowsy eyes to find you're in bed alone.
Your throat was incredibly dry and your whole body was sticky from sweat. Your pyjamas were damp and your face looked like it'd just been drowned in a rainstorm. It was disgusting. Still, you brought the duvet up to cover yourself more, as you let out a dramatic shiver. Why was it so cold?
Mixed into the background noise you could hear the cheering of crowds and it really confused you, until you looked at the wall and noticed the football was playing on re-run on the TV. Manchester United Vs Manchester City. You hated that you knew that just from their football uniforms, but that's what you get for living with a football-crazed boyfriend.
You noticed Harry emerge from the bathroom, a washing up bowl in his arms. He came and sat down in bed, the bucket of water to his side. "What are you doing?" You quietly asked, peering up at him through tired eyes.
"Oi, you're meant to be sleep y��minx." Harry told you off.
"I can't. I'm too uncomfortable. I'm hot, but i'm cold. I also find it hard to sleep without you next to me." You huffed out in annoyance.
"My poorly baby." He leant down to kiss your forehead, "c’mere, baby." He urged.
He helped you move, seeing as your body was really weak, so you could lay down against Harry’s body. He was sat up against the headboard as you nestled down between his legs, your back to his front. It was a lot more comfortable than before - probably because Harry was closer to you. Charlie noticed the disturbance and waited for you to stop moving around, before maintaining the job of guarding your feet.
Once he was happy in his position he fell asleep again, making you jealous of his ability to do that. Especially now.
"Why's the football on?" You asked, motioning towards the TV.
"Had to keep myself awake somehow." He explained, but it only made you more confused.
"So I can take care of you, y’muppet." His words actually melted your heart - more than chocolate could melt on your forehead right now.
After you'd settled, Harry reached into the bucket and drained out a cloth. He made sure all the excess water was cleared before moving it away from the bucket. You hummed in appreciation when he placed it against your forehead, rotating it to the back of your neck also in order to relax and cool you. It made you realise just how hot you were.
"I think i'm dying, Harry." You groaned as the nausea came over you again. Harry kept a firm hold of the cloth on your forehead, dabbing gently and careful to not let any water drip down into your eyes.
"No you're not, baby." Harry gave you a light-hearted laugh.
"Well, living shouldn't feel as shitty as this H." You grumbled, not appreciating his lack of understanding.
“Then just let me take you to the chuffing hospital!" He exclaimed, making Charlie stir slightly.
Harry had been demanding you go to the hospital all day and all evening, but you were too stubborn to go. That, and you were terrified of hospitals - more terrified of needles and blood than anything else. However, you were starting to reach the point where you were giving in to his request, though. It was becoming unbearable to sleep and harder to breathe. You were worried for yourself.
"I don't like it." You pouted like a child, as Harry wrung the cloth through the fresh water again.
"I don't care whether you like it or not, Y/N, I really think we should go. More like need." Harry insisted and you could tell he wasn’t giving up without a fight. You didn’t want that either.
You hated how he was right.
It was only going to get worse from here, and you didn't really want to be alive when that was going you happen, so going to the hospital to get checked over and drugged up seemed like the best option to go for. The more sensible option.
"Fine." You finally accepted, Harry slinking his arms tight around your waist after discarding the cloth in to the bucket. He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck and planted an abundance of kisses there, your skin burning just to the touch.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." He repeated in-between kisses.
It took 20 minutes to get in to the car. 20 minutes.
All because Charlie was reluctant to letting you get up and go. So Harry had to dress you into a more appropriate attire, with a dog sat on your lower body. It was then half an hour later that you were in the hospital.
The hospital was quiet at this time of night and for that you were grateful. It was obviously a night where little numbers of people were doing silly things to get themselves hurt. There was the odd patient for a minor cut injury and there were a couple of people in for burns. There was even a woman in because she accidentally superglued her hand to a bottle of superglue - ironic, but painful.
You sat patiently on Harrys lap, waiting for someone to escort you to a cubicle. You were freezing cold, to the point where your teeth were chattering - your outside body was giving off the opposite temperature. You tried to get as close to Harry's warmth as possible, pushing your body against his.
"You're alright baby." Harry shushed you, as you let out a small tremble.
"If I do die—"
"Which you won't." Harry chuckled.
"I know, but if I did I want you to know that I love you." You told him. Even though he's heard you say it a million times before, it still made his heart flutter as you spoke each word.
"I love you, baby." He kissed the side of your head. "But you're going to be just fine, so no more talking about you dying okay?"
"Why? It's only a natural thing." You pointed out.
"Sure, but I don't want to think of a world without my girl living in it. So zip it before I make you."
You never thought of dying as a world without Harry before now and it wasn't the time to start thinking about it either. It was a horrible thought and you understood why Harry didn't want you speak about it. That world would be so dark and empty and you hated thinking about it.
Harry was called to the front desk to fill in some forms for you, since your hands were too cold and shaky to do it for yourself. He accidentally wrote 'Styles' as your second name, before realising his mistake and scribbling it out.
“Shit.” Harry went red in the face and chuckled over his silly mistake. His hand was shaky and you smiled at how he got so flustered over something so simple. You rested your hand on top of his, bringing his attention to you.
“One day.” You told him and he leaned to give you a kiss on the lips. You couldn’t help but feel like his lips were a future promise to make sure he wouldn’t have to scribble out his second name the next time it was written next to yours.
The doctor saw you shortly afterwards and you thanked your lucky stars that there was no injections or removal of any blood involved, Harry sticking with you the whole time. Turns out you were suffering from a moderate fever, but the doctor said with good rest it should pass. The doctor had given Harry permission to make a big fuss over you - explaining how he was going to love it and you were going to hate it - and to make sure to come back with even the slightest worsen of the fever. You got given a prescription list of various medications that you'd need to take over the next week or so. After collecting the drugs, you were back in the car on the way home.
"Told you you weren't going to die." Harry smiled, happy to have you still by his side, whilst holding your hand over the gear console.
"Unfortunate for you, I guess."
"Will you shut you, y’bloody nuisance. You know I can't do life without you, Y/N." He spoke softly, squeezing your hand tighter to assure you that he's going nowhere.
"Same here." You smile at him and he smirks back at you with his dimple-loving smile.
"You’ll always be it for me, baby." Harry speaks, before you drift back off to sleep.
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esmecvllens · 4 years ago
Bridal Worries
A few days go @esmeshardwoodfloors wrote THIS post about Esme and Bella and I just had to make an oneshot out of it, I hope it’s ok! I’m not sure what exactly possessed me to write this, but I hope it’s nice. We need some more Cullen girls moments.
Bella stood in front of the Cullen mansion with her hands in her pockets. A bit anxious to come inside, she glared over the enormous house, hidden in the woods like a medieval castle. All the lights were off, and if Bella didn't know who lived there, she'd think all family members were sleeping. It was the middle of the night, to be fair, but Bella couldn't force herself to sleep and needed to talk with somebody. Charlie would be the obvious choice, but he was long asleep. And even if he wasn't, Bella would rather drown than ask him the questions she had, so she wore a hoodie over her pajamas and came to the one place where no one ever slept.
Bella sighed, hesitant to come inside. She knew she's always welcomed here, but she'd never actually came there without Edward. She never came intending to spend time alone with his family, and the thought of it made her nervous, but at the same time, she felt that if she doesn't voice her worries to anybody soon, she'd combust. Suddenly, she realized that she'd like to see Esme.
Bella hadn't talked with Esme one on one many times, but she had a feeling that only she would listen to her questions without any mockery. Esme, although being only eight years older than Bella, felt like her own mother to her. The difference, however, was that Esme was way warmer than Renee, Bella realized. There were things she would be too embarrassed to talk about with Renee, things too private or too serious, and she felt no such barrier with Esme. She wondered why that was. There was something about Esme that felt very welcoming, very sympathetic - was it her gentle way of being, or the fact that she willingly took five teenagers under her roof and treated them like their own, Bella wasn't sure. She knew, however, that Esme would never mock her worries.
Edward was hunting with his brothers, and Bella assumed that Carlisle went with them. So there were only women in the house. That thought gave Bella the confidence to walk over to the front doors.
She didn't get to knock on the doors before they opened, and Rosalie stood in them, with her eyebrows risen and arms crossed on her chest.
"Bella," she said with surprise in her voice, the reluctance she once felt towards Bella almost gone.
"I hope I'm not interrupting?" Bella replied quietly. She always felt overwhelmed by Rosalie, and even though their relationship improved recently, the blonde vampire still made her uncomfortable. Bella wasn't even sure what exactly Rosalie had that made her nervous, but it was probably a combination of her impeccable perfection and the way she felt about her. They made it impossible for Bella to relax while Rosalie was around.
Rosalie rolled her eyes. "You actually are, I was just about to go to sleep."
Bella chuckled, although she wasn't sure she was supposed to. Rosalie's sarcasm often left her confused, and she couldn't tell when she was joking and when she was serious.
"Come on in," Rose let Bella inside the house and switched the lights on. "Have you come to tell us that you're not marrying my brother after all?"
"Yes, I changed my mind," Bella joked. "I realized that marriage terrifies me more than vampirism. Call the whole thing off."
Rosalie smirked. "Fine by me, but Alice might have some objections."
They went into the living room, already prepared to host the wedding tomorrow. All the beautiful furniture was gone. The Cullens moved it out to create a big, open space, with only Edward's shining piano still proudly taking its place in the corner. It made Bella gasp out. Instantly, everything seemed more real. Only seeing the white flowers strategically placed around the living room, the ribbons and garlands of tiny lights hung around the windows, it finally hit Bella that she's getting married tomorrow. Her hands trembled again, and she hid them in her long sleeves, desperate to seem tough and ready. She didn’t want Rose to feel how terrified she really was.
Rosalie watched her expectantly, her arms still crossed at her chest.
"Bella, I don't mean to be rude," she said softly. "But is there any particular reason for your visit?"
"I was hoping to talk with Esme."
A shadow of surprise glimmered across Rosalie's beautiful face, but she quickly got rid of it and nodded.
"She's in their bedroom," she replied. "Do you know the way, or should I show you?"
"I know the way."
Bella had never been in Carlisle and Esme's room before. She passed it many times, but the doors were always locked, and so it was this time. Coming inside without knocking felt incredibly inappropriate, but before her fist hit the wooden doors, she heard Esme's voice inviting her in.
The bedroom was exactly how she imagined it to be. Just as the rest of the house, the walls were white, with wooden paneling on one of them and big windows overlooking the woods and sky. The room smelled of books and fresh flowers, and every paper, every pillow knew its place. The furniture was very tasteful, dark and mahogany, and made the room like an elegant hotel - only that hotels never felt this domestic. Heavy, velvet curtains were open to show the starry sky. The only messy part of the chamber was Esme herself; she placed her easel in front of the windows and painted on an enormous canvas, with paint on her apron and fingers. Judging by the details on the piece, it was almost done.
"I'm so sorry I didn't come downstairs to welcome you before, that’s very rude of me," Esme said, tracing the brush along her painting. "But you see, the sky today is just beautiful, I needed to capture it before it changes. Tomorrow is a big day, and painting always eases my nerves."
"No need to apologize," Bella replied and stood behind Esme, glaring at her unfinished work. "It's beautiful. Edward said you paint, but I think he diminished your abilities."
"You're too kind," Esme replied with a smile and wiped her fingers onto the apron. She looked lovely, very domestic, truly the heart of the house. Bella never saw her like this, and it almost felt like invading her privacy to watch her in her element, with messy hair and paint on her clothes, still beautiful, but a bit more human. If anything, it made her seem more real.
"Do you want something to drink, love? Maybe some tea? You seem cold."
"I'm fine, thank you," Bella replied, only then realizing that she'd been hiding her hands in her long sleeves.
Esme sat on the swivel chair, leather and brown, and crossed her legs elegantly. The moonlight fell inside the room and her skin shined with faint, sparkling diamonds. Bella saw it before on Edward, of course, but she couldn't draw her eyes away.
Esme didn't speak for a solid minute. She watched Bella with a smile on her face until it became quite obvious she's waiting for her to start. Bella sat on the bed, a bit hesitantly, and tucked her hair behind her ears.
Bella was never sure how she should talk to Esme - whether she ought to treat her like a mother, or like a friend. Esme had an aura of wisdom and grace around her, but after all, she was still only twenty-six years old. The rest of the family would call her their mom sometimes, but it didn't feel comfortable to Bella. She doubted if it ever would.
"I wanted to talk with you," she started a bit bashfully. She never opened up to Renee about certain things and wasn't sure where to begin, but Esme's calm, golden eyes were glued onto her, and Bella felt she has her full attention.
"Actually, I wanted to ask you a few questions, but they're rather private."
"You can talk to me about anything," Esme smiled at her reassuringly; she truly felt so. "You seem so nervous, Bella. Is it about the wedding?"
"The night before ours I was so stressed, Edward had to talk me down for hours. He would later joke that I nearly ran away," Esme confessed, a faint smile on her lips as if the remembering itself amused her a bit. Bella raised her eyebrows in surprise. She always looked up to Esme and Carlisle's relationship; she knew no bond stronger or more admirable than the love they shared. It felt odd, but very comforting to realize that they were once newlyweds, too, and faced the same challenges she and Edward stood before.
"Of course!" Esme shrugged. "I don't think those things change. If you asked Alice or Rose, they'd tell you the same. It's perfectly normal to be stressed."
A veil of silence fell between them for a second, before Esme cleared her throat.
"Although I have a feeling there's something else troubling you."
"There is," Bella sat more comfortably, with her legs crossed, and looked out of the windows. She wasn't the best at speaking about emotions. Her mother never taught her how to do it, and Charlie was happiest not speaking about them at all, so opening up to Esme felt new. New, but not necessarily scary. Bella found it easier if she wasn't looking at her, so she glued her sight onto the stars. "The honeymoon scares me more than the wedding itself."
Esme let out a sigh. To say she expected it would be an exaggeration, but it didn't surprise her that Bella would need guidance, and it made Esme smile that she chose her to confide in. Bella looked tiny and insecure sitting on the bed with her knees drawn to her chest. She truly looked her age then, and Esme almost ached to hug her, but she wanted to ease her nerves first.
She tried to dig deep into her memory and remember how she felt that first time, and for a second, she relived it all over again - the fear, the nerves, the excitement, all to be rewarded with bliss and love. She hoped Bella would have memories to cherish, too.
"What would you want to know, Bella?"
"Everything," she replied, still looking at the stars. "Everything I should know. I've never-" Bella started, but words got lost on their way out of her throat. "Never with a human, and a vampire... I suppose it's different."
"Well, yes, it is," Esme tried to put her words together with much consideration. "It is way more intense."
"What should I expect?" Bella whispered, feeling Esme's amber eyes on her, but she didn't turn her head.
"Oh, it's an absolutely divine feeling," Esme replied softly and placed her hands on her knees. Bella felt as if she was talking with her older sister, not Edward's mother. She should be more embarrassed, but she wasn't. "It truly bonds you for the first time, body and soul. It's very powerful, sweetheart, even more to us than to humans."
"Will it hurt?"
"I'm sure Edward will not act hastily, but I'm afraid it might be a little painful to you. In the beginning, at least. Your human body is very fragile compared to ours."
Bella looked at her with her lower lip bitten. She surmised all the thigs Esme had just told her, but it felt comforting to hear them said out loud. The way Esme spoke, calmly, softly, it all made Bella feel safe. "Is it different from... intercourse with another human?"
"Very different," Esme nodded seriously. "My experiences as a human weren't the best, as I'm sure you know, and I don't know how is it between one of us and a human, but I can only imagine it's the most heavenly. Sex between normal people is... well... when you have a comparison, it's boring."
Bella let out a chuckle when Esme blinked at her, trying her best to make her more comfortable, and it was working. Bella's tense body loosened up a bit and she finally dragged her eyes onto Esme.
"What if I'm not any good at it?" she whispered, and Esme smiled at her warmly, reassuringly. Her smile made Bella believe everything would be alright. She knew Jasper was the one to control emotions, but there was something about Esme's loving presence, about her maternal ways of being and bright eyes that Bella felt more relaxed, and she was so happy she opened up to her.
"Oh, love, nobody's good at it at the beginning," Esme replied. "But communication is the key. I know Edward is not the one to open up easily but talk to him."
"I'm afraid we're similar this way."
"You're doing wonderful tonight," she smiled. "You need to talk about it to get better at it. Voice what you like and what you don't, make Edward do the same. You have to be truly honest with each other for it to work."
Bella was watching her with her eyes opened wide, invested, focused on every word, and it made Esme love her even more. Bella deserved somebody to confide in, and she was more than happy to take that role tonight.
"It scares me," Bella whispered. "The vulnerability. I want to, of course, but at the same time..."
"Remember that you don't have to do anything you don't want to do," Esme said, way more seriously. "No pressure, love. I know it seems very scary. It's very rewarding, but it can be overwhelming."
Bella just nodded, but Esme was still piercing her with her caring eyes.
"Is Edward pressuring you into something?"
"No, God, no," Bella shook her head so lively, she heard a quiet crack in her neck. "Don't worry about... it. But he said he talked about those things with Carlisle, and I wanted to get some insight, too."
"Did he?" Esme chuckled. "I didn't know that. I wonder what Carlisle told him."
"What you told me, basically," Bella shrugged softly and yawned loudly, making Esme smirk. She suddenly felt very sleepy. Talking with Esme eased her nerves a bit, and she felt she could fall asleep peacefully now.
"I'm so glad you came to me, Bella. It's really my pleasure to help you with anything you need."
"Thank you."
"Did I help a bit?"
"You did," Bella replied, standing up from the bed and smiling at her. "You really did. Thank you for listening to me. I didn't know who to talk to about it. Alice probably wouldn't help at all, and Edward... you know."
"Oh, I do," Esme laughed and stood up to take Bella into a long, tight embrace. Bella returned it thankfully; although Esme’s skin was cold as ice, the hug seemed warmer than any other. Bella yawned again, and Esme laid a kiss onto her forehead.
"You should really go to sleep, love," she said. "Tomorrow is a big day. You can sleep in Edward's room if you don't feel like driving."
"No, no, I have to go back," Bella mumbled, her arms still wrapped around Esme. "Charlie isn't a fan of my night escapades. I should be home in the morning. One last time."
She left the Cullen house feeling as if an enormous weight had been pulled off her chest. As she was driving home, she made a mental note to always come to Esme with her future worries.
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idunnoficsorsumthing · 4 years ago
Next Steps
Sequel to Wedding Dress Shopping. 
George Weasley x reader
I had to make it dramatic I am sorry ya’ll. Because, I wrote another ending and then I felt like it was too happy, so I wrote this lol. Everybody gotta have some angst. Also I got distracted by a Lewis Capaldi livestream. It was great, he is amazing. 
This isn’t a Taylor Swift ending but I hope it is good enough. XD @enchantedcruelsummer
2 years later.
George and you broke up. The two of you had been together since your fourth year at Hogwarts when you hadn’t known that the infamous George Weasley was temporarily an old man. You scolded him for trying to ask you for the three broomsticks. He asked you again as regular George Weasley, and that time you told him to piss off. However, you did become close friends with Fred, and by the time of Yule Ball you asked George, and he said yes. Two years ago the two of you opened Freddie’s monkey Business near Ilvermorny, and you wanted to continue traveling the world while George had seen enough of America, and though he loved to visit Freddie’s. You had gotten an offer to work with Charlie in Romania, and you accepted it. “Georgeee” You said, swinging the door open to the apartment. He was in the kitchen cooking dinner. “I got great news.” you tell him. Pecking a kiss on his lips. You look at the stove, and your favorite meal is being cooked. “What is going on?” you ask. He had a stupid smile on his face. “I made dinner.” he said, you take off your coat, and take it to the hanger that was near the door.“What’s the news, darling?” George asked from the kitchen. You walk back to the kitchen, and you take a can of coke from the fridge. “I’ll tell you later, I am starving.” you said, you sit down on one of the stools in the kitchen, enjoying your boyfriend cooking. 
The two of you sat at the dinner table. He told you about his day, and that Bill took little Victoire to the store, and you were sad that you missed that. “I actually made dinner for a reason.” he said, he was being fidgety. “Why?” you ask curiously. He looks at you with a big smile. “Will you marry me?” he asked. Taking out a ring from his pocket. “Oh, George.” You said: “I don’t think right now is the right time for us to get married.” you watched his face go from happiness to heartbroken. “What?” he asked. You take his hand in yours. “I just accepted a job in Romania, working with Charlie.” you said, you could see him try to not let him touch him. “For how long?” he asked. You take another sip of the wine George poured. “Unknown. It depends on the research done.” you said, his eyes widened. “Charlie has been there since he graduated!” George snapped. “I’m sorry, George!” you said, he angrily stepped away from the table. “We could do a long engagement?” you said, he shook his head. “I thought you wanted to get married?” he said, you walk after him. He kept walking through the apartment. “I do!” you said: “I really do. Just not now.” he shook his head. “But you do in a year or six?” he snapped. “I want to move on, Y/n.” he added. You could feel the tears start to form in your eyes. You knew George, he was never going to go for it. “What do you suggest then? That I tell your brother I won’t come because I have to play housewife for you?” you said, you might have been a little louder than you intended. “No of course not! Go, stay whatever you want that’s what you are good at! ” he barked. You were taken back by his remark. “Fuck you, George. What was that supposed to mean?” you demanded. He stopped in his step. “Fourth year. I asked you out twice, and then you go for Fred and then when he doesn’t want you. You ask me to the yule ball.” he said, you laugh. “I was never interested in Fred like that, I just thought you were an idiot!” you snapped. He just stared at you angrily. “You know what, forget it. I am leaving.” you said, you walk out the front door. You slammed it shut, and you pray that George follows you.
Some weeks later
You felt pretty embarrassed to have to tell Charlie that you were pregnant… With his brother’s baby who you haven’t seen in seven weeks. You only found out just now, so it wasn’t like you went to this job knowing you were pregnant. “Charlie? can I talk to you?” you ask, stepping inside of his room in the big cabin. He nods. “Yes of course!” he said, you hadn’t known Charlie that well, and it hadn’t been that awkward when you came here, and told him you weren’t with George anymore. “I just found out. But, I am with child.” you said, he looked at you quite unsure what to say. “You should not tell the boss.” Benjamin Illazor was a tough boss, but his work was brilliant, and he definitely wouldn’t like that you were pregnant. “Please, don’t write George.” you tell him. You knew that was something big to ask of him. “When are you telling him?” he asked. You looked at him, and this was the only moment you thought was ever going to be awkward with Charlie. “I’m not.” you said softly. You looked at your hands, you had them placed in your lap. “What? You can’t not tell him.” he said, you nod. “This is not up for debate right now.” you said, tears filled your eyes. Charlie knew it was time to quit.  You get up from your seat, and start to walk out the door. “Y/n” Charlie said, you turn around. “Congratulations.” he said, you give him a smile.
You hid your pregnancy well enough. You wore oversized sweaters which was an easy thing to do because Autumn in Romania wasn’t that warm. Charlie loved the idea of being an uncle, he gifted you a onesie with a dragon on it. “Y/n!” Benjamin said, when you walked past the door of his office. You stop, and walk into his office. “Mr. Illazor, what can I do for you?” you ask. He chuckled. “For the tenth time. Call me Benjamin.” he chuckled. You nod. “We like your research, and even though this research study is ending in January. We want you onboard for the next study in Croatia.” He said, This was only a couple of months, and Charlie wouldn’t be coming to Croatia. Because he belonged here, and he was a part of a different study. You had the baby to think of, and would you want her or him to live. Ideally it would be England. “I would have to think about it, sir.” you said, 
Christmas Eve
Most of the people had gone home for the holidays, and you didn’t see the point in going home, there was no one to go home to. You decided to stay, you were watching Jack Frost, and you were crying because Jack just died. You were holding your hand to your stomach. The baby was restless, it just wanted to kick around, and keep it’s mum awake. “Keep quiet little bean.” you said, you tried to dry your tears. You have accepted the fact that your baby will only have you. Even Though, you still cried many nights about it. Maybe you should go to Croatia. It would make sense, you wouldn’t have to see George. It was cruel of you to not want to see George. But, it hurt. Every time you thought about him, it still made your heartache because you still loved him. Maybe you should tell him. He deserved to know. But, then it would be a whole thing, he probably had a new girlfriend now anyway. He would be moving on with his life… You never thought that he would move on. But, he probably had. 
You heard a loud thud, you just thought it was the radiator that broke down again. You cover snuggle yourself into your blanket more. “Oi!” you heard a familiar voice. You look at the door, and George Weasley covered in ashes was standing in the doorway. “What the hell are you doing here?” You ask. You didn’t need to guess what he was doing here…. Charlie. “No! What the hell is wrong with you?” he said, you sit up, quickly reaching for your jumper. “I KNOW.” he stuttered. You shrug, struggling to get up with your belly holding you down. His eyes were pretty wide when he saw your body. You were just wearing sweatpants, and a shirt that was on the small side. “I thought you knew, why are you looking at me like that?” You ask. He shrugs. “You just look different.” he said, you squint your eyes at him. “Yeah! I gained a baby!” you snap.  “Can I?” he asked. He held out his hand. You nod. He touched your stomach, and the baby who was already restless was now holding some kind of party. “I’m sorry about everything.” he chuckled, when he felt the kick. “I don’t want you to say that because there is a baby.” You said, you could feel the tears swell up again. You don’t really know if this is pregnancy hormones or the pain. “I’m not. I swear I’m not. I was just stubborn, and I thought you didn’t want me to come after you.” he said: “I’ve been absolutely miserable.” A small smile appeared on your face. He was neatly dressed, the christmas eve dinner… Oh no Molly was going to kill you, that George was here instead of sitting at her dinner table. You pull him at his tie, close to you pressing a kiss on his lips. You wanted to push yourself closer to him, but your stomach was pressing against his. He passionately kissed you back, his kiss was full of hunger. “I hate you, Idiot” you said, stopping the kiss. You fix your hair, that he messily touched. “I love you, too.” he smirked. 
Weeks later
The crying of the baby alerted you, as you were standing in the kitchen with Molly. You went to the crib that was in the bedroom. But, once you reach the bedroom door, George already stopped the baby’s cry. “Shhh it’s alright, Ophelia.” he said softly. Her sobs turned into soft hiccups, and quickly the crying faded. George was completely smitten with Ophelia. He wasn’t to be swatted away from her. You walk back to the kitchen, Molly and you were drinking a cup of tea. “George got her.” you tell her. You sit back down in your chair. You remember the first time you saw her again. It was Christmas morning, and the two of you sat down at the table, and you thought she was going to scold, and she simply said “As a mother I understand, as George’s mother I think he should’ve known from the start.” Those words stuck with you because of course she was going to stick with him. Just like every action you took was for your little bean. You chuckle to yourself looking at the engagement ring on your finger. It turned out pretty good. 
That night you were holding your two week old daughter in your arms, she smelled like newborn babies, and baby lotion. You didn’t want her to grow up, you wanted to be able to hold her in your arms forever. George slipped into the bed. “I love you.” you said, he pecked a kiss on your cheek. “I love you too.” he said, you chuckled. “I was talking to this little bean here.” you laugh. “But, I love you too.” You said, turning to him, and pecking a kiss on his lips.
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darkestdesired · 6 years ago
Immortal Guardians
Part 1
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AN:I imagine the reader to be 6 years old and she's extremely kind and innocent. Like anyone who meets her instantly falls in love with her.
"Why are we here?" rosalie sighed as her and Edward walked over to carlisle. "It's (Y/n)..there was an accident. " their eyes shot open, edward was too worried to read through his thoughts. "What happened, is she okay?!" rosalie was panicked, i was like a little sister to the Cullen's children, ever since emmett saved me from a rogue vampire while he was out on a hunt.
He was heading back home when he heard screaming. He quickly rushed towards the sound when he saw a vampire holding me up in the air by my throat, i was crying and kicking while the rogue laughed. Emmett quickly kicked the rogue and caught me as i fell, i grabbed onto him as i gasped for air. Jasper and alice appeared next to him, alice took me from emmett and ran to the house while Emmett and jasper tore the rogue to pieces and set him on fire. It took a while for me to calm down but they waited patiently and explained everything, after that i visited them regularly since my father was a fellow doctor at the hospital with Carlisle.
Carlisle sighed, "(Y/n) ,and her parents were on their way home from lunch when a drunk truck driver crashed into their car, her parents died on impact because they weren't wearing seatbelts, but luckily she was in her carseat, it saved her life. (Wear your seatbelts!) She made it out with only a broken arm along with scrapes and bruises." Rosalie covered her mouth and they both looked over to see Charlie walk out of the room.He walked over with a sad look,"Shes asking for all of you,i thought it would be best if someone she trusted told her. " Carlisle nodded. "Thank you. " Charlie gave a sad smile before walking away. Alice,jasper,emmett,bella,and esme hurried over, "We came as soon as i saw, Where is she?" Alice was panicking, Carlisle had a sad expression. "She's waiting for us, follow me. " He led them into the room, there were a few gasps when the saw me, i was laying flat on my back as i cried, i turned to them and held out my hand, Esme quickly ran over after carlisle shut the door, she sat in a chair next to the bed and held onto my hand. "It hurts. " esme nodded, if she could cry, she would be. "I know sweetheart, your such a strong girl." I looked around the room at them all. "Where are mommy and daddy?" They all felt their immortal hearts break.Carlisle clenched his hands together tightly,he hated the fact that he had to tell a 6 year old that her parents are dead "I'm so sorry sweetheart their gone.. " i furrowed my eyebrows sadly. "Where did they go?" they all felt a pain in their chest from my innocence. "Oh sweetheart, he means they passed on, they didn't make it. " Esme spoke softly, It clicked, Edward and alice had to turn away, bella held onto edward while jasper held Alice's hand. "T-Their dead...? " Esme nodded,she could see the pain in my eyes. I started crying harder while Esme pulled me into a hug. We sat like that for a while, after about an hour i fell asleep from exhaustion.They quietly went into the hallway, "What do we do, we can't just leave her." Emmett stated, Bella furrowed her eyebrows while she thought. "Doesn't she have an uncle?" Carlisle nodded, "Yes but he is unable to take her in due to medical reasons. " Edward and alice shared a look. "What if we take her in?","We're all she has!" Rosalie wanted to interject but she knew they were right,i was basically family anyways. "All in favor of (Y/n) living with us raise your hand."Their hands all shot up even if Rosalie was a bit hesitant,"I'll settle the paperwork,watch over (Y/n)." They nodded and split off.
It had been a month since the accident, most of my bruises and scrapes healed, although their were still scars, and my arm was getting better due to the constant checkups from Carlisle. I was sitting in my room while my family sat downstairs, they were waiting for a group called the 'Volturi' I was told they were a group of very powerful vampires that had three kings that controlled all of the vampire race. The Volturi were coming to check up on Renesmee,and they hoped that she would distract them from me.
They arrived at the house in a matter of seconds, Ciaus sniffed the air. "There is a human inside. " Aro grinned."Come now brother, i am sure there is a reasonable explanation." Caius growled as they walked up the steps.Carlisle greeted them at the door and allowed them inside. Aro was talking with renesmee while Caius was interrogating the cullens, Marcus used this as a chance to investigate the human they smelled. He made his way quietly upstairs and opened my bedroom door, he was so quiet that i hadn't noticed. I was currently drawing flowers on my cast, Marcus watched me with a soft expression, he noticed how sad i looked, he knew that look all too well, it was the face of someone who had lost loved ones. I noticed Marcus out of the corner of my eyes and gave him a kind smile, this caused a smile to form on his lips as well. "Hello, I'm (Y/n),What's your name?" Marcus looked down at me as i walked over to him. "I am Marcus, little one. " i smiled again. "Are you a king?" Marcus chuckled, "Yes i am." my eyes lit up. "Cool, Do you live in a big fancy castle?" Marcus found my curiosity adorable, he offered me his hand, i took it as he led me downstairs. "Yes i do, maybe one day i can show you. " i nodded. "That would be awesome. " Everyone was in the living room, they all turned to me. "Look, i made a new friend!" Marcus smiled down at me. Caius turned to the Cullen's, "You brought in a human child?! " Aro held out a hand to shush Caius when he saw me flinch,i hid behind Marcus and held onto his cape. Aro walked over and knelt down, "What's your name Sweetheart?" i looked up at him. "(Y/n)." I mumbled. "Well (Y/n),you don't have to be afraid,ciaus wont hurt you,He's all bark. " Aro teased, Caius growled. Aro held out a hand for me, i looked up at Marcus,he smiled and nodded. I slowly reached out and took his hand, Aro's face changed a few times before giving me a sad look. He cleared his throat and stood up, "I see, i shall let this slide. " Caius furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean, what if she tells someone?" Aro glared at Caius, "Then we'll have to keep a close eyes on her as well,won't we brother? " Marcus nodded in agreement. I noticed Jane and alec staring at me, i let go of Marcus's hand and walked over to them. Jane's eyes widened as i tugged on her dress, she hesitated for a moment before crouching down. "Hello child, what is it that you want?" I giggled. "You're pretty." Jane's mouth parted she blinked a few times before patting my head. Alec picked me up after Jane stood, "What about me?" I giggled. "You're pretty too!" Felix and Demetri snickered,Alec shot them a glare. Aro smiled, "Why don't you four take (Y/n) outside to play while we finish up here?" Rosalie growled and stepped forward but Alice put out a hand to stop her. "They won't hurt her,trust me." She reluctantly backed down,emmett rubbed her back. Alec carried me outside while Jane,Felix and Demetri followed. They watched from on the porch as alec followed me around while i picked flowers and put them in a small pile in his hands. "Wow, we finally found someone with the same energy as him. " Felix teased,Demetri laughed. Jane watched with a smile, i ran over to her with a flower ring. "Jane, Jane, Look what Alec taught me!" Jane crouched down and giggled. I took her hand and placed the ring on her palm, "For me?" she had a confused expression, i nodded and smiled. She felt a smile tug on her lips, "I shall cherish it forever. " I smiled and gasped. They watched curiously as i reached into my dress pocket and pulled out a black marker, "Sign my cast!" Jane raised a brow before they each took the marker and signed their names.Everyone came outside and Esme helped me put on my grey coat since it was getting chilly.I hugged them all, even caius, which caught him off guard.Marcus booped my nose, "You are always welcome to the castle little one." I smiled and hugged him. They hadn't expected it, but their unbeating hearts were stolen by a 6 year old with a heart of gold,What new adventures would i bring? Only time would tell.
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spencerberkeley · 7 years ago
Full Name: Charles Arthur Spencer Berkeley.
Nicknames: Both parents refuse to call him anything other than Charles. Nora and Camilla both call him Charlie. Some of his old university friends started calling him Spenny to piss him off, and it ended up sticking in those circles. Professionally, however, he is always known as Spencer.
Birthday: August 27th.
Age: 37.
Gender: Male.
Place of Birth: Guildford, England, United Kingdom.
Nationality: British.
Places Lived Since: Fife, Scotland (briefly, during his time at St. Andrews.) Epsom and London, England.
Parents: Catherine Finchley, Alistair Berkeley.
Grandparents: Arthur Finchley (grandfather, maternal, deceased) Olivia Finchley (grandmother, maternal) Baron Orson Berkeley (grandfather, paternal) Cecelia Berkeley (grandmother, paternal) 
Aunts and Uncles: Vivienne Hathaway, Rosalie Romanova (née Berkeley, aunts, paternal), Alexander, William Berkeley (uncles, paternal), Alexandra Finchley-Barrington (aunt, maternal) Rupert Finchley, Sanford Finchley (uncles, maternal)
Number of Siblings: Two younger sisters, Camilla (30) and Nora (32). Had an older brother, George, but he died when Spencer was eleven.
Children: Two daughters, Ailsa Berkeley (4) Rosslyn Berkeley (6)
Relationship With Family: Spencer’s parents divorced shortly after George’s death, and it came as a total shock. None of the children were expecting it because they’d hid the stress of dealing with their son’s illness so well. Spencer definitely dealt with it poorly in comparison to Camilla and Nora, and was incredibly angry at them; mostly because he was expecting them to reconcile and they never did. Catherine and Alistair remain friends. Whilst his mother has since remarried, his father never did, but they all make a huge effort to see each other regularly as a family. Spencer is incredibly close to his father and Camilla, whereas Nora was always closer to their mother.
Happiest Memory: It was a pretty simple vacation to Devon, shortly before his brother got sick. The two boys sat watching fireworks for what felt like hours in Plymouth, talking about stupid things and eating awful food from a van. I think it sticks out as the most memorable for him because it was the last time they were all together as a family. The last time he has a solid memory of George not being ill.
Childhood Trauma: Seeing his brother, George, suffer through leukaemia was about as traumatic as it gets. Honestly, he’s still pretty irrationally angry about losing him, because he was way too good a person to go young. The family doesn’t talk about it, ever, and Spencer is glad. They were always the closest of the siblings—he worshipped the ground George walked on—and the topic is still too touchy.
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 185lbs.
Build: Mesomorph. Well-built, very fit.
Hair Color: Light brown.
Usual Hair Style: Short back and sides, neatly styled on top. Neat, well-maintained stubble for the face. Only goes cleanly shaven for important events.
Eye Color: Blue.
Glasses? Contacts?: Neither. Perfect vision.
Style of Dress/Typical Outfit(s): Spencer is a stylish motherfucker, okay. Looking good is incredibly important to him, and so he puts a lot of effort into it. Three piece suits. Designer watches. He gets shit on by the press for spending too much money on his attire when ‘some people in his constituency can hardly afford to put food on the table’ but that’s one thing he won’t compromise on. Keep trying.
Typical Style of Shoes: Can’t go wrong with a good, stylish pair of Oxfords.
Jewellery? Tattoos? Piercings?: Always wears a gold signet ring, bearing his family’s crest, on his right little finger. It was a gift from his father after becoming elected. No tattoos or piercings.
Scars: A thin line through his top lip as a result of getting whacked a little too hard in the face by a sparring partner whilst boxing. Still didn’t teach him to think twice about winding his opponents up too much. Luckily, it kind of suits him.
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: Spencer paces. A lot.
Athleticism: Boxes several times a week to keep fit and kill stress, so if he threatens to beat the shit out of you—which he very well might (but probably wouldn’t follow through on, shh)—then he’s not all bark and no bite.
Health Problems/Illnesses: None.
Level of Education: Attended Eton. MSc in Politics and Communications from LSE.
Languages Spoken: English (native) French (intermediate)
Level of Self Esteem: Very high. The fact that he’s in love with himself is not a secret.
Gifts/Talents: Being a raging cunt. Also a top class writer.
Mathematical?: Hugely.
Makes Decisions Based Mostly On Emotions, or On Logic?: Logic. Spencer doesn’t care about anyone’s emotions, and his own are usually included in that statement. He is a master at suppressing them—both the good and the bad—and always has been, particularly when it comes to work.
Life Philosophy: “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” - Quote courtesy of his second political hero, Margaret Thatcher. 
Religious Stance: Atheist.
Cautious or Daring?: Incredibly daring. That being said, he’s had to tone down the ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude since becoming an elected representative, as he realises the consequences of his actions are a lot more scrutinized now. He can’t get away with half of the shit he used to pull as a journalist.
Most Sensitive About/Vulnerable To: His kids. The press can hack his personal life to shreds all they’d like, but the girls are off-limits.
Optimist or Pessimist?: Pessimist.
Extrovert or Introvert?: Extroverted in personality—he’s about as outgoing as it gets—but he does so whilst sharing little about himself as a person.
Current Relationship Status: Single.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Past Relationships: Many very brief liaisons recently—enough for the media to drag him for it on multiple occasions, and for his personal life to become their main negative focus. But Spencer’s only real relationship came in the form of his marriage to Evelyn Whitmore. They met whilst he was in his final year of LSE, and were together for four years before marrying. The marriage lasted seven more, during which they had two children: Ailsa and Rosslyn. Evelyn left him when he stopped the journalism to become involved with politics, himself. She said it ‘changed’ him, and even though she’d tried, she couldn’t be with him anymore. It hurt because he definitely loved her more than he considers himself capable of doing again, but he has moved on. Spencer is not about pining. Not even for her.
Primary Reason For Being Broken Up With: Is an insufferable asshole. Hugely unsociable working hours.
Primary Reasons For Breaking Up With People: Boredom.
Ever Cheated?: Nah.
Ever Been Cheated On?: More than likely.
Level of Sexual Experience: If there’s such a thing as too high, then it’s that.
Story of First Kiss: A girl Spencer met whilst his family holidayed in The Maldives. They were both fifteen and her father chased him all the way down the beach when he caught them. He never saw her again, and can’t even remember her name, but still laughs when he looks back on the memory.
Story of Loss of Virginity: Spencer was seventeen, and he hooked up with his sister’s best friend, a year his junior, after he picked the girls up from their prom. Nora had threatened to beat the shit out of him. They briefly dated for a couple of months, but he soon got bored because she was fucking vacuous. Nora never got over it, and the relationship with her friend was never the same.
A Social Person?: Absolutely. Spencer feeds off social situations, and would implode if he didn’t have someone to rant to. That being said, he’s incredibly selective about those he’s social with, because most people annoy the shit out of him.
Most Comfortable Around: Honestly, he’s comfortable around few. Spencer is constantly waiting for someone to stab him in the back, because politics is nasty and that’s just how the game goes. Comfortable around his family. His assistants, Val and Pippa. Cassie, Jess and Gideon. Wished he still had Harrison, too.
Oldest Friend: Jack Bronson, an old friend from Eton, who now works as a junior political correspondent for the BBC. The brotherly relationship means a lot to him and sustained his sanity after losing George. Even though he could exploit the connection, he tends not to unless absolutely necessary.
Enemies: Adam Hassan. Fuck that bitch. Spencer is still convinced he tried it on with his wife (who was and still is working as his PA) whilst they were married, and he’ll never forgive him for that, or the fact he’s Labour and she let him.
How Does He Think Others Perceive Him?: Obnoxious. Blunt. Aggressive. An absolute royal asshole.
How Do Others Actually Perceive Him?: All of those things. Luckily, he’s too good at his job for them not to keep him around anyway.
Life Goals: Foreign or Home Secretary sounds pretty good to him.
Dreams: To retire from political life with his reputation intact. For his kids not to hate him. Move into consultancy work. Make a fuck load of money. Own a yacht just so he can tell people he owns a yacht.
Greatest Fears: Elevators.
Most Ashamed Of: In all honesty, Spencer has very little shame. Maybe a little in regard to his conduct because he feels like he might be disappointing his mother? Aside from that, nah. You don’t work the way he works if you have shame.
Secret Hobbies: Painting. He never much considered himself an artistic person, but after attempting a mural on the wall of his kids’ bedroom at his place (with their help, of course) he actually picked it up as something to do in his very limited down time. He’s not amazing, but he definitely enjoys it.
Crimes Committed (Was he caught? Charged?): Aside from some illegal drug taking, he’s clean.
Night Owl or Early Bird?: Both. What is sleep?
Light or Heavy Sleeper?: Very light. Always rolling around expecting a phone call about some political disaster, or is too distracted thinking about work to fully switch off.
Favourite Animal: Snakes.
Favourite Food: Halloumi.
Least Favorite Food: Apples. General salady food because health is overrated.
Favourite Book: The Prince – Niccolò Machiavelli
Least Favorite Book: Does The Communist Manifesto count? Wouldn’t wipe his ass with that shit.
Favourite Movie: The Departed.
Least Favourite Movie: Fight Club.
Favourite Song: Hysteria – Muse.
Favourite Sport: Rugby. He would support England to the ends of the Earth. Also quite likes watching basketball.
Coffee or Tea?: Coffee.
Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?: Neither.
Type of Car He Drives: Has an Aston Martin Vanquish, but God forbid he drives it anywhere. There would be less public backlash if he just set fire to a poor person in the street. Most of the time he tries to be a good MP and use the peasanty public transport. If not, he has a Mercedes Benz E-Class that’s just old enough not to offend.
Lefty or Righty?: Left-handed.
Favorite Color: Black.
Cusser?: If he’s not cussing, you need to be worried. Every other word is typically a curse with this asshole. Accept it.
Smoker? Drinker? Drug User?: Yes. Excessively so. Less so since becoming a father, but that doesn’t mean he won’t enjoy a line every now and again if he’s in certain company. Cocaine brings people together, guys.
Biggest Regret: No point wasting time regretting things.
Pets: Three goldfish he recently won at a fair with his girls. Even he wasn’t heartless enough to flush them. Rosslyn named two: Sparkles and Big Mac. He named the third Malcolm Tucker after his personal political hero, and is permanently disappointed that he still hasn’t eaten the fuck out of the other two. Often talks to them about political policy when he’s too stressed to deal with actual human beings. Thus far, they haven’t answered back.
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ofwoodsandwaves · 8 years ago
If you're still looking for prompts, then Charlett 6
6. “Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” 
[this work is the first chapter of a longer fic — AO3]
The little moments stick to you like omens 
The door closed, squeaking loudly as it always had as far as Charlie could remember. She pushed against it as she turned the lock until she heard the distinctive click. Sighing, she leaned against the door, trying to gather herself before turning to her fiancé. Who was apparently half naked in her childhood bed.
“What the hell, Connor?”
He’d been leaning on the headboard, shirtless, with the sheets concealing his lower body, and reading a battered blue notebook, which Charlie definitely remembered as being her journal pre “Uncle Miles’ boyfriend Bass has a son, his name is Connor and he’s gonna spend Christmas with us”.
“So you had a crush on my dad when you were a kid, huh?” Connor cocked an eyebrow and smiled smugly. So smugly that Charlie couldn’t help but screech and jump on the bed to wrestle the journal out of his hands. After a bit of a tussle — their parents were probably thinking they were doing something else considering the racket, but that would serve them for making them share a room — Charlie found herself in possession of the notebook while sitting in Connor’s lap. Connor’s hips buckled to get her off him, her hands reached for his thigh under the sheets to settle down but the sheets slipped off his legs, revealing to Charlie a very naked upper thigh and a distinct lack of boxers around Connor’s ass. 
She jumped off him, still clutching the notebook to her chest, and turned to place the notebook in her desk drawer.
“Is there a reason you’re naked in my bed?” Just thinking of the fact that she’d probably groped his thighs several times during the tussle had her blushing so bad she couldn’t turn around and face him. 
“Well, that’s just how I sleep. But I guess I could make an effort and wear some sweatpants.” She could feel the smugness oozing from him, and almost turned around to lash out when the bed creaked under Connor’s weight.
“You’re an ass, and you’re also wearing boxers under those sweatpants.” 
Rummaging through her bag, looking for her sleepwear she was struck by an idea. She waited until he was back in the bed, before taking off her blouse and then shimming out of her jeans, standing in the bedroom in her red bra and black panties.
“I hope you don’t mind, I only wear a t-shirt when I sleep.” She undid the bra clasp, letting it fall along her arms into the bag before putting on her sleep shirt. It was a free shirt with the university logo she had won her first month there and it barely hid her ass. Turning to him, she saw his eyes flit away from her while his face looked redder than before. She couldn’t help but add, because she couldn’t sleep otherwise, yet also out of pettiness:
“I always sleep on the left of the bed by the way.” 
The bed creaked again as Connor moved away from her, grumbling as he went, “Honestly, this plan sucks, they didn’t react like we planned at all.” It seemed that they were finally gonna talk about this thing they were stuck in, after spending the whole afternoon and the quite long family dinner acting like lovebirds. 
“I don’t understand why they reacted like that, your dad was smiling, like the smile he usually only gives to Uncle Miles and my mom was so cool with it, what the hell? Every decision I have made since I turned fifteen was dissected and criticized and we tell her I’m getting engaged to you, Monroe’ son and she’s smiling and asking when’s the wedding.” 
Connor punched his pillow and played with a thread while Charlie couldn’t help but glare at her bedroom, betrayed by the people she thought she knew best. 
“I’m pretty sure I saw her and Danny exchange a bill in the kitchen. And. And I don’t understand how Miles thought you had proposed to me and Dad agreed with him! Damn, the one time Dad is proud of me is over my choice of fake fiancée.” His hands clenched as he spoke. “What do we do now? The plan was to tell them it was fake after a week, and for them to be relieved and agree that it was a nice prank. But they are… Happy about this? What do we do?” 
Charlie turned off the lights, in that moment, lying down in the same bed as Connor, their heads facing each other she felt very lost and yet completely safe.
“I don’t know. I guess we could, huh, we could keep it up and wait for an opportunity to tell them it was fake. No offense but I don’t think us getting married over a prank would be a good thing.” 
He sighed, “That’s what we’ll do then, wait for the right moment and break it to them. Night.” 
Curled up in a bed that had always been hers alone, it was weirdly easy to let go of her old habits and fall asleep facing Connor. And if her hand was really close to him, well, nobody had to know. 
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roundtheworldwithtaytay · 6 years ago
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Today we leave the lovely Isle of Skye and it has been purely magical.  I have to say that the next leg of our trip I am looking the most forward to as it has to do with my favorite man, person, grandpa on the planet, my Popa Ray and his family, the Chisholms.
We leave Hamie and Katherine and thank you for their amazing hospitality.  Katherine gives us a delightful care package and we are on our way, stopping briefly at the beautiful Eilean Donan Castle, in Kyle of Lochlash.  It is truly spectacular and one of the most, if not the most picturesque castle that I have ever seen in my life.  The MacRae’s seem to know a good spot.  That is the last of things we will see today that have no significance of either my family or Tam’s
Next stop… Loch Ness (yes that Loch Ness) and Urquhart Castle which were it not in ruin would rival Eilean Donan.  Urquhart Castle was a castle that my family had stronghold of in the 1600’s.  It is perfectly positioned in one of the most beautiful areas of Loch Ness.  We take a walk around.  This is my second time to see the castle, but a first from the inside.  I saw it last time via a boat.   We don’t spot Nessie, so we decide to move along.  Next off to Cannich and Glen Affric which were my family’s clan lands.
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We drive into Cannich, stopping briefly at a church and later a house that I believe to be Comar Lodge, my family’s original clan seat.  There is a sign out front threatening to shoot anyone who trespasses.  Seems to check out with my feisty family.  I don’t want to rock the boat so we move on.
We drive down through Glen Affric, stopping to hike up to a viewpoint of the gorgeous lands.  I collect some thistle flowers, 5 total as representatives of my direct Chisholm family (Popa, my mom, brother, sister and me) and put it aside to dry.  We walk down and then drive further to the Chisholm Bridge and clan land marker for Clan Chisholm.  The moment is indescribable with both beauty and emotion.  I breathe in as much of the gorgeous Glen Affric air before we get into the car to drive on to another overlook of the area with a Chisholm stone.  We drive past sheep and then out of the corner of my eye saw a sign.  “Comar Lodge.”  We in fact had not seen my family’s clan seat.
We drive up and I get out to knock on the door.  I don’t want to just taking pictures of this privately owned home.  I am met by Mr. Ian Muir who kindly invites us into the property to take a look around, explaining that his family bought it from the Chisholm’s and had changed very little. 
He allows us to look about the place asking us to pay attention to the fireplace in the master bedroom.  It has my ancestor Roderick Chisholm’s initials in it.  He also later shows us where the Clan use to sharpen their blades on the front entryway stone before imparting more knowledge of my family, most of it I already knew.  His favorite explaining that Bonnie Prince Charlie was rumored to have stayed there when fleeing the British after the Battle of Culloden.  I knew this story well as there is a story that 8 men hid the Bonnie Price, 3 of them were apparently Chisholms.
We thank Mr. Muir for his kindness and take one last look around before heading off to the Chisholm stone lookout and then onto St. Mary’s of Eskadale where many of my ancestors are buried.  The church is picturesque and tucked off the road.  To find it I had to do a lot of research as it is not easily discovered and does not appear on GPS.  We find the church and take a look around.  I attempt some grave rubbings while Tammy documents all of my ancestor graves. 
Time is not in our favor so we leave, stopping briefly at Cnoc Hotel and have a beer in the Chisholm Bar before heading off to try to see Erchless Castle, my family’s castle clan seat.  Unfortunately this is a private estate now that rents out for a lot of money so we are unable.  We instead opt for the cemetery close by.  After ducking through a heavily vegetated area we round the corner to one of the most magnificent Celtic cross tombstones that I have ever seen in my life along with some smaller ones, all bearing my family’s crest and motto, “feros ferio,” meaning “I am Fierce With the Fierce.”  Essentially this was a call of warriors of which my family was.  There is historical significance that they fought with Robert the Bruce, William Wallace and were Jacobite’s who fought at the Battle of Culloden.
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This whole experience is so surreal.  Just a year ago I heard, for the first time, the history of this side of my family.  This family is still warriors, all serving in the United States Army.  They are very humble, but come from extraordinary beginnings.  Loyalty and honor still a cornerstone of my people and one that I pride myself on.  In this moment, in this beautiful cemetery I know where I come from and I understand myself for probably one of the first times in my life.  There is a reason I love Scotland.  It is in my blood and is in my bones.
I begrudgingly move on from this sacred ground.  Once again time is not on our side and we are hoping to make it to Tulloch Castle (once clan seat of Clan McBean, Tammy’s mother’s family).  The castle has since been turned into a beautiful hotel.  We make it to the castle as the sun is setting.  It is much later than we anticipated, around 9pm.  The restaurant is closed so we decide to go into the bar.
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I order a Scotland brewed, “Woohah,” and we sit down and chat.  As we are finishing off our first beer a man come’s in to alert guests of the castle to grab another drink as they would be permitted to carry it through the ghost tour of the castle.  Without hesitation I tell Tam, “we are going on this tour.”  She battles me slightly before determining there is nothing that is going to stop me from going.
We head through the castle with other guests learning that it is haunted by a young girl who broke her neck falling after catching her father with another woman, not her mother.  The tour is fun and like most ghost tours, but the best part is it affords us to see parts of the castle we otherwise would not have seen had we just had dinner or a drink.
It is getting late and although we have a final check in time of midnight, it is sometime around 11 p.m.  We have to get to Inverness to check into our BNB.  We just make it, pulling suitcases in around 11:45.  We manage to settle in and immediately go to bed, both exhausted from an amazing day. 
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years ago
One of the girls from Casa Amor claims Love Island producers hid this major plot twist from viewers
One of the girls from Casa Amor claims Love Island producers hid this major plot twist from viewers
Love Island fever is well and truly taking over the country.
From Megan and Laura fighting over a man to crying as Jack and Dani fall in love day by day, we literally count down the hours until the next episode. Just us?
The drama intensified after ITV2 producers split the cast into two separate villas and sent in six new men and six new women. Oh, you cruel things, you.
We flew into the Love Island villa to find out all the cast secrets and here’s what we know…
Is Love Island Staged?
With all the drama, it makes you wonder – how much of it is staged? This week, fans have been taking to social media to discuss just how fixed they’re convinced the show is.
And now, a former contestant has shed light on this very topic.
Savanna Darnell, who you may remember from her brief stint at Casa Amor, appeared on Lewys Ball’s YouTube channel and revealed that she and Wes got close during their time at the rival house.
She said: “Me and Wes actually really got on. We got on really well, we shared a bed-they never showed that. We had a cuddle.
“We were having a great time, we were giggling and they just never wanted to show it.
“Me and Wes were singing the whole time, joking about, we were like up till stupid o’ clock giggling and laughing in bed – that’s what you didn’t see hunnies.”
One eagle-eyed fan also recently took to Twitter to claim they believe the show is staged, all because of these two clips of Georgia.
It comes after Caroline Flack entered the island on Sunday night’s show to dump Ellie and Charlie from the villa. The Twitter user shared two pictures of Georgia having a meltdown following the dumping, and claimed that in one clip, she had full acrylic nails and didn’t have any on in the second.
Here’s the tweet in question….
Uhmm, excuse me but how is the 2nd photo technically filmed only moments after the 1st? You telling me she’s lost all her nails in 10 min 😂 it doesn’t bother me that Love Island is so staged this year, but it REALLY bothers me that it’s not even staged properly…#loveisland pic.twitter.com/HUmM90RDEJ
— Anca M (@_anchorr_) July 15, 2018
So what’s your verdict?
It comes after Frankie, who recently left the villa, told The Sun that his relationship with Samira didn’t get enough airtime, especially their mysterious night in the hideaway that was never aired.
He said: “It’s weird for me because obviously it’s a big thing for everyone in the villa. Everyone was cheering us into the hideaway, everyone was happy for us.”
And then it was unearthed that Megan and new girl, Alex, were in a raunchy music video for grime rapper Giggs together last year and even posed for pictures together on social media.
Viewers took to Twitter in their droves to comment: ‘@LoveIsland how come Megan didn’t let on that she already knew Alexandra ? Makes me think it’s all a fix ?? #LoveIsIand #fakeisland #scripted?
‘So Megan & Alexandra know each other but I haven’t even seen them talk to each other yet #LoveIsland’; ‘Is Megan really pretending she don’t know Alexandra? #LoveIsland’
‘Why is Alexandra pretending she doesn’t already know Megan?”.
To add fuel to the fire this viral video emerged this week…
Eagle-eyed viewers are convinced the kiss between Georgia Steel and Jack Fowler was staged – and if you look closely, you’ll see what they mean.
The footage, which was shown from varying angles on the spin-off show, Aftersun, showed a missing bottle of champagne in the two differing shots, leading viewers to believe it was re-shot.
I genuinely can’t believe people don’t see how staged love island was last night And all the acting that was involved..
— Havva (@havvarebke) July 3, 2018
Im actually fed up with people talking about love island 🙄🙄. The program is staged. And people believe it’s real. It’s a SHITE program. And it is completely FAKE.
— Robert #letsgo (@rangerslad1983) July 3, 2018
Then, former contestant Tyla Carr spoke to The Daily Star and suggested that a lot more is down to the producers than we first thought. She said,
“What viewers don’t see is there is always a producer on site. They don’t live in the villa with us but someone generally comes in every hour to have a chat.”
“They would often tannoy an announcement asking for someone to come to the sofa to have a chat with one of the producers. They tell you what they want you to talk about, and who with.”
She does clarify that the producers don’t make the contestants do anything they don’t want to do, but certain topics of conversation are prompted.
However, an ITV2 spokesperson denied the allegations, calling them ‘absolutely untrue’.
“It is absolutely untrue to suggest that Love Island is fake. The opinions they have and the relationships formed are completely within the control of the Islanders themselves. Love Island is a combination of reality and produced elements. Any produced elements are designed to allow viewers to understand what the Islanders are feeling and to help move narrative threads on.”
So there you have it. We’re not naive enough to think that they’re completely left to their own devices, but according to show bosses, everything is down to the Islanders.
Want more secrets from the villa? Keep reading to find out what happened when we jetted out to the Love Island villa to meet the cast, chat to Caroline Flack and find out all the villa secrets…
How do the Love Island cast communicate with each other?
The recently dumped islander, Adam Collard and Zara McDermott, told OK! Magazine how they really communicate with each other away from prying eyes and ears of the producers and other islanders.
“We used to write messages to each other when we were in bed so other people couldn’t hear what we were saying,” said Adam. “We deleted our messages but the producers told me that they still have them all.”
Are Love Islanders allowed phones?
The Love Islanders are allowed phones, but not to communicate with the outside world. Samsung provide them with phones and they have an island chat where they can talk amongst the other Islanders and then Love Island producers can contact them from the control room.
Do the Love Island cast get free clothes and makeup?
There’s plenty of makeup and clothes on offer for the Islanders. GHD has supplied all of the hair styling tools (from straighteners to curlers) in the glam room, while Superdrug has stocked the bathroom full of toiletries. Missguided is offering the Islanders clothes to supplement their own wardrobes.
In fact, Adam revealed just how many free clothes they get, adding: “We get a sack full of clothes from Missguided delivered every couple of weeks. Everyone gets given their own sack of things that suit their style.”
Do the Love Island cast know each other?
Producers go to some seriously extreme lengths to keep the contestants from meeting before the show. They are all flown over on different days and different flights. They also stay in different parts of the Island in a plethora of hotels. They have their own personal chaperone to keep them safe and from trying to find the other Islanders and even have their phones confiscated before they jet out.
When we interviewed the new cast, including Samira, Kendall, Hayley, Laura and Dani, there were four security members waiting in the corridor to ensure they didn’t bump into other cast members; it was akin to an mi5 operation.
The Love Island 2018 cast is hotting up, with new bombshells already
Are the Love Island cast head-hunted?
Most of the Islanders are head-hunted by producers or talent scouts via Instagram. A lot of this year’s contestants have been approached several times to go on previous shows.
How many people apply for Love Island?
Over 150,000 people applied to be on this series and there’s plenty of potential islanders waiting in the wings in Mallorca to enter the villa in the coming weeks as ‘bombshells’. You can still apply through the show and they keep casting for new contestants. 
How to get a place on Love Island: The 2018 cast, producers and Caroline Flack reveal the key to success
Is Love Island scripted?
The show is far from scripted. “The beauty of the format is that it allows us to do what we want,” one producer told us. “We follow the way the stories lead, we don’t go in with a master plan. The beauty is that we can be reactive and flexible so we follow where the islanders lead us.”
How does Caroline fly out to Love Island?
Caroline can be flown out with a few hours’ warning. “We’ll get Caroline a passport and fly her out if there’s a reason for her to be here tomorrow, and none of us know when that will be as none of us know where the contestants will take us,” said one.
Is Love Island cut chronologically?
The show isn’t cut chronologically. It doesn’t begin in the morning and end in the night; the producers can end a show in the middle of the night to give them time to adapt to what is happening. The evictions often happen at 3am after public votes have been counted up.
Who cleans the Love Island villa?
A cleaner comes into the villa once a week to give it a spruce up and change all the bed sheets.
Why is the Love Island bedroom so long?
Ever wondered why the bedroom is so long? Well, it’s because there’s a secret kitchen behind the bedroom. The house is owned by a Spanish farmer and the producers had to build a wall to divide his kitchen in half and use the other half as the bedroom.
How much alcohol do they drink on Love Island?
There’s no restrictions on how much the cast can drink. One producer explained: “There’s no limit, we just sort of monitor things, they can have a drink and we are careful that they don’t have too much to drink, but there’s no limit, it’s just a case by case basis.”
Here’s where to buy your Love Island water bottle (and why it will change your life)
Are the Love Island producers on social media?
The producers are just as addicted as we are and spend the hours after the show has aired trawling social media for reaction. “We are really invested in the cast already and consider them like our children.”
Do the producers match-make Love Island couples?
The producers never get the match-making right. One of them told us that they all sit around and try and pair the potential couples up – and have never got it right!
Is there a psychologist for Love Island?
It can get pretty intense in the villa so there’s pyschological help on hand for anyone who needs it.
First look: This is the beauty accessory that the Love Island cast will be wearing in the villa
How long did it take to build the Love Island villa?
The new villa took eight weeks to put together and it’s a complete set that’s brought in every year. The sundeck is very different this year and comes away from the wall, while a swing has been added to help with filming.
What is the security like on Love Island?
Anyone coming and going from the villa has to use hand sanitiser to keep germs out. There’s also tonnes of security on site and gates to stop any trespassers sneaking in.
Who cooks for the Love Island cast?
A catering station is set up in the grounds of the villa with chefs on hand to make food for the production team and the Islanders.
Are the Love Island cast given contraception?
Love Island have their own branded range of condoms – there are over 200 in the house and they will be replenished as needed.
How many cameras are there in the Love Island villa?
There are 72 cameras dotted around the villa. They are mostly hidden so the contestants will forget they are being filmed.
Primark has given us a sneak peek of its Love Island fashion range and it’s our type on paper
Is the Love Island grass real?
The grass and flowers are all fake in the villa.
What are the Love Island slogans?
All around the villa, there are neon slogans on the wall including “Get laid all night long”, and famous Love Island catchphrases from last year like ‘muggy’, ‘crack on’ and ‘all my eggs in one basket’.
Are there cameras in the Love Island toilet?
There ARE cameras in the toilet just in case but the footage isn’t monitored. They have it for health and safety reasons.
What’s in the Love Island hideaway?
The Hideaway has a kingsize bed with gold sheets, a fur throw and a mirrored headboard, as well as its own private terrace with sprawling views of the hills.
Here’s your first look inside the super plush new Love Island villa
Are there clocks in Love Island?
Just like Big Brother, there are no clocks in the villa meaning the Islanders never know what the time is.
What are the Love Island Jacuzzi rules?
The contestants are not allowed to jump into the Jacuzzi for a dip unless the producers say that they’re allowed to.
After a first look at the official merchandise and the new love island cast of 2018, the time is FINALLY upon us. That’s right, people, wave goodbye to your social life for eight weeks because Love Island 2018 is finally here – but it’s not too late to apply for Love Island 2018 so act fast!
The Love Island finale date has been revealed and we’re absolutely dreading it
Get to know the new cast before they head in…
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