#charlie the unicorn spoilers
dramatic-shitpost-poet · 11 months
What if Izzy Hands is reincarnated as Charlie the Unicorn and the purple and pink unicorms are Stede and Lucius
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femboyishcharm · 7 months
thinking of him
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plutokneeurm · 6 months
*one itty-bitty charlie the unicorn ep 1 spoiler
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Churn-lie the Unitycorn doodlez 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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nyarlathesleeper · 3 months
Follow-up tiem baybeeeeeee
Detective Heart of America: The Final Freedom is an independent film made by Jason Steele AKA Filmcow. It acts as a follow-up to a series of two shorts he filmed about the titular character and his attempts to save America from absurd criminals. I'll revisit these shorts eventually, but I'll mostly be focusing on the film itself. I love this film to no end. It's a ridiculous, fairly stupid story, but it's genuinely very funny and full of meaning. Assuming my internal ramblings are accurate. Spoilers for the whole franchise, of course.
At first, the movie is fairly similar to the shorts, Heart of America is given a job to save America from someone buying its debt from China using Bitcoin. A normal Filmcow plot if I've ever heard one. He chases various leads, encountering characters from the shorts, until he comes face-to-face with the mastermind behind the whole plot: The time-traveling, reality-warping robot Ouya. Ouya erases America from existence, replacing it with the infinitely worse country of Fug. We all hate Fug. Heart of America tries to bring America back to existence, going through what America used to be, what it stood for, even how it came into existence. He learned from the Native Fugmericans, about their knots, their bugs, and their carrots. Then the aliens invade, and after the resistance group he joins is attacked, he and Ouya make their way to the alien's base of operations: The local JW Marriott. After locating the source of the aliens' power, the two discuss what must be done with it, Heart of America electing to make the entire world America, forever. This includes making Africa the US, but larger. The Eiffel Tower was replaced by The Statue of Liberty (funny, given the statue was created by the French government). And even the Moon, our dear sweet Io, was made into the US. Thus America was saved forever.
Okay the plot is batshit insane, so why do I love it so much? There's obviously the overwhelming amount of Jason Steele charm. Awkward conversations between characters, funny voices, random bullshit that occasionally stuns the characters as much as the audience, and a healthy amount of frankly juvenile jokes about Nazi boner germs and the like. There is also, for me and many, the notable political angle.
Jason Steele has always (kinda) been one for political commentary. Some of his oldest videos are about mocking Barack Obama for loving Mr. Mime, or John McCain for being kinda crazy and talking to vegetables and such. His video about the 2012 presidential debate is awfully apt, given recent events. Recently, his finale to Charlie the Unicorn has been pretty thoroughly taken to be a criticism of capitalism and its lack of desire to actually do anything about changing the world in any way that would prevent us from dying horribly. And I think its fair to say that a movie about trying to save America from being erased has some notable things to say as well.
There's of course the Native Fugmerican culture segment, which serves to mock people who appropriate native cultures without understanding them. The beginning and ending of that segment touches on how America, as well as all the other countries that Ouya has created and destroyed, began with the genocide of native peoples.
Most of the political commentary, however, comes into play near the end of the film. In the last 10 minutes or so, we're given a bit more detail as to what Ouya is and what its goals are. To keep it brief, Ouya is a device from the far future who can manipulate reality at will. It has repeatedly created and destroyed country after country in order to draw out the future overlords of Earth, the "aliens" from earlier, who have a similar device of their own. The aliens' device is different, though. It makes permanent changes, and Ouya aims to use it so that devices like it and Ouya can never work in the first place. Otherwise, the universe will be ruled by a tyrannical government whose reach and scale of oppression is so overwhelmingly monstrous, that the people who created Ouya deemed it an infinitely worse alternative to what they recognize as repeated genocides. What this means is that Heart of America, in making the entire world America and preventing Ouya from completing its mission, has doomed the world to being eternally dominated by tyranny.
This raises a few points of commentary that I think are worth examining. First and foremost, Heart of America is the bad guy. Jason Steele is no stranger to writing protagonists who are world ending monsters (see Llamas With Hats for another example), but Heart of America is interesting because he truly believes that what he is doing is right. Something I've neglected to state in this post is that Heart of America is portrayed by a statue of a Bald Eagle, one of the most potent American symbols, and a fitting choice for someone literally named "Heart of America." HoA (not a home owners association) is meant to represent the classic American patriot who really doesn't know anything about America, but believes in the liberty and freedom crap wholeheartedly. When trying to list all of the states, he's only able to put down Florida, Texas, California, Wyoming, New York City, and Vermont. He's generally uninterested in the other countries that Ouya destroyed, as well as the natives that died because of American colonists. All he truly cares about is the idea of America and American freedom. This is highlighted most directly by Ouya in the climax when it states, "No. But if you care about freedom, true freedom, this is the only way." This is responding to HoA asking whether preventing these devices from working will bring America back. And in response, HoA makes the entire world America. This is very clearly the worst possible outcome, and Ouya reacts as such. America is doomed to become the very oppressors that Ouya was trying so desperately to stop. This is supported by the credits, of all things, which shows the American flag changing, as it presumably adds more and more worlds to its intergalactic empire. It bares a striking resemblance to the masks the aliens have.
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Not a one-to-one, but close. Enough to evoke the idea that what America inevitably becomes is exactly what Ouya feared most.
The idea that America isn't exactly the most freedom loving nation shouldn't be a controversial take to those within the proper circles. Enforcing our will on others for the sake of material and political gains is a common trend in American history. From our numerous wars with Mexico, to Vietnam, to leveraging our business relations for pressuring other countries into economic servitude, America has its fingers in almost every pie on the global stage, and it's usually to the detriment of the pie. Heart of America, then, is the blind fool, who believes America to be a nation without fault. Well, mostly, he does acknowledge that subprime lending is a problem. The point is that Heart of America is the kind of person (bird?) who goes to bat for America at nearly every turn, maybe acknowledging the odd thing here or there as bad, but never in a way that challenges the systems America is built upon. He's the perfect American exceptionalist, believing that being more like America will be the solution to every problem facing the world. Very literally, he makes everything America and just considers his work done. He blatantly ignores the idea that Ouya's warning might have any actual weight, charging ahead anyway, creating the world that Ouya came from to begin with. It's with this in mind that the HoA line, "I know you come from a place without America, which is the saddest thing I can think of, but that won't be a problem for anyone ever again!" becomes so much more ironic. Ouya did come from America. America was the only thing it ever knew. And Heart of America is the progenitor of all that pain and suffering. Another detail sticks out to me, that being the aliens' reality writing device. Ouya notes that it was designed by slaves, and that its appearance was, "... a small, final act of defiance" that was not understood by their oppressors.
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This is the device. It is shaped like a heart. Assuming that Ouya is from America, that would make this the heart of America. The device responsible for endless tyranny, endless oppression, endless suffering, is Heart of America. Poetry.
Detective Heart of America: The Final Freedom is a movie about a lot of things. Sunny D, Shark Councils and Shark Powers, Merman Jesus, a German space elevator, and a 5th Dimensional Demigod. But it's also about the brutality that good intentions can create. How if you live life without questioning the system, even if you like that system, you could cause unimaginable pain. How the most devoted to an idea may be the ones to betray it most brutally. And how we, as Americans, owe it to ourselves and the world to ensure that we don't contribute to a regime that can and will destroy everything so that the ones in control can live unopposed. Freedom is non-negotiable.
I have other thoughts about this movie that I might share later. Some act as counters to my main mindset surrounding this movie, but are other potential takeaways that I haven't fully thought through. I should probably sleep for now tho, lol.
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starwarspissorgy · 2 years
You should watch Shadowstone Park. Testimonials:
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Shadowstone Park is a dramedy SF mystery webseries. The show seems to start as a sort of trope parody as funny animal murders are solved by Lark, a paraplegic cat who sees ghosts, and Pecan, a muscular pelican. It slowly ramps overall tension and goes deeper into worldbuilding until it quickly has the most compelling and unique apocalypse mystery I've ever seen - how exactly did this happen to the world, and what can the protagonists do to survive as the world's possibly last bastion of safety wanes?
Recent episodes have shown incredible pacing, giving you just a few more questions than answers to keep the mystery going while making good on the promise that there is a big picture. It is developing themes in a way that feels like a spoiler to even mention. So I really want more of you watching it so I can discuss them!
Why haven't you heard about this? Honestly, Jason Steele, AKA FilmCow, is suffering from success. His previous works were far less serious, and included Charlie the Unicorn and Llamas with Hats, which admittedly took interesting turns with later entries. Steele has been trying to break into animation work for years, pitching his comedy Magical Realm of Horse Man to AS and other networks, and more recently having a big gap in Shadowstone Park as he tried to get it picked up somewhere. But he seems to have this problem that his portfolio is the main example of a style of humour that is now considered outdated, and while he's outgrown it, nobody really sees a point in continuing to pay attention to him. So here we are with one of the best series on the internet, with really compelling SF worldbuilding and execution, but because it's from the Charlie the Unicorn guy nobody but me, some dude who likes hydrogen bombs, and 20k others are watching it.
And yes it's funny and yes jokes absolutely wind up paying off as plot points in stupid and wonderful ways.
Anyway it's also really short so just watch a few.
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crxwnedalex · 3 months
Discduo Tangled /TTS AU
Yes, another random discduo au, I just love these two, alright?
anygays, Basically Tommy is Rapunzel, Dream is Eugene, Phil is Mother Gothel (called Father Philza or Father) basic Tangled stroyline, Tommy wants to see the lanterns that light afar every night on his birthday. (I would use fireworks since it fits tommy better idk, but thats from Yong's country which doesnt come up till wayyyyyy past the TTS, much less tangled Timeline. I guess they give corona fireworks for the occasion but i feel like they'd use their own things for such a thing idk rambling here)
Dream is a theif who just stole the royal crown from Corona (idk what to rename it or who would run it, maybe Eret, sam, ponk, ranboo, tubbo and callahan r royals or in the circle? Techno isn't supposed to be there but everyone likes him so ye)
Dream gets knocked out by an enchanted disc instead of pan, and bested by a 16 y/o raccoon child, Instead of Pascal we have Clementine.(cause raccoon companions are reserved for Varian eternally)
They go out adventuring, when they go to the snuggly duckling, Quackity (owner) and las nevadas crew is there, slime basically is hookhand. Fundy is the clean up, foolish the bartender.
they journey, chaos and hijinks ensue. The boat scene where the Stabbington brothers betray Eugene(aka Dream) plays out, Philza gives Tommy the crown, blah blah, Dream gets arrested and is about to be hanged oop.
Tommy however, is very stubborn, and instead of going home w Phil, chooses to go after dream (and kick his ass). Tommy ends up revealing himself infront of everyone (including the royals) what he looks like while saving dream, he saves dream, tries to run away but one of them realizes its tommy and thinks dream kidnapped him only for phil to be betrayed by the stabbingtons and handed in but Phil holds Tommy hostage, kills dream, but gets tommy's hair cut, tossed into a river as he turns to dust, dream revived by magic jazz hands and happy ending until TTS timeline rolls in
How Tommy's powers would work- basically like rapunzels, but his hair is not 70ft long thank god, his hair and eyes glow red and it's more like a hand magic that's stored in his hair and makes it float.
TTS Timeline-(spoilers for the show if you havent seen)
basically everything is regularly the same except that Cass aka Tubbo doesnt become moonstone drugged cause fuck that shit.
basically everyone gets replaced by a dsmp member except for Varian cause he's perfect(maybe, maybe not)
so character list
Eugene Fitzherbert/Flyn Ryder- Casper(cause clay as a name is weird /no offense lmao) /Dream Wastaken
Rapunzel -Tommy
Mother Gothel- Father Philza
Stabbington brothers- same (or maybe Punz)
Hookhand- Slime/Charlie
Unicorn Man- ssame
other men at the snuggly duckling- other las Nevadas members.
Fredrick(bitch) and Aurianna(King and Queen)- idk who yet but the royals r Sam, Eret, Ranboo, Purpled(?), Techno(?), Tubbo, Puffy and maybe also Nikki
Cassandra-Tubbo or Purpled
Varian -either the same or Ranboo
Lance- Sapnap (imagining sapnap as the childish adult kleptomaniac friend is hilarious)
King edmund- XD
Hector, Adira and Qurin - idk yet
I think that's all, I'm adding a few VAT7K characters that I think would appear even though they are from Varian's show so ye
Hugo gives me Purpled vibes but idk
Yong is Tubbo but innocent
Nuru is like Nikki the most,
Donella is maybe BBH? idk? There isnt really any 100% evil badass women in dsmp sooooo
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isayoldbean · 1 year
i've been slacking a bit on posting @woltourney propaganda for several reasons, mostly because i've been dealing with like 127 million projects irl, but! today i have returned to deliver an Exclusive lore drop that i haven't talked about much anywhere else yet!
please note that this involves major spoilers for shadowbringers and endwalker so please proceed with caution beyond the cut
that's right folks. it's the huge beef azem reveal!
tbh, beef Hates the idea that she is a shard of azem. she hates the thought that she could be so awesome only because she's actually somebody else instead of who she's always known herself to be. because of that, i've generally not really put any thought into her life as an ancient for the most part.
however, the fact remains that her past life as azem is an important factor in her story as a whole, and also has a bearing on how she became the person she is. and so, that being said...
please welcome dionysus into the world! (i don't have crimes installed on my computer so please pardon my having to use vanilla cc to show them off)
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in addition to holding the seat of azem, they are also hythlodaeus's sibling! they are the pastel genderfuck twins who like to cause problems for emet. the two unicorns that harass emet's charlie the unicorn into going to candy mountain, if you will.
dionysus and emet definitely have a wlw/mlm hostility thing going on but it's mostly affectionate. can't be too mean to hythlo's boyfriend after all!
also on a classical/educational note, the mythological figure of dionysus is just. absolutely the perfect match both for azem and for beef! he is known primarily in modern times as the god of wine and grapes, revelry, and pleasure, and also for his connection to bacchanalia festivities, but there is actually much more to him--most of his stories involve him spending time traveling abroad, and then struggling for acceptance when he finally returns home. which is just extremely azemcore all the way around, and also pretty accurate for beef as well!
not only that, but there are many stories about him being killed/dying and getting resurrected, which is apt not only for the metaphor of azem's sundering leading to the eventual birth of the wol, but also for beef, who very much has the whole undead/zombie theming and the backstory of hydaelyn bringing her back from the brink of death so that she can go on to become the person she was destined to become.
also, dionysus was strongly associated with theater, which. considering emet is a Known Theater Enjoyer... hurts a little bit :')
as a final note, you may notice i refer to azem using they/them pronouns. dionysus was said to contain both male and female characteristics, and in keeping with that, beef's azem was nonbinary. i've been hesitant to give beef my own gender identity for various reasons, although i suppose it's still potentially on the table for her, but i have no such reservations about doing so with azem! perhaps one day i may also decide to take the plunge with beef, but in the meantime, this is a happy medium for me.
i hope you enjoyed this little peek into the deep Huge Beef lore! i'll be back with some more propaganda tomorrow :3
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readingforsanity · 1 year
Little Girl Missing | J.G. Roberts | Published 2019 | *SPOILERS*
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How can a little girl vanish into thin air? 
Five year old Cassie Bailey’s mother tucked her into bed and kissed her goodnight. This morning she’s missing, her unicorn bedcovers are empty and her parents are frantic. 
DCI Rachel Hart knows that the first few hours after a child goes missing are the most crucial, and that the Baileys are living every parent’s worst nightmare. Rachel knows, because as a child her family lived through it too, when her sister was taken. 
The days are ticking by with no sign of Cassie, and the cracks in the Baileys’ marriage are beginning to show. But are the holes in their stories because they’re out of their minds with panic - or because they’re lying? 
Rachel’s convinced that Cassie knew the person who took her, but can she find the little girl before she’s lost forever? 
A gripping and unputdownable thriller for fans of Close to Home, the Couple Next Door and Behind Closed Doors. 
Naomi and Cassie are trying to settle into their new lives together after their husband and father allegedly had a one night stand with a woman Naomi cannot stand. Charlie, Naomi’s husband, has been living outside of the home for the last 5 weeks, leaving her in charge of their 5 year old daughter Cassie alone, though this was at Naomi’s doing, not allowing him any time with her during that 5 week span of time, neither allowing Hazel, Charlie’s mother, access to the child. 
Together, the two of them carved a pumpkin for Cassie’s school, and before heading up to bed, the two of them set off sparklers in the backyard to create whiskers for the pumpkin, which had been carved into a cat’s head. After putting Cassie down for the night, Naomi retired to her own bedroom, taking a herbal sleeping pill on the behest of her best friend, Kate, in order to induce a better night’s sleep. Over the last several weeks, Naomi hadn’t been sleeping or eating well, and neither had Cassie. Naomi would often wake in the mornings to find her daughter sleeping on the couch snuggled with their cat, Pumpkin. 
When Naomi awoke the next morning, she found Cassie nowhere to be found within their home. Struggling to come to terms with this, the police arrive shortly thereafter. Charlie, who had hoped to catch a glimpse of his daughter the night before, is told of what happened, and returns home. Naomi immediately begins to blame him, while also blaming herself. 
DCI Rachel Hart is on the case, though it is strikingly similar to something she and her twin sister endured as children. She promises to do whatever it takes to bring Cassie home, though she isn’t hopeful that the outcome will be in their favor. Charlie tells them of his indiscretion with the woman named Jessica a few weeks earlier leading to his and Naomi’s separation. Jessica enters into their suspect list, which is only further suspected when she failed to appear at work the night before and that evening as well. 
Additionally, Hazel is also a current suspect, as she had left earlier that morning to travel to see her sister in another town. She would leave her phone off while traveling, and failed to let Charlie know when she had arrived safely. But, when she is informed of what has occurred, she is devastated. Despite having been on the road earlier that day, she wanted to return home quickly. 
When Hazel is stopped at a red light after arriving back in town, a semi truck rams into the back end of her. Shockingly, Hazel is left uninjured, but a liquid seeping out of her trunk looks like blood, and Hazel immediately wonders if Cassie had crawled inside of the trunk of the car, which Charlie had left opened overnight for her to place her suitcase in and she decided against it, and she was injured during the crash. 
Though Cassie was not found in the back of the car, a piece of her pink jacket was found inside and Hazel is arrested. Naomi believes that Charlie and Hazel are responsible for Cassie’s disappearance, though she comes to her senses and realizes she has made a mistake in accusing her. Hazel is not arrested, but at the same time that Hazel is being questioned, Jessica had also been brought in for questioning after having been found trying to flee the country to Spain. 
While questioning Jessica didn’t lead anywhere, she is told to stay within the country, but we come to realize that despite her saying otherwise, she was involved in Cassie’s kidnapping, along with another person not yet named. 
We later come to find out that the other person involved is Jessica’s boyfriend as well as Charlie and Naomi’s best friend Kate. Despite having a perfect life with her own family, Kate was finding herself unsatisified in life. Her husband Alan had a secret vasectomy, rendering her unable to become pregnant again for a daughter after having three sons. She cooked up this scheme with Jessica, who was able to have her boyfriend forge new documents for Kate and Cassie, and would then kidnap the child and take her to a safe place where Kate would then remove her, and move to Wales to begin their new life. 
When Kate arrives at the place where Cassie was meant to be taken, she realized that Jessica had double-crossed her. Removing everything in the house that could incriminate her, Kate moves on, but by this point, the authorities have already been told what happened by Jessica, who called into the tipline to share the information in hopes of giving herself enough time to get away, with hopes of going to Venezuela, who doesn’t have a treaty with the UK for extradition. 
DCI Hart tells Charlie, who goes to the house but their search comes up empty. Charlie, despite having been told not to get his hopes up, is crushed by the lack of Cassie being found but when he returns to his car, he receives a text message from the kidnapper, requesting $10,000. He does so, without hesitation, and awaits the two hours to confirm that the transafter had gone through. He speaks to Cassie briefly during this time, to prove that she is alive, but otherwise he has no way to confirm that his child is safe. 
After the two hours is up, Jessica confesses where Cassie is being held, and Charlie takes off, finding her tied and gagged inside of an abandoned cricket club. Cassie is, thankfully, unharmed. Kate, on the otherhand, has gone into Naomi’s house to confess what happened, but by this point, she realizes that the police have been tipped off to her involvement, and sneaks in with her key when Hazel leaves the home to return to hers briefly and the policeman left to guard the house goes inside to use the restroom. 
Kate goes to Naomi, and gives her a hot chocolate with crushed up sleeping pills inside, despite Naomi having just taken medication prescribed to her. While the drugs do their magic, Kate confesses that she had never loved Alan, and had only married him because Naomi had married Charlie. In truth, Kate had an obsession with Naomi, wanting the tow of them to live happily together and raise Cassie as their own daughter. She wasn’t into woman, only Naomi, and if she couldn’t have her then nobody could. 
When Hazel returns home, the door is locked and she is unable to gain access. The police, along with a neighbor, gain access into the home and find Naomi nearly lifeless, with Kate sitting vigil by her side. Naomi wasn’t aware that Charlie had gone to Cassie and was on the way to bring her home. 
When the two of them arrived, they were immediately taken to the hospital, where Naomi had her stomach pumped. The next morning, the family is reunited and despite everything Kate put her through, she refuses to press charges, hoping that she’ll finally receive the help that she so desperately needed. DCI Hart also confesses that she was kidnapped, along with her twin sister, has a child, and despite them being identical twins, she wasn’t raped but her sister was. 
In the epilogue, Rachel goes to visit her sister who is being kept in a private residential hospital after going through what she did. The two of them discuss the case that Rachel just worked, and they’re both happy with the outcome, and the two of them share a lunch together. 
This was a book that happened to be available on the Kindle free days that happened recently. I was able to score this one for free. I’m not happy with it, nor am I unhappy with it. I guess I’m a bit indifferent. 
I will say, however, that the ending where Naomi chooses not to punish her friend totally disgusted me. If my best friend in the entire world kidnapped my child because she thought the two of us could have a life together and raise her as our own, I would absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, press charges against that person. I don’t care how close we are or were, or whether or not that person was suffering from a mental illness or not. She was able to manipulate several people around her, and she will eventually be released from an institution, and whose to say she wouldn’t try something like this again? No thank you. Naomi, do better. 
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evilista · 2 years
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I posted 31,096 times in 2022
That's 2,745 more posts than 2021!
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#kids who don't know their history whining that shows made decades before they were born aren't queer or feminist enough by today's standards
My Top Posts in 2022:
Writing Scrubs fanfic with a baby name page open to have a constant source of girl's names for Dr. Cox to call JD.
3 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
I'm watching Babel One. So...like how much do you think Tellarites and Cardassians bang? Tellarites love to start arguments, Cardassians flirt by arguing. Sounds like a recipe for romance.
3 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
Watching Bargaining, a horrible thought came to me. Look at how hard it is for a freaking Slayer to get out of her grave. Now imagine all resurrection spells work...it's just most people can't break out of the grave before they die again.
3 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
I posted my first fanfic in 10 years! If you like Scrubs and JD angst check it out.
4 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Wildest deam
I dreamed a Scrubs/Supernatural crossover. JD got possessed by Lucifer. Lucifer was totally boned as it turned out JD's brain is uncontrollable. Every time something sends JD into a daydream Lucifer is yanked into it and can't get out. So JD's just going about his day, and Lucifer is trapped in a musical number, an episode of an old tv show, or a flashback to JD being tripped 100 times while he's stuck as JD or whatever. Then JD figures out he can use Lucifer's powers, so is just healing all the patients and spending all day goofing off with his friends and doing no work. (They're still getting paid since the patients don't know they're being healed by miracles so they're still paying their hospital bills) And all his friends know, like he told them he's possessed by the devil, but it's cool he can't get out of his daydreams. So they all help out by saying things that trigger a daydream. "What if a Wookie and Bigfoot went dancing?" "What if we had a picnic on Candy Moutain?" "What if we all had sex?" (The Todd obviously) Sam, Dean, Cas, and Crowley show up eventually, JD's like "Oh hey I've seen you guys in Lucifer's memories. God he's a dick. Wanna see him suffer??" and shows them Lucifer trapped in Charlie The Unicorn and they can't decide if they should try to get him back in the cage or let him get tortured by JD forever.
45 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
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batset · 3 years
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Love Love Love - The Mountain Goats
Inspired a bit by one of the answers on the Q&A for the finale.
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happyfunf3tti · 3 years
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Rewatching all of the Charlie the Unicorn videos made me realize it’s actually pretty funny that a pair of demon flesh puppets criticized Charlie for being a constant downer and wanted Rick Astley to make a comeback.
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futurama · 3 years
i know the charlie the unicorn series has always been good at having random and unexpected endings but the pink and blue unicorns being reanimated corpses puppeted by demons got me
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spicypigeonaura · 4 years
Every time Brennan says 'the Great Candy Mountains' I get vaulted back to the 2000s and Charlie the Unicorn.
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[On winter break]
Oma: To get to the snowman we first need to pass… the door~
Momota: The door~
Saihara: …The door.
Momota: The-the door!
Saihara: What is the door?
Momota: The door is everything.
Oma: All that once was and all that will be.
Momota: The door controls time and space.
Oma: Love and death.
Momota: The door can see into your mind!
Oma: The door can see into your soul!
Saihara: Really, the-the door can do all that?
Oma: Heh, no~
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autumnspace · 3 years
OK I just watched the Charlie the Unicorn Complete Finale.
Spoilers ahead.
Let me tell you I don't know what I was expecting(because its Charlie the unicorn) but it was so good.
But now I have so many questions I need to know.
Like, what were Blue and Pink like before the cube demons. How were they related? Were they friends, family? What were their names? Where did they come from? How did they(both them and Charlie) survive so long?
What would it have been like if they had met Charlie without the whole being possessed by cube demons.
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