#character: ye ling er
movielosophy · 4 months
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Joy of Life 2 | the granted marriage pairs
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Huan Zhu Ge Ge (还珠格格), explained
Vox, don’t sue me for using this title.
Background: the other night, I suddenly had the OST stuck in my head. And I amaze my self by able to somehow sing the entire soundtrack?
Anyways, for those who either grew up in mainland China in the 90s or part the Chinese diaspora, Huan Zhu Ge Ge, princess returning pearl, was probably the OG idol historical. It’s adapted from a Qiong Yao novel. Huge hit across Asia. Influenced a whole generation.
Background plot — Xiao Yan Zi is a street orphan who met a girl named Zi Wei. Zi Wei turned out to be the daughter of Qian Long. Xiao Yan Zi accidentally gets mistaken as Zi Wei, takes on the title of princess, and hijinks ensues.
Tagging @huanzhuyulu for additions.
Anyways, this is Xiao Yan Zi
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Perky, spunky, not super smart academically, and with a heart of gold. You know that female lead in idol cdramas these days? Xiao Yan Zi was the prototype. But also, she’s hilarious about Chinese proverbs.
This is Zi Wei
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The prototype Ruby Lin character. I found Zi Wei rather corny when I was 7, TBH. Angsty back story involving being the unknown illegitimate daughter of the emperor, and then later getting whumped/tortured repeatedly by the empress.
This is the 5th Prince, Yong Qi
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The emperor’s favorite son. The guy you thought would be the next emperor until you read anything about history. Smart and earnest. Xiao Yan Zi’s love interest.
(My first ever OTP!)
This is Fu Er Kang
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Qian Long’s bodyguard. Zi Wei’s love interest. Done with Xiao Yan Zi and Yong Qi’s nonsense since episode 3 of season 1. He and Zi Wei had a lot of angsty moments that 7 years old me definitely was not into.
This is Jin Suo (on the right)
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Zi Wei’s maid and BFF. Doubter of Xiao Yan Zi’s antics. Honestly not sure what personality she has other than “Fan Bing Bing is really pretty!”
This is Qian Long
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Huang Ah Ma! The drama is Qian Long’s best publicist. Somehow manage to perv on women and threaten to off his kids, and is jovial enough that you spend your childhood going “what a loving father!”
This is Ling Fei
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Yes, the same Ling Fei as Wei Yingluo from Yanxi. Super nice and motherly. The reason why my brain could not compute Ruyi for the longest time.
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(Sorry, Er Tai — I don’t have enough GIF space to introduce you. Ditto, Qing Er. )
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silviakundera · 4 months
Joy of Life S2, ep 13 - 15 comments
Chen Pingping continues to be both using Fan Xian and a good mentor. He contains multitudes! Which is what makes him such a compelling character.
Second Prince is the least interesting he's ever been when he's in scenes with Ye Ling Er playing the victim. It's just too easy to manipulate her and so I can't care very much.
The way Fan Xian's mother is this powerful spectre that haunts the narrative... and it's not just her Seductive Beauty™ . It's in the way we more commonly see with a Great Man trope: a famed marital arts master, a dead legendary general or past king.... a father or grandfather figurehead. I both wish we knew about her but DON'T. She works best as a partial sketch; an unsolved poignant mystery.
Ep 14
Saintess!!!!!!!!!!!! reappears! After Fan Xian finally called her friend in ep 13 (朋友!). I don't believe you either, girl, that it's all about the treasury. You're bros!!!!!! He seduced a bromance out of you.
They basically gave 2P's new guard enough characterization for us to be interested in what happens to him. RIP your hopes & dreams my dude, it's been real
Guao Baokun and Loser Brother is a match made in heaven. I missed all the Beiqi people so much. Fan Xian playing 4D chess and getting them to babysit Guo Baokun. "Let's leave a good impression, he might come back." 😂 The way they have to escort those dumbasses to the border.
Fan Xian wants friends SO BAD it's literally tragic to me. He wants to make Censorate guy his friend because there's no one he can trust not to turn on him for benefits (other than the Fan family).
Ep 15
Chen Pingping & Fan Xian put on a ridiculous show. Very amusing but I feel like they should have been more convincing, if for no other reason than giving the emperor his due. 2nd Prince simply tried harder. Hate to say it about the enemy but facts are facts.
We already got a read on the emperor about Second Prince. A temporary grounding is all he can countenance (even that is a gift to Fan Xian and a warning to not exceed boundaries). To any extent he likes the faction wars and is happy to stir shit up & eat popcorn. But at least right now, he's gonna protect all his sons. In his own twisted way he cares about Crown Prince, Second Prince, and Fan Xian. Just not more than he cares about himself & power & control.
Censor Lai pushing the emperor too far "Are you saying everyone is confused but you?" It's honestly shocking he wasn't executed before this. Bro you just tired of living?
Crown Prince pinching his leg and having fake hysterics while his flunky joins in while 2P looks disgusted. This is why CP is my bestie. He's hilarious.
Fan Xian finally realizing what his brothers already know - that there are limits to the emperor's condescending forbearance. They can't become a potential threat to him and he can't feel they are out of his control. When FX is playing with His Majesty, all is permissible. But when he's not...
The burning indentures scene reminding me of Blossoms in Adversity, a drama I ended up enjoying more than I expected. (If only it was blessed with the quality of acting we see in every cast member of JOL.)
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da-man-si · 4 months
One thing, Ye Ling er better stop being so gullible as to falling for Chengze’s “Look into my eyes, I am not lying”, “I swear upon my royal dignity”, “It’s just a huge misunderstanding between me and Fan Xian”, “I do not want to harm Fan Xian”, sure Chengze, and I am actually Taylor Swift.
She really agreed to submit the memorial. Like girl that man is a snake. He just told you that he’s been forced by the emperor to be like this and now HE CANNOT STOP. This is a clear indication, a signal, that he’s lying to you about “misunderstandings”.
What he said about his childhood may be true and all he can get is sympathy for that but not use that as a shield or justifier for his wrongdoings.
Have to say though, as evil and manipulating Chengze is, he is one great antagonistic character. Actually, all antagonists so far have been excellent. Li Yunrui, Xiao En, Shen Zhong, Crown Prince, Chengze, the Emperor, all are interesting, unhinged, complex characters. Just another one of great things about Joy of Life.✨
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atamascolily · 3 months
Thunderbolt Fantasy: In Which I Yap About Swords
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(What can I say? Guilty as charged.)
Thunderbolt Fantasy is about a lot of things, actually, but it's first and foremost a story about swords. So many swords. Magic swords, ordinary swords, demonic swords, holy swords, swords that look like swords but are actually something else, things that look like something else but are actually swords... the list goes on and on.
Thunderbolt Fantasy also has many themes, but I would argue that a major one is that swords are tools first and foremost; whether they are good or bad depends less on the sword itself and more on how it's used.
In the wrong hands, even a holy sword created to fight demons with the purest of intentions can be misused; in the right hands, a demonic sword can save the day, as evidenced by Shang Bu Huan's and Lin Xue Ya's clever team-up using Night of Mourning.
But it gets complicated because swords aren't just tools--or at least not all the time. Season 2 introduces us to Seven Blasphemous Deaths, who blurs the established boundaries--she is a person who is also a sword. Then we have Lang Wu Yao in Bewitching Melody of the West, a person who is explicitly compared to a sword; the climax of the movie hinges on Lang's decision to take full agency for his actions instead of letting unscrupulous people manipulate him.
Bewitching Melody of the West ends with Ling Ya--another character who blurs the line between person and object, and who is sometimes, but not always, a sword--teasing Shang that the Sorcerous Sword Index itself might one day gain sentience. "Any object imbued with strong enough sentiment in time grows a heart of its own! Not that all of them are chatty like me! ... You keep dragging that batch of magic swords around and sooner or later it [the Index] might start talking, too!"
Shang is incredibly flustered by this: "Shut the hell up! Don't jinx me!" He's learned to accept both Lang and Ling Ya as friends and comrades, but the idea of anything more than that scares him. Then he catches himself, "Er, I mean..."
"Mean what?"
And for a moment it seems like Shang is going to tell him, and then he pivots to thanking Ling Y for his assistance earlier and changing the subject. Which is too bad, because I really want to know what he's thinking here. Would it really be so bad if the Index and/or the swords within it was no longer a tool, but a person in their own right? If they could make decisions about how they wanted to be used?
Okay, so maybe it would be bad, given that swords are weapons--they can protect people, yes, but they can also kill them, or turn them into puppets, or generate massive earthquakes. It's only natural they would want to perform the functions they were made for, and some of those functions are terrible. Even holy swords are dangerous, as evidenced by Wan Jun Po being burned alive from the inside out from wielding one of the Three Holy Relics. Good is not soft, to say the least!
Given everything we know so far, it would not surprise me if Shang can "hear" the swords in the Index, and has a sense of their personalities and desires. His restraint in using the Index is entirely justified because these swords are dangerous, even though he has the skills to use them (and this restraint is one reason he can wield them). My personal headcanon is that one reason Lin Xue Ya is such a natural at using Night of Mourning is that he is also incredibly skilled at manipulating people and thus their desires align; he might have more difficulty with a sword that makes other demands of its wielder.
But as we've established, a major theme of Thunderbolt Fantasy as a whole is that even villains can grow and change (cf. Xie Ying Luo's arc in S2) and that people aren't bound by fate--they can and should be able to make their own choices. So why not extend that to the Index as well, especially considering how many people are trying to control it?
And would a sentient Index really be so terrible if it was embued with Shang's feelings? The man who is the moral center of Thunderbolt Fantasy, whom Lin Xue Ya (a master thief) says is the safest place he can imagine? I think an Index that grew out of Shang carrying it for so long would inherit that strong moral center--and I think it would be fitting, given how much carrying it has transformed his life.
One way or another, Shang can't rest until the Index is dealt with. One possibility is that Thunderbolt Fantasy punts the final ending, by having him keep wandering with the Index, but somehow I doubt it--Shang may well continue to journey on, but if he does, I think it will be because he genuinely wants to, or has some other task he wants to do, not because he's still carrying out the same old one forever.
In order for Shang to give up the Index, he has to trust it will be safe from people who will misuse it. We saw how that went at Xian Zhen fortress; even an institution dedicated to preserving the world couldn't keep the Index safe for less than a day, and most of them are worse.
The Index could be hidden, perhaps, or chucked away into the void, but the reason Shang hasn't already done it himself is because the swords are humanity's one hedge against another demon invasion. The swords were created to fight the demons, and they will continue to exist as long as that threat remains. So peace with the demons has to happen first. This is likely for other reasons--see Lang Wu Yao's whole arc--so I feel pretty confident about this. Maybe the swords, most of which originally came from another world, will end up returning there in the end--and like I said, the void of space seems to be a favorite place for chucking stuff you never want to see again (eldritch horrors, Lou Zhen Jie, etc). So it's definitely a possibility.
We also know as of S3 that the swords came from another world, and it's possible that they'd lose their powers if they were returned to their home and be ordinary swords again. So that's also an option.
But given all of the hints and established themes, I'm rooting for a secret third thing: to neither hold on to the Index or to throw it away, but to let it grow up and come into its own. Maybe the Index would decide to leave of its own accord; after all, the swords inside it came from another world and maybe they'd be happier to return there after all. Maybe it'd stick around under the auspices of Dan Fei, Juan Can Yun, and the Hu Yin Shi, who are going to need something to do with their lives once the war with the demons is over for good. I don't know. But I want the Index to have the same freedom as any other character. I want it to be able to choose.
How exactly this would work, I don't know. Maybe the Index is a single entity, or maybe it's a collective intelligence composed of all the swords inside it. Given that Huo Shi Ming Huang's theme centers around this kind of "swarm", and that he seeks the Index, I can't help wondering if the two are connected. But if the Index has to choose between Shang and Huo Shi Ming Huang, I think Shang's influence will ultimately carry the day in the end, though it might get pretty dicey before the end. After all, he's the one who carried it for so long!
(Look, I am but a simple soul--all I want is to see all of the swords flying out of the Index all at once in the climactic battle, preferably under their own accord. Yes, I know that technically already happened in the S2 opening, and it was great, but can we have that as the centerpiece of the final movie instead of 10-15 seconds?? Bonus if that severed arm is still in there and smacks someone across the face.)
All of this is to say, I fully expect that this is going to be a major theme going forward, and I have "the swords unionize" on my personal bingo card.
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milfzun · 8 months
That poll giving TGCF characters modern technology is so tempting but the problem is that almost all of them are wrong. Shi Qingxuan should have a TikTok yes but Ling Wen should have the Twitter (so she can subtweet her so-called “colleagues”), Pei Ming should have the Fit Bit (to accidentally reveal all his manwhoring), Mu Qing should have the Tinder so he bitchily swipes No for eternity, and Hong-er should unquestionably have the gun.
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dailyasiandramas · 20 days
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Postcards from Snagglepuss
And you thought Gatlinburg had it tacky!
KEYSTONE, SD: Gateway as they are to Mount Rushmore on Hwy. 16A, for a tourist town like this, maintaining an Old West look (byproduct of rebuilding after flooding in 1972) may not exactly be easy, especially when they've got helicopter excursions looking down unto Democracy's Shrine, a chairlift unto its summit, an old-school gold mine (with opportunity to pick out a gold sample), a show cave--and the inevitable tourist-trap mix of kitschy T-shirt shops, cafes and fudge shops, some set rather close to the highway.
Perhaps a little dangerously close, some might say.
The which, admittedly. was evident as our motorhome adventurers, having parked our mobile bivouac in a modest Municipal Parking Lot just off the main drag, were sitting on the porch of a candy shop cooling down on iced cappuccinos and essentially letting the world pass by, even as a helicopter tour was getting ready for takeoff from the nearby heliport. Not to mention a warmish wind blowing out of the Black Hills.
"Uh, Snag old buddy," Huckleberry Hound was remarking to me, "I admit we'll wanting to be stop by this here old Wall Drug Store before too long."
"Inevitably," remarked I.
"And who visiting South Dakota certainly wouldn't?" remarked Hokey Wolf, ever the racally one with his buddy Ding-a-Ling, be it in discussing screwball schemes, playing cards or otherwise sharing snacks. "Besides, boys, Wall Drug may be tacky, but it's certainly worthy of the visit!"
"And this alligator cannot wait for plenty of that Free Ice Water, don't you know!" in the immortal words of Wally Gator.
"Not to mention the 5-cent coffee!" Huck added.
"And I have oft been led to wonder how Wall Drug can still serve coffee for a nickel," observed I when my mobile phone went off. It was as unlikely a character as you could get as Peter Potamus.
"Yes, Peter; we're in the Black Hills of South Dakota, in case you're wondering. Next likely stop for us will be Wall Drug."
"You mean THE Wall Drug Store with all those billboards?"
"Who else could it be, Peter?!"
"At any rate, call me when you cross into Minnesota. We have something to discuss about an underwater ceremony for especially you and Huck."
"Oh, and ere we forget ... we also have the Character Convo for Braham Pie Day on August 4th."
"No doubt our paths will cross before then, Snag."
Heading back on the road not long afterward towards The Ice Water Store after cooling our heels as above, I mentioned to Huck about the time I ran across The Banana Splits as their tour bus needed to be serviced in Mitchell, South Dakota--as in the Corn Palace, incidentally--and arranged for them to play an impromptu concert at none other than the Corn Palace.
"THE Corn Palace?!" was how Huckleberry Hound respondeth.
"Just a chance meeting in the middle of winter," I admitted in nursing the last of the iced cappuccino.
But then again, Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy couldn't help but sense a degree of excitement inherent for visiting Wall Drug, and it was bound to be Augie, Son of Sons unto Doggie Daddy, that was the most excitable. But not before Hokey Wolf and Ding-a-Ling managed to get Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy into a card game bound to get rather crazy as things approached Rapid City.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Now that NHS revenge quest of the past decade is over, he wants friends again. He decides to start with an equally lonely person, Jiang Cheng, who does not have a say in the matter.
“We’re not friends,” Jiang Cheng said.
“Aren’t we?” Nie Huaisang asked. He didn’t show any shame at having unexpectedly come to visit or at being turned away; instead, he just tapped his fan against his lower lip. “Really? I hadn’t the slightest notion.”
Jiang Cheng felt a shiver go down his spine, which he hadn’t really expected. It was Nie Huaisang, after all, and even if he’d somehow turned out to be a lot more than anyone would’ve expected, well, how dangerous could he really be?
“And to think! For all these years, I’ve been giving you the friend discount.”
Jiang Cheng stiffened. “The…friend discount?”
“Yeah! On all of the trade between our sects, or which our sects enable. All those trade routes and merchants, the tariffs and taxes, the cultivation base materials, the food…”
Jiang Cheng felt cold. Qinghe under Nie Huaisang wasn’t the cultivation powerhouse it had been under Nie Mingjue, but it was still incredibly powerful, a full-on Great Sect, and moreover one of the most practically minded ones: they had their fingers in every merchant’s guild, every serious artisan’s house, every major farm…and loans, of course. Nie Mingjue had been very generous, and set very favorable terms for both trade and repayment all the way back when Jiang Cheng had been rebuilding his sect, and Nie Huaisang had never altered them.
Jiang Cheng’s yearly budget depended on those terms.
“Such a pity,” Nie Huaisang said, and sighed. “Well, it’s all right. If we call due the notes on your dyer’s guilds, we’ll have the money for an amazing New Year’s ceremony.”
The Jiang sect relied heavily on their dyers’ guild – Jiang Cheng had rebuilt the Lotus Pier in large part with their income and their help. In turn, the dyers had been a little extravagant recently, living a little beyond their means in order to take advantage of the current good times; if their debts were called in, they would turn to the Jiang sect and demand help, and he’d have no choice but to honor that.
His treasury would be emptied, and he might need to call in his own debts, and that would be catastrophic to the Jiang sect’s reputation as a Great Sect.
“Wait,” he said.
Nie Huaisang smiled at him. The smile had teeth.
“…I misspoke,” Jiang Cheng said, teeth gritted together. “Of course we’re friends.”
“Oh? That’s great! Jiang-xiong!”
Jiang Cheng found himself in the uncomfortable position of being hugged by his blackmailer.
“Are you going to tell me why you’re doing this?” he eventually asked.
“Mm,” Nie Huaisang said. He hadn’t let go yet. “I’m lonely.”
Jiang Cheng closed his eyes briefly. “…perhaps it was that decade-long revenge quest that made people wary of you?”
“Maybe? Seems like an overreaction. I’m not that clever, really.”
“You just blackmailed me into being your ‘friend’.”
“Well, yes. But you don’t actually mind because being forced into it is the only way you’d accept that you’re worthy of being someone’s friend.”
Jiang Cheng opened his mouth, affronted.
“Go on, name one person that you’re friends with. Jin Ling doesn’t count.”
Wei Wuxian probably didn’t count either.
“That doesn’t mean I like being blackmailed!”
“No? Wasn’t that the entire basis of your relationship with san-ge?”
It really had been.
“And you mostly liked him.”
…he kind of had.
“So why not me, too?”
Jiang Cheng rubbed his forehead. “First you pick up his scheming, next you pick up blackmail…Do you want to be Chief Cultivator, too?”
“Do you?”
Jiang Cheng scowled at him.
Nie Huaisang arched his eyebrows at him. “I’m serious. Do you want it? You could have it. Jin Ling would back you, and so would I if it was what you wanted. Er-ge is in seclusion, I’m untrustworthy, and Jin Ling is too young – you’re a reasonable choice. The best choice, even.”
Jiang Cheng thought about it.
Then he actually thought about it.
“I would hate it,” he said, suddenly horrified. “I already deal with enough people as it is!”
Nie Huaisang patted him on the shoulder. “There, there. If you don’t want the job, you can support me and I’ll take it. As a favor to a friend.”
Jiang Cheng was pretty sure he’d just been manipulated into supporting Nie Huaisang’s bid to be Chief Cultivator, but he didn’t actually care because Nie Huaisang was right. He really was the most logical option – it was traditional for Chief Cultivator to be the sect leader of one of the Great Sects, and all the others were in fact not appropriate for the reasons Nie Huaisang had listed. If he didn’t get someone else to take the job, he’d be well and truly stuck with it!
“Hey, jiujiu, are you in – hey!” Jin Ling glared at Nie Huaisang. “What are you doing here?”
“Jin Ling!” Jiang Cheng snapped. “Be polite!”
“What? But –”
“Be polite! Sect Leader Nie is a friend of mine, and your elder, even if your social rank is the same. Don’t forget your manners!”
Jin Ling mouthed the word ‘friend’.
“We’re very good friends,” Nie Huaisang said virtuously. “I’m doing Jiang-xiong all sorts of favors.”
Like keeping people away from him.
Jiang Cheng nodded.
Jin Ling looked between them and, for some reason, turned bright red. “Jiujiu!” he exclaimed. “Why him?”
“…who else?” Jiang Cheng asked, slightly bewildered. “He’s the most suitable.”
It wasn’t like Lan Xichen could be Chief Cultivator from seclusion. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian weren’t qualified, not as anything more than a temporary role, and anyway they were too busy rolling around in their sheets to actually take the time to do the job properly. And it would be even more inappropriate for it to be someone from one of the smaller sects!
“But – but – but jiujiu…!”
Nie Huaisang started snickering.
“What is it now?” Jiang Cheng asked him, feeling long-suffering. “Some new way to get me over a barrel?”
Nie Huaisang was now laughing. “Jiang-xiong,” he said, wiping his eyes. “Jiang-xiong…would you like me to get my birth characters? To do it properly?”
“No!” Jin Ling exclaimed.
“What?” Jiang Cheng asked. “Why would you need –”
Belated understanding arrived.
“I’m not sleeping with him!” he howled. “A-Ling!”
“This will be a very good friendship,” Nie Huaisang said happily. “A very good one.”
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sinni-ok-sessi · 4 years
Characters of The Untamed rated on how nice I think it would be to get a hug from them (a non-exhaustive list in no particular order)
Lan Xichen: The Obvious Choice™. Strong Lan arms, perfect for hugging. The exact right height to rest his chin on my head. Enfold me in those five million layers of robes, er-ge, and tell me everything will be OK. Possible downsides: high likelihood of waking up dead if Jin Guangyao finds out about it. 10/10, worth it.
Jiang Yanli: another Obvious Choice. The kind of hugger who pays attention to the accompanying gestures, not just the squeezy arms. Definitely a hair-stroker. Probably would kiss the top of my head and I’d be OK with that. 10/10, but wouldn’t it be nice for her to be the huggee rather than the hugger for once?
Nie Mingjue: an excellent choice if what you like in a hug is the comforting weight of steel bands round your torso. And I Do. 9/10
Nie Huaisang: I feel like any time Nie Huaisang hugs you, it turns into you hugging Nie Huaisang, since he is Just Baby when he wants to be. 6/10, still a good time.
Mianmian: not much of a hugger, but would probably oblige if asked nicely. Feel yourself enveloped in the warmth of competence and a strong moral core. 7/10, over too soon.
Jiang Cheng: clearly, Canonically a giver of Great Hugs if you can get him to admit he feels one (1) positive emotion towards you. Excellent arm pressure, bonus points for his efforts to full-body meld with the huggee. 11/10 if you can get ‘em.
Wei Wuxian: this may be heresy, but I very much feel like unless you’re Lan Zhan or one of his siblings, it’s quantity over quality from Wei Wuxian. Good for regular, casual hugs, not so much l i ng e r i n g ones. 7/10, would rather hug him instead.
Jin Xixuan: probably an acceptable hugger after extensive coaching from Jiang Yanli, but it’ll never come naturally. He tries so hard though. 4/10.
Jin Guangyao: absolutely not, no way in hell. A hug would just leave his hands in the exact right position to slip a knife between my shoulderblades. I’ll pass, thanks. -3/10. However, I would hug younger!Meng Yao. It’d probably be a deeply uncomfortable experience for both of us, but I think he needs it.
Song Lan: does Not do hugs, but would give you a nod of acknowledgement that leaves you feeling fantastic about yourself. 5/10.
Xiao Xingchen: hell yes. He’s got the Strong Cultivator Arms™, the boundless love for humanity, the perfect height advantage (look, I am very much a connoisseur of hugs from the short person perspective). He is not, perhaps, a natural at it, but he’s Worked Hard and Put In The Effort and oh boy has it paid off. 10/10.
Lan Qiren: oh so very awkward. He would, if he thought it was necessary, but you’d end up kind of wishing he’d just left you there feeling sad on your own. 3/10.
Lan Wangji: very good hugs (look, he has the Lan Arms™ and also a lot of pent-up emotions better expressed through actions rather than words), but only available to three, maybe four, people in the world. 13/10 if you’re on the Hug List, 5/10 for wistful, daydreamed hugs if not.
Xue Yang: as with Jin Guangyao above, absolutely not. In many ways, a worse time than Jin Guangyao because of the high chance that your hug will be mysteriously Sticky™. Is it blood? Is it candy? Is it viscera? Probably! -10/10.
Wen Qing: very proficient at hugs - perfect pressure, perfect duration - but actually heartfelt ones are restricted to a very limited list of people. 6/10, is this hug a cover for some impromptu acupuncture?
Wen Ning: once he’s figured out the super-strength thing enough to not crack your ribs, an excellent and comfortingly solid hugger. You would absolutely feel loved in a Wen Ning hug. 9/10, one point deducted for lack of body heat.
Jin Ling: much like Jiang Cheng, difficult to persuade to hug you rather than fight you, but if you’re one of the lucky few, prepare to be hugged to within an inch of your life. In a good way. 8/10.
Lan Sizhui: has learnt from both his dads, not to mention Uncle Xichen, and combines quantity and quality of hug to perfection. 15/10.
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movielosophy · 4 months
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Joy of Life 2 | Will you believe him?
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Lucien’s Radio Broadcast Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 电台之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ This date was released on 17 May 2021 ]
Part One: A Weekend Arrangement
On the weekend morning, I wake up contentedly, doing a big stretch on the bed. 
Feeling for my phone beside the pillow, I tap on the unread text that was received five minutes ago.
Lucien: Are you awake? Little Lazy Bug.
A small smile involuntary surfaces on my lips. Nuzzling the soft pillow case, I get up at one go, washing my face and brushing my teeth.
After fifteen minutes, I knock on Lucien’s door.
MC: Lucien, it’s me!
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Not a moment later, he opens the door, wearing light-coloured home wear that I rarely see, a pair of golden-framed glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.
It’s been a while since Lucien and I last saw each other. He has been staying in the research centre recently, and I’ve been busy with filming a new show.
Since we both have a rare break, we made arrangements to meet today.
Lucien: I even thought I’d only get to see you at noon.
Upset, I look at his teasing smile.
MC: In Professor Lucien’s eyes, am I a person who doesn’t keep to her promises? I finally get to see you, so of course I’m seizing every moment.
The arcs at the corners of his lips grow deeper. He turns his body to the side, beckoning me to enter.
Following Lucien into the living room, I see several thick English books left open on the coffee table, and my shoulders droop subconsciously.
MC: Lucien, do you have work to handle today?
Lucien turns around, his eyes curving when he sees my appearance. He walks to me, then lifts my shoulders up gently.
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Lucien: Of course not. I finally get to see you, so of course I have to be entirely focused.
Part Two: Pondering on the Play
After releasing a secret sigh of relief, I become curious regarding the books on the coffee table. Picking up one of the books, I see its name on the title page - 
MC: “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare”? Are you reading Shakespeare’s works?
Lucien: To be more accurate, I’m selecting a play.
MC: Selecting?
Lucien doesn’t respond to my question, turning around and walking into the kitchen.
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Lucien: Are there any plays that you like?
MC: Hm... I can’t think of any that I especially like. All the plays I’ve watched with you seem pretty good. What about you?
Lucien: Do you still remember the play we watched called “André & Dorine”?
[Trivia] André & Dorine depicts the enduring love between an elderly couple as their lives are disrupted, but not overcome, by dementia
MC: I remember! Was it that mime theatre production? I still remember how you pondered over the guitar case on stage for a long time after the performance was over.
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Lucien: I wasn’t pondering much. It’s just that after watching it, I felt that life is very short.
Lucien brings over a cup of steaming hot cocoa from the kitchen. He places the cup in my hand naturally, his eyes meeting mine.
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Lucien: It has to be spent with the person one loves.
Part Three: A Typical Day in the Radio Broadcast Station
The temperature within the house seems to rise along with the the piping hot cocoa. I pat my slightly flushed cheeks, pulling the conversation topic back.
MC: Come to think of it, why do you have to select a play?
Lucien sits down unhurriedly, his tone steady as he gives me an answer which leaves one utterly confused.
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Lucien: I need to confess something to Producer MC -
Lucien: I accepted the invitation of another radio broadcast station.
After waiting for Lucien to finish with his short “confession”, I finally understand why he has to select a play.
Two days ago, Lucien received an invitation from the Loveland Radio Broadcast Station to participate in a 520 Special Broadcast Program called “A Day in a Play”.
[Note] 520 stands for 20 May, a day celebrated by the Chinese as another Valentine’s Day. This is because 我爱你 (“wo ai ni” - “I love you”) sounds like the numbers 5, 2, and 0 (“wu er ling”) when said aloud
This program regularly invites theatre fans from various occupations to share their favourite plays, and Lucien is one of them.
Hearing such news bogs me down with mixed feelings. On one hand, I’m silently in awe at the good choice made by the radio station. On the other hand...
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I sneak a peek at Lucien. His head is currently lowered as he blows on the steam of the hot cocoa, his expression levelled.
...if I were to get jealous about Lucien agreeing to participate in another show, it’d be an incredibly inconsiderate thing, right?
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Just as I think about this, Lucien suddenly lifts his head towards me. He crinkles his eyes into a smile, as though he has completely seen through the little grumblings in my heart from earlier.
Lucien: Oh yes, this show requires me to invite a partner. The Great Producer MC would grace me with her presence, won’t she?
[ DATE ]
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Lucien: “Come live with me and be my love,”
Lucien: “And we will all the pleasures prove,”
Lucien: “That valleys, groves, hills, and fields,”
Lucien: “Woods, or steepy mountains yields.”
Lucien: “And we will sit upon rocks,”
Lucien: “Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks,”
Lucien: “By shallow rivers to whose falls,”
Lucien: “Melodious birds sing madrigals.”
Lucien: “...if these flights thy mind may move,”
Lucien: “Then live with me and be my love.”
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Lucien: What do you think about this poem? Do you like it?
Lucien sets down the manuscript in his hand, lifting his eyes slowly.
He’s leaning next to the window of the guest lounge. The warm light of spring falls on his shoulders, creating a mild, brilliant white halo in the air.
A few days ago, Lucien invited me to participate in the 520 Special Broadcast Program called “A Day in a Play”.
The content of this show consists of idle talk related to plays, and it regularly invites theatre fans from various occupations to share about their favourite plays.
The stanza that Lucien just read aloud came from a poem written by a playwright called Christopher Marlowe. 
MC: I like it very much.
Returning to my senses, my expression is sincere as I look at him.
MC: Lucien, have you ever thought of changing occupations and becoming an actor?
When Lucien hears this, his eyes arch into a smile. He walks over, tapping the manuscript gently on the top of my head.
Lucien: An exaggerated compliment would make it lose its sincerity.
Just as I’m about to firmly express my sincerity, I notice from the corner of my eye that there are several markings on Lucien’s manuscript.
Leaning over to get a better look, I realise that those markings are notes taken down on the poem by Lucien with a pen.
I recall how he’s been incredibly busy in the previous period, and how there were many times when I had to remind him to eat...
Even so, he made notes on the manuscript regarding reciting techniques for this show. In my heart, I deeply respect his endless energy. At the same time, I can’t help but be envious.
MC: Does Professor Lucien need to do homework beforehand too?
Lucien: Techniques are required for specialised skills. I’m not a professional at reciting poetry, so of course I need to do my homework beforehand. 
I deliberately fold my arms, letting out quiet “hmph”s.
MC: But you don’t seem to do any preparations as a consultant for Miracle Finder.
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Lucien: Since I’m a consultant, I can’t let the producer of the show see me do last minute work.
He draws slightly closer to me, lowering his voice.
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Lucien: At a place you can’t see, I’ve always been working hard for you.
The evident slyness in his tone causes my breathing to turn slightly ragged. Clearing my throat, I put some distance between us.
MC: [blushing] That’s not what I meant...
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Lucien: I understand.
Meaningful arcs hook the corners of his lips, as though he sees through the feelings in my heart. He tugs me over to sit on the sofa in the guest lounge.
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Lucien: Or should I only participate in the shows you produce next time?
MC: ...I’m not asking you to go that far either!
He narrows his eyes and turns his head to the side, pretending to give it some thought. 
Lucien: In that case, I’ll always ask for Producer MC’s opinion before appearing on a show. Is that okay?
I nod, face red from his teasing. All of a sudden, my heart stirs.
MC: Verbal statements can’t be relied upon. Concrete evidence is needed.
I lift my hand, removing the small hair tie on my ponytail. Then, I indicate for Lucien to give me his hand.
He seems to guess what I plan to do. Supporting his chin casually with one hand, he stretches the other hand in front of me.
With a serious expression, I put on the hair tie on his wrist solemnly, as though I’m conducting a formal ceremony.
MC: It shall be the evidence. In future, the Professor Lucien on the big screen will be completely reserved by me!
After sitting in the lounge for a while, the director comes over and goes through today’s show schedule with Lucien and I briefly.
The show is segmented into reading letters from theatre fans, reciting monologues from plays, and monologue appreciation, among other things.
In every episode, this show will choose a particular theme of plays, which will then be used to expand on the contents of the show.
In order to be in line with the special day of 520, the theme for this episode has been set as the “possessiveness” between lovers.
As such, the plays and characters we selected are related to “possessiveness”.
The first segment consists of sharing letters from listeners. The show team had collected various reviews of plays from listeners, as well as their personal takeaways from the plays.
There’s only ten minutes before the show begins. Seizing this final free time, I sit in the studio, skimming through these letters briefly.
Some of the letters include analysis spanning over a thousand words on the extreme possessiveness of some classic characters in plays...
Some of the letters created a hearty one-act play based on the word “possessiveness”.
My line of sight roams over these letters, and I can sense someone leaning over from the side.
Lucien: What are you looking at?
MC: Letters from the listeners. Which letter would you like to read later?
Lucien glances at the open letters on the table for a while. Then, the corners of his lips suddenly curve upwards.
Just as I'm about to follow his line of sight, the director gives us a signal from outside, telling us that the countdown to the broadcast is about to begin.
Suppressing my curiosity, Lucien and I begin today’s radio broadcast with the guidance of the host.
The segment of reading letters arrives on schedule. I select a satisfactory review of a play to read. Very quickly, it’s almost time for Lucien to read a letter.
Host: Would Professor Lucien be reading an interesting review of a play as well?
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Lucien picks up a pink coloured envelope in the middle directly, as though he has long since made a decision.
Lucien: Even though it isn’t a review, ever since I saw this letter before the show, I really wanted to share it with everyone. However, it looks like the owner of this letter is female. If I were to read it, I’m afraid it’d be slightly inappropriate.
Lucien turns over, handing the letter to me.
Lucien: Could I request Producer MC to read it for me?
I blink, taking the letter without knowing what’s going on.
Opening the letter, the childish handwriting brings with it a fragrance as it unfolds before my eyes.
MC: “Hello hosts, I’m a student from junior high.”
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Slightly puzzled, I look at Lucien. He smiles slightly, indicating that I should continue reading.
MC: “Recently, I’ve been feeling troubled.”
MC: “Ever since coming to junior high school, my deskmate has been a very playful boy, and he always bullies me.”
MC: “He often tugs on my ponytail, or asks me to give him my seat in the canteen. Even though he gives me snacks, he says that it’s only because he doesn’t want to eat them.”
MC: “While eating his snacks one day, a classmate suddenly teased us and asked if we liked each other. At that time, I was in a fluster and shouted without realising, ‘How could I like him!’”
MC: “Ever since then... my deskmate hasn't spoken to me.”
MC: “I thought I’d be really happy since I’m freed from his bullying. But whenever I see him distributing snacks to other girls, I actually feel the impulse to cry.”
MC: “I even secretly placed his snacks on my own table, pretending that my deskmate gave them to me...”
MC: “ --so that I can attempt to stake my claim in front of other girls.”
MC: “Last week, I watched a stage play, and the experiences of the lead character were somewhat similar to mine.”
MC: “Afterwards, I read the reviews. Everyone was saying that the lead character was fiercely possessive, and a little abnormal...”
MC: “Am I also such a person? What counts as being possessive? Is being possessive truly an illness?”
After reading the last line, I lift my head to meet Lucien’s eyes, giving him a knowing smile.
Host: I didn’t expect Professor Lucien to select such an adorable letter. How would you respond to this young listener’s question?
Lucien: I’m very sorry, but I’m unable to respond. This question might require a consultation with a professional. But I once read a document on concepts in psychology related to “possessiveness”, and I could share it with everyone.
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Lucien stretches his hand towards me, and I hand the letter to him in tacit understanding. 
He unfolds the letter, casually lifting his spectacles. Then, he lowers his hand, his fingertips tapping rhythmically on the table.
The sound of tapping stops abruptly. He lifts his hand to support his lips, then tilts his head slightly, as though recalling the contents of the document.
Lucien: The following information is for everyone’s reference. Possessiveness is typically expressed as an exceptional cherishing of the other party, and being concerned about the other party in various aspects of their life.
For some inexplicable reason, along with Lucien’s words, I suddenly recall scenes of myself heading to the research centre to bring him bentos.
Lucien: Only allowing oneself and the other party to have a connection, and not wishing for others to get close to the other party.
My heart once again inexplicably recalls the bitter taste when I heard of Lucien participating in this show. 
Lucien: If one finds that the other party no longer belongs to them, they’d use all sorts of methods to stake their claim.
Lucien appears to deliberately twist his wrist slightly, revealing the small hair tie on it.
...I have a feeling that Lucien is implicitly referring to me. I keep my eyes on Lucien, and can’t help but purse my lips.
He seems to sense my “complaint”, but his eyes remain on the letter in his hand, a smile on his lips tugging upwards.
Lucien: This is simply a definition, and isn’t enough to ascertain the intensity of a person’s possessiveness. However, satisfying one’s possessiveness in an appropriate manner isn’t a bad thing. If possessiveness is unable to obtain a suitable outlet, it’d end up violently engulfing the originally balanced love. Furthermore, possessiveness isn’t a disease.
Lucien sets down the letter. As though sensing my gaze, he turns his head and gives me a slight smile.
Lucien: It accompanies a strong love. It’s a human instinct. 
After the letter reading segment, Lucien, as the main guest, has to read a monologue from a certain play in the next segment.
This play narrates an account in mid-century Europe, involving the love story of a wealthy lady and a butler who grew up together since young.
This butler was naturally more intelligent than others, and had a composed temperament. If he were to craft a career for himself, he’d do far better than being a butler.
However, in order stay by the side of his beloved lady, he was willing to remain within the four walls.
The naive wealthy lady didn’t understand the genuine feelings of the butler. Like every other wealthy lady, she looked forward to marrying her own prince. 
But when she was arranged to get married to a wealthy duke, her heart started to waver.
Because the intensity of the butler’s possessiveness went to his head, he eventually poisoned the wealthy lady, then vanished into the night.
With his own hands, he buried the love of his life, and from then on became a fugitive, living a life that was neither dead nor alive.
The monologue that Lucien is about to read is taken from the part after the butler finds out that the lady is inclined to marrying the duke. It’s the first time he reveals the depth of his possessiveness. 
Lucien selected this monologue himself, and I can’t help but anticipate it.
Host: Listeners and friends, we’ll now lend our ears to Professor Lucien -
Lucien nods slightly, tilting his head towards me and blinking slowly. His lowered voice gradually seeps into the earpieces.
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Lucien: “I thought she was just a canary which would only sit by the window...”
Lucien: “When the sun rises every morning, she’d be at the glass window, facing the blazing sunlight and preening its feathers to its heart’s content.”
Rich affection is in Lucien’s voice. It’s as though I can see a talented and handsome young man staring at the girl’s back in the room with deep feelings.
Lucien: “Her wings are vibrant and heart-stirring. She spends a lot of time on them, combing them gently with a bristle brush.”
Lucien: “Whenever this happens, I’d stand behind her, carrying a cup of hot tea, waiting for her quietly.”
Lucien: “I know that in this moment, she belongs only to me.”
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Lucien’s voice suddenly turns soft and barely discernible. I can’t help but be immersed in it -
The modern studio around me suddenly shifts, as though turning into wooden furniture in Western Europe.
Ripples of colour reflect off the windows and onto the floor, glistening with light. An expensive fragrance of rogue diffuses in the room.
Lucien: “Only I know what she's thinking of, and only I understand everything about her.”
I turn my head to Lucien, who is behind me. He’s wearing a fitting suit, standing at a spot where shadows and light mingle.
Lucien: “We will be forgotten in this place by the world, but the strings of fate will tie us together.”
He suddenly pauses, the intermingling of shadows and light distorting his expression into shreds. He trembles slightly in the darkness.
Lucien: “...before meeting that duke, she was always in front of that glass window, being my bird.”
Lucien: “She should realise that if she were to fly out, she would have cuts and bruises all over from those impetuous dandies.”
Lucien: “She would discover that there is an entire sky of canaries which are just as beautiful and frail as her. Those dandies only have to reach out gently--”
Lucien: “And her beloved feathers would be easily plucked out.”
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Lucien: “If this is the ending... if this is the only ending...”
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Lucien: “Then her feathers should belong to me.”
When I see his calm and shadowed expression, I hold my breath momentarily.
Lucien: “Only belonging to me.”
The monologue ends.
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Lucien: In the short span of one minute, you’ve already hesitated to say something to me five times.
Lucien sighs, setting down the cup of water in his hand.
After the monologue ended, the subsequent segments no longer involve the guests that much.
Lucien and I have left the studio earlier, and are sitting on the sofa in the lounge, waiting for the show to officially come to an end.
It’s just that... ever since we stepped out of the studio and I saw Lucien returning to his normal state, my heart has had difficulties making the adjustment.
MC: ...I was just so stunned.
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Tickled by the exaggerated tone in my voice, Lucien chuckles softly.
Lucien: I’ll take that as a compliment. 
MC: Of course it’s a compliment! I didn’t expect you to perform so well. You were basically an entirely different person earlier!
Lucien: I was simply portraying the role as I understood it. But I accept Producer MC’s compliment.
He takes a shallow sip of tea calmly, returning to how Lucien typically is, and completely different from the butler he was acting as earlier.
Seeing him like this, a question suddenly surfaces in my heart -
I wonder what Lucien’s possessiveness looks like?
Director: Sorry for the wait! The two of you have worked hard today!
After the show ends, the director returns to the lounge, carrying a stack of manuscripts in his hand.
Director: The responses for today’s show are extremely good! Many thanks to Professor Lucien and Miss MC for the spectacular performance!
Lucien: We’re also grateful for your invitation to participate in this show.
Director: Professor Lucien is too polite. Both of you truly did very well. The comment board for the show is filled with positive remarks. To tell you the truth, there’s something I need to ask of the two of you.
The director unfolds the manuscript in his hand. Lucien and I lower our heads to look at it. It’s the script from that earlier play.
Director: We’d like to include a special 520 Easter egg for this episode’s theme. It would be the final scene between the butler and the wealthy lady. Earlier, Professor Lucien’s monologue left a deep impression on the listeners, and the responses were very enthusiastic. If possible, could you and Producer MC record this Easter egg today?
The director clasps his hands together, inviting Lucien sincerely. However, Lucien turns his line of sight to me.
Lucien: My rights to participate in a show belong to this lady. If she agrees, I’ll naturally have no issues with it.
The director looks over in confusion. Just as Lucien is about to showcase the hair tie with a dead serious expression, I hurriedly agree.
MC: Yes! We can!
The director unclasps his hands quickly, preparing for the recording of the Easter egg. Lucien and I remain in the studio to go over the lines.
After familiarising myself with my lines, I lift my head, realising that Lucien is leaning against the sofa, reading the script meticulously and silently.
Seeing him look so serious, I suddenly become curious again.
MC: Lucien, could I ask you a question?
Lucien: Does it have to do with why I agreed to participate in this show?
MC: ...as expected, I can’t hide anything from you.
He sets down the manuscript, grinning as he tidies the hair at my ear.
Lucien: I simply care about you exceptionally. I’m guessing that what you want to know even more is why I’d bring you along to participate in this show.
My eyes widen slightly, and I give him a thumbs up.
He chuckles after seeing this. Waves of gentleness ripple in those eyes that have always been difficult to read.
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Lucien: I know that we differ from others in the way we’re always handling our own matters. It’s difficult to meet, much less have each others’ time. I also know that you’re always doing your best to give your free time to me -
Lucien: Bringing me bentos with plenty of dishes, attending conferences when I release new books, and taking me to see the spring day in your eyes.
Lucien: So, I want to tell you that whether or not you can see it, I’m also doing my best to own every moment of your free time.
Lucien: To me, participating in this show is akin to watching a movie together. I simply want it to be a special moment for us which belongs only to you and me. 
He leans down, drawing closer to me, encasing my surroundings with his unique scent.
Looking into his eyes, a wave of gentleness seems to ripple in my heart, and my cheeks flush slightly.
MC: I’ll also do my best to create special moments belonging only to the both of us. I’ll invite Professor Lucien to look forward to them.
Lucien: You being like this is already good enough.
The corners of his eyes turn upwards, and he puts some distance between us.
Lucien: Let’s go over the lines together. The director’s waiting for us to record the Easter egg.
I nod. Taking a deep breath, I return my focus to the script again.
In the final scene between the butler and the wealthy lady, the wealthy lady is holding a love letter she wrote to the duke, naively wanting the butler to polish her writing.
Even though she senses that she shouldn’t let the butler see this letter, he’s the person she trusts most.
In front of the butler, she’s like a young girl experiencing her first awakening of love as she reads the love letter aloud.
The butler, whose unbridled possessiveness and intense jealousy have rushed to his head, finally poisons his beloved in his arms after she reads the final line.
Using a letter from a listener as a prop, I place it in his hand and begin the monologue.
MC: “You must definitely listen to this letter...”
MC: “It contains my heartfelt sincerity. No matter what, I don’t want there to be any mistakes.”
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Lucien: "If you read it to me, it will be your first mistake.”
MC: “Please! You’ve never refused anything I ask of you. I’ll just treat it as tacit consent, just like always!”
MC: “Dearest Great Duke...”
MC: “I’m writing this letter to you, and it contains my sincerity...”
Following the script, I read the letter written to the duke.
MC: “...and with this, I look forward to your reply.”
These are the final words on the letter. Following this, there are a series of stage directions.
“The wealthy lady grips her love letter, brimming with anticipation as she stares out of the window. The butler is silent, handing her a cup of hot tea as he usually does.”
“The lady drinks it without putting up any defences, but doesn’t know that he had poisoned this cup. The love letter floats to the ground, and she falls into the butler’s arms.”
“...he speaks into her ear: ‘You belong only to me.’ The canary in his arms twitches for a while, then never stirs again.”
Seeing the tragic ending of this love story, my heart can’t help but sigh.
The butler’s love made him lose his mind. In order to possess his beloved forever, he pushed both himself and her into hell with his own hands.
I recall the scene from before when Lucien was reading the monologue, and how he usually has eyes as calm as a deep pond.
That earlier thought once again surfaces in my mind -
I wonder what Lucien’s possessiveness looks like?
Just when I’m thinking about this, I feel a forceful tug on my arm.
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I stumble, then fall into familiar arms. 
Puzzled, I turn my head towards Lucien. A sense of restraint is concealed in his eyes, and the unfathomable dark eyes hold within them intense emotions. 
Lucien: “This letter will never be sent, just as the bird will forever remain in her cage.”
Lucien takes a deep breath, leaning his weight against my body.
I feel scorching breaths on my exposed shoulders, and his hand brushes against my lips gently.
Lucien: “You can only belong to me.”
A familiar scent cages me in his embrace. For a moment, I’m unable to tell if the person before me is the butler who went mad because of love, or if he’s Lucien himself.
I abruptly return to my senses - the performance should already be over.
However, Lucien doesn’t let go of me, as though he hasn’t disengaged from the performance. 
Just as I prepare to remind him that it’s over, he suddenly leans near, leaving a soft kiss at the corner of my lips.
Lucien: Very sweet. I’m referring to the taste of the tea.
Stunned, I look at Lucien - he’s changing the ending of the script...
While he looks at me, the foreign emotions in his eyes suddenly vanish. Then, he crinkles his eyes into a smile, just like how he smiles at me every time.
I already knew that I couldn't hide anything from him.
This is his response to that question I’ve never asked -
Lucien: The person I want to possess will eventually possess me.
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hrodvitnon · 2 years
ItFoS Chapter 11 Preview
Ling's arrival fortunately comes without incident; Mothra's pheromones had begun acting up again, but at least she and Godzilla are cognizant enough to have their fun in a more private part of the island, and Vivienne hasn't joined them on account of a new burst of morning sickness catching her off guard, much to their disappointment.  But Godzilla and Mothra promise to make it up to Vivienne once she's feeling better, so it's not all bad – plus she's introduced herself to the Xbox in the den, so there's certainly no shortage of entertainment.  Ilene guides her twin into the house while a pair of escorts in military fatigues carry supply containers to the cellar, the sisters catching Vivienne finishing up character creation in Mass Effect.
"Hey," Vivienne greets the two, Ling reciprocating it.
"Hey.  Everything all right?  You look a little pasty – more than usual, anyway."
There's no barb in it, and Vivienne playfully flips Ling off with a V sign.  "I'm pregnant, leave me alone."
Ling smirks, parking herself next to Vivienne on the sofa to watch her ex fumble through her first video game since her university years in the 90's.  Ilene just sits on the adjacent easy chair and watches more out of boredom than any real interest.
"Speaking of which, where's the daddy?" Ling asks.  Vivienne gives her the rundown of what happened yesterday, how Rodan and San are supposed to be gathering intel from Maia Simmons, or anyone else at Apex willing to blow whistles.  "Are you sure that's a good idea?  We're talking about Rodan and one-third Ghidorah here.  They could turn all of Hong Kong into a dust bowl for all we know."
"Yeah, but you know how Vivienne gets when she's pissed off," Ilene points out and Ling nods, conceding the notion.  Vivienne would protest a bit, but finds herself distracted by a fascinating alien character called Nihlus and the flanging effect of his voice, and Ilene rolls her eyes.  "Good god, of course you pick a game that caters to your monster fetish..."
"You want cheese with that whine?" Vivienne retorts.  "Because the more you go on and on about it, the more it sounds like you're jealous of all the good sex I'm getting."
"I'm not whining!"
Ling disguises a laugh as a cough.  "Right.  Because you obviously didn't send me a very flattering picture of Rodan's ass in skinny jeans, let alone the selfie you took with Mothra.  You know, the one with enough cleavage to give someone a heart attack?"
She pulls up the images on her phone and shows it to Vivienne, who lets out a long whistle.  A blushing Ilene chooses to ignore them in favor of the game, even if the look on her face could blast a hole in the wall and vaporize the TV with it.  After some minutes of in-game dialogue and flashlight-headed robots blowing up, Vivienne's phone buzzes; it's an unknown number, but not marked as potential spam.  She pauses the game and cautiously answers.
A woman's voice answers, "Dr. Graham, I presume?  Maia Simmons."
Vivienne bites back an "oh, shit!" and puts the call on speaker.  The twins lean in with interest.  "How did you get this number?"
"Your boyfriend told me," Maia explains.  In the background, Rodan's voice yells out "hi, babe!" and is followed by a door slamming shut, Maia adding, "He says hi.  He's heading back to... wherever you are right now.  More to the point, I want to make a proposition."
"I'm listening," Vivienne says, bracing herself for anything.
"You want information, and I'm willing to tell you everything I know – but not right now.  You understand we have to be certain communications are secure, removing a couple flies on the wall and all that.  I'm off on weekends, so I should have everything you need by Tuesday at the latest, if not by Monday evening."
Vivienne and the Chens blink at each other.
"So, er, what do you want in exchange?"
"Oh, I already have what I want."  Someone else chimes in, and Vivienne recognizes it as San.  For a moment Maia slips out of her business voice and gives San encouraging comments, something about adding a pinch of salt and pepper.  Maia returns to the call back in executive mode.  "Sorry, I'm teaching San how to cook.  I'm keeping him, by the way, so I hope you don't mind."
"Hold on!  What do you mean by keeping him?  You're not using him for some hidden Apex agenda, are you?"
"No, that's my father's plan, and I'm feeling disinclined to cooperate with his demands, no matter how much noise he makes.  San's my boyfriend now, and that makes him off limits to Apex."
"Told ya she likes me!" San chirps from the background, and Maia hums in agreement.
"Now, Dr. Graham, here's my offer: I give you information that may be of interest to your organization, in exchange for your men calling a truce with San."
Again, Vivienne blinks.  She tries to keep her wording as vague as possible based on Maia's comments about security.  "But what if he refuses?  You can't exactly shut down a grudge match of that particular scale."
"No, I can't imagine it will be solved overnight.  If things do get unpleasant, we can always establish something like, say, a private arena for them to work out their differences like civilized people.  Nothing major, just enough to get it out of their systems.  Besides, think of this as a contribution to your ideals of coexistence.  With our heaviest hitters no longer at each other's throats, that lifts a whole world of problems off our backs."
Vivienne is quiet for a moment, meanwhile San cheerfully announces the omelets are done.  Both Ilene and Ling ultimately shrug and offer cautious thumbs up; it sounds like a pretty sweet deal, all things considered, and it synergizes nicely with Monarch's beliefs on maintaining worldly balance with the Titans.  Hopefully Godzilla will find this arrangement acceptable.
"All right, Miss Simmons, it sounds like we have a deal."
"Excellent!  Now you can just kick back and let me take care of things on my end.  We'll talk again in a few days."
Maia hangs up, leaving the three to process what just happened.
"Sooo," Ling drawls.  "Apparently Miss Simmons is banging the evil space noodle."  Vivienne and Ilene nod in flummoxed silence.
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stiltonbasket · 4 years
for qin su!wwx, how about some more reluctant, maybe i DO care for you shut up siblings wwx and jzx? i just like them so much
In his previous life, Jin Zixuan never got along with either of his brothers-in-law.
There was no doubt that Jiang-zongzhu used to dislike him, because he was often rude to poor A-Li when they were children. On the other hand, Wei Wuxian outright detested him, because no one who denied respect to his shijie needed to live, in his opinion; and by the time of his death, Jin Zixuan actually hoped that he might redeem himself in Wei Wuxian’s eyes by demonstrating his love for his wife and son at A-Ling’s full-month celebration.
He never had any such problems with Jiang-zongzhu, since they were always courteous to one other due to their status in the gentry: but even so, Jin Zixuan was thoroughly unsurprised when he found himself twitching at the end of Zidian after Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian rescued A-Ling from the Hall of Sabers.
After all, their meeting at Dafan Mountan was a very unpleasant one, and only Lan Wangji’s timely appearance allowed Jin Zixuan to leave the scene mostly intact.
“I keep telling you, I’m not Wei Wuxian,” he yells, when Jiang-zongzhu drags him up into his inn room. “Let me go!”
“You think I’m a fool, do you?” Jiang Wanyin snarls, slinging him into the opposite wall. “The moment you came back, you summoned that dog of yours, and you dared to say--to Jin Ling--”
Did you have no mother to teach you manners, Jin-gongzi?
“It’s your fault he doesn’t have a mother!” Jiang-zongzhu bellows. “Or did you forget that the moment your precious Hanguang-jun arrived? And still, you have the face to deny who you are, to me!”
Your fault--
Tell A-Li I’m going out! Zixun has gone to Qiongqi Dao to fight with Wei Wuxian!
But how can he be an orphan? A-Li recovered from A-Ling’s birth, she was perfectly well by the full moon celebration--
There was a battle at Bu Ye Tian the week after you died, Young Master Jin. Your wife ran into the fray to protect Wei Ying, and took a sword that was meant for him.
Don’t you blame me, Wei Wuxian? I’m the reason you and A-Li died!
Jiang-zongzhu is still shouting at the top of his lungs, shaking Jin Zixuan by the arm as he slumps against a chest of drawers with tears pouring from his eyes--but then Jiang Wanyin goes silent, right before Jin Zixuan feels a warm, wet tongue lapping at his cheek.
Oh, he realizes, glancing down to read the two characters painted onto the animal’s collar alongside the Jin sect’s peony motif. It’s A-Ling’s spiritual dog.
“What?” he hears Jiang Wanyin whisper. “You--what?”
His brother-in-law is staring at him, aghast, and Jin Zixuan finally finds the strength to stand on his injured leg.
“Are you finished?” he says coldly. “I thought it was made plain at Dafan Mountain that I was to be placed in Lan-er-gongzi’s custody. By what right does Jiang-zongzhu seek to remove me from it?”
Jiang Wanyin makes no move to stop him as he leaves, and when he turns back at the threshold, the man is gazing into the corner where Jin Zixuan was sitting with Fairy as if the little section of floor had horribly betrayed him somehow.
“Wo de tian,” Wei Wuxian gasps, catching Jin Zixuan by the wrist as he stumbles around the corner. “What happened to you, Peacock? You were fine when we split up!”
“We didn’t split up,” Jin Zixuan moans. “You heard A-Ling’s dog barking and left me behind!”
“Oh, and you couldn’t follow me? Who’s the maiden between us, eh?”
Jin Zixuan glares at him. “Shut up. Do you remember where Hanguang-jun said he would meet us?”
“How can I tell you if you want me to shut up?”
“Wei Wuxian!”
“Hush! Not so loud,” his brother-in-law hisses. “Do you want to bring Jiang Cheng back here? Stay quiet and walk so we can find Lan Zhan.”
But the he muscles in his left leg are still twitching from Zidian, and Jin Zixuan plunges straight down to the ground before Wei Wuxian manages to lead him down the next alley.
“I can’t walk,” he grinds out, through clenched teeth. “Just leave and come back for me later.”
“Aiyah, I can’t do that,” mutters Wei Wuxian, crouching down in front of him. “Climb on.”
“Climb on where?”
“Onto my back! Hurry, or someone’s going to hear.”
“I can’t have a woman carry me on her back,” he gasps. “You’re not strong enough! And it’s undignified, besides!”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake--stay still, or I’ll drop you!”
“Your leg’s hurt, too!” Jin Zixuan howls, gulping as he catches a glimpse of the black flesh snaking its way up Wei Wuxian’s ankle. “You took that curse mark off A-Ling, remember?! Put me down!”
Wei Wuxian is still stronger than he is, though, so Jin Zixuan ends up being carried all the way to the bridge where Lan Wangji said he would wait for them. He leaps across the water and separates them before even greeting Jin Zixuan, barely casting him a sideways glance as he sweeps Wei Wuxian up into his arms.
“I left you both for an hour,” Lan Wangji says tightly. “Wei Ying!”
“This really isn’t my fault,” Wei Wuxian complains. “And you should be carrying the peacock, Lan Zhan! Jiang Cheng hit him with Zidian!”
“Wei Ying is hurt worse.”
Jin Zixuan sneaks behind Hanguang-jun’s back and pulls down his eyelid. “Suffer,” he mouths, provoking a gasp of outrage from Wei Wuxian. See how you like that, you showboating menace!
Two seconds later, Jin Zixuan trips on an uneven cobblestone and falls into the canal.
(Wei Wuxian laughs so hard that he cries, and then teases him about it for the next two days.)
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amethystroselily · 3 years
(This was originally written on Twitter and that’s why it’s so bad. (Now with unnecessary censoring!!!) I don’t go on tumblr enough to know the general consensus on Geto here. This might only apply to Twitter. I don’t know)
I don’t know why everyone on Twitter thinks none of Geto’s actions were his fault or even immoral. He was a deeply flawed person who made terrible decisions and that’s what makes him such a good character.
EVERYONE at jujutsu high was in similar traumatic situations as him, he’s the only one who decided to lead a r*cist m*rder c*lt. And while I understand why he did it, it definitely wasn’t a GOOD or honorable decision.
And his daughters. He loved them, but he also literally raised them in a c*lt. I’ve heard ppl say he wouldn’t have cared if they didn’t end up following his ideology, but, like, he did attack an institution full of ppl he was once very close with for that reason, so while I Don’t think he would have killed them or anything, I do think he would have been p*ssed. So I think he tried very hard to instill his ideology into them. We know he was doing that to other people, bc y’know, c*lt leader, so why wouldn’t he be willing to teach that to his kids? Even ppl who are usually against forcing their beliefs on people, instill their beliefs In their kids. So why wouldn’t a guy who thinks he’s SO right that he thinks EVERYONE should follow his beliefs also instill those beliefs in people he raised? He would have thought it right and moral thing to do, and that’s the problem. I think ppl tend to think he’s a “good person” bc he can explain his thought process in a way most people can empathize with, but that doesn’t mean he’s a good person it just means he’s a good character.
Him being right isn’t about whether his emotions were valid or not, it’s about how he handled those feelings and whether he helped more than he hurt. And he definitely did more of the latter. While he did tend to rationalize things as a way to help humanity, he was more driven by anger, bitterness, and self righteousness than his desire to help people. I think that’s why he never actually accomplished anything. He seemed fixated on revenge and ki/ling people, and a lot of his plans were about kil/ling non-sorcerers, rather than saving sorcerers from them. I think he let his hatred get in the way of his original goal of saving people. I don’t even think it was about saving sorcerers by the end there. He was completely willing to kil/l sorcerers just so he could kil/l non-sorcerers, and I think that takes away a lot of the validity of the reasoning he pretends he has. By then he’d spent a decade in his little echo chamber of hate, so at that point maybe even he would acknowledge it was no longer about saving people.
Also can we talk about how stupid his plan in vol 0 was? It’s kind of unrelated, but he is not the genius some of you think he is. (Affectionate, this time) The man was running on pure self-righteousness at that point (probably the result of only surrounding himself with ppl Who worship him for the last ten years) Maybe Kenjaku’s kind of blurring ppl’s perception of Geto? He does seem to be using Geto’s cursed technique much more efficiently than Geto was. But that’s probably bc he’s ancient and knows a lot of information Geto didn’t.
Anyway, back to my original point, his ideology was blatantly flawed, he’s just charismatic and really good at deflecting, so it seems like it makes more sense than it does. Bc it does make sense to him, and ppl like him, they want to agree with him bc he’s charming, and likable, And Tragic tm, so they do (both his cu/lt and readers) , but like, his ideas are pretty flawed (and borderline eug/enics-y?) and the narrative doesn’t want you to agree with him, it just wants you to understand why he’s the way he is. I guess Gege did really well at writing a cu/lt leader at least. Bc I swear some of you genuinely agree with him.
Like how happy did he think everyone was going to be when the vast majority of the population was de-ad??? Including a bunch of their loved ones? What was he going to when someone had a baby who was a non-sorcerer? Ki1l it? What was he going to do if ppl revolted bc he murd/ered all their loved ones? Kil1 them too? There’s only going to be like ten people left on the planet. I refuse to believe this b1tch thought that through.
I actually think KENJAKU’S plan may actually be more ethical. At least their end goal isn’t literally to k1ll people, and allows far more people to survive than Geto’s. Ppl dy/ing just happens to be part of the process rather than the actual goal. And oh my god, that’s such a LOW bar. Kenjaku may actually be helping ppl more than Geto, which isn’t much, but like I said low bar. He’s just less motivated by emotion and doesn’t have a tragic backstory (YET) so he comes of as more ~EVIL~. But it’s actually hilarious that people see Kenjaku as so much worse than Geto when they’re about on the same level. Kenjaku is considerably less outspokenly m*rderous and Geto is a better friend, so it evens out I guess? I would say it’s bc Kenjaku’s trying to ki1l the mcs and Geto wasn’t, but that’s not even true. Geto literally tried to kil1 all of the second years, and Kenjaku couldn’t care less about whether anyone lives or di*s, he’s just just trying to “evolve” ppl. He took Tsumiki h*stage But as far as he knows or cares she could win the culling game, Geto would have literally kil1ed her for being a non-sorcerer. (He attacked a elementary school, he wouldn’t care that she’s a kid, don’t lie to yourself)
And, yes, a lot of Geto’s traits could make him a good person, but those same traits are the ones that make him such a bad person. (Passion, charisma, even empathy at times, bc he empathizes so much with select ppl that when non-sorcerers (who he no longer deems ppl) hurt them He feels wronged and lashes out at the things he deems not worthy of sympathy)
Anyway it’s ok to acknowledge his flaws, or even feel neutral on him, he doesn’t have to be perfect for you to like him. (This isn’t a Kenjaku defense post, btw, it’s just funny that that’s true) I’ve seen way too many posts claiming the only bad thing Geto’s ever done is hurting Maki, and like, that’s nearly objectively false. And like half of them were completely unironic. A sympathetic villain isn’t the same thing as a hero.
This isn’t even Geto hate, I LIKE him, but the widespread perception of him being completely justified just feels so wrong. Why do so many people feel SO protective of him? Is his c-ult leader charisma just that effective?
I actually think pretending none of his flaws exist takes away SO much from his character. It strips away his agency and turns him into this tragic can-do-no-wrong figure that he just isn’t. He’s someone who couldn’t handle their own tr*uma and decided to take it out on the world. The way he decided to handle that is no one’s fault but his own.
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huaschengs · 4 years
❃ Eastern and Southeastern Asians Facecast Help❃
Note: :D hi,  I’m tired of people casting the wrong facecast for characters in creations. So, I made a list. 
Please stop interchanging East Asians and Southeast Asians (whether between the two or within).
Even with this list and other sources, please be sure to double-check every faceclaim you use in your creations/works, thank you.
List posted 10/6/2020
Updated 12/25/2020
Please let me know if there are any errors. 
 The creator of this list doesn’t have that much knowledge of South Asian celebrities and models. Please refer to other lists, thank you.
I didn’t include people from all Southeast Asian countries.
Baifern aka Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul (พิมพ์ชนก ลือวิเศษไพบูลย์)
Bass aka Suradet PiniwatSuradet Piniwat (สุรเดช พินิวัตร์) 
Ben aka Benjamin Brasier (เบญจมินทร์ เบรเซียร์)
Bright aka Vachirawit Chiva-aree (วชิรวิชญ์ ชีวอารี)
Captain aka Kongyingyong Chonlathorn (ชลธร คงยิ่งยง)
Copter aka  Panuwat Kerdthongtavee (ภานุวัฒน์ เกิดทองทวี)
Diary (ไดอารี่)
From RedSpin
Dome aka Woranart Ratthanaphast ( วรนาถ รัตธนภาส)
FahProud (ฟ้าพราวด์) 
From RedSpin
First aka Nattapat Kapilkarn (ณัฐภัท กปิลกาญจน์)
Frung aka Narikun Ketprapakorn (นรีกุล เกตุประภากร)
Gulf aka Kanawut Traipipattanapong (คณาวุฒิ ไตรพิพัฒนพงษ์)
Gun aka Napat Na Ranong (ณภัทร ณ ระนอง)
Jackie aka Jackrin Kungwankiatichai (จักริน กังวานเกียรติชัย)
Jam aka Charattha Imraporn (ชรัฐฐา อิมราพร)
James aka Teeradon Supapunpinyo (ธีรดนย์ ศุภพันธุ์ภิญโ��)
Jaylerr aka Kritsanapoom Pibulsonggram (กฤษณภูมิ พิบูลสงคราม)
Joong [or Chen] aka Archen Aydin Winphakun (อาเชน วิรภากุล)
Kaownah aka Kittipat Kaewcharoen (กิตติภัทร แก้วเจริญ)
Kayavine aka Kay Lertsittichai (เค เลิศสิทธิชัย)
Kim or Kimmon aka Varodom Khemmonta (วโรดม เข็มมณฑา)
Lay aka  Talay Sanguandikul (ทะเลสงวนดีกุล)
Lisa aka Lalisa Manoban (ลลิษา มโนบาล)
Birth name: Pranpriya Manoban (ปราณปริยา มโนบาล)
Lotte aka Thakorn Promsatitkul (ฐกร พรหมสถิตกุล)
Mark Prin aka Prin Suparat (ปริญ สุภารัตน์)  
Mew aka Suppasit Jongcheveevat (ศุภศิษฏ์ จงชีวีวัฒน์)
Minnie aka Nicha Yontararak (ณิชา ยนตรรักษ์)
Namfah aka Thunyaphat Phatrathinchaicherin (ธัญญภัสร์ ภัทรธีรชัยเจริญ)
Natty aka Ahnatchaya Suputhipong (อานัชญา สุพุทธิพงศ์)
Nine aka Kornchid Boonsathitpakdee (กรชิต บุญสถิต์ภักดี)
Noey aka Warattha Imraporn (วรัฐฐา อิมราพร)
Paris aka Paris Inthonkomansut (พาริส อินทรโกมาลย์สุต)
Pavel aka Naret Promphaopun (นเรศ พร้อมเผ่าพันธ์) 
PearPunch (แพร)
From RedSpin
Pepe (เปเป้)
From RedSpin
Perth aka Tanapon Sukhumpantanasan (ธนพนธ์ สุขุมพันธนาสาร)
Peter aka Cholapatr Jeepetch (ชลพัชร จี้เพชร)
Piglet aka Charada Imraporn (ชาราฎา อิมราพร)
Pimmy (พิมมี่)
From RedSpin
Plan aka Rathavit Kijworaluk (รัฐวิทย์ กิจวรลักษณ์)
Porsche aka Sivakorn Adulsuttikul (ศิวกร อดุลสุทธิกุล)
Porsche aka Nishapang Suksawatnachok (ณิชชาพัณณ์ สุขสวัสดิ์นำโชค)
From RedSpin
Praew aka Narupornkamol Chaisang (ฤภรกมล ฉายแสง)
Ryu aka Vachirawich Aranthanawong (วชิรวิชญ์ อรัญธนวงศ์)
Sorn aka Chonnasorn Sajakul (ชลนสร สัจจกุล)
Tae aka Darvid Kreepolrerk (ดาวิชญ์ กรีพลฤกษ์)
Taew aka Natapohn Tameeruks (ณฐพร เตมีรักษ์)
Tee aka Thanapon Jarujittranon (ธนพล จารุจิตรานนท์)
Third aka Lapat Ngamchaweng (ลภัส งามเชวง)
Title aka Kirati Puangmalee (กีรติ พวงมาลี)
Tor aka Thanapob Leeratanakajorn (ธนภพ ลีรัตนขจร)
Toto aka Thanadech Ophatthanyakorn (ธนเดช โอภาสธัญกร)
Amee (Trần Huyền My)
Annie (Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy)
Bảo Anh (Nguyễn Hoài Bảo Anh) 
Bích Phương (Bùi Thị Bích Phương)
Chi Pu (Nguyễn Thùy Chi)
Cody (Võ Đình Nam)
Duc Ung (Ứng Văn Đức)
Erik (Lê Trung Thàn)
Grey-D (Đoàn Thế Lân)
Hoàng Yến Chibi
Hong Phu (Huýnh Hồng Phú )
Ivone (Bui Diệu Linh)
J (Phạm Tiến Đạt)
Key (Võ Trần Thái Trung)
Kha Ngan
Khoi My (Trần Khởi My)
K.O. (Nguyễn Thái Sơn)
Lana Condor (Trần Đông Lan)
Liz (Ngụy Thùy Linh)
Lục Huy (Lục Quang Huy)
Min (Nguyễn Minh Hằng)
Minh Hằng (Lê Ngọc Minh Hằng)
Minh Hoang (Nguyễn Minh Hoàng)
Miu Lê (Lê Ánh Nhật)
Nicky (Trần Phong Hào)
Phuong Ly (Phương Ly)
Quang Huy (An Quang Huy)
Rosy (Mai Huyền My)
Sơn Tùng M-TP (Nguyễn Thanh Tùng)
Soobin Huangshan (Nguyen Hoang Son)
Thanh Hằng (Phạm Thị Thanh Hằng)
Tóc Tiên (Nguyễn Khoa Tóc Tiên)
Toof.P (Nguyễn Lâm Hoàng Phúc)
Tùng Maru (Hồ Lê Thanh Tùng)
Yori (Lê Võ Huỳnh Nga)
Zino (Ngô Nguyên Bình)
Ahn Hyo-seop (안효섭)
English name: Paul Ahn
Arden Cho
Bae Ju-hyun aka Irene (배주현)
Bae Suzy [or Suzy] aka Bae Su-ji (배수지)
Byun Baek-hyun aka Baekhyun (변백현)
Cho Mi Yeon aka Miyeon (조미연)
Cho Seo Young aka Ireh (조서영)
Choi Choong Hyup aka Baron (최충협)
Claudia Kim
Han Eunji aka Mia (한은지)
Han Sung Min (한성민)
Heo Yoorim aka Aisha (허유림)
Jamie Chung
Jang Eun Seong aka Dosie (장은성)
Jang Woo-young aka Ace (장우영) 
Jeon Ji-woo aka Jiwoo (전지우)
Jeon Jung-kook aka Jungkook (전정국)
Jeon So-min aka Somin (전소민)
Jeon So-yeon aka Soyeon (전소연) 
Jo Serim aka Onda (조세림) 
Jung Jae-hyun aka Jaehyun
Legal name: Jung Yoon Oh (정윤오)
Jung Ho-seok aka J-Hope (정호석)
Jung Sung Chan aka Sungchan (정성찬)
Kang Seul-gi aka Seulgi (강슬기)
Ki Hong Lee
Kim Dong-young aka Doyoung (김동영‬)
Kim Gun Hak aka Leedo (김건학)
Kim Ho-sung aka Lou (김호성)
Kim Jennie aka Jennie (김제니)
Kim Ji Soo aka Jisoo (김지수)
Kim Jin Seok (김진석) / Kim Woo Jin (김우진) aka BM
English name: Matthew Kim  
Kim Jong-in aka Kai (김종인)
Kim Jung-woo aka Jungwoo (김정우) 
Kim Nam-joon aka RM (김남준)
Kim Seok-jin aka Jin (김석진)
Kim Sihyeon aka Sihyeon (김시현)
Kim So-hyun (김소현)
Kim Soo-hyun (김수현)
Kim Tae-hyung aka V (김태형)
From BTS
Kim Tae-hyung aka J.Seph (김태형)
From K.A.R.D
Kim Tae-yeon aka Taeyeon (김태연)
Kim Ye-rim aka Yeri (김예림)
Kim Yoo-jung (김유정)
Kim Young Jo aka Ravn (김영조)
Kwon Bo-ah aka BoA (권보아)
Lee Chae-young aka Chaein (이채영) 
Lee Dong-hyuck aka Haechan (이동혁)
Lee Gun Min (이건민) aka Seoho
Legal name: Lee Seo Ho (이서호)
Lee Ji-eun aka IU (이지은 )
Lee Je-no aka Jeno (이제노)
Lee Keon Hee aka Keonhee (이건희)
Lee Min Hyung aka Mark (이민형)
English name: Mark Lee
Lee Sun-bin (이선빈)
Lee Sung-kyung (이성경 )
Lee Tae-min aka Taemin (이태민)
Lee Tae-yong aka Taeyong (이태용)
Min Yoon-gi aka Suga (민윤기)
Moon Chae-won (문채원)
Moon Geun-young (문근영)
Moon Tae-il aka Taeil (문태일)
Na Jae-min aka Jaemin (나재민)
Na Go Eun (나고은)
Noh Yoon Ho aka Ayno (노윤호)
Park Chae Young aka Rosé (박채영)
Park Hee Jun aka Ziu (박희준)
Park Ji Eun (박지은) 
Park Ji Min aka Jimin (박지민)   
Park Ji-sung aka Jisung (박지성) 
Park Jiwon aka E:U (박지원)
Park Shin-hye (박신혜)
Park So-dam (박소담)
Park Soo-young aka Joy (박수영)
Park Su-jin aka Swan (박수진)
Pony or Pony Park aka Park Hye-min
Seo Su Jin aka Soojin (서수진)
Seo Ye-ji (서예지)
Seo Young Ho aka Johnny (서영호)
English Name: John Suh 
Son Dong Ju aka Xion (손동주)
Son Seung Wan aka Wendy (손승완) 
Yeo Hwan Woong aka Hwanwoong (여환웅)
Bai Jingting (白敬亭)
Bai Lu (白鹿)
Cai Xukun (蔡徐坤)
Cai Zhuo Yi aka Joey Chua (蔡卓宜)
Cao Lu (曹璐)
Cheng Mengchen aka Shen Mengchen (沈梦辰)
Curly G (希林娜依·��)
Deng Lun aka Allen Deng (邓伦)
Dilraba Dilmurat (دىلرەبا دىلمۇرات)
Mandarin Chinese: 迪丽热巴/ 迪力木拉提
Dong Sicheng aka WinWin (董思成)
Gulinazhaer Baihetiyaer aka Gulnazar (古力娜扎) (گۈلنەزەر بەختىيار)
Mandarin Chinese: Gulinazha/Guli Nazha (古力那扎尔·拜合提亚尔)
Fan Bingbing (范冰冰)  
Fan Chengcheng  (范丞丞)
Fernanda Ly (利献灵)
Gao Yuanyuan (高圆圆)
Guan Xiaotong (关晓彤)
Huang Guanheng aka Hendery (黄冠亨)
Huang Renjun aka Renjun (黄仁俊)
Jia Fu aka Fingal (付嘉)
Jia Nailiang aka Jerry Jia (贾乃亮)
Jike JuanyiJike Junyi aka Summer (吉克隽逸)
Other name:  王隽逸   
Jing Tian (景甜)
Li Bingbing (李冰冰)
Li Qin (李沁) 
Li Xiaolu aka Jacqueline Li (李小璐)
Lin Xinru aka Ruby Lin (林心如)
Liu Shishi aka Cecilia Liu (刘诗诗)
Liu Yangyang aka Yangyang (刘扬扬)
Liu Ying (刘颖) aka Ying Er (颖儿)
Lu Han (鹿晗)
Luo Yunxi aka Leo Luo (罗云熙)
Ma Sichun aka Sandra Ma (马思纯)
Madina Memet (مادىنا مەمەت )
Mandarin Chinese: 麦迪娜 or 麦迪娜·买买提/ 买地娜·买买提
Meng Ziyi aka Zoey (孟子义)
Merxat (米热夏提▪亚里坤)
Ni Ni (倪妮)
Ouyang Nana (欧阳娜娜)
Qian Kun aka Kun (钱锟)
Song Yuqi aka Yuqi (宋雨琦)
Song Weilong (宋威龙)
Song Zuer aka Lareina Song (宋祖儿)
Sun Li (孙俪)
Sun Bohao (孙博豪)
Tang Yan aka Tiffany Tang (唐嫣)
Tang Wei (汤唯)
Ten aka Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (เตนล์ ชิตพล ลี้ชัยพรกุล)
Li Yong Qin (李永钦)
Ethnically Chinese 
Tian Yitong (田依桐)
Tong Liya (佟丽娅)
Father: Tong Jisheng (佟吉生) of Xibe ethnicity from Xinjiang 
Mother: Mao Haiying (毛海英) of Han ethnicity from Gansu
Wang Chuanyi aka Kingone Wang (王传一)
Wang Jiaer aka Jackson Wang (王嘉尔)
Wang Likun aka Claudia Wang (王丽坤)
Wang Yibo aka Yibo (王一博)
Wang Yifei aka Faye (王一菲)
Wang Yiren aka Yiren (王怡人)
Wang Ziyi (王子异)
Wang Zhuocheng (汪卓成)
Wu Qian aka Janice Wu (吴倩)
Wu Tianming aka Constance Wu (吴恬敏)
Wu Xize aka Caesar Wu (吴希泽) 
Xiao Dejun aka Xiao Jun (肖俊)
Xiao Zhan aka Sean Xiao (肖战)
Xu Ke (徐可)
Yang Mi (杨幂)
Yang Wei Ling Hua (杨魏玲花)
Yang Zhiying aka Katherine Yang (杨之楹)
Yang Zi aka Andy Yang (杨紫)
Ye Shuhua aka Shuhua (叶舒华)
Yu Shuxin aka Esther Yu (虞书欣)
Zhao Liying (赵丽颖)
Zhang Liyin (张力尹)
Zhang Xinyuan (张辛苑)
Zhang Yixing aka Lay/Lay Zhang (张艺兴)
Zheng Shuang (郑爽)
Zhou Dongyu (周冬雨)
Zhong Chenle aka Chenle (钟辰乐)
Zhou Jieqiong aka Kyulkyung (周洁琼)
Zhu Zhengting (朱正廷)
Abe Haruno aka Haru (阿部春野)
Adachi Yuto aka Yuto (足立湯と)
Alice Hirose- Hirose Arisu (広瀬 アリス)
Aragaki Yui (新垣 結衣)
Hamada Asahi aka Asahi (浜田朝光)
Hirai Momo aka Momo (平井 もも)
Hirokawa Mao aka May (廣川茉音) 
Honda Hitomi aka Hitomi (本田仁美) (ほんだ ひとみ)
Ishigami Kuniko (石神 国子)
Kanemoto Yoshinori aka Yoshi (金本芳典)
Katsuno Rise aka Remi (勝野莉世) 
Kiritani Mirei (桐谷 美玲)
Birth name: Sayasa Matsuoka (松岡さや紗)
Komatsu Nana (小松 菜奈)
Lyrica Okano
Minatozaki Sana aka Sana (湊崎 紗夏)
Miyawaki Sakura aka Sakura (宮脇咲良)
Mori Koyuki aka Yuki (もうりこゆき)
Myoui Mina aka Mina (名井 南)
English name: Sharon Myoui
Nakagawa Taishi (中川大志)
Nakamoto Yuta aka Yuta (中本悠太)
Okamoto Tao (岡本 多緒)
Osaki Shotaro aka Shotaro (大崎将太郎)
Sasaki Nozomi (佐々木 希)
Satoh Takeru (佐藤 健)
Shimabukuro Satsuki  (島袋 さつき) aka Meisa Kuroki (黒木 メイサ)
Takahashi Juri aka Juri (高橋朱里) (たかはし じゅり)
Takata Mashiho aka Mashiho (高田ましほ)
Takei Emi (武井 咲) 
Watanabe Haruto aka Haruto (渡辺春虎)
Yabuki Nako aka Nako (矢吹奈子) 
Yamashita Tomohisa aka Yamapi (山下 智久)
Yamada Ryosuke (山田 涼介)
Angel Locsin
Birth name: Angelica Locsin Colmenares
Charo Ronquillo 
Coco Martin
Birth name: Rodel Pacheco Nacianceno
Daniel Padilla
Devon Seron
Gabbi Garcia
Birth name: Gabriella Louise Ortega Lopez
Janine Tugonon
Birth name: Janine Mari Raymundo Tugonon
JC de Vera
Julie Anne San Jose
Birth name: Julie Anne Peñaflorida San Jose
Manuel Jacinto
Rita Daniela
Birth name: Rita Daniela De Guzman Iringan
Sam Concepcion
Birth name: Samuel Lawrence Lopez Concepcion
Teresita Marquez  
Birth name: Teresita Ssen Lacsamana Márquez
Yūn/Yūki Mago
Birth name: Laya
Jelita Septriasa aka Acha Septriasa
Maudy Mikha Maria Tambayong aka Mikha Tambayong
Muhammad Tulus aka Tulus
Nikita Purnama Willy aka Nikita Willy
Rachel Amanda Aurora
Rizky Febian Adriansyah Sutisna aka Rizky Febian  
Sherina Munaf
Shireen Sungkar
Yunita Rachman aka Yura Yunita 
Amber Chia 
Jordan Rodrigues
Yunalis binti Mat Zara'ai aka Yuna
Aarif Rahman aka Li Zhiting (李治廷)
Of Arab, Malay, and Chinese descent
Awkwafina aka Nora Lum 
Of Korean & Chinese parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Chinese
Bambam aka Kunpimook Bhuwakul (กันต์พิมุกต์ ภูวกุล) 
Of Chinese descent, one of his grandma is Chinese.
Belle aka Jin Hyeon Ju (진현주)
Of Korean and Filipino parentage
Mother: Filipina, Father: Korean
Brenda Song 
Of Thai & Hmong parentage
Chanmina aka Otomonai Mina (ちゃんみな)
Of Japanese and Korean parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Japanese 
Elaiza Ikeda
Of Filipino and Japanese parentage
Mother: Filipino of Spanish descent, Father: Japanese
Haley Tju
Of Chinese and Indonesian descent
Hari Won  aka Lưu Esther 
Of Vietnamese and Korean parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Vietnamese 
Hashimoto Tenka (橋本 甜歌)
Of Japanese and Chinese parentage
Mother: Chinese, Father: Japanese
Heart Evangelista aka Love Marie Payawal Ongpauco-Escudero
Lucas aka Lucas Wong/Huang Xuxi (黄旭熙)
Of Thai & Chinese parentage
Mother: Thai, Father: Chinese
Manika aka Manika Grace Ward
Part Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian, and Spanish
Nichkhun aka Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul (นิชคุณ หรเวชกุล)
Mother: Chinese, Father: Thai/Chinese descent
Takahashi Yu (高橋 ユウ) 
Of Filipino and Japanese parentage
Mother: Filipino, Father: Japanese
Tomo aka Visava Thaiyanont (วิศว ไทยานนท์)
Of Thai & Japanese parentage
Mother: Japanese, Father: Thai
Yuki Anggraini Kato 
Of Japanese and Indonesian parentage
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