#character: oscar (fe9/10)
barensian · 5 years
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abel archetypes.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
10 the ask meme, a character you find underrated? Also 11, a character that deserved better?
the ask meme i took forever to answer
In terms of usage in game/as a unit, Oscar (FE9/10). He’s one of the strongest units in FE9 and is beyond broken in FE10. Not only is he super strong with sturdy defense and self sufficient in FE9 via Sol, but in FE10 Sol is automatically given to him and is beefed up from healing half the damage taken to healing the damage taken from his attacks (and he crits... a lot). His stats are well rounded in both games and I am just ANXIOUS when he’s not available for a couple chapters early in... but from then on he’s always with me and wrecks everything. I literally send him to clear out bulks of enemies by himself and he gets through it better than anyone could. ✌️
As a character, Johalva (FE4). Most people seem to choose Johan because of horseback, but as a character I find Johalva a lot more appealing. Johan is kind of that one note flirty type (think Gatrie...), but I find Johalva’s conversations in battle and his final chapter conversation with Lakche to be intriguing. I wound up really loving him and it’s really hard to find fans of him or content of him. ;_;
did anyone read that question and think i was gonna say anyone else’s name?
If you’ve been on my blog for even a short period of time lately, you’ve probably seen my comments about him. For a long time I’ve had headcanons about him that ended up getting used in Hopes. I felt like part of the problem for him was that growing up, he didn’t get much direction. Not only was he born without a Crest (which would mean Matthias would just... probably keep havin’ kiddos until one had a Crest), but it doesn’t sound like anyone ever really... pulled him aside and talked to him as he was growing up to try to help him understand that nothing was Sylvain’s fault and that he didn’t deserve the treatment Miklan kept giving him.
I had a feeling that if someone gave him a second chance and tried to help him turn his life around that he would be able to do that. When Dimitri said after the battle against him in Houses that he thinks Matthias was wrong for disinheriting Miklan, I always wished Dimitri sought him out and tried to help him. Since both of these things happened in Hopes, that was great and all... anddddd then he died. Just as he was actually getting somewhere finally and when he was started to become respected by people around camp (an NPC and Seteth at camp for example have high hopes for him).
I mean I guess he survives in GW offscreen since there’s never really any indication he dies after Matthias died, but his story is in AG, so... s a d g e.
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cavaliant · 5 years
*  Roleplay history
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to roleplay as, have role-played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
FE: (this blog) Asaello, Beowolf, Diarmuid, Fergus, Fred, Homer, Jamke, Lachesis, Machyua, Oscar, Ranulf, Reinhardt, Thor, Tibarn
Miranda (FE5)
Janaff (FE9/10)
More not-males bc my blog is really full of dudes lmao
Honestly Dani could probably just suggest someone to me and I’d add them here too :suspension_bhuj:
Pokémon: a Goomy, Drasna, some OC trainers, Lysandre, Sycamore, Meyer
FR: a dragon of mine, Arcanist (both very briefly lmao)
TAGGED: Stole it from Light ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
TAGGING: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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general-laegjarn · 7 years
3, 10, and 12 for the Fire Emblem ask, please!
3. Least favorite FE game -Thaaat’s a loaded question. I sadly could not get into Revelations (Fe14) and I’m not too fond of Shadow Dragon’s (Fe11) art style. But that’s just me!10. Game with the best story -Radiant Dawn (Fe10) and Genealogy of the Holy War (FE4), honorable mention to Shadows of Valentia (Fe15) for some really interesting ideas. 12. Character you want as your sibling - Honestly? Kieran (Fe9/10) or Oscar (Also Fe9/10). Or Tailtyu (FE4)
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iasfuturekings · 7 years
Could you elaborate on why those certain characters from past games would be the Nohr Siblings' favorite characters? Some I can easily see but others I'm having trouble understanding.
Xander - Seliph from FE4 - Seliph’s story is more or less the kinds of stories that Xander loves. Maybe he’s projecting.
Diantha - Edain (Aideen) from FE4 - Birds of a feather stick together.
Marius - Oscar from FE9-10 - To counterbalance his overenthusiasm, he likes calm reasonable people (Oscar and Nichol are also similar)
Jeremiah - Soren from FE9-10 - Finally, someone who hates people just as much as he does.
Damian - L'Arachel from FE8 - her fun personality brings tears to his eyes.
Thomas - Leanne from FE9-10 - He likes sweet gentle characters, and really loves her sassiness (he only wishes he could do that).
Roswitha - Lucia from FE9-10 - Loves noble female swordswomen of all kinds. I’d imagine if she lived longer, she’d some get in a situation where’d she cut her hair short, too.
Camilla - Nils from FE7 - Nils just brings out her sisterly protective side.
Liselotte - Ricken from FE13 - She likes his earnestness. He’s also her type, but she can’t let anyone know that she actually likes people.
Azura - Seth from FE8 - She doesn’t ask for much, just a guy who would be honorable and kind.
Anri - Gaius from FE13 - A loveable rogue who loves candy? Sign him up!
Arisa - Florina from FE7 - Florina is cute as fuck. She will date the hell out of Florina.
Emil/Mila - Hector from FE7 - They really love axes. Like, really, really love axes. They also like stacked muscles. I mean, there’s Titania (a close second), but damn, Hector.
Leo - Marisa from FE8 - Straight and to the point most of the time, compared to his two retainers and the rest of his family.
Elise - Marcia from FE9-10 - Marcia is bubbly, confident, and very sensible, well most of the time anyways. What’s not to love about her?
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julystorms · 8 years
I’m taking writing prompts again
First, some quick rules/guidelines for requesting:
If you’re going to ask me to spend my time writing something for you, please take a few moments to drop a little comment on the story on AO3 after it’s published to let me know what you thought of it. (Yes, even if you thought it sucked.)
I don’t mind anonymous requests.
I reserve the right to not write something if it doesn’t strike my fancy, offends my sensibilities, squicks me too hard, or is OOC.
If I have not told you otherwise, do not send me any Star Wars requests. I reblog and enjoy it, but I am not very comfortable writing it.
Any rating is fine, so I guess if you’re desperate for smut... (And you’d have to be desperate to want me to write it probably.)
You can send in a word/phrase/line of dialogue/an idea/a “what if” thread/one of those ‘four times x one time y’ prompts, et cetera. Please don’t just send me a pairing with nothing else.
Still interested? Read on!
Need to look around for some inspiration? No worries! I have tons of memes I’ve reblogged over the years that might give you an idea for something. Don’t refer to specific memes, but please feel free to draw inspiration from them!
dialogue lines
four times x, one time y 
pairing + AU setting
single words
ways to say ‘i love you’ (but please make up your own)
the first time... / the only time... / the last time...
i have an au ideas tag, too (obviously not applicable in every case, but you might find something fun).
Now, onto the fandoms! The higher up the list, the more familiar and current with the fandom I am.
Pokémon (Sun & Moon): Looker/Anabel, Sophocles/Acerola, Mina/Molayne, Guzma/Plumeria. I can write most characters for this, but I’d rather not engage with writing the protag character at this time; it just seems like it could be awkward/difficult to pull off, and I need time to establish a “canon protag” in my head before I attempt it.
Attack on Titan: Hitch/Marlowe, Mike/Nanaba, Levi/Hange, Gelgar/Lynne, Jean/Mikasa. I can write just about any character.
Fire Emblem: Kent/Lyndis, Hector/Farina, Sain/Fiora, Wallace/Vaida, Lowen/Rebecca, Oswin/Serra for FE7; Ryoma/Scarlet for FE14; Innes/Eirika for FE8; Haar/Jill for FE9/10; Gerome/Lucina, Laurent/Kjelle, M!Robin/Sumia, and Chrom/Maiden for FE13. As far as characters go, outside of FE7 it can be kind of hit or miss.
The X-Files: Doggett/Reyes, Mulder/Scully. As far as characters go, if it’s not the main quartet here or Skinner, I’ll probably pass.
I might accept the following, but these are fandoms I’m less intimately familiar with these days/lack the confidence to write well. You can certainly try, though!
Rose of Versailles: Oscar/André
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: Hori/Kashima
Psycho Pass: Akane/Ginoza
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: Roy/Riza
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softcoresuffering · 8 years
Hey!  Did someone ask for Fire Emblem headcanons about my AU where the FE games all take place in one continuity???  NO???  Too bad!  Heeeeere they are!
These headcanons get pretty shippy, so keep in mind that this is all just my preference.  Things in italics are ideas I’m considering, but haven’t settled on.  For this AU, the continuity goes; FE9/10 > FE7/6 > FE4/5 > FE8 > FE1/3/11/12 (FE2/15 somewhere in there) > FE13 > FE14 > FEheroes
In canon Priam is a descendant of Ike.  I go with the theory that his bloodline is from Mist and Boyd.
Reinhart and Olwen are descended from Makalov and Astrid, as is Sumia.  
Azura, with her magic singing and the like, is a descendant of the heron clan. (Leanne and Naesala)  Lucius is also a decendant of Leanne’s daughter. * Henry is a part of this bloodline as well, just to get some raven blood in him
Aversa is related to Micaiah and Sothe.  Henry and Izana are too.
Nowi is related to Ena and Rajaion (I’m tempted to say they’re her great-great-grandparents, considering manakete lifespans, but I’m not certain about it)
Panne, Keaton, and Kaden are descendants of the Laguz, but I haven’t decided if they share blood with any specific characters.
Donnel is descended from Brom’s daughter Meg.  As is Tobin, although as Tobin has no children of his own, Donnel is not his descendant.  More like a.... many-greats-uncle.
Cherche is descended from Haar and Jill
Ephraim and Eirika are descended from Elincia and Geoffrey.  Maybe Hector is too???
While Chrom, Lissa, and Emmeryn are canonically descended from Marth and Caeda, I add that they’re also related to Seliph and Lana.
In addition, Alm is also descended from Seliph and Lana, although his and Marth’s bloodlines split not many generations after Seliph and Lana’s children.
Robin(s) are descended from Julius and Ishtore (on Validar’s side)
Lewyn and Ferry are the ancestors of both Ricken and Hayato.
Tharja is related to Tailto and Azel. * This makes her very distantly related to the Robins, now that I think about it.
I support Fee with Arthur, making Tharja distantly related to Ricken and Hayato (explaining Rhajat, huh???) I’ve been thinking about having Kliff be a descendant of Fee/Arthur too???
Linde is descended from Lillian and Dean.
Sumeragi was related to Larcei.
Both Garon and his first wife Katerina were somehow related to Eldigan, with Garon being descended from Ares and Leen.
Sheema, from her father Jiol, is related to Altena and Areone.
Jeorge is descended from Patty.  So is Clarisse.
Sumia is descended from Olwen and her unnamed husband.
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Miriel is descended from Lute and Arthur
On their mother’s side of the family, Robin is related to Kris and Katarina.
Stahl is related to Abel and Est.
Maybe Orochi is descended from Linde.
Walhart is related to Hardin and Nyna.
Predictably, many Annas are descended from Anna and Jake.  This includes Awakening Annas, Fates Anna, and Heroes Anna.
Considering giving Jagen a family, so that Frederick can be related to him.  Serving Marth’s bloodline for generations and such.
Gregor could be related to Athena???
- 2/15 -
Xander’s lineage also includes Camus and Tatiana, through Xander’s mother Katerina.
Walhart is descended from Alm and Celica
I mentioned Tobin being descended from Meg???  Tobin has no kids, but one of his many siblings eventually lead to Donnel.
Vaike is descended from Gray and Clair.
Maribelle is descended from Clive and Mathilda.
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Heroes original’s Shareena and Alphonse are descended from Lucina.  Perhaps Lucina and Gerome.
Sully comes from the same bloodline as Kieran, Kent, Alen, Noish, Forde, and Cain.
Stahl comes from the same bloodline as Oscar, Sain, Lance, Alec, and Kyle.
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final-mazin-blade · 7 years
I really appreciate that while Oscar was the cook in fe9/10 it wasn't overblown to his only character trait. I really liked his supports and wish he had more than one paired ending all said and done.
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iasfuturekings · 7 years
Seeing you listed Oscar (FE9-10) as Marius' favorite character made me remember how Mars reminded me of Kieran.
Haha, that’s one comparison. I actually modeled Dennis after Kieran, with super extra loudness.
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iasfuturekings · 8 years
If the royals were to play any of the previous FE games from FE1-FE13, which would their favorite be along with their favorite characters?
Xander - Seliph from FE4
Diantha - Edain (Aideen) from FE4
Marius - Oscar from FE9-10
Jeremiah - Soren from FE9-10
Damian - L'Arachel from FE8
Thomas - Leanne from FE9-10 
Roswitha - Lucia from FE9-10
Camilla - Nils from FE7
Liselotte - Ricken from FE13
Azura - Seth from FE8
Anri - Gaius from FE13
Arisa - Florina from FE7
Emil/Mila - Hector from FE7
Leo - Marisa from FE8
Elise - Marcia from FE9-10
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