#character: kat godwin
lockwood-fic-recs · 2 months
The Soulmate Problem
by SeeMaree on ao3
Rating: T | Category: F/M | Relationship: Lockwood/Lucy, George/Flo
They call it Dimmed. The way that kids with Talents seem to have a matching lack in their normal senses. It usually goes away on it's own, but for some kids it's more profound, and takes a lot longer to unlock.
Lucy Carlyle might be a powerful listener when it comes to visitors, but she's never heard music. Anthony Lockwood knows he's one of the most powerful seers around. Which is why his world is locked in monochrome gray.
Both of them are still waiting to meet that one person who can give them music and colour.
And George Karim stands ready to study it all. Because who knows? Maybe somewhere mixed up in the whole thing lies the secret to understanding The Problem itself.
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hisnamesdylan · 6 months
When you’re job literally pays you to stand there and look pretty:
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[photo ID: from left to right — Kat Godwin, Quill Kipps, and Bobby Vernon dressed up at the Fittes ball.
/End ID]
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Jonathan Stroud: Goes to great lengths to describe his characters so we can visualize them and spends whole paragraphs on it
Me: Verbally says no out loud and skips the whole paragraph while I visualize the shows actors
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
It's really interesting to explore the place of religion in the Lockwood and Co universe, partly because Stroud sort of paints it as a coping mechanism/blind faith/mental crutch in the books (or extrapolates things like ghost cults, the Combe Carey monks, etc. from it)
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ravenfrogsandco · 1 year
After an exhausting time at the archives, Kat, Ned and Bobby take a trip to Kipps's flat. They (minus Ned) do not expect the shocking revelation of their visit.
Where the author combines book and show canon about Quill Kipps and it turns into a ridiculous mess of a oneshot.
Bobby went off to find the documents he needed, while Ned and Kat remained in the kitchenette. Kat had, rather quickly, located a pen and some sticky notes and had begun to write up a short note for Kipps. Ned, rather hungrily, had immediately set eyes on the bread bin and was hoping Quill wouldn’t mind if he stole a slice or two… or three. At least he hoped he wouldn’t mind as much as Kat, who was giving him an odd and slightly judgemental look. He was sure Anthony Lockwood and his goons would turn a blind eye to this kind of thing, but then again they were (as Kat said) unhinged.
very quick summary: set after the burning house incident but before the hollow boy, ned is dramatic and very hungry, kat and ned banter, bobby is bobby, shocking? ending, no angst just ridiculousness
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gffa · 2 months
One of the biggest hurdles with the Lockwood and Co. books is that they're set entirely from Lucy Carlyle's point of view and there is a whole lot of body shaming that really set my teeth on edge when I first read it. Some of it is still just awful, but I've come around on that I can read a lot of it as Lucy's unexamined issues from childhood rearing their heads in some nasty ways.
Her relationships with all the characters around her are contentious and full of conflict even just in her thoughts, she's so nasty to George, to Holly, to the Skull, to Kipps, to Barnes, etc. It most especially comes out with Holly (and Kat Godwin before her, then Flo Bones as well) and it's very easy to read Lucy as reacting badly to her own attraction to women, her envy of them and her inability to let herself be attracted to them, because she's closed off so tightly.
But it's also her relationship with the Skull, who she constantly argues with and says she hates, she has nothing but poison for it in her thoughts, but as soon as it goes missing, she's desperate to get it back.
It's also in her relationship with George, who she constantly nettles and thinks mean thoughts about, but it's obvious that she cares about him deeply and has grown to love him as a friend, even if she can't necessarily admit that to herself.
Her entire dynamic with Holly is centered around how feminine Holly is, how pretty she is, how Lucy just cannot stop thinking about how Holly dresses, how she does her hair, how soft her skin looks, how her little hand motions are so delicate and proper. And, yeah, some of it is envy and feeling insecure, that other people will like Holly more than her, but it's also just so much attention on all the little details that it comes off as unrealized physical attraction.
And then suddenly, I'm looking at all of the relationships Lucy has with people, where almost all the people she likes and respects are ones she's nasty to. Which clicked into place for me when she went back to visit her home town and was miserable there, the poor relationship she had with her family suddenly making so much sense in the way she rejects people before they can reject her, that she's so terrified of being vulnerable that she schools her thoughts and actions and words into prickly meanness so that she doesn't get hurt when they don't want her.
Lockwood is the exception to this, because he's the one who took all her nastiness and kept being mostly kind to her, he allowed a certain amount of vulnerability to himself and Lucy slowly started to come around on him and thought nicer of him. Sure, part of it is that she has feelings for him and so her thoughts are kinder, but I think it goes hand in hand with the way Lockwood is the one that never really sniped back at her or egged her on in any way, he started to feel safe to her, he started to feel secure to her.
And then she breaks his trust! She sneaks into the locked room to find out about his history, in a moment of anger and frustration, she breaks the thing that he asked them not to poke into, and she knows he would have every right to be angry enough at her to kick her out! But he's nice to her about it! He says, no, it was time to tell you guys about it anyway. He's open and vulnerable about something that she desperately feared rejection over!
Which is of course why her feelings reach a certain point and she has to acknowledge them, she can't deny them anymore, so the slightest push (the ghost wearing Lockwood's face, saying that she would do this to him, get him killed) has her running off from the agency and going independent, because she's terrified that she'll get Lockwood killed/terrified of actually stepping across that line into having feelings that could really hurt her if she's not accepted.
She's complicated and messy and I love her, she's a great character with a great, dynamic arc--but it does require reading into some of the more problematic elements of the character and taking a more generous view of them, even when I know much of the real answer is that the author probably didn't see the problem with the way he would have her describe characters (especially anyone that was overweight) and you have to find the mental line you're willing to walk with that. But if you're okay with wincing through some of the earliest stuff, I think there's a really cool Hot Mess Lady character waiting on the other side.
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lady-vetinari · 2 years
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My beloved side characters in the Lockwood & Co. trailer
Hayley Konadu as Flo Bones
Jack Bandeira as Quill Kipps and Rhianna Dorris as Kat Godwin
Ivanno Jeremiah as Inspector Barnes
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alphacrone · 1 year
i love kat godwin so much. she's literally just there to be cool and mean. does she do anything important? not at all. does she affect the plot in any meaningful way? not really. is she my favorite character? absolutely.
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yellowraincoat · 2 years
There are soooo many things I hope the Lockwood and Co netflix adaptation keeps, but here’s one thing I hope they change:
I hope they substantially rework how Flo Bones is described and portrayed and how Lucy thinks of her in the narrative.
Now to make three things clear:
1) I love book Flo, she is the best
2) I am white and coming at this conversation from that perspective (and I may be putting too much thought into this in general)
3) I’m glad the show is casting more people of color since the source material is so white, and in fact, I kind of wish they’d also cast non-white actors for Lockwood and or Lucy (bc something about maintaining the two main characters’ whiteness while casting a man of color to play George, who is often the butt of the joke in Lucy’s narration, rubs me the wrong way).
However, book Flo is basically described as a little garbage teen living in a little garbage pile.
Lucy describes her as smelly, uneducated, and unclean. Literally all the time.
When George is injured and Flo visits, Lucy quite literally mentions she’s worried Flo will infect his wound.
These traits are natural consequences of Flo’s role as a relic-woman, her portrayed personality, her trauma, and of Jonathan Strouds quintessential British humor. But honestly, this trope is really only non-offensive because she’s white.
Like, if you make one of the few characters of color in Lockwood and Co an unhoused person with bad hygiene and constantly make that the butt of the joke… it just looks so bad. Like I can picture it and the racist undertones it would elicit are so strong.
Especially considering that (as far as I’m aware, and until we get Holly on screen) Flo is currently the only black woman cast in a reoccurring role on the show, a book accurate portrayal will not work.
[edit: my bad, Kat Godwin is also being played by a black woman!!!! (… but considering she, Kipps, and Bobby Vernon are portrayed as antagonists in the first few books, this soorrrt of falls into a similar situation)]
Anyway, I think Flo being Black and the general diversity of the cast is an excellent thing. But I am literally begging and pleading that her portrayal and characterization has been altered a bit for the screen.
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twofoursixohjuan · 2 years
reblog if you vote? show fans just ignore anyone you've never heard of :)
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lockwood-fic-recs · 1 month
by RainShadow07 on ao3
Rating: E | Category: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi | Relationship: Kat/Kipps/Bobby
(Click for summary)
“This isn’t going to work,” Kipps warned, hands settling cautiously on her hips. His fingers squeezed, pinpricks of pressure that sent heat skittering through her, even as he locked his elbows, to keep her from moving any closer.
“Why not?” Kat asked. She skated her fingers up his forearms, digging her fingernails into the meat of his biceps. His thumbs flicked over her hipbones, once, twice, before he swallowed and shoved her back.
“You know why,” he said, crossing his arms and looking away.
Kat doesn't share. Everyone knows that.
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jesslockwood · 1 year
I want your interpretations of these characters!!
Lucy, Lockwood, George, Kipps, Barnes, Flo, Holly, Sir Rupert Gale, Bobby Vernon, Kat Godwin
ooo okay
marry: Lockwood (cause I feel like through our childhood trauma it would work out? maybe cancel out? lol plus I know he'd die for me ;)
drink tea with: Holly (she'd definitely expose and spill everything about everyone and then id know everything)
party with: flo (I think she's the most fun on this list lmao)
kiss: George (they would definitely dare me during a game of truth or dare, but hey, I wouldn't mind George deserves kisses.)
go on a date with: Kipps (look Lockwood would be jealous, but Kipps isn't so bad. he's only really insufferable around Lockwood.
push down the stairs: Sir Rupert Gale (revenge for my hubby on being pushed down a shaft lmao)
slap: Bobby (the kid has a slapable face, plus, he annoys me, so id love to whack him)
invade the dreams of: Lucy (you cannot tell me Lucy's dreams wouldn't be the best to see)
take a nap with: Kat (over Barnes? Yup. plus Kat seems okay, in terms of not being the worst character to just not be conscious with)
Rob: Barnes (you cannot tell me first of all stealing from the law wouldn't be fun, plus Barnes has access to shit I wanna see. I am George in the sense of theft for knowledge)
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neewtmas · 1 year
10 characters ask game:
Lockwood & Co characters of course!
Lucy, Lockwood, George, Kipps, Barnes, Flo, Holly, Sir Rupert Gale (the golden blade), Bobby Vernon, Kat Godwin
yessss thank you!!
marry - George my beloved obviously
drink tea with - Holly (I think she would be perfect to live out my bridgerton-garden-party dreams, i'd love to sit with her in some cute cafe and just chat)
party with - Flo (i think she'd bring us to some unhinged places)
kiss - Lockwood (i mean... he's totally my type lookswise so I wouldn't be complaining hehe)
go out on a date with - Kipps (really the only option left, but I think he'd actually be really pleasant if he tried - and series!Kipps is fine as hell so why not)
push down the stairs - Bobby Vernon (he's just a stand-in for all the annoying teenage boys I wanted to push down the stairs in my life)
Slap - Sir Rupert Gale (the look on his face would be priceless)
Invade the dreams of - Barnes (what would he even dream about?? i wanna know)
take a nap with - Lucy (her bed looks comfy, and girlie needs a hug, some cuddles and a lot of sleep)
rob - Kat Godwin (i'm really sorry girl can't do anything about it)
send me ten characters ask game
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
When I was planning out Kat's character and family for the Fittes fic, I was originally going to have her full name be Kateri (a name and backstory I personally love) but had to make some changes because of a certain plot detail that resulted in her family being Eastern Orthodox instead of Roman Catholic, resulting in her full name being Katherine (after St. Katherine of Alexandria) Piama (after St. Piama of Egypt) Godwin. But the month where her name was Kateri felt pretty good and natural too
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artyandink · 2 years
helloo :) could you ship me with a lockwood & co. character pretty pls?
i use she/her prns, i'm 5'2", medium-length black hair and i have light brown eyes. I'm an ambivert, and i love to read, cook and play guitar. i'm in a band with a few of my friends, and i work part-time in a coffee shop. i'm a fine arts student, so i'm also very much a history and humanities nerd, as well as an art hobbyist. i'm kind of like the older-sister friend, where i give good advice but rarely take it. I've been obsessed with l&co for the past few weeks and this seems like such a cute idea. thanks so much <3
I ship you with...
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Kat is definitely a fine arts appreciator. That's the first thing you bond over!
She'll come to each of your band rehearsals and you'll go to every practice session of hers. Your love seeing her use her rapier with such precision and it's fun for her to admire your guitar skills.
I have a feeling she's 5' 5", so yes, there will be some teasing involved, but the sophisticated kind. You think her accent is unique and she thinks yours is so fascinating.
You could talk for hours on end about history or sing karaoke on a Friday night (Last Friday Night-) at the top of your lungs until either Kipps or Bobby came to yell at you to give them a good night's sleep.
Hope you're doing well,
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